A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Scientists deny that the doubling of heart attacks amongst the young is caused by covid vaccines.
They believe a prime cause is obesity, although there are some considered to be some heart effects caused by the vaccine but these disappear over time
This is a step forward from the desperate, clueless, ignorant and dishonest “fact checkers” a little while ago that claimed it was not happening.
“10 heart attacks in 24 hours: Why are India’s young dying of heart attacks?”
Exposure to a novel coronavirus is more likely to be the cause.
What they didn’t look for was if these people were vaccinated or not.
It dosn’t explain, why the high numbers of death increased with starting vaccination and not before.
Amazing. Even Simon can now admit it is happening and that covid could be involved. Small steps.
Simon, you are just repeating the Official Narrative. Look at the facts instead. You might be surprised that not everything you are told by Government, the useful idiots and the subsidy harvesters is true.
Well, the article said-
“They found more viral RNA in the arterial walls than in the surrounding fat tissue.”
and blamed this for contributing to heart attacks/strokes. This is only to be expected as the binding site is ACE-2 and circulatory cells are the main target for that. They didn’t investigate whether the RNA came from vaccines or infection so really they have no argument either way.
I can see their self-replicating RNA vaccines having problems too.
“whether the RNA came from vaccines or infection”
Is it both? Cumulatively and cooperatively? Aid and ADE?
NIH “Exposure to a novel coronavirus is more likely to be the cause”.
‘Novel’ … interesting word choice.
You can hear a lot just by listening.
Except the countries that didn’t do mass vaxxing are not experiencing the increase in heart attacks amongst the young. Blows you out of the water yet again Simon.
“Exposure to a novel coronavirus cure is more likely to be the cause.”
Just one more word Simon.
For those who are interested in the subject; the US FDA now has a approval path for age extension drug testing in dogs.
Today dogs, tomorrow humans?
“Today dogs, tomorrow humans?”
Already being heavily investigated by the sports/body-building industry as the scientists involved find a new range of chemicals that affect growth, and aging as a byproduct. Not approved or recognised by big pharma or the Govts, so word does not get out.
Intuitively the idea (negating the hormone that makes big dogs grow quickly but that also makes them age quickly) makes sense. It seems not to have an obvious relevance to us though. Do we have unusual levels of such growth hormones?
The relevance is that a US FDA testing foundation has been built. It never existed before, for any specie. There is a lot real research going on in anti-aging, this provides a pathway to market. (Look up E5 and Katcher, for example)
Latest OZ extinction rebellion protest said to be carried out by retirees.
I don’t know if their grandchildren will thank them for lowering the standard of living and generally making basics like electricity harder to get
Grandchildren! They don’t need no stinking grandchildren.
The women who were teenagers when contraceptive pills were introduced are now grandparent age, and many remained childless.
Studies on how their attitudes differ to mothers would be most interesting, looking back over your life is quite different to looking forward to it..
Apparently, people in NZ that got jabbed had a 10% to 25% death rate.
9 min video.
Green Billionaires promote idea of “climate reparations.”
Personally, I think those countries that introduced the Industrial revolution ought to be financially rewarded for immeasurably improving the wretched, short and unhealthy lives of most people prior to the introduction of industry.
Te ordinary person is living a quality of life that even Roman Emperors could not have dreamt of. Why are some people so keen to return us to darker times?
They aren’t called”USEFUL IDIOTS”for nothing?
Saw someone claiming on Facebook that the bible only mentioned countries within a short distance of Israel. Knew that was wrong and wondered how a supposedly educated person could get things like that so wrong. Typed in the names of a few places far off from there that i know are mentioned then got side tracked by an odd description.
Isiah 18 Describes a place,
Whoa whaaat? Where is this and what is that ancient high tech i think? Further descriptions of the place “sends envoys by the Nile or by sea in papyrus boats”, “aggressive nation of strange speech, whose land is divided by rivers”, beyond the rivers of “Ethiopia” or “Sudan” or “Cush”, which sends envoys by sea in papyrus boats, a tall and smooth-skinned people, feared far and near.
Checking various translations i find the whirring wings are locusts. Imagine locust swarms so frequent that a nation strong enough to be a well feared military power is known far far away for the whirring sound of the locust.
Thousands of years later:
“Locust outbreaks in the Horn of Africa are linked to the changing climate”
If it’s freaky far-out full-of-fear ancient technology you’re after, read the opening chapter of Ezekiel (approx. 600 BC) for whirring sounds, wheels within wheels, space creatures and disassociated voices… then again poor old Zeke may have drunk contaminated water or eaten some magic mushrooms or simply had a bad day with a migraine, thus saith the LORD GOD.
Electric battery cars are so primitive.
You should read By Josef F. Blumrich The Spaceships of Ezekiel
Interesting beside story, Blumerich got a patent for the wheels he constructed following and analysing their description.
There is a second book by Hans Herbert Beier with the translated German title Ezekil, The Prinzipal Witness
about the reconstruction of the temple by following the given measurements wich were very exact and cohrent and consistend. No idea about an English version of the book.
The way, Ezekil followed when giving the measurements in the view of the author Beier.
The wake effect looms large.
NAS study raises concern over offshore wind harming endangered whales
By David Wojick, Ph.D.
The beginning: “The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) released a lengthy report on what is known as the “dead ocean” threat with a focus on the Nantucket region, specifically what are called the Nantucket shoals. This is a major feeding ground of the desperately endangered North Atlantic Right Whale. It is really a good case study for all major offshore wind installations.
The report uncovers something strange but true. The physics is technical, but the basic idea is simple. Wind turbines take a lot of the energy out of the air, creating a lower energy wake behind the wind turbine facility. Lower energy wind causes lower energy waves so there is much less mixing in the ocean surface layer. This depletes the oxygen level in the water, which can reduce the amount of living food sources that whales eat, which can harm the whales on a population level. This is why it is called the dead ocean effect.
The primary threat arises because the world’s biggest animals feed on the world’s smallest animals. Fifteen-ton Right Whales feed on what is called zooplankton, which are microscopic animals of various sorts. That these huge marine mammals can filter out and live on tons of almost invisible animals is a natural miracle in itself.
The dead ocean threat, to be even more specific, is that the reduced energy in hundreds of wind turbine wakes combined can greatly reduce the zooplankton population. This could lead to malnutrition or even starvation in the whales. It can also require the whales to do a lot more hunting for their food, which can also cause them harm. This is especially true if it increases the risk of ship strikes and fishing gear entanglements, the leading causes of whale deaths.
In fact, there are at least two very different wake effects that adversely affect whales. Note that the term wake effect often refers to the fact that the turbine sucks out roughly 50% of the energy in the air, so turbines have to be spaced far apart in the wind direction lest the first turbine rob the second of energy.
This energy-sucking effect can cause a reduction in mixing wave action far behind the turbines, which lowers the oxygen content of the water, which lowers the biological productivity, which lowers the whales’ food supply.
The second adverse effect has an opposite cause. The huge turbine blades create close in turbulence downwind, which stirs up the sediment, creating a suspended sediment plume that can be large and long-lasting. This opaque plume would certainly decrease biological activity. The lack of mixing would tend to prolong the plume. Moreover, turbulence takes energy, which further reduces downwind mixing.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
Here is the NAS Report:
The link in the article did not paste.
And another whale event discovered in Tasmania 2 days ago. Not jumping to any conclusions but as we know King and Flinders Islands off Tasmania have their wind power installations. That aside we seem to have a pattern developing down there given that just 14 months ago in September 2022 some 230 whales stranded which was itself 2 years after a 2020 event.
The latest case involves 34 pilot whales yet the Guardian lead story proclaims “Scores of whales…” but then that is par for the sensationalist, give them a memorable headline rag. A more accurate headline would have been “One score and 14 whales beached…” but that doesn’t convey much.
Whilst i am not in favor of Wind turbines, at the same time i have a hard time believing that a fleet of them “sucking” even a few GW of energy from the wind, would have any significant effect on the remaining wind energy effect on the ocean .!
Total wind energy in that regeon must be huge ( many Terrawatts ?) and a fraction of a % interrupted by turbines wont be noticed.. especially compared to the difference when the wind speed varies between 0 and 100 mph frequently !
And its not like the ocean water stays in the same place for long !
So , sorry, nice research topic, but a waste of time and resources as far as real world issues go .
I’m sympathetic to this view in the same way I doubt adding 50ppm of CO2 to the world’s atmosphere can have a catastrophic effect on anything.
Similarly, how much total effect on plastic waste can banning drinking straws and cotton buds have?
Taking global average windspeed of 6m/s for the atmospheric mass, you could extract at 4TW over a year in the first pass. If there was no additional energy over 10 years then the maximum extraction in the first pass drops to 400GW.
There is a lot of energy in the wind but we do not know how long it took to wind up the wind..
Tropical convective towers that drive the global circulations average 57W/m^2 mechanical output in air movement. So working on a 200km wide tropical band they are producing at 230TW. So the wind energy takes almost a month o build up. Extracting 1TW globally may be measurable. 10TW would have climate impacts.
The wave mixing factor is one aspect. I believe air stilling will be most noticed in August and September in the northern hemisphere when the ocean and land are close to the same heat content and wind fluxes are correspondingly low. This is the time when the cooling ocean breezes are nice but will be diminished by offshore wind turbines. The loss of moisture transport from ocean to land will be climate altering. How much is the big question.
Wind is a precious resource and NOTHING comes for free. Air stilling will be an emerging topic for coming years. There is an opportunity here for the UN to distribute wind rights.
So wind is a finite resource and, according to you, in shorter supply than oil.
Is this a “novel” idea that is only now bubbling to the surface? Has anyone told the powers that be about this?
I’m having trouble getting my head around this. Will air stilling reduce cyclones/hurricanes or are they the primary source of the power?
Air stilling reduces the moisture on the land in average conditions. That will intensify cyclones and rain depressions as well as snowfall. Moisture is an important component of the atmosphere punching way above its weight in terms of the energy it gives to the air column compared to its mass.
Moist air columns are more powerful so tend to equalise with the dryer columns thereby creating wind. But dry columns over very hot land stalls ocean advection. That is a common feature of the Sahara and has been for Australia. Australia has had more atmospheric moisture in summer since 2020.
Arizona may already be experiencing this effect due to the energy extracted from the air over Texas reducing advection from the Gulf.
Global terrestial stilling was observed to 2010 but recovered somewhat by 2019. Wind droughts are no recognised and more closely monitored. Connections between wind turbines and air stilling are on the radar but evidence of impact is scarce.
The one certainty is that wind turbines will have greater adverse impact on local weather than CO2. Particularly coastal regions of Australia, which are already fragile from a moisture perspective.
I suggest looking at the NAS report which includes over 200 research papers on the wake effects.
I suggest looking at all the scientific papers that confirm the effect of human activity causing , increased atmospheric CO2 , greenhouse effect, global warming , etc etc !
…. Scientific ..peer reviewed..etc,..papers proove only what the authors want them to proove.
I do not take any reference on face value, and prefer to rely on common sense and logic.
Just like atmospheric CO2, Man cannot significantly interfere with Natural Wind effects on an open ocean.
This BS comes from Amnesty International Australia.
How woke are you?
Fellow human beings !
I have now been without home Internet for 60 hrs in Melbournistan. I am with TPG and it’s impossible to contact them. Many others are in a similar situation. I only have Internet via my phone.
TPG used to be a good company until the new CEO took over in 2020.
FWIW – TPG is working in Qld
Customer service generally sed to be much better before the Internet came along so not surprising that an Internet company would be particularly bad
“Ditto for melbourne on iinet, switched to google DNS servers in modem and now back running ok”
Did the Chinese damage the Baltic pipe line
I saw the Americans, Ukrainians, Russians and Germans blamed but if it was it the Chinese, did they do it n their own behalf?
Vitamin I (ivermectin) and the latest out of China
“Let’s talk mystery diseases! The “Chinese mystery pneumonia,” which is not a mystery, is “overwhelming” Chinese hospitals (meaning not overwhelming them), and “spreading” to other countries. The UK Express ran a story yesterday headlined, “Full list of countries affected by Chinese respiratory illness.” ”
And following
The next article there on Venezuela having a border dispute with Guyana over oil fields is just as fascinating. Those two will just be patsies for Russia and the USA.
America is busy in Georgia and Armenia trying to make life difficult for Russia on several fronts at once, and Russia is busy in South America trying to spread Americas thinly around the world.
The truth would make a great movie!
BoM is in a pickle and failed to forecast a moderate El Nino.
‘The stormy start to summer follows a surprisingly wet November which culminated in an East Coast Low and defied seasonal forecasts, and the historical trend of below average rain during El Niño events.
‘The wet month resulted in spring totals near average for much of Australia, even after an exceptionally dry September and October.’ (ABC)
“surprisingly wet… defied [ ] forecasts”
Their ABC article is such incoherent mumbo-jumbo mind-wash surely it was penned by a BS-bot. It’s not that we got it wrong – the climate’s not playing ball. FAIL ❌
A lot of criticism of the BOM in today’s The Australian, with an article saying that farmers are fed up with the BOM constantly getting their forecasts wrong, and are now paying extra to other forecasting agencies.
Been going on for some time and it’s costing them money.
I’m sure I read it here a few years ago that of the last 17 long term forecasts they managed to get one right , unfortunately the guy who was running the Indigo Jones Facebook page was banned by Facebook but he accurately predicted the Lismore floods nearly two years before the floods .
Where is the devastating dry and scorching heat predicted by the bombuffoons, all the East coast is flooding.
The flooding in the south east is only weather, while this is regarded as climate change.
‘All Australian capital cities except Adelaide and Canberra were warmer than long-term averages in spring.
‘Sydney maxima averaged 24.7°C for the season, making it the warmest spring in terms of daytime maximum temperatures on record (records go back to the 1850s).’ (Weatherzone)
It must be the Hunga Tonga-Hunga effect.
Well it has been slightly chilly in the UK, so let’s look at the main electricity generation figures for Friday evening (actually well past peak demand now).
Solar PV, Zero, it’s dark!
Wind, 0.95GW (installed capacity 30GW), 2.5%
Gas, 63.5%
Nuclear, 12.5%
Coal, 2.5%
Woodchip, 7.5%
France, 6.5%
What about heating homes, shops and workplaces apart from electical heating????
Yep, most people still use gas CH.
If sonar can ‘hurt’ divers, what on earth does it do to the rest of the mammalian sea life?
“The Frauds Never End”
“The Magic Moment”
Check the bit around the Moderna board of directors!
Conclusion –
” What follows from here in this new civil war of truth against untruth is that untruth will lose because untruth is fundamentally unsound and can’t stand on its own. The US bureaucratic blob, like the fictional product Soylent Green, is people. There are, obviously thousands of them, virtually a whole army, guilty of crimes. The whistleblowers are popping out all over now. We’re approaching the magic moment when the whole blob army flips and rats out each other in the attempt to save their asses. Wait for it.”*-nation/the-magic-moment/
In the financial sense “Highly Principal-ed” I guess
Biter bit
“Elon Musk’s Lawsuit Inspires MERCILESS Thread Taking Media Matters APART and It’s a BEAUTIFUL Thing”
Here is the UAH satellite temperature “pause” to end of Nov 2023 just passed.
The cooler 2012 early months have been dropping off the chart as the recent 2023 months are added on.
The pause in the trend remains at a few months over 11 years.
This interacts with a report today on WUWT about satellite measurements of CO2 in the air.
The Australian graph
Geoff S
Thanks Geoff.
There is a really interesting post at WUWT on CO2 distribution.
Tonyb may find this interesting.
My low cost CO2 meter was showing 403 earlier today but now at 406ppm.
It was always odd that after so much fanfare the data that should have been the smoking gun evidence of man’s CO2 swamping the earth seemed to just be forgotten.
Also an interesting claim in the comments that the data has been altered anyway.
Steve Kirsch livestream video links for NZ whistleblower now available
720p, 2.3GB:
1080p, 4.5GB:
How healthy is your police force now Katarina? A 5 October 2021 ABC report headed “Queensland Police Service on internal hunt for officers and staff defying vaccination mandate” reported the Queensland Police Service statement:
“From today, QPS members who refuse to follow the Commissioner’s Direction and do not have an exemption will be suspended from duty with pay with a seven-day Notice to Show Cause process commenced.”
The ABC news report also quoted glass ceiling breaking, better than one of the boys Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll as saying:
“…the mandate was to help maintain a healthy workforce and maintain “adequate policing services”.”
As the headline implied the all-inclusive and equal opportunity propelled, we want to support everyone in the community – even criminals – and motherly lead QPS literally had their guns drawn hunting out those terrible mandate defying staff.
Just over 2 years on and the QPS are on the “hunt” again, but hopefully without guns drawn this time, to recruit more staff. The current “hunt” got a boost this week with “…a new initiative to further enhance its innovative and agile officer recruitment campaign.” Community based recruitment officers will seek to recruit locally with those who successfully complete the police course going straight back into their own communities from whence they came. No postings to new areas under this initiative. What could possibly go wrong in terms of potential peer or family pressure/retribution.
Coincidentally in November a “bold proposal” to phase out or scale back individual police stations replacing them with a single “super station” aka “warehouse” approach was also announced generating waves of angst throughout the community – the same one the QPS is sworn to assist.
What an unmitigated total shambles the QPS and law enforcement is in Queensland which is further evidenced by just under a dozen officer resignations being tendered this week alone.
But then it could be worse. We could have the (gun shots, what is the diameter of the sun – aka shoot first ask questions later) Victorian police force who are not only burnt out (up to 20% actively thinking of resigning), but also going on strike.
“Coincidentally in November a “bold proposal” to phase out or scale back individual police stations replacing them with a single “super station” aka “warehouse” approach was also announced.”
Bean counters at work again. ?
Think a combination of bean counters and lack of police numbers. MSM are identifying the stations/suburbs being affected but the articles are paywalled. According to paywalled Gold Coast Bulletin 3 stations were “secretly” closed in October. At least their ABC allows free access to important community stories.
The expected “cannibal” solar coronal mass ejection field intersected with Earth’s geomagnetic field last night- inducing a strong G3-class geomagnetic storm.
Tasmanians saw a spectacular aurora across the state from 10pm and continuing till morning.
Traffic congestion in Sydney.
Imagine if they were all driving EVs.
Range anxiety would sneak up like a toothache.
How so ?
An EV uses almost VERY LITTLE battery energy whilst stationary ?
For those with Foxtel there is still a six part series titled War Gamers available to watch on demand.
I like to think of myself as being reasonably well informed on a general level about WWII and the Battle of the Atlantic but this was new to me in spite of it being instrumental in reducing losses in the convoys.
Time well spent watching.
To me, this was a very limited account of the Anti-U-Boat School. Recommend reading “Captain Gilbert Robert R.N. And the Anti-U-boat School” by Mark Williams for a more detailed balanced account.
New York, Ohio are in chaos! A terrible snowstorm buried cars and houses disappeared
That’s exactly what global warming models predicted … a snowstorm in Ohio and a bushfire in New York … but you didn’t listen and now look what happens!
The “chaos” is certainly man made…..
……but the storm is perfectly normal and was predicted !
Meanwhile in London Sadiq Khan has triggered his ‘Severe Weather Emergency Protocol’ after London was hit by a touch of frost.