A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Embalmers finding long blood clots on 70% of bodies.
OK, this has been covered but THIS puts a new light on it.
Microscopic examination shows the clots have virtually no iron and other metals in them so are unlikely to be BLOOD clots, but something else.
Something else is right.
It isn’t wednesday, is it ?
Could this be happening in live patients too?
WAUSEON, OH – A high school football player has had his athletic career cut short after doctors found and removed approximately six feet of blood clots from the teenager’s legs. The cause of the blood clots is not yet known, but the teen now requires a regimen of blood thinners to ensure the issue doesn’t crop up again.<a href="http://"
It is safe to assume these people were alive before they died. Sorry.
LOL… of course!😁
Its just this is first I’ve heard of them being discovered while not in the mortuary
Now called Sudden Internal Clot Complex or SICK for short (sic)
Read the message written on the surface of the A68 trunk road at Leaderfoot just past the River Tweed Bridge in the Borders.
I’m not likely to be headed that way any time soon, if ever. Perhaps you could reproduce what it says.
It’s hard to make nice the aloofness of a comment like that. So I will start with obtuse.
Fair enough Eddie.
Is the answer staring me in the face?
Or should I have gone with, “Hey Iam. I’m really intrigued. Could you please kindly advise of what the message is? I googled ‘what’s written on the surface of the A68 trunk road at Leaderfoot’ and I also looked on Google Street view in case the images were while the message is there, but couldn’t find an answer. If it’s not suitable for quoting due to moderation rules then perhaps you could offer the gist of the message. Thanks in advance.”
But it’s hard to appreciate the point of a comment about a message on a road where 97.23% of readers probably aren’t within cooee of the location. Yarpos at #1.4.2 appreciates that concept.
The sign near the potholes on the Goulburn Valley Highway near Yea says “FIX IT!”
Many state roads in Vic (with the exception of freeways) could have that sign at regular intervals.
Lots of car damage / wheel damage occurring. Motor cyclists are riding slalom.
I saw a comment somewhere saying, “If the state requires cars to be roadworthy then surely it should also be required to keep the roads car worthy.”
Are you sure it’s not part of the devious Dan’s plan to get all those ICE vehicles off the road.
Let them walk or ride a pushbike.
Electric cars don’t have a problem on country roads because they don’t have the range to get anywhere and back. So they stay in Kooyong with the tealies.
County people are bushing up on their horsemanship and dusting off their old saddles. Neatsfoot oil will be in very short supply soon enough.
‘So the bottom line of all of this information is this: the virus infects the RBCs using spike protein via the CD147 receptor on red blood cells which causes hemolysis (rupture of the red blood cell). This causes the release of massive amounts of hemoglobin. Then the spike protein, due to its amyloidogenic peptides, triggers mis-folding of the hemoglobin into amyloid fibrils causing subsequent blood clots. The blood clots would be enhanced due to antibodies (Ag:Ab complexes).’
I found a missing part of the article to aid with context. I believe this extract from your reference will add the proposition the spike protein on the virus can do this, however the vaccine creates more spike protein in your blood and faster than the virus.
World Economic Forum Futurist: ‘We Just Don’t Need the Vast Majority of the Population’
Listen to the interview in its entirety and note how often Harari, unprompted, compares humans to animals – monkeys, cows, etc.
The elites view us as an industrial resource, not peer citizens
Harari continues:
“If you go back to the middle of the 20th century — and it doesn’t matter if you’re in the United States with Roosevelt, or if you’re in Germany with Hitler, or even in the USSR with Stalin — and you think about building the future, then your building materials are those millions of people who are working hard in the factories, in the farms, the soldiers. You need them. You don’t have any kind of future without them.”
And here we arrive at the crux of the issue: we’re outdated machinery in their eyes.
“Now, fast forward to the early 21st century when we just don’t need the vast majority of the population because the future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology, like artificial intelligence [and] bioengineering.”
Harari explains that your only utility to the technocracy now is as a data reservoir:
“Most people don’t contribute anything to [artificial intelligence and bioengineering], except perhaps for their data, and whatever people are still doing which is useful, these technologies increasingly will make redundant and will make it possible to replace the people.”
The elites view themselves as Gods, bestowing and extinguishing life at will
““Most people don’t contribute anything ….”
And this clown would be one of those non-contributors.
He/she/it is doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IMPORTANT for anyone or anything.
No, he’s a parasite.
Yuval Noah Harari is a historian amongst other things, and as a historian he should understand the ramifications of Malthusian thinking and yet he makes the same arguments as Malthus. ‘ We need some poor people to do the work, just not too many of them. If you don’t work then you don’t eat.’ I believe he is a truly evil man.
I wonder what humanity needs Mr Harari for? he seems as disposable as anyone else. I doubt the world would stop turning if he experienced the now common SAD.
I seem have a very different take on this interview which I have just finished carefully listening to in its entirety.
At no time did I get a sense that Yuval was advocating anything sinister. On the contrary he was articulating what he is observing in the tech space that is increasingly invading our lives and how far this invasion could go.
A good current example of that might be how young people are manipulated by social media.
At the end of the talk Yuval gives some advice as to how people can inoculate themselves against the threat.
It is however quite a “highbrow” discussion and I can see that taking quotes out of context could easily lead to the wrong impression.
Now standing by for lots of red thumbs!
Much tragic history has unfolded as a result of vaunted high brow intellectuals having their nuanced musings taken “out of context”.
“Context” is fashion and political convenience.
If there is such, there are intellectuals swimming eternally in a lake of fire (that couldn’t possibly exist) pleading, “I didn’t mean it that way!”
Karl Marx
Et al.
Their musings have made the world a worse place.
Ever notice how some participants’ presentations are allowed, aired, and prompted in full, to prevent harm caused by ‘contextual’ misunderstanding …
and others not so much?
The most glaring example is POTUS DJT’s remarks on Charlottesville.
Having worked on production lines in my life and being old enough to have heard the siren calling the wharfies to unload a ship, I am going to have a go at a ‘low brow’ presentation of Harari’s thoughts
I would like to thank Adam Smith for his contribution to my thoughts in his book the ‘Wealth of Nations’.
Now if Harari can tells us how his mates plan to get rid of the excess labour, that would help fill in the rest of the interview.
On Harari. The Jewminati analysis. The two guys who host this channel are whip smart and very funny (imo).
While I despise this elitist WEF attitude toward “the useless eaters”, like all bad ideas they often have an origin of truth or fact.
I believe developed economies see a decline in birthrates for a reason. That is, that people sense – most likely subconsciously – that we are in fact overpopulated, or nearing that, or rich enough. It is a reaction of the individuals to their environment.
It is far easier to survive these days, and there are many more people than there once was, and so people think of other things to do with their lives than have large families. That need was driven by the fear of survival. Many children would die in years gone by – Captain Cook lost all of his six children before they bred – and you also needed many hands to make light work, so it was a natural incentive for people to breed like rabbits.
With technology lifting the weight – quite literally – and larger populations, that incentive to breed is lost. With larger cities and towns, and personal wealth significantly larger, people sense there is no need for many more people and so seek a more leisurely life filled with other experiences than those of the past.
By “we” Harari apparently means a group including himself but which excludes the majority of humanity.
The reason he seeks in the present to exclude the majority is because of an issue arising in the future which limits the availability of the benefits of progressively more sophisticated technology.
That reason appears to be linked to some “meta-narrative” shared by “we” the elite.
I expect you have to be among the chosen to fully comprehend the narrative.
I was given his book “A brief history of human kind” a couple of years ago. It was interesting until he got to agriculture. Then the notion of humans being a plague upon a virgin earth started and I put it down.
You’re all expecting me to make a lame quip about Thursday? Well I wont.
Yet you just did. !
As I stated on Daily Sceptic yesterday, “Today I received the latest issue of the Australian Journal of General Practice.
The lead article was on myocarditis following Covid infection, and how serious it can be.
A small addendum mentioned myocarditis following “vaccination”, though went on to say getting jabbed is the best way to avoid serious disease.
On the back cover was a two page advertisement for Paxlovid.
Pretty much a sign of how modern general practice works, and how it is easy to fool most GP’s most of the time”.
And so it goes!
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. The greatest lurk in business is to persuade a government to:
1. Mandate the use of your product, and/or
2. Prohibit the use of your competitor’s product, and/or
3. Prohibit the use of your less profitable product, thereby mandating the use of your more profitable product.
In this case all three are at play.
You missed paying for it with taxpayers money.
understood 🙂
Switzerland begins arresting citizens who use too much heating
People in Switzerland face arrest and a possible 3-year prison sentence if they use too much heating this winter.
Under strict new rules, buildings that use gas heating systems are restricted to 19°C, hot water can only be heated up to 60°C, and radiant heaters are completely outlawed.
It will also be illegal to heat swimming polls and saunas. 😉😅
Depending on the severity of the violation and the individual’s economic situation, fines will range from 30 to 3,000 Swiss francs ($30 to $3,050), while people could also be imprisoned for up to three years.
Utility companies and larger businesses would face even more severe penalties for breaking the energy rationing rules.
Despite the brazenly authoritarian restrictions, Economy Minister Guy Parmelin asserted, “We are not a police state,” although he acknowledged police would perform “spot checks” to try to catch violators.
Say after me
“vaccines are safe and effective”“we are not a police state”“I’m in for 30 years for murder.
What are you in for mate?”
“Using a bar radiator…”
I have always thought that, compared to the rest of Europe, the Swiss were smarter than that.
The Swiss bred Greta Thunburg and gave her a platform. Surely that proves the majority are not smart.
thats a different “Sw…” country you are thinking of.
We moved to Switzerland with work in the early 2000s. One of my wifes friends asked if we would be learning Swedish. Wife’s response was “well we could, but I think that would just confuse them, and us”
I apologise to the Swiss. Greta in Switzerland is the Group of Experts on Trafficking in Human Beings some how becomes GRETA.
Yes yarpos.
‘We are not a police state’, way to go.
So, are the heating police going to go around and check thermostat settings, for gods sake.
The Commune Police (council area to us) enforce lots of things like noise, if you have had your chimney cleaned, mowing lawns on Sunday (in the early 2000s) and even smoke from BBQs. It wouldn’t be a big stretch for them to monitor heating.
A lot of apartment style building have heating set up at building level. When we first moved we were in a nice block for a few months and the main problems was non adjustable heating, we had to leave a couple windows cracked open even though out was -10C overnight.
They are a very buttoned up controlled society compared with us. We are a bit more Italian if anything.
I can see the thermostat squad getting more volunteers than other duties, provided they don’t target the ghettos.–fueled-gang-crime/47552598
I hope our politicians are reading this.. Those with bright ideas about increasing our immigration & refugees for cheap labour.
“Segregation has been allowed to go so far that we have parallel societies in Sweden. We live in the same country but in completely different realities,”
94% of Baby Food Contains Toxic Metals
From Martin Armstrong –
“The Food and Drug Administration does nothing to protect the American public. We have yet another revelation of products intended for infants containing toxic substances. Healthy Babies Bright Futures’ (HBBF) conducted a study of 288 products, including over 7,000 from other previously published studies. “We found no evidence to suggest that homemade purees and family brands are generally safer, with lower metal levels, than store-bought baby food,” HBBF warned.
Even WebMD is reporting on this crime. Around 94% of store and homemade baby foods contained at least one toxic heavy metal. The organization warns against consuming puffs, rice cakes, crisped rice cereal, and brown rice when cooked without additional water. These items have actual arsenic within them, and both children and adults are at risk. Yes, the FDA approved these items. In fact, arsenic was found in 68% of store-bought food and 72% of family homemade food. Lead was detected in 90% of store-bought food and 80% of family homemade purees.
This means that almost ALL available “food” for babies contains toxins.”
More BS riding on ignorance.
The worriers would never sleep at night if they knew just how many “heavy metals” there are in their town water supply. Probably every one there is in minute quantity. It’s the quantity that does any damage, and that is tightly regulated.
“It’s the quantity that does any damage, and that is tightly regulated.”
Uh-huh… and a survey of local bodies who add fluoride to their water had concentrations ranging up to seven times the limit.. Nobody knew until it was surveyed.
Modern analysis is so sophisticated you can find traces of anything you want to look for just about anywhere!
You can find a lot of things if you look for femtomoles – E^-15.
Court: Fauci, Biden Officials Must Cough Up Records Of Collusion With Big Tech To Shush Dissenters
A U.S. district court judge issued a ruling on Tuesday that requires Chief Medical Adviser to the President Anthony Fauci, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, and other key public health officials to turn over all external communications with Big Tech companies. The ruling is based upon a lawsuit filed against top-ranking Biden administration officials by Missouri and Louisiana Attorneys General Eric Schmitt and Jeff Landry for “colluding with social media companies to censor free speech.”
Writing for the Western District of Louisiana Court, Judge Terry A. Doughty noted how the plaintiffs “are entitled to external communications by Jean-Pierre and Dr. Fauci in their capacities as White House Press Secretary and Chief Medical Advisor to the President to third-party social media platforms” and ordered that both officials “shall provide answers to
the Plaintiff’s interrogatories and document requests within twenty-one (21) days from the date
of [the] order.”
In the ruling, Doughty also mandated that several prominent officials with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) must “provide responses to Plaintiffs’ expedited discovery requests” regarding communications with social media companies within 21 days, including “HHS’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Engagement, the head of HHS’s Digital Engagement Team, the Deputy Director of the office of Communications in HRSA, and HHS’s Deputy Digital Director.”
“Up until this point, the Department of Justice has refused to cooperate with our requests for discovery from top officials in the Biden Administration under the guise of ‘executive privilege.’ Today, the Court entered an order that requires that the federal government turn over the records we’ve long requested,” Schmitt said in a statement. “The American people deserve answers on how the federal government has colluded with social media companies to censor free speech on these major platforms. We will continue to fight to uncover more of this vast censorship enterprise.”
Damning Documents Reveal Mark Zuckerberg’s Close Relationship With Fauci
Recently filed court documents reveal that in March 2020, Facebook founder and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg gave NIAID Director Anthony Fauci his personal cell phone number, just before the social media platform began censoring alleged COVID-19 misinformation.
The attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri are suing the Biden administration regarding such censorship during the pandemic, and the revelation came during the discovery phase.
The lawsuit states the following:
The First Amended Complaint includes extensive allegations about Dr. Fauci and his communications with social-media companies like Meta. And the discovery produced so far raises the concern that there may be responsive information. For example, in March 2020, Mark Zuckerberg provided Dr. Fauci with his personal cell phone number, demonstrating the opportunity for follow-up phone conversations. And on August 28, 2022, Meta disclosed Dr. Fauci in its list of 32 federal officials who may have communicated with Meta about content modulation on Facebook and Instagram
Earlier records showed that employees of Facebook, Twitter, and Google were communicating with various governmental agencies when deciding what information should be censored on their platforms.
The point of this: if the Government causes a private company to violate free speech, both are guilty of first amendment violations, as this
pierces the private company’s right to claim the same ‘personal’ status as its victim.
“[I]t is also axiomatic that a state may not induce, encourage or promote private persons to accomplish what it is constitutionally forbidden to accomplish.”
Norwood v. Harrison, 413 U.S. 455, 465, 93 S. Ct. 2804, 2810, 37 L. Ed. 2d 723 (1973)
Hospital trialled H2O2 nebulizer treatment for respiratory illnesses including covid19.
Germany’s Energy Suicide: An Autopsy
The EU has weaponized the supply of European energy on behalf of a financial racket, against the interests of European industry and consumers.
When Green fanatic Robert Habeck, posing as Germany’s Economy Minister, said earlier this week “we should expect the worst” in terms of energy security, he conveniently forgot to spell out how the whole farce is a Made in Germany cum Made in Brussels crisis.
Flickers of intelligence at least still glow in rare Western latitudes, as indispensable strategic analyst William Engdahl, author of A Century of Oil, released a sharp, concise summary revealing the skeletons in the glamour closet.
In a nutshell: as Engdahl describes it, this is about “the EU plan to de-industrialize one of the most energy-efficient industrial concentrations on the planet.”
By 2019, an avalanche of Eurocrat energy “ directives” by the EC – the only thing these people do – had established a totally deregulated gas market trading, setting the prices for natural gas in the EU even as Gazprom remained the largest supplier.
As lots of virtual trading hubs in gas futures contracts started popping up across the EU, enter the Dutch TTF (Title Transfer Facility). By 2020 the TTF was established as the real EU gas benchmark.
As Engdahl points out, “TTF is a virtual platform of trades in futures gas contracts between banks and other financial investors. Outside, of course, of any regulated exchange.
So LNG prices soon started to be set by futures trades in the TTF hub, which crucially happens to be owned by the Dutch government – “the same government destroying its farms for a fraudulent nitrogen pollution claim.”
By any means necessary Big Finance had to get rid of Gazprom as a reliable source to allow powerful financial interests behind the Green Deal racket to dominate the LNG market.
So none of this has anything to do with “Putin weaponizing energy”. It was Berlin and Brussels – mere messengers of Big Finance – which weaponized the supply of European energy on behalf of a financial racket, and against the interests of European industry and consumers.
Oh…but they’re now saying 2 weeks to flatten the energy curve…so 3 or more years then? 😉
Putin just said unfortunately the Noordstream1 must remain closed due to the oil leak and turbine pump, but he is willing to send gas through Noordstream2 tomorrow.. Solve all the problems, just buy the Rubles to spend on gas.
America the Stupid
Nearly one in four Democratic voters believe men can get pregnant, according to a new poll.
The online survey, conducted by WPA Intelligence from August 22-25, found 22% of Democrats agreed with the statement, “Some men can get pregnant.” The percentage rose when only including women, and a whopping 36% of white, college-educated female Democrats concurred.
Followed Closely by England
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
September 8, 2022 at 12:18 pm
BIPOC, aren’t we missing some letters in this new alphabet soup
And every letter gets a parade!
Not Enough LGBT Events? UK City to Introduce Another Pride March Just for Trans People (7 Sep)
“The primary need for a separate Trans pride event lies in the fact that trans and non-binary people face vastly different challenges in society compared to people with different sexualities,” said Trans Pride Birmingham co-founder Adam Khan in comments to Birmingham Live.
2SLGBTQI+ or LGBTQIA2S+ is the latest and most impressive acronym for what was once simply the gay and, later, LGBT community, covering people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, “queer”, intersex, asexual, two-spirit — a person “whose gender identity, spiritual identity and/or sexual orientation comprises both male and female spirits” — and more.
Ok, that means one march each for every letter in LGBTQIA2S+. And the 57 genders should get a parade each, surely. Birmingham also has a lot of people of a certain religion, so that’s a few more marches depending on how many sects there are in the city. Might be good to keep all of them separate, and separate from the qwerties though, or there could be people accidentally falling off of tall buildings.
Apparently NASA Forgot How to Work With Liquid Hydrogen
The persistent issues that have been arising with trying to fuel Artemis I for its maiden flight are drawing attention to an awkward conclusion. Either the contractors for Artemis and whoever is running Mission Control forgot how to work with liquid hydrogen or everyone who knew how to do it has retired or otherwise left the business. There’s a simple root cause, though, embedded in the joke that the SLS is “the Shuttles’ Leftover Shit.” The Shuttle program had trouble with liquid H2 as well and since the SLS program is reusing the Space Shuttle Main Engines, they have to use Hydrogen and Oxygen just like the Shuttles did.
It’s hard not to wonder if they’re approaching some sort of limits on the amount of testing the vehicle can withstand. Last Saturday’s countdown – cancelled when the hydrogen tank was 11% filled – was the sixth time they’ve attempted to fuel this launch vehicle; it’s tempting to call these tests a WDR (wet dress rehearsal) but I don’t think they really accomplished enough to deserve that name.
NASA overengineer overything and anyone with real experience is retired.
5 dozen bolts on an access panel on Hubble to be removed by an astronaut in zero g in a spacesuit… Groan…
Andrews solves hospital crisis by ensuring each Ambulance crew has one Diversity and Inclusion officer
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has announced a staffing boost for Ambulance Victoria to address the critical staff shortages across the state.
As part of the move, each Ambulance will be legally required to have a Diversity and Inclusion officer on board to ensure that no discrimination is taking place during treatment and that white men are excluded from call outs.
“The hospital system will benefit greatly from this and call out times will be significantly reduced,” Andrews said.
“There will be penalties for patients who misgender or use the incorrect pronouns of staff and we will be checking social media posts. Diversity officers may decide to deny treatment if they believe there has been hate speech.”
Andrews says he is also looking at importing skilled paramedics from the subcontinent to fill any further gaps, given their ultra-high standard of care in the third world.
Satire, but given the state of Victoria…
probably only 6-12 months from reality , Babylon Bee style
last time I was in India was about 2006. We visited a few major centres looking at outsourcing services. In Bangalore at the time it was up to you to get yourself to hospital if you were the general public.
Apparently the definition of successful diversity policies being celebrated in respect of all the top jobs in the new Truss government is a complete absence of white heterosexual males.
Well, they just had one of those and look where it got them
West Virginia coal miners help tourists push dead EV
Tourists driving an electric vehicle through West Virginia’s coal country ran out of power on Friday. Luckily, a group of nearby miners were on hand to help push the car, according to a state lawmaker who shared the story on his social media.
Photos of the miners’ efforts have since gone viral on social media, with many noting the irony of the situation: fossil fuel workers coming to the rescue of renewable energy.
Oh the irony…it just burns…
Sorry, I did not mean to click the red thumb.
I did, I’m bored of this fatuous story cropping up all over the skeptic sphere, not really helping ‘our’ cause.
Here a place with no lack of energy:
The US National Science Foundation has just released astonishing new images of the sun. There is a “take a look” link.
Welcome Biden’s new Monkeypox coordinator Demetre Daskalakis
Well, he certainly looks right.😉😉
Monkey Pox coordinator?
Yeah, Monkey Pox coordinator.
If we cannot get a new pandemic rocking and rolling, how will we sell vaccines for it?
Looks “right” in leather also, apparently.
A handlebar moustache is a definite risk factor.
“The hospital system will benefit greatly from this and call out times will be significantly reduced,” Andrews said.
How on earth will it do that?
via the joy of satire, which the whole thing was
Over the last 2 years the time elapsed between Conspiracy Theory and Reality got ever smaller. Now Satire is becoming Truth even quicker. I actually would not doubt for a moment that this might actually happen in Victoria. Mostly because similar actions happened with the UK NHS.
With Andrews there its perfectly plausible , on first read I was half way through before I thought …wait a minute.
Elon has woken up and tweeted “why would I buy Twitter if we’re heading into WW3?”
Shoulda bought a small country or island chain…
user growth opportunities on Mars?
OLD news now but:
The way the world is, it’s almost attractive.
Just need oxygen and 4 fingers eh…
Potatoes, don’t forget potatoes.
I contend that we are already in WWIII but because modern weapons are so hard and expensive to make* it is being staged in an arena [like the gladiators fighting the lions] rather than over continents and oceans.
There will be a winner, a loser or a truce. Whatever the outcome the whole world changes, forever, that’s why it is a WW.
* Willow Run made 14 B24 bombers a day. If a squadron of F35s were destroyed on the ground they prolly couldn’t be replaced before the war was decided.
Warfare has always had a social component.
Warlords in the Middle Ages would rarely campaign without religious approval.
Perhaps nukes made warfare as we knew it socially unacceptable.
Barons had to create new methods of pillage and acquisition.
Invent new gods and devils.
Think climate and virus.
What if Sherman could have taken Atlanta without burning anything?
Germany has just said they can’t supply any more aid to Ukraine, it has depleted their own forces. That’s seems to be the story from USA to EU, their own armed forces are horrified at how much weaponry and ammo has been used up in 6months. The Yanks say its no better for Putin, he is buying weapons & ammo off North Korea and China.
So it seems no-none has a big enough army to fight WW3.
Current non declared war production rate for F35s is 156 per year I read the other day.
There is currently a kerfuffle about the amount of rare earths required per aircraft and those mainly come from China
Global Cooling Meme
“Renewables” have no discernable effect on global climate but can seriously affect the climate in your living room.
The latter is far more volatile and much more likely to kill you if you cannot adequately control it.
“Green” policies kill. Bad things are coming in Europe this winter. We’re next.
All of that excludes temperature homogenisation and reality suspension journalism.
Global temperature is a political construct.
The current cycle of glaciation is already under way. But the northern hemisphere will go into a lot more summer warming before the ice starts to accumulate.
There is no doubt that solar activity is observed in regional temperature. Very evident in the Nino34 region temperature – middle chartl here:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhFzCATi2JCEkwR8t
Yes but this European winter is of more immediate interest, will the beast from the east see the Western powers capitulate.
The mild UK winter of 2021-22 came about because the NAO was positive.
What is your forecast?
The sun at 55N during January will average 60W/m^2. Even with water surrounding UK there will be parts that are freezing cold. When the power goes off, a lot of people will freeze to death and some will die in the inevitable riots. Covid riots will look like picnics compared to the coming winter.
There will be a whole series of knock on effects as pipes freeze, sewage flows up through crappers, contaminated water supply, gas explosion when gas eventually comes back on and so on.
I have just been through winter at 37S where insolation average 173W/m^2 on slightly elevated ground 30m above sea level and close to water over 270 degrees of the compass – Bass Strait down 12C. It would have been tough on the days of frost to get through without household heating. So when there are snowpacks in central England and Scotland it will be hard to survive without heating.
I am not forecasting that it will be warmer or colder than average but I can guarantee it will still be cold enough for pipes to freeze and people to die without heating.
You give no credit to the oceanic oscillations, a positive NAO would avoid freezing conditions across Europe.
Trans activists leave more than 60 bottles of urine outside Equality and Human Rights Commission in protest about being banned from public toilets.
A group of transgender activists left more than 60 bottles of urine outside the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) in effort to protest the agency’s single-sex toilet policy.
The anonymous group P1ssed Off Trannies (POT) held a so-called ‘p1ss-in’ on Friday outside the EHRC offices in Westminster, London.
Masked protesters displayed various bottles of urine outside the building, before building security called police to cordon off the area.
One demonstrator took dramatic action by pouring urine on herself and the pavement as she accused the agency of having ‘blood on its hands.’
Activists told VICE the p1ss-in was representing an ‘extreme version of the public embarrassment that trans people experience on a daily basis.’
Look…it’s not rocket science.
One toilet for biological men, 1 for biological women, 1 for anything else.
That’d fix it.
Or toilets with no common shared area so no-one can “interact” with anyone else out of public view.
Mind you, if they’re content to empty a bottle of p1ss over themselves, why do they even need a toilet? 😁
Like AGW , Covid and vaxxes, the insanity and global bandwagon FAD of “trans” is being exposed and falling apart by the day.
But just like AGW, Covid and vaxxes, the damage will be massive.
In our house the same toilet is used by males and females. So what is the Big Deal here?
probably because you use it one at a time?
This week’s prize for that!
Because, outside your house, you’re sharing those toilets with strangers, and some of them could be VERY strange. I have, on ocassion, found myself sharing public toilets with some very odd, sometimes scary, people. That’s bad enough when you’re a grown man. A woman? Not so much. A child. Just no, OK?
LGBT Brainwashing Starts In Kindergarten
As we have seen, there is no minimum age for the defilement of children’s innocence. The more fundamentally depraved the ideology, the younger recruits need to be, or they will not be receptive to brainwashing.
Fortunately for LGBT militants, they and their fellow-traveling liberals control education. That allows indoctrination as early as kindergarten:
Nightingale-Bamford School, an all-female preparatory school in Manhattan, New York, is recommending books on transgenderism for kindergartners on its school library website.
These include:
“Julian Is A Mermaid” by Jessica Love, about a boy, Julian, who wants to be like the women he saw dressed up as mermaids and eventually reveals his change in gender identity to his grandmother, who helps him transition.
A kinder child doesn’t even understand that Big Bird on Sesame St. isn’t real.
These groomers all need to be removed from any position of influence over minors and undergo psychiatric treatment or jail.
Maybe we can repurpose those detention centres for the unvaxxed…
And just walk away…
Could a mobile APP replace lateral flows? Scientists reveal new Covid testing software that detects virus through a person’s voice in under a minute – and experts say it can be more accurate than a swab test.
A ground-breaking app which can detect coronavirus in your voice has been developed in a major scientific breakthrough.
The AI-powered technology is easier to use and more accurate than a lateral flow test, scientists say.
The mobile app takes less than a minute to flag positive cases and gives an accurate result 89 per cent of the time and negative cases 83 per cent of the time.
The accuracy of lateral flow tests varies widely and could miss between 20 per cent and 81 per cent of positive cases in different settings, according to Imperial College London.
The new app could be used to very quickly screen people for the bug before they attend mass events such as concerts and big sports matches.
So… will I test +ve or -ve if I say “WEF orchestrated plandemic bullsh1t” over and over into the microphone? 😆😆
Is it able to interpret/translate as well as pick up on the many different accents? This sounds like BS to me.
It works! Its great! We just need seed capital of 13.5million dollars from Govt to finalise design and testing…
AI is obviously the new black, it is popping up all over the place as a meaningless buzzword.
They have the “A” part down pat….
But totally lacking the “I” part !
AI makes renewables actually work, extends the range of all EVs to 1000kms and will dispense a nice Latte from from your car cigarette lighter , sorry, 12V power outlet. Using an AI translator the utterances of Albanese and Bowen can be understood (but still dont make sense). AI is safe and effective.
‘They Are Getting Ready for Trump’s Second Term’: Former Pentagon Brass Encourage Military to Disobey Orders
In an ominous open letter published on wonky national security site War on the Rocks Tuesday, eight former secretaries of defense and five former chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff warned of what they call an “exceptionally challenging civil-military environment” developing in the United States that apparently concerned them enough to publish their thoughts ahead of November’s consequential midterm elections. Never mind, apparently, that the signatories were at the helm of the U.S. military for the better part of the last two decades during which that “environment” was degraded.
The letter also not-so-subtly refers to “the divisiveness of affective polarization that culminated in the first election in over a century when the peaceful transfer of political power was disrupted and in doubt” as a reason “military professionals confront an extremely adverse environment.”
“Looking ahead, all of these factors could well get worse before they get better,” the former Pentagon officials warn. “In such an environment, it is helpful to review the core principles and best practices by which civilian and military professionals have conducted healthy American civil-military relations in the past — and can continue to do so, if vigilant and mindful.”
What follows are 16 enumerated “best practices” that deal with the chain of command, political pressure, and civilian control of the U.S. military, all signed by former Pentagon brass including Ash Carter, Mark Esper, Bob Gates, Chuck Hagel, Jim Mattis, Leon Panetta, Martin Dempsey, Joseph Dunford, and Peter Pace.
Whether the former officials are looking backward at the 2020 election or ahead at the 2024 election, their letter dives into the military’s responsibilities during a presidential election year:
During presidential elections, the military has a dual obligation. First, because the Constitution provides for only one commander-in chief at a time, the military must assist the current commander-in-chief in the exercise of his or her constitutional duty to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. Second, because the voters (not the military) decide who will be commander-in-chief, they must prepare for whomever the voters pick — whether a reelected incumbent or someone new. This dual obligation reinforces the importance of the principles and best practices described above.
The only thing that’s missing from the bulleted manifesto-y letter about the military’s “best practices” is an explanation for why it was written. Is it more (very delayed) fallout from January 6? A response to President Joe Biden’s use of Marine guards as staging for his angry and divisive speech in Philadelphia in which he declared war on Republicans? A warning of things yet to come?
Speaking with Townhall, Former Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense Amber Smith
“Additionally, those who penned this letter are complicit with the deterioration of trust and the breakdown in the relationship between the military and civilians they speak of,” Smith also noted. “They are essentially raising the alarm for an environment they helped create.”
Then there’s the matter of the signers’ decision to chime in on politics, invoke the events of January 6, and talk about presidential elections.
Afghanistan was not exactly healthy on the soft power side and in accordance with core principles and best practices in the withdrawal. They failed there big time.
Very diplomatic Kim. I thought it was a A grade fustercluck that got a lot of people killed, cost the US taxpayer billions and armed an enemy State (and potentially other States as well once the Lords of War got in there)
DemoCraps: A Killer on Every Block and Two R@pists in Every Backyard
Ann Coulter
The country is experiencing an historic surge in violent crime, and the link between Democratic policies and the crime wave is more firmly established than the law of gravity.
Republicans — are you guys awake?
This week, the Democrats and their auxiliary staff in the media gave less attention to the grisly kidnapping and murder of Eliza Fletcher than they did to two black girls allegedly snubbed by a performer in a Muppet costume a couple of months ago.
Fletcher, a 34-year-old hardware heiress, kindergarten teacher and married mother of two, was out for an early morning run near the University of Memphis campus on Friday when a 38-year-old career criminal, Cleotha Abston, leapt out of his SUV and dragged her, kicking and screaming, into the passenger side of his vehicle.
Based on copious evidence, including video and DNA, police arrested Abston almost immediately. His career highlights include a lengthy juvenile record: theft, aggravated assault, aggravated assault with a weapon and r@pe — as well as the violent kidnapping of a prominent attorney, whom he drove around in the trunk of his car for hours, looking for ATMs.
But Abston refused to tell police what he had done with Fletcher.
On Tuesday, police announced they’d found her body. Big story, right? MSNBC cut away from the press conference on this abduction-murder about four minutes in. The New York Times put the story on page A-20.
Astronaut’s blood after space flight shows signs of DNA mutations.
A new US study found that the blood of astronauts who flew into space more than 20 years ago showed signs of DNA mutations, a high risk of cancer and many potential diseases.
According to a study published in the journal Nature Communications Biology, the blood of all 14 astronauts in the NASA space shuttle program showed signs of DNA mutations.
This group of astronauts participated in different space shuttle missions between 1998 and 2001, averaging 12 days in length.
Recent scientific studies show that the impact of cosmic light on human blood and bone tissue is profound.
The researchers collected blood samples from the astronauts twice: the first time 10 days before spaceflight and the second time on the day of landing. White blood cells were collected once at three days after landing. Those samples were put in a freezer at -80 degrees Celsius and not opened for 20 years.
“Astronauts work in an extreme environment, exposed to radiation,” said David Goukassian, professor of cardiology at the Institute of Cardiology at Icahn Mount Sinai in New York. Spatial and multiple factors can lead to somatic mutations”.
The study was conducted to understand the potential health risks of astronauts’ exposure to various harmful factors during space exploration missions. This is important for planning future space explorations.
The researchers used DNA sequencing and bioinformatic analysis to identify 34 mutations in 17 genes that control cell division and growth. They found that the most common mutations occurred in TP3, a gene that produces a tumor suppressor protein, and DNMT3A, one of the most frequently mutated genes in acute myeloid leukemia.
Space. We all know no-one has ever left Earth’s atmosphere. 😊
This is an excellent video, part of a series, about whether the Big Bang really was the beginning of the universe and how it relates to string theory.
The pre-Bang universe is discussed.
I have always been sceptical about string theory but this has changed my mind somewhat.
Don’t forget to watch Dr John Campbell’s latest video about the FDA’s approval of the BA.5 vaccine.
Nothing to worry about for animal rights activists, only eight mice were used for testing.
The real testing is about to start on humans.
Poor bugger seems somewhat distressed as the “vaccine” he believed in unravels.
I keep seeing this climate alarmist add on YouTube.
An almost childlike voice narrating.
With photos of flooding and three swirling hurricanes next to each other in one ocean.
“Climate Catastrophe is here!”
A full court Ardennes Offensive.
Yeah, it is here, in the form of Green Energy.
Anthropogenic catastrophe created by engineered mass hysteria.
(The engineers were expelled from the Renewable Energy committees.)
Sorry Jo, the perfectly good civilization has already been wasted.
This age will be literally Dark.
The ritual human sacrifice may have already begun.
Ya’ know, we are like the one, or three, rational villagers, standing on the edge of the volcano saying, “throwing in the virgin will not help because volcanos are a phenomenon of the planets molten core caused by gravitational pressu … wait!”
And we’ll still be mansplaining as we hurtle into the magma.
At least TonyfromOZ will be first. 🙂
(And I know we’re doomed because ‘mansplaining’ does not get underlined by spell check.)
Why can’t Penny Wong explain what net zero carbon means?
‘Net zero carbon’ refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere.
In 2021 a deep dive was undertaken by European Geosciences into Australia’s emissions in 2015.
It found that Australia absorbed more emissions than it produced (including fossil fuel emissions) – exceeding net zero carbon.
Yet, today, The Australian Government has legislated to reduce our fossil fuel emissions by 43% to achieve a target already exceeded.
Also … the Day that UK’s new PM has vowed to cut renewable subsidies and re-introduce fracking and fossil fuel emissions to meet the power needs of the British public.
You cannot fix this level of stupid – only refuse to elect them office…
You are omitting a key word in the definition of “Net Zero Emissions”…
The term refers only to ANTHAPOGENIC CO2 emissions and compensating human activities to remove CO2 from the atmosphere .(CCS, Reforrestation, etc)
NATURAL emmissions and sinks ARE NOT factored into the definition.
All, are areas where the data can easily be fudged if necessary.!!
AHLD – Where are the details of the “European Geosciences” investigation? I understand that Ian Plimer has also noted the same findings but I would like to see the raw data (in layman’s language) supporting emission and sequestration figures.
You can find this peer reviewed settled science here,over%20areas%20with%20sparse%20vegetation.
Yes and lots of detail here with the UKs new position on this Climate thingy and Power Bills. Reality meets ideology and reality wins.
Fracking is a no brainer as they know where the Gas is. Shed loads of it.
Plans “to make sure we have security of [energy] supply for the long-term”.
This includes issuing new oil and gas exploration licences for the North Sea and lifting the ban on fracking for shale gas “where there is local support for it”.
In addition the UK government will:
– Scrap green levies – which add £150 to bills each year – which the £2,500 cap accounts for
– Continue with a previously announced £400 energy bills discount for all households. Taken together, the government said this —-
– will bring costs close to where the energy price cap stands today”.
– Launch a new oil and gas licensing round as early as next week, boosting production in the North Sea
– Seek to negotiate lower-priced long-term contracts with renewable and nuclear power companies
– Launch a joint scheme with the Bank of England to provide emergency support to struggling UK energy firms
– Launch a review to ensure the UK is meeting its Net Zero 2050 target in “an economically-efficient way”, given the altered
economic landscape.
Better watch this –
Courier Mail online says “Albo has big win” and “Australian parliament has moved to lock in a crucial climate change policy”
Behind the Murdoch wall to me
A cardiologist says she’s seeing a rise in 20-somethings with heart arrhythmias caused by herbal supplements.
Cardiologists told Insider people under 30 are developing heart problems from taking herbal supplements.
Common supplements like fish oil and bitter orange have been linked to heart problems.
California-based cardiologist Dr. Danielle Belardo said the most common cause of heart arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, presenting in her 20-something patients stems from taking herbal supplements.
Belardo said her patients come in taking herbs like bitter orange and ephedra, both linked to irregular heartbeats in case studies and clinical research.
It’s not always straightforward to sort out which compound is the culprit, since Belardo’s patients often take multiple supplements, and the supplement trend is growing faster than researchers can keep up.
“This is drawing on the cusp of what we know with regards to herbal supplements and arrhythmia,” Belardo told Insider. “Since there’s such poor regulation of the formulation, the purity, and the efficacy of these herbals, we don’t have any robust literature to tell us exactly what’s causing what.”
Well yes…bitter orange and Ephedra are metabolic stimulants (and TGA regulated in Oz) BUT the average healthy young person should be able to take them with minimal risk. They’ve been OTC in the USA for decades.
So this is probably more of a pass-the-buck for the heart issues as well as shutting down non-pharma drugs.
Aussies in this forum will know how our (‘their’) ABC is now utterly obsessed with climate change and try injecting it into every item possible. Today I heard a brief radio article about how agricultural machinery dealers here in Oz are experiencing increased sales as floods and fire had destroyed many tractors, harvesters etc. The ditzy journalist asked a dealer if he was selling many electric tractors. He remained diplomatic and pointed out that at this stage, that technology can’t compete with a diesel engine lugging several tons behind them for hours on end.
I can imagine him down the pub this Friday night telling his mates about that, slapping his thigh and crying with laughter.
Boxing Heavy Bag workout.
Conservative woman vs. Progressive male.
41 sec. vid.
Below is the text of a letter I wrote to The Australian. Regrettably they chose not to print it. Perhaps they realised I was really tongue in cheek. Even so this is an issue that is not discussed.
Australians all enjoy and share in the wealth of this country, particularly the richly endowed mineral and energy resources, through Company Tax, GST, employee Income Tax and State Royalties.
We are told by the Albanese Federal Government (“Mining poised to become renewable superpower”, The Australian 6/9/2022) that Australia is rich in renewable resources, wind and solar in particular, and that Australia can become a renewable superpower building on the already substantial wind and solar industries. These views are supported by others in the industry and hydrogen advocates like Twiggy Forrest who want to see more development of wind and solar, including export overseas.
But, we never hear how this wealth is to be shared with all Australians? Why aren’t there State royalty regimes spreading the benefits of renewables to all? If such schemes exist why aren’t we told about them?
Some might say that the wind and sun are free, but so are the energy and minerals we enjoy. These are freely endowed, owned mostly by State governments which grant licences to explore for, mine and sell. Similarly we should do the same for renewables, with, for example, royalty rates based on area of land used or the value of the energy produced.
If State Governments don’t want to do this, why not establish a Commonwealth Renewable Wealth Fund, perhaps modelled on Norway’s Sovereign Wealth Fund, so that the benefits of Australia’s renewables wealth can shared by all?
“Liz Truss has announced the ban on fracking will be lifted as part of plans to accelerate the UK’s domestic energy supply. ”
But, the green alarmists will oppose things as usual, at least for the first cold winter.
HRH Queen Elizabeth II has passed away.
“The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon.”
BBC Breaking News:
The Queen has passed.
My condolences to her subjects.
In my opinion, ‘Climate Change’ is the vehicle for the establishment of Neo Feudalism.
‘Lockdown’, the new royal edict, has conditioned the public to the new order.
A convenient side effect, or planned purpose of the ‘Pandemic’.
So, subjects again. (Subjects in many Feudal states did better than what’s awaiting us.)
Long Live the King.
Goodbye to the enlightened era of Nation States, 1918-very shortly.
We now have King Charles III. God save the
Kingthe people.If Biden, and the King, and John Kerry, hold a meeting, who will be the dumbest guy in the room?
Charles on the throne, Truss in No 10, Obiden in the WH, Elbow in the Lodge, gawd help us all.
RIP Queen Elizabeth.
Not good reading for jabbed Victorians
“URGENT: Deaths are soaring in one of the world’s most highly mRNA vaccinated areas
Alex Berenson
19 min ago
Deaths in the Australian state of Victoria, where 95 percent of adults have received Covid vaccines and most are boosted with mRNA shots, soared to their highest level in at least 13 years in August – far above the five-year average.
Victoria offers almost unique data: near-real-time reporting on death trends in millions of people who are heavily vaccinated but had little exposure to Covid before being jabbed.”
More at
The Queen is dead.
Long live the King.
End of the Elizabethan era.
The Boy Scout approach to EV travel
Don’t forget on your emergency preparation list
“A reminder from an African war comrade: emergency hygiene”
Australia’s TGA to Reconsider Ivermectin GP Restrictions in November
Australia’s drug regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), now calls for feedback on whether the agency should allow the use of repurposed, off-label ivermectin as an antiviral regimen against SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind COVID-19.
TrialSite reported last September that TGA took their gloves off with physicians prescribing the drug off-label, formally placing a national prohibition on off-label prescribing of the drug to all general practitioners (GPs). This was a comparable move for what TGA did with hydroxychloroquine in 2020. The agency limited ivermectin access for COVID-19 to specialists. This media reported that this action didn’t occur in a vacuum, rather it involved the citing of lack of evidence, but in fact, comparable actions were occurring in multiple developed economies. Was this a carefully coordinated and orchestrated government action to stop all treatments other than those the government deemed acceptable? This media pondered: was the underlying mission to stop any activity that interrupted the mass vaccination program?
Now, those GP restrictions are under review again with the TGA Advisory Committee on Medicines Scheduling addressing the topic in November.
The Context
This action was prompted by an applicant’s request who charged the agency’s moves last September as “irrational, irresponsible, reckless, negligent and possible criminal.” But TGA is aligned with the World Health Organization, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the European Medicines Agency, and others all of which advise against the use of ivermectin as a regimen for COVID-19 unless in clinical trials.
The applicant expressed:
“Ivermectin is a safe, cheap, and effective medication that may prevent 44 percent of COVID19 infections and may prevent serious illness and death caused by COVID-19 infections. Ivermectin is well tolerated at doses well beyond those that are typically prescribed for approved indications, which is at odds with the reasoning provided for the Appendix D entry. The AusPAR for ivermectin cites good tolerability and no safety concerns at doses ranging from 30 mg to 120 mg, which is up to 10 times the typical dose for the treatment of scabies.”
The decision still remains with the TGA.