A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Minns the little tank engine that can’t
Please explain!!
The Little Engine That Could
Reference is from Thomas the tank engine going up a hill “I think I can I think I can…..goes over the hill I know I can, I know I can.
Minns is the Premier who is about to cancel a $25B Metro project in Sydney that is already in construction………. so ergo he can’t.
Add Hydrogen tanks man…
Just don’t go onto a boat catching fire.
I think there was an experiment with an elephant to prove electricity was unsafe that looked more legit than the EV nonsense that’s going on right now. The real threat to transportation and EVs is authoritarian control over electricity usage.
Don’t be distracted by “near an EV” is proof enough for me! science!!!
Keep your eyes on the REAL problem.
Edison murdered an elephant to prolong his income scheme…,4%2C%201903%3A%20Edison%20Fries%20an%20Elephant%20to%20Prove%20His%20Point,form%20of%20electricity%3A%20alternating%20current.
The communists of old took control of resources, labour & the means of production to install their total control of the populace.
The new communists are a bit smarter. It’s too difficult to control, resources as well as the means to production. If they control the energy of the modern economies then there’s only one link in the control loop. Behave & do as we say or there’s no energy to do anything.
Much easier less complicated & far more effective.
Not many of us can see what the communists, socialists, one worlder proponents are up to.
Cut the food and fuel supply, there’s your population control.
Mea Culpa
I’ve been using the incorrect term re jet streams. For example “meridional” in this comment:
Should be ZONAL
Meridional and wavy or meandering are all the same thing basically.
Breakdown in synaptic communication. Probably caused by riotous living in my youth.
Solar Panels Are Three Times More Carbon-Intensive Than IPCC Claims
“A Lone And Obstinate Italian Data Crusader”
Climate Change Writing 101: How to cram “tipping point” four times into five sentences:
Must be hard to top that – but I’m sure they will try.
Anthony Watts:
I had a chuckle at Watts using Berkeley Earth to show the lack of tipping points in Europe already:
Climate scientists/alarmists are not always the sharpest tools in the shed.
Compare the Berkeley Earth anomaly for Europe previous with absolute from 1940:
Berkeley Earth Europe
Monthly Reanalysis Time Series
Defaults except:
Region: Western Europe
Anomaly: N
Sequential Months: Y
The anomaly (on the face of it) hikes up 1C continuously after 1980.
The absolute exhibits a discernible step change from 1988 to 1990. After that there’s really not much going on.
Possible that BEST is skewed by Eastern Europe but who knows?
>”Possible that BEST is skewed by Eastern Europe but who knows?”
Just had a look at Eastern Europe absolute in Monthly Reanalysis Time Series previous.
Yes the graph rises continuously after about 1980 similar to Berkeley Earth Europe (East+West).
But around 1945 to 1960ish was about the same as present – BEST does not exhibit this. The graph then goes DOWN to 1980.
Berkeley Earth just doesn’t reconcile with unhomogenized datasets.
It’s very odd for Anthony to argue that warming is higher than actually observed. Unfortunately, neither he nor you understand the concept of a baseline or that regional change may differ from global.
Even though we haven’t yet reached +1.5, there is evidence off teetering topping points, e.g. AMOC shutdown, ice loss albedo change, and methane permafrost release.
Simon, this will not come easily to you, but imagine there are people who are not afraid of the facts.
Relax Simon. It’s going to be ok.
“…Unfortunately, neither he nor you understand the concept of a baseline…”
The problem is not of understanding what a baseline is, rather it’s why you and your ilk think it’s legitimate to claim that the climate started warming up precisely with the start of the Industrial Revolution.
On top of the ridiculous idea that the climate started changing at the merest hint of man made CO2 emissions, there’s also the bizarre idea that the climate was perfect then, and should be maintained at any cost (literally, it seems).
Perhaps you could enlighten us?
>”It’s very odd for Anthony to argue that warming is higher than actually observed”
No he doesn’t argue that. He just points out, using one of the accepted homogenized anomaly datasets (not necessarily the best option – see absolute at #5.1.1), that 2C has already occurred in Europe. This has apparently gone unnoticed by the WaPo author and climate scientist Timothy Lenton.
>”Unfortunately, neither he nor you understand the concept of a baseline
I think we do:
>”or that regional change may differ from global”
Of course it does. You have just demonstrated how absurd the 2C/1.5C “limit” concept is – thank you. It just gets silly in application (and see next comment re actual application), even Phil Jones knew that.
>”Even though we haven’t yet reached +1.5″
Actually, on an anomaly basis from 1981-2010 baseline, the 1.5C “limit” has been breached at least twice a year for the last decade. Absent a published value from WMO or IPCC, the anomaly limit is 0.77. You can apply that to Global, Northern Hemisphere, and Southern Hemisphere Here:
GFS 2m-T
But on a sustained basis, by recent trends, it will take decades to cross the “limit” (and see next comment).
>”there is evidence off teetering topping points”
I assume there’s a couple of typos in there. If there isn’t you’re either just making stuff up, maybe a little tipsy too, or the planet’s about to fall into the abyss.
And see next comment – “Applying the IPCC’s 1.5 C limit“
Applying the IPCC’s 1.5 C limit to absolute GMST
Assumptions using NOAA’s WRIT
Default dataset: NCEP/NCAR R1 (monthly)
01-06-2023 NZ time, dataset updated since
Means are 2013 – 2023.42 unless stated
IPCC human attribution begins 1951
1948 – 1958 Global Mean: 14 C (287.095 K)
IPCC “limit” pre-industrial year base: 1880
2013 – 2023.42 Global Mean: 14.4 C (287.549 K)
1.1 C (K) rise since 1880 (NASA GISS)
1880 Global Mean: 14.4 – 1.1 = 13.3 C (286.449 K)
IPCC 1.5 C (K) “limit”: 13.3 + 1.5 = 14.8 C (287.949 K)
Some rounding to simplify,
Northern Mid 35 39 Mean: 14.4 C (287.534 K) 0.4 C under
Global Mean: 14.4 C (287.549 K) 0.4 C under
Southern Mid -35 -43 Mean: 14.5 C (287.701 K) 0.3 C under
Northern Polar 60 90 Mean: -8.8 C (264.317 K) 24 C under
Tropics -20 20 Mean: 25.7 C (298.843 K) 11 C over
Southern Polar -60 -90 Mean: -18.7 (254.419 K) 34 C under
Applying the IPCC’s 1.5 C limit to GMST Anomaly
Anomaly Baseline 1981-2010 Mean: 14.032 C
2013 – 2023.42 Global Mean: 14.4 C
1880 Global Mean: 14.4 – 1.1 = 13.3 C
14.032 – 13.3 = 0.732
Anomaly “Limit”: 1.5 – 0.732 = 0.768 or 0.77 C
Absolute “Limit” = 14.032 + 0.768 = 14.8 C
2013-2023.56 Decadal Mean: 14.417 C , 0.383 C below “limit”
Decadal Trend: 0.005 C/year, 76.6 years to cross Anomaly “limit” on annual basis.
Simon >”there is evidence off teetering topping points”
UN Secretary-general Antonio Guterres appears to be undergoing one of those:
Climate scientists and ecologists who study tipping points…
Climate Scientist = Contracted U.N. Climate Alarmist.
Anyone who has looked at proxy recreations of Holocene or Phanerozoic Eon temperatures knows that assertions of 1.5 or 2.0 degree tipping points are just fantasy.
You appear to be unfamaliar with the PETM.
Prior to PETM:
What caused that?
You should read your links rather than using a search for “global warming”.
It says probably due to geological eruptions and in any case it was 55 million years ago so nothing to do with humans, and the clmate is now a lot colder.
Don’t forget to make a submission to the Australian Government ‘s so-called misinformation bill.
“Misinformation” will be anything that doesn’t follow the Official Narrative such as content on your favourite website, this one.
Also, note that the fundamental premise of the bill is also wrong.
It’s always been up to people, not government to decide what the truth is. In fact, the covid and climate scams both show that government misinformation is what is dangerous, when it is combined with government suppression of the truth along with their partners in the legacy and social(ist) media.
You have until 20th August to make a submission.
If God gave you office, surely He gave you wisdom as well 🙂
This is the bloke who is now going to be the chief wrecker of our energy supply grid in Australia :-
It’s insanity.
…and it would seem the expert has not taken into account the question of replacement as existing panels fail. Just had ours cleaned and inspected and some are showing signs of nearing end of life after 8 years. We should reach the 10 year guarantee period but probably not much after that. For an early system it has performed well.
I was intrigued to read, in that article about Tourbier, “During Larry Marshall’s time as chief executive, CSIRO has more than doubled its benefit to the nation.”
By what measure? Sounds like the usual CSIRO spin and nonsense.
Remember folks, two times bugger all is still bugger all.
When you consider that if you undertake any contract work for the “government”, they are red hot on any conflicts of interest etc. But for the CSIRO, nup, they can both advise government and then usually be the first recipients of any grant money. If that’s not a COI violation, I’ll go he.
Many years ago the laboratory cleaner asked what the CSIRO did. He worked a second job (as supervisor) cleaning some of their Laboratories. One chemist then volunteered to be a cleaner there. After a week he reported “stuff all”. He seen a flask in a fume hood being stirred endless without any change, except one day when some big wigs were coming, a touch of phenolphthalein was added – giving it a temporary pink colour that soon faded as they watched.
That’s a vergy sinngular story. One lab, one, or was it two cleaners. In an organisation employing how many thousands?
I’ve forgotten most of the details. There were 6 or 7 cleaners (hence a supervisor). Possibly more laboratories & offices.
The point being that a qualified (& experienced) chemist decided after a week that there was little evidence of much work being done there.
I might add that the few occasions I had anything to do with the CSIRO their ideas weren’t practical. In one case they wanted to “revolutionise” our production method with microwaves not heat. They set up in our lab and it took approximately 20 seconds for all their tubing to be blocked solid.
Methodology described here.
An embarrassment of tortured figures full of magic numbers without provenance modulated by discount rates that bear no relationship to reality.
Kind of like their Climate Change predictions.
As you’d expect.
Can’t allow this.
In December 1986, not long beeffore the establishnment of the IPCC, the Hawke government changed the management of the CSIRO, appointing a new board with Neville Wran, national presiident of the ALP as chairman. He was the first non scientist to. Hold that position.
They put their own brand of “social scientists” in charge of the real scientists.
Prior to that time in our industry, and I am shure every other legitimmate industry, the CSIRO.held thhe position of Fairy Godmother. Many were the scientific problems that the CSIRO sorted out for us. Furthermore, it kept Australia in the forefront of world science. And still does.
The trouble is that while Hawke was hijacking the CSIRO, the whole of world science wss beng hijacked by the Marxist movement.
Strangely, he doesn’t appear to be a quota hire.
Unusually he appears to be that most endangered of species, a white, heterosexual male.
“Cost Crisis”. Thanks, David W.
Ocean heatwave causing concern.
Remember the UK extreme heatwave scare last month? We survived!
From USA today’s Dr Mercola web page, …now we can see what is ahead of us all.
“Chase Shuts Down Bank Accounts of Mercola and Key Employees
Story at-a-glance
July 13, 2023, JP Morgan Chase Bank informed me they are closing all of my business accounts, along with the personal accounts of my CEO, my CFO and their respective spouses and children
My CEO was informed his young children also will never be allowed to bank with Chase in the future
No reason for the decision was given, other than there was “unexpected activity” on an unspecified account ………..”
If Politically Exposed Persons can be cancelled from having a bank account (such as Nigel Farage) then it is interesting to read the Law Society’s definition of a PEP:
Identifying a PEP
PEPs can be:
heads of state, heads of government, ministers, and deputy or assistant ministers
members of parliament (MPs)
members of courts of auditors or of the boards of central banks
ambassadors, chargés d’affaires and high-ranking officers in the armed forces
members of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of state-owned enterprises
members of supreme courts, constitutional courts or other high-level judicial bodies whose decisions are not generally subject to further appeal, except in exceptional circumstances
PEPs also include:
the person’s family members
close business associates
beneficial owners of the person’s property (someone who enjoys the benefits of ownership even though the title of the property is in another person’s name)
If this is the case then most of the senior officials in government and banks, and their families, shouldn’t be allowed bank accounts.
If I have read the headlines right, big heads are already rolling.
It seems that the bank had weightier clients than Nigel Farage, and they notified their displeasure at what had been done.
That is just depressing.
I guess as a commenter here, I am already on a list of people who should not be allowed to participate in society.
In Commieforniastan they are banning petrol/gasoline powered lawnmower, leaf blowers, etc. threatening 50,000 landscaper jobs.
The expectation is to use electric ones.
Ban starts 2024.
I hope Australia’s Uniparty politicians don’t hear about this because they’ll copy the idea.
David, just safely assume that all idiotic policies regarding energy production/distribution and any measure associated with CO2 emissions abatement will eventually be adopted here in Australia. There’s already a range of electric mowers out there. You can buy a top of the range ZTR ride-on mower RYOBI for about $6k from Bunnings. I have a large ZTR petrol mower and the belt keeps coming off (rough ground under trees, so lots of sticks etc). The electric version – no belts and super quiet. Very tempting.
either that or stop mowing sticks, if that is the problem
You actually need a Cox. They’re tough, cheaper and last forever, and Australian. Sticks dont bother them.
Many mowers are made for manicured american style lawns, not rough Aus conditions like Cox.
Our petrol zero-turn ride-on Cox is as tough as old boots. It needs to be!
We took our original Cox Stockman to England when we went back for a few years, as we knew there was a large garden to look after. A local handyman couldn’t wait to buy it off us when we left. He was very impressed by its basic strength and straightforward build.
I wore out my first one. It didn’t like mowing up the rocks that sprang out and attacked it.
Cox mowers are made in China now. The only Australian made mowers left appear to be Deutscher mowers, and the Honda Buffalo and some Victa models are assembled here. No ride on mowers.
Ban lawnmowers, hah!
I see your CA lunacy and I raise you crime.
California passes law making it illegal for store employees to confront shoplifters.
We are no longer in Kansas my friends.
We must contemplate the possibility that AGW was merely the preliminary symptom of terminal human mind viral infection.
(Fun note: the current Gov of CA is likely to be the next POTUS installee.)
I’m figuring the next ban is gender specific underwear.
This is the former partner of a former Australian Prime Minister who claimed to support women’s rights.
Yikes!! How the mighty have fallen .
I almost feel sorry for him.
He wasn’t ever great and he was only ever a place holder – because Labor were not prepared to alienate their working class voters by having a probable Lesbian as Prime Minister…
“Labor were not prepared to alienate their working class voters by having a probable Lesbian as Prime Minister…”
That obviously never worried Labor in NZ!
Given the nature of her sudden departure from Slater and Gordon , Bisexual may be the appropriate appellation. Tim was a long term contracted escort.
Was he a White Ribbon boy? They have a good track record.
Good riddance. Very much a DYKWIA person, liked to throw his weight around.
Albanese (Australian PM for foreign readers) is caught plagiarising.
1) Ronald Reagan
2) Jeremy Corbyn
3) Michael Douglas in “The American President”
Please let me know if that Farcebook link works, I can’t find that particular video elsewhere.
Maybe I have low expectations, but I wouldn’t look toward Albanese for anything like original and relevant thoughts
I hear he had that strange speech impediment back in the day as well. Not as pronounced as today’s version but there.
If he plagiarises Reagan you think he would be much funnier.
Not an EV fire, but a 45 storey crane fire in NYC
The competency crisis.
China shames citizens, who are on the blacklist of Social Credit System, by displaying their faces, ID, addresses…on every government-run billboard in the town for all to see.
Someone needs to hack that system and post about the CCP corruption, Covid truths, environmental and innovation lies and fraud, bussing homeless out of cities and dumping them in the country (the exact opposite of the USA 😄), child slave labour, religious persecutions and executions. 😎
Can you see how we’re being lied to? One headline claims a wholesale price decrease and the other claims a price rise.
One thing is certain though. The more wind, solar and Big Batteries we get, the more expensive electricity becomes for the consumer.
wholesale vs retail, different topics
although the last line is remains certainly true
Actually it is more than just that..
The “wholesale” price reduction..108 $/MWh.. referred to is simply the generation cost paid to the generators.
The (retail) “power” price increase $/kWh, or $/MWh, .. includes all the add-ons such as distribution, Transmission, storage, adjustments, margins, and all other costs the wholesale market and retailers wish to include.
I am sure most politicians and much of the public do not realise the difference….
..or maybe it is just convenient for the authorities not to explain it ?
I should add.. to emphasize the difference ,…
The retail price increase of 31% quoted , is in reality for me an increase from $0.31 c/kWh to $0.40 c/kWh .
Or $310 – $410 $/MWh in the same units as the wholesale price
In other words, the Wholesale price represents only 25% of the Retail costs !
Changes in retail costs are unrelated to Wholesale electricity costs.
Someone should be made to explain.
As you show, they are practicing misdirection.
In dat direction!
Further clarification…
That “60% decrease to $108 /MWh” (presumably from $173 ?)…. Should have reduced the (25%) portion of my retail cost , by $16.3 /MWh.. instead of it increasing by $100 ?
So, that suggests the real retail price increase is more like $116 $/MWh ! ..or 37.5% !
‘Climate Death Risk’ DOWN 96% in Last 100 Years
Over the past hundred years, annual climate-related deaths have declined by 96%. In the 1920s, the death count from climate-related disasters was 485,000 on average every year. In the last full decade, 2010-2019, the average was 18,357 dead per year or 96% lower. In the first year of the new decade, 2020, the preliminary number of dead was even lower at 8,086 — 98% lower than the 1920s average.
But wait, the facts are even more exciting: because the world’s population quadrupled over the same time, the climate-related *death risk* has dropped even more sharply.
In Canada you say…
As in our Canadian Politicians on purpose crashing our economy.
But we’re all family now as Trudeau struts out his new cabinet of economic mosquitoes…sucking the economy dry.
My son just paid $10+tax each for 9′ 2×6 for his house. The gubmint has declared that building in warm coastal areas need the same insulation as in northern Alberta, so all walls 2×6. These prices make doing anything about the housing shortage impossible. Add to that 500,000 immigrants + 500,000 – odd “refugees” last year.
Thursday entertainment: extreme heat weather forecast
Thursday entertainment: chainsawing without spilling your beer
The $500 million ATO fraud highlights flaws in the myGov ID system. Here’s how to keep your data safe
The Australian Tax Office (ATO) paid out more than half a billion dollars to cyber criminals between July 2021 and February 2023, according to an ABC report.
Most of the payments were for small amounts (less than A$5,000) and were not flagged by the ATO’s own monitoring systems.
The fraudsters exploited a weakness in the identification system used by the myGov online portal to redirect other people’s tax refunds to their own bank accounts.
The good news is there’s plenty the federal government can do to crack down on this kind of fraud – and that you can do to keep your own payments secure.
Once a myGov account is created, linking it to your tax records requires two of the following: an ATO assessment, bank account details, a payslip, a Centrelink payment, or a super account.
These documents were precisely the ones targeted in three large data breaches in the past year: at Optus, at Medibank, and at Latitude Financial.
In this scam, the cyber criminal creates a fake myGov account using the stolen documents. If they can also get enough information to link to the ATO or your Tax File Number, they can then change bank account details to have your tax rebate paid to their account.
It is a sadly simple scam.
Pseudo AI based scams are increasing markedly so everyone should be extremely distrustful of unexpected emails and SMS’s requiring information disclosure.
Iceland volcano livestream.
Australian GP sues Pfizer and Moderna over unapproved GMOs in mRNA Covid vaccines
The human genome could be permanently altered.
A Victorian doctor and pharmacist is seeking an injunction from the Federal Court of Australia to stop Pfizer and Moderna from distributing their mRNA Covid vaccines.
Dr Julian Fidge alleges that both the monovalent and bivalent vaccines contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs), for which Pfizer and Moderna did not obtain the appropriate licence.
It is a serious criminal offence under the Gene Technology Act 2000 to sell or distribute GMO products in Australia without approval from the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR). However, Pfizer and Moderna only sought approvals for their Covid vaccine products from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), which is not authorised to approve GMO products in Australia.
The TGA did not require tests for genotoxicity or carcinogenicity before providing provisional approval and, in the case of Moderna’s SPIKEVAX, full registration. These tests would be required for GMO product approval by the OGTR.
This has significant safety implications, says legal counsel on the court case, Julian Gillespie.
FINALLY, some integrity from the medical “profession”.
This would be due to the recent report that the E coli used to make the RNA contaminate the injectables? I gather the “vaccine” used in the “clinical trials” was made the expensive way by adding polymerase templates while the plebs got a version where engineered E coli made the stuff.
Elon Musk and company take @x handle from its original user. He got zero dollars for it.
The @Twitter handle officially changed to @X.
But, what about its original owner? Mashable interviewed Gene X. Hwang, co-founder of event photo company Orange Photography and the person who originally registered the @x handle on the platform more than 16 years ago, earlier that same day. Hwang told us at the time that he had yet to hear from Musk and company, but was hoping they could work something out when the inevitable happened.
So, Musk now has the @x handle. What happened? Did Musk reach out to Hwang? Did Hwang cash in and get a paycheck from the company for the handle as some on social media have speculated?
No, the company just took it from him.
“[I] got an email basically saying they are taking it,” Hwang told Mashable in an email exchange.
I want it. It’s mine. X
Caitlin Johnstone gives the navy a well-deserved bash over their star-spangled kangaroo on the new ship..
She didn’t mention that the ships are duds and are already being retired in the USA…
Copied from elsewhere:
Apparently “Aborigine” is considered a “racist” term now.
Well, what isn’t?
The UN declares ” The world has exited the Era of Global Warming and entered the Era of Global Boiling “, well have you ever heard such a load of unscientific twaddle, last time I looked water boils at 100c not 42c.
Give them a handful of weeks and the clowns will be bleating about the cold freezing conditions and all the snow on the solar panels playing havoc with the grid.
I guess the author had heard that 38 something was the same as 100 some other thing and water boils at 100 so at 42 it must already be boiling…
“Michael Anton recently published an article titled “The Pessimistic Case for the Future”. It really is pessimistic, but it’s hard to argue with his analysis.
Recently, I was asked to make the “pessimistic case for the future.” I present instead more of a “pessimistic take on the present.” The future, while imminent, is obscure. The present, by contrast, is knowable. This is also not so much a “case” replete with exhaustive evidence—there isn’t space for that, nor is there a need—as a quick tour through our present hell. No one who thinks “everything is fine” will be persuaded otherwise. Those who see the seriousness of our problems hardly need proof. Nor have I made any attempt to be evenhanded, much less philosophically detached. My account is perforce one-sided. I hope it is wrong.”
More at
Claire Lehmann has raised the question of the faulty CSIRO GenCost report this morning in The Australian. Should be an interesting day.
Blatant censorship at work IN NZ .
IPCC AR6 stated that the GWP of methane has been overstated by a factor of 3-4.
Try searching this
Owen Jennings: Are we taking IPCC advice on methane emissions or not?
John Tyndall measured the infrared absorption of methane compared with carbon dioxide as 4.5 times.
That was in 1860/61.
Since then the ration has gone up and up. It was, I’m told, at 12 times in the first IPCC report (1990) but the last figure being banded about by alarmists is about 85 times.
Rural News group has two articles on the overstatement turn up via google , but neither will load .
Funny that.
Need Anymore Proof?!
Thanks Kim,
Russel Brand used to be a real dik head, but has evolved into an excellent critic of the current breed of governing dik heads !.
Very entertaining.
Blaming climate change won’t stop the fires.
Former NZ opposition leader: Voice to Parliament will be a ‘long term’ disaster
Malcolm Roberts explaining which political party got us here. And the fools want to put the traitors back in.
Both are the same and not just in the video links.