A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Finnish military intelligence colonel (retired) explains why Russia acts the way it does. English subtitles, circa 1 hour. Lecture is from 2018.
The comment near the end is pertinent when showing a picture of a child being arrested in Russia: “This person probably belongs to the group that gets their information from the internet, he does not belong to 80 % filtered television population.” Not really any different to what’s happening in the West, including here in Australia. All nations are turning to the dark side while their populations in general are being fed like mushrooms with MSM “news”.
” populations in general are being fed like mushrooms”
But the preparations that brought this about go back decades at least.
Witness the developments that have occurred in our lifetimes :-
1 . destruction of education leading to functional illiteracy in science , and inability to employ critical analysis.
2. the elevation of OSH to a crippling attack on the freedom to experience reality , and learn from it.
3. the corruption of academia, and the prostitutuion of scientific integrity .
4.the enlistment of third -party shills . . . . sports persons, churches , celebrities, (compulsory) levy bodies , media and other un-elected non-governmental entities for coercion and enforcing compliance .
5.the establishment of a political class, who manage purely for power , wealth and re-election.
6. technology employed to enforce fascistic conditions , home detention tracking , contact tracing et al.
7. And The Big Lie , so big that disbelief is not able to be even contemplated.
It’s a comprehensive programme , don’t you think ?
John J. Mearsheimer on Ukraine, 6 Years Ago: The West Is Leading Ukraine Down the Primrose Path & the End Result Is Ukraine Is Going To Get Wrecked.”
Yes , the entire pathway to the destruction of Ukraine has been clearly visible to all would see, for nearly a decade. And no secret was made of the plan.
On the rain bomb thread I posted a sequence of years in England during the 13th century, illustrating the huge storms, droughts and flooding that took place. Today is benign compared to that and many other periods. In other words, extreme weather today is certainly not unprecedented. I give a further extract below, which is interesting again for the variety of weather and that the effects of a known big volcanic eruption are felt.
However I have yet to find any volcanic eruption that had more than a passing effect on one or two seasons, although the modern belief is they can have effects lasting decades. Indeed Michael Mann believed a series of eruptions ushered in the Little Ice Age. I can find no evidence of that. Here are the records
1254 cold weather in jan and feb ceasing on march 12th. ‘ Mathew Paris notes ‘also on this day march 12th the bitter frost ceased which had continued nearly the whole winter.‘
Much north and easterly wind continually blowing in the spring for three months and several days which blasted the flowers and fruit about the calends of july namely in the time of the solstice quite suddenly inundations of rain broke forth with very violent hail of a kind not seen before which lasted for an hour or more breaking off tiles and parts of houses and stripping branches of trees.
M Paris notes; Very unseasonable summer from the day of ascencion to the feat of all saints hardy two or three serene days passed without continual disturbance of the air.
In the autumn all the ground bounded by and in the neighbourhood of the sea which they had sown diligently was saturated by salt and found to be devoid of crops as the sea had occupied the land during the winter time
1255 gales in feb and march. From the feast of st valentine for a month a violent wind with heavy rains day and night both by land and sea caused unheard of disturbance.
There was then very unsettled weather the north wind blowing nearly the whole spring which is very inimical to the flowers and sprouting trees. And through the whole of april neither shower nor dew moistened the dry earth or gave it any warmth. The air was parched by the blowing of the north and east wind.
In this summer there was a drought due to the east winds continuing from mid march to the calends of june.
Rain followed and on the third of the ides of july a great tempest of hail in the trent valley marvellously beyond the ordinary nothing like it had been seen before with widespread destruction of crops by floods of water in the valley of the trent such as had not happened for a long time
1255/6 a great gale and rain the whole winter from the feast of all saints until whitsun-this is likely to refer to nov 1st 1255 to june 4th 1256
1256 severe thunderstorms july 25 gales on oct 5th and oct 26th which was unprecedented overturned houses and shook down stones.
Another thunderstorm on nov 16th and on dec 28th, this latter one was very severe with much flooding it was accompanied by a fierce whirlwind. ‘the thunder sounded a sad prophecy for it was in the middle of winter and the cold was more like that of February. Unsettled weather then lasted for three months.
1257 from the first day of February until the first of may the whole of england was turned into a bog and a quagmire by the turbulent winds and the foul storms. (this description might refer to 1256)
Excessive rains in summer with much flooding destruction and loss of hay. Another chronicler noted that before the octave of st benedict there commenced such floods of rain that the earth was drowned, bridges houses and mills borne away, roads made impassable. Probably lasted until august as some crops were saved.
Mathew Paris notes; the past year was sterile and meagre whatever was growing was choke by the floods of autumn for there was neither a temperate nor a serene day nor was even the surface of the lakes hardened up by the frost as is usual, nor were icicles hanging but there were continued inundations of rain until the purification of the blessed virgin
1258 the serene air of autumn and its temperateness continued until the end of January so that nowhere and at no time was the surface of the water frozen up. But from that time to the end of march the north wind continually blew frost snow and intolerable cold prevailed the face of the earth was bound up cultivation was suspended and young cattle were killed.
The north wind blew continually, when april may and the principal part of june had passed the flowers of plants had scarcely germinated.
Great tempest of flooding rain, snow ice thunder and lighting on the 12th of june causing great flooding on the river seven around bristol and Shrewsbury. Much loss of life. Note; This might refer to 1259.)
General scarcity and expense of wheat due to inundations of previous year. In 1258 autumn crops nearly rotted by autumn rain. Very late and tedious autumn on account of the continual and persistent rains.
Matthew paris notes; now this past year was very dissimilar to all previous years that is it was unhealthy and mortal stormy and exceedingly rainy so much so that although in summer time the harvest seemed promising by the time of autumn continual heavy rains choked the crops .
Terrible thunderstorm on december 1st. Mount Rinjani eruption probably May to Oct 1257
1259 everything grew in moderate abundance and the dry weather presented an unexpected sufficiency.
1260 great and prolonged summer drought so that barley and oats remained hidden in the ground even until autumn . however showers then caused germination but they didn’t ripen due to lack of warmth.
Great thunderstorm on june 23.
MP noted, in this summer great and enormous portents happened in the air so that some people said the last judgement was many continuous thunderstorms that hardly anyone was bold enough to leave his house. (the London annals confirms these storms)
During the christmas period there was such continued fine weather and serenity of the air that one would have said that it was pleasant summer time rather than winter.
1261 in february when spring was due there was 15 days of snow and ice that no one had seen for several years.
This comes from the usually sober sounding politico website
Russia before the invasion was said to have an economy smaller than Italy. After sanctions it is said to be the size of Belgium.
No doubt there will be millions of normal Russians badly affected by this, it’s a tragedy of another sort.
“Economic isolation”
Yeah right! No access to Chinese markets then ? LOL.
March 5, 2022 at 2:42 am · Reply
correct — Bangladesh with missiles, Russia gdp per capita for 2020 was $10,127, … but according to Neocons Russians are coming.
“‘A USSR headed by a crazy dictator'”
Told me a lot about the article straight away..
Very sorry to hear that in the space of 24 hours Australia has lost the Great Rodney Marsh, soon followed by Shane Warne. Both truly great cricketers who tormented England over many years. A sad loss, especially of Shane who was only 52
I asked in yesterday’s Open Thread if anyone knew anything about Rod Marsh’s health history (ie heart-wise). NO REPLIES.
OK, so the same question regarding Warnie. Is this the result of a long-term heart problem, or just ANOTHER gene-jabbed person dying suddenly?
Anyone know?
Nobody in authority will authenticate your proposition so we will have to wait the years it takes for such knowledge to become an unstated given of which everyone is aware but dares not speak.
An autopsy would reveal everything…………………..
Serp: I asked if anyone is aware of Warne (or Marsh) having had heart problems, so, as no-one’s turned up a link (I can’t find anything at all) I’ll assume neither had pre-existing conditions…. which leads to…
John Sheldrick: An autopsy on Warne is gonna happen. We shall see.
John, they are performing on on Warnie.
In the country where he died.
This occurred to me also. Difficult to believe that a high level sportsman playing internationally for his entire career could have an underlying serious heart condition which went unnoticed despite innumerable physical examinations by team physicians, whose job is to ensure the players are at optimum fitness to represent their country.
Why would you assume it went unnoticed? He might have been treated for it during his career.
Or, it might have only developed to a routine physical detectable level after his career.
There are news reports that it was known he has a history of heart disease. If correct then it had been noticed at some point.
Anyway, sportspeople don’t always tell doctors every problem they have for fear of jeopardising their position in the team.
Heart disease doesn’t always have symptoms obvious to the person.
Heart disease can escape detection on examinations designed to detect it, such as stress tests. (in my own personal I sought medical assistance for heart disease symptoms. I was given a stress test in a hospital and given the all clear. My mild and intermittent symptoms persisted so got a second opinion and was diagnosed via an angiogram with severe blockages in three arteries. I doubt Angiograms are part of routine medical examinations for test cricketers)
Hi Mantaray,
With respect to your question as to whether Rodney Marsh or Shane Warne had underlying heart problems, I can speak with some authority regarding Rodney.
Rodney and I grew up together. We played cricket in each other’s backyard. We went to school together. We played on the same cricket teams from Under 16s in the morning to senior teams in the afternoon moving through the grades as youngsters from 4th grade to 3rd grade to 2nd grade to 1st grade with West Perth. Our home ground was the WACA where the world’s hardest pitches were a paradise for fast bowlers. Rodney loved batting to fast bowlers. At no stage did Rodney show signs of any heart problems. In his 96 Test matches he never missed a game.
David, husband of Chris.
An article I read referred to Warne as having a history of heart disease and that he had mentioned chest pains before departing for Thailand.
Dont know if he had had any intervention work such as stents, or medication, or if it was just being monitored.
He did have covid last August but is quoted as saying he was back to normal.
Police say no drugs or alcohol in his room, and “Sam” Newman said he’d never known Warne to be associated with drugs and that Warne hated them.
Have to wait for the autopsy.
There have been some (unconfirmed) rumours that S W was on an unusual weight control diet ?.
About 170 people die of a heart attack in Australia every day. Covid, or no Covid, and before Covid vaccines. It happens. It isn’t common in 52 year olds, but it isn’t unknown.
Maybe it would have happened anyway, or maybe coronary inflammation due to certain spikes made it happen sooner. If he had chest pains last week, that doesn’t help as much you might think. We cannot say either way whether they were due to smoking, lack of fitness, weight gain, or were exacerbated or due to extra inflammation from a booster shot. (And does anyone even know if he had a booster shot? I don’t!)
I gather he caught Covid last august or something after being double vaxxed? Would he have been boosted after catching Covid? So his double vaxxes were a long time ago. We don’t even know (no medical studies) whether people still carry inflammation 8 months later. (that’s another scandal).
The real shame of it is that The West Australian (newspaper) is already calling people “Anti vax Idiots” for even asking an obvious question. We really have no idea at this point whether the vax played any role in his death. If he was not boosted, his shots were a long time ago. If he caught Delta, he may have got some damage from the covid infection as well. Deaths are higher for at least six months in people who caught those older nastier versions of Covid.
The only thing we know for sure is that our national conversation is completely stupid.
I know two 52 year olds and a 55 year old who have had heart attacks in the last 2-3 years, pre-vaccination.
I had stents in three arteries at age 47.
My uncle had triple bypass at age 51.
Cousin had stents at age 44.
They’re just from people I know very well. I could list many examples of aquaintences/friends of friends etc.
I suppose it depends on your definition of common, but let’s not pretend heart disease is an old person’s problem.
Yes,more than one possibility. Not worth speculating until after the autopsy.
I kinda gotta agree with the paper, to the extent that anyone publicly asking the question ahead of the autopsy (regardless of vaccination stance) is a bit of a goose. What’s the point of the question when a) we don’t know the cause of death, and b) even if we knew it was a heart attack there’s still too much to speculate around maybe it would have happened anyway, or maybe …
Some chatter I’ve seen it seems some people are almost barracking for it to be vaccine related, in the same way some warming alarmists seem to barrack for a severe natural weather event to push their concerns.
Morning all,
This article mentions some pre-existing conditions, and an autopsy.
Dave B
But will the autopsy details ever be published?
Shane’s body is now on mainland Thailand where the autopsy will be performed.
I guess we’re dependent on the Thais for the accuracy of the report that is published, followed by the level of censorship by the media.
And today’s Sunday Telegraph, on page 9, has an article ” Warnie put own spin on health” has this towards the end:
” When he caught COVID in September, the double-jabbed Warne joked he had chain-smoked to try and kill the virus.”
Dave B
This is from a couple of days ago.
It may seem like those crops are not that important. However, keep in mind that corn, wheat and soybeans represent the baseline for not only grain production in the U.S, but they are also the primary feed products for proteins: chicken, pork and beef. We are going to feel this second wave surge at the grocery store. Hopefully everyone has prepped.
Additionally, oil prices have jumped to near eight-year highs. Brent crude, the global oil benchmark, rose as high as $113.94 a barrel, the highest since June 2014, and has been trading around $111 for most of the day. If you were paying $4/gal for gas, these oil rates add around another .50¢ today alone. Yes, you read that correctly, inbound tankers of gasoline will offload at your convenience store at a rate ten percent higher than yesterday.
Making matters worse, the Joe Biden energy policy -focused almost exclusively on green energy- is making any investment in domestic oil production tenuous at best. The major oil companies are wary of spending money for U.S. energy development in a climate where the U.S. government is specifically against that effort.
Australians no doubt know that Spain continually demands the return of Gibraltar. The island has been in British hands and before that the Moors who controlled a lot of Spain . Both groups for longer than Spain held it.
It is not widely known that the complaints about Gibraltar are hypocritical in the extreme as Spain has two enclaves in Morocco. If migrants can get to one of these enclaves they are then in the EU so accrue refugee rights.
Over the last few days there have been a lot of assaults by migrants onto these 2 enclaves and many have gained entry
China would also like to get their hands on Gibraltar. They identify as friends of Spain and first generation Spanish-Chinese are in the work force. China has stated that if any difficulties between Spain and England occur, China will support Spain.
At the other end of the Mediterranean , China has a military base at Djbouti at the point where the Red Sea becomes the Gulf of Eden; and directly opposite the Suez canal, China is building the biggest port in the world in Greece.
From Ron Paul, father of Dr. Rand Paul, US Senator. Pls notice the quotation marks:
“NATO is an organization whose purpose ended with the end of its Warsaw Pact adversary… This current round of NATO expansion is a political reward to governments in Georgia and Ukraine that came to power as a result of US-supported revolutions, the so-called Orange Revolution and Rose Revolution.”
“Providing US military guarantees to Ukraine and Georgia can only further strain our military. This NATO expansion may well involve the US military in conflicts unrelated to our national interest…”
Unfortunately, as we have seen this past week, my fears have come true. One does not need to approve of Russia’s military actions to analyze its stated motivation: NATO membership for Ukraine was a red line it was not willing to see crossed. As we find ourselves at risk of a terrible escalation, we should remind ourselves that it didn’t have to happen this way. There was no advantage to the United States to expand and threaten to expand NATO to Russia’s doorstep. There is no way to argue that we are any safer for it. *****
Short one @
Went through this yesterday, but will repeat, and hope you or someone has a reply…..
What’s the big deal with Ukraine? NATO-members Latvia, Estonia and Norway already border Russia. Plus, the extra-distance from Poland etc over Ukraine, vs a missile from Ukraine would give Russia mere extra seconds, so what’s the big deal?
AND, for the entire history of the NATO vs the WARSAW PACT cold-war, Russia had it’s forces directly on the border of western Europe…giving Russia (USSR) a nice buffer. Did Putin get the shakes over this? Nope!
What IS the big deal?
So your view on WWII would be: “Britain had no problem with Germany invading Austria and Czechoslovakia, so what’s the big deal about Poland. It’s just one more country.”
Russia has been strident in its opposition to NATO expansion for years. If you keep poking the bear eventually it will strike back.
Harves (8.55am) Very jumbled. Can’t make head nor tail out of your suggestion since you must not have read the Ron Paul article printed by Fuel Filter…
Paul says NATO wanting Ukraine to join it is the “red line” for Putin. I ask why Ron Paul says that.
Any idea on this since Putin’s conquest of Ukraine will not change the fact that NATO will still be on his borders?
Your analogy with WWII Britain makes no sense AT ALL. Think about it a bit further.
Umm, that was the whole point. Two large, relatively equal, opposed blocs. So once the Warsaw Pact was disbanded what was the point of NATO? Oh, I mean apart from cushy jobs for thousands of bureaucrats, and the threat of 20+ countries including the US, aligned against a single country less powerful than one NATO member. And why did it need to keep expanding?
“Latvia, Estonia and Norway”
All nuclear powers with missiles pointed at Russia , right?
No big deal. 🙂
farmerbraun. Those three are already NATO: Norway since 1949, the others since 2004. All may have nuclear missiles pointed at Russia ALREADY.
What’s the new threat from Ukraine joining NATO, which would make that a red line for Putin?
BTW:It’s Ron Paul claiming Ukraine (possibly) joining NATO is the big deal. WHY?
I find no evidence that any of those countries have , or ever had nuclear weapons.
NATO concluded (see Rand Corp. wargames) that no advantage could be obtained by siting them in the Baltics.
Farmerbraun. I really have no idea why you are this adamant. It’s what Putin “believes” that Ron Paul’s article is all about.
You are certain there are no NATO missiles in those countries, but what does Putin think (or know)?
Your comment reminds me of the famous Petrov Affair in 1954. ASIO reckoned the Soviet had spies in Oz. Doc Evatt (ALP leader) says “No way. I asked Foreign Minister Molotov and he assured me they don’t!”
Do you understand what the expression “Well they would say that, wouldn’t they?” is getting at? Huh?
You are aware that Zelensky is reported to have asked NATO for nuclear weapons , right?
And you’re aware of previous (broken) agreements for NATO not to advance towards Russia?
I’m not adamant . . . I found no evidence , but if anyone can know about nuclear weapons in the Baltics , Putin can.
And yeh , I’ve heard of Mandy Rice -Davies 🙂
Hilarious MY. You ask a question and then when people provide logical, researched responses, you claim they must have read some article that you’ve obviously read but discarded in favour of your personal opinion. You clearly can’t be bothered doing your own research.
Just because simple, rational argument or analogy is too complex for you to understand, doesn’t make it wrong.
There’s no new threat : Putin has said that’s enough. It’s more than eight years since Obama started the process.
That’s all.
Of course , an imminent Ukronazi attack on Donbass was what he had to pre-empt.
a US “celebrity” lecture on NATO; you can probably imagine
I have just woken to the sad news of Shane Warne.
Is it too soon to ask if he was vaccinated?
That was my first question, and the answer is yes!
Rod Marsh was of an age and maybe weight for a “normal” heart failure. I am not so sanguine re Warney though.
Hanrahan. “Unexpected” heart attacks are very rare at 74, since congenital defects show up by about age 35-40 at the latest, while life-style heart problems are generally evident….and mostly being medicated.
Did Rod Marsh have a history of heart disease?
Also remember that he was a smoker.
I recall that he was caught smoking after getting funding from the cancer foundation.
Must admit to no surprise of Shane’s heart attack.
Simon. Off hand I can’t think of anyone dying at 52 from a heart attack, who hadn’t been diagnosed with heart issues. Sticking with cricket…here’s the MOST FAMOUS example….Wally Grout, Oz wicket-keeper 51 Tests…187 dismissals…died at 41….1968.
“Grout entered hospital only two days before his death. A Brisbane doctor was afterwards reported as saying that Grout knew that he might collapse at any time during the last four years of his Test career and that he took part in the Australian tour of the West Indies only a few months after a heart attack in 1964.
Warne’s “sudden” heart problem is very odd indeed.
Mantaray, I fully expected the devil’s snakebite to be responsible. We will see a glorious clot in his pulmonary artery or such like. And don’t forget the lymphocytic infiltration of his vital organs. Hopefully Pfizer doesn’t get to the Thai pathologists!
oohh daily mail reports blood in Warne’s room- Haemoptysis from a massive PE I am telling ya!
Shane Warne was “vaccinated” with shed loads of drugs…………
[I think there’s a /sarc tag – Jo]
do you actually have any actual knowledge of his personal activities over the last 10 years?
What a surprise, suspension of the vaccination pass just under a month before the French elections…
Governments are running our of time to stop the madness. The RNA vaccination should stop because there is hard data that the RNA first release vaccines are dangerous and doing things in our body which are completely inappropriate for a vaccine. Omicron has 32 mutations on the covid spike. Omicron, unlike the covid Delta variation, is roughly as dangerous as the flu. The RNA vaccination are dangerous because they force the body to produce the first release covid spike.
This is an interview of a young Australian man who has suffered heart/neurological damage because of the RNA vaccinations. The patient’s cardiologist would not/was not allowed to enter the patient’s complex heart damage and neurological damage into the Australia adverse effects data base, as the Australian system threatens doctors to stop the recording of RNA vaccine adverse effects.
Brendon has no one to help him. The AU government is trying to force Brendon to get a third vaccination.
Interview with Brendan, discussing heart damage/neurological damage.
This is an excellent diagrammatical/picture explanation of the Swedish published peer reviewed paper that shows the Pfizer Vaccine is in-vitro modifying human liver cells at a DNA level. We were told that the RNA vaccines cannot modify our DNA we were told. It appears the RNA first release covid vaccines can and do modify our DNA.
Pfizer Vaccine Becomes DNA in Liver Cells. (In-vitro Swedish Study)
Drbeen Medical Lectures
Covid Facts From an Aussie Patriot”
No, don’t laugh, but is this the future of Electric cars, because whether we like it or not, the EV is the way most countries are heading.
The Citroen Ami comes to the UK in a few months after taking Europe by storm(ish)
Its a 2 seater that will do 43 miles on a charge which apparently covers the majority of journeys. I can see it in urban places but not to drive across country, but it wouldn’t be legal anyway on our motorways. Top speed 28mph.
The thing is that for an electric car its very cheap at around £6000. Most electric cars over here are around £25/35000. So it becomes realistic as a second town car and you keep your grown up fossil fuel one. At £30000 the EV is likely to be your only vehicle and an EV as a first car is unlikely to be a good idea.
So, would it work in Oz’s urban centres?
I think the added bonus is it doubles as a casket – they wouldn’t be able to get whats left of you out of it after you got hit, so…whole lot goes in the hole….
I wonder if it comes with a huge can opener?
I think it deserves a witty nick name – I’m opening the floor to suggestions …..
It might work for short trips, < 10 km.
Not many, although Sydney might be a good place. Narrow roads and lots of well off people living within 20 km. of the CBD.
As a commuter car NO. I live 37km. from Adelaide and there is a flood of lemmings going to the city in the morning from here (and from further away) and a repeat migration in the afternoon. Similar hordes from the South and North into the city.
As a concept it has some attraction although will they be bringing out a version for those who drive on the left?
Excellent….we have a nickname for it
The Gerbil.
So as not to be confused with a rodent that sounds similar to a citrus fruit….
It’s so narrow that the driving position is a bit immaterial even for though of us driving on the correct side of the road. Most commutes and most journeys are well below the range of the vehicle.
It is quite funky and cool so that will attract people.
Electric bikes and lethal scooters are popular but this vehicle allows you to drive in the dry
In what way is it better than a golf buggy?
It’s more legal than a gold buggy.
Or a golf buggy
This is much more useful than a golf buggy :-
About the same whe you get Tboned by a Landcruiser.
The future is the past. For the first time in history, civilisation is in reverse.
I often think that. It is decades since we could travel on a supersonic plane or humanity went to the moon.
In the 60s, with the available technology, we got to the moon in just 10 years. In 2004 when Bush announced they were going back to the moon, using 21st century technology, it was going to take 16 years.
Depends on the size of the set that NASA uses.
In the 60s the didn’t have to create a diversity bureaucracy first and waste resources pontificating about the weather.
I like it – like the flap windows like 2CV –
This is much more useful than a golf buggy :-
that is pretty good too.
It’s officially categorized as an electric bicycle (with four wheels) because of all the oppressive government regulations that you need to get through if you want to make something that is actually “a car”.
Back when I was living in the city and only did short journeys I probably would have bought one, if it was affordable. I searched the price in Australia and it’s only $8k which is pretty reasonable (presuming anyone really has them for sale) as compared with a diesel 4×4 Hilux that I bought second hand and cost me about $44k, even for a smallish turbo-diesel engine … I’m told I could sell it for over $50k now … given the crazy prices on second hand cars. That’s because new cars have a 12 month waiting list for deliver at the moment.
Expensive for a bicycle, but cheap for a city runabout that gets you to the office and back.
The correct tool for the job, that’s what matters … I recently bought a DeWalt electric chainsaw with 18V battery and I’m loving it! You just point, click, and trees fall apart … easiest thing in the world, no mixing up tins of fuel with oil and cleaning out carburetors and air filters. It goes for a few hours, and then you swap over the battery and it goes for another few hours. That’s sufficient to outlast my stamina.
Yes all lot of the electric garden stuff is quite good. We have an electric chainsaw (corded) that has done a mountain of work over the years, an electric pole saw and more recently (as hands get older) and electric lopper for pruning work. Its amazing the work you can get through with these.
Its funny , in our adversarial world , when I talk to people about “RE” they immediately think I am anti everything solar/battery/electrical when really its just about using technology in places where its productive not destructive.
A report that the Ukrainian Army has exacted a little “justice ” of its own :-
Vaccine reactions in Israel from survey – 67% of vaccinated had some reaction that made life harder after it.
“The firm conducted a telephone survey of about 2,000 vaccinators, with the aim of detecting unreported side effects Conclusions: 67% reported at least one phenomenon, and most of the symptoms passed after 3-1 days
Women and young people reported more side effect
“Nearly half (44.1%) of the respondents who reported suffering from any phenomenon after the vaccine also reported that as a result they had difficulty performing daily activities.
“About a quarter of patients with autoimmune disease reported exacerbation in the month following vaccination
“One in ten immunizations experienced irregularities in the menstrual cycle
“Of all the women who participated in the follow-up interview, 88.6% testified to a regular menstrual cycle before being vaccinated to Corona; 31.1% sought medical treatment following the changes in the menstrual cycle; 9.1% were treated with medication due to this. About half of the women reported that the symptoms persist until the day of the additional survey (3-2 months of receiving the vaccine).
“The main symptoms reported in the field of menstrual irregularity (more than one phenomenon could be reported): delay in menstruation (37.8%), increase in menstrual bleeding (31.1%), premature menstruation (28.9%), longer than usual bleeding duration (26.7%), The appearance of bleeding during the month (24.4%), and severe pain during menstruation (20%).
“Mark Steyn Discusses the Ukraine Conflict and Bigger Stuff, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
March 4, 2022 | Sundance | 164 Comments”
NSW COVID hospitalisations continue downward trend as case numbers drop
Interesting moving graph of cases 1/1/22 to 3/3/22
Maybe it is just me but the steady decline in the graphs don’t look like I would expect for a highly infectious disease. For the record I would expect rolling waves with gradually decreasing peaks.
And yes the animated graph is nicely presented.
Has tv succumbed to Newthink?
Its important to have this debate….I mean, we are a site that advocates civilized discussion.
“A Russian-Australian man was told to leave a television studio after he asked a ‘rogue’ question and pointed out that there is an alternative narrative to be considered surrounding the conflict in Ukraine.
I’m neutral in the russia-ukraine conflict, but what is important is people having a right to express their views, whether others may or may not like them. This is the hallmark of a democratic civilized society.
The alternative is crushing alternative views, which is at home in places like North Korea and other communist countries.
Yes I saw this reported on their ABC a few days ago.
It wasn’t that the ejected individual was being disruptive. The ejection wasn’t even at the time of the question being asked. It was some time later that Stan Grant announced it was not possible to have a proper discussion with the questioner in the room.
There should have been complete uproar but being their ABC nobody in the room objected. The hive mind had spoken.
This is the state of free speech in Australia. And don’t think it is just in ABC studios. Try expressing an opinion on Ivermectin or vaccine-free decisions in “polite society”………
Sadly, the more “educated” and “comfortable”, the greater the rejection of dissenters from the accepted narrative.
When I was at school, we learnt that Orwell’s’1984’ was a warning about what the future would look like under the Soviets. To think in 2022, Australians meekly accept this as normal behaviour of a government agency is very worrying.
We are not supposed to even raise that question. It will take tens of thousands more and for it to impact insurance US style before anyone in the media puts their head over the parapet.
Thought I was replying to #8
Some commenters on this site have been asking if there is any detox for the spike protein. Dr Geert Vandeen Bossche provides this article with a detox guide.
Looks like “Vitamin I” to the rescue again
As Novavax has now been approved as Bosster, pressure from Family has increased, I said whilst recovering from Op (still 2 blood drains from back) do not want to even consider anything till healed from Op – Given Son, Daughter–in-law, plus 3 Grandkids in Europe, triple jabbed all got Covid last week, what use are the Vaccines, and I am happy to continue with anti-virals I have been taking for over 2 years.
.Daily consumption of a multivitamin is advised. It provides a basic supply of vitamin A, vitamin E, iodine, selenium, trace elements, and more in addition to vitamin C and vitamin D3.
. Spike Protein Neutralizers: N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
. Substances that naturally protect the ACE2 receptors: Quercetin (with zinc)
Several natural, plant-based substances are used in antiviral therapy. The plant pigment quercetin has been shown to display a broad range of anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects.
Zinc has been shown to work as a potent antioxidant, which protects the body from oxidative stress, a process associated with DNA damage, excess inflammation, and other damaging effects.
So my anti-virals incorporate all above, as I do Blood Tests every 3 weeks, I keep an eye on all basics
I hope goes well OldOzzie. I agree with your stance; it’s your business what you do.
That’s a very useful site you link to.
My sentiments exactly. All the best Ozzie
Thanks TedM.
I’ve only skimmed it so far, but will study it in detail.
Much appreciated, even though I don’t need it for myself.
Dave B
“Pfizer Follies”
From that recent data release
Thanks for your link which led me to Prof. Martin Neil’s January comments on ONS data:
Figure 22 is interesting (Vax and Health Status of 70-79 year olds) — you can see the Unjabbed elderly have a lower percentage of poor-health members, than their vaxxed counterparts.
This helps to support the Neil, Fenton et al study**, and counter the critics who suggested the morbidly ill were becoming concentrated in the Unjabbed population.
The critics’ alternative explanation for the curious rise of the Unjabbed mortality rate, at the same time the vaccines were rolled out to their age group, is weakened by this.
**featured in one of Jo’s blogs last year, she called it ‘Blockbuster Paper’, I think.
Please standby while normal brain function is being restored.
England drops COVID jab mandate for healthcare staff as 90% of public opposed the policy
Legislation supporting the vaccine mandate will now be revoked, after critics repeatedly warned the government that a jab mandate could cripple the health service.
Policy by polls again. They really, really beleived “the science” behind this; right up to the time the poll results came out.
Fuel prices.
I was on another regular visit blog last week and they were complaining about the cost of petrol, or “gas” as they love to call it.
$4.50/gallon! Outrageous!!
So I mentioned my paying my paying $2.25/l and converted it to obsolete imperial units and yankee micro-pesos for them.
I said they were lucky in comparison but warned they’d be paying the same as me soon.
Well…today in LA “gas” is $7.25/gal and some places at $9/gal!
Huge lines as people fill up and stockpile along with reports of rationing.
They’re really going to feel the pain at the pump as they’re a nation of fuel guzzling behemoth “truck” owners.
The propagation delay in all markets is in the early stages so things are going to get worse.
For comparison, in the home of cheap fuel,Venezuala, it’s 2.5c/l US!
However…there are restrictions and if you buy more than 120 litres a month you have to pay 50c/l.
“….as they’re a nation of fuel guzzling behemoth “truck” owners.”
This would have to categorised as a generalisation. Have you ever driven around the US? There are many in the US that hate the Gigantor trucks and SUVs. While trucks are top sellers, just like the Hilux is in Australia , it hardly defines the nation.
The AGW narrative is questioned.
Lots of commentators in The Australian saying the same this weekend. Also questioning the folly of building again on a flood plain after being wiped out in 2011. An editorial also asks why rebuild. Perhaps it’s time to consider what was done in towns that were located in the bends of the Mississippi River – abandon those townsites.
my family abandoned Brisbane eight decades ago
Incoming global cyberattack?
There are significant warning signs of a major event looming large but I don’t want to name sources.
I will reiterate my recent suggestions to do some stocking up. 3 months food & cash on hand would be a good idea if possible.
Today, Martin A has made the same suggestion so if you don’t trust me then trust him.
Gee I look after you lot 😊
Its been cool in Tokyo.
Tokyo is always a cool place to be
UAH has reached zero, in case some of you missed it.
Theoretically it should stay there for the next five years.
New AI Detects Mental Disorders Based On Web Posts
Dartmouth researchers have built an artificial intelligence model for detecting mental disorders using conversations on Reddit, part of an emerging wave of screening tools that use computers to analyze social media posts and gain an insight into people’s mental states.
Phew..Reddit. thank dawg 😅
I occasionally got an essay which was complete word salad with clear evidence of totally disorganized thought patterns. Never found out what happened to those kids who were in their late teens and early twenties is when schizophrenia emerges.
The should run it over transcripts of the utterances of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Ukraine war effectively over?
In an interview with Fox News, a retired US colonel close to Trump said the fighting in Ukraine was all but over. The Russians’ goal was a neutral state, and Russia should be granted that.
Douglas McGregor is a retired US Army colonel who had been slated to become the American ambassador to Germany in the case of a Trump victory in 2020. In an interview with the US broadcaster Fox News, he expressed the view that a neutral Ukraine should simply be allowed to emerge.
Asked what Vladimir Putin’s goals were, he said Putin had warned for the past fifteen years that he would not tolerate US troops or missiles on Russia’s borders. The West simply ignored it.
In 2014, Douglas MacGregor expressed his opposition to U.S. intervention in the Kosovo War. Wikipedia
“Just as we would not tolerate their troops and missiles in Cuba. We ignored Putin and he acted. He could not under any circumstances allow Ukraine to join NATO.”
Give it until next Wednesday..we’ll see..
I dont know this D Macgegor, but he is obviously a blinkered idiot !
Ukrain is a free, independent country which is allowed to decide its own destiny , and not be dictated to by Russia. Usa, or EU , etc.
The comparason with Cuba in the ‘60s if rediculous, as that was the height of the Cold War and The USSR were secretly installing Nuke missiles there….That is nothing like Ukraine joining NATO.
Putin is a paranoid megalomanic who thinks that every other nation is about to invade Russia and destroy his empire..
…… that might be a possibility from the East, but unrealistic from the west !
Recent abstract on the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation.
The reconstructed Inter-decadal Pacific Oscillation incorporating ice core data reveals some interesting dynamical relationships with the Inter-tropical Convergence zone which is not stationary and is absent in the LIA suggesting external forcing such as volcanic and/or solar irradiance via sunspots and cosmic rays. I’ll go for the sunspots/cosmic rays, this paper for example…
Without shelling out for the entire paper, methinks they are drawing a long bow with limited data.
South Australia disclose that they had no medical evidence to support “vaccine” mandates
Bring on class action lawsuits nationwide right now! It’d be the financial ruin and end of career for every single clown bureaucrat involved in this scam.
Rob Malone’s Friday funnies
Yep.yep.yep…and yep.
“Dr. Andrew Hill, The Man Who Killed Millions?
March 4, 2022 | Sundance | 153 Comments”
I have a present for the msm news and shows like The Project.
An amazing insight into the Ukrainian situation with all the stories and pictures you’ll need for your next article.
Rest assured the content is on par with the news standards you adhere to.
Public Health Scotland and the misinterpretation of data
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive” – Sir Walter Scott
Throughout the last two years Public Health Scotland (PHS) has punched above its weight by providing reliable data that has quantified the impact of the Scottish government’s COVID-19 response on the health of the Scottish population. In particular, it has documented the unprecedented excess death that occurred in summer and autumn 2021, prompting the establishment of an official enquiry as to the cause, and uncovered a spike in September 2021 in the number of stillbirths in Scotland that is currently under investigation.
However, in its report of 14th February 2022, PHS has declared that it will no longer publish data on COVID-19 outcomes (cases, hospitalisations and deaths) classified by vaccination status, a hitherto valuable component of the COVID-19 vaccination surveillance strategy. The reason given for making this change is that ‘PHS is aware of inappropriate use and misinterpretation of the data when taken in isolation without fully understanding the limitations’.
It is certainly true that claims have been made about the deleterious effects of COVID-19 vaccines that go well beyond what can be supported by the data published by PHS. In this case critical appraisal of these unsubstantiated claims, rather than the blanket withdrawal of valuable information, would seem the better antidote to the spread of misinformation.
However, it is important to note that implicit in the decision made by PHS is that the information they provide is above reproach, both in terms of inappropriate use and misrepresentation of the data to which they alone are privy. To investigate whether PHS analysis is indeed above reproach, we can look in a little detail at the way in which they have presented the information on COVID-19 outcomes by vaccination status in their last report of February 2022. We will concentrate on the analysis of death with COVID-19 by vaccination status, unvaccinated or booster, found in Table 15, using the data for week 29 January – 04 February 2022. The relevant data from that table is reproduced below:
In conclusion, by announcing that data on COVID-19 outcomes by vaccination status will no longer be provided due to “misrepresentation and misinterpretation of their analyses”, PHS has drawn attention to their own glaring shortcomings in this area. They have been shown to introduce unwarranted bias into their analyses by manipulation of the definitions of vaccination status, and they have used a wholly inappropriate metric to compare the risk of death with COVID-19 among the vaccinated and unvaccinated in the Scottish population.
Truly they are hoisted by their own petard.
CHD Says Pfizer and FDA Dropped Data Bombshell on COVID Vaccine Consumers
Washington, DC, — In a 55,000-page set of documents released on Tuesday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) is for the first time allowing the public to access data Pfizer submitted to FDA from its clinical trials in support of a COVID-19 vaccine license. This follows U.S. District Judge Mark T. Pittman’s decision on January 6 to deny the request from the FDA to suppress the data for the next 75 years which the agency claimed was necessary, in part, because of its “limited resources.”
A 38-page report included in the documents features an Appendix, “LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST,” that lists 1,291 different adverse events following vaccination. The list includes acute kidney injury, acute flaccid myelitis, anti-sperm antibody positive, brain stem embolism, brain stem thrombosis, cardiac arrest, cardiac failure, cardiac ventricular thrombosis, cardiogenic shock, central nervous system vasculitis, death neonatal, deep vein thrombosis, encephalitis brain stem, encephalitis hemorrhagic, frontal lobe epilepsy, foaming at mouth, epileptic psychosis, facial paralysis, fetal distress syndrome, gastrointestinal amyloidosis, generalized tonic-clonic seizure, Hashimoto’s encephalopathy, hepatic vascular thrombosis, herpes zoster reactivation, immune-mediated hepatitis, interstitial lung disease, jugular vein embolism, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, liver injury, low birth weight, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, myocarditis, neonatal seizure, pancreatitis, pneumonia, stillbirth, tachycardia, temporal lobe epilepsy, testicular autoimmunity, thrombotic cerebral infarction, Type 1 diabetes mellitus, venous thrombosis neonatal, and vertebral artery thrombosis among 1,246 other medical conditions following vaccination.
“This is a bombshell,” said Children’s Health Defense (CHD) president and general counsel Mary Holland. “At least now we know why the FDA and Pfizer wanted to keep this data under wraps for 75 years. These findings should put an immediate end to the Pfizer COVID vaccines. The potential for serious harm is very clear, and those injured by the vaccines are prohibited from suing Pfizer for damages.”
The U.S. government has already purchased 50 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine intended for children under five years of age to be delivered by April 30, 2022 although the FDA has yet to grant an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for this age group. The risk of serious injury or death from COVID to healthy children is practically nil and so far, the vaccine is not effective when used in young children.
And still the mainstream media in Australia is silent.
The clear retreat of the medical authorities here in relation to masks and social distancing – and relative quiet regarding “boosters” – is indicative of the quiet acknowledgement that the virus is waning and the vaccines cannot prevent transmission.
It is unknown to what degree these same authorities are becoming aware of the significance of the VAERS data and now – finally – the vaccine trial data that forewarned of things to come.
How can they not sue? None of the people jabbed signed up to that Agreement. Either sue, Pfizer, the FDA or the Government for allowing the “drug” to be approved with so many known side effects. Anyone who has died after having been jabbed should have had an autopsy to see how they died. That’s the best way to get the proof IMHO…………………..
But autopsies cost $5k and they are not always definitive. Justice is expensive….
A bit hard to sue if the side effect you got was death.
Thank you Old Ozzie for this important DATA… we all need to publicise it.
Judicial Watch: China Was Witholding COVID Data As Early As January 2020 — And Fauci Knew It
Well suddenly, Fauci isn’t screaming his song from the trees like a peacock — although he hasn’t completely disappeared. Yet.
Former CIA analyst and radio host Buck Sexton has an idea why.
Sexton sat down with Fox News Digital at CPAC for a wide-ranging interview and expounded upon the points he made in his speech.
“The rapid fading of the COVID apparatus and the withdrawal from the constant appearances in the news cycle by the labcoat tyrant Fauci is a direct function of politics,” said Sexton, explaining that NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci was used as a “weapon’ within the federal bureaucracy – first against President Trump and later against any civilian dissidents of the Biden administration and its policies on that front.
Sexton called or Fauci – one of the highest-paid bureaucrats who has worked at the NIH in Bethesda, Md., since 1968 – to be both “repudiated professionally” and investigated by Congress if Republicans are successful in taking back power later this year.
Judicial Watch announced Wednesday that, through a FOIA lawsuit, they had received 90 pages of documents from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) “that show the State Department and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s agency, the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), knew immediately in January 2020 that China was withholding COVID data, which was hindering risk assessment and response by public health officials.”
Fauci knew U.S. agencies weren’t getting the whole story from China just after the COVID pandemic started in late 2019, and yet — strangely — he set about creating lockdown restrictions based on incomplete data.
From the Judicial Watch announcement:
What these emails seem to suggest is what most people have suspected all along, despite a general unwillingness for the mainstream press to report it: Fauci’s fingerprints were all over the Wuhan lab, the suspected site of the leak that unleashed COVID onto the world.
Is it possible that Fauci changed his tune about pandemic restrictions — dsepite having incomplete data that made an assessment on how to react to the pandemic difficult — because it was better to hide his agency’s involvement with the potential source of the leak behind a global panic?
That’s one of the questions Congress should ask the doctor if and when a full investigation starts into the COVID pandemic. And the threat of having to answer those questions may have made Dr. Fauci’s taste for the limelight a bit sour.
Dr. Andrew Hill, The Man Who Killed Millions?
Dr. Andrew Hill, MD, is a senior visiting Research Fellow in the Pharmacology Department at Liverpool University.
Dr. Hill graduated from Oxford University, and attained his PhD from Amsterdam University. Dr. Hill has worked in the scientific and medical fields for more than three decades, with a specific expertise in the field of developing antiretrovirals.
Dr. Hill is considered one of the world’s preeminent experts, and it was because of his specific skillset that in October of 2020, Dr. Andrew Hill was tasked to report to the World Health Organization on the dozens of new studies from around the world suggesting that Ivermectin could be a remarkably safe and effective treatment for COVID-19.
However, as a medical scientist, Dr. Hill also held several financial conflicts within his research. He received funding for his work from the same industry institutions who would benefit financially from a vaccination protocol. One organization was the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation who funded Unitaid, the organization Dr. Hill admits had influence over his final determinations.
On January 18, 2021, Dr. Hill completed his contracted review and published his findings. Dr. Hill advised that “Ivermectin should be validated in larger appropriately controlled randomized trials before the results are sufficient for review by regulatory authorities.” His decision gave the medical research community the space to claim Ivermectin was ineffective, and thus the Big Rx vaccination protocol was affirmed.
In this video, the single most influential person in the anti-Ivermectin narrative, Dr. Andrew Hill, admits to knowingly shaping his findings based on institutional influence and withholding information about the efficacy of Ivermectin while millions of people were dying. This video is absolutely stunning. WATCH:
I have argued from near the beginning of the epidemic that shutdowns and mask mandates are useless and counterproductive. But why are liberals in government now throwing in the towel?
The standard explanation is that the extreme measures taken to “combat” covid have worked, along with vaccination. Thus, because of the great progress we have made, life can get back to normal. Joe Biden framed it in typical fashion in his State of the Union speech:
Really? What progress is that? Is there any reason to think that covid is receding into the past? No. This screen shot shows new covid cases reported to CDC on a rolling seven-day average basis:
n fact, we are just now coming out of the highest spike in covid cases in the history of the epidemic. With regard to cases, there has been no progress in the past year, and there is zero reason to assume there are no major spikes coming in the future. And the vaccines have been widely available for a year now, while the CDC reports that 81 percent of Americans have received at least one shot. Obviously the vaccines have done little or nothing to stop the spread of covid.
You might say, sure, but those recent cases are the harmless omicron variant. Cases are up, but deaths are not. But you would be wrong. Here are the CDC’s numbers for covid deaths, again on a seven-day rolling average basis:
It looks to me as though the last seven months have seen at least as many covid deaths as any prior seven-month period. And, despite the fact that various government agencies have produced data purporting to show that vaccines dramatically reduce the incidence of hospitalization and death–data that in some instances, at least, appears to be flawed–the overall numbers do not reflect any such dramatic impact.
The reality is twofold. First, politicians are implicitly giving up on those anti-covid measures, even though they will never admit that they were wrong to impose them in the first place. Second, most people are fed up with covid restrictions and have more or less gotten over their fear of the disease. (Some, of course, never feared it in the first place.)
With the midterm elections coming, politicians, including the politicians who run bureaucracies like the CDC, are giving in to the public will, while taking credit for giving us our freedom back. But none of this has anything to do with science.
BTW many, many thanks to the indefatigable efforts of Old Ozzie to make the truth known more widely, and the Jo for providing this priceless forum.
Pardon, again(!) the typos!
Global nuclear war simulation
Based on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency, UN & CIA.
This is pretty close to the simulation I saw a few years back.
Is it better quality than a Ferguson epidemic model?
Marsh gone at 74, Warne gone at 52.
Both heart attacks.
Were they both vaxxed?
[Snip mystical Q. What’s “It”? – Jo]
To be fair 90% ish of everyone who dies going forward will have been vaxed. Not sure where you go from there. Until bigger alarm bells ring there will be no investigation, and even then the whole political class got behind the injection so it would seem its destined to be memory holed, swept under the carpet, (insert you preferred cliché here)
If Western Leaders Will Not Stop Putin By Force, They Should Help Negotiate Peace
If there is an off-ramp that might prevent what now appears to be the inevitable reduction of Ukraine to rubble, then Western leaders should not block it with bellicose talk and weak half-measures.
Meanwhile, our leaders appear to be living in a fantasyland where their expressions of solidarity with Ukraine mean something tangible. Economic sanctions, the banning of Russian products from store shelves, the exclusion of Russian cats from cat shows, and the seizure of mega-yachts owned by Russian oligarchs, among other weak and inchoate responses from the West, are not going to stop Russian artillery and missiles from reducing Ukrainian cities to rubble in the coming days and weeks. The Ukrainians have fought bravely and inspired the world with their valor, but a new phase of the war is beginning, and Western leaders need to think seriously about what’s coming, and how this will end.
But they are not sending military aircraft, and they are not sending troops. The United States will not even impose sanctions on Russian oil or entertain the idea of ramping up domestic oil production to offset Russian imports. A White House flack told reporters aboard Air Force One this week: “We don’t have a strategic interest in reducing the global supply of energy.” So that’s that.
The West, it seems, is trying to go right up to the line of belligerence without crossing it. Helping Ukraine, but not helping too much.
Right now, there is a galling lack of seriousness and clarity among them. On Thursday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., took to Twitter to call for the assassination of Russian President Vladimir Putin, as if that’s a realistic option to end the crisis and avert catastrophe in Ukraine.
His comment follows other reckless comments in recent days from U.S. lawmakers and former generals calling for NATO to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine. A no-fly zone would mean NATO warplanes shooting down Russian warplanes. It would mean open war with Russia. That’s precisely what some neocons in Washington want, for reasons of their own, but it’s not something the vast majority of Americans want.
Here is the hard truth: If the West is not going to send warplanes and troops, if we are not going to stop Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by force of arms, and by our inaction allow the bombardment of Ukrainian cities to proceed, then we need to be honest with the Ukrainians about that.
Putin isn’t, and never was, the problem.
The US is the problem.
Ukraine is just the US’s war with Russia by proxy.
Russia has the military strength to swat Ukraine like a fly if the real objective was war but instead it’s more like a surgical strike minimising damage to free the Ukrainuan people.
Zelensky comes across as a school bully who, when he realises he’s picked on the wrong guy, goes crying to his friends (US/NATO) to help him.
Study on the lack of effectiveness of the US use of corn based ethanol in E10 fuel
Impressive as its out of a very lefty University (Madison)
I should have said CO2 reduction effectiveness. Turns out that it may be 20% worse than standard petrol.
I have been subscribed to EE for many years but notmetube believes it is wrongspeak and hasn’t linked me for ages.
He is strictly a numbers guy. I have never seen him colour a video with politics.
His put down of the Tesla Truck’s inability to tow was pure math.
Jo – watch out
“Surgeon General Asks Social Media Companies for Target List of COVID Skeptics and Influencers
March 5, 2022 | sundance | 149 Comments
“Whatever Happened to the China Virus Crisis”
And links
VISA Suspends All Operations in Russia, We Are One Step Closer to Losing the Dollar As Global Trade Currency
March 5, 2022 | sundance | 124 Comments”
“Neil Oliver, Sorry Ukraine, but We’re Not Going To Stop Asking Questions
March 5, 2022 | sundance | 92 Comments”
“VISA and Mastercard Will Announce The Next British Prime Minister Tomorrow at 4:00pm GMT
March 5, 2022 | sundance | 195 Comments”
Thousands Without Internet After Massive “Cyberattack” In Europe
The outages also knocked offline some 5,800 wind turbines in Germany and Central Europe with a combined output of 11 gigawatts.
Eutelsat, the parent company of the bigblu satellite internet service, also confirmed to AFP on Friday that around one-third of bigblu’s 40,000 subscribers in Europe, in Germany, France, Hungary, Greece, Italy and Poland, were affected by the outage on Viasat.
In the US, Viasat said on Wednesday that a “cyber event” had caused a “partial network outage” for customers “in Ukraine and elsewhere” in Europe who rely on its KA-SAT satellite.
Be prepared. Have a good cash reserve.
They need only knock off a major player like Visa or Mastercard and all hell breaks loose..
This has probably been posted already, but if you haven’t seen the video, it’s worth the 20 minutes. It was taken down by facebook, this is an alternative link.
I finally had a small win this weekend and they have been scarce in recent years.
A couple of months ago my second Electrolux frig pooped itself. Combined they barely made it beyond a year. Electrolux couldn’t give a rat’s. I cashed out and bought another brand. Waiting for service is painful when you are loading the frig with ice.
Friday, my Samsung washer wouldn’t start but it was smart enough to give a fault code. Clearing the top there was an Australian “Concierge” number which I rang and the Indian gentleman told me that was the door lock fault code.
A washer is a white box with no obvious door in. I did a search on the fault code to reassure myself I gave the right code and it also told me how to into the switch. It wasn’t obvious, but so armed I resolved to remove the switch, buy a new one and replace myself without the standard week wait for a service call.
With switch in hand I dusted off my old multimeter, cleaned the probes but could still not get a suitably low resistance across the made contacts. Nothing ventured nothing gained I pulled the switch apart, and to my great surprise one small screw enabled me to see the contacts, clean the dirty one and reassemble. It works again.
Seriously I can’t recall when I last saw a repairable component. OK I saved on the cost of the new part but I saved a lot of inconvenience.
Maybe Samsung didn’t need to do miracles but they did enough, more than bluddy Electrolux.
I’ve dealt with spare parts manuals from heavy equipment down to motorbikes BUT –
When our old Simpson washer sprung a leak from the bowl seal I contacted our usual supplier who sent me the Electrolux parts breakdown with the comment that “You can order direct from Electrolux”
I tried their system and had to get back to him and say “You’ll have to do it – I can’t make head or tail of their system”.
And it took Australia Post something like 5 weeks to get the parcel from him to here – about 500 km. And it didn’t have any stamps saying that the parcel had done a tourist trip around Australia