A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The Biden administration has announced the establishment of a federal “Disinformation Governance Board” in the Department of Homeland Security to “combat online disinformation in the 2022 midterms.”
I have seen that in my country for many, many years.
It is called “censorship”.
And the then (dictatorial) government also argued: “It is for your own good and protection”.
“Poor aand ignorant” was the recipe of the dictator to achieve the happiness of the people.
Censorship goes both ways. Those that censor expect and demand full purveyance over everything. When that information is censored from them that makes their lives difficult. 😎️
Now well on the way to the Ministry of Truth………………..
How stupid do they think the great unwashed are? Everyone who has ever heard of 1984 knows this is The Ministry Of Truth.
How many of the great unwashed have ever read 1984? a few might have seen the movie
You may be right , but the “great unwashed’ have highly tuned BS meters.
I agree, its where most of the remaining common sense in the world resides.
“How stupid do they think the great unwashed are? Everyone who has ever heard of 1984 knows this is The Ministry Of Truth.”
But how large is the group in which ” Everyone who has ever heard of 1984″ exists? It may be a lot smaller than you imagine. And how many in that group know of Eric Arthur Blair or why the book is called 1984′? Reading is a rapidly diminishing pastime as is knowledge of the significance “Classic” books
But remember Ian, it was a work of fiction, NOT a far-left instruction thesis.
Ian what you write is an amateurish attempt at disinformation.
“Ian what you write is an amateurish attempt at disinformation.”
Really? Which bit? That reading is declining?
Americans Reading Fewer Books Than in Past.
Children are reading less than ever before, research reveals
Or is the dis-information the very well known and easily checkable facts that George Orwell was the pen name of Eric Arthur Blair and that 1984 is an inversion of 1948, the year in which the book was written?
See above.
As above; So down below.
Facts?? You bring facts into the argument!! Everyone knows only someone peddling disinformation would use facts! They’re not true!
Ahh! Ian, you believe whatever you want to believe, and because of that, (and because you’re so far far better than we all are, well in your own mind anyway) you don’t even bother to go and actually check.
I heard a story on our Gold Coast local radio station here during this last week. They play the National News Bulletins on the hour, every hour, but four times a day, at the half hour mark, they broadcast a locally compiled local story news, and it’s compiled from local sources, and mainly deals with tourist info etc, but this article mentioned that a recent survey of Gold Coast bookshops which found a marked and quite large percentage increase in the sales of fiction novels, and it was mainly to people in their early 20s.
It intrigued me, so I put a couple of different terms into a search engine and came up with the following, that during the last year 2021, there was indeed a percentage increase in people buying novels from bookshops, and that continued the increase from the year before. (most sales increased by around 12%, with some as high as a 27% increase, and that latter percentage was here on the Gold Coast story I heard)
Our 23 year old granddaughter is visiting with us from Rockhampton for the last week. She looked at my (now hopelessly overflowing) bookcase and asked me what I had just finished reading (Michener’s Texas for the second time around) and she noticed some of my crime fiction titles. (Upfield, McDermid, and Connelly)
I was, well, pretty much astonished, as the ONLY thing I had ever known her to read was facebook on her mobile phone, and in the years we lived in Rockhampton, she had never shown even the slightest interest in my books, not even a sarcastic comment, just totally ignored them.
When I quizzed her, she mentioned that she had ‘got into’ reading over the last year, and her favourite genre at the moment was crime fiction. I asked if this was just her, but she told me that her (very wide) circle of friends were all doing the same, and the general consensus was ….. what have we been missing all these years. Now, she told me, they share titles and ideas over facebook.
So, Ian, you believe whatever you want to. As for us, well, like always, we ….. go and check!
And yes, she even mentioned the ‘Classics’. I have a good selection of almost twenty of them, and she knew of them as well, pointing them out, (as I keep them all together) and said that she wasn’t really ready for them yet, but some of her friends are reading them she told me. Anna Karenina is the current one of choice amongst a couple of her friends, and she wanted to know what I (as an old person) thought of it. I told her she should do what I did, work your way up to those classics by reading a selection of fiction first.
The whole conversation just took me so much by surprise really.
I thought reading was dying off, but it seems that it is roaring right back.
Some ‘memes’ are just that ….. ‘memes’.
well he did have to go to the US to find something that supported his story
My 13-year-old daughter just read your post, Tony. And she wholeheartedly agrees with you… all of her friends of various intellectual abilities love to read and share books. I asked her to give me her books that she’s currently reading or has read this year… and I now have quite a large pile on my desk: The Private Lives of the Tudors; The Dressmakers of Auschwitz; Katherine Parr, the Sixth Wife (of Henry VIII); the History of Britain & Ireland; Anne of Green Gables, Novels #5 and #6. In other words, do not give up on the young, they are smarter than we think (and I’m her father)!
Anne of Green Gables.
Living on a farm there are lots of distractions from reading, and our eldest didn’t read more than necessary.
Then my mother, visiting one of my sisters in Sydney when she had a new baby, taped Anne of Green Gables and gave it to us. After that, daughter never had her nose out of a book till she had read the lot. Work was neglected.
And the authors got good value out of the piracy. The rest were bought. Book it down to promotion.
Ahh! Ian, you believe whatever you want to believe, and because of that, (and because you’re so far far better than we all are, well in your own mind anyway) you don’t even bother to go and actually check.
Actually Tony if you check you will find a recent comment of mine ( responding to a post from Forrest Gardener you’ll see a couple of links giving some stats on reading stats.
in your comment you make great play with the remark “So, Ian, you believe whatever you want to. As for us, well, like always, we ….. go and check!” Let me repeat “ilke always, we ….. go and check!”
However there is no evidence, either in that comment or in another of yours a little later, that you yourself followed your own advice
When you take the moral high ground it is usually best before doing so to make sure you are not guilty of the same offence.
You, quite correctly, point out that I hadn’t checked but it really dulls the edge of your comment if you are then guilty of the same offence. As you are are I feel justified in writing:
“Ahh! TonyfromOz, you believe whatever you want to believe, and because of that, (and because you’re so far far better than we all are, well in your own mind anyway) you don’t even bother to go and actually check.”
So many words from Ian…
and so little content !
So many words from Ian…and so little content !
Indeed But I don’t want to over-extend your capabilities so late in the day
Just keep up the self-preening waffle, Ian.
Its what you are good at.
Don’t let it worry you too much. It’ll sort itself out.
Ah, those tedious people who preen (as if they have a rare insight) that they’re quoting Sam Clemens, not Mark Twain, or Charles Dodgson, not Lewis Carroll. I have noticed that nobody seems to do it for Orwell. So congratulations. Will you be giving a lecture on the real names of Hitler and Stalin too?
Or we could just agree to call them all by the names they’re known by and ease up on the preening.
“Or we could just agree to call them all by the names they’re known by and ease up on the preening.”
Of course we might but a lot of preening is so beneficial don’t you think? Although knowing the given names of SLC and CLD is hardly likely result in much preening is it. But Robert Galbraith and James Alfred Wight might don’t you think?
“but a lot of preening is so beneficial don’t you think?”
If self-preening is all that gets you through your day, then you go for it. !
BTW I used the term in a kinder way than you read it. It is merely a non-exclusive club that includes me.
They believe their own propaganda. . .
Which is why most of us don’t want a war with Russia but PM Morrison, Biden and other Western leaders do.
When did Morrison say that?
Actions speak louder than words H. See the nearby post by MP for pointers.
So he didn’t say it, but you KNOW what he thinks.
MP is hardly an unbiased commentator on Morrison.
H, careful readers will note that I did not claim to know what he thought although I think you just claimed to know what I thought.
Once again for emphasis, actions speak louder than words.
Probably as biased as you are unbiased, difference is and its a big difference, I judge them by there actions not their cuddly words.
I actually have a great deal of contempt for Libs, Nats, Greens and labour, my only dilemma is who to put at rock bottom.
I comment on Moronson when others put up pure BS about his excellency.
One thing though, nobody answers the questions I pose or presents counter proof against my claim. Maybe you would like to go back to Thursdays unthreaded and answer those questions?
How did the Prime minster of our country increase his wealth 150% in the term of his time as PM, two of those years during the worst Pandemic in the history of the universe, when he sent millions of his plebs down the gurgler.
Explain that, I have asked it three times now!
What actions show he WANTS a war?
Please list. Dog whistles and interpretations don’t count.
Yes, I know he has chipped in some bushmasters to the international effort but such supportive action doesn’t make him a war monger.
Do you know how to use google?
He (not we) is supplying materials both humanitarian and LEATHAL, the bushmasters are also assault weapons, not black trackers.
We are funding and supplying weapons to a war in a foreign land, we have no beef with either side and should remain neutral.
I never said he wants war? “Well we are supplying weapons and military aid/funding to one side of a war, this can be and has been seen by the opposing side as an act of war. I view it as such.”
If you supply a murderer with a gun to do the crime knowingly, you are guilty of that murder as well are you not.
What proof do you have that he increased his wealth by 150%. I’m more than happy to be educated based on facts not rumour so please provide the evidence.
Quite a google illiterate crowd here today.
I put it up the other day, but if you type in Scott Morrisons personal wealth 2022 you get $59 million, change 2022 to 2018 and you get $20 million.
Sometimes you need to educate yourself.
It’s hard to know what Biden personally wants (other than guesswork based on the hair sniffing) because he is obviously somewhat controlled by others as his age weakens him. However if you are willing to look in the bigger picture, probably best to start with the letter sent to Bill Clinton here …
There’s a list of serious and knowledgeable people signing off at the end there … the gist of the message was that moving NATO to the East (after promising not to) would reignite the Cold War, which is of course exactly what happened.
No one can claim this was some sort of accident, or they were completely unaware of the consequences … and yet they did make the choice to expand NATO. Back in 1997, Senator Joe Biden explained on camera that he did absolutely understand that this would antagonize the Russians.
Then Russia made it clear they were upset in 2014 with Victoria Nuland’s interference in Ukraine and the change of government … that’s why they were probably the ones who leaked her phonecall, in order to discredit the US administration.
Then they made it clear again, and drew the line at Ukrainian entry to NATO and mid-range missile tubes being lined up along the Russian border. That was the “Nyet Means Nyet” line in the sand,
For people who claim they don’t want war, the Washington administration (under multiple Presidents, not merely Biden) sure have behaved in exactly the way that they knew perfectly well would put them on the path to war. Again, maybe Biden is not fully in charge of this … I happen to think that Biden was sincere in his orders to withdraw from Afghanistan, but the US generals deliberately screwed it up, in a childish fit of temper, to say, “Look what happens when we don’t get what we want!”
I would agree. Morrison said he supports the digital economy in his speech to the WEF.
George Christensen says that the Digital Agenda Laws are already drafted . I think Morrison is setting us on the road to serfdom .
Its called the “Trusted Digital Identity Bill” one nation has opposed this Bill and a few others.
We are well down that road, that bill is the keystone.
Thank you MP. I’ve read it and Malcom Roberts critique. It’s the stuff of nightmares.
Please provide proof Scomo has made a decision in support of going to war otherwise do the right thing and remove your claim. Over to you and your ethics.
Well we are supplying weapons and military aid/funding to one side of a war, this can be and has been seen by the opposing side as an act of war. I view it as such.
Modern warfare is no longer boots on the ground.
Our liar in chief has not declared war, but he has chosen sides on your behalf. That is in support and a decision made by Smirko.
The next decision Scomo makes will be his first in three years. Stop listening to what they say and judge them by their actions and his actions have put us in this war.
If you supply weapons or funding to an terrorist organisation you are declared a terrorist, this war is different how.
“do the right thing and remove your claim” grow up and use some logic.
Russia put us on their list of hostile countries weeks ago and nobody rose up from the government and said barley charlie challenging our inclusion.
I’m proud that Australia is there with the other supporting Ukraine.
Against the Russian invaders
Of course you are proud, you have already shown that you are more than happy to sacrifice the youth with another of Scotties Lethal weapons to prevent you getting a runny nose. Throwing the Kids back into the trenches of Europe to die for your ego is also a just action.
Rack your grand kiddies up first Bill.
I am quite grown up, thank you and beyond petty juvenile name calling such as yours. Peter says above “Which is why most of us don’t want a war with Russia but PM Morrison, Biden and other Western leaders do”.
Peter claims Morrison wants a war, and he may be right but there is no evidence to support this claim. The fact he provides a spartan amount of support is not a declared decision of wanting a war. One could say that by providing support to the weaker combatant that this may level the playing field and encourage both sides to seek peace.
I hope he doesn’t support war because I’m anti-war, particularly since I’ve been to war and seen colleagues lose their lives in a conflict based on politician’s lies such as is happening today.
Get some sense you clowns- Who DOESN’T admit we are but lapdogs to the Yanks, as are the UK, Europe, Japan.. basically the West? America is in Ukraine to break up Russia, no arguments there, and they are happy to throw Poland and Romania in as well as it seems Putin will grind Ukraine to dust.
Morison didn’t have any choice, he does what he is told, and he just did the minimum to show support for his masters. He doesn’t want to go to war, no-one does except a collection of people in the USA who know the wars they create won’t affect them. The rest of the world are just expendable pawns.
Peter says, I did not say, Scotty does but because he doesn’t say he does he’s not doing, have I got that right?
So to prevent war you need more war, have I got that right.
I thought the war would be over by now as Scotty has prevented Russia buying a $ billion worth of T-bones from us as punishment. If removing an income stream from Australian farmers does nor stop wars, then what will?
‘I hope he doesn’t support war because I’m anti-war, particularly since I’ve been to war and seen colleagues lose their lives in a conflict based on politician’s lies such as is happening today.”
my question to you Fast Bowler is: you say you do not support war but do you support sending support for a war? and what is the difference?
Morrison is not sending daisies over to Ukraine, more bombs will not bring peace
No support, just reds. This is a strange site.
so why are you here?
makes you look silly for even commenting like that
“Which is why most of us don’t want a war with Russia but PM Morrison, Biden and other Western leaders do.”
Peter l agree with you, Australia has no business in helping Nato try to weaken or destroy Russia, we Australians need to clean up our own backyards before we get involved with other peoples problems without reason
although l have met some people who are all gung ho with beating the commies “NOBODY” is happy about paying for it and do not want there bills to increase because of this Nato proxy war
they are also beside themselves when l remind them that Russia has not been a communist country for over thirty years
more people need to look into why the UN were using Ukraine to prod the bear
Yes RE, and eventually that will be their downfall. But not until they inflict great damage to society.
Today’s Funny – Warning, this is an inclusive society:,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
From Michael Ramirez “let there be light”
Elbow summed up by Johannes Leak & Warren Brown
Thanks to Tom New Catallaxy Blog Daily Cartoons
Liberals melt down after Musk claims the Democrat Party was ‘hijacked by extremists’
Free Australia.
But how?
Stand up and fight like hell!
I think Australia is in for a very bad 3 years.
We know HOW but we’re not allowed to say it.
As Celente always says:
“When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it”
It hasn’t reached that point yet but history will repeat.
We must all stop complying, its over as easily as that, no blood shed, no tears. Its so simple.
Problem is us, and a lot of us.
This site and the commenters have put up so much valuable information on all sides of the issues we face, with research people who dare to look can make an informed decision.
As PeterS said above, I also see a turn in the tide, what you are doing on street level is working and on here. Just have to stay in the fight and don’t get complacent.
you write well when not obsessing about Scomo
Don’t get me started on scomo again.
Scomo, Scotty from marketing and Smirko are 3 personas residing in our current PM. He really doesn’t have a choice, he is doing what he can to minimise the damage to Australia whilst at the same time pandering to the UN and USA. He needs the USA for an alliance against China, I still havent worked out why he panders to the UN, they may be threatening tarrifs if we don’t comply re net zero. Albo will just do whatever the greens tell him so there is no alternative. Trust in the man who actually carried a lump of coal into parliament he knows what to do he just has to be careful to not upset the people that he needs to keep Australia going.
The lesser of two evils is still a valid choice.
Elbow scares me.
The tide turned for woke family we know, sad story. Shy teenage daughter marries girlfriend young, has 3 artificially inseminated children, lots of Facebook messaging by proud parents. Kids now in Kindy/primary school, daughter meets a father, enters relationship and decides she prefers men after all. Two broken families, many (very) young kids impacted. Progressive Mum now appalled, doing her best to fix the mess.
You put your pronoun in
You take your pronoun out
You put your pronoun in
And you shake it all about
You do the wokey dokey and you turn yourself around
That`s what it`s all about!
I worked with a young pronoun she/her metallurgist at a job 2019, I had worked with her on another job 5 years before.
The first time she was a Leso and lived with her girlfriend she/her.
The second time I was pleasantly surprised as she/her had got married to a man he/him, but no the she/her had decided it was a he/him.
Nice lady none the less, just very very confused.
That’s the problem with the left…
They spend so much time each day trying to decide which gender they are, that they forget about the basics of life, like adding 2 and 2 together.
I see more here coming to reality. If anyone believes what is happening today on the world stage is by accident and not by design must have their head deeply buried in the sand. Very evil but very smart people are in control at the moment behind the scene using leaders around the world as puppets.
That would be me sir, I don’t believe life is an organised conspiracy.
Yet here you are on a global warming conspiracy web site, contradicting the climate experts.
Problem is outside of the climate debate you refuse to venture past your trusted MSM. You believe the China Daily is a factual rag instead of the CCP propaganda it was designed to be.
You believe the MSM, experts, government, science have been fraudulently presenting everything about climate change, but are telling the truth about everything else, without questioning.
I see the same, except I know they lie about virtually everything.
Media and government, your only source of truth. (China Daily)
China Daily is propaganda and rarely says anything of worth.
The MSM reports stuff they think is relevant, but we can read between the lines and know its not all its cracked up to be. The sin of omission is propaganda.
“I don’t believe life is an organised conspiracy.” Yet you believe CAGW is an organised conspiracy.
The MSM reports stuff to make you think its relevant, they give you the view they want you to have, control your opinion.
You do your own research on the CC debate, apply the same method on everything you are told by everyone.
Like it or not you are a conspiracy theorist and there is nothing wrong with that.
‘Yet you believe CAGW is an organised conspiracy.’
Its a disorganised conglomerate, academics, media and politicians have dug themselves a deep hole.
‘ … control your opinion.’
I worked in the trade and know how to read between the lines.
‘ … you are a conspiracy theorist …’
Only in relation to the UFO saga.
Do you believe we are alone in the Milky Way, or is the idea too far fetched?
Honestly…I haven’t got a clue what’s going on.
Nothing is off the table, we could be a bloody video game for all I know.
Ever done something or had something happen and after thought “I should be dead yet here I am”.
Also a conspiracy theorist for AGW, as well as UFO’s, see, you are one of us!
Not a conspiracy theorist for AGW, there is no over arching group masterminding this charade, its out of control.
The rot set in at BoM, then it was passed onto the CSIRO and government. I’m just waiting for the penny to drop, a nasty change in the weather and UAH flat as a tack.
The conspiracy of silence on UFO is lamentable, but finally the authorities are taking it seriously.
Your missing the common denominator the UN, UNWMO, UNFCCC, UNIPCC, nothing happening is organic. World wide at the same time every single controlled entity.
There are no coincidences here, its a plan.
Supply chain, UNWTO, UNWMO. (this time the M means maritime)
There is no UN plan to destroy the West.
“There is no UN plan to destroy the West.”
Just a deep desire. !
“There is no UN plan to destroy the West.” (China Daily)
There is no universal conspiracy, what is happening today is completely novel. Excepting the Russian invasion which is a rerun of WW2, we still have free speech in Australia and the democratic process.
LoL! To believe that you’d HAVE to be a conspiracy theorist! We can make comments here EG, but I expect Jo will be shut down in the shortish future, along with many similar sites.
I’m sure you are aware that the internet is censored in Australia, so you don’t know what you are missing when it doesn’t turn up in a search result.
Good luck with the democratic process, it didn’t seem to work for the Republicans.
‘I expect Jo will be shut down in the shortish future,’
If we are continually ignored by the masses then that is highly unlikely.
An Oldie but Goodie:
Experts Warn We Have Only 12 Years Left Until They Change The Timeline On Global Warming Again
In Australia we mine coal, move it to the power plant and burn it to make electricity.
Not only that but the energy companies own mines and extract gas.
So why does the international price of coal have anything to do with our electricity price?
/we are dupes
Because the mine owners are free to sell where they choose.
It doesnt !
..but it is a convenient excuse by operators (and some Politicians, MSM, etc) to justify increases.
Coal cost is less than 3% of our retail power price, so even iif the cost to the generator doubled , ( it didnt),.. our power cost would hardly be affected.
Chad, the link to your tag, what is it supposed to link to?
This is Guardian propaganda, its half true.
‘Wholesale power prices in Australia’s main electricity market continued to rise in the first three months of 2022, more than doubling the cost a year earlier, with the increase blamed mostly on more costly fossil fuels and the falling reliability of coal-fired power plants.’
* chuckle *
“we are dupes”
Yep, if you believe in the fallacy that coal released CO2 is anything but beneficial.. you are a dupe.
If you believe that unreliable supply doesn’t make the cost both more erratic and more expensive.. you are a dupe.
If you believe that the implementation of renewables and the cost of maintaining grid stability is cheap.. you are a total dupe.
Speak for yourself.
Articles on a study into bird population decline in California:
Biden’s head already on chopping block.
‘The Democrats still control all of Congress however they face losing the House and possibly the Senate in this November’s midterm elections.
‘Podcaster Monica Crowley told Fox News due to Joe Biden’s faltering performance as president, “nobody in their right mind” believes he will be on the Democratic ticket in 2024.’ (Sky News)
Big Sister is Watching You!
Tucker Carlson: Biden’s Attempt To Create A “Ministry Of Truth” Is Where We Have To Draw The Line
Joe Biden cannot continue to control this country if you have free access to information. It’s that simple. Biden certainly is not improving your life. He’s not even trying to improve your life. So, the best he can do is lie to you and demand that you believe it, but to do that, he needs to make certain that nobody else can talk because if you were to hear the truth, you might not obey. How is Biden going to pull that off? It’s not easy. Well, one option would be to get men with guns to tell you to shut up. Most Americans probably haven’t thought of that because this isn’t Africa or Eastern Europe. This is America and we don’t do things like that here and never have. More precisely, we haven’t until now, but now Joe Biden is president and everything is different.
So today, to herald the coming of the new Soviet America, the administration announced its own Ministry of Truth. This will be called the Disinformation Governance Board. Laugh if you want, but just to show you, they’re not kidding around here. This board is not part of the State Department or any other agency focused on foreign threats from abroad. No, the Disinformation Governance Board is part of the Department of Homeland Security. DHS is a law enforcement agency designed to police the United States and that, by the way, has a famously large stockpile of ammunition. So, it’s not a joke at all. Here’s DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
That means that Joe Biden’s partisan political enemies are now officially enemies of the state. How is this happening in America? Good question, but it is happening and Biden’s new thought-cop-in-chief has been revealed. She’s a 33-year-old, highly self-confident young woman called Nina Jankowicz.
Jankowicz comes from a place called the Wilson Center. That’s a nonprofit named for America’s other mentally incapacitated warmonger bigot president. Ironically, because everything is irony, the Wilson Center is itself a major producer of U.S. disinformation, but of the neocon variety, and for that reason is heavily funded by the Biden administration. Jankowicz is also, because everything is connected, a former adviser to the neoliberal government of Ukraine, the government we’re shipping tens of billions of tax dollars to as our own economy swirls down the drain. So, you really can’t make any of this up. It’s too grotesque. Would you believe a novel with this plot? No, you wouldn’t, but it’s happening and that’s the bad news.
The good news is everyone involved in Joe Biden’s new Ministry of Information is a buffoon. They may be evil, but they’re also ridiculous. Nina Jankowicz is the most ridiculous of all. So you read about her appointment in The Washington Post this morning and immediately thought of the NKVD because why wouldn’t you?
Yet even the NKVD, even at the height of Stalin’s purges, never did karaoke. They were too dignified for that, but Nina Jankowicz happily does. Here she is.
Twitter’s top censor donated $18,000 to Democrats before shutting down the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop revelations
This week, we’ve been introduced to a new breed of an old Stasi standby now in the United States: the intrusive political censor.
Once the province of crummy, furtive, little gray-faced men, as depicted in “The Lives of Others,” these modern day censors are now out and open as big social media stars, not even trying to hide their claims to being our political masters.
While Elon Musk, was decrying the censorship activities of Twitter’s top corporate attorney Vijaya Gadde, and the latter famously bawled about her company’s new owner, Joe Biden’s secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, was introducing us to think tank regular Nina Jankowicz who made a bizarre Disney-tune singing video on TikTok as his new “Disinformation Governance Board” chief.
Neither of these characters have a claim to impartiality in their zeal to censor others in the name of halting “disinformation.” Both are clearly Democrat party hacks and tools.
And is it just me, or do the smug, self-satisfied, expressions on the faces of these censors look remarkably alike?
Tucker: This is a joke
Niña Jankowicz, the head of the proposed U.S. Ministry of Truth, is a very scary person…
Jankowicz, Polish… she’ll know all about propaganda.
There was a delicious anecdote in the chapter about the legal profession. A witness for the prosecution complained that the lawyer for the defence described him as a soldier. ‘I’m not a soldier, I’m an officer.’
Defence counsel agreed – ‘As he himself said, he’s no soldier…’.
A Soldier is a person of rank from a private to a Warrant Officer Class One. Soldiers restart from Major Generals to Field Marshals. All the rest are Officers.
Ministers signal the end of the BBC licence fee: Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries says ‘completely outdated’ 100-year-old funding model is set to be overhauled
– New white paper on BBC’s future was published yesterday by the government
– Warned of threat to funding due to increasing numbers not paying the fee
– Ministers ‘particularly concerned’ about enforcement against elderly people
In a new white paper published yesterday, the government announced a review that is expected to dump the current 100-year-old funding method in favour of an alternative, such as a subscription model.
Great to hear! And I hope the UK govt goes through with it. I believe that public TV in the U.S. and Canada is by subscription. And this is what should happen to the ABC.
Put the major parties last
You can use this to generate your How To Vote card (I posted this yesterday in case people missed it).
awesome thankyou
This is very good. Worth watching to make your vote count about 16 mins.
Especially tells the truth about vote counting
Thanks for that, makes it easier to stack the crap at the bottom and research the policies of the other prospects.
It is not good. It gives rankings from information you have provided about previous years, that information can be no longer be relevant.
One question and your confused, think its a way of detecting the swing in votes.
In my case, the questions did not correctly determine my voting intention from past votes.
Actually, the site does have value, it gives the listings for both my house and senate candidates which I have not seen elsewhere.
Yea. Trust Palmer, Katter, Hansen and a motley crew of indies. What could possibly go wrong?
Liberals get in!
“Medical emergencies” in Berlin’s road traffic accident stats are piling up.
Since the 1970s, the number of road deaths in Germany and Austria has dropped by almost 90 percent. But now there are apparently signs of a trend reversal – and a nasty suspicion is doing the rounds.
Already since the second half of 2021, serious car collisions on open stretches of road and accidents involving several vehicles have been increasing. On German roads, up to nine such traffic accidents have been recorded in one day. Cyclists also fall every day without external impact and are usually no longer responsive when first responders arrive.
Sudden loss of consciousness has now become the second most common cause of fatal road accidents, ahead of the approximately 30 road deaths caused by alcohol per year.
Since these accumulations have only been observed since the start of mass vaccinations against Covid-19 and all over Europe, the obvious suspicion is that the development might have something to do with the new type of mRNA vaccine administered nationwide.
The bottom line is that in the second year of the vaccination campaign, vaccinated people could become a greater risk factor than drunk drivers.
Bologna will become the crash test dummy for the new EU social credit system, the pet project of Ursula von der Leyen.
The EU has now adopted the control system of “social credit” called the “Smart Citizen Wallet”.
Under the Bologna version:
Virtuous citizens who agree to be vaccinated non-stop, separate waste, use the public transport system and do not collect administrative fines will collect “points”. Rewards can then be exchanged for points, and these are “currently being defined”, said Massimo Bugano, who is working on the project.
By adding one small “feature” on the app, and the sorting of citizens by authorities will become possible.
The EU Commission wants every EU citizen to be offered such an app by autumn 2023, initially voluntary as in Bologna.
Grants will probably be the first service offered by the state which can only be obtained through the digital identity app, as was virtually the case with Corona aid packages which could only be applied for using a digital mobile signature.
when I worked in Europe in the early 2000s, we had to go to great lengths to ensure we complied with “data protection” regulations that protected peoples personal data from access or use by undefined persons and in our case having the data even reside where “others” may get to it. Now they are willingly signing up to be tracked and classified.
Rand Paul DESTROYS Blinken’s Ukraine war lies
I don’t recall seeing this publicised here:
“NetZero + Green Grid = The Great Regret”
Friends of Science 19th Annual Climate Event
Australians Ian Plimer and Joanne Nova will be the featured guest speakers for Friends of Science Society’s 19th Annual Climate Science Event.
Emeritus Professor Plimer will address “Climate Change: The past is the key to the present,” while Joanne Nova will discuss Australia as the ‘crash-test dummy’ on renewables with “How to destroy a perfectly good electricity grid in one million expensive steps.”
Australian geologist, author, and Emeritus Professor Ian Plimer will lead off the event on May 2, 2022, at 6 PM MDT (UTC – 6 hours) with his detailed review of geological history. This wealth of evidence offers us insights for interpreting present day climate change. His talk is entitled “Climate Change: The Past is the key to the present”. Live stream link here
Plimer has recently released a new book entitled “Green Murder – A Life Sentence of Net Zero with No Parole” which explores climate change science, exposes the wildly illiterate media propaganda on Australian wildfires, the implications of NetZero policies and much more.
On May 9, 2022, at 7 PM MDT (UTC – 6 hours), Australia’s popular writer, speaker and blogger, Joanne Nova will educate the public about the perils of a NetZero grid based on renewables. Nova has been writing and speaking on the ‘crash-test dummy’ catastrophe of Australia’s renewables experiment for years. Her talk is entitled, “How to destroy a perfectly good electricity grid in one million expensive steps.” Live stream link here.
Nova is also the author of “The Skeptics Handbook II: Global Bullies Want Your Money” which exposes the financial interests in carbon markets, the heavy handed bullying tactics against anyone who questions the climate catastrophe narrative, and the billions of tax dollars wasted on climate schemes that do nothing to stop climate change or provide ‘free’ renewable energy.
Well done Jo! Give them hell!
This Scary Experiment Explains Two Years of COVID Hell
In case you were wondering why all views contrary to the Official Narrative have been canceled, it’s because of the Asch Conformity Experiment.
We have just gone through a nationwide, and actually a worldwide, Asch Conformity Experiment. As implied, the goal of the experiment was not to get to the truth. It was to get conformity. Only conformity is allowed.
Asch showed that people will actually believe things that they know to be false if they think everybody else believes those things. That is the point of the COVID nightmare experiment we just lived though. You must believe:
None of these makes sense. However, no dissent can be allowed because the Asch Conformity Experiment showed that if one person stands up to the narrative, it is easier for the second one to dissent. Then another and another stand up, and then control is lost.
That is why every dissenting voice must be silenced. If one person cries, “The Emperor has no clothes,” people will see the naked truth. And that can’t be allowed.
What is the Asch Experiment?
The Asch Experiment, conducted by Solomon Asch, found out that most people, when seeing a “consensus” of participants agreeing on something that is fairly obviously false, actually ends up agreeing with those false opinions just because everyone else seems to think so.
As Asch showed, if only one person stands up, the sheep aren’t sheep anymore.
Should we be alarmed by Biden’s new Disinformation Governance Board?
Ever since Elon Musk announced his intentions to buy Twitter, the reaction from liberals has been nothing short of a meltdown.
The primary cause of the outrage was Musk’s pledge to defend free speech:
Musk recently added a caveat to his assertion about free speech, saying it has to be within the realm of the law.
On Wednesday, Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testified to Congress that a Disinformation Governance Board had recently been set up.
It was also announced that Nina Jankowicz will head the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board as executive director.
Jankowicz is a fellow at the Wilson Center, where she studied the “intersection of democracy and technology in Central and Eastern Europe.” She also wrote books such as How to Lose the Information War: Russia, Fake News, and the Future of Conflict and How to Be a Woman Online.
Obviously, there is a pattern here that her recruiters in the Biden administration liked.
The suppression and dismissal of the Hunter Biden laptop news story by the Biden campaign, the media, and Big Tech was one of the many ways the 2020 presidential election was rigged.
If that wasn’t enough, Jankowicz also promoted the mother of all disinformation: the Clinton campaign–created Trump-Russia dossier.
To summarize, her record is that she labels information as disinformation and vice versa.
There are only inferences to be drawn that Jankowicz is gullible or dishonest, or blatantly partisan, or perhaps a bit of all. These qualities should have disqualified her from being made head of a disinformation board.
The Biden administration no longer even cares to appear fair or moral.
Equally troubling is that Jankowicz seems to neither understand nor believe in freedom of expression as a right.
Which useful idiot thought such a clearly partisan hack should be Biden’s ‘disinformation czar’?
By Post Editorial Board
The comical buffoonery of Biden’s new disinformation czarina
Biden ‘disinfo’ czar Nina Jankowicz ripped over cringeworthy Mary Poppins TikTok
The person tapped to head President Biden’s new Big Brother-like disinformation board drew fresh disdain Friday over her flippant attitude toward misinformation — and her own history of spreading it.
Nina Jankowicz’s ability to be taken seriously in her role on Homeland Security’s new Orwellian “Disinformation Governance Board” was thrown into question after a cringeworthy TikTok video resurfaced of her adapting the Mary Poppins tune “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” to be about fake news.
“Information laundering is really quite ferocious. It’s when a huckster takes some lies and makes them sound precocious, by saying them in Congress or a mainstream outlet, so disinformation’s origins are slightly less atrocious,” Jankowicz sang in the Feb. 2021 video.
“When Rudy Giuliani shared bad intel from Ukraine. Or when TikTok influencers say COVID can’t cause pain. They’re laundering disinfo and we really should take note. And not support their lies with our wallet, voice or vote,” she continued.
The bizarre rendition was shared widely online as critics raised doubts of her ability to target real disinformation — and questioned how she even landed the job given her previous dubious claims about the veracity of The Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop.
VIDEO Biden’s information commissar Nina Jankowicz – “Who do I f*ck to be rich, famous and powerful”
Lots of suggestions in the comments
Biden Disinformation Chief Nina Jankowicz Sang About Sex Fantasy with Dead Harry Potter
It is an ironic discovery — Jankowicz’s apparent obsession with Harry Potter — as many have deemed her the U.S. version of the Ministry of Magic’s overpowering Dolores Umbridge.
Zyconoclast says:
April 30, 2022 at 1:19 pm
President Biden’s disinformation chief Nina Jankowicz sang about dead child s@x with fictional character Harry Potter,
While disturbing, it is less interesting than this
During her testimony, Jankowicz referred to the plot to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer saying “The social media platforms played a huge role in allowing that group to organize. It allowed, you know, that group to — it seeded the information that led them to organize.”[15]:?29
When we now know
Gretchen Whitmer: Michigan governor kidnap plot case collapses
But lawyers for the accused countered that the scheme was mostly “smoke and mirrors”, profane talk by angry and disillusioned men.
Throughout the trial, they maintained that the men had been entrapped – or improperly induced into the crime – by an undercover FBI operation.
Biden Disinformation Chief Sang About Boys in Girls’ Bathrooms Being ‘Creepy’
“ability to target real disinformation ”
Oooh.. I’d LOVE to know what that really is! Some subset of what MSM doesn’t mention?? Some subset of the MSM itself?? All of it…?? Whatever the critics don’t like?
This ‘disinformation war’ could go on forever!
Water and air are all you need to make ammonia—one of world’s most important chemicals
Researchers have developed a method to produce ammonia simply from air and water. Not only is it more energy efficient than the century-old Haber-Bosch process currently in use all over the world, but it is also greener.
Ammonia – made up of three parts hydrogen and one part nitrogen (or NH3) – has had a momentous impact on society. Without the mass production of this chemical, it is estimated that as many as a third of us won’t be alive. This is because its main use is to make fertilisers, which have helped improve crop yields and sustain a large population.
Perfect timing!
Hey! That’s MY chair. 😅
Some weekend entertainment.
Very good.
Hunter for Red October Biden used alias of KGB spy from Tom Clancy novels: emails
Joe Biden wrote to his son Hunter and others close to him using the pseudonym “Peter Henderson” – a fictional Soviet Union-era spy in several Tom Clancy novels who infiltrated the US government, emails show.
The messages contained on Hunter’s abandoned laptop appear to indicate the then-VP started using the fictitious mole’s moniker in October 2016 while forwarding a YouTube video to his son Hunter, brother Jim, daughter-in-law Hallie, as well as his sister and longtime political strategist Valerie Biden Owens.
Biden sent the message using an email address with a username of “67stingray” — a clear reference to his beloved 1967 Corvette Stingray.
The name attached to Biden’s “67stingray” account at the time was “Peter Henderson” – which matches the name of the KGB spy in Clancy’s popular Jack Ryan series, according to online fan pages.
Henderson, whose codename was Cassius in Clancy’s realm, worked as a “minor Senate aide” in 1970 before becoming a Russian spy who was later caught by the CIA and turned into a double agent.
Zscaler Research Shows Over 400% Increase in Phishing Attacks with Retail and Wholesale Industries at Greatest Risk
Zscaler, Inc., the leader in cloud security, today released the findings of its 2022 ThreatLabz Phishing Report that reviews 12 months of global phishing data from the Zscaler security cloud to identify key trends, industries and geographies at risk and emerging tactics.
According to the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), phishing attempts are the most frequently-reported cyberattack. Zscaler’s ThreatLabz research team analyzed data from more than 200 billion daily transactions, and 150 million daily blocked attacks in order to identify emerging threats and track malicious actors from across the globe. This year’s report showed dramatic 29% growth in overall phishing attacks compared to previous years, with retail and wholesale companies bearing the brunt of the increase. The report also showed an emerging reliance on phishing-as-a-service methods, as well as new attack vectors, such as SMS phishing, becoming one of the more prevalent methods of intrusion.
Retail and wholesale businesses experienced an increase of over 400% in phishing attempts – the most out of all tracked industries. These businesses were followed by financial and government sectors, with organizations in these industries seeing over 100% increases in attacks on average.
No major cyberattacks as yet and in 2 weeks time it may not matter, but I for one take it seriously and am well prepared.😊
Then again maybe criminals will just cut the fibreoptic cables like in France…
WEF ‘Young Global Leader’ Macron Introduces Digital ID System in France Days After Election
President Macron did not even have the courage to announce the new development himself, leaving it to Prime Minister Jean Castex to confirm the creation of a so-called “Digital Identity Guarantee Service” (SGIN).
1984 would be pleasant compared to what we’re facing.
In a world gone mad, elites keep peddling untruths
It begins with the most basic building blocks of our world.
What is the first thing everybody knows about? I’d say it is probably whether they are a boy or a girl. What is the first thing everybody asks of new parents? “A boy or a girl?” But then we entered into the age of insanity.
Weirdo academics who would once have been confined to their studies at Berkeley (if not some other institution) decided boys and girls didn’t exist. They claimed that sex was in fact a “social construct” or a matter of “performance.” Before the age of social media that claim wouldn’t have leaked out of the confines of an asylum. But in the age of Twitter it got pumped out everywhere.
Many of the deranging claims of our era are far more important. It is only three years since the New York Times decided to publish a project which sought to reframe the founding date of America. No more 1776. Everything you were taught in school was wrong. From now on, the authors of the project claimed, the founding date of America should be seen to be 1619. The date the first slaves arrived in America. Because then all of American history could be seen through the sole, defining lens of slavery.
This is a deranging claim in itself. At the time that the first slaves arrived in America every civilization in the world still practiced slavery. There was nothing unique about America. But once the claims of activist non-historians like the 1619 project are spun through social media they enter a new realm entirely.
For history is all about context. And social media has no context because it has no history.
Environmental induced transgenerational inheritance impacts systems epigenetics in disease etiology.
Environmental toxicants have been shown to promote the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of disease through exposure specific epigenetic alterations in the germline. The current study examines the actions of hydrocarbon jet fuel, dioxin, pesticides (permethrin and methoxychlor), plastics, and herbicides (glyphosate and atrazine) in the promotion of transgenerational disease in the great grand-offspring rats that correlates with specific disease associated differential DNA methylation regions (DMRs).
..Therefore, for each disease the DMRs and associated genes were distinct for each exposure generational lineage. Observations suggest a large number of DMRs and associated genes are involved in a specific pathology, and various environmental exposures influence unique subsets of DMRs and genes to promote the transgenerational developmental origins of disease susceptibility later in life.
Translation: modern life will get you or your offspring sooner or later 😆
Now factor in the good old vaxx and its effect on the immune sysyem and DNA…
McConnell’s ‘Exhilarating’ Insurrection
When it comes to January 6, there are no coincidences.
A dirty little secret about January 6—one of many—is that Democrats and establishment Republicans, not Trump supporters, wanted to shut down the official proceedings of that day.
Just as the first wave of protesters breached the building shortly after 2 p.m., congressional Republicans were poised to present evidence of rampant voting fraud in the 2020 presidential election. Ten incumbent and four newly-elected Republican senators planned to work with their House colleagues to demand the formation of an audit commission to investigate election “irregularities” in the 2020 election. Absent an audit, the group of senators, including Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) pledged to reject the Electoral College results from the disputed states.
The Hail Mary effort was doomed to fail; yet the American people would have heard hours of debate related to provable election fraud over the course of the day.
And no one opposed the effort more than ex-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).
Further—and more importantly—why did McConnell’s office fail to protect the Capitol on January 6?
His Sergeant at Arms at the time served on the U.S. Capitol police board, a four-man body that manages security at the sprawling Capitol complex.
McConnell, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser—the three leaders responsible for protecting the Capitol on January 6—still have not explained their failure to do so. Not only did McConnell’s top law enforcement officials purportedly overlook the potential for violence on January 6, he denied requests for more officers days before and delayed sending guardsmen to Capitol Hill that afternoon.
And it will be nearly impossible to find out why: Stegner, along with Irving and Sund, all resigned on January 7, 2021.
Ex-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) – GOP uniparty leader
EXCLUSIVE: New Jan. 6 Bodycam Videos Show DC Police Officer Assaulting Unconscious Protester
Use-of-force expert says DC Metro Police officer committed felony in attack on Rosanne Boyland
By Joseph M. Hanneman April 29, 2022 Updated: April 29, 2022
A District of Columbia police officer used a large wooden stick to strike the body and head of protester Rosanne Boyland three times as she lay motionless on the ground on Jan. 6, 2021, according to bodycam footage from several officers obtained by The Epoch Times.
Use-of-force expert Stanley Kephart, upon reviewing the previously unreleased footage, concluded that the three full-force blows by D.C. police officer Lila Morris constituted a felony assault with intent to cause great bodily harm.
Kephart called Morris’s use of force “indefensible” and the internal-affairs investigation of Boyland’s death a “clear and convincing coverup.”
Police at the mouth of the Lower West Terrace tunnel at the U.S. Capitol ignored dozens of pleas to help Boyland after she collapsed, the videos show.
An independent forensic pathologist hired by the Boyland family contends that her cause of death wasn’t an overdose of the prescription drug Adderall—as reported by the D.C. medical examiner—but manual asphyxia. Boyland was crushed under a pile of people when police gassed protesters and pushed them out of the tunnel at about 4:20 p.m. on Jan. 6.
Kephart concluded that Morris’s use of force was a felonious “assault under the color of authority,” with intent to cause great bodily harm. He said that Morris should be prosecuted in criminal court and fired from the D.C. Metro police force.
“There’s people under here!” shouted Justin Winchell, Boyland’s friend who accompanied her to Washington that day. “There’s people trapped under here!”
A protester right at the police line who was bleeding from a baton strike to the head pointed to Boyland and pleaded for help. “Get her up. Get her up! Get her up, please,” the man urged. “Save her life! Save her life, please!”
One officer used his baton and boots to push five protesters on top of Boyland, bodycam video shows. “Please get her up! She’s gonna die!” Winchell shouted.
Record-breaking camera keeps everything between 3 cm and 1.7 km in focus
In photography, depth of field refers to how much of a three-dimensional space the camera can focus on at once. A shallow depth of field, for example, would keep the subject sharp but blur out much of the foreground and background. Now, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology have taken inspiration from ancient trilobytes to demonstrate a new light field camera with the deepest depth of field ever recorded.
Hmmm…I recall such a lens system being developed over a decade ago…
Biden’s Ministry of Truth
Taking a page from Mussolini and Orwell.
Two-inch diamond wafers could store a billion Blu-Ray’s worth of data
An ultra-pure diamond wafer (right) measuring 5 cm (2 in) in diameter that could be used for high-density data storage. The small square to the left is the usual size of diamond wafers possible using older manufacturing techniques.
An ultra-pure diamond wafer (right) measuring 5 cm (2 in) in diameter that could be used for high-density data storage. The small square to the left is the usual size of diamond wafers possible using older manufacturing techniques.Saga University
Researchers in Japan have developed a new method for making 5-cm (2-in) wafers of diamond that could be used for quantum memory. The ultra-high purity of the diamond allows it to store a staggering amount of data – the equivalent of one billion Blu-Ray discs.
Diamond is one of the most promising materials for practical quantum computing systems, including memory. A particular defect in the crystal, known as a nitrogen-vacancy center, can be used to store data in the form of superconducting quantum bits (qubits), but too much nitrogen in the diamond disrupts its quantum storage capabilities.
Anyone remember the 70’s film Zardoz? 😉
I am expecting the day might come when nanotechnology displaces expensive lenses.
The Producers – Springtime for Hitler and Germany – sums up the World today
The Producers is a movie about failing producer Max Bialystock (Nathan Lane) and his accountant, Leo Bloom (Matthew Broderick), who scam a group of elderly women out of their nest eggs by convincing them to invest in a horrendously offensive Third Reich-themed musical secretly intended to bomb the moment it opens.
But when high-brow Broadway audiences mistakenly assume “Springtime for Hitler” is a satire, Bialystock finds himself with the critical acclaim that has long eluded him — and the biggest hit of his career.
Elon Musk’s right: The left has gone insane
By Post Editorial Board
Scientists are building a “Black box” to record the end of civilisation. In Tasmania! 😨
The project, dubbed Earth’s Black Box, will be an immense steel monolith installed in a remote location in Tasmania. It’s akin to the black boxes that are designed to survive airplane crashes and provide investigators valuable data on what led to the disaster — except on a planetary scale.
The team is designing the box to record climate data such as atmospheric CO2 levels, sea temperatures, and energy consumption levels. It’ll also gather contextual information like news headlines and social media posts.
“The idea is if the Earth does crash as a result of climate change, this indestructible recording device will be there for whoever’s left to learn from that,” Jim Curtis, the executive creative director at Clemenger BBDO, told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).
I don’t think it’ll record the fate of the BLM/trans/250 genders/loony-left movements though.
Pity..future historians would probably get a laugh out of it.
(Just like we do now 😆)
A ‘brainless’ talent with an IQ of 126, where does this intelligence come from?
Can humans live without a brain? This seemingly mythical story actually exists. A student with excellent grades with a first-place honors degree in math, has an IQ of 126 and is capable of living in harmony with normal society. However, this student has no brain!
…waits for the inevitable jokes…😅
Seriously though I’ve heard of a few such cases and it forces one to question the real nature of the brain, the degree of neuroplasticity, the nature and location of consciousness and the true role of other bodily organs like the liver which is often regarded as a second brain.
I suspect consciousness connects to the body but does not reside within it, a point I alluded to recently before incurring the inevitable wrath of the creature below the bridge 😉
Perhaps in a few centuries our scientific beliefs will be long discarded and viewed as we now view those of the middle ages. Nonsense. I hope so.
Something for Oldies to do in their spare time –
Ultracruiser Full Kit
USD $17,900.00Price
Contains all components. This means all hardware, welded assemblies, and formed aluminum parts. Contains assembled main spar, and vertical tail post. Tri-gear option is an additional $800.00. Contains required assembly manuals. Airframe only.
Does not include instruments, engine, propeller, or seat cushions.
Congratulations Tony Abbott AC, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun
Bruce of Newcastle says:
April 30, 2022 at 12:22 pm
Albo has discovered a new winningly winning campaign idea!
Labor to make $125 million electric bus pledge (Sky News, 30 Apr)
Sure to bring in squillions of votes. There’s just one tiny problem…
Paris suspends electric bus fleet after fires (, 29 Apr)
Hopefully Albo’s electric buses will have lots and lots of emergency exits in them.
I’m sure Proterra could provide Australia with plenty of unused EV buses…
Excellent, if it works for mass production. Not quite there yet.
“However, it is one thing to show off the success of chemical production in labs and quite another to replicate it on an industrial scale. Licht admits that there is room for improvement but he is confident that it could work. Fermin has a caveat to add, “Before going for full scale up, a better understanding of the mechanism in this complex multi-electron transfer reaction will be required.”
– this was supposed to be in reply to John’s #35, sorry.
Ford just fired 580 EV engineers
Ford? They make cars don’t they?
Global Internet Pact: US & 55 Other Nations Sign Pledge Days After Musk Twitter Buyout
Ruling elite working toward eliminating free speech on a global level.
Thankfully I downloaded the entire web years ago 😉
“malicious behaviour is on the rise, including the spread of disinformation…”
Welp, you know what the whole pact is all about, just from that phrase. Too bad we can’t opt out of it as individuals.
Pauline Hanson in the Senate addressing some issues in the indigenous community, the greens lose it.
I don’t feel safe in my work place.
11 mins
The most popular President in the history of France, “under my umbrella”
ParaPactum, an umbrella – shield to protect the President and personalities
Weather is going get worse than it already is, I don’t believe it.
The N@zi Aircraft Fueled by…Coal
While World War 2 raged on, oil began to run low and more unconventional means of fuel were needed to replace them.
The N@zis then came up with the P13a, a plane which would be powered by coal. Originally a wire mesh basket filled with coal was going to be attached behind the nose air intake, where it would then be ignited by a gas burner.
The P13a was a top secret plane; it was a ramjet-powered delta wing interceptor that was designed by Dr. Alexander Lippisch for the N@zis. The aircraft was supposedly never finished, but it was tested in wind tunnels and showed readings that it would perform perfect in Mach 3 speeds.
The coal that was to power the engine would be small granulates instead of large lumps so they could be controlled and burn evenly; the basket would also be altered to a mesh drum that would revolve on a vertical axis. A jet would fire into the basket once the P13a reached operating speed. Though it could not get there on its own, it would have to be shot off with a rocket, or need to be towed.
The air that passed through the ramjet would then be taken and mixed with clean air coming from another intake. It would then be funneled into a rear nozzle to provide the plane’s thrust. The burner and drum were built and tested in Vienna before the war ended.
Tongue in Cheek – Choppering into Wentworth in this would be nice as well.
Army’s new coal-powered tiltrotor gaining traction in Congress
WASHINGTON — As the Army evaluates several prototype aircraft for its Future of Vertical Lift modernization initiative, one coal-powered tiltrotor is quickly gaining popularity with Congress.
“This amazing piece of machinery is something our troops just really, really need to deter clean ener—ahem, the Russians,” said Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV). “Plus, coal power is organic and all-natural, unlike processed fuels like petroleum, biodiesel, and ethanol.”
The new aircraft, dubbed the V-29 “Super Emu,” was designed by Bell-Textron and boasts twin coal-fired steam boilers, each capable of producing more than 7,000 horsepower. Designers tout the Super Emu’s ability to deliver half a fire team into the crucible of combat at whistlestop speeds in excess of 40 knots.
“Admittedly, we had to trim down the passenger compartment to make room for the stoker crew and coal storage,” Bell-Textron CEO Mitch Snyder said. “But the trade-off was worth it. The V-29 has sped through the entire acquisition and congressional approval processes in less than two months.”
Snyder told reporters that, if awarded program status, the Super Emu would be able to transport troops, conceal their deployment with billowing coal ash, and render enemy water sources non-potable—and in some places, caustic.
“It’s what we in the arms industry call a win, win, win.”
While supporters say the Super Emu will be a revolution in military affairs and a boon to the U.S. economy, critics argue the aircraft is only being considered because it burns American coal and has components made in every congressional district. Moreover, as adversaries have invested heavily in air-defense systems as part of their anti-access/area denial strategies, critics question why the Army is considering any Future of Vertical Lift aircraft as part of its modernization efforts.
“Sure, in a heavy armor fight with long-range fires and low-yield nuclear weapons, the U.S. needs to invest billions into taxiing light infantry troops to and from the front lines,” said Dr. Jonathan Northfield, an advisor in Army Futures Command. “And at close to 1,100 tons, the Super Emu is more likely to tunnel under enemy fortifications than it is to fly over them.”
Simon says Wealthy White Women’s Collective!
Saturday, 30 April 2022
Blokes and blacks need not apply.
But we’re all independent.
From the Comments
– They are pro Labor/Greens so they will be okay, no discrimination with this little lot. “The Independents”, I hope they’re not trying to convince us that is not a political party.
– G@d help us if these clueless clots ever get into a position of power.
Not a party hey! Any common funding? Anything you need to declare?
From the Comments
– Zali during the 2019 Federal Election claimed to be from “the sensible right” alluding to be a safe pair of hands for Liberal voters to hand over to from Tony Abbott MP.
After being questioned she was forced to admit that she had never voted Liberal in her voting life, she leans left.
All Climate200 “Independents” are targeting Liberal or National MPs.
They’re Paneling Paradise to Put Up Solar — a Lot
By Steve Miller, RealClearInvestigations
April 28, 2022
The pathway to a green future involves taking millions of acres of pristine wilderness and turning them into fields of windmills and hot expanses of glistening panels.
The Biden administration’s goal of supplying 40% of the nation’s energy from the sun by 2035 means covering millions of acres of forest and desert habitat with vast solar panel installations fenced off like prisons. It would require 8,800 square miles of land, or 5.6 million acres, to generate that power (leaving out small installations on buildings and the like) — about the size of Rhode Island and Massachusetts combined.
But the push to convert that land from pastoral to energy-productive is galvanizing a new environmental movement, one led by citizen groups and small non-profits rather than the monied green interests arrayed against them — ones ironically accustomed to casting the fossil fuel industry in the role of the ecological heavy.
The potential impacts of solar-power installations have flown under the radar while much public resistance has centered on wind farms – which kill an estimated 1.2 million birds per year in the U.S. and are considered loud and unsightly by many who live near their towering turbines. Even as the Biden administration has made limiting the environmental impact of oil and gas a key goal, it has opened large tracts of federal lands to solar development by major corporations including Duke Energy, Exelon and BrightSource Energy.
Solar advocates say mitigating climate change requires a switch to carbon-free energy, and utility-scale solar installations are vital to the effort. They contend a looming climate crisis requires the switch to be made quickly, although the effects of widespread solar development are not fully understood.
Albanese dogged by questions over Labor’s cost of living relief
Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese has refused to say whether households will be better off overall from Labor’s cost of living packages amid the risk of rising interest rates and inflation wiping out the gains.
Giving his first full press conference after his COVID-induced absence from the campaign trail, Mr Albanese continued to be peppered by questions over Labor’s policies to tackling the soaring cost of living.
But responding to the Morrison government’s announcement of a $10 reduction to medicines co-payments for patients, Labor flagged it would announce its own policy to address drug prices at its campaign launch on Sunday.
Campaigning in Perth on Saturday morning, where Labor hopes to gain up to three seats, Mr Albanese said it was “good to be anywhere frankly at the moment” after leaving isolation the day before.
Saying Australians had “conflict fatigue”, Mr Albanese hailed his announcement of investing $125 million – matched by the state government – to build electric buses in Perth as an example of cooperation with the states.
“This is a government always looking for an argument, never a solution,” Mr Albanese said.
“One of the lessons of the pandemic is we have to stand on our own two feet, we are vulnerable if we are at the end of supply chains.”
‘Cost of living crisis’
But with Labor’s accusations of government inaction over the rising cost of living central to its election pitch, Mr Albanese ducked questions over how the party would reduce supermarket bills.
The government prints money to give to people, in order to compensate them for the inflation caused by the last time they printed money and gave it away.
That makes sense … can’t see anything that could go wrong with that plan.
NEW Controlled Food System Is Now In Place And They Will Stop At Nothing To Accelerate Their Control
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” This famous quote by Henry Kissinger is ringing more and more true by the week. The globalists already control the majority of the money, are moving ever so swiftly to convert the energy system over into systems they are all invested in, and have been taking drastic measures to control the food industry while running much of it under the radar. If they control the seeds they control the food, and if they control the food they can use the digital ID to control consumer access to the food.
Note that this is lengthy article, focussed on the USA as always, but well worth the read.
Assessing the Risks of Nuclear Confrontation Over Ukraine (Part One)
Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 19 Issue: 61
By: Roger McDermott
April 27, 2022 04:35 PM Age: 2 days
Since Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Western governments and analysts have periodically expressed fears that the Kremlin might try to escalate by using nuclear weapons. This anxiety stems directly from Moscow’s own nuclear threat rhetoric: indeed, Putin’s original announcement of the officially designated spetsial’naya voyennaya operatsiya (special military operation) against Ukraine included a warning against direct intervention by the United States and its allies, threatening them with unparalleled destruction (Interfax, February 24). The nuclear warnings continued with the successful testing of the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on April 20—routine and duly notified but characterized by Putin as providing “food for thought” to potential adversaries (Krasnaya Zvezda, April 22). These warnings are key in the Kremlin’s strategy to manage conflict escalation by deterring the US and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) from considering directly intervening in the war. While the risk of nuclear confrontation between Russia and the US is possible, it is worth assessing the actual danger of a direct Moscow-Washington clash escalating to a nuclear exchange.
The three experts also draw upon Herman Kahn’s 1965 work that presents 44 rungs on the “ladder of escalation,” applied contemporaneously to great power competition in the information era but with the number of “rungs” reduced to 12—the point at which the nuclear threshold is crossed. The dozen points of escalation, from crisis to ending with a strategic nuclear exchange, are as follows
(Voprosy Eskalatsii i Deeskalatsii Krizisnykh Situatsii, Vooruzhennykh Konfliktov i Voin, 2021):
Assessing the Risks of Nuclear Confrontation Over Ukraine (Part Two)
Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 19 Issue: 61
By: Roger McDermott
April 27, 2022 04:37 PM Age: 2 days
Moscow’s official statements since February 24, 2022, concerning possible nuclear escalation should the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) directly intervene in the Russo-Ukrainian war represent a deliberate policy of strategic deterrence. Possible escalation to a world war between the US and Russia is acknowledged by both sides, which are seeking to navigate its avoidance, and featuring in White House deliberations on the level of weapons and hardware support that Washington and its allies can provide to Ukraine. The risk of nuclear conflict caused by the war in Ukraine and the wider US-Russia crisis raises critically important questions about how to judge the level of escalation and discern the red lines on the part of both Moscow and Washington.
Thus, the Russo-Ukrainian war is occurring in the context of a potential confrontation between two nuclear powers, with each trying to establish where lies the point of no return on the path toward strategic nuclear exchange (Nezavisimoye Voyennoye Obozreniye, October 14, 21, 2021).
For now, wider war appears some way off, as Moscow has numerous conventional military escalatory options at its disposal, ranging from assigning a massive airpower role to the Aerospace Forces (Vozdushno Kosmicheskikh Sil—VKS), destroying critically important targets or even simply boosting its conventional firepower on the battlefield. For example, the Tu-22M3 long-range bomber can deliver the FAB-5000M-54 free-falling high-explosive bomb. The mass of the warhead reaches 4,200 kilograms, and the mass of the explosive is 2,210.6 kilograms. As a non-nuclear option, the VKS has at its disposal a high-power aviation vacuum bomb, informally named the “Father of All Bombs” (drawing by analogy on the US Air Force’s GBU-43/B, nicknamed the “Mother of All Bombs”). Some military specialists consider this to be the most powerful non-nuclear weapon in the world (, April 19).
In reality, Russia’s Armed Forces possess enough conventional firepower to render the tactical nuclear option unnecessary in Ukraine.
Meanwhile, the risk of nuclear use primarily relates to an escalatory response to the United States/NATO entering the war. For the time, the West has ruled out physical intervention. As Kokoshin and his co-authors warn, “Many domestic and foreign experts rightly point out that it is unacceptable to unleash any war between nuclear powers, any direct military clash, since neither side will be ready to admit defeat in a war using conventional means. An armed clash between the allies of the nuclear powers should also be considered very dangerous” (Nezavisimoye Voyennoye Obozreniye, October 21, 2021).
Since you started it:
The EU will be the first target then the USA.
But we need to wait 2 weeks to see if there’ll be an escalation. In all likelihood war will be 2023/2024.
Events always seem imminent and insurmountable but end up being pushed down the track.
“The EU will be the first target then the USA.”
No, the USA first. Europe will do whatever the USA tells them to, so you hit the organ-grinder first. Europe will suddenly find something else to occupy their minds rather than some ex-USSR country having an argument with its cousin.
Right now the Yanks have Poland lined up for taking over Western Ukraine a ‘peacekeepers’ to free up more Ukies to fight, and that means they get to keep their piece afterwards. America expects Ukraine to be broken up, once again.
Romania is pretending its troops are Moldovans so they can invade the breakaway Transnistria and seize the largest depot of ammunition in Europe. Russia can’t allow that, but can’t move the ammo as it is landlocked between Moldova and Ukraine, so Russia must seize Odessa and the last bit of Southern Ukraine first.
It would be easier to hit the capitals of Poland & Romania with missiles just to suggest those countries don’t get involved. The more mature countries in Europe like Germany, France & Italy know well enough to keep at a long stick’s length away from Russia.
Poor old India..
Hand, foot and mouth disease among kids on the rise in Mumbai
Tomato fever spreads in children, symptoms like Chickenpox
“tomato fever is spreading in avanur areas, which include the first division of the municipality and the fifth ward of neduvathur panchayat. eight children were diagnosed with the disease. the disease is spreading in anganwadi children. the symptoms are chronic fever and redness of body parts.”
Covid 4th wave: Genome sequencing confirms first case of new variant BA12 in Bihar
“In the midst of a possible fourth wave of Covid-19, Bihar registered the first case of new variant found in a patient detected with the virus. The new variant of Omicron BA 12 was confirmed in a patient admitted in IGIMS Patna through genome sequencing.”
Mass diarrhea outbreaks, swine fever, the list goes on…
Not the place to be.
My twin grandsons just had hand foot and mouth disease. Just a matter of controlling fever for a few days, not too big a deal.
A friend’s son had it in Germany years ago; no big deal at all.
Housebuyers prevented from moving home due to the cyber attack affecting Gloucester City council
More residents have spoken out about how they cannot move home because the property search service at Gloucester City Council is still out of action. Many of the council’s online systems were affected after Russian hackers breached their systems in December.
4 months?
Must be running XP!
How many large organisations are running old OS’s and have no real security?
A lot!!
Putin toilet paper is now available!
Can’t wait for the Joe Biden and Dan Andrews ones. There will be shortages then! 😅
MEGA repository of ebooks
I found this a few months back while looking for a particular book (and found it here) but was too lazy to post it 😜
Something for everyone.
All free to download.
Did you know..
That for the last 3 days, Arctic sea ice extent has been higher than it was for the same days in 1989 !
You can see into the future?
Im pretty sure we have been stuck in 1984 for the last two years.
An expression for use in your next complaint to council on road conditions –
““We have potholes where we can see the f_ck_ng core of the Earth!”. Classic! I’m stealing it.”
In comments at
Saw a car sticker…
We’ve had a labor aligned local gov for ages but the roads are pretty good and we’ve avoided the worst excesses of the green blob. Rates aren’t cheap though.
“China’s Blood Batteries”
Brains shift in adolescence to tune out parents’ voices
Obvious to Parents and Kids
“So, if it seems like your teenager is tuning you out, that may well be the case. But, Abrams said, “it’s not personal. This is a natural part of development.” – “But at a certain point, he said, kids need to expand their social world, getting ready for independence and eventually starting their own family in many cases.”
With Mother’s Day coming up, Remember
To Abrams, the study also underscores the broader importance of voice to human beings. Just think about any time you’ve become emotional from hearing the voice of a loved one you haven’t spoken to in a while, he said.
It’s different from a text message, Abrams pointed out.
“Voices are among the most important social signals we have,” he said. “They connect us, and help us feel we’re part of a community. And I would argue that hearing a loved one’s voice is one of the most rewarding experiences we have in our daily lives.”
Subcontinent Heatwave
“People think a degree or two might not matter,” AghaKouchak says, but when average temperatures increase by even small amounts, it means extreme events are becoming more likely.
The effects of climate change on weather can sometimes be difficult to tease out. But for heat waves, researchers have “very high confidence” that climate change is making the problem worse, AghaKouchak says.
(MIT Tech Review)
So let’s get this straight!
“The flu is a much more significant illness if you’ve been vaccinated for Covid.”
You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know what this means now do you
Senator Gerard Rennick
New Omicron BA.4, BA.5 sublineages may evade vaccines, natural immunity. What experts say
New omicron sublineages, discovered by South African scientists this month, are likely able to evade vaccines and natural immunity from prior infections, the head of gene sequencing units that produced a study on the strains said, according to Bloomberg report.
No doubt due to arrive in Oz after the elections.
The Democrats have become the party of miserable, whiny grumps
When Elon Musk tweeted on Friday, “The far left hates everyone, themselves included!” the only thing he got wrong was his use of the word “far.”
The hatred, anger and resentment of liberals is not exclusive to the extreme Democrat. It’s now the entire party.
When was the last time anyone encountered a happy Democrat? They don’t exist. They’re perpetually miserable, annoyed that normal people have moved on from COVID, offended that anyone objects to public schools teaching 7-year-olds about sexual identity, and frustrated that their fetish with “critical race theory” (also known as “how to properly hate whites!”) isn’t as widely shared as they thought.
Is it “Politics is show business for ugly people” or is it “Politics is an ugly business for showy people”?
With few exceptions the democrats are ugly in mind and body and they are grooming the kids.
The Stupidity of Australian Elections
Has Anthony Albanese repeated a well known political blunder? The picture Labor leader could live to regret
Anthony Albanese’s political minders may be on edge after a photo emerged of the Labor Leader on Saturday awkwardly eating a sausage sandwich in Perth.
Is it “Politics is show business for ugly people” or is it “Politics is an ugly business for showy people”?
With few exceptions the democrats are ugly in mind and body and they are grooming the kids.
Canada is getting a covid vaccine plant
“Future Corruption Alert”
Don’t miss the comments
And IIRC – –
Election 2022, Catherine Englebrecht Outlines Devastating Evidence of Corruption by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp
Catherine Englebrecht appeared on The War Room with Steve Bannon {Direct Rumble Link} to outline the evidence of election fraud that took place in 2020 through the use of ballot harvesting and ballot mules. The receipts Englebrecht and True The Vote have gathered are the primary evidence in an explosive documentary that is going to be released shortly called “2000 Mules.”
The 2020 vote in key county precincts was manipulated by illegal and fraudulent ballot harvesting. Wayne county, Michigan; Philadelphia county, Pennsylvania; Maricopa county, Arizona; Clark county, Nevada; Dane county, Wisconsin; and Fulton county, Georgia. True the Vote has the documentary evidence, and video from the drop boxes, outlining how the ballot harvesting took place. However, corrupt local and state officials have refused to investigate the evidence because the political scandal is extreme in consequence.
Importantly, during the interview with Steve Bannon, Catherine Englebrecht notes the systemic corruption by Georgia Republican Governor Brian Kemp, and his entire administration, as one concrete example of the willful fraud that cuts across party lines. WATCH:
I hope you will invest 20 minutes of your time watching the discussion to get a more fulsome perspective on the scale of political corruption that Ms. Englebrecht and her group have been fighting for more than a year. The discussion about the GOPe corruption in Georgia is sickening.
Summed up in the Comments with One Poster
North Atlantic cools and the AMOC slows down, all because of natural fluctuations.
‘The results have now been published in the scientific journal Nature Climate Change. According to the researchers, part of the North Atlantic is cooling – a striking contrast to the majority of ocean regions. All evaluations indicate that since the beginning of the 20th century, natural fluctuations have been the primary reason for this cooling. Nonetheless, the studies indicate that the AMOC has started to slow down in recent decades.’ (Notrickszone)
CDC Reports First Human Case Of Avian Influenza
A Colorado man has tested positive for an H5 bird flu virus, the first such case in the U.S., health officials said April 28.
First human case?
Ah no sorry…
The first in the USA, yes.
The CDC is well behind me 😆
May as well do a synopsis.
Actually the USA is now the #1 hotspot for avian flu. Goes to show just how fast things can change.
Cases in the UK/EU slowing markedly.
Minimal cases elsewhere on the planet.
Cases of Salmonella/poisoning have increased markedly globally.
Dengue fever cases rising globally.
Brazil is the #1 hotspot.
#1 disease hotspot is India followed by the USA. You might think Africa is a hotspot but it’s not – they have low case rates of cyclic diseases and no upward or mobility trends.
Asia – as I mentioned before the general trend is diseases slowly moving east towards Oz via Phillipines, Indonesia.
Russia rates a mention as it’s typically a blank page. They’re currently prepping for Cholera outbreaks.
Primary human concern: Dengue fever.
The UK had one positive test, no symptoms, followed by multiple negative tests.
Now the US no symptoms and multiple neg tests.
So two over the entire planet, more dodgy testing, millions of our food birds slaughtered.
Should I be terrified of the chook flu or the retards with the swab?
He reported fatigue as his only symptom and is now in isolation and being treated with the flu antiviral drug oseltamivir.
It’s unclear whether the exposure resulted in an infection, according to statements from the health agencies. Officials from the Colorado health department said a positive test result came from a single nasal specimen. The CDC confirmed that result April 27, though it said repeat testing has been negative.
“Because the person was in close contact with infected poultry, the virus may have been present in the person’s nose without causing infection,” the Colorado health department said. The CDC said whether the positive test was the result of “surface contamination of the nasal membrane” cannot be determined now.
“The appropriate public health response at this time is to assume this is an infection and take actions to contain and treat,” the CDC said, adding risk to the general public remains low.
The CDC has been monitoring H5N1 outbreaks among wild birds and poultry since late 2021.
The agency said it has been tracking the health of more than 2,500 people with exposure to infected birds, and this marks the only detected case. The first such human infection caused by the predominant group of H5N1 viruses now circulating was reported in the U.K. in December.
Exactly, how repeatable are the tests. Tested positive with no symptoms. Then how can you transmit if you have Zero symptoms?
Who made the vote machines?
Trevor Noah at WHCA Dinner–Under Joe Biden Everything Is Looking Up: Gas, Food, and Rent
Noah also joked about Biden’s controversial comment endorsing removing Russian President Vladimir Putin from power.
“It was very very upsetting to Russia until someone explained to them that none of the stuff Biden wants actually gets done,” Noah joked.
Being that this made Jo Nova in no time flat –
Almost like in this case “Truth is halfway round the world before lies gets their pants on”
NSW government ministers have slammed a ‘woke’ inclusion training seminar after they were told they should not refer to each other as ‘mate’.
The NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet conducted a series of ‘diversity and inclusion’ consultations this week.
The program listed a number of workplace changes including bans on drinking alcohol in the office, yelling at colleagues and gossiping about staff.
The seminars are estimated to have cost taxpayers $202,000.
Some ministers have criticised the ‘Respect at Work’ consultations and labelled them as ‘PC insanity’, ‘straight out of 1984’ and ‘mumbo jumbo’.
From the Comments
Mate mate mate mate mate mate mate mate mate mate mate mate mate mate mate mate mate mate mmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare
Nice link
Comrade is more inclusive?
“Trudeau is a Tyrant & Canada is No Longer Free – Viva Clip”
“Tucker: Our leaders don’t understand this”
Or this
“The World Has Gone Bonkers!”
“Northern Ireland will need to lose more than 1 million sheep and cattle to meet its new legally binding climate emissions targets, according to an industry-commissioned analysis seen by the Guardian.”
Seems the world was bonkers by the time it got to that Tucker = Super bonkers?
Cristian Terhes MEP… We are witnessing the Chinafication of Europe with the rollout of the “smart citizen wallet”… and social credit systems…
They are telling us our future, why do we not listen?
“The World Has Gone Bonkers!”
“Northern Ireland will need to lose more than 1 million sheep and cattle to meet its new legally binding climate emissions targets, according to an industry-commissioned analysis seen by the Guardian.”
It was bonkers before – how about super bonkers?
Past history of feast and famine, in the West, as in Asia, whether in 1500 or 1800, your typical family lived close to the bread-line. Grain provided more than eighty per cent of the family diet, in Asia, rice.
in the West, bread, porridge, soup or in hard times, thin gruel. Abundant years were followed by terrible years. Even a good harvest was no guarantee of a good year. Sometimes granaries were invaded by mice! During a mouse plague keeping a few cats could make the difference between local plenty or want. In times of want, planned marriages would be postponed to years of better harvest. In Western Europe, before the Industrial Revolution, women usually remained unmarried until the age of 24 or later, resulting in smaller families than post 1800. (Blainey ‘A Short History Of The World. p 410.’)
Famine was a widespread and common occurrence. Wikipedia has collated a long list of famines from way back. There are the great famines of India, 1022-1033-1052, fer example, that wiped out entire provinces, the 1064 famine and outbreak of the plague in France which killed 100 000 people.In Europe in 1816-17, the year without a summer, 65000 people died, and as recently as the 1840’s, four famines in China killed 45 million people.
We know history does not repeat but can we expect parallels in famine in the near future?
Ian, as you know old threads never die and on another forum I just got a like in a thread from last year.
The thread was a mash of everything alarming from The Guardian et al and the alarmist absolutely insisted that oceans had risen 6 inches in the old money.
It is IMPOSSIBLE to get such people to stop and think. I even found, and posted, an RE “for sale” ad for the house beside the one I lived in 70 yrs ago. In it the salt water creek and the concrete gutter were clearly visible. Back then king tides would rise into that gutter and Dad put some fill in the back yard to keep it dry. The green lawns and trees growing on the footpath PROVE that even now that gutter doesn’t overflow. Nope, doesn’t matter, he “knows” islands are being flooded. He read it on the web.
“We know history does not repeat but can we expect parallels in famine in the near future?”
It is reckoned that it seems to rhyme
“Shanghai ship jam spells supply chain problem”
The ship owners must be bleeding red ink.
We don’t all have sympathy for Greek shipping magnates but they are productive: They actually move stuff.
Will the next boot to fall [are we talking about a centipede here?] be laid up ships with owners unable to fuel them?
Its only weather.
‘Hong Kong recorded its coldest day in May for more than a century on Monday morning, according to the city’s weather forecaster, with a veteran meteorologist saying it was a “good sign” amid climate change fears.
‘The Observatory reported a minimum temperature of 16.4 degrees Celsius (61.52 degrees Fahrenheit) in Tsim Sha Tsui, the lowest figure for May since 1917, breaking the previous record from 2013 of 16.6 degrees.
‘The city’s cool weather was the result of a northeast monsoon and showers, which were caused by an upper-air disturbance, the forecaster said. The monsoon has also affected the rest of Guangdong’s shoreline.’ (SCMP)
But the supposedly record heat in India and Pakistan is currently being cited as evidence of the climate catastrophe by the MSM.
If elected, the ALP (according to Chris Bowen, the worst ever politician in the history of Australia) will be bidding to host a future COP (ie: Snouts-in-troughs) meeting, at a cost of $300 million +. Can you imagine 20000+ delegates, swanning over to Australia travelling at least business class? The election of the ALP is doomsday for Australia.