New Zealand might adopt new “UN-type” science curriculum without physics and chemistry

By Jo Nova

Apparently some New Zealand officials are toying with a whole new science curriculum which sounds like a return to the stone age. All the hard stuff about electromagnetism, elements, mass, motion, and molecular bonding has been replaced with UN Agenda 21 items like climate change and biodiversity.

Who needs to know the periodic table when you can learn the new religion of “Climate Change”? Knowing actual physics and chemistry will just hold you back in your drive to understand the intersectional suffering of the oppressed swamp antechinus.

NZ Teachers Shocked Physics, Chemistry, Biology Missing From New Science Curriculum

By Rebecca Zhu, Epoch Times

New Zealand science teachers have raised alarm over an early draft science curriculum, which lacks any mention of physics, chemistry, and biology.

Mr. Johnston [senior fellow of the New Zealand Initiative think tank] warned that if this draft went through, high school graduates wanting to pursue studies in physical sciences or engineering would need to be taught from scratch by their university.

Who is Mr Johnston kidding? As if universities will fight for the physical sciences… they didn’t even fight for “male and female”.  Academics are driving this shift to pagan worship of the new weather-making Gods. Science communication units at universities don’t even know what the scientific method is, they teach their students to “believe” the experts instead of teaching the fundamentals of logic and reason. Who needs Aristotle when you can have obedience?

Students that understand physics might grow up to be critics of the UN:

“Central concepts in physics are absent. There is no mention of gravity, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, mass or motion. Chemistry is likewise missing in action. There is nothing about atomic structure, the periodic table of the elements, compounds or molecular bonding,” he said of the draft.

Rather than physics, chemistry, and biology, the document proposes teaching science through four contexts that appear to draw from fundamental principles of the United Nation’s Agenda 21: climate change, biodiversity, infectious diseases, and the water, food, and energy nexus.

The energy nexus is, after all, a battle for “Energy Justice” and gender-energy equality, and who doesn’t want that?

We know this because peer reviewed papers say so:

Energy justice as a search light for gender-energy nexus

Differences in access to and use of energy services between women and men is at the core of gender-energy nexus research. Drawing from Khamati-Njenga and Clancy, we define gender as “the roles, privileges, attributes and relationships between women and men that are socially constructed and not biologically determined” [11]. This definition emphasizes gender as a social construct, which changes over time, space and context. Hence, the gender dimensions of energy access and use vary across social, cultural, economic and political contexts. …

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 138, March 2021, 110668,

First they came for language, arts and history, then they came for biology, now they want the STEM courses.

Let’s fight like hell.

h/t R.B.



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150 comments to New Zealand might adopt new “UN-type” science curriculum without physics and chemistry

  • #

    The dumbing down continues apace.


    • #

      UN ZudD is just a Petri Dish.


      • #
        Stephen McDonald

        The plan for Australian Aboriginal history would be to wipe all books and visual evidence to this point and replace it with one book. Dark Emu.


    • #
      another ian

      Harry Messel only thought he had a problem with “that bastard thing called general science”


    • #
      william x

      Yes, and to understand the dumbing down,

      Try this simple experiment with your younger 20 somethings.
      Go to your local convenience store.
      Buy $40.90 of product
      Give $51.00 in cash and watch the young attendant’s eyes glaze over.

      They’ll push back the dollar. Push buttons on their till, look expectantly at the screen and then give you $9.10 in loose change.

      Happens every time.


      • #
        Graeme No.3

        william x:
        I gave a $50 & a $20 dollar note to settle a $69 dollar payment. The attendant demanded a $1 coin to round out the payment.
        I won’t say where but a HINT – Australia’s leading Telecommunication Company.


        • #
          Ian Hill

          I had a similar experience at O-works in Adelaide. I was able to exchange a faulty printer refill cartridge, had the receipt, evidence of the fault etc but the checkout operator said “that will be 97 cents”! When I asked why she said the price had gone up! When I started to explain that the replacement ought to be at the old price she said the computer won’t let me. A fair comment. Right then a more experienced operator showed the younger girl how to override the transaction and I left without being 97 cents poorer!


    • #
      Curious George

      Please drop mathematics as well.


      • #

        Because they won’t need to work out the answer to 2+2 themselves.


      • #

        and English as well: no one speaks it properly and it’s meaning keeps changing: I can’t ( don’t want tno ) keep up. ( and keyboard has other ideas too)


    • #

      “science” is not science unless it comprises physics and chemistry!
      This is activist nonesense.


  • #
    John Michelmre



  • #

    I thought the last governmental act by Jahcundah was to rename the country New Zimbabwe? anyway why should public schools bother with outdated ideas?

    Essentially students will no longer be taught to think like a scientist enabling them to challenge current thinking but instead will be indoctrinated to accept current thinking and the current thinking is what is stated by the government and any thoughts or ideas that differ will be labelled as dis/mis/mal information.

    See how neatly it all fits together?

    Normally I would LMAO at this because its happening in NZ but sadly I know its also happening here in AUS as well.


  • #

    They say New Zealand is a progressive nation, but I can’t see it.


    • #

      Depends how you define “progressive”. Alice in Wonderland’s Humpty Dumpty comes to mind.


    • #
      Graeme No.3

      According to today’s TV News a lot of New Zealanders are progressing to Queensland.


      • #

        Queenslanders: look out ( but if you’re on a stormy sea crossing, don’t – an old inglish student’s joke)


    • #

      The idea of ‘progressive’ was developed by Hilary Clinton back in the early nineties. After all, who doesn’t want progress?

      What people don’t know is that the word is a rebranding of ‘communism’ or ‘socialism’. Mrs Clinton was well aware the American people would not accept those ideologies and simply changed the name to something more acceptable.

      Whenever you see the word, remember ‘progressive’ is a synonym for ‘regressive’.


    • #

      To progress is to move forward. This certainly doesn’t describe New Zealand.


    • #
      John Robertson

      Like Rust or cancer Gordo.


  • #
    Old Goat

    We have the most expensive idiocy . Pity its worthless…


  • #

    How can we argue against entrenched ignorance? Good debate requires both participants to have some knowledge of the subject. Students wanting to be engineers or chemists will need to go overseas to pursue their dreams and New Zealand will revert to a subsistence economy. If that happens where is the need for academics and bureaucrats? Being parasitic and otherwise useless they should starve fairly quickly.


    • #
      John Michelmore

      No, they won’t starve. There are plenty of sheep to eat over there; no, not quite canabilism!


    • #
      Leo G

      How to argue against entrenched ignorance?

      First investigate the motive for ignoring STEM education.

      Jo remarked that “All the hard stuff about electromagnetism, elements, mass, motion, and molecular bonding has been replaced with UN Agenda 21”.

      The “hard stuff” isn’t just hard, it’s psychological torture even for capable students- it changes one’s perception about everything.

      In that respect it resembles the struggle sessions in cultural Marxism to which young students are subjected in formal education.

      Even worse, it tends to create rational objections to the many contradictions and absurdities flowing from ESG and DIE programs.


  • #

    Students stopped being taught proper science decades ago, to be replaced with the first month of every academic year every year with the latest version of climate change to be parroted back to their teachers; Plus weather, solar power, wind and tidal power.

    In Australia, 20 years ago, I got my hands on the maths syllabus for my 8 year old grandson in an attempt to understand what he was being taught. It was in a form of “newspeak” which I as an experienced science/health researcher, employed as such for decades in universities, could not make any sense of at all. I am ashamed to say I gave up all too easily, partly due to the teacher’s patronizing way of dealing with me. It became too hard when she took my questions as being attacks on her personally so she attacked my grandson in class. He beggd me to stop being difficult.

    In NZ, and in Aus as well, Schools are already defacto teaching climate change, biodiversity, infectious diseases, and the water, food, and energy nexus slotting the topics into every subject class possible. They are given readings on energy justice in English class, lectures in biodiversity in sports as justification for not going out for runs off the asphalt during training runs – they could have trampled over a small lizard while running!

    If I had young ones I would home school now. The whole CRT, LGBTxxx, climate idiocy is beyond comprehension.


    • #

      I had a similar experience with one of my grandsons. Visiting the (very expensive private) school for Grandparents Day I was gobsmacked by the giant mural on “climate change” covering most of one wall. I asked the teacher to explain it to me and after about five minutes of total twaddle I explained to him where the “science” was questionable, if not wrong. He looked at me, speechless, for about 10 seconds then said “it’s the curriculum and that’s what I have to teach” and turned away.


    • #

      “Proper science” has now been totally supplanted by “Political science”.
      And within this new discipline “following the science” has a completely hair-brained meaning. It was a serious mistake to allow them to ever use the word “science” in the first place.
      Regressive weakipedia says it all in their first paragraph of “Science” with a classic line that says:
      “There is disagreement whether the formal sciences (logic & maths) are science disciplines, because they do not rely on empirical evidence.”
      Yet they are happy to tick-off social science (economics & psychology) that often relies on the very weakest empirical evidence – mostly gigo models and other made-up stuff.
      It’s quite instructive to read their history of science in this wiki. Hardly a mention of early social or political science.
      Somewhere along the way, real-science allowed pseudo-science to penetrate and poison its practical contribution to mankind.
      Surely it’s time to re-brand real-science to fork it away from this rot.


    • #

      No wonder they say the curriculum is ‘crowded’, more like full of s&^%t


  • #

    Illustrating the problems with people who vote for a living electing morons who have never done anything useful in their lives to run a country, and they in turn hiring loopy ideological zealots to run the public service.


    • #
      another ian

      Well if your knowledge status is marginal you can’t hire anyone who might be smarter than you.

      Or as Baxter Black (cowboy poet and observer) put it –

      “First rate operations hire first rate staff, Second rate operations hire third rate staff”


      • #
        another ian

        For an exercise

        Rate Oz government management statuses by your experience with their staff


        • #

          “Rate Oz government management statuses by your experience with their staff”

          Just watch “Utopia” on Wednesdays…


        • #

          Not just government. Many businesses are less than competent, dont give staff consistent messages about expectations and have little formal training other than learn as you go and run into things. They talk customer experience but really dont do much in a practical sense to deliver it.


  • #
    Greg in NZ

    Meme doing the rounds:

    1917 – Ernest Rutherford splits the atom

    2023 – Students don’t know what an atom is


    • #
      John Hultquist

      Cockcroft-Walton-students of Rutherford
      The atom was split for the first time on April 14, 1932. The English physicist Sir John Douglas Cockcroft and the Irish physicist Ernest Walton split the atom for the first time using the nuclear particle accelerator they built, also the first particle accelerator in history. This was accomplished at the University of Cambridge’s Cavendish Laboratory, then headed by Ernest Rutherford. In 1917, he performed the first artificially induced nuclear reaction in 1917 in experiments where nitrogen nuclei were bombarded with alpha particles. This involved combining, not splitting.


    • #

      @Greg in NZ

      Here’s what Rutherford, along with some brilliant and talented grad students, did accomplish.

      Gotta be careful of those memes. They are often as flawed as their targets.


  • #

    Curse commenting on a phone. ARGUE is what I said.


  • #

    It is truly depressing that nowhere on earth is there a single university with a Chancellor who stands up to the obvious pseudo-science that is now running rampant through the social sciences.

    Because of this, the pseudo-sciences have grown to the point where they will be demanding ‘equal’ time at a high-school and primary-school level.

    It is already happening in Australia. The amount of time spent on math and reading has decreased and been replaced with social science causes. My children today had a course where the learning object was to learn the aboriginal myths associated with various colors and types of rocks. Yes folks… they are taught this before real geology, or reading…


  • #

    The last thing the NZ Ministry of Education wants is children understanding biology.

    The New Zealand Ministry of Education is setting up new guidelines for Relationships and Sexuality Education.

    Among other things they will be teaching children that there are more than 2 genders and that a child is assigned a sex at birth.

    Also they say that a student should be able to choose a toilet and changing room that matches their gender identity.

    I would have thought the schools would be better off getting back to the basics.


    • #

      There is an organisation in NZ called Family first. They are I assume a conservative minded group. I have nothing to do with them but they recently published an analysis of the RSE guidelines, the link for which, is above.

      The following comes from their analysis linked below.

      In Science, your child will “consider how biological sex has been constructed and measured over time” and “consider variations in puberty, including the role of hormone blockers.”

      In Technology, your child will “identify how gender expectations are embedded in technology, for example, in the design and style of power tools and other tools…” and “explore symbols linked to the gay and transgender rights movements.”

      In the Arts, your child will “consider plays with roles that do not conform to gender stereotypes.”

      In the Social Sciences, your child will be encouraged to explore the “…development and persistence of gender stereotypes (for example, by researching the #MeToo movement).”


      • #

        You guys are currently running at 30% excess mortally so it won’t be too long before you either run out of lecturers or run out of students


      • #
        Honk R Smith

        Power tools are sexist(?) … I knew it.
        Wait … so is ‘power’*
        The patriarchy was built with ‘power’.
        And ‘tool’ … definitely patriarchal.
        *(Except in the hands of non-patriarchal government).

        Anything inserted anywhere, especially by a heterosexual, is a violation, therefore screws and screwdrivers must be banned.
        And hammers … they cause hammer violence.
        We need a knew science of non-violative fastenimg.
        This issue may be solved by just covering everything in Rainbow colors.
        (In my burg we are already almost there.)

        If you think about it (don’t do that without a degree) heterosexuality is a lot like carbon, and both are the very initial toxins that have led us here.
        Fortunately we have academics to lead us out of the anthropogenic light, and back to the pure non-anthropogenic darkness.


        • #
          Graeme No.3

          Are you allowed to have a fire to heat & light your cave?


          • #
            another ian

            One of the thread headings used at Small Dead Animals is along the lines of –

            If women ran the world
            We’d still be living in caves but with nice curtains


            • #
              another ian

              Oops! “rad” = “ran”

              I thought I edited that

              And just in case that is Kate’s heading


          • #
            Honk R Smith

            Yes …
            but you are only allowed to draw pictures of salads on the wall with a burnt stick.
            Gang graffiti is also allowed.


        • #

          therefore screws and screwdrivers must be banned

          I suppose that will be the end of nut and bolts- won’t be able to have male and female threads


  • #

    Support your local field geologist. They are among the last actual scientists left, despite being ruthlessly hunted and demonized by the sociopaths, for DECADES.

    ESPECIALLY the ones in minerals and petroleum exploration / exploitation.

    Joining the dots, yet?


    • #

      Yes …

      The list in the main article says physics, chemistry, biology.

      Conspicuously absent is geology, or geoscience. And of course, mathematics.

      Until this comment, #13, that absence wasn’t even noted, unhappily including Nova.

      Think on your prejudices, people.


  • #
    Ed Zuiderwijk

    It’s just the next step in the long descent to the sylvanian medieval life style. What do you expect from politicians devoid of any strategic insight? NZ doesn’t even make its own steel, so why would you need to know how to do that?

    But no worry. The Chinese will teach you one day. Or the New Zealanders who rediscover the intricacies of ballistics; The dimwits won’t know what hit them..


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      Glenbrook Steel Mill, near the west coast of Auckland, produces ‘most’ of our domestic steel, from local iron sands and powered by the Huntly Coal Power Station.

      The previous govt imported a shipload of Ch!nese steel for use on numerous bridges and motorway overpasses – so far so good, though the quality of said product was questioned at the time.

      Glenbrook is owned by NZ Steel, which in turn is owned by BHP – crikey mate, eats bloody Australian, sheet! And they’ve just scammed hundreds of millions of subsidy dollars out of the present govt to claim woke-ability by installing electric arc furnaces to reduce NZ’s *carbon emissions* by – are you sitting down – 1%.


      • #
        Ed Zuiderwijk

        When I visited Auckland I was told about the import from China and Japan because the domestic industry could not produce the quantity or the size. I didn’t know about Glenbrook but it seems to me that NZ is in a similar situation as the UK will be shortly with big steelworks being closed on the watch of clueless politicians. There are, however, smaller outfits remaining where specialist steel variaties are being produced on a much smaller scale. In Sheffield in particular.


  • #

    Universities have just become glorified kindergardens. 50 years ago kids would have left school at age 15 and gotten a job in a factory somewhere. But as industry was exported to China, these people had nowhere to go, so they stayed in school. The government had to park the unemployed somewhere, so they went on to Universities where they trained in the new skills of the modern economy. Actually, they weren’t suitable for STEM subjects and naturally congregated in the Humanities, where they were taught that men could be women, that there is a continuum of sexes between male and female, that the sky was falling due to climate change, that they shouldnt think for themselves, that they could just trust the experts and go and get the jab.
    And when these people graduate, they think they are clever, because they have a university degree! They think they are qualified to run the country, and it gets worse, because now they are running the country!
    So what do you expect?


  • #

    NZ is just a testbed for the rest of the corrupt West. Meanwhile the non western nations educate their young properly and support their industries.
    In the near future the West will just be a repository of expendable morons for the advanced non western nations.
    You will have nothing and be happy- because you’ll know no better.


  • #
    John Connor II

    Everyone knows physics and chemistry are just fake sciences from white racists.
    Let the low iq coloured crowd get their worthless fake degrees in Mayan gender studies or such.
    It’s all going to burn as that’s part of the master plan of divide/conquer/isolate/destroy.
    Let them go for it.
    The sooner this whole madhouse collapses the sooner the sane ones can rebuild society.

    My pronouns are “them” and “us”.


  • #
    Jeremy Poynton

    Because it’s “The Science” that now matters, not science. First spotted way back in Cult CAGW, “The Science” became a prime weapon WRT Covid for governments to wield.

    What “The Science” actually means is ideology


    • #
      Paul Cottingham

      (1) Science: The pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding by following a systematic methodology based on empirical evidence, information, measurement and data gathered directly or indirectly through observation or experimentation that may be used to prove or disprove a scientific theory or to help justify, or establish as reasonable, a person’s belief in a given proposition.

      (2) Scientism: A modern progressive belief that repudiates all other similar metaphysical, philosophical and religious beliefs as misinformation, disinformation and malinformation, as these beliefs they proclaim cannot be apprehended by those who see science as the absolute and only justifiable access to the truth. However Science can prove Scientism wrong with a new discovery which is then censored as a ‘conspiracy theory’ by those who support Scientism in the Government and Media.

      (3) Scientology: A belief that each human has a reactive mind that responds to life’s traumas, clouding the analytic mind and keeping us from experiencing reality. Scientology is a less extreme religion than the evil satanic religion of Scientism, which dominates Global governance under the guidance of Greta Thunberg.


  • #
    John Connor II

    At this point I would like to take a poll.
    Upvote if you think we’re on the brink of a civilisational collapse.
    Downvote if you think that we’re going to keep going as a civilisation for more than the next, let’s say, decade.


    • #
      Graeme No.3

      My downvote is because the current civilisation will collapse very quickly.
      A few of us old timers may well be re-employed trying to fix things.


    • #
      John Hultquist

      It appears to me civilization has already tanked in some places. San Francisco, CA is the poster for the USA, or maybe the banlieue of Paris. [Having never been to Paris, that statement is just from news reports.]
      Correct me if you know more.
      Thus, I did not vote in JCII’s poll.


    • #
      Rupert Ashford

      John, I’m downvoting because your question is too broad. If you asked “Upvote if you think we’re on the brink of a WESTERN civilisational collapse”, I would give you a green tick. This is an attack on Western, Caucasian, Judeo-Christian population and civilization. The rest of the world talk the talk, but they certainly don’t walk it (see the number of coal fired power stations being built in China while they’re screaming “Da Cliiiimut” as loud as anybody else as an example). The countries on the brink of trouble are Canada, the USA, Western Europe, Aus, NZ. The rest are standing by and observing the farce playing out, ready to step into the gap and then continuing in a sane way.


  • #
    Serge Wright

    The great reset to Marxism is happening in ways we didn’t see coming and it’s happening very fast. The changing of the constitution under the false guise of the voice, the new land control laws in WA, the renaming of places, the treaties in several states, the removal of our reliable and cheap energy systems, the ministry of truth to censor non approved speech, the signing away of our sovereignty to the WHO, the restriction of meat protein in our diets, the desecration of our history and culture, the rewriting of our history, brainwashing and fear-mongering of children at schools, removal of the concept of gender, enforced ban of ICE vehicles to restrict movement, the surveillance of everyone, the trashing of our christian faith, pushing of gender change ideology in schools, dumbing down of the education system by removing the sciences and exams, the removal of cash and moving us to a fully controlled digital currency, the embrace of China, the deliberate racking up of debt, the move to same pay and a long list of others.

    Of course the very worst of these changes is probably the voice, because that’s the signing away of our democracy to the Marxist activists, allowing them to run amok and complete the job irreversibly.


    • #

      They are banning gill net fishing in the Great Barrier Reef marine park. The marine park zone includes all catchments and rivers flowing into the Pacific north of Bundaberg.
      Nobody nets the reef.
      The voice is not about giving them a voice, it’s about removing ours.


  • #

    By all means adopt this insanity, but you will eventually end up with a population of idiots who have no idea on how to change a light bulb…or how to make one.


    • #
      Russ Wood

      MAKING light bulbs? Don’t you know that THAT’s no longer allowed! Cartoonists now must make do with “think candles”!


  • #

    Look on the bright side. When schools and universities are no longer teaching anything worthwhile there will no longer be any logical justification for spending taxpayers’ money on “education.” Everyone will be able to keep more of their own money – unless the NZ government spends it all on benefits for all the unemployed former teachers.


  • #

    When this topic comes up I have two reactions. First I lament the depths to which this thing I love, science, is being dragged. Second, I shrug it off as just another rearing of the vapid head of Cargo Cult Science and turn back to doing what I do love. Anyone interested in science should read Feynman’s 1974 commencement address at Caltech (here ). (For good measure, one should read everything else Feynman ever wrote or said about science, but that is a longer conversation.)

    These attempts to “standardize” science education are nothing but efforts by people who have observed what scientists do, much like the pacific islanders observed the military folks landing airplanes in WWII, and like the airplanes, the scientists seem to bring good things to make people’s lives better and more wealthy. But the standardizers view of science is like the pacific islander’s view of landing planes, they observe the hands waving, the giving of speeches, sometimes clever wordplay and argument, and the insistence that they are “right.” But they don’t actually have any experience “doing” the science. They don’t spend the 15-20 hours per day learning the math, making experiments work, and constantly finding out what is wrong with what they thought. The standardizers think the work is all about somehow being “right” about something, when in fact the real work is figuring out how you were wrong, and being satisfied when after valiant searching and working it turns out that what you thought might work as a theory (or experiment) is so far not wrong when compared to all the data you can find. They don’t get it that making mistakes and finding out your are wrong is the largest part of science. John Wheeler once said that the job of a theoretical physicist is to make as many mistakes as he can as fast as he can.

    The other thing they don’t seem to get is that no matter how hard we work, we will never be “right” about the universe, never know the ultimate “truth.” The only one who is always right about the universe is Nature and as far as what the outcome of an experiment is, Nature is never wrong.

    Finally, the standards makers seem very intent on the hapless students learning “about” science, like it is some kind of liturgy one would study in a religious discipline. They miss the point that science is not something a working scientist “learns about”, it is something one learns to do and does, an active set of intellectual and physical skills as much as any martial art or playing a musical instrument. Once my son went on an elementary school field trip to a cavern and at dinner that evening told us that they had been shown a stalagmite that was a million years old. I asked him how he thought the scientists figured out the thing was a million years in the making. He scrunched up his face and thought, finally saying, “I guess they googled it.” This is the same view embedded in the standards-makers thought, that if one needs to discover something new in science, one can somehow just “google it.” With luck this point of view will continue to be simply an annoying thing people do and people who actually do science will continue to be able to do it somehow. Otherwise, we may be headed into a darker age than the present.


  • #

    Why correct the errors in the IPCC Assessment Reports when you can change the curriculum so that no one will notice the errors. After-all if your planning ‘One World Government’, ie Communism, it is best to dumb down the World population.


  • #
    Gerry, England

    After centuries of human progress we have now entered a period of decline characterised by trying to use an outdated idea – windmills – to power our economies. In time it might designated the Retardocene.


  • #
    David Maddison

    This is alarming but not surprising.

    New Zimbabwe is even more woke and more dumbed-down than Australia is.

    What do you expect in a country capable of electing Jabcinda Ardern?

    And Australia will be next, a country capable of electing Dictator Dan three times, Albasleazy, Minns, Palaszczuk, Cook, etc..

    Don’t forget, Aboriginal empirical observations about nature are already being officially embraced as “science”, e.g.:

    Indigenous Science is an area of emerging interest for cultural and scientific understanding, and a mechanism for empowering Australia’s diverse first nations peoples.

    Did you know that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have been employing scientific methods of data collection, such as observation and experimentation, for tens of thousands of years – long before western science came to Australia?

    Indigenous science goes well beyond boomerangs and spears, although these are amazing feats of engineering and science understanding in their own right.

    The Western view alone limits students. Aboriginal knowledge enhances science education with examples of Aboriginal science.

    During traditional times, Aboriginal people showed an ingenious mastery of physics to create hunting equipment and labour-saving tools. They demonstrated knowledge of chemistry, held a deep understanding of biology through powerful observation and using all the senses to predict and hypothesis (sic).


    • #
      Ed Zuiderwijk

      After reading that the Aborigines have been using the scientific method for tens of thousands of years and had these fabulous engineering skills I just wondered: have they also been to moon long before us?


    • #

      During traditional times, Aboriginal people showed an ingenious mastery of physics to create hunting equipment and labour-saving tools.

      Good thing they did not wear clothes, so did not need washing machines.


    • #
      coochin kid

      “Indigenous Science goes well beyond Boomerangs and spears” Been here 60000 years. I bet it was only in the last 5000 years they found out how to throw spears in other than a vertical manner. What great engineering feats. being here that long and they only found out how to throw a couple of sticks. Pardon me I am going to take my 3yo. grandson for a walk in the park. Plenty of sticks there. He might get a Knoble prize someday.


    • #
      Kalm Keith

      Be Afraid.

      Be very afraid.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Who was right, Huxley or Orwell?

    “What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. “Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the -rgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny ‘failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.’ In 1984, Huxley added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us.
    “This book is about the possibility that Huxley, not Orwell, was right.”

    [This excerpt from Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business (Penguin Books, 1985, pages XIX-XX)


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      Both, probably. Those who manage to resist the offerings of the state (more free everything, except will), will be mopped up by Orwell’s controllers.


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    David Maddison

    “Central concepts in physics are absent. There is no mention of gravity, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, mass or motion. Chemistry is likewise missing in action. There is nothing about atomic structure, the periodic table of the elements, compounds or molecular bonding,” he said of the draft.

    Rather than physics, chemistry, and biology, the document proposes teaching science through four contexts that appear to draw from fundamental principles of the United Nation’s Agenda 21:

    Notice how all this fits in with the emerging agenda of misinformation and disinformation of the New Zimbabwe and Australian Governments?

    All that traditional sciency stuff might lead Sheeple astray.

    Jabcinda has been promoted to a higher job than PM, controlling information.

    In her speech at the counter-terrorism summit, Ardern said online disinformation was a top concern for New Zealanders, with one in four saying disinformation was the greatest security threat to them and their families.

    In Australia, make a submission against the Australian Government’s proposed laws against free speech, falsely called disinformation and misinformation:

    Please sign Senator Babet’s petition:


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      Paul Cottingham

      It seems that since 1871, science has regressed in its understanding of the nature of heat. The most amazing thing for me is it hard to find anyone who understands what ‘heat’ is. Gravity is mentioned by James Clerk Maxwell when he mentioned the Poisson curve in ‘Theory of Heat (1871)’. The same curve used by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller in the ‘Unified Theory of Climate (2011)’ for the ‘Pressure-induced Thermal Inertia Greenhouse Effect’ on the surface of Venus, Earth, Mars, Europa, Titan and Triton. And the one bar pressure points on each of the planets, adjusted for distance from the Sun, despite the different main gases, Nitrogen for the Earth & Titan, Hydrogen for Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn & Uranus and Carbon Dioxide for Venus, which is also located on the Poisson curve for gravity. Gravity causes the Pressure.

      I have also read “The Theory of Heat Radiation: by Max Planck” many times over. I believe that Max Planck also had to read his own paper over and over again. To simplify on the understanding of heat. There is evidence that radiative heating does not occur for a gas. The reason being that the random nature of the movement or vibration of gas molecules means that half of the molecules moving towards the radiation are slowed down or cooled. So then radiative forcing is real because the frequency is lowered, but only positive for half of the molecules. So in reality no heat is created in this process for gas molecules. I don’t think progress in New Zealand is going from “Theory of Heat (Maxwell, 1871)” & “Theory of Heat Radiation (Planck, 1914)” to “Theory of Climate Denialism (Thunberg, 2023)”


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      “…online disinformation was a top concern for New Zealanders, with one in four saying disinformation was the greatest security threat to them and their families.” – Grauniad quoting Ardern

      So, they believe that 25% of the population should dictate what’s a “top concern” to the the other 75%?

      Oh, well, I guess it wouldn’t be “fair and balanced,” otherwise. 🙄


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    Ask a young person why it’s call ….. CO2, and not CO, or CO3 or just plain Carbon.

    Why specifically ….. C ….. O2

    Look at the dumbfounded looks on their face.

    Try and explain the electron shells …… 2,8,8,18 etc

    So that means that Carbon with an atomic number of 6 has four electrons in its outer shell.

    So that means that Oxygen with an atomic number of 8 has six electrons in its outer shell.

    So, to fill the outer shell of the Carbon atom and make it ‘stable’, you need 4 electrons, and to fill the outer shell of the oxygen atom, you need 2 electrons.

    So if there are two atoms of Oxygen, you need four electrons to fill the outer shells of them both, and ….. viola, there we have four electrons in the outer shell of that Carbon atom.

    So, the three atoms (one Carbon and two Oxygen, hence CO2) now share electrons in a close bond so that the resultant is a very stable molecule. The outer shells of the three atoms share electrons so in effect, the outer shells are full.


    Huh! Why would anybody ever need to know that?

    Umm, where did you ‘look that up?’

    No need to look it up. I learned it in the first year of High School. It was called the Valency Table.



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      The True Nolan

      Hey, Tony! One of my pet dislikes is when someone refers to CO2 as “carbon”, as in “we’re putting too much CARBON into the atmosphere!”

      I always say, “You must mean oxygen. We’re putting too much OXYGEN into the air.”
      Them: “No. It’s CARBON.”
      Me: “Are you talking about CO2?”
      Them: “Yeah, CO2, CARBON!”
      Me: “CARBON? That doesn’t even make sense! The atomic weight of CO2 is 44. Of that, oxygen makes up 32. That means that CO2 is 73% OXYGEN and only 27% CARBON. You know math. You don’t really think that 27 is bigger than 73, do you?”
      Them: “Yeah, but CARBON is…”
      Me: “Let’s be scientific about this. What you MEAN to say is “we are putting too much OXYGEN into the atmosphere, right? Sounds kind of silly to me!”

      Carbon is a devil word, despised by all right thinking environmentalists. Once you make them give up their devil word, they sound rather ignorant. And they are.


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        Carbon is a devil word

        Yes, and they also use words like carbon and coal because they can portray them as dirty, which supports the narrative.


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      No need to look it up. I learned it in the first year of High School. It was called the Valency Table.

      Very timely. I recently helped my Year 10 child before his chemistry exam last term. We went through all of this for the first time as part of his “Science” subject at school. He scored highly (91%, second in his grade) and will probably choose chemistry in the HSC. But this is his 4th year of high school, I recall learning about valency bonds in my third… interesting you learnt this much earlier… maybe part of the dumbing down process over the years! Interesting to see if my son’s learning curve steepens dramatically or if the Years 11/12 curriculum is easier than it used to be.

      Thanks for your post.


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    From a dumbed down N.Z. university,
    In the future, a science grad scarcity,
    No disciplined biology,
    Just U.N. codology,
    Like climate-change and biodiversity.


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    Mr Robert Christopher

    “high school graduates wanting to pursue studies in physical sciences or engineering would need to be taught from scratch by their university.”

    But how would they know what it was when they haven’t studied it at all?

    How would they know they were good at it?

    It wouldn’t be taught until after that window where information is absorbed like a sponge, during the younger years, and becomes second nature.

    There are many careers that require, or would be helped by, some basic knowledge of at least one Science, and this absence would hinder many areas where competency is vital for success.

    Medical training would need to extended, as would all Engineering courses.

    And we would all be reduced to the ignorance of most Arts and Humanities graduates!

    What a ghastly thought! 🙂


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      Dave in the States

      It’s a major cause of the growing epidemic of innumeracy. Math is abstract. Nummeracy comes from applying the concepts in practical applications. Many, including myself, learned this from science labs.


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      It is already happening, A friend of ours started running remedial math courses for university students. Even kids with VHA, [very high achiever] results from high school were not ready for the math in most science courses.

      He was then contacted by a couple of TAFE schools, & asked to do the same for their trade courses. Where as 60 years ago 15 year olds coming out of junior high school had enough math to handle at electrical apprentice course, 17 year olds today, again with VHA passes in senior high school math don’t have enough to do the same courses.

      God help us.


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    Honk R Smith

    Speaking of embarrassing government actions …
    is there any sign of embarrassment about this?


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    That should thin the job applications at Spece UX and NISA


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    The swamp creatures are increasing in number every year.


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    Consider using cash as much as possible and avoid credit and debt cards, the banks and governments are pushing the digital economy model and plan to withdraw cash with the excuse that cash is no longer in demand.

    Businesses, especially small to medium business owners will mostly welcome cash and the no fees transactions.


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      Hi Dennis.

      I agree 100% about using cash as much as possible.

      I have for a long time been an amateur coin collector so i usually look at the coins I am given as change. The most recently minted New Zealand coin I have been able to find is 2020.

      This told me that very few new coins are being minted. They are reducing the amount of cash in circulation.

      I went to the NZ Mint and found that apart from 20 cent and 2 dollar coins, no new coins have been minted since 2020.


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      Kalm Keith

      Kash is King.



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    Dave in the States

    This already happened in America. As far back as twenty years ago I was schocked to find that chemistry, physics, geology, organic chem, biology, agronomy, all classes I took to fulfill science credits, could be by-passed. Those classes were still offered, but you could meet the science requirements by instead taking Protecting the Enviroment, Biodiversity, Protecting Endangered Species, and so forth.

    I sat in on the Protecting the Enviroment class a few times. It was straight global warming, as it was still called, propaganda. The teacher was not a certified science teacher. His aid, a women with no science credetials, was a radical environmentalist activist. The teacher was actually a ex-hippy who had dropped out of university. Al Gore’s movie was part of the curriculum.


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    Curious George

    Time for Maori to take the land back.


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    […] And that’s why I’m etching these words on a cave wall: “9 parts copper, 1 part tin” […]


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    Spelling is another cirriculum basic pillar that needs re-introduction. All that effort to present your case (and of course your demands) undermined by a single error.


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      Dave in the States

      I’m not as bad as I used to be. I can proof read it but I don’t see it -and missing articles- until I come back to it hours later.


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        Like the goalkeeper in any sport there is a whole team the opposition have to get through before they get it past the keeper. The sign maker and the person taking delivery of it all missed it. Can only wonder if anyone at the demo commented. Cheers. [Psst just between us – so ensrhined in secrecy – I’m waiting for my cirriculum trap to be sprung. lol]


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          Kalm Keith

          O.K. Got it.

          That will be forever ensrhined in history.

          Did they really want me to think of bacon when I read that.

          And, the person on the left is a bit ambidextrous, reminded of the current Miss World thing.


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    David Maddison

    In Biden’s America, mathematics is already considered “racist”.

    In California, 2+2=4 May Be Thought Racist



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    David Maddison

    Also in Biden’s America.

    Smithsonian Institution Explains That ‘rationality’ & ‘hard Work’ Are Racist
    By Frederick M. Hess | RJ Martin


    July 20, 2020

    What are these sinister aspects of “white culture,” you ask? Well, according to the Smithsonian, values like “hard work,” “self-reliance,” “be[ing] polite,” and timeliness are all a product of the “white dominant culture.” Indeed, it turns out that conventional grammar, Christianity, the notion that “intent counts” in courts of law, and the scientific method and its emphasis on “objective, rational linear thinking” are all proprietary to “white culture.”


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    David Maddison

    There has already been a war against the teaching of real history and respect For the achievements of Western Civilisation and Judeo-Christian moral values for decades now.

    Another lie taught is that white people were entirely responsible for slavery when in fact they were first to abolish it. See my post from a few days ago about this.


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      Greg in NZ

      Am halfway through David Frye’s Walls: A History Of Civilization (2018) which will soon be on the banned list as every ‘great’ civilisation – from the Sumerians to Egyptians to Greeks & Romans to Chinese & the Mongols to Muslims and, yes, even Polynesians – kept slaves. Something to do with ‘the economy’.

      Now that the Flat Earthers have taken over the world, they don’t want their serfs and underlings knowing about such way-schist and patriarch-ill things as ‘history’ – it may provide perspective and give the slaves ideas: this will not do!


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    David Maddison

    In New Zimbabwe Māori is an official language and optionally used in government departments and courts even though it doesn’t have words for scientific and technological concepts and other ideas.

    Number of Māori words between 10,000 and 20,000.

    Number of English words in the Oxford English Dictionary online. More than 600,000. (Obviously not all in common use.)

    With fewer words there are fewer concepts it’s possible to represent. That was the intention of Newspeak from Nineteen Eighty Four.

    From Wikipedia, Newspeak:

    The limitations of Newspeak’s vocabulary enabled the Party to effectively control the population’s minds, by allowing the user only a very narrow range of spoken and written thought; hence, words such as: crimethink (thought crime), doublethink (accepting contradictory beliefs), and Ingsoc communicated only their surface meanings.


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    Without Chemistry and Physics there IS no science!

    Without Mathematics, there is no Chemistry or Physics.


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      Fundamental to applying the scientific method to the universe is physical observation and discovery which is not just maths.


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        For millennia humans have been observing and discovering, but it wasn’t until Modern Mathematics that those observations and discoveries led to deeper insights and practical applications that made human life better and longer.

        While observation and discovery are important, without Math they are, by themselves, often little more than curiosities.


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    David Maddison

    The answer to all this is of course, home schooling.

    That’s why the Left are trying to ban that as well.


    Daniel Andrews’ “Education State” is bullying homeschoolers

    Sarah Nicholson

    New zealand should make homeschooling illegal
    We should ban homeschooling. Make every kid attend school else there parents are sent a fine. We should also remove state schools. It costing tax payers insanes amounts.

    Or Goolag: “Ban home schooling” without quote marks.


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    Ahh New Zealand. The Land of the Non Bright Crowd.


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      In the 70’s the first spark of revolution coined the term “Land of the Wrong White Crowd”.

      Auckland had its Bastion Point protestors and tent camp (to be copied later in Canberra) and that coined the question:

      What do you get if you cross a dog with a protestor? A bastion pointer.


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    David Maddison

    It’s all a horrible combination of “Nineteen Eighty Four” and “Brave New World” and a fulfillment of all the dreams of the Left who called conservatives and fellow rational thinkers “crazy tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists” for expressing their concerns, which are now all turning out to be true.


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    I have a suggested image and slogan change for Elsevier….

    New image

    Motto change

    From “Non solus” to “solus non sanus.”


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    David Maddison

    Don’t forget, Jabcinda Ardern, who greatly accelerated the road to ruin of New Zimbabwe, was a specially selected and indoctrinated graduate of the WEF Young Global Leaders. Specially selected with a certain job to do rather like Damien Thorn in Omen III: The Final Conflict.


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    David Maddison

    New Zealand ought to be a warning to the thinking community in all Western countries.


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    We’ve obviously got this all wrong.

    Take the world’s biggest polluter (China) and one of the world’s biggest liars (World Economic Forum), and you come up with the sickening video, “China Is Going To Meet Its Wind and Solar Targets 5 Years Early.” As China increases its pollution this year, the supposedly climate-obsessed World Economic Forum (WEF) couldn’t be a bigger fan.


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      David Maddison

      They obviously expect us to engage in doublethink.

      noun: doublethink

      the acceptance of contrary opinions or beliefs at the same time, especially as a result of political indoctrination.


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      another ian

      You read the emphasis wrongly.

      The targets they’ll meet will be numbers of – forget any mention of pollution (/s)


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    David Maddison

    Ardern’s pathetic replacement is no better than she was, so obviously there’ll be more of the same.

    Jacinda Ardern quickly becoming the Great Reset’s high priestess as the movement’s slow march towards big government control rumbles on

    We should expect nothing less than overreach from a world leader who graduated from the school of progressive globalism and now gleefully leans into the exercise of power.

    2 min read

    October 19, 2022 – 11:29AM



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    David Maddison

    It’s so tragic that the only two remaining outposts of Western Civilisation in the Southern Hemisphere, Australia and New Zealand, have been destroyed.


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    Robert Swan

    Between satire and dystopian “fiction”, we have had plenty of warning. One that doesn’t get quoted very much is Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, but it seems the most fitting to this foolishness. The whole book is worth reading, but here’s a snippet:

    “You must understand that our civilization is so vast that we can’t have our minorities upset and stirred. Ask yourself, What do we want in this country, above all? People want to be happy, isn’t that right? Haven’t you heard it all your life? I want to be happy, people say. Well, aren’t they? Don’t we keep them moving, don’t we give them fun? That’s all we live for, isn’t it? For pleasure, for titillation? And you must admit our culture provides plenty of these.”


    “Colored people don’t like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don’t feel good about Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Burn it. Someone’s written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the book. Serenity, Montag. Peace, Montag. Take your fight outside. Better yet, into the incinerator. Funerals are unhappy and pagan? Eliminate them, too. Five minutes after a person is dead he’s on his way to the Big Flue, the Incinerators serviced by helicopters all over the country. Ten minutes after death a man’s a speck of black dust. Let’s not quibble over individuals with memoriams. Forget them. Burn all, burn everything. Fire is bright and fire is clean.”


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    science contradicts establishment ideology.
    therefore science must be abolished.


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    I would abandon the entire schooling system. Id close schools completely and return to education pre industrial revolution. Parents would hire private tutors.

    Private tuition is far superior to public schools. Better results more efficiently. Take music for example. I was tutored from age 7 in music. By high school end, to compare me and someone who had just taken music at school, there was no comparison. I was miles and miles beyond them.

    I was very good at maths. I could easily have done year 12 2 unit maths by age 14 if I was taught by a private tutor, not 18. Earlier I’d truly suggest, but fear spooking people with perceived exaggeration.

    The public system is good at teaching kids how to goof off. Thats the main thing I learned and most kids I see today are learning exactly that same thing.

    The public system achieved good outcomes after its introduction, but it has outlived that usefulness.


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    Like George Bernard Shaw et al, I have reached the conclusion that other planets use Earth as a lunatic asylum. The UN’s Agenda 21 Science Curriculum is the frontal lobotomy that will keep us there.


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      And to expand on that concept – the proof that intelligent life does exist and is well established in the universe IS the fact that they have NOT attempted to contact us.


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    Rupert Ashford

    Mmm, all part of the plan, and I’m going to get crucified but part of the “identity politics”, i.e. the feminist push to move the boys out of Uni and STEM subjects and push the girls in. It was never about inclusivity let alone excellence, but about POWER, and now that that mindset is setting the agenda, we end up with this “feelings over facts” kind of nonsense.

    As long as other countries stand their ground (but for how long?) it will just mean all Kiwi science graduates that came through this curriculum will be unemployable outside of their national borders. Any chance the population will vote with their heads and brains at the next election to stop this or has the horse already bolted?


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    John Robertson

    The School of Hard Knocks still awaits .
    All our “educated” beyond their intelligence experts are going to find this out.
    When a civilization is Fat ,Lazy and at peace..The most absurd idiocies can be enjoyed.
    When ,through absurdities such as “public Education” and magical thinking a population is reduced to starving,enslaved and angry status..
    All bets are off.
    NZ could take a lesson from the Old Maori..”Eat your Greens”.
    With a good hungi and a bit of puha,even the most useless environmentalist can serve a civic purpose.

    Evil..Could it best be defined as Stupidity on steroids?
    For the banal stupidity of evil people has been observed through out history..
    Usually accompanied by the age old question..WHY?
    What did they imagine would happen?


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    Also leading the way down the gurgler – has NZ really just signed off agreement to be penalised by the EU by more than its total exports value to them?
    And if it is unlikely to be enforced, why is it in there and being signed up to? (Did the EU never attempt to charge any penalties to the UK in recent Brexit history, possibly because they are nice and not at all greedy or devious??)


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    […] published JoNova; Climate Change, Biodiversity, Infectious Diseases and the Water Food and Energy nexus to be the […]


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    Can any nation that widely accepts this as the curriculum survive in TWAWKI?


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    another ian

    This is spreading well – up at WUWT and Small Dead Animals


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    I remember a research group next door when I did honours in 1993. They had a go at the previous years Y12 Chemistry exam and that nearly all could barely pass. It was so full of knowledge that was not important at university level. They were trying to make it more interesting to students who didn’t find science methodology interesting. Pointless.

    And it’s now worse!


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    I hope they’ve taken all those equation things out as well. That mathematics stuff is hard.


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    Typical left. They always go too far.
    This will have people looking at where they have been led. While the third world learns everything, the first is to be further dumbed down. Currently most Westerners know enough about cars, trains, planes, flight and construction to realise while they don’t know much, they appreciate it takes smart people to provide all the things they rely on so much to enjoy life. They realise, or can easily be told the meaning of having the sciences scrubbed from their kids education and that leads to a state of deep poverty.
    Once poor enough, where eating and drinking and clothing become scarce, they place themselves in the hands of tyrants and a despotic UN that seeks to control the Western world. Peculiarly, people still don’t realise that it is only the West being taken down by climate science. The marxist nations are too clever to destroy what they have; that’s the source of power for the tyrants that lead them and provides the weapons needed to do as they wish.


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    IainC of The Ponds

    Politicians: “Believe the science! Trust the scientists! We are guided by the science!”
    Scientists: “Biology is Destiny, and rules the lives and behaviours of every species on earth and has done for hundreds of millions of years.”
    Trans activists: “Biology is a social construct!”
    Politicians: “Men can breastfeed and women can have penises!”


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    Jeremy Poynton

    End days folks, as the West prepares to destroy 2000 years of progress

    Buckle up. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. What is clear is that, at least in the UK, all our public institutions, all related, such as NGOs etc have been infected with the deadly Woke virus. Pfizer as yet to produce a jab to make it even worse. They will.


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    Communism is all about who has power.

    Knowledge is power.


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    […] published JoNova; Climate Change, Biodiversity, Infectious Diseases and the Water Food and Energy nexus to be the […]


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    Jon-Anders Grannes

    It is all about changing the World. Science is about trying to understand the World. For that reason those that want to change the World have no need of science?
