A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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This passes for heavy snow in Devon. School shut in Ivybridge, which is strange as surely Children won’t know what snow looks like any more
Off to Austria at the weekend and that is VERY cold and snowy at present. Hopefully when we get back our local weather will have reverted to its usual 8/10degrees C
Such pretty colors…oh no…butterfly effects happening…
Is yellow snow racist?
Is it edible?
Pondering for Christmas that our politicians want eliminated…no matter what *** excuses they are preaching.
Crazy Jojo…the dog faced boy…
Wake me up Springer time please.
Reminds me of snow in Florida. It was a memorable Christmas vacation trip away from Canada. In those days people drove rather than flew.
Aye, and meanwhile at t’other end of the country ( Yes we’re still part of the UK ) the Inner Morayfirth area North of Inverness, has had no snow and little frost despite an eventual yellow warning to such effect, this past few days. Amazing how Full moon & Clear skies can still produce night time temps of +4C!
Mind you ( and it is St Andrew’s Day – not a cheep in our Media this morning/evening ) tonight we are experiencing -1C on dry surfaces, so we can save on Salt: no salt pollution to confuse the migratory fish. Yet the MetOff. says frost – so Salt is POURED onto carparks and roads, only to draw in moisture to produce that awful roadspray……
Might the attitude of the LSM mean Saint Andrew’s Cross?
Yes but that is nothing compared to this – The Big Freeze UK of 1963 –
Watch out where the Huskies go, don’t you eat that yellow snow. The incomparable Frank Zappa.
Tree significant deaths reported today. Kissinger of course, Politician Alistair Darling and the lead singer of the Pogues
Would imagine Fairytale of New York has a good chance of getting to the top of the charts. A lovely song with the fabulous voice of Kirsty McColl, killed in a speed boat accident I seem to recall
Lucky really, should stop all the UK school kids managing to get Just Stop Oil’s publicity stunt ‘Climate Crying Song’ to the Christmas no. 1 slot.
tonyb – an Irishman living in Devon? “Tree significant deaths” 😃
Personally, I’m relieved I’ll never have to hear ANY of those tree voices ever again – oh wait, ’tis the Silly Season, Christmas songs on high rotation, noooooo!
Happy 1st day of (meteorological) summer, or winter if you’re in the wrong hemisphere, yet despite the nonsense spouted by Guterres & Co. – hottest year evah! – ’tis somewhat chilly here in the Shaky Isles this moaning… oh for a decent old-fashioned heat wave like we used to get before this Garbage Worming scam reared its ugly head.
Cold in the northeast of Victoriastan as well , might put in a claim to be a climate refugee and be relocated somewhere warmer like to the Gold Coast !
It might be cold but imagine how cold it would be without global warming !
A delightfully moderate 33 with lingering dampness after some great rain in western Qld. Bloody lawn needs mowing again!
For all the complaints about Joe Biden the US economy seems to be sprinting ahead of the pack at 5.2%
Wonder if it could have anything to do with that countries relatively low fuel and energy costs?
My take as an older retired white guy:
Joe B.’s age is showing both physically and mentally.
The Administration is flooding the economy with virtual $$.
Cost increases, while slowed, are still higher than 3 years ago.
Information is appearing regarding multiple new regulations being planned.
Very few politicians acknowledge the massive debt, but the implications are beginning to be pointed out to the people – especially those now or soon getting “Social Security.”
More information is appearing regarding the non- “Climate Crisis” and the impossibility of doing anything about it. See the recent post at WUWT by Francis Menton titled Some More Energy Reality in New York City.
I get the feeling the US economy is dancing on the deck of the Titanic. 🙂
Spell check … Bitanic.
(Posted from steerage, could you let someone the door is locked? Thanks … I hear music.)
Inclined to agree John. Americas already enormous debt is being hiked daily by big spending. Something will surely give but the economists have been predicting a recession for the last 2 years and the US economy continues to surprise.
Biden is very doddery. Harris is dreadful. No one else is likely to come along in the meantime.
USA is the only country able to create the global currency at zero cost. This is a unique position that is being abused and causing inflation across the globe. US international indebtedness is increasing at just under USD1tr per year. Imagine what your household accounts would look like if each occupant got USD3,000 with no strings every year. That is the burden that US households place on the rest of the world each year. And it comes with no regrets because any interest comes at no cost to US.
China is slowly eating away at the USA’s currency dominance. Trade settlement in Chinese currency are rising fast as China pushes their own currency into global status:×0/filters:format(png):quality(70)/
If you want to buy stuff from China, you will need Chinese currency. They have enough USDs and they are deflating. Gold now USD2041 per ounce; just below all time high.
As Australia falls further into totalitarianism the Digital ID Bill is currently before Parliament.
Tragically, I think it will pass as no one in the Uniparty believes in freedom.
Senator Babet (United Australia Party Liberal) is opposing it and I assume also the other two conservative parties of the Liberal Democrats and One Nation.
One Nation are totally against it .
‘Referred to Committee (30/11/2023): Senate Economics Legislation Committee; Report due 28/02/2024’ – so a bit more time to apply more pressure to your member? If you know what I mean.
Vic Roads is trialing digital driver licence’s and used the Ballarat district as the guinea pig start-up point. We received emails asking if we wanted to opt in to the pilot program and try it out. However, their system sent out the invite emails to people with the correct first name but incorrect surnames. I don’t imagine mistakes like that encourage people to participate when systems can’t be trusted to be error free. I wouldn’t have anyway. But the error made sure of it.
“Buttle / Tuttle”?
VERY “Brazil”.
One of the darkest social commentary comedy movies ever made.
Who remembers?
Coming up to one election, I can’t remember which one, it looked like One Nation was going to become a force to be reckoned with.
One week before the election the Woman’s Day came out with a story about the problems of a son of Pauline Hanson that we had never heard of.
That story would have halved One Nation’s vote in the bush, nearly destroyed the party and the party has never recovered from that.
It was Kerry Packer who did this.
“It was Kerry Packer who did this.”
Well done Kerry Packer.
The ” Goanna” was a nasty piece. One bystander who was there in the Upper Hunter when his life was saved by a defibrillator said stand back and I’ll cave his face in with this shovel. Severe, I know, but a sentiment shared by many.
“Japan Approves World’s First ‘Self-Amplifying mRNA’ Covid Vaccine – With No Safety or Efficacy Data”
“But Kostaive (ARCT-154) interestingly still managed to, er, amplify the rates of chills, headaches and myalgia (muscle aches and pains) compared with Comirnaty despite one sixth of the dosage. That’s the magic of self-amplification, I guess.”
“This seems to be one of the enduring legacies of the COVID-19 pandemic: regulatory agencies have dropped the pretence of doing their jobs properly and will happily rubber stamp any application for approval from favoured companies on the basis of essentially meaningless data”
Safety and efficacy is so passé.
Today, it’s all about obedience.
When your read this article in conjunction with the problem of an elderly population considering euthanasia so as not to be a burden on society, you know who will be the target of the ‘Get The Jab and hit the Slab’ treatment for a cold virus.
You can also tell that the elderly are being targeted in general, apart from the encouragement of euthanasia and more experimental jabs.
They are targeted because of the general war against private transport which many elderly rely on as they can’t walk far or navigate public transport or rely on relatives etc. to drive them places.
And beyond that “15 min cities” where everyone is expected to walk everywhere or ride bicycles, neither of which most elderly can do.
Huge numbers of elderly and disabled people are being encouraged to get euthanised in Canada. And even people who are just mildly depressed, or just frustrated with the normal challenges of life.
And how long before euthanasia becomes compulsory, as the National Socialists did with their elderly and disabled, and outright genocide as they did with others?
“And how long before euthanasia becomes compulsory, as the National Socialists did with their elderly and disabled, and outright genocide as they did with others?”
I am surprised a far right organisation acted in that manner.
National Socialists are far Left, not of “the Right”.
The philosopher of fascism, of which National Socialism is a derivative, was Giovanni Gentile, a Hegelian Marxist.
Leftists need to stop being in denial about the true nature of National Socialism. And we see from the Left much of the same behaviour today such as extreme environmentalism, veganism, black uniform wearing thugs of Antifa, antisemitism, violence, boycotts, “youth movements” and indoctrination of youth etc..
As in A Time of Gifts by British author Patrick Leigh Fermor – it is a memoir of the first part of his journey on foot across Europe in 1933/34. The book includes his meeting with a Nazi who had converted from being a Communist, as had many others in Germany.
So, no article to back the claim that the Nazis were really far left ( try explaining this to the Jews ??).
Why did the far left Nazis stick all the commies into the camps ?.
Read A Pile Of Top Nazis Talking About How They Love Leftist Marxism
“So, no article to back the claim that the Nazis were really far left ( try explaining this to the Jews ??).
Why did the far left Nazis stick all the commies into the camps ?”
Those are a couple of questions which seem difficult to answer by those who think Nazis were of the Left.
Back in the 30s and 40s there was a National Socialist propaganda magazine called Signal. In one article there is a photo of a pretty young lady. The caption says that although she was a store clerk her financial future was bright, because the socialist state would take care of her. They really touted socialist economics.
You didn’t read the article I posted?
You can Goolag it and download the pdf.
Consilience – Of course the communists and fascists were both fat left. The fact that they fought each other simply means that they were competing with each other for power. Another example of like fighting like is Sunni vs Shia.
Or Bolsheviks and Mensheviks in Russia after the Revolution.
Doesn’t really pass the pub test, does it ?.
How about the communists are really far right ?
From wikipedia
While other Western capitalist countries strove for increased state ownership of industry during the same period, Nazi Germany transferred public ownership into the private sector and handed over some public services to private organizations, mostly those affiliated with the Nazi Party.[14] According to historian Richard Overy, the Nazi war economy was a mixed economy that combined free markets with central planning and described the economy as being somewhere in between the command economy of the Soviet Union and the capitalist system of the United States.[15] Others have described Nazi Germany as being corporatist, authoritarian capitalist, or totalitarian capitalist.[14][16][17][18] Fascist Italy has been described as corporatist.[19][20][21]
Certainly not socialist in the sense of workers owning the means of production
The federal court has deemed euthanasia be suicide and quacks will risk prosecution for advocating it
Good news.
Not actually the case if you read the item. All this does is further distress people in some regional locations.
I think most awake know the words to this song :
Both the US and the UK were having massive problems with the cost of financial assistance and health care for the elderly. The Social Security payments in the US were never invested, just flushed down the General Revenue toilet. And the NHS in the UK cannot provide for an aging population. Covid was the perfect excuse to reach for Remdisivir, ventilators, Midazolam and Morphine. “Slaughter on an industrial scale … ”
But why with superannuation did they do the same intracide in Australia? Same reason they played the “with not of” game. To exaggerate the deaths to coerce jabs and digital vaccine passport compliance. In Australia, the elderly were killed, not to cover failed health systems, but to create fear and compliance.
It’s horrible for me to type this, especially as a pure blood whose father was murdered by the jab, but the fact that the quackzinations were so deadly, has ultimately saved a lot of lives and potentially a lot of freedom.
Yes, the elderly were targeting in all the vile “vaccine passports” nations, including our own, but for differing reasons.
Just take it!! Don’t think about it – just trust the experts. Or morons if you prefer.
This is beyond crazy. The mRNA platform has fundamental flaws regardless of which antigen the mRNA is trying to produce:
1. The biodistribution of the lipid nanoparticles cannot be controlled. They don’t “stay in the arm”, they are entering cells throughout the body, and are inflammatory.
2. When the LNPs have delivered mRNA into cells all over the body, the mRNA then instructs the cells to produce proteins that the immune system sees as “non-self”. The immune system then attacks any cell producing these proteins. Ie: systemic autoimmune attack.
3. The LNPs containing the mRNA have been shown to cross the blood brain barrier, the placental barrier and be expressed in brest milk.
The failed COVID jabs had serious additional problems, including the cytotoxic nature of the spike protein and dangerous DNA contamination. But the reality is that any attempt to make an mRNA vaccine will result in harm.
This technology needs to be banned for both human and animal use. This has been the worst medical disaster in human history. And for Australia it could be the end of our history if the government continues with its insane plan to swap all childhood jabs to the mRNA platform.
As a victim of the Moderna coronavirus mRNA vaccine, though fortunately not a dead one, I am now naturally suspicious of mRNA in general. Certainly, the coronavirus mRNA was a stuff-up from the start, and appears to have been driven by excessive greed and supine regulators. However, I am not prepared to write off the technology in total. If it can be subjected to the proper testing and investigation that it should have been from the start, with nothing hidden, no bullying, no rush, etc, then I am prepared to regard future mRNAs on their merits. But in future, everything has to be above board and out in the open, with plenty of time and opportunity for review.
One more thing – to have any credibility in future, regulators have to return to the previous definition of “vaccine”.
Rubbish. These have been around for years, in various forms
I feel guilty for having simply believed that my children needed all of the vaxxines they were hit with over the years.
The image of compliant politicians endorsing the big pharma gold rush is now always with me and is a constant reminder to question government decisions.
Would you rather have had polio ?.
Yeah. Thats a nice bit of nothing. Got a Pharma paycheck? 8 people got a Pfizer trial. 1.8 Million got a polio vaccine trial.
The Salk vaccine for Polio had 1.8 Million test subject children.
It took 200 years to eliminate smallpox. 31 years to eliminate Typhoid. 500 years to eliminate Yellow Fever. 270 years to develop a vaccine to anthrax. 200 years to develop a vaccine for chickenpox.
Now, Pfizer/Moderna claim the time from virus recognition to successful vaccine with 95% efficacy is less than 1 year? Based upon 8 vaccinated people.
“In November 2020, Pfizer announced their first check of the vaccine’s efficacy showed it to be “95% effective against COVID-19 beginning 28 days after the first dose.” That conclusion was made based on their evaluation of 170 confirmed COVID cases, with 162 among the unvaccinated and only 8 among the vaccinated group.”
Whilst Pfizer “Comirnaty” may have been FDA approved, it is NOT available in the USA where liability laws exist, but IS available outside the USA with no liability towards Pfizer.
The Pfizer Vax was ultimately a “bait and switch” product that had nothing to do with what was trialed.
Born in ’44 I remember the fear of polio. Maybe that’s because my mother was a nurse.
And my father used to talk of the local family who lost four kids in a week to diptheria.
On the farm we saw the tetanus, which the animals never recovered from. We knew the bug was in the soil. A primary school girl died from it.
I had forgotten, but was reminded at her funeral recently, that a cousin was very badly affected by the polio vaccine.
Travelled overseas recently with a group, one guy had polio as a kid. Was really struggling to get around.
“These have been around for years,”
Right, so vaccine injury is a completely new phenomenon.
Got it.
Peter, your defence of these deadly shots is beyond ridiculous. They haven’t been around for years. They were only approved for general public in 2021. The earliest trial I can find is a failed mRNA RSV vaccine trial in Australia, which was halted early, due to a a clear signal of … myocarditis!
How long will your denial go on? The worst medical disaster in human history is going to get worse before it gets better. The toll from the cardiac damage and cancer won’t PEAK until around 2027.
2023-2021 is not years?
please provide links to evidence, but not opinions please
You worthless drivelling fool. You can’t best me. What? What? I am a furry. Yes, that means I have yiffed with over 100 others twice or more.
I know how many have died.
I know.
“I am a furry”?
From the nett.
“Hastings Landcare supports local people caring for the environment, farmland and natural resources of our local region. Hastings Landcare President Peter Fitzroy say, ‘this project provides benefits for our koala populations both now and in the future, and supports sustainable land management practices’. If you would like to support or join Hastings Landcare please contact 02 6586 4465 or [email protected]. Alternatively, visit Hastings Landcare’s website where you can join or subscribe to our newsletter.”
Keith, please kalm down.
Yes, I am a furry, but given the gravita, my fursona is clearly canid, not Koala. Not even (Note how furries don’t demand you use our fur names at work or demand trees in the office bathrooms? How we don’t demand “furry tails” story hour in primary schools? Something to remember, not all queer are happy with the “T”. They are violent due to hormonal irregularities driven by “affiming” medication, and they need to indoctriate and recruit to build their ranks. Unlike furries, who have survived through the centuries, the modern Trans clowns are a dangerous problem).
The point of my somewhat intemperate post is that I am part of the first online tribe. We select our mates and playmates via our own connections. All attempts to exploit and monitoring the tribe (by those who sought tho monaterize Goth to Emo) have failed.
But with being part of the first online tribe comes pain. You think it’s just Indigenous Australians that need to be warned before watching images and videos of those that have passed? It’s rare these days that I cannot look at an prior fur event video without seeing someone I yiffed who is now jab dead. It. Bloody. Hurts.
Now you may think “furries” are evil*. But we didn’t destroy small business with lockdowns and cause the greatest transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich. We police our community rigorously against pedo infiltration (forget the FBLies, I had to tap a MOSAD player. These pratts just keep trying).
So what was the point of my prior post? It was to explain that I have a close personal (sexual) connection to the dead.
I know.
This is a really serious immunology lesson from Sucharit Bhakdi, explaining why all mRNA injections will unavoidably be toxic.
“Forget the word “vaccine”. Whatever you call it, causing the body to express NON-SELF PROTEINS will automatically cause autoimmune attack on your own tissues.
Why? Because your immune system is trained from before birth to recognise as foreign anything that is NOT self.
You actually do make T-cells directed against everything, including self, but in a crucial development step, those self-recognising T-cells are turned off, leaving those able to recognise anything else as foreign and to kill it.
That’s in brief how you keep you safe from foreign threats.
Those threats arise from two basic routes.
1. Infection.
2. Malfunction such as leads to cancer.
3. Some injurious situations like cigarette smoking can give rise to chemically-permanent alterations in long-lived structural proteins.
If you’re subject to an injection with messenger RNA (mRNA) coding for something that’s foreign, your cells which take it up & express that foreign protein will trigger a vigorous attack upon the cells and tissues doing the expressing.
Doesn’t need to be inherently toxic, such as spike protein, though it’ll be even worse if so.”
When were those self-amplifying RNA (saRNA aka replicons) therapies used?
According to the linked article
Meiji Seika Pharma Company’s Covid-19 vaccine Kostaive was reported to be the first self-amplifying mRNA vaccine developed for any target infectious agent.
Do you know where Arcturus is even?
No safety of efficacy data?
As long as it’s peer reviewed that’s alright then !
That part is not necessary for approval. Multiple studies and one with a very large cohort means that mwhite and the thing he cited are fabricating fake news. And it was pretty easy to find the real information and if people want to dig into the Japanese can even find the government media release.
If only there was someone on here who could moderate these sorts of post!
“achieved higher immunogenicity results and a favorable safety profile compared to a standard mRNA COVID-19 vaccine comparator”
So absolutely safe and effective then ; is that what you derive from that?
that’s a news report not the actual data.
It’s 99% effective… Nahhhh.. make it 50perccent. Yep, grab a study and make it sound “sciencey” and all the health bureaucrats and GP’s will fall into line. Geez, how gullible are some.
I’d like an interpretation of the red thumbs. Usually I assume it is because people don’t like me and my opinions, but this should be different. Did people dislike that I popped the fantasy bubble that they fell for?
I’d like an interpretation of the red thumbs. Usually I assume it is because people don’t like me and my opinions.
I doubt many read your opinions as by and large they go against most of comments here.. So much easier to hit the red thumb and move onto more like-minded comments.
I expect the comment of mine above will languish in moderation for a couple of weeks as it doesn’t fit with the conservatives
I gave you a red thumb for being duped. Howzat!
The politicians in Japan and Vietnam are g$$d friend$.
Just a silly comment. Did you look to see who conducted the studies (plural not just Vietnam) before making that comment?
I was commenting specifically on the Vietnam trial which claimed to have 16,000 victims.
The elites of those two countries have had significant financial interaction for The last 37 years.
It still was not a Japanese run trial.
Added to this, such a trial is used for applications in other countries – who knows whether Japan was their first application using this trial.
Welcome to the machine. GI modern day Panglos from Candide.
And, the obvious thing, which you bypassed, is that the Japanese testers did not test their own population.
Are Vietnamese lives cheaper when there’s an unfortunate outcome?
Remember Thalidomide, Gee?
All those trials. Approved as “safe and effective”.
Safe for pregnant women.
Even then, unforseen consequences may take decades to manifest.
Millions of years of evolution have created very sophisticated, intricate lifeforms and “medical tinkering” even with the best intentions can have disastrous results.
How many other recent recalls of big pharma products have there been? Too many!
You have that reversed. Again. And again. And again.
But you are a self confessed watcher of (collapsing) CNN.
From #23 on Wednesday:
I can only explain it to you. I can’t understand it for you
I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain this to you.
I refuse to enter a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.
Not saying I hate you, but I would unplug your life support to charge my phone.
I’d agree with you but then we’d both be wrong.
Wisdom has been chasing you but you’ve always been faster.
Sure. You can critique the trials (although I notice you didn’t). It is still false to claim that there were none and that the approval circumvented them.
Not much of a trial Gee Aye .
What do you expect?
Sorry, but we’ve seen that peer review has become “pal review”, and after the court-ordered release of the Pfizer trial documents and the disaster they exposed, I don’t trust or believe the publicity from any drug manufacturer. I was always sceptical, but the experience of the past three, nearly four years has left me not believing a word any of them say any more.
That’s a situation they created themselves.
Remember, no matter how good a product sounds, no matter how good the advertising, no matter how glowing the reports and “testimonials”, the maker is just trying to sell you something that they’ve decided they can make and market, but that you probably don’t actually need.
Perhaps the accusation is that those approving the vaccine have done so without seeing all the safety and efficacy data. Not that the data doesn’t exist. The article making the claim includes a chart of reactions and severity. Would be odd for them to present evidence of something existing (as much as the chart indicates some records of reactions were kept) while saying safety data doesn’t exist.
So, did the approvers approve it based on study summaries only and that constitutes “positive clinical data from several ARCT-154 studies”? Or did they approve it having seen all the data themselves?
The real issue with COVID vaccines is not so much the approval process.
We can go on about data and trials.
Such things are usually a bit messy.
The problem, and possible crime, is MANDATES … for everyone.
Without regard for individual medical circumstances.
Complete with threats to medical doctors that dared to discuss individual circumstances with their patients.
Then there is the organized character assassination campaign against medical and scientific professionals with standing, that questioned doctrine.
Complete with hippie rock star tantrums … storming off with their guitars and going home, if Joe Rogan even talked to one.
“Truth used to inflict harm on a person, organization, or country.” Orwellian much?
Mod … dang …
must be the ‘Malinformation’ link, which is probably malinfromation.
Plus, I thought that comment was one of my better efforts.
I read somewhere that Japan had been intending not to approve the covid jabs, but then they killed their prime minister & threatened them with a huge earthquake which would have killed millions and destroyed their economy.
They signed up the next day.
Am I the only person here who finds their cutesy diagram of how it works absolute rubbish?? My cell biology might be old, but mRNA still codes for a protein to be made in a ribosome, not for more RNA to be made.
So how are they copying the mRNA?? Is this yet another “Oh, it will never get incorporated into the DNA” session? Are we expecting RNA-polymerase to be hanging around outside the nucleus waiting for some foreign DNA to arrive so it can by amplified?
Does the injected ‘vaccine’ enter the nucleus to be amplified? Are we playing with mammalianised plasmid transfections? What could go wrong here?
So many questions, no simple answers.. You too could be passing spike proteins into your blood for the rest of you life, and pass this amazing ability onto your children!
A look at Musk’s “Go – – ” headlines
“Time To Boycott Elon’s Boycotters”
Boycott the backers of the NWO and child abuse.
Long overdue.
They have chosen…..unwisely…..
The wheels of sense and decency are now threatening to run over those who would destroy the same.
Meanwhile, the Russia haters have another excuse.
Russia’s Supreme Court has declared what it calls “the international LGBT public movement” an extremist organisation and banned its activities across the country. The ruling was prompted by a motion from the justice ministry, even though no such organisation exists as a legal entity.
Russia’s constitution was changed three years ago to make it clear that marriage means a union between a man and a woman. Same-sex unions are not recognised here.
“I think this will mean that anyone whom the state considers an LGBT activist could receive a long prison sentence for ‘participating in an extremist organisation’,” he said.
“For the organiser of such a group, the prison term will be even longer.
“And I’m looking forward to the next step: banning the six-colour rainbow flag. We don’t need this flag. It’s a symbol of the fight with the traditional family. I hope that no-one can show this flag in Russia.”
Under Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin has embraced an ideology centred around conservative thinking and “traditional family values”. The authorities portray LGBT activism as something inherently Western and hostile to Russia. Pressure on the LGBT community is presented as a means of defending the moral fabric of Russia.
No more life destroying surgeries and predators hiding behind sham organisations.
LGBT now means Let’s Go Broke Together. 😆
And to those who don’t like it, go follow Elon’s suggestion.
Please stand by. Sanity WILL be restored shortly.
Makes Russia look attractive!
Diapers can be recycled. Pollies should too.
Now, where’s that woodchipper…
Do you realise that most politicians don’t read or understand the legislation they vote upon?
Forget most, almost all is the more accurate quantity.
We were reminded of this when Craig Kelly sunk Turnbull’s National Energy Guarantee by insisting on seeing the text of the bill; thereafter an outraged Malcolm quit parliament and briefly ended the torment of the population though lord knows all these years later we’re really getting it stuck to us.
“Do you realise that most politicians don’t read or understand the legislation they vote upon?’
Most people do realise that the Public Service provide precis for the politicians.
I am from WA. When I joined the Army in 1965. I was sent to Kapooka in NSW, They spoke about precis. This is a term I had never heard of previously.
All the other state soldiers were very aware of what a precis was. The term Precis is still not used in WA as far as I know
Yes it is/was, especially in the govt.
Like the one pager Elbow got for “Their Voice”?
There must be hundreds of thousands of Australians who suffer in silence over the effects of Covid vaccination. Yesterday I had a conversation with the former president of my athletics club whom I hadn’t chatted to for about three years and he told me his running was curtailed by being vaccinated although “they” said it was not so. He said it was and reeled off the long name of the condition he is now stuck with and had no alternative but to put up with the pain if he wants to continue running. He’s in the 40-49 age group and holds some state age-group records for various distances.
“the long name of the condition”
Myalgic encephalomyelitis?
Could be farmerbraun! I’ll check with him next week and report back.
Ok, I found an email address for him and he replied straight away.
It’s not that but rather Poly myalgia Rheumatica or Fibromyalgia. The jury is still out. He thinks the latter.
It started after 3rd Pfizer booster which apparently triggered other contributing factors, eg hereditary precondition to autoimmune. Started in shoulder and has now moved down the body and now mostly below the waist. Affects everyday life. Mostly muscle pain rather than joints.
He mentioned another top runner who has had a similar experience.
With 52,000 excess deaths since the rollout of the jabs up until the end of August this year as a rough rule of thumb the number of life changing disabilities or diseases is 10 times that number, so half a million.
I got my figures from the ABS Aus Bureau of Stats. I took the average of death rates from 2015-2019 and got 161,000 as my baseline.
2020 no excess deaths
2021, 10,000 excess deaths – government claims these are covid, but two factors: overly aggressive hospital protocols including remdesivir, and we started rolling out the jabs.
2022, 30,000 excess deaths
2023 to August, 12,000 excess deaths.
The most recent data of rate of deaths per thousand for vaccines is 1 in 1,000. This is WAY beyond acceptable figures.
For further data for NZ see the just released figures:
60,000 grifters lurking in the oil-financed, air-conditioned, gold-plated temples of Dubai UAE, with more than 100 rip-offs (oops, I meant representatives) from lil’ ol’ NZ, including the past Minister of CCCrap and the present, new Minister of CC, appropriately named Simon Watts, of the oil/gas-friendly National Party: Green and Red media here are losing the plot, banging away on their keyboards and expending so much carbon dioxide they may just knock themselves out… I can only wish them the best of luck.
Meanwhile, every time I hear Guterres’ voice on the radio, all I can picture in my head is Sesame Street’s Count von Count: “Okay children, vaan doo tree degrees ant vee vill fly to debt!”
Must be quite a party.
I wonder if the Left’s finest intellectual, Dr Greta Thunberg, is there and if so, what was her means of transport?
A green non-carbon emitting broomstick?
The abbreviation for that is GNCEB.
no, it doesn’t make sense, but then neither does Greta.
Grifter Ranting Endlessly Totally Annoying
“Killing koalas to “save” polar bears”
“This blog will detail the lack of environmental scrutiny of the wind factories and pumped hydro projects built or planned in Queensland as the state sanctions the wholesale clearing of remnant native forest on the coastal ranges straddling the Great Dividing Range.”
More at
Read it! Make time. This has all the info that greenies don’t want to hear! But I don’t know if they could even begin to process it. Their minds would just shut down, it might send them into a coma? Tell us what you think GA.
” Queensland windfarms – killing koalas – to save polar bears” is a t shirt that can be worn, and greenies will just shrivel up in shame. There is no come back!
I passed that tip on to Robert
Fantastic. Saved that website to favourites. Thank you
Here you go. You can add something else to the hundreds or thousands of things blamed on “climate change”.
Do you even get research grants today if you don’t link your dodgy “research” with climate change?
From what I read, everything in school and university is nowadays viewed through the lens of climate change ( caused by Humans ). So no wonder all science kowtows to the “ norm”.
It’s not science if opinion is decided by “consensus” as in fraudulent Leftist nonsense such as “97% of scientists agree that climate change is caused by humans” blah, blah, blah…
0.3% Consensus. Not 97.1%. The Cook study is garbage. Lying Liars Lie.
Cooks ‘97% consensus’ disproven by a new peer reviewed paper showing major math errors
The consensus exists due to the consilience/convergence of evidence from various unrelated fields. It’s as strong as the consensus on evolution, that’s how science works, but you can’t tell Jo that.
‘ … everything in school and university is nowadays viewed through the lens of climate change.’
Yes its quite extraordinary and there are no university courses dealing with the discipline of climate change. So its basically a small rump of opportunists in one field or another finding a cosy niche.
History won’t be kind to them when the climate becomes recalcitrant, the people will lose faith in these scientific high priests.
You jest surely? Indiscipline of climate change more like.
Now MASSACHUSETTS says it’s being hit by wave of ‘white lung’ pneumonia in children as Ohio county issues similar warning – after China and Europe saw surge in cases and hospitalizations
Doctors in parts of Massachusetts and Ohio are reporting a spike in child pneumonia cases similar to the outbreak spreading in China and parts of Europe.
In Warren County, just 30 miles outside Cincinnati, there have been 142 pediatric cases of the condition — dubbed ‘white lung syndrome’ — since August, a figure health officials there described as ‘extremely high’.
‘Not only is this above the county average, it also meets the Ohio Department of Health definition of an outbreak,’ the county’s health department said Wednesday.
Meanwhile, in western Massachusetts, physicians are seeing ‘a whole lot’ of walking pneumonia, a milder form of the lung condition, which is being caused by a mixture of bacterial and viral infections.
Neither outbreak is being caused by a novel pathogen and not all of the pneumonia cases are being caused by the same infection. Experts say a mixture of several seasonal bacterial and viral bugs are hitting at once, putting pressure on hospitals.
It has raised fears that the outbreak that has overwhelmed hospitals China could hit the US this winter. Several European countries are battling similar crises.
Right on schedule.
The only other events of note (as far as the west is concerned) around the world are Dengue, another outbreak (in its infancy) of avian flu in the UK and EU and some minor Monkeypox cases in Asia.
Lockdowns and vaxxes have a lot to answer for, but not as much as the corrupt sociopathic medical profession and pollies.
What goes around comes around for them too.
They have no idea what they’ve done. No idea.
Monkeypox has been such a disappointment. We were expecting much more from it…
I agree.
CNN (Corrupt News for Nitwits) had such high hopes too…
You were maybe. I bet if we go back a few months we’ll see the usual people blaming the UN or a NWO or some other conspiracy, and predicting shutdowns etc
Of course, this sudden spike in respiratory infections couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that multiple repetitive doses of the modRNA “vaccines” are known to compromise human immune systems, could it?
Yes, this is what the Cleveland clinic and other studies show, the more shots, the more likely to get covid.
But it’s not just covid, the shots cause a immune class shift from IgG3 to IgG4. So more likely to get a range of infections and less ability to destroy cancerous cells.
The Chinese didnt have mRNA vaccines, so probably not.
Pneumonia looks white on X-ray, nothing new. Scare tactics.
There has been chatter that the pneumonia out break in China is really a new Covid variant.
This article dispels that idea.
ALARM as more than 30,000 Europeans die annually from SUPERBUGS triggered by pharmaceutical overuse and abuse
Researchers estimate that anywhere between 31,000 and 39,000 Europeans succumb to death by superbugs, often due to overdependence on and abuse of pharmaceutical antibiotics, which are a leading cause of superbugs.
Antibiotic overuse both in human and veterinary medicine has caused deadly bacteria to become “smarter,” effectively outsmarting even the most advanced antibiotics designed to destroy them.
The hardest-hit countries, according to data compiled by statistician Anna Fleck, suggest that people in southern Europe, including in Italy and Romania, are among the most highly impacted by Europe. In Scandinavia, conversely, superbug deaths are far fewer.
All in all, the most hard-hit nations by superbugs are Greece, Italy, Romania, and Cyprus, with annual mortality rates of between 10 and 20 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants due to superbugs, according to data spanning from 2016 through 2020.
The Netherlands and Norway have the lowest mortality rates due to superbugs at just two per 100,000 inhabitants.
Superbugs killed nearly 5M people worldwide in 2019
Another report out of Florida from this past week suggests that antibiotic-resistant infections contributed to almost five million deaths worldwide in 2019.
In the United States specifically, superbugs are now the third leading cause of death, this also based on data from 2019.
Again – human stupidity and fear at work.
Sanitise everything. Clean your hands 20 times a day.
Disinfect every surface and kill 99.9% of germs, but the 0.1% left become….SUPERbugs!
Welcome to evolution.
Is your toilet bowl hygenically clean?
You’ll use an air freshener but not a air disinfector.
You caused the problem you now face. Groan…
Antibiotics are about as selective in their target as an American cop.
The gut microbiome is king.
Let your immune system do its job ffs.
Words and language are beautiful things:– Antibiotic
So the very things that save us are materials/ chemicals/ organisms that are against life. Bit like Covid vaccinations that simply aren’t by the old definition.
Steve Kirsch: data from US Medicare and the New Zealand Ministry of Health shows, beyond any doubt, that the COVID vaccines have killed millions
Today you will get to see the data that nobody wants you to see. FINALLY.
No State or country has ever released record-level public health data on any vaccine.
Privacy is not the reason for this; the data can be easily obfuscated (which we did on this data) so that no record entry would match that of any person, living or dead.
The reason the data is kept secret is simple: it would expose the fact that the COVID vaccines are unsafe, as well as all the vaccines that I have been able to get record-level data on.
Today, thanks to a courageous whistleblower who works at the New Zealand Ministry of Health, we have record-level information from a large population of all ages and are making it public for the first time in history
Put your fingers in your ears, Gee. La la, la la, la la… 😁
Navy Medical Officer Reveals Horrific 973% Increase in Heart Failure Since Covid Jab Diktat
“…5-year average, however, I am comparing it to 2022, and I’m only using active duty fixed-wing pilots and helicopter pilots:
Hypertensive heart disease – 36%
Ischemic Heart Disease – 69%
Pulmonary heart disease – 62%
Heart failure – 973%
Cardiomyopathy – 152%
Other forms of heart disease – 63%”
Here is another link which I assume will be updated soon
I picked one of those “Fact checks” at random. It was about the Amish people:
“it’s possible that some people who died from COVID-19 weren’t diagnosed due to communities’ relative isolation or limited access to healthcare, but Kirsch didn’t take that possibility into consideration.”
“Kirsch also didn’t account for the risk of sampling bias. There are over 30,000 Amish in Lancaster County. We weren’t able to find evidence that Kirsch interviewed all of them or at least ensured that those he interviewed were representative of the Amish population. It’s also unclear how he verified that the persons he allegedly interviewed knew of all the COVID-19 deaths occurring in the other communities scattered across Lancaster County, in order to ensure a satisfactory level of reporting of his survey.”
“According to his own statement, Kirsch calculated a COVID-19 infection fatality ratio (IFR) for the Amish and compared it to the IFR of the entire U.S. population. In order to calculate an IFR, Kirsch must have obtained an estimate of the number of infections among the Amish. This doesn’t mean the number of detected cases, but the number of all SARS-CoV-2 infections, both diagnosed and undiagnosed. Again, Kirsch didn’t explain how he achieved such a feat.”
So the “Fact checkers” are holding Steve Kirsch to a ridiculously higher standard than that applied to Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca, governments, the WHO, and in fact than any of the multitude of organisations that are trying to spread alarm across the western world.
That’s utterly false, and demonstrates that whoever thinks they are “fact checking” has not even a passing understanding of how statistical sampling works.
Kirsch went to great lengths to make the sampling bias work in the direction of finding MORE deaths from COVID. He posted a cash bounty for anyone who could find just 5 verifiable deaths … you could win the bounty merely by providing 5 names and Kirsch would drive out and contact each family and verify it himself. He made every possible effort to maximize the number … he eventually did get 5 names, only with the help of someone very well connected within the Amish community, and most of those were old and not 100% clear that they died of COVID … but for the calculation he presumed COVID 5 deaths anyhow.
In other words, Kirsch followed standard engineering practice and made worst case presumptions to put practical bounds on the problem. Obviously this self-proclaimed “fact checker” is unable to comprehend what was happening.
Again, no understanding of how statistics works … the difference in death rates that Kirsch calculated was absolutely huge … a 90x difference! That is to say the Amish deaths from COVID were around 1.1% of the rate of the general population.
Sure there’s always room to improve your methods but tinkering around the edges isn’t een close to explaining a 90x difference. It would require an absolutely blatant calculation error or maybe a total conspiracy amongst the Amish to hide their COVID deaths. Neither of those things were demonstrated by the people calling themselves “fact checkers”. Picking out some small methodological error and claiming this is where a factor of 90x comes from would only be claimed by someone who has never done any real hands-on work.
None of the supposed “fact checkers” will even demonstrate they can do the calculations, in order to show their own results as a comparison.
Besides that, there’s a long list of other evidence reinforcing the Kirsch conclusion:
* We know the Amish eat a better diet than the average American.
* We know the Amish live a healthier lifestyle than the average American … more consistent exercise, better sleep patterns, etc.
* The Amish don’t have much of a problem with obesity, while many other parts of the USA do have problems.
* We know in hindsight that hospital use of ventilators killed more people than were saved, and they admitted that eventually … the protocol has been abandoned.
* We know Remdesivir has terrible side effects and no doubt also killed some people.
* We know that COVID actually spread inside the hospital system … especially in the first year when they just dumped all patients with respiratory problems in one big ward breathing the same air. If you didn’t come in with COVID then you ended up COVID positive soon enough.
* We have evidence that some patients were given sedatives to “calm them down” … supressing the natural cough reflex and make it more difficult to breathe.
No one should be even slightly surprised that the Amish puled through better. The factor of 90x is larger than I would have expected … and I wouldn’t be surprised if the mRNA was at least a factor in that large difference … but at this late stage only an idiot would expect no difference at all between the Amish and the general population.
Can that. I don’t need a third party. Sheesh. You can’t see it?
The data from NZ is shocking. The whistleblower was running the data base controlling the “bonus” payments for the GPs and pharmacists doing the jabbing.
He had records of jab recipients names, date of jab, batch number, and the person or clinic giving the jab. He has cross correlated this with some form of mortality records, either births and deaths, or electoral rolls. (Individual patient records would not have been required).
Some batches seem to have been extremely deadly. The worst batch was used on just under 800 persons, of which 25% died in the studied period following the jabs, where in a random sample of persons 16 and over in there same period, just 0.75% would be expected to die.
What is more shocking is the NZ health department has even better data, including patient records with ICD-10 codes for those deceased. Right now they could be contacting those who got a cancer cluster batch and organising frequent screenings. Those who got a high cardiac death batch could receive Troponin tests and PET scans. But no, instead of trying to minimise the harm they’d rather turn the blind eye, lie and play CYA.
Some batches seem to have been extremely deadly. The worst batch was used on just under 800 persons, of which 25% died in the studied period following the jabs, where in a random sample of persons 16 and over in there same period, just 0.75% would be expected to die.
This has been recognised for some time. Various reasons have been speculated eg contamination of phials etc. Certainly, the rushed production in the early stages of the virus & reported slack protocol may account for the contamination.
However, contamination may account for some immediate reactions, and indeed, deaths. But it seems unlikely to account for longer term adverse reactions and injuries.
Excellent summary Konrad.
It truly is shocking. I am not sure if I can even tell my medical colleagues about it for fear of triggering severe psychological trauma as they consider how many people they have killed.
Gee Aye should watch the Rumble interview but he probably won’t
Incredible. Just incredible.
The guy hanging off the mirror of this runaway coach may have overestimated his strength!
Not sure what he thought he could do, good on the 14 yo student.
“Genome study unveils genetic ties between cannabis use disorder and lung cancer risk”
If it is good enough for tobacco it is good enough for cannabis, eh?
Likely more poison in cannabis smoke than regular tobacco, and that’s bad enough.
Just had a mobile phone call. An asian voice with office sounds in the background. Rang off quickly but.. . While the number registered as a mobile on the phone while it rang, the number didn’t record on my recents which I use to block these calls. Is this something new as I haven’t had it happen before? Normally I don’t answer callers that aren’t registered on my caller id, unless they leave a message, but today I weakened.
Need one of those compressed air horns.
The erosive attacks on our culture ramps up. Anzac Day holiday cancelled in South Australia. Not even I thought that possible. So not a day for those who lost their lives when asked to by a nation, but a month for gay. Hmm…
It has been alleged that the Mars company which makes M&Ms and Snickers has been employing children to pick cocoa, with some of the workers being as young as five.
So you can see the situation is Worse Than First Thought™.
This news is upsetting for one very important reason.
Climate change threatens the jobs of five year-olds in Ghana!
“COP28: India doubles down on right to increase coal power and CO2 emissions”
Punctuation on that –
“India Produced Record Amounts Of Electricity From Coal In October”
The Indians aren’t dumb. Are they reaping the benefits from the payouts demanded from the Western economies? If not, if they feel harrassed by the climate demands from the UN and others, surely the best way to handle the situation would be to open up climate theory to full debate, by all comers of appropriate scientific background and shut out the WEF and similar bodies from it. India has nothing to lose from this. It is already too advanced and too big to be threatened
It appears what little they may receive is being used to twist their arm to obey the dictates of activists about the energy sources they use to power the country. Indian governments seem to be going full steam ahead to lead their nation to the promised land of first world wealth (with all its negatives as well, especially when long periods emptiness begin creating the wokism and division exploited by today’s politicians) by the same means the West did, and no apologies are due.
India is best placed in time to question the climate theory. It has a lot more to gain than lose by finding it’s nonsensical. We have it all to lose, and are. Only a theoretical gain happens which nobody living will ever see. We see that theory tearing out the heart of our economy and society. Has any nation in the past deliberately torn the guts out of itself, let alone doing it based on unproven theory; theory pressed by egregiously intolerant people with little appropriate science knowledge but plenty of desire to force the world to obey their point of view. In the past they would never have been given a stage. Please India, help us all out!
“Real pushback: Corporate America eliminating college degree requirements for new hires
November 30, 2023 11:35 am Robert Zimmerman
Increasingly viewed at useless educational institutes
According to a new survey of 800 American companies, about half say they have now dropped their requirement that new employees have a college degree, with some businesses replacing this requirement with actual apprenticeship programs.
For example, Accenture launched an apprenticeship program in 2016 through which it has since hired 1,200 people, CNBC reported. Some 80 percent of those people joined the company without a four-year-degree.”
More at
Well there goes “Nut 0”
“THE NEW SPACE RACE: With another record broken, the world’s spaceports are busier than ever: No turning back? We can expect even more launches worldwide next year.”
“Thacker: Congress Must Hold The CDC Accountable For Cozy Ties To Pharma”
So now you know –