Just what the world doesn’t need, another giant global bureaucracy which is a tool of President Xi.
Omicron has barely got out of the gates and the WHO are already clamoring to create a kind of nightmare IPCC version for pandemics. They’re calling it an International Pandemic Treaty as if they can make peace with inanimate rogue nucleotides.
In any case, a global unaccountable, unelected ruling body in charge of borders, lockdowns and our medical supplies sounds like the DeathStar of Bureaucracies.
As Marc Morano says, it’s a “virus version of the IPCC”:
The assembly’s decision will see the creation of an “intergovernmental negotiating body” to draft and negotiate the final convention, which would then need to be adopted by member states. … Tedros said omicron “demonstrates just why the world needs a new accord on pandemics,” and called for a “legally binding” agreement.
— @WHO
The UN is bought and controlled one vote at a time by the highest bidder, or the one with the Biggest Belt and Road. And when it came to stopping the biggest pandemic in a century, the WHO helped it spread, just as President Xi might have hoped.
The WHO only had one job, and they failed dismally
Remember February 2, 2020? That’s when the WHO could have saved millions of lives and told the world to turn off the flights and keep the Wuhan Flu in Wuhan. Instead Tedros, the told the world ridiculous fictions and Chief Health Officers believed him:
““Travel restrictions can cause more harm than good by hindering info-sharing, medical supply chains and harming economies,” the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday.”
— Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Chief of the WHO
Apparently we needed to fly in a deadly airborne disease that spread from symptomless people because doctors wouldn’t be able to email, phone, tweet, youtube and generally share info?

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
As for securing “medical supply chains”, at this point the planes of the world were carrying those medical PPE supplies straight to China where they could be used, hoarded, and traded back for political favours, thus creating the shortage Tedros said he was trying to stop.
On February 3 last year I noted that Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia at the same time that China loaned them billions to build a railway line. He was part of a one-party government which was formerly a Marxist Lenninist far left group. Suddenly there might be a reason (or $13 billion) why Tedros went out of his way to praise President Xi of China..?
And praise he did. Tedros met Xi and raved to the world
Could President Xi have asked any more of a minion?
Xi Jinping meets with visiting World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
“…Tedros said it is admirable that the Chinese government has shown its solid political resolve and taken timely and effective measures in dealing with the epidemic.
President Xi’s personal guidance and deployment show his great leadership capability, Tedros said.
He said that China has released information in an open and transparent manner, identified the pathogen in a record-short time and shared the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus in a timely manner with the WHO and other countries.
China’s measures are not only protecting its people, but also protecting the people in the whole world, he said.
A petition to sack Tedros gathered more than a million signatures. Some five million people have died since that craven day last year, yet Tedros is still in the job.
Marc Morano says “this must be stopped now”:
“This will be a virus version of the UN IPCC & Paris climate style pacts. The pandemic ‘crisis’ will become permanent just like the ‘climate crisis.’ Attempts to impose lockdowns for future COVID variants or new viruses may be internationally imposed instead of national, state or local. If you don’t like your governor, mayor or school board, you can vote them out, but if a ‘radical’ WHO ‘pandemic treaty’ that is ‘legally binding’ becomes reality, global mandates may be coming your way and local elections will cease to matter as unelected bureaucrats will be yielding the real power over your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. This must be stopped now. Even the Washington Post is calling a ‘pandemic treaty’ a ‘radical’ idea.
The WHO needs to be cancelled.
The UN is an extension of the Chinese model of government – essentially a dictatorship.
The UN needs to be disbanded before it gains any more influence over elected governments.
If UN served its intended role, there would be no need for the AUKUS alliance.
Given that every member country has a veto it is hard to see a dictatorship.
G’day D W,
When did that change? I thought there were only 5 countries which had the veto: UK, US, Russia, France and…China.
I guess they’ll come to respect international laws when they’re all correctly aligned with the CCP.
Dave B
Perhaps you are thinking of the Security Council. For COP decisions under the UNFCCC every member country has a veto. Same for the Paris Accord which amends the FCCC.
Security council members have power of veto. Not conferred to other members.
At Glasgow, I’m happy to be corrected, but if we have a Veto it meant nothing as far as I could see. Australia got Net Zero with arm twisting, bad media, lectures, etc even though we voted against it.
The WHO, as it happens, still helped Xi spread Covid. I can’t imagine China or the WHO would asking for a bigger better “Treaty” group if they were going to have less power or money. Would China give up a tool to “share pandemics”?
The UN model is hopelessly fatally flawed. As long as a few countries toss in money but 200 can vote to spend it, I don’t see how this can possibly work for the Democratic West. It funds a vast network of bureaucrats that answer to no one that Iwe can can vote out.
Eg Our Reef has record high cover this year, but China has paid off enough people somehow to still be able to generate UNESCO threats to list it as endangered, even as China concretes over South China see reef. They use our money to threaten our tourism and reputation and distract from their own crimes.
🙂 🙂
As far as I remember, some countries (Taiwan was one) informed WHO on 31st Dec, 2019 of a deadly virus in China that was infectious. It wasn’t until around 21st January that China admitted this – originally it was called an epidemic. Nine days later it was finally labelled a pandemic and travel bans were put in place by some concerned countries. By then, the horse had bolted.
China stands condemned for covering up the severity of the virus and WHO stands complicit in their failure to investigate quickly and act.
Treaties with the UN appear to serve the purpose of slow deliberate transfer of power by elected govts to the UN, in effect enabling a world govt by stealth.
The UN is an unelected body which appears to be owned by the Elite, so its a global take over by proxy.
But – if people refuse to cooperate, they have nothing.
An extraordinary outline of the tightening noose holding Australia in place on its journey to nowhere.
Marc Morano rightly mentions the UNIPCCC as the forerunner of this latest scheme to limit and control us.
The Catastrophic Global Warming and death by incineration due to human origin CO2 meme has absolutely no truth behind it, but has enabled the oppression and plundering of our nation’s development since world war 2 ended.
Let’s be clear; man made global warming is a fictitious concept with no scientific base but has been used in many areas of Australian society to tie us in knots and fleece us mercilessly.
Australia, once a proud leader of sensible progress in so many areas of endeavour:
Science; CSIRO and
Health; CSL
Industry; Iron and steelmaking, Aluminium production, automotive industry.
All the above are either gone or teetering, about to crash.
Our once brilliant public education system now a limping, woke shadow of its former self.
This is what happens when we give over leadership of our nation to those who are unqualified to lead.
It’s time to dismiss “unhelpful” outside interference and clean up our act.
I am sure Mark meant the FCCC treaty, not the IPCC which just does reports. Mind you at the beginning in 1992 the FCCC was just a feel-good exercise. Even the Paris Accord is all volunteer national actions. The only requirements are procedural.
Yes the requirements are procedural but the actual actions by the governments of the so called “free world” are not and are in effect self-destructive. The longer most people keep ignoring that elephant in the room the worse things will get until the West is destroyed, or if we are lucky enough people wake in time to avoid it. AT the moment there are too many who are pretending all is OK and so keep giving full power to the the two main parties. That has to change if we in Australia are to avoid a complete tyranny. We are already partly there but things can and probably will get a lot worse. It all depends on the pain threshold of the masses.
Right, so the UN is not the problem. Alarmism has captured the national governments.
The UN definitely is the problem. It’s charter has been subsumed and pursues a policy in which it will supplant individual nation states. One world government may sound really nice for the starry eyed idealist, but it will be the end of liberty.
The UN is in charge of the organisations generating the false alarms.
In theory, the UN would be a useful organisation for equity between countries.
In theory, socialism would be a useful form of governance for equity between individuals.
Eh? I didn’t mentioned the UN.
Your mistake then. Apology accepted.
What apology? I think you guys have lost it like the elite.
I’m sure you meant “Marc”.
I remember, back in the day, how real Australian schools used to teach critical thinking skills, real science based on objective fact, the marvels of Western Civilisation and our representative democracy, mathematics, literacy including spelling, the work ethic, respect for the flag, respect for elders, that there were only two genders and many other facts and skills now not considered “woke”.
“I remember, back in the day, how real Australian schools used to teach critical thinking skills”
So do I David, as a slightly not main stream student in the early 50’s it was decided that the way to teach “stupid” kids was to administer the strap. The floggings continued until scholastic success was either achieved or the unteachable students left school. How I ever managed to make it through life is beyond me. And I am sure a couple of leather wielding “teachers” would be equally amazed.
l still remember the sound of “woof” as the teacher bought down the leather strop made into a strap across my hands that were covering my bent legs with my back against the wall so that if l moved my hands l would cop it in across the bare thighs
it was crippling but you learnt very quickly without the use of mind altering drugs
the welts were unbelievable
l also remember the yard rulers and wooden coat hangers from the nuns at primary school
“l also remember the yard rulers and wooden coat hangers from the nuns at primary school.”
Ah yes, the Sisters of no mercy.
““Travel restrictions can cause more harm than good by hindering info-sharing, medical supply chains and harming economies,” the head of the World Health
(WHO) said on Friday.” The World Health Organization declared the outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020, and a pandemic on 11 March 2020.
So it was not a pandemic when that statement was made
And Donald Trump, repeatedly downplayed the dangers all through February, and steered the USA to its number one position for avoidable deaths due to the virus.
Sounds like you have a computer model that speculates on avoidable deaths. I doubt they exist making it pure junk.
Peter Fitzroy So it was not a pandemic when that statement was made
So the WHO could have stopped it, but helped it spread instead.
That’s my point.
You forgot to mention WHO said the virus was not transferred human to human, probably on Chinese advice. Trump got bad advice on that matter; anyway he acted to close the borders but was not helped by some governors – think New YOrk who celebrated Chinese new year therefore ensuring a good spread. There is malice in all of this and the Chinese commies are the source, aided and abetted by Tadros adhominem and the left international. You are duped possibly.
Video: Pelosi says it’s very safe to visit Chinatown in San Francisco when President Trump was already trying to curtail the virus.
Peter, you Leftists falsely accused President Trump of being “racist” when he closed the borders.
You can’t have it both ways.
Leftism obviously derives from quantum theory as it also allows for superposition of states!
Yes, in quantum theory it’s called superposition, in Leftism it’s called doublethink.
A key difference is that there is no uncertainty in Leftism
David, what are you talking about? The post is about an alleged power grab by the WHO, using spurious statements which were made before the outbreak was declared a pandemic. This position (in February) was supported by Trump (all laid out in Bob Woodward’s book), which means that Tedros and Trump were singing from the same songbook, just saying.
If you want to talk about closing boarders, Trump acted by closing some Chinese embarkation points, but not all, nor did he consider the threat posed by Europe (which supplied a lot of infected travellers to the USA).
Is there any need to raise the Leftist trope, or is that the only shell in your locker?
By avoidable deaths PF, I presume that you are referring to the nearly half a million that would have been saved if DJT’s suggestion of the early use of HCQ and Zinc had been adopted.
As Pete Townshend from The Who wrote in 1971:
‘Meet the new boss,
same as the old boss,
. . .
Won’t get fooled again’.
Yeah / nah.
One of my favourites. Fine drums from Keith “the loon” MOON.
That’s exactly my point all along but not many understand it. We the people keep giving full power to one of the two major parties and expect things to change for the better. As some have already stated that’s one definition of insanity.
“the party on the left, is now parting on the right”
Here in the US, the former liberal left was once for free speech.
No more.
I think I recall a commenter on this very blog a month or so ago writing, “free speech is a right wing talking point”, or very close to that.
You will probably relate to this one too:
“And your women are always right (alright)
They always know so much more
‘Cos the women came from heaven
And the men came outta some store
And they don’t know who they are
And they don’t know what they’re for”
All American Alien Boy – Ian Hunter
Mott … possibly my second fav … Who being first
This is what they’re working at. Comrade Stairman Dan’s new toy (pandemic law) will be used for climate stuff in future. His senile buddy in the US looks already like he wants to declare “Climate” as a public health emergency.
“Climate change” is already being marketed as a “health emergency”.
Plus, Biden’s handlers keep the southern border open for illegals to just walk across, thus ensuring and endless supply of pandemic contagion.
In the long run the population will be strengthened by regular injections of foreigners Biden’ll tell ya if he can just assemble his wits long enough to form the utterance.
As Australia, the US and Europe succumb to the socialism of the Elites, we can look to the prophetic work, Nineteen Eighty Four.
In Nineteen Eighty Four the world was in a state of perpetual war, universal government surveillance rewriting of history and endless propaganda.
In the present case the “war” is against the virus and the climate although it might also go “hot” with China.
The pandemic and the false claim of climate catastrophe give the Elites all the excuse they need for imposing a global dictatorship.
Imposing a dictatorship will be very easy due to multiple reasons including it being facilitated by rewriting history (nothing learned from past), universal surveillance of the citizenry and endless propaganda from the socialist media outlets owned and controlled by the Elites.
Indeed. It all comes down one simple truth. We the people have the power (for now) to effect a peaceful change at the ballot box. The problem is too many won’t wake up and make that change.
Not until catastrophe strikes and people are severely impacted (including deaths). Rational discussion cannot sway the masses from the narratives while the media colludes to support them.
All I see is confusion and ignorance. The MSM has dulled people’s brains so much that getting them to reflect on issues is now impossible.Look at the blanket coverage in the lead up to same-sex marriage- an abysmal outcome, which ridiculed the opposite side.
Not sure about the power of the ballot box. The giant government bureaucracy barely notices a change in government and big business doesn’t give a fig who is in power as long as their prosperity goes unchallenged.
Big is the enemy of good.
The power at the ballot box only exists if the voters bother to think before they vote. Otherwise, it’s pointless so we get the government we deserve and if anyone wants to apportion blame then all they have to do is look in the mirror.
It seems unlikely that the UN will succumb to dictatorship, they are a diverse lot, but I agree with the general consensus that the MSM has lost its teeth for investigative journalism.
The reason this has come about is complex, yet we can say with certainty that the communications revolution has had an impact.
I imagine the UN will run the world in the way Brussels runs Europe.
You can have a Prime Minister, vote for your country’s Govt, but the UN will tell you how bent your bananas are allowed to be! A special UN tax you ‘won’t notice’, a whole new lot of politicians who need a career path, and millions of jobs for bureaurats!
Short and sweet; and penetrating.
If we can’t look outside Australia and see the devastation, ugliness and misery inflicted on Europe and Britain over the last thirty years, and more recently, the USA, then we are done for.
The “jobs for the boys” that you highlighted is rife everywhere and at every level of mismanagement.
No society can carry that weight.
The MSM display the ‘Collative Reasonability’ of a bunch to drunken teenagers. It’s all about the thrill of the chase, and peer acceptance.
Our politicians are terrified of them, their primary focus is to avoid becoming a target of the ‘chase’
It is precisely these big government initiatives which give the likes of McGowan a barely noticeable bulge in his trousers. We have history as a nation here. Ros Kelly, Julia Gillard and Julie Bishop had no qualms about committing Australia to allegedly non-binding UN Agends’s (21 / 30) based on something called sustainability – whatever that means. To our single digit IQ politicians this stuff all makes sense. Expect nothing less than full backing from our state premiers and PM and remember the next federal election may be the last chance this country has to effect real change across the board.
Got it there F.
Julie Bish could swish through her role as ambassadoress to the United Bloody Nations and achieve nothing for us or the world.
Meanwhile the U.N. and appendages, which would be noticeable, got boat loads of our tax dollars.
Australia doesn’t need these appendages; let’s cut them off.
Here you can find the US all-cause mortality dataset: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/
and judge for yourself the impact that vaccination and mandates, have had.
Table 1 has the data you want but you can download it too.
Find the
"click here to download"
button.On the page that opens, click on “Export” and choose a
CSV file
(or another type).When I open it in my spreadsheet software, I turn on the Filter so I can filter by Group, Year and State. Then it’s easy to highlight the “Percent of Expected Deaths” column and generate a chart.
(You can ignore the last 4/5 weeks, as they are likely to be under-reported, as explained on the website.)
The other way to visualize the data is highlight both “COVID-19 deaths” and “Total deaths”, and create a single Chart showing both lines.
The United States had a wave of excess mortality centered on the end of summer 2021, roughly week 35. Weekly all-cause mortality was 40% higher than expected — then trending down steadily but it’s still elevated (compared to data from 2017-2019).
Looking at individual states, you see the same pattern: the “percentage of expected deaths” for each week, peaks in late Summer, early September, then drops off, eg. Virginia, Georgia, Florida (peak = 200%), Texas (peak = 180% but has come down sharply), Kentucky (159%), California (peaking at 136%), Missouri (over 140), Oklahoma nearly 160. Tennesse over 170.
Other states break the pattern in different ways: Michigan didn’t peak as dramatically but has hovered around 120% and stuck there stubbornly.
Colorado: steady upward trend from Summer onward and no sign of improvement.
( Looking at West Virginia’s numbers, they presumably have the slowest reporting system nationwide — is it hand-written by toothless folk in the mountains and delivered twice a year? … North Carolina needs explaining too … they have stayed below 100% since mid-year, and then moved below 80%. Super late registration of deaths? )
Anyway, there’s been a lot of excess mortality this year and it happened in spite of mass vaccination… but trust the vaccines, right ?!?
USA has been mandating vaccines since 1905. However it is clear that any Covid 19 mandates had little impact on the numbers vaccinated. The most vaccinated State in the USA, Vermont, does not surpass Australia’s lowest. The lowest vaccinated, Idaho, does not have half the population fully vaccinated.
Excess deaths in Idaho have been up around 180% through September and October this year.
The data on the effectiveness of vaccinations in the USA is compelling in favour of being vaccinated with Moderna. It reduces the risk of dying from Covid by a factor of TWENTY:
The J&J vaccine is the least effective with only 7-fold reduction in risk of death.
Mississippi has the highest Covid death rate and has not yet reached 50% of the population fully vaccinated. However it appears it has achieved herd immunity as Covid death rate is declining now.
Overall, US is gradually approaching herd immunity but it is coming at a high cost of lives of those unvaccinated. The low vaccinated states have death rate levelling off as the northern winter approaches:
The test now will be to get booster shots.
When you write “USA has been mandating vaccines since 1905” you’ve served to muddy the waters more than somewhat given that we’re on our third CDC definition of vaccine this year so that mRNA therapies may qualify.
the cdc has no role in defining the term.
It does have a responsibility to CLARIFY the term.
Not especially.
Looks like the CCCP and the WHO are a good fit.
There’s a large part of Tedros’ CV that people seem to keep forgetting. Through a large part of the 5 years prior to his appointment as WHO head, he was tied very closely to the Gates Foundation programs.
Signing on to international treaties and ratifying obliges the commonwealth to implement laws consistent with the treaty. No doubt it seemed like a good idea when the constitution was framed but what a back door to voluntary servitude it has proven to be.
It really is time for the commonwealth to start winding back on international treaties. It’s not going to be popular with the powers that be, but sovereignty is the nation’s only real defence to globalism.
Time to un the UN.
There are early indicators of ADE from the spike protein vaccines with the Omicron variant given that this Botswana report of those with symptoms seem only to be amongst the vaccinated.
Additionally, PhD John Campbell interviewed “Daryl” from South Africa who had a breakthrough Omicron infection which started with a cough, then he felt like he had a hangover or flu for a couple of days before reverting to just a cough. If his wife “Shelly” hadn’t been a teacher, neither would have gotten tested given the mild symptoms.
Interestingly, “Shelly” had previously recovered from Delta and then gotten vaccinated anyway. It is another indicator of ADE that she was re-infected and was able to transmit it to her partner.
Right, governments around the world are now enforcing mandates for a vaccine that doesnt prevent the spread of a virus that doesnt harm you.
For the Left, the bioweapon/pandemic and the anthropogenic global warming fraud are the gifts that keep on giving.
It will be behind the Murdoch paywall, but the Sunday Times (UK) Insight team published in mid-August this year an in-depth investigation of how China took over the WHO following criticism of it over SARS-CoV-1 a decade ago. I read it at the time and it is excellent.
Here (paywall):
Let’s see what our politicians make of this. The other kicker is even the vaccinated will be treated the same if they don’t get their booster shots.
Germany locks down unvaccinated people, as leaders plan to make shots compulsory
The irony is that the Chinese payed very little for the control of the Who by contributing only around 40 million to WHO the biggest contributor was the US which bought it no influence. The second biggest contributor I think was Bill Gates.
I suspect that the way to gain influence is not to pay to the organisation but use your influence over the individual who runs it. One can’t help but think that the Chinese have through threats or rewards ensured that the WHO does their bidding.The US got nothing but criticism for their contribution.And who knows what Bill Gates got.
In 2017 Tedros, newly appointed as the lead singer of the WHO, appointed – believe it or not – Robert Mugabe as a ‘goodwill ambassador’.
This is the nascent (unelected and unejectable) world government; straight out of the EU’s 45 year playbook. Slowly, slowly, catchee monkey. Also known as boiling the frog. They creep and metastasise into one area after another. The EU, in a laughable if it wasn’t sinister, twist called each area they took over a ‘competency’. They deride and sneer and call objectors mad conspiracy theorists, extremists even, until they snap the trap with a new treaty, and then preen and crow that objectors had their chance so why didn’t they speak up. They too were unelected, with just a powerless fig-leaf of an EU Parliament.
Great comment Phil.
In the meantime ….
Birth will be in a stable because
no place available in hospital.
Shepherds in quarantine.
Travel restrictions on Magis.
Angels arrested for protesting.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Tedros Gebreyesus is a Tigriyan, and a member of the left-wing TPLF (Tigray People’s Liberation Front). I have had experience in dealing with this Ethiopian political party. This party is dictatorial and is determined to subjugate the Oromo people of Ethiopia. Tedros is a puppet for China, and always will be. Just another example of why the UN should be disbanded.
Well said.
[…] Global Pandemic Treaty? The WHO that helped spread Covid wants even more power […]