What are the odds? All dumps favour Biden

If all mistakes favour one candidate they probably weren’t mistakes.

h/t David E.

A group of hard maths guys go through the election data with an algorithm looking for instances of unusually large sudden additions of votes in batches much faster than almost all the others, and far above the “normal” pace. “Odd” in this case means absurdly unusual — in Minnesota one dump at 5:30am was a net gain of 113,755 Biden votes at 19 standard deviations from normal or a probability of 1 in 1081. These are astronomical numbers.

This report is well worth scrolling through. Each state has a batch of graphs. The outliers are obvious without any statistics.

Note, these are not necessarily fake votes or illegitimate. They are flagging them for investigation. But they didn’t find any dumps for Trump.  Hm?

Fourteen states are reported, and it’s somewhat disturbing to see dumps in states that have been off the radar like Kentucky and Maine. There were so many dumps in Pennsylvania and Virginia they had to change their definitions.

Without the step jumps in vote counting, the end graph would have been a massive landslide victory for Donald Trump. In Florida after batch #50, almost all Bidens gains were in step jumps. Some 600,000 votes were added. Imagine if Trump won Florida  by 360k, but perhaps was one million votes ahead? In which case his 3% win would have been a 9% win.

Florida Voting, Dumps, Graph

Florida Voting Dumps and a close up of the “key” hours. Imagine the blue line without the step ups?

Try to imagine there is a legitimate explanation for all dumps going Bidens way. What kind of process could lead to these anomalies?

Try to imagine the New York Times discussing this study.

I note the John Droz (familiar name to climate skeptics) is on the list of authors. Thanks to them all.

2020 Presidential Election Startling Voting Spikes

Report: Statistical Analysis of State Vote Dumps in the 2020 Presidential Election

Eric Quinnell (Engineer); Stan Young (Statistician); Tony Cox (Statistician); Tom Davis (IT Expert); Ray Blehar (Government Analyst, ret’d); John Droz (Physicist); and Anonymous Expert

Executive Overview
A team of unpaid citizen volunteer mathematicians, scientists, IT veterans, and engineers collaborated in a statistical vote analyses of selected states in the 2020 Elections. The purpose of a statistical analysis is not to tell what happened (e.g., ballot stuffing, machine algorithm, etc.), but rather where (ideally by precinct) there were unusual results.

In this special report we are looking at what has been called vote “Dumps.” We are defining a Dump as being a 25,000+ vote differential between Presidential candidates, received/recorded at one time. We looked for such influxes for both candidates. The conclusion is that all we were able to find were net Biden Dumps (see next page, Table 1, where the states are listed alphabetically, and the dumps chronologically). Unless otherwise noted, all data on Table 1 are from Edison time-series analysis of rates of votes added.

Again, we cannot determine exactly what happened to cause these Dumps (e.g., ballot stuffing, something legitimate, etc.), but rather where (a State) and time(s) that these unusual results took place.

Note, these are not necessarily fake votes or illegitimate.

*A “Net Vote Dump” is defined as a 25,000+ vote differential between 2020 Presidential candidates, at one time. All were for Biden as we were not able to find any cases for Trump that met this criteria. (If any can be documented, we’d be glad to do an update and include them.)
**PA and VA are exceptions for the 25k differential we are using. For whatever reason (and unlike most other states) they have way too many over 25k. As a result, the PA threshold is 60k and VA is 100k.

The comment on Pennsylvania is telling:

Evidently Pennsylvania and Virginia were engaged in a contest to see which state could produce the most convoluted election data. After struggling to make heads or tails of both, we think it’s a draw. In the case of Pennsylvania, it’s impossible to provide meaningful graphs in our Report — as multiple speculative assumptions would have to be made. To give the reader a grasp of what we faced, below (Table 3) is a list of all of the large differentials (i.e., Biden minus Trump results at individual time stamps). A major problem is that there are multiple examples where someone “corrected” the data — by making huge subtractions. Whether these are justified or accurate is anyone’s guess. Rather than take on the impossible task of sorting this all out, we selected four time periods that we believe are representative of suspicious Biden minus Trump differentials (See Table 1). We leave the rest of the challenge to a masochistic reader to tackle. Feel free to share if you can make any sense of it!

The cynic in me wonders what the point the all the graphs will be and hopes it’s not just so the corrupt can plan their dumps better in future.

That’s up to We The People. Pray they prevail.

9.4 out of 10 based on 92 ratings

94 comments to What are the odds? All dumps favour Biden

  • #

    And IIRC that Michigan ~150K vote dump occured 5 SECONDS after the previous dump. Which would make it the fastest count ever, anywhere!

    I got all the data, right here:

    And don’t forget to check out my latest:

    Thank you


  • #

    I have no idea why anybody would be against an audit.
    There are enough claims, affidavits,video and statistical data to warrant a full audit. In a recent poll,(if you believe polls anymore), just under 50% of the
    American registered voters believe that some level of fraud occurred.
    A democracy having this level of doubt in the legitimacy of the election results will lead to anarchy and possibly violence.

    Irregardless of who is finally sworn in as President on 20th January, the audit must happen. Any Republican or Dumbocrat who opposes such an audit is betraying the American public.

    The next question is… who can we trust to do an honest audit of the process?


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    Peter C

    I have no idea why anybody would be against an audit.

    Well I have.


    • #
      Peter C

      An audit might be impossible now. It seems a lot of the mail votes envelopes have been destroyed. Probably also the paper ballots.

      Someone was responsible for keeping that election material. They might be prosecuted if it cannot be found.


      • #

        They’re supposed to keep that material 2 years. If they destroyed it, they ADMIT to fraud. Simple. Even if by some miracle Biden actually won fairly, the act of destruction itself is evidence he didn’t. Winners place their trophies on the shelf where everyone can see it. They don’t bury it.


        • #

          JUST WHO is going to enforce this? Not DOJ. Not corrupt FBI.

          If so, what do such laws mean to parchment jockeys who see, hear, speak No Evil?


          Trump fought for four years for us. It is time soon enough for The People to fight against these Tyrants alone.


          • #

            “It is time soon enough for The People to fight against these Tyrants alone.” – Orson, as the left are such fans of globalisation it’s only fair that people concerned about democracy in USA all globally raise their voices over the election results. If democracy is allowed to fail in America, what hope is there for the rest of us?


          • #
            Wet Mountains

            The people must enforce, it falls to us to clean the mess we have allow by doing nothing for so long.


        • #
          Fuel Filter

          22 months.

          But who’s counting?


  • #

    The problem with this is similar to the problem that totally overwhelms people when it comes to my trying to explain electrical power generation.

    It’s based around Mathematics.

    ….. in Minnesota one dump at 5:30am was a net gain of 113,755 Biden votes at 19 standard deviations from normal or a probability of 1 in 10 to the power of 81. These are astronomical numbers.

    (Scene from Millionaire Hot Seat)

    What is the result of 2 + 2.

    Is it (A)3 (B)4 (C)5, or (D)6?

    I’m not sure Eddie. I think I’ll Pass.

    ANY and virtually every question about even the simplest Maths and the contestants (99 out of a hundred) pass straight up.

    No one knows anything about Maths any more, so they either just tune out or turn off.



    • #

      Seems that 2+2 can equal anything you want if your counting votes in a US election.


      • #

        “er…let me think….2 votes for Biden + 2 votes for Trump = 11 votes for Biden?”

        (Music suddenly erupts, model in sequined dress struts onto the set and hands over keys to Lamborghini) We have our winner!


    • #
      Peter C

      Thanks Tony,

      Yes, the level of popular confidence in their ability at mathematics is not only woeful, it is a matter of great concern!

      Most people in my experience actually are better at maths than they admit. ie they can add, subtract and multiply *. Percentages often causes some anxiety, yet the concept of 50% or 90% is generally well understood.

      What I am saying is that a lot of people actually can follow simple maths, and generally that is enough to get the drift. Unfortunately they don’t have any confidence in their own judgement beyond that. It is a big failure of our old education system, since the people I am talking about passed General Mathematics at Leaving level and some of them at HSC.
      I expect the current crop of school leavers to be even worse.

      * I left out division. Most people can easily do simple division. However the concept of long division would confound most. I learnt how to do it but I am not sure that I can explain how it works.


      • #

        Don’t forget fractions which often confuse elementary school students many of whom remain confused throughout their adult life. My hypothesis is that those who can’t grasp basic first principles become Socialists as they ignorantly fail to see how the math precludes the ability to pay for all the free stuff.


    • #

      I once worked with a professional and well-credentialed colleague who could not add up 60 plus 60. The person tried, the person failed (in a low stress environment), and asked for the answer. However, that person’s certainty of the existence of natural positive rights (housing, gay marriage, other left wing causes) was absolute. And how was it that in that person’s world the right to bear arms no longer existed? Rights had evolved. For this person rights are a fact, the evolution of rights into something that co-incidentally resembles every left-wing cause is a fact, and these rights are as real as the chair upon which that person sat. But adding up 60 plus 60? Too hard.


    • #
      Tilba Tilba

      […] in Minnesota one dump at 5:30am was a net gain of 113,755 Biden votes at 19 standard deviations from normal or a probability of 1 in 10 to the power of 81. These are astronomical numbers.

      I remain agnostic as to whether there was widespread, or systemic, fraud, but let’s say I am quite sceptical about such a masterplan being pulled off without obvious detection, at the time.

      However my equal concern is the often ludicrous terminology and concepts employed by presumably pro-Trump forces. A few weeks ago, we had some maths hotshot include in a court filing the notion that the likelihood of Joe Biden running the swing state table was “a quadrillion to the third power”. Huh?

      That is 10^48, but now we’ve somehow upped the odds to 10″81 … a very much bigger number. In fact such a big number that it’s getting close to the estimated number of atoms in the entire universe. And there’s more! The numbers for Biden are 19 standard deviations from normal! Huh?

      This sort of stuff is simply childish, amateurish, and really easily dismissed by the media, politicians, and most importantly the courts. And you don’t have to be in the pay of the Chinese Communist Party to think it is horseradish.

      Four factors should be considered:

      • for months the polls had shown a Joe Biden lead
      • even Rasmussen – the most pro-Trump pollster – did
      • for months Trump attacked mail-in voting, while the Dems promoted it
      • almost all the mail-in votes were counted after election day
      • vote counting continued through the night – nothing unusual there
      • mail-in votes overwhelmingly favoured Joe Biden
      • there were Republic observers present at counts
      • a massive vote fraud would be very difficult to achieve

      So you could get a dump of 100,000 Biden votes from an urban or suburban district in a Democrat-strong city, and at 5:30 am. Simple demographics can explain it, and fraud isn’t necessary.

      But mostly – and this is why I retain a healthy scepticism that there was any organised fraud in the swing states – is that the states have many control processes in place precisely to detect fraud or any other anomalies.

      It isn’t credible to believe that election officials in at least six states – states with Republican legislatures in the main – either organised the fraud, went along with fraud, failed to detect the fraud, and then covered up the fraud.

      Every breathless BREAKING NEWS story each day needs to cover all these factors in order to achieve credibility. I can’t say definitely that there was no fraud – who can? – but so far I’m not convinced by wild stories, and least of all by absurd mathematics.

      I think there is a 10^2 to 10^0 chance of the Republicans overturning the Joe Biden win on 6 January.


      • #

        So much wrong here. The writer has been a participant on the site for a few weeks but has not absorbed the keynote messages.

        – “vote counting continued through the night – nothing unusual there”. Yes but with interesting breaks.
        – “there were Republic observers present at counts”- Yes, at some of the counts for some of the time, several yards away, the other side of boarded up windows, or just plain evicted. Mailed ballots being ‘adjudicated’ were seldom observed.
        – “states have many control processes in place”. sometimes, but were ignored, state laws were broken.
        – “election officials” either “organised the fraud, went along with fraud, failed to detect”. Correct, they were in it, selected and trained for it, prevented access during, hid and destroyed evidence
        – “sceptical about such a masterplan”. It started 4 years ago, experienced people worked on it, the contribution of $400 to 500m from just one biased billionaire would answer those doubts. They copied techniques used successfully in Venezuela with the same software.


    • #

      Tony I see that nearly every night too. What really amuses me is a) how so many proudly proclaim they “don’t do maths” and b) they don’t even recognise that the Q is not maths but junior primary school arithmetic.


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  • #

    The obvious explanation for the Biden win was that he got more votes, everyone knew beforehand that postal voting would favour the Dems.


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      Richard Ilfeld

      The issue, for the simple minded, is that “more votes” does not necessarily equal “more voters”.


    • #
      Just Thinkin'

      “everyone knew beforehand that postal voting would favour the Dems.”

      Especially the unfolded ballot papers.


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    David Maddison

    The problem with this coup is not a lack of evidence, but that nobody in the judiciary wants to properly investigate this fraud or apply the law. They are ignoring the law and Constitution, their job of which is to uphold and protect. The same applies to most politicians, even Republicans. If Trump isn’t declared rightful winner of this election, that’s the end of the United States as we know it and the fall of Western Civilisation along with it.


    • #

      I agree David. Most people are willfully ignorant of the leftist totalitarian future awaiting western civilization if Trump can’t restore justice in the US. It will provide the blueprint for all institutions throughout the west.


    • #

      US Senator Ted Cruz and ten other Senators and Senators Elect have issued the following statement in advance of the Electoral College Certification Process on 6th January, 2021… https://www.cruz.senate.gov/?p=press_release&id=5541


    • #

      Welcome to the Obamunist’s Banana Republic: We enforce the laws we like against those we don’t, when we like it, how we like.


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      A Legitimate Election Dispute Remains Pending Under Georgia Law Without A Hearing Date or Judge Assigned

      On December 4, 2020, the Trump Campaign filed a lawsuit challenging the outcome of the Presidential election contest in Georgia. The action was filed in Fulton County Superior Court. I wrote an article on the suit the day it was filed.

      Trump Files Georgia Election Contest In Fulton County.

      Within the allegations of the 64-page Complaint the Trump campaign claims they have witness testimony for the courtroom that will identify “illegal” votes in the following numbers:

      2,560 felons
      66,247 underage voters
      2,423 votes from people not registered
      1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
      4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
      395 individuals who voted in two states
      15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
      40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
      Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
      Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election: Official Code of Georgia Annotated Sec. 21-2-522 states:

      David Shafer, Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party tweeted the following yesterday:

      President @realDonaldTrump and I filed an election contest on December 4 showing evidence of unlawful votes cast and counted in the election for President that are substantially greater in number than the margin. We have never a hearing, let alone a ruling, on our contest.
      6:25 AM · Jan 3, 2021

      The failure and refusal of the Judiciary and Executive branch officials of Georgia to acknowledge this FACT and apply the statutes as written is another basis to question the “good faith” of everything else that has transpired in Georgia over the past 60 days.

      The GOP controls the Georgia State Legislature, and the Georgia Supreme Court Judges were all appointed by GOP Governors.

      Yet they all have “stood down” when it comes to exercising the authority of their offices to ensure that Georgia law was followed on Nov. 3 and thereafter.


    • #
      Tilba Tilba

      If Trump isn’t declared rightful winner of this election, that’s the end of the United States as we know it and the fall of Western Civilisation along with it.

      A large number of people who are not leftists by any stretch voted against Donald Trump … and wile I believe the US has a lot of economic, political, and social problems, swapping out Donald Trump for Joe Biden won’t mean the end of the world as we know it. My bet would probably be the reverse – that it will mostly be more of the same-same. (Perhaps it’s obvious that I’m not a big fan of either of them!).


      • #

        Wow! Words escape me but I will endeavor. If the presidency is so unimportant, why did the dims and their media go to so much trouble to eliminate Trump since before his term began until now? It didn’t seem to matter to them who voted how nor why. 0 demonstrated how the Congress and Supreme Court matter little with his Executive Orders and faux treaties. Expect Biden’s handlers to use him or Hairless in the same manner. Complacency ,accepting malfeasance, and believing things will not change after hundreds of millions was spent to elect someone is not logical.


        • #
          Tilba Tilba

          I did not say the presidency is “so unimportant” … what I said (or more properly implied) is that Trump is not that radical a Republican, and Biden is not that radical a Democrat … in my view. In other words I think they are probably more similar in overall effect than others would claim.

          So while the president is an important world figure of course, I don’t consider the result of any election (including this one) to be earth-shattering.

          Perhaps my centrist scepticism increases as I get older, but the Republicans and the Democrats are mainstream political parties. The Democrats have their problems (race politics, BLM, chaotic cities), and the Republicans have theirs (mostly the passionate Trump base, but also really big-money backers).

          But at the end of the day it’s just politics – fascinating nonetheless.


          • #

            You really think sleepy and often confused Biden will be setting the agenda?

            He’s past early stage dementia. He will not finish a term and no one seriously believes he’s going to be in charge of anything. He’s a place holder ensuring those who are corrupt and have been lining their pockets at citizens expense, not to mention risk to world security, don’t get held accountable.

            Harris’ voting record is up there with Sanders. Not that Miss Soooo Unpopular, she couldn’t get 1% support when she ran against “racist” Joe, will be calling the shots either. She’ll be a figurehead prop.

            So stacking the Supreme Court, overturning the electoral college vote (meaning the red states of the mid west needn’t bother participating, the Dims can win on a couple of populous states and ignore conservative states with sparse population)…etc, isn’t radical? That’s just some of what the Dims want to do if they can cheat win Georgia.

            If the election has been rigged as almost half of America suspects, and they get away with it then democracy is shown to be a sham! The US at that point is no better than somewhere like Russia. They cannot claim any longer to be the leading Democratic nation, which will make Xi and a few other authoritarian despots, very happy.

            If cheating goes unpunished, and actually rewarded?

            It will thoroughly demoralise the country. You only have to look at California (an economic basket case with citizens fleeing as refugees to red states) to know that the US will eventually end up like Venezuela.


  • #

    When Congress meets and an objection to the results of a state is put forward by one House rep and one Senator, the two groups go to separate chambers to discuss and after 2 hours both groups have to agree to reject the results of that state otherwise the results are passed. I can’t see the two groups agreeing to reject the result of that state since the House is controlled by the Democrats even though the Senate is controlled by the Republicans. In that case unfortunately Biden will easily become POTUS. I suspect that talk of Pence having enough power to make a difference is just wishful thinking. The way I see it now is Trump has to present some really damning evidence that undeniable to have any hope of remaining POTUS, either during or after the Congress meets but before Jan 20 to see if the SCOTUS can overrule the decision by Congress to approve Biden as POTUS. Good luck with that court!


    • #

      It could be a test for law enforcement and stamina.

      Trump is planning to address the MAGA crowd at 11am. The joint sitting starts at 1pm I believe.

      The proceedings will be televised. I expect it will have a larger audience than the Super Bowl. There are a LOT of people around the globe who see Trump as their last opportunity to avoid oppression. It is Trump and alliances against the one world government, which means CCP rule.

      If each objection runs its course it is going to take a long time. It will be quite clear who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. Those people have to eventually come out into a weary MAGA crowd. That will be interesting.

      It gives the good guys an opportunity to present their evidence to a captive audience. The challenge is to do that coherently for each objection and keep it up. I have no idea how many people in the USA have actually seen the counting data and its strange anomalies. The fact that the information has been suppressed indicates the guilty are being protected.


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        David Maddison

        Rick, do you really think the Trump rally will be televised? I would think the lamestream media as well as the social(ist) media will refuse to do so.


        • #

          The joint sitting will be televised. That will be what the world will tune into. It is really important to Taiwanese for example. There are a lot of Brits who feel let down by Johnson and see Trump as someone prepared to stick it up Europe. The are the Yellow vests in France. A lot of Australians feel that Trump will help steel the LNP members in Australia.

          There will certainly be news clips of the MAGA crowd. It will be a good opportunity for the media to show the Trump supporters not social distancing. Remember 4 years ago how he was reported to exaggerate the inauguration crowd. This year the press will not miss the opportunity to show the crowd not being Covid safe.

          I will certainly be watching some of the joint sitting just to see how it unfolds.


      • #

        I understand all that but we already know the Democrats are not giving an inch. They want Trump out no matter what, even if clear proof is given by Trump that the election was stolen. His only hope I feel is to go to the SCOTUS to overturn the selection by Congress to appoint Biden as POTUS. It has happened before in previous elections but as we now know his chances of that court ruling in his favour are slim to none. Not long to go to see what happens but I suspect unless Trump has a trump card none of us know about yet, he will soon have to start packing his bags. We shall see soon enough one way or the other.


        • #

          It won’t matter what evidence — the Dems will not vote for Trump. Though perhaps some could be arrested.
          How many need to go to give the Reps the House? ;- )


          • #

            I know that and stated that. I was referring to the decision of Congress being overturned by the SCOTUS, which I also stated is in itself an up hill battle. I’m holding my hopes on Trump revealing a bombshell that will blow the lid off and make it impossible for Biden to be POTUS. It’s the only way I can see things being resolved for Trump.


            • #
              Tilba Tilba

              I’m holding my hopes on Trump revealing a bombshell that will blow the lid off and make it impossible for Biden to be POTUS. It’s the only way I can see things being resolved for Trump.

              The release of the Georgia “vote-flipping” telephone call is occupying the media airspace, and might well derail the MAGA Rally and any new evidence. Not clear what effect the leaked tape might have on the Georgia run-off elections on Tuesday as well.

              It’s interesting to think about who might have recorded and released it … and I think technical boffins can work out which end recorded it.


              • #

                According to reporter Jack Posobiec the White House is planning to refer Brad Raffensperger to the Secret Service for investigation under national security grounds of the Espionage Act.

                Don’t laugh too soon: life might just be going bad for Brad …. very bad.


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          Roger Knights

          “he will soon have to start packing his bags.”

          Not necessarily. In the 1930s the president of one big company, perhaps Montgomery-Ward, who refused to comply with some NRA regulation and refused to leave his office, was carried out sitting in his chair by two members of the National Guard, arms crossed and glaring. The photo appeared in Life magazine (or Look) and was famous fopr decades.


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      Tilba Tilba

      I can’t see the two groups agreeing to reject the result of that state since the House is controlled by the Democrats even though the Senate is controlled by the Republicans.

      And since the Republicans have just the bare 50 seated Senators (missing the two from Georgia), it is highly likely that a number of Republican senators will vote the objections down, with all 48 Democrats. And I think we have heard all we’re going to hear from the Supreme Court on the election. And I don’t think they will (or can) overturn the confirmation process of Congress, but I’m not a lawyer.


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    Trump’s opponents seem to be consistently saying that no fraud took place to the extent that it would have changed the result. That is a clear admission that some (unquantified) fraud took place but that it is ok. Could they please tell us where and how this minimal fraud (which they admit to) took place and where is their genuine commitment to investigate it fully with a view to eradicating the possibility of any fraud occurring in future?


  • #

    The Florida chart displayed is plausible. The jumps are in the realms of reality for both candidates.

    Michigan with 141k for Biden and 6k for Trump is a little less plausible. As is 62k for Biden and 1.1k for Trump probably after the truck from New York was unloaded in the morning.

    Georgia is more interesting for its timing at 1:32am; 162k for Biden and 42k for Trump. That was after the observers were told to go home.


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    David Maddison

    I believe Pence has the casting vote so theoretically the House vote will go to the Dems and the Senate would go to the Republicans so it could be 2 to Trump and 1 to the imposter. However, because of Rinos in the Senate, the Republican dominated Senate will still vote for Biden.

    Plus, sadly, it doesn’t matter what evidence is presented, even if it is 100% irrefutable. A majority of the Congress simply don’t care and they want an imposter President, a Manchurian Candidate to be appointed.

    It is simply beyond belief that so many politicians and judicial members plus the useful idiot slave army of the Billionaire Socialists are prepared to destroy their country and Western Civilisation along with it.

    Trump was the only one Left standing in a position of power to support the United States and Western Civilisation in general.


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      David Maddison

      That was a response to #7.


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      John R Smith

      There have hardly ever been honest elections in the US.
      In my Blue state there are seldom even opposing party candidates on the ballot.
      The Dems had to work harder at cheating this time, but the infrastructure was already in place.
      Western civilization is not being destroyed, it is committing suicide.
      Hara Kiri with a dull blade.
      Yale will give you a doctorate for it.


    • #

      Not sure any more about Pence having the casting vote in this special sitting of Congress. At other times he does. After reading some material it appears his role is more like a chairman with no powers at all on Jan 6. It appears it was designed that way to avoid a rogue Vice President from overturning the decision of Congress as to who is selected as POTUS. We will know soon enough.


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      Tilba Tilba

      I believe Pence has the casting vote so theoretically the House vote will go to the Dems and the Senate would go to the Republicans so it could be 2 to Trump and 1 to the imposter. However, because of Rinos in the Senate, the Republican dominated Senate will still vote for Biden.

      VP Mike Pence doesn’t have a casting vote on any matter. In the event that the two chambers disagree, then the electoral slate that has been certified by the respective state governor is selected and counted. Joe Biden holds all those in the six swing states.

      This is especially the case when the electoral slate met the safe-harbour deadline, was voted at the formal Electoral College, and certified by the state, and has no competing slate that is certified.


      • #
        Tilba Tilba

        VP Mike Pence doesn’t have a casting vote on any matter.

        I should clarify myself … Mike Pence doesn’t have any voting powers in the Joint Session (as noted above, he is up for re-election himself, as many VPs could be), but he always has a tie-breaking vote in the Senate itself (and not just for this process, but for his whole term).


  • #

    Where’s the evidence?

    There, Peter Fitzroy/Ian etc. I’ve asked your rhetorical question so go away.


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    Fuel Filter

    Two quotes that are appropriate:

    “Middle class America is no less violent than any other people. They seem passive because they’re results oriented. They rise not out of blood frenzy but to solve the otherwise insoluble. Their methods of choice are good will, cooperation, forbearance, negotiation and finally, appeasement, roughly in that order. Only when these fail to end the abuse do they revert to blowback. And they do so irretrievably. Once the course is set and the outcome defined, doubt is put aside. The middle class is known, condemned actually, for carrying out violence with the efficiency of an industrial project where bloody destruction at any scale is not only in play, it’s a metric. Remorse is left for the next generation, they’ll have the leisure for it. We’d like to believe this is merely dark speculation. History says it isn’t.”
    – Ol’Remus

    And then this:

    “I see as much misery outta them movin’ to justify theirselves
    as them that set out to do harm.”

    ~ Doc Cochran (Deadwood Season 1, Episode 2)


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    Fuel Filter



    Joint Statement from Senators Cruz, Johnson, Lankford, Daines, Kennedy, Blackburn, Braun, Senators-Elect Lummis, Marshall, Hagerty, Tuberville

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), John Kennedy (R-La.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), and Mike Braun (R-Ind.), and Senators-Elect Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), and Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) issued the following statement in advance of the Electoral College certification process on January 6, 2021:


    “The election of 2020, like the election of 2016, was hard fought and, in many swing states, narrowly decided. The 2020 election, however, featured unprecedented allegations of voter fraud, violations and lax enforcement of election law, and other voting irregularities.

    “Voter fraud has posed a persistent challenge in our elections, although its breadth and scope are disputed. By any measure, the allegations of fraud and irregularities in the 2020 election exceed any in our lifetimes.

    “And those allegations are not believed just by one individual candidate. Instead, they are widespread. Reuters/Ipsos polling, tragically, shows that 39% of Americans believe ‘the election was rigged.’ That belief is held by Republicans (67%), Democrats (17%), and Independents (31%).


    “At that quadrennial joint session, there is long precedent of Democratic Members of Congress raising objections to presidential election results, as they did in 1969, 2001, 2005, and 2017. And, in both 1969 and 2005, a Democratic Senator joined with a Democratic House Member in forcing votes in both houses on whether to accept the presidential electors being challenged.

    “The most direct precedent on this question arose in 1877, following serious allegations of fraud and illegal conduct in the Hayes-Tilden presidential race. Specifically, the elections in three states-Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina-were alleged to have been conducted illegally.

    “In 1877, Congress did not ignore those allegations, nor did the media simply dismiss those raising them as radicals trying to undermine democracy. Instead, Congress appointed an Electoral Commission-consisting of five Senators, five House Members, and five Supreme Court Justices-to consider and resolve the disputed returns.


    “We should follow that precedent. To wit, Congress should immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states. Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission’s findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed.

    “Accordingly, we intend to vote on January 6 to reject the electors from disputed states as not ‘regularly given’ and ‘lawfully certified’ (the statutory requisite), unless and until that emergency 10-day audit is completed.

    “We are not naïve. We fully expect most if not all Democrats, and perhaps more than a few Republicans, to vote otherwise. But support of election integrity should not be a partisan issue. A fair and credible audit-conducted expeditiously and completed well before January 20-would dramatically improve Americans’ faith in our electoral process and would significantly enhance the legitimacy of whoever becomes our next President. We owe that to the People.

    “These are matters worthy of the Congress, and entrusted to us to defend. We do not take this action lightly. We are acting not to thwart the democratic process, but rather to protect it. And every one of us should act together to ensure that the election was lawfully conducted under the Constitution and to do everything we can to restore faith in our Democracy.”



    • #
      Harry Passfield

      FF: I’m trying to imagine the commission being agreed to and being set up before the inauguration: what I’m imagining is the exploding heads at the BBC as they try as hard as possible to ignore the news item. 🙂


    • #

      Joint Statement from Senators Cruz, Johnson, Lankford, Daines, Kennedy, Blackburn, Braun, Senators-Elect Lummis, Marshall, Hagerty, Tuberville

      Are eleven senators enough to make a difference?


      • #
        Tilba Tilba

        Are eleven senators enough to make a difference?

        It’s got the potential to place Republican senators in a difficult situation (effectively a Trump “loyalty test”). But no – it’s unlikely to make a difference – there are several GOP senators (number unknown) who will vote with the 48 Democrats to reject any objections.

        The electoral votes are counted by state alphabetically … we will know by Arizona what the likely state of play will be for the rest of the day.


    • #
      Tilba Tilba

      We should follow that [1877] precedent. To wit, Congress should immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states. Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission’s findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed.

      The problem with this argument, is the 1877 shemozzle (Hayes-Tilden) was followed by the Electoral Count Act 1887, so as to bring order and procedures to contested elections, and its rules have been followed for all the elections since.


  • #
    Fuel Filter


    Biden lost. And everyone in Washington D. C. knows it.


    • #
      John R Smith

      I completely agree.
      Evens Dems have a sense of smell.
      Only problem is, they don’t care.
      Orange Man Bad.
      Totalitarian ‘Diversity’ and ‘Inclusion’ good.
      Wrongthink can not be tolerated by the Morally Superior Tolerant Ones.
      It’s the only way to Save the Planet.
      And Grandma.


    • #

      Your comment reminds me of the chilling, extra-prescient song by Leonard Cohen.

      Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
      Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
      Everybody knows the war is over
      Everybody knows the good guy lost
      Everybody knows the fight was fixed
      The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
      That’s how it goes
      Everybody knows


      [Comment released on appeal – Jo .]


  • #
    Fuel Filter

    Yes, it’s coming.

    And that probably means Jo as well.

    Be Ready for ALL ‘Right’ Blogs and Web Sites to go dark on or about 20 January 2021 if the worst happens and Sniffy Joe is installed in the White House. Once that happens, it’s going go be ‘meat space’ that counts.  Not smart phones, not anything you’re used to using to communicate.  Life as we know it will most likely take a significant turn to communism.

    RTWT Very short.



  • #
  • #
  • #
    Fuel Filter


    Vid is 1:46 long. Has to do with a certain SCOTUS Justice.



  • #
    Fuel Filter


    Biden’s inaugural parade just canceled?



  • #

    Political corruption comes in a multitude of forms which will have a huge impact on whether President Trump is back in power. For the last couple of decades, it didn’t matter who you voted for as all the politicians followed the same script. They would lie their face off to be elected and fall into place with the rest of the political agenda.
    Who is being blackmailed or threatened or corrupted plays a huge role in the voting outcome.

    Our government and politicians have a huge disconnection from reality over believing their own propaganda.


  • #
    Fuel Filter

    Gateway on Pence…


    Sure hope so…‘cuz I’ve read reports that he might not be inclined to. But those were few and far between.


    • #
      robert rosicka

      FF if pence sits on the fence I’m sure it’s game over .


    • #
      Tilba Tilba

      From the link:

      “Vice President Pence shares the concerns of millions of Americans about voter fraud and irregularities in the last election…The Vice President welcomes the efforts of members of the House and Senate to use the authority they have under the law to raise objections and bring forward evidence before the Congress and the American people on January 6th.”

      It sounds like politician-speak – cover your butt and not offend too many that you don’t have to (least of all Donald Trump). He will “allow” the objections (not that he really has discretion even on that), but knows that the House at least will vote against them.

      The statement has naturally outraged Biden supporters, but I don’t think there’s too much of a consequence flowing from it.


  • #

    Yesterday state senators from the battleground states got a zoom briefing on the evidence of election wrongdoing. The materials and links are posted here:

    Evidence of voter, ballot, and election irregularities and lawlessness in the presidential election of November 3, 2020



    • #

      Yesterday state senators from the battleground states got a zoom briefing on the evidence of election wrongdoing

      Why only yesterday?

      Most of the evidence has been out there for a month.


  • #

    If you can, go to Washington D.C.,
    For the 6th as it’s thee place to be,
    To show patriot zeal,
    To stop the big steal,
    And ensure that the U.S. stays free.


    • #
      Harry Passfield

      I bet Biden’s people have engaged BLM and/or Antifa to counter the protest…perhaps we shall live in interesting times…


      • #
        Tilba Tilba

        I might be old-fashioned on this, but wouldn’t it simply be better for no pro-Dem people to turn up at all … just leave the MAGA crowds to talk to each other? There is nothing to be gained by any “show of support” – the election is all over.


  • #
    Dave in the States

    In other words you have a better chance of winning the power ball lottery, than the chances are that Biden really won.


  • #

    The scene for the steal was well set prior to the election. The impression was that Biden had a comfortable lead in the polls and also that even if Trump would be well ahead on the night Biden would come home with a wet sail as the postal votes were counted, and win comfortably. They created the narrative that Democrats prefer to vote from home through a postal ballot and would do so by a factor of 2 to 1 . The voter registration of postal voters failed to fully reflect this in all the swing states but that was the narrative anyway. Hilary Clinton warned Biden that Trump would try to claim victory on the night.The reality was that this narrative was supported by years of rigging the postal part of the vote and because this particular election had been rigged very early on. Unfortunately for the Democrats the actual size of the vote was so large that even the preorganised cheating was not going to be sufficient to get Biden over the line. This became evident early on when despite the cheating Trump won Florida . That’s when the extra measures of cheating became incorporated into the strategy , in particular massive dumps. States that during the counting even CNN were suggesting Biden would struggle to make up the leeway had midnight surges that turned the election on its head. The playbook was the same in all swing states , the organised systemic cheating of running through ballots multiple times, playing with the voting machines, keeping observers at their distance were helping but Biden was not going to make it. Bring in the nuclear option in the cover of darkness. Perhaps these extra dumps would not be noticed in the middle of the night and with no observers they would be able to get away with it. In the end they had no choice. Despite all the preparation having as their candidate an almost senile 78 year old, who sniffs people’s hair, is involved in corrupt dealings overseas and was barely coherent failed to inspire sufficient genuine support to get him over the line with the pre planned cheating. Furthermore they would never have anticipated that Trump could possibly get an extra 11 million votes especially in the middle of a pandemic. The nuclear option requiring turbocharging the cheating was the only way they could get their man home and with the media and judiciary totally compliant they would manage the potential fallout the nuclear option would cause. They had no choice. Having fabricated Russian collusion dossiers and Ukraine impeachment conversations , making sure a rigged election would be successful was there only chance to get rid of Trump. They actually had no choice. In their minds, the leftist global grand plan of the great reset, one world government , introduction of socialism / Marxism etc depended upon removing Trump and getting control of the US agenda.


    • #
      Dave in the States

      Excellent summary.


    • #
      Tilba Tilba

      The playbook was the same in all swing states – the organised systemic cheating of running through ballots multiple times, playing with the voting machines, keeping observers at their distance were helping but Biden was not going to make it. Bring in the nuclear option in the cover of darkness. Perhaps these extra dumps would not be noticed in the middle of the night and with no observers they would be able to get away with it. In the end they had no choice.

      I find this implausible … somehow recruiting and organising dozens of state officials (full-time professionals, casual workers, volunteers – many of whom might not be pro-Biden) across at least seven state (Florida plus the six Biden swing states) to run a big co-ordinated fraud plan, in stages, in real time.

      It’s just not credible to me … very few spy organisations would be able to manage such a thing, let alone a loosely managed political party. And apart from the implausibility, it could be considered fairly insulting to the many non-partisan honest people who run or work on elections.


    • #
      M Seward

      Alternatively Biden’s lead just tipped the GOP over to their next best chance, claim the election was rigged. Far more plausible IMO and with Trump there, just another Twitter tirade away.


  • #
    Roger Knights

    Trump would have a better chance of winning if he pledged to resign right after his inauguration. That would mean that giving the presidency to a Republican would not entail giving it to Trump, which would be much more palatable to those currently trying to shut down appointing a 10-day Electoral Commissionto investigate the allegations.


  • #
    Mike Jonas

    [Oops, I put this on the wrong thread – trying again …]

    Jo – There’s an odd pattern in the numbers as in the article. I plotted how many dumps had Biden’s % share in ranges …

    … and the overall pattern was like a bell curve peaking in the 75-80% band, but there was a second peak in the 60-65% band. The sample is very small, so maybe the pattern is not significant, but I would have expected something more like a single bell curve. [In the chart, the X-axis is Biden % of a dump, Y-axis is number of dumps]

    Biden% Count
    55%-60% 2
    60%-65% 5
    65%-70% 2
    70%-75% 3
    75%-80% 5
    80%-85% 3
    85%-90% 2
    90%-95% 1
    95%-100% 2

    Apologies if someone has already pointed this out.


  • #
    Vic Anderson

    Statistician says 1 in a Quadrillion to the 4th P0WER; I0W, impossible.


  • #
    M Seward

    What complete and utter drivel.

    All the data and graphs mean is that the large ‘dumps’ were from larger, urban counties/booths/ whatever which are fewer in number but greater in population and tend to favour the Democrats. That is a USA wide phenomenon. Look at all the small ‘dumps’. They favour Trump and at the end it is all Trump! LOL.

    I am reading Peter Ridd’s Reef Heresy at the moment re4garding the alarmis, horsemanure, sexed up ‘science’ used to shout doom and gloom about the Great Barrier Reef and the associated BS graphs and selective data as awell as selective images used to sell the BS notion to a gormless and/or complicit media.

    Same thing here regarding this alleged ‘election fraud. Gee, talk about irony that a notionally climate skeptic site would be so rabid in swallowing and repeating this stuff. Antifa – meet Antidem.
