A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Check out the fatal flaws in the renewable energy project.
Wind Droughts, Choke Points, Isolation (Australia is an island), No Nuclear
As long as we have both major parties pushing for the emission reduction agenda without nuclear in the mix there is no future in this nation. Eventually though I would hope one of the parties will wake up and either drop the emission reduction nonsense once and for all, and build coal fired power stations or go nuclear. I don’t give a damn which path we take but it MUST be one of them. There is simply no other alternative if this nation is to survive.
I have to disagree. If the states were prepared to frak their own gas and provide a royalty to landowners for the gas extracted, I believe this would be a suitable short-term solution while suitable nuclear becomes available.
Suitable nuclear is available now. We have amazing reserves of Uranium (and Thorium). In a geologically stable area with no governance problems, there is nothing wrong with well managed reactors.
It’s more about perception by the general public. That’s why I think that short-term, gas would be the way forward. Anything has to be better than renewables.
We are told by various pundits that, because we have no prior experience with nuclear energy (presumably other than Lucas Heights), we cannot therefore consider it as an energy option for Australia! Really? Many other nations seem to have made the transition. But of course, most of them import their uranium, usually from some southern hemisphere source that lies west of New Zealand! We have the stuff, but the argument appears to be that our scientists and engineers are somehow incapable of figuring out the issues, even after analysing both research and experience that have been accomplished, implemented and documented elsewhere for more than half a century!
Does that mean there is a Planet Pundit, that our astronomers haven’t discovered yet??? Or are we being conned?
Its a weird regressive logic that says you dont do anything unless you have prior experience in it, especially when there is a world of experience to tap into.
It seems like it funny that I pop my head out of the rabbit hole and see more destruction by the politicians in much more laws or restrictions and regulations that make trying to survive almost impossible.
Can’t talk or fart without fines…
On top of the current mess of burden laden laws and restrictions.
The current politicians are trying to bang a Square Peg Into a Round Hole as it is impossible to make a living wage.
would one of the 7 people who rated this post please explain it? You must have understood to give a thumb in either direction.
My other peeve…
I am told to be accepting of the slow decimation of my countries history as politicians try to quickly change the past to accept different lifestyles to my own upbringing by the importation of vast amounts of immigrants that do not want to follow the same rules and laws from their mostly war torn country.
I must accept that only 5% of my country if of a different skin color and yet want 50% of our jobs and government representatives and not complain as it is classed as racist.
We have 1% gays and yet our politicians want us to accept this as normal for the rest of our society by the media and politicians.
Sorry, it was building for awhile and I’m not allowed to complain as it becoming against our laws as hate or racist.
I think you need to work on your %s Never heard of the 50% representation thing, and gay/lesbian people make up quite a bit more than 1%, thats 250,000 which might work just for Sydney. Most guestimates (and thats all they are) range from 3% to 10%.
Agree though that the overepresentation and forced feeding through “the Arts” and pandering by Govt is getting farcical.
Yarp…. The higher rates of supposed gays in the population is based of prison studies – sex-segregated populations are hardly natural.
You seriously beleive that?
Panic buying seems to be fully relaunched in regional VIC today.
I think people are a bit scared of what Draconian Dan will do next.
I know in the small shooting club i am part of that ammo sales / reloading went up a loy after the arbitrary ban got lifted. So I guess that counts as hoarding as well.
Peter, which way do you mean that?
– they went to gaol because of damage caused to their lives by their “predisposition”, or
– they took up the new lifestyle in gaol.
Plane spotters are accepted and they make up less than 1% of the population.
But plane spotters are harmless and don’t get subsidies.
who is claimed to be harmful here?
Ask Milo Yiannopoulis.
Anybody that waves an Australian flag at a protest, or who holds a banner saying that All Lives Matter.
The media has a total meltdown when a mayor does not put up their flag.
DOJ calls for Big Tech bias reform laws
By David Wojick
The CFACT website has live links in the article.
The US Department of Justice has issued a wish list of reform laws aimed directly at the big Internet media giants. These proposals come on the heels of President Trump’s Executive Order aimed at curbing politically biased censorship by the Big Tech giants like Facebook, Google, Twitter and YouTube.
However, the new laws that DOJ wants are both broader and narrower than what the EO calls for. They are broader in that they would actually facilitate more censorship, but only of things like pornography, terrorism and criminal activity.
The new laws are narrower in that they are extremely focused. In fact they would all help reform just a single section of a single law. This is the infamous “Section 230” thatshields the Big Tech companies from legal action based on the content they deliver.
Here is how DOJ explains it in their 28 page report :
“As part of its broader review of market-leading online platforms, the U.S. Department of Justice analyzed Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996, which provides immunity to online platforms from civil liability based on third-party content and for the removal of content in certain circumstances. Congress originally enacted the statute to nurture a nascent industry while also incentivizing online platforms to remove content harmful to children. The combination of significant technological changes since 1996 and the expansive interpretation that courts have given Section 230, however, has left online platforms both immune for a wide array of illicit activity on their services and free to moderate content with little transparency or accountability.
The Department of Justice has concluded that the time is ripe to realign the scope of Section 230 with the realities of the modern internet. Reform is important now more than ever. Every year, more citizens—including young children—are relying on the intinternet for everyday activities, while online criminal activity continues to grow. We must ensure that the internet is both an open and safe space for our society.”
Note that this action does not flow from the executive order. DOJ has been working this problem for a long time, going back at least to Trump’s July 2019 summit on Big Tech bias, if not longer. They even held a Section 230 workshop last February, for which the video and submissions links are available on the DOJ website.
This is a very careful action, based on lots of research. There is a one page synopsis that shows as much legal care as the Executive Order. It lists these topic areas:
1. Incentivizing Online Platforms to Address Illicit Content
2. Clarifying Federal Government Enforcement Capabilities to Address Unlawful Content
3. Promoting Competition
4. Promoting Open Discourse and Greater Transparency
Topic four is the one aimed at biased censorship of content. It would prohibit moderation of content just because it is vaguely objectionable to the platform.
Unfortunately it is not clear that these reforms would be enough to keep Big Tech from moderating political content on the grounds that it is so-called “misinformation” which is the huge present problem. Nor would it keep services like Google News from systematically ignoring Conservative news sources, as they presently do. It probably would not stop the use of bogus “fact checking”as an instrument of political censorship.
For those not familiar with censorship of climate change skepticism, Pat Michaels reports a doozy here.
Something broader than Section 230 is needed to truly curb Big Tech’s politically motivated systematic censorship. In this regard DOJ says that Section 230 reform is just part of their reform agenda. Here’s hoping they address political censorship directly, especially bogus fact-checking of legitimate climate change skepticism.
Stay tuned to CFACT as this story unfolds.
How is traveller quarantine working, Australia versus New Zealand? A stark report by a New Zealander in Australia who returns to mourn a dead relative.
Gotta do better, people!
Things are different in NZ 🙂 from my limited visits generally better at least for my life stage.
We pushed people in distress back out to sea after calling them floating petri dishes and floating coffins.
Looks like we have improved.
Queue jumpers who lost their passports.
No, cruise ships who’s passengers had committed no crime.
We don’t get “Queue jumpers” by boat anymore, we fly them here instead. Mind showing me where we put one refugee boat back to sea from Australian waters.
It is worth considering how neighborhoods fail. It is not necessarily noise, or political argument, or demonstrating youth.
We often forget that these can be signs of growth or renewal as well as decay.
The first key is the loss of a commitment to both keep law and order and the rights of minorities intact.
Some astute observers see the failure of leadership, and know this: the first homeowners and businesses to leave get full value for their assets.
Things can still be reclaimed at this point. If there is good leadership, and if there is community will.
In many failed places there is clearly neither; there is a young, rootless population, poorly educated to cope with the opportunity
they face. There is a leadership, economically illiterate and pandering to the mob. Those who have been creating value face increasing costs,
reduced quality of life, and depending on their business a diminishing customer base.
One can find stories of towns that lost a business that provided most of the income. The factory left, the mine played out, the new highway bypassed the place.
But somehow they didn’t give up. A mayor, a pastor, a church, a family…one person or a small group had faith and over time found a way. And in time, their
values and faith were rewarded.
One can also find places of prosperity where a political or policing attitude was sufficient to create a downward spiral in spite of plentitude of assets and people willing to
work because a small number of citizens who did not respect their neighbors lives and property were coddled, and traditional values denigrated.
As we sort ourselves out in this time of troubles, it is worth considering the essential difference between the urban jungle and exurban and rural areas.
The more rural and/or dispersed your living situation is, the less likely it is that you can act publicly and remain anonymous. And anonymity is essential to the public idiocy
we are watching; the black shirted thugs of BLM and Antifa wear masks for a reason.
By the time the college kids figure out it’s not fun any more it may be too late.
Its already to late and they still have not figured it out.
An interesting report that has passed by the MSM —
Empty Coffins, Empty Hospitals: Brazilian MPs Expose Biggest Covid-19 Hoax Known To Date at
Siberia is planning to open up new seaside resorts to take advantage of their balmy summer weather. With this initiative we hope to remove the stigma, long promoted in the western press, of Siberia being a frozen, barren tundra. The movie star Borat has been approached to lead the campagin.
Peter you are the gift that keeps giving , areas nearby that have melting ice are exposing remains of human habitation and long lost ancient forests .
So I’m curious was it climate changed that turned these once habital areas into a frozen waste land or is it climate change that is restoring them back to what they once were ?
Much warmer up there 2300 years ago.
They found some boots encased in permafrost, age about 2300 years
Of course CO2 levels must have been much higher back then, hey.. SUVs and all. 😉
They tried that 100 years ago when the weather was exactly the same. Being clearly a student of history you would know that in the intervening period conditions changed quite a bit, and changed often.
And with a free people and a democratic capitalistic system they could prosper as a resort and tourist destination and call it Alaska.
Tain’t the weather, Pete.
“being a frozen, barren tundra”
It still is .. nothing has changed.. a bit of urban growth and better heating, perhaps.
I know you are trying to make that suggestion based on the new record in Verkhoyansk, (by 0.4C)
Only you are ignorant enough to do that.
Fort Yukon, same latitude, 1915, 100ºC
They state a range of extremes of -67.8ºC to 37.3ºC, (37.3ºC in 1998)
These occasional high temps are PERFECTLY NATURAL WEATHER EVENTS.
This idiotic climate/WEATHER confusion of yours is getting tiresome. !!
(37.3ºC in 1998)
Error.. should be 1988 !!
You know, when atmospheric CO2 was “low”…
…. (like it still is.)
100 F.
Yep, all statistically non-different.
SARS-COV-2 5 prime untranslated region–first 265 bases of its genome (even before structural
someone in virology, genetics, immunology help! genes)
Enjoy your winter dip.
One day a year of decent warmth, does not make a sea resort. !
/sarc off
That particular town in Siberia is known for extremes in temperature, nothing to do with increasing CO2.
‘According to meteorologists at the Russian weather agency Rosgidrome t, a combination of factors—such as a high pressure system with a clear sky and the sun being very high, extremely long daylight hours and short warm nights—have contributed to the Siberian temperature spike.’
Oh dear, caught out again.. so you try to duck and weave.. as always.
So funny !
The magnetic north pole has been rapidly moving towards Siberia over the past three decades, not sure if this is significant.
I’m sure that you are all keen to see how the ACT’s renewable mix performed last week:
More wind this week with a number of complex low pressure systems pushing up the weekly capacity factor, way up from 32% last week. Meanwhile, Millmerran keeps on keeping on – another 100% performance. Daily and weekly performance as follows:
ACT 100% Renewables – Total Nameplate – 613.5 MW from 133,000 solar panels and 186 wind turbines
Date : MWh produced : Capacity Factor
15/06/2020 : 5,940 : 40%
16/06/2020 : 4,865 : 33%
17/06/2020 : 1,964 : 13%
18/06/2020 : 9,411 : 64%
19/06/2020 : 7,976 : 54%
20/06/2020 : 5,187 : 35%
21/06/2020 : 7,944 : 54%
Weekly sum : 43,286 : 42%
compared to Unit 2 of the black coal supercritical Millmerran Power Station (MPP_2) , with:
Nameplate capacity – 426 MW from one 17 year old unit
Date : MWh produced : Capacity Factor
15/06/2020 : 10,312 : 101%
16/06/2020 : 10,389 : 102%
17/06/2020 : 10,246 : 100%
18/06/2020 : 10,250 : 100%
19/06/2020 : 9,782 : 96%
20/06/2020 : 10,161 : 99%
21/06/2020 : 10,072 : 99%
Weekly sum : 71,212 : 100%
“Structural errors in global climate models”
The “models” have always been a joke.
There has never been a link between atmospheric CO2 as a push factor and atmospheric temperatures.
It is scientific rubbish which is why the models are full of irrelevant factors to hide the truth.
A model can only be a model if the factors are Linked, and the aren’t.
Getting Expensive for Mann
Study: Demand for Vegan Soy Driving Climate Change, Brazilian Habitat Destruction
Colchicene getting a mention in corona treatment
More at
But note following comments by E.M. Smith about its use in plant breeding
This links to the Greek study
Seems the Greek study is available at the link in here
Also links to a study on latitude effects
Have look at what FCAS costs are doing as “RE” proliferates
Planck and S-B Law can only be derived by the wave theory of light.
The particle theory of light can not be used to derive those laws. In fact, what does frequency or wavelength even mean to a particle?
Waves can only form between matter and matter, not matter and nothing.
Who disagrees?
Some notes:
“Waves can only form between matter and matter, not matter and nothing.”
Gravitational waves are waves in Spacetime; I am not sure if Spacetime is nothing but it is not matter.
I have never really liked the particle theory of Light.
The wave theory seems so perfect and is backed by the equations of James Clarke Maxwell.
Then Einstein came along and started the rot, made worse by Bohr and Heisenberg.
It still seems to me that the photo electric effect can be explained by a wave motion shaking an electron from its orbit.
However, in answer to your question; electromagnetic waves do not require matter. This was explained by James Clarke Maxwell and confirmed by the Michelson Morley experiment.
Thank you
“electromagnetic waves do not require matter. This was explained by James Clarke Maxwell”
Where did Maxwell say EM waves can leave matter and head to nowhere?
“Michelson Morley experiment”
That was about the aether. Not relevant.
I also dislike the quantum mechanics (that’s probably what you call “the particle theory of light”). Unfortunately, our Mother-In-Law Nature likes it. How can we get another Mother In Law?
Nano technology vs CV-19.
Nano Sponges to mop up CV-19 virus in this article:
More “fake noose”
That description is spreading round the net.
Also looks like “Noosecar” is a coming brand
Seems “Noosecar” is looking for new audience. I wouldn’t have thought they’d pick up many petrolheads from the woke brigade.
Maybe if they guaranteed to fuel with hydrogen?
“Maybe if they guaranteed to fuel with hydrogen?”
There was talk that NASCAR was exploring a series with electric cars (sort of like Formula-E for stock cars).
That sounds monumentally boring, but given path NASCAR has been on it sounds plausible. Maybe the want to a new generation , most of whom dont give an sh1t about cars or car racing. They already run on alcohol so its hard imagine they were “fixing” an environmental problem.
“They already run on alcohol”
NASCAR uses a Gasoline/Alcohol blend: “The specialized NASCAR fuel is Sunoco Green E15, a 98 octane, unleaded fuel blend specifically engineered for high-performance engines and race cars. It’s called Green E15 because the racing fuel is actually green in color.”
Indy cars use alcohol: “The desire to use only ethanol aside, 100 percent ethanol is nearly impossible to obtain, and is illegal to keep without paying hefty taxes that date back to prohibition. The actual fuel used by the IRL is a blend of about 98 percent ethanol and 2 percent denaturant. The exact composition includes a small amount of high-octane racing fuel.”
Thought i had seen flameless pit row fires in NASCAR (not flameless you just cant see alchol fires well) must be mistaken if the link is correct. Sounds like no E85 readily available either as it is in Oz.
Likely scam update
I’ve just had a phone call telling me that my Amazon account (non-existant) will be renewed unless I cancel.
Will be watching banking just in case.
Also we’ve had “Nicole” telling us our NBN account will be cancelled within 24 hours – seems for about the last couple of years and it hasn’t blinked as yet..
And lately a similar speil on our non-existant Amazon account – different voice to the one above.
I guess everyone is supposed to have one?
I have had so many “Phishing” / fake/ scam phone calls from a “03” (Vic) source, …..but different numbers….. that i simply do not answer any “03” prefix calls anymore because i am tired of barring those numbers.
We get them from 07 numbers, ignored…
From 02 numbers too come to think of it.
I’ve had a ‘security check’ email from Google! Deleted forthwith.
I get the same NBN, im Skymuster. I just tell them I have been meaning to call and have it cancelled, go ahead.
Must be a few mobs as I still get calls. 08 area code. filtered via answering machine.
The one I get is a “Push 1 to answer”
I keep them guessing
I’ve had dozens of calls from overseas.
I also had one from a mobile number, with an automated voice claiming to be from the Goverment and claiming that my ID was being used for illegal activity. I hung up and called the relevant dept, direct. I have heard nothing further.
“Albanese’s phony apostasy on climate change”
Increased warming in latest generation of climate models likely caused by clouds
You will not see this on the Age or the ABC.It’s politically incorrect.
But two of the new Melbourne Covid clusters are due to Muslims celebratuing the end of ramadan 2-3 weeks ago.
So now we know.
Ohhhhh dear the filter is upset again..
I mentioned that the followers of a certain Middle eastern prophet
Celebrated the end of their Fast month with big parties in Melbourne.
And got infected as a result.
You will not see this on the Guardian, the Age or the ABC.It’s too politically incorrect.
But has it :
one party
as reported in the Guardian.
Huhhh ?
From Bill’s reference above.
Can our Health Authorities work with ethnic communities?
In Moderation.
The reason is that I might have copied more than 10% of the article as a quote.
Any one can read the article in full by clicking on the reference provided by Bill in Oz.
[Thanks Peter C .]AD
Insinuating the worst in other ethnic groups (as this leader does) spreads division and resentment on both sides.
He could build trust and bridges if he called on his own people to do the right thing, and to praise those within that already have.
I think we here in SA are lucky we do NOT have a big M****m community with families
Who think it is more important to celebrate religious feasts, that adhere to the established protocols for avoiding infection by Covid 19.
PS : I have a sneaking suspicion that one of the reasons why the Bubonic plague hit Europe so bad is that the Christian religious hierarchy arranged mass religious gatherings of people in all the cities to pray to God to save them from the disease. And of course this spread the deadly plague. Aren’t we so lucky that we live in a secular age where religion is the concern of a tiny minority.
Obviously no slave connections then if The Guardian reported it?
And finally Vic Health tells us where the COVID 19 clusters are suburbs in Melbourne:
The 10 current suburban hotspots are Keilor Downs, Broadmeadows, Maidstone, Albanvale, Sunshine West, Hallam, Brunswick West, Fawkner, Reservoir and Pakenham.
This info is from the Age but the Age refuses to tell us that these clusters are of a certain religion set up by a middle eastern prophet 1400 years ago
The Australian mentions it.
And it’s been discussed by Andrew Bolt for the last two nights.
Just wait until the leftist woke discover Noosa Heads, Queensland.
In news closer to Australia, the BOM have raised the chances for a wetter summer, by raising the likelihood of a La Niña event to watch, from neutral. Of course, this is the BOM and likely therefore to be fake news, something I would not have expected until reading comments on this site
“and likely therefore to be fake news”
Not so much “fake”, just a significant probability of being wrong !
Again we see many models, covering a huge range, and the “climate scientistsᴸᴼᴸ” pretending that taking the average actually has any meaning.
Its quite funny ! 🙂
La Nina is coming and we should prepare for big floods in south east Australia by Xmas.
EG Most of South Eastern Australia gets it’s rain from the North west
From the Indian ocean via the jet stream winds..
So what matter more is the Indian Ocean Dipole.
Qld & Northern NSW & NT are affected by a la Nina.
A big La Nina will have a huge impact over all Australia.
The IOD has its moment in the sun, but its not that important in terms of massive floods.
My forecast is for another back to back La Nina like 2010-12.
So is the SW of WA. A strong La Niña usually means more cyclones in the NW, which in turn push the summer weather changes down into the bight, avoiding Perth and resulting in long hot dry spells. Haven’t had this condition in summer for a very long time.
The meandering jet stream makes a mockery of things like long hot dry spells.
Hmmm, great! We are paddling in mud already after almost 600mm so far this year.
Let’s have a look at BOM’s “guesses” at ENSO, shall we
Here are January’s many “guesses”, versus Jun’s many “guesses”
One of their “ensemble” might have been somewhere near correct.
Make the barn big enough, they could probably hit it occasionally.
Basically, they seem to be totally clueless.
Every year,around this time, the BOM always predicts either an El Niño or a La Niña. And every year, their predictions fail. Eventually they will jag it.
Went to the site on this video a while ago and it was legit, now been removed.
Strange and their reason even stranger.
Don’t know how that ended up as a reply to you peter.
Polish President Vows to Oppose “Social Experiments” Designed to Harm Family Unit
Polish President Andrzej Duda says
Looks like the Eastern Europeans learnt some solid lessons while behind the Iron Curtain.
Meanwhile, in our Senate, Pauline Hanson gets ostracized for trying to put through a motion that “All Lives Matter”
🙂 Thanks to a recent comment by Kalm Keith, i looked more closely at Cliff Richards and his work, and quite by accident uncovered a major conspiracy theory. I cannot claim all the glory in this so i will get right to it.
Some of us might remember the song by Cliff Richards “From A Distance“. I think this song proves Cliff knew something about the Corona virus and was trying to warn us. Have a listen to the lyrics. Clearly he was warning us about the virus and far ahead of his time. 🙂
Others who tried to warn us through the song ‘From A Distance’ were Bette midler, Nanci Griffith in 1987, and Julie Gold in 1998.
“It’s a Second Wave – Time to Panic!”
1. Green lives matter
2. You can’t polish a turd
3. If it weren’t “government” you’d call it by it’s real name, “extortion”.
On a dark desert highway
Cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas
Rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance
I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinkin’ to myself
‘This could be heaven or this could be hell
Then she lit up a candle
And she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor
I thought I heard them say
Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (any time of year)
You can find it here
Her mind is Tiffany-twisted
She got the Mercedes Benz, uh
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys
That she calls friends
How they…
So, we have the World’s largest solar project, in the desert, failed.
Several generations of rotting failed windmills near Mojave.
Rotten dams and inadequate water storage; a grid that can’t stand the annual fires. decommissioned nuclear,
fracking bans, and a bullet train to nowhere.
And this insanity.
Your $25 tossup question: are the people managing this really the same species as the rest of us, or an evil alien race come to destroy us?
Bit disturbing when the list of failures can be quoted so easily, yet people keep voting for this over a long period.
🙂 🙂
Jo it is tiresome in this time and age
That none of us are allowed to mention such people as MUsl!m$ etc.
Why is my comment & link to the still suppressed ?
[Bill, I was out and no one has paid for the private QC legal team to review comments when I’m not there. I don’t make the 18C rules unfortunately. – Jo]
“Five ways to ensure that models serve society: a manifesto“
This looks very good. On a quick read, climate modeling fails every way!
What is the point of mandatory Quarantine for returning travelers if they can refuse testing for covid ? Not sure if this is just a Victoriastan thing .
This looks interesting: “Coronavirus Causes Weaponized ‘Tentacles’ To Sprout From Infected Cells, Directly Inject Virus Into New Ones”.
And the relation of the virus with Vitamin D? All beyond my pay grade but, again, suggestive of laboratorical purpose. I wonder what Taiwanese think of it all.
Covid is confounding. First it may give the victim long-term health problems, even life-long health problems, as Jo has recently posted.
Now, last week, Nature published a Chinese study showing that immunity from viral exposure may last three months or much less for those lacking adverse symptoms, not the one year seen in the previous SARS virus. Does this mean no further immunity effects? Unknown, as yet.
In another Nature study, there was some good news. In those with more severe reactions to the virus, there are proteins that a vaccine can be devised to incorporate to provoke longer-term immunity. As usual, more research is needed.
The long and twisted road, indeed.
Damn. Excerpt and links here: