“Verge of complete failure” but otherwise a bonanza Olympic fashion parade for billionaires

By Jo Nova

Scientifically the UN Conference of Parties (COP) has abjectly failed 27 times at the one thing it was supposedly set up to do, which was reduce carbon emissions and save the weather,  but it’s been a wild success on the Global-Trade-Party-and-Schmooze calendar.

Tonight the UN COP28 “climate” conference is on the ‘Verge of complete failure’ says CNN — because they’ve given up talking about “phasing out fossil fuels” and they’re only trying to reduce fossil fuels now (exactly the same as the last 27 meetings). No doubt tomorrow, headlines will tell us a historic deal, which is barely enough, was somehow clawed from the brink after an all-nighter.

The historic deal will amount to ambiguous subclauses that enable carbon grift and graft wherever carbon grafting and grifting were likely to happen anyway.

28 conferences and nothing to show for it:

It was never about CO2 anyway, was it?

UN COP meetings.

Whatever happens, the conference is a big success as the Planetary Fashion Parade where the virtue-signalers of the world unite to show off their cloaks of carbon-purity. In the background it’s the place where billionaires and bankers bring their yachts and personal planes to meet Presidents and Kings.

Supposedly 100,000 people signed up, and 70,000 “were expected” to attend the Bureaucrat-Trade-Olympiad which used to be a kind of science conference 28 years ago, but is now a large trade convention.

How COP28 has become the new Davos

It costs a lot to stop global storms and floods you know. No wonder the Bankers and Bill Gates, care so much about the climate, and go to a UN convention with lectures on climate sensitivity. It’s like speed-dating for business deals:

A lot of zeroes’: Why global CEOs flock to COP

Hans van Leeuwen, AFR

…there are trillions of dollars needed to finance or develop projects that serve the energy transition. As World Bank chief Ajay Banga told a panel: “Everything has a lot of zeroes attached to it.”

It’s an all-star cast: ExxonMobil chief executive Darren Woods, and the bosses of energy companies RWE, ENI and Engie. The global CEOs of PwC and EY. The heads of Brookfield, BlackRock and IFM Investors. The bosses of Standard Chartered, Deutsche Bank, Bank of America and Macquarie. Rubbing shoulders with Stella McCartney and Chelsea Clinton.

Such is the size of the trading and financial contingent, The Times even called the COP28 event “the new Davos“. Apparently some billionaires are wondering whether they need to ski at Davos in January if they met all the private-jet-set celebrities at COP28?

Science, is and always was just the excuse.

CO2 emissions Graph from OWID

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74 comments to “Verge of complete failure” but otherwise a bonanza Olympic fashion parade for billionaires

  • #

    Biggest wealth transfer in history. The elites are not hiding much any more. Raping the forests for solar & wind farms, destroying animal habitats, threatening endangered species like whales & albatross, just to cover the globe in useless renewables while they scoop up the cash & pretend they’re doing it for Mother Earth. But at least they haven’t killed off CO2 just yet. We can still eat green things


  • #

    That’s all well and good but when will the poor schmucks who pay for this orgy of goodness realise what it costs them when they flick the switch to light a table with overpriced food. Those same schmucks probably are not aware that food and services are made dearer by the red and green tape imposed by the same bureaucrats and politicians behind the higher power prices. The only way to correct this issue is to vote in a government that is not full of greens and Labor lites like Matt Kean. That could happen if more people knew what these green schemes really cost them. Education is key.


    • #
      Bill Burrows

      Well said Lawrie. But you need to put hard figures against these comments whenever they are stated. For example in my region there are currently c.1250 turbines approved or currently planned within a 230km radius of Rockhampton in Central Queensland. Each installed turbine will receive a government subsidy of >$500,000 per year. These costs are recovered/hidden by government when it directly or indirectly increases electricity costs to the consumer. Winning this argument requires inarguable facts rather than bland statements, even though each presenter’s intent may be the same.


      • #

        Here let me try to help:
        Schmuck https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schmuck_(pejorative)

        The rest is up to your probably fuzzy math but I believe they (schmucks) will still end up stupid.


        • #

          I apologise for using the word as I did. I blame my ignorance on hearing the word in many an American gangster film. I do agree with Bill Burrows who states that education begins with facts and hard data. Since most readers here are familiar with the imposts of renewables on electricity prices my statement concerned getting that information out. I note that the President of Harvard, Claudine Gay, was forced to resign largely by a truck displaying her anti-Semite words being driven around Harvard and then parked in front of the university. A similar billboard truck alerting people to the costs of renewables to their power bills would convey the message in a cost effective way. I would contribute to the cost just as many people contributed to Senator Jacinta Price and the “NO” campaign.


          • #

            I don’t think Gay has resigned yet. Think you are mixing that up with the other one that recently resigned.


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      John Watt

      Trouble is that we don’t have access to such a govt. Many Liberals are Turnbull-oriented wokies. Would like to get them to take the time to understand Dr John Nicol’s analysis that shows CO2 does not drive climate change. I suspect they have shares in Forrest and Cannon-Brookes etc and expect some financial gain from the “CO2 is evil” cult mythology…anyway it makes them feel good and that is all a wokie needs.


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        Rupert Ashford

        They’re either hard capitalists who are invested to their eyeballs in renewables, or they are useful idiots of the former. This is about money and power.


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    There have been 28 of them which means they haven’t once made a treaty that works to what they pledged thus no longer a credible conference which smells of big government since they have always FAILED which big governments are good in doing, thank goodness.

    I am sure they are weeping loudly over their failure as they carouse around joyously in their very adult parties.

    It was always about the power, money and ego.


  • #
    David Maddison

    I think they’re doing a wonderful job.

    Remember, plants start to die around 150ppm to 200ppm atmospheric CO2, the level depending upon whichever photosynthetic route they use.

    And a big thankyou to China for being BY FAR the world’s largest CO2 emitter and rapidly increasing. There’s a reason COP exempted you from any limits whatsoever.

    If CO2 had kept dropping we would have been heading for a mass extinction event.

    I trust they will continue to assist in increasing CO2 levels until they reach around 800ppm-1000ppm which is much more loved by plant life and what farmers aim for in greenhouses.

    They know the truth that we need to increase CO2 but are just pretending to be “woke”.

    This is the reason why they are are 1) deliberately ineffectual at stopping CO2 increasing and 2) always use high CO2 emitting means of travel like private jet transport.

    NB: to those Leftists/warmists unfamiliar with the term CO2, it’s what you call “carbon” (sic).


    • #

      “I trust they will continue to assist in increasing CO2 levels until they reach around 800ppm-1000ppm which is much more loved by plant life and what farmers aim for in greenhouses.”

      We will need every bit of those CO2 levels and 3 or 4 degrees of warming to be able to feed those 10 billion mouths by 2030.


      • #
        David Maddison

        and 3 or 4 degrees of warming 

        Indeed. It would be great to have a return to the temperatures experienced during the Minoan, Egyptian, Roman and Medieval warm periods.


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        December 12, 2023 at 6:41 am · Reply
        “I trust they will continue to assist in increasing CO2 levels until they reach around 800ppm-1000ppm which is much more loved by plant life and what farmers aim for in greenhouses.”

        We will need every bit of those CO2 levels and 3 or 4 degrees of warming to be able to feed those 10 billion mouths by 2030.

        Careful !….. you are sounding like you are on the “CO2 causes warming “ team !


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    What is the difference between grift and graft, asking for a friend.


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    David Maddison

    Just think, with 28 COPs over 28 years a public serpent or grifter could have made almost an entire professional working career by attending these.

    They would spend most of the year preparing for the next COP and then 2 weeks partying at it.

    I’m sure they’re also happy that insects aren’t on the menu at COP even though they expect non-Elites to eat them.




  • #

    I agree 100% with Jo and the previous comments but the OECD taxpayers will always have to pay the ongoing TRILLIONS of $ for this delusional climate change lunacy.
    China, India and the developing world will continue to build BASE-LOAD coal, gas and Nuclear plants to ensure their citizens have a brighter and more prosperous future.
    Meanwhile we OECD loonies will continue to WRECK our onshore and offshore environments and the animals, birds etc will have to quickly adjust or die.
    Of course this further WASTE of TRILLIONS of $ won’t have any impact on the weather or climate by 2050 or 2100 or …..?


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    David Maddison

    Wonderful news for atmospheric CO2 (Dec 4). It would be good to find a post-conference round-up of private jet movements at COP28:


    Private Jets Flock To Dubai For COP 28: Event Set To Have Biggest Carbon Footprint In History

    PUBLISHED DEC 4, 2023

    Could there have been a more carbon-conscious form of transport available

    COP28, the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference, will have the highest carbon footprint in history due to its many attendees.

    Private jets have been spotted at Dubai International Airport during COP28, raising concerns about the conference’s environmental impact.

    Despite the focus on sustainability, world leaders attending COP28, including the British PM, have chosen to travel on private jets, although some claim to use sustainable aviation fuel.

    The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) will have history’s most significant carbon footprint. With almost 100,000 attendees, it surpassed the conference held in Egypt last year, with just 49,000 delegates.

    While Dubai is more commonly known as the hub for aviation giant Emirates, its home at Dubai International Airport (DXB) has also seen a flurry of private jets over COP28. It’s unclear if these are related directly to the conference, but it does raise a few eyebrows.

    A quick search on Flightradar24 has spotted several private jets bound for the United Arab Emirates, including a Bombardier Global 7500 from Nigeria, an Embraer Legacy 650E from Switzerland, a Gulfstream IV from Japan, and a Dassault Falcon 7X from India.



  • #

    There are times when I think all this Climate alarmism is really just theatre. Or, indeed a way to create a new industry that employs lots of people and creates many more billionaires. That the use of hydrocarbon fuels will just continue to rise and all these agreements and pledges and campaigns like Net Zero are all just window dressing. I think the smart operators know this, particularly the heavy hitters in the financial and energy sectors. What concerns me is that politicians take all these meetings and agreements seriously and are busy wrecking their respective country’s’ economies. All traditionally based on low energy costing , like Australia. The worst example is Chris Bowen , who relies on Greens Party preferences to stay in government. But, this also applies to many other countries.


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      Dave in the States

      They are not so concerned with how much FF are burned, but by whom.


    • #

      Correct.Last Federal election the Green preferences got Labor elected. On the other hand our NZ cuzzes are getting decent conservative guvvermint.


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        ” On the other hand our NZ cuzzes are getting decent conservative guvvermint.”

        You wish! National has never done anything about removing laws introduced by Labour, just like in Aussie they are ‘Labour-lite’, socialists to the core and only interested in how to get themselves rich before getting booted out again!

        There will be no mention of more freedom, or less censorship, or less spying, or any actual move to reduce the size and scope of Govt, it will be bullshit and noise for a year while they blame the previous Govt for everything, then a year of keeping out of trouble by not making any waves or new legislation, and finally a year of being too shit-scared to say or do anything in the lead-up to the election.

        National has done nothing for the last 70years except move to the Left.


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    John Hultquist

    Never before have so many done so little for so few.
    That pretty much sums up the history of the U.N.


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      Greg in NZ

      But… but… look at all those ZEROES!

      Davos Wo/Man has achieved its goal:

      NUT ZERO (Nyet Zero? Nada Zero?)

      So where’s the venue for COP #29?


      • #
        John Hultquist

        #29 was going to be in eastern Europe.
        However, some wonder if that will still be there next November.
        If a decision has been made, I haven’t noticed. I do have a few suggestions.


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    CO2 Lover

    The population of India has just overtaken that of China.

    However, India’s per capital CO2 emissions are only 25% of those of China.

    Expect a major increase in India’s CO2 emissions in the cominng years as India plays catch up with China with economic development.

    Australian Coal will be in high demand in Inndia.


    • #

      It always struck me as rather dumb that Australia’s export industries chased the Chinese market for the easy dollars. Unfortunately, it was the ag industry who were the initial perpetrators. I can remember the wool industry leaders way back in the 1980’s saying how they’d love to sell one pair of woolen socks to every Chinese person. Whereas, we should have been quietly doing deals with India with all our exports, but maybe not wool as much! We have so much more in common with India coming from the old Commonwealth country origin. Plus, we play cricket for goodness sakes! What better way to seal some export deals than at an IPL game in Kolkata or maybe the MCG on Boxing Day.


    • #

      India has a significant energy advantage over China. Not much of India gets bitterly cold. Also the monsoon kicks in around June to prevent India from getting scorchingly hot but you have to like humidity. Some Indians still live off-grid. China has become highly dependent on grid connection.

      The Russians and Canadians have the greatest requirement for winter heating but parts of China are up there with them. Not much of India gets seriously cold.

      We could run a book on where significant number of people will die from cold when the power fails. Surprisingly, Texas has so far proven the dark horse but only a small number succumbed. I think the book needs a threshold – say 10,000 souls succumb to cold in a single outage. Associated deaths from traffic chaos and looting does not count.

      Imagine if South Africans were life dependent on their electricity grid!


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    David Maddison

    Just on case you were wondering, the pretend conservative faction of Australia’s Uniparty were at the party as well.


    Coalition to have sizeable contingent at Cop28 despite Peter Dutton jibe at climate change minister’s attendance

    Frontbenchers Paul Fletcher and Bridget McKenzie part of group of nine MPs who will be in Dubai funded by Coalition for Conservation and Environmental Leadership Australia

    Katharine Murphy and Adam Morton
    Mon 4 Dec 2023 09.00 EST

    A significant contingent of Coalition MPs – including federal opposition frontbenchers Paul Fletcher and Bridget McKenzie – will fly out to the Cop28 climate summit in Dubai funded by two ginger groups.

    Despite Peter Dutton last week making fun of the climate change minister, Chris Bowen, during an interview on 2GB for travelling to the United Nations-led international climate change conference and “incurring all those emissions”, a significant delegation of Coalition MPs will also attend the summit and associated events.



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    David Maddison

    Remember, these 100,000 plus COP28 party goers that had tp fly there on private jets were the exact same beings that stopped people going to work during Covid and told them that they didn’t have to travel, that they could sit at home and do everything for work on (Chicomm-monitored) Zoom.


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      The UK Parliament actually passed a law that explicitly excluded COP26 attendees from lockdown provisions. A belief that you were saving the planet evidently gave you immunity to the Chinese flu.


  • #

    I heard on the news yesterday that Australian steel is going to be used in building the nuclear subs. I believe coal is required in the production of steel. So much for stopping the use of fossil fuels. Unless, of course, someone has found a way to make environmentally friendly steel.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      Electric arc furnaces can be used to recyle existing steel, however coke made from coal is still the most economical means of reducing iron oxide in iron ore.


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      David Maddison

      For the relatively small amount of steel to be used, it hardly seems worth the trouble except for the virtue signaling to pretend we still have some viable industry left.


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      Map, Twiggy will be all over that like a cheap shirt………..must be a subsidy harvest there somewhere to be had ?????…………..


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    At face value, the provided chart showing annual CO2 emissions seems alarming. From 10 Gtpa in 1960 to 30 Gtpa in 2020, cummulatively adding maybe 2000 Gt to the earths atmosphere.
    However, if we put this additional CO2 into the context of total CO2 in the atmosphere (from NASA) this has added maybe 0.6% to the total over that period of time. Over the same period, CO2 levels have increased from 320 ppm to 410 ppm, an increase of some 30%.
    Would not this suggest that there are other factors at play here, far more leveraging than than anthropogenic CO2?
    Would this also suggest that no matter how many time we turn ourselves inside out chasing Net Zero unicorns in the name of ‘climate constancy’, the earth and its atmosphere will carry on as it pleases?


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      CO2 Lover

      Do not forget that the Oceans contain 50 times the amount of CO2 compared to the atmosphere as disolved CO2 subject to Henry’s Law.

      If the oceans warm CO2 is released and when the oceans cool more CO2 is absorbed.


      • #

        And of course this CO2 released by the oceans is ignored by the IPCC when they claim that all CO2 released since (which year?) is man-made. So surely the 3-4% man-made emission figure is wrong – should be less.


    • #

      Your numbers do not add up.

      Average emissions is 20Gt for 60 years gives 1200GT.

      Earth’s atmosphere weighs 5,100.000GT. The CO2 component is say 400/1,000,000 parts by volume or 4/10,000. So mass CO2 near enough to 2,000GT. So human accumulated output since 1960 is 60% of the current mass assuming CO2 density is same as the rest of the atmosphere so mass and volume ratios are interchangeable..

      In fact, it is well recognised that the atmospheric accumulation of CO2 is only half of the human accumulated output. Earth’s biomass is enjoyinging better growing conditions.


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    CO2 Lover

    One Positive of COP 28 is that Nuclear Energy is coming back into favour with many (but not Australia)

    Germany has spent over $500 billion on its failed wind and solar energy “transition” and now has electricity costs double those of France

    German has shut down its remaining Nuclear Reactors and now has per capita CO2 emissions double that of France

    Installed nuclear capacity France v Germany

    61 GW 4 GW (decommissoned in April 2023)

    Installed coal capacity

    2 GW 37 GW

    Installed gas capacity

    13 GW 31 GW

    Greenhouse gas emissions 2021

    302.33 megatonnes (4.5 tonnes/capita) 665.88 megatonnes (8.0 tonnes/capita)

    Germany is now heavily reliant of natural gas from Russia.

    If Germany had followed France’s lead 20 year ago – Germany would not be the economic basket case it is today.

    The German car industry and chemical industries are relocatinng to China.

    Our Labor politicians are committed to following the path of Germany and not that of France when the evidence of such a folly is staring them in the face


    • #
      David Maddison

      I fully support nuclear energy, as naturally I would as a rational person, but the support for nuclear energy by some warmists still allows the false presumption of the anthropogenic global warming fraud to continue to exist.

      The support for nuclear energy does nothing to support exposure of the anthropogenic global warming fraud. It just covers it up. And it does nothing at all to help Australia because as the dumb country Australia specifically legislated against nuclear power.

      And even though Dutton pretends to support nuclear, he knows it will never happen in Australia within the lifetime of anyone alive today. He is safe from controversy.

      And who was it that bought in such legislation? The pretend conservative party, the Liberals, under that weasel Howard in 1998 (no offence intended to the weasel community).


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      Greg in NZ

      0.17% ’emitter’ New Zealand is 4/5, or 80%, ‘renewable’ already thanks to hydro and geothermal. When COP-outs demanded Western countries ‘triple their renewable output’, I’m sure GreenKids used their new math skills to come up with (3 x 80) 240% pure unicorn utopian bliss, with so much ‘free energy’ it could be given away… for free! ‘Tis a brave new world this COP1984.


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        David Maddison

        I can’t wait until the next grifter proposes a trans-Tasman cable to Australia to harness all that “free energy” in NZ.

        The closest distance between Australia and NZ is a mere 1,491 kilometres (926 mi) which is a good deal shorter than the proposed Sun Cable was at 4,200km (2,609 mi).

        Resolution Island lighthouse at 45°44’S, 166°27’E (Fiordland), a distance of approximately 1,491 kilometres (926 mi) from a point near Tasman Island lighthouse 43°12’S, 148°E (Tasmania).

        NZ could become a “free energy superpower” (sic and LoL).

        I’m surprised your idiot PM (or ours) hasn’t proposed this.


        • #
          Greg in NZ

          The contract would have to be written in te reo Maori (and sign language) as, along with English, all three are ‘official’ lingua d’ franca of these South Specific Islands – which have a fresh topping of SNOW thanks to zee 1.5 boiling: hello COP-outs, wakey! – and not too sure how many engineers / hydrologists can read the Maori.

          Once surfed Cable Bay (top of the South Island) where the 1st communications line was laid to Melbourne across the Tasman Sea… 1800s technology. We give our water away ‘free’ to the Chicomms so why not free ‘power’ to our allies and neighbours across the ditch?

          Remember Gallipoli… or, maybe not.


  • #

    Geologist Dr Ian Clark was once a believer in man made global warming but he studied the DATA and quickly changed his mind.
    He appeared in the “Great Global Warming Swindle” and now is a member of the Friends of Science group in Canada.
    Here’s his recent detailed talk for the FOS group.



    • #

      Our hostess was once a believer.


      • #

        Yes Hanrahan and so was her Hubby David I understand and Jo also fundraised for the Greens.
        But after they checked the data properly they changed and now both work hard to try and save us TRILLIONS of WASTED $ that we can’t afford.
        But we need their intellects to keep us on the right course today and I only wish that some wealthy person (s) could help to ease the pressure on them a little.


        • #
          Kalm Keith

          Jo’s dedication and work in bringing out the truth is a good illustration of how real many proverbs are.

          Consider “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”?

          Is is possible that Jo felt that she’d been mislead and resented that.

          The energy that has gone into her push against the CAGW drama has been extraordinary; I can remember attending a public meeting in NovoCastria more than ten years ago where Jo was centre stage and a bit later a smaller gathering in a local club to listen to and meet Lord Christopher, a giant of a bloke in many ways.

          Thank you Jo.


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    ‘The Earth does not belong to us’, said King Charles at COP28 in Dubai last week. I don’t know about that, Your Majesty: a lot of it certainly belongs to your family.

    Net Zero Will Take Us “Back Into Caves”, Says COP28 President. Can we have every COP in UAE, please?

    Nice quotes from SEPP’s weekly climate update. We are also seeing the famed Arab talent for trading; they have successfully turned COP28 into a fossil fuel trade show.



  • #

    C.O.P. failures now old climate lore,
    And destined to fail evermore,
    As with C.O.P. 28,
    Crisis talks running late,
    Like they did 27 times before.


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    Business calls for clarity as Chris Bowen pushes for an end to fossil fuels in energy systems at COP28
    “If we are to keep 1.5C alive, fossil fuels have no ongoing role to play in our energy systems, and I speak as the Climate and Energy Minister of one of the world’s largest fossil fuel exporters,” Mr Bowen said.

    Perhaps Mr Bowen would like to lead a “no fossil fuels” day. Electricity blackouts, car free roads, no flights, no farming, no food deliveries.
    I assume that Minister Bowen will lead by example, and return to Australia from COP28 without using fossil fuels – row boat or sail boat?


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      One-point-five alive!

      Repeat after me everybody –

      (it’s not cultish indoctrination really)

      ™1.5™ is registered, copyrighted, owned, used by The Users to club the cretins to keep ’em clinging to their cold, clammy caves… CCC™.

      So much possibility, too much stupidity.


  • #

    The sham must becoming obvious if Cancel News Network is actually having a go at it!
    It reminds me of the doco’s I’ve seen on evangelical tent revivals, except this is combined with Multi level marketing ‘seminars’.
    The conservative, critical thinking world needs a benefactor who simply advertises the actual facts to debunk the global boiling snake oil sales pitches.
    The fact the British PM, Foreign Minister and King all turned up in separate private jets sums up the actual con job on offer.
    Chris Bowen on the other hand is at a completely different level taking 40+ bureaucrats to announce he’ll destroy Australian energy security with wind & solar while his Trade Minister buddy must be beside him/her/unicorn self with delight that 28 sovereign nations intend on trebling their nuclear energy!
    I’ve heard it called the three I’s; Ideology, Idiocy and Incompetence. Certainly sums up the Australian Marxist Party.


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    Solar ‘farms’ sweep the land clean of all trees and shrubs and shade out plant growth. Does that graph add in the loss of CO2 absorption of the lost flora. The areas these things cover is massive, and Mr Bowen demands a massive increase by2030. A few awkward trees, dead or alive in a farmers paddock are heavily protected. A solar ‘farm’ can knock over thousands of hectares of vegetation (loss of the otherwise ‘endangered species) and there’s not a whimper in defence of the otherwise OH so precious environment from the activists. Nothing endangered anywhere except the view!

    What’s the [CO2] profit-loss account for these massive undertakings? This nonsense is massively hypocritical!

    Reaching the pointy end game of ‘global warming due to humans’ theory, the facade is being washed away by major nations who were assiduously playing the game – especially the USA and UK. It has taken them 30years to wake up to the totally economically destructive theory they have been major sponsors of. China, Russia, India and Brazil called it out from the start re fossil fuels, but the supposedly smart Westerners took 30years of destruction before they begin to wake up. looking at world problems now, I think that lethargy is exposed in every one of them. Fishing and agriculture are next. Will they be fought for by the new awakening, or do we begin to starve the world?


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    Is COP short for copulate?


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      Stephen McDonald

      The main reason the Gullible Warming scam has lasted 40 years longer than it should have is a corrupt education system that has robbed the logical and analytical thought enhancement from our children starting at kindergarten to tertiary education and replaced it with political dogma.

      Six years ago my little granddaughter came home from kindergarten singing ” switch the light off, switch the light off,save the world”
      I told her that we can’t eat our dinner in the dark.
      She said but you and Nonna will be dead.

      It’s a sick mind that teaches nightmares.


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    Supposedly 100,000 people signed up, and 70,000 “were expected” to attend…

    Presumably the 30,000 identified above are ladies/gentlemen/non-binary persons who are there to provide “recreational services” to the 70,000?


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  • #

    What a golden opportunity missed!
    All the bad eggs in one basket and no mushroom cloud.
    tch! tch! tch!

    When will we wake up?


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    Gerry, England

    Wasn’t there some old bloke who made a comment about repeating the same thing and expecting a different result?? Seems quite apt with regards to the COP bunfights.


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      Kalm Keith


      More like theatre Gerry, with the actors wallowing and luxuriating in the sea of money and borrowed money that we, our children and grandchildren, are paying off forever and evermore.

      Wo Men.


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    […] What did I say? After the near collapse of climate talks, global leaders “rescued” COP28 at the last minute, scoring top marks in Climate Bingo: the talks are “historic“, “landmark“, “unprecedented” and use the actual phrase “transition away from fossil fuels”  for the first time ever.  Be still my beating heart. […]


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    […] What did I say? After the near collapse of climate talks, global leaders “rescued” COP28 at the last minute, scoring top marks in Climate Bingo: the talks are “historic“, “landmark“, “unprecedented” and use the actual phrase “transition away from fossil fuels”  for the first time ever.  Be still my beating heart. […]
