UPDATE: Pfizer have responded! Wow. They don’t even mention the unwitting informant Jordon Walker, thus suggesting he is one their own. They deny they do Gain of Function or Directed Evolution, but admit “we have conducted research where the original SARS-CoV-2 virus has been used to express the spike protein from new variants of concern.” AND: “In a limited number of cases when a full virus does not contain any known gain of function [GOF] mutations, such virus may be engineered to enable the assessment of antiviral activity in cells”.
Pfizer are admitting to adding GOF mutations, and to mixing the new spike and old nasty virus!
Are they not saying they engineer viruses — starting with the original Wuhan virus and adding the new spike from new “variants of concern”? The new Omicron variants have incredibly well evolved spikes that are so much more infectious than the original variant, but the Omicron virus “in toto” is much less dangerous than the original Wu-Flu. So by mixing the old nasty variant with the new spike, they could be playing with a virus that has the worst of both? How’s that for “potent”?
In the second quote they are admitting they engineer and add “Gain of Function” mutations to a full virus in order to blah blah blah… Is that not exactly what the accusations are suggesting?
And it’s being done in BSL3 labs, not the most secure BSL4?
One way or the other, it’s setting the internet on fire.
Project Veritas has footage of a Pfizer executive bragging on camera about utterly reckless profit-seeking immoral behaviour and corruption at the highest level. If this is what it appears, it’s dynamite. It’s almost “too good”.
Jordon Trishton Walker appears to be the Director, Worldwide R&D Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning. In the video he candidly discusses how Pfizer are talking of creating mutant Covid viruses. Walker is utterly cavalier about the risks, he brags about the profits, and also claims Pfizer has complete captured the regulatory agencies. “It’s a cash cow”.
The video was released Thursday, but within hours, it was hard to independently verify who this man was. As impressive as Project Veritas’ record is, what if this was a Pfizer sting instead? James O’Keefe from Project Veritas offered some internal Pfizer Documents. But Walker doesn’t seem very old, articulate or particularly smart enough to be a glorious high level director of Pfizer. He speaks far too easily, as if he’s never met the company’s lawyers. Other strange things were happening, like his Linked in account, had disappeared off the internet and for an hour or so The Daily Mail covered the story, then their article disappeared without a word (a copy was archived here). The internet was being “scrubbed”. No other news outlets were mentioning it. The censorship, though, suggested he was the real deal. If he wasn’t, Pfizer would surely have said so? Brian OShea went on a hunt for information to confirm Walkers identity, and pieced together a timeline of his career. But Walker has a very strange career path — so strange, I’ll write more on that soon. One way or another careers hang in the balance…
When caught, Walker said he was lying to “impress a date”. And perhaps he was exaggerating and embellishing. Nothing he claims here is necessarily true or verified yet.
Today Tucker Carlson has weighed in (see that segment below). Pfizer have not denied that Walker is who he says or that anything he said was false. They have not responded at all to repeated requests for answers, but suspiciously they apparently quietly shut down comments on some of their social media accounts.
Dramatically, James O’Keefe says that other insiders at Pfizer are coming forward as whistleblowers today. If so, this could be a game-changer. He has also released more footage of Walker getting violent and trying to smash the tablet when he finds out it was recorded (see that, far below).
This video is now up to 18 million views on Twitter after little more than a day and a half. When will the news media investigate?
Must watch. Pfizer exec explains how Pfizer is mutating the Covid virus to create new variants so it can sell new vaccines and the regulators turn a blind eye because they are going to work for Pfizer. It’s good for us but bad for everyone else he says laughing.
Amazing reporting by James O’Keefe showing us what we already knew: Pfizer is a craven venal homicidal morally bankrupt criminal enterprise that has captured and corrupted its regulators.
Hot quotes from Jordon Walker:
Pfizer may be talking about mutating Covid…
- “One of the things we’re exploring is like, why don’t we just mutate it [COVID] ourselves so we could create — preemptively develop new vaccines, right? So, we have to do that. If we’re gonna do that though, there’s a risk of like, as you could imagine — no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f**king viruses.”
It’s not Gain of Function experiments on Covid, it’s just “directed evolution” to make it more potent:
- No, no, no, no. Though directed evolution is very different. Well, you’re not supposed to do gain of function research with the viruses. They recommend not. But you do things like selected directional mutations to try to see if you can make more . So there is research ongoing about that. I don’t know how that’s going work. There better not be any more outbreaks, because like Jesus Christ.
Pfizer are just trying to save lives right?
- “Don’t tell anyone. Promise you won’t tell anyone. The way it [the experiment] would work is that we put the virus in monkeys, and we successively cause them to keep infecting each other, and we collect serial samples from them.”
By the way, Covid was a lab leak from Wuhan:
- “You have to be very controlled to make sure that this virus [COVID] that you mutate doesn’t create something that just goes everywhere. Which, I suspect, is the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest. It makes no sense that this virus popped out of nowhere. It’s bullsh*t.”
And we wouldn’t want to create another pandemic like that last one:
- “From what I’ve heard is they [Pfizer scientists] are optimizing it [COVID mutation process], but they’re going slow because everyone is very cautious — obviously they don’t want to accelerate it too much. I think they are also just trying to do it as an exploratory thing because you obviously don’t want to advertise that you are figuring out future mutations.”
On capturing government agencies
From Project Veritas comes the claim that Pfizer has the government agencies under its command by offering jobs to everyone in the agency after they have approved the drugs Pfizer wants them to approve:
Walker went on to explain how Big Pharma and government officials, such as at the Food & Drug Administration [FDA], have mutual interests, and how that is not in the best interest of the American people:
Walker: [Big Pharma] is a revolving door for all government officials.
Veritas Journalist: Wow.
Walker: In any industry though. So, in the pharma industry, all the people who review our drugs — eventually most of them will come work for pharma companies. And in the military, defense government officials eventually work for defense companies afterwards. …
Veritas Journalist: How do you feel about that revolving door?
Walker: It’s pretty good for the industry to be honest. It’s bad for everybody else in America.
Veritas Journalist: Why is it bad for everybody else?
Walker: Because when the regulators reviewing our drugs know that once they stop regulating, they are going to work for the company, they are not going to be as hard towards the company that’s going to give them a job.
We already knew we should raze those agencies.
Tucker Carlson
If legit, Pfizer is admitted their vaccines can’t keep up with viral evolution
At 16:20 Robert Malone points out that Pfizer are repeating the kind of risky work that was being done in Wuhan. (It’s that bad). But also that they have made a big admission here –“This is an acknowledgement of defeat”, he says. They’re saying that even with the new mRNA technology they can’t keep up with the virus’s evolution. They’re trying to jump ahead with “directed evolution” which is a way of not saying “Gain of Function”. It’s a desperate measure to outdo the virus. (Showing that vaccines were never the right solution to a rapidly evolving coronavirus, and antivirals were always the better solution.)
The idea that Pfizer are mutating things in “advance” to try to beat the virus and develop the next vaccine seems suspiciously futile. There are so many ways this virus could change — there are 29,000 bases to mutate, in every combination and permutation, and we won’t know which are truly successful mutations until they get tested in real people. Some can be guesstimated with testing in humanized mice that carry copies of human proteins like ACE2 receptors. But how realistic is it to make 5,000 different vaccines “just in case”? Perhaps the combinations and permutations can be reduced enough to make this viable. Maps of mutations in the genome of the virus (below) show that some points are hot-spots, and other points hardly vary because they are too essential to viral fertility.
These are the rate of mutations that occur naturally at each of the 29,000 base pairs since 2020
The spikes in the graph below show the parts of the viral genome that have mutated the fastest, but also show which parts of the virus are so important they do not mutate (changes at these sites are presumably “fatal” for the virus). It still seems a desperate and daunting task for Pfizer to out-do what is already occurring all over the world in millions of people with covid.

Click to enlarge. Source — Nextstrain. Scroll down, mouseover their graph for more detail.
Desperation: Walker descends into violence
When Walker realizes he’s been recorded, he loses it. He says he was lying “to impress a date”. Then calls the police and won’t let them leave, and then tries to destroy their tablet. He even tries to stop a car from leaving which he thinks has the Project Veritas team in.
He is flummoxed, caught in the headlights, but aware this is terrible:
James O’Keefe gives an update today on Steve Bannon’s War Room
In this interview below, O’Keefe explains that Pfizer has not responded except to shut down comments on their social media accounts. But most encouragingly new Pfizer whistleblowers are appearing and he believes that the path forward is with insiders coming forward:
WATCH: Bannon Interviews O’Keefe on Pfizer Video pic.twitter.com/gPnKtJqxpT
— Election Wizard 🇺🇸 (@ElectionWiz) January 27, 2023
In the original sting Walker was apparently talking to a former Pfizer worker (according to O’Keefe in the Bannon interview), which might explain why he let his guard down. Presumably he’s gay because his date is a man.
There will be so much more to say on this…
h/t Lance, Scott of the Pacific, Jill J, John Connor II, Charles, Leo G, Honk R Smith, Tides of Mudgee. Bill in AZ, George Christiansen from NationFirst, @Rebeccaweisser.
Jo, you have caught what others missed: that while the virus can be mutated in the lab, thre is little chance of predicting what mutations will occur in the actual human population.
To me the implications are very dark: the only way a new jab developed by these means would be of any use is if the virus it matched was developed to out compete existing strains and was intentionally spread into the human community.
So have suggested that the monkey pox virus and almost instantly available jab was a trial run.
From the beginning I tried to draw attention to the problem that almost all the scientific information was produced by the manufacturers of the products in the marketplace. Even the research undertaken in university settings is funded by grants from the industry. Researchers know that their continued funding might depend on the work they publish being favourable for the grant provider.
I was never confident that our authorities understood the significance of that. The MSM certainly did not, labelling such talk as conspiracy theories.
(My understanding) The MSM are directly funded from PR budgets to look the other way.
Konrad, and all others… I’m extremely sceptical about this video.
All you need do is what? Ring an exec of a company, any company, pick any huge firm… and then they go out for a drink with you, and then they blurt out “secret men’s business” within minutes?
I cannot accept that this is not a set-up.
Yep, you know what they say about’ it looks too good to be true’, could be a setup.
It was a honey trap, for sure. But are you trying to imply that this Pfizer exec was deliberately lying or misleading? If so, that is far more conspiratorial than anything on the video.
Infowars are suggesting it was a Grindr date.
It was the 3rd date. The exec was deliberately groomed for this interview … and then spilled the beans.
Of course it was a “set up” in the sense that he was secretly recorded and that is not something normally done on a “date” in good faith.
Walker was tricked for sure, but that doesn’t invalidate what he said.
Jo was careful – “The video was released Thursday, but within hours, it was hard to independently verify who this man was. As impressive as Project Veritas’ record is, what if this was a Pfizer sting instead? James O’Keefe from Project Veritas offered some internal Pfizer Documents. But Walker doesn’t seem very old, articulate or particularly smart enough to be a glorious high level director of Pfizer. He speaks far too easily, as if he’s never met the company’s lawyers……“. Evidence appears to be coming in that the report is correct, but we should wait a bit to be sure.
You are being understandably skeptical however Pfizer hasn’t repudiated Walker’s input which makes people wonder if this report is real after all.
It has been suggested that Omicron was a deliberate release of a less virulent but more infectious strain and intended to reinforce pressure for universal compulsory vaccination.
Omicron is not a lineal descendent of the original Wuhan pandemic strain, but belongs to a viral clade from a Wuhan lab predecessor.
If a deliberate release, as appears likely, it is failing in its purpose, due to the altered risk profile of the mRNA and related vaccines- by the reducing efficacy and evidence of significant long-term serious adverse effects (of the vaccines)
You are right about the lineage of Omicron, it did not spring from Delta.
But many like myself used it to safely gain natural immunity, dropping our Quercetin/Zinc defence in order to get it.
Someone may have engineered Omicron, but not to further the plandemic, but to end it.
Local media will not publish or broadcast anything about this outrage. “ Quick sweep it under the carpet” will be the reaction. It’s obviously anti vax propaganda!!
The ALP are backing MRNA pharmaceutical research & manufacture of MRNA vaccines & drugs in Australia!! What’s the bet Pfizer are involved & in fact leading the medically ignorant politicians down the garden path!
And I bet the Government will:
1) Grant them exemption from liability for defective products that may be produced.
2) Give them taxpayer subsidies to come here because that is the only way to attract business enterprises to Australia with its largely anti-business environment.
These plans must be stopped immediately. The mRNA approach to vaccination is a dangerous failure.
The lipid nanoparticles travel throughout the body, entering cells everywhere. Any cell that is co-opted to produce an antigen is the attacked by the immune system.
It is not just that the spike protein antigen produced by the covid jabs was itself a cytotoxic, any mRNA approach to other vaccines will cause an autoimmune problem.
We need an emergency stop on the plans for using the mRNA platform for childhood vaccine s. To continue now is complete insanity.
Walker’s Admissions⟨™⟩ are truly disturbing and require the highest level of scrutiny.
However his restaurant meltdown is probably one of the worst responses one could possibly imagine and caused me more than a few chuckles at his expense.
AITA … probably – but Rule One when facing the media is say nothing.
I found his attitude while talking about it (GOF, Directed E, etc) quite chilling … happily laughing away like it was nothing.
It makes one wonder if he was employed to meet diversity targets and his psychopathic nature was just a bonus, or if it was the reverse.
Point three on the HR ‘Job Description,’ checklist … Narcissistic Personality Mandatory…
Mutants? What could possibly go wrong?
Apart from that, the defective non-sterilising “vaccines” also encourage the survival and propagation of mutants.
Also molnupiravir (Lagevrio) causes mutations in covid DNA. Usually lethal, but only one needs to survive. Imagine how bad it must be if even the “National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce” says it should only be used as a last resort.
And if that’s not enough, the covid “prophylactic” Sotrovimab also causes mutations.
Back in the day, causing viral mutations as part of the “research” or “treatment” process would have been considered a bad thing.
So far, everything has, as far as the vaxxed are concerned.
But wait, it gets worse.😉
As I first read about this, I thought that this was a risky but smart way to get ahead of mutation.
But, as pointed out in the OP, it’s not as simple as playing a record at triple-speed to be able to see where things are going. Too many branches, too many possible paths.
This guy is toast.
“The guy is toast”
I wonder if he knows he is about to commit suicide.
I would say that he does know which is why he was so upset afterwards. He may as well whollop that fella cause he has nothing to loose and is a dead man standing.
And consider this.
If/when the Chicomms release a new strain of covid, they will have “plausible deniability” that they were not responsible because they will say Pfizer or one of the covid drugs were responsible (e.g molupiravir or Sotrivimab).
Maybe that’s the intention in case.
Thank you Elon Musk.
Under the previous Leftoid ownership of Twitter such a video would have been censored immediately and the account owners would have likely had their accounts deleted.
>”Thank you Elon Musk” (18 million views on Twitter)
Doctors slam COVID government censorship exposed in ‘Twitter Files’: ‘On the road to totalitarianism’
‘Twitter Files’ part 10 revealed Trump, Biden administrations worked to suppress dissenting COVID-19 ideas
Twitter Files #15 is a doozy:
Highly-Cited ‘Hamilton 68’ Russiagate Tracker Is Total Hoax: Taibbi
Stand by for media blackout from the above mentioned.
“Flaming Dumpster”: Musk May Need To ‘Tear Down’ Twitter Code And ‘Start From Scratch’
Pfizer’s stock price dropped 1% overnight…
Is this clueless loony really a high ranking executive of Pfizer? And if he is then I think the company should have every law enforcement agency in the USA beating on their door.
Hopefully the Republicans will go after these swamp rats and spend more time on properly draining the DC swamp this time.
BTW I’m still not 100% sure about this idiot and if it’s really legit I think the USA is in a lot more trouble than many of us thought possible. Again I’ll just wait and see, but after the Hunter Biden loony episode + the cover up and the FBI lack of interest I’m still not convinced this story will have the proper exposure to make this company suffer.
Who knows?
“Is this clueless loony really a high ranking executive of Pfizer?”
‘Jordon Trishton Walker appears to be the Director, Worldwide R&D Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning.’
Surely not! What the hell sort of company would have him as a director of anything?
A-This has been predicted since the Govt pushed companies to embrace diversity hires, people who should be sweeping the floors are given big names and an office to sit in…
B-This has to be a faked-up filmpiece for other nefarious reasons!
People should not be hired based on the colour of their skin but on the content of their character and their competence for the job.
People should be hired on ‘Merit’ alone.
Climate heretic
PS Even I’m gobsmaked by the revelations. Even though I knew this sort of thing was going instinctively.
He is. His credentials are published online. His Linked-in, his entries on Pfizer company website pages, his grad photos, etc. It’s the real deal.
And he’s a doctor!!!! Gosh the medical profession must puff their chest out with pride. ToM
‘Private Intelligence and Security Consultant’ Brian O’Shea over on Substack – https://brianoshea.substack.com/p/who-is-jordon-trishton-walker – has done the deep dive on Walker.
It is quite simple really,
If you mutate a virus to get an ATTENUATED pathogenicity, but a full immune response: Congratulations you have a successful vaccine.
If you mutate a virus randomly hoping to increase infectivity/severity of disease : You have made a bioweapon.
They are doing one or the other.
A Successful coronavirus vaccine DOES NOT EXIST. Jabbing>80 % of Australia Twice and ending up with >11 million infections is NOT SUCCESS.
It is a giant con job. “You won’t be as sick”.
Bad enough if Jab Jab didn’t work, it has cost society +++ waiting for NO Benefit with 17% unexplained excess mortality. Meanwhile, the virus mutates toward a higher R with a whimpy CFR of 0.15%.
I encourage examination of the “Trial Data”- right from the get go there was excess mortality in the Jabbed.
Two years into the Jab Jab roll out, there exists LOTS of data that should demonstrate the benefit of the JAb Jab. But I see no evidence of success- just FAILURE. Billions of dollars wasted.
An excellent summary thank you Simon.
“A Successful coronavirus vaccine DOES NOT EXIST. Jabbing>80 % of Australia Twice and ending up with >11 million infections is NOT SUCCESS. It is a giant con job.”
Ah yes, but the best bioweapon is one that can’t be identified as a bioweapon, otherwise people would instantly recognise it as such and avoid it like the plague.
So, the methodology would be what?
Meanwhile in Australia no one mentions that the Covid death rate is claiming again, with hundreds of deaths per week despite a 96% jab rate, and less dangerous strains. 100s dying each week but nothing to see here.
It would appear then, that the higher the jab rate…..the higher the death toll.
If the mutations render the virus less dangerous, then, commonsense ( shortage of supply in Australia) tells one that it’s the jab doing the killing!
Current COVID vaccinations produce a ‘reduced immune response,’ against current COVID – hence higher death rates from an attenuated virus.
I.e. They are counterproductive.
Now everyone settle down.
Where we see scary stuff, Pharma sees opportunity.
Finally they are addressing OUR needs with …
[Removed the link by request]AD
See your doctor, and pick up Prince Harry’s book, and a spare, on the way home.
Get back to what’s important in life. 🙂
Crap, didn’t see the nasty slur at the end.
It was funny until then.
Jo DELETE if possible.
Damn, I hate getting snookered like that, last 2 seconds of the vid, bigoted jerks.
The media is usually owned by Leftoids and part of a Government and Big Pharma sponsored censorship regime.
We all know how the Left and Big Pharma are terrified of both the truth and alternate opinions.
Yes, definitely, however my hobby is submitting opinion pieces to newspapers in an effort to red-pill journalists who may one day be editors via multiple truth-bomb suppositories.
I sent this to seven newspapers this morning…
Can’t believe the blatant level of this Walkers bloke’s immoral personal compass & flippant disregard for the ‘integrity’ of his supposed employer, Pfizer. They must have employed him as per their ESG diversity quota? Hmm, what’s that saying?…go woke …. go broke (we can only hope).
However, this ‘inferred’ corruption has permeated into the highest levels of govt, corporations, finance, law enforcement, journalism etc theres just no way the incumbent’s will allow this pesky leek to sink the ship!! Just look at how the same level of institutionalised power & corruption smothered any ‘inferred’ evidence of foul play in the USA Democratic election process. Nothing to see here folks, back to work!
As a director his remuneration would be six figures with a 2 or a 3 in front plus benefits – at a minimum.
Jo is, correctly, asking questions about this guy on the basis of “How could a man in such a position be so STUPID!”*
Well, Hunter abandoned a laptop with explosive material on it at a repair shop and his Dad bragged on national TV that he corruptly had a Ukrainian prosecutor fired, so there is precedent.
* There may be a hint that he was trying to impress a [male] date, but I won’t go there.
This was definitely a bad Mandate lol
Any guesses as to why Hunter collected the stuff on the laptop? Death wish? Insurance policy?
He seemed to resent his father.
Makes you wonder if this will get any MSM traction. The Twitter files story got virtually no coverage and yet it showed collusion between US government and big tech to censor free speech. There’s nothing that I can see in todays news outlets regarding this story. Because of our time advantage there was big presence of this story on social media during our daylight hours. Yet, last night the lead stories on 2 networks was about Novak J dad taking photos with Russian supporters. Also, try making even the slightest critical comment about mRNA vaccines in any of our national newspapers and it will be rejected.
On the bright side, once I realised I could not post factual comments about the vaxterminaters, I cancelled my “The Australian” subscription!
Maybe I should do the same. I had three comments on various issues to do with violence, both historical and current, in Aboriginal communities. None of it controversial and all of it supported bu historic or current fact.
Very tempting Simon- at $40/month I’m not sure I am getting good value. Most of my daily news I can access via other news services and social media. I can get local news from the occasional local radio/TV. All for free. Maybe just purchase the paper version once per week to read some of my once favoured journalists. Plus, there’s always Jo’s blog which is almost invaluable these days.
Yeah “DEI” aka DIE.
Destroying vital energy systems without thinking through consequences?
Destroying the Australian spirit demanding Apartheid?
Destroying health through sugared up processed foods lubricated with seed oils?
Destroying healthy meat and Dairy and egg industries replacing with Bugz?
Destroying family units promoting, grooming children, denying gender?
I could go on. The outcome of these and more are clear-
More chiefs, fewer indians = Job done.
The antidote- Call them out!
I once helped my Brother out installing printer upgrades at a major pharmaceutical company. I happened to mention I was a Doctor. The employee (in accounting) went to his boss and ratted me out as a “Phony”. So I was dragged over the coals by the Boss- told to shut up and do my job and leave. Later in the day- a complete reversal- trying to get me sacked, the Pharma boss complained to the CEO of the company I worked for. The CEO said “Sure Simon is a Doctor- doing some work for us between jobs”. Then the grovelling began- but It was a great life lesson into how these corporations run! It is possible to be a Doctor and an IT technician!
Yeah…maybe..maybe not.
[Check your email. – Jo]
Maybe or maybe not.
Anyway, worth reading.
Thanks for the link.
Another exposé on Pfizer to add to the pile. Where’s this going to lead then? Pfizer have a recurrent, sordid, history of being fined billions for dodgy pharmaceutical rorts, yet they seem to be able to bounce back to make record amounts of filthy lucre, currently on covid vaxxines and anti-virals. On the good side, there’s hope that this latest exposé of Pfizer’s perfidy will start informing public opinion about the dangers to health and well-being of rush-job experimental pharmaceuticals churned out by pharmaceutical companies in order to exploit the public’s fears of death by pandemic.
523 deaths in Oz from the ‘Vid this week. Remember Dan and Brett spending hours crapping on about “Cases” and detailing times and places of possible exposure? In the first SIX MONTHS of 2021 there was ONE death from ‘Vid in all of Australia. Never forget.
(Oh and the stats are – there a 14000 times the death rate WITH >80% JAB JAB than before the “Roll out” in first half of 2021)
And as a bonus, COVID LIVE predicts 80% Jab Jab Jab by 3rd of June 2034!
There’s almost certainly nothing to this. This looks like some promiscuous young gay guy, making up stories to try to impress his “date” and get laid. The idea that an entire Pfizer research team could be convinced to work on making a pandemic worse, instead of better, is preposterous.
One of the main reasons Pfizer has been so successful, with life-saving products for prevention and treatment of Covid-19 (and other diseases), is that their best and brightest researchers are highly motivated by the knowledge that they’re saving lives — conservatively, at least a million lives, so far. The very best way to destroy that dynamic would be to ask them to do the opposite.
Well Dave, Cognitive dissonance aside, Pfizer’s products maim and kill (at least 1000 x more dangerous than ‘Vid) , their anti virals are virostatic- not curative. And they are inferior to Vit D, Zn, HCQ and IVM. Nice straw man “the entire Pfizer research team”. Biggie is “Why does the Government have to indemnify Pfizer et. al. Fauxxines?”
Dave Burton >”[Pfizer’s] best and brightest researchers are highly motivated by the knowledge that they’re saving lives”
Except Covid + Pfizer vax produces this in NZ:
Age and vaccination status of deaths within 28 days of being reported as a case [NZ]
Not fully vaccinated 481
Fully vaccinated 551
Received booster 2722
My age group 60 to 69: 52, 76, 203
Not fully vaccinated = no shots + 1 shot
Doesn’t seem to be saving lives to me – just the opposite.
Actually, I would consider the death vs vaxx status AFTER the date of 80% JAb JAb- That removes a lot of “Unvaccinated” from the death list. Before 12/11/2021 there were 33 deaths (combined vax/unvax); since the completion there has been 2427 deaths. That is SEVENTY THREE TIMES the death rate, being caused by and admittedly weaker variant. Winning?
In New Zealand, >90% of those over age 12 are fully vaccinated — even higher in high risk categories, such as the elderly. So those statistics prove that vaccination greatly REDUCES risk of death from Covid-19.
If that isn’t obvious to you, then you need to read about the “base rate fallacy.”
All credible studies have shown that Covid-19 vaccination reduces the risk of serious illness or death from Covid-19, and reduces age-adjusted all-cause mortality.
This is /sarc surely?
David Burton >”…Pfizer has been so successful, with life-saving products for prevention and treatment of Covid-19 (and other diseases)”
Ivermectin has been spectacularly successful as an antiparasitic drug after its approval for human use in 1987. This was ignored in the CDC’s “emergency use” rollout of Pfizer (for when there is no alternative – there was) and Ivermectin was effectively banned in Pfizer rollout countries.
Also spectacularly successful against covid in Equatorial Africa where its use is ubiquitous anyway, India (3 states + Delhi), Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Nigeria, Egypt and Zimbabwe, (actually a total of twenty countries).
I don’t think Pfizer comes close to that Ivermectin success, what we are witnessing now is negative Pfizer efficacy
And see next comment re South Africa.
This from South Africa:
A plea to allow the use of Ivermectin as Covid-19 treatment delivered to Ramaphosa’s house
29th July 2021
The estimated population of Uttar Pradesh alone is 231,502,578 in 2023.
Recently a correspondent at a US blog reported that he had tested positive to covid and was feeling poorly.
Suggestions there that he get on Vit C, Vit D, zinc etc
and a suggestion that “he consider worming”.
Which he had and was back in action about 24 hours later.
The next question that must be asked is whether or not these states that used treatment rather than inoculation [to some degree] are suffering 20% excess deaths.
No authority seems brave enough to ask.
If any of them had shown such an excess death figure I’m sure the Nay-Sayers of Vitamin I would have been trumpeting the finding
Richard C wrote, “Ivermectin has been spectacularly successful as an antiparasitic drug”
Covid-19 is a virus, not a parasite.
Ivermectin was heavily studied as a possible treatment for Covid-19. Some studies found a slight benefit, and others found no benefit at all. No credible studies found a strong beneficial effect.
That’s better than HCQ, which clearly is of no benefit at all for Covid-19. (Full disclosure: I take a very small dose of HCQ [about 15 mg/day], to prevent nocturnal leg cramps.)
BTW, for those who’ve been fooled by the misinformation about Ivermectin and Uttar Pradesh, here’s some information to help clear up your confusion:
1. https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/no-evidence-suggests-a-causal-link-between-ivermectin-recommendation-and-the-decline-of-covid-19-cases-in-the-indian-state-of-uttar-pradesh/
2. https://twitter.com/WaitingForPerot/status/1449520255294971906
and https://twitter.com/WaitingForPerot/status/1449533725663023110
Let us know where you do your stand-up comedy show.🤣
No idea of the historical fraud, bribery and corruption of these “altruistic” companies, so:
From 1991 through 2017, GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer paid more in financial penalties — $7.9 billion and $4.7 billion, respectively — and reached more settlements (32 and 34, respectively) with the federal and state governments than any other companies. Johnson & Johnson, Teva, Merck, Abbott, Eli Lilly, Schering-Plough, Novartis, Mylan, and AstraZeneca were the other companies that paid more than $1 billion in financial penalties from 1991 through 2017, with Teva and Mylan having joined the $1 billion list over the past two years. Thirty-seven companies have entered into multiple settlements with the federal government from 1991 through 2017, with Pfizer (14), GlaxoSmithKline (9), Novartis (9), Bristol-Myers Squibb (8), Teva (7), and Merck (7) finalizing the most federal settlements.
Pfizer has never been credibly accused of seeking to harm any patients. Their fines were for the ways that they marketed their products. Over 13 years ago, they were very heavily fined because their drug reps were caught recommending off-label use of their products, to doctors.
IMO, that SHOULD be Constitutionally protected speech, under the First Amendment, but the courts have thus far ignored the U.S. Constitution, in that context.
If the rules which Pfizer was penalized for violating applied to everyone, then YOU, Richard, would be in the same trouble that they were in, because YOU have been recommending off-label use of ivermectin.
As part of their settlement, “Pfizer also has agreed to enter into an expansive corporate integrity agreement with the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services. That agreement provides for procedures and reviews to be put in place to avoid and promptly detect conduct similar to that which gave rise to this matter.” (That’s quoted from a September 2, 2009 DOJ press release.) In other words, it can’t happen again.
Pfizer’s vaccines and treatments for Covid-19 have unquestionably saved at least a million lives, so far, and that’s very conservatively calculated.
When paranoid person (typically based on a cursory look at selected fragments of the video, typically incorporated into other people’s inflammatory tweets, videos, etc.), concludes that Pfizer scientists are monsters who are willing to breed new virus variants, to worsen the pandemic, so that their employer can profit from it, that says nothing about Pfizer’s fine scientists. It simply demonstrates the paranoid person’s detachment from reality.
Note that O’Keefe and Project Veritas have NOT made such an accusation. Nobody sane thinks that Pfizer scientists are monsters who seek to worsen the pandemic, so that their employer can profit from it.
This is what Project Veritas wrote about it:
This is Pfizer’s response:
I see no major inconsistencies between those two statements, do you?
Of course, boasting about using monkeys to mutate covid viruses is a sure fire way to get laid!
Or he could just be boasting about his real job to show how very very important and untouchable he and Pfizer are…
I.e. Hubristically stroking his own vanity while inviting nemesis to the table…
We’re worried about Pfizer! The robots already have all this information. When will they decide to use it??? The Event Horizon keeps getting closer! Interesting times.
Those who believe highly paid, corporate senior executives couldn’t be so arrogant, pig-ignorant and stupid at the same time, need to watch the movie “The Big Short”, about Michael Burry.
Burry was a mild-mannered doctor who dabbled in stock market investing who accurately predicted the 2008 stock market crash and made over $2 billion short selling. He is now predicting an even bigger crash coming soon.
Just watched the Tucker Carlson video again. At the 19:07 mark, just before the end, Dr Robert Malone points out the similarities to the Michael Burry film, “The Big Short”.
Thanks for the suggestion, I just purchased The Big Short on Blu-ray.
I think you’ll enjoy it. Here’s the blurb on the movie on “Watchseries” –
Trishton Walker missed the memo obviously.
‘Loose lips sink ships’
This phrase was coined as a slogan during WWII as part of the US Office of War Information’s attempt to limit the possibility of people inadvertently giving useful information to enemy spies. The slogan was actually ‘Loose Lips Might Sink Ships. This was one of several similar slogans which all came under the campaigns basic message – ‘Careless Talk Costs Lives’.
The code word that the Nazis were never able to break was “Burma”. This was prevalent in communications sent by soldiers back to their wives ahead of their R&R (rest and recreation) leave. Be Upstairs Ready My Angel. Sometimes the message was answered with “Will be at the station to meet you with a mattress on my back” which was even more confusing for the Hun.
James O’Keefe is an exceptionally rare example of a true journalist, unlike 99.999% of people who claim to be of the profession and “identify” as “jounalists”.
Well, of course, they can identify as whatever they like but that doesn’t change the fact that such people are not real journalists, no matter what they identify as.
Plus, it was interesting that Jordon Trishton Walker, didn’t pick up on the fact that these were some fairly probing and direct work-related questions, not what one might assume is to be expected on a “Grindr date”.
Also, whenever I have worked on projects involving commercially-sensitive or defence-sensitive projects, I have always had to sign non-disclosure or secrecy agreements. Surely Walker would have signed one? And on defence projects, I was always warned about honeypot espionage.
If you do a Goolag search for “Project Veritas
Jordan Walker” without quote marks you get the following.
It usually means they are busy re-ranking the results and rendering true material less visible or totally invisible in favour of “The Narrative”.
A long winded way of saying “The Spin Doctors are hard at work“.
If there was nothing to this story, Pfizer would repudiate the story.
If this story really meant that Pfizer scientists are monsters who are willing to breed new virus variants, to worsen the pandemic, so that their employer can profit from it, as some crackpots believe, then Project Veritas would have said so. The fact that they have not suggested such a thing means they don’t believe it.
Nobody sane thinks that.
This is what Project Veritas wrote about it:
This is Pfizer’s response:
I see no major inconsistencies between those two statements, do you?
The idea that an entire Pfizer research team could be convinced to work on making a pandemic worse, instead of better, is preposterous. One of the main reasons Pfizer has been so successful, with life-saving products for prevention and treatment of Covid-19 (and other diseases), is that their best and brightest researchers are highly motivated by the knowledge that they’re saving lives — conservatively, at least a million lives, so far. The very best way to destroy that dynamic would be to ask them to do the opposite.
David >”If you do a Goolag search for “Project Veritas
Jordan Walker” without quote marks”
Ok now when I do that GOOG search (although DDG is my default).
However, from that GOOG search:
These days I only use GOOG to see what they censored. LNKD no better either in this case.
BTW, GOOG and LNKD are NYSE ticker symbols i.e. public companies covering for another public company – PFE (Pfizer). Why bother unless there’s an “agreement” of some sort.
It’s not as if PFE is a needy beneficiary of altruism – the unselfish concern for the welfare of others.
Sorry, but it really looks like low-level play-acting to me. !
It seems Goolag-owned YouTube have removed/censored the Project Veritas video now (the first one that Jo links but I think her link is to free-speech Twitter).
Yes, use Jo’s link. The play button on the video does not work.
Just to clarify, Jo’s link works.
What I am saying is that the same video appears to have been removed by YouTube.
There’s nothing new in this video but it has Mark Dice‘s style.
At what point does ‘directed evolution’ become ‘creation’?
I fail to see how “boasting” about doing something extremely immoral, dangerous and possibly illegal is going to lead to success on the “hookup” unless the other person is a serial killer and/or psychopath.
There was no incentive for Walker to lie about this.
He was accurately describing his job and Pfizer’s silence, the mainstream media’s silence and Walker’s temper tantrum suggest that it’s true.
Power is always a turn on. He is bragging about being on the inside, being well connected. About knowing things the public don’t know, and about earning a stack of money.
He is saying be my special friend and you get this information too…
Now there’s and additional problem.
What’s Pfizer going to do about this?
They could claim Walker was lying and sack/fire him.
Or remain silent suggesting it’s true.
And if he is sacked, then they will likely be accused of “racism” since he was probably a “diversity” hire and not a merit-based hire.
They’ve probably created “vaccines” for both those problems?
This is what Project Veritas wrote about it:
Note that they’ve NOT suggested that Pfizer scientists are monsters who would be willing to breed new virus variants, to worsen the pandemic, so that their employer can profit from it. Nobody sane thinks such a thing.
This is Pfizer’s response:
I see no major inconsistencies between those two statements, do you?
The idea that an entire Pfizer research team could be convinced to work on making a pandemic worse, instead of better, is preposterous. One of the main reasons Pfizer has been so successful, with life-saving products for prevention and treatment of Covid-19 (and other diseases), is that their best and brightest researchers are highly motivated by the knowledge that they’re saving lives — conservatively, at least a million lives, so far. The very best way to destroy that dynamic would be to ask them to do the opposite.
UPDATE: Pfizer have responded! Wow. They don’t even mention Jordon Walker, thus suggesting he is one their own. They deny they do Gain of Function or Directed Evolution, but admit “we have conducted research where the original SARS-CoV-2 virus has been used to express the spike protein from new variants of concern.” Also: “In a limited number of cases when a full virus does not contain any known gain of function mutations, such virus may be engineered to enable the assessment of antiviral activity in cells”. It is medical word salad.
I see a long legal document which does not say the things we really needed to hear from Pfizer, and actually admits some dynamite things.
They are hoping to hide behind medicalese semi legal wording. But wow — They are admitting they engineer viruses so they can test antiviral activity taking the original Wuhan virus and adding the new spike from “variants of concern”.
Lets bear in mind the new Omicron variants have incredibly well evolved spikes that are so much more infections than the original variant, but the Omicron virus “in toto” is much less dangerous than the original Wu-Flu. So by mixing the old nasty variant with the new spike, they could be playing with a virus that has the worst of both?
More “potent” indeed?
In the second quote they are admitting they engineer and add “Gain of Function” mutations to a full virus in order to blah blah blah… Is that not exactly what the accusations are suggesting?
And it’s being done in BSL3 labs.
I believe that are saying that their research involves developing a new strain which will out-compete present pandemic strains (ie more infectious), but which will give a more distinct differential in virulence between the vaccinated and unvaccinated.
Leo I don’t see that. A new strain with the same spike won’t outcompete the current strain unless there is some nucleocapsid (shell) advantage too. But it will be more deadly. Most likely it won’t spread as well. Remember making people sicker (which it will) will slow them down and make them less likely to go to work and infect everyone in the office.
The original Wu-Flu was only an Ro (rate of spread) of 3 -5 and this new one I hear is Ro > 20, meaning one person on average could infect 20. The new variant spikes are monster infectious.
Whew ! Because BSL4 labs are only 97% as leaky as BSL3 labs.
That was close.
“they engineer viruses so they can test antiviral activity taking the original Wuhan virus and adding the new spike from “variants of concern”. ”
Well we already knew that they only had our best interests at heart.
What’s not to like?
Jo wrote, “In the second quote they are admitting they engineer and add “Gain of Function” mutations to a full virus…”
Jo, you quoted them saying exactly the opposite: “…when a full virus does not contain any known gain of function mutations…”
How is that unclear??
Pfizer does research to try to make better vaccines. Ho, hum. How is that surprising or disturbing?
The hue and cry about this story is because some paranoid people think it means that Pfizer scientists are monsters who are willing to breed new virus variants, to worsen the pandemic, so that their employer can profit from it. That’s just nuts.
Well word salad works for the Potus an Vpotus. Especially when the dictionary definitions of anything controversial can be changed without justification. Pfizer is bluffing 100% of the time. Sadly there is less than 1% of pollies that are concerned with the Pup we have been sold. Where are all the bioethics boffins when we need them?
>”Pfizer have responded!”
ZH via Epoch Times and Twitter:
Robert W Malone, MD
1) Pfizer lawyers did not throw their Director of R&D Operations and Scientific Planning under the bus.
2) there is no denial of what he said.
3) No denial that he is Pfizer staff.
4) Swapping new spike sequences into original Wuhan-1 is technically gain of function research.
YouTube Removed Project Veritas’ Bombshell Pfizer Video, So Rumble Put it on Its Front Page
All that paper is so 1984. Electronic memory holes now.
MEMORY HOLED: Daily Mail and MSN take down their stories covering Project Veritas Pfizer bombshell
“The Daily Mail and MSN.com have not yet responded to request for comment”
Look at what Youtube offers- clueless Kommissars that are waffling on. They have no science background. Fear/Uncertainty/Doubt and spinning at 800 rpm.
Straight out of 1984! They ban the inconvenient truth then bring in pundits that no nothing to tell the beautiful lies. As Elon Musk recently answered as to whether confidences could be promulgated “Yes, so long as it is the truth”.
On the subject of viruses
DDT/Polio: Virology vs Toxicology Paperback – 15 August 2015
The DDT/Polio thesis represents the major historical turning point for political criticism of the sciences of environment, epidemiology, and germ theory. It was brought to the public by the independent research of Jim West,
Does Polio exist or is it just DDT? Can the exact same Polio symptoms be produced by DDT?
How on earth did you people think the research was carried out?
Of course there’s engineering involved. No shock horror there.
It’s also not new to a virologist that viruses evolve faster than vaccines can be altered, otherwise there’d be no virus?
It’s always a game of catch up and it’s the same for a flue vaccine, chosen on a given year, or a collection of culprit viruses chosen for a given year.
How is it that the reaction to covid is so extreme?
If someone wants to find something they need look at china and their engineering around the original “covid 19” virus.
Also check out Pfizer’s competing interests with regards the AZ vaccine, roll out and (it seems) phoney delays introduced to the ‘race’ to be first.
This isn’t black and white there’s a whole load of grey and colours in between
Joy, viral engineering to make viruses more potent was supposedly “not allowed” — GOF was banned. Theoretically – except the definition of GOF makes it meaningless.
What is surprising about this is that Pfizer have admitted so much of what we suspected today with their release.
And viruses don’t always evolve faster than vaccines. Depends on the vax and the virus.
Eg Immunity to influenza (from natural infections) is a 50 year long lasting thing — all those natural infections create a shield that slows viral evolution. Plus do influenza vaccines stop transmission? I think, maybe 25-60% of the time.
Vaccines that are not leaky do slow viral evolution. The viruses can’t easily evolve to outrun the vax campaign.
But coronaviruses are known to only induce short term natural protection ( <1yr for corona colds) and coronavaccines are leaky as well. Terrible combo.
In the U.S., it wasn’t the GOF work that was PAUSED, it was the funding for it.
Welcome to the new age of synthetic biology:
William McEwan: This afternoon I received in the post a slim FedEx envelope containing four small vials of DNA. The DNA had been synthesized according to my instructions in under three weeks, at a cost of 39 U.S. cents per base pair (the rungs adenine-thymine or guanine-cytosine in the DNA ladder). The 10 micrograms I ordered are dried, flaky, and barely visible to the naked eye, yet once I have restored them in water and made an RNA copy of this template, THEY WILL ENCODE A VIRUS I HAVE DESIGNED. …
Invent & inject. Invent & inject. Invent & inject. Invent & inject. Invent & inject. …
Yes, it wasn’t technically a “ban,” …
…but withholding funding can achieve the same end.
Still, the details are important. Thx for the reminder.
“But coronaviruses are known to only induce short term natural protection ( <1yr for corona colds) and coronavaccines are leaky as well. Terrible combo.” – JN
Yes, and as I’ve learned from listening to Jay Couey’s presentations, what immunity is developed is T-cell immunity, not antibody immunity, the latter being useless to prevent respiratory viral infections, but effective in facilitating them and in disrupting natural immunity.
As I recall, the ban of GOF was put in place by Onama in 2014 and lifted by him in 2018.
That’s as puzzling to me as anything else about this entire mess. Not the banning of it, but the lifting and the timing.
“Joy, viral engineering to make viruses more potent was supposedly “not allowed” — GOF was banned. Theoretically – except the definition of GOF makes it meaningless.”
That’s right, but in China?
Viruses have been engineered in other areas of research such as for biological weaponry.
It’s a fine line between those two.
It’s idealistic to think that engineers haven’t been tinkering and as you imply, redefining the definition for their own purposes.
Sorry but viruses do evolve faster than vaccines. Just as criminals are faster than the cops.
Vaccines are re engineered and modified.
This was always known before coivd and hasn’t changed because of covid.
Regarding the influenza natural immunity point you make. This is simply an argument for doing noting, or an antivax per se kind of argument.
Why should it be either or. One camp or ‘tother? That’s how it seems.
This doesn’t mean that China and the US’s collaborative research was legitimate.
Corona viruses are known for rates of evolution which vex the scientists. Thus us according to information from virologists long before covid was heard of.
But coronaviruses are known to only induce short term natural protection ( <1yr for corona colds) and coronavaccines are leaky as well. Terrible combo.'
Yes. It was the fact that the virus was Novel in all it's particulars which forced entire nations to act.
There's also been a repeating tendency to assume that because the virus is a corona virus it is therefore a cold virus, which is also a misunderstanding.
In the case of the UK, any immunity for any length of time that impacted public health was considered a bonus, rightly so.
I suppose you could argue that if you were going to produce a vaccine for a virus you wouldn't start with that one?
Joy is correct that this situation isn’t a complete picture of evil. Viruses do evolve – usually slowly, usually to a more benign form, but not always – and if there was a chance that the 73rd iteration of Covid will turn out to be horrid, I cannot completely blame researchers wishing to perhaps get a leg up on that one and start developing something to use against it ASAP.
But you need to temper such sentiments with the idea that you are in fact developing future bioweapons, that the horrid Covid that you develop might not have ever evolved naturally, that you have just unleashed a plague upon the world.
Given how Covid came about, I would want that second viewpoint to be more highly valued and pursued than it appears to be the case so far. Balance is lacking all around.
“Pfizer Admits Development of Gain of Function Virus.”
This morning’s “Covid and Coffee” gives a lawyer’s unravelling of the Pfizzer’s legalese and reaches a similar conclusion
gain of function gaslighting – dr. sam bailey
pure gold from Dr Sam.
Sigh. I have explained the flaws in Sam Bailey’s work many times. She is ignoring 99% of the data in a entire field, picking out a few bad papers, a few real flaws and using anachronistic pedantic definitions but missing the big picture.
There is a world of independently interconnected datasets that cross check each other in multiple ways. Bailey is throwing little rocks from the sidelines demanding hyper specific tests to satisfy her own requirements but she has no explanations for all these independent observations. If it isn’t Covid, what else causes a wave of illness that correlates with symptoms, antigens, plaque assays, electronmicrographs, blood tests, deaths, hospitalization, full RNA sequencing, contact tracing, treatment protocols, x-rays, antibodies, PCR, etc. ? How do a hundred thousand pathologists, doctors, radiologists, and millions of patients coordinate and fake that?
Once she has decided that viruses do not exist, she uses the same circular reasoning to disprove everything downstream from there.
Please don’t post any more “Sam Bailey” or Kaufman videos until you read and acknowledge my many responses and find an argument that makes this material worthy of further discussion.
We’d all like to believe viruses are not real, and bioweapons are no threat, but hoping is not a strategy.
Does Pfizer employee’s MELTDOWN hint at HUGE pharma secrets?
Given that Pfizer cannot predict how the Covid virus will evolve out there in nature, surely it’s obvious that the only way this work is if one of their engineered variants was to escape, in which happy circumstance the vaccine developed to combat it was already created, ready to commercialise? I can’t see any other reason to do this work.
We should of course remember that the original, allegedly engineered virus, was fought with a vaccine that was surprisingly and fortunately already pretty much ready to go …
So many coincidences these days.
[…] 4. Blockbuster claims in video of Pfizer executive — making mutant viruses, capturing official agenci… […]
The part about regulatory capture is as very disturbing now as when I first heard about it months ago,
The part about the virus, not so much, and here’s why:
0 – there was no detectable increase in “all cause mortality” prior to the “vaccine” rollout. The extravagant virus caused death toll was mostly an illusion.
1 – assuming one could make a “vaccine” effective against a virus produced by mutation in monkeys, it would only be so (if at all) for monkeys, not humans.
2 – a vaccine produced by mutations in a few monkeys can’t possibly keep pace with even the virus mutating in a larger monkey population, let alone with viral mutations occurring in billions of humans worldwide.
(Coronaviruses are notorious for their rapid mutation and for our inability to vaccinate against them.)
3 – as we know, the mRNA “vaccines” that we have prevent neither infection nor transmission, so any mRNA shot based on mutations in any animal will not only not benefit humans, but be useless even to protect the animal the virus was optimized in.
4 – they would likely be no less harmful to us than any previous COVID shot, and so a waste of money that could be better spent. But hey, with all the billions Pfizer has made on the last useless mRNA shot, they can afford to waste some of it on making a new, if not improved, snake oil.
Pfizer: “we’re going to mutate the virus in a handful of monkeys to keep the virus in the wild from getting ahead of our vaccine.”
Virus in the wild: “i’m going to infect a few hundred million humans to keep ahead of Pfizer.”
Gee, I wonder who I should put my money on?
Yonason, the original Covid variant had such a high hospitalization rate it would render our medical system incapacitated in a matter of weeks, which I predicted in Feb 2020 and which happened. We don’t have enough ICU beds per capita. No western society was going to let a disease like that pass. The excess deaths in 2020 were bad, especially in cities where vitamin D was low. The restrictions and quarantines kept those excess deaths within bad flu like seasonal bounds, but I’m sure you’d agree we don’t want to live like that, just to keep things “like a bad flu year”.
In Australia where our testing was the best in the world with the lowest positivity rate the fatality rate from a covid infection was 3%.
We could have reduced that for sure with anti-virals, sun, vitamin D, zinc, better treatments etc. But Covid was a lot worse than the normal flu (and we know as well because the ramped up quarantine and restrictions wiped out the normal flu in 2020). And we are only now finding out what the long term consequences of both infection and vaccination are.
But I share your concern about regulatory capture. Chilling.
I hear you, Jo, but I still stand by my assertions. I would have thought we all should know by now that death rates have been grossly inflated, you know, like those who had COVID and died of other causes but listed as caused by COVID. And then there are the excess deaths from respirators, Remdesivir toxicity, deprivation of antibiotics for pneumonia, etc.
As to accurate tests, …eh. I’ll try to get something on that when I get settled. Jay Cooey has had some knowledgeable guests on his show, but I don’t have links to his older ones on testing for COVID. Here’s a recent program of his apropos to the video you posted above…
At this point there is so much disinformation coming from governments, msm and big pharma that what minimal trust I already had in them has taken a nose dive. They’re as bad or worse than those who lie about CO2 & climate and tamper with that data.
Here’s hoping that sanity can be restored worldwide. I think it will, hopefully sooner than later. But I’m not holding my breath. Meanwhile I very much appreciate forums like yours, where good information is available and opinions can be openly shared.
Well Pfizer has had a gene editing alliance for a year now.
Ed Dowd is going to help hit them where it hurts.