Image by Darwin Laganzon from Pixabay
Three labs confirm fragments of DNA from manufacturing are left in the mRNA vaccines
We injected 70% of the world’s population with a barely tested admixture that included random lengths of DNA. We don’t know for sure if that DNA has been inserted into our nuclear DNA, but we’re not really looking either. The government just says mRNA can’t change your DNA. But could contaminated mRNA which is packaged in lipid nanoparticles, with gene therapy vectors and enhancers do that? Maybe, but whatever you do, don’t run those tests, right?
Are we changing germline genetics of the human race — getting into sperm or egg cells? We don’t know. These are just the games we play these days. We could easily have run those tests on sperm at least, before we approved anything in young fertile adults and children, but we didn’t. A Chinese scientist that did that once in a different experiment ended up in jail. Some researchers are quite concerned to put it mildly. The odds may be low, but the numbers are astronomical. After a few billion hands of poker everyone has a Royal Flush.
In March, Kevin McKernan, a molecular biologist, found DNA contamination in Pfizer’s mRNA Covid vaccines and published this in here and here. As soon as Kevin McKernan put out his paper on the presence of small fragments of SV40, the Factcheckers arrived to flood the scene with strawmen — declaring there’s no SV40 virus in vaccines — which is true, but no one said there was.
Now the presence of remnant DNA has been confirmed by two independent labs (Dr. Sin Lee and Philip Buckhaults) — so it wasn’t a freak finding or a mistake. It really is that bad. Indeed, Phillip Buckhaults set out to show the fears were overblown but instead, in astonishment, confirmed what McKernan found.
“My plan was to examine the vaccine to debunk the fear of SV40 being in the vaccine. … I checked them first by a PCR assay that uses primers against the vector, and lo and behold, it fired very hot. A very, very high signal. … and son of the gun, Kevin McKernan was right, this plasmid is present in the vaccine. I proved that there is NOT SV40 full virus, but there is plasmid DNA. And that plasmid does have a little piece of SV40 in it. “
— Phillip Buckaults interview with Maryanne Demasi
A plasmid is a circle of DNA that’s a regular lab tool. In this case it contains about 10% of the SV40 virus, a virus that contaminated some polio vaccines around 1960, and has been the subject of many studies since. We find it in cancer cells, but did it cause the cancers? Academic opinion is divided (see the papers here). But the part of SV40 that’s in the plasmid is a potent part that amplifies or promotes whatever code follows it. Indeed, SV40 is used in gene therapy research — it makes a good vector. It’s such a good gene therapy tool that the residual DNA contaminant ought to be classified under gene therapy regulations instead of vaccination rules, says McKernan. He points out that there is an ongoing lawsuit in Australia with the TGA about this very issue.
The mRNA vaccines are an incredibly complex chemical product — easy to screw up
Creating mRNA vaccines was a monumentally ambitious chemical task. It’s no wonder things went wrong. An mRNA molecule is a chain of four different small molecules that is 4,284 bases long, in an exact sequence in the correct order. Effectively, on a molecular scale, we must connect these 4,284 nucleic acid bases in a row, and then wrap them in a fat layer (called a lipid nanoparticle). McKernan estimates each vaccination dose contains 13 to 40 trillion copies of the mRNA. This is not like the complexity of chemistry, say, used in creating ammonia in the Haber Bosch process, but something leagues, astronomical magnitudes beyond that. It is only possible because a billion years of evolution has crafted nano-scale machines that do a lot of it for us. We are merely co-opting the tools of biology. Grinding out thousands of bases is something even bacteria can do, but cleaning it up, that’s much harder.
To create all the copies of mRNA, and package it up, we use E.Coli — a bacterium — to be the molecular factory, then we have to strip out those factories, to disassemble them and all their “body parts” and remove them, without damaging the product, and in some batches we failed miserably.
Once again, we all hope friends, families and readers here, of course, got the good batches. It was a lottery.
The best interview covering this is with the Epoch Times: American Thought Leaders Interview
I recommend watching it at the link, or reading the whole transcript there. (I don’t think it is paywalled, but if you can’t play it, Brenda suggests this Rumble video version. These are excerpts below:
Kevin McKernan Talks COVID Vaccine DNA Contamination, the Monkey Virus SV40 Promoter, and What’s Actually in the Vaccines
… many years ago there was a case where Dr. He in China did some genome edits on two babies. He made two CRISPR [clustered regularly interspersed short palindromic repeats] babies. That guy went to jail. Fast-forward to today, we’re willing to take that risk on billions of people. Now granted, CRISPR is a lot more effective, and doing it on germline is obviously going to affect every cell in the kid’s body. We’re probably not going to get every cell in the kid’s body when we inject them with one of these vaccines.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Why did we need such high doses? “… an RNA molecule for every single cell in your body.”
The RNA is just supposed to make enough protein to teach some white blood cells, not to teach every single damn cell in your body:
But what I think was perhaps a valid critique of their effort is that they never really knew how much you needed. Their dosage study looked at three doses. Why are we injecting 40 trillion of these things into people?
Why does the immune system need such a huge payload to build an immune response? … we’re putting in truckloads of this material.
We’re doing it over and over and over again, and it’s not working. These are all signs that something is horribly wrong. There’s 30 trillion cells in your body, so there’s more than an RNA molecule for every single cell in your body.
Would you like factory DNA in your ovaries?
We know from the biodistribution study that some of these LNPs are getting to the ovaries, so that’s a huge concern. If 1 percent of these LNPs get to the ovaries, there’s 40 billion in each shot, we’re getting down to 400 million that go to the ovaries. Now you’re starting to really concern yourself. If there’s only 300,000 oocytes in each female, and there are 400 million LNPs down there, these numbers are worrisome. What are we doing to the germline in the future generation?
(These numbers didn’t quite tally. Some studies estimate each LNP ball has on average 5 mRNA’s. So 40 billion LNP’s won’t carry 40 Trillion mRNA’s, as McKernan stated above. Perhaps the transcription tool “misheard”, or a reader can explain — either way, the important point stands. Human eggs are precious things, a million or a billion accidents either way is awful).
We don’t know where the vaccines went in body tissues:
A cocktail of contaminants
The contaminants include not just a part of a monkey virus, but also antibiotic resistance, and also something called a 72 ACE pair enhancer which is apparently good for moving DNA into the nucleus (Oh no).
Fragments of DNA — especially ones packaged the right way — could integrate into our own genetic code. They may do nothing or everything depending on where they “land” in our 3.2 billion base genome. They may cause cancer if they land inside a key gene that usually protects us against cancer.
The concern is if this DNA integrates the genome, one portion of the SSV40 sequence is an SV40 promoter, a very strong promoter, which means it drives transcription wherever it lands in the genome. If this happens to drop itself in front of a proto-oncogene and drives a lot of expression off of a gene that’s known, if you hyper-express it and turn the cell cancerous, then we have a concern that DNA is in fact doing that.
Normally it’s difficult for loose bits of DNA to get near the nucleus of our cells where our DNA is kelp. But if the DNA is packaged up and has the right equipment, it can get there:
There are two concerns. There are promoters in this vaccine from SV40 and there’s an 72 ACE pair enhancer, which David Dean has shown is a very potent tool for moving DNA into the nucleus, and they’re right next to each other. If this DNA moves into the nucleus and it drags a promoter with it, and that integrates in front of a gene, it can disrupt gene regulation and potentially lead to the oncogenesis.
Pfizer hid the SV40 component from the EMA
This is a really bad look:
The really crushing thing here is Pfizer never disclosed the SV40 information to the EMA [European Medicines Agency]. They gave them a plasmid map of what the plasmid consisted of, with all of the features labeled, with the exception of the SV40 site.
They did that because they know the SV40 region is a very controversial base in its history in the vaccine field. The polio vaccines were contaminated with the full virus, not just these little components, but the full virus. The full virus has over 5,000 bases. The components we have are about 466 bases of the virus, but they’re arguably the most functional aspects of the virus’s genome for replicating and for gene expression.
The fact that they hid that this is in there from the EMA is a concern. We know from David Dean’s work that it’s used as a gene therapy tool, so it would clearly classify the residual DNA in the vaccines under the gene therapy regulations that we have in many jurisdictions.
Fragments of DNA that integrate may do nothing or everything depending on where they “land” in our 3.2 billion base genome. They may cause cancer if they land inside a key gene that usually protects us against cancer. All our cells have multiple layers of protection against cancer, but this may wipe one of them out.
Stop vaccines for children and adults of fertile ages until we know
If the DNA of eggs and sperm is being changed — it may mean the death of that particular embryo, which may delay pregnancy but not preclude it. It could translate into falling fertility rates, or it may mean children born with a higher risk of disease or disability. We may be playing “shotgun” genetics with the next generation. Why aren’t our Ministers of Health looking? It would be easy to analyze sperm samples and answer this question. It’s a lot harder to test eggs. It’s the sort of test that could be done in weeks.
Now that the DNA contamination is known, the question of culpability and informed consent gets so much more pointed. But for our regulatory agencies — the question remains — why didn’t test for this at the start of 2021?
What kills much faster than cancer? — “endotoxins”
McKernan admits that bacterial endotoxin contamination scares him more than the DNA — at least in an immediate sense. The remnant shells of the bacteria — the body parts of E.Coli — are called lipopolysaccaride, or LPS, and they are highly allergenic. We deal with small doses of this all the time, but in large doses, they can cause anaphylaxis — the potentially deadly overactivation of our immune systems. Just this contaminant alone may have caused sudden deaths within minutes of injection.
Cherry picking the tests to pass outdated regulations
Coding for the nerds
Lastly, this, below, is just a part of the code for the plasmid DNA contaminants in the mRNA vaccine. Click to enlarge. The A, C, T and G stand for molecules called adenine, cytosine, thymine and guanine. Think of this as the C++, or Python of biology. Given the current state of play, perhaps it’s worth becoming a bit more familiar with molecular biology.

SV40 promoter code. Emerald Robinson
It is double stranded — and in the alternate chain, which is effectively a back up “mirror” copy, we see C always pairs opposite G and T always sits opposite A. This is exactly the same as our DNA — same bases, same language. Our cellular machinery will potentially engage and read this code and produce the products — whatever they are.
hat tip: John Connor II, Leo G, Konrad, Ian B, bella.
Kevin McKernan’s blog is Anandamide
Kevin McKernan1*, Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos2 and Peter A. McCullough3 (2023) Differences in Vaccine and SARS-CoV-2 Replication Derived mRNA: Implications for Cell Biology and Future Disease, Submitted for peer review. [DocX] (page 11)
Bacteria image by Spaully
Claim that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain DNA contaminants based on study of vials of “unknown provenance”; no evidence COVID-19 mRNA vaccines can alter DNA in people
No, COVID-19 vaccines do not alter your DNA. Find out more below.
it could cause an autoimmune response, maybe, potentially, possibly.
Honestly, the statistics do speak for themselves
And the excess deaths scream loudest of all Fitz!!
Yep the stats do speak for themselves.
COVID-19 related deaths by year and month of occurrence (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)
Year of death occurrence
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
2020 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 5 2 0 0 0 9
2021 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 15 19 25 64
2022 231 208 125 216 298 282 465 446 186 97 138 281 2,973
2023 225 103 122 142 186 192 91 44 na na na na 1105
2020 & 2021, the years of the worst Pandemic in the history of mankind. Seems to have been increasing from after the Vax rollout.
From the link above
Excess deaths compared to what exactly? there is nothing is this world that is risk free.
Just compare the number of covid deaths for the USA (lots of unvaccinated there) and any other country
In the US, how many were genuine covid deaths?
There were large incentives to declare as many deaths as possible as covid.
And it’s implausible that your employer, China, had so few deaths.
From your link, and I can find nothing on deaths per Vax status. Cases 11,774,220 Deaths 22,798 Australia. Our own ABS data states 4151 deaths to 06/23.
Seriously Pete, your like talking to a vegetable. Compared to the historic average, you would know this if you looked at the link. The data is there, look!
Someone is definantly not getting value for money from your posts.
Fitz if you have to ask, you obviously have no bloody idea what you are talking about because you never bothered to look, as per normal!!
From your own link. You confirm the article, you confirm you still don’t read your own links.
Furthermore, despite the assumption that there is no possibility of genomic integration of therapeutic synthetic mRNA, only one recent study has examined interactions between vaccine mRNA and the genome of transfected cells, and reported that an endogenous retrotransposon, LINE-1 is unsilenced following mRNA entry to the cell, leading to reverse transcription of full length vaccine mRNA sequences, and nuclear entry. This finding should be a major safety concern, given the possibility of synthetic mRNA-driven epigenetic and genomic modifications arising. We propose that in susceptible individuals, cytosolic clearance of nucleotide modified synthetic (nms-mRNAs) is impeded. Sustained presence of nms-mRNA in the cytoplasm deregulates and activates endogenous transposable elements (TEs), causing some of the mRNA copies to be reverse transcribed. The cytosolic accumulation of the nms-mRNA and the reverse transcribed cDNA molecules activates RNA and DNA sensory pathways. Their concurrent activation initiates a synchronized innate response against non-self nucleic acids, prompting type-I interferon and pro-inflammatory cytokine production which, if unregulated, leads to autoinflammatory and autoimmune conditions, while activated TEs increase the risk of insertional mutagenesis of the reverse transcribed molecules, which can disrupt coding regions, enhance the risk of mutations in tumour suppressor genes, and lead to sustained DNA damage. Susceptible individuals would then expectedly have an increased risk of DNA damage, chronic autoinflammation, autoimmunity and cancer. In light of the current mass administration of nms-mRNA vaccines, it is essential and urgent to fully understand the intracellular cascades initiated by cellular uptake of synthetic mRNA and the consequences of these molecular events.
Of course who would suspect that a department funded by the very products they approve, would approve a product.
Hope you have had your sixth dose of that sweet sweet vaxxine, otherwise you would be a hypocrite.
Your first link, links to this article https://joannenova.com.au/2023/10/dna-contamination-of-the-mrna-vaccines-would-you-like-a-part-of-an-sv40-monkey-virus-with-that/Claim%20that%20COVID-19%20mRNA%20vaccines%20contain%20DNA%20contaminants%20based%20on%20study%20of%20vials%20of%20%E2%80%9Cunknown%20provenance%E2%80%9D;%20no%20evidence%20COVID-19%20mRNA%20vaccines%20can%20alter%20DNA%20in%20people140SHARESShare
Your second link is to the actual drug dealers page. https://www.health.gov.au/our-work/covid-19-vaccines/is-it-true/is-it-true-can-covid-19-vaccines-alter-my-dna Funny, the ones telling the lie, say thay are not lying?
You appear to be waking up dumber than you went to sleep.
The trick works like this: they look at the evidence, then after taking a good long look they say, “No evidence.”
It’s also known as dishonesty.
Given that Peter doesn’t even read his own links … what’s the chance anything you wave in front of him will actually make an impression?
what was in the vials? that is the problem here
Three independent labs. Three different sources for the samples.
And seven months for the “factcheckers” to run their own tests and samples to show how this is wrong and they haven’t.
From the top link
However, one of the most significant limitations is that the vials tested were of “unknown provenance” and the authors explained that the vials had been sent to them “anonymously in the mail without cold packs” but that the vials were “unopened”. Simply put, whether the vials were actually of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and the integrity of the contents is questionable. The Epoch Times article simply glossed over this fact, discussing the preprint findings as conclusive evidence of DNA contamination when this is far from certain.
The article’s claims draw heavily on a preprint (a study not yet peer-reviewed) authored by McKernan et al., a group of scientists at Medicinal Genomics, a company that offers nucleic acid sequencing services. – Gosh a sequencing company, no conflict of interest there.
So you are down to a preprint, not peer reviewed, from a business – solid, you could take that to the bank for sure
Read the Epoch Times article and the Demasi interview. THREE LABS. You have nothing but the usual Pal review fallacy. Nothing at all.
The retired professor?
How does that infer a conflict of interest?
Yes, what was in the vials, is the problem here.
For example the claims that the test samples were of “unknown provenance” is false. McKrenan was given time expired vials from regular stocks.
When I see FACTCHECK I baulk. FAUXCHECKERS from RMIT or the Conversation are in up to their eyeballs with obscurantism. Still, many seek comfort in lies.
So glad that I never took the Jab or the boosters. Didn’t get the virus either as far as I know.
“Safe and Effective?” Never proved.
It’s a question of stage of metbolization the mRNA vacc is able to enter liver cells in vitro – longer known now
How the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine affects human liver cells
Dr John Campbell’s video yesterday headed “Excess deaths debate in parliament” takes a look at excess death causes including
(8min23sec) ischaemic heart diseases
(8min45sec) heart failure
(9min10sec) other respiratory (which are down which supports suggestion covid contribution to excess deaths is not a factor).
Then at the 9min45sec mark the official figures for cirrhosis and other liver disease caused death which are truly concerning.
Same in Aus, whenever this topic is mentioned, the chamber empties like a bowel movement, if they turned up in the first place. Want to know who is bought out, watch a session.
Our opposition opposes nothing and walks out with their mates.
We have dug ourselves into a disgusting cesspool of filth, we will fix it next election though, let’s all vote Lib/Nat!
That last suggestion was sarcastic, I presume?
It will be different next time, trust them.
A possible indicator of substance, when particular personages swoop in.
I see there’s been a swoop.
A relitive by any chance?
Doctor McHonk-Honk
No, he’s much more evolved than me.
Plus, I’m a lot hairier.
You are believing government data?
They lied, promoted misinformation and disinformation and wouldn’t allow alternative safe treatments.
The Federal “Health” Minister at the time was a WEF graduate.
The Government can hardly be regarded as a trustworthy authority.
The WEF appear to of scrubbed Mr. Greg Hunt from the WEF site.
He was previously listed as a Young Global Leader and Director of Strategies for the WEF.
Good find MP.
It’s still on his personal bio. however. No doubt it will soon be scrubbed from there as well.
Archive before it goes.
They are rewriting history before our eyes.
I saved Hunt’s page on the Wayback Machine.
He can’t deny his WEF association now or the fact it was in his bio..
BTW, he identifies as a “Professor” now.
Professor or Professedwhore?
Can someone PLEASE identify as a sleuth & name the other 30% who identify as WEF acolytes.
The Coalition is as at least 40% leftist.
If their not in this room, there in on it
In Greg Hunt CV…
2000-2001 | Director of Global Strategy – World Economic Forum, Geneva
Responsible for the development of global strategy for the WEF, working directly to the CEO.
Anybody still wondering WHY Albanese’s government won’t entertain a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the the pandemic or the vaccines, or why both Governments & the pharmaceutical companies have immunity from prosecution??
Couldn’t possibly have an inquiry when you can’t control the information that would be released for public consumption can you!!!
Especially when muzzling the press and internet commentators is not going to be in place. I do believe a shorter description would be censorship of anything the government doesn’t approve or.
Or easier still “ dictatorship “. Strange how socialists always gravitate to that extreme!!
You are claiming the vaccines were safe and effective? They stopped the spread of Covid?
If yes, then you are simply lying to us.
If no, then you are supporting the people who lied to us. All your links are to the people who lied to us and now you are pretending that they are no longer lying to us.
Even school children learn the most basic lessons about liars; they know which members of the class lie and which ones tell the truth.
You are one of the liars.
Remember this … https://www.bitchute.com/embed/3TdUYoiDQ8ZN/?feature=oembed#?secret=QGhJLmn8r3
Liars are everywhere, they seem to be concentrated in government and on TV. What a bunch of dumb asses they look now.
[Found in the bin- LVA]
So, basically; “business as usual” for the death-cult types?
Per Hanlon’s Razor:
“Never ascribe to malice that which basic stupidity”.
See also “Hanlon’s Chainsaw:
“”Never ascribe to stupidity that which is clearly criminal malice”.
The Jeanie is truly out of the Wuhan Lab and it will wreak havoc.
As if Jo’s article was not bad enough or you thought it could not get any worse, here are the Yanks and God knows who their sidekicks are this time, putting all this mRNA into the plants.
No matter what the Politicians and law says these idiot scientists think they know everything and they are saving the world or destroying it – which ever takes their fancy on the day!!
Good Lord, just finished reading that horrifying story – added to Jo’s above, it makes me think we are all over. Thanks for the post. I think.
Leeches – bring out your leeches! – that’s the cure.
An old medieval treatment for ‘lunacy’ was: ‘Take the skin of a porpoise, work it like a whip, and beat the man with it. Soon he will be well, amen.’
From, The Word Hord: Daily Life in Old English, by Hana Videen (2021) P. 259.
Just shuddup and take your whipping!
Doctor: You know the leech comes to us on the highest authority?
Blackadder: Yes. I know that. Dr. Hoffmann of Stuttgart, isn’t it?
Doctor: That’s right, the great Hoffmann.
Blackadder: Owner of the largest leech farm in Europe.
I heard the NZ “smarty pills” were often successfully prescribed among school children as recently as the 1960s. These small round “smarty pills” would be offered for sale just before school exam time. The transaction went something like this:
Buyer “Here’s my shilling, one smarty pill please”. [Swallows]. “Yuck it tastes like sh!t“.
Seller “See your getting smarter already”.
Or, Aldous Huxley:
“Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there is hardly a healthy human left.”
It sounds like Big Pharma has taken over where Big Tobacco left off.
” Trust us, it’ll be good for you.”
9 out of 10 doctors recommend Pfizer vaccines.
Imagine if Big Tobacco were given immunity from harm.
Note to covid vaccine pushers:
Time for your 17th booster shot.
Obliquely relevant!
”Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”
Maurice Strong, Founder of the UN Environmental Program
Are COVID vaccines really about vaccinating against COVID?
Asking for a friend.
A vaxxed friend.
I think still a friend.
I’m noticing subtle changes.
Does he have a new fondness for bananas?
No, but once he started staring into space and muttering something about “brains”.
But just that one time.
People are still lining up to be jabbed . At what point will it occur to them that this is dangerous ? We are sleepwalking into a nightmare . At least 2 horsemen of the apocalypse now saddled . Who benefits if everything gets destroyed ?
It won’t happen.
Because the “dumbing down” of society is complete, the Marxists having taken over the education system 50-60 years ago.
The sheep are ripe for the slaughter.
I had a young female public primary teacher around 1960, she was a walking talking leftard, Irish surname, all about ‘Pig iron Bob’, prison reform etc.
They know it’s dangerous but the risk is biased in favour of the subservient us rather than them. Vacc takers worldwide are succumbing to an early demise but to the best of my knowledge, not a single politician has been negatively affected. This is a lottery governed by big pharma.
They are clearly working on Famine next.
The socialists have a history of using food supply as a wrapon against their own people. They need another disaster that they can blame on Global Warming.
Their plan is outlined in the link I posted yesterday.
That’s subscribe walled.
No thanks.
It works for me and I’m not a subscriber.
Here’s a direct link to the video.
Yes, we got fertiliser cutbacks, burning food factories, Netherlands stock reduction and nitrogen reduction, WA ban on live exports, we got fire ants, varoa mite, bat lissa virus and more to come.
My doc said one his patients lined up for the 2nd shot after nearly dying from the first and spending weeks in hospital. He couldn’t believe it.
It’ll only stay in the area injected, lies.
It won’t breech the blood/brain barrier, lies.
It won’t infect every organ in your body, lies.
It won’t affect your DNA, lies.
Safe and effective, lies,
It won’t be passed to babies via breast milk, lies.
We grow this vaccine in E.Coli (sh**), true.
Two points from a non-scientific reader!
1. Surely, if the witch doctor medicine makers failed to provide ALL the relevant technical information to Government Bodies the exclusion to liability must be void?
2. Why are these same Government bodies still promoting potentially gene-altering jabs when they have no idea of the outcome?
I think I can answer the second: They would be lynched if they admitted the truth NOW.
The exclusion of liability depends partly on that clause in the Constitution of Australia granting the executive branch the power to overrule existing common law liability … it also depends on that other clause giving the Commonwealth powers over healthcare.
If you read it closely, you might notice that neither clause exists. There is no such authority and never was. They simply made it up and now play along as if it were true.
Ed Dowd has pointed out that all contracts are voided by fraud.
The question then:
1/ Can they claim plausible deniability — we didn’t think there was DNA contamination. It was such a rush, we tested an earlier theoretical batch line, we didn’t test, we didn’t know…
2/ Do we still have a working legal system? Are there enough judges who are honest, or brave enough to do a fair trial? Will the US Supreme Court balk when they are needed most like they did in January 2021?
I believe there is a problem from Freemason interference
I’d love to view “The best interview covering this is with the Epoch Times: American Thought Leaders Interview” but there is a paywall. Other than subscribing to The Epoch TV does anyone know of a way in
Nope same here, sign up or sign out, I chose out.
Then you don’t know what you’re missing.
It’s little money we’ll spent.
Correct Jay.
Try this
I clicked on the link in Jo’s article above and it took me to the Epoch TV site with the podcast. It then brought up the Subscribe wall. However I clicked on “articles” and looked at a few titles. When I came back the article had opened and I was able to watch it.
Note added to the post with info from Brenda and Penguinite.
Though I recommend the Epoch Times as a news source — they do a remarkable job.
Epoch Times direct debit me for about $12 per month. Don’t miss the payment
Recent discussion here focused on two previous episodes of pharmaceutical endeavour which failed the science test but were admired by the banks.
AntiDepressants based on SSRIs and the cholesterol solution (more like a tablet).
In one sense this latest CV19 VaXXine jabberwocky drama is just like those two; it’s the money honey.
Check this out for a laugh.
This article is hugely informative and written at a level that is relatively easy to understand. But the crux of this subject is what is the acceptable levels for contamination? I suspect those quoted FDA levels could be not yet completely proven. Because , this whole scientific field is very immature and “ safe” levels may not have been sufficiently proven as yet. Hence, an “ abundance of caution” should have been the accepted norm. In chemical toxicology studies you very often use a 100 fold safety factor to an observed adverse event. But, we are in an industry here that appears to make their own rules. Plus , are we really talking about Pfizer / Moderna etc because other commenters contend these companies were only fronts for the US DoD and the 3 letter intelligence agencies anyway.
Ross, a very pertinent question. Given the length of todays post I didn’t get into that, but McKernan did.
The FDA set “safe” DNA limits but these apply to other kinds of injectables. It is so much more dangerous to have any DNA contamination when it comes packaged in an LNP and has the SV40 promoter, AND has another “enhancer” to get into the nucleus.
It’s also dangerous when the DNA is chopped into lots of little fragments, which is here. So I’ll have more to say on this soon.
Just tapping into the collective wisdom here, folks:
How many times is a single molecule of vaccine mRNA ‘read’ by one of your ribosomes, to make a ‘spike protein’?
Does the mRNA molecule somehow get discarded having been read once? Therefore a one-to-one relationship.
Otherwise, it’s one-to-many, so what turns off the transcription process? At that point, on average, how many spike proteins were transcribed from that single molecule of mRNA?
Perhaps Pfizzer has an FAQ page on its website with these answers? *sarcasm off*
Custer, it is one to many. The mRNA is artificially changed to make it slow to degrade. It will be copied as long as it exists in a respectable form. I think I saw 100x somewhere but I can’t find it.
I can’t understand why so many would be suspicious of a for profit product produced by an industry with a history of negligence and misrepresentation, and given unprecedented blanket immunity from liability by government for said product.
And governments that righteously declared that such product would NOT be mandated, only to turn 180 degrees, within weeks, and mandate that for profit product with threat of confinement and un-personing.
Silly conspiracy theorists.
The jabbed masses don’t know that the entire vaxx scheme is a military operation, from development through to distribution globally.
Ask yourself why global governments are almost frenetic about having every single human being “vaxxed”, even if the risk is zero. No-one must escape the dragnet.
Then there’s the enormous batch variations, distribution differences, endless red herrings like self-assembling nano-tech, snake venom and 5G control grids for the masses to obsess over, plus blatant lies even a first week medical student should pick up like the vaxx staying at the injection site, but doctors said nothing.
We DO know where the vaxx goes. Everywhere! It’s called the circulatory system.
It’s almost like the vaxx was deliberately badly made for red herrings to cover its incredibly clever real purpose.
Canadian Gov’t Admit 74% of Triple Vaccinated Now Have VAIDS
Official data released by the Canadian government reveals that at least 74% of the vaccinated population across Canada now have full-blown Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
The data reveals that the double vaccinated population across Canada have now lost on average 74% of their immune system capability, and the triple vaccinated population across Canada have now lost on average 73% of their immune system capability compared to the natural immune system of their unvaccinated counterparts.
Evolution is just so slow isn’t it.
Especially for those WEF loons that want to be immortal.
The graveyards are full of people who thought that they were immortal.
Remember that vaxx produced by our very own University of Queensland and quietly dropped and withdrawn, get the jab and you can test positive for AIDS, what is that gunk doing in a vax.
Presumably they don’t want to risk taking a look in case they find something disturbing. If they don’t know then they can conveniently plead ignorance without the risk being questioned and having to fess up to possessing damning knowledge.
Apologies to Nat “King” Cole.
Uninjectable, that’s what you are
Despite the threats from Dodgy Dan I was luckily in a position to refuse the vax and that actually worked in my favour , I was also exempt from wearing a chin nappy which would have freaked him out .
I do worry about the ones who were forced into it and the long term ramifications.
Jo >”Fragments of DNA — especially ones packaged the right way — could integrate into our own genetic code”
So along with chemicals and radiation, a bigger threat for cells to deal with?
DNA repair is an amazing process but what when it’s modification – not damage?
I looked up DNA repair for a suitable reference, came up with what seems to lay out the process (probably better out there but out of my zone):
The Cell: A Molecular Approach. 2nd edition.
DNA Repair
Repair processes are detailed in the text. Critical example:
My question: Is the above DNA repair capable of correcting “Fragments of DNA — especially ones packaged the right way — could integrate into our own genetic code”?
Or is the DNA modified so that it cannot be returned to original state?
Seems to me to depend on whether the modification is to double-strand. Above says double-strand damage can be repaired but the issue is double-strand modification.
From text previous:
Transcription-repair process unknown.
SV40 promoter drives transcription.
This can’t be good.
I wonder how many of Morrison’s 200 million vax doses have been used. Tidy little donation to Big Pharma from the Australian taxpayer.
McKernan said
Perhaps this is splitting hairs, but what are the differences between the Moderna jab (mrna1273 aka Spikevax™ ) versus the Pfizer jab (Comirnaty)? The only main difference I can recall is that the Moderna product had 3x the mRNA than Pfizer per dose.
Now it sounds like either Moderna didn’t use SV40 in their process or McKernan could not detect any in the samples he tested.
This old ANU article said
But it also said:
Which turned out to be somewhere between slight exaggeration and disinformation depending on what you think “quite quickly” means. In Robert Malone’s opinion:
What differences were there between the two products?
[…] By Jo Nova […]
Whoah! Way too scientific for me. Took me 10 minutes to go a couple of paragraphs, then there was a lot more scrolling down. Lol. So I gave up.
Got the sv40 part though.
And the Nobel prize goes to……scientists whose work enabled mRNA Covid vaccine!
Relevant quote again (my bolding) from R.Malone in Oct 2022:
For science its fair to recognise the significance of the discovery of the effect of pseudouridine in this context. I think they cannot be blamed for decisions later by other people to deploy it outside the lab at large scale.
This has echoes of the development of ‘the bomb’ and Oppenheimer and Einstein. Once you develop the means then the politicians and military take over and death and destruction ultimately follow. Pandora’s box !
…And we all know the origins of the Nobel prize …!
Ah – SV40. We found out about SV40 with the Sabin vaccine for Polio. My virology professor was on the Sabin developement team back in the 1950’s. . .
Every Forensic molecular biologist in the world knows that it is impossible to purify such a product so that no detectable DNA is present from earlier parts of the process.
That’s the beginning and end of this.
The plot thickens
That is a very good summary of the recent findings by Kevin, confirmed by other labs.
However, it misses one crucial point which was uncovered as a result of this: the vaccine (and associated processes) which were submitted for approval were NOT actually the ones which were used in production of the vaccines distributed and injected into billions by Pfizer.
The test vaccines submitted to regulators (Process 1) did NOT include e. coli as part of the process which were manufactured and injected into the public (Process 2).
Hard to believe?