A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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A warning to Australia, don’t let your retards put any green obligations into law.
Such a civil and respectful way to start a Friday.
Too late.
Nah a couple more years and we will elect the last government back in, they will remove any green laws.
Despite the title, this actually has a good bit about who actually owns the banks in the West and why they dont work in your favour:
Very interesting and worth a read.
It was a good read!
I almost hope the BRICS nations can get their alternative currency up and running — but only if they establish “Full-reserve Banking”. We wouldn’t learn anything from a parallel system with the SAME FLAWS.
They could show the West how ‘sound money’ can exist in the modern world: for starters, put an end to the endless Inflation of the Quantity of Money (mostly done by COMMERCIAL BANKS, not, as you would think — or at least I did — by Central Banks).
I now know why “Russia double plus Bad” is dogmatically pushed by the media.
You now know why wealth is piling up in the upper reaches of society. . . and why it’s necessary for the WEF to try and head off anxiety about that fact, by trying to convince the younger demographic that “You guys don’t need to own anything; just rent a home, a car, and everything else, from GlobalCorp”. . . In short, BE A SERF!
Young Australia; from surf to serf in two generations.
Remember this eerie short animated film? Beyond the Reset. Focuses on lockdowns but is about everything.
Yep, blackrock’s board are shareholder based, Vanguard’s are installed by the owners. This structure puts Vanguard at the top of the food chain.
It’s never the one put out in public that controls.
The CBA may be getting a lot of grief over their 10 billion dollar profit. However, the Market Cap of the CBA is 175 billion dollars. So that profit represents an investment return of just under 6%.
Big Deal people.
“Allowing” a company to make 10% of market cap is a Ponzi scheme. Such a return guarantees a rise in market cap thus “justifying” a higher return next year while closing more branches.
Our banks are no longer essential, not even wanting to do the basic function of banking, so any preferential treatment for the Four Pillars should be scrapped.
This is unbelievable.
For some, the pandemic is still very real and lives on (inside their head).
The comments by the person featured in the following analysis videos is saying what they saying for real and this is not a spoof.
Here are comments analysing and discussing the person by both Matt Walsh and JP Sears.
Walsh: 8.5 mins
JP: 20 mins
You have to see it to believe it.
Don’t rush to judgement, David, maybe that commentator was just ahead of their time?
Possibly another lab-grown gift about to wing its way to a lockdown-under?
Here is an excellent conservative-oriented video entitled ‘What Happened to Modern Feminism”. It looks at the biological, psychological, political, cultural and other realities of the feminist movement and the relationships between men and women in general, both now and in the past.
Highly recommended. 50 mins
Australian video:
“Fake Aboriginal History & Culture Revealed” 30.5 mins
Please feel free to comment if you disagree with any aspect of the claims.
Also, reference is made to original or cohabitants of early Australia, the so-called “Pygmy Aborigines”. These have already been written out of history in the finest tradition of Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty Four even though they are well documented and were even mentioned by Manning Clark in History of Australia, 1962.
Also see
During a sabbatical in Sydney 1993, I searched the UNSW library for information on Aborigines – lots of anthropological stuff on New Guinea, Africa, the Americas, etc. And a complete blank on the Australian original inhabitants. I finally found an anthropological book about them in the Museum shop.
I would like to read the actual diaries of Sir Thomas Mitchell. Many years ago I read that when Mitchell was exploring the Peel Valley near Goonoo Goonoo, Aborigines he encountered pointed out there were ‘little people’ in the hills behind where Tamworth is today.
Can’t find hide nor hair about it today even though I have perused his transposed diaries on the State lIbrary website.
Sorry. ‘transcribed’ not ‘transposed’.
I’ve read other reports that Aborigines were possibly the tenth race to have inhabited Australia. Hence, the term “First Nations” is completely illegitimate.
We are actually the first Nation, they were never a nation.
By we, I include them.
Re the battery of another nation – Canada
“Clean Electricity Regulations released: carbon capture or bust”
Polls indicate Trudeau is tanking. So much for the masses being too stupid to realize that his greeness hides good old fashioned subsidies for his buddies.
“Sleep Well, Elites? You Shouldn’t”
“The ideal that “we’re all in this together” was replaced with the reality that the educated class lives in a world up here, and everybody else is forced into a world down there. Members of our class are always publicly speaking out for the marginalized, but somehow we always end up building systems that serve ourselves.”
More at
I see a lot of adverts for a “Yes” vote to make Australia into an apartheid nation with “The Voice” but I am yet to see an advert for “No” or to receive paper flyers in my snail mail box.
One need only look at South Africa to see what racial disharmony brings…
David, maybe it’s time to ask the No Campaign if they need help delivering flyers?
The “No” people just have to save their powder, the “Yes” folk are doing the job for them, every new thing that Albo says gives more pause for thought.
One Nations latest cartoon
Quote from Morpheus in The Matrix.
Sound familiar?
The Northern Territory’s renewed call for large-scale solar investment “will fall flat on it’s face” due to “unrealistic” regulation, the architect of the government’s renewables road map says.
The generator performance standards implemented in 2020 include requirements for solar producers to cover the costs of battery storage, monitoring and capacity forecasting.
Who would have thought that creating reliable electricity from solar is uneconomic?
That’s a good news story. Surprises me.
the lefties cant understand why the NT government is insisting on this before they allow the new renewables to be connected. “Those generator performance standards are demanding a very high level, and in many ways, an unrealistic level of control,”
Comments on living in the world, The Matrix as this author calls it.
Sound familiar?
“A MidWestern Doctor” is a verbose blog, but this piece on the corruption and stagnation of research by funding agencies is well worth the read. Take it sips at a time!
It is a great blog and the articles informative but lengthy out of necessity. Unfortunately those with the attention span and intellects of blunt market vegetables get to miss out…
Also this article from – astonishingly – the [Manchester] Guardian.
Although the authors are [rightly] critical of science in general, I totally missed the references to ‘Climate Science’.
But, I suppose, Mencken’s hobgoblins, and a need “Not to know” to keep your job, pension, status, may both play a part.
PS – a late summer, of sorts, here in Sarf London – it’s probably about 23 C [~73F] – warmer than the last month or more.
And we’ve had sunshine yesterday and this morning ….
But, of course, quite within the normal variation of English weather over the last half-century or more.
Senator Malcolm Roberts. He sends out a weekly roundup, this is just one from his list.
Senator Roberts, along with Senators Babet, Hanson, Rennick and Antic, the ONLY senators in the Australian Parliament who have a clue.
Did I miss anyone?
Yes. Good point.
I think that covers all six of them.
Seventy six senators in the Federal Parliament and only six who have a clue.
How the wheel has turned: Hansen and Latham are now the “sane right”.
Russel Broadbent ( LNP Monash Victoria) in the fed House of Reps is someone I would include in that group. He and his wife actually took IVM after being COVID infected and announced it. But he went quiet, so was probably disciplined by the party.
Was it any surprise that the Australian Government with one of the world’s most fanatical commitments to the anthropogenic global fraud, during the pandemic also prohibited the use of a possible safe, early stage treatment for C-19 (as per Zelenko protocol) or other existing reported treatments such as ivermectin?
Doubly stupid when you consider the Monash Uni ( Melbourne) group were one of the first to identify its activity vs COVID ( or SARS -2, as it was known then). I have read numerous references from many IVM advocates who were initially alerted by that Monash Uni announcement way back in 2020. I can remember an Australian company having a finger blood prick test for COVID back in 2020 as well. Way before RATS were even talked about.
Perhaps the image of people being denied access to a train or shopping centre based on an instant finger blood test was going to look far too much like the GATTACA movie for that path to be popularly feasible?
Consider, also, the possibility that the ‘World’ [our bit of it, anyway] is being run [original typo – ‘ruin’] by folk who have their own interests foremost in their minds.
Some of them are smart – others less so.
And some of their tools – in Government, but also activists, scientists, business-folk – are not actually smart if one judges by their utterances, at least.
The latest woke insanity.
Fatty liver disease has been renamed to steatotic liver disease (SLD).
Dr Suneel Dhand discusses.
I can hear patients asking the doc now “what does steatotic mean?”
The answer being: “well fatso, it means eating steak makes you idiotic”
I always remind myself each day that we live in a high propaganda era. It is necessary to because it is easy to forget. Reminds me to always view things through a filter. It helps to dismiss the noise.
Each is sceptical of different things. I am sceptical of some of the group-think here and have the red thumbs to prove it.
Well, at the moment everyone agrees with you!
The first rule of Thumb Club is, never talk about thumb club.
Penalties apply!
so if somebody red thumbs you, they are guilty of groupthink, because they don’t agree with you? that’s an interesting angle
Slava Ukraine.
Should soften the blow.
Parrots have feathers, ergo everything with feathers is a parrot.
Just because your mother has a beard doesn’t mean that all women with a beard is your mother!
I’d prefer the group think here than out there.
I’ve had my share of red thumbs. I disagree with the group here on a few fundamental things, but it’s still a great forum. The thumbs don’t really affect me to not write down some thoughts.
Group think is pretty natural, but this is a far more objective group think than others, and is it group think at all? People tend to congregate where they first agree with others. There’s a few lefties in here, and the obvious antagonists. But a large consensus. But group think?
If I didn’t agree with you I wouldn’t be here, I have no interest in being a stirrer. The primary group think I disagree with is on the GBR – I think Ridd is only half right, he is too young to have seen it in it’s full glory, before the COT almost destroyed it. It has come a long way back but no way is it “as good as ever” and never will be while there is no concerted effort to control the COT.
What has changed that makes it so? Was the COT not there at some stage? Have they been introduced by man somehow in a situation where it would not happen naturally?
Plenty of examples, gorse, blackberry and a hundred other weeds out-competing the local plants, but if the Crown of Thorns was here a hundred years ago, we don’t have much chance of controlling it. Rabbits spring to mind..
Are you saying we have no right or interest in controlling locust plagues?
You know I am not a scientist, merely an observer, so I will quote Journal Of Marine Science.
1. Introduction
The crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS) (Acanthaster planci) is an obligate corallivore that causes dramatic losses of coral cover at high population densities and is a major challenge in coral reef management [1]. Populations of COTS alternate periods of low density, when individuals are sparsely distributed across large areas of reef, with briefer periods of much higher densities [2]. A single adult starfish can consume approximately 10 m2 of coral per year and large “outbreak” populations have a major impact on local cover [3] that can persist for more than a decade [4]. Surveys on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) span some 50 years, in which time there have been three series of outbreaks beginning in 1962, 1979, and 1993.
I was familiar with the reef before 1962. Note that no one has said that there are historical records of plagues before this.
Dr Robert Endean, a pioneer in this field, believed native taking of conch shells for the tourist market may have been a cause. It seems too narrow for me but it is possible that removing this predator from the Pacific Island reefs allowed the spawn to traverse the oceans. IMHO we, man, did alter the balance. We need serious research on this, not this infantile “global warming” explanation which outlaws differing opinions.
I reiterate: The COT is the primary scourge of the reef. Bleaching, cyclones etc are local setbacks.
This is creepy.
It’s all about getting the masses conditioned to 24/7 monitoring and control and will no doubt be extended into all other areas of life as well.
I can see a lot of those scooters being tossed in the Yarra River again, if that shouting is for real.
I think thats how we got too global boiling, everyone throwing their thermite cells in the river.
Puts a new slant on shouting a ride
Irony, the accounting company that does our books has been trying to get us to put everything into the cloud/my Gov site, we always refused.
Yesterday we got an email from these overpaid shills. The My Gov website has been hacked and financial records stolen, don’t panic, they are here to help.
The reply was……told you so!
Who would have thought putting all your information on someone else’s computer would not be safe and secure like the wonderful tosser’s in Gov keep telling us.
The “cloud” is just someone else’s computer.
Yes, I use XERO which is cloud based. Unfortunately, it’s bloody convenient as I can do my accounting on 3 different devices and they all sync seamlessly. The downside is you always have that uneasy feeling -” if the system goes down or crashes, what happens?” Love cashless transactions but still carry cash around, just in case. There’s no way I would trust the my Gov site, if its run by our incompetent public service.
Experienced network engineers will remember the time when organizations would ensure that sensitive data was not exposed to the outside world. A portal meant a carefully designed system which controlled exactly what users and intruders could see of the inside network.
All of that was eliminated with the advent of the cloud. Now all sensitive data is stored outside any firewall. It staggers me that nobody has not yet rediscovered the concept of a firewall.
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
“I warned you, but did you listen to me.
Oh no, you knew it all.
It’s just a harmless little
bunnycloud server.”– Monty Python
That’s my saying. Get your own. 😁
Is really just a statement of the obvious. If its not on your machine its on someone elses.
Elastic’s Global Threat Report warns that cyber defenders need to take a more proactive approach as threat groups act with increasing speed and sophistication.
The Global Threat Report also warns that cyber attackers are seeking to exploit the increasing integration of internal systems with cloud-based services in major corporations by using malicious malware, targeting emails, FTP files and clients’ web browsers to gain access to their systems.
Cloud services had “a large attack surface’’. Malicious spam campaigns where users are encouraged to download, and executive infected email attachments had become popular during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Global Threat Report also forecasts that increasingly popular technologies like smart contracts and blockchain technology will be targets for weaponization to steal sensitive information, as its record keeping and trading becomes integrated with the way more organisations do business.
Mr King said threat groups had evolved dramatically over the past decade from stealing information and then trying to sell it, to using sophisticated ransomware to extort money from victims.
“Now we are actually seeing double ransom,’’ Mr King said. “They are asking for a ransom to unlock your computers after stealing information. Now they are extorting groups again that have been compromised, by threatening to release the information if they don’t pay again.’’
Go cloud, go broke.
Well done.
Right move keeping your information to yourself. And backed up – off site, I trust.
I don't know if you noticed – the UK Electoral Roll was hacked.
One of lots – most of the main papers have reported this.
All the obvious state actors – Russia, China, Iran etc. – have been fingered publicly by parts of the media – only past exploits to go on, I think.
No mention, yet of Gurgle or FacePalm that I have seen. Let alone the Great Unknown – X – or the Big River.
Apparently the hack was in 2021 – and was noticed [they say] in 2022 …
And announced in 2023.
Now, we have a General Election in the next 18 months [or less]; what could possibly go wrong?
A small meme i saw elsewhere
Seasons for a Conservative …
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.
Seasons for a Liberal …
Global warming, Global boiling, Global cooling, Ice age coming.
This story from ten days ago didn’t make it into the Lamestream media.
Illegal Chicomm covid lab discovered operating in California.
I read a couple of articles on it DM, seems some big name in politics over there put the money up to run it, and they had an astounding collection of dangerous organisms in a lab that looked like it was run but deadheads making speed.
I can’t decide which is more ridiculous, the Chinese actually running it to show the Yanks what its like to have biolabs from somewhere else in your own country, or the Yanks doing their usual faked scenario so they can blame the Chinese for something they didn’t do. Its very weird.
Ed Dowd Unfiltered: RFK, the Vaccine’s New Disability Crisis, and the Next Big Threat to America
Reserve Bank trying to blame someone else for the high price of housing-
‘Rents are growing at almost 10 per cent, prompting calls from the Greens for a freeze on rents and then a cap on rent increases. National cabinet is due to meet next week, where issues around the rental market will dominate. Lowe said a rent freeze, while delivering short-term relief to renters, would actually act as a disincentive for the construction of more housing.
He said when house prices were climbing sharply, there were demands to give potential home buyers more money to enable them to buy into the market.”
The biggest factor in housing cost is Govt regulation, you are not allowed to build dirt-cheap housing that desperate people take and then work to get out of. It gives me the shits that they never even mention that, they blame everyone else.
Council regulations add more on top, they would all rather see homeless people than have legal shacks on the outskirts of town. If you want to house poor people, look at countries with poor people like South Africa for answers. They put roads into a ‘subdivision’, add outside dunnies to each plot and one power connection, a water tap and drainage, then walk away. Build what you can afford, sell it and move upwards as soon as you can.
Says everything realy, I am here.
1 minute
Careful. You’ll upset the Zelensky fans. 😉
I thought you would of noticed, I do not care what others think of me, a little hang over from the COVID days.
I found a reply to your meme on the other thread
My sentiments exactly1
If you like that, than this may be of interest. I loved it.
Naughty word warning
War is looming
The US military is already discussing the prospect of a “limited draft.” They are seeking 160,000 eligible people from a population of 30 million. The all-volunteer force has reached a “breaking point,” as put it, and the most effective way to solve the crisis is to force the youth into service. The military is now throwing around the idea of dedicating one month per year to recruiting a Selected Service to meet the annual recruitment goal.
Every branch of the US military besides the Marine Corps has failed to meet their recruitment goals. We are low on ammo, as the commander-in-chief pointed out, and soldiers. The problem is two-fold. No one wants to enlist, and the number of young Americans who would actually qualify has reached a record low. A 2022 poll showed that only 9% of those eligible want to join the military, a major decrease from 29% in recent years. Over half of the respondents (57%) were worried that they would suffer psychological damage from serving. A more recent poll from May 2023 indicates only 13% of 18 to 29-year-olds are “highly willing” to serve.
And the USA is pushing for war with China by 2025 too…
Russian Defense Minister: NATO assembled 360,000 troops in Eastern Europe. Poland is preparing to occupy Western Ukraine.
Important: If NATO moves from a proxy war setting into a direct war with Russia it will be WW3 with all the devastating consequences.
UK military could recruit autistic soldiers
The British military could review its recruitment policies to allow it to access a wider pool of people, including those suffering from certain neurological conditions, MP Andrew Murrison has told the Financial Times.
Murrison, who serves as parliamentary under-secretary of state for defence people, veterans and service families, argued that this would help provide the armed forces with skilled professionals amid chronic staffing shortages.
In an interview with the FT published on Wednesday, Murrison explained that “there are pinch points where things are quite serious,” adding that the UK military should adopt a more “flexible” approach toward hiring new personnel. The MP stated that with the armed forces placing increasing emphasis on cyberwarfare, it should start “casting the net more widely” to hire “neurodiverse” people.
According to Murrison, while personnel with dyslexia and dyspraxia are already serving in the British military, the door should now be open to candidates with autism, Asperger’s, and ADHD. These people may possess skills and attributes which others don’t, the lawmaker argued.
Wby stop there? People with one arm or leg, wheelchair bound, young adults wearing fursuits.
A bullet takes no prisoners and cares not about woke status.
They’re all just expendables as in Ukraine.
The west’s military is pretty much a disaster area!
Ministers of defence compared:
Even CNN is openly admitting Ukraine has lost and that it’s all been a disaster. The neocons will now be getting very very upset and big button happy.
Their plans are falling apart massively and time’s running out for them.
Better stock up on TP. 2024 is the year. 😄
“the number of young Americans who would actually qualify has reached a record low. ”
Maybe having these asexual wimpy self-absorbed millenials will finally lead to a century of peace! There will be no-one wanting to fight.. Sadly, that will be very one-sided as no young person (of draftable age) that I have come across takes any interest in the Ukraine war and just cannot see that they will end up holding a rifle to expand the interests of the West’s most powerful people. That is a long way from Russia’s youth who seem to take patriotism, culture and world affairs a bit more seriously.
“People with one arm or leg, wheelchair bound, young adults wearing fursuits.” ..and mainly psychotics who have no compunction about killing people, I’m sure politics could spare a few.
Has nothing to do with proposed WAR, the enlistment is down because red-necks and hopeful college students don’t want to be in a woke military that forces them to take the clot shot.
Oh dear. Did I say a naughty two words?
Disney revamps streaming prices after losing 11.7m customers in three months
Disney has revamped the pricing of its video streaming service after the company shed 11.7m customers in three months.
The media giant said that, while standard subscriptions will remain £7.99 a month for viewers in the UK, there will now be a more expensive premium version, priced at £10.99 a month.
The premium version will offer higher image quality and the ability for four different people to watch at once.
A budget offering, costing £4.99 for Disney Plus, will require users to watch adverts alongside their favourite films.
Walt Disney chief executive Bob Iger said the company continues to face a ‘challenging environment’ but was focused on trimming costs.
He also vowed to crack down on password sharing – following in the footsteps of its rival Netflix.
Challenging environment?
Try creating quality content not woke garbage.
Walt would be spinning in his grave.
I really hope this is a wind up
Mother complaining that a Vet wont see her cat identifying daughter–mother-complains-that-veterinarian-wont-treat-son-who-identifies-as-a-cat-.html
Surely she is taking the “piss”!
No, she’s taking the puss.
Daughter who has a Tik Tok account confirms its a satire account. That’s relief.
Apparently the woman also has one on eating eggs as a vegan, because chickens are vegans(who knew?) and only make vegan eggs.
She can’t have kept or observed chickens. Their favourite snack was a large huntsman spider. I trust she was extracting the michael.
Anyone know why all newbuild houses in Australia look the same? And they all look so low quality. They have these cookie-cutter designs comprising of boxy substructures, black roofs, brick veneers, no eaves, no front yard and no backyard. It seems like these houses are all maximising their interior space at the expense of yards and mature trees. Even the 80/90s build red-bricks seem to have a lot more structural integrity than these “cardboard box” houses. I can’t imagine these newbuilds even standing in a decades’ time. Anyone know how these houses are being constructed to look so poor and cheap?
Little boxes on the hillside
Little boxes , made of ticky tacky
Little boxes, little boxes ……..
Haven’t really noticed that they are necessarily low quality (always a difficult term to quantify), of course that will come back to who you pick to build and what your budget is. With the price and dimensions of a building block in a capital city, or even a large regional centre, it no surprise that interior space trumps yards.
Typhoon will bring heavy downpours to Japan.
This is possibly the greatest cartoon ever:
This cartoon sums up climate change, covid, and more.
Here in the UK, I get –
This site can’t be reached
https’s server IP address could not be found.
Peter Dutton: Government has put Australia on a pathway to energy supply ‘disruption’
Go ahead, extrapolate the graph.
Excess deafs.🤭
The typhoon, along with the jet stream, has formed an extratropical cyclone over Japan, which means prolonged rainfall.