Our moral guardians: Climate activists teach children to send cookie malware to skeptical grandparents

AYCC, Australian Youth Climate Coalition.

Climate Justice looks a bit like a criminal phishing campaign.

By Jo Nova

Malware to save the planet eh?

The Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) is asking supporters to send deceptive links out to friends and family that look like a cookie recipe but embed software cookies instead on the victim’s computer. The digital cookie then pushes green climate videos into their feeds, (as if the ABC news wasn’t loaded enough).

Look out for any links to oneminutecookie.com.

The AYCC gets about $3m in donations, and even visits schools, teaching children how to cheat and lie to save the planet, or something like that. What are good family relationships built on after all, if not deception? What is science if it is not propaganda?

These are all good questions to raise with the children in your life and the schools in your area.  Don’t wait for an email to arrive, thank the AYCC for providing the opportunity to start the conversation now.

If the believers are so caring, ethical and moral why are they teaching children it’s OK to deceive family members? Is this the kind of “fair and just” world we want to live in?

Call up schools and the local P&C and ask if they are aware the AYCC — which runs programs in schools  — teaches children to fool  parents and grandparents and use malware. Are these the kind of family values that belong in our schools? Will the local school guarantee that they will not allow this group to manipulate children?

The Australian exposed their crooked game this week, and traffic to oneminutecookies.com has fallen to zero. So presumably the link trap will change. (The campaign has been put on hold).

Reporter Joseph Lam spoke to cyber security experts at Check Point Research:

The company’s tech evangelist Ashwin Ram, one of Australia’s top 100 Innovators, said the technique was not common but was something he imagined cyber criminals would use as part of phishing campaigns.

Mr Ram said cookies were used to “enhance the user experience”, but in the case of AYCC campaign, “it looks like the goal here was to lure sceptics of climate change to oneminutecookie.com”. He adds: “While the site looks innocent, a victim’s browser will store cookies that will affect their browsing experience by displaying content to support a particular narrative.”

If the evidence for climate change is so overwhelming, why don’t they use that to win friends and influence people instead of phishing tricks that criminals might use?

AYCC, Australian Youth Climate Coalition.

Red fist of comrades, communist.

The best lesson children can learn today is that fascists and communists have always taught children to lie. It’s a means to an end.  Read the confessions of a Red Guard — “I have led a life haunted by guilt”.  Raised fists might not be the symbol that lifts you.

Image by …Rafaelgr

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117 comments to Our moral guardians: Climate activists teach children to send cookie malware to skeptical grandparents

  • #
    Simon Thompson

    Communist subversion. Let us demonise the very molecule of LIFE, and proceed to ignore the destruction of our morality, demography, social organisation. Ignore the effect of the thousands of actual pollutants coz the MOLECULE OF LIFE is all that matters. Pay no attention to the man behind the green curtain with the amplified voice.


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      David Maddison

      The German Communist Rudi Dutschke realised people in the West had a high and rising standard of living and therefore had no desire to become communists with all the poverty and totalitarianism that entails.

      Therefore, in 1967 he conceived of his master plan.

      der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen

      The long march through the institutions.

      It was a plan to gradually infiltrate communist activists into all Western institutions.

      Herbert Marcuse wrote of Dutschke in 1972 in Counterrevolution and Revolt:

      To extend the base of the student movement, Rudi Dutschke has proposed the strategy of the long march through the institutions: working against the established institutions while working within them, but not simply by ‘boring from within’, rather by ‘doing the job’, learning (how to program and read computers, how to teach at all levels of education, how to use the mass media, how to organize production,….

      Fast forward to today. It looks like their objective was achieved.


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        Dutschke was treading ground thoroughly worked over by Antonio Gramsci, the well-known, spaghetti-bending totalitarian, so beloved of Ex pResident Odumbo. and his acolytes.

        Still a sociopath if the highest order, however.


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        Gerry, England

        Leftism is like a cancer that eats its way through society slowly making everything worse. You can see how well it has worked when there are RINOs in the US that are really Demotwats and in the UK we have a Conservative party full of left of centre liberals that are no different from the majority of the Labour party. Our once great civil service has been overtaken by the disease, as have most government agencies. Most of the big corporate names are lefties as are the great charitable foundations.


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      Karl Marx was an Aristotelian. The communist playbook is all about control

      In true Aristotelean fashion, when the observed phenomena and facts did not match the “grand idea,” these high priests had to “make them” fit the sacred “grand idea” – or make up new, non-existent facts! Too often, the facts were made to “disappear” from the scientific literature by “magic.” Or, they were suppressed, since it is heresy to challenge the high priest!

      History Shows Our Regression In This Time , Then The Truckers!!!


      • #

        An excellent piece and a view I firmly support. There are many more coming to the conclusion that we ahve been lied to too often. No longer do thinking people, including many young folk, accept that the world is ending through climate although they suspect it could end through dumb decisions by dumb politicians. Cry wolf often enough and soon no one takes any notice especially when there are far more urgent matters to address like paying the bills and puting food on the table.


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    Isn’t it illegal to place malware on a device ?
    (I use cleaning software to regularly remove cookies – they serve no good purpose regardless of what they tell you)


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      Teaching kids to lie, cheat and deceive. This has echoes of the Trans lobby grooming youngsters with their drag queen story time events. Any responsible parent should be highly suspicious of these organisations.


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      We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.

      Mandatory or pi$$ off, my way or the highway.


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      John Connor II

      Technically it’s not malware, but advertising.
      A common tactic for some browsers when opening a new tab, but easily fixable.

      The solution, as every pc competent person knows, is to clean out your cookies, cache and history every session either via the browser’s builtin privacy option, a freeware tool like CCleaner, or a cookie blocker browser add-on.


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        Sean McHugh

        Technically it’s not malware, but advertising.

        I reckon it fits being a metaphorical Trojan horse and kids are being used as accessories.

        The solution, as every pc competent person knows, is to clean out your cookies, cache and history every session either via . . . .

        Few do and anyway, that’s not the point.


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      Cookies, what are they? My browser is set to automatically reject cookies when I open a site, if the site doesn’t work without them then I look for the information on another site.


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    But it’s green so obviously any measures are acceptable that support the agenda


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      Remember the words of comedienne, Irma Bombeck:

      “Well may the grass be greener over the septic tank; But it is greenest over the mass graves”.


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    Nuclear now
    and you might get some support


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      That is not going to happen, we are waiting for fusion power.


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        10 years away, since the last 10 years went away.


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          They have spent an obscene amount of money to bring it this far, all they have to do is mine the moon to make it commercial.


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        Fusion Power?

        The nearest practical Fusion reactor is about 92 Million miles away.

        Any suitably advances culture can achieve a fusion reaction. The trick is to not kill everybody in the process.

        A network of “modest” Thorium fission reactors makes a bit of sense, especially given the total dearth of EXPERIENCED nuclear scientists and technicians to be found locally. How are the Boomer crews coming along?

        Our Teutonic cousins built a series of small but quite functional fission reactors in pre-WW2 Germany and onwards. They were very well aware of the potential of Thorium.

        They were also very aware of the “other ” application of fission technology and test-fired several “de-rated” devices early in the war. They were quite capable of being able to deliver multiple such devices by V-weapon means by 1944. (The A-4 / V2 had a relatively tiny payload for its size and complexity. However, the warhead “compartment” was conveniently-sized to accommodate a modest Nuke and its control gear. Air-burst; exactly the way the two US bombs were applied to Japan. That Moscow and Leningrad did not become glass car-parks, MIGHT be put down to realistic German military minds who, knowing the war was lost, were thus being very mindful of the oncoming soviet vengeance and what the response to a nuclear attack on the ‘Motherland” might bring down.


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    Dave of Gold Coast, Qld.

    Wow, just when you think the greenie/leftist/communistic mob can’t go any lower we read this. They lie, they protest, they indoctrinate for what end? Where has communism brought prosperity, freedom or help – ever? See Cuba, Russia or Venezuela for example.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      In my experience, those who embrace socialism and communism do so, not because they think it’s viable, or even the best system, but because they hate people who got rich through the labour of others. You know, by giving them employment.

      They usually don’t hate the rich per se, because they admire filthy rich celebrities, just the ones who employ others, which they tell themselves is exploitation. Of course this is just a means to avoid accepting that their failure to make tons of money in their own fault.


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        It never ceases to amaze me how socialists contort their brain and reality to justify their beliefs even when confronted with absolute facts.


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          The democratic socialists and greens have faith in the science.

          Its an emotive issue and climate change science crosses party lines, with women more prone to believe than men. The farce is strong with this lot.


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      Ehe truly ignorant find happiness everywhere particularly if they don’t have to find food as well. Peasants hate communism as much as they hate the aristocracy since both are similar in outcome. These kids have never worked a day in their lives. Mummy feeds them and clothes them and when they grow up the taxpayer does. The dole should be limited as should the various study grants and then these little dictators might have to find work and reason.

      Remember this. The left never use their own money. They always use yours. Withdraw that and many of our problems would cease to exist. Imagine an Utopia without the ABC, the CSIRO and many of the universities with a corresponding reduction in vacuous “professors” and their alarmist pronouncements.


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    John Hultquist

    Girl Scout cookies are not made from real girl scouts either.


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    Sadly, we are indoctrinating a new generation of dumb idiots. My brother does supply teaching and came home some time ago with a phamplet handed out at the school he was at, emblazoned with ” Coal Kills “. It was the biggest load of climate claptrap I had ever read.


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      Is this just a public school thing or are private schools just as bad.


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      william x

      So a pamphlet is distributed in school – “coal kills”.. hmmmm…

      I hope they also told their students this inconvenient truth, stated by the Australian Gov’s – Geoscience Australia.

      “Coal is an important source of light aromatic hydrocarbons for the chemical synthesis industry.

      If coal is heated the gases and residues produced can be used in manufacturing plastics, explosives, dyes, pitch, ammonia, medicines, aspirin, soap, disinfectant, detergents, nylons, cosmetics, shampoo, toothpaste, synthetic rubber, fertilizers, cement, bricks and tiles.

      It is an important ingredient used in filters for water and air purification and in kidney dialysis machines.

      In addition coal is used to make carbon fibre, a very strong, light material used in construction, aerospace, wind turbines, sporting goods, etc.


      Sadly, many “dumb idiots” are unaware, that many of the products they daily use and benefit from are sourced from their “evil” coal.


  • #

    I am so looking forward to the more equitable climate these people will surely deliver. Onward comrades! + fist icon if I had one.

    I wonder if this will make them cringe when they grow up or they will live a fully delusional life?


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      They will retain their bias until the scientific high priests tell them otherwise.


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      John in Oz

      Not only an equitable climate but a stable one.

      Like unicorns, there has never been a stable climate anywhere, any time but, unfortunately, some people believe that unicorns exist.


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    Take heart. Kid’s attitudes come down to peer group.

    I know an 18 yr old raised by green parents, the woke schooling, had all the left ideas in her head. Got into trouble at 15 by hanging with leftie’s kids, doing drugs and roaming streets at 4 am etc. Dropped out of school, but importantly, parted company with those wayward kids and started hanging around people who do trades.

    She got herself a mechanics apprenticeship and is voting no, everyone she knows is voting no, and couldn’t care less about climate change. Proud of her, and she’s not even my kid.


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    She must be a big disappointment to her woke parents.


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    Cookies just store data. They don’t store code. They don’t act autonomously.


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      Whats in a name
      The fact that it contains code makes it MALWARE which makes it a criminal offense


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      David Maddison

      They can be used to track user activity, collect data about browsing habits and send such data back to websites to make further suggestions of sites to visit or customise the content presented on visited websites.

      As Jo said:

      The digital cookies then pushes green climate videos into their feeds…


    • #

      The cookie data is sent as part of the HTTP header when the HTML (or PHP etc.) request is made. It corresponds to the website that the HTML is residing on. One website cannot read the cookies stored for another website. The cookies only store data. The data can only be read and acted on by code on the website server (such as PHP code) or by Java (eg JavaScript) code running on the client browser within the downloaded HTML page. Cookies do not contain code so cannot contain malware. Java and PHP, Perl, Python etc is code that is used to operate and display HTML which is the Internet browser GUI language. Cookies can be displayed via a ‘cookie monster’ (eg. Awesome Cookie Manager) extension to the Chromium \ Chrome browser.

      Using HTTP cookies

      Are You Using Cookies? Then This Ultimate Guide Is For You


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    This is a big surprise NOT and some of these kids will wake up by the time they leave their teens, but the majority will have mixed success until they reach their forties.
    The most important thing we can do is to stop teaching them BS and FRAUD in the first place.
    But as we know that’s easier said than done. Just observe the left wing nutters in the Socialist Labor left and the Greens.


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    David Maddison

    Children so indoctrinated and so disrespectful can be trained to do anything.

    Like good little Marxist warriors they can also be indoctrinated to become terrorists.

    You can see the initial elements of such extreme behaviour in the way climate “activists” are prepared to destroy artworks, disrupt traffic (including ambulances), glue/chain themselves to structures, destroy businesses and business activity (e.g. vandalise machinery), engage in violence, disrupt lectures when an alternative opinion is presented, threaten violence at venues where speakers they disagree with are to give talks, engage in cancel culture to “unperson” people (look what they’re do8ng to Russel Brand) etc.. Some of them such as Antifa also wear all-black uniforms, just like the Fascist thugs they model themselves after.

    Here is a relevant quote from the movie implementation of Orwell’s “1984” (5sec). https://youtu.be/SgL2XvqhX-Y The boy says to Winston “You’re a thought criminal”.

    The boy portrayed above is a member of the “Spies” program youth movement in Nineteen Eighty Four. It was modeled on the youth movement of the National Socialists.

    The only difference between the Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) and the Spies of 1984 and the National Socialist Youth is a matter of degree, at the moment.

    The Spies program of 1984 has been described as follows:

    In George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984, the reader is introduced to Winston Smith, an outsider in a society under totalitarian rule by Big Brother. Though Smith works for the Party he feels himself outside of it, relishing in small rebellions against the state. Smith, like many dystopian protagonists, begins his downfall by writing in a journal, there by committing the sin of individual thought. The Thought Police, one of the main forms of State Control in the novel, exist to prevent and punish those who are disloyal to the party. Even the children have been implemented as tools of the state, as they are loyal only to the state, even going so far as to send their own parents to prison. This idea is a reflection on the (National Socialist) youth program implemented by the (National Socialists) leading up to and during (National Socialist) control in Europe.

    In the novel, Smith encounters his neighbor’s children while helping to fix a sink. The boy and girl come into the room and hold toy guns at Winston, calling him a “traitor” and a “thought criminal”. Though they are only children Winston is somewhat fearful of them as they do have the power to report him to the thought police, which they eventually do to their own father. These children are part of the “Spies” program, a youth program instituted in order to garner early loyalty to the totalitarian state. The children, “…adored the Party and everything connected with it. The songs, the processions, the banners, the hiking, the drilling with dummy rifles, the yelling of slogans, the worship of Big Brother-it was all a glorious game to them” (24). All the elements of these children’s lives is a near exact reflection of the lives of the children of the (National Socialist) youth. Ref: Little Rascals: Representations of the (National Socialist) Youth in George Orwell’s 1984, Posted on December 15, 2015 by Sebastian Coppotelli

    Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty Four was meant to be a warning, not an instruction manuslbfor the Left.

    The activities of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) and especially the direction in which they are heading is terrifying.


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      “Children so indoctrinated and so disrespectful can be trained to do anything”.

      An excellent object lesson is Pol Pot’s Cambodia.

      The MOST ruthless killers were,literally, children. usually between the ages of nine and fourteen.

      They had (Year) zero “brakes” and were driven by ultra-Maoist doctrine that demanded the enslavement or killing of “the other”, i.e., anyone NOT a rabif, slogan chanting psycho.

      Speak a foreign language? Bourgeois types; slash their throats.

      Wear glasses? Academics; crush their skull with a rock.

      Not entirely surprisingly, the ring-leaders of this rock-show were almost exclusively “educated” in Western universities, mostly in France. “Quelle Surprise” and all that


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        John Connor II

        Brainwashing children before the age of reason (about 6 or 7) is commonplace and typically employed by religions and terrorists to produce the next generation of blindly obedient followers.

        “Being raised in a high-control group can cause physical, medical, and psychological harm. Children do not choose this for themselves; the choice is made for them by a parent or caretaker. Yet, it seriously impacts them.

        Over 300 children died during the mass murder-suicide at Jonestown. In addition, young children in some extremist political and religious cults are brainwashed to become soldiers and kill enemies, as well as, conduct suicide bombings.”


        “Generation ISIS: When Children Are Taught to Be Terrorists
        Families grapple with the effect the ISIS school system has had on their children and the reality of what could be a generation of radicals.”


        “The same dynamic that occurs in domestic violence also applies to cults. First a person is lured to group or person who seemingly shares their interests and concerns. They may then be subject to a kind of love-bombing, given extreme amounts of attention, which can feel flattering and seem the sign of having found a safe place. Then begins an attempt to isolate the person from friends and family. The potential recruit becomes engulfed in a new system and out of touch with their old, known network.”


        Therein lies the basis for so many cults like trans, climate alarmists etc.
        Lonely isolated people looking to be wanted. To fit in. To feel normal. It doesn’t matter what the cults ideals are.
        And we see that with the sheer ignorance of the cultists.
        Or worse, innocent kids forced into it by rabid irrational parents or teachers.


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          “Brainwashing children before the age of reason (about 6 or 7) is commonplace and typically employed by religions and terrorists to produce the next generation of blindly obedient followers.”
          Not just nutters.
          It’s also typically used by the state to ensure compliance and common beliefs. We know it as the state education system.


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        And cheered on by Leftists here (eg: Philip Adams) until the truth of Pol Pot became inescapable and then they recanted. Ditto Chavez.


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        Do the kids know about Pol Pot? He had the ultimate Net Zero plan.


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    Honk R Smith

    Question …
    “Renewables NOW”?
    My impression is that OZ is peddling as fast as it can.
    I suppose you could just live in the dark, cold, and heat until Net Zero.
    In your Sweltering Cities.
    I’m sure the kids are ok with that.
    I mean, if it’s for Climate Justice.
    And stops Climate Assault.
    I’m being Climate Assaulted all this weekend.
    If it weren’t for science skepticsim it would only rain after sundown.


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    David Maddison

    Senator Antic (Senator for SA) said something “extreme” the other day:

    How about schools focus on achievement rather than feelings?


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      He is a national treasure – I sense a major media story about him soon, he must be close to cancellation.


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        I think he is too tough to cancel. The only ones who could cancel him are his “mates”, the Liberals.


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          Antic has a solid following in Adelaide. He often attends a church my cousin and her husband go to. They have invited him to speak and the Lutheran congregation like his Christian values and his courage to speak them.


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    If only these youths dedicated as much time to reading writing and arithmetic as they do to Farcebook/Twitter/TicTok etc. Australian parents need to understand that their kids are being indoctrinated by Marxism in myriad subtle ways.


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      In many schools laptops, tablets, smart devices are more or less mandatory. There’s the problem. What happened to books ? I managed to get through university without any ‘smart’ personal devices. We had a Computer lab for software courses and calculators were only permitted in Statistics courses.
      With all the technology, I see no evidence that kids today are any smarter than in my day, maybe the opposite !
      China is proposing to limit smartphone use for children. Is that such a bad idea ?


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    The vision of a stable climate says it all. A stable climate is an average climate. The only place there is a stable climate is in the minds of the climate activists and in the models that are used to “prove” climate change.

    So what is a stable climate. Look at Townsville for example. Townsville has average monthly rainfall of about 94mm. However for the months around December to March, Townsville’s average monthly rainfall is about 220mm and the monthly average for April to November is about 29mm. So what is the rainfall in a stable climate that the climate activists seek?

    And there is no mention of the unintended consequences of the mythical stable climate. Occasionally the heavy rain in and west of Townsville causes floods and some of the flood waters find there way to Lake Eyre in South Australia. A few years ago, May 2019 I think, the ABC ran a program about the flood waters from Towsnville and places further west, reaching Lake Eyre. It doesn’t happen every year. So, in a stable climate in Townsville, with average rainfall there may be no flood waters going to Lake Eyre.
    reaching Lake Eyre


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      The activists are wrong in thinking that they can achieve climate stability by eliminating the use of fossil fuels The idea is preposterous, a stable climate would be unprecedented.


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      Phasing down sounds good.


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        Finding a balance between the daytime non-cloudy solar electricity generation and the cloudy dark suppertime power requirements will take “some adjustments”. As well as between the 14 hours of sunlight in summer and the ten hours of it in winter.
        Meanwhile the instability will increase the overall cost of electricity and the competitiveness of our economy in the world markets for things other than “raw materials”.
        I recall a controversial President of the USA saying “It’s thee economy. stupid”.


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    At abc.net.au right now!

    “Daytime power prices are plunging into negative territory – meaning generators have to pay to produce – as renewable energy increasingly cannibalises the market, according to experts.

    ….Observers say rooftop solar is “cannibalising” electricity prices and hitting large-scale solar hard
    ….energy software company Gridcog said “price cannibalisation” was becoming an increasingly common phenomenon.”

    I wonder do they know what they are saying?


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      This is expected. All those people with solar on their roofs are going to find pretty soon that they will have to pay a tax to home generate. Probably dressed up as a climate levy to support the big boys.
      Nothing is free, if it’s cheap it will be taxed. You are just a floater in the states revenue stream.


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    The number one priority of these extremists is to WASTE 1.4 TRILLION $ on W & S by 2030 and then another 8 TRILLION by 2060 and all for a GUARANTEED ZERO CHANGE for our climate.
    But we also have to replace the major parts of these W & S lunacies every 20 years and bury the TOXIC leftovers in LANDFILL AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN every 20 years.
    But the FULL cost of Nuclear would be about 1 TRILLION $ and would last until 2090 if we started in 2030.
    And we wouldn’t wreck our environment and only REQUIRE the very tiny FOOTPRINT of our EXISTING power stations.
    Why can’t these stupid fools understand very simple data and evidence?


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    We’ve had solid proof for decades that TOXIC W & S are a FRAUD and a CON.
    The OECD countries have WASTED TRILLIONS of $ on TOXIC W & S and YET the SHARE of W & S is just 2.13 % of PRIMARY ENERGY by SOURCE in 2022.
    These are very simple sums and takes just a few minutes of our time.
    So why don’t they teach them this at school and show them the proper data?



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    “Means to an end,” Jo, not “Means to an ends.” You are terrifics!

    [John, I thank you and the volunteer ghost editor who fixed it. – Jo]


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    David Maddison

    Let’s ignore for a moment whether there is genuine global warming as deduced from non-fraudulent data, not, for example, data that has been altered by the mysterious and non-reproducible process of “homogenisation” as used by Australia’s Bureau of Meterology. Jo has documented the deficiencies of that process on this website in numerous articles. https://joannenova.com.au/tag/homogenization-temperature-data/

    Furthermore, let’s ignore whether that warming (if any) is of anthropogenic origin, given that only 4% of the 0.04% of CO2 in the atmosphere is of anthropogenic origin (that is 0.0016% of all atmospheric gases) and rapidly absorbed.

    What warmists fail to understand, and is a deliberate result of the dumbing-down of the education system, is that the climate is not static or stable, neither are any earth systems.

    Warmists are staticists, for lack of a better word.

    Civilisations have thrived during the naturally warm periods of the Minoan, Egyptian, Roman and Medieval eras.

    Plus, we are coming to the very end of a rare interglacial. As the world cools, it will be impossible for civilisation to survive without coal, gas and nuclear power stations (and real hydro, not SH2, where possible).

    The idea that the earth and universe is static is a very primitive one and articulated by Aristotle in “In the Heavens” 350BCE.


    For in the whole range of time past, so far as our inherited records reach, no change appears to have taken place either in the whole scheme of the outermost heaven or in any of its proper parts.

    It is only in the last 100 years or so that the ideas of Alfred Wegener (1880-1930), a real climatologist, geologist, geophysicist, meteorologist and polar researcher came to be accepted that the earth is not static. Among other ideas he conceived of continental drift which led to plate tectonics.

    However, as early as 1840 Louis Agassiz (1807-1873) hypothesised that much of North America was once buried under glacial ice up to 3km deep and that climate must change.

    Milutin Milanković (1879-1958) also discovered natural cycles in the climate.

    Warmists have a lot of catching up with modern thinking to do.


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    AGAIN here’s the OECD and NON OECD co2 emissions graphs.
    There has been ZERO increase from the OECD countries since 1990 and about 14.4 BILLION TONNES of INCREASED co2 emissions from the developing NON OECD countries over the same period of time.
    Why don’t the teachers teach the truth instead of their BS and FRAUD?
    Why can’t they spend just a few minutes to find and then direct the Kids to the proper OWI data link?



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      Here’s my above comment in one line.
      OECD countries ZERO change since 1990 in co2 emissions and NON OECD are now 14.4 BILLION tonnes more per year.


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        Isn’t it the case that the OECD countries use the non OECD countries to make things cheaply and to act as a dumping ground for their filth ?

        Regardless, increased CO2 is very good for the planet, vegetation and life in general. Maybe we should be thanking the non OECD countries for not buying into the climate nonsense !


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      Most teachers have no particular interest in the subject and they accept the status quo in fear of retribution.

      These young activists won’t be swayed, even with evidence to show Urban Heat Islands are causing global warming.

      ‘Therefore, part of the warming of the last 150 years in Europe, the USA and, above all, China is due to changes in the environment and not solely to rising CO2 concentrations.

      ‘The study concludes that the effect is 0.34 degrees Celsius per century. This does not absolve CO2, but the degree of warming on land would be almost 40 % lower without the heat island effect.’ (Notrickszone)


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      It’s about political power … not electrical power.

      Climate Change is something that rich people in rich countries put on a big show of caring about. Third world countries couldn’t give a toss but sometimes nod along just long enough to get someone else’s money dropped in their palm.

      Teachers are interested in indoctrination, because that builds the power base in first world countries. I personally believe that these “Youth Clubs” and such things are primarily recruitment tools … finding individuals of flexible morality who are easily led into doing borderline illegal activities. Out of those you then select the most enthusiastic and least inhibited to be the next phase of cruminal stooges on a more serious project. As Lord Vetinary said, “If you are going to have crime it might as well be organized.”


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    The role of youth-led activist organisations for contemporary climate activism: the case of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition
    They actually did a study on this group of junior communists.


    Australian National University


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    Who cares,because it will be theses same kids that will be paying the clean up bill for when they realise ruinables don’t work and they have managed to dig up the whole planet of rare earths, wiped out,chopped up many animal species with their windmills and the destruction of millions of hectares of land and oceans covered in steel glass concrete, oh and what to do with the trillions of tons of old EV batteries…..bwahaha, goodluck with that kids.


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    Can any find the footage of the 17 year old kid showing up the idiot Bowen


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    According to the Zharkova et al 2023 study the Earth will cool by about 1 C by 2053.
    So why waste TRILLIONS of $ on the TOXIC W & S lunacy for NOTHING?



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    Does co2 cause temperatures to rise or does a rise in temps cause an increase in co2 levels?
    This new Koutsoyiannis 2023 study again tries to answer the question.
    But we do know that ice core studies show temperatures can change and co2 levels remain at the same level for hundreds and even thousands of years.



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      Next time you are at a barbie , look at the guy opening a warm can or bottle of beer vs the guy opening the cold bottle or can.

      Simple school boy “experiment” to prove what the paper says.


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    Are countries’ coastlines growing around the world? And the Duvat and Kench studies also show that 87% of Coral islands are either stable or growing in size.
    Here’s the recent Mao study to add to the list.
    We must ask again ….. “where’s their so called Global warming”?



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    AGAIN Hydrographic Surveyor Daniel Fitzhenry proves there has been no dangerous sea level rise at Fort Denison NSW since 1914.
    And he uses the BOM data over that long period of time.
    AGAIN, why are we WASTING TRILLIONS of $ on their BS and FRAUD for NOTHING? And why have we tolerated this level of systemic CORRUPTION for DECADES?



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    Phillip Bratby

    A stable climate. That will be the day.


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    And what have federal and state ‘conservative’ politicians done about the state of education in this country?


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      Now that Labor holds sway nationwide we ought to see the state of education improve; is that what you say?

      No, forty odd years of neglect has the country witnessing an irrecoverable collapse of education and future generations effectively abandoned to dwell miserably in ignorance for ever after.


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        Now that Labor holds sway nationwide we ought to see the state of education improve; is that what you say?

        Absolutely not. The point I am making is that conservative governments should have taken back control of education from the Left, but they have failed to do so.


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          David Maddison

          Australia hasn’t had a conservative government for a very long time. Liberals are only slightly less bad than Labor (and in Vicdanistan they may even be worse, anthropogenic global warming wise).

          Most of our renewables madness occurred under the Liberals, starting when Howard first allowed non-dispatchable generators to connect to the grid plus he gave away most of our gas supply to the Chinese at world’s cheapest prices on a 30 yr contract with no provision for inflation or market price.

          Conservative-oriented parties worth voting for are:

          United Australia Party
          Liberal Democrats
          One Nation


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    Serge Wright

    Grandparents can always link their last will and testament to the behaviour and actions of their grandchildren. It’s amazing how fast re-learning can occur 😉


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    David Maddison

    There is some hope.

    Here is a 17 year olf young person who is not indoctrinated and has a clue.

    He is an Australian pro-nuclear power activist.

    He even looks normal, no green hair, facial tattoos, piercings or non-binary or feminine pronouns.


    17-year-old Nuclear for Australia founder Will Shackel “ran rings” around Energy Minister Chris Bowen during Tuesday’s QandA panel, says Sky News host Paul Murray. Mr Shackel’s push for lifting bans on nuclear power received applause from more than half of the ABC show’s audience. “Now, Will appearing on the show … of course resulted in him getting an awful lot of hate on social media,” Mr Murray said. “Why are we listening to this kid? Why is this kid even invited to have an opinion on this? “They do remember their views on Greta Thunberg, right? That when Greta had something to say the world had to listen. But when this kid says something they don’t want to hear – he must not speak at all.”



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    Kalm Keith

    Our “moral superiors” Will, no doubt, be able to expand on this definition of a primary global warming feature.
    It was located in a pdf under the title; global warming terms.

    “Radiative forcing

    A change in the balance between incoming solar radiation and outgoing infrared radiation. Without any
    radiative forcing, solar radiation coming to the Earth would continue to be approximately equal to the
    infrared radiation emitted from the Earth. The addition of greenhouse gases traps and increased fraction
    of the infrared radiation, reradiating it back toward the surface and creating a warming influence (i.e.,
    positive radiative forcing because incoming solar radiation will exceed outgoing infrared radiation).”.

    This seems to be the core process behind the “out of control”, human origin CO2 induced Wobal Glorming.

    I believe that a great many Original Scientists standing on ancient University Campuses would find fault with the basic atmospheric physics and thermodynamics of this UNIPCCC definition.


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    BTW Net Zero Australia has a group of sponsors and supporters and some of the names will surprise you, or NOT.
    But never forget their delusional 1.2 to 1.5 TRILLION $ by 2030 and 7 to 9 TRILLION $ by 2060 GUESSTIMATE.


    Here’s the list…..

    “We will need to monitor progress and adapt to the lessons we learn over a long journey.”

    “Net Zero Australia is funded by gifts and grants from its sponsors: Worley, Dow, Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre, Future Energy Exports (FEnEx) Cooperative Research Centre, APA Group and Minderoo Foundation). It has an Advisory Group of representatives of the Australian Conservation Foundation, Climate Council, Energy Consumers Australia, Ethics Centre, National Farmers Federation, and St Vincent de Paul and project sponsors”.

    “Net Zero Australia has consulted widely with the project’s sponsors, other Advisory Group members and many stakeholders but is independent of all of them. We do not purport to represent their positions or imply that they have agreed to our methodologies or results”.


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    Peter Fitzroy

    Of course if you went to the source, instead of republishing misinformation

    On the surface, NewsJacker appears to be a simple homemade cookie recipe. However, when someone is sent this cookie recipe, on opening, specially designed technology built into the site updates their online cookies and prompts the internet to think they care about the climate. Because of this, they will immediately begin receiving factually accurate news stories about climate change.

    Says Rich Williams, executive creative director at Clemenger BBDO: “NewsJacker was inspired by the alarming statistic that 42% of Australians express scepticism towards climate change, a direct result from the information they’re receiving through digital media and algorithms.”



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      David Maddison

      alarming statistic that 42% of Australians express scepticism towards climate change

      It is indeed alarming that only 42% of people disbelieve the propaganda.

      But if it were really true, the world would be forcing China to stop being the world’s biggest CO2 emitter (CO2, the substance you call “carbon” (sic)). They produce more than twice as much CO2 as the next biggest emitter and it’s increasing exponentially while CO2 emissions from the US and the West have been decreasing for many years.

      You keep telling us that wind and solar is the best, most reliable and cheapest form of electricity production so why aren’t they doing that rather than building two coal power stations per week?


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      If you had the capability of reading comprehension, you would recognize that what you just posted confirms what Jo is saying.

      The Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) is asking supporters to send deceptive links out to friends and family that look like a cookie recipe but embed software cookies instead on the victim’s computer. The digital cookie then pushes green climate videos into their feeds, (as if the ABC news wasn’t loaded enough).

      Why do you think they call it, “NewsJacker”? Sounds a bit like hijack, or carjack … obviously these people know exactly what they are doing.


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      ‘ … begin receiving factually accurate news stories about climate change.’

      That is debatable, anyway the old people have already made up their minds.


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      PF, you and your lot still haven’t answered the simple questions: Why have Zero of your predictions come true in 100 years, and precisely how will the AU contribution towards reducing CO2 from 420 to 350 ppm matter at all when it is 0.0132 x 0.007 x 0.04 = 37 parts per Billion of the atmosphere.

      Evidently, Logic, Economics, and Science aren’t valued much in the Church of Globull Warming. Feel free to give as much of your own money to politicians who believe that 0.000000037 of the atmosphere, controls the entire world climate. That is beyond daft.

      So, if wind and solar are the cheapest generation, then why did Wind get 40+ times the subsidies of Nuclear and Solar got 200+ times the subsidy of Nuclear, per unit of power actually generated? It’s all a graft and power grab. The shame is 58% of AU are so ignorant of fact, science, and economics.



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        PF, as an illustration, AU contribution to all CO2 above 350 ppm is roughly equivalent to claiming that 1.75 drops of water control the temperature of 1 cubic meter of water.

        National economic, security, and social suicide through hubris, ignorance, and virtue signalling vanity, isn’t a defensible accomplishment.

        Your turn.


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      PF we’ve all asked you the obvious questions and you always refuse to answer them.
      But tell us why Dr Finkel was in error when he honestly answered Sen MacDonald’s question about Aussie co2 emissions?
      Of course he had to tell the TRUTH UNDER OATH during the Senate hearing.
      IOW Aussies could remove all of our co2 emissions today and it would have ZERO impact on the climate.



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      P F why are TOXIC W & S + Green
      Hydrogen etc so super expensive? Net Zero Australia wants to WASTE 1.2 to 1.5 TRILLION $ by 2030 and 7 to 9 TRILLION $ by 2060, so why are these TOXIC UNRELIABLES your preferred Energy option and why don’t you care about the death of eagles, bats, other birds, whales, dolphins etc?
      IOW are you really as stupid and ignorant as Labor’s Bowen, Albanese, Plibersek and the Greens, Teals etc



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        Graeme No.3

        Sheep like to flock together against any threat.
        Sheep like to follow their leaders.
        Sheep can recognise a number of people by their face.
        Sheep are quite good at solving simple practical problems.
        Only the last attribute rules out a career in politics.


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    Has Bill Gates seen the light or can he not see any more money making schemes in the scam ?



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      Perhaps he realized that with billions fewer customers who can afford his products, there’s trillions fewer dollars.

      Maybe, a realization that some of those ‘plebes’ manufacture things he doesn’t control but desperately requires.

      Perhaps criminal and civil liability has entered his mind?


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    John Connor II

    A counteroffensive would be to report it as a malware site to https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/browse.php

    Those with Twitter, Linkedin or Google accounts can do it.


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    Geoffrey Williams

    Thanks for the warning. .


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    Even the USA Dept of Energy are now admitting that EVs are not sustainable, or IOW just more of Biden’s super expensive BS and FRAUD.



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    Mark Mills has a new study that completely shows why EVs are just more BS and FRAUD.

    Here’s a quote that states that new ICE cars will soon be available that save a lot more co2 emissions than EVs.

    “Electric Vehicles for Everyone? The Impossible Dream”
    “If the policy goal is to reduce automotive petroleum use, there are far easier and more certain
    ways to achieve that. Combustion engines have already been built and are commercially viable
    that can cut fuel use by 50%. In fact, an earlier IEA analysis finds that gains in automobile
    fuel efficiency will displace at least 300% more petroleum than adding 300 million EVs to the
    world’s roads by 2040.
    It would be easier, cheaper, faster—and transparently verifiable—to incentivize consumers to
    purchase more efficient internal combustion engines or hybrids. Subsidies redirected away from
    wealthy EV owners would buy far greater, and documentable, emissions reductions per dollar if
    offered to, for example, lower-income gasoline “superusers”—the 10% of drivers consuming one third of all gasoline—with a credit tied to trailing odometer mileage. Such a policy would,
    additionally, be progressive, rather than regressive, in tax terms.
    The future will see tens of millions more EVs on the roads, even without government programs
    that favor or mandate them. But the entire edifice of subsidies, prohibitions, and regulations to
    move most, if not all, citizens from ICE cars into EVs is based on a profoundly weak—or, in some
    cases, false—foundation of claims about emissions reductions and economic parity.
    Meanwhile, if implemented, ICE bans will lead to a massive misallocation of capital in the world’s
    $4 trillion personal mobility industry.193 It will also lead to draconian constraints on freedoms
    and unprecedented impediments to affordable and convenient driving. And it will have little to
    no impact on global CO2
    emissions. In fact, the bans and EV mandates are more likely to cause
    a net increase in emissions”.


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    […] published over at JoNova‘s blog, the calamatists have resorted to emitting a virus to get their failing point across. […]
