Climate change causes another year of record highest ever coral cover on Earth’s largest reef

By Jo Nova

Whatever you do, don’t let the punters know the corals aren’t collapsing.

Corals, Fish, at Flynn Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Photo.

Wise Hok Wai Lum

Last year, the Great Barrier Reef had blockbuster levels of coral cover, and this year it’s the same, even though global carbon dioxide levels rose 1%, and China probably installed another 100 coal fired plants. The corals, apparently, don’t care.

The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) issued a press release, calling this repeat record a “pause”.

“A pause in recent coral recovery across most of the Great Barrier Reef”AIMS

Last year only 3% of Australians knew the Great Barrier Reef was in record good health, and AIMS seemingly wants to keep it that way.

If this survey showed the reef was in record poor cover for a second year, would they call it a pause in recent damage? The lies-by-omission are still lies. AIMS is deceiving the taxpayers who pay for AIMS.


It’s a disaster, again. How will scientists get research grants to manage a reef that looks after itself?

Peter Ridd is scathing:

Peter Ridd“The fabulous condition of the reef demonstrates that the public has been systematically misled by many science institutions about the condition of the reef,” Dr Ridd said.

The Australian

The reef now has twice as much coral as in 2012 when it hit a low point after being smashed by major cyclones.

Last year’s record-breaking result was also embarrassing to the GBR science institutions. They had proclaimed that the reef had just been devastated by four unprecedented hot water bleaching events in 2016, 2017, 2020 and 2022 – but then it had more coral than ever. …

Ridd says it’s time to audit the science institutions:

The truth is we have been scammed for decades, and the perpetrators have been caught out. Once-trusted science institutions have become untrustworthy. It is time they are subjected to serious scrutiny. Have they become ideological? Are they inclined to groupthink? Are they motivated by the funding imperative, which relies on the reef being perpetually doomed? How do they handle ­dissenters – are they ostracised or welcomed? What are their quality assurance systems that clearly failed? How did they get this so wrong for 60 years?

Within a few years there will be a big cyclone, which is now known to be by far the biggest coral killer, or another plague of crown of thorns starfish, both of which are entirely natural. The amount of coral will reduce. Doubtless the headlines will say we have lost half the coral on the reef, as they have proclaimed many times in the past – occasionally truthfully. The science institutions will be happy. The money will keep flowing. The children will remain depressed. More costly red-tape will be imposed on farmers to “save the reef”, and the reef-tourism industry gets kicked in the teeth again by the bad publicity.

—The Australian

It’s time to audit the media too. The junk science news produced by junk institutions should be mocked by an independent media, not repeated parrot style. Something is very wrong with the media landscape…

UPDATE: Thanks to Peter Ridd for this graph

Corals, graph.

After 37 years of non-stop pollution, there are more corals than ever growing on the Great Barrier Reef.


9.9 out of 10 based on 127 ratings

74 comments to Climate change causes another year of record highest ever coral cover on Earth’s largest reef

  • #
    Kalm Keith

    The last paragraph says exactly what’s needed, a change in operation and goals.

    Essentially, through carelessness, conformism or manipulative impulses, the media is not do what’s expected of it.

    The only beneficiaries are the political class who want to confuse and control voters and media workers who want a nice clean well paying job.

    The media is supposed to sift through information, determine the real and useful facts and present them clearly so that we can make useful decisions.

    Unfortunately before any changes can occur, society needs to come to grips with the meaning of what Truth is.

    Truth can help society move in a better direction but it can also disempower the manipulators in society: forces in conflict.

    There have always been manipulators throughout history and fixing this will not be easy.

    Sometimes seeing the truth is almost impossible, just look at the competing media forces in the USA.


    • #

      You need to brush up on modern semantics. “Truth” as a binary concept is racist, colonial, white, male, stale. Truth is personal, variable according to socio-political context – it can alter according to the observer, a bit like Schrödinger’s cat. You might have your truth, but I have mine, such is the rubbish pushed as credible thinking since, oh yesterday.


      • #
        David Maddison

        In other words postmodernism, the underlying philosophy of the modern Left. Postmodernists believe that there is no such thing as objective truth. That’s why they use terms like “my truth”, “your truth” etc..


        • #
          John Connor II

          One man’s truth is another man’s lie.
          Is not truth truth for all?
          The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.
          You can’t handle the truth.
          What would a real AI think? 😉


        • #
          Steve of Cornubia

          I wonder why it is that, according to the Left, truth and facts are objective and may vary, yet they insist there is a need to control ‘misinformation’? Surely there is no such thing as misinformation and no need for ‘fact checkers’ in a world of objective truth?


        • #

          Post modern = 36.


      • #
        Kalm Keith

        My truth, your truth, his, hers, its’s, WEF’s, UNIPCCC’s, WHO’ses, and so on.

        What we are looking for is
        Our Truth
        that which will benefit everyman dedicated to collective wellbeing, growth security and happiness arising from their/theys own efforts.

        p.s. everyman is used in its’ earlier meaning as known prior to the emergence of modern truth.


      • #

        Before a house can be labeled as “a specific color” house one would need to walk all the way around the house. Someone might have been “creative” and painted each side of the house a different color.
        But labeling a house a specific color misses the point in this case, the house can not be only red, white or green etc because it is multi-colored.
        Look up “fair witness”


      • #

        “The fabulous condition of the reef demonstrates that the public has been systematically misled by many science institutions about the condition of the reef,” Dr Ridd said.

        Hmmmm. Whether the public HAS been mislead or not is the actual question….

        Allegedly the BS stories from the Climate Nutters are frightening the masses into hiding under their beds in serious fear, and yet this winter in my businesses, sales are BOOMING. The charter boats out to the reefs and reef-fringed islands are packed: booked out way in advance. The local airport has had the greatest number of inbound passengers to go swimming, snorkelling, diving, sailing, cruising, joy-flighting over the various reefs EVER.

        Seriously, I see the pathetic efforts of the doomsters running the climate-Armageddon scam to be EXACTLY like the promoters behind Astrology. There is no end of Horoscope charlatans in newspapers, on-line, selling trinkets and lucky-charms with astrological motifs.,..who WHO actually believes any of it?

        FFS. If the climate scamsters were having ANY impact on the average citizen, fossil-fueled car sales: numbers on fossil-fueled cruises: fossil-fueled jet travel etc would be in the toilet instead of booming. Well: are they?

        PS: in other words: stop bagging the average Joe as a moron falling for the shysters laughable BS!


    • #

      We need an audit of the ABC for disseminating propaganda based on flawed science.


  • #

    The jeopardy has moved on to Florida.
    (The Manatee Bay temperature is not representative, widely discussed.)
    Delusional, pointless… words that come to mind watching this.


  • #
    Kalm Keith

    While this article from the Australian does hit the truth button as we understand things, there have been published comments in the past which “put the alternate view” on this topic and others.

    Maybe other articles don’t say outright that Peter Ridd is wrong but they push the global warming button which, by inference, warns us that the barrier reef is in danger.

    This style of news management allows the paper to claim it’s being even handed when in fact it’s not bothering to sift out the truth.


  • #

    The problem is careerism and hubris.

    On careerism, in the words of Upton Sinclair, “It Is Difficult to Get a Man to Understand Something When His Salary Depends Upon His Not Understanding It”.

    Catastrophic environmental/climate problems keep government bureaucrats budgets stuffed with funding, fill environmental activist coffers with donations, provide oodles and oodles of grants for Universities and scientists, and ratings for media entities that thrive on ‘if it bleeds it leads’ apocalyptic reporting. All of their salaries depend on the reef (and the climate, and sea levels, etc.) getting worse, so it’s no surprise they refuse to acknowledge contrary evidence.

    On hubris, in the words of Confucious, “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance”.

    People in power seem certain of everything these days, and anyone who disagrees with them is either stupid or evil. You see it in regards to racial issues, climate issues, Covid issues, left/right political issues and on and on and on. You either agree with the establishment position or you are guilty of spreading misinformation, or disinformation, or malinformation. No one is willing to admit that they might not have all the answers, and that the unpopular opinions might be right after all. It’s pure hubris. They don’t even consider that they might be wrong.


    • #

      Before long, they shall never be wrong, by executive fiat. If you suggest otherwise, you shall be guilty of an offence, you shall be silenced. It is not tin foil hat conspiracy theory to see what is planned; it is blatant and well on its way.


    • #

      It’s a funny thing, but I’ve quoted that very same bit of wisdom in this introduction to an introduction I’ve been assembling.

      Perhaps you might risk taking a look, as I’m hoping this ‘introduction to an introduction’ that leads on to various optional ‘side bits’ and ultimately to the ‘solution’ to the ‘carbon [sic] emissions’ [non-]problem that so-worries our learned Minister for Energy & Climate Change (or is it the other way around?) will help to enlighten so many of the propagandised Public that all is not Doom & Gloom!


  • #
    David Maddison

    The damage being done to science and the scientific method by these political and social engineering driven scare stories is enormous.

    For the pretend “scientists” who work to generate this fiction, they benefit from the easy-to-get huge “research” funding and taxpayer-funded adventure/working holidays in an exotic tropical locations and publicity they get from false claims that they are working “to save the planet”.

    These “scientists” can’t make it in areas of real science with less publicity and less funding but get oodles of money thrown at them for working in this area of junk science with no scrutiny from funding authorities or the public (except by Jo).

    It’s like when a male athlete plays in female sports. They can’t make it in male sports against other males but they win all the medals competing against females.


  • #
    David Maddison

    To get almost guaranteed research funding these days a taxpayer-funded scientist just has to add the term “climate change” or “climate crisis” (or whatever term is currently in vogue) to their research proposal.

    Just do a Goolag search for “climate change research proposals” without quote marks to see examples.


    • #

      David, it has been that way for years. I have a mate who would go to PNG in the 1990s to help the locals on the west side try to stop the illegal Indon loggers. To get funds he would apply for grants to “study the global warming impacts on the (insert funny animal name) habitat. “
      He would get grants of 10 or 15k which would support him for a few months and then he would get another one. Only had to write an A4 sheet of made up garbage to close out the last grant and away he’d go again. While he was actually doing good work it was completely fraudulent but it had the magic words so didn’t matter.
      He actually had to sleep in the local lockup most nights – only place he was safe from the Indons


  • #

    The media IS the problem and has been for decades. What is worse is that the media knows it is the problem and that is why it censors criticism whereever it occurs. The Australian might be the most even handed when it comes to reporting but heaven help those that dare to criticise it. Of course the Nine papers and their ABC don’t even try to be even handed as fully paid up members of the UN blob. We need our own Gateway Pundit. The Epoch Times is trying. Jo’s blog is still the best in Australia.


    • #
      Brenda Spence

      Yes. My comments comments are frequently rejected especially on Ivermectin, excess deaths and the stolen US election. And dont criticise the Australian, that’s certain rejection.


      • #

        Me too, Brenda. Any mention of the successful Covid health regime in Uttar Pradesh got an instant rejection. Same with any hint of presenting documented facts of election cheating in the US during any election, never mind the 2020 one.


      • #

        Accidental red, sorry Brenda.


  • #
    Mike Jonas

    Within a few years there will be a big cyclone, which is now known to be by far the biggest coral killer, or another plague of crown of thorns starfish, both of which are entirely natural.“. Another coral killer could be the sea level fall caused by an El Nino. That’s natural too, of course.
    Falling Sea Level: The Critical Factor in 2016 Great Barrier Reef Bleaching!


  • #

    The improvement is no doubt due to PM Turnbull – he handed out $443 million to an almost unknown group in 2018.
    This is what happened to it.
    The auditor-general found the foundation was too small to receive so much money.
    The foundation was reviewed by the auditor-general again in 2021. It found the funds had been invested appropriately.
    But they were pulled up on their administrative and scaling-up fees.


    • #

      Appreciate your sarcasm.
      From your link, beneath the photograph of a beaming prat:

      In 2019, both a senate committee and Australia’s auditor-general found the grant to be an unsound decision.

      The decision had no tender process, and the foundation had not been consulted prior.

      The auditor-general found the foundation was too small to receive so much money. ($443 million)

      When the Coalition announced the funding, the foundation had six full-time employees.


    • #

      Also sad is that the order of these giveaway funds (~$500m) is the normal profit of a smaller bank like Queensland’s Suncorp.
      So all the efforts of Suncorp for a full year was pi’ssed on a wall by Turncoat without any accountability.
      Sure, Suncorp did better this year, but these profits go negative some years and it balances over time.
      All the hooha about bank profits in the leftist media is just a joke when you look at it with this lens.


  • #
    Dave of Gold Coast, Qld.

    What can we believe in Australia? We cannot believe the “scientists”about the reef, we cannot believe the PM on the Voice, we cannot believe the State or Federal Governments on Covid, the deadly vaccines, the sudden deaths or the “minister for energy” on power. We cannot believe the MSM for truth in reporting, especially the AlpBC, the BoM on climate, the weather forecasters on weather, the list is endless. We must be one of the most lied to people on earth.


    • #
      David Maddison

      In Australia, we can’t even get to hear foreign speakers who have alternative opinions. Recall for example the most recent case (of many) whereby the visit by Donald Trump Jr was cancelled because the Federal Government wouldn’t issue him a visa in time. (They eventually did, but it was so late the tour had to be cancelled.) The Left are terrified of any alternative opinion not in accord with the Official Narrative. That’s surely yet another indication that Leftists possess weak minds.


    • #

      Just recently One Nation (Pauline H and Malcolm R) plus some others have been pushing the government for a Royal Commission into COVID. You know, the one AnAl actually promised prior to the election. Of course got voted down by the major parties and the Greens. One of the Labor Senators got up and said that a Royal Commission into COVID couldn’t be held because ( checks notes)- ” COVID is still ongoing”. As Donald Horne said, ( I summarise ) – Australia is a great nation of people, led by fools.


      • #
        David Maddison

        Donald Horne full quote, 1964:

        Australia is a lucky country run mainly by second rate people who share its luck. It lives on other people’s ideas, and, although its ordinary people are adaptable, most of its leaders (in all fields) so lack curiosity about the events that surround them that they are often taken by surprise.


    • #

      ‘We must be one of the most lied to people on earth.’

      The Beijing fascists are leading the charge, but thankfully social media is still operational until eliminated. The floods in China have seen protests by the people and repression by the authorities, they are losing face.


    • #

      Unfortunately, it’s not just Australia it’s the entire west.
      Obviously, other non western countries have similar issues with freedom and censorship BUT they don’t bleat on about democracy all the time.


  • #

    Hi Jo
    Can you please also address the SBS TV news report on extensive bleaching?


  • #

    The BOM have cyclone trends since 1970 for the Aussie region, but haven’t been updated since 2016.
    But the trend is down over that period and that’s for both severe and non severe cyclones. BIG surprise NOT.
    But the leftie liars and extremists will be hoping and praying for a bad cyclone season, because they didn’t get any help from the last 3 La Nina years.
    The 1970s had some very bad cyclones and very high rainfall, but unfortunately another bad cyclone is always around the corner.
    That has been the case for thousands of years, plus very bad droughts and severe floods.
    Thanks again to Jo Nova and Dr Peter Ridd for their close attention to detail and the historical Data.
    See BOM graph at the link.


    • #
      David Maddison

      haven’t been updated since 2016.

      Why is that? Thats surely one of their core jobs.

      Perhaps the trend doesn’t fit the Official Narrative?


      • #

        Yea David and I’m sure you’re on the money.
        But I’m sure every worker at the BOM is flat out and can’t spare a few minutes to update the graph over the last 7 years. SARC.


    • #

      From my meagre knowedge powerful storms are created when there are large temperature differences. For example cool or cold air coming South from Canada meeting warm air coming North from the Gulf of Mexico. The greater the temperature difference the bigger the storm. In a warming world that temperature difference grows smaller and so storms should be less severe. Cyclones should get fewer and less severe also much to the disappointment of the alarmists.


      • #

        The Holocene Climate Optimum was warmer than now and you are correct, less cyclones and ENSO in a Modoki frame of mind.


    • #
      Graham Richards

      What’s a cyclone? Must have been some or other windstorms that were around back some 10/15 years ago.


  • #

    AGAIN here’s the BOM rainfall data from 1900 to 2022 for Eastern Australia or covering QLD, NSW, Vic rainfall.
    You’ll note that overall the very bad drought in 2019-20 was about the 6th lowest year since 1900 for Eastern Australia.
    AGAIN that terrible drought period from 1922 to 1947 (25 Years) stands out and ditto for the full Australian rainfall map as well.
    And the 1960s was very dry as well.


  • #

    One of the latest episodes of the TV series ” Utopia” pretty well summed this up. In their rush to chuck money at anything ” Great Barrier Reef” for improved PR, the government did a desperate web search for any institutions involved. They found a great web site with a group showing great concern for the health of the reef. “Quick, let’s interview this group in the hope of giving them some money”. Arrived at the meeting to find 2 schoolgirls who were apparently just great website constructors and it was a school project. Certainly, a bit of a far fetched take on the whole GBR funding boondoggle, but in reality probably not far off the mark.


    • #
      Mike Jonas

      Indeed, not far off the mark. There was also the government reef unit that received a bucketload of increased funding and spent it all on fast boats and other equipment for themselves but did absolutely nothing that actually tried to improve the reef.

      Far fetched? I think not.


  • #

    Ridd says it’s time to audit the science institutions:

    I strongly agree with this. But getting traction for an audit is the challenge

    I have lodged a complaint with the CSIRO over their false claims about their ACCESS climate model – specifically;

    ACCESS models and expertise of researchers has helped significantly to understand Australia’s future climate, as part of the International Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6)

    Most Australians will have an appreciation of El Nino and the associated ENSO. For example, my wife gets concerned about El Nino because it inevitably means the garden is going to need more watering and there is the risk of water restrictions then precious plants dying. I guess people in Lismore: those along the Murray River and other low lying locations are more concerned about impending La Nina conditions. Farmers are keen followers of the ENSO phases because their livelihoods depend on the weather.

    The surface temperature in the Nino34 region of the Pacific is well known to be the best indicator of ENSO phase shifts. If you were aiming to provide mid to long term climate forecasting for Australia, you would aim to predict the temperature in this region with high confidence.

    So the question – has the ACCESS climate model helped understand ENSO phases? The answer is a resounding NO. It is not even in the ballpark. The region has a slight cooling trend of 0.63C/century during the 42 years of satellite era. The ACCESS model produces a warming trend of 4.63C/century. So trend not even in the right direction.

    If I do not get a satisfactory response, I will take it up with the Commonwealth ombudsman.

    CSIRO and BoM are doing a great disservice to Australia by being useful idiots for the UN CO2 demonisers. They need to grow a pair and get back to testable science rather than consensus nonscience.


    • #

      It is worth noting here that the ACCESS model using SSP585 scenario gets the Nino34 region sustaining temperatures above 30C after 2060. This is physically impossible with the current atmospheric mass.

      Under the same SSP585 scenario, the Russian INM model has the region warming from a 20th century average of 24C to level out at an average of 27C by 2100, which happens to be the current average for determining the ENSO p[hases.

      The Chinese FGOALs model gets the Nino34 region up to 28.5C average by 2100 from from a 20th century average of 25.5C. So still warming but not unphysical claptrap.

      So the climate clowns working in Australia produce a model that gives outlandish unphysical results while Chinese and Russian models give plausible results that are much less alarming. Who to believe?


    • #
      Graham Richards

      It’s OK to dream about revues,audits or investigation of data massages / manipulation!

      Not even the Uniparty will condone them. It’ll also upset their net zero programs!


  • #

    “The fabulous condition of the reef demonstrates that the public has been systematically misled by many science institutions about the condition of the reef,” Dr Ridd said.

    This is only part of the reason why the government, MSM, and Big Tech should never have the power to rule and act on what is allegedly “misinformation” and “disinformation.”


  • #
    Old Goat

    As Peter has fought (and lost) against this “destruction” meme (and that’s all it is) I cannot blame him for being scathing . His persistence and tenacity in the face of the full force of academia is amazing . Objective reality no longer matters .


  • #
    John Connor II

    It’s time to audit the science institutions and media.

    Now where are you going to find an ethical politician with enough power to do that?
    And even if it was done, the resulting expose of multi-decade fraud, lies and criminality would destroy them.

    “There is absolutely no incentive for about 99%+ of the scientists in the world (administrative state, academic, private, corporate) to ever want to truly trace down the origin timing (and a case zero may be an impossibility). They would all look like quack minions if they discovered something other than the narrative. Too many threw all of their chips into the narrative ship and should that ship sink…”
    – Bill Rice Jr.

    The same applies to AGW, fake climate change, oil, vaxxes, Trump, Ukraine, etc etc. There’s so many!🤭
    These corrupt lying minions have made their beds, but under some mysterious delusion that the ramifications of their actions will not impact them.
    Big mistake. Really big mistake. As we’re now seeing.


  • #

    I feel a class action by a group of tourist operators would have a reasonable chance of success as they probably could establish that the number of visitors had fallen dramatically following the scare campaign by the marine authority and the ABC. I think that millions of dollars has been lost by their exaggerations and lies.


  • #

    The 7 natural wonders of the natural world are :- 1. Mount Everest · 2. Harbour of Rio de Janeiro · 3. Great Barrier Reef · 4. Victoria Falls · 5. Paricutin Volcano · 6. Grand Canyon. 7. Aurora Borealis. Can you imagine any of the countries where these other wonders of the world are situated (or viewed) actively promoting their demise?? Not only to the world but also their local citizens. For some reason I don’t think so.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Australia has become enormously self-destructive and led by politicians who don’t have Australia’s best interests at heart.


    • #

      You don’t hear all that much about the human waste, rubbish and dead bodies on Mt Everest, I wonder why.


    • #
      paul courtney

      Mr. Ross: I hope your comment isn’t widely circulated, or the US will start funding “save the northern lights from AGW!”


  • #
    James Murphy

    Australian Institute of Mangled Science
    Australian Institute of Missing Science


  • #

    We have to commend Dr Ridd for being so forthcoming about the truth of the reef when he knew what the cost might be but did it anyway.


  • #

    AS for the media and its problems, a white pill. The media is only the media as long as people watch it. This is coming to an end with the Zoomer generation. They do NOT watch television or radio or newspapers. So for how long is the media the media?

    The media’s hope is to take domination of the internet. Will they? Perhaps. Its what youtube wants and the worrying trend is that internet news like to copy the incumbent institutional format. I mean, is Dave Rubin going to save the world?

    But you have to give credit to people like Tim Pool for example. He’s pretty big, lot’s of kid viewers. More interested in reality than the hysterical media. Not that he’s an answer in oracle form, but is a start up, and popular with youth. So it is possible to make the media irrelevant.


    • #

      I know quite a few boomers who don’t watch state sponsored or commercial tv, they have netflix, paramount, amazon, youtube etc, no one buys the paper anymore.
      ABC viewership is sinking rapidly.


  • #

    I don’t really care if the reef dies. So what? The thing nearly ruined the great Cpt James Cook.

    Will it be an environmental disaster? Maybe by some definition, some species will cease, the ocean ecosystem and biodiversity and breeding areas and feeding grounds, nursery of the oceans, all this stuff.

    But actually, no. We know this because there are a lot of old reefs on land. They’ve died before, and they’ve grown again. The biosphere keeps exchanging something from somewhere to somewhere, always.

    Nature fluctuates, but it’s still nature. And it is resilient by its definition, it wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t, it would have died by now. It’s pretty tough.

    About the only thing in the pipeline that actually could kill the biosphere, is the environmentalist plan to block the sun via aerosols. Risky strategy that one.


    • #

      In the greater scheme of things the reef will die off – It’s geological evolution.
      Look around the planet where limestone occurs, a lot of that limestone formed out of coral reefs. Portland Stone is a great example. But it takes millenia to occur, so in the meantime enjoy what you have.


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