A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Oh look, I’m ahead of myself !! Cooking in a hurry, or novelty ( for a change). At the weekend, got introduced to ROAST in the bag poultry. ( Yes I’ d seen it before but on principle, never bothered). Hmm Tasty enough But but but…. like COviLimate reporting, is quite selective. Oven roasting bags are made with polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a type of plastic usually considered safe to use for food and water. But, a 2007 study that included PET roasting bags and ready-made products in PET baking dishes found that half of the products prepared at a temperature of 356°F exceeded the specific migration limit of chemicals set for food contact material by the European Commission.
Since that study, most research is focused on PET water bottles. The results from these studies provide plenty of evidence that PET oven bags are not safe.
and because the results were better than anticipated and could we re-use the bags for bacon / sausages etc ( Steak – in the oven? ) Now I’m not so sure. Nee ds further investigation – would it be worth the bother ( all things modern ….Bah Humbug ) Could always use the Grease proof paper , but a bag was tidy.
Meanwhile I was cleaning an oven for an elderly lady who was obviously too old to do it 10years ago… As it cost her about $40 it was money well spent, and she is pthalate free for another decade.
With ovens some black carbon is tarred on permanently, I reckon the only way to remove it is a oxy welding torch. However it affects nothing but the aesthetics.
Oxy torch. Lol.
Reminds me of a certain tv ad for a spray-on/wipe-off product that could remove years of congealed crud effortlessly. Just spray and wipe.
So they claimed. Maybe there was an optional angle grinder I thought. Or an oxy…
The trick is to clean before it all cools, but who wants to do that? Do it tomorrow.
Just observing in a historical behavioral kinda way …
if one political faction is tying to jail the leader of the opposition political faction for claiming an election was illegitimate …
decent odds the election was illegitimate.
They used to be known as ‘banana republics’: what’s your one called – Deep Fried Corn Pop?
It’s been 6 (sucks) weeks since our elections ejected Jabcinda’s motley mob, and yet the Three Amigos in suits still haven’t cobbled together a workable 3-way coalition of parties: a caucus in crisis? What crisis! SNAFU.
But, does this mean that the country is once more running smoothly?
US Congressman Dan Goldman saying Trump “has to be eliminated”.
I saw an interesting quote just now …Rebel News was interviewing a Māori church member (from the Destiny church) who had taken part in a 200 man Hakka in response to a pro-Palestinian rally. Following the Hakka, the Hamas rally dissolved.
“I asked Maori community activists who passionately expressed their support for Israel, why they were siding with the Jewish community.
They asserted that Israel, as the indigenous people, had an inherent right to the land, challenging the popular narrative that Palestinians are the true indigenous inhabitants.”
One of the people there went on to say … “We’re bible believing, Christian believing, Jesus believing, but we’re not scared to go toe-to-toe either.”
For our dear Aboriginal socialist alliance folk… whom being “on the right side of history” is a favourite phrase….do you want to argue with your indigenous bros in NZ about what’s the right side of history??
Aw my bro – my brown cuzzies aren’t indigenous, they got here by boat just like my ancestors, admittedly a few hundred years beforehand, but all things considered, we all came from somewhere else… like the Chosenites, from Egypt? Babylon? East of Ur?
BTW, ‘haka’ is pronounced ‘hucker’ 😜 Kapai!
… and is “meals on wheels” pronounced “kai tyre” or is that just in the far north district? lol.
So when you talk in “facts” you are not actually being rude as we all thought
and that’s a f#ct.
And when performing the “haka”, what did they wear?
Seriously, though. It was from Benjamin Netanyahu that I heard it first, speaking while addressing a gathering in Melbourne in August of about 2008, declaring; “This land (i.e. Israel) has been ours for the last 3,000 years, and it will be for the next 3.000 years”.
If that is the rule, then on whose land am I living?
And you?
And half or more of the world’s population?
And for how long will we be permitted under this rule to live where we live?
We can’t allow that that is the rule. And not even Benjamin Netanyahu can allow that that is the rule, because the corollary must apply, and all of the world’s Jews must go and live in the land of Israel.
An Israeli Sense of Humour at United Nations set the record straight.
An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the United Nations Assembly and made the world community smile.
A representative from Israel began: ‘Before beginning my talk I want to tell you something about Moses: When he struck the rock and it brought forth water, he thought, “What a good opportunity to have a bath!”
Moses removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water. When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished.
A Palestinian had stolen them!
The Palestinian representative at the UN jumped up furiously and shouted, “What are you talking about? The Palestinians weren’t there then.”
The Israeli representative smiled and said, “And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech.”
What the Palestinians want according to polls, is not a 2 nation state but the complete eradication of Israel
They are in favour of “2 states – dead and alive”
(From another blog)
Jo, with respect, how do you reply to that ?
The National Trust is playing the climate card like many institutions to demand more money, evade responsibility etc.
It’s easy to demolish any one of the examples cited, but take Mullion Harbour and it’s extensive history of storms and damage, especially in the 1930s.
“There are records which show that when the harbour was taken over by the National Trust in 1945 there had already been a significant collapse to the end of the south pier. Not quite so obvious, the seaward end of the west pier was also in need of attention to stop it from collapsing.”
The Devil’s gorge
I watched this 49 min document. I felt discomfort because of high places at times, but overall I can recommend the document.
The film presents two Japanese canyoneers. They map canyons and gorges like explorers of the past. A dangerous hobby if you ask me.
Dis-gorge-us! Excellent watch, thanks for that. Whooduh thunk the tallest mountains used to be gunk on the sea floor of the Tethys Sea long ago… now THAT’S ‘climate change’ I can believe in! Namaste.
Why does the ABC continually state and re-state that the ‘Gaza Health Authority reports’ when the Gaza Health Authority is actually the ‘Hamas Terrorist Organization’?
Why, also, does the ABC state and restate that ‘Israel claims’ and that ‘Israeli claims are not verified’?
Especially since the Managing Director has so recently refuted any suggestion of bias in this conflict?
The UK BBC does exactly the same thing, constantly implies everything Israel says is untrustworthy and arrogantly demands a high level of proof. A completely different standard to that applied to the other side.
Amusing isn’t it- On one hand the propaganda is applied to everyone’s ‘enemy’ Russia, on the other to everyone’s ‘friend’ Israel.
The mainstream don’t know which way to spin.
Another ‘real-world’ EV debacle as a journo drives Sydney to Melbourne in an EV:
Between two cities of >5m people each on our busiest national highway with lots (by our standards) of big and not-so-big towns along the way. I just drove Adelaide Canberra – as I do often – and it’s 1200kms through such major metropolitan areas as Jabuk, Walpeup, Piangil and Coolamon. As is probably the plan, such journeys are impossible in ev’s – remembering that both cities are still in the SE relatively settled quadrant of the continent.
More lies from Govt-
“The new XBB.1.5 vaccines have modest improved protection against the COVID-19 strains currently circulating the community, according to a government statement, which said that all available vaccines still continued to provide strong protection against serious disease.”
Line up to get your next shot, with only 25% of eligible people taking up the offer we have a lot of booster (that you have paid for) to be used up.
At least they are rolling back the lies that it stops you catching covid-
” Available data suggests monovalent XBB vaccines provide modestly enhanced protection from severe disease compared to older vaccines.”
…and they admit the total incompetence of both Govts over the last decade-
““At a time when hospitals are dealing with historic ramping, bulk billing rates continue to plummet, and it is harder and more expensive to see a GP..”
Mike Jonas. Regarding your comment yesterday.
Can you please provide some info / a product link / who the company was (if in Aus) etc about this set-up?
Thank you.
They use heat pipes [are they pumps in reverse?] to bury the heat from oil pipelines across the permafrost so as not to defrost said permafrost. Sounds similar.
I know little about them but have wondered why what Mike Jones speaks of is not more common. Could I cool my house in the tropics this way?
I assume something like this
Russian Boss Advice: How to Get Respect from Zero
Something Happened in the 6th Century A.D.: The Mass Exodus of the Gods
Three large volcanic eruptions in the years 536, 540 and 547 AD led to average temperatures falling between 1 and 4 degrees from the mid-6th century to the mid-7th.
Global News
Electric car shock: Ontario man told new battery would cost more than $50,000
I stayed away from Hyundai because of a reputation of poor customer support.
Hyundai/Kia have bigger problems with engine lifespans and oil consumption, and security.
If you want to see how good a brand/model is before you buy then go chat to the spare parts dept first.
How many engines do you keep?
THAT many! Walk away.😉
Walk away from stop/start, cylinder deactivation cars too or pay the price in 5 years or so.
Ah, the litigious Americans- always looking for someone else to blame and suing someone is the answer to every problem!
“There are eight plaintiffs in the 2022 class action suit, from various states across the country. Each of them has different models which they claim consume too much oil. Model years covered under the class action run from 2009 to 2021, and include pretty much everything Hyundai and Kia sold during that time span. The lawsuit says all the engines consume too much oil, requiring owners to check their oil levels constantly. The suit says oil must be added to these engines more frequently than the owner’s manual suggests. In addition to the oil consumption, the suit says oil seeps into areas of the engines where it shouldn’t, and the resulting oily residue damages the engine internals and exhaust and means the engines don’t operate correctly. ”
They should have bought a British car and had it leak that oil all over the driveway! I have to check my Corolla oil every week or two as well…
I imagine 8people in America could be found that all owned oil-burning Fords, or Chevvies, or Pontiacs or any make at all! Too much time on their hands and too many lawyers in the country!
I lift the bonnet of my Toyota once a year, if I remember.
There are four top rated Japanese manufacturers and they are well known. Should be one car that they like.
I remember Deepwater Horizon, an American project with Halliburton the drillers, but when it sank they sued BP.
There is some comment around that Subaru also has problems with oil useage
n=8? Out of how many?
I’ve owned Hyundais (n=4) and I might check the oil before a long drive but mostly it gets checked and changed at the scheduled service.
I have a 2020 3.5l petrol 6 cylinder Kia Sorento. No oil issues, does big drives regularly, gets 7.5-8.3 l/100kms out in the bush.
Underrated car that one .
Hmm. I have a 12-yr old Hyundai Elantra that is still going very well after 142,000 kms, with maintenance only once a year. Engine takes a bit more revs and gear changes now, but no problems to hop into and head down south whenever. Wish they were still making them.
Managerial incompetence – a plague sweeping the world?
Most OpenAI Staff Threaten To Quit, Join Microsoft Unless ‘Incompetent, Incapable’ Board Resigns
The process through which you terminated Sam Altman and removed Greg Brockman from the board has jeopardized all of this work and undermined our mission and company. Your conduct has made it clear you did not have the competence to oversee OpenAI.
Your actions have made it obvious that you are incapable of overseeing OpenAI. We are unable to work for or with people that lack competence, judgement and care for our mission and employees. We, the undersigned, may choose to resign from OpenAI and join the newly announced Microsoft subsidiary run by Sam Altman and Greg Brockman.
Lack competence, judgement and care.
Now there was this female CEO of a telecommunications co. recently that description fits. Who was it again?
The facial expression and vague replies absolutely reeked of “I’m out of here shortly and I couldn’t care less about your inquiry”.
Why does scum always have to rise to the top?
We see it here, we see it there.
Incompetent CEO’s without a care.
But they keep hiring these
mentally deficient, sociopathicneurodivergent types, don’t they.50
John Connor II,
It can be fun joining a pile-on, but look at who you’re piling on with: politicians and media. Eeeww. Might be a little misdirection going around.
A global cooling signal, modern Arctic sea ice extent greater than the alarmists claim.
Interesting signal. How is that cooling you predicted coming along?
I predict an imminent official redefinition of ice.
Around 9000 years BP temperatures were roughly the same as now and the Holocene Climate Optimum didn’t really kick off until 8000 BP.
‘How is that cooling you predicted coming along?’
Climate changes slowly, however I’m still confident that world temperatures will fall within 18 months.
Natural variability rules.
Storm over Uluru – The Fraud of Land Rights
Power outage in northeastern Victoriastan for about 20 minutes then back on , notice NSW is frantically borrowing cups of electricity from QLD and the Victoriastan and the one from vic is maxed out . Was it a staged blackout to keep NSW going or was there a real fault ?
The Surprising Truth Behind The Disunity Among American Indians
Have your urologists made any comment on your use of IVM and silver?
I just got a mostly but not quite clear bladder biopsy. BCG monthly for a year.
Simplicious writing of how the Western propaganda of high Russian deaths and low Ukie ones have become a trap- Zelensky can’t reveal the desperate truth now and has no reason to demand a full mobilisation, including women.
He covers the change in Western media, now finally suggesting Ukraine get to the negotiating table and accept that they will never get back the territories Russia has seized, and how Russia can cruise at this level of war while NATO and Ukraine have spent everything they had with nothing left now.
“In short: Time is on Russia’s side, Russia’s economy is completely invulnerable to sanctions and is booming, Moscow has true friends and allies who support it, a massive, untapped manpower pool, and Putin is politically unassailable. ”
The weapons side of it is just as bad-
“M109 Paladin commander ‘Alexander’ reveals how badly the ammo situation has gotten. When he used to shoot 100-150 shells per day in the Zaporozhye and Bakhmut direction, he now can only shoot 15 rounds in Avdeevka…. So the American M109s had 7m (accuracy) during the summer, and now he’s getting 70 meter accuracies. That means the barrels are being completely exhausted and there are no replacements. Meanwhile Russian barrels are constantly swapped on the front, as a half-dozen videos I’ve posted attest.”
The truth may be starting to sink in..
Good comedy value as always.
“Ukr Situation Terrible; Burns, Austin, Pistorius in Kiev; Mobilisation; Shoigu Rus Winning Kherson”
I note El Gordo’s comment on temperature variations. I do not agree with the cooling prediction, but I believe that global temperatures will remain static for at least 3 years. After that, who knows?
You maybe right, natural variability is hard to predict.
Static conditions for a few years sounds about right, a pause in temps because of a subdued El Nino. What happens after that will depend on the oceanic oscillations and not increasing CO2 in the atmosphere.
A recent paper (above my pay grade) by Wijngaarden and Happer, the comments are worth a perusal.
Chiefio takes a look –
“This is a very interesting video about the “gut biome” ”
“Saskatchewan says following the Net Zero by 2035 Clean Electricity Regulations are not possible, unaffordable, unconstitutional and unobtainable”
“In August, Steven Guilbeault released the draft Clean Electricity Regulations which mean to remake our entire country in just 11 years.
On Nov. 2, Saskatchewan told them where to go. Today, they said publicly how to get there.
Three stories:”
More and links at
“Safe and Effective®”
“It’s not the vaccine, read.”
“The Office of the Attorney General’s Civil Medicaid Fraud Division has sued Pfizer, Inc., Tris Pharma, Inc. and Tris CEO Ketan Mehta for defrauding the Texas Medicaid program by providing adulterated pharmaceutical drugs to Texas children in violation of the Texas Medicaid Fraud Prevention Act, now known as the Texas Health Care Program Fraud Prevention Act (“THFPA”).
Pfizer contracted with Tris, a drug manufacturer, to produce a pediatric attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder medication (“ADHD”), Quillivant XR. Pfizer knowingly distributed Quillivant to children on Medicaid despite the drug’s pattern of failing quality control tests due to flawed manufacturing practices. For years, Tris altered the drug’s testing method in violation of federal and state laws to ensure Quillivant passed regulatory hurdles and could continue to be sold.”
“Atmosphere and Greenhouse Gas Primer”
“From the CO2 Coalition
By W. A. van Wijngaarden, Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University, Canada and W. Happer, Department of Physics, Princeton University, USA”
And in comments there –
“As it happens, the same authors have exposed the Phony Nitrogen “Crisis” as a pretext for warring against farmers. The paper is Nitrous Oxide and Climate by C. A. de Lange, J. D. Ferguson, W. Happer, and W. A. van Wijngaarden. “
“Claim: High Cost Green Policies will Reduce the Drug Epidemic”
“If warm weather was a significant cause of mental health issues, Singapore would be a lunatic asylum.”
More at
Sounds like an argument for more and better airconditioning
“A timely warning for gift-shopping”
“Those of us with children would do well to heed this warning.
Toys that “spy” on children are a rising, “frightening” threat, a new study from a consumer watchdog has warned.
The U.S. PIRG Education Fund noted that certain toys that record children’s voices, images, locations and other information pose a risk to children’s safety and privacy.”
More at