It’s hard to believe, but when the government says “take this Pfizer drug OR lose your job, your rights and your house” — they are quietly also saying “trust Pfizer” — because Pfizer hold all the trial data and you are not allowed to see it.
And it’s largely the same with the other Big-Pharma companies too.
Academic journals are generally part of the problem, so it’s a shock to see one stand up for something.
UPDATE: And it’s fair to say “Where was the BMJ a year ago?” Why now and not before the mass vax campaign? Is this is a sign the Ship is sinking and the first rats are jumping?
Covid-19 vaccines and treatments: we must have raw data, now
The British Medical Journal
“Today, despite the global rollout of covid-19 vaccines and treatments, the anonymised participant level data underlying the trials for these new products remain inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public—and are likely to remain that way for years to come. This is morally indefensible for all trials, but especially for those involving major public health interventions.”
BMJ also accused pharmaceutical companies of “reaping vast profits without adequate independent scrutiny of their scientific claims,” pointing to Pfizer, whose COVID vaccine trial was “funded by the company and designed, run, analyzed, and authored by Pfizer employees.”
Right now the whole of civilization is operating on a medical model about one-degree away from drug dealers. The drugs are safe and effective and you have no right to know exactly how safe they are.
Do patients lives even matter? Did your government agree to let Pfizer hide that trial data for 75 years — who can tell? The contracts are secret too.
It’s almost like democracies are here to serve Pfizer?
The BMJ went on to point out that in the wake of global immunization efforts, “trust” and “transparency” are vital, noting that “Big pharma is the least trusted industry.”
Ooh. Even the “F-word”?
“At least three of the many companies making covid-19 vaccines have past criminal and civil settlements costing them billions of dollars,” the editors said, adding that one of the companies (Pfizer), has previously “pleaded guilty to fraud.”
Will Pfizer become The Worlds Most Hated company? (A question from David E).
Big Pharma spent $4.7b lobbying Big Government. Chump change compared to the profits.
The Swamp has done this all before: Remember Tamiflu?
In the pages of The BMJ a decade ago, in the middle of a different pandemic, it came to light that governments around the world had spent billions stockpiling antivirals for influenza that had not been shown to reduce the risk of complications, hospital admissions, or death. The majority of trials that underpinned regulatory approval and government stockpiling of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) were sponsored by the manufacturer; most were unpublished, those that were published were ghostwritten by writers paid by the manufacturer, the people listed as principal authors lacked access to the raw data, and academics who requested access to the data for independent analysis were denied.1234
Funnily enough, since then, the BMJ thought they had achieved something in the battle for transparent data:
The Tamiflu saga heralded a decade of unprecedented attention to the importance of sharing clinical trial data.56 Public battles for drug company data,78 transparency campaigns with thousands of signatures,910 strengthened journal data sharing requirements,1112 explicit commitments from companies to share data,13 new data access website portals,8 and landmark transparency policies from medicines regulators1415 all promised a new era in data transparency.
Yet, all the gains vanished in a blink in 2020.
Two years later, it’s good (but too late) that BMJ have finally spoken up, but where have the media been?
What about The Opposition?
Covid-19 vaccines and treatments: we must have raw data, now, MJ 2022; 376 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.o102 (Published 19 January 2022) Cite this as: BMJ 2022;376:o102
These first pages got by FOIA say enough.
Please note the following critical redaction.
Number of doses shipped. Without that no percentage estimate can be made.
Was the word “greed” in the third sentence a Freudian slip, or an inadvertent admission of the true intent?
Do you suppose the hidden Pfizer data contains damaging information, such as that the vaccines kill and cripple people?
A professor has just figured out that in Germany the deaths from vaccinations within 14 days of the jab have been counted as having happened to the unvaccinated, not vaccinated. And, half of the deaths were within that 14 day window, so the reports have been fraudulent.
It appears that a similar reporting regime was used in the UK as well. The following video by Norman Fenton illustrates the ‘unusual’ spike in reported Covid deaths of unjabbed people coinciding with the initial rollout of the jabs.
Here in Oz, at least one state counts “unvaccinated” as being given a shot within the last 21 days. So that also needs to be included in the calculations.
It would be interesting to see if the 21 days is significant in any way.
Canada has been exposed as doing the same thing. Alberta – is it everywhere? –
also falsely counts deaths and injuries occurring within 14 day of vaccination as happening to the unvaccinated.
Don’t forget the standard B.O.M. reply in analogous circumstances. They are adhering to “best international practices “. The Rich Folk have way too many international talk fests. Davos comes to mind.
On Alberta
‘47.6% of hospitalizations post vaccination were in the first 14 days. and the rate falls off rapidly right after’
‘it’s literally reducing the overall vaxxed hospital count by half and adding them to the unvaxxed’
‘deaths are even more stark with 55.6% in the first 14 days post jab’
‘given the huge front loading on cases, hospitalization, and deaths, this one definitional stunt could literarily be the entire source of apparent vaccine efficacy and that may well include the drug trials’
[caught in spam filter]ED
Deaths within days of vaccination classed as “un-vaccinated deaths”! How do they even know COVID causes any problems at all if they use that level of analysis?
Alberta released figures showing covid, hospitalizations and deaths as a function of days since vaccination and took it down in <48h. See the bottom figures in this post. I guess the guilty statistition is now counting rocks on a beach somewhere.
Ooh… ouch… Finally, some real statistics.
The authority’s obfuscation looks all too similar to Jacinda’s Gang’s adjustments here in the Shaky Isles.
A bit late.
Oh, and as of Feb. 2, US hospitals will no longer be required to report number of daily covid deaths to the Federal government.
Sure, or maybe the editors at the BMJ have realized this ship will sink and they are running for the life-rafts?
Jo, Peter Doshi the Editor of the BMJ has been ctitical in the BMJ of the vaccine data since August 2021.
Outside the BMJ he started much earlier
I hope you are right JO, but in fact it’s not just COVID-19. I hope the entire government enforced ‘new science’
(science as decided by government – you know, that modern disease) would face the fate of COVID-19 science if this was what the BMJ is inferring is fraudulent if the data is not released for perusal. That BMJ argument is based on the application of the principles of true science.
The reason for BMJ conversion would be the inability of ‘the science’, as politically declared, to combat increasingly strengthening, true scientific facts. The same onslaught will hopefully be picked up and built upon by a great number of ‘true scientists’ bombarding the public and embarrassing already embarrassed governments and the general public with contrarian facts on the Anthropogenic Global Warming debate where the costs and destruction of future Western lifestyles would make the COVID game costs look like pocket money.
As the COVID ‘science’ is increasingly seen as perhaps semi-fraudulent and being used to control the public for political purposes and increasing totalitarian, the public will be red hot if government management of COVID is seen to be based on political and not the public interest. The public will be ripe to jump when it sees such the huge cost of the AGW theory and management which would make the cost of COVID seem pocket money. All it needs is a couple of the reticent politicians from either or both of the main Parties to start faltering at the AGW line taken and the entire edifice will come tumbling down.
The entire COVID-19 vaccine management scheme is unethical. That’s from the indemnity given to the companies producing them followed by the refusal to release, fully, all known data. From that point on, all else is unethical. Nobody knows the entire data on side effects, therefore there can never be ethical prescription nor administration of the drugs. There can never be full disclosure to the patient on which to make a decision to accept the vaccine. There is available an ability for the doctors and the injectors to make this disclosure which I’m sure would blow patient acceptance apart ie there is witholding of this information as well.
Agree. The damage has been done and the public have been dumbed down enough to question it even the real truth was let out.
At last, questions are being asked about the dangers these experimental injections pose.
Who does one sue re the death from vax of a family member?
You don’t. Your government has made the vaccine manufacturers and everyone involved in the vaccine application chain “immune from liability”.
You voted for them.
Yep the governments signed contracts with the vaccine suppliers that exclude them from legal liability, so that means the governments are liable then?, no because they used the cover of “mandates or emergency health orders” to pressure the businesses and individuals to enact their otherwise illegal agendas, so the reality is its the public, you and me, that aided and abetted any illegal activities forced on the populations.
The government is giving payouts here in Australia. What’s the bet they are “confidental”.
In other words, if your child dies, we’ll give you shut-up money?
At least they’re silencing people with $.
What is the going price for a child’s life in Australia?
Oh, I think someone put up the price list a few threads back, I’ll look.
DC, California and New York, may have one too.
(As leaders of the Free World, we in here in US feel the responsibility of guidance.)
Then the problems start when they run into some parents that consider their child’s life priceless.
I suppose committees will be seated to work that out as well.
Much simpler than that. Black Angus.
You don’t, as you will be engaging a lawyer to pursue the defendant protected by their clever and well resourced Lawyers who had already conspired with a Government full of lawyers. A government also responsible for appointing the lawyers who will judge your case.
It is little wonder that in the Rebellion of 1341 the people came for the lawyers and not the King.
So until the promised efficiencies of a centralized government full of a remote self-styled elite making laws is recognized for the failure that it is and power is returned to the community to run health systems, schools and services, the ‘Oligarcs by their malpractices will unite’ (As Darius warned us; Herodotus) and rule over us.
So do not ask for more laws and waste more resources. Do what the conservatives are doing in the US, retake the School Boards, Local Councils and the grass roots of the Political parties. And when in power remove the payments from the public purse to career Politicians and Political parties so you can install representatives that represent their community. People who will not be hanging around just to invent more regulation to protect the mess they created from scrutiny.
Agreed. It is now time to begin our own long march through the institutions, a la Rudi Dutschke. He is one of those responsible for the incessant propagandising, brainwashing and continuing dumbing down of the general population. The left have achieved their stated aim in less than fifty years. I see the pushback has already begun, but requires more resources to gain traction with the people. We just need to do what they did and infiltrate all sectors of public life – that’s what they have done so successfully. It may be more difficult to now wind back than it was to implement, but we have the advantage that the present generation derive information from many sources besides the already captured organisations. Watch these quislings change their tune as the tide turns.
That was the value of Trump. The left used Trump the individual’s reputation to try to destroy Trump the President. They failed, as is seen by the size of the crowds he still draws. Trump’s direct speech shortcut the slowly slowly approach. He exposed the swamp in the politics, in the bureaucracies, both national and State, and in the ‘Boardrooms’. That’s why the left were and are screaming and out to destroy him, this time running a fine-toothed comb through his NYC private, family and public tax matters. Trump is the quickest and only effective way of cutting off the extreme left movement running the USA. That’s a fight to the death for both sides now.
Hark, hark, the dogs do bark,
The beggars are coming to town
Some in rags, and some in jags,
And some in velvet gowns.
Lawyers have pointed out that if the vaccines are deliberately contaminated as has been suggested by photos of parasites and metal objects etc. Then all contracts are void.
If you were forced to get the jab by your employer then I think you should be able to sue him or her. They could argue that it was voluntary in so far as you could take the jab or lose your job. There must be some smart lawyer out there who could find a case. It would only take one employer paying a fine to put the fear into the rest. I do think more transparency is the solution. As numbers come out and the alternative media publicise them( the MSM won’t) resistance will build. Morrison has a few months to get things right but from what I read the Senate is where the action will take place. Many people approve of their local member but disagree with party policies. Their only recourse is to pick their Senate so vote beneath the line and choose well.
All the liability hand balling may only lead to the onus being on you, https://2ndsmartestguyintheworld.substack.com/p/just-in-and-so-it-starts-rich-elderly
Insurance company refused to pay out because the taking of experimental drugs, treatments, etc., is excluded from the policy. The family take the insurance company to court, but lose. The judge states, “the experimental vaccine side effects are publicised and the deceased could not claim not to have known about them when he voluntarily took the jab. There is no law or mandate in France which forced him to be jabbed. Therefore, his death is essentially suicide”. Suicide is also excluded from his policy.
Hmmm, what if one were to solicit the services of a ‘hitman’? Would that be okay? After all, “it was voluntary” [for the hitman to accept or refuse the approach].
A temporary legal reprieve for people (employers in this case), to enable and impose injustices upon others does not absolve them from moral accountability.
As this dark period in human history begins to resolve, that moral accountability will be given the force of law. (eg Nuremberg2.0, Royal Commissions, and the like).
There should be no complaints from the obsequious under the new code; they were more than happy to act appallingly under the old one, simply because it was legal to do so.
You reap what you sow. Chickens come home to roost…and all that kind of thing.
Fraud perpetrated by Big Pharma is not covered by their immunity. In time the lawyers, particularly in the US will use the bad lot data to prove intent to defraud. For once you can cheer for the lawyers except of course those defending Big Pharma. I hope I live long enough to see the guilty get their own jab of toxic lots, all of them. See https://video.brighteon.com/file/Brighteon-staging/hls/8fd7d781-0054-440c-b70d-9c249dd91d2e.m3u8
with Dr Reiner Fuellmich
Either the Health Minister who declared the State of Emergency, or the Cheif Health Officer (or equivalent) who mandated vaccines. Both actions were __discretionary__ meaning they are personally liable.
Or the approving agency. In Aus the TGA admits that trial phases were performed in an overlapping manner meaning the trials were not completed before progressing to the next phase. Here. Also, the TGA admits that they didn’t even need completed data (such as it was) but accepted “rolling data” as it became available. All AFTER approving the vaccines. Here.
So in the first case best practise was ignored. And in the second the TGA didn’t even have complete data with which to make an informed decision but they decided anyway. There may be an argument for negligence.
Your honour, in my defence, although there were more than sixty documented examples of the beneficial use of Ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19, across large population segments in many countries, according to my job description and managerial guidance, I was not obliged to read even one of them! (/sarc, just in case!)
Or your State or Federal member of Parliament. If they didn’t push back against vaccines for children given the risk of covid is basically zero for under 18’s while the risk of severe adverse affects is not, then that is also negligence.
Or the nurse/ doctor who did the deed, and the clinic/ pharmacy/ etc they operated in. “Just taking orders” is not an excuse. That nurse or doctor is who actually performed the act, and the venue fascilitated it.
Or the pharma company. The contract with the supposed no liability clause was between the gov and the company. _You_ didn’t agree to anything. If the gov hasn’t _legislated_ that pharma companies are un-sue-able then they are sue-able. And if the gov has then that could obviously itself be challenged.
Also, it’s a principle of law that you can’t ‘contract away’ legislated rights – and obviously __not on behalf of others__. I can’t enter into an agreement with my best friend that you can’t sue me when we steal your car.
Or the Premier for saying, like Queensland’s Palacechook said, that the vaccines are “safe and effective”. That’s medical fraud and/or false-advertising – leading to bodily harm.
Really? The same week Johnson calls an end to British virus insanity the BMJ questions the narrative? Yes, a necessary call BMJ, but way too late. This will not repair your reputation. You were on the dark side when needed. Fair-weather journals are of no use.
Am halfway through the current DarkHorse podcast, and Bret and Heather are discussing exactly this issue: people and organisations who pilloried and hounded those who questioned the actions of the authorities for two years and now the ‘narrative has crumbled’ are now weaseling their way to proclaim they were always on the right side of history, and aren’t we good.
Yep, in the unthreaded thread, I came to the same conclusion – this article was written months ago and put on ice for when the narrative showed obvious signs of crumbling. The editors are trying to retain the trust that they forfeited supporting the narrative over the past 2 years.
“The same week Johnson calls an end to British virus insanity …”
I can’t believe the number of people who seem to think all this will actually end in March.
Remember “two weeks to flatten the curve” – same thing.
Just look at McGowan in WA! Case made.
It won’t end in March, there is hardly a politician alive who hasn’t gleefully said there are more variants coming down the pike.
Omicron was a complete disappointment to them because almost no one died, so the next one will need to be completely different.
I predict an H1N1 flu pandemic is coming soon. Just watch.
Klem you need more imagination. H1N1 won’t do it. Could be a haemorraghic fever, a Nipah, Marburg, Lassa, new influenza (Avian?) — plenty to pick from.
The next one just needs to be easily spread. The vax has reduce immune systems to the point where an infected paper cut will kill them. A simple virus that spreads fast is all that will be required to finish off what covid started.
Latest covid sats for NSW :
Percentages are within 1-2% of last weeks figures ( i.e. almost unchanged figures from previous week. )
Epidemiological week 1, ending 8 January 2022
“Published 20 January 2022”
“Appendix C: Additional tables and figures”
Page 26
“Total COVID-19 cases by vaccination status and week reported, NSW, 16 June 2021 to 8 January 2022”
“Vaccination Status”
“Fully vaccinated 159,127 (70%)
“Partially vaccinated 1,468 (1%)
“No effective dose 779 (<1%) – ( either 21days < since vaxxed, or unvaxxed – not specified )
"Under investigation 46,955 (21%)
"Not eligible (aged 0-11 years) 18,343 (8%)
"Total 226,672 (100%)
Previous weekly reports here : https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Pages/weekly-reports.aspx
“one step from drug dealers”- Knocked it out of the park. One of my intellectual knots is why do the lefty luvvies give us “Injecting Rooms” when it would be safer to give the pure drug at a know quantity after an assessment of the level of drug in the users system. This is rational. And not to mention cheaper. I came up with the idea for a booth where upon insertion of a credit card, a retinal scan is done and a straw is vended. The user then blows into the machine, a green light may come on and they can then inhale their medical grade drug of choice. The blow cycle is analyzing the level of drug in the breath. If it is deemed toxic- no drug is dispensed. No OD, no needles, no guesswork of the potency of street drugs or contamination/ faulty synthesis.
“one step from drug dealers”
I must take issue with this statement.
I live in a Blue US city with a Soros funded city prosecutor that considers arresting and jailing people for crime to be bigotry.
I have some neighbors in the trades.
I would view these neighbors as more honest than Pharma executives and Government ‘officials’.
Their services certainly appear more efficient and subject to customer satisfaction.
Mod, I guess impugning George upset the machine.
Certainly dealers and government officials would feel no insult.
I think the world has several major problems but one of them is called Pfizer.
I read somewhere they were netting $900m a day and thinking about it it’s got to be a lot more, and just a small portion of that is enough to grease the all the political creatures involved.
The runaway train came down the track and she blew, that’s the song that comes to mind.
The problem is a bit more widespread than Pfizer. It’s the WHO – who receive approximately half of their funding from Bill Gates, its Tony Fauci who gets billions of dollars in research grants from many sources including Bill Gates entities and Pharma, and who has patents involved in the covid shenanigans, who’s has shares in companies making money from the pandemic, it’s the institutions who are recipients of the money controlled by Fauci and the big pharmaceuticals that have to toe the line for continued funding, its the WEF and Bill Gates’ trained “young leaders” like Trudeau, Macron, Andrews and Ardern and it’s the whole leftist spectrum that have used the panicdemic to impose controls and seize powers not intended in any constitution.
Love the phrase, “one step from drug dealers.” Exactly what an associate of mine called it about 6 weeks ago. I also think if anyone does an informed search Pfizer is the most sued company in US history if not the entire world yet our governments fawn and grovel to them. Every US drug company has a very long history of death and destruction that can be readily found.
So we learned nothing from the Thalidomide disaster.
I hate how privacy has been maintained for big pharma but I have to report to the gov every time I walk into a shop.
If it’s such an emergency then any covid related contracts the government enters into, and any data the government relies on to freaking mandate injections – should be public as a matter of course. Including a detailed break-down of _all_ post-vaccine hospitalisations.
Because, you know, it’s an emergency. And we all need to make sacrifices. They say.
I think this argument could stand up in court. Either privacy as an implied or contracted right becomes _universally_ abrogated during this re-re-re-declared emergency – including the government’s basis for its actions, and any commercial agreements it enters into – or not.
Back in October last year, I attended the Noosa Triathlon, to watch my son compete. While there, I saw Premier Palechook standing among a group of suited types, chatting away, all unmasked. This was in the middle of a huge, swirling crowd.
Now, regulations notwithstanding, if she truly believes that Covid is the apocalyptic menace she tells us almost daily that it is, why would she take such a risk?
Of course that’s an easy question to answer: she doesn’t in fact think Covid really is that scary. It’s just a convenient opportunity to unleash her inner totalitarian. The real pandemic sweeping the world is one of government authoritarianism.
“The real pandemic sweeping the world is one of government authoritarianism”
I see the real pandemic as the willing acceptance of government authoritarianism.
Or she is vaccinated and in the thrall of belief that it will protect her.
Probably has a good stock of ivermectin in case.
I don’t think that’s it, because she is maintaining mask mandates for all the plebs, including those who are ‘vaccinated’.
I have heard it said that since the present covid “vaccines” are officially provided as part of a clinical trial, a certain proportion of the “vaccines” injected are placebos.
Do you think that is possibly true?
Or is it the case that no one in control cares and that they are all real product with no placebo?
Do you think the publicity photos of national leaders or celebrities getting injected involved real product or saline? Would they really risk a high profile person having an adverse reaction from a real product?
Highly unlikely. The last thing Pfizer wants is a provable control group to compare to. Remember, they got rid of the initial vaccine controls by later vaccinating them. . .
A Pfizer whistleblower recently told of the different vaccine batches related to their strength of vaccine and saline, found this also https://www.howbadismybatch.com/index.html
The way vaccines are being forced onto the public across the Western Hemisphere, suggests that no one wants an unvaccinated control group.
I have always believed placebos were involved given that each needle/batch are carefully numbered and (supposedly) the numbering could be picked up by scanning the arm afterward. The other support for this thinking is mRNA is that brand new you will lose the “power” to force inoculation if people start dropping like flies. Just imagine if the recent exercise of replacing faulty air bags in cars had occurred straight after cars started to be manufactured with air bags.
To me the cycle is inoculate 50% of your population with placebo under the guise that 2 shots are required. Pick up the other 50% with dose 2. Then as things go wrong with the first group find a new variant that requires a 3rd dose to fix those problems then if the 2nd group throw up different issues find another variant. The horror movie aspect of modified boosters being necessary to “fix” inoculation issues is that this may be why the unholy rush to inoculate children.
Has anyone else noticed the new (and improved) shingles ad? The one I saw on Friday night not only contained the message that 1 in 3 people will develop shingles in their lifetime but also included (what I haven’t recalled in earlier version) the comment that 25% will have a serious infection. Does serious mean it brings increased possibility of death? Of course the inoculation does not cause shingles rather it seems to re-activate the shingles virus in some of the chicken pox vaccinated. Now what other “children’s” diseases are there vaccinations for? Measles of course and (adding to the horror scenario) polio.
If chicken pox/shingles can be kicked off what other vaccination/inoculation cocktails have been mixed inside adults that just may be communicable to children? To add some medical dimension to this layman’s question I offer the following Lancet article which deals with the emergence of a kawasaki-like disease – the original kawasaki disease being almost like another name for measles.
I hope I am wrong with the above because being right opens up the potential for a polio-like disease just around the corner maybe.
Easy enough to blame Covid.
Helps the fear factor too.
List of Pfizer and related company violations.
See LINK for full list.
Violation Tracker Parent Company Summary
Parent Company Name: Pfizer
Ownership Structure: publicly traded (ticker symbol PFE)
Headquartered in: New York
Major Industry: pharmaceuticals
Specific Industry: pharmaceuticals
Penalty total since 2000: $10,193,896,333
Number of records: 75
Top 5 Offense Groups (Groups Defined) Penalty Total Number of Records
safety-related offenses $5,637,014,255 15
healthcare-related offenses $3,373,675,000 10
government-contracting-related offenses $1,109,688,435 19
competition-related offenses $63,466,568 6
environment-related offenses $4,571,885 19
Top 5 Primary Offense Types Penalty Total Number of Records
drug or medical equipment safety violation $5,636,840,000 9
off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products $3,373,675,000 10
False Claims Act and related $1,109,688,435 19
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act $60,216,568 3
environmental violation $4,571,885 19
I wonder how many gratuities went the way of our politicians or public serpents in Australia?
There must have been something.
How else could you explain making certain antivirals illegal for covid treatment, even before “vaccines” were available, almost uniquely in the world.
Plus look at how much trouble the government are giving the Australian developers of proper covid vaccines, or even the huge delays applied to non-Big Pharma company Novavax and the refusal for it to be allowed as a booster.
It’s all too late for that. If the whole truth came out now there will be anarchy of catastrophic proportions, and the political leaders and architects of the COVID-19 scam know that. So, they will do anything and everything to prevent the whole truth coming out, or at least cloud it to make it confusing to much of the public who are already dumbed down enough to believe anything the MSM and elite wants them to believe. They are experts in that field.
My understanding of History is they will appoint themselves to track down and punish the offenders. And the offender will be the person who messed up their scam.
The lack of transparency is what has made one sceptical about. the vaccines, the health advice , the WHO , the government, the drug companies, the media. The control of the narrative and the blind acceptance of it by the majority of the population is really disturbing. It’s right out of the global warming playbook and is not dissimilar to the random adjustments that the BOM make to historic data without details of their method.Without the ability to scrutinise data we are flying blind and when there are trillions of dollars and millions of lives involved transparency should be compulsory. The role of media ,the legal system , the public service and big corporations and institutions in reinforcing the narrative without the supporting data should not be underestimated.
This request from the BMJ is too little, too late.
It will not redeem their reputation. They are a woke company and generally follow the narrative in full.
I wonder what motivated them to ask a question that should have been asked two years ago?
Don’t forget that they were strongly against HCQ and claimed it was possibly dangerous even before “vaccines” were available.
Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in covid-19
BMJ 2020; 369 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m1432 (Published 08 April 2020)
Cite this as: BMJ 2020;369:m1432
Use of these drugs is premature and potentially harmful
It’s all to do with rats and sinking ships.
They had this article prepared for when the public support for the narrative would inevitably waver. There is no way they coincidentally wrote this and published it just after BoJo happened to relax the English restrictions and mandates.
#iamjohncullen has just published a reply to an FOI request of the UK Office of National Statistics. The result was that there were limited deaths recorded as from Covid 19 in the death certificates of England and Wales. Like the USA, where the CDC stated only % 5 percent of the reported Covid 19 deaths did not have significant other co-morbidities. The large number of these deaths actually represent what was a significant Pneumonia and Influenza season that was not recorded in the Influenza warning systems and only appears within the death certificates data.
So all this is very surprising and with natural immunity potentially in tatters due to these ‘vaccines’, the UK in winter and a dangerous flu running amok. Will Boris’s relaxation be just another play in the coercion of the Western Democracies to give up all freedoms? A sip of freedom before being plunged back into a horrific event?
I find it more likely that BoJo was being thrown under the bus by the release of the Christmas party details as a tactic of TPTB to try and inflame public sentiment against non-compliance with restrictions as an attempt to shore up the narrative against inconvenient facts like your example and vaccine injuries plus their increasing irrelevance.
BoJo decided he wasn’t just going to cop it and quietly take his payout so he decided to shore up his public support by going against the increasingly untenable narrative. Political expediency guided by the truth will give him a powerful boost.
I can’t see the English public submitting to restrictions again having experienced the effects – the initial “2 weeks to flatten the curve” was accepted due to the scare scenario painted by the Imperial College modelling and trust that the government would update the restrictions as more facts came to light. That trust has been totally lost with the authoritarian manner in which the restrictions were enforced and the increasing divergence between the reported hospitalisations/deaths/vaccine injury counts vs what people actually observed. Trying to impose restrictions and mandates of a similar nature will not be accepted without solid resistance.
Yes, I am making assumptions but any forecast requires some and I am hopeful that the English will not submit to giving away their freedoms again.
You seem to misunderstand the function of the BMJ, it is a journal that publishes papers and studies whether it agrees with them or not.
The Editor Peter Doshi has been asking awkward questions for many months.
This was the week it became abundantly clear that Joe Biden is not up to the job, and someone should start—if they haven’t already—the over-under betting line on whether he makes it to his 80th birthday late this year still in office. I imagine that web searches for “25th Amendment” are running hot right now. Somehow it fits: Googling after the gurgling goombah who managed to sneak into the White House. Meanwhile, the Branch Covidians still in charge at the CDC continue to burn down their credibility.
Oops wrong thread
Biden is a clear case of elder abuse by his handlers.
But I’m not sure whether to feel sorry for him or not.
His current dementia doesn’t redeem him for all the evil he has done while he was mentally competent.
3 Page Full PDF – printable and useful for discussioms with your Medico’s
Covid-19 vaccines and treatments: we must have raw data, now
Data should be fully and immediately available for public scrutiny
The BMJ, London, UK
Correspondence to: P Doshi
[email protected]
Cite this as: BMJ 2022;376:o102
Published: 19 January 2022
Aye, but this has been happening in my lifetime, more and more: What’s the difference between ‘telling’ & ‘asking’ to get something done ? at another level we have ( from the EU) ‘Directives’ – is that the same a a Law which the UK governments over the years have so glibly accepted and written into Law, whereas in , eg, Germany, we see many things in the Agric Sector NOT being applied. and now that we are OUT, thankfully, we see what the Germans are doing, some things so behind the times in Crop and Stock Husbandry practices, yet others so far advances as in some futuristic Eutopia. ( eg from Israel, changing the sex of unhatched chicks with sound waves ) … and so on it goes. I am TELLING you ! Slàinte!
Public Health’s Truth Problem
Throughout the pandemic, public-health officials have omitted uncomfortable truths, made misleading statements, and advanced demonstrably false assertions.
In the information era, where what one says is easily accessible and anyone may read primary literature, these falsehoods will be increasingly recognized and severely damage the field’s credibility. No doubt, officials and organizations promulgating them had a range of motivations—including honorable ones, such as wanting to encourage salutary choices. Yet the subsequent loss of institutional trust may result in harm that far outweighs any short-term policy objectives.
Consider some messages the field has promoted to the public over the last two years and their shaky relationship with the truth.
Any mask is better than no mask. Last week, CDC director Rochelle Walensky asserted that “any mask is better than no mask.” This statement was factually incorrect when she said it. The only published cluster randomized trial of community cloth masking during Covid-19—performed in rural Bangladesh—found that surgical masks reduced the spread of Covid-19 among villages assigned to wear them, while cloth masks were no better than no masks at all regarding the primary endpoint of blood-test-confirmed Covid-19.
– You should wear an N95 mask.
– Kids suffer no harm from not seeing faces.
– Vaccine policy must be one-size-fits-all.
We need public-health institutions in times of crisis. But if they won’t tell the truth, they don’t deserve the public’s trust. If we meet future health threats as a more polarized society, these institutions will deserve their share of the blame.
If Kennedy is right in his book, ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’, then pretty much the whole medical industry is corrupt, not just the pharmas. It goes from top to bottom, from the eye-watering profits made by the big pharma companies, all the way down to the GP who accepts gifts in return for prescribing their latest drugs. In between, there are the high fliers in the research community who rely on pharma company funding to buy their beachfront holiday homes and yachts, or to snare that Nobel prize.
But I an slowly – and reluctantly – coming to believe that the aforesaid corruption is becoming widespread in pretty much every industry and across society as a whole, to varying degrees. There are few realms where I feel I can trust my fellow citizens to do the right thing, heedless to their own desires. The world is changing and I place the blame on our rejection of religion, specifically Christianity – and I say that as an atheist myself. I grew up under the influence of church teachings however, in church itself and at school, and that’s where my moral compass was calibrated. That’s how I learned what was right and what was wrong. I was taught it was a sin to lie. I was taught to believe in my fellow human’s rights and to respect his/her wishes. I was taught to do no harm, and that I should respect my elders, my parents most of all.
The Left has pretty much succeeded in demolishing Christianty. I suppose, like the communists, they saw it as a competitor for hearts and minds, and that it was incompatible with their own teachings. The trouble is, the moral compass that Christianity provided has not been replaced with another that promotes similar values. Once, stealing was a sin. Now it is your right to have a 60″ TV, so go ahead, loot it from a burning shop. Once it was a sin to ‘covet your neighbour’s wife’, now we have websites devoted to facilitating extramarital affairs.
Once again I say, at 65 years old, it looks like I’ll be getting out of here just in the nick of time.
Since when does a commercial contract signed by our nation’s governing body have conditions and requirements that override our Constitution.
It can’t.
That contract is Not Valid in Australia.
The signatories, and the government which gave consent to the processing of that contract, have placed themselves above the law for personal gain.
In times past such behaviour would have been rightly deemed to be tree son and would lead to termination of those involved.
While we are at it; can we also examine the transfer of $444 million dollars of our tax money to the Great Big Barrier Reef Foundation. Surely the movement of seven and a quarter tons of gold needs better scrutiny than it has been given.
And, Thank You BMJ.
Maybe Britain is still there, first the beginning of the end of its Brussels enslavement and now putting British government under pressure with Big Pharma contracts exposed.
Maybe Britain is still there?
Having read the comments detailing the BMJ background on this matter, I am forced to withdraw my characterisation of them as White Knights.
They are Black Rats.
So, nearly 10% of your rating responders don’t believe in total transparency re Covid vaccine safety? Or am I missing something?
Read the comments. Where was the BMJ a year ago? Why didn’t we have trial data before a single person was injected?
Jo, see my reply to your post above, Peter Doshi has been questioning vaccines for some time.
There may be even earlier items than that, that was just a quick google, because I remember his questioning the narrative.
An issue;
Peter Doshi lives in Maryland, USA, and is not The Editor but a sub or associate editor.
Maybe his messages were not seen by the bulk of editors based in Britain.
Ian and GA aren’t 10% of our community. But I’ll give it a rating if you want. 🙂
These are straight out of the TPP, they are using the pandemic to get their rules passed after the laws they wanted were defeated. (Thankyou Pres Trump!) All control passes from Govts to Corporations.
1. Pfizer Reserves the Right to Silence Governments
…neither Pfizer nor the U.S. government can make “any public announcement concerning the existence, subject matter or terms of this Agreement, the transactions contemplated by it, or the relationship between the Pfizer and the Government hereunder, without the prior written consent of the other.”[28]e Governments.
4. Private Arbitrators, not Public Courts, Decide Disputes in
What happens if the United Kingdom cannot resolve a contractual dispute with Pfizer? A secret panel of three private arbitrators—not a U.K court—is empowered under the contract to make the final decision.[41] The arbitration is conducted under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). Both parties are required to keep everything secret
5. Pfizer Can Go After State Assets.
Pfizer required Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Peru to waive sovereign immunity.[50] In the case of Brazil, Chile and Colombia, for example, the government “expressly and irrevocably waives any right of immunity which either it or its assets may have or acquire in the future” to enforce any arbitration award (emphasis added).[51] For Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic, this includes “immunity against precautionary seizure of any of its assets.”[52]
Here’s the lamestream whitewash of the deal telling everyone how wonderful it would be, yet somehow forgetting to mention how Companies could sue Govts in a private Court and seize State assets.
So the drug companies have found a way to implement it for themselves, who is next?
It may only take one or two countries to break ranks.
If there is already an effective remedy, as demonstrated by Uttar Pradesh, El Salvador, Indonesia etc, then the waiver of the ubiquitous requirement for extensive testing is unlawful. This is WHY that which shall not be named is being demonised.
Governments cannot bind future governments. They can simply legislate against the secrecy, waivers, etc. Generally, there is a disinclination to legislate against the past, but it does happen. The UK passed a law permitting the destruction of the (then) Burma oil refinery. In Australia (or was it just Queensland?) the questionable exemptions for domestic swimming pool fencing were overruled retrospectively. Legislative law is a poor substitute for common law, but legislative law is only lawful when it is current. [This is why people like me sometimes have to trawl through piles of legislation trying to find when a thing was first permitted and when it ceased to be permitted, eg 34+ versions of the Building Act 1975.]
If there is evidence that the vaccines do not work, then that could also be held to void any such contracts, on the grounds of unsuitability for the purpose.
It seems that a lot of politicians have been bought, but simple logistics would prevent them buying all of them. [Definition of politician: introduced species gone feral.)
You are far safer flying than
driving your carhaving the jab.60
Unless the pilot was jabbed recently…
A massive fraud has been visited upon a fearful and credulous public”
From David Solway at The Pipeline: Something Wicked Really Does This Way Come. His first para:
After almost two years of intensively studying the chemistry of viruses, the nature of the Covid pandemic and the policies adopted to combat it, I’ve concluded, as have many others, that a massive fraud has been visited upon a fearful and credulous public. And after examining innumerable podcasts and blockbuster video interviews conducted with highly credentialed virologists and public health experts, most recently with Professor of Medicine at Stanford University Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, leading cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, the inventor of core mRNA technology Dr. Robert Malone, and Michael Yeadon, a former VP at Pfizer, what I once thought sounded like a conspiracy theory may well be a conspiracy fact.
Ive said a few times that we need to talk to people we know in our own circles of influence, print out copies of this stuff and give it to people so its in black and white and beyond dispute.
Truth dies in darkness – its up to us to keep speaking out
Don’t accept that this redeems the BMJ.
Like all woke/Leftist organisations they are flexible with the truth because they don’t believe in objective fact. The “truth” is whatever suits them at the time.
In another six months they might be publishing an editorial saying why it’s important that the clinical trial data remain secret.
They should remember that conservatives have long memories. Remember how they pathetically blamed President Trump for the spread of covid?
Did you hear them complain about the massively increased infections and deaths under Presidential Imposter Biden and his handlers?
Donald Trump: a political determinant of covid-19
BMJ 2020; 369 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m1643 (Published 24 April 2020)
Cite this as: BMJ 2020;369:m1643
How many lives may have been saved if the BMJ had supported proper investigation and use of HCQ? Here they criticise America’s Frontline Doctors who supported the use of HCQ and whose video was retweeted by Trump.
Covid-19: Trump is criticised for again promoting unorthodox medical information
BMJ 2020; 370 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m3046 (Published 30 July 2020)
Cite this as: BMJ 2020;370:m3046
No, the article doesn’t absolve the BMJ of all the damage that they have participated in causing. Similarly, Boris Johnson is not absolved from the harm caused by the restrictions and mandates that were introduced under his governance. Both are exercises in damage control.
Still, they are leading in the right direction so some level of credit must be given to them. Certainly none of our institutions have done anything remotely comparable
They told countries to keep the borders open at all costs.
They came up with this declaration called a “PHEIC” which didn’t really mean anything to anyone … and even the WHO themselves were confused and disorganized about what was supposed to happen. The history is still available as a web archive, and you can download the WHO guide “Infection prevention and control during health care when novel coronavirus (nCoV) infection is suspected”.
What you find is that they do NOT emphasize the importance of masks (even in a healthcare setting) and mostly focus on hand washing, gloves, gowns, etc. Their focus is on spread by droplets and they recommend patients to remain 1 meter apart … well 1m distance is practically useless to prevent aerosol transmission. The WHO only suggested N95 masks for “aerosol-generating procedures” and ignored the fact that every patient is generating contagious aerosol particles.
They also emphasized early detection of symptoms, without documenting what exactly those symptoms were, making it practically useless advice.
The WHO also provided “National capacities review tool for a novel coronavirus (nCoV)” but all that gives is a bunch of survey questions, some of them incredibly vague and meaningless. For example:
All handwaving stuff like that.
Then they ask whether we have the all important “national public health emergency preparedness and response plan” … which actually Australia did have, but then ignored it anyhow. I looked up what our plan was and you get this kind of thing.
It’s wankword bingo … when you go into their actual “matrix” which is just a long wishlist of spending items, under high priority is insisting that everyone gets a measles vaccination, when most Australians have already had measles and besides that we went for generations catching measles and it wasn’t any big deal. At any rate measles is certainly not relevant for an “emergency” situation.
Even nuttier is that Australia’s National Action Plan for Health Security emphasizes the importance of Human Rights … meanwhile 2020 and 2021 were probably the lowest point in Australia’s modern history for respect of anyone’s rights. I guess if you want to go back to prison colony days you can find worse abuses. There’s nothing in there recommending lockdowns, or internal passports, business closures, or any of the nutty things they actually did.
From an article in The Exposé: “Official data suggests the Triple Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome at an alarming rate”
Could this be one reason why Pfizer are embargoing their raw data?
UK Health Security Agency COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report
Week 1
6 January 2022
54 Page PDF
Page 41 – Death within 60 days of positive COVID-19 test by date of death between week 49 and week 52 2021
In the context of very high vaccine coverage in the population, even with a highly effective vaccine, it is expected that a large proportion of cases, hospitalisations and deaths would occur in vaccinated individuals, simply because a larger proportion of the population are vaccinated than unvaccinated and no vaccine is 100% effective.
Summary of impact on hospitalisations, infections and mortality
UKHSA and University of Cambridge MRC Biostatistics Unit previously reported on the direct
and indirect impact of the vaccination programme on infections and mortality. Estimates suggest
that 127,500 deaths and 24,144,000 infections have been prevented as a result of the COVID-
19 vaccination programme, up to 24 September.
Neither of these models will be updated going forward. This is due to these models being
unable to account for the interventions that would have been implemented in the absence of
vaccination. Consequently, over time the state of the actual pandemic and the no-vaccination
pandemic scenario have become increasingly less comparable. For further context surrounding
this figure and for previous estimates, please see previous vaccine surveillance repor
Really? How do they work out THAT little gem, given the vaccines do NOT stop the spread?
And in fact, some of the evidence suggests the recently vaccinated are MORE likely to spread the disease than the unvaxxed – although that might be due to their arrogance – “I’m compliant so I can go anywhere and breathe on everyone!”
It would seem simple enough – just split out the figures for the vaxxed and unvaxxed. Any interventions would surely be getting used in the unvaxxed as the vaxxed are smugly certain of their virtue and immunity.
I’ve tried telling a few of them that THEY are responsible for Delta and Moronic but the level of anger suggests I have breached their right to go to Heaven… I mean, triggered their belief-defences.
People are now starting to say enough is enough
“A leading Israeli immunologist has penned a scathing open letter slamming the government for its “failed” coronavirus response.
“Writing for N12 News, Professor Ehud Qimron, head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University, accused the Israeli Ministry of Health of pursuing “destructive policies” for the past two years out of a “lust for power, budgets and control”.
“In the wide-ranging opinion piece, Prof Qimron attacked the government over lockdowns, restrictions and vaccine mandates, alleging health authorities had ignored established epidemiological science and pandemic plans at the outset – and then refused to adjust policies in the face of real-world data.
We’ll see how far it gets – the BMJ once upon a time stood for science integrity, back in a time when peer review was respected as honest. (even if sometimes in error, the errors were few and far between)
In the late 90’s the BMJ fought a battle against the demonising of 2nd-hand smoking, publishing a rock-solid study using the data from a cohort of hundreds of thousands, across several decades, from the American Cancer Association. (Istitute?)
The data showed zero correlation between lung cancer and 2nd hand smoking & the Editor at BMJ held out for quite some time before media attacks, threats to his career and even death threats got him to retract the paper.
Any bets whether the BMJ editor will hold onto the view THIS time? Cancel culture has gotten a LOT stronger and now they find your abode and come visiting.
I found this site – https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/clearer-picture-emerges-of-long-term-vaccine-effic
Apparently Pfizer’s effectiveness is HIGHER after 20 weeks than Pfizer’s own fake data shows!
If the researchers are THAT committed to lionising the various vaccines their paper is worthless.
Good find. Anyone found a good source for the number of children now dying from the COVID-19 vaccines? It would be a good idea to keep track of the number and compare it with previous vaccines.
Here’s an interesting article that describes a short thesis.
If it is proven that Big Pharma lied, then perhaps the politicians can use that as an excuse and keep some sort of face by withdrawing the mandates etc.
It still begs the question why they didn’t (or why the health authorities didn’t) conduct proper due diligence etc, but I’m sure they’ll find some willing scapegoats.
I just hope that anger is not vented on the vaccine hesitant.
January 22, 2022 – The Top 10 COVID Villains of 2021
Xi might have been ranked first but for two setbacks. First, he looks too much like Winnie the Pooh. Second, Xi is a communist dictator, after all. He’s supposed to be evil.
1. Anthony Fauci. The linchpin of the entire COVID-19 disaster, Lil’ Tony makes Dr. Strangelove seem like Marcus Welby, M.D. Fauci has been a central antagonist at every step of this global catastrophe, from funding its origins in Wuhan to the allowance of its worldwide spread to the systematic suppression of existing treatments to all the repressive policies to the takeover of the medical profession by Big Vax to the effective revocation of the Bill of Rights by the Deep State.
But don’t take our word for it. Read RFK Jr.’s The Real Anthony Fauci, and ask yourself this question: what fate does this individual deserve if just one-tenth of that book is true? In our humble opinion, Fauci will be remembered as the greatest criminal against humanity since Pol Pot, and the most notorious traitor in the U.S. federal government since Alger Hiss.
Honorable mention: J. Biden, J. Dorsey, B. Johnson, R. Klain, S. Morrison, G. Newsom, the Scarf Lady, and the Bat Lady.
There you have it, folks: our top 10 COVID-19 villains of 2021! Did we forget your favorite? Please let us know in the comments below.
Happy 2022!
The CDC Says 2 Fauci Ouchies Are Not Enough to Be ‘Up to Date’
The media blasted Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and others for suggesting that eventually, those who took their initial COVID vaccines would need booster shots to qualify as fully vaccinated. In a press briefing Friday, those who espoused that point of view were vindicated. Of course. Because Big Pharma’s bottom line requires it, it was always going to happen. In a press briefing on Friday, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said:
January 22, 2022 – Pharmaceutical dos and don’ts in the age of COVID
I have a few medical questions…not for experts, just for regular folks like you and me.
– Should you take antibiotics if you don’t have a bacterial infection?
– Should you take phenobarbital if you don’t have a seizure disorder such as epilepsy?
– Should you take nitroglycerin if you don’t have some kind of heart trouble?
– Should you undergo chemotherapy if you don’t have cancer?
Most likely, we all have the same gut reaction to all of these questions: “Probably not. In fact, very probably not.”
But still, in all these cases, we are taught to think first before taking them and, even then, to never overuse them, for fear of their switching from a help to a hindrance. Overuse, after all, can cause a medication to attack other parts of the body besides the target or can cause a person to become immune to it so that it doesn’t work the next time you need it.
All of a sudden, however, the entire statist establishment — virtually the entire global political left — has decided that one set of “vaccines” (and its potentially unlimited follow-up series of boosters) should be mandatory, not even just to some, but to every person on the planet: young or old, healthy or unhealthy, fat or thin, sick or well.
This is unprecedented.
And all for an experimental therapy — so new, in fact, that it’s difficult to tell whether the numerous reports of dangerous and even fatal side-effects are statistically significant or not, due to what can only be called an unprecedented cover-up not only by government but also both traditional and social media.
Not only is the product so new that it hasn’t had time to go through the usual years of trials, but they virtually skipped over the period of offering it as voluntary and went straight to — successfully! — convincing countless schools, governments, employers, retailers, and even entertainment venues to make it mandatory, just six months after its introduction.
OldOzzie, like anti-parasitic drugs, sometimes anti-biotics are also anti-virals.
Obviously, just because something works against bacteria does not preclude it from working against viruses.
In medicine simple rules are rare, and for the last thirty years our doctors have been telling us antibiotics don’t work in a viral infection, and we had no treatment for most viruses, but that’s been wrong. Big Pharma makes more profit if people don’t realize we can treat viruses early and reduce the need for all the downstream products.
Prescribing antibiotics for viral infections has been strongly discouraged in recent decades due to the possible evolution of antibiotic resistant bacteria due to overuse, but perhaps there was some wisdom after all in prescribing certain antibiotics that also had antiviral properties.
Azithromycin is one of them following some readings about HCQ and AZ.
It all comes down to trust doesn’t it.
Elite (Cabal) panicking as the public doesn’t trust them
Millions of years of evolution have given humans an ability to sense lies and to sense & avoid sick in their flock.
Everyone knows, even at a subconscious level, that something’s wrong here. They don’t really know what but they know *something* isn’t right.
Can we look forward to the next round of Pfizer released documents to be released shortly? Nope. Not after you’ve read them.
“At this stage it’s not about winning or losing but rather damage mitigation” JC II
Which is why its possible the coming likely stoush over Ukraine is the diversion they need….a new calamity that the same Elite grubs keep dishing up.
Bring on Nuremberg 2.0
Wife Stands Off With Hospital To Keep Her Husband Alive, And Wins
The judge sided with Holsten, issuing the order based on the standard that irreparable harm would result if not issued, which Holsten said was easy to establish because if Scott had been taken off, he would have died.
On Jan. 15, Scott was transferred out of Mercy Hospital and taken to an undisclosed hospital in Texas, where Holsten said the doctors have reported Scott to be malnourished, having lost 30 pounds underweight, and dehydrated.
Both Holsten and Quiner said doctors in Texas were “horrified” by Scott’s condition when he arrived.
“One doctor said he didn’t know how Scott made it out of that hospital alive,” Quiner said. “He looked at his chart and said, ‘I can’t believe the heavy, sedating drugs they put him on.’”
The hospital was following a rigid late-treatment COVID protocol that has “very likely killed many people,” Holsten said.
Mercy Hospital is a part of the Allina Health hospital system.
When reached for comment on Scott’s treatment, a spokesperson for Allina Health told The Epoch Times that Allina Health “has great confidence in the exceptional care provided to our patients, which is administered according to evidence-based practices by our talented and compassionate medical teams. Due to patient privacy, we cannot comment on care provided to specific patients,” and that the hospital system wished “the patient and his family well.”
Currently, Holsten said Scott is “making tremendous progress.”
“Yesterday, Scott started following the doctor’s hands with his eyes, and now he’s blinking in response to questions,” Holsten said. “He was able to nod his head and move his legs for the nurse.”
The ordeal became a manifestation of Quiner’s biggest fear in taking Scott to the hospital after his symptoms worsened, Quiner said.
Since the beginning of COVID-19, rumors of neglectful treatment of COVID patients in hospitals fueled by financial incentives have circulated.
On the Stew Peters Show, Dr. Lee Vliet, president and chief executive officer for the physician-founded Truth for Health, a nonprofit that has promoted early COVID treatment to keep people out of hospitals, said the CARES Act has documented hospital incentive payments.
“Hospital administrators know that they will be extra for doing the PCR tests and positive test results,” Vliet said. “A COVID diagnosis means admission to the hospital. On admission, there is an incentive payment. Use of remdesivir provides a 20 percent bonus payment from our government to the hospital on the entire hospital bill for that COVID patient.”
The use of remdesivir gives the hospital a 20 percent bonus payment from Medicare instead of other medicines, such as ivermectin, Vliet said.
“It’s a bounty on people’s lives, basically, to use remdesivir and prevent access to other medications such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin,” Vliet said.
She echoed Malone’s statement on hospital incentives for putting a patient on a ventilator and declaring a patient deceased from COVID.
In addition, she said the coroner gets a financial incentive for a COVID diagnosis.
And he died in Texas.
At least they tried, and if he had been allowed Ivermectin he may stil be alive
Ok, starting next week I’ll be posting information from my special sources.
Info most people will typically never know about or see. The sources, minus one, won’t be disclosed though.
Sample of the type of info you’ll be seeing:
woah- a fake hearing on GTV. Way to go.
proof its fake ? Or are you just mouthing-off.
Instead of Covid tests and free icecreams with shots couldn’t the government give us a heads up on the next pandemic so we can buy stocks too?
“Covid is stage 1. Stage 2 has begun.” JC II
I’m guessing stage 2 is about a new global financial system…..that may require a “vaccine passport” to participate in?
If so, starting to sound a lot like Rev 13
Red wine wards off coronavirus… but not beer, according to new research
– People drinking more than five glasses of red a week cut risk of catching Covid
– Experts believe this revelation is due to the drink’s high polyphenol content
– Beer and cider drinkers had near 28 per cent higher chance of contracting virus
Red wine could help stave off Covid, according to new research.
People who drink more than five glasses a week had a 17 per cent lower risk of catching the virus.
Experts believe this is due to the polyphenol content, which can inhibit the effect of viruses such as flu and respiratory tract-related infections.
White wine drinkers who consume between one to four glasses a week had an eight per cent lower risk of catching the virus compared with non-drinkers.
Red wine doesn’t ward off beer? 😅
It certainly doesn’t!
I alternate between red or white, depending what I’m eating 🙂
Fish tonight, I think.. A nice white, chilled in the fridge. 🙂
I typically drink beer in the afternoon followed by red wine at night.
With a bit of luck, the covid19 risk downside/upside will cancel each other out.
Yet another reason for drinking red wine.
OK, so I’ve just had a nice bottle of red wine after dinner.
A bottle of “PONTING The Pinnacle McLaren Vale Shiraz 2018”.
If I don’t have covid19 in the morning, I’ll assume red wine helps.
Happy to keep testing.
Give us the data or your stock price will go down. That’d work!
Twitter is down by 49% in the past 6 months on the NYSE!
Even better
“Moderna stocks plunged on Friday during the market selloff this week. The company has lost $130 billion in value this year over the lackluster COVID vaccine results with the new Omicron variant. The stock is down 67% from its all-rime high last year.”
(Bumped from Weekend)
A number of posters are saying this from the BJM is good but far too late. I agree, but the BJM the “publishing arm” or is attached to the British Medical Association. The BMA, like most national medical associations around the world, has been front and centre pushing the fear and alarm of the situation. While the BJM has complete editorial independence from the BMA they will obviously be influenced by them, even if it is indirectly.
Having said that, I think the BJM’s comments are the best indication, among many, that the narrative is falling apart.
There was certainly commentary on the methodology of some of the mRNA vaccine trials in the US during 2020 when summaries seemed to be available- perhaps prior to their part approval by the likes of FDA. There were errors in methodology which should have disallowed them to be used as supportive evidence. For example , all those receiving live vaccine in one study received paracetamol immediately post jab. Those with the placebo didn’t. Hence, those injected with the live vaccine could have been likely to change their behaviour accordingly. The volunteers for the studies had a big drawing of medical personnel which would have known this plus most likely known each other. Hence, bias. In my industry we use untreated ( placebo) comparisons usually under very high disease pressure. Most of the vaccine trials only experienced community levels of COVID at the time. Sometimes the untreated study group only had a handful of infections. The treated all had less infections , but mostly still had some infections. Hence, overall the statistical power of the results was questionable.
This withholding of data thus means that NOT ONE PERSON who has been jabbed with the vaxx has done so with “informed consent”.
I can’t escape the idea that a great suicidal urge has overtaken the West – how else to explain this widespread acceptance of participation in a drug trial with no long term studies.
Famous for their “blue pills”.
They say if Pfizer can raise the ‘dead’, they should be able to keep you alive.
received enormous fame and fortune with thee introduction of Viagra. Interestingly, the commercially successful role was the “off-prescription” one; the originally designated purpose was swamped by the “interesting” side effects.
The late Fizzer “blue pill” is more along the lines of “The Matrix”.
There is a bigger cause to follow than even that of the vaccines. Where’s the information on the proof the government uses to forbid the use of therapeutics known to work in other nations around the world. It would seem they are just as effective as the ‘therapeutic’ vaccines when used to schedules, are decidedly cheaper and easily available in large supply if the governments permitted their use.
They said there was a lack of double-blind placebo-controlled completely faked trials with the results hidden, so they would rely on the words of their experts.
This is a most enlightening – and very comprehensively well-referenced compendium from a most anti-Trump Democrat, with a very famous name. And if his book doesn’t “set the cat among the pigeons”, I don’t know what will!
Oh look! There are some well-known names there. (And there are quite a few more to be found when you check the 818 pages!)
Mind you, money and political corruption/manipulation of the gullible public have nothing whatever to do with it. (And, pigs might fly!)
And, if we were back in the 1930s there would be lots of faithful followers (not dissimilar to today’s faithful) who would be clicking their heels, extending their right arms, and proclaiming “Sieg, Heil!”
Now, I shall make a prediction: You might just get a posting or two by Joanne about this…..
Thanks Michael,
A paragraph from the link;
“Suddenly, those trusted institutions seemed to be acting in concert to generate fear, promote obedience, discourage critical thinking, and herd seven billion people to march to a single tune, culminating in mass public health experiments with a novel, shoddily tested and improperly licensed
technology so risky that manufacturers refused to produce it unless every government on Earth shielded them from liability.”
Why should we give you the data? You’d only try to find something wrong with it.
What has come out so far suggests that, rather than
“You’d only try to find something wrong with it.”
it might be more
You’ll not have much trouble finding something wrong with it.”
Dr. Michael Yeadon – The Harm Caused by Covid Vaccines is Strategy!
[Sorry Kim, the spam filter took a liking to you today.] ED
In Germany during a pathology conference a team of researches has presented the results showing the vaxx spike proteins caused dead and how.
Later, when I am on PC and not on phone, I will post the translated text I found here
I love you Jo.
A woman with logic and reason
When you’ve had enough of David give me a call. 😉😂
To be fair, there are rumors that the conference didn’t happen and it’s fake.
Meanwhile I found the English language site
There is a lesson about sharing data and transparency from WWII. A lot of people believe that the British invented radar, but this is not correct. The Germans had operational radar, and it was highly capable, years ahead of the Allies. The difference was how the Allies educated their personal and how they shared scientific research and data, as well the lessons learned from combat operations, compared to the Germans.
Among the Germans, radar was so secret that it could not be talked about and no data could be legally shared. Officers and techs in the field and at sea who were allowed to to know about the secret were essentially limited to on the job training, without knowing much about the physics and scientific data. Since the sharing of experiences except through channels was strictly forbidden they remained mostly in ignorance about how to best use it. Even late war, the Germans had a situation where they had very good equipment but very few knew how to use it. Officers relied on such things such as passive radar detectors, which were of limited usefulness, while the highly capable active radars and IFF were left switched off, because the rumor mill said they were less effective than the enemy’s radars and would only give away their positions to the enemy. As early as 1942, top military leaders in Germany gave the charge to the military bureaucracies to remedy the developing situation. This was a disaster. The bureaucrats simply tightened the regulations and red tape to officers in the field of what they could and could not do. A handbuch of instructions was started by the German Navy but after two years it was still not complete as the top bureaucrat insisted on authoring and editing it personally, but he daddled not knowing what he was doing. Finally, the bureaucrat was promoted to get him out of the way, and a knowledgeable officer with combat experience using radar was brought in to complete the project. He did a good job, but it was by then far too late.
After the discovery of a centimetric radar device being used by the Allies, a special commission was set up to organize a renewed effort by the various companies, universities, scientists, engineers, and military bureaucracies. But this also turned out to be a disaster, because only the commission was authorized to do anything involving radar. Everything had to be done by and through the commission. This stifled innovation and dismissed the operational experience of those who had any.
The Allies on the other hand, while radar was still secret at first, were much more open about sharing data. The British shared their findings with the Americans and with the Commonwealth. Scientists and engineers were allowed to openly talk about it among themselves. Publications and shop forums were set up. Schools were set up to teach everybody from admirals to 18 year old techs, the physics of radar. The Royal Navy circulated a news letter which anybody that had something to say about it could contribute. The Allies, after a steep initial learning curve, soon began to understand and put into practice what worked and what didn’t work. By 1944 radar was so commonplace, and being used by so many people among the Allies, on a daily basis, there was no point in keeping it secret anymore.
R.V. Jones goes into more on this in “Most Secret War”
Some of their approaches
“Second best tomorrow” and
“Field upgrades with a soldering iron”
My mother, in the ATS, was working on an Ack-Ack site in northern England in early 1943 at the latest.
BMJ published on 19 Jan 2022 – –
In the category “ News being Used ”:
Three years ago, Pfizer Inc. (PFE) was going for $40.62/share.
On Dec. 16th, 2021, it was $61.25. That’s just over a 50% increase.
Since then, it has gone down to $52.79.
On the 21st, it dropped $2.33%.
FOI request the U.K.
You asked
Please can you advise on deaths purely from covid with no other underlying causes.
Freedom of information revelation:
Death stats are not as simple as it seems. Death is not a pure thing, often it’s “the last straw”. I saw John Campbell surprisingly missing the point — if we rule that only “pure Covid” deaths count we are effectively saying no one with high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity or cancer can ever die of Covid. So yes, some people were going to die next week of something else, and they died “with Covid”, but others who are 82 still have a life expectancy of 10 years or something, and Covid may have taken away a decade of fun and family.
However, given Omicron is rapidly replacing Delta it will be much simpler to know that those who died “with” COVID-19 are very unlikely to have died “from” COVID-19.
Omicron, when to be exposed
Or it mightn’t be
“In Omicron news, there is an interesting development.
Variants upon variants and mystery.
Omicron came out of nowhere. Now it turns out that there are two Omicron variants, BA.1 and BA.2 and that neither is a variant of the other. Curious. At this point, it doesn’t seem to be an important difference. Nothing striking as good or bad.
But the easy way to tell Omicron apart by PCR tests is gone.”
Drosten is can imagine a “mix” of omicron and delta, the omicron spike to evade vaxxes and the rest from delta to be dangerous.
Maybe he knows that it’s in work somewhere… ?
Thanks. The flag came up when I first posted
Agree Jo. Many of the deaths are elderly and Covid tips the balance. But that TOO should be defined in the statistics, & it isn’t in Australia. Sometimes co-morbidities & age are mentioned by CHO & others, but not always. Newsreaders themselves are completely uninterested in accuracy.
But the important result of this vagueness is that so many people I speak to have no understanding of the distinctions. It reinforces the extraordinary fear still infecting the community when the actual virus is diminishing in virulence.
If a camel is standing in the Sun and is overloaded and near collapse.
And if a straw is added to the load by the passing wind.
And if half an hour later the camel driver comes out from the tea room to find his camel collapsed dead on the dirt.
He would see that straw and say that’s what did it; wasn’t me.
Sharyl Attkisson explains what many of already knew. Scientists who receive grants from governments who dictate policies are prevented from exposing the lies surrounding the COVID-19 debacle. So, it’s hard to imagine how the public will ever know the truth in the beginning given most can’t be bothered to do their own research. The truth will come out eventually but by that time a lot of damage would be done, including lots of people who died unnecessarily. Many would agree that’s a crime against humanity and the penalty is extremely harsh, at least to the politicians who are dictating policies and the leading health experts who tell outright lies without any remorse. As for the scientists who are in effect bribed to remain silent, well their conscious will bother them but IMHO they too should be punished to some extent to set an example.
Sharyl Attkisson: ‘A Lot of Propagandists Have Become Part of the Media’ | CLIP
Forcing Canadians, Australians, UK citizens, EU citizens, Americans, and so on to be vaccinated with a vaccine which is causing dangerous side effects is ‘medical’ murder. Omicron is roughly a tenth as dangerous as the Delta variation.
In Canada, all of the provinces have stopped counting Omicron covid cases to hide the difference between Delta and Omicron. And to hide the fact the first release RNA vaccines do not provide protection, against getting and spreading Omicron. There has been no scientific explanation as to why the RNA vaccines are not effective after six months.
Canadians are not allowed to get PCR tests to determine if they have covid. A positive covid rapid test is not counted by the provincial or Canadian government, as a new covid case. PCR tests are reserved for health care workers, people admitted to hospital, and essential service workers.
The Pfizer vaccine test has designed and run by Pfizer, to enable Pfizer to hide the dangerous side effects of the Pfizer vaccine. Pfizer did not check for biomarker changes, in the blood, of the vaccinated. Pfizer did not check (did not do the fundamental ‘science’) because the biomarker analysis would have found and quantified any sinister changes caused by the vaccine. That should have been the starting point.
Sinister changes would be for example indication the covid spike is travelling to other regions of the body and the covid spike, is causing biological changes/damage throughout the body.
The Zealand all-cause mortality, over 60 years of age, tracks the number of New Zealanders newly vaccinated. Vaccination with first release Covid vaccines, creates a peak in deaths, in New Zealand that falls, when the rate of newly vaccination falls.
Omicron is less deadly than the first release RNA covid vaccines which force the body to create covid first release spikes ….. There is no medical reason or logical reason to introduce a first release covid spike into a person’s body.
“Relationship Between Covid-19 Vaccination and All Cause Mortality (William: In New Zealand)”
Mr Hatchard’s site contains a wealth of information and data – unlike Ms Jab-jab Ardern’s ‘One Source Of Truth’ podium of propaganda. Even the sky is crying today over her latest ‘red’ jackboot marching orders.
Re Pfizer and the “blue pill” –
Anyone wondered what their test data for that looks like?
Mistress: The True Story Of Mistresses And Their Men delves into Australia’s saucy past
Then there was the former Liberal Party leader Sir Billy Sneddon whose body was found alone in a hotel room in 1987 wearing nothing but a condom and a smile. Speculation abounded on the identity of the mystery woman.
Finally, almost 10 years later, his son Drew revealed that it was actually his ex-girlfriend who had begun an affair with his father. “I’m sure the old man went out happy – anyone would be proud to die on the job,” he said.
Was not its ‘effect’ an adverse reaction, a mere side-effect, of its initial hoped-for medical benefit? Damn the torpedoes, huffed Bourla, full steam ahead and let’s make some money!
Re the Peking Pox and edibles/drinkables (including wine and beer)
Read down from here
Oh, and don’t forget your red wine:
The Role of Quercetin in Wine
Quercetin is a naturally occurring phenol in grape skins and stems that developed to protect grapes from ultraviolet light damage. Generally speaking, the more grapes are exposed to sunlight, the more quercetin they contain. Quercetin reacts with anthocyanins to make a deeper and more vibrant color. This process makes the color of the wine more stable though aging.
Quercetin’s Role in Wine and Health
There are a multitude of health benefits from quercetin. It is known to act as an anti-histamine and as an anti-oxidant.
Heart Disease: Flavonoids like quercetin and resveratrol have been seen to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis by reducing LDL’s which in turn reduces plaque build up in arteries.
Cancer: Quercertin and other flavonoids have been shown to inhibit the growth of certain cancerous cells; particularly in the breast, colon, prostate, and lung.
Cholesterol: Quercetin may reduce cholesterol levels.
Allergies, Hayfever and Asthma: Quercetin inhibits the release of allergic and inflammatory molecules. This is not a primary mechanism of action for quercetin from wine.
“More words of wisdom from virologist Geert Vanden Bossche regarding the efficacy of booster shots and the potential hazards of future mass vaccination for Omicron.”
Links at
“Until This Data Is Produced, STFU”
“I’m over COVID,” Maher continued.
“I was never scared of it. I was always scared of the reaction to it, and as this has played out that only proved to be more true for me. I’m sure many people feel different, but that’s me. It was never that virulent a threat, I thought, to people who were in good health.”
The HBO host said the “vulnerable” should be protected, but the virus was mostly a disease that impacted the elderly and people who have comorbidities. He noted a stat from the CDC about how “78% of the people who died or went to the hospital were obese.”
“So, the fact that America, the medical establishment, never even attempted to get people to live a healthier lifestyle as a response to this pandemic is a giant scandal to me,” the host said explained.
“The people who didn’t do that have blood on their hands. There’s no other way to put it.”
But Maher was not done as he went after the incessant and blinkered vaccinate-or-die policy being mandated (via legislation, regulation, or moral pressure) on every man, woman, and child (and hamster) in America…
“I mean, we’re in a very different place with COVID than we were just when I was on the air last time, and that is the vaccines, we know, do not prevent you from either transmitting it or getting the disease,” Maher continued.
“They just prevent you from dying, which is a great part of it, let’s not undercount that. But if they don’t prevent you from transmitting it and they don’t prevent you from getting it why are we still treating this disease the way we always have? And what the f@ck is the use of a booster shot? Because I will never get a booster shot.”
“They don’t know a lot about anything,” Maher responded when asked whether he thought:
“Dr. Anthony Fauci or the medical establishment really know what they are doing.”
Up to 65% increase in deaths among 18-49 year olds in the U.S. during 2021, the year of the experimental covid “vaccines”—and sadly, it’s the vaccinated who are now dying of all causes
England’s PM – and hopefully others throughout the Empire – are bowing their heads in defeat. Their gig as marionettes for Big Pharma and the Globalists cannot be sustained as the facts pour out, proving their absolute criminality in trying to force a deadly experiment on their people.
“England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions” THE EPOCH TIMES
First of all, it’s been a scam from the get-go.
The seasonal flu – which kills millions each year – became the scary ‘Covid-19’. The Fear Porn that flowed out of Vanguard media merchants -like freebies from our Parliaments- and Congresses “go to” foreigners who hate us, was relentless.
After hearing edition #22,987 of the Fear Porn claiming “77 deaths in UK from Covid today” as the Vanguard journalist’s reason for BoJo to keep the scam going, I looked up the number of deaths from such influenzas in the UK before this began in 2019.
It was 80.9 per day – including summers when natural D3 from the sun is curing the fat bottoms on Brighton Beach of any nasty bugs trying to sneak into their corpora.
Lest I be attacked by the noisy but ill-informed, here are the stats from gov.uk
More died from these influenza type diseases before Covid than during or after – and the CDC has admitted the PCR test can’t tell them apart.
The paid-off class is still sputtering menacing threats and issuing illegal mandates, but they’re like Eva Braun making sure Adolf had at least two cartridges for his less-than-manly .32 pistol as the U.S. Army came calling on their bunker in tanks.
They’re suddenly having to back off, and I think I know why.
“The world’s largest‐ever international criminal investigation is now underway, involving Hammersmith Police and The Metropolitan Police.”
Just as we predicted, the criminal cases are beginning.
Metropolitan Police Crime Number: 6029679/21. International Criminal Court (The Hague) Case number: OTP‐CR‐473/21
New Hampshire Pharmacies Could Soon Begin Dispensing Ivermectin Without Doctor’s Prescription
A bill working its way through the New Hampshire legislature would allow residents to receive ivermectin from pharmacies with a prescription of a doctor or an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) for the off-label treatment of Covid-19.
House Bill 2011 would allow pharmacists to “dispense ivermectin under the delegated prescriptive authority of the physician or APRN (Advanced Practice Registered Nurses), specify a mechanism to document screening performed and the prescription in the patient’s medical record, and include a plan for evaluating and treating adverse events,” reads the bill. “Any such prescription shall be regarded as being issued for a legitimate medical purpose in the usual course of professional practice.”
Ivermectin, a protease inhibitor (just like Pfizer’s new Covid pill), has come under attack ever since former President Trump suggested it as a potential treatment for Covid-19. Shortly thereafter, a flurry of anti-ivermectin studies came out – the majority of which analyzed already-hospitalized patients, as opposed to its use as an early intervention.
Indeed, ivermectin already may have saved hundreds of thousands of lives from India to Brazil.
Co-sponsored by Rep. Leah Cushman (R), the New Hampshire bill would require pharmacists to provide patients with a “standardized information sheet written in plain language” that would note the importance of follow-up care.
“Nothing on the information sheet shall discourage the recipient from using ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19,” reads the bill.
Dr. Marik left no stone unturned, and addressed the FDA’s propaganda statement, “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously y’all. Stop it. You should not use Ivermectin to treat or prevent Covid-19 using the drug Ivermectin which can be dangerous and even lethal.”
So that is an outright lie. It’s dishonest and it’s an outrage.
As we’ll see, this is a highly effective drug, and Ivermectin has never killed a single person. It is one of the safest drugs on this planet.
What is really interesting is Ivermectin is safe in 79 countries in the world. Let me say that again… it is approved in 79 countries.
Let’s look at Covid-19 vaccines in one year: 14 thousand deaths and over two million serious adverse events. This does not include the 20,000 deaths in the VAERS database which is probably a tenth of all deaths due to the vaccine. This is their data.
So somehow the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are safe and effective, yet Ivermectin is a dangerous horse deworming medicine. That is an absolute outright lie. The data speaks for itself. This is not my data. This is from the WHO.
More people have died from Tylenol, which is an over-the-counter medicine, than Ivermectin. As I said, it is one of the safest medications on this planet.
Dr. Marik then compared Ivermectin to Remdesivir (the EUA drug that is pushed on Covid patients in hospitals). There is no comparison…
The cost of Remdesivir: $3,000 a shot. Ivermectin: pennies.
Remdesivir increases the risk of dying by 4%. This is used throughout the entire country as first line therapy for hospitalized patients. It increases the risk of death by 4%, and what is most outrageous is the federal government gives hospitals a 20% bonus on the entire hospital bill for medicare patients if they prescribe Remdesivir.
It is disturbing that our federal government is financially incentivizing the use of an experimental treatment that increases the risk of dying.
Ivermectin reduces the risk by 50%.
This is a cheap drug. It is exceedingly safe. It is exceedingly effective. And patients should be offered the right to use this drug.
If Ivermectin had been promoted at the beginning of this pandemic, we would not be sitting here today.
Dr. Marik’s testimony (cued up below), is very convincing and well worth the watch, as is the Q&A that took place afterwards with the Committee Members.
Farewell, my country:
In a REAL country:
Interesting place!
Monkey Business, Pennsylvania Crash Resulting in Research Monkey Escape Ends with CDC Monitoring Residents
January 23, 2022 | Sundance | 133 Comments
There was a vehicle crash in rural Pennsylvania last week involving a truck transporting 100 monkeys to a CDC quarantine facility.”
“Fallon was contacted Saturday by the CDC and was told to monitor herself for any cold-like symptoms. ”
A vote of confidence?
“US State Department travel advisory – ‘Do not travel to Australia'”
Goes with this
Reduced interferon antagonism but similar drug sensitivity in Omicron variant compared to Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 isolates
“Licia Corbella- “Canada has one healthcare administrator for every 1,415 citizens. Germany: one healthcare administrator for every 15,545.”
I wonder how the various states here shape up?
Somewhat O/T
“The Great Narrative to boost The Great Reset…”
“CDC Study: Natural immunity with or without vaccine provided robust protection against hospitalization in the age of delta.”
Links to a Dr Campbell video
Via http://www.smalldeadanimals.com/2022/01/24/safe-and-effective-40/