
8.5 out of 10 based on 12 ratings

117 comments to Monday

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    Gerard Basten

    Is the Reserve Bank privately owned or does it belong to the Government?


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    John Connor II

    Happy “do not comply” day, how history repeats, and the reversals.

    Precisely two years ago (and one day), Joe Biden officially declared you (the unvaccinated) an enemy of the state. “We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us,” he said, after announcing sweeping “vaccine” mandates.

    Here’s a look back at what they did to the noncompliant in the name of “health.”

    And now they plan to do it all again for the next scariant causing “mindless fear 2.0”, but will the masses comply given all we know?


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    The ‘lying down flat’ movement in China was quickly crushed, but now the Bai Lan (let it rot) uprising is going to bring the regime to its knees.

    Widespread non violent civil disobedience is erupting and Xi has no answer, apart from calling out the black shirts to terrify people.

    It won’t succeed, when the workers and students unite they have the potential to unseat the CCP.


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      Gee Aye

      If true, noting that you have a poor track record, I’d put my money on brutal force winning out.


      • #

        ‘ … brutal force winning out.’

        They are cutting wages across the board and many workers haven’t been paid for months, whole swathes of the country could go on strike at the drop of a hat.

        Of course they might release another deadly virus and keep everyone locked up for an extended period, then force them back to work when the all clear is given. The black shirts will be watching, ready to suppress any spontaneous gathering.

        ‘ … poor track record …’

        None of the climate models predicted Hunga Tonga-Hunga, natural variables rule.


        • #
          Gee Aye

          History can repeat and it also can’t. The conditions you are predicting are nothing compared to China under Mao and you know how he dealt with dissent.

          “How can you leave food on your plate Gordo? There are people starving in China”


          • #

            Mao starved 40 million of his own people merely to impress the West with his export qualifications. To paraphrase Einstein, ignorance is bad but arrogance is worse.

            You underestimate the power of non-violent civil disobedience.

            History is not repeating, what is happening now is unprecedented.


        • #

          The CCP control all media into and out of Chyna, they control and operate the internet, even VPN’s are CCP controled.
          Nothing gets out unless it’s CCP approved, nothing.

          Your CCP facts are el+gordo fiction. (China Daily)

          Australia will be there soon.


      • #

        I would have agreed in the past, but people power did suddenly reverse covid policy, maybe brutality no longer has the last say?


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      John Connor II

      Serpent-ZA covered it a year ago:

      Current data suggests China’s youth unemployment us around 50% and deteriorating, compared to the USA’s unemployment rate of around 25% in the great depression.
      Tip: join the illegals entering the USA, no questions asked, terrorists and disease carriers welcome, vote for Biden (or red knees Harris in 2024), no vaxxes needed (as it’s all a scam anyway),and have a great life! LOL.


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        Kalm Keith

        Not sure why this wasn’t censored when my inappropriate misspelling of “turdbines” was dumped.


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        A lot has changed in a year and Australia is taking in qualified Chinese migrants, we need them.


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          CCP membership is 10% of the Chinese population, you don’t get to just up and leave unless it’s approved by the CCP.

          You must be a good communist to travel. (China daily)


          • #

            The fascists are ruthless, Orwellian in the extreme.

            China Daily only contains good news.

            The authorities will no doubt clamp down on the Netizens, but that will only see them go out into the street and gather in large and unruly numbers.

            I don’t travel, but Mr Fitzroy is probably still in HK because of the floods. You can’t miss him, he’s wearing rose coloured glasses.


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          “Australia is taking in qualified Chinese migrants, we need them.”

          Why, is there a shortage of One-Dollar Stores in your town?

          ..or is there a need to force down the wages of the real Aussie once again?


          • #

            We urgently require more tradies to build social housing.

            Wages are going up and will continue to do so, our economy is looking pretty, however, there is a need to populate or perish.


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              Kalm Keith

              So, Wvlodomyr is going to borrow more money to build “social housing” using imported labour and in the process cause a further rapid increase in interest rates which he will no doubt blame on those boomers who set a bad example and worked too hard in the past.

              Can just picture the interview with his ABCCCC, bare arms rippling from the Yes T shirt as he sprukes on the ethical imperatives of public housing.

              In the days of reality and common sense the cart never went before the horse, we all had jobs to go to so that we could save for a house.


              • #
                Kalm Keith

                And, in those days we could NOT afford to buy a house in Vaucluse first up.
                My first “house” was very modest.


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                Social housing will take time to reach fruition, until then landlords are free to raise rents. The free market is alive and well.

                The boomers did work hard and are now enjoying the luxury of that effort, whereas the young ones these days have little chance of competing in a market against cashed-up Indian and Chinese immigrants.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      That sounds rather like what we hear from many young people in the west. It seems to be a widespread malaise. I don’t think it’s necessarily fair to say those western youngsters face a bleak existence, but they undoubtedly think they do. While some people just self-identify as a victim, I have to feel sorry for them in one way – the constant assault on their mental well being by doomsayers, including climate change fanatics, environmentalists, attention-seeking ‘economists’ or the latest psychobabbler. Oh and then there is the latest scariant.

      Mental illness has never been so widespread, despite all the tremendous opportunities and high standard of living they enjoy.


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        Actually Steve, I was gardening for a seamstress today, still making clothes for people in her late 70s, and we agreed the fashion for black these days is from a generalised depression in most people, compared to the bright colours of the ’60s when the world was so exciting and racing forward with energy.

        She talked of fabrics, but I saw the endless black plastic sea we live in, from computers to cars to fridges. A dark and dismal future..


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        Kalm Keith

        Sixty years ago people left school and found meaningful activity very easily; society was based on common sense.

        These days, what’s left of meaningful work is hard to come by. Young people are adrift in a world that’s lacking in logic purpose and naturally feel confused.

        Australia lacks leadership and we have gone from being a society where social security benefits for the unemployed were marginal to the new world of “lifestyle” benefits that are so generous that any work available offers very little on top of that.

        The decades of free money has been a very destructive factor in Australian community life and acts as a disincentive to being engaged with life in general.


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    Peter C

    Evil Conspiracy vs Stupidity

    Thanks to Phillip for introducing a recent podcast by James Delingpole interviewIng John Robson.

    The discussion is remarkably robust. James gets quite upset and tries to talk over Robson from time to time but Robson is having none of that.

    The discussion is initially about the Climate Change delusion. They both agree that there is no Climate Emergency.

    Delingpole has become completely dissolutioned after fighting the endless Climate stupidity for so long with seemingly no result at all. With that as a starting point he has come to think that we are all being manipulated by a powerful and shadowy elite who control all our media and politicians and governments.

    Robson by contrast does not believe that the apparent manipulators are capable of pulling off such an elaborate conspiracy. He puts it down to stupidity. Our leaders are nearly all fools who are easily swayed to pursue idiot policies, basically encouraging each other.

    By contrast Robson thinks that most of the population do have a lot of common sense.

    More over if we were capable of seeing the mindset of people who have different views we would be better equipped to have meaningful discussions.

    I find myself in two minds about the issues. I would like to believe Robson. But I can’t see how the narrative about Climate Change has not been completely exploded by the Truth by now, if most people really do have a lot of common sense. The Clmategate emails should have been the end of the whole thing.

    And if people mostly lack common sense then we are easily led and manipulated as James Delingpole says.

    I also find it hard to understand how other people can hold the opposite view to myself when the case seems so straight forward.


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      But there is a climate emergency Peter C. Just read at that millions of Australians are going to “Swelter” through the coming week end with temperatures up to, wait for it, a whole 35c in northern parts of the country and a “whopping” 27c in Melbourne. These days anything above 0c is considered a heatwave and apparently unbearable. The report actually admitted that these temperatures were not a record but things could change.
      Every aspect of our daily lives is bombarded with this climate BS sooooo it must be true.


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        Mike Jonas

        Our part of NSW is still OK then – a white frost over everything this morning. Or does the frost have to keep going all day for us to survive the global boiling?


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      “if most people really do have a lot of common sense.”.??

      In the 2013 election “most people” gave Tony Abbott a substantial majority in the House of Reps, our “lower house”.

      People who thought that was not “conservative” enough gave the Palmer United Party four seats in the upper house, our senate, and with those four seats the balance of power. Note that had the PUP not appeared on the scene with plenty of cash and a “right wing” policy program those seats would have gone to Abbott’s coalition, giving him control of the parliament.

      Then as he debunked the AGW scam the scam would have collapsed all around the world.

      Lo and behold, when it came time for the new senators to take their seats Al Gore appeared on the scene and stood by Clive Palmer as he announced that those four seats which had been won by the far right of our political spectrum would be harvested by the far left.

      So, how did Al Gore persuade Clive Palmer to switch sides? This was surely one of the most momentous events in Australia’s political history and the commentariat didn’t even notice.

      Common sense didn’t get a look in.


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        Peter C

        So, how did Al Gore persuade Clive Palmer to switch sides?

        That is still a mystery.

        I have asked the UAP several times but have not had an answer yet
        As for the rest “Common sense did’t get a look in”. Which supports Delingpole


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      Glad you enjoyed Peter. Quality nuts and bones debate took place there.


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    John Connor II

    It was pneumonia, not Covid, what done it

    THE first victim of what became known as Covid-19 was ‘Patient Zero’, whose case was recorded on December 26, 2019, in Wuhan, China.

    We are told this led to the discovery of a new coronavirus subsequently dubbed SARS-CoV-2
    As described in the seminal paper in Nature from February 3, 2020, the clinical features of the illness of the alleged Patient Zero, from whom the genome of the ‘novel virus’ was said to have been sequenced, are quite typical of regular bacterial pneumonia. Given that he showed no unusual symptoms, clearly this was not a routine medical response to what looks like a typical respiratory infection.

    Researchers whohave looked at the interaction between bacterial pneumonia and SARS-CoV-2 have found that bacterial pneumonia vaccination reduced the risk of Covid-19 by a statistically significant margin.But how can a vaccine for a bacterium reduce the risk from a virus?

    Research into the etiology of community-acquired pneumonia concludes that it is often observed that viral species colonise the nasopharynx of patients after they have contracted bacterial pneumonia, suggesting that sequential pneumonia infection followed by viral infection, or parallel infection, where the infections occur together, are both possible. However, the default operating assumption in the medical literature and in practice is the opposite: viral followed by bacterial infection, and since 2020 with SARS-CoV-2 identified as the ‘novel’ root cause.

    These research results suggest that the actual burden of risk to patients is not SARS-CoV-2 at all but bacterial pneumonia and that SARS-Cov-2 is secondary to bacterial pneumonia, or it masks bacterial pneumonia, not the other way around.

    ..physicians in Toledo, Spain, administered antibiotics to Covid-19 patients during spring 2020, contrary to official guidance. This resulted in zero hospitalisations or deaths in their care homes after they started routine administration. The resulting mortality over spring 2020 was approximately 7 per cent versus 28 per cent in other comparable care homes (and the 7 per cent died before they started routine antibiotic use).

    A (pneumonia) hypothesis, that a proportion of Covid-19 deaths in 2020, specifically those with associated respiratory symptoms, were caused by bacterial pneumonia, and that bacterial pneumonia may have been the primary, not the secondary, infection, starts to look rather strong.

    Further confirmation that bacterial pneumonia, not Covid, is the real danger has come from two groups of doctors who have had 100 per cent success using antibiotics to treat ‘Covid’.

    Now, what were those memes about Covid being the flu, and the flu never disappearing?😉
    The 1918 Spanish flu deaths were mostly bacterial and exacerbated by masks?
    Our good friend Ivor Mectin?


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      John Connor II

      Where Is the Proof that Over 37,000 People Died in New York City in 11 Weeks?

      It’s 37,469 New Yorkers dying in two and a half months — a mortality increase equivalent to almost more than eight 9/11 events. A ridiculous 20,000 deaths list COVID-19 as underlying cause, including a suspiciously high number of younger adults who died in hospitals.

      Viruses aren’t bombs – including pathogens with the infection fatality ratio of influenza at most. A “spreading” risk-additive pathogen doesn’t show up in mortality data overnight.3 There would be signs and signals. Yet, we see none and are asked to believe that government officials were prescient enough to catch the virus “just in time.

      Ooohhh…that graph…


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        There were similar spikes in many countries all over the world. Not just NY. And The timing of peak deaths usually matched the timing of peak cases — to the week. Even though testing was dodgy and abused in some countries, the pattern was similar all over the world. Here in Australia PCR testing only recorded one positive case in 2,000 to 5,000 tests — obviously sometimes PCR was not inflated, other times it was — like any science experiment it can be abused. So despite hospitals in the US being incentivize to exaggerate, and PCR tests sometimes being abused (high CT cycles that should not have been accepted) — even despite all the cheating — SARS2 caused deaths, and the spikes of March and April 2020 showed up in most nations and especially in nations which were deficient in Vitamin D, and had older populations and in nations which didn’t close their borders.

        Viruses have killed more people than bombs ever have. We have lived in the century of medical and engineering success when people under 70 today don’t even remember a time when infectious illness was a widespread and common deadly threat. We have lived in the golden era of the last 100,000 years.


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          PCR is not a test its an amplification process. It tells you nothing useful in a medical sense. And, the amplification is based upon the ‘provided’ input sequences. You detect what you’re looking for !
          The ‘pandemic’ was driven primarily by the misuse of the PCR. Any spikes/data based on PCR is suspect. IMO !


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            An amplification process can be a test. What law of biology says it can’t? What matters is reproducibility/reliability/accuracy/precision, same old things as any scientific test. PCR is built into a lot of modern medicine and most of genetics forensics/paleostudies/legal cases/ancestry etc

            PCR results are crosschecked with plaque assays, antibody tests, electron microscopy, blood tests like D-Dimer, cytokine, blood oxygen saturation, contact tracing, etc etc etc

            In 4,999 PCR tests out of 5,000 here in WA the PCR test for covid was negative. People who scored positive were much more likely to get sick, or even if they didn’t, more likely to share something with people around them that made them also test positive, be more likely to get sick, get poor d-Dimer tests, low blood oxy sat, etc etc.

            There are a trail of a billion data points done with ten different methods on five different continents and someone needs to come up with a whole lot of explanations to explain all these observations if they were not caused by a 29,000-base-long virus called SARS2.

            But yes, some PCR tests were false positives.


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            Gee Aye

            Oh god not this again.


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          Honk R Smith

          Jo, appreciate your reasoned objectivity, a modicum of which I myself possessed prior to my journey of self education on the climate issue.

          From ‘horse de-wormer’ to ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’ to only ‘racist conspiracy theorists’ would suspect a laboratory leak …
          it is difficult for me to contemplate the tsunami of Government, MSM, and NGO lying that has plagued us since 2020 was somehow based on an initial truth.

          Funny how that ‘golden era’ seems to have been kiboshed just as such lauded institutions such as the WHO, CDC, TGA, HIH, and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health security, have come to fore.
          Do you feel more ‘health secure’?
          I don’t.

          Also funny, how NYC can’t identify a large portion of 37,000+ individual deaths, but can counts votes with unquestionable accuracy.

          Also, like the ‘Climate Crisis’, the ‘Pandemic’ scaremongering seems to have very sophisticated global centralized coordination.
          They had meetings and produced plans.


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            Don’t forget, everything that’s happening now, started with 14 days to flatten the curve.


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              Honk. The level of corruption is truly chilling even to a seasoned 15 year long writer of government corruption.

              MP. Funny thing happened in 12 days. The curve did flatten. The crime was the suppression of vitamin D, C, Zn, melatonin, ivermectin, carageenan, mouthwash, nasal spray, exercise, sunlight, and forcing people to wait locked inside for a barely tested unneccessary vaccine.

              We need to understand what works and what doesnt with bioweapons when there are scores of labs doing GOf experiments.


              • #

                Not what I meant, I have seen the stats and I can’t unsee those no matter what you say, Convid to flu numbers, flu to zero. Massive data manipulation like AGW.

                I mean the, housing, immigration crisis, CBDC’s, digital ID, censorship, Ukraine and the list goes on, all from 14 days to flatten the curve. Let’s not forget the introduction to stakeholder capitalism.


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          John Connor II

          Talking of vit D:

          Vitamin D deficiency was the KEY factor in severe COVID-19 & death. Vitamin D was all that was needed (Public Health – they all knew it).

          At least 4 early Vitamin D studies were sabotaged/removed.
          (did Vitamin D get the “Ivermectin treatment” in 2020?)
          New Zealand Chief Science Advisor put out a report on June 2, 2020 concluding that Vitamin D deficiency played a KEY role in severe COVID-19 & death.

          It documented latest research, papers by Philippine and Indonesian researchers showing that severe COVID-19 & death were linked with Vitamin D deficiency.

          A month later both papers were removed and the Indonesian researchers disappeared off the face of the earth, while a paper (also from Indonesia) came out claiming Vitamin D is “misinformation” and the Indonesian researchers NEVER EXISTED!

          Little wonder they wanted everyone to stay inside and not engage in outside exercising..

          Time for my fave old faithful – viruses throughout history:

          But then, humans are just so GOOD at conflict, aren’t they!:


          The death count from wars is impressive, and I haven’t counted the above up.

          Then there are non-war communist regime government genocides running into the hundreds of millions.

          Don’t know Jo, until the numbers are added up, but government caused deaths (inc orchestrated virus releases) are looking to topple natural viruses, or a VERY close 2nd place, not that either deserve a prize..


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          Peter C

          To Jo,

          There were similar spikes in many countries all over the world. Not just NY. And The timing of peak deaths usually matched the timing of peak cases — to the week.


          Even though testing was dodgy and abused in some countries, the pattern was similar all over the world. Here in Australia PCR testing only recorded one positive case in 2,000 to 5,000 tests — obviously sometimes PCR was not inflated, other times it was


          So despite hospitals in the US being incentivize to exaggerate, and PCR tests sometimes being abused (high CT cycles that should not have been accepted)

          I would like to see some confirmation of that. A lot of rumours. How many cyles of amplification were used actually?

          SARS2 caused deaths, and the spikes of March and April 2020 showed up in most nations and especially in nations which were deficient in Vitamin D, and had older populations and in nations which didn’t close their borders.

          Excess deaths did not show up here in Australia until Jan 2022, long after the initial waves of Covid. ( I have refereNce from the Australian Bureau of Statistics but It is hard to find it right now)


          • #

            PeterC — 1. US infections were higher than reported and often undiagnosed in 2020 — Evidence: Woolfe et al 2021 . See the Figure with excess deaths in four different regions of the US peaking at the same time as covid did in each region. REmember there were no vaccines causing unexplained excess deaths in 2020. But there was undocumented Covid especially in states with high test positivity which demonstrated inadequate testing.

            2. PCR tests work in Australia. Australian test positivity was insanely low 0.01% because we did 5000 tests to find every case. It was very different in the US in 2020. Meaning the PCR test obviously worked well here in Australia. Nearly all the time it was not abused and did not find covid. There were few false positives.

            3.PCR cycles– CT from 20-30 are quite useful, very meaningful and correlate to plaque assay quantity assay. Only CT 30-40 are unreliable. I wrote draft posts on all these things and point 1 above, but not sure readers want to know. Packed it away.

            4. Excess deaths Australia are easily explained. Borders and quarantine kept out most Covid infections from Australia in 2020 and 2021 — a virus that was barely existent in our population would hardly cause enough deaths in 2020/2021 here to show in our excess deaths. It’s a tool so blunt, so brutally low resolution — we’re looking for “the excess deaths” above all normal other causes of deaths added together? 170,000 deaths occur every normal year in Australia. Excess deaths is actually a terrible tool to use to detect a new independent cause of mortality. The only thing it has going for it, is that dead bodies are hard to hide and unless corruption is ultra-super-awfully bad, we can still use excess deaths to detect some major new event.

            Please forgive me if I sound short — I feel like I have explained the same thing many times, perhaps to different people. Probably I should have published the draft posts, because figuring out the truths about infections and pandemics is more important than ever. Are we already in a biotech war?


            • #
              Peter C

              Thanks Jo,

              1. Thanks for the reference.

              2.and 3. PCR tests work in Australia. The fact that most PCR tests were negative is good evidence that the tests were not abused in Australia. However there were a lot of claims that too many cycles of amplification were used. What I have been looking for is instructions to PCR laboratories about how the tests should be performed (which would include the cut off for a positive test). So far I have not found that.

              4. Excess deaths Australia are easily explained.
              The lack of excess deaths during the Covid era are easily explained by closed borders and social lockdowns. Those measures did work remarkably well for quite a long time (which led to changing goalposts – flatten the curve became elimination).

              See the 1st chart in this report by the Australian Bureau of Statistics;

              The overall deaths remain within the 95% window throughout the period 2016-2021 apart from a brief blip in 2017 corresponding with the Flu season that year. However in Jan 2022 the excess deeaths began to take off. The excess deaths have remained far above the 95% window throughout 2022 and now well into 2023!

              That means there really has been a major new event causing an increase in mortality and that event is likely the Covid vaccine program.


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        Kalm Keith

        John, when this mess first became public I looked up the occupancy details of nursing homes in the New York area.

        Probably as expected in one of the richest spots on earth there were several interesting facts that stood out.

        The use of late life care in nursing homes was very high.

        The average “stay was short; can’t remember if it was 18 months.

        The average age of occupants was very high.

        All in all the ideal spot to use for a CV19 scare campaign.

        All deaths were Covid19 Not Old Age. Really.

        We must trust the brothers Grim who were in town at the time.

        Of course they purchased thousands of “respirators” which when used on the elderly resulted in rapid deterioration of what little strength was left.

        As a highly qualified statistician I found the above very disturbing.


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    Look at this $hT hole, climate scientists claim the islands will be inundated by rising seas by …………………………………………………………………………………………….the end of the century.

    What buffoon takes these scientists seriously and just as seriously these people need to leave this island


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      It looks like it’s sinking under its own weight.


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      John Connor II

      Even Dimming The Sun Wouldn’t Save Antarctica’s Ice Now, Scientists Say

      Geoengineering is often presented as a last-resort technological fix to the climate crisis that can still swoop in and save the day.

      But new models suggest that such risky measures, like dimming the Sun, are not enough to save Antarctica now.

      There’s only one thing left that could, and it’s the very same thing we’ve been failing to do for 40 years now: stop burning fossil fuels.

      “Our simulations show that the most effective way to prevent long-term collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is rapid decarbonization,” warns Sutter.

      How about we trigger a few supervolcanoes and blackout the sun? That’ll save the planet!
      As for the ocean floor volcanoes actually doing the melting – ssshhh…


      • #

        John, ironically the increasingly colder air in the higher atmosphere causes increased warming in the Arctic. The centrifugal force of the Earth pushes the polar jet streams further into the subtropics, which pulls up increasing flows of warm air into the Arctic regions. Paradoxically, the warming of the Arctic is the result of the cooling of the Earth. The intensity of the cloud-forming process has a lot to do with the cooling of the earth.

        The cloud-forming intensity, itself, is affected by the density of the cosmic-ray flux that is reaching the Earth.

        NASA’s Ulysses spacecraft has measured a 20% increase in the cosmic-ray flux received on the Earth over the time span of a decade before it got turned off in 2009. When the cosmic-ray flux is increasing, the cloud-forming process is intensified.

        The connection between cosmic-ray flux and cloud-forming intensity has been experimentally verified with the CLOUD project at the CERN laboratory in Europe, where artificial cosmic rays were injected into a reaction chamber filled with water vapor.

        The experiment proves rather strongly that the dynamics of cloudiness and with it the resulting freshwater distribution around the Earth, is largely affected by cosmic factors over which we on Earth have absolutely no control.


      • #

        “Our simulations show that the most effective way to prevent long-term collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is rapid decarbonization,” warns Sutter. (Sutter, typo – shouldn’t that be Nutter)
        Models/Simulations – these guys have an aversion to actual data.


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    Triggernometry have a long interview with Andrew Bogut, covering the locker room take on social issues, and Aus covid lunacy. Another Balkan sportsman with uncommon sense. 1 hour.


    • #

      Andrew Bogut halfway through the interview compares Viktoriastan
      with progressivist California. He relates his Melbourne experience
      of citizen dobbers reporting people who sat on park seats or disobeyed
      the exercise time limit. I had a similar experience and confronted the
      citizen, somewhat to his discomfort. As for masks …


  • #
    James Murphy

    A short video called “The disturbing truth about Just Stop Oil”
    by Spiked.


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      Mike Jonas

      I haven’t watched the video (I rarely do, as reading text is so much faster). Talking about Just Stop Oil, Dale Vince needs more exposure.

      Dale Vince (DV), an extremely wealthy individual with extensive interests in wind farms, funds Just Stop Oil (JSO). JSO’s aim is to close down all fossil fuels in Britain, because that would benefit DV’s business interests. DV also makes large donations to the Labour Party, in return for which the Labour Party does his bidding in parliament on issues like wind farm subsidies and oil exploration licences.

      The more money DV makes, the more he can influence politicians. The more that politicians help him, the more money they receive. It’s a vicious circle and the general public is always on the losing side.


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    John Connor II

    Should all sports be moved inside to protect young athletes from “climate change”?


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      Australia still sitting at +16% excess deaths with lots of died suddenly’s, the omni potent force of a trace gas has no bounds. I think CO2 will cause died suddenly’s in sporting endeavours inside or out to be honest.


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      That’s the problem with modern sports, they don’t seem to have their hearts in the game.


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    BOOM…….some hard hitting home truths in this letter to the Catholic Church to be completely ignored of course but very much well worth the read.



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      Yes, Peter Coselloe is from the Order of Preachers, also know as Dominicans. The Dominicans ran the Spanish Inquisition. Peter is the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth. Hopefully this letter will get widespread distribution to sort out the wokeness that is coming out of many of the clergy


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      Kalm Keith

      Thanks for putting that up. Well worth the read.


  • #

    The oh so superior US Secretary of Energy goes on a summer EV road trip. Goes about as well as a sane person would expect.

    Given the support convoy and the report via NPR, who knows how bad it really got.


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    FOOD GRAIN production & Markets Äthiopien will zum Netto-Exporteur aufsteigen I thought that Ethiopia was a Basket case for food production? how times are changing. the Greening of Africa: Just CO2 or more rainfall?


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    Before the colonists came, we burned small and burned often to avoid big fires. It’s time to relearn cultural burning

    For 60,000 years, many First Nations peoples managed the land that sustained us. Fire, for us, was not destructive. It created new life. We believe bringing back cultural burning is an important step towards creating a more just and sustainable future.


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      william x

      Re cool Burning before the colonists.

      Cook and Banks both recorded in their journals, land fires burning on the voyage up the eastern seaboard of Australia.
      Ok, lets look at timeline.. HMS Endeavour made landfall at Pt. Hicks Australia 19th April 1770 and on the 22 August 1770 reached Cape York.

      In Australia, the months April to August are (fall to winter). cooler.

      In our NSW fire services, if we are ever allowed, that is generally the time you would do a cool burn. (+ September if conditions allow)

      So.. were the fires seen and recorded by Cook and Banks, actual land management?… Could be, but whom knows.

      If any here are interested. This is a viewable link to Cook’s complete journal written in his own hand. 1768-1771 (National Library Australia).

      It’s a great read for any lover of history.


    • #

      Can we start with politicians ?


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      ” many First Nations peoples managed the land that sustained us”

      Isn’t that “completely changed the land and destroyed the environment, leading to only fire-resistant plants and animals in Australia”?

      It would be a different place if the aborigines hadn’t come.


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    Jacqui Lambie, independent Tasmanian senator, commenting on Peter Dutton’s me too Voice called it a “brain fart” classic! I hope Dutton quietly forgets it.


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    David Maddison

    What happens after five shots of “the juice” which I have no doubt most of our woke friends here have had as a minimum?

    Front Immunol. 2023; 14: 1240425. 

    Published online 2023 Aug 16. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1240425

    PMCID: PMC10469480

    PMID: 37662950

    Five doses of the mRNA vaccination potentially suppress ancestral-strain stimulated SARS-CoV2-specific cellular immunity: a cohort study from the Fukushima vaccination community survey, Japan

    4. Discussion

    To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to monitor long-term data on the dynamics of humoral and cellular immunity in high-risk populations following the administration of the five-dose mRNA vaccination regimen, including the bivalent mRNA vaccine. Although most participants acquired humoral immunity, 50% of individuals maintained cellular immunity three months after the fifth dose. Previously, in the same patients undergoing dialysis cohort, we reported that 71.4% (40/56) of individuals acquired cellular immunity two weeks after the third dose (24). In a healthy population, 64.3% (700/1089) of individuals acquired cellular immunity after the third dose (11). However, a consistent portion of the population remained unable to acquire cellular immunity even after the fifth dose, similar to the third dose. In a study using QuantiFERON, cellular immunity was observed in 50% (8/16) of individuals after the third dose (25). INF-γ, detected using T-SPOT.COVID and QuantiFERON, have been suggested to play a crucial role in SARS-CoV-2 infection and reinfection (8). Therefore, monitoring cellular immunity in high-risk populations is critical (13), and our results further support its significance.

    The group that acquired cellular immunity after the third dose consistently maintained cellular immunity. This finding is consistent with previous reports stating that once cellular immunity is acquired, it can be maintained for several months (12, 26). In contrast, some groups could not acquire cellular immunity, regardless of receiving the fourth or fifth dose and acquiring efficient humoral immunity. Furthermore, we observed an increase in the proportion of individuals unable to acquire cellular immunity after the fifth dose. This finding might align with Gao et al.’s report using a mouse model, which showed a decrease in CD4+ and CD8+ T cell activity and an increase in Treg expression after the fifth and sixth doses of mRNA vaccination, suggesting the mechanism of immune tolerance (27). Since no relationship was observed between the positive controls and T-Spot reactiveness, these immune alternations are possibly specific to SARS-CoV-2. These specific immune alterations might involve the Tregs expression or the emergence of exhausted T cells. Multiple doses of mRNA vaccines are recommended for high-risk groups (28, 29). However, considering the potential for immune tolerance and exhaustion in cellular immunity after repeated mRNA vaccine administration (especially five or more doses), there might be an alternative strategy for SARS-CoV-2 immunization. The potential evasion of cellular immune responses to VoCs following the emergence of the Omicron variant (30) further emphasizes the need to re-evaluate vaccination strategies for high-risk groups.


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      Please stop this disinformation, they are up to number 6 now, do not scare them off!

      It’s an addiction, like smoking, they even have patches coming soon, thanks to QLD’s chook and Billy Gates.

      Are you up to date, get vaxxinated at, Chemists, Bunnings car parks and soon your local tip, it’s for your health.


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        Forrest Gardener

        And of course the injections are safe and effective.

        Nobody ever said what they were safe from or effective in doing, but celebrities said on tv that they were safe and effective. That should be good enough for anybody silly enough to trust politicians and public servants.


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    David Maddison

    Although he does believe in “climate change” Michael Shellemberger is not obsessed with it and doesn’t believe Western Civilisation should be destroyed because of this belief. He is pro-freedom and anti-censorship (a tautology, I know).

    Here is an outstanding talk he gave about “Escaping the Woke Matrix”.

    (Trigger warning for the Woke.)


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    David Maddison

    Who do you think will replace It a Buttrose as chair of the ABC?

    One thing is certain, the appointee is unlikely to be white, heterosexual, conservative, male or merit-based.

    Instead, they will be a quota appointment.


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    With increasing Volcanoes and Earthquakes happening around the World could it be the result of increasing cosmic ray flux, dimming Solar activity, and the expanding earth’s core? Are we heading towards another long-term down-ramping in progress towards another Ice Age coming up fast in the 2050s, from which the solar system may not recover? Should Humanity prepare itself? And then what?


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    Nobel Winner Refutes Climate Change Narrative, Points Out Ignored Factor

    Nobel Prize laureate John Clauser has recently been in the spotlight for challenging prevailing climate models, which he says have ignored a key variable.

    Mr. Clauser, who recently became a recipient of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics for his contributions to quantum mechanics, holds degrees from Caltech and Columbia University. He served in roles at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and the University of California, Berkeley. In 2010, he was honored with a portion of the Wolf Prize in Physics.

    Recently, Mr. Clauser joined another Nobel laureate and over 1,600 professionals in signing the World Climate Declaration (WCD) organized by Climate Intelligence (CLINTEL). This declaration asserts that there is no “climate emergency,” that climate change science is not conclusive, and that the earth’s history over thousands of years shows a consistently changing climate…


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    That’s quick how the Queen is erased from history.

    You wouldn’t really know that the Queen passed away, a year ago, on September 10th…and no memorial.

    Also shows the character of the Royalty in playing ‘Beer Pong’ rather than think of the past Queen…
