Omicron is a superspreader, but so far behaving better than expected
It appears Omicron will replace Delta around the world. Not only has it rapidly replaced Delta in South Africa, there have now been three superspreader events in Norway, one of which infected 120 people, and another one in Denmark that infected 52.
Omicron is acting for all the world like the same cluster spreading Covid we know so well. And of course, it is happily shed and spread by both the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. Quick, lock one of them up?

South African Covid Cases | Source: OWID
With 16,000 cases a day, and test-positivity up to 25%, there is no doubt there is a real and rampant wave of infections.
All over the world epidemiologists and doctors are watching for hospitalization statistics from South Africa. What is promising are the change in symptoms:
South Africa Fuels Omicron Hope as Hospitalizations in Check
In another encouraging sign, the Steve Biko and Tshwane District Hospital Complex in Pretoria, South Africa, said that most patients in the Covid wards didn’t require oxygen. That marks a departure from previous waves.
There are conflicting reports. There was a story a few days ago of how 10% of cases in hospital were children under two. Another reporting teenagers struggling.
There appears to be some immune escape, meaning that protection from a past infection isn’t as good, and people are more likely to get reinfected. (Though three times a tiny number is still a small number).
It would be the sweetest irony if Big Pharma were undone by the great unvaxxed of Africa where the poorest people in the world don’t want the vaccines may have brewed a new variant that, maybe possibly, could give a lot of people protection. But it’s too soon to call.
Don’t party just yet
No one wants to be reminded, but sometimes the sting can be delayed. It’s summer in South Africa, so people have more Vitamin D, and the virus is mostly spreading in the young university students. Last year in the UK autumn — when things seemed to be going so well it took 6 – 12 weeks to spread from young party goers to high risk people who were acting more cautiously. Deaths are also delayed by around three weeks, and possibly even longer.
Watching Omicron spread
Omicron is just starting to show in most national graphs on Nextstrain.
In the last two weeks of November 240 cases were fully sequenced in South Africa and 207 of them were Omicron. The cases are not necessarily randomly chosen for sequencing.

Omicron takes over from Delta. Source.:Nextstrain.
There are currently about 16,000 cases a day in South Africa, up from a couple of hundred a month earlier.
A week ago in Botswana only a quarter of the cases were Omicron. But in Ghana, about 70% were. In the USA already 14% of cases are Omicron, based on 120 samples.
But in most nations there isn’t enough data.

And so it begins in the USA (top right corner).
There have already been three superspreader events in Norway.
Things in Norway have moved so far the assistant health director Espen Rostrup Nakstad already says that they have no control over the new variant.
At the Louise Resturant, Oslo, as many as 120 people were infected on November 26th. All known cases were fully vaccinated. At another event on Nov 27th at least 42 picked up infections. There is “reason to believe” it is Omicron, but it is not confirmed. At the third event, so far only seven have confirmed infections but 100 are isolating.
Meanwhile in Denmark 53 people were infected with Omicron at a luncheon.
An Israeli Cardiologist had three doses of Pfizer, but still caught the Omicron variant in London. He met 100 people or so before testing positive but infected only one. His case was mild.
Watching the spread
For anyone wanting to trainspot (or strainspot)– Don’t get fooled by the graphs with only 1 sole sample. Like South Korea. Mousing over the data on the Nextstrain page displays the number of samples at any point on the graph. E.g.

How much fun can you have?
It appears that Covid has gone the way of most pandemics. It has mutated into a less lethal, more infectious and endemic form. It will live with us like many other viruses.
On the other hand, it might not have been a natural mutation. Given over 30 viable mutations compared to delta, is it possible that it really is a natural mutation? I don’t know. The scary thing is that if it’s not natural, the Chicomms might have prepared a highly infectious delivery platform for their next bioweapon. And even if it is natural, they still might exploit its extra infectivity with a nasty payload.
Possibly this has been spreading around low-testing areas of Africa since mid-2020 and a recent mutation has made it spread easier into areas of higher testing where it has been picked up and off it goes.
Given the family tree (below) it does look odd, however the theory of it spreading and mutating over a year or more in Africa is plausible to me. Who benefits if it was man-made? Not clear to me (yet) so the natural theory sits better with me currently.
Link to family tree image here.
There are thousands of “variants” of any RNA virus at any time due to the continual mutations during replications. With remote regions being common across Africa, it is quite likely that branches that may have been displaced by other variants could survive in isolated communities and evolve along their own path.
I fully agree with you that any theory that the Omicron variant is man-made and the next stage of the global plot is ridiculous as the mild clinical presentation is totally at odds with the globalist agenda. For them, it is actually their worst nightmare as the mildness of the symptoms destroys the narrative for lockdowns, quarantines, social distancing, masking, disinfecting of every surface and vaccination mandates.
I do think it’s fine if someone wants to VOLUNTARILY get vaccinated after being FULLY INFORMED of the true hospitalisation/death rate for their age group/health category, vaccine side effects, early treatment options and preventative dietary supplements.
The damage from the present vaccines is yet to appear.
The `great dying’ of those already vaccinated hasn’t yet started but just may.
I fully agree with you that any theory that the Omicron variant is man-made and the next stage of the global plot is ridiculous as the mild clinical presentation is totally at odds with the globalist agenda. ”
Astounding to read your statement about a virus that has 50+ mutations of which 32 are in the spike protein. When the presence of the unusual sequence PRRAR/SV was first discovered in the spike protein of the original strain of the virus, many, such as yourself were quick to claim such an insertion could not have occurred naturally. Now you claim the 50+ insertions including 32 in the spike protein are clearly naturally occurring. Your volte face speaks volumes for your understanding both of mutations and Darwin’s observations regarding survival of the fittest
they will be all or mostly transitions and transversions not indels (insertions/deletions).
Most indels would put the reading frame out of alignment and result in nonsense mutations and terminate the translation of the mRNA. ie indels would totally root the protein.
Thanks for the comment. It was a careless error writing 50+ insertions rather than, as I did initially, writing 50+ mutations.
Fun fact : “omicron” is an anagram of “moronic”
You do have to wonder…..
Wow, this idi0t thinks a polybasic insertion for zoonotic transfer while disabling the infectiousness on the original host is on the same level of probability as a bunch of random mutations that face selective pressure.
Some are informed but remain unknowing
Sadly sensible analysis has become about as difficult as reliably reading tea leaves.
One potential way to determine whether it is a natural mutation will be to watch whether it spreads to China and if so whether they are well prepared for it.
But even then as you say it could simply be a test run. If so then hopefully the CCP and malevolent health authorities around the world are better at targeting this form of warfare than they were a couple of years ago. And hopefully they will have effective treatments before the release this time.
It was first reported in travelers from Botswana, which has considerable Chinese investment and influence. As good a place as any to introduce a new lab-developed strain
With the hopeful dominance of this strain over delta, Australia should ease up on the world’s most dictatorial and economy and scial structure -destroying covid laws.
But of course we won’t.
Australia only takes advice from the Marxist WHO, Big Pharma and Big Green. No country is more committed to Leftist doctrine on covid or the anthropogenic global warming fraud than Australia is.
We can only hope that another country finally caves in to sensibility and recognizes that the lockdowns, quarantines, masking and vaccination mandates are not only futile but useless and abandon these measures.
Then that gives the path for our governments to follow. Ours certainly won’t act on their own initiative, especially those in Victoria and Western Australia.
Do you need any more evidence of commitment to Leftist, dictatorial policy on covid than the following video about Australia’s covid internment camps?
>”Australia only takes advice from the Marxist WHO, Big Pharma…”
A diabolical mix of Marxism + Fascism. Both of which jump at any chance of totalitarian control with alacrity.
Ironic if undone by a naturally attenuating virus that does the conventional vaccination job without input from either of the two.
The following article is in a different vein (economic) but two paragraphs caught my attention:
Except, given the lack of omicron deaths so far but natural immunity to covid generally instead (after some suffering admittedly), risk aversion is probably the exact wrong approach to omicron.
>”..given the lack of omicron deaths so far”
Jo’s caveat – “Deaths are also delayed by around three weeks, and possibly even longer”
Critical juncture around that time obviously.
Looks like you are in for it …
Good article.
It’s likely that Australia’s extreme risk aversion and Nanny Statism will inhibit efficient spread of immunising omicron and the suffering in Australia will just be prolonged.
But that’s just what the Elites want.
“suffering in Australia will just be prolonged.”
To W.A.
COVID is coming, big pharma’s getting fat.
Please put a penny in the old Fauci’s hat.
If you haven’t got a penny, a ha’penny will do.
If you haven’t got a ha’penny, then God bless you!
When the rest of Australia opens with herd immunity while WA enjoys its purity.
I’m normally a big admirer of Niall (as opposed to Neil) Ferguson’s writing but when I read this article, it stuck me how he was ignoring half of the the observed information (mildness vs other variants) and purely focusing on the other half (greater transmissibility with the possibility of vaccine immune escape).
It saddens me to see a normally analytical mind fall so deeply into the narrative that he feels compelled to further it rather than seeing the huge upside in the clinical presentation of the Omicron variant.
We might be trumped by Canada on that!!! 🙂
What a notion!
BTW, the on the ground reports have Omicron infections in South Africa being almosy universally mild and those who do end up hospitalised rarely need oxygen and have short stays. The doctors all continue to stress caution about some possible catastrophic turnaround but the evidence does not support that and neither does evolution.
One interesting observation was made by a GP in Cape Town’s Sea Point suburb, Leon Geffen, who is also director of the Samson Institute for Ageing Research.
This suggests that that ADE is occurring with the spike protein antibodies from the vaccines. Luckily, even the this, the infections largely remain mild – enough so that the doctors continue the mantra of the vaccines providing infection.
There really needs to be a study performed on hospitalisation rate, length of stay and oxygen requirement between the vaccinated and unvaccinated to determine if the vaccines are actually helping at all.
Analitic – a GP in Sea Point is seeing a totally different population to Gauteng. They’ll be to a large extent elderly, white and affluent. I have heard that at Baragwanath Hospital, the largest hospital in the Southern Hemisphere which services almost 2 million in the impoverished and crowded Soweto, is routinely testing all admissions for omicron and the majority of positives are incidental.
OK, that’s is why I made the suggestion of ADE, rather than being unequivocal.
I guess it makes sense that the patients seen by this GP are elderly given the doctor is also director of the Samson Institute for Ageing Research – I should have twigged to that.
Still, the mid 40’s, Israeli doctor who was fully vaccinated and boosted and got quite ill with the Omicron variant supports some level of ADE making vaccination worse rather than reducing the effects of infection.
“ There really needs to be a study performed on hospitalisation rate, length of stay and oxygen requirement between the vaccinated and unvaccinated to determine if the vaccines are actually helping at all.”
You mean actually use the natural control group to learn? It is perfectly obvious that tge powers that be have done all possible to A, eliminate any control group, and B, do analysis of the dozen or so OBVIOUS and SANE studies that anyone of common sense would do.
Oddly, even Tony Fauci is mentioning how the Omicron variant cases are generally mild
Makes you wonder if he sees the game is up and trying to position himself as leading the USA out of the “crisis”
Oops! Fauci didn’t anticipate that! Time for him to order a worse virus from the Chicomms or get them to modify this one…
Or Fauci is just continuing to use the science well and you were wrong in the past.
Fauci is not “the science” as he would have ignorant people believe.
Science doesn’t work like that.
David, your response is admirable but wasted on trolls like GI.
Indeed. It’s better to just let her scuttle back under her bridge
Interestingly during the 2008 Swine Flu (??) epidemic the Obama admin just suddenly stopped testing. Bam, just like that. Very quickly the whole issue became a non event. There was talk earlier this year that the PCR test in the US would be reduced to a 25 Ct test rather than the 40 Ct about now (Dec 2021), Certainly there was also mention that vaxxed would only get the 25Ct PCR test. If all the current tests in all the countries are still running the 40Ct PCR test then all that picks up is mostly car parts or virus remnants. Fauci would love to be the guy to announce the end of COVID. He could then claim to have both initiated it and completed the whole sorry saga.
Actually nothing to see here. This is a virus behaving as it always does.
But we have all Aust govts behaving not as they should. We have a virus which for those under 70 has a 0.05% mortality being dealt with completely irrationally, and now being used as a Trojan horse for mandatory vaxxing and total control via passports.
The complete lack of logic and the continual doubling down on passports when its crystal clear, as Jo has reported regularly, and others have, that the vaxxed pass it on the same or more so than the unvaxxed, should alert all to the total incompetence being shown, but also that there appears another agenda at work.
Mandatory vaxxing is immoral & evil and in this case will do zero related to any virus spread. And the death figures out of the UK show that it also does nothing to attenuate mortality. Plus why don’t we hear about all those severe adverse reactions and deaths from the vaxx?
We need to be asking all our elected representatives just what the agenda is here – let them make it totally clear, as if its mandatory vaxxing then they need to tell us why they are leading us into a totalitarian dictatorship that rivals Nazi Germany.
P of B: “Nothing to see here. This is a virus behaving as it always does.”
If you have a crystal ball that could predict the mutations and when and where they would arise and which tells you the hospital statistics for all demographics. Can you share that data? 😉
Me, I’m interested, and variants could easily have arisen first in vaccinated populations (and may still). In Sept 2020 people were saying the “safe Alpha variant” showed herd immunity had “done what viruses always do” and they were completely wrong but it took them til November to realize. I’m a bit more circumspect in calling this a definite at this point.
There hasn’t ever been a bioweapon Coronavirus released to evolve before. There is no “always done”. Does this virus cause ADE? Does it cause long covid, shorten telomeres. If it’s very mild, do people generate long term antibody protection, or is it like other mild coronaviruses that we repeat catch each year. Is there an effect on their immune systems? Perhaps disabling the VJD repair system matters with this variant? Can Omicron infect T and B cells?
This may be the best Christmas present we could wish for (and I suspect it is), but I want more data. Spanish Flu took 3 years, infected a third of the worlds pop and wasn’t engineered.
Jo >”I’m a bit more circumspect in calling this a definite at this point.”
>” Is there an effect on their immune systems? Perhaps disabling the VJD repair system matters with this variant? Can Omicron infect T and B cells?”
Spoken from a grounding in microbiology and molecular biology in an era BC (Before Climate) as I understand.
I can’t find any clear pointers as to the possible pathway(s) from that field for the benefit of an uneducated outsider such as myself. Closest I’ve got is this (via ZH):
A Grin Without a Cat
‘Bottling-Up the Quasispecies Origins of SARS-CoV-2’s Enigmatic Furin-Cleavage Site’.
From the co-author [Dan Sirotkin] of the first peer-reviewed paper examining a laboratory origin for SARS-CoV-2, as well as its addendum, which formally linked the H1N1 Spanish Flu pandemic strain release of 1977 to gain-of-function research.
As I see, Positive Path:
Negative Path:
This may be a misunderstood synopsis but it’s the best I can do (and see next comment). Obviously the optimistic hope is for the Positive Path but if Dan Sirotkin is shouting Negative Path then he’s got my attention.
In other words, Sirotkin’s educated and experienced opinion should far outweigh my uneducated optimism. Not any easy shift in my case.
Jo >”There hasn’t ever been a bioweapon Coronavirus released to evolve before”
‘Bottling-Up the Quasispecies Origins of SARS-CoV-2’s Enigmatic Furin-Cleavage Site’.
Not what I want to hear but I’ll soon know if Sirotkin is right or wrong.
[ Link to quote added. – LVA ]
>”I can’t find any clear pointers as to the possible pathway(s) from that field for the benefit of an uneducated outsider such as myself. Closest I’ve got is this (via ZH)”
That was Dan Sirotkin’s nightmare scenario previous.
Another article here with a different idea and one I’ve wondered about:
‘Beyond Omicron: what’s next for COVID’s viral evolution’
Ewen Callaway, nature
This implies, as posited elsewhere, that both Delta AND the vaccines weaken immunity to EVERY OTHER virus out there including Omicron due to its radical variance.
Whether there’s any validity to that I certainly don’t know.
I don’t see that connection Richard.
Omicron’s rise may be largely due to its ability to infect people who are immune to Delta through vaccination or previous infection.”
People who are immune to Deltahave a functioning immune system and can stop the spread of Delta (and they should not put vaccination in that sentence since it obviously doesn’t stop infection with Delta). They aren’t saying or implying weakened immunity at all.
But soberingly, if Africans have herd immunity to Delta from natural infection* then Omicron could be more dangerous in naive populations outside Africa. So the low death rates in a population with natural immunity might make us feel good but won’t apply to people who don’t have natural immunity.
* And I;m not convinced that is the case without serum antibody tests, but maybe it is?.
Agreed, yet it is unfortunate that the previously infected are not easy to identify. Why? Because AFAIK we do NOT know who is truly Covid recovered, as positive tests are not accurate and we have very poor records of at what cycle number that positive test came in. We know reinfection of unvaccinated recovered is very rare, yet possibly far more rare then we think.
It is part and parcel of the disingenuous actions of government to not accurately track all possible control groups. They appear to have one goal, come he’ll or high water, vaccinated everyone over and over. It is simply insane.
It is absurdly satisfying to observe how enlightened governments all over the world compete to find the worst possible response.
The ugly thing is; what’s driving them.
Combo of political power, grand grandstanding and the everpresent Money thing.
Then consider the damage done to society by Lockdowns.
We have lived a twenty month nightmare.
It’s highly likely that a significant proportion of the population will not recover from Lockdown damage.
This is serious! What if there are no deaths and nobody on ventliators and people infected but showing no symptoms? All our State Health
dictatorsDirectors will be unable to appear on TV demanding obedience, and our hysterical Premiers will have to change.480
And what an interesting coincidence that Australian governments were already engaged in dismantling their regimes for those who showed their obedience by being injected. And then this interesting mutation was discovered?
I see pluckaduck has just got the memo in Qld.
This is the ultimate horror for health authorities – the potential (which I see as realized) for almost total immune escape from the vaccines.
Forget about the mild clinical presentation – we CANNOT allow the vaccines to be seen as ineffectual nor unnecessary.
My crystal ball says that health authorities will credit the injections for forcing the virus to mutate to something milder.
And if it turns out that only the injected are susceptible to the new variant then claim that the injections saved the injected by attracting milder variants.
There is always a way to spin any facts in favour of the spinner. The only question and it is a biggie is whether people will buy the spin.
Spin, of which Jen Psaki is a master:
Senior Vice President and Managing Director @ Global Strategy Group
Advertising & Marketing, Public Relations, Competitive Intelligence, Business Services, Sales and Marketing, Corporate Communications, Human Resources & Staffing, Crisis Communications, Digital + Social, Grassroots Campaigns, Legislative + Regulatory Strategy, Media Relations, Public Affairs + Advocacy, Reputation Management, Research
Biden was in need of a top knotch crisis and reputation manager – he got one in the form of Jen Psaki.
Also Biden:
Just as Barack Obama claimed at his inauguration – “this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal …”
David I believe you are entirely correct with regard to the evolution of the virus. I have seen many professionals say the same thing until they are censored. We appear to have cheap, effective and safe treatments available that are being denied and suppressed in most countries. It is unbelievable. I truly hope many people end up in jail over this but I am not hopeful. People need to understand that everyone is going to get exposed to some variant of covid at some point. Everyone. Pretending we can prevent this with a (basically) experimental vaccine is an obvious lie. The data simply disproves it.
Tokyo Stops Covid With Ivermectin
Dr, Pierre Kory tweets: Tokyo in particular is kicking COVID’s ass with IVM – fewest hospitalized since before pandemic. Come on world, wake up wake up wake up
“Thank You, Dr. Joe Rogan! – Everybody Feels Like a Million Bucks!” – Fully Vaccinated Dana White Catches COVID – Takes Joe Rogan Ivermectin Treatment Plan and Is Feeling Great
“I get up, 9 o’clock Monday morning, and I get tested. He said get monoclonal antibodies in you as soon as possible, so I did,” White said of Rogan’s advice. “By noon, I had the monoclonal antibodies in me. Then he told me to do a NAD drip. I did that right after.”
“I get up Tuesday getting ready to shave,” he continued. “Cleaning my razor, I could smell the alcohol. My taste and smell were back by the next day by 11 o’clock. Then I took a dose of ivermectin. Then yesterday I did a vitamin drip, and today I’m doing another NAD drip.”
“Could not feel better. I’m feeling like a million bucks,” White exclaimed. “I’m doing two-a-day workouts for the next 10 days while I have COVID and I’m in quarantine. I got my smell and taste back in less than 24 hours.”
Rome asked White, 52, why he consulted Rogan first before a doctor.
“Listen, I’m vaccinated,” White responded. “It’s not like I’m some crazy anti-vax conspiracy theorist or some of that stuff but Rogan is a very brilliant guy. Very smart guy who talks to the best and the brightest out there, and I’m not a believer in the narrative.”
“But at the end of the day, this is a free country. Cause what happens when you get this stuff, they tell you stay home for the next 10 days until you don’t test positive. That doesn’t seem smart to me. Just like when we went through COVID, I believe in finding solutions to problems and answers.”
“Rogan has worked with over 30 or 40 people that have done this and he swears by it, and he’s a good friend of mine that I’ve known for over 20 years. So yeah, I believe in what he’s saying. I believe the things he explained to me on how this thing works made sense to me,” White said.
yes. This is why I really don’t want to get covid. Because we cant get treatment like that here. (I suspect, I dont actually know what they would do in hospital). I like that about the american system more than ours. Ours is completely controlled, there’s is a bit wilder. I’m trying to buy Ivermectin from India. I mean how pathetic is that?
*theirs. How embarrassing.
Use of ivermectin in Japan is negligible. Those reports are all false and continue to be even when repeated.
Thank you expert on Japanese use of Ivermectin. Source for your expert commentary please.
Hats off to you Hannibal. You are far more polite in responding to this troll than I would ever be.
The mark of a troll is to never present any actual information – just opinion
would you read this or many others similar if I provided it? Besides I provided all sorts of link a few weeks ago when this came up for about the 100th time.
If Your Time is short
The Tokyo Medical Association is a professional organization that’s not affiliated with the government, and can only make policy recommendations.
Ivermectin is not listed by the Japanese government as an approved medication to treat COVID-19.
A batch of the Moderna vaccine had to be recalled in Japan because of a contamination issue, but it remains an approved vaccine and is being used.
Politifact – funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates has a massive interest, financial and quasi-medical, in continued vaccination.
It is not a view solely held in that link. The “time is short” are all 100% factually correct. I’ll find them in the original Japanese if you want.
apologies I got a Japanese English language paper instead of actual Japanese language.
From Gee Aye
“The Tokyo Medical Association is a professional organization that’s not affiliated with the government, and can only make policy recommendations.
Ivermectin is not listed by the Japanese government as an approved medication to treat COVID-19.”
Gee Aye, do you realize what you just said?? You just said we should listen to the Japanese govt. for medical advice and NOT the medical profession!
Nope. I did say that at all.
The government has not approved ivermectin so it is not readily available via the medical profession. The medical group made a public statement and there is zero evidence that anyone acted on their advice and acquired it personally.
*did not say
So Gee Aye, you have exactly no data on how many doses of ivermectin are being prescribed or used off label, or even outside official circles, but you *know* they didn’t use it?
Ivermectin sales data?
There’s a Japanese doctor openly saying that he does prescribe it and it works fine. Therefore obviously it IS available.
They claim that the Japanese Ministry of Health is monitoring it, which means they must be monitoring something.
Jo correct so how can a plunge in cases be attributed to ivermectin?
Yes, once doctors in Japan were allowed to use ivermectin to treat CoVid on August 13, cases stopped rising just 12 days later and then plummetted to basically nothing. Coincidence?
What other explanation is there that correlates to experiences in other countries? John Campbell, in the video embedded in the link, shows how other countries with similar vaccination rates have not experienced this falloff in cases.
Fact checkers assert that since ivermectin has not been approved by the health authority in Japan, this is “proof” that it hasn’t been used. It is only opinion masked as “fact”.
I think you are too generous to the “fact checkers”. I would describe politifact et al as publishing known falsehoods dressed up as fact.
Even THAT is a bit polite.
Morning all,
Todays’ SMH has a story ” Will COVID variants keep haunting us? ” from which I’ve extracted:
” For COVID-19 , that manageable state is years away. There are two potential paths for COVID-19 to reach a predictable pattern. They both end in the same place, but one involves much more suffering and death. The ideal scenario is so many people are protected through vaccination the virus has fewer chances to evolve. The other path allows the virus to burn through a mostly unvaccinated human population, sickening and killing millions until enough have developed natural immunity there are few left to infect. ”
This “analysis” leaves out the easier possibility, which is close to Jo’s, although I get a bit more pedantic about vitamin D.
My addition: Allow the omicron variant free reign, promote a world wide vitamin D uptake, treat any serious cases with one of the protocols, early, and rapidly attain a true herd immunity in quite a short time, with few hospitalisations and fewer deaths.
I’ve given up on sending non-SMH-“official position” comments to SMH, so this will not reach their audience.
Dave B
The problem is, people are only partially ‘protected’ (they’ve redefined vaccines which were once supposed to immunise so these genetic experimental jabs can be called vaccines) and so we are providing massive numbers of training grounds to help the virus find new ways to infect.
One MIGHT almost think it is a deliberate tactic, it is so clearly an effective way to force a virus to change.
The official story gets more convoluted and improbable by the day. Oh for a journalist worthy of the title.
So… just curious. How the hell do the unvaxxed cause mutations in a virus? If the virus gets into the cell as one might suppose it does with those who haven’t undergone genetic experimentation, it doesn’t need to mutate.
Mutations happen when the virus runs into obstacles and the obstacle is not 100% effective in neutralising it – the sub-90% jabs not only weaken the immune system, they are about the equivalent of asking a public transport user to wave their rail pass in the air as they board.
You’re ignoring the fact that all the early cases have been the fully vaxxed – THEY are the ones creating and spreading the new variants!
“THEY are the ones creating and spreading the new variants!”
It’s interesting that most of the mutations are in the spike protein that the ‘vaccine’ replicates to initiate an immune response. But, is it a vaccine or is it a virus? One the one hand the vaccine doesn’t replicate itself, but on the other, it still must subvert the machinery of a native cell to do its work of replicating spike proteins.
Presumably, the spike proteins express on the infected cells surface tricking the immune system to attack a native cell. This should be OK, as long as the immune system isn’t so thoroughly tricked that it attacks the same cell type even it it doesn’t have a spike protein.
If the spike is released, rather than expressed on the cells surface, an immune response will still be generated, but now spike proteins are also binding to ACE-2 receptors which will potentially increase both inflammation and blood pressure.
The vaccine is supposed to be limited to operate on muscle cells at the injection site. I suspect that some of the complications might be what happens when the vaccine gets in the bloodstream and infects other cell types, for example, those in the heart muscle causing myocarditis.
Mark McD — “How the hell do the unvaxxed cause mutations in a virus?”
See the global history of epidemics since time began. All mutations in every virus until the last 100 or so years arose in unvaccinated people.
It would probably be a big disadvantage to a virus to carry too many RNA/ DNA repair and checking genes. Not only would extra genes slow it down, but they would stop it adapting to different populations and spreading between species.
That’s not what has happened with influenza, where the vaccine is defined as “effective” if all it can do is somewhat reduce the symptoms. People who have taken flu vax still get the flu very regularly, and this particular virus mutates at great speed.
How the heck can you say it only mutates in unvaccinated people?
Viruses mutate all the time, and very simple types of virus such as coronavirus will mutate more rapidly … however most mutations are failures, so it will depend on brute force to randomly stumble into something that might be successful from a reproductive perspective.
Exactly what makes a virus successful depends on the selective pressure which could be many different things. Consider if some virus can spread via either dirty hands or via respiratory exhalation … now suppose a lot of people go wash their hands and that avenue of reproduction gets closed … this produces a selective pressure to be more and more effective at aerosol respiratory transmission.
With vaccines that only address the spike protein, and which do NOT fully sterilize all transmission, it makes perfect sense that the selective pressure would be for the spike protein to adjust the minimum amount that it can avoid those antibodies while still being able to get in via the ACE2 receptor. Any variation of SARS-CoV-2 which can rapidly infect vaccinated people will have a huge run of replication since those people typically do not take other precautions … and many of those people genuinely believe they are immune because some TV personality told them “safe and effective”.
In analogy, think of a river going down a hill, and then someone drops a large boulder in the way of the river, but not large enough to stop the river entirely. What happens? The river will slosh around the edge of the boulder and carve out a new path. It’s not an intelligent process, it’s a brute force process of try everything in every direction until something pushes through.
Or a different analogy, suppose for some strange reason some government makes a law that hunters are only allowed to shoot rabbits at night … now all the white rabbits are more visible and get shot more often. This law would put a selective pressure on the rabbits to breed darker colours, but the gun does not cause the mutation, it merely selects which are successful.
Thanks Tel, a good read, looking at the big picture.
When you look at at the speed of change with Omicron, its origins in Southern Africa its make you wonder ( know?) that all the previous anti COVID measures implemented in most Western countries were in fact just putting off the inevitable. Just slowing the process of viral development for probably no good reason. All we have achieved in the last 20 months is poor public health outcomes when you consider reduced cancer treatments, higher mental health problems etc. Inflicted misery on our younger generations and pretty well all we’ve ended up with is some half decent injectable treatments, otherwise known as vaccines. It’s a virus, it will probably do whatever it wants to do and you cant hide from it. Australia needs to open up NOW, maybe with some sensible measures. Dump vaccine passports, masks, quarantine, get all the children back to school in 2022 unimpeded.
Be careful of reducing everything to “putting off the inevitable”.
We all die inevitably. Isn’t it kind of our life’s mission to delay that?
In WA we’ve put off killing people. Maybe that will still happen, or maybe we bought time to wait for a nicer variant, and a big reduction in deaths and long term side effects? It depends on whether Omicron is the vaccine we’ve been waiting for.
By delaying things, Australia managed to avoid killing 90% of ICU patients by not putting them on ventilators and using a ARDS Flu plan like New York doctors did last March.
That doesn’t mean Australia won’t screw things up now by pretending that vaccines will protect us.
We already screwed up by not using safe cheap drugs — something we could have started testing in April 2020 and which would have prevented lockdowns and deaths.
Thanks Ross, well said.
the so far unofficial case of Dr. Andreas Noack
No relation to the first Australian conscript killed in Vietnam?
Hate to be the fly in the ointment, but I’ve read that the Cov-19 virus has yet to be isolated. In that case, or in any case, how do we know that these new “variants” are Cov-19 variants, and not just the latest version of the common, annual ‘flu.
I’ve also read that those in charge no longer keep statistics on the common ‘flu and diagnose everyone with a temperature and a runny nose as Cov-19 cases.
In the meantime, I’ll stick with my general diagnosis; It’s all politics and it’s all bulls***.
Sorry but influenza doesn’t cause the cardiovascular and neurological conditions that afflict those unlucky enough to get a heavy exposure to the virus and don’t get effective early treatment. Also influenza has a U shaped age profile so both the very young and very old are severely affected while CoVid is a nothingburger for the kiddies (which is why the drive to vaccinate them is utterly insane, even if the vaccines were effective and safe).
The panic is all hooey but the virus and disease are quite distinct and thus real.
Rick the virus has been isolated and fully sequenced not just once, but 5.6 million times. The full 29,000 codes plus metadata is publicly available. See GISAID.
The virus is not fake, the bioweapon is nasty.
The real crime is that we are not using Vitamin D Zn and cheap antivirals, and that we are forcing people to use an expensive experimental risky medical treatment instead.
Are you sure it has been “isolated”, Jo? From what I’ve read, virologists do not mean the same thing by the word “isolation” that the rest of us do. All of their “isolation” procedures involve mixing the sample with monkey cells and then adding various kinds of toxins before they start sequencing DNA. That’s not “isolation”, and this has been admitted by every government that has been forced to reluctantly answer the question. I, for one, wouldn’t trust the end result any farther than I could throw it. This whole business is way more corrupt than you think… and has been for a very long time…
🙂 🙂 🙂
It has been isolated in every sense imaginable.
“… how do we know …”
By their genetic sequences.
A message for Australians from a German MEP
Speaking of vaccinations, another twist in the tail / tale:
Thanks Bruce,
I’m sure this will be useful?
” Everyone on board will be tested for COVID-19 before leaving and will be provided with post-exposure and quarantine public health guidance by the CDC. Those who test positive for COVID-19 will either travel to their homes or self-isolate according to CDC guidelines, the health agency stated. ”
Might work if it’s omicron.
(From your link.)
Dave B
Add it to the list of the other “fully vaccinated” cruise ships and navy ships where COVID broke out, sometimes weeks after leaving the last port.
Vaxxed infecting the vaxxed.
Safe and effective my ar$e.
Great piece from The Australian’s Adam Creighton – it’s time to move on from Covid
“Living with Covid” became a reality for me a few weeks back after I contracted the disease on a trip to New York at what turned out to be a superspreader event.
Three friends and I, all fully vaccinated, at least according to the prevailing definition, had a week of fever, aches, fatigue and some of us, not me, temporarily lost our sense of taste and smell.
It was unpleasant, but we’d all been sicker before and we’re all back to normal. My Johnson & Johnson one-shot vaccine, which I had in April, probably helped soften the blow, although a recent research paper found its effectiveness dropped to 13 per cent after six months.
Whatever, it’s obvious vaccines do not stop transmission of Covid-19, which was the only justification, however flimsy, for mandating them.
Not wanting to become an official case, further fuelling the interminable hysteria, we tested ourselves at home using $US24 ($34) test kits that are widely available at pharmacies in the US, a reminder that official Covid-19 case tallies are likely gross underestimates of the number of cases.
Whether it was Delta, Alpha, Mu or, heaven forbid, Omicron I do not know, but the bright pink line from the testing kit was unambiguous: Covid-19.
It’s tempting to brag about becoming a Covid survivor, given the relentless obsession with how many people have died from or with it during the past two years. But it’s not really much of an achievement.
Australia and other countries should be promoting “Omicron parties” to help this immunising virus spread (except among the vulnerable such as elderly, obese and immune compromised who should be protected as they always should have been).
Not many of the population left when you exclude all of those! 😉
I found this Doctor amazing, in a world of panic he sorted out how and why Covid was killing his patients and then solved the problem! I expect a lot of the people on here have seen him, but if you haven’t its worth watching.
No-one in authority wants to believe him, meh, he’s just a microbiologist anyway, but while HCQ and Ivermectin are OK in the early stages, what you really need is to stop the cytokine storm on the eighth day and the patient recovers. 7000 patients in country South Africa with no PCR tests, no intubation and no hospitals at all.
So, may the Omicron spread everywhere as fast as possible and then we can all get on with our lives! Prednisone and Promethazine are common and cheap.
Maybe omicron will be useful as a vaccine but I think the data is still inconclusive regarding at risk groups. The African infections are overwhelmingly young.
I reckon revisit this in 2 weeks.
Thats because there arent any old people in South Africa:
Life expectancy in South Africa is now 64, up from an AIDS-induced low of 54 a few years ago.
What is your point?
Are you asking about “spikes”?
2 weeks to flatten the curve
Often claimed and never achieved.
Except for all the times it was.
12 days.
I should not have used the absolute.
And the modern control paradigm of incrementalism turns that into 20 months.
But! let’s not forget that the “jabs” and lockdowns have saved millions and zillions of lives.
Naturally developed immunity has been something that humans have gained benefit from over the full two million years we’ve been around.
More recently, we have had the wonderful protection of the occasional vaccines for diseases like Poliomyelitus which saved many from death or maiming.
Then, on the back of this great story, some people started to see another side to vaccines; Big Money.
So, when our children were born over forty years ago, they were given vaccinations early and frequently and I remember thinking at the time that it was a bit too much.
Now after the last two years I am feeling heartbroken at the fact that my children’s immune systems may have been damaged by overvaccination.
While not being all that qualified in this area of biology, my experience in Process Analysis strongly suggests that something is wrong here and that the CV19 VaXXines are the latest manifestation of a trend that I should have seen earlier with the “Flu” VaXXines.
Yes, the “Annual” Flu Vax. Money, money, money.
Can you really isolate, prepare and test a “shot” inside twelve months?
Something is wrong.
People are being struck down by the VaXXines, that’s undeniable.
I have always been very pro immunisation. My mother nursed in a fever hospital children’s ward and described the distressing experience of being alone on the ward when more than one child reached the crisis with diphtheria; she could save only one. So our children had the full array. Her description of diphtheria and my own experience of whooping cough and the sight of fellow children in calipers from having polio certainly encouraged me in giving them those immunisations. However, one of our offspring had a slight problem at 4 weeks of age and the paediatrician was adament that no whooping cough immunisation be given. I was very worried about this but relieved at no sign of the illness until the age of 8 when a sibling arrived home from boarding school with a nasty cough (no whoop) which, it seems, was a version ‘protected’ people could get. The ‘unprotected’ child went straight down with a very nasty dose of whooping cough and remembers the misery and nightmare to this day.
However, these Covid ‘vaccines’ are entirely different from those early protections and it is quite understandable that people are hesitant. The more the coercion, the more suspect the whole thing is.
Yes Annie, I was pro vaccine and used to be unhappy with the antivaxxers up at Nimbin, that was until the Flu shot was introduced.
Twenty years ago I was led through an amazing insight into the development and marketing of SSRI based antidepressants and assumed, wrongly, that it was an aberration.
Now with the desperation in selling the CV19 thing I’m in a state of extreme wariness and don’t trust “the data”, politicians or pharmaceutical companies.
So Dan will be persuaded to change course by ‘data’?
Open borders, close the Relaxation Centers and let the neutralizing variant spread?
Covid hasn’t even made the top 20 causes of death in Australia.
“But in most nations there isn’t enough data.”
Never will be.
Data is just the newspeak word for agitprop.
Did Big Pharma pay you to try to poison the word “data” or are you helping them voluntarily?
John, as mentioned previously, the “data” is extremely rough.
To any self respecting statistician the use of most data available on aspects of CV19 would be something to avoid.
You should just go to an omicron party and share the drink.
“No one wants to be reminded, but sometimes the sting can be delayed. It’s summer in South Africa, so people have more Vitamin D, and the virus is mostly spreading in the young university students. ”
Thats what happened last summer in South Africa -and it suffered its second wave during summer. So much for covid being seasonal.
On the other hand, after the second wave, informal surveys suggested ~65 % of people in Cape Town townships were seropositive. Come the 3rd (delta) wave, the townships had the smallest rate of infection. Probably by now they are over 90% seropositive.
So covid is probably finished in South Africa. Vaccines werent part of the equation. Total deaths are about 80000. Flu would’ve anyway killed 50000 over the last two years. So it was a bad flu season.
Off with the muzzles!
Whether Omicron proves to be our saviour from further deaths and unjustified oppression or not, we are still left with the legacy of “vaccine” injuries to deal with for the lifetime of the vaccines’ victims.
Was it the 1st vax? Was it the 2nd vax? Was it the boosters?
No, it was the newly-concocted Post Pandemic Stress Disorder (PPSD) of course.
When next your favourite over-paid sports hero drops dead mid-game clutching their chest, legs in spasm, rest easy in the knowledge that it is all in their head. Just one of umpteen “rare” occurrences that can now be expediently swept under the rug by blaming it on that dastardly PPSD.
They really, really, REALLY don’t want anyone to know the Covid-19 “vaccines” are dangerous.
Our reporting has practically become rote with so many cases of people between the ages of 30-45 “inexplicably” acquiring myocarditis, pericarditis, and pulmonary embolisms.
Of particular interest have been the athletes who have fallen, often while in the middle of playing their sports. This has been a real eye-opener that has prompted many to finally start scratching their heads and wonder if they’re being fed lies.
But just as it seemed more people were starting to take notice and ask questions, along came the public relations arm for the people behind The Great Reset to suspend disbelief and perpetuate Pandemic Panic Theater. They developed a new talking point — Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder — to explain away all of the cases of vaccine-induced adverse reactions, especially among young and health [sic] adults who seem most vulnerable.
We live in a sick world when there’s such blatant corruption of “the data”.
It can’t be “Post-pandemic” we’re not out of the pandemic yet! Mid-Pandemic-Stress Disorder!
MISD would be better, Media-Induced-Stress-Disorder.
Let the final wave be Omicron,
To go the way of the mastodon,
With that Delta Greek letter,
Which would make us feel better,
If they each fizzled out so that both be gone.
Latest statistics on England mortality data suggest systematic mis-categorisation of vaccine status and uncertain effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccination
December 2021
At first glance the ONS data suggest that, in each of the older age groups, all-cause mortality is lower in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. Despite this apparent evidence to support vaccine effectiveness-at least for the older age groups-on closer inspection of this data, this conclusion is cast into doubt because of a range of fundamental inconsistencies and anomalies in the data. Whatever the explanations for the observed data, it is clear that it is both unreliable and misleading. While socio-demographical and behavioural differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated have been proposed as possible explanations, there is no evidence to support any of these. By Occam’s razor we believe the most likely explanations are systemic miscategorisation of deaths between the different categories of unvaccinated and vaccinated; delayed or non-reporting of vaccinations; systemic underestimation of the proportion of unvaccinated; and/or incorrect population selection for Covid deaths.
9. Summary and Conclusions
The accuracy of any data purporting to show vaccine effectiveness or safety against a disease is critically
dependent on the accurate measurement of: people classified as having the disease; vaccination status;
death reporting; and the population of vaccinated and unvaccinated (the so called ‘denominators’). If
there are errors in any of these, claims of effectiveness or safety cannot be considered reliable
The latest ONS report does provide some relevant age categorised data. Specifically, it includes separate
data for age groups 60-69, 70-79 and 80+, but there is only a single group of data for the age group 10-
At first glance the data suggest that, in each of the older age groups, all-cause mortality is lower in the
vaccinated than the unvaccinated. In the 10-59 age group all-cause mortality is higher among the
vaccinated, but this group is likely confounded by age since it is far too wide for the data provided to be
sufficient to draw any firm conclusions.
However, despite this apparent evidence to support vaccine effectiveness – at least for the older age
groups – on closer inspection of this data, this conclusion is cast into doubt. That is because we have shown
a range of fundamental inconsistencies and flaws in the data.
The real question is how much cross-reaction will there be from the Omicron infections and other COVID variants. Unknown at this stage.
How will we find out? Watch the absolute numbers of other Variants combined. If they start dropping “like a rock” then most likely there is enough cross immunity for Omicron to act as a natural vaccine.
Watch those absolute numbers!
I wish they would pronounce it correctly.
I studied Greek briefly and Omicron was pronounced oh-my-cron.
It is the short ‘o’ in Greek. The long ‘o’ is omega, at the end of the Greek alphabet. I learnt a little Cypriot Greek while living in Cyprus.
Annie, why is is the o in omega long but in omicron short.?? (Admittedly mine was classical greek)
I studied mathematics extensively and it was pronounced oh-me-cron.
You say tomayto and I say tomahto. Let’s call the whole thing off.
Mathemeticians pronounce mu and nu and mew and new rather than mee and nee. So that is hardly a recommendation.
The o is short in omicron. O in Greek has two vowel sounds and the long one is used in Omega.
[SNIP. Uncalled for. Stick to the topic, not the ad homs.]
But… mathemeticians do it
[SNIP Again.]
I was going to say see above but it looks like my previous comment is below.
This is something up with which I will not put. And now in the words of Lawrence Oates, I am just going outside and may be some time.
Geez!!! get over it.
Thanks so much to Jo and everybody who contributes to the conversation on this web site.
I don’t understand the down-voting in this instance. The comment is relevant and informative
meh. It’s a living.
Below is a very small extract of a very long article by a Greek linguist about how to pronounce omicron but I can’t copy and paste it because 1) length 2) some Phonetic Characters don’t seem to paste correctly and 3) some links don’t paste correctly.
For article go to:
The pronunciations the OED lists for omicron are:
əʊˈmʌɪkrɒn, ōMĪcrŏn, oh-MY-kron (UK)
əˈmʌɪkrɒn, əMĪcrŏn, uh-MY-kron (UK)
əʊˈmʌɪkrən, ōMĪcrən, oh-MY-kruhn (UK)
əˈmʌɪkrən, əMĪcrən, uh-MY-kruhn (UK)
ˈɒmɨkrɒn, Ŏmĭkrŏn, OM-ikr-on (UK)
ˈɒmɨkrən, Ŏmĭkrən, OM-ikr-uhn (UK)
ˈɑməkrɑn, Ŏməkrŏn, OM-uhkr-on (US)
ˈoʊməkrɑn, Ōməkrŏn, OH-muhkr-on (US)
There’s three possible values a vowel in English can have here for the purposes of Anglo-Latin:
Long: OH-mukhron, oh-MY-kron
Short: OM-imkron, OM-ikr-on, oh-MY-kron
Reduced: OM-uhkr-on, uh-MY-kruhn
I’m now going to account for all eight pronunciations
A cunning fellow that linguist.
I would be interested to see an analysis of just how the americans came to mispronounce aluminium.
Be careful how you describe people with language skills.
And, as for aluminium, yes, that pronunciation, yuk.
With the usual disclaimer that I am a mechanic, I’ve heard a defence of “American English” being that theirs is Olde English and that they did not keep up with the OED. They fought a bloody war to rid themselves of British tyranny and it seems that included dumping English dictionaries along with the tea in Boston.
But there are two things that can’t be explained away that way: “Coronated” instead of “crowned” and putting an “s” onto “aircraft” for the plural.
But ya gotta luv Yank yachting commentators twisting their tongues around “buoy”. Just ignore the “u” and all will be fine.
Aloominum is the US usage.
Saves the hard work of wrapping your tongue around the tricky bits.
Then they go and contradict that by making booey extra work.
(I presume) Hanrahan,
As a fellow Irishman I must agree. One thing which has always puzzled me, is why do we refer to more than one cow as cows, and yet two sheep are still sheep.
One predictable ‘benefit’ from the O variant:
Yeah StJohn, 90 miles from tyranny, may he drop the baton.
What if I told you there is a virus which is many, many times more contagious than any of the Covid family.
It is a superspreader without peer, and can infect an entire school or workplace in a matter of days.
Should we, on the basis of this superspreading, highly contagious virus, start locking down our homes and businesses and seeking a vaccine?
I am talking about viral conjunctivitis, or “red-eye”.
No virus is more contagious.
Way too much politics and too little data for omicron!
No comments
Doesn’t seem to be Omicron
Nearly 70 ICU medics at Spanish hospital COVID-19 positive after Christmas party (out of 173 attendees)
Haha, an ICU medic party, that’s very funny. I would not be attending a party with ICU medics, put it that way. Kind of goes against my idea of low risk covid management strategy.
You would think these people would be fully aware of how not to get covid. And they lecture me as to what I should do ?
Omicron is might be fast moving but its been slowing down real fast in SA for the last 3 days. Too much (whatever,)…
From Dr Mobeen Syed:
Omicron May Have Picked Up Gene From A Common Cold Virus
Best comment by far.
I read that paper last night, but sadly it is only about the mechanism of the insertion, not about the effect of adding those common cold code parts.
Caught my eye though. Could be like winning the lottery if the right bits of code were in there…
Here is Dr John Campbell’s assessment 5 Dec 2021
Latest data, looking good
Regarding any natural immunity escape, is their a correlation to early treatment with monoclonal antibodies? If early enough, the immune system may never need to generate its own response.
Haven’t seen the headline yet – “First person to die of omicron”
Or did I miss it? But even if it’s out there you would want to make sure. One of the links above about “teens struggling” is typical covid porn that stresses none of the cases were definitively linked to omicron.
How does this effect me as an un-vaccinated?
There is going to be a wave because we have very active borders again. So it will spread widely as locals I notice have given up on any preventative behavior, relying on their vaccine to do the trick.
Am I going to be able to hold out? At the moment there is simply none around so it’s easy, but that could now change. Im facing that for the first time since this stuff began.
IN the next week when restrictions open up Im going to the City for a weeks work. Im quite confident I can easily avoid most human contact with strangers. I got a hotel room with a large window and balcony and a kitchen. I have no intention of partying like Jay Weatherill.
I also heard something about Omicron being related to Alpha more than Delta, and so is likely that it was around in 2018 at least, for some sort of science geek reason. Something roughly along these lines.
“I have no intention of partying like Jay Weatherill.’
You’re just delaying the inevitable..
There are lots of solutions around, vit D and C to help stop it getting a foothold. Hydroxchloroquine or Ivermectin immediately if you get infected, (or a hot lemon drink.. Who knows!)
This doctor reckons Prednisone and Promethazine after 1 week of having it, its a very compelling story.
All these treatments have glowing reports from different doctors, but in the end, any vaguely fit and healthy person survives OK.
I’m with those who believe we should retract all Covid rules and spread Omicron as far and wide as possible, then get back to normal.
I had a visit to a Dr who said it was inevitable too. His argument was so I may as well just get vaccinated you’ll be fine. Yours is similar, party like Jay and just get on with it, you’ll be fine. So far I’ve not followed either and I’m fine.
But I’d rather not have that chinese tinkered bio weapon in my body. So far delaying the inevitable has allowed me to be vaccine free, and virus free, and my vaccine hasn’t worn off like most others is rapidly doing while there is no virus around, and there is a chance the virus is getting weaker, but we have to wait and see, so its win win so far. And I’m more than happy to wait for that ocean cruise I’ve always wanted.
“This doctor reckons Prednisone and Promethazine after 1 week of having it, its a very compelling story”.
Where do you get these ? At the chemist ? I have plenty of D and C in me, I eat well and work in the sun. I was talking vitamins and bioflavanoids but its a waste of time if you eat well.
The boredom with this COVID evolution just continues. ** YAWN**
Does it?
Is anyone actually sick from Omicron? If so, how many?
As usual, Gee Aye is completely cut off from relevance