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126 comments to Thursday

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    A couple of Western Australian Police Officers (Falconer and Finlay) took the Police Commissioner to court over the vacs Mandate and their dismissal.
    They lost their case in the WA Supreme Court and appealed. Their appeal was recently dismissed.
    Whether they appeal to the High Court is yet to be determined.

    This is the latest update from their go fund me page.

    Appeal dismissed!

    The judiciary sided with government in both the Falconer and Finlay matters, dismissing both appeals. This is not the answer any of us wanted, however it is an answer – and one that impacts all West Australians. Please share this news far and wide – and ask – should your employer have the ability to order you to undergo a medical procedure?

    Key findings of both matters:

    • The Police Commissioner direction curtailed human rights.
    • The Police Commissioners direction was in fact coercion
    • In recognising both the above points – the justices held it is okay to curtail human rights and engage in coercion because of the “extraordinary circumstance” of the state of emergency.

    In his famous book “Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 3” Friedrich Hayek posits:

    “The conditions under which such emergency powers may be granted […] are among the most difficult and important points a constitution must decide on.”

    With your help, we took this matter to the highest court in Western Australia for such a decision. The decision is: Coercion and curtailing of Human Rights is okay in Western Australia. Highlighting the attitude of the judiciary, Rocco Loiacono succinctly wrote in his recent Spectator article:

    “In Falconer and Finlay’s case, yes, we agree your rights were curtailed but, sorry, you lose because the rules of your job require unquestioning discipline.”

    Again, Hayek’s infamous words resound:

    “… ‘Emergencies’ have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded….”


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      Paul Cottingham

      The Nuremberg Code expressly prohibits the use of force, deceit, and coercion to get people to submit to medical treatments.

      Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor and founder of the Alliance for Human Research Protection, said “The moral significance of the Nuremberg Code, the most authoritative, internationally recognised document in the history of medical ethics, cannot be overstated” A free PDF copy of “The Nuremberg Code” and a notification of when the book “The Nuremberg Code and Its Modern Enemies” is available:

      The White Rose movement and the Nuremberg Code Society support holocaust survivor Vera Sharav, who has produced a documentary called ‘Never Again Is Now Global’ with other Holocaust survivors & children of survivors expressing their shock at today’s globalist ideology, reminding them of the prelude to the Holocaust:

      Holocaust Survivor, Vera Sharav, continues to be the object of harassment and intimidation by Petra Strohbach, the district prosecutor of Nuremberg, after she delivered a powerful speech condemning Germany for medical experimentation without informed consent, and warning of a resurgence of totalitarianism and genocidal policies in Germany. The Nuremberg district prosecutor was tasked to assess the merits of a criminal charge after Vera Sharav addressed the Commemoration Event “75 years of the Nuremberg Code” on August 20th, 2022.

      Sharav said “By declaring a state of emergency in 1933 and 2020, constitutionally protected personal freedom, legal rights and civil rights were swept aside”. On Media Censorship she said “Why would you censor? Why not argue? But they don’t ever want to come near arguing with anyone, not with scientists, not with professors of any kind or lay people. They do not want to go near an argument, because they know that they really do not have a leg to stand on. The morals and the evidence are against them. And I stress morals first, because that is what led society astray, then and now. If you discard morals, then that’s the end of the civilised society, because medicine was perverted then, and it is being perverted now, in a very, very substantive way”


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        John Connor II

        …and as has been said, people always asked Vera “how could the people ever let this happen?”
        Of course, she need not answer.
        The last 4 years of lies, fraud, deception, abuse, denial of rights, and rabid politicians answer that question.
        When the dark side of the human pysche runs amok unchecked, attrocities are committed and history will repeat.


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      I was retired at the time of the Corona Virus Madness so they (Guv’ments, etc.) could not mandate me to get the Jab/Boosters. Not only that but my gut feeling for a new vaccine that had been Warp Tested and Emergency Approved made me think 200 million times over. And I said NO. Big Time.

      Safe and Effective? You have to be joking. Words from ‘Pollies’ who had NFI.

      And as far as I know I never got the virus. I did get a winter cold though.


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      If your job requires “unquestioning dicipline”, you may always claim “I was only following orders”, irrespective of what you do. Now where have we heard that before?


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      David Maddison

      Australia no longer has an independent judiciary but one that follows the Official Narrative of Government.

      Plus they are no longer legal scholars but Leftist activists.

      Consider the timeline.

      The purple and green-haired Maoists and Trotskyists of the universties of the 1970’s and 1980’s are now senior “judges”

      It’s all part of our decaying Australian and Western Civilisation.


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        The biggest trotskyite of them all is now our lame duck PM.


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          David Maddison

          The biggest trotskyite of them all is now our lame duck PM.


          …Uren even said that “when I first put him (Albo) on my staff some of my comrades on the Left said, ‘Oh, you’re putting a young Trot on your staff’”.

          For those who aren’t up to date with the slang of the average western Marxist, a “trot” is a proponent of Leon Trotsky’s teachings – a Russian Marxist revolutionary and close associate of Lenin who pioneered the concept of “permanent revolution”.

          Trotsky believed only via an incremental and global “permanent” revolution could the “workers of the world unite” and be “liberated from their chains”.

          Albo’s Trotskyist sympathies aren’t news to everyone.

          As ADVANCE reported a few months ago, a young Anthony Albanese participated in a forum with the official magazine of the Communist Party of Australia (CPA) nearly 18 months after the Berlin Wall fell and the horrors of the Marxist political system were exposed.

          The interview, which appeared in the April 3, 1991 edition of the Communist Party’s house organ Tribune, was part of a feature called “The changing Left – coherence, theory”.

          Albo was quoted as saying it was easier to take potshots from opposition because “being in government confronts the labour movement as a whole, not just the Labor Party”. He said, “it’s easier to construct a vision of an antinuclear society or an environmentally aware society or one based on equality.”

          As well as running the interview with Mr Albanese, the same edition of Tribune ran a classified ad promoting an upcoming “politics in the pub” talk involving the future Opposition Leader titled, “Socialist Politics: Past Tense, Future Prospects”.

          Why did Comrade Albo get so much attention in far-left circles back then?

          Well, as Albo’s former boss Tom Uren implied, the PM-wannabe led a faction in the Labor party known as the “Hard Left” which had close ties to communist organisations.



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        Forrest Gardener

        Yes David. The good news is that as the saying goes and science advances one death at a time, so to do social attitudes.

        Each generation is a new set of eyes. And each generation is acutely aware of the foibles of their predecessors.

        I can’t imagine anybody watching Albanese, Biden or others and thinking to themselves “that’s the way to do it”. Then again maybe I need a more vivid imagination.


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        But but weren’t the judiciary exempt from any mandates ????? Hypocrites all.


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      the justices held it is okay to curtail human rights and engage in coercion because of the “extraordinary circumstance” of the state of emergency

      But why was it OK to continue with the mandate, even after the ‘state of emergency’ was passed? Once it was passed, then there was no need to enforce vaccines. By then, it was known that they did not prevent transmission or even protect the person receiving the vaccine. These police (and those in other fields) should have been reinstated, without the need for a vaccine.


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      This is the letter, suitably edited to protect identities, that I sent my Principal when these mandates were being enforced in WA.

      My Principal was going to be fined $100 000 should she allow me to teach, and I would be fined $20 000 if I set foot on campus to engage in the work I had been doing for more than 50 years. I was advised by my school to take the 6 months LSL I had accrued, and then we would see how things had panned out. After the 6 months had elapsed, the school contacted me and asked me if I had succumbed. Advising them that I hadn’t, they said they had no option but to terminate my employment, as I was still not interested in the mRNA vaccines. I received my termination of employment notice, but three days later, the dictator here removed the mandate. The school immediately contacted me and asked me to get back to work, which I did.

      Interestingly, my wife and I went to the doctors fairly early in the pandemic, to have our ears cleaned. While there, my wife, who had been a bit off colour, asked to have a blood test to see if she had any covid antibodies. The doctor said he would be fined $50 000 if he sanctioned such a test. I have no idea if he was telling the truth, but that’s what he told us. We could have had blood tests for just about anything, but not for covid.

      It was a very sad time in WA’s history.

      Also interestingly, the vaccine that was on offer at the time to oldies like my wife and me, was the AstraZeneca. This particular poison has been banned worldwide now, I believe.


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        Just so you know you made a good decision: – I suspect a factor in the UK elections is no one wanted this elephant in the room (on the floor of the house) – he has announced he will not be running now…

        (but it feels pretty horrible being ‘right’)


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        The AstraZeneca “vaccine” has not been banned. AZ has withdrawn it from the market citing low demand due to an oversupply of covid “vaccines”. Also that they had already ceased production to clear their own stockpiles.

        There were some instances of blood clotting issues.


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          TO which the sufferers of arrhythmia and who were prescribed anti clotting drugs as the normal response should have had no such side effects


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    william x

    They said that Galileo was wrong and jailed him.
    They said that the “Titanic” was unsinkable.
    They said that peanuts could be grown “commercially” in Tanzania.

    They said cigarettes are good for your health.
    They said that Thalidomide is safe.
    They said that the Y2K bug would bring down aircraft.
    They said that Covid jabs are tested and safe.

    Now, they say that Evs’ are safe to park and charge underground.

    Those are your experts. All infallable.. Not.
    Today in 2024, the “Experts” are busy being “experts” with no substance. . They actively trash the work of real scientists & real engineers.
    Imho, there needs to be culpabilty for decisions made by those in policy making… And also for those self appointed “experts” that make spurious claims in the name of “Science”.


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      CO2 Lover

      “Experts” is a Newspeak word for “Well paid flunkies who do not have a clue of what they are talking about”

      We now live in a world of fake science and fake history.


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        David Maddison

        We now live in a world of fake science and fake history.

        And to reinforce that and prevent questioning, that’s why the Australian Government is attempting to introduce censorship legislation. It has already introduced Digital ID legislation so all your missives on socialist media and elsewhere can be attached to your person number and you can be sent for punishment or re-education if deemed necessary.

        FWIW this is my submission against the censorship bill. But the Government don’t care. They are fully committed to the UN and WEF Orwellian Agenda.


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      Experts also said the Beatles were no good, JK Rowling wouldn’t sell, Jonathon Thurston couldn’t play, and The Lord of the Rings wasn’t a movie.


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      another ian

      william x

      What my mother referred to as “The Great Anonymous They”


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    CO2 Lover

    The UK had its own Flim Flam Flannery {A government-paid expert}

    In the summers of 2018 and 2022, for example, Europe was hit by drought, and government-paid experts and media blamed man-made climate change. Many claimed that drought would be the future for British and European summers.

    For example, the UK’s Met Office warned:

    As global temperatures rise, there is a risk drought will become more frequent in the UK.

    This is a similar version of Flim Flan Flannery’s advice to his pay masters:

    In 2007, Chief Climate Commissioner Tim Flannery made this bizarre claim while hyping the threat to Australia from global warming:

    Even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and river systems.

    This occurred during an El Nino event

    The recent 2020–2023 La Niña event was marked by record-breaking rainfall and flooding across eastern Australia.

    Government-paid “experts” are so predicitable – even if the weather is not.


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    Volcano going off Grindavik, Iceland.
    There are many live streams on YouTube like this one. Use the YouTube Search and the words “Iceland Live”

    Here are the quakes.


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      CO2 Lover

      “Controlling the Climate” might be falling out of fashion – not that high as “Cost of Living” in opinion polls – perhaps “Controlling Volcanoes” might be the next fear mongering to be put to political advantage as a distraction from “Cost of Living”.

      The Newer Volcanic Province is a series of 400 volcanoes along a more than 2000km stretch of the south-east coast of Australia. They are dormant and haven’t erupted for about 5000 years, with the most recent activity coming from Mount Schank and Mount Gambier.

      However, these volcanoes aren’t thought of as extinct just yet, and there’s a chance they could become active again. In fact, some people consider these to be examples of active volcanoes in Australia, because of the relatively short amount of time since they were last awakened.


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        Greg in NZ

        White Island / Whakaari started burping & belching on Tuesday (it was raised to Level 2 warning) and just like that, yesterday our weather turned to splat: 120 kmh gales, lightning & thunder & hail (no frogs), trees down, roofs off, plunging temps (we dropped 5 degrees at midday) then SNOW closed the Desert Road in the centre of the North Island. Coincidence or Consensus?

        Not far off the NSW coast is a line of volcanic seamounts, two of which break the surface: Lord Howe & Norfolk islands. Extinct or dormant? Climbed the Glasshouse Mountains in QLD a few times in the 1980s (Beerwah? The Big Mama?) before they, too, were closed to the wrong mob. Victoriastan’s Mount Macedon (north of MELB) is also an old volcanic plug. Sleeping giants?

        Here Be Monsters (of the fiery deep).


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          Here Be Monsters (of the fiery deep).

          Not to overlook Mt Eden and Mt Albert which would take out a very big chunk of Auckland. As far as White Island goes word was the day it stops smoking is the day you run for your life. It is (by many) considered the pressure valve for the north island and looking at what Iceland is getting (northern hemi) might be time (southern hemi book end) for a bit of escape planning and food stocking by all in the land of the wrong white crowd. Be safe. Cheers


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    CO2 Lover

    The Climate Gods have not been Appeased – More self-flagellation will now be Mandated.

    The last few days have seen another so-called wind energy “drought” – the second in as many months. Autumn is “traditionally” the season with lowest wind outputs, but the lull this year has pushed the combined output of renewables below its level of last year.

    The graph above from ITK Services principal David Leitch, a contributor to Renew Economy and co-host of Renew Economy’s popular and weekly Energy Insiders podcast, shows that the share of variable renewable energy (VRE, or solar and wind), has fallen below last year’s levels.

    Another data provider, OpenNEM, puts the share of wind over the last three days at just 4.1 per cent, and five per cent for the past seven days, compared to more than 13 per cent for the past year.


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      CO2 Lover

      To solve this problem the answer seems to be to destroy even more Queenland Rainforest with over building with Chinese make wind turbines to supply wind power to NSW and Victoria in Autumn!

      Even in South Australia, which leads the country – and the world – with an average share of 75 per cent wind and solar in the past year, the share of wind energy fell from its year average of 43 per cent to 9.9 per cent in the last seven days.

      In Victoria, the share of wind energy fell from a year average of 22.5 per cent to just three per cent in the last three days. In NSW the year long average of 7.5 per cent comped to just 1.8 per cent wind energy in the last three days.

      Only Queensland seemed to be doing ok, with an average of 4.6 per cent in the last three days compared to its year average of 4.6 per cent.

      That’s interesting for grid planners because while Queensland has little wind capacity so far, it has a lot under construction and this supports the assumption that Queensland wind will be strong in autumn and winter while wind conditions elsewhere might be lower.

      One hopes that NSW and Victoria can help out Queensland when a well placed cyclone destroys a large number of these Chinese wind turbines placed for maximum exposure to the wind!


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    I completely refute the assertion that climate change causes high altitude wind turbulence, enough to severely affect passenger airliners. The most likely cause is the high number of wind turbines that are now operating around the globe.


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    Richard C (NZ)

    Exposing the deceit and hypocrisy of the Skeptical Science “Escalator” as referenced by Simon:

    Simon May 28, 2024 at 11:29 am

    Like every other global climate time series, [ERA5 2m-T Monthly Anomaly series] shows a trend of increasing atmospheric temperatures.

    Cherry-picking regional and temporal subsets while ignoring the trend is just doing this:

    The SkS “Escalator” uses the Berkeley Earth dataset and begins 1968. The first step is 9 years 1968 – 1977.

    This is their first and second act of deception and hypocrisy. Why? 1) they have “cherry picked” a “temporal subset” to begin; and 2) they have “ignored the trend” of which that subset is only a small part of. This is misrepresentation of data in legal terms.

    1977 is an inflexion (an abrupt trajectory change) in the multidecadal Berkeley data. 3) Extending the series back to 1940 and then to 1902 reveals that the data is much less “Escalator”, more roller coaster. So omission, in legal terms, is their third act of deception and hypocrisy (Strike 3).

    We can easily extend the series for linear analysis using NOAA’s powerful WRIT:

    Web-based Reanalysis Intercomparison Tool – WRIT

    First a near 4 decade “temporal subset” (SkS’ entire subset was only 5 decades):

    Defaults except:
    Dataset 1: Berkeley (same dataset as the “Escalator”)
    D1 Variable: 2m Air Temperature
    Start Year: 1940 End Year: 1977
    Variable Statistic: Anomaly (same as the “Escalator”)
    Create Plot (might take a several seconds)

    The graph result should be: Monthly Anomaly Berkeley Earth 2m Air Temperature. Scroll down to the Time-series Statistics table:

    Slope: -0.00619 C/year, or -0.062 C/decade or -0.62 C/century

    Wow! A 38 year “temporal subset” with a cooling trend contrary to Simon’s “increasing atmospheric temperatures” and contrary to the short “Escalator” steps, how can that be? Was it just an oversight by SkS in their quest to create a wizzo gif or was there intent to deceive and misrepresent data? Either way they duped the credulous Simon (but was he really duped…?).

    Now extend back for another nearly 4 decade subset:

    Start Year: 1902 End Year: 1939 (inflexion at 1902)

    Slope: +1.4 C/century for 38 years.

    Extending from 1978 to 1999:

    Slope: +2.44/century (SkS chops this subset into 3 steps ???).

    From 1902 38 years +1.4/century => 38 years -0.62/century => 22 years +2.44/century to 1999.

    Another inflexion around 2002 then “The Pause” (only +0.08/decade), which is about the only aspect SkS got right. So we actually have a Roller Coaster – the “Escalator” analogy is bunk.

    And that multidecadal -0.062 C/decade cooling conforms to the ERA5 2m-T Monthly Mean series i.e Simon’s first statement is false.


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      Richard C (NZ)

      >Start Year: 1940 End Year: 1977
      >Slope: … -0.62 C/century

      Lets put this in the context of the IPCC’s human attribution:

      Chapter 3: Human Influence on the Climate System [AR6]

      3.3 Human Influence on the Atmosphere and Surface
      3.3.1 Temperature Surface Temperature

      The AR5 assessed that it was extremely likely that human activities had caused more than half of the observed increase in global mean surface temperature from 1951 to 2010, and virtually certain that internal variability alone could not account for the observed global warming since 1951 (Bindoff et al., 2013)

      Except from 1951 to 1977 there was no “observed increase in global mean surface temperature” in either the Berkeley Earth Anomaly dataset or the ERA5 2m-T Monthly Mean series as previous.

      There was actually observed decrease for those 27 years 1951 to 1977.


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        Richard C (NZ)

        Which is the worst case of deceit here:

        1) Simon deferring to a dodgy gif ?

        2) John Cook’s Skeptical Science ?

        3) The entire UN IPCC ?


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      Robert Swan

      Richard C (NZ),

      This is their first and second act of deception and hypocrisy.

      First and second? Needs a re-count. SKS is a propaganda site and more or less everything there is intended to deceive.

      Much the same can be said of Simon: he’s here to derail and distract. Rather than try to argue science with him, point him at a dose of nicely presented facts, say from Tony Heller’s site. An apt one for this “escalator” nonsense might be his classic gift to climate alarmists video on cherry-picking.


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        Richard C (NZ)

        Robert >Simon: he’s here to derail and distract

        Yes he’s a troll but I know for a fact he has a vested interest in the “consensus”. He has actually earned a living of it in part.

        This is the third blog where I’ve engaged in “debate” with him. Notice his arguments are superficial and fly-by. Never goes in-depth, as is mostly the case in my experience with proponents of the “consensus”. There are exceptions. I’ve had wins with those who have retained a degree of objectivity and have physics knowledge i.e. their minds are still open to reasoned argument from a sound basis in physics principles.


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        Richard C (NZ)

        Robert >SKS is a propaganda site and more or less everything there is intended to deceive.

        Case in point:

        Hiroshima atomic bombs of heat since 1998

        3,392,722,450 and counting but I prefer SI units of heat in Joules (J). That’s what the heat formula returns – not Hiroshima bombs:

        Q = mCΔT

        Where Q= heat, m = mass of the body, C = specific heat and Δ T = temperature difference


        Our climate is absorbing a lot of heat. When scientists add up all of the heat warming the oceans, land, and atmosphere and melting the ice, they find our climate is accumulating 4 Hiroshima atomic bombs worth of heat every second.

        This warming is due to more heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The burning of fossil fuels means we are emitting billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide every year. This is the main contributor to global warming.

        >”This warming is due to more heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere”

        Major deception and falsity right there.

        The ocean accounts for approx. 90% of accumulated planetary heat since 1950 – about 400 ZetaJoules.

        The IPCC claims all that for their theory but they have no physical evidence for doing so. But without it their theory is stone cold dead.


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          There was more talk about Nordstream being the biggest CO2 emission event, instead of the largest wartime attack on civilian infrastructure…. and now we find ourselves here…


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      Gee Aye

      You know that the escalator is not a hypothesis or a serious analysis of the data.

      It goes like this

      “look the data has been paused for 6 years, no global warming, the hoax is over”
      [so called pause ends because globe warms]
      “look the data has been paused for 7 years, no global warming, explain that you fake scientists”
      [so called pause ends because globe warms]
      “look the data has been paused for 5 years, no global warming, and I’m a Lord”
      [so called pause ends because globe warms]
      “look the data has been paused for 8 years, no global warming, photons have brains”

      The escalator is just satirising these so call pauses. They are, of course, a statistical aberration that you expect in any data set like this ie Global warming is happening with the background of a complex system.

      As Simon wrote, they are cherry picking the data to highlight the consequences of cherry picking the data.


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        Richard C (NZ)

        Gee Aye

        >You know that the escalator is not a hypothesis or a serious analysis of the data.

        It is an exercise in gaslighting, deception, hypocrisy, and data misrepresentation.

        >Skeptics: “look the data has been paused for 6 years, no global warming, the hoax is over” [so called pause ends because globe warms]

        Total BS. Look at my top post. Nothing remotely resembling that.

        >“look the data has been paused for 7 years, no global warming, explain that you fake scientists”[so called pause ends because globe warms]

        Again, total BS. And as in that post, I presented a continuous trend 1978 – 1999 but SkS chopped it into 3 for their strawman gif.

        >“look the data has been paused for 5 years, no global warming, and I’m a Lord” [so called pause ends because globe warms]

        Now you’re really making it up. I challenge you to quote a sceptic saying that.

        >“look the data has been paused for 8 years, no global warming, photons have brains”

        Zero credibility with this one, in fact, getting unhinged.

        >The escalator is just satirising these so call pauses. They are, of course, a statistical aberration that you expect in any data set like this ie Global warming is happening with the background of a complex system.

        The only people “satirising” with “so called pauses” (no skeptic says that) are yourself, Simon, and Skeptical Science. In other words, a completely unscientific strawman position.

        >As Simon wrote, they are cherry picking the data to highlight the consequences of cherry picking the data.

        And in doing so, all they did was display their hypocrisy, deceit, and discard of any sensible statistical analysis.

        However, having said all that, I have to give Simon credit for provoking this dissection; and to SkS for providing a perfect opportunity for sceptics to highlight the vacuity of argument from your ilk.

        But most of all, thank you Simon and Skeptical Science for highlighting, inadvertaently, the IPCC’s scientific malfeasance.

        Cheers guys.


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          Richard C (NZ)

          BTW Gee Aye, “the pause” or “hiatus” caused considerable consternation among CO2-centric climate scientists to the extent that the terms entered the scientific literature. Here’s an example:

          ‘Recent global warming hiatus tied to equatorial Pacific surface cooling’
          Kosaka & Xie (2013)

          Natural variation apparently. There’s a whole bunch of sceptics that could have told them that without the need for the study.

          The beginning of the century was when the oscillatory component of global temperature (actually the oceanic cycle) turned from the top of the positive phase i.e. the steep rise previous (22 years +0.244/decade upthread) was simply the oscillatory rise from neutral to peak.

          That oscillation is about a secular cycle that bottomed out in the Little Ice Age i.e. “the long term trend” begins centuries before (supposed) human attribution.

          And the secular cycle is at a peak this century. All the recent wild fluctuation is simply short term natural variation about the peak of the secular cycle – nothing whatsoever to do with CO2.


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            Richard C (NZ)

            >The beginning of the century was when the oscillatory component of global temperature (actually the oceanic cycle) turned from the top of the positive phase.

            I’m not making that up:

            Application of the Singular Spectrum Analysis Technique to Study the Recent Hiatus on the Global Surface Temperature Record
            Diego Macias, Adolf Stips, Elisa Garcia-Gorriz (2014)

            Figure 1. SSA reconstructed signals from HadCRUT4 global surface temperature anomalies.

            The annual surface temperature (gray line), multidecadal variability (MDV, blue line), secular trend (ST, red line) and reconstructed signal (MDV+ST, black line) are indicated. ST represents 78.8% of the total energy of the series; MDV accounts for 8.8% of the energy and the reconstructed signal for 88%. The dashed thin red lines indicate the range of variability of the ST obtained by applying SSA to the temperature time series obtained for each individual month.

            More next.


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              Richard C (NZ)

              Macias, Stips, and Garcia-Gorriz (2014)


              MDV seems to be the main cause of the different hiatus periods shown by the global surface temperature records. However, and contrary to the two previous events, during the current hiatus period, the ST shows a strong fluctuation on the warming rate, with a large acceleration (0.0085°C year−1 to 0.017°C year−1) during 1992–2001 and a sharp deceleration (0.017°C year−1 to 0.003°C year−1) from 2002 onwards.


              …two basic modes of variability stand out from the rest [1], [2]: a secular trend (ST) with no obvious oscillation cycles [3]–[6], and a multidecadal variability (MDV) resembling natural oscillations such as the Pacific Multidecadal Oscillation (PDO) [7] or the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) [8], [9].

              Results and Discussion

              It [radical ST change] could not be attributable to MDV or any other form of climatic variability (such as solar cycles), as the different contributions are effectively separated by the SSA analysis (Fig. 2).

              What they are missing is that “solar cycles” (11 year) are irrelevant. Attribution of the ST in respect to solar is multi-centennial scale solar cycles.


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          Gee Aye

          Your anger is palpable but I can see you don’t get it. Backing off to save inflicting more verbiage.


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            Richard C (NZ)

            Gee Aye >Your anger is palpable

            There’s no anger on my part I can assure you of that. But a certainly “get it”.

            I’ve taken on the SkS boys in their own threads. I’ve been subjected to vitriol both there and at a now defunct NZ blog that Simon frequented (a Warmy enclave), especially when they were on the back foot.

            The SkS boys were prone to manipulating the comment thread, deleting, reordering, and such like. What they didn’t realize was that saving each comment URL enabled me to reconstruct the original comment thread from the blogs comment database.

            Such is the underhanded tactics the SkS boys would employ when discussion was not going their way. They fouled their own nest when some other enterprizing guys found a way through the blog security which gave them an internal look around.

            Among other things they found photos of the SkS boys in dress-up sessions. They had a predilection for Nazi uniforms, not sure why.

            So no, no anger. Fascination yes, anger no.


    • #
      Honk R Smith

      Once long when I was young and naive in my late 50s, a default Southern Democrat, I was hate listening to Rush Limbaugh.
      He declares, “there has been no Global Warming for 17 years!”.

      I says to myself, after switching back to NPR, ‘that has to be an outright lie’.
      And thus my journey began.

      Turns out the journey, though consequential, was relatively short.

      Why, you are probably not asking?

      Because, one of my the first encounters on my road to Damas … I mean Davos, was SKS.
      For me, it was almost immediately observable that somebody was FOS and it wasn’t about ‘science’.


  • #
    Honk R Smith

    Besides your leadership in clean cheap energy, and eliminating cash and misinformation, it appears Oz will lead the way in changing men.

    When members of certain groups behave badly, it is simply certain individuals, not the group.
    With men, it is because they are men.

    At least it’s ‘secretary’ for men’s behavior change.
    I have personally observed that women behave correctly at all times and that a chairman of women’s behavior change would be unnecessary.

    I would also observe as an American, the presence of women in the US Congress has without question, improved the reputation of that august deliberative body.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Thanks Honk.

      I hadn’t heard of that.

      I thought it was a joke but it isn’t.

      Here is the Official statement from the Premier itself.

      The appointee looks like a beta male but I would never assume someone’s gender.

      Also, if the Left can’t tell us what a woman is, how can they tell us what a man is, presumably a non-woman?


      • #
        David Maddison

        The appointee looks like a beta male but I would never assume someone’s gender.


      • #
        CO2 Lover

        Dan Andrews in drag should have appointed Uniparty member John Pesutto as Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behaviour Change – he sacked Moira Deeming for standing up for Women’s right under attack from the evil LGBT ++++ community

        The defamation legal battle between exiled Liberal MP Moira Deeming and Victoria Opposition Leader John Pesutto has sparked a debate over transparency regarding gifts to politicians. Several former premiers have contributed to Pesutto’s defense, highlighting the loosely regulated system that allows Victorian MPs to receive gifts under $600 without public disclosure. This system, juxtaposed against Victoria’s strict political donation caps, raises concerns about potential undue influence. The Centre for Public Integrity, Australia’s leading anti-corruption think tank, along with other integrity experts, calls for reforms to ensure transparency, including more detailed and frequent disclosures of gifts, even those under the $600 threshold.


        • #

          Erasing Masculinity: Program to Fix Men Launched in Victoria AU

          “In what seems like a parody, Victoria in Australia has launched a government program to reform male behavior, replete with an effeminate LGBT-friendly leader. Notice the lack of programs to ‘fix’ the behavior of other demographics. Men are the enemy of the modern anti-culture.”


          • #
            John Connor II

            Men are the enemy of the modern anti-culture

            Not men as a whole, just the strong, masculine alpha male leaders, to be replaced by “meek & weaks”, so as to reduce reproduction and rebellion potential even further…


          • #
            another ian

            This seems to fit about here (IMO) –

            “Disincentives And IQ”

            “You won’t like this and I don’t care.

            You’re going to die if you don’t take this to heart, or even worse your kids will die.

            What am I talking about?

            Quite simply its this: You need about a 115 IQ to build and maintain modern civilization.”

            More at



            • #


              ” you don’t have to have an IQ > 80 to be elected, as we’ve all seen. A pair of perky tits and leftist talking points are good enough.”

              Describes the Teals perfectly!

              The advanced world was built mainly by white men with an IQ over 113, sure… but sadly they didn’t worry about the Govt payouts for everyone with an IQ under 100 to have kids! We’ve done everything we can to breed intelligence out of Western society, and over the last 70years it has certainly worked!

              “Oh, and why is it that despite putting men on the Moon several times back when the best computer (which was hand-built for the mission) had less capacity than the timer in your microwave oven today, and every calculation required to build same was done with a piece of paper and a slide rule we are utterly incapable of doing the same thing today at all and NASA’s Artemis is, from all that can be determined, a bad engineering JOKE that has done nothing but suck up money and thus far repeatedly fail.” Next try to Boeing’s Starliner is Sunday for us, Saturday 12:25 p.m. EDT (1625 UTC) in the USA.

              In the real world, Mr Musk’s next big event is our Thursday, America’s June 5th (8 a.m. EDT, 1200 UTC) for the 4th Starship flight.


      • #
        Steve of Cornubia

        More feminist poison. Disgraceful.

        Data shows that most domestic violence is perpetrated by women, on children. Will we see this woman’s government do something about that? Obviously not and she probably won’t even acknowledge that fact.


      • #

        “continuing the Allan Labor Government’s priority to make Victoria a safer place for women and children and work to end the tragedy of deaths of Victorian women at the hands of men.”

        Is this from Vic Police beating protesters to death?


    • #
      David Maddison

      That Congressional video clip is hilarious.


    • #

      John Cadogan did a recent vid on the domestic violence crisis, pointing to the latest Justice Dept stats, showing a 75% decease in female homicide since 1990. More distraction.


    • #

      I think this Secretary is going to need a detailed report whenever a Victorian male is observed belching, farting, picking his nose, dropping litter, not stopping to pick up litter that is on the ground, pulling a funny face, not using apostrophes correctly – data driven insights and all that.


    • #

      Thing is, much like ‘financial literacy education’ this will spawn decades of academic research (a whole new academic industry) into the impact of ‘men’s behaviour’ education: To quote some of the BS: “First, financial literacy and time preferences (i.e., individual-level discount factors) appear positively correlated in many empirical inquiries. On average, individuals with more patience appear to be more financially literate …. One mechanism may be that patient individuals are more likely to acquire financial information, for example, by participating in voluntary financial education programs ….” – must say, those that are jumping on this gravy train are financially literate in the short-term!

      Opportunity Cost is painful to consider….


  • #

    Konstantin Kisin wonders if our civilization is doomed — ~13m speech interspersed with much quality humour.

    And here’s his earlier one on wokeness — 7m speech that’s worth watching again … and again, and again …


  • #

    Did this get picked up yesterday?
    If it did I missed it.

    The Ideological Capture of Academia: Scientific Censorship Motivated by Prosocial Concerns

    Most modern academics are politically left-leaning, and so certain right-leaning perspectives are likely targets for censorship.



  • #

    Did this get picked up yesterday?
    If it did, apologies I missed it.

    The Ideological Capture of Academia: Scientific Censorship Motivated by Prosocial Concerns

    Most modern academics are politically left-leaning, and so certain right-leaning perspectives are likely targets for censorship.



  • #
    David Maddison

    One of the symptoms of communism is not feeling your possessions such as home, bank account and investments are safe from excessive government taxes or confiscation. I feel like that now in Australia, especially in the state of Sicktoria.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      Another sympton of communism is where the government decides what is to be produced instead of consumers voting with their wallets (ie a Command Economy vs a Demand Economy).


  • #
    David Maddison

    Video: Fighting age make invaders walk along a highway in Spain.

    Europe needs another Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, Charles Martel, Holger Danske, Charlemagne and Vlad Dracula to drive out the current invaders.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      Again more evidence that the wrong side won WWW2


    • #

      It’s a tricky one. My first thought was that I’m not sure it shows what it suggests. But Europe is being flooded with migrants. The source has a reputation, or is it being blackened for showing the truth. Who knows?

      “Who is behind the Italian propaganda platform publishing misleading anti-migrant videos?
      Radio Genoa reaches an audience of millions with disturbing videos. Its operators claim Europe is on the brink of collapse, and that right-wing populist political parties are the answer. Research indicates a pro-Russia disinformation network may be responsible.”


      • #
        David Maddison

        I have seen numerous of that type of video over many, many years from may disparate sources.

        They always show fighting age males entering Europe and no women or children.

        They can’t all be “Russian Disinformation”.

        And in any case, Europe’s open door policy on illegal immigration is obviously unsustainable.

        When will it end? When the entire Arab and Third World has moved to Europe, unable to work due to lack of education and unable to assimilate because Western Civilisation is utterly alien to them?


        • #
          Steve of Cornubia

          Based on what my own eyeballs tell me when I visit Europe (particularly Italy), the vast majority of illegal immigrants are indeed men, though of course most of those immigrants come from cultures that keep their women locked away in the house, so it’s hard to say.


        • #

          There’s a lot of guys walking, many apparently jogging/hiking, you can’t verify for sure where it is or what they’re doing or what the event circumstances are.

          I thought we were supposed to be honest with ourselves, constantly curious, skeptical.

          Or is that only when it suits you?


    • #

      That is a lot of young men …..and they aren’t walking the Camino. It certainly seems that the promised re-invasion of Spain by the [snip] has been started in earnest.

      [Gerry, we must not offend anyone (Section 18C). Some words will get stuck in the filter. Sigh. – Jo]


      • #
        John Connor II

        Anyone seen the popular Yogi bear and Boo Boo meme?
        Boo Boo: “is it them again, Yogi?”
        Yogi: “it’s always them, Boo Boo”

        More than sufficiently vague for 18c compliance, but we all know the realities. 😎


        • #
          Steve of Cornubia

          Meanwhile, the Biden administration recently declared that the biggest domestic threat America faces is right wing terrorism. it’s apparently OK to say that. It’s also OK to use the phrase ‘white supremacists’.

          This shows that free speech, even if it offends, is still allowed. Or maybe something else.


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    Panamanian tribe to be relocated from coastal island due to climate change: “There’s no other option”

    For hundreds of years, the ocean has protected the Guna Yala culture on Cardi Sugdub, or Crab Island, located off the coast of Panama.
    On the island, every square inch is occupied by about a thousand members of the Guna Yala tribe. There are no cars or motorcycles, people dress in traditional attire, and residents still speak their native tongue. Generations ago, members of the tribe settled on the island to escape aggression from Spanish colonizers and the Panamanian government.

    In Germnan radio I heard today, the relocation happened these days.


  • #

    My local council tax rocketed again this year, they’ve still got £1M to waste on a 4 week trial burning bodies with hydrogen.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      The Human Body is 18% carbon which will produced CO2 even when burnt with hydrogen.

      Sky burial is cheaper and CO2 emission free

      Sky burial is simply the disposal of a corpse to be devoured by vultures. In Tibetan Buddhism, sky burial is believed to represent their wishes to go to heaven. It is the most widespread way for commoners to deal with the dead in Tibet.


      • #
        Greg in NZ

        Instead of ‘elites’ or ‘pond scum’ or traitors, I’ll now use the word ‘vultures’. Thanks CO2.


  • #
    David Maddison

    I haven’t used this not do I know much about it.

    The App says it’s legal and allows you to circumvent paywalled material by retrieving cached copies of content from Goolag and elsewhere.


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    The Biggest Gravy Train in Australia

    A wife-beating Sudanese thug told officials he could play the didgeridoo and was Aboriginal now – and that was enough to let him stay in Australia

    We have a government soy latte drinking beta males where Senator Wong wears the pants.


    • #
      David Maddison

      So an illegal Sudanese wife-beating immigrant can claim to be Aboriginal and stay in Australia.

      How can legal citizens and taxpayers get to be Aboriginal and harvest the many benefits of being Aboriginal?


      • #

        How can legal citizens and taxpayers get to be Aboriginal and harvest the many benefits of being Aboriginal?

        Just claim Aboriginal heritage…
        …no one is allowed to refute such claims it appears !


  • #
    Richard C (NZ)

    New study: Infrastructure needed to support a ‘zero emissions’ electric trucking fleet comes with a $1 trillion price tag

    Biden’s going to need another Inflation Reduction Act.


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    • #
      CO2 Lover

      Looking forward to the next Battle of Kursk

      Those solar powered Australian BushMasters should be easy targets at night with night vision binoculars.


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    Ben Shapiro

    What genius thought this up?

    “Hey, guys, our 81-year-old, rambling, half-senile president is unpopular. Let’s get an 80-year-old, rambling, half-senile actor out here to attack the other guy.”


  • #

    Andrew Forrest’s big plans in Morocco could be complicated by his public relationship with the country’s Energy Minister, who also sits on the board of Fortescue’s joint venture company in the North African country. Moroccan Energy Minister Leila Benali on Tuesday refused to comment on photographs of her allegedly sharing an intimate moment with the Fortescue chairman. In her first comment on the matter since The Australian revealed her identity, Ms Benali refused to shed any light on a photograph of her allegedly sharing an intimate moment with Andrew Forrest in France last week. In footage posted to a local news website, Ms Benali was asked by a Moroccan journalist whether she had a personal relationship with Mr Forrest and if there were any business relationships between them.

    Ol’ Twiggy is so desperate to setup his rent-seeking schemes anywhere in the world that he’s now seducing foreign Energy Ministers! Times are tough for our favourite climate hero.

    Warning: only view the images of Twiggy “smooching” the mystery woman on an empty stomach as it is very much vomit-inducing.


    • #
      Steve of Cornubia

      I’m sure lefties would say the end justifies the means, because Twiggy is going to stop Global Boiling and Lethal Humidity.


  • #
    YYY Guy

    What’s the big riser on the ASX today? Tryptamine Therapeutics Limited, up 136%.
    What do they do?

    Precision Psychedelic Therapy

    Yay, a LSD and magic mushrooms led economic recovery.


  • #
    YYY Guy

    And there was me thinking libraries sought to educate and such

    An accidental admission

    Following the links it turns out Dr Lynn is a doctor like Jill Biden is a doctor –

    University of Tasmania Bachelor of Art (Hons) Japanese

    Hobart is the gayest city I’ve ever been in.


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    A Man with Few if Any Redeeming Qualities

    Forgive me, for this is an unashamed polemic. Gratuitous and nasty. Right, that’s the hook done and dusted. Now, let’s get on with it.

    One tends to be instinctively antipathetic to political opponents, even allowing that you might agree with some of their policies. It’s a visceral, not an intellectual, reaction. You will probably notice how it can even extend to physical appearance — or is it my imagination that his smile is a weird rictus?

    It’s not universal. Gough Whitlam, until recently our worst prime minister, was a hard man to dislike. All (or most of) his disasters were made with good intentions. Disliking Paul Keating, on the other hand, was a doddle, and continues to be so.

    Albanese, however, is in a different league.

    The Office of Prime Minister has seriously exposed this hollow man.

    As he continues to pile lie upon equivocation upon blame-shifting upon bluster, I have found it easier and easier to dislike him. With his recent moral vacuity on Israel and the ICC, he has now achieved the ultimate nadir. He is contemptible.

    Some might quibble with my choice of words and opt, instead, for detestable. But they are not the same. I will explain the difference later.

    My contempt for him is not visceral.

    It is an intellectual response to the contempt in which he, clearly, holds the Australian people, me included.

    His contempt is manifested in the pathetic and laughable defensive response he proffers to any hard question. People dislike being taken for fools.

    Here are some examples, first from the last election season.

    This is a Prime Minister whose only discernible vision for Australia, apart from platitudes and ‘fighting Tories’, was the Voice. From Hansard 31 Jul 2023:


  • #

    We’re Not Mining Enough Copper to Meet Upcoming EV Projections: Report

    Researchers from Cornell University and the University of Michigan say that going all EV by 2035 is unrealistic.

    Penning a report called Copper Mining and Vehicle Electrification – 26 Page PDF, Professors Lawrence M. Cathles and Adam C. Simon claim that a key mineral in EV production, copper, isn’t being mined at a strong enough rate to support long-term EV sales goals.

    Cobalt, graphite, lithium, manganese, and nickel are all essential to electrification in their own ways, but copper fulfills a particularly important responsibility in the production of EVs. Found in everything from the electric motors, batteries, inverters, and the wiring of an electric car as well as in the charging stations themselves, copper is attractive for electrification due to its ability to conduct heat, resist corrosion, and relatively low cost of production.

    The Copper Development Association says that each electric vehicle can have up to a mile of copper inside of it. Similarly, the report notes that the manufacturing process of an EV uses around 132 pounds of copper, as compared to 52 pounds of copper used to produce an equivalent gasoline-powered vehicle.

    “Copper is the mineral most fundamental to the human future because it is essential to electricity generation, distribution, and storage,” the report reads. “Copper availability and demand determine the rate of electrification, which is the foundation of current climate policy.”


    • #

      Ultimately, the pair states that federal, state, and automaker plans should be altered to fit a more realistic material availability going forward.

      Instead of aiming for 100 percent EV manufacturing and sales by 2035, a shift toward manufacturing 100 percent hybrid electric vehicles by 2035 would be prudent, if only for the sheer amount of copper needed for a battery electric model.

      “Hybrid electric vehicles could have almost as large an impact on reducing CO2 emissions and city pollution, and the likelihood of the copper required for their manufacture being available is much greater,” the report reads. ” This is not a perfect solution, but it is a much more resource-realistic one.”

      Vindicating Toyota Chairman – Mar 3, 2024

      Total EV Adoption Is Not The Way Forward, Says Toyota Chairman

      Akio Toyoda, the man who led Toyota as its CEO for 13 years, and now holds the chairman spot, believes that battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are not the final answer. No matter what the auto industry undertakes to promote growth, Toyoda says the electric car segment will only ever account for a maximum of 30% of the market.

      As per his statements, Toyota intends to adopt a multi-pronged strategy to reduce emissions, utilizing battery-electric vehicles (BEV) in addition to automobiles with internal combustion engine, hybrid, or hydrogen drivetrains. According to Toyoda, these other models would eventually make up 70% of the market. He did, however, forecast that sales of fully electric vehicles would remain at 30% “no matter how much progress BEVs make.”

      Toyoda also stated during his media conference that “Japan is the only developed country to reduce CO2 emissions by 23%,” a success rate that is largely attributable to the nation’s growing reliance on hybrid vehicles.


      • #

        Toyota explain the EV dilemma this way: 1-6-90. That is: the materials in 1 EV could make 6 hybrids or 90 ICE vehicles.


  • #
    Gee Aye

    Everyone’s favourite volcanic erruption

    Unfortunately behind a subscription wall and is not on scihub yet, though you can read about it on your favourite news site


  • #
    John Connor II

    The internet is disappearing

    Almost 40% of webpages from 2013 no longer exist a decade on, research finds.

    The internet is disappearing, a new study has suggested, as web pages and online content is lost.

    The web is often thought of as a place where content lasts forever. But vast swathes of its are being lost as pages are deleted or moved, according to new research.

    Of the webpages that existed in 2013, for instance, 38 per cent are now lost. Even newer pages are disappearing: 8 per cent of pages that existed in 2023 are no longer available.

    Those pages tend to disappear when they are deleted or moved. That happens on otherwise functional websites, the study from the Pew Research Center indicated, rather than happening when whole websites disappear.

    The effect means that vast amounts of news and important reference content are disappearing. Some 23 per cent of news pages include at least one broken link, and 21 per cent of government websites, it said – and 54 per cent of Wikipedia pages include a link in their references that no longer exists.

    Much the same effect is happening on social media. A fifth of tweets disappear from the site within months of being posted.

    Oh, but I have loads of interesting stuff now scrubbed from the web. I just need another lifetime to organise and catalog everything. 😉

    C’mon Jo – time to backup this blog and rip to pdf’s for your readers. Might be the only evidence it ever existed in 10 years time.


    • #
      Gee Aye

      Like you I enjoy shopping by clicking a link for an item on sale that I searched for, and find it was on sale in 2018 and the shop no longer exists. Oh yeah, that doesn’t happen.

      btw ” 38 per cent are now lost” is not a true statement. They are not connected to the web but they are almost all recorded and can be viewed via the internet archive. The web would grind to a halt if pages didn’t change, move or get deleted.


      • #
        John Connor II

        You’re right GA, it’s worse than that.

        Then there is the issue of it now “fact checking” information, the “public” only aspects which don’t see deep data (quite rightly too, but…), private databases, site owner non-index requests, “sensitive” content exclusions, country blocks like China, inadvertent malware storage, copyright and “security” issues, personal data, paywalled data…you get the idea hopefully.

        The 38% figure is from Pew Research, but if you have overriding data, feel free to present it. 😎


        • #
          Gee Aye

          What is your fear? That someone will directly intervene to delete (for example) this web site?

          Using a common example of someone not paying the web host or domain name or server storage provider, should those businesses just suck up the expense because to prevent a piece of the web from being lost forever?

          At least your reply fesses up to the complexity unlike your initial gloom and doom simplification.


          • #
            John Connor II

            I have no “fear”. 😆
            As per usual, you completely miss the key point in your attempt to maintain your cognitive dissonance.


    • #

      But a lot of published research is never even read anyway… – 31% of World Bank policy reports on their site are never downloaded. Of course, those that wrote the reports or were recipient countries of the advice probably already have a copy by the time it appears on the web, but still …. when you hear about the AI paper factories, gotta wonder?


  • #
    John Connor II

    Coca-Cola insider spills disturbing secrets surrounding their rigged ‘scheme’ with Big Pharma

    Fox News host Jesse Watters is shining a spotlight on this issue by featuring a former Coca-Cola employee who’s spilling the beans on exactly how Big Pharma and Big Food manipulate the system to benefit themselves—and, as usual, leave the rest of us in the lurch.

    Calley Means blows the lid off how Big Food and Big Pharma have manipulated our health for profit. Mr. Means details how these industries have paid off medical groups to silence the dangerous truth about our food, directly contributing to a national health crisis where the majority of Americans suffer from totally preventable diseases.

    In other words, the people who are supposed to keep us nourished and safe are killing us.

    Coke has funneled millions of dollars, and the American Academy of Diabetes, the American Academy of Pediatrics, who said the American Nutrition Association, they’ve accepted millions of dollars from Coke.

    What does that buy?

    When we have diabetes water, sugar consumption going up among children 100x in 100 years, we have silence from the American Diabetes Association on sugary drinks when 25% of teenagers now are pre-diabetic. There are also, as you’ve very aptly pointed out, research institutions. And what does that get? What does that 11x more from food than the NIH? What does that get? It gets the doctors on the USDA nutrition guidelines.

    Right now, shamefully, and I believe this is the most shameful, violent policy in America, the USDA, our own government, says that a two-year-old, it’s okay for them to have 10 percent of their diet as added sugar.

    It’s a systematic rigging of the institutions of trust.

    I mean, this is not complicated, and earlier in my career I saw this. You know, unimpressive PR executives sit around conference rooms and ask, how do we rig, how do we gaslight people, you know, in a Rebellion way from not believing what’s right in front of us.

    – 80% of American adults are overweight or obese
    – 50% of adults have pre-diabetes or diabetes

    We are being brought to our knees by preventable metabolic dysfunction.

    Ditch cane sugar and seed oils to start with.
    As I posted ages ago, fat was demonised by the sugar industry 50 years ago, and that basic mistake (making fat the bad guy) has driven nutrition and purchasing choices. And people have just gotten fatter and sicker since.


    • #

      Basically, 80% of ag land feeds 20% of people (consuming over 70% of the world antibiotics for livestock purposes) – with pretty poor quality food in general. The remaining 20% of land feeds 80% of the world’s population. Something ain’t adding up….


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  • #
    John Connor II

    High-Value Man Sparks Outrage: Are American Women Wife Material?

    Way too many modern women are undesirable.
    Trashy overdone makeup, botox bunnies, tatts (tramp stamps), big booties, self-centered and woke.
    Not like they were a few decades ago, when women were women (not men) and guys liked it that way.
    Another nail in the birthrate coffin.


  • #

    The ‘China Observer’ you tube site I have recommended a couple of times, is Falun Gong, so that is why it comes out with the information it does. They do seem to have excellent coverage and sources.


  • #
    MeAgain – reminds me of closer to home: – that would be a 110kg small diameter bomb by my guess – given the time frame, guess it must have been one of SAAB’s new Ground Launched version.


  • #
    another ian

    “Is Corningware Lead Free? (The Surprising Truth)”


  • #
    another ian


    “Saving our Democracy This Memorial Day”

    Kunstler “Trips the heavy sarcastic”*-nation/saving-our-democracy-this-memorial-day/


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