A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Full state visit by South Koreas President
We are all in the same trade blok now which opens lots of possibilities and hopefully will keep China in its place.
“hopefully will keep China in its place.”
Hmm.. what is China’s place tony? Subservient to the usual colonial masters who have been trying to keep it down for several hundred years?? Bowing to almighty America with its hands out cupped for another ‘$1 store’ profit of 1c?
No, China will take its rightful place in the world by displacing America as top economy and political power, its the way the cycle works. To change it you have to change human nature completely, and that has never happened. The ‘place in the sun’ for the white race has been over-shadowed, all our own fault too.
I wonder if the Fentanyl Wars will be as big as the Opium Wars?
Hmm..Maybe if China got rid the CCP and unleashed the power of a free people. And if the west continues to shackle itself.
Can’t see socialism/fascism out performing free enterprize.
A powerful china dominating the south China seas from its illegal islands, emboldened to invade Taiwan which will bring the world to its knees as vital micro chips needed for the modern world disappear, and it’s virtual monopoly of important rare earths will do Oz no good at all.
Why do you want China to dominate and bully you whilst impoverishing countries it has pushed into its belt and road project? Surely you will not enjoy the surveillance and eradication of western rights and democracy that we have enjoyed for two centuries?
Tony I’m confident China will behave no differently to the West at all.. from Spain being the world power through Portugal, Holland, Britain, America… we have raped and pillaged the world for hundreds of years, enslaving and destroying peoples as we go. Maybe that’s the cost of being uplifted from the stone age to the plastics age.
We destroyed our birth rate with the culture we adopted, and the world now belongs to the billions of people in Asia. Its so bad we whites will be outvoted in our own countries so quite likely the countries we live in will welcome them.
“we have raped and pillaged”
So, by your “assessment”, it is China’s turn to “rape and pillage the world?
As Tonto would say:
Who’s WE, White man?”
The concept of “inter-generational guilt” is just another political weapon.
I reject your ‘reality’, preferring to deal with the real thing.
Hmm, China this, china that. … All those many centuries ago, China was more “civilised” …. well, er, em, Had Silk + other thingies the rest of the world hadn’t even thought of. Only ‘now’ are we ALL discovering the treasures of ancient China. So why would China cause us all this grief? ( maybe as payback time for what we’re doing – ‘to the Planet’ ) Just saying. Same thing going on with Russian & S American sentiments.
Humans are glorified apes and exhibit nasty behaviour, but lets put the past behind us.
WW3 would be fought with conventional weapons and the Alliance out guns China, it won’t happen on Xi’s watch.
At the moment China is experiencing economic depression, so its only a matter of time before the CCP crumbles and democracy is embraced, along with our economic norms.
I think it was Albert Einstein who opined:
“The Third World War will be fought with nuclear weapons.
The Fourth World War will be fought with rocks and sticks”
Let’s see who initiates the first Nuke, is the middle east, (or elsewhere), as the chest-poking gets more intense.
Then stick around to see who “finished the job”.
China To Save The World (Again)–AEP Well, see here with assoc Links & CREDITS
‘ … impoverishing countries it has pushed into its belt and road project?’
Quite a few of them are defaulting (can’t get blood from a stone) so China takes the hit.
Have you heard the yarn that South Korea sank 300 Chinese fishing boats?
No! China doesn’t “take the hit”, it takes the land and everything on it. That’s exactly the purpose of the “Belt & Road” – for China to end up owning all the world’s most valuable assets.
Ah well. I traveled through Laos on a very nice train. It saved hours.
A wharf in Darwin and another in Colombo, neither of them do any business.
Beijing has organised a deal and Colombo is most pleased, gives them some breathing space.
Commonwealth Emergency Powers, as with States legislated by Parliament when required and enables the Federal Government to seize control of ports, airports, export goods and a long list of other powers.
“The United States recorded a Government Debt to GDP of 129 percent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product in 2022.”
…borrows more money..
“Sri Lanka reached a peak in 2022 with 115 percent. ”
…Everyone races in to re-finance and screw the country completely..
One rule for me and another rule for thee.
Do your bit KP. Cash out all your dollar denominated assets and let the US sink.
They can’t take the land home. The host nation can simply say “Up yours”. Within its borders a sovereign nation makes the rules, look no further than Egypt and Panama reclaiming the canals and the Arabs kicking out oil companies. Possession is nine tenths of the law.
KP, with respect :
China (and Japan, and Korea, and….) can only blame themselves for falling behind the West for “several hundreds of years”.
From your school history books – Opium Wars started in 1853, 4 ships under Matthew Perry sailed same year…
The Opium Wars started in 1839.
In 1853 the Taipings captured Nanjing, declaring it the capital of their new Kingdom of Heavenly Peace- and all hell broke loose in China.
What unmitigated anti-western tommyrot. Other than the ahistorical references, clearly you have no appreciation of China’s internal dystopia. Try reading a bit more about its brutal internal repression, demographic collapse, financial collapse, divisions between its many regions and between the mega rich in Shanghai etc vs the mega poor in the countryside. China is not achieving anything bar violent smashing of dissent and probably, revolution.
But it is from KP.
This is worrying
America has colossal debts but as the worlds Western policeman lets hope they don’t collapse under its weight.
I think this level of debt is true for much of the West including Oz and the UK and Japan and much of the EU. With interest rates so low for so long people didn’t bother to save but spent it, and now its much higher their debts have soared especially on mortgages.
Thank goodness energy is so cheap thanks to ever reliable renewables. Hmm. Just joking
Australian household savings has been positive since 2006:
Savings rate reached 15% of disposable income in 2020 but has since declined to 9%.
Australia is ranked 9th for savings ratio. It seems China is on top but there is conflicting data.
… and our faith in Muddled Money-tree Theory.
This headline will no doubt apply to many on this board who must figure highly in the 1% of carbon guzzling elite
More seriously, it is precisely this elite who are lecturing the rest of us on climate, from movie stars to Harry and Meghan, the hypocrisy is overpowering.
“Perth poised to shatter records after first-ever extremely severe heatwave warning issued
Severe temperatures in one part of the country this week are poised to shatter records “
Brace yourself Jo. According to the BoM Perth will have its “first evah” extreme weather alert in the next couple of days with the tempertature to reach 40C.
According to the report this extreme weather warning is not because 40C is unusual in Perth but, wait for it, its because people won’t be used to these high temperatures so early in the summer season. “Peoples bodies haven’t had a chance to acclimatise to summer heat”. You know its just happened so suddenly we need to tell you what to do so you don’t run a marathon or do anything else that may harm you. Drink water, seek shade, if you don’t have air con go somewhere that has! All the clap trap that any thinking person used to be able to figure out for themselves. Not now, nanny needs to tell you everything.
Didn’t reach 40C at all last summer. Yes, should hit 40C tomorrow, 34 already today, on its way up to 39 today. Ho hum, nothing unusual. As long as the current power blackout doesn’t last that long, should be ok.
I will always remember the last Friday in October 1988, when our thermometer topped at 41 degrees and our anticipated 800 tonne wheat crop turned into 300 tonnes of crud.
The impact of human aerosols on the climate-
“Several scientists HRCR Nair et al, have stated that if there is a 100% switchover to zero emission renewables from fossil fuels, the net radiative heating of the earth would increase. During the Covid shutdown the increase in earth’s surface heat was of the order of 15-20 Watts per square metre. This kind of surface brightening has major implications for regional climate, especially the monsoonal circulation and precipitation over East Asia and all tropical regions. Any drying trend seen round the earth has come as a result of increased aerosol emissions. So when you remove aerosols you heat up the earth’s surface, increase evaporation, and get more rainfall. There will also be a greater likelihood of extreme events. ”
“Any drying trend seen round the earth has come as a result of increased aerosol emissions.”
Now that is quite a statement.
Beyond my pay grade but I thought you needed aerosols to take water out of solution in air, when it is transparent, to being in suspension when it is visible as clouds and, hopefully, rain.
“I Had $120,000 Vanish From My Bank Account”
UK Channel 4 tonight:-
“The Great Climate Fight”.
The description says:-
“A world without climate change IS possible. But to get there, politicians must act.”
A whole new level of delusional nonsense.
Climate King Cnuts!
Better to repair the nutation of politicians by the likes of UK Channel 4 than, for instance, the nutation of the Earth’s rotation axis by the influence of the gravity fields of the Sun and Moon on the non-spherical Earth.
The little trick the IPCC use to not have to model the effect of water vapour when they can blame CO2 instead.
“In the case of H2O, the IPCC says in 2AR that only the “enhancement by humans” is included in climate models (see above). This is why Frame calls H2O “a slave to CO2 and other greenhouse gases” – because they cause warming; which causes evaporation of seawater; and that “feedback” is the only anthropogenic water vapour (AWV) that is taken into account in the models’ calculations of present or future anthropogenic climate change
It follows that, of the 15,000ppm of atmospheric H2O described in AS18, only a tiny fraction (I’ll generously call it 1%, but it is much less) is AWV and is actually modelled. So, while Sheahen’s description of it as “dry air” might have been a very slight exaggeration, the principle remains sound.
It seems quite clear that all the AR6 climate models …exclude 99% of the H2O molecules that compete with CH4 to react with outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR) ”
Reiner Fuelmich is arrested in Germany.
The link is dated November 5.
I suspect, they didn’t loose their papers, they were stolen…
I remeber to have read about the possible financial irregularities here in Germany. And that many things haven’t been clear at all.
Helping the recruiting drive?
“U.S. Soldier Says Army Demands Cash for Gear Ordered Left Behind in Afghanistan”
10% of that for the Big Man?
“The mRNAs Didn’t End COVID, Omicron Did: Berenson”
FWIW – “Nut 0”
“Magnificent work from John Ruddick MLC in the NSW Parliament.”
Exactly right John Ruddick
(Ungrateful) migrants protest outside asylum centre as they moan they have no money, WiFi or enough sugar
At present, the number of migrants on the old airbase is around 550, which is around 150 less than the population of Wethersfield. However when the base is at capacity – around 1,700 – asylum seekers will outnumber local residents by more than two to one.
Explaining the most recent protest, he said: “The asylum seekers came outside and blocked the road. Really, the only people that were affected were us residents.”
Repeating the complaints of the occupants of the centre, Mr Clarke-Holland said: “’It’s like a prison here, we’ve got no medicine, we’ve got no wifi, we’ve got no blankets, we’ve got no water’. I mean, you name it, it was on the list.
My response:
Just had 7 F-35s fly over. The elevators always look like the flippers on a turtle.
Anyone have a link to a site showing ECMWF model forecasts for Australia?
Does this mean increased potential for ‘vaxxidents’ in the airline industry?
New research from the Barcelona Global Health Institute (ISGlobal) links last year’s unprecedented European heatwave to a staggering number of deaths.
In 2022, Europe was gripped by a heatwave of historic proportions, leading to over 70,000 deaths, as reported by ISGlobal.
This alarming figure, published in ‘The Lancet Regional Health-Europe’, surpasses previous estimates and highlights the lethal impact of extreme temperatures, according to Telecinco.
The research team meticulously analysed daily temperature and mortality data from 147 regions across 16 European countries, spanning 1998 to 2004.
This comparison between heat and cold-related deaths showed that shorter data aggregation periods, such as daily rather than weekly, provide a more accurate mortality estimate.
For instance, the daily data model estimated 290,104 cold-related and 39,434 heat-related premature deaths, while weekly data suggested 8.56 and 21.56 per cent fewer deaths, respectively.
Climatus Changus strikes again.
“The Blob and Its Mobs”
Kunstler looks at this year’s Thanksgiving in US
“Those of us outside the blob and their mobs know that our country has to be rebuilt somehow, and that rebuilding it must include assurances of personal liberty. I’m grateful and thankful this year that there are enough of us who understand what’s at stake and are prepared to fight against slithering tyranny. Do you see where things stand this Thanksgiving? It feels like the edge of something because it is the edge of something.”*-nation/the-blob-and-its-mobs/
Maybe I missed it, as this has been out for a few days. A different look at the George Floyd fiasco.
By ‘a different look’ you mean a non hysterical synopsis of fact … which can be now whispered aloud with less fear of attack by an angry mob of mostly college students*.
Kinda like Pandemic issues.
And of course, the organ of the body politic where the Mass originated … Climate.
The great historic phenom of the Internet Age is not the proliferation of information access.
It is the resulting ability to manipulate public opinion.
It is not Big Tech.
It is Big Psychology.
*(Notice that it is the Internet children that fuel the Mass. And we can talk about Minneapolis now because they are now distracted by searching out witches that have a different opinion, or historical knowledge, about the Mid East.)
Somebody, somewhere is presently anticipating, and planning where possible, they next direction to point the mob.
After the ashes of the next rampage are cooling, we can chat about it.
In praise of “Liver and Lights”
“Ancient Secret: Native American’s Key to Longevity Revealed”
“Liver and Lights”
Points out that people are still eating it but diluted in manufactured meat
Mine! Mine! Mine!
“Yellow Cake Hits 15-Year High As ESG Nuclear Craze Tightens Market”
Safety concerns put city’s charging points out of action
Portsmouth, UK: –
All Portsmouth’s on-street electric vehicle charge points have been switched off
The charging points use the electricity supply from lampposts
They were disconnected after SSEN* raised safety concerns about how they were installed
Electric vehicles will instead have to be charged at public off-street charging points
Also – “The authority said it was not known how long the charging points would be out of use. While the on-street charge points, which include designated parking bays, are out of use any car will be able to park in the bays.”
– Note – * SSEN – Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks.
Doesn’t get easier for EV drivers, does it?
A geneology of tool brands –
Relentless climate propaganda is damaging the mental health of the gullible and vulnerable.
“The killer EV design deficiency nobody talks about – until now | Auto Expert John Cadogan”