A new paper shows in Germany excess deaths seem to mysteriously hit the working age crowd harder than the old and the young in 2021, which defied the textbooks, and also broke the pattern set in 2020. The Delta variant arrived in 2021 with a higher mortality rate but that still doesn’t explain the strange age pattern. In 2020 Germany had about 30,000 deaths officially due Covid, which rose to 80,000 deaths in 2021. But something else was going on because Covid doesn’t hit working age people harder than senior citizens.
This sort of actuarial data is notoriously complicated to unpack. But there is a clear rise in unexpected deaths at the same time as the medical experiments that also peaked in April, June, and December of 2021. As Kuhbandner and Reitzner point out, excess deaths appear to rise with the timing of vaccination doses, especially the first and the third.
Furthermore, peak vaccinations for the under 30s was delayed til June, which is when their excess deaths peaked
For most of the first year and a half of the pandemic the excess mortality in the youngest cohort aged 0-29 was so low it was negative. They died less often than expected. But their vaccination program didn’t peak until June 2021, which was the same month that excess death in young people rose to 13% higher than expected (see table 8.5 in the paper).
Wrapped under those numbers are the awful losses of people taken far too young. Of families with empty spaces that can’t be filled. Where are the government reports and the media grillings for starters?
This fits with data we saw from the UK in December last year
The German graphs look eerily similar to the Neil and Fenton et al study in the UK:

Strangely, the unvaccinated are more likely to die a couple of weeks after their cohort gets their first dose of the vaccine?
The Neil and Fenton study would still be my Go-To study for the cause-effect link. It was more detailed, had higher resolution data and could be analysed in ten year age-grouping. It had vaccination rates and dates for each group and on a high resolution weekly spacing where the lags after vaccination rates peaked were spookily clear. (Remember that in the UK data people don’t count as “vaccinated” until two weeks after their injection, and so we see the mortality peak hit the “unvaccinated” people hardest just after vaccinations peaked in their age group. It was kind of like a quantum entanglement effect in medicine.)
Most lamentably, what this really means is that the German data is just confirming what we’ve known all along now since before Christmas. Namely that there was something very risky potentially about that mass medical experiment. But the government hasn’t put a halt to it. The drugs were not withdrawn. Warnings were never issued and nobody even bothered to just raise a red flag and make sure everyone knew what happening.
Stillbirths up and fertility down?
For most of 2021 there were possibly 100 more stillbirths each month than might have been expected based on data from 2019 and 2020. There was a definition change in stillbirths data in Germany in 2018, so these are only three year trends — and a bit too short to be meaningful. It works out to about a 10% rise, but (thankfully) only a tiny fraction out of nearly 200,000 live births each month.
What’s more concerning is that total births fell by 15,000 or so in Quarter one of 2022, which would be nine months after the vaccination campaign began.
Here’s hoping that is just a temporary drop.
Christof Kuhbandner and Matthias Reitzner (2022) Excess mortality in Germany 2020-2022.See ResearchGate, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/362777743
The US Life Insurance ‘Industry’ has recently ‘blown the whistle’ on all of this with their reporting of excess deaths when compared to historical annual death levels.
There needs to be a stop to these jabs as the side effects are killing people. Previously, the FDA and others have pulled drugs from the Market as soon as the alarm bells started ringing. Not this time though. So why not?
The long term impact of these experimental drugs frightens me to death.
And the insurance industry is bleeding cash in early life insurance payouts…
Something must be done!
There’s always one deliberately missing the point for their own self-satisfaction.
Something must be done because people are dying in increasing numbers.
As you well know the insurance industry is just one of many others attesting to this.
But you had to make your ‘clever’ comment.
Johnny (and all others obsessed with this)…..
What’s the end-game in all this endless regurgitating of studies, facts, reality etc etc supposed to achieve which it has not already achieved?
A year ago the Oz govt set up a compensation fund for all those Australians it deliberately and negligently harmed. It has admitted the shots are killers and life-destroyers. it has accepted full liability for all the harm and all the evil. The Oz govt does not claim the manufacturers should pay, but rather says it (us…the taxpayer) will foot the bill for all it has done….https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/covid-19-vaccine-claims-scheme.
The list of costs it will:….
You need to tell us what you’re claiming for and show us how you’ve calculated the amount.
If you’re eligible, you can get money for any of the following costs:
lost earnings
out of pocket expenses
paid attendant care services
gratuitous attendant care
loss of capacity to provide domestic services
pain and suffering costs
deceased covid-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs.
The time for reporting what other countries are admitting is long past OUR GOVT has admitted it’s culpability. get cracking on making this known to everyone you know; not to US ho already know it FFS!
BTW: Please no shilling for govt by focussing on “if you are eligible”. Skydivers whose ‘chutes do not open are NOT eligible!
Here is the link for funeral expenses.
An no one in the legacy media bothers to ask why.
It’s all very well for them to have “Admitted” responsibility, but the big likelihood is that this being 2022 A.D. they will require a form to be filled out in full; all 5,369 pages.
Can you find a doctor, now that many have been deregistered, to confirm your case?
How many dead\injured\damaged people have or will be paid?
Kalm K. What I’m getting at is that there is no need to “prove” to anyone who might not know it, that the vaxes are very very dangerous. The Oz Govt has already accepted this reality, and what should be done now, is this compensation web-site shown to everyone who is unaware of it.
Also to be pointed out to the ill-informed is that dedicated govt payments are only set up when there are a large number of payments to be made (think Job-Keeper etc). By contrast, Centrelink has “special benefit” to cover small-number occurences.
The implication here being that Covid19 vax-damage is a BIG problem. cheers.
Why is the taxpayer making the payouts ? What about big Pharma coughing up…they supplied a dangerous cocktail of chemicals that is killing people. I fail to see whay Government ( read the taxpayer ) is being forced to fund these payouts…if you can jump through all the hurdles and are not dead.
1. Chill Mantaray. We’re interested in science. Discussing evidence is not “obsessive”. How long do the raised death rates occur for? What ages does it affect most? Is the third booster worse than the second? Can people outgrow vaccine harm (isn’t that the most important question anyone vaccinated wants to know right now?) Do vaccines just hurt a certain genetic risk group in which case repeat vaccinations won’t matter or is it cumulative? Does it affect pregnancy and if so, which trimester is the highest risk? Does it affect fertility?
2. An Australian govt declaration of one small part of anything is not and has never been scientific evidence. If could well be just “shut up” money. A pay off to silence people. It probably includes clauses of non-disclosure, and non-culpability.
3. Some Australians (like 98%) don’t know this information, and most Australians who might deserve compensation (which includes the injured, who can’t get it, as well as the deceased) do not even know their loved one might be a vaccine victim.
4. Readers in the USA/Germany/UK are probably not very excited about an Australian compensation payment.
5. The missing hot spot destroyed climate modeling circa 2006. Should we bother discussing other evidence, or should we have just stopped then?
I will bet the Australian government does not even recognise most vaccine victims yet. I”m battling for them.
It should not be the long suffering Taxpayer (the Guv’ment has no money of its own) paying out on any of this.
The real culprits are the Big Pharma Companies.
I would really like to know who in the Australian Federal Guv’ment/Public Circus signed off on contracts/purchase agreements that indemnified Big Pharma.
And you don’t need a Royal Commission to find that out.
I guess the reason the Australian Government quietly initiated this compensation scheme is that the alternative would be to sue the Government and/or Big Pharma and that would upset the narrative and cause people to lose confidence in both Government and Big Pharma.
Now people can’t sue because Government has rendered Big Pharma immune from liability plus it would be argued that a compensation scheme already exists, therefore no need to sue for damages.
“Now people can’t sue because Government has rendered Big Pharma immune from liability plus it would be argued that a compensation scheme already exists, therefore no need to sue for damages.”
it was part of the massive agreements that the governments around the world including Australia that the big pharma company’s could not be sued for damages to be able to get the so called vaccines
The “end game” is to continuously educate those slowly waking up to reality, to constantly remind those who were party to the fraud, corruption & sickness and grief that they caused the innocent that we won’t forget their crimes EVER, and that the entire lying narrative is collapsing faster by the day.
As for the compensation fund, a one-off limited payment for a tiny subset of injuries, framed against known injuries, longevity of same and associated medical costs in somewhat of a joke.
Does this answer your question?
however, if you read the fine print they only cover a select group of conditions and injuries and have a long list of non-compensables.
The jab manufacturers have only just started their campaign to fax kids from 6 months old thru to teens. Any parent allowing these jabs should be prosecuted for child abuse.
Another 6 months to a year will see some devastating results!
We had to take the first jabs for fear of losing jobs, not being allowed back to high school, travel reasons to visit aging parent. But there is no way any of us is taking more, and definitely not the youngster.
1. re: “But that should have raised the excess death rates in the oldest age groups more than the working age group.”
That would only be true if they had similar vaccination rates. Here in the USA, the elderly got vaccines and boosters soonest, and vaccine hesitancy was much lower among the elderly, both of which lowered their death rate from Covid-19. That was probably true in Germany, too.
2. There were no “medical experiments that also peaked in April, June, and December of 2021.” Mischaracterizing vaccination as “medical experiments” is crackpottery.
The data show that Covid-19 vaccination drastically reduces death rates. In this study, age-adjusted all-cause mortality risk for an unvaccinated person was a whopping 3.2× all-cause mortality risk for someone (like me) vaccinated with Moderna:
● https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7043e2.htm
● https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7043e2.htm#T3_down
3. In general, rates of vaccination rise where and when the disease outbreaks are worst. That’s obviously because seeing one’s friends and neighbors sickening and dying tends to focus the mind, leading to more people getting vaccinated.
The correlation between vaccination rates and illness is real, but the causality is “illness triggers vaccination,” not “vaccination triggers illness.”
IN the USA, Monkeypox disease rates and monkeypox vaccination rates are both highest among homosexual men in New York and California. Do you think that means monkeypox vaccination causes the disease?
Given that the autopsy rate in the UK is below 1% of all deaths, any modelling using just age and date can only be considered as speculative
When a person dies, that’s not speculative, it’s self evident.
” Mischaracterizing vaccination as “medical experiments” is crackpottery.”
Calling people crackpots is just namecalling. Dave, if only you had evidence you could use polite debate instead?
Which part of Emergency Use Authorisation contains the five and ten year long term clinical trial data? If you already know what will happen in five years time, you are not a scientist but a prophet. Don’t hold back OK? We need to know the results of that experiment.
If Pfizer did the experiments and the results were so good why did they (and the FDA) try to hide all their data for 55 then 75 years?
PS: All your CDC mortality risk data is from prior to July 2021. In other words, it’s earlier variants. Out of date. Often variants would travel first through younger adult age groups, yet they got vaccinated later. So why do the 0-29 year olds start dying of covid the same month that vaccines peak?
Myocarditis and other adverse effects follow “vaccination” not the reverse.
Quote from a family member in ambulance vic at the start of the faux vaxx mandates, “the hospitals are filling with myocarditis cases, mostly younger males” followed up with “myocarditis is better than covid” – these people are insane.
It might be crackpottery if true. However the evidence that health authorities allowed and encouraged a mass clinical experiment of novel vaccines on their populations is growing.
The rest of your comment relates to cause and effect, which can be confounding, especially if you insist on viewing the data the wrong way around.
The lame trick is to pretend the original post was characterizing ALL vaccination as experimental … when clearly this is the first time in history that mRNA was used to vaccinate on a large scale in the middle of a pandemic against a novel virus, with only a few months of trial, using a spike protein that has properties only recently discovered. It’s not even natural mRNA, because it uses Pseudouridine (encoded as “Ψ”) instead of Uridine (encoded as “U”) … this type of chemical does not occur in normal biology.
You would think that the transparency of this misdirection would lead people to eventually give up … and just accept, yeah the mRNA was experimental … but no they keep hammering the endless repetition. If I can just call them “anti vax” one more time … one more name calling will do it! Dammit I’ve got this!!
It might be crackpottery if true (ie it really is a mischaracteristion). However the evidence that health authorities allowed and encouraged a mass clinical experiment of novel vaccines on their populations is growing.
The rest of your comment relates to cause and effect, which can be confounding, especially if you insist on viewing the data the wrong way around.
Peter C. Forget what the Pharma and govt shills have to say. They are FOREVER on the wrong side of morality, ethics, integrity and history!
Here’s a little ditty I penned on the non-gene-jabbed, and their bravery in the face of the shills….https://youtu.be/lXgkuM2NhYI…
“I, I can remember (I remember)
Standing by the wall (By the wall)
And the guns shot above our heads (Over our heads)
And we kissed as though nothing could fall (Nothing could fall)
And the shame was on the other side
Oh, we can beat them forever and ever
Then we could be heroes just for one day
We can be heroes
We can be heroes
We can be heroes just for one day
We can be heroes.” ETC!
Dave Burton; Assuming you are not a bot…Here’s an excess deaths video for the UK and the US…https://youtu.be/5wLu98NygrA…
If you are on the level…the only part you need watch is from about the 8th minute on, where excess deaths in the USA have skyrocketed (official US figures). If you watch the entire video….mostly UK based….you’ll see haw ill-informed you are on this subject…
Boiled down: the old and feeble were killed en masse in 2020 and 2021 when Covid19 was added to a mix containing all manner of chronic pre-existing illness, which indicates the remaining population should be stronger overall. But no…this stronger population is being blitzed if they have been vaxed= the gene-jabbed played Russian roulette and have fired all six chambers. Poor suckers!
“The data show that Covid-19 vaccination drastically reduces death rates.’
The oft regurgitated ‘vaccine’ failure rebranded as success alternate narrative.
Necessitated by the failure of the ‘vaccine’ to vaccinate.
For which the definition of vaccine was changed.
Lots of new definitions to learn nowadays.
“IN the USA, Monkeypox disease rates and monkeypox vaccination rates are both highest among homosexual men in New York and California. Do you think that means monkeypox vaccination causes the disease?’
Hmm, wonder if the sudden appearance of Monkey Pox might be ADE as result of the NonVaxVax?
Dave makes good points, and is undoubtedly correct in his statements, although I disagree with him on owne point: I do think it is fair to regard the whole thing as an experiment.
The Figure 13 chart would appear to show some positive effects of Covid-19 vaccination.
The Figure 13 charts clearly show a tapering (marked reduction in rate of increase) of excess death rate following the first vaccination peak, a slight decline in excess death rate following the second vaccination peak, and a marked decline in excess death rate immediately following the third vaccination peak.
It would be pretty hard to argue from this chart that the 4th vaccine is showing any signs of being useful.
Disclaimer: I’m very dubious about the value of repeated Covid vaccination, especially with an early variant, I am concerned about the lack of collection of adverse effect data and the suppression of discussion, and there has been no data published thus far which can convince me the vaccination of young children is shown to be effective, or shown to be safe.
No, those declines you noted are due to seasonal effects. Its the decrease in infections during the NH winter- less mingling of the population and so less COVID cases. Less COVID cases contributes to less excess deaths. But not due to the vaccines, they do not prevent infection or transmission. The 01/02 period of 2022 matches the same in 2021.
markx, there is a honeymoon period for vaccination where there are benefits and I’ve posted on that.
There is a window where vaccines reduce the rate of severe disease. (It was 12-16 weeks with earlier variants). That was real. But there are other effects the vaccines have which can produce negative immunity in the longer run (reducing interferon production). The other problem is that as the variants do “immune escape” and problems like OAS and ADE are becoming more detrimental.
Ross: the biggest seasonal effects in excess death stats is usually the lack of influenza deaths in 2020 and somewhat in 2021 as influenza was supressed by the anti-covid-restirictions.
Dave, do us all a favour and keep taking a booster every 3 months
So good of Mr. Burton to pop up like whack-a-mole with the pro-vaxx propaganda we never get to see (not!). If he actually cared, he would respond to some (even one?!) replies, but it looks like trolling when you won’t reply at all. One commenter here, Rick Will, engages on the subject, earns my respect. Not so much for Mr. Burton, who has nothing to add.
For the education of David Burton
Mischaracterizing a mRNA gene therapy as a vaccination is crackpottery. No wonder it didn’t Immunise anyone. I did not take the vaccine because I first tried to check if they were using aluminium or mercury based preservatives. I was then shocked to find out that it wasn’t even an Edward Jenner type vaccine, but a gene therapy that had got past the regulator by the use of emergency authorisation. It does the opposite of a vaccine by damaging the immune system. This damage helps less than one percent of people by preventing an overreaction of the body’s immune system called a cytokine storm. But this causes the jabbed to get Covid more often than the unvaccinated. While the hearts of the jabbed are suddenly stopping.
The tragedy of pregnancy during government intervention in our lives.
The “graphs” don’t seem to mention early termination, miscarriage: why?
This human heartbreak is only shown indirectly in the sudden drop in total births in the first quarter of 2022.
It’s quite obvious that stillbirths didn’t show a dramatic change for one reason: the unstated miscarriages had removed most of the damaged fetuses beforehand.
As stated, live births were down by about 15,000 for that first quarter of 2022.
The “missing” were lost during pregnancy: so much pain.
Yes, the paper did not even address the fall in births except to note it in passing (or perhaps I missed it). It could be due to falling fertility or due to early trimester one miscarriages which would obviously not be counted as “stillbirths”, or both.
It was mentioned but the connection wasn’t made:
“What’s more concerning is that total births fell by 15,000 or so in Quarter one of 2022, which would be nine months after the vaccination campaign began”.
Our faith in government has taken too many hits. It’s shot to bits!
Their adherence to the climate scam and their wrecking of the electricity system has been rear-ended by the extreme over-reaction to da virus.
Now we have a surfeit of “tax and spend” governments at state and federal level who are making noises about directing our super funds to invest in “social housing”. These same super funds have already wandered away from strict fiscal rectitude by boosting the wind and solar scammers, and (one suspects) helping to kneecap one of our biggest income earners namely coal mining.
When you top up this toxic cauldron with a national broadcaster captive to its green-left staff, you have indeed reached the “hubble, bubble, toil and trouble” scenario.
the words are “double, double, toil and trouble”. don’ get me started – “tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace …” Had to memorise great chunks of the thing 60 years ago, and it’s all coming back, along with a seminar (from an ex-member of MI5) on how to spot someone who is lying. Watching Mr Fauci brought that one back.
Even far Left oriented YouTube has relaxed their censorship of the truth about covid and the covid vaccine disaster.
Imagine how bad the disaster must really be if even some social(ist) media is allowing the truth to leak out?
YouTube have even allowed Paul Joseph Watson to release the following video about how those on the conservative side of the fence were right all along with their evidence-based claims about covid and its mismanagement, although that doesn’t mean the truth tellers already permanently banned will be invited back.
(9 mins)
Hi Jo I am sure you probably already know about a statistician who goes under the name of John Dee who is unofficially doing some thorough analysis of UK NHS data. He is on facebook under John Dees almanac, but also on substack. Very detailed he is. If you do not already know of his ongoing work I highly recommend it. https://jdee.substack.com/
Similar Stats analysis can also be found on
There are a lot of similiarities between the covid vaccine disaster and the anthropogenic global warming fraud.
1) The false claim that “the science is settled”. Real scientists never say that.
2) The use of fraudulent data to support the narrative.
3) Refusing to accept actual evidence from critics of the narrative.
4) Certain individuals or entities making vast amounts of money based upon the false narrative (e.g. profiting from wind and solar subsidies or profiting from ineffective and dangerous covid vaccines and the banning of alternative antivirals like HCQ and IVM).
5) The refusal of anyone to take responsibility for the disaster (high electricity costs, or vaccine injury or death). Or even admission that there is a problem.
6) Promotion of the false narrative by legacy media and social(ist) media and extensive censorship. And the failure of “journalists” to do their job.
We have barely gotten into Stage 3, with the engineered food shortage only just starting.
What you are describing is how our culture works.
It’s not how our normal culture of Western Civilisation works. It’s the bad and corrupt end of it.
Our culture is based on the Judeo-Christian moral code and Enlightenment values which emphasise the pursuit of truth, justice and ongoing progress. Such things as I mentioned would not happen with strict adherence to such values.
Same stories coming from everywhere re the death vaccines. Sudden deaths worldwide amongst the young, very sad but ‘covered up’ by governments. Lying used to be a vice now considered a virtue by MSM.
I believe that the drop in fertility will continue. Fertility levels are crashing.
Well, we don’t know that. But the data for Q2 would be interesting. If the detrimental effect of vaccination for the most part takes place in the first month or two, and wanes thereafter, then we will see fertility bounce back. Boy we hope so, but there is a long lag til that data comes in.
Soon to Increase – “You are What You Eat”
Yes, Leftists mock conservatives when we state the fact that Elites want us to eat insects as a meat replacement but it is most certainly on the agenda for the serfs.
Do you think the Elites will be eating insects on their private jet flights to Klimate Krisis Konferences or will it be the usual eye fillet steak, Beluga caviar and Krug champagne?
And yet Woolies and Coles still both require the jab to be able to work….amongst the unvaxxed customers…when it’s proven as we all know here it does not stop you getting nor transmitting the china virus….
They should be called out for this.
My Daughter-in-law Woolies worker (January baby) refuses to take the jab knowing all the risks(wants more family) and can’t go back to work when her maternity leave is up……THIS IS A DISGRACE
My wifes work, a govt office job with no public interaction is also demanding endless boosters – she will be getting sacked soon. The same organisation constantly has diversity days, lgbq days, aboriginal days, etc, etc but a womans most basic of human rights, to decide what is injected into her body, counts for absolutely nothing in bizarro woke world.
But hey Woolies can end its tv ads with “Covid safe” and reinforce to the wider community just how supportive they are…. so long as you ignore their non-support for their own staff. The double hit for those dismissed for non-compliance is not only loss of wages but also the loss of the staff discount (5-10%). Yet the great “community minded” Woolies are freezing their prices for the wider community – so long as you ignore their ex uninoculated staff who have experienced a price increase to the new low frozen price!!
I know a young man looking for a wife but he refuses to even meet a girl who is vaccinated for covid because of a) a fear that the covid vaccine has rendered her infertile or less fertile, b) fear of her premature death due to ongoing vaccination as once vaccinated, one is expected to be endlessly “boosted”, c) not accepting someone who would “blindly follow the narrative” and not ask the appropriate questions, he wants an independent thinker.
Yes, he’s having a tough time finding such a person.
this is a scenario i painted to all of my family some time back….
dateline (anytime from now)
Boys meets girl (and vice-versa) …..just before he asks her to marry him he asks “are you vaxxed?”
Girl – yes, my parents mad me take it
Boy – oh, that’s too bad, i’ll have to find a pureblood so i can have babies without risk
This WILL happen, more so when we some babies with issues over the coming decades….
Stevo: In my scenario, the boy asks no questions at all because, like every boy, he has only one thing on his mind at that point. It is a sort of injection, but he does not care what comes of it!
There is a long list of criteria to be assessed these days
– Is potential spouse a climate alarmist ?
– Do they vote Green ?
– Do they use pronouns ?
– Do they watch/read the ABC, Fairfax media or The Guardian ?
– Do they suffer Trump derangement syndrome ?
– Are they a socialist ?
– Do they support BLM ?
– Do they hate white people ?
– Do they hate Australia Day, the national flag and the national anthem ?
– And finally – Is their biological sex not aligned with their advertised gender status ?
If they answer yes to any of the above then it’s a fail, and if they answer yes to all of the above then they work for the ABC and you need to run fast.
Even to find someone who is a heterosexual and whose phenotype and genotype are correctly aligned is a tough call these days, let alone all those other criteria.
Tell your friend to visit one of the USA’s red states and set up a booth at a rural county fair and or rodeos. They are in progress. There will be at least 30% unvaccinated. That percentage would be higher if it were not for the influx of city-folk looking for excitement not involving criminals and guns.
A cowboy hat and fancy riding boots will aid his search.
Steve Kirsch’s newsletter
Think we got it wrong?
Here’s a handy checklist for how you can put us on the right path.
Executive Summary
I received an email today from a former Stanford doctor who wrote:
“Steve, I respect you and all you have accomplished. I looked carefully at the articles you sent and I saw nothing. I’m not going to engage with you on this any further. As I said before, I hope that you will find an alternative use for your time, talent and treasure–the world needs it.”
I’m happy to find an alternative use for my time if someone would spend a few minutes explaining to me and my colleagues how we got it wrong. But so far, there have been no takers. They won’t engage.
I’d even be willing to pay someone for their time to convince us. But they all quickly give up when I ask them to explain all the anomalies that we’ve observed such as the list below.
So I wanted to make it clear how we got stuck on the wrong path and what a Good Samaritan can do to help set us back up on the right path.
Any takers?
How to convince us we’re wrong: a handy checklist
Here is a checklist of things that bother me and my fellow “misinformation spreaders”:
23 Items Follow
Real scientists use all the available evidence to determine which hypothesis is the correct one. There is only one truth here and we shouldn’t be ignoring the abundance of evidence in front of us.
There was a great article about this written by Norman Doidge entitled “Medicine’s Fundamentalists” which talks about the “all-available-evidence approach.” It should be read by every doctor in America. This is how science works.
When we look at all the available evidence, a very consistent story emerges for us: the vaccines are a disaster.
Here’s a small sample of the evidence we consider in forming our position. All these sources are consistent with each other in showing the vaccines should be stopped. How can that happen if the vaccines are safe?
These 32 examples are examples of what I mean by all the available evidence. All of these 32 sources would be ignored by the mainstream medical community. That’s not how science is supposed to work.
Science encourages us to use all pieces of evidence.
If you have the right hypothesis, all that evidence should be consistent with your hypothesis.
We find it impressive that all 32 sources are consistent with the “the vaccines are too unsafe to use” hypothesis.
So-called “misinformation spreaders” such as myself and my friends are all data-driven.
The way you can convince us we are wrong is to show us that your hypothesis better explains the data than our hypothesis including all 32 datapoints.
Appeals to authority will not work.
To date, nobody from the mainstream medical community or press wants to engage us in a discussion of the data fit.
The world should find that very troubling.
August 30, 2022 at 3:37 am
The doctors in Qld have a funding page set up for those who wish to contribute it appears.
Was it true that AHPRA had forbid doctors from saying anything other than positive things about the vaccines? Would it have made a difference to their patients if they knew that?
Petros. Yes. It is true.
See https://www.ahpra.gov.au/News/2021-03-09-vaccination-statement.aspx
‘The codes of conduct for each of the registered health professions explain the public health obligations of registered health practitioners, including participating in efforts to promote the health of the community and meeting obligations on disease prevention,’ Mr Simmonds said.
‘There is no place for anti-vaccination messages in professional health practice, and any promotion of anti-vaccination claims including on social media, and advertising may be subject to regulatory action.’
That is from the March 2021 Ahpra statement.
See statement of Julian Gillespie at Coivd Inquiry 2.0:
interesting that Jo posted a few days about QLD inserting a “public confidence” requirement into their Health Practitioner Regulation National Law 3A, to read: “3A Guiding Principles. The main guiding principle of the national registration and accreditation scheme is that the following are paramount… (b) public confidence in the safety of services provided by registered health practitioners and students.” (See page 34 of QLD bill here link)
It’s one thing to carry out the mass experiment, but an entirely different thing to continue in the face of data that shows large excess deaths correlated with the vaccines. Why would governments wish to kill their own citizens ?. Are they worried that halting the mandated vaccines would be an admission of their neglect and lead to class actions?. If yes, then they need to be very worried indeed, because not halting the vaccines in the face of this data is a demonstration of willful neglect and it’s going to lead to the mother of all class actions. It’s no wonder that the Democrats are trying to set up Trump as the fall guy.
“Why would governments wish to kill their own citizens ?. ”
There are those who believe Western govts have agreed to limit/reduce their populations.
COVID Inquiry 2.0
The COVID Inquiry 2.0 is a cross-party, non-parliamentary inquiry held on the 17th August 2022. The COVID Inquiry 2.0 followed COVID Under Question to interrogate breaches of the doctor-patient relationship and the regulatory capture of Australia’s health and drug regulators.
Witnesses from a range of backgrounds presented personal and scholarly evidence that was shocking and revealing. The day of questioning from 8am to 7:30pm was livestreamed and recordings of all witnesses are available below.
August 30, 2022 at 11:44 am
Old Ozzie link above is a must read to all and must be shared widely.
The Covid 2 Inquiry is the second one by Malcolm Roberts along with Senator Gerard Rennick, Craig Kelly and George Christiansen. I think Antic also involved. You might not like their politics but these guys are the most informed about Vax related issues.
If you go to Roberts web page News section you will see the inquiry on 22 August. Basically it shows a list of speakers and you can either listen to it or read the transcript (click under video clip). I found it easier to read the transcript but if traveling might listen. Watching gets you the visuals they show.
I think I have pretty much read them all or if I didn’t it is because familiar with them the speaker.
I recommend starting with Dr Phillip Altman. He has initial talk and then a conclusion at the end of the 12 hour Inquiry.
Brook Jackson is the Pfizer whistleblower. One of the other speakers is her lawyer.
Peter Party a psychiatrist and one of the ones fighting Qld Govt on mandates.
Mary Jane Steven a nurse who quit.
Pierre Kory is well known Dr from US
Senator Rennick’s talk is very technical and a difficult read. However he knows what the Vax does. If you see him questioning TGA he knows the right questions to ask. Naturally for this labelled anti Vax.
Dr Chris Neil, a Melbourne cardiologist (ex) , is the head of the Australian Medical Proffesionals.
Julian Gillespie and Peter Fam are the lawyers who have written a very comprehensive legal opinion on the legal position for practitioners. Can see it on Roberts web page 22 August. That opinion and a very detailed report
by Dr Altman has been sent to all Medical Associations and MP’s in the country. Read the report if you have not.
I highly recommend the speakers under section Conditioning and Ethics.
Spread far and wide. Also mention Senator Rennicks web page news area where he shows how our Dr’s and Nurses silenced.
Rennicks recent 6 minute summation in the senate is quite extraordinary to watch. He obviously has a great level of understanding of vaccine technology. Under questioning he will make the TGA squirm big time.
Don’t forget the Australian Government purchased or agreed to purchase enough doses of the now-obsolete “vaccine” for enough for ten injections for every single Australian aged zero+.
One way or another they are determined to inject you (at least the non-Elites) ten times.
And then with whatever junk replaces it.
Not only that, happily support Moderna building a vaccine plant in Australia, probably with some taxpayers money.
Just started listening to a new Dark Horse podcast with Bret Weinstein interviewing Prof Norman Fenton.
Worth a look or listen to give a very interesting background of both Prof Fenton and “The Science”.
Experts ‘Baffled’ As 30 Young, Healthy Fully Jabbed Doctors Suddenly Drop Dead
Young, healthy doctors are dropping like flies in Canada, and the only thing they appear to have in common is the Covid jab forced upon them by the tyrannical Trudeau regime.
So the number of doctor deaths in 2021 seems to be about double normal, but more troubling is the age of death. I’m working on a full analysis and will publish the spreadsheet so you can see this for yourself.
They’ve removed earlier deaths because, according to the CMA, it was “too hard to maintain” that data. That makes no sense. So they just show recent deaths. But nothing since the latest booster rolled out in Canada to the doctors. Why? It’s because they’ve “been really busy with other projects.” So they claim they aren’t concealing anything. That’s nice to know that it’s just a resource problem.
What the data says is troubling and it’s in plain sight and it is easy for anyone to verify. I’m sure the CMA will eventually be able to look at it when they have more resources. It’s pretty important since it’s killing the doctors that the CMA is supposed to protect. I’m not sure what is more important than that.
Remember my article about my Canadian doctor friend who told me that he can’t recall any young doctor dying in Canada in the last 30 years? It turns out he was right on the money. You can look at the 2019 and 2020 data that is still available on the site showing that the doctors who are dying are almost always 85 or older.
So how can there now be over 30 deaths of young doctors in Canada who died shortly after the vax shots? I know this from a very reliable source; the details of those deaths will be released in about a week from now.
As you can see from the CMA death notices, that rate of death for young doctors is pretty much non-existent. So there must be something that all these doctors had in common that killed them. It would have to be particularly deadly to kill these young healthy doctors. The time of death is strongly correlated with the vaccine shot. It appears that all the people who died young were vaccinated recently.
Yet another reason we go on about this.
When a drug has hinted at being injurious it has historically been pulled from the market quickly in the interest of public safety.
That attitude is conspicuous by its absence in this plandemic.
Given the global injury count it is gross medical & governmental malfeasance to allow this vax agenda to continue, especially as the side effects were fully known prior AND unaccrptable prior to starting the vax campaign.
I suspect the classification sysyem will just go to “up to date” and “not up to date” shortly thereby HIDING all injuries/deaths/unvaxxed in the latter category…
2nd dose Moderna might explain it:
Why are they baffled?
There is no mystery.
A shocking 691% increase in excess deaths among children in Europe
Official mortality figures for Europe show that there has been a shocking 691% increase in excess deaths among children since the European Medicines Agency extended the emergency use authorisation of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine for use in children aged 12 to 15 in May 2021.
Before this decision by the European Medicines Agency, deaths among children in 2021 were below the expected rate. But following the emergency use authorisation, excess deaths among children by the end of the year had risen by a deeply troubling 1,599% compared to the 2017 to 2020 average.
“Think of the children!” – climate alarmists.
Children sick and dying en-masse post-vax
– sound of crickets…
From an abstract point of view, there are too many degrees of freedom in this problem to make for unquestionable results.
These reports are interesting while overall unsatisfactory.
As I write, David B. at #2 has 35 red (down) thumbs. I expect to get as many.
Uninformed liberal bot count now at -37…
I think there’s a prize at -100
You are quite correct John.
Interesting, but open to considerable interpretation and discussion.
Tasmania – funeral director reports 50% increase in 7 months!
Or this:
10,757 extra Australians dead in first five months of the year – up 16.6% on the historical average.
Assuming it is correct that there has been an increase in excess deaths and assuming it is or can be linked to vaccines, the first big reaction will be for “authorities” to double down and deny.
It is certain that the vaccine manufacturers know about this topic. It is likely that most major country governments also know. So there is probably already under way an exercise to cover backsides and limit legal and monetary redress. But most important is reputations of those in offices of government when this happened on their watch. They will fight tooth and nail to deny.
This is the same syndrome that is making it so hard for proper science to be accepted in the climate change topic.
Meanwhile, the huge damage to the individual continues while more and more ways are under way to shut him/her up.
Watch this space for what our esteemed Australian Association of Science has cooked up to silence you and me.
Geoff S
Geoff, you are so correct. You only have to look at the previously withdrawn pharmaceuticals (eg Vioxx) for evidence. There’s an extremely long list. Usually its only independent analysis that highlights adverse reactions to drugs and sometimes it takes years from initial alert to final product withdrawal by the company. Its also usually never the approval agency that raises the alert either. So don’t be expecting the FDA (or TGA in Australia) to start the process. They wont, because they are the agencies that approve the drugs/ vaccines and don’t want to be held liable. Unfortunately , the regulators are heavily aligned with the pharmaceutical industry. They’re all mates and interchange staff regularly. It’s a very small sector of expertise.
ooh…. I’m gonna play the man and the ball here. One author is a mathematician (Reitzner) and the other (Kuhbandner) is an anti-vaxer anti mandater from the beginning of the pandemic who is also a cognitive scientist. Here is an excert from the German wiki about the latter
So the more recent analysis has not been critiqued from what I can tell but Kuhbandner seems to have been remarkable in his ability to predict the results of his own “study”. What was in this for Reitzner is what I am wondering.
An an ad hom, is that the best you can do? I noticed the likely bias in the language, and the lack of mention of the word “Delta” or any variant. So if these are spurious, why? And perhaps they are, but then they match the UK data, (and the US data which I will discuss soon). There does seem to be a pattern.
What would be more useful that knowing whether the authors are biased, is to assume they are (as I did) but then try to think of a better explanation for the pattern in the observations.
UK Government quietly removes approval for use of covid vax in pregnant and breastfeeding women, 2 YEARS AFTER INJECTING THEM WITH IT!!!
They’ve neutered enough for now…
If you go to https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/ then hover mouse over Medical and select 10 Covid Facts
read Fact One.
This is part of what it says.
With all the reports of COVID deaths, it is important to understand how that term is defined. At the start of the COVID outbreak, the WHO created a very broad definition of what is considered to be a “COVID death”, and this definition was adopted worldwide. According to their definition[7] a COVID death is one where a person had a confirmed or suspected case of COVID at any time, prior to death. This means that what is reported as a COVID death may have another cause, like cancer, heart condition, or accident. Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported that only about 6% of COVID deaths had no comorbidity.[8] This means that 94% of COVID deaths had additional contributing causes of death listed on the death certificate.[9] So even the deaths that are reported as COVID death, are mostly deaths that occurred with COVID and not because of COVID.
Have a look at the Australian data – the correlation between the 3rd shot and the deaths.
It’s uncanny how it follows a similar correlation to the German data
See my post 27th August
Always great to hear from you Craig. Thanks! I will look…
Good ole Dr Baffled is very busy at the moment
There is no logical reason for anyone (young, prime of life, or old) to take the first release RNA covid vaccines. The first release RNA covid vaccines cause unacceptable side effects and have negative effectiveness against Omicron.
This study of all people in the UK who were infected with covid has found: Those people, particularly older people (over 75 years of age) who had three first release RNA vaccine shots; Are significantly more likely to die, have more severe covid, and have covid for a longer period of time; Than those people who were not vaccinated, in the age of Omicron.
The biological/scientific reason for this finding is: The first release RNA vaccines causes the body to produce an antibody response for the first release covid. In vitro studies have shown the specific antibodies which the patients produce, after first release RNA vaccination, are 20 times less effective against the now dominate strain of Omicron BA.5, as compared to covid Delta. The first release RNA vaccines train/teach the body to produce antibodies that are worse than useless against Omicron.
The authors of the study recommend stopping first release covid RNA vaccination, in the age of Omicron for all people as the first release RNA covid vaccines as the vaccines.
This youtube presentation explains the results from the paper. The paper in question is attached below.
Vaccine negative effectiveness – COVID-19 vaccines update 56
Increasing SARS-CoV2 cases, hospitalizations and deaths among the vaccinated elderly populations during the Omicron (B.1.1.529) variant surge in UK.
I wonder what John Laws would make of that data ?
It does suggest that the death will happen around the same time as vaccination wouldn’t it ? That is a question. Perhaps that gives some hope to those who took it and are still with us.
Contrary to this blog, I’m not really into science. It’s nerd stuff if you ask me (no offence, I’m just too stupid to understand it, nor have the patience for it). I made my decision to avoid the vaccine by observing behaviour. Once the media switched from TDS being skeptical of the vaccine to fervently supporting it, I concluded this is all pure politics, so ignore what they are saying. I prefer management to science, and I realised I had a very low risk of coming into contact with the virus so I rode that risk. Winning, so far.
Update on vaccinated child next door. Ever since he was vaccinated, he’s been sickly. He always has a cold or cough of some type. Rarely goes to school these days. Circumstantial of course, but interesting.
Hi Jo, it’s been a while.
For the record, I published on 21March2020, a few days into the lockdown, that the Covid-19 general lockdowns were net-harmful and ineffective, six months before the ~identical Great Barrington Declaration by world experts. All we needed to do was over-protect the very elderly and infirm. I published then:
Isolate people over sixty-five and those with poor immune systems and return to business-as-usual for people under sixty-five. This will allow “herd immunity” to develop much sooner and older people will thus be more protected AND THE ECONOMY WON’T CRASH.”
For the record, the following was emailed to the Alberta government and other politicians and media on 8January2021:
“There is no real Covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19 was only dangerous to the very elderly and infirm, and is similar in average mortality to other seasonal flu’s of recent decades.
The Covid-19 PCR test is not fit-for-purpose and provides many false positives.
Routine testing of asymptomatic people is a waste of resources and drives erroneous policies including lockdowns.
The Covid-19 lockdowns were never effective or justified. Harm done by the lockdowns exceeds by 10 to 100 times the harm from Covid-19. End all lockdowns now and do not lockdown again.
Simple, inexpensive treatments are known to save lives – Vitamin D, Ivermectin etc. Why are these treatments not being widely recommended and implemented by Alberta authorities?
The increase in deaths of the elderly in Winter is a well-established seasonal phenomenon. “Excess Winter Deaths” in the four Winter months routinely average about 100,000 per year in the USA and about 10,000 per year in Canada, as described on our 2015 Summary of Excess Winter Mortality that includes the landmark Lancet study. …
The Covid-19 vaccine developments were rushed and are not proven safe or effective and should NOT be taken, especially by the low-risk population – those under-65 or recovered from Covid-19. The two experimental Covid-19 vaccines that contain mRNA (Pfizer and Moderna) are especially risky – due to unknown future side-effects, the risk-to-reward is far too high for the low-risk group.”
Told you so, 29+ months ago.
Allan MacRae, B.A.Sc., M.Eng., Calgary
We avoided deaths and nearly all lockdowns, school closures, had a roaring economy and lived like Covid did not exist for 22 brilliant months. In Western Australia we closed the borders. We waited out the first five nastier variants and could have avoided most of the vaccines too. (If only).
Just as I predicted we would on Feb 9th and Feb 16th, 2020.
Great work in February2020 Jo.
History of my Covid Predictions
I had booked flight to Thailand via China for 4Feb2020 but somehow heard about Covid-19 and cancelled on 29Jan2020. I started examining data from the Diamond Princess cruise ship and limited other quality data (amid so much fraudulent nonsense) – it was apparent that this Covid-19 flu was only dangerous to the very elderly and infirm – and it was definitely NOT a pandemic. I only had the conviction to publish on 21Mar2020 when my physician friend told me that our Calgary hospitals had been emptied to make room for a “tsunami of Covid patients” WHO NEVER ARRIVED! I called the fraud then – it helped to recognize the propaganda patterns of the Climate scam, and then to see both the Climate and Covid scams being promoted by the same “usual suspects” at the UN, the WEF and the WHO.
I was suspicious that the Covid-19 “vaccines” had been unsafely and unethically rushed into use. I then started reading the few ethical physicians and researchers who condemned the toxic “vaccines” and they had much more credibility than governments and health authorities.
There was also some good data from other countries to compare with the USA. The USA could not have done it worse – they killed off many Americans needlessly with their “stay home til you’re dying” nonsense, then remdesivir to destroy liver and kidneys and ventilators to finish them off.
As I’ve said previously, Canada had NO total death bump vs previous years to 1July2020 – and that means there was NO real pandemic – not even close to one. That data is plotted in CorrectPredictions.ca
Best regards, Allan MacRae in Calgary.
German report reveals 1 in 25 insured individuals treated for Covid shot reactions – the vaccine reaction
Take these numbers with the usual “grain of salt”. Nevertheless:
Not long ago this number was 1 in ~1000 – if people keep taking these toxic jabs it will be 1 in 1.
This is insane – it’s obvious the jabs do not work on current Covid-19 variants – they probably never did work, even on the Alpha strain, and clearly cause much more harm (vaccine injuries and deaths) than good.
Covid-19 lockdowns and vaccines were always a corrupt money game. Told you so 29 months ago.
See https://correctpredictions.ca/
It used to be that corrupt governments and health authorities were slagging the unvaxxed as miscreants who were selfish and insensitive to the safety of the vaxxed.
Now some of the unvaxxed are retaliating, calling themselves “purebloods “and the unvaxxed “mudbloods”.
This is all divisive nonsense, encouraged by our corrupt governments, health authorities and big pharma.
Bottom Line:
Most of us have family and friends on both sides of the vaxxed/unvaxxed divide. It’s not a war or a contest – it’s a fraud and a disaster that will kill and injure many millions.
I (and many others) have found Ivermectin is an effective cure for minor vaccine injuries such as chronic bleeding, etc. Start there.
More serious vaccine injuries, including an explosion of cancers, will require much more work.
Only the greatest of fools will take more toxic Covid-19 vaxxes – sadly – Darwin Awards.
Just received this – maybe you’ve already seen it. Not surprising at all. The Covid-19 “vaccines”are bioweapons.
Media blackout: Renowned German pathologist’s vaccine autopsy data is shocking… and being censored
JD Rucker
NOQ Report
Wed, 04 Aug 2021
Dr. Peter Schirmacher is not just an average pathologist. The German doctor is world-renowned in his field, honored by The Pathologist as one of the 100 most influential in the world. He is the acting chairman of the German Society of Pathology, director of the Institute of Pathology at Heidelberg University Hospital, and president of the German Association for the Study of the Liver. Bottom line, this professor and doctor understands pathology like very few on the planet.
This is why it’s so perplexing that a bombshell report he released this week has been absolutely censored. Mainstream media won’t report on it and Big Tech has eliminated accounts who attempt to share it. Considering the incessant push towards universal vaccinations by government, academia, media, and Big Tech, it really shouldn’t be perplexing at all that his work is being quashed because it details mind-blowing data about the dangers of the so-called Covid “vaccines.”
In short, Dr. Schirmacher performed autopsies on 40 people who had died within two weeks of receiving a Covid jab. Of those, 30%-40% could be directly attributed to the “vaccines.” He is calling for more autopsies of those who die shortly after getting injected to see if his numbers pan out. But Germany has thus far been reluctant to act. Meanwhile, the report of this highly respected pathologist and pro-vaccine doctor is being suppressed.