A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Fallen Interconnector Image
Okay, it’s just an image of a fallen Transmission line, look at ….. the wider picture here, those Transmission lines marching off into the distance.
Ahh! What a truly wonderful sight to see the hundreds of thousands more of these needed to connect up all of the new wind and solar plants to the already existing grid.
Just think, barely a few years back now we had enough transmission lines connected to more than enough traditional power plants to totally, and utterly cover EVERY electrical need in the Country.
Now, all of a sudden we need thousands of miles of new structures like this all across the Country.
How many farmers will now be faced with structures like this across their property, with a ‘man from the Government’ saying to them ….. “Beautiful plumage”.
Ahh! Renewables! They’re so d@mned cheap eh!
And yes, sometimes main things get downplayed because of the way I have written it, but this is the main Interconnector between Victoria and South Aus.
Down till Friday.
And the major worry is that they will need to isolate wind and solar power because there might be ….. too much power.
And with an approaching large High Pressure system.
Umm, Premier, we need to do some load shedding.
Commercial or residential?
Oh, Premier, we can’t isolate commerce or industry. They were our biggest donors, so it has to be the residential sector.
Labor seats or Coalition.
Umm, guess!
Tom koutsontonis was talking about this, apprently there is too much glorious renewables in SA which is causing grid instability
Do they set the electoral boundaries according the the power grid, or are things set up the other way round?
Hey Tony it’s probably one of those carbon less steel electrical transmission towers the greens often talk about
I almost choked on my weeties this am when Teal candidate for Hawthorn (Melissa Lowe) said on ABC radio that wind and solar are “free”. Crickets from the ABC talking head VT.
I was working with the Northern Electric Authority while they were building the 275kW transmission line from Gladstone to Moranbah maintaining the linies’ car radios in a complex duplex system utilising both A and C band channels with a string of repeaters. I got to talk to the lines and got to understand that towers aren’t “build and forget”. Don’t care for them and they fall over, as seen.
Building that line took a couple of years and was V expensive.
Once the outraged class made a lot of noise about how unhealthy it must be to live near a transmission line. Now the same group want them built everywhere.
Hypocrisy, thy colour is green.
I personally still wouldn’t want to live by a transmission line. It is so ironic that Greens push this stuff now. Greens know no limit to their hypocrisy.
Ah, Philip, but there will not be any of these high voltage lines crossing Greens’ electorates, so no problems then.
Environmental industrialization!
Environmentalism has forgotten where it started. We are back to paper bags.
Those towers don’t look very substantial. Wasn’t this a problem a few years ago in SA?
What does “substantial” look like? Got a pic?
As substantial as the lowest bid allows!
All [well most] contracts are to the lowest bidder who meets engineering specs.
That blackout would have been caused by weakened transmission lines. There were claims that extreme winds, EF4 tornados, brought them down but the pictures didn’t support that.
I remember a picture from a roof of a town hall had blown off and this was used as evidence, except the a much smaller tornado can do that because new buildings are much more airtight so the roof gets sucked off rather than blown off. There were pictures on the net that included the 100 yo weatherboard next door with just a dangling rusted gutter and an agave in the front yard with its flower spike still intact.
I suspect that this time it was just a case of poor construction.
Look like a scene from the War of the Worlds
Almost as pretty as windmills /sarc
Oh Sh*t, This Should Be A Crime
Neither RB nor BG are agri-scientists. Why should I believe either?
BTW isn’t Gates the biggest owner of agricultural land in the US? Hardly impartial. But what really impresses me is how he has made far more money as a philanthropist than as a businessman.
Yes, give with one hand, take back with the other. It was once pointed out that if you took all the money from the world’s wealthiest people and shared it equally amongst everyone else, within a very short timespan the rich would have all the money back again. It’s what they do.
If you live in Perth, and if you would like to quiz me about climate change and the Great Barrier Reef, I will at the Windsor Cinema, Nedlands, on 1st December.
This will be for a double screening of two of my Great Barrier Reef films – ‘Finding Porites’ and a test screening of my latest film ‘Bleached Colourful’.
You can get your ticket here:
The double screening begins at 6.30pm, there will be an intermission and Q&A.
Nature naturally synthesises methane, and petroleum fuels can be synthesised from methane, and the ECoE for methane is relatively low, so some renewables really are cheap.
The renewables lobby are attempting to further demonise “natural gas” by calling it out as “methane”. As in Woodside’s methane project. Don’t mention the nasty elements in wind turbines and solar panels.
Egypt’s COP27 ‘climate gabfest’ isn’t going ‘too well’
Solar Spill risk in South Australia because of severe weather.
‘In a scene reminiscent of the 2016 statewide blackout, wild weather ripped down the transmission tower just south of Tailem Bend about 5pm on Saturday, isolating South Australia from the rest of the national grid.
‘That has created the risk of what some experts call a “solar spill”, in which too much electricity from renewables is generated during periods of low demand and threatens to overload the system.’ (ABC)
Apparently it’s happening a lot as SA power struggle to control their handicapped network.
Rejoice fellow minions for we are saved.
Pfizer have released yet another Covid booster shot and this one really works. Honest.
And it’s already approved by the grubbymint and ATAGI. You can’t get better than that.
Pfizer’s new Omicron-specific COVID booster to be available in Australia from next month
Isn’t it comforting to know the new grubbymint is picking up right where the old grubbymint left off.
Australia gives world-first regulatory approval to fecal transplant therapy
Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has granted approval to a fecal transplant therapy designed to target a serious bacterial infection. The approval marks the first time any regulatory body in the world has formally authorized this kind of microbiome therapy.
Although there is a massive amount of research currently investigating fecal transplants for the treatment of everything from alcoholism and obesity to skin cancer and autism, the idea of microbiome-modifying therapy is still incredibly nascent. The trillions of bacteria living inside our gut certainly play a role in our general health but exactly how to translate that knowledge into specific clinical treatments is still deeply unclear.
It has to be said: after 3 years of people being coerced & brainwashed into putting fake sh%t into their bodies, the TGA wants to use real sh%t.
You gotta laugh.🤣🤣
Why? The microbiome may hold secrets of health, not just curing sickness. Our use of antibiotics kills off many in the gut.
I read once of a doctor whose wife had a baby by C-section so he deliberately inoculated the newborn with the mother’s vaginal fluids, as would happen in natural birth. He may be onto something.
I’ll ask the question that’s begging to be asked …..Exactly how do you collect the vaginal fluids so you can inject them ….. place a swab in the vagina and then wring it out ?? Collect the fluid in a kidney dish sitting precariously under Mum (birthing person) gathering all the fluids as they come out during childbirth ? And then what ?
Does “inoculate” absolutely mean “inject”? I thought it could simply mean “wiping of hands”, but I’m a tradesman, not an English major or medico.
l’m sure you understand what john was getting at with the irony of the TGA being full of it
so “You gotta laugh.🤣🤣”
Weakest passwords of 2022
Despite all the warnings, shockingly high numbers of people are still using easily guessable passwords such as swear words, celebrity names, cities, animals, or keyboard sequences, with half of those observed consisting of just one word.
Users don’t seem convinced that a good password is the one you can’t remember – “123456” has long been the most popular, and 2022 is not an exception.
After examining 56 million breached and leaked passwords in 2022, the Cybernews research team discovered the password “123456” was used in 111,417 cases.
Worryingly, default passwords used by workers with system access privileges still remain all too easy for a threat actor to guess. Cybernews found 16,981 occurrences of the password “admin,” with “root” and “guest” coming in second and third for the top 20 generic passwords.
Check yours here:
My shortest one rates at 34,000 years and my longest at 42 quintillion years.
“Check yours here:”
Nice way to collect passwords off people, comes with the IP address & the MAC address of the device I expect.
” Cybernews found 16,981 occurrences of the password “admin,” with “root” and “guest” coming in second and third for the top 20 generic passwords.”
Clifford Stoll was on about those in :The Cuckoo’s Egg” in 1989!
Another Pestilence: RSV Is Cutting Through the U.S. Like a Blowtorch Through Butter
We are witnessing an unprecedented explosion of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) all over the United States right now. RSV is the leading cause of both bronchiolitis and pneumonia in children under the age of one in this country, and globally we normally see somewhere between 100,000 and 200,000 babies die from the virus each year. The only disease that normally kills more children is malaria. But this year RSV could potentially take the number one spot because the virus is spreading like wildfire and hospitals are rapidly filling up. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 77 percent of all pediatric hospital beds in the U.S. are currently occupied. That is an extremely high figure, and more children are being hospitalized with RSV every single day.
So why does this virus hit infants particularly hard?
Well, NBC News says that it “comes down to the basics of anatomy”…
It often comes down to the basics of anatomy, she said. Babies are born with the tiniest of airways. Viruses like RSV inflame those airways, making it difficult to breathe. The smaller the airway, the less inflammation it takes to close it off.
Sadly, RSV is a very serious threat to older adults as well.
Normally, RSV kills approximately 14,000 adults over the age of 65 in the United States each year, but that number could potentially be far higher this year because so many people have compromised immune systems.
Britain’s top A&E doctor says crowding and bed blocking are killing hundreds of patients every week… and warns dire situation ‘could easily get worse’
In a frank interview, Dr Adrian Boyle, the new president of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, said hospital crowding and bed blocking were killing hundreds every week.
Comparing hospitals to ‘lobster traps’, Dr Boyle said the crisis in social care had left 13,000 patients stranded on wards, despite them being deemed medically fit to leave.
The log-jam was fuelling long waits for ambulances, rising 12-hour waits in A&E and other delays to emergency care, which are estimated to be causing more than 500 deaths a week.
Report after report, worldwide, of hospitals in crisis and patients with compromised immune systems driving it.
Do we see a MAJOR health system crisis far beyond Covid coming?
Now what could possibly be the cause…
“bed blocking”
What a marvelous resource the internet is, I learn something new every day.
The use of hospital beds by elderly patients who cannot leave hospital because they are unfit to look after themselves and have no place in a residential care home.
mRNA killing umbilical cord embryonic stem cells needed to repair damage and develop babies’ immune systems
A concerning new pre-print from the Microbiology department at the University of Alabama and published in Cell, looked at the skewed fate and haematopoiesis of CD34+ HSPCs in Umbilical Cord Blood Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Umbilical cord blood is highly enriched with hematopoietic stem progenitor cells (HSPCs) as identified by the surface expression of CD34 molecules. These are essential for the maintenance of the bone marrow and blood systems.
HSPCs have been widely used for various therapeutic and research purposes such as bone marrow transplants.
HSPCs are also responsible for repairing damage to the body and producing blood and immune cells. They can respond to infection and inflammation and therefore fine-tune the innate immune response.
To put it simply, these stem cells are extremely important and play a crucial role in the development of a baby’s immune system.
The study looked at both natural infection with Covid and the immune response induced through mRNA vaccination. Whilst natural infection with SARS-CoV-2 also decreased HSPCs, they found the results after vaccination were far worse.
Gotta reduce that carbon footprint, even the tiny ones…
Scientists Discover X Chromosomes Being ‘Silenced’ in Male Cancer Cells
Scientists from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have found some male cancer cells, those with X and Y chromosomes, show signs of having their X chromosome silenced.
In normal mammal cells, the X chromosome is only muted when a female cell has a pair of Xs to choose from.
Randomly turning off an extra X is the body’s way of balancing the chromosome dosage of both males and females. But if there is just one X chromosome, as with most male cells, neither the X nor the Y needs to be inactivated.
In some cancer cells, however, this rule of thumb is broken.
The study used publicly available DNA samples from cancer patients around the world. Analyzing thousands of genomes representing more than 30 different cancers, researchers found the gene responsible for silencing the X chromosome – known as X-inactive specific transcript, or XIST – is highly expressed in a wider variety of cancerous tissues than they’d ever suspected.
The gene is a non-coding sequence made of RNA found in the cells of placental mammals that plays a key role in the silencing of genes on X chromosomes.
“We were very surprised by this result since XIST is a transcript typically used to classify female cancers, and so we wanted to ensure that this was not merely a result of misannotation,” says cancer geneticist and oncologist Srinivas Viswanathan from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston.
“Yet, we do, in fact, see that some male cancers of diverse subtypes activate XIST and display features of X inactivation.”
Researchers aren’t sure why that is, but they have a few ideas. Cancers proliferate rapidly, and this can lead to mistakes, like multiple copies of the same chromosome. For instance, the authors sometimes found two X chromosomes in male cancer cells.
New Study Reveals That Men Age Faster Than Women
Men are biologically older than women, according to research from the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. Men smoke more often and have larger bodies, which helps to partially explain the observed sex difference.
Although life expectancy in the Western world increased quickly in the 20th century, women still have a higher life expectancy than males. In Finland, women typically live five more years than men do. The gender gap was largest in the 1970s when women’s life expectancy at birth was over ten years greater than men’s. However, this disparity has been rapidly closing in recent years. According to a newly released study, the difference between the sexes can also be observed in biological aging.
The research looked at possible biological differences in aging between men and women, as well as if lifestyle-related factors may account for any potential differences. These distinctions were explored in both young and old adults.
Several epigenetic clocks were utilized as biological aging measures. Epigenetic clocks allow for the study of lifespan-related variables while the subject is still alive. They estimate biological age in years based on DNA methylation levels measured in a blood sample.
“We found that men are biologically older than women of the same chronological age, and the difference is considerably larger in older participants,” says Anna Kankaanpää, a doctoral researcher at the Gerontology Research Center and the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences.
Researchers didn’t say if divorce fixed the problem.😆
There is no difference between men and women
Dr John Money said so
Put on a dress and go forth into the ladies rest room
I would like to know the history of how Leftists came to misunderstand science such that they think that scientific fact is decided by “consensus” and not the usual processes of the Scientific Method.
It’s commonly called disproof by counter example.
Anyway, science for lefties is more of a social construct driven by delusion which in turn is driven by fear and the desire to be in control of your future.
ie if we caused it, then we, being so smart, can solve it, and therefore we are in control of our futures and not at the mercy of natural cycles beyond our control.
More of a topic for the psychologists…
The Long March through Institutions. A few years back I was in a informal debate with a graduate student. After I outlined the Scientific Method, he mocked me as being “ignorant of how science is done.” He argued that it is done by consensus of pier review gate keepers. I rested my case.
The Mysterious Origins of The Great Barrier Reef May Finally Be Explained
Australia’s Great Barrier Reef might never have come to be were it not for the formation of a vast island based mostly on sand.
K’gari, also known as Fraser Island, has the honor of being the world’s largest sand island, covering around 640 square miles (nearly 1,700 square kilometers) just off the southeastern coast of Queensland.
Along with the nearby Cooloola Sand Mass, the mass of forested dunes and beaches forms an unofficial base to the vast reef that sits to its north.
If this terrestrial ‘launching pad’ had never formed, researchers think the masses of sand carried northwards along the coast by ocean currents would have landed right where the reef now sits.
Quartz-rich sands have a way of smothering carbonate-rich sediments, which are necessary for coral development.
Without K’gari in the way to guide sediment off the continental shelf and into the deep, conditions would not have suited the formation of the world’s largest coral reef, experts argue.
A slope off the southern coast of Queensland, however, makes the perfect place for sediment to accumulate, and this is right where K’gari and Cooloola are found.
Just south of the sand masses, coral reefs are conspicuously missing.
If researchers are right, that’s probably because the northward currents here are too strong. K’gari and Cooloola break up the long distance dispersal, stopping quartz-rich sands from smothering developing reefs.
“Before Fraser Island developed, northward longshore transport would have interfered with coral reef development in the southern and central [Great Barrier Reef],” researchers write.
Sediment records from the southern Great Barrier Reef support this idea. About 700,000 years ago, there appears to have been an uptick in carbonate content in sediment in this region.
Research on reefs further north is now needed as well, but at least two-thirds of the Great Barrier Reef seems to owe its existence to a wall of sand to the south.
Their ABC version included this bonus:
“dramatic oscillations in sea-level rise caused by a mysterious change in Earth’s climate [~1mya] … despite a favourable climate for millions of years.”
That ain’t science, that’s Consensus (with a whole lotta Cult COP thrown in for good measure).
“The Pentagon has appointed a Lt. General (3 stars) Terry Wolff to head a new Army headquarters in Germany with a staff of 300 US military members to coordinate security assistance for Ukraine.
Washington already has a division of troops deployed, not training, on Ukraine’s border and uniformed personnel in Ukraine ostensibly to prevent Ukraine from selling the weapons supplied by the West in black markets. Is “security assistance” a cover story for setting up a War Command Staff for the purpose of waging war in Ukraine against Russia…similar to those used to get the US involved in the Vietnam War.”
I read a good SF story years ago about a war in Europe with Russia and when it went badly the Yanks moved troops in, not to fight the Russians, but to make sure the Euros fought the Russians. The story centered around the resistance fighters in Britain, and I figure there’s still a chance of it coming true.
Cumulative excess deaths 2020-2022 — an international comparison
Below are cumulative excess deaths from 6 countries across 4 continents showing a remarkably similar pattern. There seems to be no example where the rollout which is claimed to be effective at stopping deaths from covid has succeeded in reducing excess mortality. Quite the opposite in fact. In most cases, cumulative excess mortality accelerates post rollout of the novel pharmaceutical intervention. What these graphs also show so clearly, is the normal up and down of winter viruses in 2015-2019, with excess deaths then compensated for in each summer season (note Australia low in December and high in August). But the last 3 summers have only shown a slight dip before heading off up again.
Comparison of European deaths
And the charity was the
DemonocraticDemocratic Party20
Greta to the COP 27
They replaced her with a younger model that doesn’t look like a potato
Painful to expose oneself to the Media here in the US post midterms.
Common theme … “Trump is divisive”.
He ‘alienates’.
Apparently, the Great Unifier POTUS labeling half of population “semi-fascists” and “enemies of Our Democracy” …
is NOT divisive.
And does NOT ‘alienate’.
It must be my whiteness that prevents me from accepting the logic of consensus.
(Is it possible I am an ‘Enemy of Our Consensus’?)
Although, according to family legend, I’m a little less white than US Senator Elizabeth Warren, one if the first law professors of color in Ivy League America.
(Just a side note, with a little tanning me, and my parents, although my father could skip the tanning, could have been cast members in ‘Dances with Wolves’. Although my father would have needed to wax his chest and back.)
Oh well.
Who is pure blood today? I am British to the bootheels [except for that Norwegian seaman] but I have a “Mediteranian” complexion which I thank for not having succumbed to melanoma after spending my boyhood in the sun.
Q. If I have Roman genes, am I part Italian? I could be, I rater like them and their effervescence.
am I part Italian? I could be, I rather like them and their effervescence.
So that’s why I wave my hands around – Italian 16.7%!
Consider yourself a friend. 🙂
“So that’s why I wave my hands around ”
Maybe, maybe not.
Way back in BC I was flying back from Melbourne and at Sydney a friend was seated alongside. So there was a catching up of who and where.
A hostess, observing that, asked if I was Italian because of the hand waving.
But I have no known Italian heritage.
” If I have Roman genes, am I part Italian? ”
Oh no you don’t.
Italians are not Romans , no Sir . How dare you!
‘Twas raised/educated Roman Catholic yet by the time I was 14 I was neither. My mother & school were horrified I didn’t ‘Confirm’ my/their belief – outcast at such a young age – must’ve been my Scottish / Northern Irish rebellious streak coming through, och aye Finn MacCool!
Well at least they got most of the education part right.
I decided at six that I wasn’t impressed with any God who sent dying un-baptised babies to limbo. Heartless bastard.
One Of England’s Largest Solar Farms Goes Bust After Borrowing £655 Million
Believe it or not, another solar energy company has gone bust. This time, it was one of the largest in England.
Toucan Energy Holdings 1 Ltd., based in Essex, Southern England, has gone into administration after racking up a whopping half a billion pounds in debt, according to a new Bloomberg report.
The company owns 53 solar farms across the country and had borrowed £655 million from Thurrock Council over the course of four years to try and finance its expansion, the report notes.
The investments are now being called “a scandal of huge proportions” by the council’s opposition. Thurrock Council has since appointed administrators to try and sell off the farms and return some cash to the council. The liquidation is supposed to “maximize recovery” for taxpayers, the current leader of the council said.
Pfizer And Moderna To Investigate Their Own Vaccines For Myocarditis Risks
In all likelihood, Pfizer and Moderna are trying to get out ahead of burgeoning side effects with their own studies as a means to spin or mitigate bad press in the future.
Why is Big Pharma investigating their own covid vaccines for myocarditis side effects if the vaccines were already supposedly tested and proven safe and effective?
Both Pfizer and Moderna have announced that they will be undertaking studies to determine the longer term risks of Myocarditis (an inflammatory condition of the heart which can lead to death) for people who have been injected with the mRNA based covid vaccines. The decision comes after the release of multiple medical studies which show a correlation and causation between the vaccines and an exponential increase in heart problems, specifically among men 40 years old and younger. Only a year ago the link between covid vaccinations and myocarditis was widely denied.
Studies also show that myocarditis risk increases with the number of boosters a person has taken.
Before the year 2020, the average vaccine was tested and re-tested by pharmaceutical companies and the FDA for 10 to 15 years before it could be released to the public. This was done not only because testing is a complex process with a lot of red tape involved, but also because it is the only way to discover any long term side-effects that might be associated with a particular immunization product. If you read any medical journal or scientific outline on vaccine development published before 2020, they all agree that long term testing is necessary for public safety.
Suddenly, after 2020 and the advent of public activism against the covid mandates, a host of medical “professionals” and bureaucrats began arguing that the mRNA vaccines do not need the same lengthy testing time frame because government funding allowed for everything to be accomplished much faster. This is a lie.
What really happened? Governments fast tracked approval using national emergency measures allowing Big Pharma to skip necessary tests and trials. Example: Pfizer representatives recently admitted under oath that they never tested the covid vaccine to see if it actually prevented transmission of the virus. They simply claimed that it did without verification. And governments began trying to enforce vaccines requirements on the populace based on the false claim that vaccination stops the spread.
It’s been less than two years since widespread distribution of the covid vaccines and we are already seeing signs of negative health issues through myocarditis and blood clotting disorders.
One has to wonder what further terrible developments will unfold for vaccinated people in another two years.
Pfizer And Moderna To Investigate Their Own Vaccines For Myocarditis Risks
In all likelihood, Pfizer and Moderna are trying to get out ahead of burgeoning side effects with their own studies as a means to spin or mitigate bad press in the future.
From the Comments
– LOL. “We investigated ourselves and found absolutely no proof whatsoever that we’re killing people by the millions. These shots are 100% safe and effective. We recommend it’s time for your 20th booster shot.”
– This is like asking Hillary to investigate Arkancide
– This study is going to be as rigged as an AZ election.
– I’m going to investigate myself for tax evasion… Nope, turns out everything is 100% legit. No issues whatsoever.
– Ironically they may suggest Ivermectin or HCQ.
Global Warming Continues
Australia’s east coast to freeze as Antarctic blast strikes: Icy conditions for Sydney and Melbourne – and Tasmania’s already snowed under
– Frost and cold winds will sweep across Victoria and NSW for the coming days
– Tasmania has already been inundated with cold temperatures and snowfall
– The weather has been caused by a low-pressure system dragging Antarctic air
Meanwhile in the Country of “Droughts and Flooding Rains”
Winter in both hemispheres at the same time. Who knew? It is currently -1 degree F and we have had a blanket snow on the ground for much the west of the Continental Divide for two weeks now. The East Coast of N. America is also now getting hit with below freezing temperatures usually reserved for Jan. But I get better weather information from NHK on N America than I do from the US MSM.
“ Winter in both hemispheres at the same time.”
That struck me also, but I only had 17°F (-8°C) this morning. Just east of the Cascade Mtn Crest in Washington State, I do not have snow — but I can see some.
Oh to be in Tassie – not.
Even the bottom of the South Island NZ is warmer than that right now.;166;2&l=rain-3h
40 (?) webcams have some lovely images of snow-covered Australian ski areas this morning, including Perisher (NSW), Mt Coldham – used to be Mt Hotham (VIC) and Mt Mawson (TAS). It’s a trifecta!
And what about all those dams overflowing… spilling… full to the brim… Obviously the planet is now a ‘science denier’ too, woohoo!
The Wrath of Nancy: NBC Correspondent Miguel Almaguer Suspended After Viral Report on Paul Pelosi and David DePape
NBC Today show correspondent Miguel Almaguer has been suspended pending an internal investigation after NBC News had to retract his reporting that inflamed right-wing conspiracy theories about the brutal assault on Paul Pelosi, Confider has learned.
In an on-air report that went viral soon after it aired Almaguer suggested Nancy Pelosi’s husband was not in danger when cops arrived at their San Francisco home.
“After a ‘knock and announce,’ the front door was opened by Mr. Pelosi. The 82-year-old did not immediately declare an emergency or tried to leave his home but instead began walking several feet back into the foyer toward the assailant and away from police,” Almaguer reported on the morning of November 4. “It’s unclear if the 82-year-old was already injured or what his mental state was, say sources.”
Arkancide Hillary was Smiling!
Mid-November anomaly. Snow down to 600m in Tasmania. Well, what a surprise! Global Warming or not, this climate scenario has been going on for decades. No wonder I don’t visit this website very often these days…nothing to get interested about.
“nothing to get interested about.”
Then try this link :-
‘ … nothing to get interested about.’
Its chilly in South East Australia because of blocking high pressure and without AGW propaganda its easy to discern a global cooling fingerprint.
What do you make of the yarn that AGW is impacting ENSO?
“What do you make of the yarn ”
I filed that one under laughable. “impacting” could mean anything or nothing.
“It was less than a year ago on December 16, 2021 when our dementia patient in chief was instructed by his handlers to lie, obfuscate and demonize critical thinking Americans who refused to become victims of the Big Pharma, Fauci promoted, untested, unsafe, ineffective gene therapy by declaring “we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated — for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm”. Biden’s vaccine mandates were overturned in the courts. The unvaccinated did not die from Covid. Very few people died from Covid. Some really old and infirm people on death’s doorstep died with Covid. Some very unhealthy obese people died with Covid. But even 95% of the old and unhealthy survived Covid.
Virtually no one under 70 years old died from Covid. Biden was lying. Fauci was lying. Walensky was lying. Gates was lying. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was lying. Their paid-off medical industry was lying. Their highly compensated corporate legacy media talking heads were lying. Captured politicians were lying. The entire Covid scheme was nothing more than weaponizing the annual flu through fear propaganda, a billion-dollar advertising campaign, and enacting totalitarian measures on the world as part of the Great Reset Build Back Better New World Order plot orchestrated by our globalist oligarch overlords.”
The Burning Platform.
This hydrogen powered car looks “cool” but I’m sure it’s as impractical and expensive as it looks suggest. This is the sort of thing shown to politicians by the subsidy harvesters to convince them of “green” (sic) hydrogen.
In case you haven’t seen it yet, this video is about why the US Demon-rats are so pro-Ukraine war.
A huge money laundering operation, probably the biggest ever in history, is behind it for the benefit of the Demons. It was run by the FTX crypto exchange, just collapsed.
Dr Steve Turkey comments:
I just received a letter from my old university asking for money for a race-based scholarship.
I believe merit should be the basis of a scholarship, not race, so I won’t be giving for that particular cause.
John Stossel: Green New Deal: Fact versus Fiction
(8m 23s video)
Peta Credlin issues a chilling warning about how a likely Dan Andrews election win will see his ‘hard Left’ agenda sweep Australia – as her expose of his government sets to air
. Labor’s Victorian Premier Dan Andrews faces a state election on November 26
. Andrews presided over the longest and harshest Covid lockdowns in the world
. Sky News to screen the documentary The Cult of Daniel Andrews on Wednesday
. Presenter Peta Credlin has been a long-time critic of the Andrews government
. She has interviewed former Labor MPs, party insiders, union leaders and police
AGW disrupts ENSO behaviour, folly of the first order.
‘Scientists already knew climate change was affecting the El Nino-Southern Oscillation. But because the oscillation is itself so complex and variable,
‘it’s been hard to identify where the change is occurring most strongly. However, our study shows the effect of climate change, manifesting as changes in ocean surface temperature in the tropical eastern Pacific, will be obvious and unambiguous within about eight years.’ (Weatherzone)
” obvious and unambiguous within about eight years.’ ”
All depends on the meaning of “about”. LOL
Here is whole article and the standout is that El Nino will get stronger, when in fact the opposite is going to happen, Modoki El Ninos will dominate.–40-years-earlier-than-we-thought/928864
And according to the Sky News commentator, it is not just viewers in Victoria who should take heed of the program.
‘If what has happened under Andrews in Victoria is now the new manifestation of Labor you want to hope it doesn’t come to a state near you,’ Ms Credlin tells Daily Mail Australia.
The Dan Andrews critics who Peta Credlin has interviewed for a new documentary have described the Victorian premier as a ruthless, relentless, arrogant bully – and that was just those from his own side of politics.
Ms Credlin has examined what she calls the hard left Labor leader’s ‘stranglehold’ on the state in a program titled The Cult of Daniel Andrews, to be screened as Victorians prepare to vote in the November 26 state election.
Credlin has spoken to senior Labor insiders, including former MPs and union officials, who feel let down by ‘Dictator Dan’ as he seeks a third term in government.
The picture these figures paint is of a man who is seemingly unaccountable, in charge of a government Ms Credlin calls inept, but yet is likely to be voted back in if the opinion polls are correct.
‘I said to them, “Good on you for telling me all this stuff now but how on earth does he stay there?” Ms Credlin says.
‘More than just one of them said, “Peta it’s a cult. It’s an absolute cult. When you’re in there and you’re in his favour you’re just so consumed by it”.
‘”And when you’ve crossed him or you’re in the freezer or you’ve left, you go, what the hell was I thinking?”‘
Asked for some of the terms her interview subjects used to describe Mr Andrews, Ms Credlin says: ‘Arrogant, bully, ruthless, relentless, cruel – a couple have used cruel – disparaging’.
‘There’s not a lot to like from people who know him intimately,’ she says.
Ms Credlin’s one-hour investigation, which airs on Wednesday night, explores the myths and mystery behind the all-powerful Mr Andrews, including his rise to prominence and real political agenda.
‘The purpose for me of the documentary was to aggregate in one place the eight years of the Andrews government and you make your own judgment,’ she says.
The left must be terrified of conservatives, why else would they allow the worst of politicians to use and abuse them, all in the name of “protection”?
“FTX, Ukraine, Democrats & Money Laundry – $32 B Gone”
“Quote of the day – racketeering and election fraud edition
From Larry Lambert at Virtual Mirage:
The Biden regime gives Ukraine $80 billion in tax dollars. Ukraine invests in FTX crypto exchange. FTX owner Sam Bankman-Fried gives $40 million back to the Democrats’ campaigns for the 2022 midterms. A week later FTX goes bust, scamming clients out of $36 billion.
The mainstream media ignores it.
Yep. All that US taxpayer money “for Ukraine” . . . wasn’t all for Ukraine.”
Haven’t I heard “Too big to fail somewhere before?”
“Sam Bankman-Fried Bought Into Stakeholder Capitalism And Proved It’s A Disastrous Ideology”
Alternate title
Here’s how it works-
Headlines in the Socialist Morning Herald scream:
“Russian missiles hit NATO member Poland, killing two. Russia has been blamed for a rogue missile strike on the Polish border which killed two people in an escalation of the war in Ukraine that now threatens to drag NATO into conflict with Moscow.”
Yet it was America telling the SMH about it, not the Poles or NATO.
“The Associated Press quoted an unnamed US official as a source for news of the attack but it is yet to be confirmed by the Polish government.”
The Yank’s left hand immediately refutes what the right hand said, but not is such big headlines..
“The White House’s National Security Council spokeswoman, Adrienne Watson, also said it could not confirm the reports ”
A little bit of alternative views creeps in..
“There was speculation in local media that the Russian missile had been shot down by Ukraine and had landed over the border.”
..and Russia said:
“Russia’s defence ministry denied reports that its missiles had hit Polish territory, describing them as “a deliberate provocation aimed at escalating the situation”…adding the wreckage reportedly found at the scene “has nothing to do with Russian weapons”.
Which is quite possible with an explosion at a grain silo, but from there its all about NATO having to move against Russia and how bad Russia is and poor Ukraine, and toss in a couple of photos of missile damage from somewhere else entirely..
If the problem is big enough it will be investigated, then in small print outside the main media it will be announced that it wasn’t a Russian missile or it was shot down and fell over the border. By then the “news” has moved on and found another story to whip people up into getting NATO officially at war with Russia.
The public comments allowed through the SMH censor are 2 in favour of Russia, 35 against & keen to go to war, 15 calling for restraint and facts, and 10 neither here nor there, so the whole beatup had the desired effect.
There’s no chance of NATO being drawn in by this. It doesn’t meet the criteria that warrants a response.
It’ll just be an exchange of allegations and counter allegations and be chalked up as accidental, whatever really happened.
MeaMeanwhile Politicians arguing over lobbying reform
In NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is under pressure to do something about the lack of lobbying regulation, especially in light of the Faafoi scandal. Last month she faced strong questions from Guyon Espiner on Morning Report about why Faafoi should be allowed to take insider information from his role as a Cabinet Minister to help private businesses.
Permanent Climate Lockdowns: The “15 Minute Cities” Are Coming
Class Action for Vaccine Injured Persons
Two days ago I mentioned that a Queensland Doctor was organising a legal class action of Vaccine Injured people. A few people asked for contact details.
Here is a link to the class action for vaccine injured persons.
There is a contact email.
I can contact Dr Mel if there are unanswered questions.
Dr Mel is funding the action herself but she is seeking crowd funding.