A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Is there a single voice expressing caution/concern in Australian mainstream media as the West and China/Russia blunder towards war? Seems not – seems all of us must care deeply about Crimea (Light Brigade anyone?) and the preservation of “democracy” above all else. What has happened? Where are the Peaceniks?
Someone needs to stop the grifter in tracksuit pants and his dementia addled partner in crime before they triggers WW3
We should quit the Alliance.
Yes I agree
“.. .quit the Alliance.”
And when the Chinese come for coal we’ll. .?
“And when the Chinese come for coal we’ll… sell it to them!
I cannot see why people believe the Chinese will invade Aussie, they can quite happily buy all the resources we have. We need that money to buy their cheap first world way of life that they need to sell, its the way trade works.
If you’re worried about our security in a war, why isn’t there an assault rifle behind every front door in Australia?? Does anyone in their right mind think America will come to our aid??
Yes, many reasons but including;
* US and UK are the main sources of foreign investment into Australia.
* From a strategic viewpoint Australia is very important for the US, example Pine Gap NT Base, and other shared bases.
* Treaties including the recent AUKUS arrangements and Quad revival.
* Australia has an abundance of natural resources and farmland that our allies would not want China to control and add to their economic power.
You have made a good assessment Dennis. I would encourage you to listen to this presentation about why China is not as powerful as it would like to be and why Australia could be a valuable part of the new West as the old Europe fades.
It is about 70 minutes but well argued.
The US and Russia are on the Security Council and they are behaving like naughty boys, its disgraceful.
China embraces the free market and can afford to take over the world commercially, without a shot being fired.
China relies heavily on imports and exports. To the North is the Siberian tundra, to the West is desert, to the South there are mountains, jungle and hostile neighbours, to the East there is a string of island states, Japan, Taiwan, Phillipines, each one of which China has made an enemy. China does not control it’s sea lanes. Oil can be stopped in a number of places. China is growing old with few children. It needs workers but who would go there? Muslims would not.
Become a vassal state?
We already are!! Its just to America, not China, (or the UK, as it would have been in the past.)
We join with the non-aligned nations, free of old world rivalries.
Crackar24 as demented as that one is he is in the Ukraine right now and not Putin and if that’s not a slap in the face exactly what’s going on with the ground attack from Russia right now ? Even the neo fascist Wagner group are whinging about not being supplied what they need to defend themselves let alone make any advances . Russia are bombing power stations and Ukraine are bombing Russia’s troops and stockpiles and that says heaps , yes I know Ukraine are not saints and yes they are being supplied help from outside but seriously Russia are getting their backsides handed to them .
Robert, make a list of how many countries have China and Russia invaded/regime changed/bombed back to the stone age in the last 30 years? Now make a list for the USA, now compare lists, and dont insult my intelligence by saying America supports democracy around the world.
In addition if you think by watching a few you tube clips and their ABC you know what is going on in Ukraine then you are delusional.
Classic ABC misinformation:
On the radio today they played a small audio clip of Biden’s speech in Warsaw and claimed he sounded Reaganesque almost Churchill like. this is what they edited out.
“Would be, you, would we be, would we the, all of allies would be united or divided”
Its gibberish
Open your eyes, this IS WWIII. When it is over there will only be one super power. Pray to your God that the US is it.
Hanrahan W111 started from Russia will leave Russia a sea of green glass and a good chunk of the US and for all the threats and bravado from Putin he knows this and his generals know this .
With due consideration for the US Military presence and activities here, particularly in Northern Australia, one of many examples extension of RAAF Tindal NT airport runways to accommodate US stealth bombers and increased capacity fuel storage and other facilities for USAF purposes.
However, the AUKUS arrangements, and Quad (India, Japan, Australia, USA,) are extensive and indicative of the importance of Australia and location.
Its not WW3 yet and the door is still open for a peace maker.
‘Mr Xi’s meeting with Mr Putin will be part of a push for multiparty talks on peace in Ukraine and allow China to reiterate its calls that nuclear weapons not be used, the report added.’ (Fin Review)
“Where are the Peaceniks?”
Very interesting question.
Oddly, IMHO, the origin is Trump Derangement Syndrome.
TDS, the actual catastrophic contagion of our time, produced a cultural pole shift.
The leadership classes around the globe abandoned all pretense of their previously vaunted precious ideals and became Kamikaze in opposition to the Orange Menace.
In my neighborhood, Rainbow Peace signs have been replaced by Ukrainian flags, only because Biden is not Trump.
Unaffordable fuel and food …. WWIII … not Trump.
Voluntarily lock yourself in your home, allow yourself and your children to be forced into multiple injections with a for profit MegaPharma corporate chemical product, wear a surgical mask walking alone in the forest … not Trump.
Take my Free Speech because Trump.
I think it’s that simple.
Especially when the Magic Screen constantly tells us there are the Orange Man is a Witch.
And Smart Guy me.
If you had told me six years ago that Donald Trump would be possibly the most pivotal personality in American, perhaps World, history …
I would have laughed in your face.
(The only other explanation is an oopsie at CERN.)
Any editing and spelling errors I make are caused by Trump.
I have surrendered and will join the lemmings on their Crusade.
BTW, January 6th was the worst threat to Our Democracy since the Crusades.
Tucker Carlson agree that Trump was the best president for many years. Trump was concerned that by making Putin the enemy That he would eventually have to join China which he is now doing. China plus Russian resources will be a bigger power than the US so starting the war with Putin could be the US undoing. Thank you election stealing Democrats.
Yes, the “peace” movement from the 1950’s on was just pro-Marxist activists and their various useful idiots. Now that the USA is largely pushing the One World Government Marxist agenda, it is no longer the focus of “peace” activists. I agree that Trump was the Great Disruptor and had to be stopped – as he was. And shall be again.
As the NATO Secretary General conceded recently, NATO has been participating in a war within Ukraine against ethnic Russians and pro-Russian regional governments since 2014.
Yep, democracy in qoutation marks. Or you could give it a capital D for Democrat agenda, which is the same as the WEF agenda. Which is the same as the unelected leadership of the EU agenda, and the other appointed, not elected, cloistered, leadership in N. America.
Is it too controversial to say that if Trump was still president , as he should be, there would be no war in Ukraine and China would not be talking about taking Taiwan? Elections have consequences and stolen elections are catastrophic. The deep state and the military complex see war as just another way of making lots of money and they really don’t care about the human cost because it will not affect them personally. Jeff Bezos will just have to find a safe place to moor his $727 million yacht while he and his mates cash in on someone else’s misery.
A blunt no frills assessment of the current world situation and possible global power implications by Tucker Carlson. Only thirteen minutes and well worth the time.–8iw
Yes, I saw it and hence why I posted #1 above.
No way will the turtle turn up on Carlson. Even Tucker now realises that Trump was right and that Trump as president would not have allowed this situation to develop. Stealing an election might misfire badly on the Democrats but the rest of us will be collateral damage.
No surprise to readers here however ….
How not to run an electricity grid: Install 20,000 MW of solar cells that deliver 3,000 MW at 7am in summer, 15,000 MW at midday on a good sunny day, and 3,000 MW at 6pm in summer, only half of that supply in winter, and zero every night. Then install 10,000 MW of windmills that sometimes deliver 5,000 MW and at other times 1,000 MW, average 3,000 MW. Now maintain 40,000 MW of reliable coal, gas and hydro generators to cover all the times when solar and wind fail to deliver. Net result, an unreliable, redundant, high cost AEMO network.
And surprise, surprise, electricity shortfalls coming.
The problem is the issue you raise requires math to be applied so as one can not only understand but also resolve said problem.
For example:
If johnny has 5 dollars and he spends 6 dollars how many dollars does johnny have left?
The left cant do the math that is required to understand what happens if you remove more generation than what you put in.
Trouble is, Bowen is just the most recent member of the long conga line of government and ministers who have wrecked the national power grid. A lot of that wreckage has been done by LNP governments, because they have mostly been in power for that last 30 years.
Tax free super withdrawal for buying rooftop solar and a battery.
Problem fixed.
Debt laden Home Owners will soon need access to their Superannuation in order to keep up with those increasing home mortgage repayments resulting from the ongoing increase in mortgage interest rates.
Debt free home OWNERS will soon be able to buy the grandkids Xmas presents with their interest.
If any are interested,
Released today on the AEMO website, Feb 21, 2023:
“Update to 2022 Electricity Statement of Opportunities”
This an updated report for the National Electricity Market. Australia.
“The purpose of this publication is to provide an Update to the 2022 Electricity Statement of Opportunities for the National
Electricity Market, due to material changes affecting available generation capacity in the National Electricity Market from
that set out in the 2022 Electricity Statement of Opportunities.”
“Statement from Project Veritas board on departure of James O’Keefe”
“James O’Keefe Resigns from Project Veritas – UPDATE, Forced Out: “I have been stripped of my authority as CEO and been removed from the board of directors.”
February 20, 2023 | Sundance | 626 Comments”
Links to video
And part of that Report states –
“Snowy Hydro has advised a one-year delay on the Snowy 2.0 hydro project from December 2026 to
December 2027, and on the gas-fired Kurri Kurri Power Station from December 2023 to December 2024”
Optimism abounds in La La Land.
James O’Keefe made a sensible suggestion to the Board of Project Veritas; You directors should all resign and let me get back to running this company.
Sadly they didn’t all resign but they will soon be out of a job because the company will fold with out donations.
I wonder what pressure was applied by Pfizer to get him out?
Ditto, Peter..
Companies so oft fail, third generation, or often a Manager is hired, and
they lose sight of the original goal..:(
Tuesday funny: everyone hates bike riders, even other bike riders
LOL 🤣🤣🤣
Its a real head scratcher
2022: a year of weather from space
This high-resolution visualization showcases the planet’s most significant storms, labeled with colors ranging from light yellow to red, depending on their intensity.
Through satellite imagery provided by EUMETSAT, we can see the entire planet, allowing us to create comprehensive views of global weather patterns that change with the seasons.
EUMETSAT’s international partners, including Météo-France, NASA, the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the US, the China Meteorological Administration (CMA), and the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), have contributed to producing this video.
Amazing. Thank you.
All the Starlink satellites currently in orbit
Blinded by the light:
Watch Project Veritas shed followers
I wonder if those remaining will provide a shortened list of potential remaining bots?
Was this a Trojan horse attack?
Eighty years on from the bombing of Darwin with the loss of 400 odd lives both civilian and military, white and black defending Australia from a truely savage enemy.
Pine Creek War Cemetery was a very moving place, even for a smart alec teenager in the mid sixties.
Does any one these days know or care? Sure it got a fleeting mention on the MSM. One minute on one day. Men and women that I have had the absolute pleasure of knowing lived through these dark days and just got on with life. Where is the national pride, why isn’t this taught in schools? There are people demanding the TRUTH TELLING of Australian history, well heres a bit of truth, be grateful that men and women of all colours defended our shores so that we can live the lives we do.
If you go to Darwin you will find that they do.
Some excellent audio visuals in the various displays. Get a day bus ticket and do the rounds.
Highly recommended, I have returned several times.
Yes the racism involved is irrelevant, a soldier is a soldier, end of story. However, seeing China is America’s enemy these days, and America has an occupied Japan in their pocket, any mention of Darwin bombing and the Pacific war would reflect badly on our Asian ‘Friends’ in Japan.
Your enemy is only your enemy until the politicians agree that the war has finished. What really happened on the front lines and how much the soldiers still hate each other is just not cared about. Good ol’ Jo Stalin and Russia were our closest allies in WW2………. until VE Day! They instantly became an enemy and have been one ever since. Germany however, like Japan, signed papers of defeat and have been occupied ever since, and you can see how America has thrown them under a bus over Noord-Stream and Ukraine.
Had a long discussion one night with Japanese work colleague, along the lines of weird isnt it? Our Grandads were trying to kill each other, and we go out to dinner.
My grandfather hated the Japanese. My father less so as he was part of occupying forces in Tokyo as a teenager.
Pity we dont seem to be able to avoid wars as a species yet.
People don’t start wars Y, only politicians do. Politicians are our problem.
My FIL served in the RAN and spent time in Darwin doing electrical repairs after the bombing. He got a war service pension at 60yo but never recognised for front line service because he spent his entire period in the RAN on Australian soil. Darwin was not classed as a war zone. My father was in the Merchant Marines and skippered a small cargo sailing ship from as far south as Melbourne up to PNG. He was recognised as serving in a war zone.
Downplaying the attack on Darwin was likely a way of avoiding any panic. There was no David Koch on the breakfast show then to get to the scene. However Captain A.A. Koch with Qantas Empire Airlines was able to get his sea plane out of Darwin with just a few holes to report the attack once back in Sydney.
From what I can recall, I understand the Federal Government was prepared to let the NT, Queensland and WA fall to Japan. There was no way of defending the land if Japan got a foothold.
This link shows that the attack was remembered in Darwin:
Didn’t one of our labor pollies disgrace herself in Darwin by looking at her watch during The Last Post in the Rudd/Gillard days? No point me doing that, I tear up.
Yes, you are right Hanrahan, I remember the incident but also not sure of the perp.
Plibersek comes to mind though, for some reason.
I guess this is a sure sign of sea level rise? Must be a lot of CO2 in that area.
Dave B
They need to open those flood prevention gates to the open seas and let some of that rising sea level back in.
Lack of rain is a furfy.
Pardon my spelling…
A furphy is a water tank manufactured by Furphy and Sons of Shepparton. Prior to the invention of the furphy water was transported in barrels. Furphy tanks first started being used just before WWI.
During WWI at Gallipoli one member of each unit would be sent to fill up all the water bottles at the furphy. Soldiers were rarely informed regarding future plans so wild guesses and claims would be made amongst those waiting to fill bottles at the furphy. These stories became known as “furphies”. This term was still in widespread use when I was a teenager.
The company still exists at Shepparton –
During the Great War the water carts had cast ends which said they were made by Furphy Bros.
Coming back to the lines the soldier retold what he heard at the “Furphy” cart.
J Furphy and Sons – now Furphy Engineering is still operating in Shepparton. It is still owned and run by the same family – the descendants of John Furphy.
And that is a Furphy.
Far Canal Climate Change in Venice.
Just read that the low water levels in Venice are partly because Italy is experiencing a long drought. Clearly the reporter doesn’t understand that Venice sits in the sea!
More sensational reporting claims the canals are just “disgusting mud” All the photos I have seen show remarkably clean canals. I would have thought that the canal beds would have significant amounts of rubbish, but no, they just look like a million other places at low tide.
Is it Earthquake time again? related to CME ? …. a few #5 ‘s in past few hours: ICELAND, Persian Gulf, EASTERN TURKEY Magnitude: 4.7, what next? Waiting ot hear from Moscow!
I have always noticed this. An earthquake at one point and you get other quakes around the edges of the same tectonic plate often in the next 24 hours but sometimes over weeks. There would be a big earthquake at some obscure location often unpopulated or on the sea floor in the Pacific (which covers half the planet) but it can be a portent of disaster at a more populated area.
And in passing, I am puzzled at temperature records for the planet when it is 75% water (if you count Antarctica) and a body the size of the Pacific exists. Averaging temperatures before the 1920s must be mostly guesswork and the accuracies people claim are suspect. Plus it means that 75% of the sun’s radiation hits water not land, eliminating any back radiation and hothouse effect.
Quite apart from the fact that a hothouse needs a roof to prevent massive heat transportation upwards. And that is impossible as air expands and hot air has the lifting power of hydrogen, producing the vast updrafts which drive violent weather. By comparison as water is incompressible heating water does not drive circulation. The surface just gets hotter like a giant battery and the only way of losing heat is evaporation, giving rise to all the summer weather and monsoons. So again a real hothouse needs a roof.
I have real doubts about average temperature data with any accuracy and so this alleged hothouse effect let alone IR back reflection by CO2 but it hardly matters when industrial CO2 is measurably 3%, not the 33% alleged. If there is an effect, we have no control over CO2. The observed CO2 increase is just an effect of ocean surface warming after the little ice age and nothing to do with human activity which is negligible compared to the massive flux of the two gases, CO2 (0.04%) and H2O (1-4%) in the atmosphere from ocean surface heating. But then people do not think of H2O as an invisible gas.
RickWill – following on from your own work on solar cycle prediction, are you aware of the work by P A Semi at the following link:
The calculations are way beyond my ability, but the discussions around what modulates the intensity of the solar cycle (as historically determined by sunspot counts) and our seeming inability to project these forward, as well as no explanation of what causes their variable lengths (in months/years) is a challenge.
Keep up the work.
Hello Jo Nova and friends,
Could anyone here help me? I want to write a letter to my council about their climate change projects, but I don’t know where to start, what to say. They have been very busy and are doing net-zero, have a plan, all sorts of pledges and declarations, and assume c.c. is real etc. Is there anything I could point to to say – not so fast?
regards Jane
Good for you Jane. I wish everyone would do that. You could start with just sending things like Skeptics Handbooks (which I really should update). As a beginning, it would give you some feedback — are the councillors just going with the flow, or are they passionate? Are they being leaned on and coerced by outside forces, like UN zealots, or property developers, or renewables investors? You may find only one on the council is passionate and the rest are being pulled along. You may be able to give them a hand and some arguments to push back.
You ask a good question and we need a better answer…
Jo at least in Victoria, part of the reasons that local councils are involved trying to solve climate change is because the state government pushes certain demands down stream to local government levels. This of course, so that many objections to unsavoury actions are deflected away from the premier and equally if councils dont do the bidding of Dan, well funding is aways tight so we can’t help your LGA this years.
One argument to highlight the futility of anything a council can do, or even the whole country, is to point out how much fossil fueled energy China has in the works. E.g. this 2021 article tells us that China had 247 GW of new coal-fired power stations definitely to be built, and more in the pipeline. Australia’s entire coal fleet is about 25 GW.
Won’t convince the zealots, but the ones tagging along might see that the emperor is naked and, more importantly, see that you see it too.
This is confusing. You want to write a letter but you don’t know why? If you have nothing to say, why not not write a letter?
Regarding all that clandestine activity over the Baltic and around Ukraine in recent times, who’d have thought like this?
Whale threat hits Congress
Hoping for a hearing
Whales in the watter, Bats in the bricks, Badgers in the earth, …. where will it all end? no room on earth, then, eh?
It is interesting to consider the latest desperate moves to keep the transition dream alive in Australia, example Victoria Labor recreating a State Electricity Commission and Federal Labor announcing becoming a shareholder, and “encouraging” Union Super Funds to invest into wind, solar and transmission lines with member’s investment monies.
An admission that private sector investors are losing interest in so called “renewables”?
Regarding Union owned Industry Superannuation Funds, as many would know before the Labor Keating Government announced their Superannuation Guarantee Levy (SGL) on employers to invest in superannuation funds for employees, and by the way real wages growth 1983-1996 dropped to 0.3% as compared to the following Howard Coalition terms 1996 to 2007 providing a real wages growth of 16.7% (slightly higher by November 2007), there were several private sector superannuation funds, one the largest was AMP Society.
Very clearly and as many employer groups discussed at the time when SGL was being introduced, Union Labor were placing Union business first and foremost in their planning and resulted in Industry Super Funds with union executives and retired Labor MPs in senior executive and board positions. The objective was pooling union members and other employee’s monies into superannuation accounts providing hundreds of billions of dollars for investment purposes, investing in private sector corporations and gaining influence at board level and even seats on boards of directors. Add to that influence when Labor is in government pushing policies like climate hoax based agenda: renewable energy transition, making coal mining and coal fired power stations unattractive by government interference, etc. Renewable Energy Target of over 30 per cent and incentive subsidies for investor’s profits.
And the latest, as obviously private sector investment monies are becoming harder to attract, using superannuation fund member’s monies to pay for continuing transition to wind and solar, and back up support. And public housing projects, as if those investment funds are government owned. Indeed, Labor seems to believe that the government owns the money and based on socialism what we get to keep after taxation is really on loan. And when we die that there should be a debt to be repaid from deceased estates. Listen to what Labor Greens say. Consider Commentator Chalmer’s Christmas holiday creation of his socialism “Manifesto”blueprint for replacement of capitalism (free enterprise, free markets economy).
A bit hard to find much around the net on this ATM
“Details of Putin speech. Massive rearmament of Russia’s Hypersonic missiles with Nuclear Warheads. Conventional warheads being removed and Nuclear warheads installed. Kinzal, Zircon, Poseidon Torpedo’s and the 9m730 bureveStnik missiles.
Immediate mass production of nuclear hypersonic missiles.
Will return to classic nuclear testing no more simulations.
He will now arm Iran with Nuclear weapons and technology.
This is a huge rapid vertical escalation to begin immediately.
These new hypersonic nuclear missiles, America has no defense against them so far.
They travel at Mach 9.
The Burevestnik is a nuclear powered missile of unlimited range
Plus very likely a new mutual defense pact with China.
Caitlin is on to the Chinese view of things too-
“Reacting to China’s announcement that it will be putting forward a proposal for a political settlement to end the war in Ukraine, the US ambassador to the United Nations said that if China begins arming Russia in that conflict this will be a “red line” for the United States.”
“The US has been making evidence-free claims in relation to China arming Russia against Ukraine since the war began. In March of last year the New York Times reported that “Russia asked China to give it military equipment and support for the war in Ukraine after President Vladimir V. Putin began a full-scale invasion last month, according to U.S. officials.” Then in April of last year NBC reported that this claim “lacked hard evidence” and was essentially just a lie the US government told the media “as part of an information war against Russia.”
“It is the US, not China, that has been pouring weapons into the battlefield,” he said. “The US is in no position to tell China what to do. We would never stand for finger-pointing, or even coercion and pressurizing from the US on our relations with Russia.”
Meanwhile the Yanks phone up the Kremlin & say ‘Biden is having coffee with Zelensky today, don’t bomb Kiev please….’ Talk about politicians in cahoots!
“The Burevestnik is a nuclear powered missile of unlimited range”.
And the new Nylon uniforms issued to US soldiers in the Korean War are bulletproof,
And the M16 rifles issued to US soldiers in Vietnam fire a tumbling .22 bullet which can kill by shock from a hit in the hand.
The East Australia Current is running hot.
Batteries to charge batteries!
The truth is out there.
Something I have wondered. Copied from Choice.
There are several benefits to having a smart meter.
Smart meters:
Reveal more detailed energy consumption and solar panel export data, which can help you find ways to be more energy efficient
Let your provider connect or disconnect your power remotely,
Now, how many reasons might they find for doing that?
It looks like we might soon find out.
Typo in email re-entered after cache clean. Oops.
Original link is amidwesterndoctor as noted in part 2.
I don’t know the exact percentage of the original article but it was a large article.