A $460m budget and the capitol police let in Mr Horns plus a spear?

The Capitol Hill Police Force has 2,300 officers and a budget of $460 million, it’s bigger than the entire Atlanta Police force, yet Jake Angeli, or “Buffalo man” made it all the way into the Senate Chamber with a full metal spear “disguised” as a flag staff with just a cable tie.

And they even had three days warning.

The whole force answers to Nancy Pelosi. If the storming of Capitol Hill was “a coup” in progress, Pelosi’s leadership was an incompetent failure. But if the storming was a Publicity stunt, allowing Mr Spear-n-Horns in to star in front page spreads was a success.

Jake Angeli, Buffalo man, Congress, Horns and a Spear

Jake Angeli, the Buffalo man, in Congress with horns and a Spear

h/t Mike

The Capitol Hill Riot Was Pelosi’s Fault, Not Trump’s

Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Mag

The media has constructed a false narrative in which the White House overreacted to BLM and underreacted to the Capitol riot. But it wasn’t the White House’s job to protect Congress. That’s why Congress has a force of 2,300 people and a $460 million budget with just one job to do.

The question of why it failed at that job ought to be directed to Pelosi and congressional leaders.

The Capitol riot is Pelosi’s disaster and she’s making the most of it by blaming it on everyone else. Her private police force had the resources and the people to keep out the Visigoths, never mind a few hundred people, and instead turned what should have been a riot into a disaster.

Congress’ private cops are the 19th largest police force in the country. It’s a larger force than the police forces of Atlanta, Baltimore, Denver, or Milwaukee with a massive $460 million budget.

While Democrats advocated defunding the police, their private police force budget shot up from $375 million in 2016 to $460 million in 2020. After the Capitol Hill riot, expect it to go higher.

9.1 out of 10 based on 98 ratings

57 comments to A $460m budget and the capitol police let in Mr Horns plus a spear?

  • #

    This all makes perfect sense. On one of the videos showing security letting protestors into the Capitol building, you can hear one of the guards saying “I disagree with this” ad he lets them through … orders had clearly come from above.


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    Binny Pegler

    Hard to say how much was preplanned, and how much was seized on as a golden opportunity.
    Either way was the perfect checkmate to the election audit.


    • #
      Just Thinkin'

      As Jo said.

      They had AT LEAST 3 days notice.

      SET UP.


    • #

      The mob was so angry and violent that having easily gained access to their supposed target, they simply stood around taking selfies or sat in pollies’ chairs for photo opportunities, while waiting for the national guard to show up.


      • #

        And that is why describing it as an insurrection or a coup is utterly bizarre.
        Looking back in the fullness of time the Leftist hysterics are going to be judged as dishonest opportunists.
        If they go ahead and conduct a purge on the basis of that then they may well appear in future textbooks as a prime example of fascistic overreach.
        Assuming they don’t control the entire narrative by then.


    • #

      Biden will be sworn in on Wednesday.

      … and impeachment papers will be lodged on Thursday. May be the shortest “Presidency” on record.

      Somehow, I don’t think he’ll be inaugurated, except illegally. (His election was mostly illegal so an illegal inauguration will be true to form …)


    • #
      Curious George

      If we are to believe The New York Times and The Washington Post, this was a carefully planned coup attempt. The conspirators spent two or more days sharpening their pitchforks, fortunately, they were so disorganized that they did not bring them to the action.

      A coup? Feeble minded media can call that event that. They showed us pictures of mostly peaceful protests, with burning cars and stores in the background. They misuse words and redefine them at will. “When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.'” I did not give The Humpty Dumpty Times or The Humpty Dumpty Post the right to twist the meaning of words. Look at what they did to the Free Speech. I am not allowed to say anything that could possibly offend anybody. Now that offends me. Whatever I say may be construed to offend somebody – especially someone expertly trained to be offended. To complete the circle, “SILENCE IS VIOLENCE”.

      Time to sharpen pitchforks.


  • #
    Phillip Charles Sweeney

    Nancy Pelosi had knowledge of the planned attack on the Capital but did not pass on this knowledge.

    In the United States, misprision of treason is a federal offence, committed where someone who has knowledge of the commission of any treason against the United States, conceals such knowledge and does not inform the President, a federal judge, a State Governor, or a State judge (18 U.S.C. § 2382).


    • #

      Do you think she probably covered herself by informing a Judge or a Governor?

      It looks as if the President can be left in the dark , so she would say he was left out because he was the alleged perpetrator.

      It’s not as if the Democrats are not going have open slather with the law anyway….they’ll to be able to do whatever they like with impunity now …and that fact alone should be exercising the minds of top legal people in America…the ones who are not part of the Fascist Cabal….if they want to have a country that anyone will feel safe even to visit in the future.

      Imagine trying to bring a case against any of these plutocrats or anyone they want to protect now.

      Seems to me the SCOTUS Justices have thumbed their noses at the Constitution and are putty in the hands of this cabal…and so many of the lower courts …as here… are already captured by Left Wing activist Judges.

      This evil cadre of Tech Tyrants…MSM…corporate giants …universities…banks….deep state-gone rogue…all in bed with a lawless administration that’s flush with their victory over the people…triumphant at having gotten away with stealing an election…can crush anyone… and have signalled loud and clear that they’re drooling at the thought of it.

      Anyone could be accused of anything…lose absolutely everything trying to defend themselves…lose their freedom …and their lives if not a friend of the cabal…but a friend of the cabal can break the law with impunity…can conspire to bring a government down …sell America out to its most dangerous adversary…can conspire to destroy the lives of innocent people…cost them and their families everything they’ve worked their whole lives for then incarcerate them…that’s proven.

      I hope Trump will pardon Assange because he has no chance of justice in a country where there’s one law for Democrats and their cabal and another for everyone else…and no recourse to any higher courts.


  • #

    It has been reported elsewhere but not confirmed that he is married to Pelosi’s duaghter


  • #
    Binny Pegler

    You have to hand it to them, they can think on their feet when they have to.
    These guy are experts at image management.
    A few dozen people with suit cases full of ballots where not going to fill the National Mall.
    The most popular President in USA history, with a half full mall is not the ideal look.
    The solution was brilliant – don’t have anyone at all.
    As an added bonus you can then fill that space with the military, which is about the only institution in the country that Americans still trust and respect.
    This feeds into the ‘Are you still beating your wife’ scenario.
    Trumps army of violent domestic terrorists is such a threat we had to call in the National Guard.
    The reason you’re seeing Trumps army of violent domestic terrorists is because we called in the National Guard.
    With no supporters/spectators there is nothing to distract the cameras from the massive military presence which will in turn be magnified by the lack of supporters/spectators.
    The take way image from the day will be the ‘trusted’ military protecting democracy from Trump and his supporters.
    It really is brilliant imagery, Goebbels himself couldn’t have done better.


    • #

      Meanwhile Binny, Trump is having a sendoff miles away at Joint Base Andrews where he will arrive on Marine One and depart on his own jet. There will be a 21 gun salute and a huge crowd of Trump supporters. No Republican, except for assorted brown nosers, will be at the Capitol to watch China Joe swear in. Who wants to see a crook rewarded? We have given up on the MSM for news and only watch reruns of Yorkshire Vet on 7Mate. Nasty Nancy will be hard pressed to find evidence of incitement and, as pointed out here, might have tough questions to answer if there are any Republicans with courage left. Just as we know there was wide spread fraud in the election we now know that the “Capitol Riot” was planned by the Democrats.

      Liz Chaney (R) Wyoming is serving her last 2 years after voting to impeach Trump. The state branch of the GOP has been flooded with demands for her removal. More of this type of reaction over the next term should see many RINOs depart in 2022. Now to clean up the election machines.


    • #

      The only problem with that is that President trump called in the troops For what reason,who knows.There is plenty of speculation,but NOTHING is concrete.


      • #

        The only problem with that is that President trump called in the troops For what reason,

        Why do you say he called in the troops? He has command of the regulars not the guard. they are the states’ plaything.


    • #

      Binny, Ithink it is based on stealing the”law and order” party theme back. They are sick, and 80 million Americans know it, their actions will disgust many millions more.

      I don’t know what will happen in the next few days, yet even if President Trump leaves public office, hope is not done…

      Excepting some very major surprise, President Trump will leave public office, yet there may be some unexpected long term affects from the Trump Presidency…

      Of course, as many have noted, 75 to 80 million patriots are not going away. The number one goal of any sane Republican party should be election reform. ( Without that, 100 million won’t matter) with truly fair elections anything may happen as global economics are fragile.

      The internet will find a way, and many millions of customers will flow into alternative venues.

      President Trump has been the great centrifuge, exposing the deep state ugliness, not just to US citizens, yet to the world as well. And he has exposed their global ambitions as well. And many soverighn nations don’t want to be ruled by the global fascists with their multi-nationals. This will have many repercussions in the future, as half the world says no to one world rule.

      Domestically the Rhinos are now exposed. Will citizen Trump truly reform the Republican party, or start a new one? Will he be able to?

      The half of the world that wants one world rule, working hand in hand with the multi nationals, will begin to fight among themselves. Over what? Why over who really rules. Will the US and European statist choose to become puppets to the China statists?
      History and the dark side of human nature indicate not.

      Economies and monetary systems are all very fragile, trust is very low. A reset of some sort is likely, and while we have general ideas on what reset the one world statist want, are there other, possibly more benign, forms it could take?

      President Trump’s astounding work in the middle East will not vanish. His domestic policies, and foreign policies were astoundingly successful, including the ideal of not starting foreign wars, withdrawing troops, etc… I think his policies have legs, and will look ever better to a watching world. History may be very kind to Donald Trump, and he may not be done.


  • #
    Binny Pegler

    ‘not seeing’


  • #
    Kalm Keith

    A very pertinent analysis of the real chain of responsibility.

    Congress is answerable to the American nation: Congress hires and controls the police-security arrangements to protect the government structures and ultimately Nancy P directs all of that.

    I guess that the Security Force, all $460 million a year of it, was just so amazed to see an animal with two horns coming at them with a spear that they just stood back in awe:

    And let him in to Nanci’s castle.

    But Trump did it, didn’t he?



    • #

      It is part of deliberate media management, spin doctor media releases and briefings, beginning soon after DJT became a candidate for the position of POTUS, and has never stopped.

      The technique of mud throwing, some always sticks to the target until eventually the target is covered in mud and most people cannot remember the true character of the target, lies become facts, comments are twisted with omissions and additions to change the meaning, relentless negativity.

      And never acknowledge achievements or claim ownership of them, as with Joe’s vaccination program resulting from President Trump’s initiatives.

      It stinks.


    • #

      Trump got the contents of Nancy’s computer. Miltary intel agents were in the Capitol breakin.
      They took the opportunities they were given.


  • #

    The United States Capitol Police is governed by the Capitol Police Board whose three members are appointed by each of the three branches of government (House, Senate and President).
    There is no such thing as the “Capitol Hill Police Force”.


    • #

      United States Capitol Police
      The United States Capitol Police is a federal law enforcement agency in the United States charged with protecting the United States Congress within the District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its territories. It answers to Congress, not the President of the United States, and is the only full-service federal law enforcement agency responsible to the legislative branch of the federal government of the United States.Wikipedia


      • #

        Yet not a single ‘news’ organisation has demanded Pelosi take responsibility or even asked whether the buck should stop with her?


        • #

          Patience m’boy. [snip]

          There is also the Attorney General’s investigation. Life will start to become both exciting and very very expensive for dearest Aunty Nancy. I can wait…


      • #

        Seems to me none of the responsibilities …accountabilities…chains of command are going to matter any more .

        The whole system is fundamentally changed by the tight and growing nexus between the ruthless lawless ‘socialist-ends-justifies-literally-any-means[ no matter how nefarious] White House…the Tech Tyrants in total control of information…almost all ‘journalists’ spinning , curating and censoring whatever information passes through their hands…the universities signaling that only students of the ‘correct’ political thought will be eligible for their ideology camps and a prosperous future….corporate America signaling the same…banks choosing which businesses to destroy…lawless compromised government choosing which key people who might threaten their total control to entrap…to confront with personal information that will bring them to heel….which Judges and/or Justices to target for that….the whole junta protected by the methods and tools of rogue FBI and CIA deep state actors.

        It’s all available to this nefarious regime now…all bases covered…there’s literally nothing they can’t do.

        The only thing that will stop them is if they begin to eat themselves alive.

        And think about the electricity that everything you do …absolutely everything…depends on.

        Are we supposed to believe…in America or in Australia and the rest of the world…that when windmills and solar panels fail to deliver …as they surely will…when electricity has to be rationed….with the internet being the most avaricious consumer…the rationing won’t fall hardest on those whose thoughts are not the ‘correct’ ones?

        It’s not even debatable really…they’ve announced it…the advent of a new Dark Age.


        • #
          Simon B

          Very true, cancel culture – or new age Puritan book burning – has been ramping up for a decade or more, now completely aided and abetted by virtue signalling corporations whose HR departments are full of brainwashed useful idiots indoctrinated in the Wests university systems. Some of those brainwashed are ideologues who turned apps and platforms into billions and now dictating that their version of tolerance is the template for ‘building back better’ using faulty climate science and threats of personal character assassination.
          The success of the voting fraud in the US points to regular fraud whereby the Demoncrats continue to rig state elections, thereby controlling federal elections! It’s not too dramatic to say it’s the beginning of the end for open democracy, as there’s no tolerance in the tolerance movement.


  • #

    “Lies, fabrications, character assassinations, reputational rapes, point scoring, axe grinding, sneering, smearing and general weaselling have become standard fare in the media.”

    “I think we are dealing with an octopus … Advertising as news. It’s very skilfully done. The methods of seducing the media, the ingenuity of the spin has reached a point where we, as a general public, have never been lied to by such sophisticated means as now.”

    John le Carre


  • #

    I also read that Pelosi refused to have the national guard assist, it is quite probable that she also ignored and constrained any advice or assistance that the FBI any other agencies offered. Given that the Democrats have been openly supporting BLM and Antifa protests which have been burning and rioting for well over six months, it is not a surprise to see that they used them to game trumps protest, just as they gamed and rigged the elections. The Democrats are all in on their revolution / coup and they are not going to stop now. I suspect you will see the military on the streets on regular basis now, as they cast all political opposition as domestic terrorism, all the while pretending that they are the victim.


    • #

      For me it is very worrying that the United States of America, land of the free and democracy we believed, has been hijacked by saboteurs, globalists, and the people are ignored, voting irregularities covered up and denied.


  • #

    Any thinking adult knows full well that the protest was Trump supporters going to the building erected on their forefathers democratic votes, attempting to get Trumps CHOSEN Vice President to stand behind his leader, party and country. That was why they were chanting for Pence, not to lynch him. Again, where are the Republicans, unbiased media and citizens of the WORLD putting these arrogant criminals on the spot on live reports. Where is the pushback which asks Pelosi, why didn’t your private police force mobilise instead of move barriers? Why was Antifa militia terrorist , John Sullivan, first in the door and still bragging about it? Why, if it was a coup, were the pictures of the first 50 in the door, without any police interference, carrying flags and holding up phones, instead of M16’s and rocket launchers. After all the left has been brainwashing elitists and swing voters for 5 years that Trumps right wing force is a well armed backwoods militia with more weapons than the EU combined! Why did they just break publicly funded chairs……and then leave? If they had the run of the place, heavily armed and weak kneed politicians and ‘advisers’ hiding under desks, surely they should still be there in a fortified siege? Why aren’t these questions being asked of every left wing politician and left wing media activist?
    The propaganda war is in full swing and has been for years now.
    CNN is well advanced and the drivel last week from their business reporter was head sjakingly, vomit inducingly ridiculous. Lunacy about how brave their reporters were to be there risking their lives being at the Capitol to get the message out. Stupidity like; even though I was right in the middle of the insurrection, it was wasn’t until days later that I realised the true violence, the true terror! What the? Wake up everyone! THAT is straight up propaganda, from activists with a large audience. No word from the brave journalist how she came to the realisation that while she was earning her $1000 a week, hindsight gave her a new perspective! Maybe seeing her colleagues bylines getting more elitist hits for an opinion, rather than facts from a n actual attendee!
    Read the article below, think about who it’s aimed at and more importantly, that their average reader and viewer is getting ONLY that view:
    Remember also that the ‘deadly coup’ toll is one protester, one police officer, one suicide, 2 heart attacks. Incredible for a coup from a group purported to have access to some of the most sophisticated weapons on the planet. There were more deaths in Medieval Europe with just pitchforks!



    • #

      I don’t believe that John Sullivan was first inside, but he was one of those who did get inside, and he pushed to the front of the crowd. The photo-journalist Jade Sacker was close behind him most of the way. Sullivan at some places pretends to be merely a journalist (especially when confronted by the police) however at other times when the police are not around he enthusiastically encourages the others.

      Sullivan has a website … search for “Insurgence USA” which was his business to organize protests and activism. He sold BLM and anti-Trump merchandise. There is also screen shot evidence that Sullivan called for an anti-Trump crowd to meet together at the Washington Monument at 11AM the morning of the 6th, and his brother has given evidence to the FBI.


      • #

        Will the FBI do anything with the evidence? They sat on a crack head’s computer but spent years trying to discredit Trump. They saw nothing worth worrying about during the most outrageously blatant election fraud so they won’t see anything here either. Now if he were a Trump supporter they would be all over him like a rash.


        • #
          Simon B

          Police corruption isn’t limited to turning a blind eye on a meth dealers corner by a beat cop! The bigger the ‘reward’ the deeper the pockets need to be. Handy to have a seemingly never ending flow of tech generated financing at your disposal for discretionary spending.


      • #
        Simon B

        My remarks that Sullivan was first inside were merely instructive that a leftwing militia activist was in the frontline, he filmed the Babbit shooting. That the left hasn’t been continually questioned on that and why ‘terrified’ CNN reporter Sacker is on film laughing and joking with Sullivan as they waltz thru the building making her pulitzer nominee documentary (will happen without a doubt) is how utterly our information is now controlled. The verified antifa meeting of activists to infiltrate the protest and belief that pipe bombs/flares along the route for use as the antifa protagonists hoped to incite violence and the blowback naturally would fall on Trump supporters. That is a well known Antifa tactic, used all thru the US summer with Hirst Corporation hired trucks delivering pallets of bricks to street corners on BLM looting routes. Bricks for ‘good causes’, explosives for the revolution. It’s a war and conservatives need to wake up. There’s no tolerance in the tolerance movement.


    • #

      Yep. The European elites learned hundreds of years ago not to underestimate a [snip] pitchfork in the hands of an angry peasant.

      Seems that’s a lesson to be re-learned.


    • #

      From the parts of it I’ve watched…FOX daytime is doing its bit to flog the ‘deadly coup’ narrative as well ….and others on FOX …with a few exceptions… are treading so carefully and timidly …probably under warnings from management, who are also potentially the next victims to fall at the hands of the Fascist junta ….treading so timidly as to only succeed in broadcasting their own vulnerability and fear of retribution.

      With a Fascist cabal so pervasive and tight…covering all bases…no ‘wrong-thinking’ person or entity is safe.


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    William Astley

    I am expecting an US Military announcement on Sunday. If a US system change is coming, there would need to be logical reasons provided as part of the presentation. Congress stinks, everyone knows it is not working, and the US has problems that need to be solved and the significant problems are not even talked about now.

    Congress cannot protect their own building. Work a month, an hour, on any subject, without pointless political fights.

    Sunday is a perfect quiet time to make a presentation, if the objective is to avoid any protest or unnecessary drama. The US Milt announcement is the end of US crises, not the start of a crisis. (Explains why Wednesday would not work.) No need for the public to see the presentation live. Just need a few major news outlets, to get the second act going. This is what I have heard. Logically if it is true, I would expect there will be a second act and the second act will not include Biden or Pelosi or congress.

    15 years ago, when there were thoughtful, long term thinkers, patriotic adults in Congress, Congress funded a permanent Special Threats Group in the Military. This new group has to be absolutely, Non-Political, Truth Based Analytical and provide Plans to address extraordinary existential threats to the US state which the political system and/or the US Military could not address.

    At the time the group was formed two Extraordinary threats were identified by the Republicans and Democrats who needed to both agree, to get support for permanent funds for the new Military group.

    1. A future failure of the US political system to address spending/economic issues. This scenario would include a political failure of the US system. A Chinese takeover of the US political system, a Chinese initiated economic war taking advantage of the US’s Debt vulnerability and so on. Debt and internal problems that stop GDP growth/destroy jobs, makes the US vulnerable to an economic war.
    2. A rogue President or a President that has been controlled by a third party, who creates a fake situation to justify a nuclear launch. (This group has the power, under specific identified circumstances, to block a nuclear missile launch, if appropriate.)

    This internal thinking group in the Military constantly worked/appropriately adapted/learned to maintain the high respect, trust, and practical usefulness to the US Military. This trust and understanding/good relationships of the US Military system would also be essential if action was required.

    This internal group naturally closely and constantly, worked with US Military Intelligence to maintain an understanding of threats/issues/analysis results. This group provides the US Intelligence with specialized high-tech analysis/support which in 2019, started to include the assistance of an AI.

    Due to a very successful decade propaganda campaign by the Chinese, the US public and the world do not understand/know what China was up to and did in 2020.

    The US people will be very interested in the new congress replacement system. Pelosi and Biden will no longer be relevant or interesting.

    The US Military has a large number of Hispanics and Blacks in the force. The US Military is one of the places, women can have a good and interesting career. The US Military personnel are diverse and interesting US citizens who believe in law and order, logic, and truthfulness. The US Military has never been and is not political.

    US Military are not high paid and those who have families must budget and penny pinch. If what I heard is correct the congress replacement team will have about 70 officiers, mostly from US Military Intelligence. The oldest is 47 old, the average age less than 40 years old. Many have young families. And the new team will be supported by an AI. How can Pelosi and the corrupt congress compete?


    • #
      Simon B

      Sorry mate, but everything meaningful has to be done live now, as hand selecting media is exactly what the public find distasteful. Spin, careful editing and outright censorship are changing the narrative of debate. You will not convince the US voting public (including swing voters) that anything will change from a choreographed Congressional gabfest, which doesn’t have an immediacy to individuals having to stand behind their principles without the usual swamp consensus . The rules have to change, that’s what Trumps term has highlighted, – will possibly be his greatest legacy – the swamp can’t go back to business as usual, especially with the Demoncrats controlling all tiers of Government and Harris as President in 12 months time.


  • #

    Hey Jo or anyone. A few days ago there were photos everywhere of the bearded guy standing beside Mr Cowhorn inside the Capitol building. That was until it was pointed out he had Antifa and ‘hammer and sickle’ tattoos on his hands.
    Since then leftist ‘fact-checkers’ have been busy spinning alternative narratives for these symbols … all the while refusing to show them. Seems this photo has now become very hard to find. Does anyone have a copy?


    • #

      The few images I can now locate, only show his left hand. The Antifa tattoo on his right hand has been cropped. Jo, you posted this image on a previous thread but I fear it has gone into the ether.


      • #

        Might be best to look through newspapers of the last ten days.

        Can anyone find a hard copy?

        Otherwise try Wayback Machine on top conservative sites/ newspapers around Jan 7? Likewise Fox news / OANN / Newsmax stories from Jan 7 / 8 etc. The video clip may contain the photo?


    • #

      The beardy guy in the yellow top was originally identified as “Jason Tankersley” and if you search on that name you can find some information about his tattoos. However, it’s not a good match and if you look at recent photos of Tankersley he has been into the body building and has very heavy shoulders and arms which would easily show through that yellow top. The guy in the Capitol is roughly the same height but not as heavily built around the chest, shoulders and arms.

      A different identification of the yellow top guy was “Will Watson” and the hand tattoo was an “Outsider’s Mark” which has been copied from some video game. Neither of those guys are connected to ANTIFA. If you search “Will Watson” and “Outsider Mark” you can find pictures.


    • #

      It is not a hammer and sickle


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    • #

      Jim Barker …that’s the most lucid analysis I’ve seen of the situation America is in….except for the fact that …being non-religious …I think the insanity of the whole edifice the lawless ‘Democrats’ have built is more likely what will bring it down…but the worry is what mayhem and unprecedented conflict will it foment in the world before it finally crumbles.

      ‘It was a way of turning the establishment Right into an ATM for the resources to lay traps for the people.’

      That’s so right…consider the most recent stimulus demands.

      I disagree with the writer that the ‘Never-Trumpers’ are/were ‘well-meaning’.

      They had all the information they needed during the course of the four years…building day by day…. to know without a shadow of a doubt the evil of the “Democrats’ …the cabal they were building…. and the lengths they were willing to go to… for their cold war against the American people…and the RINOS and the Lincoln Project…comprising many Bush and McCain acolytes…signaled and in some cases voted…. to empower them and cripple the conservatives….as they’re doing even now.

      The hope is that the ‘Democrats’ will be unable to hold their anti-human cabal together and they’ll eat themselves alive in their war for control over the law-abiding Americans.

      People who are religious …and I have the utmost respect for them…would probably see that as the work of a higher Power anyway…and in a way it would be….even for the non-religious.


    • #
      Kalm Keith

      A long comment, unfortunately I couldn’t make a lot of use of it because it was all news to me.


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    roger w carradice

    Hi Jo
    So it was known three days ahead that there would be trouble at the Capitol. Presumably Nancy Pelosi was told. Given that the President had asked his people to come and support those in Congress asking for the vote to be audited he should have been asked to tell them to keep away from the Capitol. Either there was complete incompetence on the part of Nancy’s security people or they were told not to tell the President in the hope of discrediting him and with no care for peoples security.


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      Curious George

      There will be no trouble at the Inauguration. A mighty military force has been deployed. If necessary, nukes will be used. Nancy Pelosi is taking no chances this time.


      • #

        Hahaha! P:-) and when there’s so much gunpowder around and plenty dry tinder, what a brilliant idea. a Pelosi of an idea !


  • #

    I have been trying to figure out WTF is really going on and I think I have the basics.

    There are two camps, Establishment/Globalists VS MAGA/Populists. The Establishment wants control and they have been lying for years to get it. To control people you need to use their emotions. Give them hate or fear and you can control them. The used Trump for the hate and it worked. People are giving up Freedom of Speech and don’t bat an eye. But he is leaving, so they need a new target. That new target will be far right extremists. They have been barking against the crazy right for years and they have almost nothing to show for it. They are desperate for some crazy Right winger to go on a mass killing to prove that they were right and that people must give up their freedoms to be protected from MAGA crazies, who are everywhere!


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    Globalists: CCP + UN + World Bank (Goal: One World Government). Populists: The Bulwark against this Abomination
