A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Green, Powerless and Defenceless
As Viv Forbes says so well –
As net zero strangles Australian industry, Australia is becoming green, powerless and defenceless.
History holds lessons which we ignore at our peril.
The war on carbon energy, net zero propaganda, the renewable energy targets, escalating electricity costs and the voices in Parliament calling for Emissions Trading Schemes have all unnerved our big users of carbon fuels and electricity.
Smelting and refining have become threatened industries in Australia. Already six major metal smelting/refining operations have closed in Australia this century and more are likely. The closures have affected copper, lead, zinc, steel and aluminium – the sinews of modern industry. And car manufacturing, with all its skills and tools, has gone.
Local production and refining of oil is also declining, while “lock-the-gate” picketers are trying to prevent domestic exploration and production of gas. More and more land and offshore waters are closed to exploration and mining, and heavy industry is scorned.
Australia has lost over half of its oil refining capacity and most of our liquid fuel comes from foreign refineries. At normal rates of usage, national reserves of diesel would last about three weeks and ULP about four weeks. But in the event of a panic for fuel, city food shelves and fuel supplies would be cleaned out in days, maybe hours. Commercial aircraft would be grounded in a fortnight and our Air Force soon after.
We are losing the resources, skills and machinery needed for our own security. And we fritter our declining resources on green energy white elephants like Snowy 2, green hydrogen, dream-time extension cables to transmit “green” electricity from Darwin to Singapore, hydrogen electrolyser magic in Gladstone, a Pioneer Valley pumped hydro scheme (Snowy 3?), massive new power lines to collect piddling energy everywhere and many other green dreams with net consumption of energy and metals.
Green Admirals hope to run our destroyers on recycled cooking oil and Green Generals are wasting energy designing electric bushmasters (with long extension cords?). These foolish green energy policies and the suicidal war on carbon fuels are killing real industry leaving us unskilled and defenceless – like a fat toothless walrus basking on a warm sunny beach.
And imagine the mental and physical capacity of the flabby WOKE recruits that an urgent conscription would produce today. And which toilet would they use? Hopefully a few bikie gangs would sign up? At least they know how to fight and could bring their own guns.
Thanks for the Saltbush Club link. Nice history there too.
Oz has also had a serious “brain drain” for a couple of decades. Hey “refugees? Tradies, techies, medicos, even military.
Being sickened by the institutionalized parasitism, generally, but the active suppression of skills and entire industries plays a major part
US and Kanaduh have been the major destination, but the Great White North has been rapidly losing its allure due to the treacherous behaviour of its government. The Untidy States is also being shoved hard down the road to ruin.
Coincidence? Hmmm…
The nearby “Land of the Wrong White Crowd” has been utterly subverted.
Someone “famous’, once made a remark about eggs and omelettes. See also: “Frying pams and fires”.
Brain drain?
Maybe take a few hundred shiploads of foreign white-repressed workers, like the EU and USA.
The top 20 Countries with the highest birth rates have an IQ average of 67.86
Remember according to DSM-IV criteria,7 an individual is diagnosed with mental retardation if they have significantly below average intellectual functioning, as defined by an intelligence quotient (IQ; measured using a standardized, individually administer/red intelligence test) at or below 70.
An IQ of 68? My breakfast cereal is smarter than that, mainly because my cereal doesn’t watch CNN.
Or blame the education system, autism, wokeism etc.
Planet of the dumb interbred slaves.
You breakfast cereal doesn’t keep spreading its wild oats either.
I wonder if Viv would consider a story on what might be Albosleazy’s next pet project, DIGITAL IDs, coming to all socialist lefty control freak states while the good sheeple sleep!
An Assessment of the Conventional Global Warming Narrative Richard Lindzen
With a comment by Nic Lewis and the answer by Richard Lindzen.
“…city food shelves and fuel supplies would be cleaned out in days, maybe hours.”
I know it is not possible for many people, however, having a pantry with food and drinking water ought to be of higher priority than it seems to be. There all multiple sites that discuss this topic and “extreme” survivalist solutions. Don’t go crazy, as some have.
Canned and boxed supplies, nuts, sugar and other common things will last months. Freezers are great if you have reliable power. Ice is a good idea to counter a few hours or a day of outage.
Last weekend I had the good fortune to spend time away, up in a cabin in the bush, with twenty others in our group.
Something scary happened when a conversation developed around the topic of Man Made Global Warming and death by incineration due to excess human origin CO2.
A lady with an accent of U.S. origin became quite animated about the topic and showed strong conviction that “we were guilty” of interfering with Mother nature by burning fossil fuels.
Her comments suggested that she had been “educated” by the media and that any attempt to discuss real science could not be tolerated because the Misleadia was the ultimate undeniable source of all truth on the matter.
All praise to John Kerry and Tawdry Anhydrous.
A frightening experience.
I like asking ‘em ‘how much warmer is it?’
(I don’t get invited to social functions much these days.)
Can be a difficult situation.
Maybe – Start a conversation in the group with – “I have not observed any warming where I live;- what is your experience”. And invite others to comment. You should aim to shift the conversation to personal experience.
I have been watching the Cricket World Cup in India. They have some truly spectacular arenas. One, the biggest in the world. Outfield invariably lush and green with some a little faster than others. It is by far the best World Cup in any sport I have followed due to crowd size and engagement plus some spectacular matches and individual innings. The only observation consistent with Indian crioket matches of just a few decades ago is the groundsmen are still without shoes.
Whatever climate change has occurred in India (maybe it is just wealthier) it has been for the better.
Keith, I thought you would be just the man to take her on. Or do you do as I do and think “If I say something this could get really nasty” and let it slide?
Depends who it is for me, sometimes I bring it up, but it rarely does go down well, because people fear argument, or can’t discuss without being emotionally affected. But sometimes it’s ok.
I was recently talking to an agronomist I really respect for his knowledge on soils and plants, and I detected that he also believes this nonsense. Should I say something, he’s smart and I reckon he ….. nah. I let it slide, time was short. But so shattering to hear.
There was no point in continuing once she had hinted that she felt I was personally attacking her.
It was a truly strange and disturbing experience.
Mother nature gave us fossil fuels and fire. It would be impolite not to use these gifts.
Report from Norwegian Government.
What would they know? They studied the data and the data showed CO2 was not causing the tiny bit of warming since the Little Ice Age, the coldest period in the last 6000 years. What sacrilege. Don’t these scientists realise that thousands of their bought and paid for government funded peers depend for their miserable existence on the lie that CO2 is all powerful.
This is the direct link to the pdf:
At first thought it is refreshing to see a government publish this reality test on climate models.
However, its basis is easily condemned – Oil shills and just statistics – The bulk of Norwegian wealth rides on oil exports. They earn around USD50bn each year from oil exports.
It would have helped if some of the data for the statistical steps were presented as graphs.
The easiest way to condemn all climate models is that they can never produce a sustained static or cooling trend. So cooling trend as observed in the Southern Ocean or static trend as observed in the Nino34 region invalidate all climate models.
Latest video from Climate Discussion Nexus.
“Challenging The Taboos”.
How to get to a Klimate Krisis Konference.
Make sure to turn the audio on.
In some good news Attenborough’s long-beaked echidna has been rediscovered. According to the right, this sort of science is a waste of money, as it is not economic.
Nonsense. Before the Left took over and bought and paid for the corrupt “science” they wanted to suit their Agenda, science was always funded by private philanthropy. From the time of the Ancients to early in the 20th century.
Similarly for art. Great artworks were made for patrons or the profit of the artist. Government funding wasn’t needed so some degenerate can throw a few pails of paint onto a canvas and call it “art”.
As for the Bush, I am a highly experienced bushwalker and never once have I seen a purple or green haired Leftist Klimate Kultist freak out in the Bush appreciating nature or engaging as a volunteer with invasive weed removal or rubbish clean up.
“Why is modern art so bad?”
Under six mins.
Do you have a proof for your assumption ?
So what do you make of the dinosaur’s extinction Peter? Still sad about that? The Dodo? Maybe not, but I know, the Thylacine, that makes you sad I’m sure, because, you have an emotional connection to that one.
I’m into environmental philosophy more than science, and yes, I do think species extinction is overrated. The dinosaurs died out. Oh well, so what? (They actually didn’t either, they’re still here in birds and lizards).
Claims of ecosystem effect are theoretically possible, usually not borne out though. And changes don’t matter anyway, ecosystems morph from one to another in an instant. We know this because the world is still here after many wild changes.
Doesn’t mean an emotional response isn’t valid, but that’s what it is.
Humans can be thankful that cyanobacteria have stood the test of time. They did get very close to self-extinction by removing most of the atmospheric gasses that had taken millions of years ti build up after the moon maker impact. The reduction in atmospheric mass plunged the globe into full snowball from equator to poles but still managed to survive. The snowball condition lasted for around 80 million years.
Humans survive symbiotically with non-photosynthesing cyanobacteria in our gut. Such an important lifeform for the present conditions on Earth; some 4Ga in the making but cyanobacteria got life on Earth evolving.
Lizards are not dinosaurs
Is Philip’s opinion not standing up due to a reptile dysfunction?
But maybe dinosaurs are lizards.
Saurus Latin =Lizard.
Saurus is correct, dinosaurus not.
Exeptionally GA has a correct point.
I am not hugely optimistic, but I am getting a sense that the conservatives and fellow rational thinkers of the West are slowing awakening and that the sleeping giant has had enough and is no longer going to accept any more civilisation-destroying evil from the Left. They have pushed things too far.
That thought was particularly emphasised by the interview between John Anderson and Victor Davis Hanson that Hanrahan posted yesterday.
The following could be “spun” so many different ways! A beautiful example of neutrality.
(from the CBC)
Misunderstanding from social media spurs rise in international student food bank visits
“Monday Mirthiness: NOAA Goes Full Warming”
“No, We’re NOT All The Same”
“There’s a little chestnut — a fraud — that nobody wishes to talk about that comes down to two words: Magic Dirt.
It is the premise that one can take the thug out of the hood and he will become not a thug.
It underlies most of the wildly-false beliefs that many run on immigration, for example. Exceptions do not prove the rule; they are, in fact, exceptions.
Immigration from Western Europe mostly worked for America because Western Europeans and Americans share common values in large part. That’s largely because we were them before they came here, and while there are variation the basics are about the same when it comes to culture. I’m talking about very basic things, such as, for example, the value of human life.”
More at
“A grim record of savagery and terrorism”
“Amid all the protests against Israel for its punitive action in Gaza, it’s worth remembering why that action is taking place. The Judean is publishing a series of articles with videos of what happened in Israel on October 7, showing in graphic detail what Hamas terrorists perpetrated on that day.”
Warnings before links at
When EV’s catch fire part 2 , more great vids of various EV cars and buses and scooters with a smoking problem.
Sorry, not doing facebook…..!
Mr. Chad: Aaahhh, now we see how it is you can’t recognize a battery fire. You’ve never seen one? Each one is similar to the video from Luton car park fire. Try opening your eyes.
This one is not on Facebook:
“The “transgender empire”
“Here are a few excerpts.
The sudden and pervasive rise of this movement provokes two questions: where did it come from, and how has it proved so successful? The story goes deeper than most Americans know.
In the late 1980s, a group of academics, including Judith Butler, Gayle Rubin, Sandy Stone, and Susan Stryker, established the disciplines of “queer theory” and “transgender studies.” These academics believed gender to be a “social construct” used to oppress racial and sexual minorities, and they denounced the traditional categories of man and woman as a false binary that was conceived to support the system of “heteronormativity”—i.e., the white, male, heterosexual power structure. This system, they argued, had to be ruthlessly deconstructed. And the best way to achieve this, they argued further, was to promote transgenderism. If men can become women, and women men, they believed, the natural structure of Creation could be toppled.”
More at
It’s not clear to me how hormonally and surgically sterilising and mutilating someone, and then lying to them that they are now of the opposite sex/gender (which used to mean the same thing until the Left redefined the terms), breaks down the supposed “white, male, heterosexual power structure”. All it does is create a community of very sad victims with ruined lives and bodies.
And when they do it to children for wokeness and/or profit, that’s just outright child abuse (as happened to Jazz Jennings, celebrity and formerly America’s youngest transgender child now a depressed adult last time I checked). There seems to be quite a lot of Leftists who have “trans” kids. It seems to be a status symbol for the Left. But having a trans kid is like having a vegan cat. You know it wasn’t their idea.
In this recent video Jazz’s mother discusses the possibility that her “daughter” “might be asexual”.
No kidding, what did she think would happen when she had her son’s perfectly functioning sexual organs removed and replaced with a pocket of skin?
FFS. The mother should be in jail.
Every transgender male to female “transition” will still require a prostate cancer exam.
Every transgender female to male “transition” will still require exams for ovarian, uterine, and breast cancer exams.
It is one thing to deny one’s gender identity, and entirely a different thing to deny the biology and genetics of one’s gender.
Prove this wrong.
The Left subscribe to the doctrine of Cultural Relativism which means to them that all cultures are equivalent or even equal.
This means to the Leftist that an Aztec cutting the heart out of a living human and similar practices among other primitive peoples or in modern times an Hamassh-le terrorist cutting the baby out of a pregnant woman or throwing a baby into an oven, are all valid cultures and likely superior to the only culture they truly hate, Western Civilisation.
In the video I posted above, an interview with Victor Davis Hanson by John Anderson, posted yesterday. see he makes the point that not all people think like us (Westerners) and some people (paraphrasing) are so brutal and so savage, that they just can’t be worked with.
I think the Left should establish their own country somewhere so they can invite all of the Barbarians of the world to live with them and leave everyone else to practice Western Civilisation in peace.
I should have said it above, but thanks for posting the VDH interview. I want to believe his predominant view that – once stirred as in 1917/1941 – the US has the wherewithal to overcome all its internal and external foes. Really I do!
“Guess What White People Are Being Blamed for Now?”
More crud incoming –
No time to be like big, square shouldered Atlas and absorb another “care of the world”.
Time to don your best teflon coated arrowroot biscuit shaped shoulders and let the crud slide off.
But careful where you step.
More air time –
“WATCH LIVE: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Hearing on Injuries Caused By COVID-19 Vaccines – Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Kimberly Biss, and Thomas Renz to Testify (3 PM ET)”
WOFL – WOke FLop.
Bud Light, Disney, etc.
Having some fun with a scammer trying to sell 4 Taylor Swift tickets , said I might be interested if they were front row seats and price was under 4K per seat , they now want me to pm them but told them I was an old fart and didn’t know what that was .
Waiting for a reply now .
Grindavik, Iceland – giant crack appears in middle of town
Things are hotting up.
More evidence of climate change .
Naturally occuring and accelerating version though.
Expanding earth because of boiling earth 😀
Mr. Gans: From the pictures, it looks more like shrinkage! Caused by AGW, of course.
You left out the likelihood of Witchery, Spells, and Demons. Any of which might have caused Earthquakes and Climate Change. Disprove it. /sarc
Ironically, climate change promoted witch hunting and sorcery though.
Or as the Grauniad™ reported: a fisher has opened up. Surely not giving away info about secret spots I’m shore 😜
Birdsville dangerous heat weather alert , they must be joking surely it’s around this temp most of the summer .
My first visit to Birdsville was towards the end of the 1965 drought. That day we’d driven about 250 miles and it was about 115 F.
That visit made me one of not many people who saw Birdsville before they saw Sydney – without being born in the Birdsville area
Would have been a rough track back then .
Dry and dusty too.
It was movies that night courtesy of Australian Inland Mission IIRC. 16 mm projector set up in the hall front entrance with screen and seats out in the street where the “air conditioning” was better by then.
Back in those days Birdsville’s power was provided by a Pelton wheel on the town bore driving the alternator. The “movie part” was OK but the sound indicated that it was a bit +/_ on maintaining 50 cycles power.
Immigration, poverty and gumballs
Reality anyone can understand.
Now take the Pentagon’s budget and see what you can do.
Why is the West moving to replace Zelensky?
Asia Times
Is this a rhetorical question?
The neocons and western allies huffed and puffed but could not blow Putin’s house down.
Time for easier pickings eh…
Let’s see. A gay dancing clown with a spendthrift beard wife and a cotillion of corrupt oligarch associates, grifting billions of US dollars while sending thousands into a meat grinder, all because they allowed the CIA and DoS to subvert their elections in 2014 and further on.
Oh no. Say it isn’t so. Nobody would betray their nation for power and money. Would they?
It is good to know that Stanford University and DHS, both institutions that put the welfare of the average American at the fore, ‘cooperated’ to keep vaccine information from us for our own safety.
Apparently, keeping info about about an Israeli study showing natural immunity is as good as vaccination from a naive and uneducated public.
Whew … as we now now know how dangerous natural immunity is.
I’m glad intelligence agencies are integrally involved in public health, along with our benevolent Universities.
Working together we can stop Climate Change and the next Pandemic of the Unvaccinated.
By suppressing misinformation about the Pandemic of the Vaccinated which isn’t happening.
I would like to add …
the slightest anthropogenic influence on the climate is very dangerous and may kill us all if we don’t stop anthropogenicing.
We must restore a natural climate … which doesn’t include us since we are the first and only unnatural thing ever produced by nature.
However, natural immunity is very bad*.
We must inject every possible concoction into our bodies and achieve anthropogenic immunity.
As we know, both these biological systems are completely understood by The Science and The Science must be followed.
*(Not to be confused with legal immunity for Pharma, which is good.)
Lawyers present evidence to Grand Jury that pandemic is being used for world dictatorship
Who thought it a good idea to store pallets under an overpass? What could possibly go wrong?
Only in
Trying to do a “bigger floor cookout” than that UK airport?
“Watch: Morano on Rebel News: The ‘Green energy’ scam is starting to collapse – ‘This is an ideology like the Soviet Union’ ”
Cancer: the forbidden cures
* for information purposes only.
Andrew Bolt on Bolt Report yesterday showed PM Albanese visiting a Queensland EV recharger manufacturer that he has visited in the past promoting EV and pushing climate hoax. A new successful industry Albo says.
Well no, share price has dropped substantially, the company is now in trouble and moving to the USA hoping to be in a better position financially for production purposes.
Another example of Australia no longer competitive.
Yes, it’s closing its manufacturing facility in Aust., putting around 400 folks out of a job.
Australia to introduce biometric passkeys for myGov login
Scrambling to plug holes in its myGov system that have leaked billions of dollars in fraud, the federal government has announced that as of 2024, Australians will be able to use face and fingerprint biometrics to sign in to government services, according to a report from The Guardian.
“Passkeys will be introduced to bring myGov further into the 21st century, allowing Australians the ability to use biometric options such as facial recognition to access the site,” says a statement from government services minister, Bill Shorten. “These important sign-in alternatives are familiar to many Australians, and are a key safeguard against scammers who use phishing tactics to harvest personal information like people’s date of birth to fraudulently access accounts.”
A major source of scams targeting myGov has been turnkey fraud kits sold on the dark web. So-called “scams-in-a-box” can be used to (for example) send a text message alert with an accompanying link to a fake myGov portal, where users are asked to confirm their bank accounts or take other actions that will compromise personal information. Common phishing targets include the Centrelink master services hub, the Australian Tax Office and Medicare accounts, all of which are administered through myGov.
Also to try and avoid losing more than the AU$3.1 billion it has already seen disappear in 2023, the government is forming a special advisory committee to oversee myGov, a move recommended in results from a recent audit, which called on the government to treat the platform as key infrastructure and lock in its funding. Former NSW minister for customer service and digital government Victor Dominello will lead the eight-person expert group, which includes academics, policy officials and private sector representatives.
“This advisory board, I think, is a really elegant solution to making sure that in the future, when governments have ideas, they really work,” says Shorten.
$3.1B loss last yeat. Who picks up that tab?
If it’s created by a human, it can be hacked by a human.
Nothing is infallible, therefore everything is flawed.
Post vaxx miscarriages are doubling year over year
Dr. Kimberly Biss, an OB-GYN who has been involved in 8,000 pregnancies, details how miscarriage rates have doubled year-over-year since the introduction of the COVID-19 injections.
“I’ve never seen this before,” testified Dr. Kimberly Biss, an OB-GYN who has been involved in 8,000 pregnancies, before Congress in the “Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines” hearing Monday.
“How many of your patients or pregnant women that you know of experience miscarriages after taking the COVID-19 vaccines — or injections?” asked representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).
Dr. Biss first explained that the vaccination rate among her patient population was about 60% and that most of the patients received three injections. “Very few received four or more.”
“What’s concerning,” detailed Dr. Biss, “is the majority of the patients received their injections in 2021 and early 2022. However, we’re still seeing lingering effects.”
Monday’s full Congressional hearing, 3 hours:
PM’s latest ’embarrassment’ shows why the green energy revolution is becoming a ‘disaster’
The Hilarious Backstory of Russian Missiles
A more hillarious story in one of the shows that come up along side there –
“New diesel EVs for the Outback! (Australian innovation at its finest.) |Auto Expert John Cadogan”
Love his humour , one yank ute EV is now using a diesel motor to charge the battery so the ute runs on electricity greatly extending its range .
“The Declaration That Wasn’t Supposed To Happen”
Great Barrington
“The astonishing frenzy of denunciation following that document’s release was on a level I’ve never seen before, reaching to the highest levels of government and flowing through the whole of media and tech. It was mind-boggling. ”
More at
What Xi really thinks of Mr Magoo. Anthony Albanese – Xi Jingping