The FDA has launched a marketing program to rebrand the Wonder Drug from Japan as just a horse paste and thus bury the 3.8 billion doses given to very non-horsey humans, many of whom were in Subsaharan Africa. On another day this would be a hideously racist. When do 200 million Africans count for nothing?
The FDA may hope to save people from self-medication accidents, but will regret telling a half-truth-soup and burning up more of what’s left in their trust-bucket. After all, they want the public to trust them with their lives, but it only takes one eye opening conversation to undo years of propaganda. If the FDA are not mentioning that something like 200 million humans use Ivermectin each and every year — what else are they hiding? That it won a Nobel Prize and costs $1 a day?
The FDA and the Guardian and co, are training readers to mock anyone who even asks about Ivermectin. It’s the old Argumentum By Derision again. The tool of bullies, not scientists.
Martin Pengelly at The Guardian got the message the FDA was sending:
Ahead of full US authorisation of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine, the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had a simple message for Americans contemplating using ivermectin, a medicine used to deworm livestock, instead of getting a Covid shot.
“You are not a horse,” it said. “You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”
Indeed, Lordy! No cool person will take cow medicine ever again. But say, don’t vets use penicillin ..?
The reasoning that animal-medicine can’t be a human-medicine doesn’t wash: a lot of drugs for farm animals are drugs for humans too. Like Aspirin. Valium. Prednisone. Propofol. Tramadol. Dexamethazone. doxycycline Amoxicillin. Benazepril. etc etc etc.

The FDA is going Double or Nothing — not to save American lives, but to save their own reputation. Word is getting out that Ivermectin seems to help a lot of people, and how would it look if the US FDA was not as advanced as India, Peru and Mexico?
Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19
The FDA’s job is to carefully evaluate the scientific data on a drug to be sure that it is both safe and effective for a particular use, and then to decide whether or not to approve it. Using any treatment for COVID-19 that’s not approved or authorized by the FDA, unless part of a clinical trial, can cause serious harm.
Given their job is to evaluate scientific data, the FDA doesn’t give any of the sort of reasons we’d expect it might do. They don’t say ivermectin is ineffective, doesn’t work, or that it binds to the wrong part of the virus, stops antibody production, or doesn’t reach the tissues it needs too, or anything like that.
They can’t say that, because apparently they haven’t looked:
“The FDA has not reviewed data to support use of ivermectin in COVID-19 patients to treat or to prevent COVID-19; however, some initial research is underway.”
How good do we feel about that? 644,000 Americans have died so far, but the FDA hasn’t found the time in the worst pandemic of the last 100 years to even organise the research?
- If it’s that cheap and low risk, why has it taken the FDA 16 months to start reviewing it?
- Aren’t preapproved drugs the fastest and cheapest to test because they’ve already passed most of the safety checks and are in full production? If so, what program does the FDA have for screening pre-approved drugs to repurpose them. If the FDA doesn’t do this, who should, and why hasn’t the FDA called for that?
The Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance of Doctors feels the FDA is being misleading.
They agree that people should talk to their doctor and not take medicines designed for animals — but point out that there are 40 medical trials world wide that show it is safe and effective, and 10-20% of all drugs in the US are prescribed “off label”.
“Due to its extensive record of safe use, medical professionals can feel confident about
prescribing Ivermectin,” said Dr. Pierre Kory, president and chief medical officer of the FLCCC. “In the 40 years since it was first approved for use, more than 3.8 billion people have been treated
For more information about the FLCCC Alliance, the I-Mask+ Prophylaxis & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 and the MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol for COVID-19, please visit with an average of only 160 adverse events reported per year. This is a better safety record than several vitamins.”
The FDA won’t quote their critics, but their critics are not afraid of what the FDA says (even if it is boring). Here they are:
Here’s What You Need to Know about Ivermectin
- FDA has not approved ivermectin for use in treating or preventing COVID-19 in humans. Ivermectin tablets are approved at very specific doses for some parasitic worms, and there are topical (on the skin) formulations for head lice and skin conditions like rosacea. Ivermectin is not an anti-viral (a drug for treating viruses).
- Taking large doses of this drug is dangerous and can cause serious harm.
- If you have a prescription for ivermectin for an FDA-approved use, get it from a legitimate source and take it exactly as prescribed.
- Never use medications intended for animals on yourself. Ivermectin preparations for animals are very different from those approved for humans.
Medicine delayed is medicine denied. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Australian doctors can prescribe Ivermectin off label. Talk to your Doc. Show them the One Page Summary of Critical Trials on Ivermectin and the IMASK protocol.
Andy Crump and Satoshi Omura (2011) Ivermectin, ‘Wonder drug’ from Japan: the human use perspective ,Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci. Feb 10; 87(2): 13–28. doi: 10.2183/pjab.87.1
Prominent Indian Physician Verifies Huge Impact of Ivermectin in Curbing Second Delta-Variant Wave in India
It is the evil determination of our elites to not be honest about everything that makes this ‘pandemic’ so unbelievable and sick.
Though the link is a subscription site, the information in link is limited but informative.
At the foot of the link is a link to bitchute, and Dr Lenny De Costa, mentioned in article.
Here is the seven minute link:
Good Morning Jo,
10 out of 10 for this great “community-service-type” article Jo.
Just a quick urgent note.
I checked the site you mentioned,, & it comes up with Fort Lyon Canal.!?
Are you sure you didn’t mean …
Warm regards, Reformed warmist of Logan
It is (3 Cs) – which links to the URL you quote, same group.
I am sending this to everyone who wants to open their minds and listen to reason.
Cool, thanks.
“I am sending this to everyone who wants to open their minds and listen to reason.”
You ain’t gonna get much mind opening from the FLCCC as they are out to get ivermectin accepted as an anti-covid treatment come hell or high water. Suggest you and most others here look at the current facts. There are many comments here about the use of vaccines that have not been subjected to the more usual lengthy trials but the use of ivermectin to treat Covid is wildly popular here despite the facts that its use for that purpose is still not unequivocally proven.
What’s in it for them? Really?
Please provide some justification for your comment. These are DOCTORS trying to TREAT patients rather than being focussed on filling out the red tape to satisfy RCTs.
Ever heard of evidence based medicine ? It’s something doctors used to “indulge” in prior to the last decade when everything became about national health authority approval (ie satisfying a bunch of bureaucrats)
There is no money to be made from Ivermectin, so doctor’s pushing for it have no other reason than their belief that it works. Most of them believe this because they have used it themselves and seen the improvement it makes. They are not able to mention it when they are interviewed by mainstream news however. A good video on this can be found here:
All of the articles you mention pick out certain studies and ignore others. It is a common approach to “disproving” something. You will notice they always say more studies need to be completed. Fine, then do it! This has been known as a potential treatment since April 2020!
For some reason Remdesivir was approved on very little scientific evidence. But it is a new drug, so there is money to be made. That surely isn’t the reason … is it?
From my perspective it is more about people having the freedom to choose. If you want the vaccine, go ahead. If you want to prophetically treat yourself with Ivermectin, or use it to treat Covid if you catch it, then you should also be given that choice. It is a safe drug, the worse that can happen is nothing.
But instead you must take the vaccine and Ivermectin bad. Seems a bit odd..
Listen Ian. What constitutes unequivocally proven?
There are scores of RCTs that shows its efficacy especially if taken early in the infection.
And, take note, the pharmacy in a major Melbourne hospital will fill any prescription for it, issued by an appropriate medical professional. They even pop it in the mail to your home address if you can’t get there to pick it up. How’s that for unequivocal?
If you don’t know how to get a prescription by now, then you’ve not been following this site closely enough.
It’s time the Commonwealth’s Chief Medical Officer took on the BigPharma’s sycophants.
Goodness me Ian, why do you always get it wrong. Particularly as in this case peoples lives depend on it. Don’t you actually care?
Ian I am sending this to you so you open your mind to reason:
Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 63 studies
My hospital doctor friend makes a few points.
1) He is allowed to use many existing well-known medications “off-label” if he deems it appropriate.
2) Ivermectin has a wide dosage window. A 10X dose is unlikely to do any harm.
3) Ivermectin is cheap and readily available. Hospital admin likes low cost options.
“One whose name must not be spoken” once recommended it. Down with it!
And his prescription will be filled by the pharmacy at a large Melbourne hospital. Or, they’ll mail it to you.
The central issue, to my mind.
No-one wants to be branded as the crazy uncle with the tinfoil hat. Ivermectin – even more than HCQ, bleach, and internal UV light – became the darling of the fruit-loop right. And when you mix it up with the already-triggered anti-vax crowd, you have a classic stoush.
Nothing to do with its medical effectiveness as an anti-viral (prophylactic or treatment). But the FDFA should have knocked it on the head over a year ago, with proper trials. It’s very weak to just say that it hasn’t been shown to be effective.
I also agree that conflating veterinary use with human use is not legitimate – but again it comes back to the fruit-loop right and the loudmouths on social media – urging people to head on down to the local feed store and get themselves some of that-there horse de-wormer.
What a mess.
If you have been treated with ivermectin, having got Covid, will your body have produced sufficient antibodies to give the superior protection quoted as compared to that provided by vaccination?
If you have “caught covid” as you suggest, you will have antibodies and when they fade you will still have T cells and other things that I don’t understand fully, but you will have immunity.
I think the answer is “yes”, but I doubt they’ve produced and published any peer reviewed papers about it.
Dave B
In that case it would THEORETICALLY be a lot easier and cheaper to let people catch Covid and treat it immediately with ivermectin.
Result natural immunity, reported as being more effective than vaccination, and tablets at minimal cost.
Oh, I forgot, no spin-off cash benefit for certain businesses.
Of course. They are talking about symptom reduction, the immune system is still challenged and will respond appropriately.
would be great if Ivermectin proved to be a cheap & effective way of preventing Covid infections, hospitalisations and deaths.
However this is not reflected in the data available here:
Deaths continue to head North even though the reported number infected each day in India has dropped dramatically.
I also spent some time looking at the data for various African counties where Ivermectin is readily available over the counter for human use. I saw no significant different patterns to other countries. It seems that everywhere the Indian ( Delta ) variant has spread rapidly and caused significant hospitalisations and increased deaths.
“It seems that everywhere the Indian ( Delta ) variant has spread rapidly and caused significant hospitalisations and increased deaths.” The last part of the sentence is not true in the UK.
Too many people making too much money to let this gravy train end.
When even the Australian publishes this yesterday from The Times – FDA is looking Incompetent
Israel: Past infection ‘gives more protection’
Having antibodies against Covid-19 from a previous infection may offer more protection against the Delta variant than being fully vaccinated against the disease, a study suggests.
The study found that people who had tested positive for Covid-19 were less likely to become infected, ill or need hospital treatment with the Delta strain than those who had two doses of the Pfizer vaccine but no previous infection.
It was conducted in Israel, which has one of the world’s highest vaccination rates, and where the Delta variant has been blamed for rising cases since June.
It is the largest study to have compared natural immunity from a Covid infection with vaccination. It was published on the website medRxiv, run by the British Medical Journal and Yale University, in advance of peer review.
Vaccinated individuals were found to be at a greater risk of coronavirus-related hospital admissions compared with those who had previously been infected. “This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer-lasting and stronger protection,” the researchers said.
Dr Charlotte Thalin, a Swedish immunology researcher at Danderyds Hospital and the Karolinska Institute, said it was a “textbook example of how natural immunity is really better than vaccination”.
From Yesterday’s Monday Thread
Patients support doctor who has been prescribing ivermectin to inmates with COVID-19
In late 2020, we began what I consider compassionate use of Ivermectin as part of a comprehensive plan of care for both clinic and jail patients who had become significantly sick from COVID. Ivermectin is an antiparasitic medication with a lengthy track record of safe administration around the world. Over the last forty years, it is estimated that four billion doses have been administered – primarily to patients with parasitic infections in developing countries. Ivermectin has FDA approved on-label uses in humans in the United States, and dosing schedules and side effect profiles are well understood. While the medication has not been approved by the FDA for treatment of COVID-19 patients, in-vitro and controlled studies as well as a significant amount of anecdotal evidence suggests that Ivermectin may significantly improve outcomes for critically sick COVID-19 patients.
Dr Charlotte Thalin, a Swedish immunology researcher at Danderyds Hospital and the Karolinska Institute, said it was a “textbook example of how natural immunity is really better than vaccination”.
It is no surprise that natural immunity is better than that from vaccination. When infected with the virus the viral load is greater than that with vaccination. The virus has not been altered in any way so the immune response is much stronger as there are more immunogenetics features than with attenuated virus or parts of the virus. This increases the range of antibodies produced
However that is NOT what the data actually shows.
For a medical opinion & virologist’s of this Israeli study
Take a look here published yesterday :
Japanese study of Covid cases and deaths in 31 African Countries.
Essentially, where IVM is used with regularity, both cases and deaths are 1/10 of places where IVM is not used.
Why COVID-19 is not so spread in Africa: How does Ivermectin affect it?
Some guy on twit graphed the data
And, Dr. Robert Malone MD, retweeted it
Maybe the FDA can’t read. 🙂
This website summarizes the accumulated results of all trials on medicines like ivermectin, HCQ, vitamin D
Pretty convincing data.
IVM has long been approved for human use. The FDA approval is Here:
The issue is not whether humans should use it, only that the list of infections doesn’t yet include Covid19
When a new drug is discovered, it is trialed in animals first before human trials are allowed. Many drugs used in human eyes were initially trialed in pig and rat eyes, but you won’t hear an ophthalmologist saying “Hold still while I put these pig drops in your eye.”
The FDA have long been known for their obsession with $$$$.
Not to mention that ivermectin is out of patent protection, so any pharmaceutical company can produce it as a generic, which means that there is no potential gravy train for the patent holder to get a new approved use for it. Without the potential to
price it abusively high toprofit from being the sole source of the drug, there’s no incentive for any pharmaceutical company to fund the research to get the FDA to approve it for COVID-19 treatment, which means that it will languish with whatever research funding isn’t needed elsewhere, delaying any decision.00
Please, somebody warn our leading bankers: “Do NOT take Ivermectin!!” It’s known to kill parasites!!!
The evidence for ivermectin is circumstantial at best. One study has been found to be seriously flawed.
A WHO pooled meta-study indicates “very low certainty” of ivermectin’s effectiveness.
A Cochrane Library literature review says this:
Based on the current very low‐ to low‐certainty evidence, we are uncertain about the efficacy and safety of ivermectin used to treat or prevent COVID‐19. The completed studies are small and few are considered high quality. Several studies are underway that may produce clearer answers in review updates. Overall, the reliable evidence available does not support the use of ivermectin for treatment or prevention of COVID‐19 outside of well‐designed randomized trials.
Don’t be like this guy:
Meta data.
Meta analysis. That’s the analysis you have when you’re not having an analysis.
Bend me, shape me, any way you want me.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
At least when you have no evidence or data there is the possibility you might be right aye?
Meta analysis can be useful, but it usually means taking a number of experimental reports with variance in a few factors. Care needed.
It can be a cheap way out of getting information quickly but it can also lead to misunderstandings, sometimes possibly deliberate.
So meta analyses can be useful yet you deride this report solely on your opinion that meta analysis can’t be useful. how about reading what you are commenting on and give a real critique?
Gee, Aye dunno about that.
Perhaps one study might be seriously flawed as you say, but the fact that the current messenger RNA vaccines require two shots, and likely a third shot and maybe another every 6 months after that, is proof that they don’t work.
We don’t need a study to draw that conclusion.
Costco Introduces New 5-Gallon Family Size Pfizer Vaccine
“SEATTLE, WA—In a deal that probably has nothing to do with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine showing disappointing long-term effectiveness, the pharmaceutical giant has announced an ambitious partnership with bulk wholesale giant Costco, and the unveiling of the new Pfizer-Kirkland Signature 5-Gallon Family Size Vaccine Booster Tub™.”
Will that be enough for a family of four for a week?
That doesn’t mean they don’t work Kleen, it just means they don’t work as well as some of the vaccines we are most familiar with: eg smallpox, tetanus which give long lasting protection.
There are many vaccines out there for humans other species, which require annual boosters.
Coronavirus vaccines are always going to be difficult due to the rapid mutation rates of the pathogen.
Ivermectin Criminal Charges
For some strange reason there are fake covid studies which have been done to try to hide covid cures. Same as the fake sciency papers that were written stating with zero physical evidence and lies that covid is natural, rather than an evil thing designed and released to hurt people as a tactic ‘weapon’. Ha. Ha. This is just like being in a cold war. Sure is funny.
Received: 11 May 2021 / Revised: 17 May 2021 / Accepted: 20 May 2021
The mechanisms of action of Ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2: An evidence-based clinical review article
100% of the 17 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) for early treatment and prophylaxis report positive effects, with an estimated improvement of 73% and 83% respectively (RR 0.27 [0.18–0.41] and 0.17 [0.05–0.61]), and 93% of all 28 RCTs.
It is a fact that in vitro tests prove Ivermectin binds to the covid virus stopping the virus from replicating. Big surprise. The virus has a chemical weakness. Ivermectin finds that weakness.
The WHO are controlled by China. There is zero physical evidence to support the assertion that covid is natural.
There is an organized effort to hide and block the evidence that the safe drug, Ivermectin, binds to the covid virus which stops it from replicating.
I totally support criminal charges.
“In the regions of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Goa cases fell by 98%, 97%, 94% and 86% respectively. In contrast, Tamil Nadu who chose not to use ivermectin, the number of cases exploded and became the highest in India. Deaths in Tamil Nadu have increased tenfold.
In a test of over 4,000 people in India (over 3,000 took ivermectin) and over 1,000 did not. The results showed that 2% of people who took ivermectin had a covid confirmed by a PCR test and that 11.7% of people who did not take ivermectin had a covid confirmed by a PCR test.
The specific charges include conducting a disinformation campaign against ivermectin and posting statements on social and mainstream media to falsely influence the public against the use of ivermectin despite the existence of large amounts of ivermectin. clinical data showing its profound efficacy in the prevention and treatment of covid-19.
same happend with HCQ, and someone foud out, a lot of negative studies have been written by researches in the one or the other connection to Gilead (Remdesivir)
In support of your claims
“The Indian Bar Association (IBA) sued WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan on May 25, accusing her in a 71-point brief of causing the deaths of Indian citizens by misleading them about Ivermectin. ”
“we are uncertain about the efficacy and safety of ivermectin used to treat or prevent COVID‐19”
Based on high-certainty evidence we are uncertain about the efficacy and safety of vaccines used to treat or prevent COVID‐19
Look at real life in India instead of papers you don’t understand, Simple Simon.
And try to find out, what the connections of these “researchers” are.
My name is Dr. Robert Karas. I am a licensed medical doctor and operate two urgent care clinics in Northwest Arkansas.
Following the ensuing news coverage, I have received numerous requests for interviews and comments. I am too busy treating sick patients to respond to every inquiry and, quite frankly, am concerned that media attention will only serve to further politicize a non-political issue to the detriment of the sick patients I see every day.
In late 2020, we began what I consider compassionate use of Ivermectin as part of a comprehensive plan of care for both clinic and jail patients who had become significantly sick from COVID. Ivermectin is an antiparasitic medication with a lengthy track record of safe administration around the world. Over the last forty years, it is estimated that four billion doses have been administered – primarily to patients with parasitic infections in developing countries. Ivermectin has FDA approved on-label uses in humans in the United States, and dosing schedules and side effect profiles are well understood. While the medication has not been approved by the FDA for treatment of COVID-19 patients, in-vitro and controlled studies as well as a significant amount of anecdotal evidence suggests that Ivermectin may significantly improve outcomes for critically sick COVID-19 patients.
In my medical judgment, weighing the known risks and side effect profile of Ivermectin against the potential benefits supports the administration of Ivermectin (which we obtained from a licensed pharmacist in dosages and compounds formulated for humans) to COVID-19 patients. I do not have the luxury of conducting my own clinical trial or study and am not attempting to do so. I am on the front line of trying to prevent death and serious illness. I am proud of our track record in both of my clinics and at the jail in particular, where not one single patient of the five hundred plus who have followed our plan of care has been hospitalized, intubated or died.
The Israel Report keeps getting more notice
New Study Says Post-Infection Antibodies Protect Against COVID-19 Better Than Vaccine
Science Magazine – Having SARS-CoV-2 once confers much greater immunity than a vaccine
The new analysis relies on the database of Maccabi Healthcare Services, which enrolls about 2.5 million Israelis. The study, led by Tal Patalon and Sivan Gazit at KSM, the system’s research and innovation arm, found in two analyses that never-infected people who were vaccinated in January and February were, in June, July, and the first half of August, six to 13 times more likely to get infected than unvaccinated people who were previously infected with the coronavirus. In one analysis, comparing more than 32,000 people in the health system, the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 times higher among the vaccinated, and the risk of hospitalization eight times higher.
Recovered COVID cases have a greater level of immune protection than do vaccinated individuals?
That is in no way surprising.
Their immune system has recently successfully dealt with all the antigens and pathogenic effects of the virus.
That immunity will always be broader and longer lasting than one elicited by challenge with a single spike protein antigen from a vaccine
It remains to be seen how long lasting that natural immunity is, and how broadly it covers mutations.
This stinks. The Covid medical problems are not going away and are going to be world-wide. Each month, without practical solutions, the problem get worse. The vaccines will always be less than perfect. Ivermectin should be in use now, and we should be a celebrating/benefiting from the end of isolation/masks/forced vaccination, based on the Ivermectin evidence. This the covid problem is an onion problem. We have the ‘solutions’. Great. But we must defeat the evil thing that stops logic and reason and compassion.
Ivermectin is a highly effective option for covid exposed people and covid sick people, regardless of their vaccine status. Ivermectin stops covid, independent of a person’s immune reaction. That gives a person a second level of protection. Why not? Ask the patient, not the corrupt system to make the choice.
Ivermectin enables people to get a mild case of covid which provides covid protection and covid avoids damage. Ivermectin is safe to use in humans. Ivermectin in in vitro tests has been shown to bind to the covid spike and stops the covid virus from infecting cells.
A Canadian start-up company, MVMD, has an injectable form of Ivermectin, which in vitro tests done by a completely independent level 4 Canadian government run lab, using live covid, has shown, starts to reduce covid viral count in 20 minutes and clears all virus within 48 hours.
Ivermectin Soluble MVMD
MOUNTAIN VALLEY MD RECEIVES SUCCESSFUL RESULTS FROM BSL-4 COVID-19 CLEARANCE TRIAL ON THREE VARIANTS TESTED WITH IVECTOSOL™ TORONTO, ON – May 18, 2021 – Mountain Valley MD Holdings Inc. (the “Company” or “MVMD”) (CSE: MVMD) (FRA:20MP) is pleased to announce it has received its thirdparty Bio Safety Level 4 (“BSL-4”) lab study results from its recent COVID-19 viral clearance study conducted with its solubilized Ivermectin technology – Ivectosol™.
In 4 of the studies, ivermectin was identified as having the highest or among the highest of binding affinities to spike protein S1 binding domains of SARS-CoV-2 among hundreds of molecules collectively examined, with ivermectin not being the particular focus of study in 4 of these studies.27
This is the same mechanism by which viral antibodies, in particular, those generated by the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines contain the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Evidence for what? There is plenty of evidence that supports the idea that Ivermectin helps COVID-19 patients to recover better and faster. There is no evidence that it cures them nor that it acts as a preventative medicine.
Although our own NPS MedicineWise site claims there are limited data to support the use of Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19, and it claims there are currently no known published data from randomised, controlled clinical trials on the efficacy or safety of Ivermectin for treatment of COVID-19, it does show there is evidence that supports the idea that Ivermectin helps COVID-19 patients to recover better and faster. The data is there in that article. The problem with that article though is it’s telling a falsehood by saying there are no controlled trials on the efficiency for the treatment of the virus using Ivermectin. It’s out of date information. Trials have been conducted and the results are mixed. Some say it does help while others say it’s inconclusive. Still more trials are under way with the results arising out of them over the next couple of months or so. The point being there is strong enough evidence to show Ivermectin does help. For example, this study shows that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using Ivermectin . Using Ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that Ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally. There are several more studies pointing to the same conclusion. So Ivermectin is not just useful for the treatment of onchocerciasis (river blindness) and other issues. It has been shown using trials as well as with anecdotal evidence as born out by the Indian experience and others that Ivermectin does indeed help COVID-19 patients. Even a recent study from an Israeli scientist says COVID-19 could be treated with Ivermectin after a double-blind study has shown Ivermectin reduces disease’s duration and infectiousness. The scientist makes the comment he is struggling to publish the results as journals are now rejecting such studies even through the evidence is presented. It goes to show there is a concerted effort to clamp down on any attempt by doctors and scientists who conduced proper trials to publish the results. There can be only one reason for that and I don’t need to spell it out for you as we all know. The article there provides all the necessary clues.
You just stick to getting those ineffective jabs/clotshots every 6 months.. little guinea-pig.
Its such a simple thing to do. Just do as you are told… don’t think !
Absolutely, clarence.t
In the immortal words of Neddy Seagoon:
Open your wallet and say after me “Help Yourself, thank you, don’t mind if I do.”
(from Spike Milligan’s “The Battle of Spion Cop” a famous Goon Show)
No, it wasn’t Neddy, it was Major Bloodnock to Neddy. Sorry folks.
(it’s been a few decades!)
There goes the “evidence based medicine” approach which has been used by doctors right up until the last decade.
Now we get RCT requirements before doctors can try anything not prescribed by national health authorities. Central planning for medical treatment!
How long can they continue to say “no evidence” when more and more studies continue to come out showing it is effective. Then there are the anecdotal stories from many doctors actually treating patients instead of influencing policy and never actually seeing a patient.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, there were signals that Ivermectin was a potential treatment option in April 2020. There has been enough time for a high quality study to be conducted. Why hasn’t it been done? Answer is because there is no money in it, and those big studies are only ever run by the big pharma companies who can afford it and have a financial interest in getting it done.
Given the safety profile, you could do a very large study by making it freely available for people who want to use it and see if the Covid cases start to show a decline with the group who chose to use it.
You can ban it, threaten to jail doctors who prescribe it and write papers and articles saying it isn’t effective and is a medication for animals only.
If it is a tenth of the effectiveness some studies show, it would still save thousands of lives! Such a great safety profile, it is a no-brainer to start using it!
Only one way to sum up your comment Simon. As usual total CR*P. And yes I have had a couple of reds.
Thanks Jo for putting up this alternative view of the situation.
Desperate times.
A couple of weeks ago I went to the local pet shop for some reassurance.
After hearing of the terrifying post CV19 Vaxx experiences of two acquaintances I felt in need of a backstop that didn’t include Scomo’s “Jab”.
After being directed to the horse wormer shelf I spent ten minutes reading the labels on the tubes of paste that contained Ivermectin and felt much better when I left.
There’s still the thought that I should have bought a tube to keep at home. Why did I chicken out.
I think it also works for poultry
FDA et al also discriminating against sheep
Pay that.
The agricultural variant(s) of Ivermectin need to checked with care. Here in NZ, animal drenches have a number of other additives, like one for control of fly strike, for example. I’ve never had fly strike so I don’t know what effect that chemical would have on humans.
If you can: stay with Ivermectin which is packaged for human use.
Check dosages carefully. I read somewhere 34 mg per dose for two doses a week apart would do Covid-19 in.
Can’t remember where I saw it so BE CAREFUL. Be Prudent.
Ivermectin that is formulated for animals to INJEST rather than for use as a drench is fine for human use as long as there are no other active substances that might be toxic for humans.
There are agricultural Ivermectin products that only contain Ivermectin as the active substance and the rest being filler to allow for accurate dosing of the tiny amounts required. These are perfectly safe for humans as whatever would poison a human would also poison a multi-million dollar race horse or stud bull.
I only have the IVM drench for our cattle. It is administered (on backs of cattle) according to the kilo weight of the beast.
Yup Only get stuff that only has Ivermectin listed as the active Ingredient. I queried the use availability of Ivermectin in NZ with a doctor who said it was not available. I informed the doctor I had started taking Ivermectin for Horses. He admitted doing the same, but can’t legally advise others to….. I know that a mate in South Africa was about to die from Covid, as a last resort the doctor suggested to his wife she approve Ivermectin as he couldn’t. It saved his life.
I’ve “drenched” animals on a cousin’s farm. The drench was applied orally — injected into the mouth from a “pistol” or hand operated gun. (The label on the drench container says DRENCH.)
Open animal’s mouth, (it’s alright: sheep and cattle don’t bite but you don’t insert fingers, just in case) insert “gun barrel”, pull trigger, remove barrel and hold mouth closed until animal swallows dose. Next animal … it’s fast and easy,
I’m glad you aren’t grazing my animals … 😀
I always took the word “drench” to mean the same as soak so I always associated the agricultural term to with sheep dip baths and sprays.
My apologies for my ignorance on this. My warning was for non-injested medications
or use a turkey baster.
Thanks, always err on the side of caution.
” … BE CAREFUL. Be Prudent.”
I just checked the SDS on Ausmectin – which sounds a bit dicey to me:
I managed to obtain a script for Stromectol (Human Ivermectin) from my doctor. The second chemist I went to was able to supply it off PBS at $49 a single dose.
I then went to my local ag supplier who could have sold me 1litre of Ivermec (exact same active ingredient in iso-propyl alcohol). The price for this worked out at 0.50cents for the same dose.
I am NOT recommending using animal product for human use, simply pointing out that someone is making obscene profits in the middle of a pandemic!
No problem with ethics there then?
What mg was your Prescription for Stromectol? – seems to be 3mg, 6mg or 12 mg
Trying to work out if I should get Prescription for Stromectol as a standby, and work out where to get prescription issued – ie. how many Chemists would have Stromectol in Sydney – or online – Chemist Warehouse only shows 3mg Stromectol
The 3mg tablet is perfect for the dosages suggested by Dr. Kory & FLCC.
Chemist Warehouse only supplies with a prescription.
Yup 30ml Horse paste $9.99.It’s the cheapest Ivermectin you will ever buy.
Try this link
Gives the protocols and sources. Well worth printing out.
That’s great!
Now we are getting somewhere.
Basically it was because of uncertainty. The labels indicated other ingredients besides Ivermectin and that added complications that could have meant I was buying the wrong product.
Since then I’ve heard on the grapevine that there could be a granular form that has more certainty about the contents.
Don’t know where I heard that.
Ask farm supply shop for Eraquell pellets (horse wormer).
It looks like all bran. You can pour it onto a plate and then divide into smaller doses.
Thanks Peter.
Here is the SDS for EasyMec – 6g of ivermectin / kg and the rest is non-hazardous filler.
For ~$30, you get 4 x 105g sachets
The worst toxic effect listed is that
For a 60kg human female, that’s 24mg per day but the time period is not defined
But this study shows that it is a nursing issue rather than in utero poisoining
This WHO document shows that the dosing was for 15 days prior to mating though to 20 days post birth so far longer than any treatment for CoViD plus no signs of toxicity for the mother rats, even at 1.6mg/kg over that period (96mg for a 60kg woman, 112mg for a 70kg person)
Section 2.2.4, page 59 –
Sorry, the sachets are 175g each and contain 105mg of ivermectin in each
I’ll eventually get this right…
the sachets are 17.5g each and contain 105mg of ivermectin in each
Section 2.3 (page 62-64) of the WHO document shows that Ivermectin is perfectly safe for humans at any conceivable dosage for treating CoViD
How do the jab manufacturers get away with having done zero research on pregnancy/birth for humans?
They did some in their 3 month studies but they were only for the effects on the 3rd trimester given the time frame.
The rumours are that there is an increase in 1st and 2nd trimester complications and miscarriages but these are only rumours so far.
American Journal of therapeutics disagrees with the FDA.
They cite actual evidence with a ‘moderate certainty’…
The first impulse of any little dictator is “Let’s ban it!”
That is an unusually ringing endorsement. Very few approved drugs would have that and certainly not statins.
Jo, I wonder if the FDA remembers that one of the most popular hormone replacement medications used over the last 30-40 years was extracted from the urine of pregnant mares?!
Yes, straight from the horses mouth….or something!
A cheap and effective drug is no help in bringing an economy to its knees, no help in ushering in the technocratic revolution. Having people work means less excuse for economy-wrenching debt, and less excuse for enforced obedience.
No! Lockdowns and rubber bullets are what we need for our glorious fuhrer … whoops, future.
(Best Ivermectin joke yet. Sorry)
When every employee of the FDA stops drinking milk, and stops eating butter or cheese then I might take them seriously.
I’d like to know what is in the horse formulation of the drug that we dare not speak its name. Is there something in it that makes you run fast?
As in the trots?
I have heard that the fillers that make up the volume are commonly used in the food and drink industry and are thus non-active and neutral.
Which makes sense – if the treatment calls for Ivermectin, why add other active ingredients not listed?
Active ingredients vary widely between different veterinary IVM products. You need to do your homework very thoroughly, as many contain up to 2 other drugs in combination with the IVM, plus the inert carrier, typically something like propylene glycol. Check the product SDS.
propylene glycol is used in many things we eat as well as in vapes ect…. what is the problem?
None — I was saying that p. glycol was the inert carrier.
“This is the first case in New Zealand where a death in the days following vaccination has been linked to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine,” the ministry said in a statement, without giving the woman’s age. The vaccine monitoring panel attributed the death to myocarditis, a rare, but known, side effect of the Pfizer vaccine, the ministry added.
The woman was in her 50s and died one month ago – so much for ™Breaking News™ – and was one of twenty-six deaths of/with Pfizer recorded on CARM’s adverse reaction list, or so I heard from “an expert” interviewed on the radio Monday 30 Aug.
The Jacinda & Ashley TV Media Show is pure bs Hollywood.
BS Hollywood?
try BS Wellywood.
The stars of Aussiewood are busy over here rattling off how many “cases” were discovered every day.
Given that all of us are going to be “touched” by the CV19 ghost, eventually it will take another 2,587 days to case out the full 25,870,000 of us. Total cost, just put it on our debt to China, would be about $1,300,000,000.
Cheap at half the price.
Little actual value for money, and when you compare the sheer decimation of Australia’s small business community it’s not hard to begin to consider that there’s evil at work.
A couple of days ago NSW stars announced 6 CV19 deaths in on day. Not emphasized were the ages of the deceased. Three in their seventies and three in their eighties.
Exactly what did they die of, really?
Hi KK apropos your last line “Exactly what did they die of, really?” this article which strangely I didn’t see referred to on the news, seems to do something novel. It appears to be telling the truth. ToM
Where is the honesty either way? Right now management in NSW wants to keep the death count down to hide their incompetence and to pretend that opening up at 70% or 80% vaxed is safe and not scary. The truth about deaths is that even with a $5000 autopsy it’s difficult to say sometimes what was the primary cause.
For so long people have been saying that the numbers of Covid deaths are inaccurate as many might have died with Covid and not of Covid. This is the first time I’ve seen someone in “authority” actually admit it. But I notice that since McAnulty made that admission, each day the reports are still that there were X number of Covid deaths today. I would have thought that their thinking is that the more they can scare people with the news of deaths, the more would submit to the experimental biological agent. But thanks Jo and I hope your arm is getting betterer and betterer.
Jo 5k is only one fine, the autopsy’s have already been paid for
the truth is there is not enough autopsies being done
Also KK, you referenced a photo of Daniel Andrews in Monday Unthreaded, link repeated, with caption “The Premier announced…….” should have the caption “Come with me my pretty, I have an injection that will make you feel better”. Like something out of Dickens. Thanks. ToM
Anything sinister would do.
Looks like its more like 117 Deaths
Fact checking NZDSOS will tell you they eat babies and murder grannys. Actually they are standing up to vaccine tyranny.
The fact that Australian doctors are legally permitted to prescribe Ivermectin for ‘off label’ use doesn’t entirely fix the problem, because timely use appears to be critical.
Consequently, I’m left wondering how a person could get hold of it in time. Would even an Ivermectin-supporting GP prescribe it when the patient isn’t sick, so that it could be stored in the fridge for future use? If not, then what’s the drill? I would have to suspect I had Covid and/or be symptomatic, receive a positive test, and only then ask for Ivermectin? How long would that take and, given the positive test, how does a person consequently isolated get the Ivermectin script AND get the tablets from the pharmacy? Don’t forget, all members of the infected person’s household would also be in isolation.
All correct S of C. Its only when these type of drugs are freely available to the public would we then have limits on community infections. It’s critical to take early, with Zinc etc so wasting time hanging around in waiting rooms would be a disaster. COVID should be regarded similar to the flu. If you think of the active ingredients of products like Codral, Sudafed etc the tox profile of ivermectin would be so much better. Yet, the likes of Sudafed, Codral are freely available. The government’s role should be to attempt to reduce hospitalisations, not be the controller of infection. Telling people to go home and isolate after getting a COVID +ve test is just dumb health policy.
Thanks Steve,
You’ve neatly summarised why I decided to go the quercetin, zinc and vitamin D3 route, to avoid docs and prescriptions. And starting a year ago. So far so good.
Since quercetin, like IVM, is a zinc ionophore I figure it’s safe to substitute it for IVM in those protocols. And you can start today without even trying to see a doc. For me, that saved about 14 days!
My estimate is that I gained some protection immediately from the quercetin and zinc, but “full” effectiveness wasn’t reached for about 14 days as the vitamin D was processed internally.
Dave B
You’ve neatly summarised why I decided to go the quercetin, zinc and vitamin D3 route, to avoid docs and prescriptions. And starting a year ago. So far so good.
Same approach plus NAC & 1000mg Vit C for over a year now. (Vit C over 20 years)
I started the Quercetin & zinc last week (having read about it here and other places) and was already taking vitamin D. I was hoping that the claimed anti-inflammatory action of Quercetin might alleviate my joint and tissue pain, but so far no luck. Still hoping!
I was hoping that the claimed anti-inflammatory action of Quercetin might alleviate my joint and tissue pain
Actually had not thought about that, but funnily enough these days have totally forgotten about knee pain I used to have – Hmm something is working.
I haven’t taken Quercetin but my (arthritis) knee pain has reduced substantially since I started on Vitamin D every day.
G’day Steve,
Don’t know about the pain you mention, but how much vitamin D are you taking? I’ll risk being boring and say that I’m taking 10,000 IU per day, without any adverse effects over the past year. And iron, as they are are cofactors for each other. If G3’s experience (below) is transferrable a higher dose may be useful for you in that area as well as against COVID.
Dave B
I’m taking 1000IU. My last blood test revealed that I was in the lower end of acceptable for my age. That tells me that, without the supplement, I would probably be deficient.
My 10,000 IU of vitamin D per day got me to 60+ ng/ml, and appears to be holding there, but my most recent test was before the start of our winter. That 60 is enough to keep me out of hospital, assuming I’m not missing something.
Dave B
Read this Its gives a ton of information on treating and preventing Covid. Especially page 9
I got a script for 2 treatments of Ivermectin from my local doctor.
The local chemist had 2 packs, but one was out of date, indicating they have not sold it often.
It took 5 days to get the second treatment in for me.
If your doctor won’t prescribe, change doctors.
In Ontario, Canada, *all* doctors are forbidden by the provincial medical association from prescribing anything other than vaccines, antisocial distancing, lockdowns, and masks. I guess I have to change provinces…
The FDA would be better off trying to ward the population off Ketamin! Especially the stuff being pumped in over their Southern Border. Most Anathesiests can’t do without it!
You should look up the Johns Hopkins site which tracks this virus and its affect upon the world in real time which backs up Pierre Kory Anors. The contrasts are striking and it hits the mark.
Of the numerous places where Ivermectin is used successfully (and one of my favourites) is good old Mehico. Compare those Gringolanders to the Mehicano’s. Unless I’m mistaken, Mehico has nailed it but people are heading north to the US in their droves; are they all mad, or is it just me that’s crazy?
But I suppose we could be living in China under a Mafioso Mob rule that welds people into their homes to kill them efficiently and out of sight.
Meanwhile – we are guinea pigs taking jabs in the world’s greatest experiment – at the same time as being locked down doing untold damage to Australia and our Govt wont listen.
The FLCCC are perhaps not as credible as Jo makes out:
Simon, at best, this works as a placebo.
For the rest, can you evaluate what is in the ivermectin formulation for safety reasons? After all many of you are asserting that the vaccinations are not safe.
One reason to believe IM is safe was, that the producer, Merck, spent millions of doses for free to African children for prenting river blindness.
” … many of you are asserting that the vaccinations are not safe.”
No one on this planet, no matter how qualified, can state with certainty that these mRNA vaccines are safe.
Because there have been NO LONG TERM STUDIES – simply because there has not been a long term yet in which to study those effects.
If, three years down the track, an unsuspected, even unimagined, side-effect makes itself clear then all the current assertions of safety become utter nonsense.
“Whoops, sorry – how were we to know they would make you sterile – our bad. No, you can’t sue.”
Everyone thought Thalidomide was a wonder drug, and indeed it looked very promising – and then the babies arrived.
We don’t need to wait that long. COVID-19 vaccines have been proven to cause many ill effects and deaths. In any other similar circumstances in the past, a vaccine would have been pulled by now.
About November it’s the human gestation period since vaccine rollout began in Australia; the date from which the first women of child bearing age began being vaccinated here is no easy chore to determine but if there’s bad news it’s going to be hard to suppress.
This has a lot of truth…
You obviously don’t understand placebos.
I’m not sure that your reference reassures anyone that politics is not in play.
I know here at least one not cerdible at all, Simple Simon, have a look in the mirror you have confience in.
Fortunately the FLCCC papers are not unique, there are a lot more proofs of working IVM.
The backstory is that that journal, Frontiers in Medicine, was preparing a special issue focusing on early treatments. It engaged three experts as special editors to sift through the papers. They unanimously approved the Kory et al. paper. Then the editor, who was not an expert, got a visit from an unknown debunker and issued the retraction you linked to. Following that, the special editors resigned in protest, causing the special issue to be abandoned. The Kory et al. paper was published a month or two later in the American Journal of Therapeutics.
Has anyone been following birth rate statistics in places with high % vaccine levels ?
We probably won’t know for a couple of years, but in the meantime the lockdown cycle has been productive.
‘Germany’s birth rate has risen abruptly to its highest level for March since 1998, defying predictions of a pandemic-induced “baby bust”. The country joined half a dozen other European states in recording a significant increase in births nine months after the Continent’s first round of lockdowns was lifted.’ (The Times)
I’m too old.
Here is one from 2017 …
Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations
“Over the past decade, the global scientific community have begun to recognise the unmatched value of the extraordinary drug, ivermectin, that originates from a single microbe unearthed from soil in Japan.
Today, ivermectin is continuing to surprise and excite scientists, offering more and more promise to help improve global public health by treating a diverse range of diseases, with its unexpected as an antibacterial, antiviral and anti-cancer agent being particularly extraordinary.
The unique and extraordinary microorganism that produces the avermectins (fromwhich ivermectin is derived) was discovered by Omura in 1973.
The drug’s potential in human health was confirmed … and was registered in 1987 …”
‘Ivermectin has now been used for over three decades to treat parasitic infections in mammals, and has an extremely good safety profile, with numerous studies reporting low rates of adverse events when given as an oral treatment for parasitic infections.50 Several problematic reactions have been recorded, but they are generally mild and usually do not necessitate discontinuation of the drug.’
All well and good, but does it stop the spread of Covid? We need a large control group to test its efficacy, Africa’s very poor would be the best candidate, but I suspect it won’t be attempted.
Have a look at the African data linked in the post by Lance #3. Very convincing to me.
Yeah, looks convincing alright, the graph speaks volumes.
Africa is the main place in the world wherre birth rates are high. THey aren’t vaccinated much yet.
Birth rate decline elsewhere has been happening for years, long before there was a covid vaccine
Attach to #19 clarence.t please
Guess we won’t really know if the vaccine is affecting birth rates, for a couple of years.
HCQ hasn’t turned out to be significantly useful (although, though studies seem to stop if it looks like it might be helpful to less than 10% of patients, and playing up the dangers of a drug much less harmful than aspirin). The demonisation of the drug was extraordinary. Lancet editors published a damning political piece against Trump, then a paper a week later damning HCQ that had to be retracted because it was based on fake data.
I came across a comment on a conservative blog that was written in the early hours of a Saturday morning. It implored readers to read an online SMH article published overnight in Australia, referring to this paper that was published on a Friday in the UK. Clearly propaganda to discredit rather evaluate. Why?
So I asked my local pharmacist about getting some. She said that it required an Rx and that in her system it showed as B/O with no date of availability…
I got on the web and ordered some. It came 10 days later, about $80 Can. for the 12 pills to be taken after breakfast and supper for six days.
I have refused the vax and am being restricted in my ability to circulate in various social groups.
What a scam.
I gather then that you will still not be coerced to be vaccinated if and when vaccine passports to control who can attend what premises. I like how the French get around their restrictions at restaurants and coffee shops. They simply sit outside and have picnics. We should do the same. It’s the best form of silent protest against the draconian and IMHO illegal use of vaccine passports to control the movements of people during their normal course of the life experiences at shops and the like.
Given there is now ample evidence that Ivermectin does indeed help COVID-19 patients to recover faster and better, how come our doctors in general are in effect preventing and avoiding the prescribe use of Ivermectin for such patients, while still being allowed to be prescribed for other issues, such as human sarcoptic scabies? Doesn’t it go against their Hippocratic Oath and in doing so makes them liable? There is no direct punishment for breaking the Hippocratic Oath, although a similar coarse of action by proving medical malpractice carries a wide range of punishments, from legal action to civil penalties.
Authority runs in a direct line from Tigray Tedros apparently and as a former GAVI director he’ll stymie any legal action; there’s sure to be an announcement by the TGA absolutely criminalizing the possession of ivermectin and putting it on the poisons schedule. Their initial foray was directed at David Leyonhjelm here
The CDC, a Serious Scientific Organization, Releases an “Inclusive Language Guide”
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention was once an institution that oversaw the research and study of various diseases, viruses, and many other forms of biological baddies that could threaten humanity. Now, it wants to save us from something far more deadly and destructive.
The guide has multiple sections with suggestions for more inclusive language, including a section dedicated to “Corrections & Detentions” that suggests replacing terms such as “Inmate,” “Prisoner,” “Convict/ex-convict,” and “Criminal” with terms such as “People/persons,” “Persons in pre-trial or with charge,” “Persons on parole or probation,” or “People in immigration detention facilities.”
Other sections in the guide include “Disability,” “Drug/Substance Abuse,” “Healthcare Access & Access to Services and Resources,” “Homelessness,” “Lower Socioeconomic Status,” “Mental Health / Behavioral Health,” “Non-U.S.-born Persons / Immigration Status,” “Older Adults,” “People Who are at Increased / Higher Risk,” “Race & Ethnicity,” “Rural,” and “Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity,” all which suggests replacement terms for common language typically used to refer to the groups.
“These terms are vague and imply that the condition is inherent to the group rather than the actual causal factors,” the guide explains. “Consider using terms and language that focus on the systems in place and explain why and/or how some groups are more affected than others. Also try to use language that explains the effect (i.e., words such as impact and burden are also vague and should be explained).”
Right off the bat, you can probably see the very real problem with this. Science and medicine, while oftentimes in a state of experimentation and discovery, need specificity in order to achieve peak efficacy.
For instance, if a disease is found to affect overweight people in particular, then we shouldn’t be replacing the word “overweight” with more “inclusive” language like “person who is at increased/higher risk.” Not only does it wipe the group most susceptible to the virus from the mind of the public, it just takes plain longer to say. Not only are you inefficient at helping those at risk, but you’re also inefficient at the English language to boot.
This isn’t science. It’s hardly disease prevention and research. It’s politics.
Be nice to fat people and instead of ‘lardarse, call them ‘salad dodgers, much kinder.
Interesting Question from The Australian Article
Israel: Past infection ‘gives more protection’
9 hours ago
What about acting as booster. Would it not be better to be exposed to the virus after being vaccinated. This is a natural booster may be better than the repeat injection
Ya think that that damn FDA could be in bed with Big Pharma, do ya?
Like our Little Hitler Fauci wasn’t in bed with the Chinese communist party?
Nahhhhh. It’s all OK. Go away now…
Given there is now ample evidence that Ivermectin does indeed help COVID-19 patients to recover faster and better, how come our doctors in general are in effect preventing and avoiding the prescribed use of Ivermectin for such patients, while still being allowed to be prescribed for other issues? Doesn’t it go against their Hippocrat1c Oath and in doing so makes them There is no direct punishment for breaking the Hippocrat1c Oath, although a similar coarse of action by proving medical ma1practice carries a wide range of pun1shments, from lega1 action to civil pena1ties.
No Fault COVID-19 Indemnity Scheme Date – Date Published 28 August 2021
No Fault COVID-19 Indemnity Scheme
The Morrison Government has finalised the details of the no fault COVID-19 Vaccine Claim Scheme following extensive consultation with the peak medical, healthcare, business and insurance sectors to ensure a comprehensive National Scheme.
I forgot about that “get out of jail free card”.
Governments all around the world have effectively become vaccine salespeople. It’s such a glorious marketing scheme if you’re the likes of Pfizer. They produce the product, sell it by the millions direct to countries who then “give it away” to their citizens after effectively mandating vaccination. Then there’s continuous after sales of boosters. Any wonder so many companies want in.
And their insurance underwriters for adverse reaction claims.
Pfizer are well into the development of an oral antiviral. Those that know more about it say it is essentially an Ivermectin “look alike”
Ivermectin “look alike”? What does that mean? Are you telling us they are developing a similar treatment to Ivermectin that will cost a lot more and allow Big Pharma to make even bigger profits, while at the same time we are being told we shouldn’t take Ivermectin, which costs very little? Are they that arrogant and blasé?
That is exactly what I’m suggesting PeterS.
Merck have already produced and sold theirs.
A billion US dollar contract in the US.
An excerpt…
“We will not submit. We’re nearing the end of this medical reign of terror. The trouble is, the medical establishment won’t survive it. They’ve perverted and undermined what used to be called science — truth-driven inquiry into what’s real and what is not — and, anyway, the medical system had already poisoned itself with racketeering so outlandish and cruel that it makes the old Mafia look like a charity organization. Not only do Americans get a Covid virus whose development was funded and guided by America’s chief public health official, Tony Fauci, but if it puts them in the hospital, their doctors deny them treatment with efficacious medicines, and, if the patients happen to survive the ordeal, they’re hit up with million-dollar bills. This conduct exhibits a kind of sadism that goes beyond just adding insult to injury..”
And it’s not only this he summarized. Always pithy and on the €€€£££¥¥¥$$$!
RTWT, as per…
If you guys haven’t bookmarked him already, you are missing out on one of the truly great writers we are blessed with here in the States. He posts 3X/week.
Six months gaol in Qld for any doctor that prescribes this or HQC for covid use. FFS!
Where did you read that?
It’s used in humans for the treatment of kin conditions such as rosacea.
So you can be “honest” when you say it’s not for Covid.
The FDA cannot be trusted. Despite claims of “approval” the Pfizer shots are still subject to EUA in the US. If there was a viable alternative like Ivermectin, the EUA for the experimental mRNA shots would not be valid. Hence they fight to discredit Ivermectin and the other therapeutics.
But another action by the FDA reveals and addtional motive. The FDA have a directive seeking to prevent antibody tests before and after jabbing. Just like the Australian government, they don’t want people to know if they already have natural immunity superior to the shots.
And what does Ivermectin do? Helps people survive a Fauci Flu infection and gain long lasting natural immunity.
The “vaccine passport” countries, including Australia, are desperate to prevent natural immunity to be recognized as superior to the failing Quackzines. Imagine having to allow natural immunity passports that didn’t need a lifetime of subservience and booster shots?
And there is something else the vaccine passport governments don’t want their sheeple to know. Get the shots before infection, and you don’t get the broad immunity that surviving infection without the shots brings. The chance of reinfection in the “fully vaccinated” is far higher than for those who gained natural immunity.
So the problem with Ivermectin is considerable for the vaccine passport governments. It is cheaper than the shots, safer than the shots and can lead to citizens safely gaining natural immunity and freedom.
We looked up the antibody test protocol here in Ontario. It says, slightly paraphrased, obviously trying to dissuade us, “we don’t know enough about the immunology of Covid to have any confidence in the results of these antibody tests.” What?? But you somehow DO know enough to prescribe experimental emergency genetic therapies, whose stated purpose is to create antibodies?
Myself and friends of mine have tried unsuccessfully to be prescribed Ivermectin by our GPs. The GPs have said they run the risk of being deregistered for prescribing IVM and my GP told me that he is regularly audited to make sure he does not recommend IVM for this virus. My Dr did however, hand me a post-it-note the words Covid Medical Network written on it then politely asked me to leave. I am in NSW and it appears the CMN is in Victoria so still no joy for me in getting a prescription for IVM.
Desperate times, desperate measures
Present with a dose of crabs?
Quack will send you to the supermarket to buy Mortein.
“You are not a horse,” it said. “You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”
Someone better tell all those doctors who recommend Deri-Sal cattle ointment as a treatment for psoriasis.
(It does help BTW.)
Hey Strop – when you say it “helps”, do you mean just gets rid of the flakes or actually cure it? Just curious.
Evidently not curable. Just treatable. I have it and it’s a pain in the ass.
Psoriasis? It’s a vit-D deficiency ailment.
If you check you will find that psoriasis is connected to low vit-d levels.
Treatment should be obvious …
I found UVB treatment a big help. My vit D test results were high probably because of the uvb treatment. So I wonder if it’s the UV on the skin or the vit D I get from it?
Maybe I’ll try the vit D tablets …. or whatever form it comes in. Based on the info in the wiki link.
No cure. (I don’t think there is a cure) It just helps reduce flakes/inflamation.
UVB treatment was helpful too.
And, in case you have had any arthritic type symptoms. I had to take prescription anti inflams to treat psoriatic arthritis, bad stiff neck, some lower back spasms, and plantar fasciitis. Had to take them every day for a long period in addition to seeing a chiropractor or physio regularly. Every time I stopped the anti inflam tablets the symptoms would re-appear immediately. Haven’t had any of those symptoms since reading a book called “Healing Back Pain” by Dr John Sarno, 20 years ago. Best $25 I ever spent. Paid itself back many times over. Would happily pay $5k for that book in hindsight. Now only $13.
Meanwhile Peasants can stay in Lockdown ordered by our Dictator Premiers
NRL officials, families jet to Queensland despite pause on hotel quarantine
A plane filled with NRL officials and players’ families has been given permission to jet into Queensland despite thousands of residents banned from returning home and others being blocked from attending funerals of loved ones.
About 100 people arrived from Sydney on a chartered plane on Monday afternoon, despite the Palaszczuk Government’s two-week pause on hotel quarantine.
An NRL spokesman confirmed the group would spend two weeks quarantining in a Brisbane hotel
Annastacia Palaszczuk last week ordered the ban on interstate arrivals, warning the Queensland’s quarantine system was being overwhelmed by people moving to the state from Victoria, NSW and the ACT.
“We simply do not have any room at the moment,” she said. “Queensland is being loved to death.”
A spokesman for Ms Palaszczuk said NRL officials and families were not included in the hotel quarantine cap and their travel had been approved by the chief health officer not the Premier.
Cricket players from NSW, Victoria and the Indian national team also began quarantine on Monday ahead of three international women’s matches.
Players from declared hot spots were given exemptions to travel to Queensland despite teachers in northern NSW being banned from crossing the border for work.
There’s nothing borderline in that story; it’s got the lot.
No underarm bowling yet!
Or you could consider the whole bloody thing is?
Apparently a great many Americans don’t agree with the CDC/FDA.
88,000 IVM prescriptions were issued in a week in the US and the CDC is not amused, just as the TGA isn’t happy with the amount of IVM being privately imported into Oz.
Just think of the consequences — people could start getting well instead of getting “vaccinated”. The whole new test/jab industry would collapse overnight. What an appalling prospect for our medical mandarins and pollies.
13 minutes ago
No proof of vaccination for those who mix and match
Australians who have had one dose of AstraZeneca followed by one dose of Pfizer are unable to prove they have been fully vaccinated because the official digital vaccination certificates are not available to those who have had a “mix and match” inoculation.
Many people who experienced a bad reaction to the AstraZeneca jab swapped to Pfizer for their second dose on medical advice, but the Australian Immunisation Register only generates a Covid-19 Digital Certificate for Australians if they have received two doses from the same vaccine.
A spokesman for the federal health department told The Australian those with mixed vaccine doses would eventually receive digital vaccine certificates – but could not specify when that would occur, only that it would be “as soon as possible”.
“In the interim, individuals that have received a mixed dose schedule can use their Immunisation History Statement (IHS) as proof of vaccination,” the spokesperson said.
However IHS statements issued to those who have had two doses of the same vaccine come with a tick of approval next to their Covid-19 Immunisation status, together with a notation that “This individual has received all required Covid-19 vaccinations.”
The statements of those who have received a mixed dose, seen by The Australian, contain neither of these notations.
Can they get another dose of Pfizer (call it a “booster” if you like), and that way get the official big tick ?
Anyone who had a bad reaction to one and had a second of ANY mRMA vax deserves a Darwin award.
Kerala has 66% of new CoViD cases in India. Purely by coincidence, they used less ivermectin (now none) and rely more on vaccination there than in comparable regions that now have far fewer cases.
From The Desert Review: India’s Ivermectin Blackout – Part III: The Lesson of Kerala
link causes the comment to get modded so will be posted separately to be released whenever
Source article –
I like the punchline from India’s Ivermectin Blackout:
Sorry to prove Godwin’s Law but Hitler was never THIS evil.
Pasting that into my web browser brought up the article.
Forgive me if I’ve missed discussion on this, but little NZ has its first fatality from Pfizer vaccination. As a percentage of the doses administered so far, this is probably significant enough to follow closely. I don’t think we have info on adverse reactions in NZ so far (and an historical event taught me that it is very difficult to actually get an adverse reaction like a very serious fever recorded in the system, so many significant adverse reactions are completely missing from those records).
[I’m NOT anti-vax by the way, I’ve had my first shot, booked for second.]
We are also not being advised to all get in touch with GP, and make a plan for any adjustments to meds, or additional precautions, before taking the Pfizer jab. Perhaps some of us should be targeted for that ?
>> But what kind of adverse reaction stats are there on Ivermectin ? And how many people taking Ivermectin to help fight Covid, are believed to have been killed by the Ivermectin itself and not by the Covid infection ?
117 deaths according to
As far as I know and I have researched Ivermectin quite a bit, unless you have a tropical disease called Loa Loa, there are virtually no side effects and overdosing is very tolerated. Google the history of Ivermectin, there is a lot available on its use and how effective it is. Ignore the FDA and CDC warnings, they know that if Ivermectin takes off, the Vaccine roll out will fail. I have started using Horse Paste with no side effects . Just get the dosage right and make sure its only active ingredient is Ivermectin.
Did you need to dilute the horse paste? Mine is labeled as 1.87% and I was told that human concentration should be closer to 1%. But I don’t think the concentration matters as much as the actual absolute dose? If I have enough for a 1250 lb horse, and I am a correspondingly smaller 160 lbs human, should I treat myself as a 160 lbs horse? Or an 80 lbs horse in order to account for the concentration difference?
Steve always best to get docs advice /prescription. There can also be drug interactions if you take other medications Eg Sites like FLCCC and all docs will prescribe doses in terms of mg/kg. In pharmacology usually the weight of the active component is what matters.
One interaction could be with quercetin; it was suggested that they aren’t taken together but at opposite ends of the day. It was late last night when I saw that and now I can’t remember where!
That’s normally good advice, Jo, but the docs (mainly because of the system they work in) are corrupted too. Here in Ontario they are not allowed to prescribe any therapeutic medications on pain of investigation and possible disciplinary action.
Wormer usually goes on bodyweight, so should be pro-rata I would think. Not used it.
Oh, and just my ‘conspiracy’ thought – Ivermectin is so good, it has to be reserved for the Elite ? And they simply cannot afford for a resistent strain of Covid to mutate or be developed ??
Used to sell Famcyclivir for Herpes. Also used for Elephants (2 grams) as Herpes can kill them
The FDA has been killing use of inexpensive but useful treatments for, at least, decades. Their main and over-ridding loyalty is to the large pharmaceutical companies.
Same as the TGA in Australia. They have been attempting to “pull” products that have been around for decades (even longer) often prescribed by doctors for multitudes of uses. They were all registered as medicines probably without any RCT’s or trials or even observation type studies in the days when those were not required.
My horses are better off than me. They are allowed to take Ivermectin, they don’t have to QR to go to a different paddock, no face diapers either, OK to talk to friends over the fence, no worries or cares. I wish I had that freedom.
As far as I know you can do that in a horse paddock.
Drugs carefully read what FDA writes and only act as the FDA tells them to. The FDA is so powerfu!. They jyst need to write dihydrogen mpnoxode cures everything.
Yes! That dreaded dihydrogen monoxide is evil stuff, which is why climate conscious people want to ban it!
Isn’t it good to see such worthy people inhabit the Earth! (And they vote too – how democratic ….)
Talk to your Doc. Show them the One Page Summary of Critical Trials on Ivermectin and the IMASK protocol.
Fat chance. No one wants to be disciplined or lose their job.
The Chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association (東京都医師会) is recommending Ivermectin.
Surprise, surprise. Your activities are being monitored . . . note the terminology “detections of ivermectin”. The TGA has noted a “more than tenfold” increase in the volume of IVM being imported during August.
“The TGA works closely with the Australian Border Force to detect potentially unlawful imports of therapeutic goods for assessment by the TGA. As a result of this work, detections of ivermectin have increased significantly, more than tenfold,” a spokesperson said.
And the TGA lies through its collective teeth. Hear no good; see no good; speak no good.
“As at 20 August 2021, the taskforce has concluded that there remains significant uncertainty whether ivermectin is more effective and safer than standard care in treating patients with Covid-19,” the taskforce stated.
This is a copy of the TGA strawman justifications for continuing to ban IVM general use for COVID treatment.
And a new YouGov survey has found:
It found two in three Australians believe vaccinations are the pathway to normal life – and 22 per cent believe lockdowns should continue until zero cases are reached.
58 per cent of Australians hold great fears for businesses and job losses, whilst 56 per cent fear the impacts lockdowns are having on mental health.
Half revealed their biggest fear was missing friends and family and 46 per cent feared catching the disease.
Further, 49 per cent revealed they knew someone whose mental health has suffered as a result of restrictions.
So the pro-vaccine fear campaign is still effective on 66% of those surveyed, and 22% are quite beyond help, believing in the fairy tale of 0% infections, even though 58% fear for their jobs and 56% fear mental health impacts of continued lockdowns.
I’m not really up on the support given to small businesses but I suspect it’s not enough to see most of them collapsed already.
Compared to the CV19 impact this is a huge, totally ignored part of the collapse of the nation.
After this nobody in their right mind would go out on a limb to show initiative and personal enthusiasm in creating and running a business.
Name change, remove the +
[Seems to be a gremlin in the system KK and it’s adding the + character to the username , just log off then log back on making sure your usual username is right .]AD
Gosh, this one too.
At least, one-word names seem to remain non-plussed! An+nie.
I have no problem. ):
I can see that.
“We made the news in late September and October when we started publishing our data, and people realized that we had seen more COVID-19 patients face-to-face than probably anyone in the nation, and maybe even worldwide. We did that and have not recorded a single death for anyone that was placed on (our) treatment. We did have to call EMS on two patients that presented to our Urgent Care in respiratory failure and were sent to the hospital before we could start treatment. One of those died, and for the other, we were unable to get follow-up information. As of today, we have over 1900 COVID-19 positive recovered patients − a 100% success rate!”
“Scientists are different; they have financial gains and incentives. They have research that needs to be funded, and while they may have the best of intentions, they do not work on the frontlines. They do not care for patients; they do not have to explain the risks and benefits of treatments. They are not there when patients break down and cry when they are told they have a positive test. They don’t have to explain to a 9-year-old girl that she will not kill her parents just because she is positive.
Scientists have no skin in the game and no emotional pain when things don’t go their way. This virus has killed people!! It will kill more. The question is, how many more will die unnecessarily due to not getting the available treatment? How many will die in fear, and how many will die alone?
My final point is this: When you get sick, you do not go to the CDC or the NIH or call the FDA to get diagnosed and treated. You go to your doctor! You go to the people who have seen the disease before and know how to treat it. This virus is no different. “
Brian Tyson, M.D.
Ivermectin (Stromectol) not available in Australia!
I enquired at the chemist shop today about Stromectol. I was advised that there is none available and this is likely Australia wide.
The manufacturer (which I think is Merck) can not or will not say when it may be available again.
That seems a bit sinister to me. Has the TGA warned Merck not to supply it?
I’ve been expecting this.
Dark days.
Now we get this garbage from NSW Health Minister, Health Hazzard:
“Go and get vaccinated. Not getting vaccinated is self-entitled and indulgent in the extreme in the middle of a pandemic.
“Go and get vaccinated and be fair to the rest of the community.”
He’s either an idiot or a liar or both. In any event he is not fit to hold office.
I found what Hazzard said to be exceedingly offensive.
I’m very pro-vaccination (Covid-19 and all others) – but I also found Brad Hazzard’s comments quite counter-productive. I appreciate they work hard, and hate doing this pandemic stuff day after day, but his message should be about positive messages … not brow-beating the vaccine hesitant.
Hardcore anti-Covid-19 vaccine people are not going to be convinced or shamed by his comments either – they will just dig in further I expect.
The masses are over lockdowns.
‘Thousands of Australians have unleashed on state governments around the country by holding dozens of coordinated ‘silent protests’ against never-ending lockdowns and compulsory Covid-19 vaccination.
‘There were 79 separate demonstrations across NSW alone on Tuesday, with police arresting more than 150 people for breaking health orders banning gatherings to stop the spread of Covid-19.
‘Just after 5pm on Tuesday, NSW Police confirmed officers had arrested 153 people and issued almost 600 fines across various pockets of NSW.’ (Daily Mail)
That’s better.
One big reason you should not use Ivermectin, use may harm, nay damage big pharma profits.
You had me worried for a bit there.
I don’t know who she is but the Aussie cops are a bunch of goons
Yes. That’s disgusting. What else would you expect from Victoria.
She writes here at Reignite Australia.
I wondered what it was that she had been “inciting”. Now I know it was opposition to the injection of experimental spike toxins into 12 year olds etc. Go Monica. What a dangerous criminal she is. Not.
Fretting about the availability or otherwise of IVM is counterproductive. There is still much those of us who think can do.
I did a search on prophylaxis so will c&p some. You prolly heard it all before, I will assemble it:
They recommend:
* 10,000 IU of Vitamin D3 every day for 3 weeks,
followed by
* 4,000 IU of Vitamin D3 every day thereafter.
(at last a realistic dosage)
Some researchers are simply recommending high levels of vitamin D as a prophylaxis. The list of 40+ studies show that vitamin D has the effect of reducing risk of infection, of a severe case, and of death from Covid-19. The single best prophylaxis for Covid-19 is Vitamin D.
(not sure about “single best”)
* Vitamin C 1000 mg once a day
* Quercetin 500 mg (OTC) once a day
* Elemental Zinc 25 mg once a day
(Quercetin + Zn I think are an adequate alternative to IVM + Zn for prophylaxis if you have prepared the terrain otherwise)
* Melatonin (slow release): Begin with 0.3 mg and increase as tolerated to 2 mg at night.
(There was a time Amazon would not fulfil orders for Oz. I think those times have passed)
* B-Vitamins – in a B-complex pill or within a multi-vitamin
(there’s too much waste and cheap products in multi-vitamins and B12 should be sub-lingual)
Not mentioned is curcumin, something you should take every day anyway, and budesonide, a common asthma inhaler I was prescribed for a simple persistent cough.
AND ANOTHER THING go keto, get insulin resistance down.
Guys, work with what you have available. 😃
A bit late in on this, and might not be helpful to those who don’t follow threads through to their entirety but here goes.
Stop press from Quadrant; Philip Altman has advised the the Pharmacy Guild of Aus has advised it’s 32k membership to refrain from filling scrips issued by doctors, for Ivermectin/ Stromocol for the usual reasons. P.A. has written a rebuttal for what that’s worth. So the tablet form sourced in Aus., might be hard to come by. There is also the advice that the TGA isn’t happy with the increased rate of import of the product from o’seas, so that source of supply is likely problematical.
In the last couple of weeks, perhaps not even that long ago, I watched a 15 min Youtube video of a middle aged male in the UK doing a take on Ivermectin horse paste. Am fairly sure that I kept it, but can’t find a trace of it now? I might have even found it on this blog?
The video was very informative; He did not disclose where he purchased the syringe of paste from, nor the country of origin. He did say that the product is marketed under several different brands. He also examined the manufacturer’s ingredient specifications; there were 3 different additives/carriers(?) all 3 were in common use in everyday food. I can remember one being castor oil. Hey, my mother used to dose us with that as kids.
I have not heard of the brand on the product packaging, however, compared to what I have, the boxing was the same, the conc of Ivermectin @ 18.7g/kg was the same, except for a different brand name and colouring, the format was similar at least, and the syringe he got out of the packet was also the same. I am saying what I have is the same as his. Can’t be bothered with doing a search as he did, it is certified safe for all horses at all stages, and many of them are worth more than the odd human.
Have posted this before, the product is Equimec Horse Paste. Make sure it is the straight Ivermectin, as there are other mixed formulations. Plenty of options for sale online.
Base dose rate for a human is the same as for a horse, and a syringe is designed to treat a 600kg horse. So one might get say 6 or 8 doses from a syringe. The FLCCC are advising to up the rate depending on the circumstances. Need to check that out if not aware. If so, 1 syringe might do for 1 infection, or for a couple of weeks for prophylactic use. Long term availability is an unknown, so that needs to be considered when making a purchase.
“ Do not use Ivermectin from veterinary sources as it may be contaminated and is not designed for human use.”
Ivermectin is good, but it should be specifically for human use.
(Lots more information there.)
I have read all the commentaries I can on ivermectin and the one thing that prevents me from fully accepting the veracity of claims of its effectiveness is the implications if there has been a coordinated effort to suppress the results showing that it is effective in managing Covid. It means that hundreds of thousand and perhaps millions of people have died unnecessarily.
If true this represents the deliberate destruction of human lives of a magnitude not seen since Hitlers extermination policy. That health officials, media both social and mainstream, politicians have all conspired to deprive so many of a life saving solution provided by a safe drug whilst at the same time encouraging the worldwide rollout of experimental vaccines is so heinous that I find myself questioning that Ivermectin actually works as claimed. If it is transpires that ivermectin is shown to be as effective as claimed this will be the greatest global scandal of all time. ( even more outrageous than the climate change scam). It also explains why there is such a great effort to denigrate Ivermectin because if it is proven to have been effective and deliberately restricted from use lots and lots of people involved in the coverup should be doing jail time ( with senior pharmaceutical employees at the top of the list).
Unfortunately as with the rigged election of Joe Biden and climate change conspiracy theories as time goes on the hidden agendas of dishonest people pulling the strings become more and more exposed. Whether it’s Russian collusion hoax, Hunters lap top or the origins of Covid the truth eventually will surface. Ironically the perpetrators of this deliberate misinformation somehow never are held accountable. Hopefully if the real story of Ivermectin is revealed and shown to be effective those responsible will be held accountable not only at the ballot boxes but also in the courts of justice.
This is probably a good alternative. I don’t know at what stage they are with their trials.
KU Leuven vaccine candidate protects against | EurekAlert! December 2020
Virologists at the Rega Institute at KU Leuven (Belgium) have developed a vaccine candidate against Covid-19 based on the yellow fever vaccine, which as a result also works against yellow fever.
RegaVax works after one dose, unlike many of the front-runners in the race today, which require a repeat vaccination after one month. “This has important logistical implications, in particular for countries with a less advanced medical system,” explains professor Neyts. “Additionally, we expect that the vaccine will offer long-lasting immunity to Covid-19. It could therefore be an ideal candidate for repeat vaccinations when immunity decreases in people who have received one of the first-generation vaccines.”
I had 2 shots of AstraZeneca…. I’m not that kean on repeating this again and again….
Wouldn’t it be nice if there would have been an official endorsement of Ivermectin of governments worldwide…so doctors could have advised their patients how to take it etc…
Why haven’t there been official world wide studies about Ivemectin? (I guess if this would have been succesfull, Pfizer wouldn’t have received an EUA for their vaccine..)
But now there is the new Pfizer medication on the horizon for early treatment….
Sky News Political Editor says Australians could be getting booster shots from the first quarter of next year.
“This is being worked out by Commonwealth medical officials now who are deciding whether or not you will need one booster shot next year or two. And it looks like the consideration is that to wait a year for your next shot might be too long,” Mr Clennell said.
“You might need your third shot within six to nine months.
“We revealed on Monday that Pfizer doses are being spaced out in New South Wales to eight weeks, including in hotspot local government areas, away from the nationally recommended four to six weeks.
“This again points to a lack of supply and despite announcements from the PM around bringing forward Pfizer, New South Wales is still struggling to get enough.”
a repeat vaccination after 6 to 9 months…..?
and then after that a new one for another variant…. ?
until this ‘fissles’ out….?
or is that than a trigger for new variants …..?
COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 876 studies (
Phase III Clinical Trials to Assess Safety and Efficacy
Phase III clinical trials are critical to understanding whether vaccines are safe and effective. Phase III trials often include tens of thousands of volunteers. Participants are chosen at random to receive the vaccine or a placebo. In Phase III, participants and most of the study investigators do not know who has received the vaccine and who received the placebo. Participants are then followed to see how many in each group get the disease. Assessing short- and long-term safety is also a major goal of phase 3 trials.
Phase 3 trials may take six to nine months to allow early assessment of safety and efficacy, particularly if conducted in areas with a high risk of infection, but with follow-up continuing for two years or more to assess long-term safety and efficacy.
The Pfizer vaccine is efficient, but we don’t know yet about the long-term safety.
Ohio Judge Orders Hospital to Treat Ventilated COVID-19 Patient With Ivermectin:
In Ohio, a Butler County judge ordered a hospital to administer Ivermectin to a COVID-19 patient, granting an emergency relief filed by the patient’s wife.
A more complete list. If you can’t get Ivermectin or HCQ(plus Zn & Zpak), buy a nebulizer and use peroxide or budesomide. Take extra vit C & D.
Seems the health provider at a Northern Arkansas jail has been prescribing Ivermenctin to inmates in the facilities 710 bed facility. So no everyone is listening to the FDA. Thank goodness.
Further I see the Japanese Minister of Health has bee self prescribing Ivermectin. He obviously knows something.