Pfizer Pleased To Announce Their New Vaccine 90% Effective Against New Virus They Created

After the blockbuster revelations, the Babylon Bee right onto it: Babylon Bee. Satire, Pfizer.

Babylon BeeNEW YORK, NY — Pfizer Inc. dropped their new COVID variant and accompanying vaccine Thursday at midnight, much to the delight of CDC officials. The new vaccine is reportedly shown to be 90% effective against the COVID variant Pfizer created in their lab.

Experts suggest Pfizer’s radical approach to virus treatment may be tantamount to an abusive relationship, but that’s okay because we probably deserve it.

“I’d suggest we investigate this immediately,” said Congresswoman AOC. “But I don’t want to burn any bridges. I might have to get a job there someday.”

h/t John Connor II, David

PS: Huge congratulations to the indominatable Novak Djokovic, a man we discussed so much a year ago when he was deported for not taking drugs. See the raw emotion as he breaks down in the stands a few minutes after his win. It really is remarkable. It’s not just the vaccine debacle last year, but serious injuries in the last few weeks as well. The man is a champion who will not submit. Last year, they were afraid he would win and spread freedom, not viruses.

9.9 out of 10 based on 108 ratings

108 comments to Pfizer Pleased To Announce Their New Vaccine 90% Effective Against New Virus They Created

  • #

    Only 90% ???? What a BS of a vaxx 😀


    • #

      You mean the question marks ?


    • #

      New Australian Conservation Foundation mobile application predicts 2050 temperatures across Australia.

      30+ extra hot days, 3.3 degrees hotter, for longer, more droughts, more fires, winter disappears.

      If we don’t stop using gas and coal we are doomed…plants and animals wont survive….global food security at risk…BS


      • #
        Gee Aye

        Pfizer… something something climate.


      • #

        And what Model were they using for this amazing prediction? Surely not a mobile app (application).

        BTW, when the World was a lot lot warmer, Dinosaurs and many animals survived along plants, trees and large insects let alone life in those ‘boiling’ Oceans (Al Gore Gaff at the WEF in Davos).


        • #

          My grandson and I just got back from visiting the Dinosaur Museum in Winton, QLD. When they roamed that part of Australia it was warm and wet with luxuriant growth hence the huge size of the biggest browsers. 16 metres long and weighing 35 tonnes uses a lot of food which was in abundance. When the world is warm it is also wet as opposed to ice ages which are dry. The fraudsters don’t tell the populace of that truth. Warm oceans create more rain and more clouds but once again the scammers can’t admit that or perhaps they are too dumb to know. Either way they are lying to the public. Lying is part of the socialist toolbox and they can get away with it because the MSM is in cahoots and the general public are uneducated and lack observational awareness.


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    Hooray! Top job Djokovic!


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    And if you believe 90% effective, then you will believe anything they tell you.


  • #

    “PS: Huge congratulations to the abominable Novak Djokovic”

    Maybe it ought say “indomitable” (unconquerable) instead of “abominable” (detestable).


  • #
    dumb jaffa

    Babylon Bee spoof or not

    Whatever happens, the roll out [500 >> 2030?] will continue under the SECRET [?] Contract the Morrison Government signed with them.

    ” The Beatings will continue until Morale improves! “

    & the WEF Youth will keep on Goose Stepping


    • #
      dumb jaffa

      WEF Youth = Klaus’ Young Global Leaders


      • #

        Are you really a JAFA?
        If so , how is it you’re smart?


        • #
          dumb jaffa

          I guess I deserve the sarcasm & I enjoy the “Trade”

          JAFFA is an acronym for ” Just Another Fat Field Assistant *”. i.e. a life form 2 evolutions lower than a Driller’s Offsider

          I have eked a living for 45 years wandering around the bush at the direction of the Gods, Demi-Gods & Pretenders [ the full spectrum of exploration geologists**] who look for the stuff that comprises 5/8 of the Balance of Payments Receipts.

          * Optional extra “F”s regularly added.

          ** including some of the genuine “Gods” of objective science who occasionally visit here.


          • #

            Even the most illustrious need some one to carry the water bag. You perform a most necessary and unrecognised role.


            • #
              Geoff Sherrington

              One of our field crews had a fire under their Toyota in the Great Sandy Desert.
              The young geophysicist grabbed the expensive gravitometer instrument. The experienced field hand saved the water bottle.
              We always had 2 crews in 2 vehicles never far apart so with care, all was well.
              The fire was so hot that the windscreen melted like toffee and dribbled over the dash. Geoff S


              • #
                dumb jaffa

                Geoff S

                Gravity is my mainstay & I still use an instrument made around or before I started working. [G35 L & R]
                At the time it first arrived in Aus [ around the time Tojos supplanted Landrovers]there probably would not have been more than ~ 20-25 in the country & outside the BMR, most would have been with the oil explorers.

                For the record, I purchased it from a famous Geophysical Consultancy – A pair of Brothers from Adelaide whose name I’d wager you knew or knew of. It is still in action.

                You never know, it may even have been the very instrument in question!

                Back to the topic at hand; my explicit exposure to the OH & S under the various Mines Acts & General OH & S, is why the whole [ working alone] ” Duty of Care ” is a constant “companion” in my career….


          • #

            As afield geologist in Africa I worked with a number of Jaffa who were the mainstay of the surveying crew – we also lost one due to a Gaboon Viper bite. We always carried an antivenom snake bite kit but they didnt always work. Another member of that crew became our draughtsman and turned our illegible notes into readable data! Good People – probably mostly long gone.


      • #
        Alexander Menzies

        ..with special lederhosen for ze men and stiff arm greeting for Herr Klaus.


      • #

        Would they be Klaus ‘Brown Shirts’??


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      David Maddison

      WEF Youth or “WEF Young Global Leaders” is rather like National Socialist Youth or the scenario from “The Boys from Brazil” to create a Fourth Reich while Herr Klaus Schwab’s book (many free downloads available) is really the modern day Fourth Reich.

      The Fourth Industrial Revolution represents a fundamental change in the way we live, work and relate to one another. It is a new chapter in human development, enabled by extraordinary technology advances commensurate with those of the first, second and third industrial revolutions. These advances are merging the physical, digital and biological worlds in ways that create both huge promise and potential peril. The speed, breadth and depth of this revolution is forcing us to rethink how countries develop, how organisations create value and even what it means to be human.


      • #
        dumb jaffa


        If the rumours are even slightly true, it would appear that at the most recent WEF they are possibly reviving the concept of ” Lebensborn” too.

        [ the specific demographic of the “temporary escorts…..”]

        & for completeness–



      • #
        dumb jaffa

        Not withstanding the obligatory language warning, there is an entertaining bit of genealogy for around the 2:00 mark>> ~3:50 here at Berwick’s most recent:-


        • #
          David Maddison

          Very good dj. I can only vouch for content for the first 10 mins because that’s all I’ve watched so far but as the speaker says “it’s a total sh-t show” and “you can’t make this up”.


      • #

        The flaw in all these pronouncements and promises of an utopian future is the vast number of people who will be left out of the grand plan. There will be the elite who while having the qualifications after their names are unable to tie their shoelaces without help. There will still be those who do the real work, the tradespeople, the retailers, farmers, those who work to keep the grid stable for example. Without their input the whole show collapses and they may not be enamoured of their new role of slave. I can see real strife coming when an elite demands service and is told to shove it.

        Will ICE car and ute owners vote for a government that wants to ban their vehicles? The common folk know that the climate scam is just that and so appealing to them to sacrifice their favourite asset to “save the planet” won’t wash.


        • #

          The common folk know that the climate scam is just that

          I think some people understand the scam for what it is, some are true believers that the world is boiling, some are just going along to get along, and some are just apathetic.
          Either way you look at it I fear we are in the minority.


      • #

        Would you call this a conspiracy? @ Scott Adams,Episode 2002, about 13.46 in, Hamilton 68 Hoax
        exposed via Twitter Matt Taibbi, Intel – Democrat – Media operation re Russian Bots.


    • #

      Probably too early even for Babylon Bee and it only works in non-US spelling countries”
      What do you call 5 black policemen in a car sale yard? Txxx kickers.


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        Glad to see that “we” are still holding on to humor no matter that it is somewhat tenuous with thumbs up/down running at 50/50.


        The quality that makes something laughable or amusing; funniness.That which is intended to induce laughter or amusement.The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd.


  • #

    The Bee nails it 😉

    On a serious note, Novak, through his science based (he had natural immunity) resistance to the useless and dangerous jabs, encouraging others to stay strong against the hate storm from government, misledia and Neo-Orwellian big tech. He has undoubtedly saved more lives than Pfizer.


  • #

    Yeah Right! It’ll be just as ineffective as their first four efforts and doubtless, be responsible for as many premature deaths. Young sports people beware! I hope our governments have rescinded the protection from citizens’ right to sue or at least haven’t extended it to this new rabbit out of the Phizer hat!


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    Fantastic. I’ll be first to line to volunteer for the tests.


    • #

      The ‘tests’ have already been conducted at ‘warp speed’ and ‘independently’ verified by the FDA using ‘Fizzer’s’ own data on those mice. The Human testing comes now in real time live action. Line up everyone for your next jab……………Free hamburgers for everyone just like the first time.


      • #

        At the speed of science. I just love sciency things. Now for my hambug.


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        I would suggest reading the book “Death by Prescription” by Ray Strand. The testing period occurs during the 20 year period when the drug as patent protection.


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    Kalm Keith


    As in like a bomb, or cancelled.


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    • #
      Kalm Keith

      A tragic story. A more current photo of her may have been more appropriate than the ” before” pics being used.


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      You could be forgiven for thinking that the vaccine mandate was designed to weaken the military’s ability to defend the US and to be a bulwark against China. Why were fit and healthy young men and women who are largely spared Covid and rarely suffer serious affects forced to take a vaccine that is well known to be ineffective and possibly dangerous? Any government that persists in mandating a vaccine that causes serious ill effects is guilty of willful negligence at a minimum and treason if by doing so it allows an enemy an advantage. That is not conspiracy but an observation.


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        Read Robert F. Kennedy’s book – he explains in great, well-referenced detail how the scam was orchestrated.


  • #

    Pfizer is a pfizzer just like all these other pfeudo vaccines


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    Simon Thompson M.B. B.S. (Hons)

    In Germany , he CFR for’vid has climbed from 0.15% to 0.8%. Why?
    hint: Are people fed up with testing every sniffle, and the denominator is decreasing?


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      Peter C

      Case Fatality Rate is increasing because the boosters have a negative effect on the immune system.
      The NSW health dept data showed increasing rates of severe Covid (hospital and ICU) until they stopped publishing it in Dec 2022. For some reason that I do not understand the death rate stayed the same for vaxed vs invaded.


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    Dave of Gold Coast, Qld.

    In the light of everything Covid many of us have now decided no shots for anything. No yearly ‘flu shots,’ nothing. Would only go to a practice where Covid shots were not given for a tetanus shot when eventually needed. No one I know now tests themselves for every sniffle and some have had Covid and are just treating it like a normal flu. About time I think.


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      Peter C

      Why make an exception for tetanus?
      No one wants to get tetanus obviously but why do they recommend a booster after every injury?


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      The crazy thing is, this morning, on some MSM outlets they’re discussing people should now get their 5th shot because it is available.


      • #

        From SMH today:
        ” Government figures show 33.6 per cent of eligible people have had four doses and 35.9 per cent has had three doses. About 20 per cent have had two doses and the rest have had one or none.

        Monash University associate professor James Trauer said there was a lack of urgency about vaccination when people should be thinking not so much about whether they had a fourth or fifth dose but how often they had a booster.

        ‘‘ We need to work on our health messaging to the older and more vulnerable groups,’’ he said. ”

        And the headline:
        ” Push for new jab as virus rages on ”
        I’d have thought the word “virus” would more aptly have been replaced with “vaxx”.

        Dave B


        • #

          Yes, it’s now devolved into soft messaging but largely the scare factor is still present. So “working on our health messaging”, basically means, we haven’t frightened people enough yet. Calling the last variant “Kraken” is a clear example. But all that type of messaging is the antithesis of public health, or at least public health as we used to know it. We know the old saying ” Good news never sold any newspapers”, but now that rule is being needlessly extended by most of the mainstream media. Or as other people called it “lame stream media”.


        • #

          Perhaps the fact that the jab is probably quite a bit more lethal than the current strains of Covid… may have something to do with it 😉


  • #
    David Maddison


    Dr John Campbell discusses the real Pfizer press statement denying the “unspecified rumours”.

    9.5 mins

    He is brilliant.

    He has to tread very carefully to avoid the Left/Goolag/YouTube censors.

    I guess the genre of this talk would be called “sarcastic humour”? The best of British.


    • #
      another ian

      As the description at SDA has it –

      “Dr. John Campbell has raised his delivery to art form.”


    • #
      dumb jaffa


      Over the weekend while watching a Del Bigtree vid, he referred to a 11/01/23 doc on Indemnity sent out by AMPS[ the Australian Medical Professionals Society]

      It sounded interesting so I chased it down & it took all of about 3 minutes to see as ” A Line in the Sand”.

      there were some incredibly valuable links :-

      the Australian High Court decision ” Rogers v Whittaker “1992

      & the final Altman Report

      If you peruse these & specifically look for the number of references to ” Informed Consent” & “Duty of Care”

      & consider

      1. the OH & S Legislation language about “Duty of Care” , ” Coercion” & “Negligence”
      2. the legal definitions of Negligence & Duty of Care
      [ e.g. the NSW Civil Liability Act 2003 ]:-

      5 Definitions
      In this Part—

      “harm” means harm of any kind, including the following—
      (a) personal injury or death,

      (b) damage to property,

      (c) economic loss.

      “negligence” means failure to exercise reasonable care and skill.

      “personal injury” includes—
      (a) pre-natal injury, and

      >>>>> you get the picture.

      Now, as serious credible reviewed science + the FOI released info on the Pfizer Trials [ which they wanted sealed for 75 years] & has been available since at the latest the second 1/2 of 2021;
      a reasonable person may consider the continuing roles played by Premiers, Health Ministers, Senior Bureaucrats & significantly ; the management roles of responsible Chairmen, CEOs & all authority levels down, in “Parroting” the Mandate Regulations/Advice.

      Further, also from the ” NSW Civil Liability Act 2003″

      Division 2–Duty of care

      5B General principles
      (1) A person is not negligent in failing to take precautions against a risk of harm unless—
      (a) the risk was foreseeable (that is, it is a risk of which the person knew or ought to have known), and
      (b) the risk was not insignificant, and
      (c) in the circumstances, a reasonable person in the person’s position would have taken those precautions.

      I realise that the law is for those that can afford it, but as the Died Suddenly/Unknown Cause body count keeps rising; at least we should be aware of what protections we believed we had..


      • #
        David Maddison

        Thanks for posting dj.


        • #
          dumb jaffa

          I belatedly realised I should have added this:-

          “Valid consent is the voluntary agreement by an individual to a proposed procedure, which is given after sufficient, appropriate and reliable information about the procedure, including the potential risks and benefits, has been conveyed to that individual.8-12

          As part of the consent procedure, people receiving vaccines and/or their parents or carers should be given sufficient information (preferably written) about the risks and benefits of each vaccine. This includes:13

          what adverse events are possible
          how common they are
          what they should do about them

          Criteria for valid consent
          For consent to be legally valid, the following elements must be present:12,14

          1. It must be given by a person with legal capacity, and of sufficient intellectual capacity to understand the
          implications of receiving a vaccine.
          2. It must be given voluntarily in the absence of undue pressure, coercion or manipulation.
          3. It must cover the specific procedure that is to be performed.
          4. It can only be given after the potential risks and benefits of the relevant vaccine, the risks of not having
          it, and any alternative options have been explained to the person.


  • #
    John Galt III

    The Babylon Bee is run by patriotic Christians, and they have a great sense of humor.

    Ayatollah Khomeini: “There is no humor in Islam.

    Assignment for class: Compare and Contrast the two religions.


  • #

    A virus so deadly the average of death was 86 years of age with 5 to 7 comorbidity’s.
    2/3 of the deaths where in Private aged care, how can a virus be that selective?

    Has any one seen the Dr Andrew Kaufman videos. One of the greatest minds of out time. He can actually use the scientific method.

    Dr Andrew Kaufman – Unmasking The Lies Around COVID-19: Facts vs Fiction Of The Coronavirus Pandemic


    • #

      I did and I explained to you already in a personal reply yesterday that Kaufman is quite mistaken, which again, you don’t appear to have read.

      So we’re repeating the “can’t isolate” the virus argument? Did you read any of my last ten replies, and the long chain here?

      Is it fair to ask me to spend 45 minutes watching a video if you won’t spend the same time reading my responses?

      I supplied a billion (conservatively) observations and data points which Kaufman can’t explain with this hypothesis that the virus doesn’t exist. What explains the electronmicrographs, the lab antigen tests, the D-Dimer blood tests, the Blood de-oxygenation, the PCR results, plaque assays, the sequencing — and the branched chain evolutionary unidirectional pattern, the contact tracing, the symptomology, the serum antigen tests etc blah etc.

      Kaufman is apparently unaware of Nextstrain data (have you ever followed my multiple links there?). He doesn’t realize we can sequence 2 million bases in a single sequence (and the virus is only 29,000). Kaufman talks about some real problems and abuses sure, and they exist, but he extrapolates them to infinity, ignoring all the data that shows there is a virus, and that we have isolated it genetically millions of times. So it’s a word salad of some real problems cherry picked to construct an illusion that there is no virus. Some of what he says can be true even as his hypothesis has been disproved a thousand ways.

      We have to get the science right. We’re in a biotech war. ***Please read my replies last year***


      • #
        Gee Aye

        No Jo. You are wrong because

        He can actually use the scientific method.

        that’s all I need to know.


      • #

        Thanks for your reply Jo, but you really need to do a video reply showing how Kaufman is quite mistaken.
        In Virology world we do not have to have an isolate to prove “Causation”.
        No genbank Variant Exists in nature in its completeness.
        If you cannot prove you have an Isolate you cannot prove Causation, the virology Hoax in one line. How do we prove causation?
        How do you prove you have the active deadly strain of a virus if you cannot isolate it from the rest of the other viruses?
        The Virologist would say we do not need to?

        We cannot find a complete virus at the source of an infected lung, then viruses do not exits, its that simple.
        Thanks for your time and reply’s but you really should do a reply showing “Kaufman is quite mistaken”.
        He is using the scientific method of isolation to prove the active ingredient, Pfizer virology does not.
        The Kaufman video should be a major Post.
        Thanks again.

        [FYI. ] – LVA


        • #

          Kevin, I’m providing you with observations. You are offering only semantics and nullities.

          Your main “evidence” is to claim they can’t find things according to a set of rules someone says are “the” only ones. I respond with observations that supports the hypothesis that viruses are real. I ask you if you can explain that data with some better hypothesis. You don’t even try. Indeed I don’t believe you have even looked at the data I supply. Am I wrong?

          BTW There is no such thing as the “scientific method of isolation”. There is The scientific method, or there is faith. Make your hypothesis and find the observations to support it.

          Since when was virology “Pfizer virology”? We need to keep a clear head. The discipline of using words accurately and carefully will make you a much more effective critic, and we need all the voices we can get.

          The Kaufman video is unscientific. The real world is dark and dangerous and there is only false comfort in ignoring the data and hoping there is no such thing as a virus.


    • #

      Food for thought on viruses vs exosomes etc:


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    David Maddison

    People might be cheering Novak Djokovic’s win this year – and congratulations to him, but remember last year that most of the Australian Sheeple, the politicians, the media and all the other members of the non-thinking community were begging for his expulsion (of which they got their wish fulfilled) or worse.

    Winning was his reward for staying true to scientific evidence of his natural immunity and ineffectiveness and dangers of the C-19 vaccines on offer and his refusal to submit to forced injection of a dangerous experimental substance.


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      Gary S

      I wonder if he received a message of congratulations from the ‘honourable’ Daniel Andrews.


      • #

        Please use the correct “honorific” before Daniel Andrews name!

        That name is….Mister “creeping assumption” Daniel Andrews.


    • #

      I dislike tennis, so see very little of it. However, I was furious at the treatment meted out to Djokovic last year and absolutely delighted that he won last night.


      • #
        Mike Jonas

        The Australian authorities were in an extremely difficult position last year all of their own making. With many thousands of unvaccinated Australian citizens refused entry to their own country, there would have been a massive public revolt if Novak Djokovic had been allowed to stay. Unfortunately but totally unsurprisingly our supine media failed to skewer the authorities when Novak was deported. Novak paid a high price but has now sort of got even. The Australian people are nowhere near even yet.


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    David Maddison

    I am, or at least was, very much pro-vax before the roll out of the defective C-19 “vaccines”. I am still extremely pro-vax in principle for properly tested vaccines but am now much more sceptical about their safety and efficacy given what we now know to be the propensity for Big Pharma, Government, the Media and the Useful Idiots of the Left to lie.

    It was obvious from the beginning that the C-19 vaccines were ineffective and dangerous.

    As some of the guilty parties, including the Left in general, start to beg for a “vaccine amnesty” the thinking community must remember to never forgive, never forget these people and what they have done.

    The dangers were obvious from the beginning. There is no excuse to fail to follow the scientific method.

    Furthermore, safe and effective treatments such as HCQ (administered according to the published protocols) were banned even before vaccines were available.

    And after that, another safe anti-viral, IVM was also banned.

    Millions died because the non-thinking community denied the use of these safe anti-virals. Of course, they weren’t all “just” non-thinkers. Some of those behind the bans were among the world’s most wicked people.


    • #

      I am, or at least was, very much pro-vax before the roll out of the defective C-19 “vaccines”.

      Then you have been playing Russian Roulette for quite a while now, David.
      The rot started when they began using mercury (Thimerosal) as a preservative. But things really went downhill when they figured out how to triple their profit margin by using adjuvants (squalene).


    • #

      I have just finished Robert F. Kennedy’s book ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ detailing how he, Gates and a conga line of evil, greedy people have been manipulating the system for decades – all in the name of profit, power and control. I am now also questioning the narrative of ‘safe and effective’, even in relation to the previous vaccines. Overstepping the mark with these fraudulent C19 poisons may just be the wake-up call the population at large needs. One can only hope.


      • #

        Now that you have read that book, try Scott Atlas’s book ” A plague upon the house”. It’s a little repetitive, but you get the idea that a pre-planned narrative was being put into place by part of the US government during 2020. Atlas was good, but even he was a little gullible.


    • #
      Mike Jonas

      The definition of ‘vaccine’ was changed so that big pharma could call their Covid-19 products vaccines. The change was from a vaccine having to demonstrate that it gave a measure of immunity, to only having to liven up the immune system. ie, under the changed definition it was not necessary to show any actual benefit.

      After my Moderna mRNA shot (following two Astrazenecas) I had a bad reaction which the medics have been unable to fix for over a year. I have three more tests booked this week, but not a lot of confidence that they will find anything useful. I do have an exemption from further Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ and it will be interesting to see how that works out if they bring mandates back.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Well fancy that. Sweden with no covid lockups has equal low all causes excess mortality.

    Sweden and Norway were essentially tied for the lowest “[p]roportional all-cause excess-mortality scores” (which “measure[] the percentage change in the number of deaths compared to the expected number of deaths (based on the five-year average [from 2015 to 2019])” among the listed European countries, looking at data from Jan. 2020 to June 2022: Their excess mortality was up 2.7%, compared to, say, 5.2% for Denmark, 7.1% for Finland, and 11.8% for the Netherlands.

    Nor is Sweden’s success likely caused by Sweden’s age distribution, as measured by the percentage of the population that’s at least 65 and the percentage that’s at least 80, which are in the middle to high middle among the OECD countries. The UK report provides information on “cumulative age-standardised mortality rates” as well, and Norway just barely inches ahead of Sweden, at -4.1% compared to -4.0%, well ahead of all the other listed countries. (The percentages aren’t directly comparable to the excess mortality percentages as such, but they are still helpful for internal rankings within each kind of measure.)

    I also tried to do a similar analysis myself, based on OECD data (which covers most of Europe, the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Israel), for Mar. 2020 to Oct. 2022 (the most recent data I could find). Based on that data, Sweden seems to have had the lowest rate, even below Norway. (Others have remarked on this as well.) You can check my data in this spreadsheet; I downloaded the 2020, 2021, and 2022 weekly data from the OECD site, deleted a few Latin American countries that didn’t have data for all the years, calculated the average excess death percentages for each year (see row 8 of each sheet), and then calculated the average excess death percentages for all three years (see row 2 of the 2022 sheet).



  • #
    Leo G

    A new SARS-coronavirus each year with its own FDA emergency use authorisation and accompanying gene-therapy treatment- such Pharma stuff as dreams are made on.


    • #
      David Maddison

      That will likely be the pattern for many new medications.

      Incidentally, the mRNA “vaccines” aren’t technically gene therapy. Gene therapy involves altering DNA of a patient.

      Then again…..

      Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line

      Curr. Issues Mol. Biol. 2022, 44(3), 1115-1126;
      Received: 18 January 2022 / Revised: 19 February 2022 / Accepted: 23 February 2022 / Published: 25 February 2022

      Our study is the first in vitro study on the effect of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 on human liver cell line. We present evidence on fast entry of BNT162b2 into the cells and subsequent intracellular reverse transcription of BNT162b2 mRNA into DNA.


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    Timely John Campbell video:

    “Josef Mengele, call from Argentina on the red courtesy phone”.


  • #

    That Babylon Bee satire is so complete that it even looks like a “real” Pfizer announcement. In fact, there have been a few comments posted to this blog ( maybe I am mistaken) which appear to believe this to be a true report. I am sure there would be a lot of people ( the really pro-vaxxers) who probably think this is a good thing that a multi-national pharmaceutical company creates a drug/ vaccine for a problem they devised in the first place. Which, is in fact what has happened in a number of health situations. The very quick arrival of new anti-clotting, shingles and anti-viral drugs during the last 3 years all seemed rather too well organised, don’t you think? Almost planned.


    • #

      Everyone here KNOWS that BB is satirical by it very nature.

      The real point is that their satire is very often so darn close to the facts and the truth !!


  • #
    John Connor II

    Geert Vanden Bossche: “the largest and the most precisely targeted gain-of-function experiment ever conducted …driving the virus in a very targeted way, by exerting this huge immune pressure, to something that will end as a bio-weapon of mass destruction”

    “If this is now not going to further evolve as I originally predicted then immunology and virology need to be re-written. That is my level of conviction.”

    “It’s not Covid you have to fear but what comes after it”
    – JC2 😎


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    Simon Thompson M.B. B.S. (Hons)

    Yes, the death of the Thai Princess was tragic. Also the death of HRH QEII. Did you know that “Multiple myeloma” is a plasma cell (B lymphocyte) cytoma- the immune system makes monoclonal antibodies that clog the kidneys, causing severe bone pain from bone marrow expansion>? YES with all the bulldust on media about Elizabeth’s passing, I have not seen it connected to the JAb Jab.

    It is obvious that we need some truth telling and a serious revision of ETHICS. Where are the bio ethicists? Searching for the PV video, Google offered it’s own slant on the Video with Far left nut jobs PRAISING Pfizer for G-O-F research! Dr Strangelove indeed!


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    Congratulations Novak, I hope your win is as satisfying to you, your family and your team, as it was to me. It is not always easy to “Keep your head, while all around you are losing theirs”……


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    David Maddison

    If you want to see how spin doctoring works, see how they treat the Jordon Trishton Walker / Pfizer case in the following article. It’s amazing the lengths to go to cover up the story.


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      Not only were they performing a type of “gain of function ” research, they are proud of it. Because, well, the vaccines saved the planet from COVID, didnt they? ( sarcasm ). It reminds me a little about the Time article that proclaimed how proud they ( MSM, establishment, Democrats etc) were about fortifying the 2020 US election. Not cheating, fortifying. We have the same problem here as well. There would appear to be different understandings of the term ” gain of function”. Mr Fauci’s definition of GOF appears to be different to the type banned by the US Obama administration. But, Mr Fauci is apparently Mr Science so his definition must be more accurate ( more sarcastic)


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    John Connor II

    “A seed grows with no sound, but a tree falls with a huge noise.
    Destruction has noise, but creation is quiet.
    This is the power of silence.
    Grow Silently”
    -Confucius (551–479 BC)

    …and the trees of climate change and Fakevax™ shall fall with a sound like thunder.


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    Another excellent book is Dissolving Illusions by Humphries and Bystrianyk, which points out that regulating living conditions; water, food, working conditions, refrigeration, in the West, from the later 19th Century, wiped out the mortality rates of almost all the infectious diseases, leaving vaccines to triumph over the final couple %. It’s not often mentioned, but Measles vaccines arrived when measles’s mortality in the west, was already down 99.9%. Living conditions, living conditions, living conditions. There are very vivid accounts of life in the early industrial revolution. It would be an easy choice between being a slave in cotton fields in the US south, or working in a mine or factory in industrialising Britain.
    At present, a student leaving high school in the USA, has had 174 shots. Conflicts of interest? I don’t see any.


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    Fresh, all the way from Wuhan!


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    Gee Aye, anyone. In Australia 29% of covid strains are referred to as “recombinant” on Nextstrain. Any idea what that means? There have been “recombinant” outbreaks in other countries, but spread over 18 months. Is it just some unidentified clade?


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    UK-Weather Lass

    What a massive Post Script about Djokovic that is, Jo, and what that man has done for those who believe they have a right to have the freedom to choose so we can all witness the difference time makes to the many mistakes human beings make on the journey we seem to have to take as a species. No sense of a ‘killer virus’ anywhere near that sport arena in Djokovic’s deserved celebrations.

    Thank God that sense and sensibility has been restored – but no thanks to our politicians who got just about everything wrong that they could have gotten wrong because I don’t believe they are capable of learning anything.


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    Serge Wright

    Small typo Jo – Novak Djokovic should be Novax Djokovic 😉


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    Stick with Glen 20. It claims to ‘kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses including Covid 19 Virus’. This number has never been disputed.
