A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Late last night Leo G posted a link to an article which I believe ties together the entire Covid conspiracy. In short it exposes the whole business as a U.S. Dept of Defence (DoD) inspired, led, implemted and protected plan to commit International genocide. Unfortunately, because of the time of posting I think most people missed it. So I am reposting the link here.
If you read nothing else this week, read the article. It finally makes sort of sense out of what is going down.
Yet ANOTHER reason for ex-PM Jab-jab Cinda’s hurried ‘resignation’ and step-down from her throne? Wonder who’s next…
It is no secret. The whole of Operation Warp Speed was run by the US military, with commanding officers reporting directly to the US Vice president via a Task Force. This is all outlined in Scott Atlas’s book ( Plague Upon the House ) and also pointed out by Robert F Kennedy in his book ( Fauci Files). It was a military operation no doubt and the person who effectively steered the whole ship was Deborah Birx, who had past military ties. Old DB, commonly referred to as the scarf lady. The one who effectively conned Trump into declaring lockdowns and school closures. In her book, she was immensely proud of the fact she had effectively tricked the US president in making such a huge decision on COVID policy.
A review –
One could say a horror story
It’s hard to believe there was someone worse than Fauci.
On top of everything else, the fact that the “vaxxines” were a military project means that things like GLP and GMP (good laboratory and manufacturing standards) were not required. The FDA review was just a front, and when batch problems surfaced, they ignored them because it was actually out of their jurisdiction.
Thanks MV and Leo G.
Here is another study showing that the more vaccine jabs you have the higher the chance of getting Covid.
The Cleveland Clinic has 51,000 employees. Not all of them have had the vaccine. The numbers are quite large in each group (0,1,2,3 and 4 jabs). The more the jabs the more the chance of getting Covid.
Health Dept of NSW data showed that not only do you have a higher chance of getting Covid but also higher chance of going to Hospital (with Covid), ICU and death.
Health dept of NS stopped publishing the data after 31 Dec 2022.
John Campbell covered this study in very early Jan, but the episode very quickly disappeared from his site, and there didnt seem to be any other mentions of it at all.
If evil USA didn’t exist, it would be invented.
The article contains many links to information verifying the claims made.
Oops – should have been an addendum to comment #1.
The thing about Psyops is they’re non-binary.
You can chat them up but you might be surprised about what’s in the birthday cake.
Riddle me this: what comes after flu season?
Answer: Stroke season!
An urgent care physician claimed that after flu season, about three or four weeks later, there is a stroke season.
You can’t make this up. The credibility of the medical community is rapidly declining.
Urgent care physician, Dr. Raj Bhardwaj joined with CBC Canada’s Rob Brown to talk about “stroke season.”
Baffled and surprised, Dr. Bhardwaj explained the link between the flu, infection, and stroke.
“I didn’t know about this either until last year, but it turns out that after flu season, about three or four weeks later, there is a stroke season,” said Bhardwaj. “And like you said, most of Canada is getting down off of a big hump of flu. So now we’re starting to see more strokes.”
Dr. Bhardwaj added that a friend of his colleague was shocked by the recent high number of strokes.
“A friend of one of my colleagues actually mentioned that at work the other day said, have you noticed how many strokes we’re seeing? It’s a lot more than usual, it feels like. So anecdotally, we’re starting to see that.”
Bhardwaj continued by saying that getting an annual flu shot can help prevent strokes.
“The good news is that getting your flu shot reduces your risk of stroke, according to a study from the University of Calgary right here, back in November,” he said.
“Even if you get your flu shot and then catch influenza, you still have way less inflammation because your immune system is already ready to fight. So that’s sort of how the flu shot eventually lowers your risk of stroke, by either preventing the inflammation from the infection or decreasing it overall,” he continued.
Unless the entire medical sector refuses to comply with this nonsense, their credibility will be on par with grouchy Greta…
So how does this “stroke season” compare with say the last 5 years?
There is a known correlation between cold weather and strokes and heart attacks. Dont know about the flu connection.
German Gov’t Bombshell: ‘Alarming Number of Vaccinated Are Developing AIDS’
According to new data released by German authorities, Germany has experienced over 102k excess deaths in 2022, a 276% increase on excess deaths recorded in the year 2020.
The data suggested that most of the individuals who had been fully vaccinated would develop full-blown vaccine-induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome by the end of the month.
Furthermore, the data confirmed that the immune systems of the fully vaccinated had already degraded to an average of minus 87%.
In Germany at the time, 70.53% were fully vacinaed, 2.97% were partially vaccinated and 26.5% were unvaccinated, according to reports.
So the vaccinated were (57.0/7.02 =) 8.12x more likely to be infected with Omicron than the unvaccinated in Germany.
Therefore, at the beginning of January 2022, fully vaccinated Germans had a 87.7% lower immune response than the unvaccinated had to Omicron.
This means that the average German was down to the last 12.3% of his or her immune system for fighting certain classes of viruses and certain cancers etc. etc.
Further analysis showed that the average fully vaccinated German would reach minus-100% immune system degradation by the end of January 2022.
Roll up, roll up. Get your shot today.
Safe and effective.
Protect yourself and the country.
Roll up. Free funeral with every shot.
Massive protest in London for those #vaccine injured or killed. Families demand answers from those who told them these clot shots were safe and effective
More signs on the BBC windows too no doubt…
Dr John Campbell re excess deaths 2020 -2022, vaccine liability indemnity
and other things.
This is hardly surprising.
The term “VAIDS” – Vaxxine Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome – has been around for about 18 months now. The latest round of anti Covid tablets are merely rebranded HIV/AIDS anti virals first introduced back in 2014.
‘That’s a UFO’: Bizarre giant cloud formation in Turkey stuns netizens
The giant cloud formation with a wave-like pattern is usually found at heights of 2,000-5,000m.
People in Turkey’s Bursa region were surprised when a rare cloud formation appeared in the sky on Thursday. A video of the incredible spectacle led some internet users to assume what they saw was an unidentified flying object (UFO).
The video, captured from a moving vehicle, shows a large circular cloud formation at sunset. There are circular patterns and a hole also seems to appear in the middle. The cloud formation seen hovering over buildings and hills is intriguing.
Meh, lenticular cloud…
An image search of “lenticular clouds” brings up some beautiful and amazing unidentified flying objects. 🤣
It is not a typical lenticular cloud.
The circles on the bottom are not like any cloud I have seen before.
I have once seen a cloud shaped like a smoke ring but it only maintained the shape for a short time.
From ‘Great Reset’ to ‘New System’
From Nation First –
“This year’s Davos WEF Summit seems to have a marked change in globalist lingo.
If you delve into the meeting’s agenda, terms like the ‘Great Reset’, ‘Green New Deal’, ‘Global Governance’, ‘New Normal’, and others used so often before are now remarkedly absent.
In their place is a rather ambiguous ‘New System.’
The WEF also urged its members to come up with “better narratives” to persuade people.
All this seems to point to the fact that the globalist ‘elites’ are concerned that their usual messaging and tactics no longer work.
Perhaps that and their growing concern that the public are not going to sit idly by as these so-called ‘elites’ propel the world from one crisis to another.
Hence, the need for a ‘new system’ to take control.”
I’ve noticed a lot more negative commentary about the WEF this cycle. There has also been humour pointing out their hypocrisy and lack of transparency on multiple fronts and one article along the lines of “serious leaders with work to do avoid Davos”
I’ve often marveled at how a self anointed, unelected, elitist swill have any credibility or derive any authority.
Maybe to do with this observation?
“Real world leaders avoid Davos WEF”
Could we have an alt open thread which in which made up stuff is not allowed. Are you guys trying to out nutter each other?
“in which made up stuff is not allowed”
So… a thread on which you, PF and Simon don’t post anything.
I think we could all live with that. !
Topics which the Professor objects to:
1. Vaccine Injuries
2. Vaccines were developed under a US DOD program
3. Odd looking Clouds confused with UFO’s
4. WEF and the Great Reset
We need a f@ct-checker. What could possibly go wrong?
Is that Gee!Eh? volunteering?
Actually, that’s a good idea.
Just you and the chronically downvoted.
Let’s see what is contributed worth reading that exceeds “What’s on in Torquay”.
Yes good idea.
But it would be bereft of content.
Plus any content they would produce I can find at the Guardian or a White House press conference.
I would greatly appreciate an opposition with original ideas and not a basket of ad hominem and argument from authority.
Also note to GA, the ‘nutter’ score card is looking pretty good lately.
That Brix lady wrote a book outlining that stuff in her own words.
Klaus too.
Russian ‘collusion’ was a apolitical fabrication (lie) … a big one.
“Get jabbed and you won’t spread or get the pox.”
The US gubmint itself has ‘confirmed'(not that that is worth spit, which may be the point) that there’s unknown stuff flying around.
we could call it the GA thread where GA can listen to themselves in their very own echo chamber
In the People’s Republik of Vicdanistan, the Andrews regime has scrapped the Australia Day parade, supposedly in the interests of “diversity”.
Also in the supposed interests of “diversity”, Kmart Australia, is not selling any Australian Day memorabilia.
There is no logic there. Australia day is meant to bring everyone together as Australians, “one and all”. Why “diversify” them?
What does one do in an Australia Day parade? Sounds a bit boring.
I tend to agree.
Typically we would have a BBQ and drink some beer. Overt expressions of patriotism are a new thing.
In Canberra you can go to the Regatta Park.
1. A free BBQ for everyone
2. The Fool Factory dressed as Australian wildlife characters and a duo of Lake Burley Griffin life savers who will perform acrobatics.
3. Connect Four, Giant Jenga, Giant bag Toss, tennis and face painting by Molly Coddle.
4. NeonHoney (Chantelle Milin) is a music creator and songstress from Canberra.
5. Areta is a singer songwriter who weaves confessional and autobiographical narratives through multi layered lyricism.
6. Alan Stewart has been playing music for most of his life and performing gigs around Canberra forover three years.
7. Leila is a singer/songwriter, pianist and guitarist based in Canberra.
All free as Canberra has HEAPS of money.
OH! And Green Face Environmental painting too.
I might give Canberra a miss this Australia Day.
Thanks for passing what’s on in Canberra. No parade there.
Can’t remember there ever being a parade lGee aye but do remember it was a busy time for us selling fishing rods , BBQ’s and tents etc
Canberra is pretty much the last place in Australia one would except to find people who actually like and celebrate Australia.
I hope you will be flying your Australian flag, GA… I know I will be.
Come together with like minded folk to celebrate and be grateful for what we have. You wouldn’t understand. There isn’t much intellectual or virtue high ground to command.
What did you used to attend in England?
“Australia day is meant to bring everyone together as Australians”
The very opposite of the leftist agenda.
And in a classic example of “get woke, go broke” we have Victoria’s Secret (lingerie firm).
Massive financial losses and CEO out.
Even though most people don’t look perfect themselves, no one wanted to see transgender models or mega plus size models or the cancellation of the Victoria’s Secret Angels.
And – – – animated Disney movie “Strange World” is underperforming at the box office and is estimated to ultimately lose $147 million.
It is not just wokeness that threatens the full length movie. They don’t transplant well onto home screens where there are so many distractions for those with short attention spans, and they aren’t value in the cinemas.
Game Of Thrones points in the new direction.
Yeah, but have you noticed failure doesn’t seem to move them much?
Odd that corporations we once thought were all about the money, seem to be about something else.
“Sunday Talks, Neil Oliver Discusses the Insufferable Agenda 2030 and The Climate Change Quest for Utopia
January 22, 2023 | Sundance | Leave a comment”
Sadiq Khan Lied to City Hall to Push Through Ideological ULEZ Plan
London Mayor Sadiq Khan not only saw the consultation document before it was published but secretly manipulated the data contained within it to fit his plan.
Sadiq Khan has not only been found to have lied to City Hall, repeatedly, but also to have manipulated the data contained with the crucial ULEZ report, removing over 5000 objections submitted by residents.
According to the Conservative delegates of the London Assembly Khan saw the consultation document, well before it was published, and had the report altered to fit his political agenda.
Khan removed over 5000 objections that were originally included in the report, erasing them from the document before publishing the ‘doctored’ results.
Khan is seeking a huge expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ), to envelope much of greater London which would see 90% of London’s private vehicles charged £12.50 every time they venture into the zone.
The plan has already been met with huge opposition from both residents, businesses and motoring organisations, but Sadiq Khan has pushed through the plan. who will be penalised for merely owning or driving their own vehicle around their own city in Khan’s plans.
The EU’s green agenda could spark a working-class revolt, if Poland’s history is any guide.
Poland’s trade union movement helped shatter the communist regime, but a similar working-class uprising could await the EU if it continues to pursue its green agenda, writes Stefan Tompson for Remix News.
Read more here:
What Climate Change? It is utterly fake.
The real problem isn’t ‘Climate Change’ which is continuous.The term itself is the camouflage.
The real question is always: ‘Where is the proof that human CO2 emissions cause most of any ‘Climate Change’ there might happen to be?’
Data evidence against this was given on this blog just last week when the Satellite program showed there has been a rising average atmospheric global temperature for a number of years but any causal relationship with human activity and CO2 was so minute as to be ungraphable.
This may have come from a blog entry rather than a topic from Jo, so maybe the person that provided it could repost it if necessary. I apologise because I usually download and print out such articles but not on this occasion.
Hmm, yes interesting as is the other stories on that website. I have been wondering whether we are really getting the right stories in in the british Media about OUR strikes: trains etc. Great for the Greta Movement, but this morning we are told that Scotland is once again “in danger” of missing its emissions targets .. ( unless the Councils get more MONEY ). Maybe the MSM is frightened that the strikes are a catalyst for a general tear-down. Even the sideline GBNews and TalkTV progs aren’t coming up with that ideas. ” but the working class can’t afford a revolt.” …. and if they can’t pay for electricity on their SMART meters, it is “self” converting to PRE-PAID. so whadda ya do?
Where do you stick the coin into the smart meter.
Och munn! even in scotland we are beyond that ! … EVERYBODY is on the net ( ho ho ho sarc) and Payfriends it as they go. Once upon a time all at least on the farms, payments were 1/4 ‘rly in arrears. now we are monthly. BUT normally in Business if you paid up in advance you would expect to get a “cash discount” for early settlement. IN this brave new world, it’s the other way around, reinforcing how the poor get poorer.
Y’know, we have pictures hanging from the wall which become animated at some time of the day and you can actually SEE and hear people moving and talking on it.. – do YOU have pictures like that in your house ?
I work for Fire Rescue NSW. (Australia)
At link #28 on the last post “Jolly Odd what: Sydney observatory…”
A discussion began about EV batteries and fires. It was slightly off topic.
So as to not hijack that post from it’s original theme,
I have posted here instead, for any further debate.
This is my first post in reply to the subject, on either post.
This is Tesla’s instructions to 1st and 2nd responders. (The Tesla 3 is used here as an example)
We have to follow that advice.
The PDF below, is 29 pages in length. It may answer some of your questions from post #28. (Syd Observatory)
It is titled:
At page 9, Vehicle accidents:
some excerpts:
“When the vehicle has been in an accident and the First Responder Loop has been cut, always
treat the pack and the high voltage components as if they are live, because the pack will still
have stored energy within the cells and it is not known if other high voltage components
have been damaged.”
“There is no way to instantaneously discharge the energy that is inside of the battery pack.”
fire, is exposed to high heat, or is generating heat or gases, use large amounts of
water to cool the battery. It can take between approximately 3,000-8,000 gallons
(11,356-30,283 liters) of water, applied directly to the battery, to fully extinguish
and cool down a battery fire”
“Battery fires can take up to 24 hours to fully cool. After suppression and smoke has
visibly subsided, a thermal imaging camera can be used to actively measure the
temperature of the high voltage battery and monitor the trend of heating or
cooling. There must be no fire, smoke, audible popping/hissing, or heating present in the high
voltage battery for at least 45 minutes before the vehicle can be released to second responders
(such as law enforcement, vehicle transporters, etc.)”
Ok my comment.
Understand that there are legal issues that can arise if someone is injured, or lost, if our agency does not follow the manufacturers guidelines.
I recommend you read the Tesla PDF.
If or when you encounter an EV accident or fire, you will better understand the risks involved.
David Maddison has posted a few times and suggests that a discharged battery is safe and poses no risk of fire.
David has written extensively about batteries.
But is that true? I thought it was the chemicals in the battery construction, esp the Lithium, which burn.
I would say that a fully discharged battery is self-evidently “safe”. But I’m not an engineer and stand to be corrected.
Is the lithium burning or is it being incinerated by the electric discharge? I’d say the latter.
Yes, the principal of discharge is avoiding the main issue.
In a high impact crash the internals of the battery can be torn and bring active components together for a long hot fizzzz.
Most types of lithium batteries degenerate rapidly if left in a fully discharged state. The safety problem arises when recharging a cell that has developed an unstable solid electrolyte interphase (dendrite) between lithium and electrolyte.
Sure. Thanks.
“There is no way to instantaneously discharge the energy that is inside of the battery pack.”
Of course not! With advice like that, who needs advice?
However provision should be made by the manufacturer. One of a dead load device, perhaps water cooled by hoses for very rapid discharge. Or a switch to dump power into the car itself, lights, motors, airconditioning, everything. Or a mechanical break up lever for the battery structure as you are watching a small area of the battery slowly destroy the rest.
Consider that battery segments could be disconnected mechanically, even dropped onto the road surface, reducing the problem massively without discharging anything. Safe battery components could be dragged away. Or the car away from the battery, saving the car and giving better access to the battery. It is a 600kg block. The car is worth a lot more than the battery.
And a lot more even simpler ideas. I am sure people could think of hundreds. But no one is bothering. Tesla says it’s not Tesla’s problem. It’s the fireman’s problem, which is utterly wrong. And the advice amounts to stand there and watch with a hose. Clever.
As for those ‘ticking time bombs’ water logged Teslas after Hurricane Ian, they could be discharged if only by turning on everything. A few days later they would be dead and safe. Why wait for disaster? Save the car and the community and the battery.
Why isn’t there a ‘rapid’ discharge switch which means they are dead in say 12-24 hours? A big 80 kwhr Tesla battery over 20 hours is 4kw an hour, the power drain of an electric kettle and as the charge decreases, the problem decreases. Firemen could connect a heavier load to two points and clear the danger much faster by boiling water on a dead load to dissipate heat safely as steam?
For home owners with a smoking Tesla in a garage or at a charging point, ditto. Telsa must expand the discharge options before it becomes a catastrophic fire destroying not only the car but the building.
As for the recommendation that you use huge amounts of water for a day or more, that achieves nothing except to tie up multiple trucks and firemen for at least 24 hours and all the men just pouring water on a battery as it slowly discharges and destroys itself and whatever else is nearby. There have been no reports of explosions.
What Tesla means is that the cost of three trucks and all the men which are there for the larger community can be spent on watching just one car burn to the ground at the expense of the community!
What I am suggesting is that there appears no attempt to handle this situation in any other way than a conventional car fire. Especially one where petrol is leaking. That is not the case. And there is no AC current anywhere, which is biologically very dangerous. This is a DC problem, not AC or high frequency.
The official Tesla advice seems trivial and just handballs all the problems to firemen without any practical advice. That is not good enough for a ‘ticking time bomb’ about which no one can do anything!
There is certainly no engineering provision for discharging the battery slowly over an hour or three. At which time it can safely be handed over to second responders as quite safe.
I was prompted in this by the reports of one previous blogger who was a fireman attending such fires in the US. And the report by the Fire Chief in the flooded area of Florida. It’s not about bravery. It’s about huge car manufacturers handballing the problem and doing nothing to help. An electric car with a flat battery is safe. No danger to anyone. No one fears petrol car ‘time bombs’ in a flood, so it is up to Tesla to come up with a simple solution for community safety. Or they could find their cars banned.
Possibly we have to wait for City Fire Departments to send Tesla the bill for a dozen men and three trucks for a day. Then they might do something more than offer such useless advice. This is a known, predictable problem which can be solved. Manufacturers have to be forced to solve it.
And of course a fast discharge provision might allow the owner a chance to do something which would stop a small problem becoming a huge one, long before the cavalry arrived. It’s one thing to have to repair or replace a battery. Quite another to replace your car and possibly your home.
Considering there is no drive shaft under the car, no hydraulics, no transmission tunnel or gearbox or even engine in the front, why can’t the battery just drop out and be replaced by a charged one?
Or in the case of a fire, dropped on the ground and even dropped in pieces. 4 pieces would reduce the problem x 4. There is this fascination with ONE BIG BATTERY. Which is not what you do in most battery devices, rechargeable or not.
I means people are still thinking that you put an (electric) hose in the car, mimicking a petrol car and bowser and you stand there. But why bother? If there were standard battery modules, it could be made very fast and simple. Initially more costly but really, all doable if it was much faster and there were some standards.
A bit like the fire problem, people are still not thinking things should be done differently. And for all their inventiveness, Tesla are still telling firemen to handle it like a petrol fire.
“Tesla 100D. You could expect to pay $111,500 – 141,020”
“Depending on the process’s complexity, the average cost to replace a damaged battery pack with a remanufactured one would be between $13,000-$17,000”.
Why not drop the battery pack and save the car?
Or have the battery made in 8 segments? And drop the one which is smoking and roll the car away?
The problem would be reduced instantly by an order of magnitude. And of course there are now lots of recharging options.
There is just no pressure on manufacturers for standards or safety or a recognition of the inherent dangers, danger which might see such cars banned on ships, ferries, trains, trucks, car parks and more.
We had this with racing bicycles where sometimes the front wheel would drop out of the forks and the rider would faceplant on the bitumen. I have seen this with a rider on an older bike. It was awful.
After a major lawsuit, manufacturers added the ‘lawyer’s lips’, tabs or bumps at the end to stop the wheel easily falling out. Why do we have to wait for this process of lawyer led safety?
Of course such things are scorned by professionals, but it only takes a loose nut and a bunny hop. There appears to be no consideration for fire damage minimization with electric car batteries.
I have the solution to these battery operated cancers.
Don’t buy them. Why go looking for trouble? Recharging will be a problem into the foreseeable future . If the recharging stations usually have 40% recharge units on the blink it takes forever to recharge. Running your battery toys with aircon will never achieve the kilometres per charge advertised. What will insurances escalate to with increasing fire risks. Then of course there’s the battery replacement costs. What will a used battery car be worth if buyers are expected to risk buying a discharging lemon!! Recharging at home will soon be a huge problem as, due to the the stupidity of the moron that identifies as an energy minister, we’ll soon be short of power. Liddell closes this year. No doubt he’ll have a surprise EXTRA closure or two. AFTER ALL HE ALSO HAS ELECTRICITY PRICES GOING UP 40% / 60% by his own admission.. it’s a huge phurphy unless of course the moron can tell us exactly how much temperatures will reduce
& how long it will take……if ever!
Nothing like an internal combustion powered car that takes a maximum of 10 minutes to refuel after anything between 500 / 750 km. & is relatively safe from fires!
And the cleanest most reliable energy generators will be nuclear powered.
But of course we must have unreliable Green energy!!
Agreed. However there are already millions of the things and they have a place in countries where distances are short and space is minimal, like the Nederlands. For vast countries like the US and Australia, they make little sense practically. As for refuelling, if you could change the batteries like a real battery toy car, the problem would solved. In fact many problems would be solved.
We will run out of fossil fuels. And out of nuclear fuel. The only long term hopes for humanity are thorium and fusion. And a fraction of the $1.5Trillion spend installing useless short term solutions to nothing in windmills and solar panels would have solved the problem by now.
The tesla model “S” is only a small player in the EV game…so not worth focussing any clever solution on.
It the “ Model 3” amd Model “Y” that are the prime high volume sales cars, and their battery packs are very different….different cells, dofferent construction with a fully cemented, structural design…..impossible to break down and an integral part of the chassis structure.
The battery fires are fuelled by the breakdown of the electrolyte in the cells and will continue even if the cells are fully discharged !
Changeable battery systems have been tried several times.. Tesla, Renault and others have all tried and failed to make a viable business system of battery exchange, but have resorted to faster charging technology instead
I thought this AGES ago. THe EV could be like a “Volkswagon” with the battery being changed rather than waiting charge. No range anxiety. And it is possible to use solar as charging. Just as I am interested in BBQing- I have no attatchment to the LPG bottle- I exchange it for a full one.
“Why isn’t there a ‘rapid’ discharge switch which means they are dead in say 12-24 hours?”
You assume that everthing is normal and that you can just conveniently discharge the battery. Once its failed or damaged the current paths(s) may completly bypass any ideal case system.
You clearly want EV to succeed and in doing so are making statements that if somehow magically followed would achieve that.
As I stated in the previous thread discharging a high voltage battery made of many strings of around 3.7v batteries wired in series is not easy as you risk making the situation much much worse. When pushed to the limit even good cells can explode. If there is the possibility of a damaged cell then the best thing is not to place anymore stress on it which could generate even more heat.
How do you propose to eject a 600kg battery? When should this be allowed what are the failsafes to prevent the ejection or the ejection from doing a lot more damage. Can you eject it into the path of a car carrying a child. Should the ejection be explosive. How do you prevent the ejection from doing more damage to the battery.
You may have to face the fact that some problems just do not have a practical or any solution.
As far as the car being worth more than the battery you may want to revise that statement.
My solution for shipping is all EV should be loaded onto a catapult and at the first sign of an issue ejected into the ocean. Plenty of water to cool them. /sarc
Firstly there are millions of EVs. They have succeeded. Past tense. In Australia they are selling very well. Personally I do not like them but the problem is that of your new EV smoking in your garage and the fact that no one can do anything about it.
And it seems here that Telsa says to do nothing but watch it go up in smoke over 24 hours. The cost to the owner and the community is enormous and I expect in many cases, avoidable. One argument here is the legal requirement to obey the manufacturer’s instructions which are to do nothing.
My theory on this science blog is that 600kg battery made of thousands of individual cells, only a few of which are actually damaged. The car is otherwise intact and operational.
There is no explosion so the problem is the creeping thermal destruction of the entire battery due to the problems in what may be only a very few cells. Clearly the battery is not very flammable. Anything will melt and burn at high enough temperatures. Steel for example burns very well.
Discharge of the heat equivalent of 80 litres of petrol is either possible or it is not. If it is possible, it should be done rather than stand around with many fire hoses and watch the fire. The process will then stop.
In almost all cases the car is stationary. Often in a garage or car park or by the side of the road or as suggested, on a ferry where they are being banned.
Yes,I understand that modular batteries has been tried and failed. And that the single big battery is currently integrated into the frame of the car.
But in the case of the ‘ticking time bombs’ of Florida, these are undamaged waterlogged stationary parked cars. And the chief of the Fire Brigade cannot work out what to do? Is it really that hard? Uncharged there is no energy to start or drive a fire. Flatten the batteries.
My point is that there is no provision at all to do so. The mechanical and modular solutions are just a few. They are separate idea to having the car self flatten on command.
What the owner or the Fire brigade needs is a setting on the car or switch which will discharge the battery as fast as possible, removing the entire source of the danger and extinguishing the fire. Failing that a way to externally discharge the battery.
Billions are being spent in R&D for functions like auto driving. Nothing is being spent on this major problem with EVs as far as I can tell. Remove the energy or remove the battery or both and go home seems so obvious.
Hard to eject something that’s a structural member of the car. If this was to be built then the car needs more structure, will be heavier, more complex and more costly. All three of those things are already issues.
Maybe its also a problem to be confronted by the battery manufacturers. This is ‘just’ a vehicular battery pack. What happens with those huge storage batteries if caught in a fire or destructive accident? They are said to go off like mini nuclear explosives.
Consider this then too and others: Along the road, ( this now) Fig Power are proposing to install a battery storage development in the area on 3-4 acres in Ross shire. ( Huh, more In-comer developments in rural scotland) If a battery pack were to go wrong and catch fire, how do you unload the system? Discussing this with co-workers t’other day forms of energy storage:
1. Oil / fuel tanks on fire – whaddaya do? simple, idea – for diesel and lube oils – pump them away, easy peasy. ( Same goes for COAL or Timber – shovel it away or make it wet )
2. Large lump on top of a tower / weight in a mine-shaft … let it down quickly under control before the rope breaks
3. Hydro Dam about to burst…. run-off water to reduce the pressure controllably
4. HYDROGEN or other GAS in vehicle tanks …. Fire brigade has a proven method… or waste gallons water to keep it cool ( Mid winter hard frost – stand by and get pre-warmed up Heat bank ( sarc) ) or get warmed running away and let her rip!
5 Nuclear: can fill in this space yourselves
6. BATTERIES in cars ( likely to have a fire ) Storage batteries … just a matter of time .. but can anyone illustrate how one quickly decants , say 300 – 600kWhrs of mobile battery power ( cars/ trucks/ tractors,even ) in 5- 10 minutes, let alone MEGA Watts. Leaving lights and radio on isn’t going to do much.
MORE THAN past Time to re-consider Battery and Hydrogen power.
Utility scale battery storage is generally composed of multiple separate small units ( 1-3 MW) , each with their own thermal management, fire detection, and water douse systems.
Theoretically multiple units could burn without causing the complete facility. ( ref, Geelong )
.. How many fuel oil storage facilities have we seen burn for days ?
Hydro dams have failed and destroyed whole towns
Gas pipeline explosions, LPG tanks have flattened houses !
… Bottom line is,..ALL stored energy is dangerous !
I’m not sure if anyone here is fully aware or has a sense of the amount of stored energy in these batteries.
First, to “fully discharge” is ruinous to the battery. Second, to “fast discharge them” would require a resistor bank similar to the steel frame of the vehicle and that would glow red/orange hot for some minutes. Don’t ignore the heat of the battery whilst this abuse is going on because it will be near on fire if not already. If you get through this period of time without fire or explosion good on you! Hopefully there was no passenger that needed extraction, or structure nearby that caught fire.
Subclinical myocarditis may impact longevity
Ya reckon?
AGW alarmism, the WEF, and the Pandemic are products of subclinical sociopathy.
Subclinical isn’t what it used to be.
There was a time when it related to the stage in disease development before the observation of symptoms.
Now myocarditis can be subclinical even to death.
Or is that due to the diseased state of clinical observation?
Perhaps a new contender to outdo Disney, Marvel and co in alienating the customer base. I thought it was a Babylon Bee piece at first.
Will they put a piece of cardboard in the spokes to imitate the “Harley” sound?
add 20kg and $3000 for the 500W on board stereo linked to the throttle
Buzz Aldrin, 93, (second man on the Moon) just got married to his girlfriend, 63.
Congratulations to both of them.
In the pictures, they both look very young for their respective ages.
Buzz, another ‘climate sceptic.’
‘I am sceptical humans are causing global warming’: Buzz Aldrin says, ‘more research – and less politics – is needed.’ As for the less-politics, I say, ‘good luck with that.’
From the Dec-Jan issue of Outback Magazine in an article on “Joining the Club”
From an item about Pichi Richi railway but with wider application –
“Volunteering in Australia is dying and it’s all because of bureaucracy”.
Been past a bit of the railway a few times while in SA .
I seriously doubt that it all because of bureaucracy. The younger generation is happy to pay for stuff as a service but less likely to volunteer to provide a service. Look at the age profile of most CFA/SES/Lions/Rotary/Landcare etc. Its stuff old folks do. There are exceptions of course but its s healthy Pareto 80/20 at least.
Agree Yarpos, Kiwanis (any service club) can hardly find a new member younger than 55. This is sad too from the perspective of normal socialization. It is also interesting that the service clubs are quietly fighting to wrench members away from other clubs…
It’s the lawyering up that kills the voluntary assistance programs. When there’s potentially a big payout for suing someone the organisation has to go through the ropes of a thorough preventative program with any volunteer, be able to prove anyone involved in a suable problem had been so educated and then provide a armoured step by step plan, itemised 1-86n and be able to prove every step was followed. Then buy an insurance program to cover all potential risks. The acceptance in the better days that someone was voluntarily sacrificing their own time and wisdom to help out as best they could is dead and buried. It always has to be someone else’s fault these days
Yes, Volunteering in Australia is dying and it’s all because of bureaucracy.
Most of our village halls in our area of NSW are owned by the local council and for many years they have been run for free by ‘355 committees‘ ie. by volunteers under section 355 of the Local Government Act 1993. That has all ended. The volunteer committees ploughed on for years under heavier and heavier regulations imposed by the state bureaucracy on the local council, but eventually state pressure got too much for the council and they disbanded the committees and everything is now controlled by paid employees of council. The article I linked says “There have been several recent cases of section 355 committees failing to meet basic governance and accounting standards.”, but the reality is the the “governance and accounting standards” were made ever more and more preposterously burdensome until they became impossible to comply with – not ‘basic’ at all. For example, if a person or group wanted to hire a hall for a day or for an evening, the committee had to fill in an 18-page risk assessment form and submit it to council with a full DA (Development Application) and a fee payment of around $900 at least a month before the date of the hire. The $900 was probably a fair indication of the amount of work that the council had to do for their state bureaucratic overlords. Obviously, the system was completely unworkable, and the council did everything they could to keep things going, eg. by waiving the DA and fee at considerable risk and loss to themselves, but they eventually had to give up.
NSW not equal Australia. Those problems arent everywhere, but coming maybe. Village halls dont seem to be an issue yet they are well maintained and well used.
In my area I see people aging out at twice the rate new people come in. We do see aspects of bureaucratic madness to be sure especially with the CFA according to some friends who are long term volunteers.
The UK Office of National Statistics can no longer be used to show the vaccines work. But they can be used to prove that the vaccines cause more harm than good. Stay tuned. It will not turn out well for the vaccine makers.
Unfortunately my understanding is they were all indemnified by governments pressed to get ‘vaccines’ asap. There is a bigger case to be made against governments for basically outlawing the use of what seemed to be medically effective common drug treatments, presumably on the basis to protect the expenditures involved by the vaccine producers when their efforts got to market. There must be elucidating trials on those medications proving or disproving their efficacy in fighting the COVID-19 viruses such that governments are forced to confront the accusation that they chose to let many people die when no other medication was permitted to be used. It’s strange that third world nations using such medications seem to have coped as well or better with the virus than did nations like ours forced to rely on ‘vaccines’ alone until hospitalised.
Some good news for a change.
‘Green super funds are 2022’s under performers.
‘The tilt towards environmental investing extracted a high price in the latest superannuation returns.’ (Oz)
Santander just sent me a email wanting me to pour money into some sort of ESG rubbish run by Bono! Insane.
Gas price increase for a flat in a local town one person living there $348 increase per year and another local town $245 a year increase again single person but living in a house . Both prices are what the gas company are estimating over a year based on current consumption.
Just got advice today from my gas retailer. Service charge up 9% and basic energy cost up 35%.
We are fortunate to a have have Albo, Jim and Chris working to sort this. Imagine how much worse it would be if Abbot was still running the show. Australia would jus be like China; more or less reliant on coal for its energy. Well Australia is still reliant on coal but it is being burned in China to make the feeble energy extractors and big batteries that NutZero demands.
“Senator Malcolm Roberts is livestreaming an interview with Tony Heller and Toto at the moment.
The Malcolm Roberts Show #1 – Climate Scientist Tony Heller ”
Via The Cat
I hope Tony is keeping Toto warm
Here is a disturbing video segment about the new NZ PM Chris Hipkins. It is part of a much longer video compilation from You Tube channel Odin’s Men, but if you don’t want to watch the whole 10 min video, just go to the 8:15 mark.
Hipkins seems fanatical about the covid vaccine, far more so than his fanatical predecessor. He wants 100% covid vax and says “there will be some people we really have to go out and look for” to inject them.
It sounds exactly like what Klaus Schwab wants. He has a replacement puppet.
And Bill Gates is back, instructing Australia on how to deal with the Wuhan flu and Climate Change.
You would wish his equally rich silent partner physicist Paul Allen was alive. Paul could have told Bill that spending trillions and his billions on trying to stop Climate Change is nuts. There is no man made Climate Change. It is all fake and over 35 years since man made catastrophic tipping point Armageddon rapid sea rise was announced, nothing has happened. Not a single dire prediction of thousands has turned out correct.
Unless Bill is crazy, it is tragic to see this mission to save the planet which does not need saving from climate while hundreds of billions in cash and munitions are being poured into Ukraine risking WWIII.
The best thing Bill Gates could do is prove Climate Change is a scam and go home. It’s not hard. There is no man made CO2, which is at the foundation of a very long and unlikely and utterly disproven argument.
If the world is to have a future, it needs to be richer. Then no one wants war. That does not mean however that individuals like Klaus Schwab do not want political power and that is what the WEF, UN, EU and China are about. And part of that ambition is the destruction of the world’s largest country and the one which defeated the Third Reich, Russia. And the Russians know it.
Tesla ‘unstoppable’ fire after shunt.
Note in the final picture none of the alloy wheels have melted – as some seem to think that is the unique fingerprint of a battery fire!
“When he left the scene and went home is when the Tesla burst into flames.
When they were trying to remove the vehicle, the guardrail it was hung up on punctured the battery pack,” Wakefield Fire Chief Tom Purcell explained. That puncture made the car burst into flames.
“Flames can reach up to 2500 degrees, Purcell explained. And no matter how much water you put on the car; the batteries will reignite.
This particular fire took firefighters hours and required more than 20,000 gallons of water to be put out.”
Again, my belief is that a flat battery and this would not have happened. The car was fine and should have been discharged before moving it. That would have saved the car and an enormous cost and disruption and waste for everyone. And the owner lost his car. The fire was not ‘put out’. The electrical energy had gone, nothing more.
But discharging the battery is considered impossible. Why? The car was in perfect condition.
“heating of 1 litre of water from 20C 100C need 330kJ (0.091kWh) of heat.”
My idea is a water cooled shunt to remove 80kwhr of a Tesla battery would be 800 litres or about 200 gallons of water, not 20,000. A 20kw shunt would mean 4 hours wait. That’s about the power of 7 kettles.
If you could dump power into lights and A/C and the motors and electronics and battery heating, you might achieve 10kw and have to wait 8 hours. They had to wait as long minding a raging fire which destroyed the car completely.
Check your math sir
Skepticism is growing. Good news taken badly:
“Analysts detected a surprising increase in content related to outright climate denial, including a spike on Twitter for the hashtag #ClimateScam since July 2022.”
Who is paying these ‘analysts’? And are they really talking of a huge $4 million spent on anti Climate Change advertising? How many trillions are spent on institutionalized, legislated, compulsory Climate Change? How many millions of people make their entire living from Climate industry world wide?
I am perfectly happy with outright man made Climate Change denial. Climates change but there is no science in the ‘man made’ scam. You are not even allowed point that our without being in ‘climate denial’.
As I wrote before, considering the financial hammering coal and gas and oil producers, refiners and distributors are enduring, it’s a wonder they do nothing and finance no rebuttal. Jo for example could do with a handy few million for a holiday and perhaps a new gas guzzling Porsche?
Collectively Australian individuals donated $1Million in cash for Climate Denier Professor Peter Ridd’s defence on the sole basis of truth in science. And he still lost everything to the multi millionaire executives of the publicly funded James Cook University who demanded their corporate right to lie to the Australian public that the Great Barrier Reef was nearing extinction because of ‘Climate Change’. The Reef has never been better.
It does not pay to be a Climate Denier. Gulags for them all, apparently. How dare they!
I can only think the executives of the energy companies are as complicit in all this as their assailants. There is no credible evidence of Global Warming let alone that it is driven by man made CO2 or even that there is more than 3% man made CO2!
And the 3,000 farmers in Holland being ejected from their farms because of ‘Climate Change’. It’s unbridled Climate Fascism. And the thought police are coming for ‘deniers’.
Well said.
researchers project Japan’s population to fall from a peak of 128 million in 2017 to less than 53 million by the end of the century. The population is currently just under 125 million
from the BBC
Why ? ..mass “Hari Kari” ??
( i never did trust Sushi either !)
Temperatures in Northern Hemisphere Due to Fall Over Next 25 Years, According to Six Top International Scientists
When the AMO goes negative.
The start date is uncertain, would you like to make a guess.
Media Silent on Biden Admin Plan to Snatch Public Land For Solar Farms
“New Zealand’s Prime Minister Is The First Covid Tyrant To Fall, But She Won’t Be The Last”
“Authoritarians want us to forget the suffering we endured in the last three years and move on. But many people demand a Covid reckoning. ”
Thanks for that Lance; it’s good to see that the message is getting out.
The Roman Warm Period in Austria.
The earth’s internal dynamic.
‘In the mid-1990s scientists found evidence that Earth’s inner core, a superheated ball of iron slightly smaller than the moon, was spinning at its own pace, just a bit faster than the rest of the planet. Now a study published in Nature Geoscience suggests that around 2009, the core slowed its rotation to whirl in sync with the surface for a time – and is now lagging it.’ (SMH)
Dominate high pressure forces a rethink on renewables in the UK.
Alcohol behind the trouble in Alice Springs.
‘Alcohol-related harms have increased dramatically since Intervention-era bans on alcohol in remote Aboriginal communities came to an end in July, when liquor became legal in some communities for the first time in 15 years and others were able to purchase takeaway alcohol without restriction.’ (Guardian)
I am wanting to test the government figures of 98% vaccinated so if you want click green thumb if you are vaxxed and red thumb if you are not.
Thanks in advance
Science in action.
some light reading
Thanks for the nice link
Another cold air outbreak over the US.
‘A colder pattern change is ahead for the U.S. Details remain uncertain as to the depth and expanse of the cold weather. ECM ENS has the best opinion of all models and by days 11-15 indicates sprawling cold across the U.S.’ (Climate Impact Company)
So far we are enduring a milder than normal temperature winter with above average snow. A “sprawling cold” may only bring us down to norms. Right now my forecast for a week is still above normal but colder than the last weeks.
Stretched polar vortex is on the horizon.
‘One thing seems to be coming clearer, another stretched polar vortex (PV) that favors a cold pattern east of the Rockies in North America is likely to begin this week, but the cold arrives the last week of January. Really cold air has built up in Siberia which will take aim first at East Asia and then eastern North America. Following the stretched PV, a larger PV disruption is likely that could bring a return of the cold to North America, Asia and/or Europe following an interlude of milder weather.’ (Judah Cohen AER).
A blue cold wave to impact China.
‘China’s meteorological authority on Monday issued its blue alert for a cold wave, forecasting big temperature drops and gales across most of the central and eastern regions of the country.
‘From Monday morning to Wednesday morning, temperatures are expected to plunge by 12 to 14 degrees Celsius in some parts of northeast China, regions south of the Yangtze River, and south China, according to the National Meteorological Center.’ (China Daily)
Who needs a weather app?
Much amusement, have you no interest in climate change?
that’s weather old bean
All severe weather is climate change.
leaked top secret documents suggest covid was created by the cia to achieve a total surveillance state