By Jo Nova
The spell is broken
Thirty years of crafting a fantasy narrative was fine while countries floated on a cloud of endless easy money, but those days are over.
Counting is still underway in the EU elections, but the Greens appear to have lost around 20 seats, shrinking from 74 seats to 53. In Germany, the Green-stranglehold of Europe, exit polls suggest the Green vote fell from 20.5% to 12%.
In a shock, Marine Le Pen’s party in France doubled Macron’s party vote achieving 30% of the vote to his 15%, whereupon Macron called an emergency election, hoping to save a few extra spots in France’s Parliament before the “Far Right” really wakes up.
The “Far-Right” of course, being any party which doubts that bicycles can stop storms:
Despite 242% of Nobel prize winning experts being certain that life on Earth will be destroyed by 2034*, climate action was not a priority for most Europeans.
Newspaper journalists though have different priorities to most voters. There go those climate ambitions…

The result comes amid a broader shift to the right and a green backlash — or “greenlash” — against policies designed to tackle the climate crisis and protect the environment.
Some newspapers don’t just have different priorities, they speak a different language:
Who are these parties that deny that we have a climate?
Five years ago The Guardian called it a “Quiet Revolution Sweeping Europe” as the Greens went from fringe idealists to “potential kingmakers”. Instead it was a five year reckless experiment that trashed historic industries and threatens a lifestyle that took a thousand years to create.
The real Kingmakers in the EU who were panicking about climate change last week, are now suddenly non-committal about inviting the Greens to talks. It was always about power for Ursula Von der Leyen and sadly she is still there. There is still much to do.
The wonderful Mark Steyn on the EU elections and the media massaging:
Indeed, between [Marine Le Pen’s] triumphant National Rally and M Zemour’s Reconquête (the Reconquest party), what the BBC and even the Telegraph insist on calling the “far right” got just shy of forty per cent of the vote. (M Zemour’s party is for those who think Mme Le Pen is no longer “far right” enough.) In Germany Olaf Scholz saw his party come third, behind the even more “far right” Alternative für Deutschland. Over a million of Scholz’s voters switched to the ooh-ever-so-far-right AfD.
So the “far right” are getting a lot nearer: maybe the Telegraph should try holding the telescope the right way round.
Instead, the media took consolation in finding the far-right rampage didn’t go quite as far as it might: in the Netherlands, Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party has gone from zero seats to six to emerge as the largest single Dutch party in the European Parliament – but all the experts are agreed that for some reason this is a wee bit of an under-performance.
UPDATE: Good news, the young voters are turning away:
[Google translated]
Greens with massive losses – especially young voters turn away
The AfD and CDU are particularly popular with young voters. Voting right is not a trend, but rather a matter of self-defence. The Greens are the main losers, as they have become the epitome of philistinism. They get the ridicule of the internet for free.
Both parties have lost their magic. Now things are getting even worse for the Greens. The new youth parties are called AfD and CDU. Of all things! Anyone who joins the Junge Union or the Workers’ Party for Germany today is a revolutionary. The middle class is green, or better said: the bourgeoisie. And who is alternative if they are on the side of the philistines?
For most young people, however, it is clear that they will not retire at 70, they will not buy a house, and they may not be able to support a family – and if they do, their children will grow up in problem areas, in rural wasteland or in an environment of left-wing indoctrination. Voting right is not a trend, not chic, not a whim. It is pure self-defense.
h/t Willie Soon, Krishna Gans, Old Ozzie, David Wojick, Kim, Stephen Neil.
*How many climate experts said Antonio-Guterres Mr-Boiling-Planet was wrong?
Far-Right-Bell curve original author unknown. Seen on this tweet.
Most commenters and analysis reralised a lot of reasons to vote not as hoped by the establishement. Climate fear itself wasn’t a subject, but the consequences of “climate policy”.
Look here…
…and here
Vote here:
Do you want your family to have an income, food, and a house?
Do you want to live as a malnourished peasant?
“The Climate” doesn’t care.
Is Paris About to Leave the Paris Agreement?
Ha! are the Left Wingish SNP in UK still going to TAKE Independence and then go join a right wing Europe?. Interesting times, but battling the bad forecasts here in UK I have other fish to fry.
Without English taxpayers cash to prop it up, no currency or central bank, Scotland will be an economic basket case that the EU won’t touch with a bargepole even if they would love to park their tanks just the other side of Hadrian’s Wall.
‘Le Pen also believes that “wind power is an ecological and economic absurdity”. She promised a referendum on the dismantling of wind turbines and said she had “a plan to develop nuclear power” at the start of her mandate.’
Dutton should adopt the slogan of wind farm absurdity.
The massive dismantling of industrial wind turbines in France would set an example to governments around the world that this can be done.
I love Paris in the springtime,
I love Paris in the fall,
It’s such a shame when self anointed defenders of democracy get democracied.
Yes, this is what can happen when there is elections integrity.
Just as the Left have rendered the terms “racist” and any type of “phobe” meaningless, due to inappropriate use and overuse, so too have they rendered the term “far right” meaningless.
The term “far right” was invented by the Left to falsely accuse people of being National Socialists. They did this because National Socialism is really an ideology of the Left (as the name implies) and they didn’t want to be associated with it.
Fascism upon which National Socialism is based has as its philosopher Giovanni Gentile, a Hegelian Marxist. It’s just a variation of socialism where some corporations are allowed to exist but only if they follow the wishes and demands of the State and for its benefit (e.g. like companies participating in the wind, solar and covid “vaccine” scams), much as we have in the West today under current Leftist administrations.
Also worth looking at:
HOORAH! Someone finally gets it! The best trick was the Communists describing the Nazis and Fascists as right wing.
Yes, they have zero belife in anything, Thus a statement, “the hottest year in a hundred thousand years” roles off their tounges without reflection. For the statist, the means is irrelevanct, only the end matters, and truth and morality are all subjective.
Two years ago California was claiming “The worst drought in 1000 years” Complete non sense. Without even digging into the geological history of California * two droughts in the last 1000 years that lasted over a century, one where most of the oak trees died) I checked Mammoth Mountain snow fall records for the the most recent, “worst drought in 1000 years” verses the prior 20 years. “The worst drought in 1000 years” had almost 1000 more inches of snow then the prior 20 years when nobody noticed anything out of the normal flux.
There’s two kinds of Fascism … the traditional kind where government tightly regulates the corporations and applies top-down central planning. This much is reasonably well understood.
Then there’s the inverted kind where the corporations understand they are being regulated so they make moves to take over various key government positions … usually by deploying money in the form of either indirect campaign funds, or direct payments (e.g. royalties paid to NIH employees). This allows the corporates to effectively write the legislation which they then intend to be regulated by … or at very least, have a strong contribution to how those regulations will operate.
In any practical situation, it becomes very hard to know who (if anyone) is in control of it.
You end up struggling hard to get away from this in any regulatory situation … suppose you want to regulate banks, you need a person who understands banking otherwise the whole exercise is obviously going to result is ridiculous outcomes. OK, so where do you get someone with solid banking experience? Well … you need someone who has worked in the industry … preferably someone senior who has been through a number of different jobs … which is to say, an insider who has plenty of friends and contacts right through the corporate banks. What I’m getting at is that anyone competent is automatically also someone biased towards helping out their mates and cannot be considered neutral. It’s going to keep happening no matter how you go about structuring a regulatory system.
It is only a first step in Europe. In our political backwater of Australia the around 60% of the population still believe you can run a first world economy using wind dependent fans for power generation.
When Adam Bandt is the sole Green in the house of reps and there are no Green senators then the voters will have finally woken up to the current sad state of gaslighting politics in Australia.
Yalla. What leads you to think the majority of Aussies believe there’s a connection between CO2 emissions and bad weather?
In my neck of the woods travelers arriving by road, air, and on cruises, is at record highs. There’ve been several new multi-pump petrol stations built nearby in the past 5 years, and yet another one under construction down the highway…..Which adds up to the average citizen NOT worrying about the use of fossil-fuels at all.
BTW: It’s not because a whole bunch of shysters assert stuff that anybody believes it. Which is why the “School Strike For Climate” managed to get about one kid in a thousand to show up in Sydney. That looking like “widespread belief”?
Well Informed – well I can tell you that you are only partially informed. As a recent ex-Victorian I can inform you that after years of brain washing that a majority in VIC (ie predominantly city dwellers) continually vote the ALP-Greens cabal into government and have no scientific clue about CO2 v water vapour as a significant GHG and believe anything shoved down their throats by climate alarm merchants. It is almost impossible to have a rational conversation with anyone about these topics. There is still quite some conversion time necessary south of the Murray River.
That said, when it comes to their hip pockets, then cost of living/power prices is getting some traction.
I really want to think that people partly changed their votes because they’ve woken up to all of the lies and con tricks of the major parties and their fraudulent climate action.
But I think most people still have very little understanding of the climate fraud or data and most of them changed their vote because they definitely fear a much lower standard of living for young and old. Who knows?
Perhaps unrestrained illegal immigration invading and being foisted on our communities, plus neo-marxist attacks on our traditional cultures, might have played a part in waking up some of the deluded, the disinterested, the dumb, and the deliberately ignorant.
“… most people still have very little understanding of the climate …”
I’ll fix that for you:
Most politicians and climate experts still have very little understanding of the climate.
I want to take issue with your comment about bicycles Jo. Whenever a storm is brewing at home, I get on my bicycle & go for a long ride. Almost invariably the storm is gone when I get back.
Only works for me if I come home with a box of chocolates! 🙂
Any concern about Peter Duttons comments about leaving The Paris Accord may be premature as there may not be one to leave. Especially since DJT, if he survives the “Law Fare” currently being waged against him, will likely make it a first order of business on Day 1 of POTUS #47
No question – Should DJT win office, the first thing he’ll do is exit Net-Zero & the ludicrous Paris scribble.
We can hope –
“Is Paris About to Leave the Paris Agreement?”
Great to see the rest of the planet finally catching up with ‘world leading’ New Zealanders who, ‘punching above their weight’, threw out the Red Overlords in last November’s election. s/tic
And my! How the weather has improved since! While it’s still snowing up in the northern hemisphere ‘summer’ – Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Scandinavia, European Alps, Russia, all the ‘stans and Tibet as well – we’re basking in balmy June bliss.
Southern South America & South Africa have both been walloped with frigid snow blizzards the past few weeks and now it’s Australia’s turn to shiver – especially in Canberra. Why would anyone live there (?).
The hotter they shout, the colder it gets.
It was always easy to virtue signal as long as it was somebody else’s money. As long as it was somebody else who had to sacrifice their hopes and dreams, and the hopes and dreams of their kids. As long as it was an academic exercise. As long as it was somebody else who lost their freedom.
The ABC. The ABC! I checked out the 4 corners program on wind turbines last evening. It covered the on the ground stuff, community opposition, ecological pillage, while steadfastly holding up the banner of Co2, and the end of life. An expert declared that Co2 would remain in the atmosphere indefinitely. Just how does it do that, with a specific gravity 3 times that of water vapour? It is a heavy gas. Once it gets over water it sinks, dependent on temperature. Way down.
Then I went off and did something else, and later flicking back to tv, there was the ABC’s, ‘Only in America'(?) Holy J, there is no way for anyone, who has seen any alternative media, to communicate with ABC viewers. We are living in different dimensions! The part I saw covered the Trump trial, and the brave judge standing up for The Law, and facing down ‘The Beast’, Hunter Biden’s trial, over his messing up when filling out a form, and Fauci’s questioning, and the poor man having to stand up to all the death threats, he and his family were receiving, and steel trap defence of, ‘there was no study of distancing’, by saying ‘no there was no study of people being 3m, or 5m, or 6m apart’, and that cleared up that, next question!
Different dimensions!!
Gold Star there FC. In fact 2 Gold Stars for watching 2 programs. You have heard of Netflix haven’t you?
Netflix? Try !!! Apparently the Russians don’t worry too much about copyright claims. I found an obscure Australian film on there the other night (dubbed in Russian voices but I found English subtitles). Reminds me of an old Gag played on my children- Putting the Audio of a DVD kid’s program in German (to help my son learn that language) along with English subtitles (forcing my daughter to read more).
For Europe it’s once again evolving into a battle against totalitarianism and survival but unlike in WW2 when the Anglo democracies and others had a belief in themselves and their way of life, many in those countries today (The Left) don’t even believe in the Western and Enlightenment values that made those countries great.
And centuries prior to that, Europe had to be saved by the likes of Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, Charles Martel, Holger Danske, Charlemagne and Vlad Dracula. Now those same invaders they fought against have returned through open borders, mainly fighting age males with no belief in freedom, democracy or Western and Enlightenment values and among the most uneducated, uncultured and violent people on the planet.
Addendum to #9
“What can we conclude from all this, with regards to the Paris Agreement? Le Pen has said she plans to uphold France’s Paris commitments, but she also makes it clear the Paris Agreement is not her main priority. If greens play hardball, my crystal ball tells me Le Pen would choose economic sanity over damaging climate commitments. So we are seeing an entertaining though slim possibility that France is kicked out of the Paris Agreement, maybe even before Trump wins office at the end of the year.”
What’s (watts) up with that? Nothing!
But is it hot enough to melt ice?
Nigel Farage is powering away in the UK and the Conservatives (in name only) are looking to get smashed with the Reform Party looking to be the second largest Party after the inevitable Labour Party Election win.
Not true. Farage has learnt nothing in 20 years of failing to get elected and like he did with UKIP is spreading the thin resources of Reform too far by contesting too many seats. A competent leader would target a small number of truly winnable seats to get a foothold in Parliament. Even the LibDems realise they can’t stretch to properly fighting all seats so fight to keep what they have and pick off some mainly Tory seats. But the biggest elephant in the room is that the polls that have Labour already hiring the decorators for No. 10 Downing Street are inaccurate. The polling systems are out of date with how the UK currently is as shown by the local elections last month. More non-Uniparty councillors were elected than ever before as the big swing to Labour did not happen. Labour has a massive problem with the muslim voters it usually relies on breaking away and setting up their own candidates over the party’s refusal to support the Hamas terrorists. There could be as many as 80 seats where this is a problem for the current Labour MP. In some seats the muslims might win but in many splitting the vote would let the Tories win, especially if more than one muslim stands. But don’t expect the legacy media to understand what is going on as they are wedded to the two party system.
The globalists had a difficult weekend. Far-right parties, also called centrists, were victorious in the EU elections on the continent in country after country.
The far left globalists saw their grip on power collapsing.
Reality got in the way. The far left today lives on fantasies and destruction of order not just in the United States but in Western Europe.
The people had enough.
Just wait until August. 😎😉
Some of the Women fighting the toxic wind farms off Bunbury WA were given a hard time by the clueless ABC loony last night.
He had that real nasty lefty look and wouldn’t accept that they should have a point of view and tried to close down their arguments.
I wonder why anyone would watch their ABC and believe anything they say. It’s best to double check anything their ABC yaps about and then test it against the available facts and data.
Sell the BOM, ABC, CSIRO and the endless protected workshops for activists. Why not? They would be very different if they had to earn a living.
CSL has prospered amazingly. Telstra is standing on its own feet. And the Australian postoffice is a very different business, adjusting to the needs of the day as traditional mail vanishes.
“Despite 242% of Nobel prize winning experts being certain that life on Earth will be destroyed by 2034*, climate action was not a priority for most Europeans.”
I followed up on that. It was a get together, a party for Nobel Prize winners and they were asked to sign a communique which supported science in general, of course and the IPCC in particular. And most attendees signed, which was the whole idea.
But the actual statement in the communique was conditional though on the facts and conclusions being correct. So it was a charade for political purposes. And Nobel Prize winners are not politicians. Two who signed were not even scientists.
Last year’s Nobel Prize winner in Physics calls it all a hoax. As do the other members of the CO2 Coalition, largely of retired physicists, chemists and engineers.
Sorry, TdeF, I was speaking Antonio-Guterres-speak and boiling planet statistics. They are not for “following up”.
I understand. It was Gillard’s ‘hyperbowl’. But such a claim exists in a signed UN communique known as the Mainau declaration. I was shocked as nearly every Physics and Chemistry Nobel Prize winner signed it, of those alive and who attended. As of February 2016, a total of 76 Nobel laureates endorsed the Mainau Declaration 2015.
“We say this not as experts in the field of climate change””, but rather as a diverse group of scientists who have a deep respect for and understanding of the integrity of the scientific process.
The venue was a conference on the shores of Lake Constance in Southern Germany by invitation. I presume it was all setup by the UN and perhaps the Nobel Committees. Cheese and nibbles. And Climate Change was presented as the natural successor to the previous Mainau declaration on Nuclear Weapons.
The report concludes that anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are the likely cause of the current global warming of the Earth.”
And like most people, they believe the very alarming short summary which is by politicians not a summary by scientists.
Presumably everyone was expected to sign and most did. I went through the list. Whether they had read the IPCC report or not. To me this was a stunt, an investment by the UN to gain credibility. And to that extent a great PR exercise.
Last year’s physics Nobel Prize winner, John Clauser calls man made Global Warming aka Climate Change a hoax. He is a member of Prof Will Happer’s CO2 Coalition along with a lot of other physicists, chemists and engineers.
As for boiling oceans, this year’s scare, it followed a report that water off the coast of Florida reached 100 degrees. Although Gutteres is a scientist socialist politician, he may not have checked. The temperature was Farenheit. I wondered why he was not laughed off the stage. I think he made the announcement and no one did, so now 100F means boiling not blood temperature.
While sitting in the sea off an Abu Dhabi beach many years ago, we stuck a thermometer in the sea. 104 degrees. F!
32C is normal along the shore in the Persian Gulf.
“The Persian Gulf is about 56 km (35 mi) wide at its narrowest, in the Strait of Hormuz. Overall, the waters are very shallow, with a maximum depth of 90 metres (295 feet) and an average depth of 50 metres (164 feet).”
And much of the coastline is 5 metres deep
At best it is called a ‘shallow marginal sea’, technically part of the Indian ocean.
Same old “consensous” tricks….
It is cogent to reiterate the glaring error, common to all 97% studies, that preclude them from having any meaning applicable to CAGW and public policy pertinent to the theory. They all leave the “C” out of CAGW, and thereby move most skeptics into the camp of supporters of CAGW; as most skeptics accept that human GHG emissions cause some warming.
Let us meet some of the skeptics… Here are Seven Eminent Physicists; Freeman Dyson, (Smartest man alive) Ivar Giaever (Nobel Prize), Robert Laughlin (Nobel Prize), Edward Teller, Frederick Seitz, Robert Jastrow and William Nierenberg, past director of the Scrips Institution of Oceanography (1965-1986), all skeptical.
Of the various petitions on global warming circulated for signatures by scientists, the one by the Petition Project, a group of physicists and physical chemists based in La Jolla, California, was distributed just within the US and 31,487 American scientists have signed this petition, including 9,029 with PhDs. Other European papers have additional thousands of signatures from those skeptical scientists.
There are literally thousands of peer reviewed studies that are skeptical of C.A.G.W. They are published by renown scientists like…
Dr. Tim Ball (Climatology), Dr. Patrick Michaels (Ecological Climatology), Dr. Judith Curry (Geophysical Sciences), Dr. John Christy (Atmospheric Sciences), Dr Kary Mullis, (Nobel Laureate in chemistry) Dr. Roy Spencer (Meteorology), Dr. Sallie Baliunas (Astrophysics), Dr. Willie Soon (Aerospace Engineering), Dr. William Happer (Physics), Dr. Richard Lindzen (Physics and Applied Mathematics), Dr. Don Easterbrook (Geology), and Dr. Jennifer Marohasy (Biology). Freeman Dyson ( physicist and mathematician, called “The smartest man alive” by the New York times) Dr. Bjorn Lomborg ( Environmentalist – One of TIME Magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world ) Kiminori Itoh ( Ph.D. in Industrial Chemistry ) Ivar Giaever ( Nobel prize Physics) Will Happer (highly-respected physicist out of Princeton) Ian Plimer (Australian geologist, professor emeritus of earth sciences at the University of Melbourne) Nir J Shaviv ( Israeli‐American physics professor at the Racah Institute of Physics of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Craig Idso ( M.S. in Agronomy from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Ph.D. in Geography from Arizona State University) MJ Blatt ( Former Professor of and head of the Department of Geology and Geophysics. University of Kashmir India) Siegfried Fred Singer (Austrian-born American physicist and emeritus professor of environmental science at the University of Virginia.) Jim Steel (Biology and Environmentalist Professor SFSU) The above is just a small sample of the thousands of highly respected PHD scientist, skeptical of CAGW.
In one strong survey 50% of meteorologists do not accept CAGW, and there are tens of thousands of others who make a robust challenge to the theory of CAGW.
If you are a CAGW proponent, I hope to stimulate your curiosity as to why you NEVER hear any of the above, or anything to follow in this post, on NPR, CNN, most all the legacy media, and Social Media. Everything stated is based on national and international data sets, and peer reviewed literature.”
Highly recommended to be shared with any family or friends willing to have even a little bit of an open mind.
[David best to keep comments below 300-500 words. At 1,200 I had to snip. Sorry. — Jo]
I am stuck indoors today due to weather at a place I am staying. The TV has been flicked between the news from the various MSM and it is wall-to-wall climate targets and Dutton proposal to ditch the targets.
No matter the station, every report opens with clips of flooding or other severe weather.
So far, there have been only a few minutes devoted to Macron and possible elections in France. I have not seen anything on the EU elections- or nothing that has grabbed my attention.
I find watching TV unbearable, especially what is commonly called The News which is more correctly called The Lies.
Hence, I don’t watch it, unless by accident at someone else’s place.
Today’s Australian. The Miles Labor government will push Queeensland into record of debt of $172Bn to fund the coal-rich state’s transition to renewable power.
Why couldn’t we skip this and just allocate 5% of what we export for domestic use? That sort of money would build new HE power stations too and halve current CO2 output. We could be 97.5% squeaky clean. Climate Change would be the fault of China, not Australians.
Victoria could do the same thing. Brown coal is just black coal with water. 66% water. Squeeze it out and sell briquettes and pay down a debt created by Daniel Andrews which is more than Qld and NSW together.
I reckon Australia’s electricity crisis could be solved by importing coal, gas, nuclear or hydro power generated in Indonesia via a massive undersea cable and overhead transmission lines. The Indons could produce electricity with Australian coal, gas and uranium.
It would be hugely expensive but far cheaper than building all those wind, solar and Big Battery plantations and Australia could start rebuilding its industry with the cheap power.
Don’t celebrate – we are not out of the woods yet . The parties in the right are fragmented , but the left loons are rock solid and won’t give up power easily . Expect all manner of crises to occur with regularity and the fear factory to go into overdrive . Protesting could become dangerous .This could be the trigger for massive crackdowns in the name of “democracy”….
[…] saw this image across at the JoNova site at this link, and thought it was an apt representation of the current state of […]
A new perspective on the “Hot-House” Earth:
Does the current ice epoch have its origin in the Solar Systems encounter with a dense interstellar cloud about 3 million years ago?
Did that event destabilise the Earth’s the thermodynamic system triggering a repetitive sequence of Ice Ages favouring the evolution of Homo Sapiens?
Is a return to a permanent Hot House inevitable?
The hypothesized effects are based on models.
But this could,indeed, have happened, and we can certainly learn more … if more grants are provided:
“Future work could explore the current scenario with more advanced codes where the cold solar-wind and suprathermal ions are treated as separate components56 or the neutral hydrogen atoms are treated kinetically”
at – ‘Methods’ in the link.
It’s what folks making their way in science need to do.
If it did happen, it may have affected human evolution, certainly.
Surely it’s more than 242% .
Problem is – it’s bloody cold:
After the ‘warmest’ May in history. Except that only the nights were warmer due to increased cloud cover. This was admitted only after a National outcry that a cold May could be the warmest ever. It shows everyone how you cannot trust these announcements to mean what they say.
The GB News channel gets its weather from the despised Met Office – long term fans the BBC ditched them after a contract review some years back – and this week they have admitted that it is cold for the time of year, that fresh snow was likely in the Scottish Highlands and that even in the south of England there might be a frost!!!
The GBNews weather report is appalling, babyish and inaccurate use of language and lots of silly hype. I unplug while it’s on if I am sufficiently awake! Or turn over to a classical music station.Or Britcom1 to listen to Yes Minister or somesuch.
Queensland budget verdict is just like Victoria but with coal
The Miles government has demonstrated that spending other people’s money is their DNA: profligacy is in vogue, and prudent budgeting is not. Miles away from reality! But as we know magic is just an illusion!
As Germany is in its industrial death spiral, ask them how having the Greens in government is working out for them. Even if it stopped now, many of the decisions to shut down in Germany are already committed to and won’t be changed. In a recently released speech by the head of the Borse he was complaining about how their government has made Germany a backwater for foreign investment and unlike the UK where we ditched most of our industrial production, they do not have a buoyant service sector that can keep the country afloat.
France is the most interesting case as Macron was already short of a majority in the Parliament and had to resort to shady tactics to enact things. If he gets a thumping in the coming election then there must be pressure for him to call a presidential election ahead of schedule. As far as the Le Pen camp goes, their plan was for Macron to serve another full term and then lose having upset the people enough this time around but Covid got in the way and he was re-elected. However, the people’s revenge was to deny him a parliamentary majority.
I like the graphic but if I drew it I would have labelled ‘Right’ as ‘Centre Left’ so that ‘Far Right’ is anything not of a leftie persuasion.
Yes, the term “Far Right” really jars. It is as if there is no “Ordinary Right”. But Far Right can be blamed for historical mass murder while Ordinary Right has been the best performing group, way ahead of Communism for mass murder. Stick murder to the Right and Bob’s your uncle next election.
I note that in everyday language “centre” as in the middle of, has been largely replaced in the last 5 years by “epicentre” as in earthquakes that kill. Words and concepts do evolve all the time, thank heavens, for that helps maintain interest. However, I do not think that the “Far Right” versus “Ordinary Right” topic is part of linguistic evolution and therefore good. It has hallmarks of intentional malice.
What a twisted world we have come to suffer. Geoff S
A lot of people see themselves as being in the sensible middle on many issues. But that has almost vanished as the sensible middle has been classed as Far Right.
I think in the US as in Europe, a lot of people will be forced to shift their vote to Republican simply because they do not agree with the real extremists who have seized control of the Democratic party. And Biden has gone from sock puppet to zombie President.
Many Democrats see what has happened to Donald Trump as abuse of the justice system. And the 50 Security experts who lied about Russian disinformation and now say it was only an opinion, which is another blatant lie.
And I suspect many black people who have looked to the Democrats to represent them have realised that it is the Democrats who support weaponizing the justice system against the innocent. And letting truly guilty criminals run free. No one wants the mayhem, the drugs, the assaults, the murder being unleashed by the same Justice department.
But most importantly, illegal immigrants are taking all the jobs at lower wages. The remarkable job growth is made up entirely of illegal immigrants. If Trump is America First it is clear that Biden means Americans Last.
[…] From JoNova […]
[…] Despite the hottest year in a hundred thousand years, Europeans voted for maligned, climate denying,… […]
There are two issues that are deliberately rolled into one by the establishment. One is Climate Change, and the other is Climate Change Action. The latter is a Quixotic fight with the windmills. It is a deluded and corrupt policy. And listen to the deafening silence when it comes to any population policy.