A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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This video is part satire but features the actual words of Scott Moe who is Premier of Saskatchewan. He is incredibly sensible. His words are contrasted against Dictator Daniel Andrews of Vicdanistan.
“Most fairminded people would say he’s an arsehole” – very funny clip.
In contrast to the awful Andrews and in case you hadn’t seen it – from 20th Jan, here’s Tricia Lindsay. She is a ferociously effective speaker who sounds as though she could easily inspire a revolution. I hope to hear more from her on dealing with the covid overlords.
Reverse zoonosis?
Humans spreading omicron among animals?
Latest from Dr John Campbell.
Most body animals tested positive have a normal body temperature that is several degrees warmer than humans. This is close to the high fever temperature of H. Sapiens.
Either this is a really good thing or maybe a really bad thing, I don’t know.
I want to ask: What do White Tailed Deer share genetically with human modified mouse, bat, critter genes?
Have you seen his video today about Ivermectin trial? He’s getting closer to the edge!
Yes. That is good news.
Unfortunately, the UK Ivermectin trial, data is not available (‘another blind study’) to the researchers, until this summer. Campbell said the Ivermectin study will have results by September 2022. Odd that Pfizer stopped their covid antiviral test as soon as they found positive results.
A significant number of animals in the US have been found to be cross infected with the virus. But the strains detected closely match those passing through the human population. This belies a limited point human to animal infection incident. An ongoing transmission vector is indicated.
What is the primary human to human transmission mechanism? As I have long asserted, fecal oral transmission was likely dominant before Omicron, and I believe likely still so.
What are they doing in the US that could cause wildlife exposure to human waste?
I’ll take sewage fertilization of biofuel grain crops and plantation timber for $500 please Alex …
What is hoped to be achieved in the WA and NZ isolations?
Both populations are about as highly vaccinated as they are likely to be.
The vaccinations don’t stop acquisition or spread of coronavirus
The virus WILL get into the population and WILL spread.
All the border closures are doing is delaying the inevitable.
No, but it allows the social and mental conditioning of what appears to be inclucating a combination of Stokholm syndrome and Munchausens syndrome into the population…..
Very little about how covid appears to have been inflicted upon the population is in any way ethical, moral or scientifically defendable.
David, I have not heard of any vaccines but I have heard of injections which make people more vulnerable to infections particularly of the omicron variant.
Now if the omicron variant has the effect of crowding out more dangerous variants anything which blocks omicron will provide opportunity for the more dangerous variants.
So I agree with your conclusion but I regard the “inevitable” as a good thing rather than a bad thing.
Latest video from Dr Suneel Dhand.
He uses CDC’s own data to prove that “natural immunity” from a previous covid infection is at least as good as vaccination.
I feed some horses and I wonder why they love carrots so much.
Do they have a chemical in them analogous to nepetalactone in catnip that causes behavioural alterations in cats?
Sorry, that comment of mine 4.1 was in the wrong place.
Have you eaten grass lately?
Parody of the King of WA .
Excellent parody…or is it?
It is exactly the type of thing that McClown or Dictator Dan would actually say, if they thought they could get away with it.
A URL shortener, also known as a link shortener, seems like a simple tool, but it is a service that can have a dramatic impact on your marketing efforts. Link shorteners work by transforming any long URL into a shorter, more readable link. When a user clicks the shortened version, they’re automatically forwarded to the destination URL.
Not necessary. You can remove the ugliness of the link completely using the link bottom at the top of the comment box
button not bottom! Mind in the gutter
Thank you for the tip , and yes I’m a computer newb.
remember to close the link after the relevant words, otherwise you end up with everything following as red
Many men are red/green colour blind. I miss red links.
Could they be changed to blue?
I’m apparently red/green colour blind according to my defence force entry test results. (For a bunch of folk who are willing to be shot at they seemed disproportionately nervous about letting me be an electrician in the army. To the extent they refused. 😉 )
I can see the red links here. I haven’t seen how to make them blue. Maybe people could bold the red link? Did that make a diffrence?
that is annoying
Thanks Gee Aye I tested it but ended up with the same link , now to work out closing the link . Things are a bit harder on an iPad .
Easier still, to type your comment, then highlight the word where you want your link, click on the “link” button just above, paste your link, and hit return.
Then post your message.
Oh! Ouch! Aaagghh! I think I’ve been blinded.
Don’t clink the link in Gee Aye’s post. It points to an ABC page.
Antidote here.
tee hee.
but seriously. If you hover over the link the destination should appear somewhere on your browser (though I can’t speak for all configurations)
I meant to add – which means you can check the destination and not be lured by unscrupulous people like me
All that is necessary is shortening the link by ridding it of the provenance appendix which begins at ?utm_ leaving just
true that. If you copy the link from e.g. google, it will have a lot of stuff that is about routing through the search engine.
If you do trim it, it is worthwhile checking that you’ve trimmed correctly by opening the page using the trimmed version before sending your reply.
I find Tiny URLquick and easy to use
I have a couple of issues with it.
1. It requires an extra step and not everyone is so able, or switching out to it not always convenient.
2. You don’t know what you are clicking on – whether it might not be trustworthy. With the red writing or just the original you can preview the url.
This: “2. You don’t know what you are clicking on – whether it might not be trustworthy. With the red writing or just the original you can preview the url.”
I do not, as a rule, ever click on shortened URLs because I cannot see where I’m going. So, shorten away, but realize that there are many people out there like me, and you’re limiting your reach.
The hover over the link thing works in Firefox. It displays the link at the bottom left of the browser window. At least my version does.
I mean for links created with the “link” creation button in these comment boxes.
For the tiny url link shortening links it just displays the same tiny url link you’re looking at to click on. So maybe not so safe in those instances.
But you should be able to trust the hover with comment created links.
I posted a link to the YouTube video in another comment on a previous post a couple of days ago.
The YouTube video is here:
I too, like to post the whole URL so people can see where it’s pointing. obviously still have to trust that it is actually going where it says it is, but common sense applies.
I feed some horses and I wonder why they love carrots so much.
Do they have a chemical in them analogous to nepetalactone in catnip that causes behavioural alterations in cats?
I’d guess its as simple as natural sugars. Like cattle love silage even when they are standing in knee deep grass.
They’re sweet. Same reason horses love sugar. Still, not good for them. Hay is for horses!
David, carrots are sweet and crunchy just like apples and horses love them. Carrots actually have a lower sugar content than apples and are the bribe of choice. Sugar in the diet is a constant problem for many horses , they develop Equine Metabolic Disorder which is insulin resistance . Green spring grass( Kikuyu) , fast growing weeds, oaten hay, all have high sugar levels. Too much sugar can affect their feet, leaving them crippled and in great pain . Unfortunately EMS is idiosyncratic, what’s too much sugar for one is just fine for another.
Fortunately all horses can tolerate a kilo of carrots per day and anyone who provides carrots is a friend for life.
Different animals but no known nutritional or chemical reason that sheep and cattle prefer mulga to lucerne hay.
But they do.
I thought it was the slightly higher salt content in mulga. Bit like eating potato chips for them.
Seeing as mulga grows down to areas where, if it wasn’t for bore water, you ought to be supplementing with salt – – ‘
I don’t ever recall any discussion of elevated salt levels except on Peter Beattie’s “Big Red Map”
Most common cartoon shown inside horse barns: Bugs Bunny.
So, the horses just pick up the habit.
Australia allowing nuclear power reactors is an absolute no-brainer. I was pleasantly surprised when the rational decision was made to get nuclear submarines. There was almost no opposition. Perhaps politicians are misjudging this and most people would accept a nuclear power reactor?
No; use our coal while we wait a couple of centuries for a triumph of reason and an end to rule by scoundrels.
Thanks, Serp, plain and clear.What is Novavax?
Coal has other uses from being burnt. The chemical industry was based on coal until around 1951. Oil, then gas became the major feed stock esp. for thermoplastics.
The other use for coal is to produce diesel fuel, as done in Germany in the 1930’s (and ’40s) and in South Africa during the boycott – indeed the SA plant then converted to making other chemicals, esp. waxes. And acetylenic chemicals can be sourced from coal.
There was a trial plant in the 1980’s in NZ that made methanol from natural gas, and there was plans to convert that to petrol but they fell through with the slump in oil prices.
With politicians determined to eliminate diesel (and petrol) use I would suggest that the sooner we used our resources for the good of the country is a desirable objective.
At the moment we need nuclear power on a trial and development basis to build familiarity and competence in its use.
Coal is still by far the cheapest source of electricity with nuclear options sandwiched neatly between coal and green.
The green renewables invasion is monstrously expensive in dollars and environmental damage.
Given time, development and familiarity, the nuclear options is for the longer future.
look at the long run US DOE data which tries to encompass as much as reasonably can and it puts nukes very much competitive with coal
coming in slightly cheaper
it has advanced ultra supercritical 2026 built (estimated, pre subsidy) at $72.78 per MWh v nuclear for 76.88 (and a very low combined coal cycle figure btw – probably too low)
You have got it all wrong there KK. Reported on the news this morning was the proud claim that renewables had provided more power to the grid over the last 12 months than gas did.
Now, this is where it starts to get a little murky. Not only did renewables? generate more power than gas, but solar also increased supply. Hmmm. So what is the latest definition of renewables. Well I don’t know, but I would guess that gas may provide more or less power than renewables as it is easier to ramp up and DOWN. There was of course no breakdown as to how successful the supply of renewables was regarding DEMAND. Just coincidently, where I live there is a large Hydo capability, now following the wettest winter for many years, with all tributary steams supplying large volumes of run off to the main river, in the middle of winter the powers that be released lots of stored water for “environmental reasons”. My guess is that the” environmental reason” was to fill the gap left by the lack of wind as there were quite long periods of calm.
They never seem to get that energy sources need to deliver when required, not just when the weather or time of day suits the source.
Getting most media beyond simplistic thinking seems a forelorn hope. They will only react when smacked in the face with an outage.
And it was a big load of, well, horse manure. No data to back the Climate Council claims. The part about solar exceeding gas in WA is ridiculous, as both coal and gas are still the dominant energy sources for the SW grid, with solar only 2.7 to 4%.
I suspect they are being “economical with the truth”. and including Roof Top solar in that calculation, as it is by far the biggest RE generation source.
And that has two issues..
1).. RT solar is NOT a grid power source.
2).. there is NO WAY to know how much RT solar is being generated collectively. !
Yes, as long as there is power in the socket most people will not care. Just NIMBY.
Not just any nuclear reactor, but a molten salt reactor (MSR). MSR hands down are better than conventional nuclear reactors in terms of safety and cost.
Keep in mind coal, gas, oil will eventually ‘run out’. Thorium MSRs will be the ultimate goal for providing the gas and oil that will be needed.
Climate Heretic
And deployed anywhere in the world commercially?
I am concious in these discussions of living in the here and know and deploying what is actually available, rather than injecting yet another reason to delay. The perfect getting in the way of the good situation.
“Why is everyone so frightened?”
How does coronavirus get into isolated, locked up populations like WA or NZ?
Since, many Western countries now import a lot of frozen food from China or elsewhere, is it not possible that virus expelled from an infected person at the manufacturing plant might be frozen into the food and it is then released at the other end to cause infection?
Of course, this might be by accident, or in the case of the Chi-comm bioweapon, by design.
People are still coming and going. So leaky quarantine as occurred in Victoria in 2020.
Yes, just look at the behaviour of the politicians since 2019, they break every law they make for us. They haven’t stopped flying around the world and meeting other people with their hangers-on spreading disease as they go, along with the ‘rich and famous’ in business & entertainment who also take a lot more freedom than we are allowed.
I expect there are plenty of ways a virus could travel on an aircraft around the world, in cargo or in the passenger compartments. Some foods will act as protection for it to stabilise it for days, there must be buffers used in microbiology labs for storing viruses that have analogues in daily life.
Simpler response is that people routinely lie about what they have done, where they have been and who they have been with. In some “communities” it is a way of life.
The alleged quarantines in Melbourne were littered with this behaviour. The amusing thing was how the govt labelled it a mystery each time.
Ah, the duck theory. Infected ducks fly down to Australia from China and South East asia etc, land on our reservoirs, poop in them and then we drink it etc. It actually has a grain of truth to it, because during Duck Hunting seasons in the past, government health workers went out to the shooting sites and anal swabbed shot ducks. In this case they were looking for Avian flu, Newcastle’s disease etc. But it was always one of those urban myths as to why there is a new strain of flu each year etc. Maybe we have ducks (with COVID) flying from SA to WA? Or starlings, sparrows. Perhaps it’s foxes.
Worth checking but first I’d be swabbing politicians, public servants, sportsmen, entertainers and all the associated hangers on who are “exceptions” to the border and quarantine rules.
Ross, are you saying that it’s not plausible that viable virus can come in on frozen food?
Idk, David .Check the science. Personally, I like the fox theory. WA health workers should be stationed on the Nullarbor and anal swab all foxes. Probably just as effective as not serving alcohol to unvaxxed in Aldis.
WA has small water birds regularly visiting from Siberia in summer. See them regularly along the lower reaches of the Swan River.
There you go – theory confirmed.
An interesting thought David.
There is some information about how long the virus can survive in the air or on various surfaces. To transmit via frozen food it would need to remain viable outside a human host throughout the manufacture, freezing, transport and reheating phases.
As all government science is settled our political masters would have told us by now if it was a problem 🙂
“As all government science is settled our political masters would have told us by now if it was a problem 🙂”
Or not, as the case may be
“To transmit via frozen food it would need to remain viable outside a human host throughout the manufacture, freezing, transport and reheating phases.”
..or sneezed on by the guy loading it into the plane, and the guy unloading it wipes his hand on his face after unloading it a few hours later…
Nobody knows, its on par with the dead snail in the Museum of Natural History in London that was on its display card for a hundred years until it crawled away one night.. The idea that virus diseases arise spontaneously according to the Earth’s orbit through a sector of space, or the sun’s cycle or a new electromagnetic spectrum being used all have followers. There is some quite convincing evidence showing influenza spread faster than humans could travel in the 1800s. We actually sweet fk all about the details of it all.
Yep. There is the packaging and all the other vectors. I’d think human carriers and special deliveries from the virus manufacturing centres would be the most likely.
Diplomatic Bags??
Best way to preserve a virus is to freeze it.
In the lab we put them in minus 70 freezers.
Most frozen foods are only minus 18- so its possible that viruses could be transmitted either via the food itself or the packaging or maybe just inside the trucks.
‘ … all have followers.’
Fred Hoyle was a firm believer.
Hmmm… Ottawa, you can get arrested it appears for taking the protesters food or fuel or for honking your horn.
So, if this is all about vaccine mandates, the very police who will arrest you for expressing your freedoms, are also exempt from the vaccines……
Hypocracy writ large
I see folks are turning up with red fuel containers full of water. Makes it difficult to keep checking all fuel containers…
I believe they have added antifreeze. A container of ice is nothing like one of diesel.
Funny video circulating at the moment from Canada. The pathetic Ottowa Govt made it illegal to bring fuel containers to trucks. The video is of hundreds of people all carrying red or yellow fuel containers on a march to the capitol building.
Ironically Canada is home to Scepter fuel containers, good quality plastic fuel containers of all kinds. I have a couple in the garage.
Ottawa Police Ordered to Return Fuel – Returns Fuel Contaminated – Freedom Convoy 2022
They returned it contaminated. And now they are going ahead despite the court order.
The Canadian mandates are falling!
As I suggested yesterday, more of the 11 states of Canada have accepted reality against the hubris and oppression of Trudeau’s intransigent arrogance and the totalitarianism so typical of socialists. Liberal in name but utterly dictatorial in instinct.
And Trudeau himself is still very openly peeved that anyone dares object to his tyranny. If egos and privilege were money, he would be even richer. Or is it just vanity?
Canadian covid deaths are now in decline. Covid has run its race in Canada:
Vanity or ego would be the only factors keeping vaccine mandates in place. How can Trudeau spin this to avoid the embarrassment of letting the truckers “win”.
In Germany they will be prepared for the 2022 fall and the expected wave and are still on the way to mandatory vxxinations.
Hells bells. The northern hemisphere hasn’t even finished with winter yet. Their fall is two seasons away and they are spring and summer.
Good to hear they have access to vaccinations though. All the rest of the world has are injections which make things worse.
Today I read for the first time, these mandatory vaxxinations will only start Oct, 1st.
There are now discussions how to put all that in a law. On the other hand there are voices hinting on the numbers of cases to come, that maybe the law may not be neccessary anymore.
Is he still peeved from a distance or has he summoned up the courage to be in Canada again?
The link shows him sitting down in Canadian parliament on Tuesday and he had barely started. Many would see that as cowardice, expecting the speaker to demand respect. That is something, once lost, a speaker, a teacher, a comedian or a Prime Minister cannot get back by demand. Respect has to be earned.
And like Climate Change, it is amazing how politicians talk about ‘The Science’ when it says whatever they choose to believe. As Candice Bergen asks, is this Science or Politics? There is no such thing as ‘The Science’. There is the truth and there is opportunistic politics.
You have to love the final jeer from the back rows “Let him answer, he’s not good at it”.
And remember that Canada has not handled it well. 35,000 deaths from 30 million people That’s near 20x the deaths of Australia. And would be 40x if not for Dictator Dan, Beijing’s man.
I saw a report that that comment really put a hole in his blimp?
Perhaps he sat down because he couldn’t continue. This appeal to ‘The Science’ was already in Candice Bergen’s question and Trudeau used it in his short response. Gave over.
Both sides cannot simultaneously claim they follow ‘The Science’ as he claimed and have any credibility left. That a trick with ‘The Science’, it’s a phrase used only by non scientists, like Tim Flannery. And do not forget the Chinese appointed non medical head of the WHO stated categorically in late January 2020 that this virus ‘was not infectious’. He lied. So much for ‘The Science’.
Trudeau is truly pathetic but this should not be presented as though once again he chickened out.
Sitting down is proper procedure when there is a major ruckus in the house. In Australia for example the speaker instructs the person to withdraw until order is restored and then calls on the person again.
Most Australian politicians wouldn’t do it. Winston Churchill wouldn’t do it. Heckling is par for the course. He had nothing more to say. It was ‘The Science’, the lamest excuse of the ignorant.
“Sitting down is proper procedure :
Might be the only one he’s followed in a long time if so
End of March still looking good for the end of Covid19:
Love that prediction RW. I’ve mentioned it to a number of people and they look at me rather strangely. Which is a normal reaction anyway. In my close family, everytime someone gets COVID they throw $50 into a pot. Last person to get it, sweeps the pot. Presently running at $150.
If you don’t get it then you miss out?
Doesn’t sound like a good start to being appointed to form a government committee of enquiry?
I know someone who is in a similar bet they call “Deadpool” only difference is the last one without Covid wins the pool .
This is explosive new news.
The Trucker Protestors should present this specific news about the FDA and Pfizers’ failure to test a prototype RNA vaccine adjuctive additive, as it indicates that the idiotic forced vaccination with experimental first release RNA covid vaccines are dangerous and should be immediately stopped for medical reasons. Not because the ‘Truckers’ do not want to be vaccinated. This is evidence to explain why the first release RNA covid vaccines are dangerous and killing people, in unexplained and unexpected ways. As I would assume there are strict rules that any new vaccine adjuctive must be tested before it is used on the mass population of the US and the world.
This appears to be a deliberate ‘mistake’ which makes the covid RNA vaccines very dangerous. This mistake enables the spike which the vaccines create to persist in the body for more than 60 days. This ‘mistake’ enables the first release covid RNA to cause complex medical problems. There are unfortunate people who are suffering now because of the criminal failure of the US FDA and Pfizer to not test the new vaccine adjuctive.
The Left wing are trying to brainlessly convince us to vaccinate children and the last group of adults how think the covid vaccines are dangerous and not adequately tested. This is not a political problem. The RNA first release covid vaccination must/should be stopped immediately.
The fact that the FDA did not force Pfizer to test the prototype adjustive is evidence of criminal conspiracy. Why? What did our countries’ health authorities know about the RNA vaccine adjuctive? It seems impossible that they would not be informed of this issue.
The Canadian Opposition party should present this new information, about vaccine safety and vaccine testing failures, in Canadian Parliament. As soon as Trudeau is informed of the problem, he and his government own it. The failure to scientifically test the first release covid vaccines, is an indication of complete system failure and corruption. This is not a ‘mistake’.
What the evidence shows is that FDA/Pfizer allowed an untested adjuctive additive to be added to every RNA vaccine. This new untested adjuctive additive is not being broken down by our bodies (older vaccines all used an adjuctive that is broken done in the body to avoid this danger) and hence there are first release covid spikes in the body 60 days after vaccination. It is for this medical reason that the RNA vaccination with the first release RNA vaccines should be stopped, to avoid further death and long term damage to people.
This problem would have been found and quantified if Pfizer had ensure that standard biomarker analysis had been done on the test patient’s blood samples which were taken. Every RNA vaccine patient had a blood sample taken. The FDA and Pfizer did not order standard medical tests been done on the test patient’s blood. Changes in the biomarkers would have identified and quantified the problem. This should have been found during phase one vaccine testing.
This appears to be black & white simple evidence that the first release covid vaccines were not scientifically tested and that they are dangerous.
Robert Malone said: “The biggest medical experiment ever…. That this has not been published or investigated more demonstrates the gross regulatory dereliction of duty by Pfizer, Biointech, Moderna, NIAID VRC and that whole crew. Using these vaccines, which include pseudouridine without fully understanding the implications and without the FDA requiring a complete pre-clinical toxicology regulatory package, including long-term follow-up, as is done with any other unique chemical or adjuvant additive is shocking.”
Elon Musk’s SpaceX satellites drop out of orbit after solar storm
Cape Canaveral: SpaceX’s newest fleet of satellites is tumbling out of orbit after being struck by a solar storm.
Up to 40 of the 49 small satellites launched last week have either reentered the atmosphere and burned up, or are on the verge of doing so, the company said in an online update Tuesday night.
SpaceX said a geomagnetic storm last Friday made the atmosphere denser, which increased the drag on the Starlink satellites, effectively dooming them.
SpaceX runs a network of nearly 2000 low-orbit satellites called Starlink, which provides internet service to remote places around the world.
Ground controllers tried to save the compact, flat-panel satellites by putting them into a type of hibernation and flying them in a way to minimise drag. But the atmospheric pull was too great, and the satellites failed to awaken and climb to a higher, more stable orbit, according to the company.
SpaceX still has close to 2000 Starlink satellites orbiting Earth and providing internet service to remote corners of the world. They circle the globe more than 550 kilometres up.
The satellites hit by the solar storm were in a temporary position. SpaceX deliberately launches them into this unusually low orbit so that any duds can quickly reenter the atmosphere and pose no threat to other spacecraft.
There is no danger from these newly falling satellites, either in orbit or on the ground, according to the company.
Each satellite weighs less than 260 kilograms.
SpaceX described the lost satellites as a “unique situation.” Such geomagnetic storms are caused by intense solar activity like flares, which can send streams of plasma from the sun’s corona hurtling out into space and toward Earth.
I’m not sure I’d care to be thumped on the head by a ‘less than 260kgs’ of defunct satellite!
Mostly peaceful?
Brings to mind the dire threats of Spike Milligan if any piece of Skylab landed on his mother’s dunny at Woy Woy
Australia just had its coolest year (2021) in nine years, but the good old BOM need to additionally state that “it was also the country’s warmest La Niña-only year on record”. Who cares?
They also describe it with the following champion of weasel wording. ” This was the 19th warmest year in records dating back to 1910″. They state an increase 0f 0.56 ˚C over the 1961-1990 trendline but then fail to assign any statistical interpretation to that figure. So no range, or any statement if that figure in fact is significant compared to average. So, because they don’t, assume it isn’t.
When I learned science, at university, back in the day just before those institutions were totally dumbed down, one of the first lessons taught was about error analysis, uncertainty and error bars. It’s rare to see any Government meteorological agency quote such figures these days.
We were also taught never to alter raw data, or to discard data points if they didn’t agree with one’s hypothesis. There were strict rules for discarding outlier data points as well.
How times and the practice of what is now misleadingly called “science” has changed…
Nowadays, in the political favourites of coronavirus and the anthropogenic global warming fraud, data is routinely altered (or censored) to suit the political objective.
Yes, I recall in high school science and even in early university science you would sometimes discard the highest and lowest observation data point. Then calculate the average of the rest. Even now, I sometimes do that quickly in field observations – it actually works remarkably well a lot of the time. Most people today, if they are half inclined, can drive a spreadsheet. All of them can calculate eg. standard deviations, etc. Why cant the BOM do this? Maybe they do, but the journalists reporting it, decide it’s too boring.
The journos usually run with the news release they are given, without much in the way of enquiry or added value. This is especially so if it fits long established agendas such as warming or oppression of approved groups.
Yes, the rain which fell and the snow which fell was also some of the driest and warmest evah!!
And of course the dams which filled were some of the emptiest full dams evah!!
“This was the 19th warmest year in records dating back to 1910”
After they dump all the very warm years in the 20 or years before 1910.
Even their value stated is highly dubious because its been so mal-adjusted and effected by urban warming effects.
There is absolutely nothing untoward happening with Australia’s temperature, just with the fabrication of the “official” once-was-data temperature series.
“it was also the country’s warmest La Niña-only year on record”.
They are clutching at straws to keep AGW on track, disgraceful behaviour.
I care since this La nina is warmer than all the El nino from before the early 2000s
naturally... Sun and cloud… El Nino events
Be very glad of that trifling amount of warming since the LIA. !
Still only marginally warmer than the coldest period in 10,000 years.
So Gee tell us why our global life exp + wealth has been increasing for the last 200 yrs or 100 yrs or 50 yrs or 30 yrs?
Why have deaths from extreme weather events dropped by 95% since 1920, 1.7 bn population then to 7.8 bn today? Six more billion people at risk today, so tell us how or why?
And ditto the good news from Africa as well. We know you can’t explain it or understand it, so when will you wake up?
If you know the answers to these questions why are you asking me?
Here’s one. Why did so 100+ die in a flood in Gundagai in 1852 and torrential rain now has little impact? So weird and hard to explain.
The obvious answer is because of human civilisation development due to fossil fuel powered technology.
They may have cleared the river of fallen trains.
… trees.
1. A shoddily built town on the flood plain.
2. Labourors living in humpies and outdoors.
3. An uncontrolled river.
4. No useful roads, means of communication or emergency services.
Now. None of those things
And the local indigenous population warned them not to set up a town close to the river, but they wouldn’t listen.
Back to your original point: ‘I care since this La nina is warmer than all the El nino from before the early 2000s.’
Its a back to back La Nina and temps have almost reached equilibrium, so we should wait for more data.
Big floods come in cycles, but it sometimes varies slightly from the script.
The idea of falling trains captured my imagination.
Typhoon pilots were good at that
So Gee you admit you’re wrong so now tell us what else you worry about and why?
You’re the fool who wants to waste endless billions $ for no impact and ZERO return by 2050 or 2100.
And you obviously couldn’t care less about the environment above and below the ground and all for ZIP. So tell us why?
What? Go bleat your demands to someone else.
Careful Neville. GI will take his bat and ball and go home.
On second thoughts, don’t be careful.
I’m glad that you care GA, but I think the majority, even if they understand the sentence, couldn’t give 2 hoots. For me, the sentence smacks of just trying too hard.
Would that be “pretzellisation”?
Pretzellation indicates licking of peoples’s backsides, or you are so intertwined with your compatriots thinking, you look like a pretzel. Is that what you mean?
Spelling was deliberate! Only directed at sentences.
cool word
“this La nina is warmer than all the El nino from before the early 2000s”
Who cares ; the grass is greener now , and it’s growing ; something it didn’t do in all those el Ninos before 2000 ; it was dead then .
I could grow kumara back then ; not now – not enough heat units to ripen the crop.
but all the weeds!
What sort of weed are you on or about?
It’s drought that opens up pasture to allow weed ingress .
A dense actively growing sward of pasture will suppress weeds .
But there are none of concern anyway.
If the sheep , goats and cows eat it , it’s forage.
The weeds are in the urban context – and it wasn’t a serious gripe. I get your point.
Yes, the inner cities are overgrown with noxious Green weeds. !
“weeds are in the urban context ”
Nothing that a weekly dose of RoundUp won’t cure ; home gardeners love the stuff.
Never mind the AMPA ; the great-grandchildren can deal with that.
I Glyphosate (mainly paths and verges) but issues with that are wind and rain which have been plentiful lately thanks to La nina. Also weeds among the vegetables are pull out only.
UAH gives the global yearly temperature in 2021 as less than 0.5C above that of 1979.
Anyone that thinks we can measure a yearly global temperature to an accuracy of half a degree, even with satellite data, is a total mathematical numpty with their mind deep in fantasy land.
The only statement that can be really made is that we don’t actually know if 2021 was warmer than 1979…
The data is not accurate enough to say that it was… nor can that data ever be accurate enough.
Do you think temps will fall below the line?
‘… nor can that data ever be accurate enough.’
Especially as ocean dynamics play a pivotal role.
Looking at the UAH we can see the 2008-09 La Nina, then the system over corrected in the following year. It started out as El Nino which faded and La Nina returned in the same year, which went onto become the strong back to back La Nina 2010-12.
By 2013 the PDO inexplicably returned to neutral, allowing the El Nino regime to flourish once again.
Question for the Crowd.
An 82 Year old woman is locked in a Nursing Home for 2 weeks.
Still answering the phone and chatting despite the solitary confinement.
Nurse phones Friday, Your Mother is not her old self, she is drowsy and was not like this last week.
Relative: They were asking about Mother having a Booster shot. Has she received this injection?
Nurse: I do not know I just started my shift.
Two falls and two hospital visits later.
Nurse calls: Your Mother is having trouble speaking and can not say her own name.
Relative: what would bring about such a sudden change? Did she have a change in her medication? Did she have a Booster Shot?
Nurse: UM AH, I really don’t know.
Relative: Checks medical record.
Pfizer injection last Friday.
Astra Zeneca May 2021. 2 weeks before Mother was hospitalized with stomach pain. About this time was when Mother suffered short term memory loss and we decided she needed to go into care.
My question is, now the Queensland Government has the Army coming into these Aged Care Facilities to help administer these ‘life saving injections’, should I reduce my exposure to the aged care sector in my investment portfolio?
To use another analogy. Do you continue to invest in fertilizer for rice paddies when Pol Pot is in power?
Supplementary question: Is there something we can do for what was a fantastic Lady who is now unable to eat and, jabbed or un-jabbed you can not hold her hand without the approval of the Dear Leader.
[Powerful story and I’m sad Brodie, really really sad. Leaving this here for Jo to see in the case she might want to build a post out of it. ]ED
Terrible Broadie but at least they phoned the family , mate of mine in Melbourne was refused visitors then made palliative with no phone call and no visitors allowed . They even confiscated his phone , his son had to con his way in 2 days before the old man’s passing . Still raw with the family understandably so haven’t yet been able to get all the details but he had co morbidities and was double vaxxed .
Robert, sorry to hear about your mates situation.
We are dealing with evil, this is how it treats the vulnerable, and it doesn’t care….
People dont seem to fathom evil – its an “old fashioned” word, but evil still exists, and were seeing it now.
Thanks Ed.
Cloaked in the rhetoric is a serious question. Does anyone know how to kill off this spike protein. A pathologist has suggested Bromelain.
I use this as an example of the reality in what I suspect is a killing field in our aged care system.
The nurses and Doctors can not say anything and they do not. This woman was filling out a Calendar up till the day she received her third life saving injection. This is not nearly as sad as a fourteen year girl old taking the ‘Jab for her Gran’ with cancer and ending up with an unknown heart condition giving her great pain. Pain requiring endone and three months so far of hospitalization.
All I can say is whatever is the greater good that exists as a balance to the evil, I hope it wins in Canada. My experience is even the shrinking violets there are prepared to ward of a bear.
So love Hug and kiss each other and if someone needs help stand by them.
If only Mr. P. Pot had made billions and sowed his brilliance among Gs, NGOs, Academia, and Media organizations across the globe, you wouldn’t be impugning him.
Poor guy missed the coffee clutch at Davos by just a couple years.
He probably would have been invited to address the UN conference on tolerance with Mr. Ahmadinejad.
Not to mention the TED talk.
And he missed getting a photo with Bono.
I’d say keep your long on the Aged Care sector, but short Pfizer.
In the US, a number of funeral services are large enough to be publicly listed companies. They are experiencing record increase in business, not since the start of the claimed pandemic deaths, but from the start of the “vaccine” rollout.
At an anti mandate rally on 27 November 2021, I spoke briefly with an Australian undertaker. They strive to provide respectful service for the deceased at all stages of their operations, including individual cold storage of those passed. He indicated new smaller units were being aquired.
We are speaking to an Australian Undertaker now. Mother of 4, 82 years old is now resting in Peace.
Doctor says it was either a UTI or the progression of her cancer. “Everybody knows the ‘JAB’ does not cause stroke like symptoms”, the Doctor stated despite the Nurse having phoned to say she was concerned the Mother was not the same the afternoon after having had her ‘Freedom Jab’.
The poor Dear was probably convinced to have the ‘JAB’ in the hope she could be released from Solitary confinement and to go on the excursions.
You would have to say these Nurses and Doctors were evil but for the fact they are jabbing themselves and their children. Jones Town is going to look like a stroll in the park if this was not just an unfortunate co-incidence.
Aww. Broadie. I’m so sorry to hear. That’s awful news.
Many sympathies from myself and the moderators. A dreadful outcome.
Thanks Jo
It is the young children I am truly worried about. The most beautiful young bright girls, one was top of her school academically and in sports and she has been double jabbed over Christmas. That is despite her Father having had a shocking reaction to the second injection. He is in a specialty that seeks out veins. Go figure? The girl is quiet and gentle and has now confessed to her best friend she had problems after her second injection. The Parents both Doctors are surrounded by people suffering from Jabs and isolation????
Another bright girl in high school having to leave class with chest pain and breathing difficulties. Not the attention seeking type and without any history of panic attacks etc.
And that is not to mention the others locked in their homes or suffering from unusual clots. Clots in the Aorta?, hands?, cancers coming out of remission and after these ‘JABS’.
Another horror story. Close friend in his forties, endurance runner, specialist, started repeating himself on a ward round. Evidence of a stroke, massive hole in his heart, and sudden aggressive prostate cancer. Looks like he may live, though what sort of life now for this couple with a young family. The perfect couple with so much to give to humanity?
These are Doctors & educated Professionals subjecting themselves and their children to this experiment with known horrific adverse events and there isn’t anything that can swerve them from the ‘Path’.
I am off to drop some ‘stuff’ to another family in lock down. Another booster mandated employee diagnosed with Covid and feeling dreadful.
So thanks to your team for your kind thoughts. Personally we are in what is relatively a strong position, having done well out of the mass hysteria. I was well prepared having followed the thoughts of Jo for a long time. We were able to look after our community when our competitors could not. We will find some other way now as the black fog of bureaucracy envelopes our small business.
Broadie, those are some diabolical situations you describe. Best wishes to everyone. I wish we could help more.
Electric cars to be like the diesel scandal? I can’t believe I’ve read this – an anti EV’s article in the media? It all makes a lot of sense!
I don’t know about the Daily Mail, do they actually just report news, “just the facts mam”, or are they biased to the left/right? The article doesn’t look biased, it’s just stating the actual facts about EV’s for all to see.
The Daily Mail is of a rare right wing / conservative alignment so are more into truth rather than propaganda.
Well, it was, but had a new editor. I can’t remember the details though.
Bjorn Lombourg is all over this. Has repeatedly said that EV’s are a complete waste of time- if your aim is to mitigate CO2 emissions. BL is actually a warmest, but he has a lot of fun poking holes in all the absurd measures to achieve reductions in CO2. He also claims EV’s are more dangerous because on a size comparison to ICE vehicles they weigh much more. Hence, in an accident more likely to inflict greater damage to both other cars and unwary pedestrians.
The Daily Mail is from Lomborg. A very clear statement was the fact that if all our transport went electric, there would be zero difference to the global temperature.
A quote tip for Jo
Fire razed my garden shed,
Now I’ve a moonrise view instead;
The spring frost bit the damson plum –
No fruit: no bins of fly-blown gum.
Old Bluey died, but now the lawn
Is safe once more to tread upon;
And since my tabby Pussens went
The little lizards are content.
Lobelia bursts like love-grenades
On ground long-held by pungent shades,
For since that storm in late July
No pine-tree saps their sun-supply.
And since the goldfish died, their pool
Is still, translucent, deep and cool.
Now! Now! The secret reason we can’t rush these things!
“Canadian Liberals Deeply Worried They Might Lose COVID and Be Forced to Return to Normal
February 9, 2022 | Sundance | 41 Comments
According to Canadian media the Liberal party is deeply worried the Pandemic might end and they will be forced to return to normal.”
Adapt the name to suit
The COVID train hauled by the superclass locomotive named Omicron just keeps thundering on. Its picked up a few passengers, but a lot of people don’t want to jump on because it’s not going to a destination that they like. That destination is called Normal. The good news is the train runs the same schedule every week, so there’s still plenty of seats available.
The desperation of the vaccine passports governments and their state stenographers of the Establishment Misleadia in trying to keep the scare alive in the face of Omicron was remarkable. They were utterly resistant to any good news.
This brings me to raise my thoughts on Omicron:
I believe, just as with the original, Omicron is the product of lab manipulation. But lab work done by a government or group opposed to the WEF plan.
My reasoning is this: genomic mapping shows that Alpha, Gamma and Delta are progressive mutations from the Wuhan strain, but Omicron is not. It appears to be old, sharing a common ancestor with the Wuhan strain.
Some scientists have a dating methodology, based on the degree of mutation in different parts of a coronavirus. The problem for Omicron, is that if it had been mutating to get to its current form in a sizable human population, then it would have had to have been infecting humans since March 2018.
But there is no human population large enough sufficiently “islanded” from the rest of the world. And if Omicron had been on the loose since 2018, it would have out competed other strains long ago, as it is more infectious.
So the more likely scenario is that Omicron was islanded in a lab and manipulated, prior to global seeding into the human population.
Omicron is effectively an “off switch” for the Plandemic. Who threw the switch?
Clearly not any of the vaccine passports nations, or any government in WEF control. Thet all fought the “Omicron is less deadly” news with every foul fibre of their beings.
A government? A company? A group of rogue scientists?
Means, motive and opportunity.
Means: P3 lab or better. Plenty of mice. Ideologically aligned scientists. CRISPR shears.
Motive: about to lose out politically or financially from the WEF “great reset” or scientists horrified at the use of science as a political weapon.
Opportunity: whomsoever was responsible, needed not just the lab, but the ability to seed the new strain globally and near simultaneously.
Who’s in the frame?
Professor Plum in the Library with the Candle Stick?
There’s someone who has done something very like this before, only in a different field of science …
One thing which has come out of this man made virus is that the world is now much more aware of viruses, pandemics, responses needed, mRNA, RATs, isolation and the dangers of ultra rapid international travel than ever before. And that like the IPCC and every other UN department, the WHO has been taken over by the CCP. That is what communists do and Daniel Andrews has just been reported to the Ombudsman and criminal prosecution for openly rigging the Victoria elections paid with Victorian government money and even appointing plum public service positions to his minions for services rendered, both in the committee room and in the witness box.
President Xi has to go back to rigging elections and was just caught by ASIO trying to rig the upcoming Australian election (except they did not say which country was involved). Though according to the Democrats, the only problem in the world is Russia. Every other perceived problem is xenophobia or Islamophobia or racism. And you can guarantee that Russia’s biggest problem is actually China, not the US.
And I am amazed that the press never mention that Eastern Ukraine has had a raging civil war for the last decade and has seceded in all but name from the Ukraine. It was why Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 was shot down in 2014 but the civil war did not exist apparently. I believe the Russian army is there to prevent an imminent bloody invasion and devastating civil war. But it does not suit the political agenda of the West to consider the kleptocracy which is Ukraine has any problems at all. Biden didn’t think so. And now they are preparing for another proxy war as in Vietnam.
When did Xi not rig elections both in China, Hong Kong etc and in foreign countries?
The big problem for the dems and the media in the USA is that they went all in on the first Russia hoax. They have to keep lying to avoid being even more exposed as liars. They need a pandemic or a war or something.
Rigging elections is how Communists operate. After all, in Communism we are all equal except the person at the top and his friends. And Peng Shuai now denies she made an allegation on social media against Zhang Gaoli, former vice Premier of China. Of course.
“When did Xi not rig elections both in China, Hong Kong etc and in foreign countries?”
Pfft! We don’t need those Communist amateurs trying to rig our elections, we have experts who have been doing it all their lives.
From gerrymandering the boundaries, changing immigrant eligibility, ‘forgetting’ to count boxes of votes left under stairs, sudden massive increases in a candidates lead over another… All Western countries are full of dirty tricks as far as I can see.
Russia and China have no need to interfere, politics is unimportant compared to other factors like economics. They realise that it doesn’t matter who is in power, it will be a corrupt politician they can use.
We’ve this defecting Labor MLC Kaushaliya Vaghela to thank:
She is a brave person ….she will not be able to have a restful moment for years I reckon ….she is truly a hero
Compare the pair: Persons A and B are both healthy. Person A can enjoy the food and or entertainment at any hospitality venue as long as they show proof of vaccination. Person B, an unvaccinated person, who also enjoys good health is denied entry. On the other hand, both persons A and B could have Covid but Person A is able to show proof of vaccination and so is granted entry to the venue whilst Person B is denied entry. Conclusion: Wierd, assinine health rules apply in QLD, Vic, NT and WA.
” On the other hand, both persons A and B could have Covid but Person A is able to show proof of vaccination and so is granted entry to the venue whilst Person B is denied entry.”
On the third hand, the vaxed person could be sick and still be allowed in to busily spread Covid all through the venue, while the healthy un-vaxed is denied entry..
Two and a half million unvaxed in Aussie…. We could organise our own entertainment!
? Thats what he said
Brilliant summary of the whole fiasco by the lawyer’s opening statement to the Grand Jury in the court of public opinion. More power to them!
Thanks Brenda an excellent read a a long list of Great Witnesses
Hyper-vaxxed Israel is onto its 4th booster – and the cases, hospitalisations and deaths have never been higher.
And time to bury that piece of true disinformation that the shots at least give more protection against sever infections:
“Right now, most of our severe cases are vaccinated,” Giris [director of Ichilov Hospital’s coronavirus ward] told Channel 13 News. “They had at least three injections. Between seventy and eighty percent of the serious cases are vaccinated. So, the vaccine has no significance regarding severe illness, which is why just twenty to twenty-five percent of our patients are unvaccinated.”
In reply to a poster on Michel Smith News who said
“Why keep posting that misleading does not stop comment?
Nobody ever claimed that it would, vaccination offers protection meaning lowers the impact of the virus for vaccinated people.
Vaccination is not immunity and does not stop a carrier from passing the virus to others.”
Well US CDC would have dsiagreed with you
The CDC Just Made an Orwellian Change to the Definition of ‘Vaccine’ and ‘Vaccination‘
For your entire life, you’ve known that when you get vaccinated, you’re protected from a particular disease. You’ve probably been vaccinated for such diseases as polio, tetanus, measles, diphtheria, and others, and you no longer have to worry about them, because the whole reason your parents took you to the doctor to get those shots was to protect you from those diseases. Polio, in particular, has been completely wiped out in the United States thanks to the immunity created by vaccination.
This is why the CDC says that vaccines provide immunity, which means that we can be exposed to a disease without becoming infected by it.
At least they used to.
A recent change on the CDC website should disturb all of us because it appears that the CDC is trying to change how we understand vaccinations.
Here’s the “Definition of Terms” for Immunization as captured on August 26, 2021. I’ve highlighted the key points.
Immunity: Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.
Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.
Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.
Immunization: A process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination. This term is often used interchangeably with vaccination or inoculation.
These definitions have been in place since at least May 16, 2018.
Recommended: New Study Shows Breakthrough Infection Risk Not All It’s Cracked Up to Be
Here’s the “Definition of Terms” for immunizations now, which was updated on September 1, 2021, with changes highlighted.
Immunity: Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.
Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.
Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.
Immunization: A process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination. This term is often used interchangeably with vaccination or inoculation.
So in a week, a vaccine went from being something that “produces immunity to a specific disease” to something that merely “stimulates the body’s immune response against diseases,” and a vaccination no longer “produces immunity” to a disease, just “protection” from a disease.
The latest reports show Australia is 95.4% Omicron over the last 4 weeks and potentially over 97% Omicron now. Don’t be the last to get Delta! If you really at risk, avoid crowds and children for two more weeks. And get the booster. The place will open up soon. I don’t think it could be stopped or that the Police are very interested in arresting more pregnant mothers.
And Breibart reports cases dropped 17% in the last week and deaths dropped 50% in America alone. That’s not due to mask mandates. It’s over. Hopefully the end of this month. February. We can breathe again and it’s mid winter in most of the inhabited world.
Even better, come to Canberra and shake your fist at clouds
Why are you and other Leftists always mocking those who fight for freedom?
People, including Australians have had to fight and die attempting to defeat the National Socialists and International Socialists.
If you are in the swamp and profit from it, there is no problem. These are not the droids you are looking for , and their is no spoon.
or you could go to Canberra and shake your fist with the freedom protesters G A
Omicron has nearly run out of puff, must be nearly time to hear a new one is on the way.
DOD Caught in MAJOR SCANDAL: US Military Caught in Severe Data Manipulation Following COVID Reveal — No Way “Revised” Numbers Are Real
The initial data was presented during Sen. Ron Johnson’s five-hour hearing on a “COVID-19: Second Opinion” by Ohio attorney Thomas Renz, who has been representing clients suing the vaccine mandates.
In response to the report, the US military claimed the five previous years were plagued by a giant clitch.
According to the Department of Defense, the actual number of doctor visits and ambulatory care in the military is at least TEN TIMES higher than was being reported since 2016!
The US military then provided this “corrected” chart.
So the US military in fiscal years 2019 to 2021 was over $680 billion per year. Yet, the US military could not compile a list of doctor visits for the past six years?
What the US military is admitting is that their numbers were off by 18 million a year in the number of doctor visits.
Could the US military really be this inept? Or are they covering up the actual COVID vaccine incidents?
And then there’s this… There are 1.3 million serving Active Duty in the US military today. So does that mean the average doctor visit, disease, and injury is 10 per year for our military men and women? Seriously?
This is a massive scandal. Heads should roll!
There is undoubtedly a public health and national security crisis in the military, and the Pentagon’s reaction only seems to be concerned with exonerating the vaccine, not fixing its own alleged problem.
1000 Peer Reviewed Studies Questioning Covid-19 Vaccine Safety
Peer Reviewed Medical Papers Submitted To Various Medical Journals, Evidencing A Multitude Of Adverse Events In Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients.
OldOzzie, red thumb on #27 should be uptick green: it’s not that I’m colourblind, more that I’m fingerblind. Saved article(s) for reading on a rainy day. Love your work, keep it up.
Oh no, #27 is now #28. There’s a spike in the machine!
Well..the “event” has become 2 and growing.
When it hits 3 I’ll go public.
Back to the UK/EU.
As I said weeks ago avian flu is growing and spreading east unchecked. No change there.
I also predicted major poultry supply issues.
I also mentioned & predicted growing Salmonella poisoning events.
Today: Denmark, UK (multiple), Norway, Netherlands, Spain, Ftance & Italy join the list mainly for poultry egg contamination from Salmonella.
There’s the predicted poultry/egg supply issue.
Once again goes to the building global food crisis.
I also mentioned China and my predicted spread of diseases east. East is a minor uptick but south & south west have exploded, which will sweep east anyway..
The region to watch extremely seriously is S/SW of China down through India to The Maldives.
India is critical….
Starting to read like qanon
Freedom Convoy Border Blockades Expand, Justin Trudeau Cries for Help
February 9, 2022 | Sundance | 150 Comments”
Mark Steyn
That is biggest load of crap I’ve read in ages! Pure propaganda for the farming couple in Wood’s painting ‘American Gothic’, the tight-mouthed old guy with a pitchfork and his sour-looking daughter… How could ANYONE with access to the internet believe any of that rubbish put out by Homeland Security, a bunch of unemployables trying to keep their asses on a seat.
They’re aiming to make us the next terrorists, its as plain as day.
Dunno KP. It reads more like a confession of what the intelligence agencies are doing to undermine society. From that perspective it rings true.
Mark Steyn and Rex start at about 27 minutes in on 8th Feb show. I didn’t catch that CTH had it cued up – which doesn’t copy over. Showing my very limited video experience!
Booster deadline is extended in Victoria as key workers are given an extra month to get mandatory third Covid vaccine dose or face the sack – despite case numbers falling 80% in three weeks
. Victoria will give key workers another four weeks to get their third vaccine dose
. Those eligible for a third dose before January 12 will now have until March 12
. The state recorded 16 COVID-19 deaths on Thursday, along with 9,391 new cases
What is the schedule for the compulsory implementation of the 4th and subsequent doses, bearing in mind that the Australian Government has purchased enough doses for almost ten per person age zero plus?
AGL have announced the closure of Loy Yang in Victoria and Bayswater in NSW looking at the AEJO dashboard surely blackouts will become routine in the future.
Tony in Oz what is your take on this development?
I am looking forward to the blackouts. It is the only way the Sheeple will wake up to the unreliables madness.
Sadly, when Australia shuts down viable power stations, it doesn’t just mothball them, it completely destroys them so they cannot simply be restarted when the madness is realised.
The way things happen in Australia, once it is realised that a new proper coal, gas or nuclear power station is needed, it would take at least 15 to 20 years before it became operational (if it becomes operational at all) after hearing all the complaints from the Left who don’t want it built and government departments imposing huge amounts of red tape. Most if not all large scale hydro sites are already in use (and Snow Hydro 2 is only a battery, not a generator) so hydro is out.
So once Australia has an inadequate number of real power stations, and we are getting very close to that now, (and no, solar, wind and big batteries don’t count), Australia can look forward to around two decades of Third World -style regular power outages once or twice a day while power is rationed.
Well done, Australia!
Now that we have a timetable (although it will change), we can get ready and set up our own gensets.
Should be able to put together a SMR is five years or less. Still, it would be a long five years once 5he coal stations are closed.
The advocates of unreliable electricity seem very keen to push the nation beyond the point of no return. This looks like their chance.
As the song goes I think they have wished too hard for what they want and now they might get it and then when they get it they will find out it isn’t what they wanted at all.
A prediction
“As mid-terms approach and deeply unpopular Democrat governors scramble to reduce Covid restrictions, I’m going to spitball a prediction: should the border closures drag on, Biden will come to Trudeau’s rescue and announce the end of cross border vaccine mandates on the US side due to “changing science”. This would give Trudeau a new off-ramp, and send the ball back in the truckers’ court — all without the humiliation of a white flag.”
Might cause some problems here though if it happens
Bye bye to Aussies pensions?
So £23B is moving into the failed-experiment rapidly collapsing eurozone.
I hope everyone is a self-funded retiree.
you have visibility on where your money is invested and most have choice of funds so the idea of Oz pension funds “shifting money” to Europe under the covers is a bit dubious.
there are enough eager green fanboys and girls however that a fund with an overseas “green” component just might sell
ATAGI (Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation) now define “up-to-date” immunisation status for covid as having had three injections of the agents on offer.
That document would read very differently if I wrote it.
And interestingly a separate policy only permits the Pfizer injections to be used for boosters.
My crystal ball says that non-compliance with the booster policy is going to create problems for those who think they must be obeyed.
A Trudeau Special”
I once saw a cartoon in a US university paper where the student in the cafeteria line was ordering
“A student government special – a peanut butter and jelly spine sandwich”
“Are Climate Skeptics the Next to be Declared Terrorists?”
And “innocucine sceptics” too it seems
Sedition is an interesting word. Wikipedia (yeah I know) defines it as follows:
Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or insurrection against, established authority.
Depending on the particulars I might be inclined to plead guilty as charged.
The Fight for Freedom is On!
ESG and the Abandonment of the Constitution
Environmental, social and governance (ESG)
Your Mission: To better understand the forms of warfare against Western
Civilization and the hypocrisy of ESG investments.
There are three aspects necessary to save Western Civilization:
1. Economic growth
2. Military strength
3. Maintaining and strengthening our cultural values
All our being attacked!
The Assault on Western civilization
Western civilization – individual rights, free enterprise and limited constitutional government is under assault, and it is losing the battle, badly. For example, in the U.S. alone:
– Less than 50% of U.S. adults know the basic purpose of the U.S. Constitution, or can
correctly identify even one of their rights under it.
– 69% believe Marx’s core doctrine, “From each according to his ability, to each
according to his needs,” is in the Constitution (or don’t know if it is or isn’t).
– Only 17% of U.S. college graduates know the difference between the free market
and centralized planning.
– 80% of seniors at America’s most elite colleges and universities cannot pass a
basic high school history test, yet all will be able to graduate without having taken a
single history class of any kind.
– 50% of American adults cannot read above the 8th-grade level, and most college
students struggle with “complex but common literacy tasks,” such as understanding
the point of a newspaper editorial, or comparing the cost-per-ounce of food.
In this vacuum of indoctrinated ignorance, misconceptions and low functional literacy,
anti-freedom ideologies are growing faster than everything that is currently being done to
oppose them.
“50% of American adults cannot read above the 8th-grade level, and most college
students struggle with “complex but common literacy tasks,” such as understanding
the point of a newspaper editorial, or comparing the cost-per-ounce of food.”
wouldnt “comparing the cost-per-ounce of food” be a numeracy task?
Wow – the Latest Vitamin D Study is Kinda Stunning! *Viral Revelations*
The latest Israeli Vitamin D status vs Covid Severity study is not only stunning, but agrees with the similar studies.
OK, so I eat healthy, get some sun and take supplements when I haven’t been in the yard.
I pick up the virus drifting in the wind and my immune system works as advertised and kicks it out. Have I developed the immunity others will have who have been symptomatic or just a tiny bit?
Like I said – it’s not over or even close to it.
Do you think that the people planning this for DECADES will give up so easily?
Really – do you?
I’ve been learning & studying this reality for decades and you learn an awful lot in that time.
Covid-19 is 1 on a scale of 1 to 10 and what’s coming is more like a TWENTY.
The Scottish government’s remaining Covid powers are set to be extended for several more months.
Legislation mandating face coverings and vaccine passports was due to expire on 28 February.
However, this looks set to be pushed back to 24 September, with Deputy First Minister John Swinney saying it was important to keep options on the table.
Scottish ministers will continue to assess the rules every three weeks, with the next review on 22 February.
The move came hours after Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that the end date for restrictions in England could be brought forward to later this month.
England’s restrictions, including the legal requirement for self-isolation, are due to expire on 24 March – but Mr Johnson said this could happen “a full month early”.
Both the Scottish and UK governments are to set out their long-term plans for living with fewer restrictions after the coming week of recess at Holyrood and Westminster.
But while Mr Johnson hinted that restrictions could come to an end early if case numbers continue to stabilise, the Scottish government has moved to extend the period in which they might continue to apply.
The regulations laid at Holyrood cover;
the use of face coverings
the vaccine certification scheme
and the requirement for businesses and services to take steps to minimise the spread of the virus.
Mr Swinney stressed that this did not mean curbs “would necessarily remain in force until September”, and that they would continue to be reviewed on a three-weekly basis.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Anyone who is in touch with reality knows they have zero intention of giving up. By hook or by crook on two fronts (CAGW and COVID-19) Western governments want to take over our lives IN TOTO because they are under the sick illusion they know what’s best for us, which clearly they don’t given what’s been happening on various fronts over the decades, highlighted by what they have done over the past two years with regards to the COVID-19 vaccination coercion and mandates.
It is time to turn out the lights on Europe: Greenpeace to Take Over Environment & Secretary of State for Germany
Germany appoints ex-Greenpeace chief as special climate envoy
Germany has named the former Greenpeace chief Jennifer Morgan as its special climate envoy, as part of a promise to put the climate crisis “at the top” of the diplomatic agenda.
Watch the protest at the NZ Parliament today for further indications.
Some fairly rigorous arresting yesterday abruptly ceased , as it became clear that the process was merely playing into the hands of NZ First , the only party even vaguely resembling an opposition.
Specifically NZ First pinned its colours to the “End Covid Mandates Now” mast.
Will Jacinda/WEF pick up the gauntlet?
AGW Deniers = AGW Sceptics. Us AGW sceptics have been called many things in the past. As the AGW brigade has lost the argument, I’m waiting for scientists and politicians (ie; ignorant trash) to at least own up to their stupidity.
I have no problem with being called a denier. My one proviso is that my accuser specify exactly what it is that I’m denying. It would be nice if they were careful enough with their accusations that I could respond by saying I deny that.
As for being a sceptic that is the very essence of science. Guilty as charged.
Canadian Truckers Convoy has done something absolutely amazing!
In this short period of time, it’s totally flipped where Canada was going as our politicians are starting to clue in that this isn’t just a few disorganized gang but a highly organized group of Canadians who have achievable plans and goals.
What is currently terrifying our politicians is the Unintended Consequences of products rotting and rerouted products rerouted again is adding more delays and businesses are bankrupt and collapsing.
Leaving the products in abandonment due to even greater costs.
Logistics must be a nightmare right now trying to keep track of individual products.
Being independent protesters in different localities is driving the cops crazy too.
One newspaper is already printing in the front full page that Trudeau should resign.
I think it is imperative that Mossad be engaged to stage a false flag in Canuckstan, obliterate the truckers, restore the Soyboy to the throne, and thus eliminate the possibility that someone in Diggerland will break out the Make Australia Great Again posters .
This Trump/Democracy thing must be stamped out now , once and for all.
‘stamped out now‘ – as in the sound of stomping jackboots marching left, right, left, right…
The more ‘the law’ stomps and stamps, the more they spread that which they are attempting to eradicate. It’s as if Ardern, Hipkins, Robertson, Woods, etc have never lived, nor worked, in our real world.
“It’s as if Ardern, Hipkins, Robertson, Woods, etc have never lived, nor worked, in our real world.”
Ya reckon?
What gets me is that Trudeau was recently returned to power. Either sentiment swung quickly or they are massively gerrymandered.
Angus Taylor warns the early coal closures by AGL could push up prices and risk blackouts. Given PM Morrison’s policy on energy to reduce our emissions to net zero, he should either scrap it because what Taylor warned is correct, or bring him into line for going against the PM’s energy policy. Goes to show the PM doesn’t know what he’s doing, and worse still is a hypocrite.
I think the PM does know what he’s doing. I call it trying to walk both sides of the street. It’s a very tricky exercise and rarely ends well.
As for early coal closures I am at the stage of saying bring it on. The sooner the supporters of unreliable energy face the natural consequences of their actions the better.
I’ll just buy a generator for my home and let the powers that be play their stupid games and win their stupid prizes.
and the California style they ban generators, which I can easily imagine in the city
but I agree, we bought ours a couple of years ago. Only takes 10 minutes or so to get the house powered up again.
In case anyone has any doubts that climate change and COVID-19 are linked, straight from the horses mouth:
How our responses to climate change and the coronavirus are linked
Closer to what’s now happening:
Climate change, pandemic and Ukraine-Russia crisis
It concludes the call for lifestyle change is really about food change. I read into that the next big crisis might be an agenda to starve much of the world to death to reduce the world’s population.
Well , shipping rates up 500% has got to help , don’t you think?
Yes, that will help. Also, dramatically increased costs for fertilizer will make it much harder for many farmers to be profitable leading to more food shortages. Then there is the threat of a real significant climate change, not by man but by the sun and by the earth’s weakening magnetosphere. If we start to see food rationing, we’ll know the hammer has fallen.
” dramatically increased costs for fertilizer ”
Nitrogenous fert. up 200% in Godzone , as of this week.
Canadian Convoy!
Viva Frei Livestream today with lots of interviews, babies, and dogs:
More live streams:
Sweden declares the pandemic is over
The odd thing about all this is they didn’t need truckers to make it happen. Yet in Canada, here in Australia and a few other places the freedom fighters initiated by truckers are still trying to get our despot governments to follow those nations and lift all mandates and restrictions. Does anyone still not see how sinister our governments are for trying to punish the freedom fighters instead of at least listening what they are saying?
From what I understand from people in Sweden, they already have the digital id (otherwise known as the Vazi-Pass) mostly in place. For the convenience. y’know.
The U.S. numbers of experimental injection recipients are almost certainly inflated, except for certain “blue” cities which are not the norm. Canada might be more similar to the U.S. there.
Have no idea about Australia. I hope they can get the craziness reversed. But what is up with Oz police, are they all Free Masons or what? Taking orders from the Grand Lodge in Canberra?
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano believes the Freemasons are involved. The Freemasons have their own police lodges. All compromised.They have to do as they are told, or else.
Perhaps the real game changer will turn out to be in France. We shall see. In any case we can still say, “thank you Canada!”. Yes, I know it’s not all over yet but so far it’s looking good for us, especially now that countries like Sweden are lifting their restrictions. Our despot leaders might soon have to all run and hide. That won’t be good for them at election time.
France on the edge!
Science by the Googler
“Google pulls ads on meteorologist tracking climate for ‘unreliable and harmful claims’ – YouTube”
There is no data showing any sort of “climate emergency”
“Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov humiliated his British counterpart Liz Truss, saying to her face that talking to her was like the “deaf talking to the blind.””
Completely expected- She was there for some local media grandstanding and had the usual West’s arrogance to think she was telling the Russians what was going to happen.
She wouldn’t have heard a word Lavrov said.
Meanwhile the Americans are grabbing every LPG ship they can find to over-charge the Europeans for gas so they stay alive while Nord-stream sits there empty.
Atlantic LNG spot tanker rates recently went negative due to an over supply of ships getting on the bandwagon.
Ex Premier Gladys has picked up a lucrative job with Optus, which ultimately leads to Temasek Holdings. Beijing has its fingerprints on this.
Temasek Holdings is an investment holding entity owned by the government of Singapore. It has a big/controlling interest in Optus.
There is no Chinese/Russian/Anti-vax link.
There is a good example of Chinese influence over the ABC this week
On a day where ASIO announced that it had foiled a plot to influence the outcome of our election and where Peter Dutton made it obvious in Parliament that China was behind the plan, by his snipe at Albanese being China’s preferred candidate, the ABC then run this article blaming Russia.
Today, we saw another story in the SMH where is was confirmed from various sources that China was behind the plot involving NSW Labor.
Not surprisingly, the ABC has not changed it’s story and is silent on the Chinese connection. This should be a big red flag (literally) to our security heads that the ABC is connected to this plot and is deliberately misreporting.
let’s Go Brandon – “My Son is the Smartest Man I know”
La Nina tipped to slowly decay before becoming neutral.
‘There is a 77% chance of La Nina conditions continuing during the Northern Hemisphere spring from March through May, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday.
‘The La Nina pattern is characterized by unusually low temperatures in the equatorial Pacific Ocean and is linked to floods and drought.’ (Reuters)
Another great Pauline Hanson’s Please Explain episode featuring Greg ‘Yorick’ Hunt
Cyclone heading towards NZ, but should weaken as it goes south.
La Nina already decaying, but will reappear next Summer. The Earth’s climate is in a state of flux, with no relevance to CO2 in the atmosphere. The MWP is fading, and there will be a cooling period commencing 2100AD, just like it has been for millions of years (without alleged interference from mere humans).