In 2017 there was an official Chinese Academy of Science video to showcase the new Wuhan “Level 4” lab. The video shows bats in a cage there and teams monitoring the lab in case there’s “an accident”.
The latest release of video footage tells us a few important things —
- The Chinese Officials were lying when they said their were no live bats at the Wuhan Institute.
- The WHO was helping them lie.
- Peter Daszak, the President of the US group funneling NIH money to the lab, also lied and helped them to cover it up.
- In 2017 the Chinese Academy of Science admitted that ten years earlier, no one in China had known how to do this biosecurity research. The French (and presumably US collaborators) taught the Chinese how. They clashed all the way, and the Chinese threw the French out as soon as the lab was finished.
- French and US intelligence knew there was a high risk of bioweapons. But they didn’t tell the world, nor prepare for it. Instead they’ve done everything they can to cover it up.
- The Wuhan Institute of Virology viral databases went missing on Sept 12, 2019, before the virus started to spread. This was blamed on a cyber attack, but the databases were never restored.
- All told, the WIV collected as many as 19,000 bat samples to study.
We’ve known since the early days that the bats this virus originated in came from Yunnan, some 800 km away from Wuhan and there was never a trail of infections connecting the native bats to Wuhan. Nor was there any bat soup at the Wet markets. The Chinese didn’t need live bats to create an infectious disease once they had the samples to start with. But they didn’t have to lie about the bats either.
We return to the question, Was the leak deliberate? The lost database just before the pandemic starts is awfully suspicious, but if it was a planned attack, why did they wait til Jan 1 or 2 to destroy all the samples? Or could it be that there was a splinter faction within China that wanted this “loose” just in time for the US election year? There are two defectors who claim it was not an accident.
Wuhan live bat video contradicts WHO investigation
Sharri Markson, The Australian
The French and US experts helped China to build the Wuhan Lab”
It states there were difficulties behind-the-scenes during the construction phase of the level 4 laboratory. The lab was initially meant to be a joint undertaking between the French and Chinese governments.
“Our collaboration with France on this project went through more than a decade of intense clashes resulting from our different cultural backgrounds and understandings,” the video says. After it was built, the French scientists and officials were evicted from the laboratory, sparking concerns among French intelligence about the type of biological research China planned to undertake there.
Wasn’t this eviction a “pretty bad” sign? Shouldn’t someone in French intelligence told the world?
The Wuhan Institute of Virology has now collected 19,000 bat samples, with coronaviruses detected in 2481 samples.
Best watched on faster speeds.
Much of this information was unearthed by a group of volunteers called DRASTIC who achieved so much more than all the worlds media and most of their spy agencies.
Citizen Scientists win again…
Sharri Markson has written a book: What Really Happened in Wuhan.
Related Posts:
- The first Synthetic Pandemic? Man who discovered HIV says Coronavirus is man made. CCP destroyed the evidence.
- Evidence grows that Coronavirus was man-made: the bat virus it “evolved” from appears to be faked
- Dr. Li-Meng Yan claims The virus is man-made and spread to make damage
Latest from J. Couey…
It’s so comforting to see someone using real data and coming to a logical conclusion instead of listening to so called experts who sound more like politicians.
The covid crisis is really a crisis of culture. I am on the wrong side of 55 and when I grew up it was expected that people were honest, had integrity and respected others opinions. Govt employees were apolitical and the ethos was to do a good job and ensure any review or work was done according to the scientific method. At the same time those seeking to silence and abuse others were quickly called out and shamed.
Fast forward and it now appears that truth is relative. Lying is quite ok, because you are apparently giving your version of the truth. The only opinions allowed are those in agreement with the politically correct but utterly poisonous narrative. Its ok to silence, label, ad hominem attack and otherwise demean or villify those who you don’t agree with – as long as you are uttering the narrative.
Govt bodies like AEMO, CSIRO, BOM etc etc are now filled with politically motivated activists whose sole aim is to view their work through the lens of wokery, with any reports or investigations carried out with total partiality and disregard for actual factual pursuit. Consensus science is their mantra, and too bad if it is totally false and misrepresentative as pushing the narrative even if based on falsehoods is their duty.
I just read a piece from a lady who survived Maos China, attacking a US school board for pushing policies exactly like those that resulted in millions of deaths in the “Great Leap Forward”. And another today from a North Korean defector, saying how her experience in a US university was WORSE than North Korea.
We cannot be silent, we need to speak to our friends and acquaintances,and pressure our politicans into standing against this evil, as it will result in nothing but torment and disaster. The Left cannot ever be compromised with, the result today is because well meaning but historically ignorant politicians have given in to the Left, and there is never any end to their demands. At some stage their demands will come with a loaded gun pointed at you.
Wake up Australia!
Criminalise scientific fraud.
If a science graduate makes a claim that is proven false then that is to be a criminal offense and punishable by at least the annulling of their qualifications and minimum jail time.
That includes any public statements that they make.
If scientists are going to have this increasingly significant role in public discourse/ policy making then they better be prepared to carry the consequences if they’re proven wrong.
We can NOT have people who are supposed to carry impartial legitimate authority bullsh!tting us. How are any of these lies any different from someone telling the tax department their income was 50k when it was really and provably 500k? Is saying “oopsie” enough? No. It’s fraud, its an offense, they’d suffer for it. While scientists are lying about things that affect entire populations…
Who defines what is scientifically correct? Everyone knew that Einstein’s theory of the photoelectric effect was wrong, including the brilliant scientist who tested it, even after he showed it to be correct.
There are any number of “crackpot” theories that end up being show to be correct, and innumerable accepted theories that are wrong. If anything should be criminal, it should be coercion, either to accept popular or reject unpopular ideas. But even there one has to tread carefully.
We have enough laws as it is governing unethical conduct. We don’t need more. What we do need is a higher standard of ethics. But if most are dishonest or indifferent or fearful of opposing corruption, how do you fix that?
There’s no scientific basis for the CAGW _ CO2 concept of human induced global warming.
Physics and thermodynamics deny the concept.
The only reasons for this not being known outside of the science community is fear of retribution for speaking out.
CAGW is thermodynamic Untruth.
It’s one thing to subscribe to human caused global warming as a scientific theory (I know a few otherwise excellent scientists who mistakenly do.). It is something entirely different to force that belief on others, and punish them severely (subject them to public ridicule and deprive them of a livelihood) when they demur.
Yes the warmists are wrong, but legislation is not the solution. Letting non-scientists (legislators) decide what is or is not science, and then prosecuting scientists under the laws they wrote would be the death knell of science. It’s just a very bad idea.
Speaking of CO2 (and water vapour):
How much is pouring out of Iceland RIGHT NOW?
Better material here:
The laws are not enforced but a key issue in science is that peer review is completely broken and useless as an indicator of validity.
I am usually agin regulation but this is an area we must have covered as we have any number of idiots claiming to produce “the science” when even the most basic review shows complete lunacy. A case in point are the supposed global temperature graphs which are in truth just modelling and bearing no relation to the raw data they come from. Tony Heller has done excellent work showing past NASA/NOAA graphs have inexplicably changed in their latest form – again so obvious but few are calling it out.
Altering official official govt., documents, which is what govt., agency data records are, is already a crime. It just needs enforcement, not more laws that can also be ignored.
I would believe that we need to have something similar to what Peter Ridd has proposed – an Office of Public Policy Quality Assurance. Due to the peer review process being completely broken and research unable to be taken at face value this office is urgently needed.
It would be tasked with reviewing the science relating to the proposed public policy, all science relating to the policy in an objective manner. Its proceedings and reviews would be publically available.
I would agree here that if this Office finds fraud or misinformation in submissions from “scientists” or even just slack work – it needs to name and shame and those repeat offending would have their ability to provide information cut off and hence their influence gone. Deliberate fraud would be passed on to the police for further investigation and prosecution.
The makeup here would need to be not only of scientists but also business people, who have long term successful management experience. Trades people would also be involved, again because they have to “make it work” and have a more practical bent.
I have technical background and also know many similar to me who have excellent crap detection facilities (they go off continuously whenever Channel 9 or the ABC are on). The aim being to have sensible people able to properly weigh things and understand concepts. Judges and legal people have shown an alarming ability to invent new woke concepts beyond legal precedent (witness Peter Ridds recent court case) hence would not be included.
Anyway, food for thought.
If we had this Office in place then Scomo and others would be constrained to actually commenting and formulating policy on reality and actual known science, not rubbish from the BOM, AEMO or woke activists. I believe that the covid response, specifically the failure to use HCQ and Ivermectin, the lockdowns, mask mandates etc would have been remarkably different if politicians and “experts” are forced to actually justify their activities and recommendations in reality rather than consensus/opinion based drivel.
We need to defend our countries. We are talking as if the covid origin question is a simple scientific argument/discussion. It is not. This is bigger that suddenly a group of ‘scientists’ with the support of Journal editors, start to officially lie and make up stuff about covid origins. It is a fact, that the US and China are fighting a cold war.
Science does not work when there is a cold war, because there is something to hide, a reason to lie, and people/institutions are controlled/scared. China has used their state money, power, and their control of organizations like the WHO to support/win the cold war. The origin of Covid needed to be hidden. Lies, deceit, and propaganda are necessary to hide evil deeds.
The fact that our news outlets, google, facebook, political parties, universities, and so on … Have all been taken over ideologically and practically. Institutional corruption is when the lies become official, every position, every political party has been taken over by well financed Zombie believers. Individuals in China are powerless against the CCP.
Why is our government trying to help the CCP cover up the origin of covid? Official things to hide. Is our government independent?
Obviously, people that are involved in evil activities, doing and financing gain of function research in a sloppy Level 4 lab, will lie to hide what they have done. Covid either leaked from a Chinese lab (likely the Wuhan Virology ‘Research’ Lab) or it was released as part of a plan, based on the evidence. Why did China destroy all of the gain of function deadly viruses which were made and stored at the Wuhan lab?
There is zero physical evidence to support the assertion that covid was natural. There is zero logic/analysis to support the assertion covid was natural.
The smoking gun is the head of Wuhan Virology lab bragging in 2019…. Bragging ….That the Wuhan Virology ‘Research’ lab had made, a highly infectious bird flu which is not found in nature … which humans have no immunity for and which there are no vaccines for just like covid.
“As our report mentions right at the start, scientists passed the H5N1 Bird Flu through a series of ferret hosts until it gained ACE2 affinity and then became incredibly virulent, which is what’s seen with COVID-19 since its affinity to ACE2 is orders of magnitude higher than SARS. “
“It’s also the process used on the H1N1 Bird Flu that either leaked out of a Soviet lab in the 70’s or was introduced as part of a vaccine trial gone awry,…..
…. it’s considered the product of laboratory manipulation since it was very similar to strains of H1N1 that hadn’t been in circulation for decades, and seemed to be the product of “sequential passage in an animal reservoir” … …..which was determined by its vast genetic distance from any other present strain of flu, just like COVID-19 which also appears so distant from any related coronavirus that it’s been placed in its own clade,…
… an isolated branch way out on its own in the viral family tree – meaning it’s the lone example of its kind, and doesn’t clump together with all the other known coronaviruses.
That process of sequential passage through animal hosts leaves a genome that appears “natural” and not purposeful as well since it wouldn’t leave a genomic smoking gun and would simply appear to be the result of “natural” selection.
So this is either exquisitely lazy research or dissimulation, the authors (William; Authors of the Lancet ‘letter’ hide the fact that genetically modified animals are used to teach viruses how to effectively connect to the ACE-2 connector and replicate in the human body) are either unaware of the Bird Flu study, which was well covered, especially by the scientific press, or are willfully ignoring it.”
The left will always be active and only does damage when it gains power as Joe’s antics in office have already demonstrated what of the border, the jobs, the fuel prices –and his administration isn’t even bedded in.
Ordinarily this type of malfeasance in office ought to inoculate the population against voting them another term but these are extraordinary times and confidence in the US electoral process is in the balance as the public awaits the findings of the Arizona audit.
“Curiouser and curiouser!” Cried (Alice);
I mean thank you, Joanne, for compiling and posting these things.
And as posted in Weekend Unthreaded
Memo ABC: Lab virus leak is a real story
Newspaper editors and electronic current affairs producers need to look harder at the Wuhan Covid-19 laboratory leak story.
Wuhan Covid lab-leak theory must be taken seriously by scientists and reporters
Chris Mitchell
Newspaper editors and electronic current affairs producers need to look harder at the Wuhan Covid-19 laboratory leak story.
Not just because this newspaper’s investigations writer Sharri Markson has been leading the world on reporting of a possible leak that could have already killed close to four million people. It takes a bit of hard reading – not something today’s journalists, spoonfed by an army of PR specialists, are cut out for – to understand how seriously the leak theory is now being taken in scientific circles.
And it requires journalists to ignore the false narrative absorbed by the media culture: in the US, largely because former US president Trump supported the lab leak story, and in Australia, thanks to last year’s two Media Watch programs slamming Markson on the basis of material published in The Lancet and Nature Medicine.
Given Chinese sanctions against Australia over calls by Prime Minister Scott Morrison for a World Health Organisation investigation into the origins of the pandemic, inquisitive journalists should be doing what Markson is.
Memo Four Corners: this is the real “story of the century”.
Her report for Sky News also mentions the highly suspicious deleting of the WIV archives from the internet on the grounds of “hacking” and that WHO investigators never even asked to see them.
I rarely recommend readers watch such a long video, but this is an exception:
Ms. Markson is way ahead of the rest of the world’s journalists on this story — a story whose importance dwarfs that of other news, because the world has been turned upside-down, millions have died, countless businesses have been closed and lives upended by a virus whose origins have been deliberately obscured by people with, as Markson notes, serious conflicts of interest (to put it mildly).
The WHO?
China basically owns it outright.
There’s a clue.
Any especially to Sharri Markson, what a fantastic body of work, i am so proud to see this young Australian woman, to stand up, in the middle of the political crossfire with adversaries on all sides, and call it.
Why is this a surprise? The CCP in almost as evil as the N.zi Party and by all accounts is moving towards matching if not exceeding it. Yet we have Western leaders kowtowing with them. Just proves we never learn from history. A common trick evil leaders uses is to change things slowly enough to create the illusion nothing is changing. Before we know it they reached the heights of their evilness in just a few years.
I have been saying for some time that China today is where Germany was in the late 1930s.
Late 1930s?
1958 to 1962 30 to 55 million.
Isn’t that the World record?
China hasn’t started a hot war yet but that is looking inevitable. There are still Chamberlins around the world trying to appease.
To quote Wiki:
World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history. An estimated total of 70-85 million people perished, or about 3% of the 1940 world population (est. 2.3 billion). Deaths directly caused by the war (including military and civilian fatalities) are estimated at 50-56 million, with an additional estimated 19-28 million deaths from war-related disease and famine.
RE: “. Yet we have Western leaders kowtowing with them.”
The Chinese have done exactly the same thing as what Epstein Island was used for. That is, blackmail. I believe Epstein Island was a CIA honeypot operation all along. There’s more than enough tell-tail signs, not just that his private jet was an ex-CIA plane.
As evidence of my assertion, I present Hunter Biden and the reports that he was given little girls to do with as he pleased and as many drugs as he wanted. All was filmed and known to the world, if you want to believe it. This item and many more are why the Biden family and probably many of the Dem party can not bring themselves to criticize China in any way.
Only a month ago Biden himself proclaimed the genocide happening was simply a cultural difference.
What about the suspended account of the whistleblower when is Jack and his bunch of birdbrains at Twitter going to be dealt with? It wasn’t just Daszak, Fauci and Zuckerberg, it was all the rest of the Gestapo. Lets have a Nuremberg trial and include Xi and his malcontents.
And, of course, social media censored anybody who would dare speculate that the virus was manufactured in a lab. That censorship may have been official policy by US medical authorities.
“Nobody can deny that there has been a massive amount of censorship taking place in the social media arena but what some have only suspected to be true is that the government is behind it. That is, until now. The Montana Daily Gazette, one of our sister publications, first reported that Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai publicized court documents that prove the U.S. Government entered into a formal agreement with Big Tech to censor speech they did not agree with.”
And despite everything the CCP is planning on building dozens more BSL-3 bio-labs as well as at least one more BSL-4 lab despite their horrendous record of bio-containment.
We ain’t seen nothing yet.
Yikes!!! …transferred Ebola and Henipah viruses to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Somewhat O/T
“Manitobans who got on the vaccine bandwagon early with the AstraZeneca shot probably can’t get a second one even if they want it.
The experiment continues.”
I do not need journalists to see the facts.
Faucci said it himself – it was much better to conduct such experiments in China than in a middle of America – the actual words can be easily found on Youtube.
Either he meant that Chinese population is less “valuable” than American or it will be much less expensive.
I suspect he meant both.
Less able to sue.
Sharri Markson has written a book: What Really Happened in Wuhan.
Word is she has already started her sequel: What Really Happened in Taishan. Claims of a nuclear plant radiation leak are being strongly denied by CCP.
Apparently the US State Department are awaiting a WHO announcement that this radiation originated from the Taishan Wet Market and that transmission between humans is NOT possible, for confirmation.
Why don’t they just shut the thing down, are they that short of power.
So now we know , with a very high probability, that the virus came from the Wuhan lab, and we also know that Daszak and Fauci made obviously false declarations that the virus could not have come from the lab. We now also know that Daszak and Fauci were directly associated with the work and the funding of the “gain of function” research at the lab, and as such are compromised.
We now know that the Chinese are actively involved in developing viruses for use as weapons, as they they serve no other purpose, and that
regardless of how it got from the lab into the community ( released or escaped) the fact is that Covid19 is a Chinese Bioweapon.
That the virus was harvested, and then developed by the Lab using gain of function to infect, sicken and potentially kill any humans that were infected with the virus, and that is exactly what it has done !
That the spread of a virus of this nature would cause a global pandemic, if it was not contained, and that a pandemic would seriously impact on the ability of societies to operate.
We know that the actions of the chinese kept the world in the dark and that this gave the virus time to propogate and facilitated its spread.
The question is where does the world go from here ?
What do we do about Dazsak and Fauci ?
What do we do about these labs ?
What do we do with China, now that we know what they are capable of, and what they have done !
You will do what you have always done, rant on a blog and sit on your hands and wait for someone else to do something.
Nothing will be done unless the US votes for Trump or his surrogate overwhelmingly. Trump stands for congress. With a big majority in the house and RINOs irrelevant he becomes speaker and terrorises the dems with impeachment and inquiries. Trump does rallies besides DeSantis who romps it in, in spite of rigged polls.
I can dream, can’t I????
Is the lab near that leaking nuke power station.
More footage out of the great fire wall of China.
Really, CCP made video from Wuhan, no evidence that it is, bats in a cage. Propaganda to fool the people, again.
Want to by my book, knocked this baby out overnight.
The excerpts of video showing bats in a cage is taken from a larger documentary of the facility proper. So they’re simply providing the short version of the evidence to demonstrate that it exists.
From China’s leading documentary maker……..CCP.
Can’t get anymore legit then that eh.
Want to Buy my book.
Sounds like it is a follower of this template –
“How to do it and not get it”
Written by
“One who did it, got it and can’t get rid of it” ?
Climate change, biogenetic change, mankind trying to play God. Natural selection got us to this point, let it continue as we have no idea what the future holds.
If one were to take this video at face value then at the very least France and US were complicit along with China in this whole affair. So who to blame? . .
Whether the virus is natural or man-made, and whether or not it escaped or was released purposely seems to me to be academic. The argument is that if we had known this information sooner then we could have taken it more seriously and presumably saved millions of lives. I’m not to sure about that . .
Life is full of strange twists.
In late 1993, I was in Yunnan Province, western China, on my way to visit a major tin mine region at Gejiu, near China’s southern border.
We stopped our drive for lunch in a little village in Jianshui district, where first we inspected the caves. They were over the road from the cafe, which existed to sell birds nest soup from the caves, which also were home to bats.
We enjoyed the soup lunch and did not think much more about it until we fast-forward to 2020, the year of Covid-19, with news of virus sources from bats in caves in southern Yunnan porovince. Goodness, had we eaten something dangerous?
Was my health conflicted by the cave experience? Not so far as I can tell. If the symptons had included induced idiocy, perhaps. Geoff S
Induced idiocy is not something you can self diagnose.
My theory is that, when those records disappeared in Sept’ 2019, supposedly before the outbreak, it was because the outbreak was actually already underway. The CCP knew what was about to happen and so started to hide evidence long before stories of mass casualties leaked out. Perhaps the mortality rate wasn’t too bad initially, but the Wuhan scientists, having engineered it, knew that they had created a virus that mutated very quickly and thus presented a grave danger.
In fact, I suspect that C19 escaped from the lab, and then again escaped from China, even earlier than September 2019, albeit the ‘early iteration’.
In May 2019, I visited Naples. The host of our accommodation was Chinese and had just returned from visiting her relatives in China. She said she had a cold. Four days later, having left Naples, my wife and I were struck by a malady which, with hindsight, looks a lot like Covid 19. Thankfully, I recovered after a few days of horrendous coughing and drowning in my own mucus (sorry), but was weak and poorly for about another three weeks. My wife was similarly ill, though not so bad.
A few months later, Italy would be hit hard by Covid.
I have no doubt you are correct S of C. There were other contributors to this blog who had experienced a strange flu in December 2019. I recall they were from the US, maybe even New York state. So, it was bubbling away in a couple of centres with high population densities, pollution problems and high visitation by Chinese workers etc. So New York and Milan. My son was in Milan during late January/February 2020 on university exchange just prior to that area having the huge COVID hotspot. Milan fashion week had just gone ahead with lots of Chinese visitors/ workers. The air pollution in that part of northern Italy at the time was horrendous. My son had to wear a scarf over his mouth and nose when working in the streets – firstly for cold prevention, but secondly to filter the putrid air. He got the first flight out that he could before the country locked down.
The genetic studies of Covid show pretty definitively that it was not circulating in May 2019.
There was a mysterious blackout I believe in Wuhan at the lab in October or something like that, and aren’t there reports of lab workers getting sick around then too?
There were infections in Nov in Wuhan that seem exactly like the specific nature of Covid — the 8 days to the worst symptoms, then rolling waves of recovery and illness. But I doubt it was outside Wuhan til a few odd cases in Dec perhaps where it may have hit foreign shores in tiny events that didn’t spread. Remember 4 out of 5 infected people don’t share the virus with others. Cluster spreader. So it takes a few incursions before the virus “gets lucky”.
The Uni of Barcelona found traces of wuflu in frozen waste water from March of 2019.
I heard no more about this until recently when the Uni published a paper about it. As I recall it was a pre-print, not yet reviewed.
I raise this merely as an anomaly. I don’t know.
Everyone knows the virus came from a defence department lab in Texas, and was deliberately allowed to infect people in Wuhan
LOL, yea everybody knows that.
if you discount the science, then anything goes
More Communist China propaganda from Peter.
He and his green-left China running-dogs have been discounting the science ever since the CRU emails became available.
how do you discount this>
from a recent interview with Andersen, at NYT.
They just claim that its more likely to be natural, in their professional opinion.
This is what the man-made claim is – it was helped along in the lab. The evidence can’t be obtained from characterisation of the virus. Its identical to what would happen naturally after thousands of humans got infected by bats living 800km away and never sold at the market.
These authors have a vested interest. As pointed out, anything objective in the paper isn’t contested, its the subjective opinion. Lipkin, for example, is a signatory of a to allow gain of function research.
So now you’re saying it didn’t come from Fort Detrick? Make up your mind, PF.
There’s one in every blog. Always.
You have been told to accept the evidence by Big Echo Chamber, Peter. Slept in?
Don’t feed the trolls.
RE: Peter Daszak, Ph.D., the Eco Health Alliance.
‘How much money did Peter Daszak’s nonprofit get paid for laundering a federal grant for gain of function research in Wuhan?’
By Thomas Lifson
“Nonprofit” in terms of the IRS but highly profitable otherwise. About 88c for every $1 laundered.
WIV received a slice of $3.4m from NIH:
“NIH can confirm that the grant to EcoHealth Alliance Inc. has been terminated. The grant was for $3.4 million over 6 years distributed across all sites: the primary awardee, EcoHealth Health Alliance Inc. (New York), and sub-awardees, Wuhan Institute of Virology (Wuhan), East China Normal University (Shanghai), the Institute of Pathogen Biology (Beijing), and Duke-NUS Medical School (Singapore),” the NIH said in a statement to USA TODAY. “NIH does not discuss details of the decision-making process regarding specific grant awards.”
‘Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance Has Hidden Almost $40 Million In Pentagon Funding And Militarized Pandemic Science’
The liars have been found out.
Now, let’s see how they squirm out of it.
Oh! I know. Let’s start a war. Or, crash the stock market. Or, have an assassination or two.
Yep. That should take the focus off them.
This might be a silly question. Why is it that Sharri, a Sky journo with limited funding, can find all of this lab leak evidence online and yet the WHO and multi billion dollar MSM industry, including our own billion dollar taxpayer funded ABC, can only find a closed case of natural origin without supporting evidence ?. In the case of our own ABC they can even devote many hours of Media Watch time using taxpayer money to let everyone know that Sharri is wrong, because the crooked scientist that were involved in the cover up said so.
Paul Barry, legend of the ABC …..
Let’s hope they don’t employ someone with a lower IQ, else he might lose his gig.
Because they are biased and hate western civilization, and especially white people. Simple as that. We have a mentally ill society, but people wont admit it because “that is just far fetched nonsense”.
The clue is in the name.
I’ve said this from the start, just going on gut feeling. Its often the best way.
Further I will ad, what this is is a bio-weapon training run for China. They notice how terrible the world is at handling it, and they are rubbing their hands in glee at the real damage they will cause when they release a genuinely deadly virus.
If the world had quickly shut their borders, the first effective step at combating the spread, China would have been very disappointed. Why was their first advice, and WHO’s, no need to shut borders ? And the world bought it, hook line and sinker.
You aw lacist rot, here, rady.
“By the time truth gets its boots on a lie is halfway around the world”Decades before the digital age.
The response of our own governments?
They panicked and behaved as if the Wuhan Flu was a killer.
We keep finding out,that our own government agencies participated in the design and outsourced the production of “Gain of Function” virus.
So were our officials more concerned about covering their butts ,than preventing viral spread?
Cause every indication is the research being carried out in Wuhan China was common knowledge to the Five Eyes or 5Is intelligence community.
Which implies fore knowledge in our bureaus.
Connecting the dots,in an age of dishonesty, is always interesting.
But fore knowledge and a computer Modelled Projection of this designer viruses potency,would go a long way to understanding the over reaction,panic and willful blindness of our “helpers”.
Did they dismiss common antiviral medicines because they “knew” the virus was designed to be resistant to them?
This is quite the wormhole of malice and incompetence to spiral down..
However I contend the “Intent” of our fearless leaders does not matter.
Actions are the only truth we can measure.
And we need new leaders.
All our “helpers” betrayed every trust and failed miserably at their duties.
Charged with the protection and maintenance of civilization,they destroyed every thing that forms civil society to “Save Us from infection”.
The equivalence of “We will prevent you contracting This dread Virus,even if we have to kill you”.
All the benefits of civilization cast aside to service fear.
The citizens have been roundly abused by helpers who have helped only themselves.
“We are all in this together”..Right.
And the death rates,these speak volumes..
If you were in government care,you were at great risk of dying.
If you were independent (With all the same health age symptoms) your chances of survival were excellent.
And now?
It seems our political creatures are confused..
“Why aren’t the peasants cheering”?
“We slayed the Dragon,saving them all from its ravages.Why are they looking at us and muttering?”.
Why are the peons so revolting?
Meanwhile us peasants are sitting in the ruins ,admiring our bankrupt businesses and broken societies..
Asking the age old question.
“Why did you destroy our crops and burn our homes to “save us” from a scrawny Lizard?”
A lizard that mostly lays about in the sun and occasionally eats a seagull…
The Dread Covid cannot be classed as a pandemic ,not using historical standards.
For where are the classic footprints of the fourth horseman?
Show me a mass grave.
Name a place where the civic structure collapsed from the loss of personel…
Strikes me that Covid -19 is a pandemic in the same way a one day high temperature is now a “Heat wave”.
Worth a second read.
There are some interesting aerial photos of what appear to be mass graves outside a small regional city in Iran, last year.
The mullahs and the CCP have been VERY cozy since the Shah was deposed. VERY strong military ties and lots of “worker exchange” going on.
Did it ever occur to anyone that there may have been (still be?) a “sister” lab in Iran, operated as a “backup”?
Whilst the mullahs HATE the Jews, they hate the “godless” even more. So, what is the attraction, apart from lots of interesting new toys from the “mysterious east”?
Was the Wuhan “leak” a calculated “road-test”? Not just of the behaviour of the bug, but the behaviour of the ratbags that form the core of western governments; both elected types and public serpents.
Analogous to “reconnaissance by fire”. If so, it worked a treat!
Summary: COVID 19 created in Wuhan laboratory, and DELIBERATELY leaked. This will not be the first time that China “accidentally” leaks a virus. After all, if you don’t succeed…try, try again
Thank you Jo for posting this video. I was vaguely aware of Sharri Markson’s investigations but had not had the time to review this until today in visiting your site. Sharri is a very courageous young journalist. Young may be the operative word. Meaning Sharri has less at risk than established journalists. The world should be thankful as now this is in the world wide public domain these questions will have to be answered else China stands condemned.
My opinion of the WHO and the UN has just fallen. I didn’t think it could get any lower. 3.7 million people and counting and yet the WHO are too scared to ask hard but basic questions of China and its Wuhan Institute of Virology. The cover up is obvious. So is the arrogance of the persons behind the cover up.