Some days, we need some good news.
Never underestimate the power one strong man can have.
What a SAVAGE DeSantis Ad 🔥
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) August 23, 2022
Never ever give up
We must fight the Woke in our schools, fight the Woke in our businesses,
We must fight the Woke in government agencies.
We can never ever surrender to government agencies.
While limp conservative parties in Europe, the UK, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia paint themselves green and pick up the cross of Marxist ‘struggle’, DeSantis rests on the premise that fighting for traditional values is right – presently, historically, and for the future.
On stopping the Woke wave in schools:
If an eco-cult entered the classroom and began telling children that they were ‘all about to die in a fiery apocalypse!’ because their parents engage in a capitalist economy – persisting with their preaching until those children were literally in tears, gluing themselves to the street, and developing severe mental illnesses due to the terror – well, oh. Okay, bad example.
No matter how much the activist class complain, it is Ron DeSantis who receives standing ovations and the support of fed-up parents. His Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees Bill cleverly acronymed to Stop WOKE has infuriated Marxists because it prevents them from telling children they are ‘victims’ or ‘oppressors’ based on their skin colour, or inherently ‘sexist’ because they are boys.
It outlaws teachers suggesting that people are:
‘Inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously; that people are privileged or oppressed based on race, gender, or national origin; or that a person “bears personal responsibility for and must feel guilt, anguish, or other forms of psychological distress” over actions committed in the past by members of the same race, gender, or national origin. The law defines such training as discrimination.’
Well, it’s about bloody time…
If only schools could teach science instead.
h/t Stephen Neil, John Connor II
Fantastic! With conscious echoes of WS Churchill.
No wonder people are voting with their feet and moving from places like California, New York and New Jersey to Florida. What’s not to like. A strong Conservative ‘common sense’ Leader and lower taxes.
I wonder what the Floridians think of those people moving? Will they continue to vote dumbocrat even though the dumbocrat policies are what made them want to move to Florida? I would guess that at least 50% will continue to vote the way they always have and some won’t be able to swallow their pride and vote republican.
The result will be a gradual increase in votes for the dumbocrats.
They do in Colorado!
A little while ago I posed the suggestion that DeSantis would be a better prospect for President than Trump as he is not so alienating to one side and could capture sceptical Republicans and Democrats. Several people from Florida responded they didn’t want DeSantis to stand as he did such a good job in Florida.
Trump will I believe be 78 if he stands again in 2024. Millions will still vote for ‘anyone but Trump.’ Should DeSantis stand? I think so. He is much younger than Trump, could serve 2 full terms but has some of the attributes of Trump without too many of the less liked qualities that cause many to turn away from him.
Tony, I think Ron DeSantis would not want to take his young family and his wife, who has recently recovered from breast cancer into that Washington snake pit. By staying in Florida he sets an example for all governors and citizens, across America as to what can and should be done to improve the quality of life for all residents.
According to Sundance, he’s a running:
“Purchasing advertising in the national market. The new marketing and branding group behind Florida Governor Ron DeSantis purchase ad time on Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity broadcasts.
Marketing nationally, and purchasing expensive full minute ad buys targeting the Fox News audience, is confirmation DeSantis has unofficially entered the 2024 campaign race.
All doubts about DeSantis ’24 should be put to rest. As CTH has noted since August 8th, the professional political managing of Ron DeSantis for a presidential run has become increasingly clear.
The Florida governor went silent following the raid on Mar-a-Lago, sending one tweet from his private account, then remaining in a bunker for the next five days. No doubt he agreed to stay silent at the guidance of the club managers behind his new political construct [that group almost certainly likely knew in advance of the FBI raid]. He exited the bunker with a new press secretary and national brand image launch…
Ron DeSantis pre-staging in August ’22 is Ted Cruz pre-staging in August ’14. Everything about Cruz ’16 is identical to DeSantis ’24, including the social media network, influencers and online media groups doing the promotion.”
Good point. Ultimately most politicians seem to want power or to serve their community. If given the opportunity to stand for President we will have to see which way DeSantis decides to go.
Well Tony and others, perhaps you should have a look at Sundance over at the before getting carried away by this hack who is not fit to lace Donald Trumps boots.Just look at who his supporters are.
Schools do teach climate science, but apparently that’s wrong too.
Yes, but what sort of climate science? The real science with real scientific proof or the Alarmist ‘climate science’?
Which schools, and what do you call “science”?
Even back when I was at school, it was all about acid rain and the disappearing ozone layer, with some “greenhouse effect” thrown in. I’m sure there were facts provided, but there were a lot of videos covering topics in quite a sensational way (even then, I thought something seemed a bit off with the way things were explained, though I cant pretend I wasn’t a “true believer” for a few years).
Interestingly, meteorology at university was free of any discussion about such topics…
Yes the “climate science” they are being brain-washed with IS WRONG.
You have been shown many times that it is based on a failed assumption, that of CO2 warming the atmosphere.
There is absolutely nothing untoward happening with the planet’s climate.
Crystal ball like predictions or projections of the future climate are totally meaningless and have no basis in real science.
“Schools do teach climate science”
No they don’t, they teach climate indoctrination.
In Australia, there are no longer schools of geology – they have almost all been absorbed into “Environmental Science”, where exploration and mining is subtly discouraged.
Who is going to find the desperately needed new economy minerals? Certainly not our recent graduates.
No, schools “teach” ‘Climate Science™’; which has zero to do with Science (ie use of the Scientific Method, in case it is otherwise unclear to you).
Furthermore, that “teachers” believe they are educating, ie teaching Science, by indoctrinating impressionable minds with ‘Climate Science™’ is a major part of the problem.
The propagandists and ideologues must be completely removed from our education systems (primary, secondary, and tertiary – and even pre-school, sadly, in these post-enlightenment times); they must be disabused of the notion that they are teachers (they are in fact the opposite) and replaced by those with the skills, aptitude, and temperament to properly train our future generations with the abilities to learn, discern, discover, and most importantly, resist the follies of bankrupt ideologies that would enslave them, exploit them, and mean to harm them.
Ideology is now embedded in the school curriculum from prep to Year 12.
Training our youth in ultra left-wing values so as to dismantle Western Civilisation.
Simon. You mean the ‘science’ that can’t tolerate debate between peers? The science that was pushed into retreat early on when its representatives couldn’t win public debate when confronted by scientists that knew climate history back to front. The answer to that failure was to get weak, scientifically uneducated politicians (or those with their own ideological axe) of the day, to claim the ‘science is ‘in”. It was bs then; it is even more so now. By definition it is losing when a large group of scientists are now signing up against your ‘science’, after being forced to shut up or lose their jobs.
There is an almost deafening silence in Australian media about the big drought in Europe and China. Can’t be explained away by Anthropogenic Global Warming. That must put a lot of fear into the leftist media plaguing the West for years about AGW outcomes in 100 years time. And Ridd’s articles showing the GBR currently thriving?
One suspects European governments that bowed to their elites, are now looking for a face-saving excuse to get out of the destructive, failing quagmire they put their national energy systems into. That will sound the death knell of this crippling climate religion on modern western economies and our standards of living. No politician wants to lose the job now, nor go down in history as the most unbelieveably destructive gatekeepers, aside from war, the world has ever seen. They live in total dread now the northern winter is at hand. Simon, your science won’t last the outcomes of this winter. If it is a severe winter, then global unrest will erupt
due to misleading the masses. It should never have happened.
DOC >”There is an almost deafening silence in Australian media about the big drought in Europe and China. Can’t be explained away by Anthropogenic Global Warming”
Hunger Stones say you can’t say Anthropogenic:
Yep, all been done before, just because it didn’t happen in a 20 something reporters lifetime, it didn’t happen.
The ‘woke’ kind of ‘science’.
It looks like Desantis’ failure to condemn the Mar-a-Lago raid has shown us that he is another unprincipled opportunist. He is on the nose with many Republicans now. Sad but true.
Yep. “Keep in mind, back in Washington DC both clubs are collaborating on the Trump removal program because both clubs’ benefit.”
Since when did we come to grade people on whether they have issued some meaningless statement about some issue they do not control or affect? I myself have failed to publicly condemn the Chinese treatment of their minorities. Am I craven for that?
You are not the governor of the state in which a former president’s home was raided by the FBI under very dubious circumstances. You would be craven if you did not speak out against that. We need fewer of your type in politics.
At this point, my best guess is that Ron DeSantis is ready tu run for the 2024 Republican nomination, but will not spend energy trying, unless Trump is not in his way.
In a perfect world, Trump would endorse him.
“In a perfect world, Trump would endorse him.”
This is my fervent hope. Two strong candidates simultaneously will only hurt our chances.
I see the establishment have already started focusing on De Santis and not Trump as if they reckon this raid has done the dirty on Trump and he is neutralized.
You are correct Rupert. De Santis is the Rino’s solution to Trump, because they can control De Santis but not Trump. Mitch McConnell is already talking about the Republicans not doing so well in the mid terms, especially for the Senate. It is all part of the DC game to try to preserve the status quo, so they are effectively using De Santis.
Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse site has done some fantastic analysis on this issue and many others.
The perfect combo would be Trump with DeSantis as Vice.
Gives perfect protection should Trump’s health decline and an excellent springboard for 8 years on top of the next 4.
12 Years of Trump/Desantis and the US has a chance of de-weeding the country of its current woke infestation.
The winning combo indeed. Next 12 years sorted.
Never forget that the Republicans can only endorse ONE candidate for 2024.
And if a second Republican candidate chose to run there’s no preferential voting system to avoid a Democrat presidential win.
And it seems likely that Biden will be replaced by a younger and more attractive candidate by this time next year.
And I don’t mean VP Harris.
DeSantis would be a good candidate for President. As a happy citizen of the free state of Florida, I have mixed feelings, he is a great governor.
The outside world focuses, of course, on ideology, twitter food fights, and cute commercials. But the guy is a first rate administrator & budget hawk; we get more for our tax dollars than many states, have a budget process with a an eye out for an active line item veto, and rewards for public servants that actually serve the public, including bonuses when earned and a responsible pension system. There are limits to how far one can go in the public sector, given the way governmental structures are often built not to work, but effective government is part of the reason for our in-migration.
The latest USA polling seems to suggest that a spoiler Liz Cheney presidential run in 2024 would hurt Biden more than it would hurt Trump.
This seems to be very difficult to understand, but who knows?
But will Biden survive to run in 2024 and if a younger more acceptable Democrat emerges will the percentages then move against a Trump win.
Which Democrat candidates do you suggest could be more acceptable? The likes of Buttigig?
Hey USA! How about a trade?
We’ll give you Andrews, Albo, Gunner and more if you give us Ron Paul, de Santis, Sowell and others.
We desperately need thinking real-science driven humans in political office here.😧
Hell, we’d even take Trump at this stage! 😆
I wish I could leave the Socialist People’s Republic of Vicdanistan and migrate to Florida!
How hard was that?
Just to point out that in the UK we don’t have a conservative party. We have The Conservative Party who are a left of centre party where most of the MPs would have fitted in to the New Labour Party of Tony B. Liar and are often called Blue Labour, especially during the Corbyn era of Red Labour. And the shift leftwards is the reason why nothing much works here anymore as the mindset of leftism has taken over everywhere including business.