A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Happy Friday. What will this day bring the World?
Try this :-
Think of the penguins!
Freemasons are sometimes referred to as “Penguins”
We used to call our convent school nuns ‘penguins’.
Are you a Blues Brother?
Isn’t it Hammond organ recital night for you today?
Take a penguin.
Crime Rose 82% in Chicago in 2 Years – Controlled Chaos in Blue Cities
“It was hard to imagine a mayor WORSE than Lori Lightfoot, but Democratic Mayor Brandon Johnson managed to surpass her in corruption and crime as Chicago crumbles. Johnson’s first three months on the job, compared to Lightfoot’s, saw 4,321 more car thefts, 41 more murders, and 38 more deadly shootings. Crime in Chicago is up 82% since 2021, according to the Chicago Police Department. Let me explain why the rise in crime is a deliberate attempt by the government to expand its power.
For starters, no one even wants to be a police officer in Chicago as the mayor forbids them from arresting blatant criminals. There are stories of murderers getting a slap on the wrist. Over 1,000 officers have handed in their badges and left the force. The city spent $126 million in overtime pay for the dwindling police force, and they expect to surpass an additional $210 million in 2022. Crime is up, but there has been a 50% drop in arrests in 2019.
[SNIP – copyright]
What copyright?
Does Armstrong publish as legally Creative Commons? If he did he would say so with something like CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. (Which means we would be free to copy with attribution, but not with alterations (derivative works) or for profit). Instead the Armstrong footnote says “©2023”.
Armstrong owns what he writes. We are not free to copy it. I know it feels like we battle a trillion dollar monster so the ends justifies the means, but copyright is there for a reason and the alt world of publishing online would be stronger and better if people respected copyright. It helps independent writers make a living. Piracy means we end up with one conglomerate site stealing content rather than hundreds of healthy small publishers fighting a guerilla battle.
How do writers raise donations, subscriptions or advertising if their work (and traffic and comments) is stolen by large cut-n-paste blogs?
Anyone can cut n paste…
The Chicago “one page” statement to the heart…. head, arms, legs hell they shoot anything that moves.
“For anyone interesting weather or tropics and modeling, here is a great site to see basically all of them.
You can select region, model, run time, data displayed (MSLP, PWAT etc.) and press play to see out a couple weeks or so. ”
Via a comment at Chiefiio
You could also use the reliable and accurate climate models
To have a chance of being “reliable” they need to be both verified and validated
Modelling recently discussed here;
The link you provided to “reliable and accurate climate models” is to a place where science is diluted by the sheer verbosity of the expounders who aim to dominate and deceive.
There are any?
That’s a contradiction in terms. LOL
Peter >”reliable and accurate climate models”
Not so fast, they are neither.
Anomalies obscure their failure, absolute reveals it.
Connecting Climate Model Projections of Global Temperature Change with the Real World
Ed Hawkins and Rowan Sutton (2016)$002fbams$002f97$002f6$002fbams-d-14-00154.1.xml?t:ac=journals%24002fbams%24002f97%24002f6%24002fbams-d-14-00154.1.xml
Fig. 1.
(top) Global-mean 2-m air temperature from CMIP5 historical simulations (gray, 1861–2005) and various reanalysis estimates
Replicating scientific results is tough — but essential
1) Climate models cannot replicate the results run – not science.
2) Climate models cannot replicate the results of other models – not science.
3) Climate models cannot replicate observations – not science.
Unless of course getting within 3C is your idea of replication – it’s not mine.
That’s when observations replicate within fractions of a degree – that’s science.
>”Unless of course getting within 3C is your idea of replication – it’s not mine”
I had to replicate results of materials tests for roading materials where measurement was to 9 decimal places of a gram.
Results outside the specification envelope could mean $100s of thousands in construction rework so you had to replicate to prove it. That’s called, literally, road science.
No such replication proof in climate modeling.
i.e. assume it’s true and tweak it over time so it agrees with observations.
does something need to be falsifiable to be science?
are climate models falsifiable?
‘Finally, all models, weather or climate, have uncertainties associated with them.’
That is true, natural variables are hard to predict.
For example, who could have forecast the Hunga Tonga-Hunga eruption and the effect it would have on world temperature. They say the water vapour will remain in the upper troposphere for a couple of years. Its the greenhouse effect and I’m about to lose my bet.
Uncommon Knowledge, an interview with Steven Koonen re the flaws of climate science models and discrepancies of
hyped bureau summaries in comparison to the non-scary IPCC reports produced by the actual investigation task forces.
Predictions or forecasts as stated, yes, but not “models” in the engineering sense that climate scientists would like us to accept.
‘It’s difficult to make predictions, especially about the future.’ (attributed to everyone from Niels Bohr to Yogi Berra.)
I’m probably late with this but maybe not:
Facebook Fact-Checking Op “Hijacked By Activists”, Aussie Exposé Reveals
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (?) now doing a $740,000 free-speach suppression job free of charge.
Not A Great Day For Marxism: Erdogan dismisses protests over coal mine expansion, and says climate change is a fraud
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday dismissed environmental protests over the felling of trees to expand a coal mine in southwest Turkey, saying the campaign was led by marginals”.
Kill the tree’s to provide cheap reliable power, Nooo.
Kill the trees too erect Solar Panels, Yay
The United States Direct Energy Directorate is run by the Air Force Research Labs located at the highest point in Maui, they utilise both Microwave and Laser.
The Microwave technology is presently being used in the Russia/Ukraine war to knock out drones,
Sharks with “Lasers” maybe not, but in 2022 they commissioned a Plane with Lasers
This is Trumps Space Force in action.
Of course it’s just a coincidence.
Just adding to the first reference:
The primary laser in use at AFRL, Haleakala (the AMOS facility – following MP’s provided link) is a sodium guidestar (NaGS) system used in the adaptic optics system of the site’s primary telescope. Note that the Maui site is co-sponsored by AFRL and the University of Hawaii, among others. UofHI shares viewing time with AFRL on the 3.6 meter telescope and NaGS system. NaGS technology was developed by the astronomy community, and NaGS lasers are in use in observatories around the world. Adaptic optics systems help stabilize image distortions due to atmospheric effects. They are fundamental elements of research astronomy and the USAF space surveillance missions. And, now, Space Force. Photos of NaGS in action are remarkable; but not space weapons.
Other telescopes are located at the Haleakala site, primarily research, and notably the UofHI’s Pan-STARRS telescope which is used to discover and track near earth orbit objects – like approaching asteroids.
“Congratulations, everyone! It’s time for another COVID variant! Did you think having already been vaccinated and boosted was gonna get you through this one? Think again!
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported on Wednesday that the emerging BA.2.86 COVID-19 variant could potentially lead to infections in those who not only had COVID before, but have previously been vaccinated.”
The rest b3ehind a paywall but you get the gist
BUT – It’s Working!
“What did I tell you? The Establishment Media’s covid variant alarmism has once again saved the day!
According to CNBC, after a week of wall-to-wall scariant coverage, sacrifices to the pagan god Eris, two minor mask mandate announcements, and anonymous officials whispering about plans for new Fall lockdowns and airline mandates, shares of Novavax shot up +13%, Moderna’s stock closed up +9%, BioNTech was up +6%, and even Pfizer’s stock ended around +1% higher.”
More at
A comment at another thread reckons the new strain’s correct title is
“BS 24.7”
“Taibbi And Orfalea: The COVID Lie That Started It All”
Peter Hartcher got the email from the CIA on how to treat Prigozhin’s air crash..
“Putin says, ‘My authority needs to be demonstrated – Surovikin has to go and Prigozhin has to be killed’.”
That’s straight from the Socialist Morning Herald, so it must be true.. on the scale of “The Russians blew up their own North Sea gas pipeline.”
..and another funny one, apparently Wagner the composer is only known to the world because he was Hitler’s favourite-
“Utkin’s call-sign, Wagner (after Hitler’s favourite composer), gave the group its name. “
Study: CO2 Molecules Have Little Consequential Impact On Outgoing Radiation
Smirnov and Zhilyaev (2021), key points:
1. Climate model calculations of CO2’s impact on global temperatures are in error by a factor of 5 as a result of “ignoring, in climatological models, the fundamental Kirchhoff law” which says radiators are “simultaneously the absorbers.”
2. Change in the concentration of an optically active atmospheric component (like CO2) “would not lead to change in the outgoing radiative flux.”
3. CO2 molecules “are not the main radiator of the atmosphere.” Water vapor molecules are, and thus they “may be responsible for the observed heating of the Earth.”
# # #
Russian physicists so I suppose that’s disqualification.
by a factor of 5
The current models are out by a factor of more than 500. CO2 has an unmeasurably small influence on surface temperature.
If CO2 was warming the atmosphere, why do we see regions like the southern ocean, Antarctica and the Nino34 region with sustained cooling trends?
The who notion of a delicate radiation balance is just nonsense.
One Nations lattest cartoon, Global Boiling.
Senator Malcolm Roberts, from his weekly round up.
In light of the latest disappointing NAPLAN results, which shows one in three children failing literacy and numeracy, I thought you’d be interested to hear his response.
one in three children failing literacy and numeracy
but 2 in 5 identify as the opposite gender.
surely that counts as a success?🤔
Simplicius The Thinker: Special Report: The Curtain Closes On Yevgeny Prigozhin
He always writes a very good article, well thought out and clearly expressed.
Scott Ritter: Can Poland Be Saved From Becoming The Next Ukraine?
ukraine is totally the result of US/NATO policy of trying to surround Russia
and ignoring treaty agreements.
NATO is a defence pact.
Why NATO was Obsessed with Ukraine and is Now in a Panic
“How is it that on the eve of the Russian Special Military Operation in February 2022 that Ukraine was the poorest country in Europe but was ranked number four in the world in terms of natural resources?
The answer is simple — the Western oligarchs who fund the political leaders of the NATO countries were busy cutting deals with Ukrainian oligarchs to get control of those rare earth minerals and energy resources. Do you think that putting Hunter Biden on the Board of Burisma, along with former CIA Counter Terrorism Chief Cofer Black, was just a coincidence? But note — the plan to pillage Ukraine of its natural wealth did not include a plan to ensure the economic development of the Ukrainian people. Only those closely tied to Western oligarchs would profit.”
Using the words Special Military Operation proves you are a Russian shill. It is a war, by any definition.
and your shrill ad hominem response proves you are an establishment npc.
ps. things in “” are not my words: “The primary function of quotation marks is to set off and represent exact language (either spoken or written) that has come from somebody else”
You quoted them, you own them,
so what’s this? “Russian shill[s]” hiding at the ABC?
“The scope of this special military operation isn’t clear but Putin has called on Ukrainians to lay down their arms. He warned that any external intervention will be met with a swift response.” (emphasis added)
many more such examples.
They are anti American, anti conservative which leans them towards socialist which is a polite way of saying leaning communist.
1. Russia is not communist.
2. the ABC is not pro-Russia.
NATO is a defence pact.
So do i now “own “your words ?….that is a very unique concept.
No !..a quote is just that…..someone else’s words and thoughts.
So be honest – Is this a war or a special military operation?
I think of it as WWIII being fought in an arena, because modern warfare can’t be fought over continents and oceans. The West can’t afford to lose.
Oh yes, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation is now ‘defending’ countries in the Black Sea, and is planning on ‘defending’ more countries all the way to the South China Sea, a long way from the Atlantic.
NATO’s drive under the Yanks was to move Eastwards and gobble up all the ex-USSR countries until they had Russia surrounded, whereupon they would break it up into small countries that could never threaten the American World Rule. Wasn’t it NATO bombing Serbs in the ’90s? Who were they defending then? Someone must have had a North Atlantic seafront..
The SMO was stated by Putin to be an operation to de-militarise Ukraine so they were no longer a threat to the Russian-speakers within it. That’s why he never committed the whole force of the Russian military, he didn’t want to occupy the country just change the culture. Even now he could flatten Kiev if he wanted to, but he would rather let Ukraine and NATO batter themselves against defending force.
Its all war Hanrahan, all the events from the late 90s though Nuland’s coup and the shelling of the Russian Crimean areas. Either you support the American Empire or you support a free world, but you have to pick one side or the other, and war will always be the result. …to the last Ukrainian… and then the Poles!
They stopped that evil Libya from attacking, well they must have been attacking someone as they are a “defense pact.”
I used Wiki as I know you only believe Main Stream beliefs.
Then there is the Serbia mishap, also wasn’t the agreement with Gorbachev on the dismantling of the wall, that NATO would not expand their boarders and NATO has expanded ever since. covers both sides and goes back before Putin.
If there was a pact, Putin would have produced it?
That wasn’t NATO, It was Hillary Clinton’s baby, and she isn’t a conservative.
Hillary’s Huge Libya Disaster | The National Interest
As a direct consequence of the chaos caused by Secretary Clinton’s failed policy, there are now four entities competing for control of Libya:
“On 19 March 2011, a multi-state NATO-led coalition began a military intervention in Libya to implement United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 (UNSCR 1973), in response to events during the 2011 Libyan civil war. With ten votes in favour and five abstentions, the UN Security Council’s intent was to have “an immediate”
And the Defense pact was affected by a Civil war in Libya how, last I remember Nato is to back Nato countries if any are invaded.
Obama as President, (otherwise known as the CFR) supplied arms to the insurgents and NATO came in and enforced a no fly zone, they invented. Bombed the Libyan Government. This gave the world ISIS, the gift that keeps on giving.
Funny how a devout mu55lem group that hates false idols and the white supremacists, took the name of a false God and in English, not the CIA, it’s just a coincidence.
To conclude, it has been shown, Nato invades others almost as regularly as the USA.
God bless the united Nations
The USA invades anyone not obeying their orders, and as the UN is mainly held over by America one way or another, they often go along.
‘As a direct consequence of the chaos caused by [America’s] failed policy, there are now four entities competing for control of Libya:’
This is normal, America invades some 3rd-world country that wants its independence and they walk out leaving a ruin with other people fighting over the spoils. Syria is the same, Iraq too, and Afganistan would have be the same if the Taliban weren’t strong enough to take complete control. Ukraine will be a ruin when they walk away and leave Russia and Poland to fight over the bits.
And there is a lesson there for Oz if the proverbial hits the fan.
Brisbane line on steroids?
“But what does it matter”
As I said, Russian shills.
Yep, there is defiantly one person shilling in this debate, the others are trying to correct your warped sense of reality.
Rather dead than red.
You are vehemently opposed to anything American, you recommend voting against liberals here, you never condemn either China or Russia so it would seem that you would hitch our star to China. And with Russia might is right, you approve of them them putting all Ukrainians to the sword and kidnapping the children, changing their names and birth dates.
You have thrown ad hominem, strawmen and just made stuff up in this debate.
I understand who was behind the overthrowing of the elected pro-Russian president of Ukraine, the orange revolution and the installation of the accidental president, the Minsk agreements, I believe Russia was justified in cutting off the Donbas region, initially.
Russia have done nothing to me and actually brought $2 billion per year of our red meat, Ukraine did squat for us.
I don’t have a problem with American, Russian, Chinese, Ukrainian or any People, I don’t classify the people into governments and I don’t believe any governments are working for the benefit of the people.
I have not voted Labor since Hawk or Liberal since Abbott, yes I hate liberals for what they did to my country in 2020, force vaxxinated with an experimental concoction and with no opposition.
All this green tripe you oppose was brought in by liberals, all of it, yet you will continue to vote for the very government doing what you are against, that takes a special sort of mentality. Liberals shut down our industry and sent it to China, the Chinese didn’t steal it, Howard gave it to them.
They are all bankers wars, that’s who you’re fighting for, the people behind the curtain.
The debate was about NATO, you threw Hillary and by proxy the USA into this, nobody else and now you are accusing others of doing what you have done, that play is straight out of the communist hand book, you need to check the colour of your shirt again.
You can’t separate the wheat from the chaff, your propaganda you believe is the truth, when the truth is it’s all propaganda, both sides.
PS, where is your evidence that Russia is kidnapping the kids?
Epstein was not Russian, Maxwell was not Russian. The Russians are advancing into abandoned towns, how are they getting their hands on the kids. You’re attributing blame without evidence and where any evidence exists, it’s the opposite of your claim.
It’s the dual citizen Zelensky throwing Ukrainians under the bus while being goaded by the USA Government, or at least the dual citizens of the USA Government, and we are in on it, supporting it.
The dark matter myth | Pavel Kroupa full interview
with comments on the sociology of establishment/tribal/consensus science.
BRICS Economic Bloc Expands Adding Iran, Argentina, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Ethiopia During Summit
August 24, 2023 – Sundance
The original BRICS economic alliance between Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa has expanded today. During the summit held in South Africa, the group which is home to about 40% of the world’s population and a quarter of global gross domestic product, voted to accept the applications of Iran, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Ethiopia.
What we see forming now is further evidence of the great energy cleaving.
As most western nations chase the World Economic Forum’s priority around ‘climate change’, the BRICS alliance hedges for more traditional energy sources (oil, natural gas, coal).
China will benefit the most as the Western industrial economies will not be able to compete in a global market using windmills and solar panels.
Needs checking but somewhere this morning I saw that includes 80% of the world’s oil
That would mean Kuwait, Venezuela, US, central Asia (Azerbaijan etc), Bahrain, Qatar, Norway and all the rest of the world = 20%. Doesn’t sound right.
Did you know that Facebook has a ‘Climate Science Centre’? I didn’t, until a few minutes ago. It’s accessible via the list of shortcuts on the upper L/H side of your home page.
Intrigued, but nevertheless suspecting I already knew what I would find, I followed the link. I didn’t get far. The very first page has, in prominent position, a box of “Facts About Climate Change” and, top of that list is, “97% of climate scientists agree that humans are causing global warming.”
I didn’t bother looking any further because I’m in a good mood today and want it to last. Why am I in a good mood? Because it’s lovely and warm today!
The next 5 years and digital currencies
This is the digital ID where they demand to know where everyone is because they also know there will be civil unrest. They used the COVID-19 vaccine to identify the sheep from the wolves. They need to control all those non-conformers.
They seem to be dividing the society everywhere into groups. If they turn everyone against their neighbor, they will not come together to overthrow the tyranny they are creating.
The following stage will be the elimination of our right to vote. This is part of the agenda; they may bring it in as soon as 2024. At worst, we see 2028 as the end of our democratic rights and the beginning of their absolute control.
Unfortunately, how governments have been functioning under Keynesian Economics is collapsing, and they know that. They are fighting back with absolute tyranny because pensions and our way of life cannot survive under this system.
– via Armstrong Economics.
This is a critically important issue that EVERYONE has to wake up to, NOW!
He’s identified my oft-repeated target date of 2028 now.
How did I know well before his models pointed to it?
I have my means and sources.
We all, inc me, have 5 years before “1984”.
Freedom, savings, pensions, government socialist programs, your entire way of life, gone.
They know it, we (20% of us anyway) know it and know that they know that we know. It will still happen.
Retire early and enjoy it while you can, like I did.
I practice what I preach and I made the right choice.
How pleasant your future is depends on your preparedness right now.
Focus on survival and self sufficiency or don’t, but never say you weren’t warned in time.
From his ‘Paradigm Shift’ article-
“Look, the vast majority are simply the herd. They prefer not to think analytically. They feel comfortable thinking the government really cares… I would estimate that this represents at least 70% of the population,
Historically, there comes a time for a paradigm shift. That is when we should see at least 40% of the people who then support change….we will see this shift post-2024. We should begin to witness this paradigm shift toward anti-government form by 2026. It will most likely explode in 2029. This is all necessary for the people must come voluntarily. It will be 2032 when we witness perhaps as much as 60%-75% of the people demanding the end of Republic forms of government.”
May you live in interesting times, indeed.
Biden’s alcohol czar warns Americans could soon be told to limit themselves to just two beers per WEEK under strict new booze guidelines
Americans could be urged by officials to drink no more than two beers a week as part of strict new alcohol guidelines.
Biden’s health czar told the USDA could revise its alcohol advice to match Canada’s, where people are advised to have just two drinks per week.
Dr George Koob — who admits enjoying a couple of glasses of Chardonnay a week — said he was watching Canada’s ‘big experiment’ with interest.
‘If there’s health benefits, I think people will start to re-evaluate where we’re at [in the US],’ he told
Current US recommendations say women can have up to one bottle of beer, small glass of wine or shot of spirit a day while men can have two.
But those guidelines are up for review in 2025.
With CBDC’s you won’t have a choice. 😉
Daily Mail == total BS !
Again a lack of knowledge of history –
They should remember what a roaring success their last “prohibition” was
Or is that another 10% opportunity?
Risk Assessment Summary for SARS CoV-2 Sublineage BA.2.86
Based on what CDC knows now, existing tests used to detect and medications used to treat COVID-19 appear to be effective with this variant. BA.2.86 may be more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines.
You don’t say!
Space junk targeted for cleanup mission was hit by different space junk, making more space junk
On Tuesday, the European Space Agency (ESA) announced that a decade-old piece of space junk it had targeted for removal in a future space debris cleanup has been whacked by another piece of stray kit, thereby increasing the amount of trash in orbit around Earth.
The 112kg rocket part – named VEga Secondary Payload Adapter (VESPA) – was left in space after the 2013 launch of an Arianespace Vega rocket. In its past life as a payload adapter, it helped to deliver the Proba-V, VNREDSat-1 and ESTCube-1 satellites into space from ESA’s spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana.
Now it resides, fragmented, in its low Earth orbit of 660km altitude perigee, 790km apogee and 98.7 degree inclination, according to the ESA.
The newly splintered parts of VESPA were detected by the United States 18th Space Defense Squadron, which oversees the US Space Surveillance Network (SSN) – an outfit that detects, tracks and catalogs objects humans have put in space.
ESA said the fragmentation was “most likely” caused by the “hypervelocity impact of a small, untracked object.” The space org said the fragments aren’t likely to pose a collision risk to other missions. Probably didn’t think this collision was likely either.
Preliminary investigations indicate that “the main object remains intact and has experienced no significant alteration to its orbit.”
I have multiple sources for orbiting satellites and we’ll be seeing a lot more of this in coming years, not that it matters much.
Nine out of 10 ULEZ cameras have been vandalised in southeast London – with just 29 out of 185 still operational
Nearly nine out of 10 Ulez cameras have been vandalised in southeast London, according to an analysis of crowd-sourced data.
The data shows that only 29 cameras out of 185 in Sydenham are working, only four are intact in Bromley and just one is working on the A225.
Meanwhile images have been released of ‘blade runners’ stealing and vandalising the cameras.
From next week, the controversial scheme will cover all London boroughs and will force drivers of non-compliant vehicles to shell out £12.50 a day.
The pricey plans have been met with much resistance and armour plating is now being used to protect the cameras.
Armour plating stops paint and bags well I believe.😎
A heavy on /s update for you on that
250,000 British Families Live In Tents As Illegal Migrants Take Hotels
It’s all planned. Duh.😉
So 12 million Americans watched a Trump less GOP debate on FOX whilst at the exact same time over 248 million Americans watched Tucker Carlson interview Trump live on Twitter. Is there any further questions as to why Biden is persecuting his biggest political rival?
Donald is a populist and the Dems would like to see him locked up.
Don’t know how its going to play out, but there is always hope that someone will grow a backbone and sit in the Oval Office.
‘Business entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy said on the debate stage of the first GOP primary debate Wednesday night that the climate change agenda is a hoax.
“I’m the only person on the stage who is not bought and paid for,” Ramaswamy said. “So I can say this. The climate change agenda is a hoax.”
‘This resulted in a round of boos from the audience.’ (Climate Depot)
well not really. over the next few days 248 million and counting watch the T&T show. Over the window of the show they still did multiples of 12 million. I doubt many are viewing the GOP debate after fact.
Kaiser Family Foundation Finds Many Believe COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Responsible for Sudden Deaths
The Kaiser Family Foundation is a pro-vaccine organization that has an biased polling system aimed at showing satisfaction and benefit of mass vaccination among other family issues. The May 23 through June 12, 2023 poll reveals some shocking new data. A substantial minority of Americans believe the COVID-19 vaccines have caused great harm.
As you can see it is roughly a third of Americans are awake and understand the COVID-19 vaccines have failed, cause great harm, and pose a giant safety risk to Americans. It is also interesting to note a quarter of respondents have been awakened to the link between childhood hyper vaccination and autism spectrum disorder. I wonder what the actual sentiment is on vaccines if Kaiser had asked the questions in a more unbiased manner and did not load up their survey with charged words such as “false” and “misinformation”.
Wakey wakey, hands off spikey!
CDC Now Refusing New COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports in Its V-Safe Program
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) V-safe website quietly stopped collecting adverse event reports with no reason or explanation. The V-safe website simply states: “Thank you for your participation. Data collection for COVID-19 vaccines concluded on June 30, 2023.”
While CDC’s V-safe was stealthily and abruptly turned off, refusing to accept new safety reports, to this very day the CDC continues to urge everyone ages 6 months and older to stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines and boosters.
As a drug safety expert, I personally can’t cite another example of any agency or manufacturer halting collection of safety data. It seems even worse because mRNA technology is relatively new with long-term manifestations unknown. On top of this, both manufacturers and the FDA refuse to share the list of ingredients, such as lipid nanoparticles, which could affect individuals differently and take a long time to manifest clinically.
No need to track anymore eh.
Long term effects are irrelevant, because…
Australia: 12,000 Excess Deaths disappear and the total number of Excess Deaths following the Covid injection rollouts is now (only) 18,000 and not 30,000!
How they are artificially reducing the Excess Deaths numbers to hide the gene-vaccine disaster.
What do you do when it is impossible to deny that the COVID injections are causing death and serious injuries? Answer: cheat and deceive.
So…….problem solved…..from now on myocarditis is not going to be a problem…..they just won’t report it! Yes, you read that correctly. The TGA is not going to report it. It is all very normal. Just move on. Nothing to see here.
The latest John Campbell video talks about the TGA declaring they will no longer report on the myocarditis issues caused by the vax because the number of occurrences is stable they also claim it is 2 in every 100,000 shots that cause heart issues thats 0.00002% (check my maths), this number is produced to trick the numptys like GA, P Fitzroy and Simon etc into getting their “top ups” and now with the new BOOGA BOOGA variant sweeping the world there will be a need for people to remain “up to date”.
In reality studies have shown troponin levels are elevated in approximately 2.8 to 3.7% of doses given (see Thailand and Israeli studies in Campbell video)
I hope everyone will follow the WHO’s advice when their dictatorial government tries to lock them down again when they say “we wont get fooled again” although i doubt it very much, we are like lambs to the slaughter in this country.
“Pauline Hanson’s Please Explain magnificent on Global Boiling!”
SH blocking causes a winter heatwave.
‘Parts of South America have endured an extreme winter heatwave this week, with one town in Bolivia registering the equal highest winter temperature ever recorded in the Southern Hemisphere.
‘A large blocking high pressure system over the South Atlantic Ocean caused a hot air mass to build over the northern half of South America over the past fortnight.’ (Weatherzone)
Why can’t you link to anything?
I have questions I would like answered.
Grass is growing on the north pole.
I’m pretty sure if anyone is half interested they would look it up.
Blocking is important, but you already knew that.
Is the Referendum rigged against the “no” vote?
It’s academic, as it’s all just part of the divide & conquer agenda.
Squeaky wheel fringe minorities given massive publicity to create the illusion that they’re a sizeable force, when in reality they’re virtually nothing, like the trans squad.
Set everyone against everyone else in society so they can’t work together to fight the ringmaster.
The manifestation of the Cloward-Piven strategy is already well advanced.
Friday entertainment: “Declare emergency” climate activists upset the wrong person
I wonder if obstructing and detaining motorists could be classed as deprivation of liberty, a criminal offence…
The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics
This report is designed to help readers think about some big topics: how to really prevent pandemics and biological warfare, how to assess proposals by the WHO and its members for responding to pandemics, and whether we can rely on our health officials to navigate these areas in ways that make sense and will help their populations.
We start with a history of biological arms control and rapidly move to the COVID pandemic, eventually arriving at plans to protect the future.
A decent read covering bioweapon history (but not extremely deep), pathogenicity and false flag indoctrination.
Lol! Just who would believe any of this rubbish!?
“In the WHO’s draft treaty, which most nations’ rulers appear to have bought into, all governments will share all viruses and bacteria they come up with that are determined to have “pandemic potential” — share them with the WHO and other governments, putting their genomic sequences online. ”
So a country spends millions developing a new lethal virus, especially with racial selection, and then the WHO tell us they will share it online with the world? Just how stupid do they think we are? Its all an excuse to push ahead at full speed with the banned biological weapons research.
So, overall, most Western countries bought enough vax for 10shots per person, and myocarditis is caused in 3% of the shots, so they intend to get rid of 30% of the population.
Overall, a terrifying read!
Lessons here for “Elbow”?
“The Liar Sleeps Tonight”
“Patrick Frank: Nobody understands climate | Tom Nelson Pod #139”
Another one –
“Carbon Offsets from Forest Conservation Projects have Been Overestimated”
“Australia’s Misinfo Bill Paves Way for Soviet-Style Censorship”
Global Boiling
Martin Armstrong quoting Bill McLeod at
“Many years ago there was a book entitled Social Purpose for Canada, each chapter was written by a different person, one chapter was written by Pierre Elliot Trudeau. And this book was outlining how they could socialize Canada. Make it a socialist nation. You know what the plan was? Here’s what they said, “We can’t socialize Canada as long as Canada is strong and united.” “We must Balkanize Canada before we can socialize Canada.” That was the plan; and Trudeau worked at it. You know when he was giving millions of dollars to various groups in Canada he wasn’t doing it from the write motive. His motive was to socialize Canada and that’s really what went on. The average Canadian doesn’t know that. I heard about this book, got it at a library and read it and I was shocked to see what the plan was and how they’re working this plan [to] Balkanize Canada split it into small groups. Then they said we can socialize these small groups one by one and eventually get the whole country. This was the plan. Every time I think of it I get mad.” Bill McLeod, Canadian Revivalist (1919-2012) comment on Trudeau re: Social Purpose for Canada by Michael Oliver. Published: December 1961
And in Australia, what might our dear ‘leader’ be trying to achieve?
The Best Climate Predictions That Never Came True
I’m shocked… not.
Carbon-credit traders find their CO2 offsets may be worth nothing
A number of major carbon traders are finding that offsets they bought may now be valueless.
Trafigura Group, the world’s largest trader of carbon removal credits, has suspended a consignment as it awaits the results of an investigation into the forestry project behind the units. The situation has led the company to replace the offsets in a contract with a corporate client and instead keep the stranded credits on its own books.
Hannah Hauman, global head of carbon trading at Trafigura and a former oil trader, says the complete loss of value seen in some corners of the voluntary carbon market is unlike anything she’s witnessed in oil markets.
Oil traders “see distressed or off-spec cargoes,” but they “don’t see defunct assets,” she said…