Burn oil, save forests: Global greening is accelerating in 55% of the world thanks to fossil fuels

Forest in Australia. Springbrook.

By Jo Nova

Thanks to Kenneth Richard at NoTricksZone for finding this paper.

It’s time we stopped messing around. Clearly, fossil fuels are feeding the world, greening the land, and boosting tree growth. Anyone who gives a damn about the environment needs to start campaigning to increase our fossil fuel emissions.

Recently a batch of studies announced that the era of global greening might be over, or that drought stress might be browning the Earth faster than it was being greened. But a new study shows that the Earth is not only still getting greener, but that the rate of green growth is accelerating on more than half of the world.

Chen et al used four satellite datasets to estimate the Leaf Area Index (LAI). They found the long feared desertification of Earth is only accelerating over 7% of the globe while the long ignored greening is not increasing but even accelerating over 55% of the Earth. At this rate, the barren corners of the Earth are in danger of going missing.

Obviously, the habitat of koalas is benefiting hugely from coal, gas and petrol.  But to be more serious, so are the worlds poor. If we care about the children of Haiti, we have a duty to liberate that coal, burn that oil and free up those stores of diesel.

Do it for the children…

LAI = Leaf Area Index. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2351989423004262#fig0020

All over the world, the dominant driver (according to the paper) was nearly always CO2.

Global Greening has continued since the year 2000

Chen et al 2024

CO2 fertilization is still the dominant (75.63%) driver of the trends on Earth in the last 20 years.


Chen et al (2024) The global greening continues despite increased drought stress since 2000, Global Ecology and Conservation
Volume 49, January 2024, e02791

Photo by Waren Brasse on Unsplash


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95 comments to Burn oil, save forests: Global greening is accelerating in 55% of the world thanks to fossil fuels

  • #
    David Maddison

    The level.of CO2 is increasing but for almost totally natural reasons. This is causing greening. I don’t accept the premise that burning hydrocarbon (“fossil”) fuels is responsible for this increase in CO2 as its estimated that of all CO2 in the atmosphere, only 4% of it is of anthropogenic origin and that itself is rapidly absorbed by ocean or plants.

    We have only narrowly missed a mass extinction even. Had CO2 continued to drop from previous much higher levels, plant life and hence all life would have died because that needs around 150-200ppm of CO2 (depending in the photosynthetic pathway) just to survive (but not thrive). Fortunately nature corrected the imbalance.

    As usual, the problem is that warmists are staticists who think the world and solar output never changes. Aristotle was also a staticist which was a belief that only became obsolete relatively recently.

    It is only in the last 100 years or so that the ideas of Alfred Wegener (1880-1930), a real climatologist, geologist, geophysicist, meteorologist and polar researcher came to be accepted that the earth is not static. Among other ideas he conceived of continental drift which led to plate tectonics.

    However, as early as 1840 Louis Agassiz (1807-1873) hypothesised that much of North America was once buried under glacial ice up to 3km deep and that climate must change.

    Milutin Milanković (1879-1958) also discovered natural cycles in the climate.

    Warmists have to do a lot of catching up with modern thinking.


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      David Maddison

      A reference about anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere and the work of the late Prof. Murry Salbym


      Goolag makes it hard to find references that don’t fit the Official Narrative.


      • #

        David, 99% of our media news stories claim that fossil fuels are destroying “the planet” and that “wind and solar” are “clean and green”. In the sense that we live under constant rain of media propaganda telling us that fossil fuels are bad for forests, plants, fish, birds and bees it’s long past time skeptics started reframing the whole debate.

        If the tree-huggers believe they will make more forest by reducing fossil fuels, studies like this one pop that fantasy bubble. Whatever part of the recent rise in CO2 that is due to man-made emissions is not that critical in a public science battle run at bumper-sticker level. It’s the principle — if you love koala’s wouldn’t you want more CO2 in the air, and more leaves on the trees? If you are worried about bees, wouldn’t you want more flowers? Let’s start making the believers justify their faith by their own rules. They say mankind caused all the rise, and I say, isn’t that great!

        The post is partly satirical, but the satire has a point.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Also see:


      Carbon cycle modelling and the residence time of natural and anthropogenic atmospheric CO2: on the construction of the “Greenhouse Effect Global Warming” dogma.

      Tom V. Segalstad

      Mineralogical-Geological Museum
      University of Oslo
      Sars’ Gate 1, N-0562 Oslo

      The three evidences of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), that the apparent contemporary atmospheric CO2 increase is anthropogenic, is discussed and rejected: CO2 measurements from ice cores; CO2 measurements in air; and carbon isotope data in conjunction with carbon cycle modelling.

      It is shown why the ice core method and its results must be rejected; and that current air CO2 measurements are not validated and their results subjectively “edited”. Further it is shown that carbon cycle modelling based on non-equilibrium models, remote from observed reality and chemical laws, made to fit non-representative data through the use of non-linear ocean evasion “buffer” correction factors constructed from a pre-conceived idea, constitute a circular argument and with no scientific validity.

      Both radioactive and stable carbon isotopes show that the real atmospheric CO2 residence time (lifetime) is only about 5 years, and that the amount of fossil-fuel CO2 in the atmosphere is maximum 4%. Any CO2 level rise beyond this can only come from a much larger, but natural, carbon reservoir with much higher 13-C/12-C isotope ratio than that of the fossil fuel pool, namely from the ocean, and/or the lithosphere, and/or the Earth’s interior.




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        Peter C

        I agree with you David.
        Kenneth Richard at NoTricksZone links increased plant growth to CO2 levels but does not give any evidence to support his headline that Fossil Fuel burning is the cause of the increased CO2,
        Either way there is no reason to destroy our economy by harsh measures to limit the use of Fossil Fuels.


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          John Hultquist

          Kenneth Richard and NTZ report the story, neither he nor NTZ claim the credit.
          Source: Chen et al., 2024


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            Peter C

            Maybe Jo is responsible for the headline!


            • #

              The paper is headlined: “The global greening continues despite increased drought stress since 2000”.

              The evidence is in the paper itself.
              Chen et al claim they assessed the predominant drivers. Here are a few key paragraphs from the paper which was primarily designed to sort out the controversies in recent papers claiming that drought or water stress were affecting greening/browning rates. They used a high resolution CO2 database and compared the parts of the world where most of the greening was with the CO2 levels, they also looked at temperature, rain, soil moisture, and radiation as predictors. CO2 was by far the most useful predictor.


              “The inconsistency of these findings has also led to widespread controversy among studies on the identification of key drivers. Studies supporting global browning primarily attribute browning to increased drought stress, and report potential mechanisms such as a sharp increase in atmospheric saturated vapor pressure difference (VPD) limiting vegetation growth (Yuan et al., 2019), excessive optimal temperatures inhibiting vegetation photosynthesis (Chen et al., 2022a), increasing water restriction on vegetation (Jiao et al., 2021), and reduced CO2 fertilization effects due to water and nutrient availability (Wang et al., 2020). However, process-based models and observations suggest that global vegetation is still positively affected by CO2 fertilization and land management, making greening dominant (Chen et al., 2019a, Zhu et al., 2016). ”

              “The CO2 concentration data were obtained from the CarbonTracker dataset (CT2022) with a spatial resolution of 3°× 2° at monthly temporal scale (Jacobson et al., 2023), which was downscaled to 0.5° using nearest neighbor resample method.”

              Multiple linear regression model was used to quantify the contribution of all drivers to LAI trend and LAI growth rate trend, and this method has been widely used in quantifying the drivers of vegetation change trend (Jung et al., 2017, Li et al., 2023b, Song et al., 2022, Zou et al., 2023). Specifically, the meteorological variables, i.e., CO2, air temperature (Airt), precipitation (P), radiation (Srad) and surface soil moisture (SM) were used as predictor variables and the LAI as well as the LAI growth rate as response variables.

              Soil moisture led negative LAI trends in most areas of the globe, while temperature and CO2 had positive contributions, especially in China, India and European plain (Fig. S5). In contrast, precipitation and radiation had almost no contribution to LAI trend. We further calculated the dominant drivers of LAI trend in each grid, and we found that CO2 dominated the LAI trend of 75.63% of the globe, and temperature and soil moisture only could reach 11.34% and 7.30% respectively, which were mainly concentrated in the high latitude areas of the northern Hemisphere and western Australia.


      • #

        That is valuable information David but how will it ever become public knowledge? I will send it to my local member who I believe will read it. For many this information is a challenge to their beliefs and will be binned. There really needs to be some cataclysmic event which pushes the climate rubbish into oblivion while people need to focus on reality. The people of Ukraine are not concerned with emissions but I hope war is not needed to focus our attention.


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      CO2 Lover

      During the COVID Plandemic there was a substantial reduction man-made CO2 emissions yet this had no measurable impact on the steady but seasonale increase in atmospheric CO2 levels.

      Billions (Trillions) are still being spent to get a similar (if not more) CO2 emissions reduction as occurred during the Plandemic with the expectation that this will have a measurable impact on atmospheric CO2 levels!


    • #

      Hi David and all,

      Dr Ed Berry is another that supports this hypothesis. His site is worth a look as well.



    • #

      I don’t accept the premise that burning hydrocarbon (“fossil”) fuels is responsible for this increase in CO2

      It is quite evident that anthropogenic emissions play a significant role in the increase. That does not exclude the NH ocean warming from contributing to the increase but the oceans in the SH are increasingly CO2 sinks as they cool.

      The linked video provides compelling evidence where most of the CO2 is being sourced from:

      The northern ocean are contributing to increase but the southern oceans are sinking CO2. Most of the CO2 is coming from land and specifically eastern Asia.

      The full story is here:


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      Paul Cottingham

      Isotopic evidence shows that a maximum 4 percent of the 415ppm of CO2 is man-made and volcanic. I read that Japanese scientists analysing the Earth’s atmosphere had split that down to 6ppm for Man-made CO2 emissions and 11ppm for volcanic emissions.

      The illusion that carbon dioxide has any effect on Climate is caused by the fact that carbon dioxide levels follow the temperature by about 800 years. The Medieval Warm period peaked 800 years ago, so that proves that most of the increase was natural CO2 from the deep Ocean which has a 275 to 1 ratio mixing with the Atmosphere over a period of 800 years.

      This evidence therefore reveals that 115ppm of the increase since 1888 was natural, and 6ppm was Man-made. The ocean contains more than 50 times as much CO2 as the atmosphere. Most of this is stored in the very cold benthic layers of the ocean. The solubility of CO2 in water depends on temperature. The warmer the water temperature the less CO2 it can dissolve. Hence as the ocean depths are warmed CO2 is released. This is known as oceanic out-gassing.

      But I think the simplest way of proving that carbon dioxide does not cause global warming is the fact that the average temperature at the one bar pressure points on each of the planets, is the same, adjusted for distance from the Sun, despite the different main gases, Nitrogen for the Earth & Titan, Hydrogen for Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn & Uranus and Carbon Dioxide for Venus.

      That means that man made carbon dioxide warming can be calibrated at precisely 0.0008 Kelvin by molar mass.

      So the explanation for global warming comes from William Herschel onwards who had known about correlation’s between Climate Change and Sun Spot numbers, this was followed by more accurate correlation’s with Solar Cycle Length and then finally, the Hale Magnetic Solar Cycle. By 2018 it had been established that these correlation’s are caused by the speed of the centre of the Sun relative to the centre of mass or barycentre of the Solar System, which determines the length of the solar cycles, or more importantly, the Hale Magnetic Solar Cycle. This in turn is caused by the orbits and masses of the Planets, short Hale Magnetic Solar Cycles have higher Solar Magnetic activity due to the increase in the speed of plasma within the Sun. Between 1913 and 1996, only one of eight Solar Cycles was longer than the mean Solar Cycle length of 11.04 years, the last of these was the shortest Solar Cycle for more than 200 years, the strength of the Suns magnetic field more than doubled, the cosmic ray flux fell by 11 percent and there was a 8.6 percent reduction in clouds.

      Orbital resonance calculations: https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2021/10/30/orbital-resonance-and-the-celestial-origins-of-earths-climatic-changes-why-phi/


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      Leo G

      I don’t accept the premise that burning hydrocarbon (“fossil”) fuels is responsible for this increase in CO2 as its estimated that of all CO2 in the atmosphere, only 4% of it is of anthropogenic origin and that itself is rapidly absorbed by ocean or plants.

      You are very likely correct, but the fact that only 4% of all CO2 in the atmosphere is of anthropogenic origin is not very relevant to the argument. The diurnally-varying, two-way exchange of CO2 between ocean and atmosphere is so great that a low atmospheric concentration of anthropogenic CO2 should be expected.


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      Gerry, England

      ‘warmist’ and ‘thinking’ – a very unusual combination of words in a sentence.


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    Peter Fitzroy

    Greening does not translate into growth, at least according to NASA. And note, CO2 is not the only driver for greening.


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      Boambee John

      You are just phoning it in now.


    • #

      CO2 may not be the only driver, but in desert areas its a wonder.

      ‘However, carbon dioxide fertilization isn’t the only cause of increased plant growth—nitrogen, land cover change and climate change by way of global temperature, precipitation and sunlight changes all contribute to the greening effect.’ (NASA)


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      Peter you should ask the owners of the very large greenhouses why they inject CO2 into the atmosphere in those to improve the yield of the crops they grow.


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    Honk R Smith

    I am endeavoring to be a good citizen and catalog my suggested government fears properly.

    If the world is getting more green, does that mean that ice dies?

    I’m given to understand that we must sacrifice all modern convenience to preserve ice.

    I fear Disease X.
    I fear Insurrectionists and MAGA.
    (I fear that anyone and everyone may not be able to walk across the Southern border of my country and receive $5000, a cell phone, and a plane ticket because of MAGA, for all of which I am happy to pay higher energy taxes.)
    I fear that Taylor Swift’s boyfriend may not win the Super Bowl and propose.
    I fear Putin.
    I fear Mis and Mal Information.

    Must I now fear leaves?
    (I do hate raking them.)
    Don’t leaves contain carbon?
    So trees just produce a whole new bunch of carbon every season, since they are often burned and that’s how the carbon got here in the first place.


  • #

    I think that the extra co2 has helped Humans to flourish over the last 200 years, 100 years and 50 years.
    Africa is the poster child and the data supports the huge population increase since 1950 and yet the their life expectancy has rapidly increased as well.
    Africans don’t have access to enough coal or oil or gas ,but they’ve thrived in the last 74 years and today enjoy better nutrition and calorie intake as well.
    AGAIN Africa’s population in 1950 was just 227 million and life expectancy just 36 years.
    Today their population is 1.49 billion and their life expectancy has increased to 62 to 64 years. Take your UN data pick from Macrotrends or OWI Data etc.
    This is the most extreme Human record for the last 300,000 years and I’m sure the extra co2 has helped and more medical aid, general health care and food.
    And the climate has also underpinned the Human flourishing since 1950 and Matt Ridley’s personal update since 1968 also found this to be true.


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    CO2 Lover

    Africans don’t have access to enough coal

    South Africa is one of the seven largest coal-producing and one of the top five coal-exporting countries in the world. More than a quarter of coal mined in South Africa is exported, most of which leaves the country via Richards Bay.

    In 2023 electricty provider Eskom is set to unveil contingency plans for up to 24-hour rolling power cuts, but the utility has repeatedly assured that the risk of a total blackout is minimal.

    Temporary commercial and communications disruptions are likely while load shedding and unscheduled disruptions are taking place.

    Australia will suffer the same fate as South Africa as “Unreliables” have replaced investment in coal fired power stations


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    CO2 Lover

    Meanwhile in Victoristan

    Tanya Plibersek blocks Victorian government’s plan to build wind turbine plant at Port of Hastings
    Environment minister says ‘large areas of [wetland] will be destroyed or substantially modified’ by the proposal for windfarm development

    Victoria is undergoing a once-in-a-generation energy transition. As Victoria’s ageing and increasingly unreliable coal-fired power stations retire, more and more renewables – paired with battery storage – will provide the State’s electricity as part of our renewable energy transition. From our sun-drenched plains to our windy coastlines – Victoria is blessed with rich renewable sources that will help us achieve our renewable energy target of 95% by 2035.

    Offshore wind energy is a key pillar in this renewable energy transition. – and reaching our renewable energy targets. In November 2023, we legislated Victoria’s offshore wind energy generation targets of:

    at least 2 gigawatts (GW) of offshore generation capacity by 2032 – enough to power 1.5 million homes
    4 GW by 2035
    9 GW by 2040.
    Offshore wind will:

    create new jobs and career pathways,
    boost Victoria’s manufacturing and supply chain development,
    increase regional investment, and
    support for our climate action goal of net-zero emissions by 2045.

    No mention of the cost of replacing low cost and reliable brown coal with expensive and unreliable off-shore wind power to support “our climate action goals”!

    “paired with battery storage” – the cost of this in Victoria alone will be around $3 TRILLLION (around $10 TRILLION for all of Australia)


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    william x

    In NSW, Australia.

    The citizen “scientists” that illegally grow and harvest marijuana have found that a level of 1600+ ppm CO2 gives best plant growth and yield.

    They will artificially increase the CO2, and keep the temp within a range of 24C – 27C.

    They are also brilliant at bypassing the meter on their electical switchboard.
    They still haven’t worked out that running 20 UV growth lights off a 15 amp circuit, with no safefty trip, is not good practice.

    The highest level of CO2 we have recorded in one of these suburban plant factories is 2472 ppm. (Non-fire affected)


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      David Maddison

      Even though they bypass the electricity meter, I believe these “grow houses” use so much power that they cause a local votage drop which can be detected on the smart meters of neighbouring properties. That’s one way authorities supposedly find them.


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        John Connor II

        Power Surges
        Hydroponically grown cannabis require a 24 hour ‘cycle’ at different stages of growth i.e. 12 hours on and 12 hours off or 18 hours on and 6 hours off.
        Neighbours of CCHs should notice a surge in power when a CCH cycle ‘kicks in’.
        When the high wattage globes and related equipment kick-start the cycle, nearby neighbours should notice a quick surge in power. This is the CCH drawing the street’s electricity supply of 240 volts back to 225 volts; creating an electricity drain on surrounding houses.
        This can cause lights to flicker and possible damage to household appliances. Up to 15-20 houses can be affected as a result of CCHs draining electricity supply in the area.



  • #

    Global life expectancy has rapidly increased since the UK started the Industrial Revolution in 1770.

    In 1770- 28.5 years.

    In 1900- 32 years.

    In 1950- 46.5 years.

    In 2024- 71 years (?) This used to be about 73 years.

    This is from OWI Data and yet other sources using the same data don’t yet show a decrease of 2 years because of the Pandemic. Who knows?



    • #
      John Hultquist

      Period life expectancy** is a metric that summarizes death rates across all age groups in one particular year.
      Period life expectancy is a poor metric for “life expectancy” but is used by most agencies, such as the U. S. CDC.
      A better method is called “cohort life expectancy” and is what the U.S. Social Security folks use. This method does not show the decline. For numerous reasons, people born now can be expected to live longer than babies born in any previous year.
      95% of what gets reported is the “period” type and it is wrong. Who knew?
      The Web knows. 🙂


  • #
    David Maddison

    Atmospheric CO2 is presently at one of the lowest levels ever in the history of life on earth.

    See GRAPH:



  • #

    If there wasn’t a noticeable blip during and after Covid, then there is no chance of reducing anthropogenic CO2.


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    CO2 Lover

    One of the greatest contributors to increased life expectancy is the humble toilet (and associated sewage system using pumps originally steam driven)


    Victorian Steam Power Engineering at its finest


    [This is off topic. Email coming your way CO2lover. Please stop posting off topic comments. – Jo]


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      Cheerio – the times before sewage systems and their steam driven pumps fired by coal

      During the Middle Ages, the more well-to-do members of society would inhabit the ground floors of the high rise buildings. When they went out, they would often be carried on special chairs by their servants. In order to avoid accidents involving the emptying of chamber pots from higher floors, the servants would shout ‘Chair below’, which eventually became ‘cheerio’.


      • #

        Yes, and the call from those about to empty the chamber pots from above was “gardez loo”, being a corruption of the French for “watch out below” and from where our word “loo” comes from.


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      David Maddison


      Rose George wrote a book called “The Big Necessity” about how toilets save lives and human misery in the Third World.

      For a tiny fraction of the money the West has thrown away on wind and solar the Third World could be equipped with toilets to dramatically improve their standard of living, health and happiness.

      Rose was interviewed on Their ABC in 2009.



      • #

        Also the sewer system is an untapped supply of energy and fertiliser, at the moment it is just treated and dumped into the sea.


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          David Maddison

          When the Sydney sewerage ocean outfall was extended in the late 1980’s it was suggested that a more sensible thing to do was to pump all this treated or semi-treated sewerage west over the Blue Mountains where it could be used for irrigation and fertiliser. Even though the proposal was scientifically and engineeringly sound, the ignorati stopped it


          • #

            Through the Sydney-centric “National” media, metaphorically speaking, Sydney’s effluent is felt everywhere.


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          John Hultquist

          searchup Milorganite
          There is a wiki page.


        • #

          Sewage is used to grow stock feed … but it’s already heavily digested before it gets sent to the watering system … to reduce the smell.

          The stock feed goes mostly to cattle and horses and can bring in good money during a dry year. Presumably the path from sewage treatment, to watering system, to stock feed, to beef, etc is highly unlikely to transmit a pathogen end-to-end. Perhaps not impossible.


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        John Connor II

        And if the hundreds of billions of $ spent on war and death in Ukraine had instead been spent on saving lives and developing real solutions to real problems……


  • #

    And how is Snowy 2.0 faring? It’s all gone very quiet! Must be just about time for another cost increase?

    [Please can we move this interesting topic to the unthreaded threads? – Jo]


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      David Maddison

      I’d be willing to bet SH2 will never be going.

      The only question is how many more billions of our taxes are they going to throw away on it?

      And what will the pretend conservative Liberal faction of the Uniparty do since it was their stupid idea? (Not even the Labor faction was that stupid.)

      What is a plausible exit strategy that saves face for the politicians, senior public serpents and pretend “engineers” involved in it?

      And don’t forget it was the Liberal faction of the Uniparty that started Australia on the road to ruin when Little Johnnie Howard first allowed ruinables to connect to the grid. Then he gave away much of Australia’s gas supply to the Chicomms st world’s cheapest prices on a bizarre thirty year contract with no provision for inflation or market prices. And it was also the Libs who signed into law a prohibition of nuclear power in Australia.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      Dec 2023 update

      The review and reset of the pumped-hydro Snowy Scheme expansion project has been a major milestone in 2023.

      The reset has put Snowy 2.0 on a robust and sustainable footing, with new contract arrangements in place and a revised cost of $12 billion. The full commercial operation date for the new 2,200 megawatt power station is December 2028.

      Keep these figures in mind for future reference $12 billion (up from the orginal estimated of $2 billion) which excludes additionall transmission lines and the complettion date of December 2028.

      Also where is the surplus wind and solar capacity to pump all the water uphill in 2028 and how much will this cost?


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        Gary S

        Love how they call it a ‘power station’.


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          David Maddison

          Love how they call it a ‘power station’.

          It’s all part of the deception. (Actually, many ignorant politicians and Leftists might actually believe it to be a real power station.)

          In fact, it would be a net power consumer if ever completed. It will consume 440MW based upon a theoretical capacity of 2.2GW and typical 80% efficiency for pumped hydro.

          Where will the power come from just to cover those losses alone?


  • #

    Florence might be on the move again after taking 2 years to go 150m.


  • #

    A recent paper on Australia discovered that CO2 is fertilising the continent.

    ‘Widespread vegetation greening occurred despite a warming climate, increases in vapor pressure deficit, and repeated record-breaking droughts and heat waves. Between 1982–2019 we found that NDVI increased (median 11.3 %) across 90.5 % of the woody regions. After masking disturbance effects (e.g., fire), we statistically estimated an 11.7 % increase in NDVI attributable to CO2, broadly consistent with a hypothesized theoretical expectation of an 8.6 % increase in water use efficiency due to rising CO2.’ (Rifai et al 2022)


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      CO2 Lover

      Widespread vegetation greening occurred despite a warming climate

      The optimum temperature is the temperature at which plant development is most rapid. The optimum temperature can be around 70 degrees F (21°C) for cool-season crops, or as high as 90 degrees F (32°C) for warm-season crops.

      The average surface temperature on Earth is curently approximately 59 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius), according to NASA.

      Furthermore, a higher CO2 level means that most plants can thrive with lower water requirements


      • #

        ‘ … lower water requirements.’

        That is the big story, which the MSM will print one day. CO2 is not a demon after all.


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      Gary S

      ‘repeated record-breaking droughts and heat waves……..’ Not to mention record-breaking floods.


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        Floods are momentary, drought can last for years in some parts.

        ‘On average, Australia is “greener” today than it was two decades ago. This is despite ongoing land clearing, urbanisation and the recent droughts in some parts of the country.

        ‘However, the increase in vegetation has not been uniform. The largest increases are in northern Australia, with lesser increases in southern Australia and a small decrease in southeastern Australia.’ (CSIRO)


  • #

    I see that Gavin Schmidt is still trying to fool us and still trying to dispute Dr Spencer’s careful data studies.
    He won’t debate Dr Spencer because he knows he’d fail, so resorts to stupid comments from behind his coward’s castle.



  • #

    The “Great Albo Cool & Wet Period” (GACWP) across Australia will have increased Australian greening. If recent media yakka about a La Nina this year comes to pass then the GACWP may continue –
    To see the chart of GACWP till end 2023 see link at the following www page of mine

    Oh BTW – do yaall know that Australia absorbs all its industrial emissions?
    This was stated in a CSIRO Journal of Botany many yonks ago


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      CO2 Lover

      Airbus Albo and Chrissy Bowen need to be photoshoped into this picture


    • #

      I think a lot of people in the US will be looking for rocks to crawl under when Trump returns to DC.

      There will be a huge shift in the political landscape as reality catches up with the scammers.

      Drill baby drill!

      And I cannot imagine China taking any leadership role in NutZero. They are the only other country that could make a difference. I expect China will be working hard to keep the scam alive in the west because much of their economy is focused on supplying EVs, wind turbines and solar panels to the west. Those product lines will hit a cliff when subsidies are gone. Any technology that relies on government subsidies has an unstable foundation.


      • #

        I have no great record as a latter-day Nostradamus, but I cannot see him getting back to the WH. The lawfare has plenty left in its tank, M Obama may enter the ring, mainstream media will raise the derangement screeching to demented levels, mail-in voting will be at new record levels and I feel the Swamp has other surprises in store.


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    Kalm Keith

    There is only one problem with this concept of “boosting the ‘vironment ” by our

    “Intervention ”

    Human co2 input is So Small that it’s basically Irrelevant.

    ” The world needs more seaweed ” isn’t a catchy headline that the UNIPCCC could use to beat us around the head with.


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    David Maddison

    The Australian Government is about to increase the fuel excise tax…


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      That should help inflation and the cost of living, bozos.


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      CO2 Lover

      From the ATP website – these public serpent clowns cannot even get their dates right!

      Table 1: Fuel rates
      Tariff item



      From 1 August to 4 February


      $0.488 per litre

      From 5 February 2024 $0.496 per litre

      Now evil fossil fuels are a great revenue earner for the Government – not so with EVs.

      When will EV subsidies turn into a special EV tax to make up the lost revenue from the sale of fossil fuels???

      There are three certainies in life: death, taxes and greedy politicians who will spend other peoples money to get re-elected..


    • #

      Those bloody supermarkets will be at it again…..they’ll want to increase prices to cover the fuel excise rise, then they’ll want to increase prices to cover electricity rises for refrigeration and store lighting etc, then they’ll want to increase prices due to wage rises …..

      Gee, am I glad we have a government that can look into these things and observe what’s going on, and send out media releases about how awful supermarkets are …..

      Look over there….and over there ……and over there …..!!


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    55% of the world? I think you mean 55% of the land mass of the world given that the oceans make up 71% of the Earth’s surface.


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      Indeed John, by definition and obviously the “leaf area index” applies only to land. But the paper refers to “the globe” and “global greening”. Since enormous amounts of photosynthesis also occur in the ocean, and we know that marine life also prefers and uses CO2 I decided to leave it at that. But you are technically correct, and the paper itself could have been more disciplined with language.


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        Honk R Smith

        But, but, … we can determine the ‘average’ global surface temperature of the entire planet over millions of years, within 10ths of a degree, with land based imprecise historical measurements and indirect geological and faunaological observations …
        once they’ve been properly modeled and algorithmized …
        just like we precisely and accurately modeled galaxy formation after the Big Bang …
        because Science.
        And I can see the oceans boiling from my seaside estate.

        If only governments could account for last year’s money as accurately as Science accounts for temperature over millions of years.
        After all, Science, generously funded by the Gov/Pharma/AGW complex, is safe and effective.


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          Honk R Smith

          Should that be floralogical?
          Flora-Fauna, can never keep those straight.
          Whichever one is tree rings.
          At any rate, we have no better chance of surviving space and inhabiting Mars than a grove of Chestnut trees.


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    CO2 Lover

    You Vill Eat Zee Bugs and Be Happy

    While increasing CO2 levels have help improve crop yields it seems that traditional crops and those who farm them are now Public Enemy #1

    At least Marie Antoinette did not say “Let them eat zee bugs”!

    “Let them eat cake” is the traditional translation of the French phrase “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”, said to have been spoken in the 18th century by “a great princess” upon being told that the peasants had no bread.



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    The co2 Coalition Scientists call the last full glaciation co2 level as “close to the line of death for plants”.
    In fact co2 levels dropped to just 30 ppm above the death line and this has occurred 4 times during the last 400,000 years.
    Their Berner 2001 graph shows the last 140 million years of co2 levels. Why would we want this dangerous trend to continue and risk Human and other animal life on Earth?



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    Yes Carbon Dioxide is essential for life on Earth, but that Carbon Pollution is a worry.



  • #

    Most people have little idea of the logarithmic effect of adding more co2 to the atmosphere.
    Dr Happer describes this effect and has a co2 graph starting at 100 ppm and up to 1000 ppm and the warming effect drops away as more co2 is added to the atmosphere.
    Every school kid should be told of this logarithmic co2 warming effect and yet I doubt many of their teachers would understand.
    And how many of our OECD leaders would know about or understand this data?



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      Maybe it’s overly simplistic, but it seems that facts which do not comply with the narrative are mis/disinformation, or given the religious overtones implicit in the so-called climate debate, heresy. As such they are dangerous and must be suppressed. Or ignored.


    • #

      Of course plants love more co2 and the effect on their growth rates makes a huge difference.
      IOW the co2 logarithmic effect limits the warming , but more co2 provides more NATURAL plant food to GREEN the world and help our crops grow.
      It’s a win, win for Humans and the plants and animals and for our entire planet.



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      David Maddison

      Every school kid should be told….

      These days how many kids, or their “teachers” / indoctrinaters, even know plants absorb CO2 during photosynthesis and release oxygen; and at night plants respire by absorbing oxygen and releasing CO2?

      How many even know what photosynthesis is?

      How many even care?


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      Graeme No.3

      The Beer-Lambert law, as invoked by Calendar in 1938 when he graphed the increase of CO2 vs resulting temperature and found that going from 300 to 600 p.p.m. would result in a rise of 1.5℃.
      This has been boosted by climate “scientists” to about 4.5-5℃.
      Callendar gives the temperature record for five areas; the British Isles, Japan, Turkestan, New Zealand and Chile. Somehow the temperature records for all other areas, including the United States, Canada and Australia, were not suitable for inclusion. Of the five he showed, two, Japan and Chile, did not show a temperature increase. Turkestan showed an increase of about ½°C; whereas the British Isles and New Zealand showed a temperature increase of about 1°C. Thus Callendar through selection of the countries and the time period got partial support for his thesis that temperatures around the world had increased by ½°C over a 65 year period.
      It is a pity as he was an engineer with excellent reputation – Callendar’s Steam Tables used to be the go-to for engineers.


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    PLANT FOOD … mkay?


  • #

    The Transition to Wind and Solar hybrid system of electricity supply with firming back up and transmission lines to main grid, plus a new main grid exclusively for wind and solar will require an enormous amount of land plus offshore locations for installations. However maintaining existing coal fired power stations for as long as commercially viable, maybe 70-80 years, and planning for replacement with lower emission coal fired power stations or small modular reactors instead of coal, no new land would be needed.

    It is crazy to carry out destruction of forests and grasslands following the climate hoax nonsense claims.


  • #

    The Transition to Wind and Solar hybrid system of electricity supply with firming back up and transmission lines to main grid, plus a new main grid exclusively for wind and solar will require an enormous amount of land plus offshore locations for installations. However maintaining existing coal fired power stations for as long as commercially viable, maybe 70-80 years, and planning for replacement with lower emission coal fired power stations or small modular reactors instead of coal, no new land would be needed.

    It is crazy to carry out destruction of forests and grasslands following the climate hoax nonsense claims.


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    […] Burn oil, save forests: Global greening is accelerating in 55% of the world thanks to fossil fuels […]
