A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Mr Speaker.
Allegra Spender (Independent) is taking on Sharma in a debate.
Presumably its about climate change and the sitting member doesn’t have a clue.
if your job depends on supporting the party line, then cluelessness of some topics would be mandatory
We had noticed that you take that approach. !
do you ever make a comment that is not an attack on the person posting?
Was just noting how well you described yourself, is all.
Credit where it’s due Peter , that comment works for both major parties and especially the Greens .
It would be highly unusual for a single electorate debate to be confined to one topic.
Both candidates are clueless on climate change and that is going to be the game, involving energy. The NIC might get a run.
‘The independent – who is predominantly running on greater climate action and a national integrity commission – refused to indicate who she would support if neither party gained a majority at the May 21 election.’ (Sky)
As a woke leftist, she probably doesn’t even know what “integrity” is !
Allegra really is a woke Green inner city dreamer, when asked about the renewables driving electricity costs up her answer was that she understands that there are websites where people can find the best deals.
The adverse impact of unreliable intermittent energy was obviously not on her radar.
The obvious rejoinder is to ask “what countries that rely on wind and solar (even no more than 10%) show a decrease in retail electricity bills?
Obviously not the UK where electricity costs doubled then went up another 4 times when renewables didn’t deliver.
If you like a chuckle, slip over to Quadrant Online for today’s article on Alegover –
Geoff S
Thank you Geoff.
Another of her comments was that she will push for EV transition as quickly as possible, but would exempt “Range Rovers”!!!
As you probably know the Eastern Suburb’s mum’s taxi and be seen in black or silver urban transport. Can’t upset doctor’s wives, or maybe her mechanical aptitude is poor.
Did she really say that?
It must be that there is an electric Range Rover and she doesn’t know of any other EV.
Here’s the Doctors for environment financials
$385,000 in employees costs in the last year, they got the job keeper payments as well.
$26,000 for rent, but only $444 for electricity?
Three high priced employees working from home plus a small office they never use?
Mr. MP: It appears that being an activist may not pay quite as well as a practising physician, but the hours are better and the stress level is much lower when there’s no chance of ever being held to account.
I read not long ago that investigators are checking recipients of job keeper and other Federal funding and have already discovered fraud.
Something lighthearted and uplifting for the day
I Still Call Australia Home – Japanese performers sing with love and gratitude – – Voice Collage 4
We are a Japanese group making music videos based in Sydney, Australia. This project, “Voice Collage”, was started in 2020 under the restriction of the Covid-19 epidemic. I named it “Voice Collage” because it was created by singing voices and smiles in a video recording.
Our newest work is “I Still Call Australia Home”, this song is one of the patriotic songs for Australians. We performed this song by 32 participants (Mainly Japanese) living in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast and Newcastle. It’s been difficult to return to Japan due to this restriction, so we sang with love and gratitude for being able to stay in Australia. We feel Australia is our second home.
Hisae Kato (Voice Collage director, Video Editor)
This is Yuval Noah Harari, lead adviser to Klaus Schwab. Your future.
This is his web site, go to media, go to video’s and have a browse.
The great thing about Klaus and his WEF cult is that it is gradually becoming a political liability in the West. Voters are beginning to view any association with Klaus as a reason to not vote for a candidate.
Seeing politicians deny membership in the cult will be fun to watch.
these people are not God
they need to be stopped
Want to put a bit of thought into that “people” tag as well.
China blasts West’s theft of foreign reserves as a ‘violation of sovereignty’, says US sending weapons to Ukraine worsening humanitarian crisis
China has called on Western states to refrain from freezing the foreign reserves of other nations, saying that the measure undermines world economic stability.
The Chinese ambassador to the UN, Zhang Jun, made the remarks at a UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine on Tuesday. The call comes a month after roughly half of Russia’s foreign exchange reserves, worth over $300 billion, were frozen by Western countries as part of sanctions over Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine.
“Arbitrary freezes of foreign exchange reserves of other countries also constitute a violation of sovereignty, and is tantamount to weaponizing economic interdependence,” Zhang said.
“Such practices undermine the foundation of world economic stability, and bring new uncertainties and risks to international relations,” the envoy said, adding that they should be abandoned as soon as possible.
Zhang also called for “eliminating the negative impact of sanctions,” saying that all-dimensional and limitless economic penalties entail “serious spillover effects, with developing countries bearing the brunt.” The envoy criticized unnecessary export restrictions as well.
The diplomat called on the West to stop sending offensive weapons to Ukraine, warning that this would only escalate the current conflict and worsen the humanitarian crisis in the country.
The freezing of USD denominated assets will push international trade away from USD faster than was already occurring.
Russia states that if you our gas you pay in our currency.
The price of the latest fad metal, lithium, is already priced in CYN.
China has its own oil exchange in CYN.
With Biden pumping trillions into the US economy fthat does not provide and economic return, inflation is the order of the day. All USD paper is losing value fast.
Hmmm! Looks at NATO’s Articles and – –
“NATO Is Invalid And The Nations In It Deserve What They Get”
Why Are Women Unhappy?
Happier homes might make us happier people.
A little over a decade ago, two researchers at Wharton published a paper showing that, despite women’s increasing work and educational opportunities, their self-reported happiness was in steady decline. Back in 1970, women were on average happier than men; they are now less happy than men.
Broadly, since 1970, everyone has gotten more miserable. But the decline in women’s overall happiness has outpaced men’s, and the happiness curve inverted sometime in the early 1990s. The paper also documents increasing anxiety and neuroticism, as well as decreasing social cohesion among women.
The researchers couldn’t come up with a good explanation for their observations. The best they could venture was that women might be measuring happiness differently than they used to—happiness in the home has become happiness in the home and at work, and the latter is (inexplicably) harder to achieve.
Women are exhausted, physically, emotionally and mentally. They are expected to be good mums and that now means interfering in every aspect of their child’s lives. They must be good housekeepers, good organisers, participate in social activities AND participate in the economy. There is now no such thing for most families to live comfortably on one wage. Their greatest critics are other women .
Western women are now in the same position as women in third world countries – tilling the soil to grow food with a baby strapped to their back. No wonder they are not happy.
Maybe chip in a bit yourself.
Men are exhausted, physically, emotionally and mentally. They are expected to be good dads and that now means interfering (?) in every aspect of their child’s lives. They must be good housekeepers, good organisers, participate in social activities AND participate in the economy. There is now no such thing for most families as a wife to look after the house and kids to let the man work his best – for the benefit of everyone.
Roger Waters (from Pink Floyd) released ‘Amused To Death’ in the early 1990s as a critique of Bush 1’s Gulf War ‘invasion’ of Iraq, and the associated 24-hour media onslaught. One song on the album is titled: Western Women, and it’s not very complimentary towards the ‘fairer sex’ of the era – and that was thirty years ago.
Tony from Oz may like to extrapolate further on the lyrics, if he’s familiar with them, and their sociological meaning in this new age of manufactured consent, via a TV screen in everyone’s hand.
Really? Who has all these expectations? apart from themselves.
“Loathe him or love him, Donald Trump was prescient on …”
The Australian (behind the Murdoch wall to me)
For one who isn’t a politician that is a batting average well ahead of most politicians
New Documents Suggest Democrats Sicced The CIA On Their Domestic Enemy, The President
Newly released CIA memoranda suggest the tech gurus behind the Alfa Bank hoax also tracked Donald Trump’s movements to devise another collusion conspiracy theory. While smaller in scale than other aspects of Spygate, the Yotaphone hoax represents an equally serious scandal because it involved both the mining of proprietary information and sensitive data from the Executive Office of the President (EOP) and the apparent surveillance of Trump’s physical movements.
When Special Counsel John Durham charged former Hillary Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann in September 2021, the indictment focused on the Alfa Bank hoax that Sussmann, tech executive Rodney Joffe, and other cybersecurity experts had crafted. The indictment detailed how Joffe and other tech experts had allegedly mined data and developed “white papers” that deceptively created the impression that Trump had maintained a secret communication network with the Russia-based Alfa Bank.
Then, allegedly on behalf of the Clinton campaign and Joffe, Sussmann provided the Alfa Bank material to the media and to the FBI’s general counsel at the time, James Baker, with Sussmann falsely telling Baker he was sharing the “intel” on his own and not on behalf of any client. That alleged lie formed the basis for the one count, Section 1001 false statement charge against Sussmann.
– There’s Another Alleged Lie
– What Sussmann Told the CIA
– Adding Some Pressure to the Deal
– These People Were Watching Trump For Years
– Democrats Sicced the CIA on the President
– A Pyramid of Lies
Hunter Rips Joe in Blistering Letter: ‘You Have Finally Crossed the Line’
Hunter Biden’s laptop has revealed a lot, not the least of which is that Joe Biden and his family have some serious issues.
The National Pulse has a draft letter from Hunter to his father that was on the laptop that puts a sharp focus on that. According to them, part of the letter is mentioned in Miranda Devine’s book on the laptop and Devine appears to acknowledge that.
The letter is sometimes hard to decipher because it reads like Hunter wrote it while on parmesan cheese or some other more powerful substance. But the gist is a lot of anger at the way that Joe Biden has treated the family
It makes clear that there’s something very dysfunctional with the relationships in the family and that Hunter doesn’t feel like Joe is hearing or seeing it, that he’s too wrapped up in his own narrative and not seeing the worth of the people around him. It’s pretty sad when it’s Hunter who has so many issues having to preach to Joe about how to act.
Tony Thomas’s superb exposé on the ABC’s coverup of Hunter Biden’s laptop
Stan Grant: “Joe Biden’s appeal to decency, to bring Americans together…”
Leigh Sales: “When you talk to people who have spent time around Joe Biden, including Republicans, there is one word that keeps coming up…”extraordinarily decent person”… “the most decent, honourable politician I’ve ever known”…”a person with decency”…
Joe actually leads a sleazy family of grifters.
It’s Not Just Joe Biden. The United States Has A Potemkin Government
Joe Biden is a symbol of the entire federal government: Its dangerous incompetence, corruption, and utter disrespect for the American people and the rule of law.
Joe Biden’s shameful performance at the White House Easter egg roll Sunday was another strong visual indicator that he is not really governing this country. And he’s not the only sham authority in this country — our nation is replete with them.
The term “Potemkin village” arose in Russia to describe empty buildings set up as propaganda, to give a false impression of industry and life. The fake villages were intended to hide the regime’s mass mismanagement and infliction of suffering upon its own people.
The glorious Oxford English Dictionary gives examples of the term being used to describe everything from political situations to personal libraries. It dates the origin of the term to 1787, and today defines Potemkin as: “Sham, insubstantial; consisting of little or nothing behind an impressive facade.”
That is precisely what the U.S. federal government has been now for many years.
Both parties have been complicit in such behavior such that no other conclusion can be drawn but that leading elements of the Republican Party are simply a controlled opposition.
Irony Alert, as Biden Preaches: ‘You Shouldn’t Make Money While You’re in Office’
“Joe Biden being Joe Biden.” It’s a thing. And that thing is not only getting more pathetic, such as clueless Joe’s Easter Bunny minder at Monday’s White House Easter Roll, but also more mind-blowingly ironic and devoid of self-awareness. The latter brings us to the latest example.
During his Tuesday remarks on the so-called “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law,” Biden did what he always does: embellished, took credit for things he didn’t do, outright lied, and in one ironic as hell admonishment, declared: “You shouldn’t make money while you’re in office.” (Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, and the majority of the members of Congress were last seen rushing for the exits.)
Despite the long history of Washington politicians of course making money while in office — and a hell of a lot of it — the 500-pound elephant in the room is Joe Biden himself, and his “The Big Guy” cuts of his grifter son Hunter’s shady business dealings in Ukraine and China.
Here’s Joe, as transcribed by Becker News:
Deceptive Edits: Audio Contradicts Piers Morgan, Shows He Warped Trump Interview Ending in Promo
Audio provided by former President Donald Trump’s team to Breitbart News of the end of Trump’s interview with Piers Morgan proves that Morgan and his team deceptively edited the interview to make it appear as though it was a contentious ending when it was not.
A 30-second promotional clip that Morgan released on Wednesday afternoon seemed to show Trump flying off the handle and walking out mid-interview as a righteous Morgan asked him tough questions about his views on the 2020 election. But the full story seems to indicate that Morgan’s team deceptively edited the clips together to make it as nasty as possible for Trump—and to drive up the ratings for Morgan’s new show. Morgan’s new show, Piers Morgan Uncensored, launches next week on Talk TV, a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation.
After another minute of back and forth between Trump and Morgan, Morgan asks Trump’s team for yet another “last question.”
Budowich replies by saying: “You’ve done last question four times now. I feel like you’re lying at this point.”
Trump interjects and says “very deceptive.”
“You’ve said last question four times,” Budowich says.
“I haven’t asked about—I wanted to end with your hole-in-one,” Morgan says, then asks Trump to describe his recent hole-in-one when playing alongside golf legend Ernie Els.
Trump agrees and says “go ahead.” Then Morgan asks his question, and Trump answers for more than a minute. After that’s over, Morgan agrees the interview is over and thanks Trump for a “great interview.”
As they’re unhooking their microphones and Trump is getting up to leave, Trump can be heard saying “turn the camera off,” and then a Trump staffer asks to “turn the mics off too,” and Trump says “very dishonest” as the audio file ends.
Audio of Trump interview tells different story than explosive Piers Morgan promo
Piers Morgan’s fiery interview conducted with former President Donald Trump, as advertised in a dramatic promo Wednesday, does not quite live up to the hype.
Whereas the 30-second ad, shared by Morgan himself, strongly suggests Trump walked out of the room after being confronted about his claims of a stolen election in 2020, audio obtained by the Washington Examiner indicates the interview actually ended amicably.
New show. Big guest. Typical attention seeking promo.
Unfortunately we see it too many times the real interview doesn’t play out the same way the promo edits suggested.
White House quits asking Saudis for more oil after verbal dust-up with top official: report
The Saudis have reportedly cancelled multiple meetings with Biden cabinet members
Karl Rove, a former George W. Bush adviser, told Fox News on Tuesday that a recent skit mocking Biden on Saudi television is a signal of the rift between the two countries that has also been exacerbated by the Biden administration’s negotiations with Iran on a nuclear deal.
Rove continued, “I think the bigger issues are these three, and they feel like the new administration in the last year-and-a-half has not been working with them, but is working against the interests of their country. And they don’t understand why — they think of themselves as a strong ally and they know that we want help from them on energy issues, and they can’t understand why we have on all these big issues: Yemen, Iran, nuclear deal and military assistance to Saudi Arabia been less than forthcoming in this administration.”
Biden’s Middle East: Saudi Arabia Embraces China; Will They Topple the Dollar?
If Saudi Arabia were to break the tradition of pricing its oil in US dollars, as it is contemplating doing, others could well start to price oil in Chinese yuan or other currencies — negatively affecting the US dollar’s status and potentially the entire US economy.
“China must brace for a full-blown escalation of the struggle with the United States and prepare to gradually decouple the Chinese yuan from the US dollar.” — Zhou Li, former deputy director of the Communist Party’s International Liaison Department, South China Morning Post, July 5, 2020.
That Saudi Arabia now seems to be seriously considering selling its oil in yuan signifies the extent to which the Biden administration’s Middle East policies have left countries such as Saudi Arabia hedging their bets on China, as the ascendant power in the Middle East. China, on the other hand, is simply taking advantage of the current US administration’s deprioritization of the region and its alienation of strategic US allies such as Saudi Arabia.
That alienation has mainly come, according to reports, because of Saudi “security concerns” — a diplomatic euphemism, presumably, for America’s enabling Iran to acquire nuclear weapons. This game-changer is doubtless seen by Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich Sunni Gulf states, as a mortal danger.
The vacuum that the US left behind — the second one after Afghanistan — is rapidly being filled by China.
US, Allies Say New Intel Suggests Coming Russian Cyberattack
The members of the “Five Eyes” intelligence sharing network — the US, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand — said Moscow could also involve existing cybercrime groups in launching attacks on governments, institutions and businesses.
“Evolving intelligence indicates that the Russian government is exploring options for potential cyberattacks,” they said in an official cyber threat alert.
Yawn..who’d have seen that coming.
Finance and infrastructure will be prime targets.
..and Australia backs the wrong side and may end up a target. Good on ya SloMo et al. Reality:0, Virtue:1
There’s a new cyberinfo site launching soon and I’m a beta tester so it’ll be a top source of advance intel for future advisories.
Now staring’s a sex crime – if you’re a man
MEN who stare at women on trains could be committing a ‘gateway’ sexual offence, according to the head of British Transport Police’s sexual offences team.
Last month, 26-year-old Dominik Bullock was jailed for 22 weeks by Reading magistrates after staring at a female passenger on a train through Berkshire, found guilty of causing ‘harassment, alarm and distress’.
No problem for the men – just say you identify as a woman, whatever that is.😅
I wonder how the judge knew the plaintiff was a woman. Perhaps he was a biologist too.😈
It reminds me of a work colleague who was given a lecture about looking at females in the office, and he replied that if they do not want complimentary looks then don’t wear revealing clothing etc.
I agree with him, viva la difference, or let’s all wear black neck to ankle loose clothing.
Well, granddaughter flounced off to her bedroom when I put the argument of the consequences of wearing clothing that leaves little to the imagination. Basic Biology 101, I said. Daughter thought I was “not being supportive” of granddaughter.
Sigh…..Woke western society wants to rearrange sex and its binary characteristics…..Fat chance…..
Makes me laugh when I see all the headlines in corporate media about who did or didn’t win a debate and how the election races are going. Do they think anyone reads, watches or listens to that guff?
How did you find out about it?
” . . . I see all the headlines . . .” ?
Touché! 🤣
Hardly, thats what GA was doing a more subtly
…. a bit more subtly
It was interesting that the audience gave the Opposition Leader a slight advantage over the Prime Minister after the “debate” (not really a debate of course) but many remained neutral.
On line polls at CH9 and I think Courier Mail, and much larger numbers contributing, both put the Prime Minister well ahead of the Opposition Leader.
Scientists develop Covid-19 bait from healthy cells
A team of authors is testing a therapy that floods the body with ‘cells’ that lure viruses away from healthy cells.
Northwestern University (USA) came up with the above idea to treat Covid-19. They believe this approach could also be applied to any cell-invasive disease.
We have demonstrated that decoy nanomolecules are effective inhibitors of all the different viral variants. Even variants that escape other drugs can’t escape our bait.”
The team used microscopic particles, called extracellular vesicles, which are naturally released from cells.
When exposed to decoys, the SARS-CoV-2 virus tightly binds to the receptor allowing the nanoparticles to absorb the virus like a sponge. Therefore, the virus does not infect the rest of the body.
Interesting…the honeypot approach
“Doctor, I feel terrible!”
“Yes, you’re dying I see.. You have extremely low blood pressure and it seems the angiotensin converting enzyme that should be working on the ACE2 sites of your cells has all been vacuumed up by some strange synthetic bubbles we found in your blood. They’ve absorbed all that vital protein from your blood like a sponge. Very strange but interesting disease you have…”
Two-headed sharks are appearing more and more and no one knows why
In 2011, an entire study was written on two-headed blue sharks caught in the Gulf of California and off the coast of Mexico. Because it is the shark that carries the most offspring in a single breeding season – up to 50 young per birth – it also has the highest rate of two-headed embryos of any shark species. exist on our planet.
I’d suspect inbreeding given the massive overfishing and population decimation as I reported on a while back.
Then again it could be due to Fukushima radioactive water dumping into the ocean.
But time will tell.
Plausable ideas. The other one is developmental stress which can arise from multiple causes and would affect egg layers and live birthers.
Please do not automatically put blame onto radioactivity like you have just done.
You need to do tests to establish cause and effect first.
(OTOH, you might have missed a /sarc) Geoff S
Don’t be silly. He was clearly speculating. Of course you need to do research and get data. My criticism is that he could have better stated water pollutants including… etc.
Pollutants are much more likely affecting the developing foetus directly rather than causing transmitted genetic changes.
The same can be said for the inbreeding comment.
Fukushima was speculation since the cause of the mutation is unknown.
Even though the isotopes have short half-lifes, initial high level exposure (1,000 times normal) could plausibly have repercussions in subsequent shark generations from genetic damage.
Every study I’ve seen says the same thing:
“Long term studies needed”
We just don’t know yet (and therefore cannot rule it out) but should not casually disregard the possibility either.
Before the vax mandate, Christian was a science teacher. Now he drives trucks
Christian Marchegiani used to be a high school science teacher at St Gregory’s College in Campbelltown. Now he drives trucks.
He left teaching when vaccine mandates were introduced last year because he refused to be vaccinated – he did not think there was enough evidence to prove they were safe or effective – and became an unofficial spokesman for teachers who felt the same way.
He declared victory on Wednesday after the NSW government said the mandate would not continue beyond mid-May for most teachers and health workers. The decision comes amid serious shortages of health workers and teachers due to COVID-19.
“I’ve been inundated with messages. Everyone’s saying, ‘we did it, congratulations’,” said Marchegiani, who also taught at St Joseph’s College in Hunters Hill.
“It was a victory, but there was a lot of suffering and heartache along the way. A lot of struggles. A lot of teachers lost their homes, they couldn’t pay their rent anymore. A lot of them will reapply for their jobs, although there’s a bitter taste in their mouths.”
However, the decision worried some of their vaccinated colleagues. “I think it is highly problematic,” said Craig Petersen, the president of the Secondary Principals Council. “I am concerned that this may compromise the safety and health of our students and staff.
Someone tell Craig Petersen, if he’s not reading this: The vaccine does not prevent anyone getting the virus and it doesn’t prevent anyone from passing it on. What it reportedly does do is to reduce the severity of the virus in those that do get infected. So unvaccinated people pose no threat at all to vaccinated people, they are simply taking a (reportedly) higher risk with their own health.
Once a population reaches a certain vaccination threshold there is no need for unvaccinated people to be restricted at all, other than for the possible protection of the unvaccinated. But that possibility is not in any part of any official government statement so can be left to the unvaccinated to worry about for themselves.
19 April update: Monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium outbreak
As of 19 April 2022, an outbreak of 187 confirmed and probable cases of monophasic S. Typhimurium (cluster 1) has been identified in the EU/EEA and the United Kingdom.
Number of confirmed and probable cases* with monophasic S. Typhimurium infection by country, EU/EEA and the UK, as of 19 April 2022
The outbreak is characterised by an unusually high proportion of children being hospitalised, some with severe clinical symptoms such as bloody diarrhoea. Based on interviews with patients and initial analytical epidemiological studies, specific chocolate products have been identified as the likely route of infection. Affected cases have been identified through advanced molecular typing techniques. As this method of testing is not routinely performed in all countries, some cases may be undetected.
Product recalls have been launched globally and examples of these can be found on several countries web sites
Phew. Dodged a bullet with Kinder choccy eh 😉
note the lowercase, preferably italicised – from a taxonomic pedant.
Salmonella typhimurium
You missed this one JC.
“Experts say Japanese encephalitis will impact pork supply as infected piggeries experience production losses of up to 80 per cent.
There are now 30 New South Wales piggeries affected by the mosquito-borne virus and 11 people have been infected, with three deaths nationwide.”
Don’t miss anything but I’m spread thin so don’t post straight away.
In fact I was just about to post it but did a search first.
Saved me the trouble 😉
Putin tests ‘world’s deadliest weapon’
Vladimir Putin has boasted that he had unleashed the first successful test of a new nuclear missile known as “Satan II” which carries a dozen warheads and could be used to strike enemies around the world.
The missile is believed to have a range of 11,000 miles and can deliver between 10 and 15 nuclear warheads at hypersonic speeds.
“This is probably the most destructive single weapon on earth,” Ian Williams, a fellow at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies think tank, told The Telegraph.
“It could destroy 10 cities with one missile,” he said, as the warheads it carries can be “independently targeted”.
According to one military analyst, if it was based in Russia’s extreme west, it could reach London in minutes. The missile will only be deployed at the end of 2022, according to Russian news agencies.
It could reach Kyiv much faster. It is even deadlier than the cruiser Moskva.
I bet there a few wishing they had not given up on Regans 1980s “SDI” ( Star wars) missile defence program.
Perhaps this will boost the Trump initiated NDSA (SDI ii) program, ….?
But as much of that is contracted to Space X,… maybe Musk will be the hero that saves the world !
mRNA Vaccines Lead to Spike Protein Entering Nucleus, Rise in Vascular Events, 40 Percent Increase in ‘All Cause Deaths’: Dr. Urso
From the Epoch Times.
Interview with Dr. Richard Urso
Excellent piece of thorough data-rich research.
Yep. It contains far more data and research that you have ever presented.
China’s $7.2T (GDP) mistake – towards a supply chain shockwave
Concern is growing that the spread of COVID cases and city lockdowns in China will have massive downstream effects for global supply chains that could dwarf previous disruptions since the start of the pandemic.
Just look at all those ships hanging off shore…all for a virus with a near zero mortality rate..if that’s the REAL reason for locking down 45 million people.
Using a double pendulum to demonstrate chaos theory
Sweet 😊
Explainer: The seats that will decide the election (and why)
Here’s a crash course in which seats are the ones to watch this election, and why.
To form government, a political party needs to win the majority of the 151 seats in the House of Representatives.
Some of those seats are considered safe, where the representative voted in at the last election is so popular that they are a shoo-in for re-election, or where a community has a strong political leaning in one direction. But there are a number of electorates across the country that are deemed at risk of changing political hands – and they could win or lose the government an election.
Many of these seats are marginal, which the Australian Electoral Commission defines as ones held by a margin of under 6 per cent (where the winning party beat their closest opponent by less than 6 per cent of the vote at the last election after accounting for preferences).
“Safe seats” are defined as those with a margin of between 6 per cent and 10 per cent, and “very safe seats” are those with margins above 10 per cent.
The closer the score is to zero, the more competitive the race between the candidates in that electorate at the next election is deemed to be.
As a result, those marginal seats – where only 6 per cent of voters (or less) need to be convinced to vote differently in order for the electorates to change hands – tend to be a key focus of the major political parties in the lead up to the election.
But not all the seats to watch are marginal. There are a number of safe Liberal seats being challenged by well-educated, well-connected and well-funded businesswomen who are frustrated that not enough is being done by the current government, particularly when it comes to climate action, and they are building momentum within their electorates.
There are also a number of popular MPs who are retiring from politics, which could allow for other political parties and their candidates to get their foot in the door.
These are the key seats across the country that could decide the election.
What are the seats to watch in NSW?
– Gilmore
– Parramatta
– Dobell
– Macquarie
– Wentworth
– Mackellar
– North Sydney
– Reid
– Banks
– Lindsay
– Robertson
– Hunter
What are the seats to watch in Victoria?
– Dunkley
– Corangamite
– Chisholm
– Goldstein
– Kooyong
– Casey
– Flinders
What are the seats to watch in Queensland?
– Flynn
– Leichhardt
– Longman
– Brisbane
What are the seats to watch in WA?
– Pearce
– Swan
– Hasluck
What are the seats to watch in Tasmania?
– Bass
– Braddon
– Lyons
What are the seats to watch in SA?
– Boothby
What are the seats to watch in NT?
– Lingiari
And what about the ACT?
Labor is a lock to win all three of the ACT’s lower house seats.
The main interest is in the Senate, where former Wallabies skipper David Pocock and legal academic Kim Rubenstein have launched high-profile independent bids to defeat International Development Minister Zed Seselja.
Just a repeat of my suggestion for a possible voting strategy. Vote against all incumbents. Give them last preference. Apart from that vote by known information or whim.
Coffee bean polling in the Midland shopping centre ( Hasluck WA) has Labor winning by a country mile. Libs and minor parties are equal, and Greens dust on the road.
this is probably the appropriate place for this
New and improved How to vote using marbles, by Topherfield
China On The Verge Of A Major Food Crisis
This report from the CCP administrations in those regions comes mere weeks before farmers were due to start planting, meaning they would at best miss the best time to plant – driving down yields – and at worst not be able to plant at all.
C’mon – China has the largest stockpile of the grain on the planet and you’re facing starvation?
Time to come clean for once China.
Fact #1 China has a very large population with a majority being very poor by world standards
Fact #2 Very few wise people take anything from the Chinese government at face value.
How to put those two facts together in relation to the announced grain shortage and population lockdowns is a matter for personal judgment.
Fact 1 is irrelevant, lifting the masses out of poverty is the key factor.
‘Over the past 40 years, the number of people in China with incomes below $1.90 per day – the International Poverty Line as defined by the World Bank to track global extreme poverty– has fallen by close to 800 million. With this, China has contributed close to three-quarters of the global reduction in the number of people living in extreme poverty. At China’s current national poverty line, the number of poor fell by 770 million over the same period.’ (The World Bank)
Gordo, you say that the size of the population and their poverty is irrelevant to the announced grain shortage and personal lockdowns?
You want to support your argument that a fact is irrelevant by talking about the proportion of the population with incomes over … wait for it … $1.90 per day?
Really? I repeat China has a very large population with a majority being very poor by world standards
‘ … a majority being very poor by world standards.’
World standards don’t matter, in most societies there is poverty, everything is relative.
China has a class system just like the West and Premier Xi is trying tp eradicate pockets of severe poverty.
EG, world standards matter because they give an indication of the vulnerability of the people.
… and now you claim to be able to read the mind of the Xi?
For the record I trust very little the CCP says. I see a LOT of info that totally contradicts what they say.
I have a couple of sources “on the ground” but it’s still hard to get regular info.
We can look at China’s crop production, flooding, locust plagues, Covid, lockdowns, grain exports (along with history & and trends) TO China and get a good idea of the big picture.
ie use direct data AND indirect data.
Its the greatest economic revolution in history, they are ambitious.
Nobody is going to starve in China because of a war in Europe.
EG you are very emphatic about something beyond your control.
Make sure you place the title to everything you own on escrow to be forfeited should you be proven wrong.
BBC Cancels Nude Sex Education Theatre Show Targeting Children After Death Threats — Promoted “Pleasure, Queerness and Gender” to Little Children and Showed Them Erections
BBC Producers were forced to cancel a “sex ed theatre” production called the “Family Sex Show” featuring “non-sexual nudity.”
The show explicitly targeted children “as young as five years old” to discuss things like “consent, pleasure, queerness, and gender.”
38,000 people signed a petition for it to be axed.
What in the hell is wrong with these people that want to see such a show?
The level of this insanity worldwide paints a very ugly picture of our so-called advanced society.
More like the ancient Roman arena spectacles (the ones you weren’t taught about in school!) marking the collapse of their empire.
Thank dawg some sense prevailed.
Christian Divinity School Recites Prayer to the ‘Great Queer One,’ Who’s a ‘Drag Queen and Trans Man’
Oh good grief! What will they think up next?
Who would want to watch? As a broad generalization Brits have enjoyed titillation on TV since well before Benny Hill. The content doesn’t matter much at all as long as suitably unclad females are included.
Lots of groomers out there
now they are brazen about it
If you really want to stand out, buy a ‘continuation car’
Replicas would seem to be a thing, if Bentley, Aston Martin and Jaguar are anything to go by. Join the queue, if you’re a cashed-up nostalgic.
Bentley will soon deliver the last of its 12 new Blower Bentley Le Mans cars.
These modern-day replicas of the 4.5-litre supercharged Le Mans racing car were built using the original 1920s moulds and jigs, and traditional hand tools. They sold quickly at $US2.1 million apiece.
Aston Martin is in the process of building a small run of new Goldfinger DB5 coupes, complete with replica James Bond spy gear (though no ejector seat, alas).
The same company’s new-but-old 1960s DB4 GT Zagato costs £6 million (about $10.5 million) and comes with a current model Aston Martin thrown in. That’s for a very practical reason: the Zagato Continuation doesn’t pass any modern safety or emission standards so cannot be road registered in most places.
In 2014, Jaguar built six new Lightweight E-Type coupes (the competition version of the 1960s classic) and sold them for a mighty price. Understandably, it kept going. Its latest continuation is a C-Type racer built to the exact specifications of the 1953 works cars that dominated that year’s Le Mans 24-Hour with their revolutionary disc brakes.
Former F1 world champ Jenson Button is involved with the Radford Type 62-2. It’s a modernised take on the Lotus Type 62 from 1969, built in partnership with Lotus on Evora underpinnings.
Ferrari’s reluctance has left a gap for others to fill, and the English RML Group is among those that have moved in while somehow dodging the lawyers of the highly protective Italian company. Officially, the RML Short Wheelbase “takes its inspiration from the great road and race legends of yesteryear”. But to most it looks remarkably like the highly prized Ferrari 250 GT SWB, first seen in 1959.
The newcomer aims for modern comfort and uses a lot of 2022 technology. So, in strict terms it isn’t a continuation, though it is pitched at the same cashed-up, nostalgic buyers. The dashboard has a satnav system that appears only when being used. The body is made from carbon-fibre, and a rebuilt Ferrari V12 from the 1990s provides the power. This is linked to a six-speed open-gated transmission.
RML Group does a lot of prototyping and development work for big car-makers. A spokesman for the Wellingborough-based company tells us it will produce 30 examples of the Short Wheelbase, each tailored to the buyer’s requirements. The first customer cars are now in build and deliveries are starting about August, priced from £1.35 million ex-factory. That’s nearly $2.4 million, before you start factoring in freight and local taxes.
NPR CATCHING UP WITH INSTAPUNDIT: It’s planting season in Ukraine, and that means problems for global food supply.
The day after Russia invaded Ukraine, Lebanon’s economy minister announced the country of 6.8 million people had enough wheat reserves to last just one month.
Russia and Ukraine are major exporters of agriculture, which Lebanon depends on. Ukraine alone exported more than $27 billion in agricultural products to the world last year. About 80% of Lebanon’s wheat comes from Ukraine.
So when the war started, so did worries of food shortages and price hikes.
“You could say the majority of the Lebanese population is living in survival mode,” said Maya Terro, founder of the non-profit organization FoodBlessed Lebanon, which feeds vulnerable people in Beirut.
Weeks after Russia invaded Ukraine, food prices soared. The invasion sent ripples beyond the immediate conflict zone, breaking supply chains and creating food shortages as two of the world’s biggest food exporters went to war.
In response, Egypt’s prime minister fixed bread prices, Bangladesh launched a nationwide food subsidy program, and consumers in Indonesia noticed a favorite instant noodle dish went out of stock.
In Lebanon, people turned to desperate measures.
“Some families have resorted to selling their belongings in order to use the money to buy food,” Terro said.
Lebanon is heavily dependent on food imports, so anything that happens elsewhere affects the country’s food security, Terro said. “The repercussions of war between Russia and Ukraine have led to catastrophic surges in food products like cooking oil, wheat and some types of grains.”
Terro said FoodBlessed Lebanon had seen an increase in demand in the last few weeks. This is happening at a time when global food prices are at record highs, and prices in Lebanon have risen by 1000%.
He’s expecting!
Barf bag on standby.
At first I thought it was a meme but…
Bye bye Netflix.
Cancelling my sub.
You’ve lost a million subscribers already and no doubt many more.
Go woke, go broke.
That plus paying $100 Million to Whinger Harry and Backstabbing Meghan
China Eastern Airlines MU5735 Aircraft Flight Accident Investigation Preliminary Report has
been completed.
The report mainly includes factual information such as flight history, crew and maintenance personnel, airworthiness maintenance, and wreckage distribution.
The main situations are as follows: On March 21, 2022, the Boeing 737-800 B-1791 of China Eastern Airline took off from Runway 21 of Kunming Changshui Airport at 13:16 Beijing time, rose to a cruising altitude of 8900 meters at 13:27, entered the Guangzhou control area along the A599 route at 14:17, and at 14:20:55 Guangzhou area control radar showed a “deviation” Command altitude” warning, the aircraft left the cruise altitude, the controller called the crew immediately, but received no reply.
At 14:21 :40, the last recorded aircraft information by the radar was: standard pressure altitude of 3380 meters, ground speed of 1010 km/h, and heading of 117 degrees. Subsequently, the radar signal disappeared.
The accident scene is located in a valley running from southeast to northwest near Mocong Village, Conan Town, Teng County, Wuzhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. A puddle with an area of about 45 square meters and a depth of 2.7 meters can be seen at the scene, which is determined to be the main impact point, located at 23°19’25.52″ north latitude and 111 °06’44.30″ east longitude.
The debris of the aircraft wreckage was mainly found on the ground and underground in the azimuth range from 0 to 150° of the impact point. The trailing edge of the right wingtip wing let was found approximately 12 kilometers from the main impact point.
There were traces of fire in the forest vegetation at the scene of the accident. Major wreckage including horizontal stabilizer, vertical tail, rudder, left and right engines, left and right wings, fuselage parts, landing gear and cockpit parts were found at the scene.
After investigation, the qualifications of the flight crew, cabin crew and maintenance release personnel meet the requirements; the airworthiness certificate of the aircraft in the accident is valid; There is no fault report and no fault reservation before the flight and short-term parking on the same day; there is no cargo declared as dangerous goods on the plane.
Loving Lithium Leaves Little Left
aka flamethrower bus syndrome 😅
Dr Peter McCullough interview: “The Truth Behind the Lies”.
Highly recommended. Looks at the early history of covid and how HCQ and then IVM was banned and the fraud behind those bans.
This is a long interview by Vive Frei with Ivory Hecker, a young lady* sacked from Fox for reporting on covid treatment, HCQ included. It’s a downer for any who thought Fox is an outpost of truth and honesty.
* An assumption. I don’t have a biology degree.
Jo apologies it is a short article
“Rex Murphy: The United States is adrift, and Joe Biden is no captain
The U.S. is in turmoil, beset by factionalism, and absent a real leader”
Via SDA.
Albo has COVID and had to cancel his planned campaign trip to WA tomorrow, and is now in isolation for seven days.
Trudeau got covid too, didn’t he ( the vaxxines are just so effective 😉 )..
or did he just run away.. so hard to tell !
Beware the wounded tiger. He may be able to run a more effective campaign out of his basement. He is not good face to face after all. Sprta worked for Joe.
BTW If in isolation, who will be doing the sound and video for him?
Must have President Joe’s campaign manager advising now?
There was me thinking isolation after infection had been abandoned. As long as you wore a mask or a condom or something.
Add chairman McGowan (W.A.)to the list.
“The Conversation: Reduce Agricultural Chemicals to Save Insects from Climate Change”
And the comments re windfarms and bats and saving insects vs us supposedly having to eat them
They really should check that “the climate” is actually changing in the tropics…
… before they start using “climate change” as a cause.
Otherwise they will make themselves look like scientifically ignorant climate zealots. 😉
My observation is, that doesn’t bother them.
My questions …
would it be better if the glaciers were advancing?
Do you think it possible to determine the ‘average’ global temp over a 2000 year period from indirect extrapolations with an accuracy of 1 or 2 degrees, C or F?
Response …
no, but we don’t care.
Clowns vs. Mimes
Help! I’m trapped in an invisible glass box.
Slowly, slowly through the darkness – one man’s voyage
My Vehicle needed new rubber Boots for the CV Joints: what follows was a sad tale of how the world is going…. ‘Warning: the linked scenes may not be suitable for some or young children’ Rubber translates to neoprene, etc but goes on from one search result to Graphene makes rubber amazingly strong…..
see so after all that covid stuff and graphene, make up your own minds.
How much does it cost to OWN a Nissan Leaf?
That, of course is a different question than “How much does it cost to RUN” that EV.
OK! A Leaf would suit me perfectly well, at least for the last 8 years. I don’t fill the tank of my Camry lest the fuel go off just sitting there.
Today I watched a vid of a Leaf owner’s issues/problems. I would not have any of them, if it was my only car and I decided I needed to do a road trip, the amount I save on not insuring my car which sits in a locked garage most of the time would pay for a hire car, a little more up market. 🙂
So I should buy one, Right? Wrong.
I checked on line and there were over 80 on sale MOST were dealer showroom or demonstrator stock.
Of the rest few had over 40,000k on the clock and their depreciation at posted price approached $1/km. My Camry, over twice the age but with similar milage has only suffered half the depreciation.
No money is deader than depreciation.
Go DIESEL and keep the fuel tank FULL to reduce the airgap to prevent Condensation in the tank. Economy, fuel safety, etc. Max Range available from Start up. ( License and go ). Can’t say that for electric – discharged battery, corroded terminals etc.
Back in the 80s I owned a 2l diesel Hilux. Cured me. To overtake anything you had to stay back 200m, and floor it as you came out of a bend. Something coming? Try later. [I was driving familiar roads]
It did improve my driver skills.
You need to experience a modern 2ltr turbo diesel !
Back when a friend’s driving report on an earlier diesel Landcruiser was:-
“You know to pass someone doing 95 kph you need a very long straight and a fair bit of courage”
Boy – that must have been a long time ago! We have a diesel Toyota Landcruiser (about 2 years old) – when you press the Sports mode – it nearly knocks your head off. Previous Landcruiser on the farm was an 80 Series petrol model – a great car – but it had nothing like the power of this late model diesel.
Previous Landcruiser on the farm was an 80 Series petrol model – a great car
my 1994 Series 80 4.5l EFI (Dress up Barbie Doll), has always run on Premium 98 (pinged on 91) and Mobil 1 Fully Synthetic Oil – at 117,000 km gets up and rock and rolls – always keep full to brim – run 15 mins every 2 weeks, and run fuel tank dry on long trip every 6 Months – did solo 3 up across Simpson late Nov 99 and used 205l between Birdsville and Oodnadatta via QAA, K1 and French Line – at one stage as days got hotter, calculated using 35l per 100Km
Road Tested a number of Turbo Diesels with 4WD Journo Mate and my favourite was Troopy Landcruiser V8
4.2l diesel Troopy 17,000 Km 4WD trip across OZ definitely was “You know to pass someone doing 95 kph you need a very long straight and a fair bit of courage”. and averaged 16.4l per 100 km on Canning Stock Route – High Top Camper Troopy Landcruiser V8 Turbo Diesel averaged 12.5L per 100km across Simpson and FNQ 4WD Trips and could fly over sand dunes – loved the torque.
The original 1200 Beetle was the same.
Power was hard to find back then, the grey motor Holden was a gutless gas guzzler. Couldn’t get from Marlboro to Sarina on a tank [inland route] The halfway house made a motza selling petrol and windscreens. It was called the crystal highway.
Anyone remember the early 70s Mercedes 240D?
… and lunchtime browsing but little / no mention in the media of this – I’m out till midnight in the fields and can’t see ANYTHING ….. all that SOLAR activity ?
Then BBC News Food worldwide to go up in price by 37% …. blah blah blah. Remove tax on Fuel. Fuel is the food of Industry and Commerce – keeps costs UP or DOWN. simples.
I’m thinking that farmers should ONLY GROW food for sympathetic customers, not the Pathetic Woke lot, etc.
Some may remember my lost wallet saga from a few weeks ago, well it has reappeared. When I woke up this morn, reaching for my glasses, I found my wallet.
I always knew that the same bower bird that hid it, would would represent it. One small problem: There was nothing in it. This is odd because over the years she always treated my wallet as private, she would hand it to me if she wanted something.
During the day I have asked questions like: If you found some money, where would you hide it? hasn’t worked. Most cards are replaced free but the bluddy State Gov charges like a mallee bull to replace a licence.
How disconcerting Hanrahan. My sympathy. Hm.
Jo, it was similar years ago when I grounded her. I was amazed when she just said “If you think so”. No tears no histrionics.
Like all women she had a bag and purse but I didn’t think about it. After a while I wondered where her remote key for the car was, they can be bluddy expensive to replace. I looked but I never found her purse, cards or the key. One day it was at eye level in the wardrobe. Her cards and any money she may have carried are still missing. maybe I need to go 50/50 with a burglar.
I hope, but can’t be sure, I now have that key out of reach. Thinking while typing: She never picks over the garage. 🙂
I hope you don’t mind me using your blog for this.
Reminds me of a reader story on another site where he started feeding a crow in his garden and it brought him dollar notes (even $10 or $20) in return regularly for being fed!
He never worked out where the bird was getting the money from…
Mmmmm when a dollar was folding money. Those were the days 😊
I vowed to give up beer when I couldn’t buy two beers for $1. That was in a Bowen pub, the closest to the harbour.
I guess if I did what the Salvo Lady said and gave up, I would have a Porsche now. I assume the Salvo Lady is still walking, but without my excuse.
The unravelling of the climate mitigation crisis (it isn’t really about climate mitigation anymore is it), it is about energy survival and it is going to get out of hand just as fast as the Democrat win in the US started showing its abominable failure to be a government in anything other than name. There are going to be any number of humiliations and abominations before the message hits home when people start taking to the streets in numbers never seen before. It takes small shifts before the really tough stuff clicks into the system and the powers that be find that 1/6/21 could be just the tip of a very huge iceberg.
People may be fooled with for a time as long as they see relief coming soon, but they are not going to suffer three decades of humiliation gladly. We have already seen that it takes very little bottle to invade a country because there is a perceived weakness among former western powers, and that situation could so easily get out of hand with numbskulls in powerful positions and there are those among us who know that.
“Rex Murphy: The United States is adrift, and Joe Biden is no captain
The U.S. is in turmoil, beset by factionalism, and absent a real leader”
Via SDA.
And they’re trying to stir up a war with Russia? Sounds like “Hold my beer” on steroids!
“CNN Subscriber Platform Will Shut Down April 30th
April 21, 2022 | Sundance | 246 Comments”
Would love to see the business case they pitched. What a futile endeavour.
“2022 State of The American Experience
What does the American landscape truly look like?”
“Is “Climate Change” science or pseudoscience?”
“I have a new op-ed in the Washington Examiner today that questions whether “climate change,” as commonly defined today, is a scientific concept. The op-ed is a very brief summary of a longer post on the topic here. The longer post contains all the references and links to supporting material, including a link to Karl Popper‘s famous book on the definitions of science and pseudoscience, called Conjectures and Refutations.”
“Sinking Cities and Sea Level Rise”
“There was never any evidence that Covid-19 vaccines produced durable immunity. The trials were specifically too short to show whether they did and through human history we have never managed to do it before. In fact in every previous trial of a coronavirus vaccine either the vaccine failed within the required 1 year period to keep at least 50% efficacy against infection, which is the lower legal threshold for licensing by the FDA, or worse it promoted more-severe infections in either the original or mutated strains.”
More at
The Premier’s subjectivity gets in the way of a transgender supporter.
‘The NSW Coalition’s shaky grasp on government is under threat as a key independent warns he will pull support if the premier continues to make damaging statements about transgender children and sport.’ (SMH)
Nasal spray for covid
Also trials in the USA
From August 2021
Also search “enovid spray” on eBay.
“Elon Musk Unveils Financial Bid for $46 Billion Deal to Purchase Twitter, Through the Board or Directly to Shareholders
April 21, 2022 | Sundance | 33 Comments”
Concluding comment there
“I have no idea how this is going to end, but we can all see the Deep State is going bananas.”
“Sweet, Sweet Satire”
“‘Fake News!’ — Farage Says Donald Trump Was ‘Stitched Up’ by ‘Disgraceful’ Piers Morgan”
I wonder what Clarkson said?
More woes for Kinder.
Kinder global recall: fifth item in chocolate line, possibly contaminated with salmonella, detected in Hong Kong
Hong Kong food safety authorities have warned that another imported Kinder chocolate product may be contaminated with salmonella bacteria.
Obviously it’d pay to give Kinder products a wide berth for a while.
Meme of the Day #36 – Putin vs Obama
“The World Health Organization is launching a power grab over nation-states”
Gov. DeSantis Is Right To Attack Disney. Republicans Everywhere Should Follow His Lead
Newly Obtained Emails Raise Questions About Department Of Defense Involvement In Spygate
Why did DARPA claim no DARPA-funded researchers assisted the FBI’s or Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of the DNC hack?
After spending weeks dismissing concerns about its work with Russia hoax-connected researchers, a newly discovered email from The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to a Georgia Tech researcher with the subject line “Mueller case” casts doubt on DARPA’s denials.
Last month, The Federalist first reported that an email exchange obtained from Georgia Tech pursuant to a Right-to-Know request indicated that Special Counsel John Durham’s office was investigating the Democrat National Committee hack. Manos Antonakakis, the Georgia Tech researcher branded “Researcher-1” in the special counsel’s indictment of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, penned the email shortly after being questioned by one of Durham’s top prosecutors.
The special counsel’s office charged Sussmann last fall with lying to the FBI’s general counsel, James Baker, when Sussmann provided Baker with data and white papers supposedly showing the existence of a secret communications network between the Donald Trump campaign and the Russian-based Alfa Bank. The Sussmann indictment also revealed that the Georgia Tech researchers, since identified as Antonakakis and David Dagon, “were receiving and analyzing Internet data in connection with a pending federal government cybersecurity research contract.”
The then-unidentified government contract originated with DARPA, with DARPA eventually awarding Georgia Tech more than $17 million for the project dubbed “Rhamnousia,” after the mythical Greek goddess of divine retribution, Rhamnous.
CNN itself reports: CNN+ will shut down at the end of April.
Exit quote:
CNN+ didn’t even last as long as Jeffrey Toobin during a Zoom meeting
Danistair’s next trick?
“Fauci on Federal Mask Mandate – Laws and Courts Have No Right to Impede on CDC Science and Regulations
April 21, 2022 | Sundance | 9 Comments”
It is time to VOTE FOR REAL CHANGE – break Green Power by ranking all parties and candidates and putting the greenest last.
Check out Topher Field on how Preferential Voting works to get the best candidate elected:
With thoughtful and disciplined behaviour at the ballot box (for BOTH Senate and House of Reps) we can get rid of the duds and stop the green rot.
First job – identify the worst candidates and parties. Preference them last on both House of Reps and Senate ballot papers when you vote.
The most dangerous candidates in this election are The Sneaky Greens – they pose as independents but are being supported by rich climate crazies and, if elected, will soon appear in their deep green uniforms. Unless you know better, put all “independents”, Climate 200 and Get-Up supported candidates last.
Just above them put the declared Greens and their allies in the ALP. Then select all Liberals above all of the Green/ALP alliance.
Then focus on who should get your top votes. Choose your numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 etc candidates from the Freedom-Friendly-Minor-Parties.
For the House of Reps, number every square, in order, giving preference to the parties below:
· Campbell Newman, Topher Field and the Liberal Democrats
· Pauline Hanson, George Christensen and the PHON Candidates
· Clive Palmer, Craig Kelly and United Australia Candidates
· Bob Katter and Katter Australia Party
· Shooters, Fishers and Farmers
· Citizen Party and some Christian parties
· Lastly Nationals, then Liberals, then Labor, then Greens
Number every square all the way down to Unknowns and the climate crazy “independents”.
For the Senate (which may have a large complicated white ballot paper) it is safer and easier to number every square above the line, using the same party ranking rules as above.
It is far simpler than that, vote Coalition 1. If your candidate is one of the last two, your preferences are not noted.
Of course if you want boats into Christmas Is., a carbon tax, a resource tax, an inheritance tax, vote labor.
It really is that simple.
It isn’t that simple on the Senate ticket so you will need to rank shooters’ and ON above labor/greens. Palmer last. Don’t vote above the line.
The Science ethos I was taught in the days of cane where we got whacked for wrong behaviour but questioning Science was encouraged. Today, individuals get whacked for questioning ‘The Science”.
Good ol’ Charlie Brown:
Three consecutive La Nina or neutral ENSO by Spring? Its almost unprecedented.
‘According to the latest CPC/IRI forecast, La Niña has a 59 percent chance of continuing through the Southern Hemisphere’s winter and a 50 to 55 percent chance of persisting thorough the Southern Hemisphere’s spring.’ (Weatherzone)
BoM doesn’t see it coming.
‘The 2021–22 La Niña event continues, despite some weakening over recent weeks. Climate outlooks continue to indicate a return to neutral El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO)—neither La Niña nor El Niño—during the late southern hemisphere autumn or in early winter.’
According to Irene.
‘The temperature of the Peruvian Current is falling, which means the continuation of La Niña.’
Here we can see it more clearly.,-4.72,1060/loc=-80.228,-12.105
Jennifer Marohasy makes a good argument, sea level was higher during the Eemian.
Unusually late snowfall in Iberia.
Relayed from Chiefio
“Be sure to catch the bit at 11:25. The host of a TV show (Morning Joe) says: “Elon could actually control what people think. That’s our job.”
And he wonders where that fits in with Musk’s satellite network
Patrick Laforet on April 21, 2022 · at 9:22 am EST/EDT
“We cannot allow Russia to win in Ukraine,” said German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. It would seem, what is the difference between Germany and the EU, and even the West as a whole, who will win in this confrontation? However, there are at least five reasons why a Russian victory in the special operation would essentially mean the end of the West we all know today.
1. Undermining faith in the omnipotence of the United States
2. The split of Europe
3. The return of Russian influence
4. Reintegration of the post-Soviet space
5. America’s decline in Europe
Lots written under each heading at
Its a comment about 1/3way down, sorry, they’re not numbered.
A comment from further down explaining the sinking of the Moskva.
The cruiser was near Odessa, closer to Romania. A year ago it was equipped with a new locator with phased array, which had the illumination range of 500 km. The Ukrainian planes flew to the airfield in Romania and from there they took off in the direction of the sea, made a detour and came ashore from Odessa. Then they flew to Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye, striking the RF troops.
All the airfields near Nikolayev and Odessa were smashed. They could not understand – where from? That’s why they brought the “Moscow” with a powerful locator. It began to shine, and from the airfields of Crimea and from near Donetsk our Su-35s began to intercept the Ukrainians. Thus nine MiGs and Sukhoys were shot down.
This was all calculated by NATO. And here is the result. First the cruiser was hit from the drone – the locators and antennas were broken. The cruiser shot down one, but was already half blinded. Then the Ukrainians launched two cruise missiles from the shore. Guidance was carried out by the NATO Orion, which hovered over Romania. He also turned on the electronic warfare and illuminated the cruiser’s air defense detection station.
The missiles went to the ship with the homing heads turned off so that it would not detect the radiation beam. Guidance was carried out by the NATO Orion, transmitting the exact coordinates of the ship to the missiles. The result – two hits, detonation of ammunition. The cruiser began to sink.
“Moskva” greatly interfered with the covert transfer of military aircraft (helicopters and planes) from the territory of Romania to the territory of Ukraine. The cruiser was monitored, NATO air reconnaissance worked on it. As the “killer” of the cruiser, they chose RCC (anti-ship missile), but not “Neptune”, as spread by Ukrainian propaganda, but RCC of the fifth generation NSM (Naval Strike Missile, range – 185 km, developed by Norway-USA). NSM is able to reach the target along the programmed route thanks to the INS with GPS correction, to independently find the target, flying up to it at a height of 3-5 meters. When reaching the target, the NSM maneuvers and puts electronic interference. A highly sensitive thermal imager is used as a homing system, which independently determines the most vulnerable spots of the target ship.
After the damage to the Moskva cruiser, which led to its sinking, NATO reopened an air corridor for the transfer of aircraft to the airfields of the Chernivtsi, Transcarpathian and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.
I’ve seen the plots of NATO EWACs planes on their 24/7 loops along the Ukrainian border. This really is Russia versus the whole West. Sorry if its long Jo, chop it up as you need.
I too have heard that the drones took out the RADAR antennae. If this was deliberate targeting, it makes simple drones scary things.
The initial report that only 54 sailors/marines were saved is firming up. 500+ souls on board.
Poor bar stewards don’t deserve such incompetent leadership.
Drone also covers complex pilotless aircraft carrying their own weaponry. Nothing simple about them.
These were the relatively cheap Turkish ones. Too late at night to remember their name.
La Nina will continue until at least 2024. This is just one example of the turning point of Global Warming. The rate of global warming has been slowing since 1998, and it has nothing to do with a few extra CO2 molecules in the atmosphere. It is unfortunate that the world is in the grip of the Climate Change morons (IPCC, UN , BMO, politicians, the COP pigs).)