A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I’m sure someone will write something more controversial than this.
According to the creed of anti-djokovicism, the presence alone of some people with wrong thoughts in their mind is controversial.
You mean thought crime?
Don’t feed the trolls.
you didn’t like my self reductive satire post?
I always thought flaming involved oxidising?
very good!
From Alex Berenson’s email feed:
“Now Denmark – 95 percent adult vaccinated, 65 percent boosted Denmark – HAS MORE COVID HOSPITALIZATIONS NOW THEN IT DID BEFORE A SINGLE DANE RECEIVED A SINGLE MRNA VACCINE. AND THE VAST MAJORITY OF THOSE PEOPLE ARE VACCINATED. Even boosters have done nothing to reverse the trend. The dark blue line now is about to pass the peak of the light blue line from last year.”
It’s the same in every highly vaxxed nation on earth – so view our own offical figures in the light of this universal trend.
Anytime before Covid these shots would have been called a failure. Now the bar is set so low we’re being told the shots are successful. Cognitive dissonance on a grand scale.
The whole covid narrative is collapsing. ( which might be why the ukraine has been cranked up to try a diversion )
In the USA, vaccine mandates are being crushed by judges ( as they should be ) more and more frequently.
And Australia has a “Do not travel” advisory in the USA – coz we have a head cold….allegedly
“Do not travel to Australia due to COVID-19-related travel restrictions.
“Read the Department of State’s COVID-19 page before you plan any international travel.
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Level 4 Travel Health Notice for Australia due to COVID-19, indicating a very high level of COVID-19 in the country.
This provides a bit more info :
Epidemiological week 1, ending 8 January 2022
“Published 20 January 2022”
“Appendix C: Additional tables and figures”
Page 26
“Total COVID-19 cases by vaccination status and week reported, NSW, 16 June 2021 to 8 January 2022”
“Vaccination Status”
“Fully vaccinated 159,127 (70%)
“Partially vaccinated 1,468 (1%)
“No effective dose 779 (<1%) – ( either 21days < since vaxxed, or unvaxxed – not specified )
"Under investigation 46,955 (21%)
"Not eligible (aged 0-11 years) 18,343 (8%)
"Total 226,672 (100%)
Previous weekly reports here :
So in spite of the high vaccination rate (some 90%) 215 double vaxxed and 55 non vaxxed are hospitalised/ICU. Looks like the vaccines are not much use. During the same period (26/11/2011 to 8/1/2022 the Australian Government Database of Adverse Event Notifications for COVID vaccines reports a vast array of issues, many very serious:
Number of reports (cases): 9494
Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 51
Of the 51 deaths, 10 were “Adverse event following immunisation”, meaning immediate, usually within minutes of, or during, vaccine administration. I wonder how many have the same quick response to the virus itself? Zero? Looking at the thousands of cases and the type of events experienced, ranging from headaches to heart attacks, I’d say I will take my risk with Omicron and not the vaccine.
Be very careful interpreting the data summaries in the NSW COVID-19 weekly surveillance reports.
There is an enormous bias against unvaccinated cases built into the summaries. It involves misuse of one of the vaccination status categories, namely “Under Investigation”.
This status is applied to a diagnosed case when the details provided by the infected case could not be uniquely matched with registrations of vaccination in the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).
When a person is vaccinated certain information is reported to the AIR:
name; date of birth; contact details; gender; Medicare number (if any); healthcare identifier (if any).
There are complications when the person has been vaccinated outside NSW or fails to provide a correct Medicare number. A considerable number of registrations apparently do not include any Medicare number.
In any case, it is very clear from the extremely low rate of deaths of “Under investigation status” that these are overwhelmingly very-effectively-vaccinated cases.
The Under Investigation cases are shown in the tables to number about a third of the combined number of fully and partially vaccinated cases.
A serious anomaly arises because of the data manipulation- the report indicates that the highest death rate of hospitalised cases (by status group) is the fully vaccinated group.
The death rate shown in the latest published report gives a death rate of hospitalised vaccinated cases of 15% compared with the hospitalised unvaccinated deat rate of 8%.
The time will come when the “shots” will be widely recognised as Covid superspreading agents.
The cognitive dissonance may then allow most people to question the role of health authorities in actively promoting an infectious agent while simultaneously suppressing the use of normal therapeutics and repressing dissenting voices.
The bar is not set!
It keeps coming down!
And it’s coming down so hard, children will die thanks to the draconian mandates by our government leaders, and because they haven’t carried out due diligence as they are expected to do, they are in effect committing murder.
“The dark blue line now is about to pass the peak of the light blue line from last year.””
I can only imagine! 😉
ie.. is there a link or graph to go with that, please ?
Link as requested:,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
There’s disturbing vaccine data coming from Scotland
The vaccines are proving to be a constantly moving target. Two shots will save us. No, three will. No, better make it four. Heck, let’s just keep it open-ended, but you’d better get shots if you want to work, shop, eat out, go to a concert, maybe even board a plane. But what happens to this manic shot regime when we’re beginning to get data showing that not only do the shots not prevent people from getting COVID (which is the traditional effect of a vaccine), but they may actually leave people more vulnerable to COVID?
Israel, which was so terrified of having COVID shut it down, thereby leaving it vulnerable to the genocidal organizations and nations around it, embarked upon the most aggressive vaccination program in the world. Now it’s the nation with the world’s highest per capita COVID rate, per a weekend report:
That kind of news report tells me that the vaccines don’t work as vaccines. That is, they do nothing to stop people from getting the disease. This runs counter to our 200-year-old understanding of what a vaccine is — namely, the single dose of a substance that triggers the body’s natural immune system ensuring that the person will never get the infectious agent that is the vaccine’s target (e.g., smallpox, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, etc.).
What if you get more sick, not less sick, from the vaccination? Data out of Scotland suggests that this is a real possibility:
I will help you out OldOzzie. Just as COVID ia a GMO virus bioweapon, the “Vaccines” are ALSO a bioweapon, which will be triggered by ??? in the future. There can be no vaccine dissent- a control group would be too obvious!
A big clue is the “Lockstep” approach which is counterintuitive to how a free world reacts. And the preposterous
reality is the folks that gave us these bioweapons are at the top of the Kontrol structure in the USA, and they
actively boast about what evil plans they have in store- and deliver them!
A friend of a friend is an ambo in Denmark. Says they are seeing alot of very severe cases of the cold (not covid) – almost like peoples immune systems have been compromised…
Denmark did very well during 2020 and 2021 so perhaps it was only a matter of time before it caught up with them.
In terms of total deaths per capita, Denmark is still doing better than Sweden and Germany … but they are worse than Norway.
Checking Euromomo (all cause mortality) you clearly see two peaks in Sweden … first one around week 15 of 2020 and the second one end of 2020 start of 2021. After that pretty flat in Sweden.
In comparison Denmark was flat before and has been ramping up just recently, but not as bad as Sweden (not yet anyhow) so they still look good overall unless there’s more long term effects to come.
Transhumanist Agenda and Future of Humanity
Futile public health measures include: Cloth masks, antiscocial distancing; alcohol hand sanitising; banning hand shakes and hugs; closing schools; QR tracking; completely arbitrary RULEZ like density limits. Measures that have been promoting ill health include the massive psychological injury and the “Injections” that do not protect. It was NEVER about health and always 100% political.
There has never been a vaccine protective against the common cold.
COVID is a GMO sub group of the common cold.
Hence anyone who believed a fake “Vaccine” was going to reverse this Plandemic- I have a bridge to sell them!
Notice carefully how there is always a new excuse to break old promises. 70% 80 % 90 % now 90% boosted – Ooh look a ba2 variant-
There must be a market for 1.5m long sticks, surely !!
Special “covid separation” ones, with “DANGER” written all over them !
The chooks need a new perch.
They won’t mind what’s written on them.
… I was thinking of designing, to sell, Social Distancers. They were intended to be made to order, painted red with flashing red lights at each end which activate when the stick senses another humanbean within its Social Distance (settable from 1 – 2 metres). Audible warnings (sirens at 109dbm) were to be optional extras. Price is estimated to start at only $1,500.00 each.
There’s room for more gizmos and gadgets such as electric prods (high voltage, of course) in each end for those wookies who can’t estimate distance to be sociable at..
If you think you can make them cheaper, go for it.
(Our Minister of Finance has spent all the Covid Money and we’re having a bit, just a bit, of Inflation.)
If your country has comprehensive “assault with a deadly weapon” laws you might not want to make any at all. I haven’t even tried to make a sample one even though I have two politicians I would love to test them with/on.
Interestingly , an “expert” quoted on Radio NZ this morning was of the view that the NZ govt. will shortly cease the QR tracking etc . . . because , once it’s endemic (like . . . yesterday) , what is the point?
Makes sense to me.
Officially, Queensland are no longer bothering.
Questions now being asked as to why we (the people) should bother with the Qld. Check-in app.
My casual observations here, outer east of Melbourne, is that very few people are using QR check-in and shops that were verbally reminding people have stopped doing so. Previously it seemed most people were quite diligent in checking in but obviously realise it’s now irrelevant under the new close contact definitions.
What’s the point?
You should not expect them to need a point.
My old eyes have lots of trouble trying to work the phone on the QR thing. It’s quite marvellous that I can point the phone at a code and have it tell me where I’m at. When the light is right, that is. And how do I get the check out page back? How many venues am I still at on the government computer?
No doubt there are statutory fines for non compliance. So how big will my bill be when somebody hits the “Issue non compliance notices” key.
I hope a lot of people…about 25 million… are ready to come to my aid. I might need them.
… if the guvvermint wants me to check in to every business I patronise using a QR code, then they can buy me a phone intelligent enough to do it. So far, as I haven’t received an SP yet, they don’t want me to do it badly enough. So I won’t.
I think phones already can do that. All that is needed is a scanner on the door. Or maybe just at the street corner.
I don’t use a mobile phone, so I have to sign in .
Thing is, unless I have my reading glasses on, who knows what I’m actually writing ! 😉
They get a rough estimate of my name and phone number.
Yes, as I say, “I hope I wrote what I think I wrote.”
“They get a rough estimate of my name, and (the) phone number of the local Police station.”
If you get a solitary moment a quick spot with a black felt-tip on the QR code sheet adds sand to the gears…
Or you could accidentally use your local MP’s number. 😉
The rationale for the QR system was to trace close contacts.
So just what now constitutes a close contact?
“National cabinet has agreed on what defines a person as a close contact of a COVID-19 case.
Until now, that definition was different in each state and territory.
Now Prime Minister Scott Morrison says a close contact will be someone who has spent four hours or more with a confirmed case in a household or household-like setting, such as a residential care facility.”
Who here would spend 4 hours or more in Bunnings or a bank?
So what’s the point of QR if you cannot be a close contact when spending less than 4 hours somewhere/
Furthermore, since you only sign in, and not out, how would they know how long you have been there.
Oops , shouldn’t give then ideas !!!
4hrs? thats just a good browse, then there’s the sausage sizzle if they ever come back.
Scientists want global ban on “sun-dimming”.
Researchers rally against solar geoengineering as a method of fighting climate change.
An international group of scientists and experts wants all nations to sign a pact banning public funding and deployment of solar geoengineering, as well as outdoor experiments revolving around ways to ‘dim the sun.’
“Solar geoengineering at planetary scale is not governable in a globally inclusive and just manner within the current international political system,” the researchers wrote in an open letter published in the Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change journal this week.
But the authors of the letter warned about “uncertainties” surrounding the effects of such technologies on weather, agriculture, and the supply of food and water.
Climate is changing as part of its natural cycles with man made influences minuscule,.
If we start with solar engineering, it will open a Pandora box of unintended consequences which may never be reversible.
As always, trying to find solutions to a non problem where power, money politics are the only winners.
The more I see this stupidity, I’m more and more Im starting to believe of the conspiracy theories to depopulate the world leaving only a small ruling class and serfs supporting them.
Geo engineering sounds like something the Royal Society would dream up.
High attitude jet planes produce dimming. The Israelis were the first to recognise the phenomenon during one of those skirmishes with a neighbour.
I suggest that a poll in Albania, Greece, Turkey or Syria about Global Warming would find strong support in favour.
A roof in the Istanbul airport collapsed under the weight of snow (no-one injured) and flights cancelled while runways are cleared.
Schools closed for 3 days in Albania. Many Greeks stuck in cars by snow for over 24 hours (Athens and surrounds). Army called in.
They say its snowing in Crete.
Send in Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology to normalize the temperatures.
well thats a white pill. Thats the one thing that scares me about climate, those idiot scientists tinkering with it.
Quadruple Vaxed Israel Breaks World Record in Coronavirus Cases
It’s now expected to be the first country to begin administering booster shots to children over the age of five.
Despite adopting the world’s most aggressive approach to stop Omicron, numbers have soared so high that the Health Ministry’s dashboard crashed, with the ministry now stopping the count altogether.
“This week we will reach 50,000 or 40,000 cases a day.”— Prof. Eran Segal, leading health expert and adviser to the Israeli government.
They seewem not to realize, more they vaxx, more cases they have.
It’s like thinking when there is no wind, more mills will help.
How is it possible for highly trained medical staff to not realize what is happening.
They KNOW precisely what is happening, vaccinating during a pandemic – they seem to WANT the current result.
It seems to me that the leadership in Israel, like the leadership in most Western nations, is actively pursuing the degradation of the health of their people.
The only other explanation is mindless self-destruction.
It’s been an attack on healthy people from the outset; vaccines to attack the immune system and masks to suffocate you when you’ve left your property.
And long periods inside away from fresh air and the sunlight which immediately destroys the virus.
Plus no advice to the people about vitamins or mineral supplements – the aim is OBVIOUS: degrade the health of the population.
Leading health expert now has zero credability.
Just another oxymoron.
Oops. And there was me saying that Israel appeared to be one country which had the interests of its people at heart. I wonder what happened to the promising research on treatments.
The head of Pfizer is Jewish and the Israeli Government just gave him a prestigious humanitarian award and $1million for all his work to combat the virus.
Always pay the piper.
So, we take a booster now? And one before winter starts?
What about this than?
According to the European Medicines Agency, which Europe relies on for authorization of vaccines and other COVID treatments, repeating booster doses every four months could eventually weaken the immune system, which could lead to overloading the system and fatiguing people, Bloomberg said.
In what way could these shots eventually weaken the immune system?
‘could lead to overloading the system’… what does this mean?
In general, I’m absolutely pro vaccination, but I really would like to know what this actually means?
I hope there won’t be any bad consequences in the future.
‘We want all children to feel safe and comfortable getting their COVID-19 vaccine – which is why we’ve transformed many vaccination centres across Victoria into fun and engaging spaces.
‘The Enchanted Forest of Protection features playful imagery of native Australian animals, rivers and bush, plus a vaccination tree that grows when a child adds their name to a ‘leaf’ after getting their vaccination. This illustrates immunity across local communities – the bigger the tree gets, the safer we all will be.
The soft, muted tones in the nature-inspired designs are colourful without being overbearing and create a low sensory environment for children who live with a disability.’
– Israel widens 3rd COVID booster shot to those aged 12 and over (August 29/2021)
Israel on Sunday made booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine available to everyone age 12 and up who received the second shot at least five months ago, in an effort to combat spiraling coronavirus infections.
“From today the third dose is available to everyone,” Health Ministry Director-General Nachman Ash said.
Children start to get booster shots.
‘repeating booster doses every four months could eventually weaken the immune system’
‘could lead to overloading the system’…
In what way could these shots eventually weaken the immune system?
‘could lead to overloading the system’… what does this mean?
In general, I’m absolutely pro vaccination, but I really would like to know what this actually means?
This might help.
Which one are you talking about, they don’t all use the same technology
George Orwell’s 1984 Novel Given Trigger Warning at University of Northampton.
George Orwell’s classic novel 1984 has been slapped with a trigger warning by the university following concerns that students could find it “offensive and upsetting”, and supposed “explicit material” within the book.
In 2020 the British Library also placed Orwell on a “shame” list because one of his great-grandfathers owned slaves in the Caribbean prior to 1807. The British Library apparently attempted to tarnish Orwell’s work by labelling it as “associated with wealth obtained from enslaved people or through colonial violence”.
(Wealth obtained from enslaved people)
Isn’t that where we are now
Working poor, overtaxed middle class, rentseeking big business making billions while paying non livable wages,
Govts squandering money on every political boondoggle to buy votes and stay in power.
British library, part of elite establishment.
So the guilt of one ancestor must be visited on innocent progeny. Where’s the justice in that? Orwell himself wrote a book against slavery.
No justice. Merely the KGB motto writ large. Show us the man and we’ll find you the crime.
And EVERYBODY is guilty of something. See the 10 commandments for hints.
“So the guilt of one ancestor must be visited on innocent progeny.”
One being the operative word.
We each have 4 grandparents.
8 great grandparents.
16 great great grandparents.
32 then 64, 128
Math and human behavior would suggest abundant guilt for visiting.
In fact, there may not be anyone to cast the first cancelling tweet.
Wot about Tassie?
Doesnt bode well for Dan’s kids
Orwell was prescribed reading for years 9 and 10 back in the 80’s. Several years ago I suggested to my youngest sons Yr10 English teacher 1984 as a replacement to an assigned book that contained childhood sexual abuse. She told me it was on the restricted list. I guess this makes sense in a way, best not to let children know what is happening.
So is The Guardian and they haven’t shut up shop
Ah yes, but we mustn’t remind the Woke that their flagship was founded directly on slave money, not on spurious, irrelevant connections 3 generations removed.
Originally called the Manchester Guardian, it was founded by John Edward Taylor in 1821 with profits from a cotton plantation that used slave labour. During the Civil War in the US, editors sided with the South against President Abraham Lincoln, who sought an end to slavery saying, ‘It was an evil day both for America and the world when he was chosen President of the United States.’
The CDC has finally admitted — after 2 years of COVID — that natural immunity from prior COVID infection EXISTS and is superior to vaccinated immunity alone at preventing hospitalizations and deaths, but wait for it . . . they still argue that vaccination is the best strategy.
The CDC unsurprisingly still urged all Americans to get vaccinated, regardless of prior infections.
The public healthy agency has allowed the American people to believe in the false argument that natural immunity does not work against Covid. But when you break down the numbers, you see that natural immunity from prior infection, in both the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations, is potent protection against Covid.
One might argue that natural immunity from prior infection is actually doing a lot of the heavy lifting among the vaccinated population . . .
“. . . even though the vaccines and as many as two “booster shots” fail to stop the spread and infections, Omicron appears to confer natural immunity to other variants, such as Delta.”
“Previous infection with SARS-CoV-2 has shown to induce effective immunity and protection against reinfections in most individuals,” the European Journal of Immunology study said.
Dr. Marty Makary, a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Bloomberg School of Public Health noted:
• a 700,000-person study from Israel two weeks ago found that those who had experienced prior infections were 27 times less likely to get a second symptomatic covid infection than those who were vaccinated.
• ‘individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from covid-19 vaccination.’
• a Washington University study found that even a mild covid infection resulted in long-lasting immunity.”
The CDC may one day also admit the existence of innate immunity (aka natural immunity but not including adaptive immunity from infection).
It may even admit the obvious: that non-vaccination across the entire population (excluding those high risk in protected situations) is a better strategy than vaccination where any significant proportion of the vaccinated can be infected without definite symptoms and for several days carry viral loads sufficient to readily infect others.
John Campbell’s latest covers this too.
Nevertheless the German have decreased the status of “healed” from 6 to 3 month.
Someone should tell them, healed is not the same as vaxxed.
“The CDC has finally admitted — after 2 years of COVID — that natural immunity from prior COVID infection EXISTS and is superior to vaccinated immunity alone at preventing hospitalizations and deaths” Yes beowulf but did you read the weasel words to cover for their previous statements re. natural immunity.
“Boris Johnson held lockdown BIRTHDAY PARTY in Downing Street complete with cake, M&S nibbles and singing: Carrie hosted bash for PM’s 56th with 30 guests in No10’s Cabinet Room when indoor gatherings were banned”
For me, the big message here is not so much that the hypocritical elite ruling class were partying while the Oiks were locked down in their homes, it’s the obvious fact that NOT ONE OF THEM HAD ANY FEAR OF THE VIRUS.
I’ve long wondered whether they were also fortunate enough to have had placebos when they were publically showing off being ‘vaccinated’. After all, there have to be ‘random’ controls in this global experiment, yes? They are certainly not all in this together with us, poor benighted plebs that we are!
Bo Jo has had a previous infection so he was OK.
Brain damage?
“Bo Jo has had a previous infection so he was OK.”
But his natural antibodies were likely erased by his subsequent vaxxes.
If indeed any politicians actually received the real thing.
It’s bizarre! Covid has evolved into a public psychosis where people walk around with diapers on their faces, relentlessly scrub their hands with sanitizers and regularly report their change of location to the government authorities via QR codes.
Power hungry governments have capitalised on this phenomenon, realising that a large percentage of the population are neurotic and mentally suggestible via fear sponsored propaganda and therefore easily manipulated.
My crystal ball is notoriously unreliable but here is what it tells me about the current state of play with the virus since Omicron has become the dominant strain.
First my inferences. Far from providing any protective effect the injections in fact make people more likely to become infected. That is especially so three or four months after the injections. Not only that but the injections have left the injected more vulnerable to more severe infection (and not only from Covid).
Booster shots provide a very limited period which masks the damaging effect of the previous injections. The booster makes infection more likely but with less severe symptoms. Positively the worst thing an uninjected person could do now would be to get an mRNA injection. That would potentially put them on a the same life long treadmill of injections as the previously injected.
And now the future part. The above inferences will be proven as fact and become so obvious even the powers that be cannot hide the truth. At that point there will be a choice to be made between detection and treatment on the one hand and continued pharmaceutical war on the world’s population on the other.
Gradually people will accept that just like the old flu there is a new killer on the block. The pharmaceutical companies will keep producing newer and ever more expensive treatments. The US will go to war with both Russia and China in a Korea style “police operation”. And politicians will get even worse.
No, the public acceptance of getting vaxed will wane, and the pharma businesses will declare them a success & give it up. They will make their billions from treating all the following problems that everyone will have from their weakened immune system.
The wider the range of problems to medicate, the more money they will make.
No doubt every child will need to be injected against covid 4 or 5 times to get them onto the treadmill of life with pills. Already I am already astounded at people’s acceptance that they need to take pills every day now, before the vaccine illnesses hit. The population has been primed…
The forgotten medieval habit of ‘two sleeps’
I am a biphasic sleeper.
Typically I will be in bed by 8pm every night – living alone makes this possible. Also, I black out my windows with heavy cardboard. And usually I will wake again from 12pm – 1am and read, play music (with earphones obviously) or just mediate in the darkness.
Usually I will fall back to sleep sometime after 1 am till 6 am.
And this is my regular pattern.
The Shiny Pony got the Canucks upset. The truckers and their convoy have a lot of support.
Good to see.
Reports of convoy being 70km long and 500,000 people in support expected to gather in Ottawa
The Misinformation Is Coming From Inside The Building,’ Whispers Terrified CNN Misinformation Team Member
January 22nd, 2022 –
Well, now that J.P. is looking for a new job.
And this just in…
Ukraine Invites Kyle Rittenhouse To Guard Their Border
January 24th, 2022 –
Gotta love The Bee
What Might Awaken Americans to the War With Communist China?
Ahead of the Beijing Winter Olympics that begin February 4, a debate is brewing over how America can constrain Communist China’s ambitions and influence.
Peter Schweizer’s new book “Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win,” lays out how, as the book puts it, “elites, from Washington to Wall Street, for Silicon Valley to academe, have been coopted and are helping the regime while in some cases even bolstering China’s military and intelligence complex.”
Mr. Schweizer recommends banning lobbying on behalf of Communist Chinese military- and intelligence-linked companies, keeping such companies off American stock exchanges and passing a new law to prevent American universities and businesses from aiding Chinese military and intelligence projects.
Elbridge Colby, a Trump administration defense department official, has also written a recent book, “The Strategy of Denial,” that focuses on the China threat. He recommends a strategy for containing it that involves reducing American forces in Europe and focusing instead on bolstering the Asian nations that hem in China — Japan, Australia, the Philippines.
SCHWEIZER ON LEVIN: ‘The Biden Family Received $31M from Chinese Intelligence Officials.’
“There’s no question in my mind that they were targeted by the Chinese … This is unprecedented. I don’t know of a time in American history where the American first family has had this kind of a financial bond with a foreign intelligence service —particularly a foreign intelligence service that wants to defeat the United States in global competition,” Schweizer notes in the interview.
Levin points out in response that the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause was included by the Founders precisely to prevent this kind of foreign influence inside American government.
I saw the program. Interesting how it only takes about $31 million to buy the Oval office and take control of a government. That’s what, one Mig 29? Very cost effective.
Interesting that Pelosi’s family got a lucrative transportation contract during one of the Beijing Olympics.
Interesting that both political parties are infected.
Of the Swamp is rancid with Chinese influence
The coup against Trump is more clear than ever before.
Australian taxpayers buy out rights to Aboriginal flag for $20 MILLION
Tuesday, 25 January 2022
Next to buy the copy right from Ernie Dingo for the ancient welcome to country ceremony.–and-to-an-ancient-ceremony-invented-the-other-day/news-story/b197728e4aef514d0be68b28bcfdc14e
Yes…just a matter of when..and how much !!????
The when will be as soon as the how much is sorted $$$
Maybe complete the set with traditional Adam Goodes spear chucking dance?
Whats anther $20m when the lnp money printing machine is in overdrive. Then those responsible will walk away with a big fat pension and $500k ‘consultant’ position, leaving the flaming wreck behind. “Adults in back in charge” lol.
The Communist Party of Australia started the whole lands rights movement, the Aboriginal peoples didn’t. The idea is to establish an independent Marxist Aboriginal republic to divide the country and then invite foreign troops into Australia
…and so Aussie keeps marching down the road to apartheid in NZ’s wake!
I can see it coming, but no Aussie I talk to believes it. The moment a culture bases money on equity and not equality, it is doomed.
Eventually it leads to compulsory Abo languages in school, a re-writing of history showing how terrible the white man is, billions of dollars being paid to people based on their race and a 50% share of all the power structures of Govt with the right of veto on any legislation. The whites will be voted into power, the blacks appointed, as per NZ Govt Health structure & local Councils. All part of the UN agenda of rights for indigenous peoples.
All my ancestors, like all Maori ancestors, arrived here by boat, from islands far, far away.
Good news is, the French didn’t plant their tri-colour flag here first. Bad news is, Macron and Ardern were both ‘schooled’ by that WEF Reset freak in Davos. Where’s Captain James Cook when ya need ‘im!
Russel Brand on the WEF. 15 mins
Quote, “conspiracy theories should be known as spoiler alerts now”
Though I see half of what pollies say as misleading and the other half as lies, there appears to be a growing probability of new conflict in the Ukraine. Russia is allegedly poised to invade and is also said to be amassing some very heavy weaponry on the border.
So I think it is time for me to say, once again, that one of my greatest fears is a coordinated offensive conducted by Russia and China. I therefore expect that, if Russia does indeed invade and the West responds with bombs and bullets, China will launch a takeover of Taiwan.
Yeah nah. Russia will not initiate any conflict.
Why would they?
Because, if they expect an Invasion of Taiwan to commence at the same time, thus dividing NATO (etc) forces, it would represent the best opportunity so far for Russia to once again annex the Ukraine.
Then again, even if such a deal exists, would you trust the CCP to hold up its end of the bargain, especially if the plan says Russia has to ‘go first’? They are united in their expansionist ideals (perhaps better described as ‘defensive protectionist in Russia’s case) and coordinated attacks could indeed work for them, but they are otherwise uneasy bedfellows.
I just try never to underestimate the lust for power and control, especially in the minds of people like Putin and Xi.
Putin doesn’t want to annex the entire Ukraine, but rather to weaken its position with the EU and to secure multiple permanent land routes between oblasts of the Russian Federation and the Crimean Peninsula.
Odessa would also be a nice acquisition- a reminder to Moldovans that they really should remain in the Russian sphere of influence- and a squeeze on Ukraine which would then be effectively landlocked.
“I just try never to underestimate the lust for power and control, especially in the minds of people …. in control anywhere in the world”
Don’t worry, from ScoMo to Dictator Dan, they are absolutely no different from each other.
When liberals act crazy there’s only one thing to do.
Ok, it’s Tuesday and as promised a BIG story I’ve tracked for the past month.
Bigger than boring old Covid. This afternoon.
White supremacists..
She is referring to Biden, Pelosi, Schummer, Clinton, Fauci, Obama, Schwab etc….. I assume.
This ‘person’ interestingly yells something about “stay in your own territory”.
As a reminder for those outside the US, the DC, Maryland, Northern Virginia metro area is very large and painfully Blue.
You know, like a bruise.
When there is a protest of conservatives, these protesters have likely travelled great distances to get to the Capitol.
I live in Blue city, if I drive an hour west, the cultural differences become palpable.
In the US Civil War, the cultural divide between that industrializing North, and the agrarian South was a major underpinning of the conflict.
WWI and WWII saw many agrarian folk migrating to cities and mitigating this divide.
That mitigation has waned.
Jesse James was a poor southern farmer whose family had migrated into Kansas prior to the Civil War.
His family was set upon by ‘Jayhawkers’ that didn’t like the newly arriving rednecks.
Jesse joined Quantrill’s Raiders seeking retribution.
The Kansas University football team is now the Jayhawks.
Cause a history of violence toward Southerners is ok
This cultural divide looms again … worldwide.
I’m sure the city folk will be ok by downloading a ‘grow your own food’ ap.
Or using Amazon.
But first a Covid “fix” for the junkies.
The “pandemic of the unvaccinated” was caused by a computer glitch. That was the conclusion of the Health Minister of Germany Karl Lauterbach, after months of vilifying the unvaccinated in the nation’s second largest city, Hamburg.
But…all that fear of the unvaxxed…for nothing…
How many more glitches will there be…
Its how they back away from the toxic meme they have created….
You watch…total climb down soon.
By way of evidence, the UK narrative has collapsed, they are retreating.
The USA & Canada with its trucker vaccination rules will either destroy both countries as the supply chain collapses as the freight momement dries up, or the politicians will reverse their direction. IMHO I think the new stoush overseas may be the replacement calamity because the elite know full well too many people are protesting now and the crushing rules cant be restrained.
So its possible that the elite will retreat briefly, then ramp up a global conflict to use other war time powers to remove freedoms again. It seems to be how they work.
So now we are wise to their play book, we wont fall for it again.
should read
“….crushing rules cant be retained.”
They accidentally-on-purpose cooked the numbers and then got caught, and then fumbled around for an excuse.
Sheesh I hate the pandemic of dirtbag liars in politics … but I suppose there must be a lot of voters who fall for it.
Just announced on 7 news, A 4th dose is now being rolled out. Just following the science.
Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly said the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation would “absolutely” be deliberating on the possibility of a fourth shot.
“(ATAGI) is continuing to meet weekly … They will absolutely deliberate on fourth or subsequent doses,” he told reporters in Canberra on Saturday.
Have they not spent 2 minutes to look at other countries that have gone down this idiotic path? It appears the aim of this whole exercise was to get as many people injected with as many experimental shots as possible, regardless of the monetary cost or health outcomes, even with fizzer refusing to release their test data! The limited symptom reduction offered by the faux vaxxines is so short (30 days in some reports), I expect they will be recommending to be hooked up to mrna drips to wheel around with you soon. What a farce.
Camel backs, patent pending.
A group of pharmacists would be motivated to getting in one more round before looking at data from other countries.
Leftists think biofuels can be grown without opportunity costs.
However, that’s not true.
Biofuels come at the cost of diverting the surplus food production of the West, currently purchased by or given to Third World countries, to fuel production.
You can either feed the dysfunctional Third World or you can grow biofuels. You can’t do both. There is not sufficient usable land Left in most Western Countries to use for fuel production. (There probably is in Australia but good luck doing the large scale irrigation required for such a project. Australia is too strongly anti-development.)
Now, I’ve never met a Green Leftist that genuinely cares about other people or donated money or services to charity, so they don’t care that others will starve if they use biofuels so it probably doesn’t matter for them.
citation needed
“Leftists think …”
It’s obviously a blatant lie ; no citation needed , I submit.
Nonetheless, DM has the ability to see inside these empty minds.
Takes one to know one.
Gee Aye, Leftists are constantly promoting biofuels as a future mode of transportation, or batteries.
Plus all the billionaire socialists fly private jets. It would be good virtue signaling for them to use biofuel as there is no likelihood of producing jet-like speeds with electric aircraft with present technology.
Are you saying that you do indeed believe there is an opportunity cost for biofuels?
In that case, you must think it is acceptable to starve Third World people in order to produce biofuels.
Give us an example then.
Denial seems to be a leftist trait !
As recently as the early 2000’s when I was studying for a Masters of Environmental Engineering, the left was promoting palm oil as the great saviour and a potential boon for developing economies. But like all leftist ‘great ideas’ the promoters can’t think beyond next week. I mean who’d have guessed that farmers in third world countries would log forests to plant something they could sell?
This ‘Guardian’ article clearly states “Oil palm for biofuel was to have been one of the best solutions in saving the planet from greenhouse gases and global warming.”
Gee Aye, are you denying what the Guardian says, or do you think it was Trump supporters or climate deniers making this claim about ‘saving the planet’?
Who is the leftist promoting this? The Indonesian Government? Never heard them called left wing before but you go on.
“Plus all the billionaire socialists fly private jets. It would be good virtue signaling for them to use biofuel as there is no likelihood of producing jet-like speeds with electric aircraft with present technology.”
I would be surprised if an electric powered aircraft could match the performance of the Wright Flyer at Kitty Hawk.
Ethanol from sugar cane has, for decades, “only” needed oil to rise 10% for it to be competitive. It seems “they” have given up on it.
You see cane is heavy and with a lot of thrash thus needing powerful harvesters to cut, clean and top it. Then the mills have their own rail network with quite large diesel locos so diesel is a significant input cost for ethanol which will never be competitive unless the world suddenly gets healthy and cuts out dietary sugar.
an example of the trade off between ethanol and food
worse in the US of course as there they are using corn as the feedstock not cane.
Citation required for Mr Di Caprio
A Citation Jet!
What is going on GA? Is the narrative crumbling?
Be careful for your own sake. Find one of those who loves freedom and ask for a Hug. You will be safe and they probably will tolerate your fluffy puppy as well.
you need a better citation than that.
This is a very good discussion on the problems with biofuels:
And another article with more links to biofuel articles:
I declare a code Brown. Caution, he’s lips will start moving.
The leader of nothing Smirko Morrisons presentation to the Elite at the WEF.
Here’s some fascinating science experiments that can be simply done at home.
Great for kids if you can find any that are interested in science rather than being terrified that the world will end soon due to a supposed climate catastrophe.
Fascinating. Unfortunately, cannot see much chance of replicating them, because very little info on how to implement them.
Some were surprised when advised that PM Morrison had ignored calls to ban coal mining and use made at COP26 Glasgow Conference, and refused to change the Paris Agreement emissions reduction target (raise the target and shorten the implementation date from 2030) and would not sign a new agreement to commit to net zero emissions by 2050, he simply said that Australia has “an aspirational goal” based on research and development of new technology, if possible to develop. No damage to the Australian economy would be tolerated.
Recently I read and became angry that the PM had addressed the World Economic Forum octopus arm of the UN based globalists until I researched and discovered that in his address he stated that Australia would continue to follow the free enterprise system (left calls capitalism) and promote economic growth for all Australians.
This extract is very interesting and enlightening;
“PRIME Minister Scott Morrison has told global business leaders his government did not view COVID-19 as an opportunity to create a “State-centred” economy.
He instead backed a more sustainable business-led recovery.
In a speech to the Davos Agenda 2022 virtual summit hosted by the World Economic Forum, Mr Morrison laid out Australia’s way through the global pandemic and its approach to supporting economic recovery and resilience over the next decade.
We never saw COVID as cover for some sort of funky experiment to transform our economic system…
Scott Morrison
Australian Prime Minister
Morrison called on world business leaders to pursue fast economic recovery – not the “sluggish recovery” that followed the GFC.
There is a role for government, but that role is to ensure we have a sustainable business-led recovery.
“We did not see a government-centred recovery sustaining into the future,” he said on January 21.
“There was certainly a role for government, but the role for the government was to ensure that we would have a sustainable business-led recovery.
“We knew we were dealing with a public health crisis, albeit one with profound economic and social consequences.
“We never saw it as cover for some sort of funky experiment to transform our economic system.
“We haven’t seen this as some long-term invitation for the return of – or the establishment of – some State-centred economy.”
This “market-oriented” approach had served Australia well for decades, he noted, adding that prior to the COVID-recession, the country had not been in a recession for 28 and a half years.
The prime minister also outlined what he saw as five major “forces” shaping political, economic and technological changes in a post-pandemic world.
These include an acceleration of a digital economy that saw the need to align the digital and physical worlds.
Secondly, he said there was a heightened demand for skills and research talent, more adaptable workplaces, and closer collaboration between researchers and the business world.
Meanwhile, a sharper geopolitical competition has emerged.
Mr Morrison said this was most notably playing out in the Indo-Pacific, though he did not specifically name a country.
“We live in what is an increasingly fragmented and contested world, particularly here in the Indo-Pacific, which has become the world’s strategic centre of gravity,” he said.
“The challenges we face are many. There are tensions over territorial claims. There is rapid military modernisation. There’s foreign interference appearing in nations right across the Indo-Pacific and here in Australia.
“There’s malicious cyber threats and attacks that are taking place; disinformation, economic coercion.
“This is a highly contested space where we’re seeing much grey zone tactics being employed throughout the region intended to coerce and intimidate.
“Meeting these challenges demands cooperation and common purpose amongst those who believe in a world order that favours freedom and the rule of law, that has been the basis for the world’s prosperity since the Second World War,” he said.
The fourth force he outlined were the pressures on the global supply chain and open trade caused by an era of “hyper globalisation” that have seen governments and companies “having to reassess their rules” and “their assumptions.”
The last force was the drive to decarbonise the global economy while maintaining affordable and reliable energy for customers and businesses.”
Its words Dennis Talking and handballing is all he has done for four years. He will continue his empty words.
Don’t judge them by what they say, judge them by what they do, and he has done nothing except spend other peoples money.
He will allow his stake holders to fix everything, whom have all committed to net zero.
Two years and you have learnt nothing.
The article and the PM’s address by video link to the WEF highlights the Federal Government, Commonwealth of Australia, does not agree with the WEF objectives.
Just as the refusal to accept COP26 demands in favour of the Australian economy did.
Words, just words.
Make that 4 years
I agree with your comment Dennis but there’s a contradiction that’s troubled me.
Scomo still presides over a nation that has growing numbers of subsidy farms; Solar and Turbines and the ever present “Interconnectors” plus the inevitable clean up and decommissioning in ten years time.
That’s not leadership.
In 2019 the Morrison Government that took over from the Turnbull Government late in 2018 removed subsidies from so called renewable energy supply businesses, meaning no new agreements to subsidise and subsidies to end by 2030 and that has resulted in a decline in new projects for approval.
They later legislated to force electricity supply businesses to be competitive, similar to general company laws on competition.
That’s good but we are still not looking at sensible prices for another ten years.
I accept that Scomo has to avoid unnecessarily putting off some voters but the situation is not going improve quickly.
The right words. Most world leaders use the wrong words. Contrast with dung beetle Rudd’s words.
There’s lots of talk of a diversity Bond- a black guy or a woman? I think this is crazy. Really, Bond, black, or a woman! Cmon get with it. Obviously he has to be trans, preferably an indigenous Amazonian trans. Or how about a female trans? They are sort of the forgotten species.
Leftist social engineers are already promoting a transgender Bond:
And non-binary:
Get woke, go broke!
Maybe suggest Sacha Borat !×640.jpeg
I find it amazing that all these people who want diversity in movies, kids programs and organisations for some reason can’t start their own ‘thing’. Instead, they have to take over the ‘white male’ thing and make a second-class ‘diverse’ version.
I’d suggest making sure you’re stocked up.
BTW, this is a convenient diversion ( as predicted, if they get desperate it will likely be releasing a new bug or starting a war….. )
The Russians appear to have said multiple times, please dont put NATO weapons in Ukraine that can reach Moscow in 5 mins.
I’m not taking sides here, rather explaining that the MSM appears to be spinning the conflict as an invasion, but it seems to be more likley about Russia not wanting a new cuban missile crisis on its own doorstep, as it appears to see the NATO weaponry as a risk to its safety. The whole article ( cited below ) is quite a balanced view of things and worth a read.
“Russia said dialogue was continuing but was hitting a dead end as it tried to persuade the West to bar Ukraine from joining NATO and roll back decades of alliance expansion in Europe – demands that the United States has called “non-starters”.
“”At this stage it is really disappointing,” Russian Ambassador Alexander Lukashevich told reporters after a meeting of the OSCE, the third leg in a series of East-West talks this week.
“He warned of possible “catastrophic consequences” if the two sides could not agree on what Russia has termed security red lines but said Moscow had not given up on diplomacy and would even speed it up.
And could the USA get bogged down in Ukraine? :
“‘Total unanimity’: Biden hails Zoom meeting with European leaders over Ukraine as he orders 8,500 US troops to prepare to deploy to Eastern Europe to fend off Russia and plans to send up to 50,000 soldiers to NATO allies
Could the US get bogged down in Ukraine? of course, getting bogged down in conflicts external to the US is a specialty
Is it really true that white wines have to be consumed soon after purchase?
I recently found a bottle of 2012 West Cape Howe
Semillon Sauvignon Blanc (from Western Australia) while cleaning up, and there was nothing wrong with it. No sign of it going off at all.
This has happened to me, too. As I said to Mrs Wife at the time, wine like that can’t be trusted to keep so, once opened, should be consumed as quickly as possible.
If it has an attractive golden hue to it, it is now vinegar.
I have a bottle of Moet, not that old, that I am going to try to “sabre” with a heavy kitchen knife.
If you are buying from the clearance bin at the bottle shop check the vintage and don’t touch a white if it’s over a year old. Even reds can’t last long if mistreated.
Not entirely true. A really good white can also be put down for many years.
absolutely has to be consumed asap after purchase , just ask any winemaker.
I think the real answer is a firm “it depends” on what you start with and what your cellaring conditions are like. Cellaring a wine is a bet, not a certainty that it will improve, especially for us amateurs.
And you didn’t invite me to share it David? I would have willingly sampled it for you. I keep reds for many years, in an old fridge that is turned up high in my garage. Now that most wines are in screw tops, they will keep for many years, particularly if the temperature is tightly controlled.
Was this a bug or a feature?
Oppressive COVID Measures for the Unvaccinated Were Based on ‘Software’ Error, Claims German Minister.
by Wahagen Khabayan
January 24, 2022
backing down…..
No kidding!
This article is from Once Great Britain.
Paywalled but here are the first few lines.
High Covid death rates skewed by people who died from other causes, admits Sajid Javid
Health Secretary reveals daily government figures might be unreliable as ONS data show fewer deaths registered to Covid
This is more like it. It might not be enough but at least it’s an opportunity to give the two major parties a big kick in the guts and send the message to stop treating us for fools.
Craig Kelly MP endorses Simeon Boikov, Independent for Strathfield By-election
It took a while to lift my jaw off the table. Did I hear this right? The Australian Government has just paid $20M for permission to fly the Aboriginal flag?
Paid who exactly? Do we pay every single nation before we use their flags at sports tournaments, outside Parliament House, etc?
Why did they pay $20M to fly the Aboriginal flag, while they burn the Australian flag?
“There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area we call the Twilight Zone.”
The Aboriginal flag was a privately owned copyright symbol of Harold Thomas although bizarrely it had the status of a national flag.
Up until now a license fee was payable for every flag that was flown.
The Commonwealth has now purchased the copyright although I suspect it would have been cheaper to keep paying the license fee.
I wonder if the Commonwealth will now charge a license fee for use?
I am not sure which of the 500 formerly constantly warring Aboriginal “nations” the flag is meant to represent.
It certainly doesn’t represent me.
All Australians including Aboriginals are meant to be one nation only, represented by the Australian National Flag.
Example, Ireland, North Ireland, Wales, England and Scotland all have flags that are flown for various reasons and purposes but the Flag of Great Britain is above all.
I disagree with the claim by Indigenous Australians about a First Nation, there were many tribes and languages and no governments. I also do not accept the oldest civilisation claim, but of course I accept the evidence uncovered dating back to 65-70,000 years from first migration group/s. However, immigration was in groups and at different times and from at least two directions … one covered In the book Cape York The Savage Frontier about the people who came to this land via what is now PNG, others came via Indonesia ad were joined later by fishing and trading boat people who decided to stay here.
However we Australians should all be mindful of the history of what is now our Commonwealth of Australia.
They refer themselves as First Nations. Not singular.
Yes, but when I posted my words were: “about a First Nation”, meaning not even one, meaning many tribes but none a nation.
yup. Just admit the error man.
Stop digging GA.
just copying the US indigenous peoples who refer to themselves as First Nations. Clearly a Nation sounds much more important than a mere tribe!
GA- it’s plain silly to refer to the indigenous people here before colonisation as First Nations. First People ….first Inhabitants – maybe. But they were clearly not “nations” in our use of that term.
I am extremely attached to our Aboriginal people & honour their previous lives on our property where there is evidence that they walked so long ago. They were tribal people who lived predominantly in small clan groups. And while there were customs that permitted cooperation for sacred ceremonies, there was much inter tribal hostility & violence. Their survival over many thousands of years was remarkable & we, and they, do not need to translate it into false analogies,
And where were the centres of government of these many ‘Nations’?
It’s a total rewrite of history that they were anything other than small nomadic tribes that moved around when they needed a new food source.
Nations. Lol
I have just been reading Ch 3 of Ian Plimer’s book, “Green Murder”. The chapter is entitled, “The end is nigh”. It is a brilliant account of the eugenics monsters down the ages in which Paul Ehrlich features quite prominently, although he is by no means the only one. The architects of the global warming scandle seem to be focussed very much on population reduction, including the present Pope. Many at the heart of this push seem also to be linked to the WEF. One cannot help but see parallels with the way in which Covid has been weaponised.
This comment is an accidental duplicate of #4.1.1
Arrhenius was also involved, at least for a while, in Eugenics.
Forgive me for being pedantic, but I think that the ‘British’ flag is actually the Union Flag of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is made up of St George’s cross, St Andrew’s cross and St Patrick’s cross, (and presumably an invisible Welsh dragon).
You are right about the combined flags that a featured in the national Flag of GB, but there are other flags as I posted;
And I forgot to add that for similar historical reasons and purposes The Australian Flag incorporates the Flag of Great Britain to show the history of our migrant nation’s since 1788 beginning and where most of the people came from on the First Fleet and following ships to settle here or as convicts expected to eventually become settlers.
The Australian flag incorporates the ‘Union Jack’, that is, the Union Flag.
The Australian national flag represents the whole nation, whereas this relatively new flag is meant to unite the indigenous population. Its recognition that after 60,000 years of surviving on this desert island they deserve a flag.
A Slab
4000 Years when the current mob with their dingo arrived from Thailand.
Worse than the cane toad!
I’ve read about Mungo Man but forgotten the detail.
Is he related to the current group?
Probably like the O’Shanes are related to the Irish and the Malays.
As I believe Michael Mansell said in Tasmania, to the effect that there wasn’t a genocide and there could be a land rights claim. He said everyone knows Mansell is an Aboriginal name.
The whole and full history of our fellow Australians is rather interesting if we were allowed to discuss it. Did you know about the pygmies in the rain forest of the Atherton Tablelands.
Like Corona Virus, the various tribes that inhabited Australia for the most part lived with the Colonists (and their various tribes,POMS, Paddys, Frogs, Chinks, Camel Herders etc) and did not die from the Colonists. Who do you think ran the stations and in the case of the Islanders built the Northern transport infrastructure?
The narrative only changed in the Seventies and damn near snookered poor old Michael. Mind you a quick search has cast doubt on that one as there were American Whalers and sealers wandering around Tassie even at the time of Cook.
So I am claiming Mungo Man as my ‘Uncle’ if we think of ourselves as the Human Race. As Jordan Petersen said the fact this race is capable of such evil is evidence that a greater good must exist.
Mungo Man is related to the mob that still live in Central West NSW, his bones have been returned to where they were discovered.
On a more pressing matter, Denisovan genes came to Australia first, through New Guinea when sea level fell dramatically around 90,000 years ago.
Using the Vostok cores its highly likely the first Australians came here 60,000 years ago.
‘ … there were American Whalers and sealers wandering around Tassie even at the time of Cook.’ Link?
The earliest sealers came around 1792.
I wonder how much of our taxes the Government will now be asked to pay to fly the rainbow flag of the LGBQTalphabet crowd?
Strange that for 50,000 years they saw no need to invent a flag but now they need to copy a ‘wire fella’ tradition?🤔
‘White fella’
“Waite pfella” as she is spoke, actually.
No, the Commonwealth of Australia (Federal Government) has purchased the rights to that Flag and therefore controls the use of it.
It is unfair to blame all Australians who have indigenous ancestry (and many have ancestors who were not Australian Aborigines) for the bad behaviour of the small minority of activists, the noisy minority that is publicised while the silent majority also shake their heads in disgust as the activists become disrespectful troublemakers. Senate candidate, Alice Springs Council Councillor, Indigenous Australian Jacinta Price has often condemned the activists and spoken out in support of us all being Australians now.
As I heard it the Commonwealth has gifted the flag to the natives so still has no authority to use it at their convenience.
I think it is outrageous.
Well, each of the Federation of States has a State Flag so why not one representing the tribes of people who were here first and their descendants here today?
New Zealand recognises the Maori people, one of many possible examples.
I don’t think many people would say there shouldn’t be an Aboriginal flag, though I think it would be fair to question its legitimacy. The point is that the Australian Govenment having to pay to fly it is absurd and simply serves to emphasise the animosity and division that exists.
I’d say it. Give one mob a flag then everybody should have one…
Might be an election coming up? There is a stack of people scared they will have to leave the trough and get a job.
Have heard Jacinta Price speak at conferences in Sydney and have great admiration for her.
In the US, covid hysteria is turning Democrats into Republicans.
They were loyal liberals who never dreamed of voting Republican but the damage done to kids by the Left’s Covid hysteria is driving a wave a moms away from the Democrats, writes BETHANY MANDEL
This 20 min video is rather disturbing and describes the extreme racism and xenophobia of the Chicomms.
Ok. Here we go.
I’ve been watching this (and a range of other events) worldwide for months, but this has really gone CRAZY.
As I said last week – watch the UK and nearby Eurozone countries.
The UK is getting ABSOLUTELY HAMMERED with avian flu.
It’s grown at a pace that makes Omicron look slow.
It’s now at a point that I can’t even see the map of the UK because of all the alerts on top of it!
Privately owned birds in lockdown – not allowed out to fly around.
Signage going up in public parks warning the public about the risks.
I’d say their entire poultry industry will be shutdown within a month or 2 max.
It’s now sweeping through the Eurozone moving east towards Russia.
Cases mounting fast further south in Spain.
South America getting hit hard and increasing notably in Brazil. Community warnings active with human deaths recorded and mounting.
Increasing outbreaks in Ireland, South Korea, Czech Republic, India, France, Portugal, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Canada, Namibia, Ghana, Nigeria, Latvia, Thailand, China to name some but not all. Take China’s CCP data and multiply it by 20…
In short it’s spreading at unprecedented rates globally and has already exceeded all time records in some locations.
This will be the equivalent (probably worse) than the UK’s BSE (mad cow) outbreaks in the 80’s and 90’s that destroyed their cattle industry and it’s global now.
Mass cullings underway worldwide.
So far Australia’s clean although I’d expect the situation to develop rapidly and sweep east/southeast from Asia so probably Indonesia/Malaysia/Phillipines next, and all 3 are having swine fever outbreaks now but that’s another picture.
In short – a global avian flu pandemic (a real one this time) is occurring and will destroy poultry production globally.
Chicken meat, eggs and other poultry products will be virtually unobtainable in a lot of countries within months.
Time to take that last bite of KFC…
I also happened to watch this video below yesterday by chance. Sums it up well.
THIS is the next stage beyond Covid. A global food crisis happening right now..
This is JUST avian flu and there’s other related escalating events I’m tracking and will report on when appropriate, one of which is quite odd, but we’ll see how it develops.
Shoulda bought that country farm rather than that overpriced city property or at worst grow your own food as much as possible.
Is this your big thing? The avian flu outbreak that everyone knows about?
Yes it has potential to be bad but we didn’t need you watching it for months for us to know this.
Thanks for re-reporting the msm news for us.
From the pedant who rails against generalisations from the “right”.
They refer themselves as First Nations. Not singular.
citation needed
You may wish to post some MSM links you saw showing the scale, severity and geographic distribution trends remotely close to mine.
Yes it’s been in the media for months but at a low level significance story.
The reality is way beyond the “mentioned in passing” news.
The point is that I see the whole planet simultaneously in real-time so I see the big picture and how it develops over weeks & months, I don’t just see one outbreak in one country and report that like the MSM.
But you’re totally free to run with CNN’s take.
In the UK news now:
“But this year has seen an exceptional number of outbreaks, including the first ever human case of the H5N1 virus recorded in the UK or Europe“
And yet when you look at the Euromomo all cause mortality there has hardly been a blip for the UK in recent weeks.
They split the UK into four graphs (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) and all are flat for 2022 although perhaps insufficient data has come in yet.
For the record I made no claims as to human mortality in the UK/Eurozone so all cause data has no significance.
However, keep your eye on the UK as I suspect this will change.
use sensationalist generalizations like “ABSOLUTELY HAMMERED” and the want to be very specific about claims not made. Righto
McCullough on vax scam, Schweizer on Hunter Biden scamming in China
Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakusic accuses Macron of mass murder to his face in the EU Parliament
Direct video link:
Things hotting up toyland…
Alberta Accidentally Posts (Then Deletes) Data Showing Over Half Of Vaxed Deaths Counted As Unvaxed
Alberta just inadvertently confessed to fiddling the COVID vaccination stats.
More than half the newly vaccinated deaths were dumped in the unvaccinated.
It’s an ill wind that blows nobody good.
At least the shrinks will make a living in the future (assuming the kids make it to couch age) 😯
Nailed life in 2022…back in 1962
Or maybe this?
“Did the government’s credibility die of Covid or with Covid?” JC II
Actually Martin Armstrong’s forecasts nailed it. Trouble is it’s only the beginning. Much worse to come….
Using Fear to Gain More Power
Witnessing his invocation of pi as a sacred econometric projection motif left me a mite baffled; in the seventeenth century Vico had already played this history repeats shtick.
Today’s principal malady is wishful thinking which drives governments to enact bizarre legislative rituals the keynote being set by the dynamiting of coal fired power stations; the worst is yet to come apparently…
As Martin Armstrong puts it, they have destroyed sanity.
The Collapse of the American Dream
NATO Puts Forces on Standby. US Carrier Group in Mediterranean goes under NATO Command; Australia & UK Evacuating Diplomats from Ukraine.
Australia Telling Citizens to Leave Now
Special info report on Thursday.
The Wake-up Video – Uncensored. Dr Vernon Coleman
This is my 301st video and the date is the 18th of January 2022. This is the only video you’ll ever need to convince everyone you know that covid-19 is a fraud.
cheers for the spam. Maybe add some annotation that actually helps the reader?
Maybe try watching it yourself. !
Get a WAKE UP call !!
Thanks for re-posting it. I posted it a couple of threads ago. Well worth a study.
Yeah, nah! I just can’t stand videos., some egotistical clown dribbling information out at a pathetically slow pace.. Sooner Youtube dies the better, although I suppose modern people struggle to read with IQ dropping every generation.
If its not written its not worth reading!
The entire transcript is below the video, for those who can’t listen, or look.
Just dripping with IQ that statement.
what total nonsense, it totally depends on what information needs to be conveyed. Not everyone want to be stuck in the last century.
Thailand Government Will Pay Compensation for Vaccine “Side Effects” and Deaths: One Billion Baht
The Royal Thai Government (member state of the UN and the WHO) firmly acknowledges the deaths and adverse events affecting Thais who have taken the vaccine jab.
“Out of the 11,707 people who filed a claim with authorities, 8,470 people, or 72.3% of all claimants, have been compensated”.
Treat their unvaxxed citizens like dirt and now…
I would have said WW3 would be the ultimate distraction from the rapidly unfolding Covid/vaxx nightmare but it won’t be.
UK Residents, please sign this petition (stop mandatory vaccination for NHS personnel):
Earthquake in SWWA.,-western-australia
Nothing like the Meckering earthquake in 1968. If that one had gone on a bit longer, Perth would have been severely damaged. As it was, it certainly caused a few interesting and permanent changes in the Perth landscape.
A bit of “light reading” over at Quadrant:
This is a VERY high-stakes poker game.
“Without Notice FDA Revokes Monoclonal Antibody Treatments for COVID, Promote Difficult to Find Pfizer and Merck Pills as Replacements
January 25, 2022 | Sundance | 10 Comments
This is some next level sketchy, borderline evil, stuff from the U.S. medical establishment. The FDA has revoked the authorization status of monoclonal antibody treatments [Announcement Here], effectively shutting down the treatment option for patients exposed to COVID-19.”
More at
There have been a number of stories that the Tonga volcano was triggered by a hypersonic missile. Videos are used to show the missile striking the sea at the moment the volcano erupted. After studying several such videos it appears to be fake simply because they all show the same trail and object but the point of impacts vary dramatically. It’s not definite proof the videos are fake but it’s very likely they are.
Tonga has a Geographical service. Everyone to the back of the boat and say cheese.
Of course they can afford a flash boat, rolling in money.
Cant find anything on them except this facebook page which I cannot open. When did this page get set up?
“Empty Shelves Have Consequences, Canadian Multinational Business Groups Ask Government to Quickly Reverse Trucker Vaccine Mandate
January 24, 2022 | Sundance | 227 Comments
The support for the Canadian trucker protest is already getting results. As we shared previously, ‘the absence of food will change things‘, and the reason is simple, it focuses priorities.
In the bigger picture, a grassroots protest from Main Street (truckers) forces the multinationals to a position of vulnerability. The multinationals control the politicians, so any pressure applied directly to the multinationals ends up being transmitted to their beneficiaries, the government officials.”
More at
The data of covid cases in Australia underlines how effectively the Australian strategy was in flattening the curve:
While border controls and lockdowns were in place the highest daily case number was 2300. Since opening up, the daily cases have so far peaked at 109.000.
Now that covid vaccines are in universal use in Australia, the country has achieved a dramatic reduction in fatality rate as mobility has returned to normal levels – at least for the vaccinated:
Down from a peak of 25% to now just 0.1%.
Excess deaths over the period of covid in Australia are down on the 2015-19 average. One of a handful of countries in that elite group.
Just what you would expect from OMICRON – with a reduced lethality.
Nothing to do with the “vaccines”.
Surely that is the reason to flatten the curve in the first place. How often do viruses morph to something less lethal and ,more contagious? Armed with that knowledge it made enormous sense to control borders and lower mobility to flatten the curve. Australia has managed covid better than most countries by a long margin.
Countries with IVM in their diet plan manged it far, far better as all others.
At least IVM broke the transmission path nothing else could, no vaxxes, no border closing, no lockdown. Period.
Please name the countries and how many doses IVM were taken?
How often was it told to you in the meantime, you should know the answer, if you accept like facts, but in causa COV you don’t.
Nothing to see here anymore…
Yes, sort of managed the COVID19 but destroyed people’s lives and businesses and education and created mental health issues that far away outstrip the danger from the original problem.
Willfully ignoring the different strains active in different periods , and how useless the vaccines are in regard to case counts. Desperation appears to be setting in.
But NSW opened up for Christmas 2020 and early 2021 and there was no problem then. How do you explain that?
Melbourne had stricter lockdowns by far than Sydney and worse outcomes … that would be the opposite of what you are suggesting.
Sydney had stricter lockdowns in 2021 than in 2020 and also worse outcomes in 2021 than in 2020, also the opposite result to what was predicted.
It worked pretty well in Queensland. It gave a lot of us oldies a couple of years we may not have got, if the original strain had run rampant.
Still I will never forgive the current government or Labor for denying us IVM.
You still here …. Also still cherry picking data to fit your story too…. Getting harder though is t it old mate…. Very hard to find data that agrees with your views
You would need to look at the percentage of the population who have been infected. Australia is nowhere as far along the pandemic timeline as other countries, so they have a large natural immunity pool of people who have been infected and won’t get so again.
We have a highly vaccinated population that has still to get infected.
Come back in 2years and see how it all looks.
For potential “Novavaxians”
One hour’s worth…good value.
The insanity is getting worse.
Two Women Show How Completely Insane COVID Mania Has Driven People
So let me get this straight. Governments are now recommending that the booster shot be had after only 3 months. They are also counting any cases/deaths within 21 days of the second shot as being ‘unvaxxed’.
So according to the people dispensing these things, the absolutely best case must be that the so called vaccination ‘works’ for about 9-10 weeks. So 5-6 jabs a year for the rest of your life should be all it takes to prevent the odd sore throat in most healthy people.
Good point Harves. Initially, the time between the 2nd dose and booster shot was 6 months. Then it was 5 months, then 4, then 3. This shows that our so-called “experts” have no idea about the COVID 19 evolution. It is panic management. I just can’t wait to see what will happen if we get a more virulant and deadly strain than Omicron. It may not happen, but what if it does?
Breaking news LOL . ( It’s certainly going to break some people. )
The NZ govt. has requisitioned all the rapid antigen tests for the use of essential workers only.
So all you NON-ESSENTIAL restauranteurs and cafe /bar owners who thought you could save your business by having staff test negative on a rapid test , can now think again .
REMEMBER : your business is non-essential.
This news brought to you by the NZ Director – General of Health. (pffftt!!)
Something tells me that the balloon has gone up 🙂
If enough of people find the courage to live in the dignity of truth, no matter what it costs, we can stop this slow but sure push towards totalitarianism that’s still going. The only problem I see is the cost may be to high for most people and so they will not do it and totalitarianism continues to snowball. However, I do see a flash point coming up as some do have the courage to stand up and act even if it’s a tiny proportion of the population. What happens next will be critical and the moment of truth.
More Canadian truckers protest
“The elites belittle the Truckers For Freedom Convoy and Freedom Rallies”
Seems the second “protest about road conditions” was an invention of CBC
Mention here at about the 12 minute mark
“Freedom Convoy 2022 just made the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest convoy ever.
And 10,000 trucks are heading north from US. Whoever is not getting into Canada will be staying at the border to block it”
In comments here
The Go FundMe goal is $(C I presume) 5 mill, they’re at $4.2 mil
“A true protest, one that’s grounded in actual circumstances, that arises from long-term government overreach — grave impingement on the freedoms of a majority of citizens — one that emerges from discontent long discounted and ignored, built around the cardinal idea of pursuing a legitimate livelihood, well, that’s rare. That’s what we’re seeing with the truckers.”
..and now… “Govt freezes $3.5million in GoFundMe for truckers.
This is interesting-
“The Go FundMe goal is $(C I presume) 5 mill, they’re at $4.2 mil”
“We require that fundraisers be transparent about the flow of funds and have a clear plan for how those funds will be spent,” Rachel Hollis, GoFundMe’s director of communications said in an email. She said the company is in touch with the organizer. ”
You don’t own the funds people donate to you through Gofundme. Gofundme owns them and will let you spend them if they approve! That sounds like Bill Gates getting going.. ‘Just to help stop dangerous mis-information..”
Leading causes of Australian Deaths in 2020 being the first year of the Coronavirus “dread disease”……………
Death “with” Coronavirus was listed as number 38 on the list at 898 deaths………………..
This puts everything in perspective and apparently, no one died of the Flu in 2020 !!!!!!
A Girl Gives A Coin To A Street Musician And Gets The Best Surprise In Return
Love those street displays. Shines a bit of light at a time when needed most.
“How Many Batteries Does It Take To Recharge A Battery?”
“Today batteries can supply 1.25 minutes of the world’s electricity.
In 2030, with 10X batteries, they can supply 10.6 minutes”
Large, peer-reviewed research study proves ivermectin works
“Welcome to VEI Hell?”
Our governments are saying we must now have to live with the virus. Another lie. What they are doing is mandating that we live with the experimental vaccines, and if necessary die form them.
“Living with Covid” = a booster every three months for the rest of your very short life.
I actually don’t believe most people are that gullible but if they are then they only have themselves to blame for what happens to them given the flood gates have opened to provide all the evidence we need to prove the vaccines do not work very well and that treatments are a better way out of this pandemic, not to mention the fact governments have been changing their story since day one and lied all the way, covering up the deaths caused by the vaccines and the fact many of the deaths allegedly caused by the virus actually were due to an unrelated cause.
Happy Australia Day
Pauline Hanson’s Australia Day
Episode 11 “Australia Day Celebrations”
Happy Australia Day Everyone!
Hope you have a great day with your family and friends, celebrating everything that makes Australia the great place it is!
Bottler – 1 Min 27 Secs of Pure Enjoymant – Pauline Hanson vs Graceless Grace Tame – Last Years’s Australian of the Year
How Prime Minister Scott Morrison BENEFITED from Grace Tame’s snub at Australian of the Year morning tea
Hundreds have taken to social media to attack Grace Tame’s reaction to the PM
– The former Australian of the Year was stony-faced at The Lodge in Canberra
– Pictures of awkward confrontation went viral but the PM may have won PR war
– Supporters praised how Scott Morrison rose above the row despite the tension
That reminded me of how PM Howard handled the presentation of the Australian of the Year award to Tim Flannery. The pretences by our PMs might fool a lot of people.
Now Named “Graceless Tame” – former “Australian Whinger of the Tear 2021”
How Grace Tame’s brutal snub of Scott Morrison at Australian of the Year morning tea could be a blessing in disguise for struggling PM
Driver performs 26-point turn on narrow cliff in heart-stopping viral video 1 Min 35 Sec
6 Pack: Pfizer, Fauci press forward on 3 additional Omicron-specific mRNA shots
Pfizer announced Tuesday, to great fanfare from the cattle class, that they are officially starting trials for an Omicron-specific COVID vaccine on their novel mRNA platform.
Has anyone mentioned the planned 8 shots yet? I don’t think I did.
At this rate there’ll be no one left to fight WW3. What if we had a war and no-one came.
Facebook’s New ‘Cutting-Edge AI Supercomputer’ Will Be Used to Censor ‘Hate Speech’ And ‘Misinformation’
Meta, formerly known as Facebook , said Wednesday it has created artificial intelligence technology that can adapt more quickly to new types of harmful content, including posts discouraging COVID-19 vaccinations.
The social network, for example, has rules against posting harmful COVID-19 vaccine misinformation, including false claims that the vaccine alters DNA.
(Well that’s been proven so Meta class it as an untruth)
I don’t even have a FB or Twitter account as I could see years ago what they were…
Did you know that dinosaurs didn’t wear facemasks?
Did you know that they didn’t get vaccinated or social distance?
Dinosaurs went extinct!
How much proof do you need?
Get vaccinated today!
My critical thinking is A1.
Now – should I get a job as a polly, health expert, celebrity, journalist or teacher?
The results here might bear closer inspection
“CDC Plans to ‘Pivot the Language’ to Make ‘Fully Vaccinated’ Mean Two Doses and Booster
Dr John Campbell discusses Daughter Of Omicron
He’s effectively saying that the level of herd immunity is so high we don’t need vaccinations to continue. That means our governments are telling lies (again) by ordering over 200 million doses.
Journalists Need to Learn How to Lay Bricks
Journalists should be required to get seasonal jobs working with real people in order to be taken seriously.
I had been at my job at the restaurant for an hour when I became more well-informed than Brian Stelter.
Actually, scratch that. It was while doing the paperwork before starting the job that I became better informed than Stelter—not to mention Joe Scarborough, Rachel Maddow, and Bill Kristol.
The restaurant’s manager just kept shaking his head. “They’re giving people free money,” he said. “None of them want to work. The only one working is Biden, who doesn’t know what day it is.”
Then he said it: “You know what? Trump actually did a good job.”
Here was the person that the alphabet networks, the internet sages, and the conservative chin-pullers just never bothered to interview—a Latino man in his 30s who manages a business and who voted for Trump.
I’ve run into them everywhere. In order to support my writing I often take seasonal jobs, a lot of them temporary—washing dishes, selling Christmas trees, working in a deli. At each and every one of them it has taken me about five minutes to discover, or reconfirm, that the working class—particularly young male minorities—is essentially conservative. It’s obvious why the elites don’t know what’s going on, but the grifters of Conservatism, Inc., are equally clueless.
Not sure if this is true but protests against the draconian mandates are popping up everywhere in the Western world except the US. I wonder why?
As I posted on the protests thread there was a big protest in Washington DC on Sunday and there were US locations all over the FreedomRally list. Our SBS and ABC reported on it, even though they didn’t report on local protests (at least the Perth rally which was as big per capita as the Washington one) did not even get a mention on Perth news.
I saw a couple of videos on the Washington DC protest. It was nothing compared to the protests around the world. Maybe I’m watching the wrong videos.
You are
Yes, that’s a lot of people. Now we need to see their truckers follow what the Canadians are doing and head to the nation’s capital.
Stealth omicron: New COVID-19 sub-variant seen in 40 countries
The “stealth” omicron variant, as some scientists are calling it, can be difficult to identify because it lacks a genetic characteristic that scientists use to identify the original omicron variant.
According to the WHO, omicron, which is known as B.1.1.529, has three subvariants: BA.1, BA.2, and BA.3. As of a few days before Christmas, BA.1 was responsible for more than 99% of the cases the organization sequenced.
What a surprise. ie yawn…
Stage 2 – the global food crisis is the real problem. Just wait until the agricultural input costs are reflected in the output prices. This year…
The 20% or so price hikes over the past year are nothing. Try 100%.
Talk about rock and a hard place for agriculture. Pass the costs on and no-one can afford tbeir produce and they go bust.
Don’t pass the costs on and they run at a loss and go bust.
‘Never before has so much harm been done to so many by so few… based on dodgy data’: A blistering verdict on Covid ‘experts’ from MP BOB SEELY in a landmark speech
Today I speak not to bury science but actually to praise it. I think during the Covid pandemic there has been some remarkable, wonderful science.
I just question to what extent that includes the modelling and forecasts that have come from it.
Thanks to some questionable modelling — poorly presented and often misrepresented — it is true to say that never before has so much harm been done to so many by so few, based on so little, potentially flawed data. It is a national scandal.
This is not just the fault of the modellers. It is how their work was interpreted by public health officials, by the media and, yes, by politicians and by government, too.
Modelling and forecasts were the ammunition that drove lockdown and created a climate of manipulated fear which was despicable and unforgivable.
Read On
Bob Seely is MP for the Isle of Wight. This is an edited extract of his speech last week during a debate about scientific modelling in the pandemic.
Looks like some main party members have had enough. I can only imagine that our PM must be starting to rethink how he is dealing with the situation; assuming he has a brain.
Senior Liberal Party official resigns and joins the people
Mark Steyn; “The last two years have been a moral crime by the government against the governed.
This video includes a report from a nurse regarding the night of 20th May, 2020:
“I remember the night of 20 May, 2020 vividly, I spent hours on the phone to a man who was in the hospital carpark, utterly desperate to see his wife.
He begged, wept, shouted to be let in – but we said no, for the greater good of everyone else. She died unexpectedly and alone, as the Government had a party.’
Multiply stories like this by thousands all over the world.
The people will never forgive these criminal acts.
Beyond the Great Reset comes The Great Narrative, the new book by Klaus Schwab.
Released this month and I’m reading it now.
“3.2. Imagination and innovation
Imagination, “a creation of the mind”, but also the “ability to confront and
deal with a problem”,
It is a glorious attribute. When its infinite possibilities
are harnessed, it corresponds to a form of “superpower” from which every
human being can benefit, individually or collectively. It’s easy to understand
why: every resolution of a problem begins with a bit of imagination.
Conversely, many problems occur because of the failure to imagine that they
could. The expression “failure of imagination” captures this by describing the expectation that future opportunities and risks will resemble those of the past.”
Perhaps Gee Aye can give us his/her evaluation of the above extract framed against the WEF agenda and what it means for the future of humanity?
The Georgia Guidestones made it pretty clear
Take them at their word – they don’t hide it
In 10 words or less? Can yor “evaluation of the above extract framed against the WEF agenda and what it means for the future of humanity?”. You seem to have lots to quote but little to contribute.
Biden administration withdraws Covid vaccine mandate for businesses after losing Supreme Court case
Key Points
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration said it is pulling the vaccine and testing rules for businesses effective Wednesday.
The Supreme Court’s conservative majority blocked the rules earlier this month, saying OSHA had exceeded the authority given to the agency by Congress.
Biden has called on businesses to voluntarily implement the requirements.
Now PM Morrison has to step in and stop the state mandates here. If necessary introduce legislation to do so. He will very likely lose the election if he doesn’t, especially if the ALP start following Biden’s change of heart. Besides, our economy is imploding due to staff shortages. If things do not change, we seriously are facing a collapse due to staff shortages that extends to the supply chain. I think PM Morrison knows that and must be struggling to find ways to deal with the crisis at hand. I went to a major tyre dealer to get a tyre fixed and the manager explained to me how he has a lot of work but little staff to do it. It’s so bad he and other managers had to do the physical work on some days. He ended up breaking his arm. This is it. The mandates have to be rescinded.
A video of the great narrative, could of squeezed a couple more billionaire oil barons in.
I don’t think anyone can understand that.
Vaccinate Rap Live at Dallas City Hall.
Last night in the -20 something of a January evening, several hundred people gathered on the side of the highway in a small Saskatchewan village, just as 1,000’s of others have done before us, and many more will continue to do. I expected only a fraction of that!
This is not just a trucker thing, it’s not just a vax thing, it’s way bigger than any of that. People can see that there’s something wrong, and are looking for an answer. Our legal, normally accepted political process has been hijacked by those who want an unaccountable system of government that transfers the power of the people into the hands of a few. The ones we elected to speak for us are, for a number of reasons, are unable/ unwilling to exercise their obligations to us as the check and balance against a move towards tyranny.
We are left dangling and frustrated as we don’t have a voice, and we absolutely to almost the last soul out here, know in our hearts that something must change, or we will lose most of what we, and our ancestors have worked our whole lives for. Freedom to live, work, and enjoy the amazing country we live in! Freedom to make choices that affect us and our communities. Freedom to take risks that we determine are right for our circumstances, not what some pencil neck somewhere has determined what is best for us. The evidence has been piling up for decades here, no unaccountable bureaucrat will ever be able to serve you and the best interests of your country better than an honest, community minded, unselfish individual. They almost always spend our capital building their own little empires, giving themselves raises and pensions, making themselves more visible and comfortable while the taxpayer works to support them! They aren’t accountable any more, our country cannot support this, and we all know it!
We need hope! We need a voice, and that’s why we left our warm homes last night, to go and see if this might be a voice that we can trust! We stood there,in the cold, vaccinated beside unvaccinated, farmers beside professors, kids beside seniors, men and women, waiting to see a glimpse of hope. A hope that these people who are spending their own resources, leaving their homes and businesses behind, to drive to Ottawa to try make a difference in our lives. It remains to be seen if they will succeed in convincing the elites in power that they are out of bounds, but I can tell you from simply looking around at what I see happening, they have started something bigger than any of us could have imagined! It’s time!”
Must be me? Test
Climate Change Vetoed
I just read an article on AOL describing were Tesla has developed a battery that will charge in eight minutes and last 12,000,000 miles. That’s great. Why would you over design a battery that would out last 24 car bodies?
TRUMP: I’ll be the “45th and 47th” President of the United States