Only an Eco-dictatorship Will Save the World! Democracy be Damned!

Thanks to the Global Warming Policy Foundation we can finally See the Light!, and it shines from Germany’s green government advisers.

Get Ready. To save the world you must give up the right to vote. To cool the planet, you will forgo the right to have a say in the laws of your land. Why? There are gifted, anointed higher beings out there (who knew?) and they are smarter than the masses. They may not know what an 8-sigma-tree is, but they know how to control the weather.

Through their benevolence you and I will live in a bountiful land, where there will be no more floods or droughts, no more record hot days, or blizzard filled cold ones. Instead life will be perfect. Every asylum seeker shall find what they seek, every climate scientist will have their own suite, and thus and unto infinity, the glorious bliss of perfect weather will descend upon the poor and worthy people of all lands, starting with Germany.

The gifted elite who have the Vision have given up trying to convince or persuade the stupid throngs of  doctors, geologists, engineers, lawyers, businesspeople and other heathen fools (like NASA astronauts) who “don’t understand” their control of the atmosphere. Now is the time to force the carbon legislation into being, to take action, and help those who cannot or will not think for themselves!

Germany ‘Sliding Head Over Heels Into Eco-Dictatorship’

Germany’s green government advisors admit frankly that decarbonization can only be achieved by the limitation of democracy – both nationally and internationally.

When it comes to environmental and climate policy, Germany’s Scientific Advisory Council on Global Environmental Change (WBGU) is an influential advisory committee for the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The chairman of the council is Professor Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

*We*, the new preachers of the world, are here to tell you peasants how to live:

“The transformation to a climate friendly economy… is morally as necessary as the abolition of slavery and the outlawing of child labor.” The reorganization of the world economy has to happen quickly; nuclear energy and coal have to be given up at the same time and very soon.

*We* have grand narcissistic illusions. Actually, *We* are Gods:

The decarbonization of the global economy is, according to these experts, comparable with the Neolithic Revolution and the Industrial Revolution. These were, however, unplanned, natural historical processes. The “Great Transformation” however, must be consciously planned and controlled. It would be a historical novelty.

*We* know that Communism is the right answer:

All nations would have to relinquish their national interests and find a new form of collective responsibility for the sake of the climate: “The world citizenry agree to innovation policy that is tied to the normative postulate of sustainability and in return surrender spontaneous and persistence desires. Guarantor of this virtual agreement is a formative state […].”

Your need for electricity, fresh food, clean water, and a warm place to live is a social problematization… (did you know?)

This strong state provides, therefore, for the “social problematization” of unsustainable lifestyles. It overcomes “stakeholders” and “veto players” who “impede the transition to a sustainable society.”

Once  *We* have set all the legislative, executive and judicial branches in alignment (to put the climate above health, education, crime, and employment) and the world is on the Path-to-Coolness, we will have complete control, but allow you the illusion of being governed by-the-people:

“In order to anchor future interests institutionally, the Council recommends expanding the parliamentary legislative process with a deliberative ”future chamber”. To avoid interference by interest group and political parties, the composition of this chamber could be determined, for example, by drawing lots.

Thus a random group of plebians will be given the chance to be symbolic figureheads and the public will have the illusion of control. Those who aspire to lead can still hope… they win the lottery.

The study by the WBGU is utopian

What does this proposal tell us? The study by the WBGU is utopian because it requires a high degree of idealism, altruism and sacrifice by both individuals and society that goes beyond the normal dimensions of the reality of life. It is impossible to realize democratically.

The human race is incapable of rising up in altruistic moves to right wrongs and fight for ideals (think not of those who died in the wars, for wars are evil… and *We* shall forbid them).

Why should people around the world voluntarily give up their demands for material welfare and security? Consequently, the WBGU admits frankly, that the decarbonization of the society can only be achieved by the limitation of democracy – both nationally and internationally.

Internationally, the WBGU calls for a “World Security Council” for sustainability. The members of the proposed “future chamber” for Germany would explicitly not be chosen democratically and would limit the powers of Parliament.

We want you to participate…  but only on *Our* say so, and under *Our* rules.

The WBGU requests “civic participation” – but only for the implementation of the national objective of climate protection. The required “problematization of unsustainable lifestyles” would therefore quickly amount to their stigmatization. Those who do not share the ideas of sustainability would be outside of the new state eco-order – thus all the supporters of the modern industrial society.

But lo and behold, the journalist who wrote the story is not convinced the WGBU have the holy grail:

The WBGU compares the decarbonization of the global economy to the Neolithic and the Industrial Revolution. It is wrong to claim that such a deliberately planned and radical transformation of economic and social systems is without precedent.

At least partial models of such transformations are the industrialization of the Soviet Union in the 1920s and 1930s, or the “Great Leap Forward” and the “Cultural Revolution” in Mao’s China.

The price of utopian climate Jacobinism of the WBGU is too high.

In any case, there are growing signs that the driving force of the “Great Transformation” is flagging because the global warming trend has come to a halt during the last 12 years and scientific voices (outside of the WBGU and the Potsdam Institute) caution that we may enter a long-term cooling phase.

Forget the environment, this is about power.

Ask not how climate scientists could be so narcissistic, with such overt megalomania, but how any other field could possibly compete to attract people with inborn grand delusions of the most planetary kind?


The full story is at the GWPF. The translation is done by Philipp Mueller.

The original text in German is at Die Welt, 27 May 2011.

Thanks Rich K for proof reading help 🙂

7.8 out of 10 based on 4 ratings

81 comments to Only an Eco-dictatorship Will Save the World! Democracy be Damned!

  • #

    “Forget the environment, this is about power.”


    But it is not communism, it is communitarianism.

    In the UK, the communitarian Trojan Horse is Common Purpose:


  • #

    How ironic that I’m just watching V for Vendetta too

    f%&*ing wan&#ers.


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    “you must give up the right to vote”

    You still get to vote in dictatorships. It’s just that the elections no longer have any significance. I believe most of the western world passed that stage several years ago.


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    Chuck L

    Perhaps it is instructive, at this time, to recall the 1930’s in Germany and how the National Socialist German Workers’ Party came to power. The specific goals and motives may differ but as Jo so elequently states, “Forget the environment, this is about power.”


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    Gorbachov told the despairing Politburo at the end of the USSR that it was not the collapse of communism but a rebranding.
    Lenin’s abounding useful idiots are still around.


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    Roy Hogue

    And the battle has begun escalated.

    Greenpeace is now the arbiter of who shall drill for oil and where.

    STOCKHOLM – Three Greenpeace activists on Sunday climbed up an oil rig off Greenland’s coast in an attempt to stop a Scottish oil company from starting deepwater drilling in the arctic waters, the environmental group said.


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    The mask is totally off. The self appointed political elite are after the total takeover of the world’s economy and the total moment by moment control of the lives of everyone on earth. THAT equals the canceling technological civilization and the decimation of living humans on earth!

    How can I say that?

    Consider that there are approximately 6 billion individuals on earth who individually make hundreds to thousands of decisions per day. Each of those decisions are based upon hundreds facts of local to the individual as well as facts that reflect the decisions (prices of goods and services) of every other individual on earth. So, not only have those Trillion (more or less) decisions made EACH day, you have hundreds of Trillions of facts known only to the individual AND the complex interaction between each of those decisions with all other decisions. That makes trillions of trillions of relationships, facts, individual values, and decisions that both must be known and control by our prospective controllers every day of every year.

    They cannot accomplish that even using all the super computers ever built. Hence, they will develop a limited set of one size fits all decrees that will stop the most complex interactive and cooperative decisions process ever developed: the global market place that includes all local market places. This can be accomplished only by brute force applied to each and every individual on earth. You will have controllers controlling the controlled, controllers controlling the controllers, and controllers controlling the controllers of the controllers. It will be controllers all the way down.

    Innovation will be stopped because thought will be stopped. This is because the power to act based upon that thought will not be permitted. Adaptive response to changing local conditions will be stopped because of exactly the same reason. Communism failed for exactly this reason on a vastly smaller scale. Global communism will fail even more catastrophically. The evidence from the 20th century is clear, they know it, and their intent is to fail catastrophically.

    Humans cannot live acting as a valueless, choiceless, mindless, thoughtless, robot responding only to orders from above. He cannot produce food or even when to eat and sleep, let alone create the advancing technology that sustains technological civilization and at least 99% of the human population of the earth.

    The life of man as man will be extinguished if they even begin to implement their grand plan. THIS is exactly their ultimate desired “final solution”. This is an evil beyond any evil conceived during the 20th century. It must be stopped!


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    I think many will find the below book rather useful…

    The Master Plan. Himmler’s scholars and the Holocaust
    by Heather Pringle.

    As discussed, with excerpts of reviews from Amazon in more “context” on this thread at the GWS forum.

    Just where did all those “scientists” and “academics” go to after the war?????
    Quietly back into German post war society – with very nearly the very same “pagan” “ideas”..


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    All that WBGU bs is so laughingly stupid/low-brow, I’m thinking they must be trying to lull people into a false sense of security as to the true significance of their threat – perhaps by using a kind of reverse psy-op tactic to make us think, once again, that “No one could be that stupid, right?”

    #6 Lionell’s got us very well covered above, but I’m still counting on John Brookes to show up right on cue as an object case, to help blunt any such tactical effect.


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    oops, Lionell Griffith’s comment is #7


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    And here I was thinking that, with the collapse of the various carbon trading scams, and governments/politicians distancing themselves from AGW, the worst of the current hysteria had passed and I could relax a little.

    There have been similar proposals from “Progressives” world-wide, but that this Command & Control scheme is coming from Germany is especially worrying. Like it or not, nations (or cultures) do have national characters. Over 2000 years ago Cornelius Tacitus concluded that the germans were “carnivorous sheep”; 2000 years of experience and two world-wars in the last century show that his assessment was correct and has not changed.

    This latest deserves very close and continuous scrutiny.


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    This IS really scaring. The zealots of Schellenhuber kind and mind are to be put to court trial for their ‘doings’. Remember what happened in the 20-30-ies in Germany and the consequences of the paper: “no more war in our time”… Geesss!
    “When will they ever learn…”, “Wenn will man je verste’hn” – Lilly Marlen.

    Brgds from Bestcoast of Sweden.


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    I think your GWPF link is dead.


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    Rereke Whakaaro

    AGW Moriarty: #1

    In the UK, the communitarian Trojan Horse is Common Purpose

    There is a “counter-culture” response to “Communitarianism”; it is “Referism”.

    Referism has developed (without a name until recently) in response to David Cameron’s failure to meet an election promise to hold a referendum on entering the Lisbon Treaty (that binds Britain into the EU).

    The purpose has changed over recent months however, due in part to various heavy-handed police responses to civil protests, to now encompass the overall processes of government in Britain.

    In short, the idea is that approval of the Annual Budget be voted for in an annual referendum, rather than have the politicians raise and approve their own budget each year, and in the process increase taxes. If it is not approved, then the Government is obliged to go back to the drawing board and come up with a new budget. This is Magna Carta stuff.

    I am not close to European politics (I have more pressing interests in Asia), so I don’t know whether there are similar ideas brewing in other European states. Certainly there is a groundswell of resentment about the excesses of the EU “anointed”, so if this idea gets of the ground in Britain, it may spread in other forms to the rest of Europe (excluding France, of course).


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    I suppose de’javu of the Locarno/Munich Agreement /Czechoslovakia could be ascribed to one side of EU Monetry Union.

    Further on the feelings, 80s, 90s, Naughties nostalgia is going to be a big thing in the PIIGS for a generation.

    I hope the parallels of nostalgia in a time of deprivation are not too close to 1930’s Germany


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    We call them watermelon people. You know, green on the outside and red on the inside and very seedy.


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    Just in case anyone missed it, there was apparently a survey done in Germany in 1970 where 50% responded that
    some of Hilter’s “ideas” were in effect “not wrong, but just done the wrong way”…

    ie, As himmler often publicly advocated, Germany should abandon it’s industrial economy (helping to correct the moral decline caused by city living), and
    return to the land as “soldier farmers”.

    Incidentally, many Nazi’s were, animal rights advocates, environmentalists, and vegetarians,
    does it sound familiar yet..


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    There is a little back and forth in Germany ATM between 2 or 3 journalists who actually posess a working brain and one of the lackays of Schellnhuber.

    Don’t expect too much, though, most Germans are still busy protesting against nuclear power and dying from biogas-fermenter-residue poisoned organic cucumbers (not kidding, google EHEC).


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    And BTW, the EU is busy trying not to fall into the cracks. So Schellnhuber et al, nobody in the political class has the time to listen to him.
    Protests in Spain

    Greece still a little cash-strapped

    Nobody wants to save the planet ATM. Oh, did i mention we’re having a little military operation in Libya…


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    Roy @6 . Exactly the same thing has happened in recent weeks in New Zealand except it was Greenpeace trying to stop an oil exploration company’s boat doing survey work at sea. But the same intent.


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    Rereke Whakaaro

    The fringe players here in Aus have long had Citizen Initiated Referenda as part of their platforms. Unfortunately the majors don’t go for it & probably view the electorate as a necessary evil (like a rich elderly maiden aunt)& don’t want their agendas redirected.

    How was the community reaction tho NZ’s carbon tax?


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    The Germans have a tendency towards such systems don’t they? To be honest I couldn’t force myself to read all the quotes … it is simply too revolting. Good to think that we are still relatively sane in this country, and accept reasonable debate on such issues.


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    Bruce of Newcastle

    From our own Prof Will Steffen in Sweden a couple weeks ago:

    ‘The prosecution will therefore maintain that humanity must work towards global stewardship around the planet’s intrinsic boundaries, a scientifically defined space within which we can continue to develop’, claimed Professor Will Steffen

    He too seems to be advocating rule by an elightened scientific elite presumably including himself and his colleagues from the Climate Commission.

    Amazing how much jet fuel people like Prof Steffen and Prof Flannery burn in order to advance such things.


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    Roy AT #6; I would think if they are hanging from the oilrig in a pod that the workers would go and cut the pod loose, simple solution to a simpleton group!


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    @Bulldust – accepting debate you say?

    From Miss Gillard only last week…

    We don’t have time to waste on a debate that lacks fact and reason.


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    Louis Hissink

    I believe I have been warning about tis agenda for quite a while – it’s not the science folks, it’s something far deeper rooted and traces it’s origins to the Fabians – you’ll notice that Will Steffen et al are all Fabians.


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    “(UK) Families will have to get used to only using power when it is available” – Steve Holliday, Chief Exec. of National Grid.

    Alarmingly, I have no evidence that this lunatic has been committed, or even sacked yet, but he’s clearly a paid up member of the EUSSR.


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    Just a repeat that the GWPF link is broken – looks like someone pasted the wrong thing into the link.
    Please fix.


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    It is time for another peasants’ revolt against such controls and scientific nonsense, starting with “carbon pollution”!


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    Roy Hogue

    Roy AT #6; I would think if they are hanging from the oilrig in a pod that the workers would go and cut the pod loose, simple solution to a simpleton group!


    Oh if they only would! Those self-righteous jerks would find out the hard way that war is not very much fun. And they are waging war, like it or not.


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    Perhaps the peasants( small business in Australia) should engage in a bit of civil dis-obedience & stage a tax strike starting with a BAS statement blockade.


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    Louis Hissink

    Pattoh, @ #31

    Not paying taxes would focus their minds like nothing else, but how would one organise such a move? In any case it could also be applied to the proposed carbon tax – though I doubt the “1000” polluters would be game enough, since it depends on how many of them in the corporate world are card carrying social democrats – this is the main problem.

    I’ve also noticed some animated discussions on Facebook among environmentalists, some of whom are dead set against the Kyoto Protocol and CAGW, but were targetted by their fellow greens for not caring about the environment.

    This whole movement seems to be blurred into environmentalism in general – which is what drove the German National Socialists last century – so CAGW is but one strand of large number that makes up the Green agenda.


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    The silent majority of small business operators in Aus have to submit BASs.

    If a majority stopped submitting them the GST system would grind to a halt.

    Mass punitive action by the ATO would very likely cause mass un-employment. Industrial action by commerce!

    This “Green Conscience/Guilt” is absolutely a symptom of the comfortable west.

    The pendulum, in Aus at least, will swing to discomfort pretty quickly with un-employment & penury.

    The quip about Kev’s linguistic skills is probably worth repeating:- we may need them to know how to take the drinks orders one day ( soon?).


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    Louis @ 32…

    This whole movement seems to be blurred into environmentalism in general – which is what drove the German National Socialists last century – so CAGW is but one strand of large number that makes up the Green agenda.

    Now all we need is some serious economic strife, like a second GFC sparked by failure of the USA to borrow, or the failure of Greece, Spain and Iceland to pay and the conditions are set.


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    Roy Hogue:
    May 30th, 2011 at 9:50 am

    Those self-righteous jerks would find out the hard way that war is not very much fun. And they are waging war, like it or not.

    Amen. They appear to be following the same old formulaic Islamoterrorist tactics perhaps a little escalated, now also directed against Israel’s border,i.e., openly and intentionally transgressing it so as to get shot and create a propagandistic event to be then blown up by their fellow media conspirators and soul bro’s, and to create some new martyrs.

    Yes, they should be obliged without qualms, because it is or will become a bigger war if they are not shut down at this level. And they have been officially warned.


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    Alice Thermopolis

    Ask not how climate scientists could be so narcissistic, with such overt megalomania, but how any other field could possibly compete to attract people with inborn grand delusions of the most planetary kind?

    They end up in the field of religion.

    Michael Northcott on ABC RN Encounter this week:

    Consuming Creation: a theology for climate change

    Listen Now – 2011-05-29 |Download Audio – 29052011

    We’re consuming creation and evangelical Christians want to us to rethink our theology of the planet. Climate change raises deep theological questions and a ‘re-tooled’ theology will help us face the challenges ahead. At a recent conference at Melbourne’s Ridley College, evangelical Christians gathered to hear theologian and environmental ethicist, Michael Northcott, propose a way ahead. As well as Professor Northcott, who is Professor of Ethics at the University of Edinburgh, this Encounter features various conference participants discussing the significance for climate policy of theological issues such as justice, creation, incarnation and hope.

    Fascinating how Climate Change has been appropriated by so many other groups – psychologists, economists, politicians, marxists, evangelists, etc – to drive other agendas.

    You’re right. It’s all about POWER.


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    Actually I reject the notion of Christians using AGW Big Lie to assume power of any description. Christians always subvert themselves to the law of the land.

    I would caution people when they see the words “Christian groups” from assuming it includes true christians. True christians follow the Bible and dont crave power of any kind. Jesus specifically resisted being involved in politics in anyway, shape or form – any christian that is involved in politics shouldnt be.

    I realise this may sound odd, but many so-called “christian” groups wouldn’t have the first idea about what christianity actually is and have drifted so far from what the bible teaches etc, and these people quite simply give those of us who do adhere to the Bible, a bad name. I’m not being harsh or judgemental, merely telling it how it is.

    I hope this clarifies things.


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    Bush bunny

    They are frightened that their corrupted science is losing support
    and they might be asked to repay all the monies they’ve received.

    Our MPCCC is still out. Tony won’t agree to it if overseas are doing nothing.


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    When you see comments like this from this german group, you understand clearly why the USA has the 2nd Ammendment in its Constitution.

    Ironically, one of the main things communism/socialism does, is disarm the public and implement gun registration to reduce likelyhood of people fighting back.

    Now we are starting to see their teeth being bared at us, and a lot of the Socialist actions by people like Howard ( gun control laws ) & Gillard start to take on a whole new look when you use the lens of history.

    And before people start to rant, if you look at the shot to kill ratio of the alleged gunman in tasmania , Bryant, the shot to kill ratio is incredibly good, the sign of a highly skilled marksmnan, not someone with a very low IQ and limited knowledge of firearms.

    A NSW Premier once said :


    Port Arthur occurred in 1996.

    Was Unsworth was flukey, or ……

    Research Operation Northwoods, Bay of Tonkin etc. These are classic false flag psy-ops.

    Now, I’m not delusional, or see reds under every bed nor have a tin foil helmet. Just look at the obvious – n many cases we dont want to believe the obvious because it would hsatter the myths that prop up middle class australia.

    The australia we knew as kids, is gone.

    Now we wait for the other show to drop.

    All this is Fabian Socialism ( Gillard, Hawke, keating, Whitlam are all fabian socialists )- moving people forward bit by bit, creating revolution by wearing suits.


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    Now we finally see the wolves withouth their sheep’s clothing.
    For years (even before the ‘heady Kevin 07’ days), the majority of ‘Global-Warming-Armageddon’ Spruikers were implying that all those who said there was a ‘Global Conspiracy’ were deluded!!?? Well let’s see them try & explain away this little gem. To para-phrase a Paul Kelly line, I don’t give ’em a “Cinder in Snow’s”-chance of being able to!!
    Regards, Reformed Warmist, Logan


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    Post-Perestroika the East German communists gradually performed reverse takeover of Germany.

    Gorbachev is now one of the great heroes of environmentalism. He told the Politburo after the Berlin Wall fell that Communism hadn’t ended but was merely being rebranded (as Green/Progressive politics).

    Ironically Russia has gone the other way towards laissez-faire capitalism and effectively recreated a new aristocracy led by Tsar Vladimir Putin.


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    Dictatorship is always the end-game for the left. When their counter-reality ideas fail, instead of changing their ideas they seek to change reality, or at least that part of reality they have access to: Ordinary people.

    This has got to stop.


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    I think parallels between the Greens and National Socialism have been a bit overstated probably because this policy statement emanates from Germany — after all our own Clive Hamilton has expressed similar views.

    The overriding ethos of the Nazis was racism (Clive Hamilton is certainly not racist). German farmers were the “life source of the Nordic race”. It was the inane writings of Rosenberg and Darré (which Goebbles described as “ideological belch”) that influenced intellectual minnow Himmler to use innocuous sounding natural world and agricultural metaphors to conceal the horrors he had in mind.
    The Nazis did not eschew industrial technology, quite the opposite.

    In some respects there are similarities. In 1937, in an interview with an Austrian journalist, an SS theoretician described the future (nazi world) government structure based on the model of the ancient Greek city states, aristocratically run (Plato’s philosopher kings) with an economic base of serfdom — the finest flower shall rule, the rest must work and obey (the journalist wrote a critical article for his paper and after the Anschluss he found himself in Buchenwald).


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    As has been said this is almost identical to the way the Nazis gained power in the early 1930s. Most of the present German politicians were not around then so they are blind to the dangers they are now facing – not climate dangers, but political dangers. Regrettably wisdom only comes with age and you have the same trouble in Australia as we have in the UK – adolescent political leaders. There were many who warned of the dangers in the ’30s but they were ignored. The same goes for now. They didn’t listen then. Will they now ?


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    Louis Hissink

    Pattoh @ #34

    Well I pay BAS every qtr, but coordinating is the problem – Gee, setting up a website or Facebook on this topic seems an excellent idea. And it also depends on how many small business owners believe they are entitled to the old page pension and free health care.

    Maybe a survey monkey to dip the proverbial toe into the water.

    I’ve mentioned civil insurrection by not paying tax a couple of time before but was deafened by the silence.


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    I guess ask Nicolae Ceausescu how his dictatorship ended… the end of a rope.

    All dictatorships eventually wind up up a pole with a view.

    Its about power – Nazism was purely just a brand of naked power grab and murderous occult-driven madness and slaughter of the innocents.


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    May 30th, 2011 at 1:51 pm

    Most dictatorships have (very) high levels of internal support from the populace. That’s why they work. The Nazis and Bolsheviks were both originally elected into office. Dictatorships usually only collapse when significant pressure is placed on them from both within and without.

    There was relatively high rate of civilian firearms ownership in the USSR used for hunting purposes. In Saddam Husseins’s Iraq private weapon ownership was extremely high (most households). Civilian weapons are no defense against either tyranny or properly armed and trained military personnel.

    It takes very little skill to shoot unarmed people in a crowded place like Port Arthur. Using a AR15 (the civilian version of the M16) rifle is very easy and requires very little intelligence – basically just point and squeeze the trigger (I was trained to use an M16 in the ADF). Even a person with modest marksmanship skills such as Martin Bryant could expect to kill and injure many people in a matter of minutes. A properly trained shooter would have killed far more.

    The gun buyback simply removed semi-automatic and military style weapons which have no legitimate civilian use. Prior to WW2 there were far stricter rules regarding firearm ownership than exist now.


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    Z #48

    Ceaucescu died from accelerated lead poisoning. He endured an ignominious trial in a nondescript room, was found guilty of capital crimes and was then condemned to death by firing squad. Word was that squabbles broke out amongst the soldiers over who would form the squad.


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    They will be creating their own “tax strike” through diminishing commercial activity & income.

    The fairy tale of the Horn of Plenty compliments of the mining boom & Chinese growth will last as long as the US defecit & EU solidarity.

    God forbid they probably will find themselves scraping the bottom of a very small pork barrel whenever they next front the polls.


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    Thank you, Rereke Whakaaro: #14.

    Am obliged for the info.


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    Louis Hissink


    That though crossed my mind as well – why bother doing anything but then, that’s the goal, to destroy industrialised society.

    It’s going to be fun watching the electronic infrastructure collapse once it has to rely on renewables.

    This is definitely going to become a nightmare if they manage to implement it.


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    Nothing has really changed in Germany has it? It never does.

    The public beleived in the Socialists back in the 1930’s and 1940’s, they paid a huge price for that but the Germans have forgotten their lessons and the socialists control them again. Amazing.


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    Hitlerism and Stalinism are alive and well in Germany. Their new name is Die Gruenen.


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    Beth Cooper

    Romantic mythology bedevilled the 20th century and threatens to do the same in the 21st. Master race revolution, communist utopean revolution, and now luddite revolution. Parliamentary democracy is constantly under threat by those who ‘know ‘ what is good for the rest of us.Power philosophies that fool the gullible.


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    “Bolsheviks” and “Mensheviks”, from the Russian “bolshinstvo” (majority) and “menshinstvo” (minority)… The story I heard years ago was that when V. Lenin took the name ‘Bolsheviks’, the reason was that (majority group) read well on their hand bills. The larger party took the name ‘Mensheviks’ to ridicule the Bolsheviks, making light of this open lie known among the political insiders of Russia at the time. The peasants and workers never got the subtlety. They went with with what the names meant in their world. We can see that parsing and de-meaning of words lead to faulty reasoning. This led to tough times for the unwashed of that day… It is always good, to be on the Right.)
    Lenin would have given your left arm for it…


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    The reaction to the WBGU has been harsh, at least from sceptics. Some major German dailies like DIE WELT and the FAZ have run strong opinions, as well – and so it is encouraging. I wrote a summary of these reactions here for those who are interested.


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    I guess your working life has given you plenty of exposure to living rough. There will probably be quite an increase in the population which by necessity gets a taste of that.

    It is probably just as well that the IPCC recognises biomass as a legitimate energy source:-

    Do you reckon The Weekly will get round to publishing rabbit recipes again?

    Either way it is looking like time to dust off the 2 stroke biomass harvester, pea-rifle & the bleeper.


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    Mark D.

    This thing in Germany is but the tip of the iceberg. We have trusted too long that democracy would prevent such nonsense but evil will figure out how to manipulate democracy too. It isn’t probably much better here in the USA today. Mega-corporations act outside of democracy.

    I am now of a mindset that the best thing to happen would be a world wide economic collapse. Wealth is what is driving climate madness; the prospect of carbon trading is causing the mouths to drool of every shady power broker world wide. With serious economic collapse they will all starve or be killed for their own “hide”. Perhaps the Kieth Farnishes of the world were right after all: ruin everything.

    It would be a good place to start over. I might be middle class today but I know how to do things to survive. With that knowledge and with a tribe to support each other, we could do pretty well.

    Gone would be all the trappings of technological advances like medicine but a short life span does something that democracy can’t: gets rid of scoundrels…………

    Sorry, I wax melodramatic…..


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    Special Forces ( SAS and the like ) train incredibly hard to obtain a shot to kill ratio on par with Bryant.

    Are you telling me with 32 shots fired, someone with coldness and precision was able to kill 20 people with minimal training, on par with the SAS? Bryant putting in an impresisve shot:kill ratio of 1.6:1

    If he did, you ADF boys are not needed….clearly anyone with an IQ of 66 can out do the ADFs finest – with no training.


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    That report is hard reading! I suspect that the original German is not much better. They try really hard to hide their true meaning from easy observation.

    There are a couple of other events in Germany which mesh with this.

    Here is my rather hurried attempt to tie it all together:


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    Talk of “Decarbonization” coming from the Germans…hmmmm…I seem to recall a program in the 30’s/40’s when they destroyed 6 million carbon-based lifeforms. And we’re supposed to listen to them?


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    Louis @47
    Ever thought of starting a not-for-profit, with some friends, pays all the bills as it is work oriented, i.e. power, water, phone etc, office, fringe benefits, and then get a pension, you still pay GST though, after adjustments, government pays your salary (pension).
    Then it becomes easy to stop paying GST, non profits have different liability laws. Seems easy, but….


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    Re comments by #37 & #38:

    #37 Most true evangelical Christians have not bought into the warmist nonsense. They are primarily concerned (still) with leading people to salvation (the kind offered by JC, not the greenie kind!) In the U.S. especially the Teaparty movement which is hugely Christian is also hugely anti-warmist.

    #38 who wrote “any christian that is involved in politics shouldn’t be.”

    I have to profoundly disagree with you there. I am a Christian who is getting more & more involved in politics. Our society is built on Judeo-Christian values. What will happen if all Christians just stay home, sit down & shut up?

    I do agree with you that all groups calling themselves Christian groups may not be true Christians. Leftists have taken over many churches & they preach the “social justice gospel” not the true one.

    You say “True christians follow the Bible and don’t crave power of any kind.” I am getting more involved in politics, not because I crave any power. It’s because I want to fight evil. The greenie/environmental/warmists movement is corrupt & evil.

    Not wanting to start a religious debate here & I’m sure I probably agree with you on 99% of things, but just wanted to clarify.


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    Brian H

    May 30th, 2011 at 9:30 pm

    May 30th, 2011 at 1:51 pm

    Most dictatorships have (very) high levels of internal support from the populace. That’s why they work. The Nazis and Bolsheviks were both originally elected into office.

    False. Both got a strong foothold, but pushed and exploited a crisis to stage a semi-legal coup, followed by armed muscle. YClIU


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    Brian H

    Louis Hissink:
    May 30th, 2011 at 10:23 pm


    That though[t] crossed my mind as well – why bother doing anything but then, that’s the goal, to destroy industrialised society.

    It’s going to be fun watching the electronic infrastructure collapse once it has to rely on renewables.

    This is definitely going to become a nightmare if they manage to implement it.

    Wot, no appetite for being a highly educational “‘orrible example” to the world? Where’s your altruistic public spiritedness? Think of the Children!


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    To implement this scheme – they need the EU to first survive past it’s current bankruptcy, which is highly unlikely.


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    Louis @ 26
    Steffen works both sides of the street. He was appointed a science adviser by the Howard government in 2004. He has proselatised/advised Penny Wong, Ian Campbell and Malcolm Turnbull.


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    andrew dunbar

    when the EU comes falling down, which it will, all this will be in the past.


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    Jaaaaaysusss an’ crikey Moses!!!…. What is it with Germans and new world orders….. Haven’t they friggin’ learned yet….. Good grief. :-0


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    Reed Coray

    Good luck with the WGBU’s plan. Their plan won’t work because it is in opposition to human nature. To think that all or even a majority of human beings will place mankind’s needs above his/her own needs is ridiculous. Especially when he/she is TOLD what mankind’s needs and his/her needs are. Such behavior is not in our DNA.


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    Mark D.

    PeriBlue @ 65 very observant and very true. To others here that have argued from an agnostic perspective the reality of what is happening, by way of Greening, within the major Christian Churches is very disturbing to me. The Lutheran Church (ELCA) is completely overrun by left leaning labor/gay/greenies. I see trouble in the Catholic Church as well. Yesterday on Public Television, I saw a news interview about our recent tornado weather where they interviewed climate scientist Kathrine Hayhoe So I Googled her up and guess what? she is proud to be an Evangelical Climate Scientist!

    You don’t have to have Faith to see where this is going.

    My first thread post here was: it goes back to 2008 and I am now of the mind that AGW is a religion that is rapidly taking over the other religions. Belief and faith are one thing, religion is completely separate and the dangerous part.

    PeriBlue if you have more information go ahead and say it.


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    They know at least two things:

    1. The planet has entered a cold phase 2.There’s an exponential global awareness that AGW is about money & power.

    Watch the urgency of desperation grow.


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    In a way, I regret that the Greens didn’t get more political power. The stupid dumbarses who voted for them need a good dose of Green medicine to make them realize just how bad life could get. I’ve lost count of the number of idiots who voted for them because “I didn’t wanna vote Lib or Labor”.

    Heard a beaut tale the other day. A radio announcer was taken to a complaints council because of things he said about the Green’s policies. The plaintiff reckoned it was all lies and slander because nobody could possibly vote for such policies. Said plaintiff was mortified to find out that the announcer had indeed spoken the truth about the party’s policies.


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    Mark… yeah because those policies look real terrible compared to the pillars of sense being spouted by Abbott and Gillard.

    That was sarcasm btw.


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    Didn’t vote for either of ’em, mattyboy.

    Certainly didn’t vote Green though. Not much taken by compulsory attendance at Gaia festivals. I also view the proposal to set up neighbourhood committees with great suspicion. What else are they for if not to dob in one’s neighbours for politically incorrect behaviour?


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    Larry Fields

    Greenshirts, Brownshirts, or ‘red shirts’? They’re all Totalitarians. And Totalitarianism has killed millions of people. Haven’t the Greens learned anything from the bloody history of the 20th Century?


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    It’s mostly about saving socialism and communism(aim) And mostly not about saving the planet(means).

    If we do what the radicals want we end up with envirosocialism or envirocommunism.


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    The problem with referendums and such to decide laws and such is that it is still tyranny of the majority, just more directly. I am concerned that referenda using modern communications like the Internet will be rapid, thus lack the slow-down inherent in normal government process, a slow-down that increases thinking and fosters awareness that some control-freak is proposing to control you.

    Until what Lional Griffiths points out is recognized (“Humans cannot live [survive by] acting as a valueless, choiceless, mindless, thoughtless, robot responding only to orders from above.”), and the power of the collective is severely cut back – while ensuring protection against initiation of force (defense and police) – people will be partly enslaved or worse.


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    On the website you will find several reviews of books published by Oxford, Yale and Cambridge etc that establish the Third Reich as the “greenest” regime in history.

    An aristocrat-led Nature-protection movement preceded the fascist movement and members of this movement went en masse into German fascism.

    Nazi Germany’s conservation, organic food and animal rights policies were unprecedented. Top Nazis: Goering, Darre, Himmler etc were raving ecologists.

    This social movement survived World War II as did the German “landed interest” which forms the social basis of German environmentalism. Several founders of the German Green Party, and much of the German media elite, are unreconstructed Nazis.

    The recent statement by the Potsdam Climate Institute is a showing of “true colors.”

    Fascism is an anti-capitalist, anti-republican socio-political tendency emanating from the landed interest.

    for more info
