A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Gosh and it’s Monday already…………………
Has more of a Lunedi feel
Better tell Gee Aye then…
Is that you Anthony?
The RAAF Airbus is almost finished being serviced, the two Boeing 737 long range executive lower emissions jets are still sitting in the hanger ready to fly, crews on standby.
Today’s page in my diary notes it is the Queen’s Birthday holiday in Western Australia. I presume that is still going ahead and hasn’t been changed to King’s Birthday already?
Good question. It’s always been unofficially Royal Show Day here. Our only public holiday in the second half of the year.
The firms making flour from mushrooms and cauliflower
thanks. Looks good.
leaving the problem seasonal decline of fertilizer in the EU as the northern winter approaches, in other news, and according to today’s The Australian “Tomago Aluminium, NSW’s biggest power user and the nation’s largest smelter, plans to switch its coal supply to renewable energy by 2029 or earlier”. The question is how will that work?
(Being an idiot, I have no idea)
Tomago does not use coal on site. The reducing anodes are made from imported pet coke bound wth pitch so you are misinformed.
via a BS accounting exercise just like the ACT
And how many times, (over sold), is that green energy. Canberra bought it. Coles and Woolies bought it and now Tomago are going to buy it.
I call BS on this one. I’m also betting that none of the above go black on a windless night.
A national total of so called renewable supply contracts would be an interesting thing to know.
Dont know what reliable mechanism there is to make sure only what actually exists (even in fantasy nameplate capacity terms) is what actually gets sold
Aluminium production cannot be done with intermittent electricity supply..
So solar and wind are out of the question.
“The question is how will that work? ”
It could be ‘made’ to work via smoke and mirrors.
Same way rich folk in medieval times purchased forgiveness for their sins….. by paying other folk to
say prayers and light candlesplant trees….30
Been and gone and nothing.
Sept 24, touted by the “Noddies” on FB/Twitter/Reddit etc as some major event didn’t happen. Like I said:
“NOTHING is more important then Sept 24”, or to rephrase that:
“Sept 24th is less than nothing.” 😅
ANY truly major event will have signals ahead of it and there weren’t any.
If anything truly major was to happen, odds are I’d see it early and post it here or on my private forum…
The date is now sometime in April 2023 when Liddell goes off line in NSW and other stuff in the World starts happening.
From Martin Armstrong –
Beware of April 2023
“There is a serious question as to why the Western press has been putting out nothing but one-sided propaganda. I have been warned that my sources in Russia are concerned that the hardliners behind the scene have been critical of Putin for NOT being more aggressive. Of course, there is the youth protesting over the war and the Western press has been happy to project only that image.”
YOU were one of those “Noddies” touting that date on here, and you feeble attempt at a word shuffle on you comment doesnt fool me.
Just one of your multiple disaster prediction posts that all come to nothing !
So …what is the next one to be ?
Here’s a plan for Treasurer Chalmers, with due consideration for the incentive to buy EV subsidies, the taxpayer funded street recharging points being installed and that EV drivers do not pay road maintenance tax how about extending the fuel excise cut for a further six months to assist with the rising cost of living for families in the majority who cannot afford even a mini-EV, many cannot even afford a new ICEV?
Or trade-in our ICEV’s with an equivalent EV exchange at no cost to us to save the planet.
And now imagine this.
Every ICE vehicle in the Country will be totally and utterly worthless if we go down the path of Electric Vehicles.
They won’t be accepting them as trade ins on EV’s because they won’t be able to sell them on.
So, you won’t be getting a trade in on an EV, and in fact, dealers might actually say that they don’t want your ICE because it will cost them to get rid of it.
Now imagine telling the population that every car that they have is worthless.
The Government could buy them all, you know ‘Cash for clunkers’ and all that, but imagine the cost of that, and then the further cost of disposing of them all.
That might cost a few votes. (to put it very mildly)
It won’t cost a cent, the government will just print more money to cover the burden.
Well that’s what Joe public tells me. And they vote. What could go wrong?
Then the is the other question, will there be a market for used EVs?
Given the lack of suitable EVs for many purposes, and the lack of manufacturing capacity, I’m thinking that any attempt at banning the sale of new ICE vehicles will result in the used-vehicle market going through the roof.
I can’t afford a new Landcruiser now, let alone the inevitably-more-expensice electric alternative with half the payload capacity and half the range.
Even at treble the price of diesel, it would still be more economical to keep filling the tank on the 92 HZJ75.
I wonder if they will put fast charging stations every 100 km across the Nullarbor (and add the power lines to service them) and convert the rail line to electric as well.
If the above doesn’t happen, West Australia will not have to secede, since the only way to get there would be to fly. And that might still be too far for the electric airplanes?
FDA vaccine adviser warns healthy young people should NOT get new COVID booster.
A top vaccine expert and pediatric doctor is cautioning parents of healthy young people to hold off getting the new COVID booster shot, saying it can carry risks and its efficacy hasn’t yet been proven.
Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and a member of the Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccine Advisory Committee, said he’s not fully sold on the benefits of a third shot outweighing the harm.
‘Who really benefits from another dose?’ Offit said on CNN.
Who really benefits? Big pharma’s bank accounts.
Only the most braindead mask wearers are now silly enough to line up again.
For the record, the Daily Mail’s headline is misleading:
Here is the bottom line:
“‘A healthy young person is unlikely to benefit from the extra dose,’ he said.”
“He did acknowledge that studies have shown people who are over 65, immuno-compromised or have a chronic ailments (sic) are less likely to be hospitalized with the virus if they’ve had a third or even fourth shot.”
The carrot gets them before entry to hospital.
Tim Ball has sadly passed away and the family wrote to Anthony Watts over at WUWT [1]. He was a giant among our community and a great man, who had the courage, integrity and honesty to stand up to the science community that perpetuates the scientific story that is climate change.
Rest in Peace Tim and my condolences to your family.
Climate Heretic
More here on what it takes
“When I think of Dr. Ball, I think of one word in particular, and that is “courage.” He’s one of the bravest people I have ever known.”
More here
“Tom Harris presentation of the Lifetime Achievement in Climate Science Award to Dr. Tim Ball – International Climate Change Conference-13, Washington, DC, July 2019”
here here. I have listened a lot to Dr Ball’s stuff.
Most of the hard-core climate skeptic scientists are getting old. They are what converted me from my “belief” in climate change, especially Richard Litzkin(? i can never remember his last name). A tragic loss not to have them. I notice there are basically no young skeptic scientists on climate at all.
Richard Lindzen?
yes thats him
30 years of secret official transcripts show UK government experts covered up vaccine hazards
Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD, is a research scientist with the Neural Dynamics Research Group, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of British Colombia, Canada. She has extensive experience investigating the safety of vaccine adjuvants.
As Food Freedom News’ Andrew Baker noted in an article the following year, the secret official documents show that government experts have:
Known the vaccines don’t work.
Known they cause the diseases they are supposed to prevent.
Known they are a hazard to children.
Colluded to lie to the public.
Worked to prevent safety studies.
“Those are the same vaccines that are mandated to children in the US,” Baker wrote.
And the Archive post was 10 Years ago ….
Where have we all been? What research did the Medi Journos and others do?
In all of the reportage of this war in Ukraine I have seen little if any reference to The Holodomor, in which 90 years ago Stalin’s Russia slaughtered millions of Ukrainians by starvation.
With Russia now claiming the land that those dead Ukrainians vacated this war is a continuation of that genocide.
Reported in The Australian: “Ultimately, things are moving towards the restoration of the Soviet Union. The referendum is one step towards this,” Leonid, a 59-year-old military official, told Agence France-Presse.”
If that is not a declaration of World War, what is it?
It’s Russia protecting its citizens and territory it’s entitled to, and under international law, they’re in the right.
The dinosaur MSM is living on borrowed time and you can pretty much take anything they say as the opposite of reality.
“The Australian’s” claim is utterly laughable and the level of ignorance they have displayed in saying it should be extremely embarrasing.
The Holodomor was Stalin’s work and crime and there is no logic in ascribing it to Putin or Russia today. It seems you have an inherent anti-Russia bias…
Russian citizens living in Ukraine? Would they not be russian speaking citizens of Ukraine and not citizens of another outside country. If they were citizens of another country would that not be the long defunct Soviet Union? On your logic regarding the holdomor being Stalin’s work then any russian speakers in Ukraine from the soviet era cannot be Russian citizens and must be Ukrainian. It is not Russia’s right to extend its territory on the basis that people in a neighboring country speak russian. If care to recall someone else tried this excuse back in ’39, it didn’t end well for the world then.
bit more than just language involved
its a bit hard to consider yourself a citizen of a country that is shelling you on a regular basis
not wanting to change the topic: but in Scotland we have that problem too ….. don’t we / they ? and I’m sure also in many other parts of the world with indigenous populations / minorities. and soon in UK we’ll have another issue with Asians and E Europeans. what did the Tory MP with the Moustache once say about rivers of blood on the street ? Enoch , it was.
Russia invading Ukraine because some Ukrainians speak a form of Russian , is the same reasoning that Hitler used to invade Czechoslovakia.
Or how would you feel if Britain decided to “take back” Australia and New Zealand!
“International Law”?…… How come that doesn’t include the treaties and commitments signed by Russia which acknowledge Ukraine as a sovereign, independent nation, entitled to secure borders and its own foreign policy, including the Right to sign treaties and form alliances.
Instead, we have Putin explicitly stating that the collapse of the Soviet Empire – the system under which Ukraine suffered so greatly and against which they fought for over a decade for their liberty after WW2 – as a great disaster. The question is whether he is leaning more towards the re-formation of the tyranny of the Soviet Union, or the equal tyranny of the Czarist Empire.
A strange state of affairs here. Who said what?
The MSM didn’t mention The Holodomor. I mentioned that they hadn’t mentioned it, wondering, why? Surely it was a key factor in the creation of what we are seeing now.
And the reaction! Am I to believe that some people believe that it never happened? Or that it is of no consequence? Is this why the MSM haven’t been mentioning it?
Do you really think that the Ukrainians would isolate Stalin from Russia?
Is it OK to massacre millions of a population and 90 years later to send in another army to complete the conquest of the land? This is a continuing genocide.
There has been much to-ing and fro-ing over the years, but on a from there to here basis that is what is happening.
As for my quote copied from The Oz, the declaration of intent to restore the USSR’s borders. Have you forgotten that the USSR came with an Iron Curtain and a Cold War attached?.
In all of this, it is a matter of note that Russia’s population has been declining in recent times.
The EU President has declared that Hungary is no longer a democracy, that if Italy elects a conservative President they will be punished
and that the EU will soon absorb not only Ukraine but Moldova and Georgia. Isn’t that what Putin has been alleging and has been denied?
Meanwhile the usual suspects allege expansion of Russia and that a war is necessary. It has been the story many times in the last 200 years from Britain, France and Germany and Germany’s allies, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary.
But you have to love the way the Press of the UK, France and Germany forget? Remember Napoleon and Hitler? The ‘punitive’ Crimean war? The British siege of St. Petersburg?
And who saved Europe multiple times from total domination? And the minor problems of the Ottomans. Greece only exists because Russia joined France and England to fight the battle of Navarino and allow Greece to gain independence. But always the Russia Bear is the problem, never their assailants, currently the EU.
There is far more to this than the Disney good guy/bad guy story. Ukranians and Russians are being killed while outsiders arm the Ukranians and get to test Russian resistance to their latest weapons. And no one cares how many die. Russia sees it as an attack on their very existence. And it is. EU Bear baiting as entertainment for Brussels and Washington.
Putin started the war because he is a megalomaniac hankering to restore a Tsarist kingdom in the 21st century.
‘Russia sees it as an attack on their very existence. And it is.’
No its not, European countries that were non-aligned are now joining NATO. This has been a massive strategic blunder by Putin.
The same countries were allies of Hitler. And this civil war has been raging for ten years, in case you missed it.
Vastly more important Russian speaking Ukraine is the plaything of Germany and the US. Do you think the Biden family became so rich on his $140,000 a year Senator’s salary? And now they want Georgia and Moldova and this has been declared openly by the President of the EU. Putin could see it coming. There are many players in this geopolitical money game. And its the Russians and Ukranians who will suffer. Again. Being saved is deadly.
‘ … in case you missed it.’
It was only a nose bleed and over that decade Putin has been telling his people that Ukrainians are fascists. This is nonsense and you are old enough to know better.
Your argument is that we should turn back the clock 200 years to a time when Empires were the natural world order because “might is right” and everyone else is doing it. Throw another small country under the bus without asking the 40 million citizens of that country what they want… it’s all just part of “The Great Game” and your comfort matters more than their liberty.
You might as well argue for the return of slavery, colonialism and witch-burning while you are at it.
No, that isn’t my argument at all. I said nothing of the sort. And dragging it to witch burning deserves some sort of medal.
“Incase you missed it”…. Torture, mass killings, body burning, etc etc, are already in play in the Ukraine !
..Allegedly perpetrated by the Russians ?
Actually, that is very much your argument when you try to drag in ancient history to try and deny the right of people living now to determine their own destiny instead of having it determined for them by a bigger country.
My ancestors fought against the French and with the Germans during the Napoleonic era…. that is not an argument that we should have sided with the NAZIs in 1939.
We judge each case on its merits not according to some warped view of history that attempts to justify killing people.
One of the first principle of Just War, is that the damage caused by the war must be proportional to the damage caused by the issue that the war seeks to solve. Putins war has so far caused about 300,000 casualties, many of them by the Russian use of artillery in the equivalent of carpet-bombing civilian residential and business areas. What “wrong” can you offer that justifies this?
…. and yes, in as much as witch-burning was the advocacy of spurious reasons to kill innocent people, it is an accurate comparison with your position.
“Sunday Talks, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan States the U.S. Will Never Relinquish Control of Ukraine as a Proxy State
September 25, 2022 | Sundance | 40 Comments”
That logic explains how Obama got 57 states – the US 50 plus Iraq, Syria, Libya, Kosovo, Ukraine, Somalia
That’s not a quote of Jake Sullivan. That’s the quote of theconservativetreehose. Thanks, I know now what to avoid.
Could Impossible Burger’s Key GMO Ingredient Cause Weight Gain, Kidney Disease in Humans?
A rat-feeding study commissioned by Impossible Foods suggested the Impossible Burger’s key ingredient — genetically engineered soy leghemoglobin — caused the rats to develop unexplained changes in weight gain, changes in the blood that can indicate the onset of inflammation or kidney disease, and possible signs of anemia.
The company maintains that SLH is safe to eat. It wanted the FDA to agree with its self-declared conclusion that SLH is “GRAS” (Generally Recognized As Safe), providing reassurance for consumers.
But in 2015, in response to Impossible Foods’ first application, the FDA refused to agree that the substance was safe. It responded with tough questions for the company, as revealed in documents obtained under a Freedom of Information request.
This sounds irrational, but who am I to say.
‘Top power user plots green energy switch.
‘Tomago Aluminium, NSW’s biggest power user and the nation’s largest smelter, plans to switch its coal supply to renewable energy by 2029 or earlier.’ (Oz)
Yes, should make enough energy to run the calculators for their new aluminium importing business.
Hope the ships aren’t using sail (wind) – could be quite a wait for their customers.
What could possibly go wrong…
Outside the BRICS countries (and you can leave the S out of that) nobody will have the energy for aluminium. We can just retreat to the non value adding export of bauxite, as is the Australian way.
They are forced to make these claims and make some attempt. They will be run out of town by the mob if they don’t.
Judicial Watch: New documents reveal COVID-19 vaccine studies used by HHS were conducted in China
Judicial Watch announced today that it received 115 pages of records from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealing previously redacted locations of COVID-19 vaccine testing facilities in Shanghai, China. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had claimed the name and location of the testing facilities were protected by the confidential commercial information exemption of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
The records were obtained through a September 2021 FOIA lawsuit filed after the FDA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease failed to respond to a June 7, 2021, FOIA request for all biodistribution studies and data for the COVID-19 vaccines
CrossFit group jogging past restaurant sparks mass panic and everyone starts running.
On Saturday, 24 September, CCTV captured people sat outside at Cervejaria Alphaiate bar and restaurant in Ed California condo, Brazil, enjoying a meal or drink.
However, the footage then showed a sudden moment of mass panic at around 9:00pm, when customers saw a group of people running straight towards them.
Upon seeing the group running towards them, the diners quickly stand up and begin to flee the scene, overturning chairs and tables in their fright.
Good, good…let the fear flow through you.
The indoctrination is working well. 😅
Well you would look pretty silly if you just sat there being cool and they were being chased by half a dozen Velociraptors.
A friend of mine was out to dinner in Brazil and there was a shooting outside the restaurant. He thought it was remarkable how quickly a 100 people can get under their tables, him included.
Nice metaphor for panic produced by a bunch of bogus Chinese VHS videos showing people dropping dead in the street.
No one noticed there was always a team of hazmat clad people immediately there to pick up and throw the bodies in the back of an “ambulance”.
I did notice that, it sent me spidey-senses all a tingle.
This might be a pipe dream.
‘The Greens say there is a constitutional basis for introducing legislation this year that would allow the regulation and sale of cannabis in Australia.’ (SMH)
el g… this needs more info. There is already legislation regulating use and sale at state and federal level. What new sort of regulation are you referring to?
I can’t get behind the paywall, but I imagine he is talking about the stuff with THC
‘Federal parliament could override state laws to legalise recreational marijuana use, according to new constitutional advice obtained by the Greens.
‘As the minor party ramps up its campaign to legalise cannabis ahead of a planned private member’s bill to be introduced next year, the Greens’ justice spokesperson, David Shoebridge, said the advice from constitutional lawyer Patrick Keyzer paved the way for new federal laws.’ (Guardian)
PMBs are rarely successful and this one runs over state responsibilities. I doubt this will happen. If it was a refinement of medicinal usage I could see more chance.
Just because something “could” be done, does not make it a good idea.
One of the reasons that Federal systems work, is that if one State does something stupid, the others get to sit back and watch what happens.
Newly discovered protein connected to significant increase in risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
A mutation in the small protein SHMOOSE is linked with increased Alzheimer’s risk and highlights a possible target for treatment.
A mutation in a newly discovered small protein is associated with a substantial increase in the risk for Alzheimer’s disease, according to a new University of Southern California (USC) Leonard Davis School of Gerontology study. This expands the known gene targets for the disease and presents a new potential avenue for treatment.
Called SHMOOSE, the protein is a tiny “microprotein” encoded by a newly discovered gene within the cell’s energy-producing mitochondria. A mutation within this gene partially inactivates the SHMOOSE microprotein and is linked to a 30% higher risk for Alzheimer’s disease across four different cohorts. According to the researchers, almost 25% of people of European ancestry have the mutated version of the protein.
The research was published on September 21 in the journal Molecular Psychiatry.
Hands up everyone with a friend called Moose. 😆
The American Red Cross: “We Don’t Label Blood Products As Containing Vaccinated or Unvaccinated Blood As the COVID-19 Vaccine Does Not Enter the Bloodstream”
I need a double facepalm emoji 😅
John Connor, you said this:
“Fear not all.
Monday will make it all clear.
You will know who to listen to and who not to.”
Is it safe to say times up yet? Mand nothing burgers all round?
Errr…#5 above?
ie don’t listen to the noddies who have no real info to back their positions and who don’t understand how the big boys move, and that’s most of them.
My sources are GOOD and then some.
So your sources are good and then some. They just failed in this instance? Rather than rationalise like in #5, admit you are wrong. Your comment was aloof, lacking any detail or sharing sources. It was wrong. You are playing chicken with Dunning Kruger effect. I’m not sure if you realise it. Admit you were wrong when you are, and doubt and question every source.
Apologies if it seems like I’m picking on you. I’m not. I’m picking on the way you said what you said. Aloofness as in the quoted comment tingles my spidey senses is all. Why not be open and honest all at once. Say what you mean clearly, share your sources.
Why did the racketeers get where they are now? Because we let them get away with it. There is no need for being all secretive and mysterious in a free and open society.
I have changed the format of my daily data posts for wind generation at my home site, after four years of daily Posts, 1,461 of them.
I originally started them because someone mentioned to me that at best, the figure I was using of 30% for wind Capacity Factor was anecdotal, and spurious, as it was way higher than that. There was (literally, and still is) nothing alluding to that correct CF figure anywhere. So, what I wanted to do was to use the daily data to work out a correct figure, one way or the other. As it was, it settled down almost immediately to 30%, and has stayed there. It hovered in the 29% for almost three years and only one year ago did it go back over 30%, rising in just tiny increments.
It was also mentioned to me that wind plants were old tech, and that as all the newer tech turbines were added with new wind plants, then that Capacity Factor figure would rise. (in fact the wording mentioned to me was rise ….. considerably)
So, that’s why I used two sets of percentages for that Long Term Capacity Factor, one for the most recent 52 weeks of a year, and the second for all 208 weeks of the four years.
Across those four years wind generation has almost doubled in Nameplate, from 5301MW to 9854MW, an increase of 86%.
And now we have this. Long Term CF for one year – 30.38%
Long Term Capacity Factor for 208 weeks, four years – 30.40%
So, I have been correct on both fronts.
Now I’m an old f@rt, I find that I need to make some time economies for sitting in front of the computer. The old Posts would take me around an hour or a little more, and the Weekly Update an extra half hour on top of that.
Now I knew (hand on heart) that if I stopped doing it all, then within a short time, it would be back to those wind supporters saying, yeah, that was back then, and now it’s ….. skyrocketing!
So, I needed to find a way to keep it all going, the emphasis being on CF, especially Long Term, and to find a way to spend less time on it all.
Hence, I have a New Series, well, keeping the old one going, only in a different format. It’s in the way of a weekly table showing just those points relating to Capacity Factor, Updated each day.
To that end, I have a new Introductory Post, explaining it all, and that Post is at the following link, and that new Table is shown at the bottom of that Post, and it’s probably a better format really, because it will show all the data for all seven days in the one place.
Australian Weekly Wind Power Generation Data – Introduction And Permanent Link To All Data Posts
And, no matter what anyone tries to tell you, that figure of 30% is totally accurate.
No problem, just build more of them, Minister Chris Bowen is on to it.
For your passion, determination, diligence and very important contribution toward keeping it sane, correct and foundational to the continuing arguments yet to be had, we give our Thanks and Salute You.
Thank You.
I’m sure your 30% is totally accurate.
I’ve been tracking the performance of the little Hepburn (2 unit x 2.05 = 4.1 MW) wind farm in Victoria for 6 years because they have to produce audited annual reports.
These reports show CF’s ranging from 29.5 % to 15.5 % / year and average 26.1 % /year for the 6 years period 2016 – 2021 which is a bit less than your 30%.
Keep up the good work Tony I look forward to your posts
Wind Europe is also a neat website with instant readout of capacity factors. ( In the past they had claimed onshore CF of about 30% and off shore in the high 30’s. At least they are honest about it. I dont think we have the equivalent here in Australia. I can drive any direction from home and will pass a wind facility within 30 mins. On a regular basis those turbines are not spinning. So a CF of nil, zilch, nada. To me that would also be a good stat- the % of time they produce no power at all.
Nice work Tony,
My only issue with the 30% figure is that by itself it hides the major problem with wind, that is days where very low to zero is generated.
imagine if your brakes were 30% effective, you could maybe get away with it by braking earlier etc, the issue is still you cannot bank on 30% but anywhere between 0 and 100% so the real problem is when they don’t work at all.
to me the number of days of zero output due to low or high wind ( or too low to be useful what ever that is), should be a key metric in all discussions on wind generation.
Making that stat front and centre highlights the uselessness of this particular unreliable as it then requires back up which is never figured into the cost
Agreed. And the loss of wind time durations should be used to develop a reliability figure for all energy sources.
Thanks for confirming the 30% figure Tony. It’s interesting that the key design documents used by the Federal Govt, GenCost and its source Aurecon, both use the U.S. figure of 35% for their calculations. Obviously our “scientists” have not put any effort into checking that their assumptions for their models are correct.
Viva Italia!
OMG! they have elected the “wrong” government. Ursula will have to come down hard on the Italians.
Which salute do the Italians use in such situations?
One finger, two finger or one all of their own?
Speaking with a little experience of over 60 years, I would expect a glass of vino will be raise and the simple CIAO.
A single word with dual meaning, both hello and goodbye, and then throw in a twinkling eye, a wink and, well, you really need to have a good knowledge of the cultural humour!
I read an article about this new chick, and it was just nazi this nazi that all the way.
Schwabby will be crying into his cricket burger.
Thank you Tony for keeping the propellorheads honest.
I saw a figure some years ago published for the entire eastern UK fleet that had a 27% CF.
The ‘claimed’ 30% CF is like a sign on a property saying ” This property guarded by man with a shotgun and Doberman 3 nights a week, you pick which 3.
On the question of Greenland mass balance, this is an old story but still relevant.
This idea won’t get up.
“Today, I am calling on all developed economies to tax the windfall profits of fossil fuel companies,” Guterres said. “Those funds should be redirected in two ways — to countries suffering loss and damage caused by the climate crisis and to people struggling with rising food and energy prices.” (China Daily)
Umm! That was the original call of the Kyoto Protocol back in the seventeenth Century, well decades back anyway now, when they included those ten fateful words as part of the Kyoto Protocol.
The UN and Climate Change – Ten Fateful Words (note the date I wrote this, in 2010. It seems that everything old is new again)
PostScript – Is sarcasm still allowed these days?
How about calling on all developed economies to tax the windfall profits of those companies in the weather dependent energy scam like the example below.
Take a look at Victoria’s Hepburn wind farm’s financials for 2021.
According to the company’s 2021 annual report, it made a total revenue of $1,595,706, with only $293,815 coming from actual electricity sales.
Unsurprisingly, the rest came from the sale of renewable energy certificates “LGCs” ($241,739), a large government grant ($1,010,264) and “other revenue” of $49,888.
Overall, the company made a tidy $354,546 profit after tax even though it only produced $293,815 in electricity.
Good money if you can get it!
The “green energy” revolution isn’t about saving the planet or reducing energy prices. It’s about woke capitalists taking money from the taxpayer and distracting the public from their greed with “the sky is falling” doomsday prophecies…
Based on their reports, it’s surely clear that the facility would have gone under financially if it wasn’t for the continued propping up by more govt subsidies.
And all the geniuses cant figure out that private enterprise will not just exist to provide “other people” with money just because “other people” think they are entitled to it.
As an aside, why not tax Big Pharma on their windfall profits
Twiggy plans to spend billions on a gravity drive ore train to Port Headland.
Sounds simple, on the downhill run fully loaded they charge the batteries which then power the lighter train back up the hill.
If I were a shareholder I would look for something less risky. Return of investment would take many years, but what do I know.
Better use the UN IPCC Gravy Train model, a railway engineer from India to be CEO, never stops but collects donations as it passes green fund check points and in between pocket money for passengers.
does getting enough charge for the batteries on the downhill run
to pull the train on the uphill run
stop the train on the downhill run?
Downhill train to the port is fully loaded with iron ore, the uphill train is the empty going back to the mine.
Still won’t work though.
I’m not about to claim I’m smarter than Twiggy but according to G Earth the Solomon Hub is 500m ASL and it looks like about 250 k trip. That’s a 1:500 gradient. [Elevations and distances are hard to estimate but 1:500 won’t change much] I’ll pass that to our engineers.
The Falkirk Wheel uses a counterbalance system to save energy.
They should run parallel tracks with a train on each track connected by a long cable around a pulley. Loaded train pulls unloaded up!
A system used by an old logging mate of mine. His dad built it to bring logs down from the steep country to the mill on the south side of the divide in the 1930s. All done by magic. NO BATTERIES REQUIRED
FFI has just lost another key executive who has resigned.
Beijing’s political culture is undemocratic and Xi has complete autocratic rule now that the old hands are passing on.
The Altman Report, truth and trust, casualties of the pandemic
Dr Phillip Altman BPharm(hons), MSc, PhD
Pharmacologist – Clinical Trial & Drug Regulatory Affairs Consultant
well worth the watch
Steve Kirsch & Dr. Paul Marik on why doctors aren’t speaking out.
My blue pilled friends can’t figure out why, if the vaccines are so dangerous, aren’t more doctors speaking out. Here’s why.
Marksman commented at 26, and while this is not a response to his Comment, I made it a different comment so as not to distract from his comment, if anyone wants to reply to his one.
Every time I see that name ….. Altman, I am reminded of MASH, and here that’s the movie and not the TV Series, which used the same music, but the movie included the lyrics for the song that was used as the Theme song.
The original movie MASH was directed by famed Hollywood director Robert Altman, five time nominee for Academy Award for Direction, so he was no slouch at all.
He wanted the song included as the (faux) suicide scene in the movie that had so much background to it, you would be hard pressed to name it all.
Altman asked Johnny Mandel to write the song, and he was no slouch either, winning Five Grammy Awards for his music over the years. Now, even though Mandel wrote the music, Altman wanted the song to be about suicide, to be the stupidest song ever written and actually titled as ….. ‘Suicide Is Painless’ Mandel, however was no lyricist, and Altman thought ….. how hard could it be to write the stupid lyrics.
However, he couldn’t write anything. His son, Michael Altman (14 years old when he wrote the lyrics and 15 years old when the movie was released) asked him if he could have a go at writing it, and knocked out the lyrics in 15 minutes. The song was used for the scene in question, and then also was considered so good, they used it for the opening and the closing credits, and the music then was used (minus lyrics) for the TV series, and released as a Single, and charted fairly well at the time.
Years later, in an interview, famed Director Robert Altman was philosophical about it all. As the Director of the film, he was paid (at that time, a goodly sum for a Director) $70,000 for the movie, and his son, who never wrote another lyric in his life made well more than One Million Dollars in royalties for the song.
Here’s a video clip of that song with the lyrics. (just 3.20 and with scenes from the movie)
The movie was ‘darker’ than the TV Series and I have seen it a number of times over the years, and each time I see something new. There was just so much in it.
Can’t watch the TV show anymore.
Dripping with proto Wokeism.
As painful as accidently hearing 30 seconds of NPR.
Original movie was good … except what happened to anti-authority iconoclastic doctors, coolly defying the establishment, and heroically serving the Hippocratic oath and their patients above all ?
Just the usual movie myth making I suppose.
Any Hawkeyes that may have existed in the medical system have been fired.
And in some cases, socially and financially ruined by the very system that they worked so hard to become part of.
Loved the movie and loved the “suicide” scene. The lyrics are meaningless if you never saw the movie.
Fine one minute, atmospheric compression event the next.
Nice cloudburst.
Ancient Maya cities appear to have been riddled with Mercury pollution
Toxic levels of a pollutant commonly associated with the wastes of modern industry have been uncovered amid the most unlikely of archaeological sites.
Long before conquistadors from far-off lands introduced the decay of war and disease, Maya cultures were dusting the soils of their urban centers with the heavy metal mercury.
The element’s levels are so great in some areas, researchers are being advised to gear up to save their health.
“Mercury pollution in the environment is usually found in contemporary urban areas and industrial landscapes,” says Duncan Cook, a geoarchaeologist at the Australian Catholic University and lead author of a review into the environmental legacy of the Maya.
Ancient climate alarmists and their thermometers..
Maybe that’s how they refined their gold…
NASA crashing spacecraft into asteroid won’t cause us any problems ….. Well, I put it to you: Supposing someone else on another planet / world was expecting Dimorphos to arrive / remain in tact, but then some Alien craft destroys it ….. what then? WHY why why can’t we leave in peace at Live & let live. …. and the Media is lapping it up.
Oh Aye that other prize Nut who sent his car into space …. more space clutter they tell us. Making life difficult for our own Astronuts and satellites. So much Hypocrisy. ( don’t we know that already? )
They have all seen the movie and life imitates art.
Chicken and egg, then? too many Arty-farts around. too much idle time to write or go watch rubbish. need to get back out into the fields to grow our own food then. All this Intellectualism . Having an education is one thing, – where you have to read and write a lot ( and I HATE that ) – but does that make me an Intellectual ?
Its only an experiment to see if its feasible to deflect an asteroid.
The odds of a globally catastrophic asteroid or eruption are both supposedly about 1 in 6 within a century, yet all that money is wasted on illusory theoretical CAGW.
But one of the major problems is that with so much orbiting space junk and Elon’s satellites, you wouldn’t know if an ELE meteorite was on a collision course, as even NASA has admitted, as indeed so many near misses we didn’t see coming have shown.
For those interested who missed it years ago, Sam Neill’s 6 part doco “Space” is a must see.
As for quakes and volcanoes, things are hotting up.😉
There are factors in play most geologists and vulcanologists don’t know about.
There you go again !
..implying you know more than “most geologists and vulcanologists” do, about some future event !
Why dont you just post it if it is “hotting up” ?
I am disgusted. The Telegraph shows a jubilant Giorgia Meloni and the headline
The results came 100 years after Benito Mussolini and his Blackshirts came to power with the March on Rome.
Meloni and political partner Berlusconi are conservatives, not Fascists. No one is proposing conquering Mare Nostrum and
Ethiopia and Greece. They want out of the EU.
And anyone who cares for their country is a right wing extremist and a Fascist.
Mussolini’s father was a Socialist and Mussolini was the editor of a Socialist newspaper. He adopted the form of socialism he called Fascism which is a far better description of the EU and the Democrats. An unholy alliance between big business and socialists.
And he was copied by the German National Socialists and Adolph Hitler.
And if anyone today is supported by Blackshirts it’s Biden with his BLM, AntiFA and Social Justice Warriors beating whole cities to death. And their no borders, pro abortion stance is designed to destroy America. It’s Biden in black and red declaring the enemy of America are those who want their country back, and he has marines and the FBI to make stop that.
So what’s the worst thing Giorgia has done? Win an election. Conservatives are now labelled violent extremists. And EU President Von Leyen has promised they have ‘tools’ to fix this. If the Germans had a real army, Italy would again be invaded to restore Fascism.
Seriously, is peace loving family oriented Italy now going to build an army and a navy and an airforce and threaten anyone? Elect a conservative and The Telegraph paints a picture of blackshirts. Does anyone seriously think that is even sane comment?
This builds on the myth that the Fascists are ‘right wing’ violent extremist. Like Make America Great Again. As we have just been told in the most alarming National address by a President since Nuremberg.
This vilification of people who want their country back from the EU/UN with their Climate Change economics and full term abortion and no borders is characteristic of the real modern day socialist/fascists, the Democrats and the EU and UN. And their partners the trillionaires of Silicon Valley. Even the Chairman of the US Chiefs of Staff, General Miley, telephoned President Xi to let him know that President Trump had no control. In any other world, that would be high treason.
Yep, it’s just wall to wall Mussolini references everywhere. She will be attacked like Trump was I’d say. People in Italy and Sweden have simply had enough of rampant immigration and the crime wave that comes with it.
Not a single reference to what the people want anywhere. Why did she win? Because the people VOTED for her policies. Maybe the plebs have a view of their own as opposed to the view they were told to have.
I sincerely hope she can form a functioning government that survives a few years.
Maybe a slogan for the future will be ITALIA EXIT ( it worked for Brexit)
The Lefties are always right….. it’s the voters who are wrong.
Perth: 8 days of sun, plus one partly cloudy. 0 -0.4mm expected.
We are out of synch. It rained last week…
Tony Barber in the Fin Review got it about right.
How this for fascism
“The center-right coalition leader is bound for office declaring “We defend God, country, and family” built on opposition to gender ideology and the LGBT lobby alongside support for strong borders and an end to limitless mass migration.”
You can see why these extreme right wing militant extremists strike terror into the EU world government.
Assuming the new Coalition can agree on policy and doesn’t fall apart within six months, then it will be a wake up call for Europe. This is the wonderful thing about democracy, if they perform well a move to the right by other EU members should be expected in the near future.
‘Relax, Meloni’s Brothers aren’t fascist.
‘The likely new Italian leader at times makes populist statements, but there is truth in much of what she says.’ (Sheridan/Oz)
But call someone a NAZI and that makes it ok to invade them…
Wasn’t that your argument back up-thread?
See my reply at #19.1.1
Well, all those Left Wing Nut Job Guv’ments and the EU Administration have done their best to wreck Italy. How about they now try some Right side Economics to balance things up a bit. Fairs fair and the Italian People have spoken.
A land of drought and flooding rain.
This rain is an excellent thing. It fills the deep clay soils, so trees survive the coming drought. The hysteria and ignorance of any benefits of all this rain makes me ill.
And I should add, I have directly felt the impact of the rains. I lost about 4 months work from it. But I can still see the bigger picture in environmental terms. This bedwetting of the public and media is just infuriatingly stupid.
As that poem ends
“Rain is always welcome here
But seldom is convenient”
Perth: 8 days of sun, plus one partly cloudy. 0 -0.4mm expected.
We are out of synch. It rained last week…
You posted this two minutes earlier irrelevantly and bewilderingly; now I see what happened.
You can have it….
The soils are full and overflowing, here. Extended waterlogging is no mote good for trees than it is for crops and pastures…… or farmers trying to get a crop harvested from boggy paddocks. Livestock suffer from excess parasite burdens.
Yes, there is more money in mud than dust, but too much water brings its own problems.
….. and the next dry summer will bring bushfires in the hills due to the extra drought.
The news is still going on like the UK is in drought. I’ve had 175% of normal September rainfall already, lawn has never been lusher, news is still showing parched turf at every opportunity.
It seems they have added a new tool to compliment the heat/dry record pre-announcement trick, it’s the long lag – continuously reporting the same ‘wrong’ weather after it has gone.
Aren’t we in a Post Climate/Renewable debate era?
The ‘Pandemic’ was, as much as anything, the turning point and end of the debate.
The New Structure is now in place.
Hidden in plain sight.
The Pandemic has proved the degree to which the public zeitgeist can be controlled.*
Climate /Renewables/Pandemic are now the unquestioned State religion.
One of the few questions remaining will be the extent of heretic suppression.
And the extent of the damage as the corrupt New Church slowly festers.
Science is Dead.
Long Live Scientism. (Even has its’ own new King.)
*(Since POTUS declared the ‘Pandemic’ over, only to have its’ statement walked back by the puppeteers, I’ve seen an increase in mask virtue signaling. It’s like a form of addiction. It’s now the Permademic. A society of Believers and Non-Believers. Pandemic, a truly renewable form of political energy.)
Was it disparaging the new King?
I didn’t mean it Your Grace.
Top Banker SHREDS Rashida Taliba After She Pushes Climate Alarmism
Some interesting comments by the BOM on the Torres Strait:
Good, Australia has no case to answer.
Covid increases risk of Alzheimer’s by 69%?
13 dead, 21 wounded in school shooting in Russia
MOSCOW — A gunman opened fire in a school in central Russia Monday, killing 13 people, including seven children, and wounding 21 others.
Russia’s Investigative Committee said the shooting took place in School No. 88 in Izhevsk, a city about 960 kilometers (600 miles) east of Moscow in the Udmurtia region. It identified the wounded as 14 children and seven adults.
…and America comes to Russia.
What timing!
Of course it’s America’s fault. What sane person could think otherwise.
I can just see the spin in Western media
“Russian pacifist refuses to be drafted into Putin’s army”
It’s already been stated he was an ex-pupil.
But yes, recruitment offices have been firebombed and one officer shot already.
More than 2000 arrested for protests.
No need to make stuff up.
Putin made a massive mistake with his mobilization, as it made the scale of the war and his military failure visible to the whole population and now it’s all outside the control of the news propaganda.
The school massacre indicates a loan wolf, but Putin tortures the truth.
‘Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said President Vladimir Putin “deeply mourns” the deaths.’
‘He described the incident as “a terrorist act by a person who apparently belongs to a neo-fascist organisation or group”. (ABC)
It has always been a myth that random public multiple-murders have been a uniquely American phenomenon.
The US has neither the highest rate of deaths from this cause, nor the highest number of deaths in individual cases.
But the Usual Suspects have to blame America anyway…
Meanwhile, under Putin’s law, calling his Special Military Operation a “war” can get you a jail sentence. Sounds like a typical free, conservative democracy that we should all support. /sarc.
Mark Steyn on Tim Ball
“Covid Conspiracy Uncovered”
Monday 26th September 2022
A new paper from the Global Warming Policy Foundation shows that the European electricity grid is hurtling towards disaster, with its constituent nations closing reliable nuclear and fossil-fuelled power stations and hoping that interconnectors will make up the deficit.
According to the paper’s author, Alexander Stahel, a Swiss-based commodities expert, the European grid has relied on French and German power surpluses for many years. However, with nuclear power in both countries being wound down and likely to soon become net power importers, and with fierce international competition for scarce gas supplies, the whole continent is now left hoping for Scandinavian hydro power and occasional surpluses of UK wind to save them.
According to Stahel, the numbers just don’t add up, and he warns that restrictions on fossil fuel investment are making things dramatically worse.
“Fossil fuels are currently vital for keeping the lights on, but we are undermining the industry’s viability. It needs US$300 billion of re-investment every year, for oil and gas alone, just to maintain current production levels. However, convinced by policymakers that investments in production will become ‘stranded’, it is not even investing half this amount.”
Stahel says that Europe must simply accept that its decarbonisation targets are not achievable.
Alexander Stahel: “The Crisis of the European Energy System” (16 Page pdf)