Calling the Greens bluff? EV Sales fall 30% in Germany and Minister threatens to ban cars on weekends

Fremantle Highway Cargo ship fire.

By Jo Nova

Electric cars and carbon target fantasies are hitting the wall

Right when they are meant to be growing by double digits German EV car sales are down an astonishing 30% compared to a year ago. Their market share is actually shrinking. EV’s are not much good at reducing carbon dioxide over their lifetime but they are very useful for pretending to “decarbonise” the transport sector. So this creates a vast hole in the German government’s so-called transition, which has fixed targets for every sector. Problematically, the transport sector just doesn’t seem to run on wind and solar panels, or pumped hydro. It’s hard to decarbonize. Liquid fuel is just too convenient.

It seems the German Transport Minister is threatening to ban weekend driving as an ambit claim to expose the absurdity of the Green’s position. He is warning that if the Greens don’t sign a change in legislation to average emission across all sectors, he will have to take drastic action to meet the transport sector goals, which means banning driving on weekends. (Trap set.)

The Greens responded like any petty tyrants would, saying he shouldn’t aggravate people unnecessarily, because there were other ways to fix the climate, like forcing everyone to drive slower. (Trap sprung.) The Greens stepped right into it:

“This claim is simply wrong,” Green parliamentary group leader Julia Verlinden told the German Press Agency, referring to Wissing’s threat of a weekend driving ban. She added that Wissing should not aggravate people unnecessarily because there are other ways to tackle climate issues, such as a speed limit. — Politico

Naturally, at the next election, policies that make people drive slower to stop storms 80 years from now will sink like a boat full of burning cars.

Volker Wissing (the Transport Minister) is a member of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) which is theoretically a centre right party. Because the German government is a “traffic light coalition” of three different parties, he needs to work with the Greens to get legislation passed, but he doesn’t have to help them win the next election.

As Pierre Gosselin at NoTricksZone points out the German government are not even close to hitting their EV targets:  “The massive sales drop is bad news for the current German socialist-green government, which aims to have 15 million vehicles on the road by 2030. Currently there are just 1.4 million!”

So they’re 13.6 million cars short with only 5 years and 9 months to get there. At the current rate of sales they’re going miss their target by 11 million cars.

Germany Electric Car Sales Plummet 30% As Country Floats Idea Of Weekend Driving Ban!

Drastic slump: Electric car registrations in Germany fall by almost 30 percent

Germany’s ambitions to take a leading role in electromobility suffered a severe setback in the first quarter of this year. A significant drop in sales is emerging. Only 31,384 electric vehicles were newly registered in March, a drastic decrease of 28.9 percent compared to the previous year. The collapse in registrations contrasts with the political goals and underlines the gap between political planning and actual market conditions. The challenge lies in whether political measures are effective enough to counter consumer preferences and market dynamics

Electric car shock: market share falls to 11.9% – end of subsidies exposes Germany’s dilemma

The abolition of the electric bonus at the end of 2023 has revealed another problem. The sector’s dependence on government subsidies became visible. This has further exacerbated the crisis of confidence in the electric car market.

And so we arrive at the ugly point where the planned economy meets the real one:

German minister threatens ‘indefinite driving bans’ on weekends

By Šejla Ahmatović  Politico, [Translated by Google]

The ruling coalition has been fighting over legislation that sets out binding climate targets.

Germany’s transport minister is threatening to ban driving on weekends to meet climate goals if the ruling coalition does not pass reforms to the Climate Protection Act by July.

A reduction in traffic to help meet the climate goals would only be possible through measures that are difficult to communicate to the public, such as “comprehensive and indefinite driving bans on Saturdays and Sundays,” Wissing added.

All Wissing is asking for is to spread the emissions reductions over other sectors:

The planned amendment to the emissions-reduction law allows climate goals to be reviewed for compliance by looking at all sectors together instead of individually. If the overall target is missed two years in a row, then the federal government is to decide in which sector and with which measures the permitted total amount of carbon dioxide emissions is to be achieved by 2030.

If the planned reforms are not passed through parliament by July 15, Wissing warned, the Ministry for Digital and Transport would be obliged to submit an “immediate action program that ensures compliance with the annual emission levels of the transport sector” until 2030 — which would include a driving ban on weekends.

Wissing has already said the government is not looking to put speed limits on highways. He’d probably quite like it if the Greens adopt that policy at the next election.  The Greenpeace mobility expert (as if there is such a thing) is Clara Thompson who said that Wissing was coming up with “horror” scenarios to distract from his own failures. But at least as far as Politico reports it, she didn’t have any suggestions of how to solve electric vehicle nightmares with frozen batteries, slow charging, expensive repairs, car sickness, combustible materials, and holiday hell stories.

h/t John Connor II



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50 comments to Calling the Greens bluff? EV Sales fall 30% in Germany and Minister threatens to ban cars on weekends

  • #

    The OECD countries seem to be behaving in the usual way and seem to be on a steady diet of barking mad lunacy pills.
    Just end this madness quickly by stopping all taxpayer funding for all their fraudulent, idiotic green schemes and start to use fossil fuels again ASAP.
    Then the problem would be fixed and the cost of living would drop and we could become rational thinking Humans again. Problems solved and all gain and no pain.


    • #

      The problem is simply fixed by an edict declaring all fossil fuels no longer emit CO2 to the atmosphere and publishing reports from universities and CSIROs that agree.

      As long as you keep paying the academic parasites, sorry “consultants”, to agree, you will get agreement.

      This can all be paid by the coal, oil & gas royalties, just like it is now.

      The Earth will not notice!

      If Sol arcs up we are all dead anyway.


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    David Maddison

    The Green said:

    that Wissing should not aggravate people unnecessarily because there are other ways to tackle climate issues, such as a speed limit. 

    The Green had its own inconvenience in mind.

    Green/Leftists don’t mind cars for themselves, especially when other people like taxpayers pay for them, they just don’t want non-Elites driving them.

    Look at Australia’s former Melbourne mayor, Sally Capp for example.

    She has a deep hatred of cars (for other people) but was quite partial to taxpayer funded limo rides herself.

    Melbourne Lord Mayor Sally Capp ‘should be ashamed’ for spending more than $30,000 on ratepayer-funded limousine travel

    A former City of Melbourne councillor has slammed Lord Mayor Sally Capp’s ratepayer-funded limousine travel, accusing the mayor of getting caught up in her own importance and saying she “should be ashamed”.

    December 11, 2023

    Melbourne’s Lord Mayor has been accused of getting carried away with her own importance after it was revealed she racked up more than $30,000 in chauffer-driven limousine trips over the past year.

    Documents obtained through freedom of Information laws and published in Monday’s Herald Sun show Lord Mayor Sally Capp spent $31,636 on limousine travel in the 2022-23 financial year – including 53 limousine trips in March alone.

    This ratepayer-funded travel comes on top of the mayor’s annual salary of $253,920.

    If it were not for the double standards of the Left they would have no standards whatsoever.


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    Not everyone loves Electric Vehicles [EVs], although some Governments appear to be keen on them. Many EVs are carried by sea, normally on ‘Pure Car and Truck Carriers’ [PCTCs]– specialised ships designed and built to carry [usually] brand new cars or trucks. Plus ferries.
    There have been incidents involving these ships – including some fires, such as on the ‘Felicity Ace’ – see here – Because that ship sank, no in-depth investigation has been possible.

    More recently, in July 2023, another PCTC – carrying some EVs – caught fire off the Northern Dutch coast. See here
    She was salvaged, although, sadly, one crew member died, apparently in evacuating the ship. – see here – note that some reports had him dying from burns. Towed to Rotterdam, the ship has now been gradually unloaded.

    The Nautical Institute [NI] [spoiler – I am a member] is to hold a Casualty Investigation Workshop on this ship, carrying cars, including some EVs. The speaker is Captain Adrian Scales, CMMar, FNI, and a Director of Brookes Bell – he will give a presentation and that will be followed by a workshop discussion and a Q&A Session.
    Hybrid Presentation begins at 1930 BST [ie 1830z] next Monday, 22nd April 2024.
    The link is
    [Note … it might be [this one has a lowercase ‘L’] – I got this from a hard copy flier!

    Here is the email I received form the organising part of the NI: –
    “I’ve communicated amongst our group and who is hosting and we are keen to spread the message regarding this evolving topic. Teams can host up to 1000 so we are happy to make the presentation available to people beyond our Branch.
    “As I understand things, we are likely to be using Presenter? mode within Teams to achieve the 1000 participants. Accordingly, it may be without interaction with remote participants cameras and microphones. However, we are keen to get to the widest possible audience on the subject therefore we are happy for you to share the link to this Workshop.”

    I pass this on [all bold above is mine] , as this may be of interest to some – many? – of those who read Jo’s excellent blog, and are concerned about EVs – and especially extinguishing fires that involve them.


    [Comment moved from Monday’s thread. – Jo]


  • #

    Of course Aussies are in the SH or the largest NET Co2 SINK on Earth and the CSIRO tells us this on their Cape Grim site that I’ve linked to many times.
    So problem solved AGAIN and we should build only BAS-LOAD energy from today and cancel all TOXIC W & S and save the endless BILLIONS of WASTED $ to start up more industry and REAL JOBS for our fellow AUSSIES.
    What’s not to like ?


    • #

      Sorry bas-load above should be base-load. BTW here’s the CSIRO Cape Grim quote again stating that the SH is a NET co2 SINK and NH is a NET co2 SOURCE.

      “Seasonal variation”
      “Carbon dioxide concentrations show seasonal variations (annual cycles) that vary according to global location and altitude. Several processes contribute to carbon dioxide annual cycles: for example, uptake and release of carbon dioxide by terrestrial plants and the oceans, and the transport of carbon dioxide around the globe from source regions (the Northern Hemisphere is a net source of carbon dioxide, the Southern Hemisphere a net sink)”.


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    Robert Swan

    The Greenpeace mobility expert … Clara Thompson who said that Wissing was coming up with “horror” scenarios

    I guess this is Clara telling the Transport Minister to get off her patch, Greenpeace being the “horror scenario” specialists.


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    So why are we WASTING endless tens of BILLIONS of $ on TOXIC, expensive W & S when we know that the life of these disasters are about 15 to 20 years and yet BASE-LOAD coal, gas or nuclear last for at least 80 years?
    Also wind has a capacity factor of only 30% and solar about 15% in Australia.
    Of course properly maintained BASE-LOAD power plants provide energy 24/7 every day and 365 days every year.


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    Keep up the good work Jo! BOB/Labor still hasn’t got the message! They will continue to fritter our tax $$$ away on their futile trip to carbon neutrality. Sadly I don’t see the Liberals being much different. Sure they vocalise the alternative but, in the end, remain firmly lodged in WEF pockets.


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      Labor resumes decline, marked down on key issues

      The Albanese government has again lost its lead over the Coalition as voters mark it down over its handling of key issues including the economy, immigration and law and order.

      The latest The Australian Financial Review/Freshwater Strategy poll shows Labor once more at level-pegging with the Coalition at 50 per cent on the two-party-preferred vote, while Anthony Albanese’s lead over Peter Dutton in approval ratings and as preferred prime minister has also shrunk.

      Also hollowing out support for the government is its perceived handling of key issues. Since the March poll, the Coalition has stretched its lead as preferred economic manager by 4 points and now leads by 41 per cent to 27 per cent.

      Crime and social order has risen 6 points in a month as an issue of voter concern. With 24 per cent citing it as a top concern, it now lies fifth in the pecking order.

      At the top is cost of living (74 per cent), followed by housing and accommodation (41 per cent), health and social care (27 per cent), and managing the economy (26 per cent).

      It is ahead of the environment and climate change which fell 4 points as an issue of top concern to 19 per cent.

      At the same time, the Coalition stretched its lead by 6 points as the best party to manage crime and social order, and now bests Labor by 40 per cent to 23 per cent in that regard.

      Similarly, immigration, the high levels of which are fuelling anger over the housing shortage, is firmly a Coalition strength, Its lead over Labor has also risen 6 points in a month to 41 per cent to 24 per cent.


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    Honk R Smith

    Ideological zealotry is not mitigated by failure.
    Failure is the motive.

    Ever notice that from Climate to Trump to Pandemic, the trans national elite always revert to the imposition of restrictions and punishments on the unclean public.


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    Tony DIQUE

    as I keep quoting: “the more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers”.


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    As car manufacture is the backbone of the German economy, this is a critical issue. And their top electric cars are very desirable, like the Porsche Taycan which was all sold out. The horror stories are piling up and the buyers are retreating. And the world is watching very closely.

    What is successful is that a 16% hybrid is a great solution to economy, air quality in cities, even performance. The formula 1 cars have been using this for years. And you get to ditch the old enormous lead acid batteries, so not much weight gain. The market is sorting it out.

    However every government has a Green party alliance. And these are a combination of communists and loonies. Keeping them happy has become a priority in Germany, Holland and Australia after the Teals joined to hand power to the left.

    Their concern for the planet though is completely misplaced as tree and crop growth is booming in direct proportion to CO2, utterly destroying the fake science in Carbon Credits. Actual climate changes are very hard to find, but NASA satellites had no trouble finding two more Brazilian rainforests in 26 years between 1988 and 2014. 14% more forest. 14% more CO2. Goodbye carbon farming, windmills, solar panels.

    This one fact should be used by Conservatives to fight back against Green lies, Green laws which are crippling the place and Green authoritarian rule. Governements are there to regulate not absolute dictatorships.

    In Australia I would love parliament to be put on a laws diet. No more laws for 12 months. We do not need more laws. We need to get rid of all the fake Green ones.

    Then perhaps we would be spared the endless ‘reforms’ like the current Great Green Leap Forward by Albanese. All the terrible carbon theft laws should be removed or challenged in the High Court as illegal.

    Our taxation being is spent on Grand Green dreams which make no sense. And I would stop Snowy II immediately. It’s very pointless, further behind than when they started and heading for 10 the purchase price.

    Plus ask who is getting the now well known $42Billion spent every year to get aborigines a better quality of life in central Australia.

    The most unpopular Australian government in a lifetime is completely out of control. Incompetence is only exceeded by arrogance. And Penny Wong is a total disaster, reflecting the extreme anti semitic historic position of the Labor party in Australia and the UK in siding totally with HAMAS.


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    Can any of our delusional blog donkeys tell us what they would do about SOARING co2 emissions from the NON OECD countries?
    And why should OECD countries beggar themselves anymore when we emit less co2 emissions today than we emitted in 1990? See OWI Data since 1990.


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      Emissions are irrelevant. Atmospheric CO2 was always and will always be set by the vast oceans in which 98% of CO2 is dissolved. Humans don’t control CO2. That’s ridiculous.

      However communist governments, Green governments are using this absurd idea of emissions to attack every Western Democratic government.

      Emissions have gone up 3500% in 100 years. CO2 has gone up only 50% in 250 years. There is a problem with scale.
      Only 3% is in the air at any time, in rapid transit into the vast oceans where life started with CO2 and water, carbohydrate.

      Obviously no one cares about the non democratic. They can do what they like. All are military dictatorships anyway, China, Iran, North Korea but also most of Africa, South America. In Europe the Greens are all communists. Australia too.

      I cannot believe our Prime Minister is a Trot and his partner Adam Bandt is a Leninist. How did this happen? These are people who believe in world revolution to install a world communist government. As for former Dear Leader Daniel Andrews, he still takes his orders from Beijing.


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        And the atmosphere is irrelevant. Rain, drought, snow, flood, hurricanes, water itself are from the ocean. All the vast energy is in the sun and oceans. The climate is what the oceans and sun decide, not us. And certainly not tiny CO2.

        It was always a facetious, ridiculous idea cooked up between Al Gore and the UN in 1988. A few men on the moon fifty years ago does not mean humans are significant and in control of the planet. No matter how many men stand on Mt Everest.

        Given the oceans average about 3.8km deep, we do not even qualify as pond scum. Not that it’s a bad life, but Masters of the Universe, no.


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        When I talk to the Chinese, I give the orders.

        At my favourite local Chinese Restaurant.


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        You’re better off saying CO2 atmospheric levels have gone up by a factor of 1 in 10000. If you say 50%, then that sounds a lot to the mathematically challenged- which is most of the population and an even higher percentage of politicians. It’s gone from 0.03 % ( 0.0003) to 0.04% ( 0.0004). Basically, it’s gone from a little bit above zero to a tinsy winsy bit more above zero. Tinsy winsy is the sort of language the Greens and Teal politicians understand.


    • #

      Can any of our delusional blog donkeys tell us what they would do about SOARING co2 emissions from the NON OECD countries?

      Nothing whatsoever. More CO2 is a good thing for the planet. In the extraordinarily unlikely case that it actually increased the Earth’s temperature, that’s also a good thing. I’ve lived in America (Illinois, where it’s so cold that snow stays on the ground for months) and Australia. I can assure you that warm is better. Much better.


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    Suggestions for solutions? What a ridiculous notion. I doubt that most of these people even understand the differences between an IC and an electric car.


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    You’ve only got to look at China’s response to AGW and the West’s funk maligning of CO₂ to realize that China are the realists. Whilst the West goes insane with their delusional lock-step energy policies with renewables and now EV motoring madness, China grows its economy by supplying renewable energy materiel like solar, wind and EV batteries to the West. Readers will notice my use of the word materiel. It’s deliberate because, in a sense it’s about the hardware of war or materiel. China and the West are in an asymmetrical war where they sell us the weapons we use to destroy our economy while they grow their economy on the back of our self-induced downfall.


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      A recent CNN report indicated that China and other nuclear nations are rushing to try and become world market leader for supply of SMRs and SMR based generator plants as wind and solar hybrid demand is in decline.

      Meanwhile ignoring that China is the clear market leader for production and export of solar panels Albanese Labor have pledged a billion dollars for Australian production not close yet to even demolishing a power station standing where the solar production factory is indicated might be located.


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    John H of Nirimba

    I still can’t get over the fact that electric cars weren’t banned everywhere after the Luton Airport fire.


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    The Germans haven’t yet worked out that Central Planning caused more economic destruction to the Soviets than what they did over the entire war.


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      John PAK

      Reminds me of the Israeli hospital death rate falling when their doctors went on strike. Maybe not a fair comparison but generally we’re all our own worst enemy.


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    Dave in the States

    If the planned reforms are not passed through parliament by July 15, Wissing warned, the Ministry for Digital and Transport would be obliged to submit an “immediate action program that ensures compliance with the annual emission levels of the transport sector” until 2030 — which would include a driving ban on weekends.

    So just like the DDR. If the representatives of the volk don’t do what the bureaucrats want, the bureaucrats will do it anyway.


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      It’s no different in Canberra, Washington, Whitehall, Brussells. The politicians only think they run the place. Sir Humphrey Applebee knew better. I doubt any politicians actually read or understood the laws they passed. The 2023 Safeguard Mechanism is absolutely appalling, the destruction of all manufacturing, transport, metals, concrete, glass industries. But we are going to be making solar panels in our Great Green Leap Forward? And I thought dill was a spice.

      Most Australian politicians still do not think we pay massive Carbon Taxes already. They are always talking about putting price on carbon. Except we have some of the most appalling carbon ripoff laws in the world. We pay for the windmills and we don’t get the income.


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    Dave in the States

    And why do people continue to think that ICE cars are problem? Even if they were a problem, which they are not, it’s a fraction of a fraction. Transportation is only about 15% of so called emissions, and cars are only a small fraction of that.


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      More importantly, humans contribute less than 5% of the CO2 that goes into the atmosphere each year. Germany only contributes less than 2% of human emissions (Our World in Data). So we’re looking at 15% of 2% of 5%, which is 0%. So how much does German vehicle emissions contribute to global warming? That’s right, 0.


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      As Bjorn Lomborg has pointed out, even if all vehicles were EV, the temperature increase by 2100 due to EV use would only be 0.0004C (Around the same in F.)
      In other words, NOTHING will be gained by any move towards more EVs.


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    Record-breaking rains triggered so much new growth across Australia that the continent turned into a giant green carbon sink to rival tropical rainforests including the Amazon, our new research shows.

    Published in the international journal Nature, our study found that vegetation worldwide soaked up 4.1 billion tons of carbon in 2011 – the equivalent of more than 40% of emissions from burning fossil fuels that year.

    Unexpectedly, the largest carbon uptake occurred in the semi-arid landscapes of Australia, Southern Africa and South America.

    It set a new record for a land-based carbon sink since high-resolution records began in 1958, in a remarkable example of ecosystems working to stabilise the Earth’s climate.


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    Some more data for our blog donkeys to think about and first here’s global coal production from 1981 to 2022 or the last 41 years. Just look at the massive INCREASE over the last 41 years from Asia.

    Next here’s global primary energy share by source and NOTE W & S only supply 2.13% combined of global energy in 2022. That’s 1.31% from wind and just 0.82% from solar.
    So who BELIEVES in the OECD countries WASTING even more TRILLIONS of $ for decades and all for a guaranteed ZERO return?
    IOW trillions of $ flushed straight down the DRAIN.


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      It’s remote. It’s inaccessible. It’s poor quality. But Beijing is determined to spend big on a Sahara Desert mine to “de-risk” itself from Australian iron ore.
      China Railway Construction Corp Ltd (CRCC) is one of the world’s biggest construction and engineering groups. It’s controlled by the Chinese Communist Party’s State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.

      Now it’s laying 6000 kilometres of new railway line across the North African Algerian desert.

      It’s all about giving the Beijing-owned steel conglomerate Baowu control of the Gâra-Djebilet mine.

      And that’s despite the deposit containing more than eight times the acceptable level of phosphorus – a mineral that weakens any steel the iron ore is used to produce.

      Removing it is an intensely energy-hungry and polluting process. But the Chinese Communist Party-controlled South China Morning Post states these challenges have been “overcome”, making massive investment in the mine and associated infrastructure newly viable.

      “China currently depends largely on Australia and Brazil for its iron ore, the primary raw material for making steel,” an SCMP report published this week reads. “Beijing is hoping supply from the Gâra-Djebilet mine, which has reserves of around 3.5 billion tonnes, will help diversify its sources.”


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    What is really odd about all this banning things, stealing public money, playing games, windmills is that no one actually cares.

    The alleged villain is not emissions at all. It is CO2. Total CO2.

    And any graph of CO2 will show you that the effect of 500,000 giant windmills and tens of millions of electric cars and bans on everything from plastic straws to animals passing wind has had absolutely zero effect on CO2.

    Why is no one discussing the problem? Even if you believe fossil fuel CO2 is really important, it is chemically indistinguishable from any other CO2 (apart from the fact that it is not radioactive).

    So where is our world wide watch on total CO2? Because nothing we do has any effect. It goes up and down with the seasons. We can see that. And it has been growing in an almost straight line for decades even with the explosive growth of China. A world wide lock down of cars, planes, ships, travel had no effect. Volcanoes and bushfires had no effect.

    If anyone really believed CO2 was a problem, we would be measuring the effect of $1,500,000,000,000 a year and more to reduce CO2. Zero. And wondering why politicians bother. Because what they are doing at unimaginable cost has absolutely zero effect on CO2.

    So let’s double it! Twice as many windmills. In a post modern world who cares if twice zero is still zero.


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    If you are really cynical you would see that the EV rollout is just a scam to get you to buy a wind turbine backup battery when the grid blacks out. Similarly, you might have detected that the range and duration of EVs is all priced into the Net Zero scheme – and it’s no coincidence that in some countries ( when will Australia be next? ) the policy focus is on micro or more commonly referred to as “fifteen minute cities”.


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    John PAK

    Given the damage these carbon dioxide political blunders are doing to our society maybe we should adopt their “no cars on the week-end” in exchange for a “no politicians during the week” policy. Often I think that Australia would function better with less Government.
    Leave healthcare to a bunch of semi-retired DOCTORS.
    Leave education to a panel of a dozen experienced teachers.
    Leave power supply in the hands of electrical engineers.
    Let individual States determine what they want for their local environment. I often doubt the wisdom of having that extra layer of bureaucracy in Canberra.
    On the local level, in the Hawkesbury River flood plain near Sydney, we recently had a flood because the bimbos in the Sydney Water Authority couldn’t quite bring themselves to let Warragamba dam out 2 days prior to a huge rain event. (Up here in the Blue Mtn we had 7″). A high school student asked me why they don’t start venting the dam early until the road bridges are almost flooded. Then they could close off the dam when the rain begins and use it as a buffer against damaging flooding.
    Many decision makers are utterly useless. Others are detrimental but not accountable for their incompetences and the damages they cause.


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      John PAK,
      You hit the nail squarely on the head.
      Regardless of one’s views, if in a position of power – taking decisions – you MUST be accountable.
      You get the perks – salary, pension, honours [in the UK, at least!], invites to conferences in agreeable subtropical resorts (with a spouse or friend) – you should take responsibility.
      There has been little to no accountability in UK politics since Carrington resigned over the Falklands, in 1982.
      True, Truss and Kwarteng were hounded from office – but for doing the right thing, if in a poor way.
      In Croydon the Chief Executive who presided over a billion pound deficit [a Borough Council!] got a golden pay off.
      The Post Office – Horizon and allegedly counterfeit stamps – bonuses galore.
      Grenfell Tower – clad in very flammable cladding, and years after the event, I’m not sure if there has even been an apology.
      The child abuse gangs in Rochdale. Apologies – but not one head seen to roll AFAIK.
      I won’t go on.
      You get the picture.

      Is it any different in the US – or Australia – or the Land of the Wrong White Crowd, or South Africa?
      Canada, and the illegal sequestering of truckers’ money? – nada. Not even tumbleweed blowing.

      Where is the responsibility for decisions, for actions?



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    I am also amazed that what we Australians are doing has no performance metrics, no cost/benefit analysis.

    As a nett sink of CO2, the Southern Hemisphere is doing its bit. Australia allegedly produces 2% of the world’s fossil fuel CO2. Which means 98% of fossil fuel CO2 comes from overseas. Shouldn’t we be taxing that?

    How is strangling all industry in Australia going to help anyone? As Pauline Hanson would correctly say, please explain?

    If nothing we have done internationally in the last 36 years has had any demonstrable effect on world CO2, why are we persisting?

    There is no point in nett zero if emissions do not contribute to CO2. And no one has proven they have. And Radio Carbon Dating shows that there is almost no fossil fuel CO2 in the air.

    And there is no point in the Carbon Credits(Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 if growing trees does not reduce CO2, as NASA have proven. In fact they have shown that more tree and more CO2 go precisely up together.

    So why does nothing have to be proven for our governments to punish us? And what about the rest of the world whose CO2 output is accelerating. Total CO2 has not been affected by anything.

    Why are we punishing ourselves more? Hair shirts, donations to the UN, blowing up power stations, building votive and useless windmills and robbing everyone to do so. What is driving this clear madness? Why are politicians the experts? And who gave them the power to crucify their own people for something going on overseas? One thing is certain. It’s not science.


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      And how much cost benefit analysis was done on Malcolm Turnbull’s gift of $444million to his wife’s friends to ‘save’ the Great Barrier Reef. Which did not need saving. In fact they did not even apply.

      And a week later still had no idea what to do with 7 1/2 tons of gold. Except that management of the $444 million would cost $132 Million. That’s about 20 million each for the six people.

      So where’s our money rich Malcolm? What did we get for all our cash? Is there any left?

      Each year we Australians pay $14million on that money. And no one says a thing. Or asks for it back. Obvious a good cause except we Australians have no idea what happened to the loot, the biggest bank robbery in Australian history. Just because you could.


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    […]…By Jo NovaElectric cars and carbon target fantasies are hitting the wallRight when they are meant to be growing by double digits German EV car sales are down an astonishing 30% compared to a year ago. Their market share is actually shrinking. EV’s are not much good at reducing carbon dioxide over their lifetime but they are very useful for pretending to “decarbonise” the transport sector. So this creates a vast hole in the German government’s so-called transition, which has fixed targets for every sector. Problematically, the transport sector just doesn’t seem …


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    John Connor II

    Tesla will lay off more than 10% of its staff – around 15,000 workers – as demand for its EV cars starts to falter amid competition

    CEO Elon Musk sent a company-wide email over the weekend announcing the layoffs, tech publication Electrek reported on Monday.

    Musk, in the internal memo, said the ‘difficult decision’ to reduce staff will ‘enable us to be lean, innovative and hungry for the next growth phase cycle’.

    ‘There is nothing I hate more, but it must be done,’ the billionaire said, as cited in the memo, before thanking ‘everyone who is departing Tesla for their hard work over the years’.

    The mass layoffs, which are rumored to impact as much as 20 per cent of the company’s workforce, come after Tesla over the last few months asked managers to identify critical team members, paused some stock rewards and canceled some employees’ annual reviews, according to the report.

    But is Chinese crapola any good?:


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    Mike Haseler (Scottish Sceptic)

    2024: year of the Sceptic!


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    (…) (huemaurice, what do you mean by CO2 “disappears” at 30.9°C? Where does it go? PS Please don’t YELL at us with capitals. And if your cargo ship numbers are correct, I’d love a link. Thanks. Jo]

    You have butane or propane gas at home. Do you light it under a pan? This gas disappears. He does not exist anymore ! He is burned.
    Carbon dioxide is a COLD gas (responsible for morning frosts in winter) because it is the heaviest gas (1.8 gr/liter. Atmosphere (ambient air) at 1.2 gr./liter. Oxygen at 1. 4 gr./liter).
    It is a gas that DISAPPEARS, which NO LONGER EXISTS at a temperature above 30.9°C (87.62°F)

    It’s science.


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    (…) [Really sorry haumaurice, perhaps it’s a language barrier, but this makes no sense. Obviously CO2 is diluted from “our lumgs” by breathing out to “the atmosphere”. There is nothing special about 30.9C. CO2 gas can exist just fine at 37C, or 100C or 1,000C. – Jo] (…)

    Vous avez chez vous du gaz butane ou propane en cuisine. Sa combustion l’élimine. Il n’y a donc pas de gaz butane ou propane dans notre atmosphère.
    Idem pour le gaz carbonique (gaz froid qui est responsable des gelées blanches) car il pèse 1,8 gr/litre. L’air ambiant est à 1,2 gr/litre et l’oxygène à 1,4 gr/l. et DISPARAÎT à 30,9 °C (87,62 °F) .

    Renseignez-vous auprès de scientifiques.
    Merci Jo.

    Renseignez-vous auprès de scientifiques.
    Merci Jo.

    You have butane or propane gas in your kitchen at home. Its combustion eliminates it. There is therefore no butane or propane gas in our atmosphere.

    The same goes for carbon dioxide (cold gas which is responsible for white frost) because it weighs 1.8 gr/liter. Ambient air is 1.2 gr/liter and oxygen is 1.4 gr/l. and DISAPPEARS at 30.9°C (87.62°F).

    Ask scientists.

    Thanks Jo.


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    (…) À pression atmosphérique, il se sublime à −78,5 °C11 (passage de l’état solide à l’état gazeux), mais ne fond pas (passage de l’état solide à l’état liquide).

    La phase liquide ne peut exister qu’à une pression minimale de 519 kPa (soit 5,12 atm), et dans un intervalle de température allant de −56,6 °C (point triple) à 31,1 °C au maximum à 7,38 MPa (soit 72,8 atm) (point critique).

    At atmospheric pressure, it sublimates at −78.5 °C11 (transition from the solid state to the gaseous state), but does not melt (transition from the solid state to the liquid state).

    The liquid phase can only exist at a minimum pressure of 519 kPa (5.12 atm), and in a temperature range from −56.6 °C (triple point) to 31.1 °C maximum at 7.38 MPa (i.e. 72.8 atm) (critical point).
