UN Chief says ban Fossil Fuel Adverts to cool world (Whatever you do, don’t let the people see how useful fossil fuels are!)

UN Witchdoctor in charge of the Weather. Censorship. Free Speech.

By Jo Nova

Stop Storms with Censorship!

The UN Chief reminds us that we are babies who need an unelected tribal chieftain to protect us from seeing naughty persuasive words. Lord help us if grown up doctors, dentists, economists and people who keep planes-in-the-sky are accidentally exposed to The Word Of Exxon, or Shell, or BP. They might vote the wrong way, or buy the wrong car. They might influence their own children. (They might wonder why they pay money to The UN?)

What looks acts and smells like a global government in waiting? The United Nations wants your money and control over what you read and see. They also want control over the voices of the industry they are proposing to destroy.

The latest science decree from the Experts is that fossil fuel companies are the “Godfathers of climate chaos”. They’re probably sneaking around behind you like the mafia, dropping flood-bombs on your children’s school and raining on your Pride Parade.  Fossil fuels are just like tobacco now — apart from how they harvest the fields and feed the children and fly us to Barbados for beachy weekends. (Marlboro only did that in the adverts…)

The UN need an enemy to blame for everything, and the best kind of enemy is one that can’t speak:

Ban fossil fuel ads to save climate, says UN chief

BBC “News”

UN Secretary General António Guterres called coal, oil and gas corporations the “godfathers of climate chaos” who had distorted the truth and deceived the public for decades.

Just as tobacco advertising was banned because of the threat to health, the same should now apply to fossil fuels, he said.

His remarks were his most damning condemnation yet of the industries responsible for the bulk of global warming. They came as new studies showed the rate of warming is increasing and that global heat records have continued to tumble.

Oh Woe, if only the UN could persuade the people not to buy oil, gas and coal to avoid the oceans boiling off to space. That would end the power of the fossil fuel giants right then and there. But after 30 years of trying, the UN, the bankers, and the sycophant cowards in academia all failed to convince the average driver to ride a bike or catch a bus.

Let’s face it, they failed to even convince themselves to use Zoom instead of flying 100,000 planes to UN parties in Dubai or Azerbaijan.

So the tar-and-feathering must continue:

He said many in the oil, gas and coal industries had “shamelessly greenwashed” with lobbying, legal action and massive advertising campaigns.

“I urge every country to ban advertising from fossil fuel companies,” he told an audience in New York.

“And I urge news media and tech companies to stop taking fossil fuel advertising.”

They must be afraid that one day the captive fossil fuels giants will wake up and fight back.

Not that there is much sign of that yet:

In response, representatives of fossil fuel groups said they were committed to reducing their emissions.

“Our industry is focused on continuing to produce affordable, reliable energy while tackling the climate challenge, and any allegations to the contrary are false,” said Megan Bloomgren, Senior Vice President of Communications at the American Petroleum Foundation.

Though the warning flares must be popping on the horizon. BP lost $1 billion trying to make wind power work, and changed policies from cutting oil to increasing it. Shareholders and investors like Bluebell Capital are openly knocking a few heads together on boards of sitting-duck gas and oil giants — explaining how their Net Zero targets are helping their competitors, and hurting their investors. Bluebell are buying the dips as it were –the dippy boards. They will reap (hopefully) the financial rewards of turning around suicidal companies.  As a money making strategy, that might light a fire under some old fossils.

The UN is a threat to democracy. Ban funds to the UN instead.


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61 comments to UN Chief says ban Fossil Fuel Adverts to cool world (Whatever you do, don’t let the people see how useful fossil fuels are!)

  • #
    David Maddison

    Sounds like a job for Australia’s Orwellian eSafety Kommissar.


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      John B

      Imagine if the oil companies shut their bowsers for a couple of days a week to save the planet.


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    David Maddison

    Banning advertising will reduce Thoughtcrime.

    Thoughtcrime describes a person’s politically unorthodox thoughts, such as unspoken beliefs and doubts that contradict the tenets of Ingsoc (English Socialism), the dominant ideology of Oceania.

    Thoughtcrime is the act of committing a crime against the government in your thoughts. This can be as simple as thinking to oneself that the government could do a better job fixing the roads or that one wishes they were paid more. The Thought Police are in charge of monitoring the thoughts of citizens.

    Members of the Thinking Community, will be sent for re-education or worse.

    That’s not an exaggeration. Leftists are already calling for such actions.


    Should we send Trump voters to re-education camps after Trump is defeated, or should we simply take their right to vote away?


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      Greg in NZ

      * “the government could do a better job fixing the roads”

      Ah, no, they can’t even do that. Where’s my jet-pack – I want my jet-pack NOW!


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        Is there such a thing as ‘roadmaking school’, if so the goobers who design and build ours failed it.


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    David Maddison

    There is not much advertising needed for fossil* fuels anyway.

    They basically sell themselves because they are so useful and desirable.

    Even when such fuels are taxed at ridiculous levels such as Australia or Western Europe.

    *Some say some or all petroleum deposits are abiogenic in origin, so not fossil.


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      Bill Burrows

      I have an open mind on the origin of petroleum David. But I can tell you that many Central Queensland coal deposits are associated with large fossilised tree trunks. Time immemorial.


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        David Maddison

        Certainly coal is of “fossil” origin, Bill.

        It’s just petroleum that some question.


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          Hydrocarbons are spread through out the Solar System. Titan, for instance, has hundreds of times more natural gas and other liquid hydrocarbons than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Earth.


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    What would the consequences be of an immediate halt to the use of fossil fuels?
    Widespread deaths – no electricity [so no sewage or computers]; no transport [crops left in the fields, not taken to market]; no medicine [take away all the plastics and metals, as well as the air conditioning]; no heating in winter for much of the world [so people will die from the cold].
    The BBC did not report these consequences.
    Whether because the UN Chap didn’t mention them – trying to delude us – or he did, and it’s the BBC trying to delude us.

    A more hate-fuelled, anthropophobic policy it is very hard to imagine.

    And – of course – the UN want to censor our lives, as Jo points out.



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      David Maddison

      The people making these decisions are profoundly scientifically and technologically illiterate, as are Leftists more generally. They have generally never created anything of value or performed any great labours to produce and have no clue about the food supply chain, among many other issues.

      They have no worthy ideas, indeed none at all. That’s why they support censorship. If they have no worthwhile ideas, they have nothing to lose by not being allowed to speak to express them.

      It’s horrible watching them destroy Western Civilisation.

      Here’s our simpleton Prime Minister (Australia) explaining how you can charge your EV at night for free using solar panels.


      Watch it before the eSafety Commissar censors it.


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        I think it’s more sinister as perhaps they know what they are doing and it’s to collapse civilization and eliminate many of us.


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        To paraphrase Thomas Sowell, given that socialism doesn’t work, you only find socialists working in places where ideas don’t need to work, like academia and government.


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    Fossil Fuels are used for just about everything we use today, not just 80 + % of our global energy.
    But I wonder what the clueless UN Sec Gen will do to encourage the NON OECD countries to change their wicked ways?
    A bit difficult to force that 14 + billion tonnes of co2 emissions per year back into some UN naughty box and anyway they’ll continue to ignore this donkey and his silly mates.
    And even the ignorant Kerry recently admitted that the developing countries hold the key.


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    David Maddison

    Are we not already bombarded with enough propaganda and advertising for solar, wind and Big Battery plantations, some of the most civilisation destroying devices ever devised, outside of direct hot offensive warfare?

    And Leftism is about removing choices.

    Without advertising* for fossil fuels, as extremely limited as it already is, we will be bombarded with even more propaganda for unreliables.

    *Such advertising as it exists, is generally about changing brands. Nothing is needed to convince you to use it. Thinking people KNOW they have to use it.


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    The UN is a threat to democracy. Ban funds to the UN instead.
    Forget banning funds to the UN, Australia needs to get OUT of it and back to sovereign government that reflects the best interests of Australians.


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      The UN has far exceeded its remit, they should be reduced to preventing wars from developing as was their original purpose.


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    No one I know including myself rushes out to buy hydrocarbon fuel just because we saw an ad on tv or read about it online or in a newspaper.
    In fact fuel companies would likely save money by not advertising such a popular product.


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      Robert Christopher

      Without advertising, I’m sure news of its usefulness would spread like wildfire across the many uncontrolled communication channels.


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    George McFly......I'm your density

    The Elitists truly hate freedom of speech and love authoritarian control.


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    Kalm Keith

    Another comprehensive overview of the modern world where democracy has been replaced by puppets who don’t even see the strings attached.

    First response, as Jo suggests in the last paragraph, is to cut off their access to our taxes which we work so hard to pay .

    There is hope in that people like Nigel Farage and Pres Trump are leading a bit of pushback.


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    The UN is a democracy of dictatorships. What do you expect?


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      David of Cooyal in Oz

      G’day Anton,
      Interesting use of “democracy” there, and completely unjustified in my view.
      My starting suggestion is “a forum of tribal dictatorships”, which abuses the principles of democracy. And is no longer fit for purpose.
      Dave B


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    We should all be worried about the loss of power? Both metaphorical as in the power to control our own lives and the stuff we use to power our continued existence. The UN is busy denigrating humans for the use of fossil fuels while simultaneously encouraging and supporting the monied class to corral us into smaller and smaller societies that need and require less to survive. Have you noticed how everything is 5G “smart” these days? Everything from TVs to refrigerators is enhanced with both. What we see, do and eat is chip-controlled. The most recent innovation is EVs. Computer chips and AI will rule the world if we let it.


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    R in Canberra

    One of the first acts of a second Trump presidency should be a direction to Gutteres to remove his organisation from United States territory. A more appropriate location would be a place where UN ideology would be more comfortable, such as anywhere except the West.


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      Greg in NZ

      Summit Camp, Greenland?

      Scorching on -18 C today.


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      Graham Richards

      Yours should be Trump’s second act. The first is to immediately defund the UN & make it easier for the rest of the western democracies to do the same.


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      Donald has threatened to kick the UN out of its digs on the Upper East Side and turn it into affordable housing for New Yorkers.


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    So if unreliable, toxic W & S only have capacity factors of 30% and 15% and destroy our land and sea environments, we should be able to quickly win the argument and only use reliable BASE-LOAD energy? It should be very easy but apparently we’ve lost the ability to think?
    IOW if toxic W & S are unreliable for 70% and 85% of the time, then why didn’t we ditch these environmental disasters decades ago?
    And never forget that eventually these toxic , unreliable disasters have to be backed up with toxic batteries. So how do you also reliably charge the batteries with capacity factors of just 30% and 15%?
    If we have ongoing wind droughts for days or weeks and very cloudy days we’ll have nobody to blame but ourselves.
    But I’m sure we’ll have lots of sympathy and good will from China, Russia, Iran and Nth Korea etc. SARC.


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    Guterras should talk to China…


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    How about we ban advertising for solar due to the product being made using slave Labor. Also ban ev ads. Children in the Congo are dying to obtain the cobalt used to make batteries.


  • #

    Okay then ….. advertising fossil fuels.

    This advertisement has only just started doing the rounds here in my home State of Queensland.

    You be the judge.

    Queensland Coal Royalties (just 30 seconds worth of your time)

    Note the wording around the 19 second mark.

    And then, umm, note specifically the last four seconds.

    It would seem Queensland Labor is getting pretty desperate, eh!



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      David Maddison

      “High quality and global demand.”

      Not so much local demand eh because no Australian Government wants Aussies to use coal. It’s OK to export it though, except lignite. India wanted to buy a large amount of lignite from Sicktoria but the Government banned the sale.


    • #

      Just unbelievable Ad from the feral Qld govt and let’s hope the voters are not fooled, AGAIN.
      How anyone could vote for that clueless giggles donkey is a complete mystery to me. But we’ll just have to wait and see.


  • #

    All of this converging madness clearly indicates that the clock is running down on whatever nasty plans the “elite” have for the peasants, GLOBALLY.

    There is a “Global Conspiracy” (or, as Sir Les Paterson quipped, “A convergence of interest”, and it is and always has been, about the concentrating of ABSOLUTE power in the hands of a self-selected cabal of psychopaths.

    Something about: “Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely”


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    As H. L. Menckem observed:

    “The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.”


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    All the mining companies already only advertise the wonderful cartoon future of unreliable energy, so I don’t see the need to introduce laws.


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    That guy is a complete loon isn’t he? We would be better off by banning the UN… and the WEF and the WHO and any other acronym named organisation wishing to interfere in our lives.


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    Marc Schellekens

    If oil companies aren’t allowed to advertise I will fill my tank with water because I won’t know fuel is available.LOL


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    The hydrocarbon fuel companies don’t even advertise that much anyway. The latest one doing the rounds is a BP ” Cafe One” ad which is selling food, not even fuels. Here in Victoria the most annoying are the government ads. I have had a gutful of the ” Big Build” ads and it would seem any time there’s some major policy initiative there’s some lame ad constructed. Plus at the moment we have had Federal Government ads promoting tax cuts ( as if that is needed ) and another about the new Murray Darling catchment plan. Ban all government advertising I say. Total waster of money.


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    This video from Andrew Bolt is about 11 minutes, but his interview with Mark Mills starts at about 2.5 minutes.
    This is about 12 months ago and Bowen’s yapping is priceless and gives Mark Mills a good laugh.



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    Pete of Perth

    I dream that if MAGA wins, the US tells all international letter agencies to pound sand then stop funding them. This includes the NGO’s who are facilitating human trafficking across their southern border. Short term pain for long term gain for humanity.


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      Pete. Don’t imagine illegal immigrants will vote left. Once in many will vote to shut the gate.


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    Rupert Ashford

    What do we know about Bluebell Capital? Can one invest in them as a private citizen? Are they trustworthy? Not just another charlatan false-front?


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    The oil companies just pander to the Greenies. It’s time to offload all renewables and green energy interests except no one will buy them. They were stupid thinking that having investments in this area would appease the angry mob, it just emboldens them. They have been greenwashing pretending to actually care. Be like the Chinese and not care what people say or do. They need your oil , you hold the upper hand.


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    Dave in the States

    Ban this, ban that, ban another thing.
    Ban speech.
    Ban free markets.
    Ban travel.
    Ban free thought.
    Ban meat.
    Ban farming.

    These people really are tyrants. These things are not a means to an end. They are the end.


    • #
      David Maddison


      The Left is unremittingly evil.


    • #
      David Maddison


      These are the left’s four ‘self-centred grifts’ that pose the greatest risk to the future of Western society

      The far-left has launched countless grifts in search of power, control, and money for themselves – but four of them pose the greatest danger to our freedom, sovereignty and the future wellbeing of our children, writes Douglas MacKinnon.

      June 3, 2024

      As any citizen with common sense and the ability to think for themselves in Australia and the United States knows, zealots from the far-left – enabled by self-centered socialist-leaning politicians – have rolled out an endless number of strategies, policies, and outright grifts to try to destabilise our respective nations from within.

      While that list is long and continually growing, I would like to focus on four grifts which I believe pose the greatest danger to our freedom, health, sovereignty, and the future wellbeing of our children.

      Those four being: “open” immigration; “Green” energy; digital currency; and the attack on our food supply.



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    Old Goat

    When we are ready to remove the cancer that is “climate change” , just follow the money . The UN and most politicians have been bought and their owners are still pushing . It is patently obvious that if you have enough money you can get away with anything . The financial system trumps the government and judicial system….


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    I know that trying to get lefty donkeys to understand the problems of charging TOXIC EVs is too difficult, but here is a revelation or two from Mark Mills’ PDF.
    So the average Service stn size would increase from “a convenience store level to the size of a steel mill or a small town”. Think about it. This is from page 29 of his PDF study…….

    ” In addition, installing two dozen or more superchargers at a filling station creates a grid power demand comparable to a small town or a steel mill instead of a convenience-store demand level of today’s filling stations. At the same time, the higher power levels from EV chargers will radically decrease the life span of the existing power transformers on utility poles, coming at a time when costs for new transformers have inflated about fivefold”.


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    Yes, stop using oil, coal and gas. Instead, dig up the whole planet to build sun mirrors, windmills and battery powered toy cars and then cover vast areas of farming land and when that’s covered, chop down millions of trees and cover that land as well in sun mirrors and wind mills. But when you run out of sun mirrors, windmills and big batteries minerals, send out the massive vacuum cleaner ships and suck up everything off the ocean floor, that’s if the millions of ocean windmills don’t get in the way. Goodluck luck with all of that kids..bwahaha


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    First there was Agenda 21 and now there is a psychological bludgeoning of those who disagree with the ‘preferred’ narrative. The Club of Rome had nothing on the flash mob today.


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    David of Cooyal in Oz

    From today’s (Thu Jun 6, 2024) The Daily Telegraph on page 51, by Terry McCrann “Economy sick, Labor at Fault” (paywalled), this assessment. He talks about:

    …the deliberate destruction of the absolute foundation of a successful, strong, sophisticated, and yes, caring, sharing economy and society. In three words: electricity that is cheap, that is plentiful, that is reliable. ”

    And goes on:


    Now we toss around, from time-to-time, who has been Australia’s worst-ever PM. A sort of reverse GOAT.

    They’ve mostly been Labor, but Malcolm Turnbull did valiantly push himself forward for the accolade, true as a Labor-in-Liberal disguise. But what about the worst Minister of all time? Step forward, the utterly unchallengeable minister for destroying our electricity system, the always twerpish Chris Bowen.

    Dave B


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    UN Secretary General António Guterres called coal, oil and gas corporations the “godfathers of climate chaos” who had distorted the truth and deceived the public for decades.

    I wonder if Guterres pays $300k per year for that speech writer?


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    Gerry, England

    Oil company advertising is about trying to get you to use their brand not use more. And in any case, the Shell advert in the UK drivels on about cutting emissions.


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    […] UN Chief says ban Fossil Fuel Adverts to cool world (Whatever you do, don’t let the people see… […]
