62% of UK say reducing bills is more important than carbon targets

By Jo Nova

After thirty years of propaganda the people aren’t buying the crisis. The UK Sun polled 2,000 people and found that 60% think the government should be *prioritizing* a reduction in their bills rather than worrying about reaching Net Zero. Barely 20% thought Net Zero was more important — and they were presumably the only ones who could still afford to pay their bills.

The bigger problem is that it’s not democracy. The UniParty just don’t seem interested in winning votes. They’re not fighting “over the centre”, they’re fighting over the most extreme left 20%.

And ponder that these dismal results come despite 65 per cent of people thinking Net Zero is somehow a useful idea. Imagine what the polls would be like when people find out that carbon dioxide feeds the world and the Sun controls the climate?

Hat tip to NetZeroWatch

The Sun Newspaper Logo

Sun poll shows clueless MPs have NO idea of the pain policies like Net Zero inflict on ordinary Brit families

by Harry Cole,

A massive 62 per cent told a YouGov poll for The Sun that getting prices down is more important than achieving carbon neutral status by midway through this century.

Households face paying out at least £10,000 for new central heating systems such as heat pumps and an average £50,000 for a green car.

Sun poll shows clueless MPs have NO idea of the pain policies like Net Zero inflict on ordinary Brit families

Pretend the conservatives were conservative. Pretend they cared about the voters. When asked if Ministers should prioritize keeping prices down over reaching Net Zero, fully 76% of conservative voters agreed, and half of Labor voters did too. If, hypothetically, one major party said they’d build cheap reliable electricity, while the other spouted off about pagan weather control, 60% of the electorate are there for the picking…

Sun poll shows clueless MPs have NO idea of the pain policies like Net Zero inflict on ordinary Brit families

Nearly half the country is fed up and every protest they see on the news just makes them angrier:

Sun poll Just Stop Oil treatment

50% of voters don’t want to ban petrol driven cars too.

Half the country is being ignored (and the other half get their “news” from the BBC?)

Sun poll banning cars

Does half the country matter?

Read it all at The Sun.

Poll Results at YouGov

*Edited to reflect that the questions were about government priorities.


10 out of 10 based on 79 ratings

71 comments to 62% of UK say reducing bills is more important than carbon targets

  • #
    David Maddison

    found that 60% think the government should be reducing their bills

    That implies more taxpayer funds be transferred to the subsidy harvesters.

    What governments need to do is remove regulations that force the purchase of solar and wind and let the free market operate.

    That shouldn’t be a problem for the owners of solar and wind because they keep telling us how much cheaper their electricity is than traditional means of production.

    Let the free market decide.


    • #

      And make wind and solar have back up – for night time [which comes every 24 hours for most of the globe], or when the wind doesn’t blow much [or too much!].
      And pay to link their contraptions to the grid.

      The UK Government – like, I guess, many others – is doing [i.e. spending] too much.
      And the Charisma Bypass Zone, described as “Sir Kier Starmer, Yoomin Rites Lawyer”, won’t cut back a single function.
      He’ll add more.
      More command.
      More control.
      More compulsion.
      Because he – and his minions [and handlers] – know better. Obviously.

      He doesn’t need a poll from the ‘Sun’ to tell him. Not he!



      • #

        make wind and solar have back up….or when the wind doesn’t blow much

        What, like last night (so obviously no solar) on BOTH Flinders and King Islands which went and stayed 100% diesel from 21:12 to 21:28. Dont know how much “dirty diesel” was consumed but the 100% generation from the generators during this time was:
        Flinders 1054kW – 1118kW
        King 2205kW – 2313kW.

        It’s not all bad news though as on Flinders between 21:23:31 till 21:23:56 wind did contribute as much as 4kW. I suspect that wasn’t atmospheric wind but more likely a bunch of Brown’s cows wandered past and one or more let rip. Maybe “they” should rethink trying to stamp out bovine flatulence.

        NB last night is just the latest of an increasing cycle of 100% diesel as winter sets in.


        • #
          Pete of Charnlop

          I have often pointed out the Flinders and King Island installations to proponents of renewables and asked the following; If it is so easy and so cheap to implement, why then are these VERY small-scale installations not 100% fossil fuel free? Could it be that it is actually prohibitively expensive? Imagine then what it would cost to be 100% wind and solar for the entire Australian grid!


          • #

            Pete of Charnlop – exactly particularly also knowing what maximum size island communities could possibly expand to. Being an island of course makes land limited so I guess it becomes a toss up of do we want community housing taking up the land or solar panels and wind turbines AND battery installations with the turbines and batteries potentially spontaneously combusting therefore needing a buffer safety zone. All this even before considering the whooomph whooomph squish (bird life impact) noises/effects that are emitted.


          • #

            David — in a one line survey people saying the government should prioritize “keeping prices down” is not saying “please subsidize” anything. They’re saying they

            The government could keep prices down by cancelling renewables subsidies, by allowing north sea gas exploration, onshore fracking, reinstating the old coal plants, encouraging gas appliances, building gas storage (to avoid the UK being beholden to international gas prices), discouraging EV ownership (as a burden on the grid) etc etc etc.


        • #

          Diesel fuel rate for gensets.

          About 270 Liters/hour per MW. (72 US gallons/hr/MW) Depends on a variety of things, but this is fairly close to reality.



      • #

        “night time [which comes every 24 hours for most of the globe]”

        Not forgetting that, for six months every year, from summer solstice to winter solstice, night time is getting longer each day, and the reverse for the six months from winter solstice to summer solstice. It may be only about 1 minute per day (30 seconds at each of the beginning and end) but the differences add up to so that the sun in winter shines for considerably less that in summer.


    • #

      Governments no longer represent ‘We The People’. They are lording it over us. That is until something happens to change their minds for the betterment of the ‘People’. So, hurry up ‘that something’. ‘We The People’ need you NOW.


      • #

        “Governments no longer represent ‘We The People’.”

        And haven’t for some time, it’s now ‘We the Government’.


      • #

        That something is us, nobody and nothing is coming to save you. Speak up and often.

        I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, this blog has had a massive impact, worldwide. I have watched as many commenters have stirred from their slumber and are starting to join the dots.
        We need many more to come around, and we don’t have time.

        Your the voice.


    • #

      Great point, David! That’s quite likely how the smarmy-faced politicians will interpret the finding!


  • #
    James Murphy

    The MPs aren’t clueless, just like Australia there are enough who really hate most of the people they pretend to represent. This cadre know exactly what they are doing and they are enjoying every minute of it.
    I do believe a lot of MPs are out of touch with reality, and some are indeed, mental midgets, but to say that they are all stupid, is giving them an excuse they don’t warrant.


    • #

      The Politicians are mostly very rich and are therefore not impacted by their stupid policies. No skin in the game, what do they care ?
      [snip. ]


      • #
        David Maddison

        Politicians are mostly very rich

        I’ll trust a millionaire who becomes a politician but I will never trust a politician who becomes a millionaire.


  • #
    John Hultquist

    A comment on polls:
    1st – This one was “on-line”.
    I wonder if YouGov has a list of folks that agree to answer? Is it a representative sample?
    Is it self-selected?
    Phone call polls are even harder to justify. I don’t answer unidentified callers — they can leave a message. Multiple calls from the same number I block.
    I just now blocked a caller — a dozen attempts in the last half hour. Crazy schist! 🙂


    • #

      The science of polling is just so political.
      Still sometimes ya gotta fight fire with fire.


    • #

      John Hultquist
      June 21, 2023 at 5:51 am ·
      I don’t answer unidentified callers — they can leave a message. Multiple calls from the same number I block.
      I just now blocked a caller — a dozen attempts in the last half hour. Crazy schist! 🙂

      Oh ahh !… i just heard the Lottery were desperatly trying to phone last nights $100 million winner, but could not get an answer ?🤔😂


      • #

        The $100 million is Thursday night.
        Don’t need a phone call, need the ticket. If their calling you it means your registered, if your registered, its yours.


        • #

          Its called a joke !..
          But even if you are registered, forgot the ticket, i suspect their firjst contact might be a phone call ,…especially if you have not claimed it since last Thursday ?
          And there is more than one lottery !


          • #

            There is only one 100 million.

            I know it was a joke, so what was the punch line as I seem to of missed it.


  • #
    Peter C

    If, hypothetically, one major party said they’d build cheap reliable electricity, while the other spouted off about pagan weather control, 60% of the electorate are there for the picking…

    Peter Dutton and Liberal Party; Are you listening?


    • #
      David Maddison

      Peter Dutton and Liberal Party; Are you listening?



      • #

        I think Dutton is listening and wants to act, but the Liberals have too many LINOs who have drunk the climate koolade and, despite many of the alarmist renewables fanatics being booted by the Climate 2000 TEALS party, continue to influence the sheeple in the party.

        The real problem is that the ruinable shysters are louder and the denizens in Cowards’ Castle listen to the loudest voices and not the sensible quieter majority.


        • #
          John in Oz

          If Dutton is to be a leader then he has to go against those that advocate for nut-zero, even if they are a majority in the party room.

          A leader should lead, not follow the herd.


    • #

      Maybe true, but here in Canada everyone complains about expensive electricity but they continue to vote for the Leftists who caused it. They are unable to connect the two. Its amazing.

      Leftism truly is a mental disorder.


      • #

        Linking the two in polls such as this example will help people to make the connection. When people hear the message consistently, they tend to believe it. That is why the govt needs no opposition to things such as net zero or the voice,

        Messaging clearly laying the blame on where the increased cost of living is coming from, needs to be clear, consistent and constant.


        • #

          The few conservative representatives (note that Labor members are robotic with no free thought) who are aware of the problem and the solution are kept far away from headquarters. Fortunately they do go on Sky and they are quoted in on line news. When things get really hard the proles might start demanding an alternative to the current madness. Until then Bowen is the man.


    • #

      Going on past experience, even if the Libs were listening they haven’t got the cojones to act!


  • #
    Honk R Smith

    So all the the great narratives fall apart.
    Children see snow.
    IT came from a lab.
    The vax doesn’t vax.
    Fauci will likely get a Nobel for his contribution to the Reset.
    (You laugh … Obama got one one for ‘Peace’.)
    JOEPOTUS thinks he’s building a railroad across the Pacific.
    Hunter gets a scolding if he promises to be good and not tell The Big Guy he has an illegitimate granddaughter.
    I’m guessing few will get a Voice but many will be struck mute.

    So the curtain gets pulled back and the deceptions no longer deceive.

    The man behind the curtain will not give us gifts like courage, brains, and a heart.

    Now he has to put Dorothy in jail and send in the tanks.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Obama’s Peace Prize is ….interesting…. apart from the fact he did nothing of value for the US. But he was very valuable for the enemies of the US and the West and he continues to instruct the White House resident in his program of destroying America.

      Nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize close for every year as follows (CET is Central European Time):

      Nomination deadline is 31 January at 12 midnight CET.


      Obama’s Peace Prize was announced 9 October 2009.

      Obama was inaugurated as President on 20th January 2009.

      That means he was only President for 11 days before nominations closed.

      Nothing to see here…

      And the citation was not for anything he did before his presidency. Read it if you don’t believe me.


      • #

        Have you got the dates right there David.
        Obama was involved in more war’s than any other president. Broke all his election promises within months.
        But to give him credit, he did get China to agree to reduce their Co2 output.


  • #

    I’m still not sure if the pollies etc are just vile all knowing swines or clueless loonies.
    When asked very simple questions about the level of co2 in our atmosphere at least Plibersek had the brains to admit to the persistent Alan Jones that she didn’t know and couldn’t answer.
    But the stupid govt advisors in Washington DC recently blurted out 5% then 7% or even 8% or nothing close to the 0.042% that was the correct answer.
    I recently told a group of know nothings that co2 was about 0.042%.
    But nitrogen was about 78%, oxygen about 21% and Argon about 0.9% = a total of 99.9%. So co2 and all the other TRACE GASES were about 0.1% and water vapour was the most important GH gas and varied from ZIP at the poles to a lot more at the equator.
    These very loud yappers didn’t have a clue about our atmosphere’s composition, but they still insisted we had to get rid of co2 ASAP.
    I told them co2 dropped to just 180 ppm or 0.018% during our last full glaciation and if it had dropped just another 0.003% or down to 0.015% we could’ve still been suffering the consequences today.
    The yappers insisted that I was a
    a BS merchant and I should listen to their so called scientists etc, etc.
    That’s why I’m not sure whether these donkeys are really just dumb or are just too lazy to look up the data for themselves? I suspect it’s a combination, but I’m sure we really have a long, long way to go.


    • #
      David Maddison

      I’m still not sure if the pollies etc are just vile all knowing swines or clueless loonies.

      A combination of both.

      As James said at #2, some, probably most, are “mental midgets” but the “cadre know exactly what they are doing”.


    • #

      What is most important is the fact that CO2 does not generate any heat itself so it cannot warm anything. The same applies to all of the ‘greenhouse’ gases. They are molecules and everything around us is composed of molecules so it is obvious that they do not generate heat. What we feel is the heat absorbed and re-radiated in accordance to each bodies temperature and emissivity.
      The UN IPCC claims that the Earth is made hotter because the gases absorb and re-radiate heat from the Earth’s surface back to the Earth. However the standard household thermos flask demonstrates that claim to be false, the flask only minimizes the rate of cooling of the contents, it does not make it hotter. That requires a source of heat of higher temperature than the contents, as every cook knows.
      The World’s population has been fooled for at least the past 50 years but try telling that to a politician.


      • #
        Tom Anderson

        Bevan, I agree with your first paragraph. Remember, though, that Carbon Dioxide Warming is the 10,700-year-old Holocene Era’s greatest scientific swindle, with the world’s greatest and greediest backers.

        Here is some simple buried physics. Carbon dioxide is a cooling gas. Satellite images show it radiating solar energy and terrestrial heat away to space. An infrared-radiation-active trace gas, its principle radiative peak in our lower atmosphere is at 15 microns wavelength, which is at 193.13K or -80°C (minus 80 degrees – Wien’s Displacement Law, 1896). Changes in CO2’s atmospheric concentrations uniformly FOLLOW temperature change. Seven studies, one opposing, concur. Following, it cannot be a cause. In 1971 two NASA scientists studied burning more fossil fuel burning to stave off a then perceived ice age. They concluded that the smoke of combustion “shades” the earth’s surface, reflecting solar heat away and making aerosols for fog and cloud, and so offsetting the possibility of radiant warming. They advised against burning fossil fuels because they were atmospheric coolants. They still are.

        I have citations for these. Many are reiterative in support. Who buried these plain confirmed analyses?


  • #
    Serge Wright

    The irony here is that people voted for parties that ran on a platform of policies that make energy unaffordable. Of course they voted that way after being told it would save the planet, make energy cheaper and cleaner and lower their power bills, just as we were told our bills would be $275 cheaper under Labor’s crazy decarbonisation plan. So, when will the general public realise that this is all a big con by globalist-Marxist political parties, supported by MSM, big tech, big corp and socialist government departments ?. And, when will the brainwashed youth realise that all of their road gluing and other acts of civil disobedience and eco terrorism, are only causing themselves enormous hardship and poverty ?.

    My guess is that the realisation will be slow. Many people have invested significant human and monitory capital and don’t want to believe they were scammed. The reality is that AGW is no different to a Nigerian romance scam. The climate alarmists have invested significant time and human capital in a belief that the romance is real, the picture is real and they will live happily ever after once they send the money. But, instead of a lingerie clad buxom blonde, the real person at the other end of this scam is none other than Klaus Schwab and I doubt many people would wish to wake up next to him each morning. A terrifying thought indeed !!!


  • #

    These results are before the lights go out. Add that to the equation and the game is up.


  • #

    In Australia Labor is desperate to portray this energy transition as a pathway to cheaper energy realising that if they were honest no one would accept the draconian changes. To try to pretend that electricity prices aren’t rising the State governments are handing out compensation .unfortunately in Australia people are too stupid to realise that nothing from the government is free. It’s not just the power bills that hurt people the fact is that energy prices feed into all consumer goods so they just add to the inflationary environment. When you then add the impost the extra cost of electrifying transport people will soon realise that they’re on a highway to hell with this government.


    • #
      David Maddison

      they’re on a highway to hell with this government.

      And yet the ignorant masses keep voting for Labor, and not the slightly less bad option, the Liberal faction of the Uniparty.

      And look at Vicdanistan. The state is in an absolutely disastrous situation and Dan’s been elected a third time. The voting system is also highly deficient but that’s a different matter.


    • #

      “Unfortunately in Australia people are too stupid to realise that nothing from the government is free.”

      People need to be taught that nothing the govt can give you didn’t come from you previously.


    • #
      John in Oz

      Blackout Bowen claims that they are keeping prices down as the increases would be higher if not for Labor policies.

      Can’t argue with someone so pig ignorant (apologies to pigs)


  • #

    They are also not buying the much-touted line that “if we don’t stop Russia in Ukraine we will have to stop them here”.

    If less than one person in 10 thinks defence is more important than the other topics, the other 90% aren’t worried about war at all.

    Maybe I’m looking at it the wrong way round.. The 90% believe the propaganda completely, Ukraine is winning, British tanks will wipe the Russians off the map, there is no need to worry at all!


  • #
    David Maddison

    In Australia, it was Howard that really started the rot when he allowed non-dispatchable power generators to connect to and degrade and pollute what was one of the best electricity grids in the world with some of the cheapest power in the world.

    Sir John Monash and other pioneers of the Australian electricity grid would be horrified at what’s been done to their creation.


    • #
      Robert Swan

      Except Monash didn’t establish an *Australian* electricity grid.

      The problem is down to the creation of AEMO/national grid/phony market. When states were responsible for their own power, they were able to make one-to-one arrangements for interstate transfers of electricity as needed. It worked well.

      The Feds should never have got involved and this was a STATE decision. It was done because the states are run by the same political parties as the Commonwealth, and the parties betrayed the people to serve their own interests (surprise, surprise).

      Ideal outcome would be for the states to decide to go their own ways (as WA still does). A great first step would be for NSW to withdraw, but I fear it’s a fantasy.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Energy starvation in Australia is even affecting dogs.

    Last night I heard on the radio a plea for donations to the Lost Dogs Home in Melbourne to help them pay for heating to keep the dogs warm.

    It’s so cruel starving people or man’s best friend of energy to keep warm.


  • #

    The results of any poll are significantly controlled by the wording of the question and the timing of that poll. Change the wording of the questions and run the poll in August after ( say) a dry English summer and the result could be very different. If the Sun were to pose the question today ” Do you think Ben Stokes should have declared on the first day of the 1st Ashes Cricket Test?” and there was a tickbox that said ” Hell no”- then 90 % of Sun readers in the UK would probably go for that choice. See how it works?


  • #

    The sad confusion is that the green politicians claim that more renewables will lower the bills, so they are not unaware of this public concern, just wrong about how to meet it.


    • #

      We have the same problem in Australia. Politicians just get up and lie about the intermittents. Chris Bowen ( our @#%! Energy minister ) has continually stated this untruth because he bases it on some dodgy CSIRO ( our main government advisory and research body) costings. Because it is CSIRO, then all the media just lap it up without question. When I say dodgy – they’re not full costings and over exaggerate capacity factors as well. I suspect the same has probably happened in US and Europe. It’s one of those zombie lies like “97% of scientists believe in man-made climate change”. Gets regularly misproven (just read the abstract of the Cook paper) but then rises out of the dead again.


    • #
      Rupert Ashford

      No David, they just lie about it because they’re allowed to get away with it.


    • #
      Dave in the States

      They are just plain lying then.


  • #

    “MPs have NO idea of the pain policies like Net Zero inflict on ordinary Brit families”.

    Oh, they know.

    And, they are quietly cheering.


  • #

    Those 62% are really seeing the inverse relationship between NetZero and their hiked energy bills.


    • #
      Leo G

      Reducing energy bills has never been a genuine intent of government policies.

      NetZero Energy Affordability is government doublespeak. It’s not affordable from any reasonable point of view and the infrastructure changes massively increase “carbon” emissions.

      Policymakers are obsessed with averting a threat of “runaway global catastrophe” if atmospheric carbon dioxide continues to increase, are convinced that the sole cause of the increase is anthropogenic emissions, and have concluded that CO2 levels will only stop rising if global anthropogenic emission rates are immediately reduced to 1970 levels.

      Their overall policy is to reduce the availability of energy to a large proportion of the population and misinform that population about the consequences.


      • #

        If the politicians really want to reduce CO2 emmissions to 1970s levels then they would have to stop all trade with the BRIC countries.
        Any other action would be a drop in the ocean.
        The only problem is where we would get our solar panels and wind turbines.
        ‘Renewable’ electricity can charge cars, mobile phones and heat pumps but cannot make them.


  • #
    Old Goat

    English politics has become “Yes Minister” writ large . The bureaucracy runs everything . Who would trust a politician or any “promise” that they make ? Daniel Andrews will be on a huge pension after he goes . Classic teflon coating.


    • #

      Are there trapdoors awaiting for a lot of people that
      have been in charge in Australia?


  • #
    Rupert Ashford

    Problem is it doesn’t translate to votes. Come election time they’re misled and/or too stupid to do their homework and vote for the scoundrels who actually work to increase their bills, like the current example here in Aus. And the MSM who campaign heavily to eliminate “misinformation” peddle the lies the hardest to enable their buddies.


    • #

      Dr Thomas Sowell:

      “The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.”

      “When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear.”

      “Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good.”

      “If you have been voting for politicians who promise to give you goodies at someone else’s expense, then you have no right to complain when they take your money and give it to someone else, including themselves.”

      “If politicians stopped meddling with things they don’t understand, there would be a more drastic reduction in the size of government than anyone in either party advocates.”

      “It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”


      • #

        Thomas Sewell would appear to write one of those truths nearly every week. They are all gems. I particularly like the last one – which basically sums up the whole energy policy debacle in Australia. In Victoria, our state politicians just received another pay rise and this was certainly NOT on any performance/KPI measurements. There are calls for politicians to donate their extra to charities. What’s the chance of that happening? Yep, buckleys and none.


  • #
    Steve of Cornubia

    I believe the result would have been even more startling had the poll respondents been allowed to simply nominate their own issues, rather than select them from a given list. I reckon climate change would have barely figured in the result. It simply isn’t front of mind for the majority of rational people just trying to live their lives.


  • #
    John Connor II

    As long as blundering, bloated, corrupt political parties with their own agendas exist, none of the problems will be solved.
    Refuse to vote until there’s someone truly worth voting for.

    Fixed terms.
    No self-appointed pay rises.
    No rorting the system.
    No payouts/pensions etc after leaving office.
    Full disclosure of all campaign contributors.
    Annual public assessment of performance.
    No parliamentary privilege.
    Seizure of personal assets as compensation for financial damage caused to citizens.
    Psych testing to reveal sociopathic tendencies.
    The ability to prove real-world experience and competence for all portfolios.

    Start there and the only political candidates will be ones worth voting for.

    I’m dreaming, I know…


    • #

      One more – polygraphs. Many of us take them over and over because our professions in national security, finance, etc. require it.
      I think – two types. (that’s normal in the US intelligence community)
      First – standard counter intelligence – cavorting with foreign powers
      Second – basic ‘suitability’ or lifestyle. Tendencies to misuse money, especially other’s. Accountability.
      Basic moral tendencies (or not). Tendencies to lie.

      Any ‘politician’ facing these hurdles would think twice about entering into a lifetime of political ‘service’.


    • #
      Dave in the States

      “Refuse to vote until there’s someone truly worth voting for.”

      In America, your vote doesn’t count anymore (to save “our democracy” from the deplorables and bitter clingers), so not voting (or voting) makes no difference.


  • #

    And another thought, polling is to see if their propaganda is working. Can be used to justify anything including antisocial behavior. And now with untruthful ai, may be an unreal result. So.
    As part of the 99 percent, did you see an income adjustment this last year. Did you gain bank savings, or did your savings reduce. I know which way to bet. Someone is driving the market tighter. Not just the power company. But it is a indicator. And they do not care about the golden goose they have been given. Just that it works till it’s death. They are not good managers. And your success is dependent upon their urge of today.and that could be different then yesterday’s urge.


  • #