Climate Change will save lives and prevent heart attacks

By Jo Nova

To stop heart attacks, we need more CO2

Heart icon.A study on 32 million heart deaths in 27 countries shows extreme cold killed four to six times as many people as extreme heat. Since climate change makes our hottest days hotter and warms our winter nights, this will mean less heart failure in the future.

For every extra summer death due to heart failure, six lives will be saved in winter thanks to people who burn oil. Obviously it’s time to subsidize coal plants to save medical costs. Every dollar spent warming the world is an investment against heart failure. You know the drill.

Naturally in science communication, headlines and truth are 180 degrees apart.

Climate change could worsen heart deaths linked to extreme temperatures

By Cara Murez, HealthDay News

A new multinational analysis of 32 million heart-related deaths over the past 40 years found more occurred on days with severe temperatures, an issue that climate change could make even worse.

The investigators compared heart-related deaths on the hottest and the coldest 2.5% of days in 567 cities with those on days when temperatures were optimal.

For every 1,000 heart-related deaths, there were an additional 2.2 deaths on days with extreme heat. There were also 9.1 additional deaths on days with extreme cold, the findings showed.

Among people with heart failure, there were 2.6 additional deaths on extremely hot days and 12.8 on extremely cold days, the researchers reported.

Remember the old cannard that climate change warms up nights faster than days (thus wiping out the coldest extremes)? Just ask the IPCC — They told us there are less cold days now and it’s because of climate change:

Based on the AR5 and SREX, as well as recent literature (see Supplementary Material 3.SM), there is high confidence (very likely) that there has been an overall decrease in the number of cold days and nights and an overall increase in the number of warm days and nights at the global scale on land.

As a bonus we gain more warmth at the cold end than at the top — stable temperature save lives!

In particular, they identified that one-quarter of the land has experienced an intensification of hot extremes (maximum temperature on the hottest day of the year, TXx) by more than 1°C and a reduction in the intensity of cold extremes by at least 2.5°C (minimum temperature on the coldest night of the year, TNn).

–IPCC. Chapter 3, SR15,

This was reported ad nauseum for the last twenty years, by NewScientist, unSkepticalScience, The Conversation, PopScience, the New York Times, and those scientific giants –The WEF (among a hundred thousand others). It was a defining feature, a fingerprint, of man-made climate change. It’s therefore obvious that climate change is a cardiac winner, and all the journalists know it.

It’s more evidence that Science Communication is not a profession but just a marketing exercise. Apparently, they’re not there to inform the public, just to scare tax dollars out of them.

So climate change causes colder winters now?

The medical paper simply says so:

Climate change produces both hotter summers and colder winters, rendering populations not accustomed to these unusual weather conditions vulnerable, especially in low-income areas where there may be less adaptability to changing conditions.

It’s not climate change that is deadly but climate change action. The more money we waste on unreliable energy the more people we kill from unaffordable energy bills.

Despite the paper having 51 references there were none to back up their “colder winters” claim.

The biology of hot and cold deaths:

To spare you the details, essentially heat causes dehydration and thickens blood, and is thus solvable with a glass of water. Cold causes vasoconstriction and high blood pressure, which is bad for everything, and solvable with fossil fuels.

There are some postulated underlying mechanisms that could explain the CVD mortality risk associated with extreme temperatures. Both cold and heat exposures evoke a series of synchronized autonomic and cardiovascular responses that ensures core body thermal homeostasis. Those responses are often altered and exaggerated with aging and in individuals with preexisting cardiovascular risk factors, leading to CVD events. Heat exposure leads to increased skin blood flow which dissipates heat, as well as increased sweating which evaporates heat. This leads to potential volume depletion and sympathetic system activation, resulting in increased heart rate and inotropy to maintain stroke volume despite decreased preload. Rising core body temperature also increases metabolic state and oxygen consumption. In susceptible individuals, these cascades may lead to demand ischemia or plaque rupture. Volume depletion and insensible body water losses leads to hemoconcentration and hypercoagulable states further increasing the risk of thrombosis and myocardial ischemia. Fluid shifts can disturb electrolyte balance (specifically, potassium, magnesium), increasing risk of arrhythmias in susceptible individuals. In patients with heart failure who receive diuretics, heat may result in severe volume depletion and potentially, shock.

On the other hand, cold exposure leads to increased sympathetic activity that vasoconstricts skin and increases skeletal muscle tone to generate and conserve heat. This leads to catecholamine-driven rise in blood pressure (mainly through an increase in peripheral vascular resistant), and hence, increased cardiac oxygen demand to overcome this increase in afterload. Cold also leads to increased cholesterol crystals deposition in atherosclerotic plaques, rendering susceptible individuals to plaque rupture and myocardial infarction. Last, hypothermia is known to induce hypercoagulability because of increased viscosity and hemoconcentration from fluid shifting into extravascular space and clotting factor abnormalities.

For extreme heat, get Gatorade. For extreme cold, move into Parliament.

Heart icon: PngFolio


Alahmad Barrak et al (2022) Associations Between Extreme Temperatures and Cardiovascular Cause-Specific Mortality: Results From 27 Countries, Circulation,  2022;0

9.8 out of 10 based on 82 ratings

67 comments to Climate Change will save lives and prevent heart attacks

  • #

    I was waiting for the story that Global Warming caused the cold weather. It’s the flip side of freezing to death to stop warming.


    • #

      And those who can will fly away to warmer parts of the planet. And the others can give up meals so they can afford heating, if there is any electricity. I am now waiting for governments to order that people stop charging electric cars.


      • #
        John Michelmore

        The Swiss are already considering EV bans because of power shortages. They can easily blame Putin for this as well, so no problem getting the sheep to accept shortage.


        • #
          Rupert Ashford

          “…to accept shortage…” They’re not alone. I see the chances of power blackouts (in Australia, for crying out loud) are being spuiked more and more locally as well – the rooftop solar sales people are even using it in their sales pitch as well…


      • #
        David Maddison

        And those who can will fly away to warmer parts of the planet.

        That will be the Elites who fly to warm places in their private jets to unwind right after their COP or WEF meetings.

        Most others can’t afford to fly now, due to the massive increase in the cost of air travel bought about by deliberate fuel starvation policies.


      • #

        “I am now waiting for governments to order that people stop charging electric cars.”

        It won’t be long now until the call goes out.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Global Warming caused the cold weather.

      That’s why their marketing department changed the name of the scam from “global warming” to “climate change” which has now of course become “climate emergency”, “climate crisis” and similar descriptors.


      • #

        changed the name of the scam from “global warming” to “climate change”

        The marketing department have also omitted “anthropogenic” from all of these terms.

        When “anthropogenic” still preceded all of these slogans (in terms of CO2 emissions), it made people think a bit and decide just how much is natural as opposed to the miniscule “man-made” portion.

        Better to not let people think, they might come to the wrong conclusion.


      • #
        another ian


        Must be due for an even “scarier”, “scarier”, “scarier”, “scarier” upgrade any time soon then?


    • #

      The climate warming mob are like used car salesmen.


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      Gary S

      of course there are other dark forces at work causing people (especially the young and formerly invincible) to suffer severe and ‘sudden’ heart conditions. Only yesterday, one of my sons working on a civil project in Southeastern Melbourne was sent to the other side of town to fill in for a 29 year old, fit construction worker who, sadly, suffered a heart attack on the job. Bear in mind here, that most large construction firms have still not dropped mandated experimental procedures as ordered by our local dictator. But Dan will wave all this away – not that he would bother himself to investigate the consequences, on a daily basis, of his decrees.


      • #
        Gary S

        Growing up through the fifties, sixties and seventies, I seem to recall that we lived life very fast and extremely hard. We punished our bodies relentlessly, but I never, ever, heard of anybody dying of a heart condition at that age. It would have been an extremely rare event. Not so now.


  • #

    Thanks for the data Jo, but today we know that Humans are living longer, healthier lives throughout the world and life expectancy has soared over the last 200 years( under 40 up to 1800) and now 73 years in 2022.
    We also know that the percentage of people living in extreme poverty has seen a huge drop over the last 50 years and since 1990.
    Of course this should be impossible because we also know that the population increase since 1990 has seen an extra 2.7 billion people in just the last 32 years.
    How is this possible since Dr Hansen’s BS and fraud in 1988?
    And how can anyone believe that we have a Climate CRISIS or EMERGENCY or even an EXISTENTIAL THREAT?
    Of course the reverse is true and the DATA proves they are wrong? When will they WAKE UP and start to THINK?


    • #

      If the heat is killing a lot of us then why is that most of the population growth has occurred in those parts of the World that are hotter?


    • #

      Unannounced but we have life expectancy in the US has recently fallen. This is almost certainly due to the impact of the vaxxes and lockdowns.

      But do we have the Leftists foaming at the mouth on this? No – certain deaths are “OK”, others, from supposed climate change, apparently are not. Just like with covid the press focussed on covid to the exclusion of all the other deaths from other causes or due to the vaxx and lockdowns.

      We don’t have a climate change issue, we have mass insanity and we have few politicians prepared to call out the huge issues.


  • #

    I would go to my doctor and ask for a prescription for three lumps fof coal but as she is impossible to contact I will have to pass


    • #

      I am interested to hear about your energy costs. Do you get the subsidy? How much has it gone up in the last year? Is the wind still blowing?

      I see France has indicated it will not be exporting electricity to the UK.

      My son sent photos of enough snow at Letchworth to hide the roads. It appears snow removal is not very formal in the UK like it is in North America.

      Crunch time is coming for Europe. I wonder how close is energy reality? Will it show up this winter?

      Something that is not well known – Iceland is gaining permanent ice. Scotland should be under similar influences. I would expect more snow and for it to hang around for longer. It might even be accumulating on peaks. All early warning of the termination of the interglacial if you have your eyes and mind open to the obvious.


      • #

        Not Scottish highlands but still part of Scotland, Shetland experienced heavy snow yesterday:

        Homes in Shetland and surrounding areas have been affected by a power cut amid “heavy snowfall” and freezing temperatures.

        The cut was first reported shortly before 3pm, with power expected to be restored by 9pm.


      • #

        The snow is by no means general. We have seen none at all in our part of Devon. We will get around £1000 . In subsidies. We have managed to reduce our energy use and our bill this year will be the same as last year.

        Other countries seem to have taken drastic measures to cut electricty with many Christmas illuminations turned off. On the whole illuminations are pretty much the same here as last year although in our coastal town they are much more extensive than last year.

        Gritting of roads is pretty formal but snow is rare and there would not be enough snow ploughs to cover the thousands of miles of road so the ploughs would concentrate on the main roads


        • #

          Appreciate the updates.

          UK is of interest to me because the most ardent CO2 demonisers live there. My son and DIL live there with family. I do not get much detail on winter weather because my DIL is a committed CO2 demoniser and my son avoids riling her by telling me there is lots of snow and energy poverty I did learn that it costs them GBP4 per hour to run their heater and they get half of that back. They use the heater sparingly rather than having it run steadily on a low setting.

          I have concluded the developed world needs someone to go off the energy cliff before the alarm bells ring loud enough to get the attention of the climate zealots. That might be UK this winter – hence my interest. Just hope that it is not catastrophic in terms of lives lost.


      • #

        “My son sent photos of enough snow at Letchworth to hide the roads. It appears snow removal is not very formal in the UK like it is in North America.”

        Would anyone in the UK know what a snowplough looked like.


    • #

      You could take an ad in the BMJ.
      [British Medical Journal]; tho that’s likely to be more expensive than buying three lumps of coal …..

      Snow on the ground in S London, with Wind at 1.7 GW, per – and – it being dark – Solar not troubling the scorer.
      Which last won’t be a surprise to most readers here.
      Most readers here are not MPs, though …..


  • #
    David Maddison

    I posted this a couple of days ago.

    Look at figure 2. MODERATE cold is the biggest killer of all, even in mild and sunny Australia.

    The following paper looks at deaths in various countries attributable to cold or heat.

    The rate for temperature related deaths for Australia is 6.5% due to cold, 0.45% due to heat.


  • #

    Here’s the global percentage of people living in poverty since 1980 and you’ll note the big drop since the 1990s.
    This is not extreme poverty , but people living on less than 5.50 $ a day.


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    David Maddison

    I wonder if Australia has a coroner who is brave enough to list as a cause of death “died from excessive cold due to energy starvation caused by unaffordable “green” energy”.


    • #

      Can a doctor write that on a death certificate? Doesn’t necessarily need a Coroner if it’s a natural death. Dying because of no artificial heating is a very natural death!


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    Richard C (NZ)

    >”climate change causes colder winters now?”

    Does appear to be the case:

    David Viner Is Now Just A Thing Of The Past
    [see video of snow/cold chaos in UK – note comments]



  • #

    Here’s the World Bank data for global access to electricity since 1998, 73.4% then and today 90.5%.
    All wealthy countries are listed as 100% and certainly a big increase over the last 24 years via China, India and the developing countries building many hundreds of new coal fired power stns. I just wish we had their brains.
    Note at bottom left of link for regions and countries electricity access.


  • #

    Politics seems to be very vindictive these days, with incoming administrations going after the previous ones with Royal Commissions and such.

    I hope that the trend continues when the current “Lights out Labor” crew and State followers are thrown out for their ideological crusade against reliable power generation.

    This is getting ridiculous, from this link:

    Federal and state energy ministers have specifically ruled out coal and gas from being a part of the capacity mechanism that will be introduced next year to ensure there is enough supply in the grid.

    I suppose diesel gensets are ok?


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  • #
    Climate Heretic

    Just in from No Tricks Zone:  Increase in Deaths  In Germany.  The chart just alone is stunning.
    This is sickening. More deaths for Plebs.
    Climate Heretic


  • #

    Trouble is, there’s such a mixed message from the catastrophists/ alarmists. One day it’s all about global warming and the earth is going to fry as a result of AGW, the next its all weather events will be getting more extreme due to CC. At least with the former, there’s a shred of truth because even the most ardent skeptic will testify the earth has indeed warmed over the last 170 years. With the latter, it keeps getting disproven with data on decreasing cyclones/hurricanes as an example. More recently an Italian scientific group also pronounced that weather events were not getting more extreme. Just more of the same. The only thing I know, today its EXTREMELY cold where I live and its ******* summer!


    • #

      ‘Australia, land of contrasts, you have well and truly done it again.

      ‘On a day when temperatures reached 46.1°Cat Roebourne Airport in northwest WA, snow licked the highest parts of the NSW Snowy Mountains and Victorian Alps, with temperatures plummeting to -2.1°C overnight at Thredbo.’ (Weatherzone)


  • #

    We know “Cold kills” – Jo has been telling us that for years.

    I’m doing my best but I can’t do it all on my own:

    I own and run a car with a large petrol powered engine and have done so for the last forty years — not the same car all the time, but one of similar configuration. I have watched CO2 and fossil fuels suffer vilification for quite some time before becoming — once again — global saviours.

    I was right: what goes around comes around. Now it’s Global Kooling instead of Global Warming. And it’s all the fault of all those little cars littering the roads. There’s just not enough of the big cars to keep the warming going.

    So, you lot. You know what to do — get out there and trade all those little rattletraps in for big rattletraps. Bring back the warming!


    • #

      IF the “settled science” is right (LOL) then it is difficult not to conclude that increasing the emissivity of the atmosphere by adding more CO2 should have a cooling effect.

      All satellite records show Earth is emitting more to space than 40 years ago.

      Still it is difficult to reconcile this to trace gases with ~0.04% by volume.


      • #

        “Everybody” knows that emiting CO2 causes warming of the atmosphere, therefore “global warming.”

        The Sun has nothing to do with it… nor does CO2 being a trace gas of concentration approx 0.04%. The Age of Miracles is still with us, it has not passed.


    • #
      another ian


      On a different “coming round again” –

      “The idea of perpetual motion arose in Islamic times in connection with water wheels and clocks. ”

      “So began another of man’s many snark hunts”

      From L. Sprague de Camp (1963) “The Ancient Engineers”.

      There are fertile grounds for expansion of that theme if it were to be updated now.

      And also from there –

      “There was no active discouragement of science under Rome, at least before Christianity came into power. But science has to compete for attention, belief, respect, interest, and financial support with politics, commerce, art, literature, religion, entertainment, sport, war, and all the other areas of human activity. If any of these interests greatly expands its appeal to the people, it does so at the expense of the others.”

      “Now the great intellectual movement of the classical world under the Principate was towards supernaturalism; that is religion, mysticism and magic”.

      “But, under Rome, those who exploited the human love of the marvellous and fear of the unknown, made striking advances in methods, just as metal workers learned to make brass and glaziers to make window panes. They found that it added to their following and advanced their power, glory and wealth to flourish a body of sacred writings wherewith to confront the heathen.”

      “With these new techniques, the priests, prophets, and magicians could more effectively compete for public attention and support. Credulity they redefined as “faith”, and fanaticism as “zeal”, while respect for the laws of cause and effect was condemned as “blind materialism”.

      “The success of a cult depended upon its fidelity to those principles”.

      (Somewhat abbreviated but you get the gist)

      Sounds like we’re in a re-run!


    • #

      A 17 ft long 500 CI Cadillac should be a good start.


  • #

    The only mechanism whereby CO2 can increase maximum atmospheric temperatures is by causing a significant increase in the mass of the atmosphere – at ~0.06% of the atmospheric mass it is light years from achieving any impact that isn’t totally negligible.


    • #

      Any infinitesimal increase in atmospheric mass, by increased atmospheric CO2…

      … would be countered by the infinitesimal increase in the dry lapse rate due to the change in specific energy ! 🙂

      What is “infinitesimal” minus “infinitesimal” ??


  • #

    When i watched their ABC talk about medical misogyny because doctors could not diagnose women’s heart attacks not because it was difficult but because no one bothered to figure it out i knew the mind of the leftoid was at breaking point this story simply confirms my thoughts

    It is impossible to state an obvious fact based on reality (more people die in cold weather) and follow it up with a statement based on fantasy (climate change causes more colder weather) and expect to be able to retain high cognitive abilities.

    One theory is most if not all of these people are triple or quadruple jabbed and so have many mis folded proteins (prion disease) causing early onset dementia and thus accelerating their cognitive decline.


  • #

    A local health service put out a warning last summer about heat killing more people so I sent them an email asking if they had checked the W.H.O stats on deaths from winter versus summer and they pulled the warning notice .


  • #
    robert rosicka

    According to the Australian Association of Psychologists , climate change has resulted in more people seeking help because of all the floods etc etc . This was part of their response to the government cutting funding for extra visits because of Covid . No link was just on Sky news .


  • #

    Warmer winter mornings means more people going for some exercise when they get up, therefore, more heart attacks.

    Simples. Only solution is to ban fossil fuels so people die from other things.


  • #
    John Connor II

    Bunch of cupcakes.😁
    It’s all a matter of conditioning and mind body connection.
    Now, what’s the name of that guy who swims for hours in the icy Norwegian fjords?
    The body can adapt incredibly well given time.

    Hypothermia Myths And The Truth About Cold Water

    “If you go overboard in January wearing street clothes when the water is just above 33 degrees, how long until you become hypothermic?”

    After hearing the most common answer, “five minutes,” from the on-the-water pros, I told them the truth. “Most of what you know about hypothermia is wrong. You can’t get hypothermic or even mildly hypothermic in under 10 minutes. The average adult can survive over an hour in cold water. And while we are on the subject, you do not lose 80 percent of your body heat through your head.”

    I’d much sooner have cold conditions than hot.


    • #
      John Hultquist

      “Coldwater gasp” is a reflex or an automatic response from an immersion of cold water above the head. This can be initially dangerous because you can drown if you inhale as little as 5 ounces of water. Water inhalation kills before your body has a temperature change.
      A few places where folks go in spring to see icy mists from falls and cascades will warn of this. Still a death or two each year in the U. S. is not uncommon.
      Being warned of “coldwater gasp” can save your life if you can suppress it. Hypothermia takes longer.


      • #

        There’s also cold water shock which causes a loss of control of the larger muscle groups due to blood being redirected to vital organs. It passes after a minute or two but it makes it hard to initially stay afloat and can cause people to panic.


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    • #
      Rupert Ashford

      Yes, but it’s all Putin’s fault and it can be fixed with more unreliables regardless of the cost.


  • #

    Humans have flourished when the plant warms


    • #

      At the UN IPCC Copenhagen Conference the delegation from China explained to other delegates that during 3,600 years of civilisation and records China experienced three periods hotter than the present and each brought greater prosperity as food and other crop yields increased.


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    • #

      Love the Bee!!. Basically anything can be blamed on climate change if you use your imagination. Science?? Nah, it’s the vibe.


  • #

    Would it be worth making a formal reply with a letter to the editor of this journal, Jo?

    It’s pretty poor, given the whole crux of their climate change argument is based on an increase in both cold and warm days when even IPCC data suggests otherwise for cold days.

    It also means the journal’s peer review process (not unlike many others) is flawed! At least make your argument directly to this journal, and we get an idea of how scientific this publication actually is from their response. Should we expect a high standard of scientific rigour and peer review? They only deal with a set of diseases that are purportedly the biggest killers of humans (cardiovascular disease)!


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    […] published JoNova; If we don’t act quickly to prevent more global warming, we could all freeze to […]


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    […] published JoNova; If we don’t act quickly to prevent more global warming, we could all freeze to […]


  • #

    More AGW junk science. More grasping at straws. A profligate waste of good brainpower.
