A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Dr Robert Malone now has his own substack with good information on vaccines etc there
Dr. Malone’s sound advice is not heard by the right people; perhaps it is because of money. Example:
Dr. Hill was convinced Ivermectin was effective against Covid until drug interests gave him a $40 million grant, then Hill was adamantly opposed to IVM. An effective prevention and treatment would have reduced drug industry profits by $billions.
Dr Andrew Hill is what you would call ‘captured’.
Fence -sitting , as in firmly impaled, I suggest.
Just saw the following video where Peter McCullough explains how the vaccines cause much worse heart infections than natural myocarditis….”He is editor-in-chief of the journals Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiorenal Medicine.” Only 1.16 minutes.
Youngsters most at risk, so let’s get all those kids vaxed ASAP!…
Prince Philip died of a heart infection after getting his covid jab. Isn’t that a coincidence.
Gaz, when I heard that he had died, I thought the Jab may have been involved
Her Majesty was very annoyed about it. Very cross possibly.
Help needed
A sister-in-law is having trouble with Chrome on a Mac with being unable to access sites that she could previously read – like this one. The error involves HSTS and seems to have been around for a while- this from 2018 though she’s only encountered it lately
Anyone run into this and know how to fix it?
What happened when she tried clearing the HSTS settings as in the article?
I am replying using Chrome on a mac. It is a reasonably recent version and is working OK.
I am using a Mac Mini about 10 years old. It has 4Gb of memory. It was getting slow recently and I used the “Activity Monitor” to see what was using all the memory. There was a lot of Cached files in memory. So I reduced what was easy to do. I eventually got the memory used down to under 3Gb.
There is a lot of background junk running in Macs. I only have one tab open in Chrome and it is already using 400Mb of memory. It is a bit tedious to work out what can be shut down and how it can be permanently stopped. I had a mapping program that I have not used in years occupying 500Mb of memory.
My “Mail” program is using around 200Mb of memory.
I recommend two things:
1. Update Chrome if it is not already the latest.
2. Use activity monitor to see how much of the system memory is being used. If close to capacity then shut down the things not needed.
There are bugs in some simple things like print drivers that can use a huge amount of memory and CPU time.
I ran a Mac Mini for many years and it used to regularly bog down. Replacing the HD with a SSHD helped a lot but getting the new one with the Apple M1 chipset was a grand well spent.
I use Brave browser because of its built in ad blocker. I doubt Jo gets ad revenue otherwise I would whitelist this site.
Jo doesn’t get any automated Ad revenue. Perhaps I’m crazy, but I detest the flashing distracting ads on other sites, which are often about Pro-solar stuff because of “keywords”. I occasionally accept customized Ads from groups that align with readership interests. There is some freedom in running off small donations, which I am very grateful for.
Jo , it’s a while since I’ve looked in on your site but kudos to you for still fighting the good fight ,I’ll be making a donation this Xmas ,goodwill to you and yours , all the best to everyone this Xmas from Dave
I am now using Safari for this comment.
Shutting down Chrome released 700Mb of memory. There were 6 instances of Chrome Helper running that was gobbling up memory. I only have 1 extension on Chrome and yet it was consuming an enormous amount of memory. Safari is consuming around 200Mb with a single web page open.
I have a dozen of those “Helper” files open on Brave but with 8Gb of memory its OK. I used to manually delete them when my old one got slow.
I’m NOT telling windows users to change to Mac but I stick with mine because it has the same “look and feel” it has 20 ago.
Rick, My wife and I just purchased a new HP laptop. Any suggestion on how to set it up?
Try the Chromium browser instead. It’s the upstream version of Chrome before Google starts messing around with it. I find it works really well plus it can run all the Chrome browser extensions/addons as well.
I am running Google Chrome on iMac with around 89 tabs open (bit slack – clear browsing data once a week) – also running Firefox with multiple tabs, both with AdBlock Plus and AVG VPN, and use Safari when need to look at site that blocks AdBlock Plus
iMac running fine with all 3 browsers
Wish I could help but unfortunately I use Linux on PC haqrdware and don’t have any of those problems which I regard as fortunate for me.
It’s totally reliable. I have a couple of browsers:
umm, nope, six. Three are mozilla based and the other three are chrome-based. 😀
Brave isn’t one of them. I went looking for a linux version a couple of years ago but it took a bit to find one. I tossed the idea when I read the installation destructions — too much effort for too little return.
I understand you completely, Hanrahan.
I have a Mac but there is no way I would run Google’s Chrome browser on it – it is bound to be inherently biased against sites which peddle “disinformation”.
? It is just a browser.
btw I run firefox and chrome and safari on an imac and have not encountered problems. It is hard to advise on a problem without being able to reproduce it.
Safari: it’s an Apple screw of Open Source Code from the KDE project. It’s on my machine under it’s KDE name (I use the KDE environment) but I seldom use it
(That makes 7 browsers. Forgot about that one!)
GA, you should attempt to open some of links provided to you to help with your education.
While you are reading and reciting the approved narrative, you will enjoy a rails run to your final confused internment in our own Gulag Archipelago.
History tells us the left eventually comes for their own.
mmmm just a browser. So innocent isnt it?
Had china flu dose 1 for your freedoms back, only to be told you now need 2 jabs, but don’t want jabs 3, 4, 5 … 7, 8 …
Join the freedom fighters.
We will welcome you with open arms …
“Australians are likely to soon need a third dose of vaccine to qualify as fully vaccinated, as new evidence points to the Omicron variant’s resistance to vaccines and more cases of the strain emerge around the country.” (paywall)
How does that aussie song about mandates go again?
It started in England, Their full version is good.
It would funny if the barmy army added it to their limited repertoire at the cricket.
I may start watching the cricket again if they did that, I stopped supporting the serial cheats and takers of the knee.
Do you have the flu jab? The advice is to have a jab every year. Looks as of Covid jab will go the same way
Not much point in having a jab for last year’s virus, right?
Looks like covid jabs will go the same way.
Better to bolster the immune system , wouldn’t you say?
Yeah, dopey stuff. I had a great discussion with my 95 year old mother this evening regarding a booster!!! shot. she said she would have it in order to protect other members of the family. Bless her. Generations with a sense of duty I guess, but she is suspicious about all of this. Good on her for that, but I suggested that not presenting ones self in harms way is the best thing.
Don’t have flu jabs, haven’t had a Covid jab.
I was last sick during NZ’s SS (Sickness Season) in 2014 apart from a very mild influenza in 2017.
(Since then I’ve been more careful and haven’t caught a thing.)
I follow the science: etc.
I think they have a lot in stock that they want to get rid of before expiry.
Diktator Dan said in a press conference that by April if you have not had three Jabs you are considered unvaxxed
“…..and statistics”
“LONDON, England (LifeSiteNews)
“— Researchers from Queen Mary University in London (QMUL) have discovered anomalies in COVID-19 vaccine data indicating that the narrative supporting the effectiveness of the jabs is “massively exaggerated” and that the vaccines expose recipients to a risk of “increased mortality.”
“The most likely factor for the erroneous statistics has to do with government authorities misclassifying those who have died within 14 days of a COVID injection as “unvaccinated.”
““In fact, if you take account of the fact that newly vaccinated people [who] die, [are] likely being misclassified as unvaccinated—because that’s the most likely explanation for the strange things in the data—then you get to the conclusion that the vaccines don’t seem to reduce the all-cause mortality, but rather produce a genuine spike in all-cause mortality shortly after vaccination,” he summarized.
With great glee, the Australian government and the Victorian gvt have announced a Moderna factory will be built in Victoria to manufacture mRNA products. Jobs, jobs, jobs. I hear.
Hang one, we have a wonderful Australian vaccine company already in Victoria called CSL that would never touch mRNA vaccines with a bargepole.
Does this mean the Feds are embracing mRNA technology with all of its flaws, forever ?
Does this mean booster shots way into the future ?
It is not the company that concerns me, but the flawed mRNA vaccines that should be phased out as rapidly as possible, as their risk profile is way too high.
I believe it means that public money is being redirected into yet another pocket.
Think of it more along the lines of looting the piggy bank, than any particular plan or design. Not much different to the guys in hoodies smashing glass in the jewellery store … only working at a bigger scale.
There’s one distinct advantage that mRNA technology has over older type vaccines. Its production capacity is far greater. So logistics win over adverse health concerns. Hence, the worldwide push for that technology because Big Pharma thought they would be vaxxing the world. mRNA tech is not new, its been around for years but because of the health concerns with it and the lack of widespread long term testing the owners were reluctant to push it. I can remember Moderna pushing the mRNA tech at their launch. Initially they proposed that their vaccines could be delivered via band aid type delivery with micro needles. So you could actually administer it yourself. Then along came COVID – an mRNA tech company’s wet dream. I just don’t get why the Australian govt are subsidising this facility -if its a stand alone profit making venture then it doesn’t need government assistance. Particularly when its not even an Australian company!!
Because, stake holder capitalism, its a combining of public (money) and private industry for the benefit of all share holders of that private industry. i.e.: every member of parliament.
Call it a Technocracy.
aka Fascism…
The pharmaceutical VHS v Beta video war equivalent that obviously many have missed. Starting back in 2017 the production of the flu vax began officially moving from egg based to mdck (Madin Darby canine kidney) based. Italy was one of the first to go total mdck. This change meant that vast quantities of vaccine can be produced much quicker than the old way of using eggs. The USA only partially introduced mdck flu vaccine for the 2019/20 flu season because not all of the virus supplied was solely mdck with some of it still cultured in eggs as well. For the 21/22 flu season all 4 flu viruses used in the cell based vaccines will have been cultured in mdck.
In Australia our flu vaccine remained egg cultured but if you wanted the canine experience you could have had it for $10 a shot. Guess that will be different next winter, not sure.
So in the space of the last couple of years we have new technology animal cell based flu shots and new technology mRNA inoculations against the latest supposed animal disease (bat?) – what could possibly go wrong.
Oh, and just to close on a positive note zoonotic diseases now account for 60% of diseases in humans and 75% of new emerging diseases so getting our health “solutions” from animals may be a logical step for/backward. Trouble is the (vhs) mRNA model has suffered a backward step with its attempt to capture the flu market so (beta) mdck may be with us a bit longer.
Either way if you suddenly get the urge to bite the mailman, chase cars or lick your nether regions don’t worry its just part of the next step in our evolutionary process toward a global animal farm.
How about the vaccine developed at Flinders Uni which Jo wrote about a couple of days ago. Why do we need Moderna here producing injections proven to cause death. Maybe the real bio weapons are the mRNA injections and not the Wu Flu.
From Sydney Morning Herald, 14 August 2021.
“CSL’s planned mRNA factories would produce 50 million doses in four months”
The new Zyklon…?
Much more efficient too. It is zlow enough that the zubjects dizpoze of themzelvez
A message for parents from Dr. Robert Malone.
TedM. Also a clear explanation of how the gene-therapies damage children’s hearts much more than a normal heart infection…Only 1.16mins. McCullough is a world-leading cardiologist…..Only 1.16 minutes…
The Canadian experience, so far:
From the source article linked by SDA
The booster given was the full 100 micrograms Moderna shot – the ones we allow kids to be shot with but which are banned for under 30’s in the Nordic countries (outright in Iceland), France and Germany.
Our system is so corrupt. We need a ‘revolution’ and those responsible need to face jail time/loss of their jobs.
The vaccine side effects were more serious for those seniors who had already had covid. The medical/scientific reason for this is likely the nursing home patients are so Vit D deficient their immune systems do function correctly/completely.
It appears also that vaccine side effects were more serious for those seniors who had already had two vaccine shots.
This is a google translation, French to English from the link.
“Dr Zhang and doctors practicing in nursing homes it manages observed “many many many side effects” among seniors who had the Covid-19 and had already received two doses, unlike those who had not contracted the disease.
The vaccine operation began on October 18. Residents were given a third injection of Moderna vaccine. Soon after, many seniors suffered from high fever and saw their general condition deteriorate (loss of appetite, weakness, fatigue and lethargy), says Dr. Zhang. “In some more severe cases, the person had difficulty breathing and the oxygen level dropped,” she adds. Seniors have also found themselves in delirium, according to the doctor.
Shaken by the situation, the CIUSSS du Center-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal team stopped the third dose 48 hours later in seniors who had already had COVID.”
In a moment I’m going to go outside and do something positive; I need to try and counter the sense of Doom I feel about our situation.
The Austrian situation was probably what sent me from having hope to the other extreme; feeling that “they’ve got us”.
A week ago I went to vote at the local government elections facility; one of the administrative staff was a well known, heavy duty, left winger.
I knew that Europe was a mess but the last year of watching the collapse of the USA has been seriously demoralizing.
Then, once Great Britain, once the home of democracy, now aligned with the present U.S. administration in bringing aliens across borders?, set up with what they need and given immediate voting rights. Huh? This is serious.
To imagine that we aren’t right up there with them is Wring, biggly.
We are in deep doo doo, very deep.
Wrong, highly, as Trump would say.
Now, must mow the lawn, in the belief that they won’t take my house from me.
If it is an ICE mower they may outlaw it. Enjoy!
I don’t use ICE.
Junkies never admit to it 🙂
That reminds me ; somewhere in the back of the shed I have a 40+ yr. old electric lawn mower. Probably just needs some new capacitors- has a Wolf (German) electric motor.
But the only reason to mow lawns is to mulch the grass, so that the increased fertility makes the lawn grow faster for longer?
IIRC yours ought to be from UK
that is not far off –
Its not about left or right, old allegiances have collapsed under the weight of the pandemic.
You missed the point, again.
What’s a highly political person doing in a supervisory role at an election?
Surely his bias is restrained by his supervisory role.
In a society where morality was absolute and practiced.
But c’mon man, this is 2022, the year after OBiden “won” the election.
America is not the world.
was recently having thoughts (it hurt a little bit) about the US Civil War as it relates to “our situation.”
Most people here in the US will say emphatically that it was about slavery.
I ask, “if civil broke out in America today, what would it be about?”
Most respond with a confusing list from abortion to climate change, hate speech, the 2nd Amendment, gender identity, Trump and white you know what.
No one has a single clear issue.
I have little doubt that the same question asked in 1860 would get the same myriad of answers.
Remembering that Lincoln produced the Emancipation Proclamation well into the war, freeing only the slaves in the “rebellious states”.
The conflict we are now facing, has Nation vs. Global identity at it’s core.
Just as the US Civil War was really about State identity Vs. Nation identity.
Lincoln asked R.E Lee to lead the Federal Army, but Lee chose Virginia over America.
Slavery became the great historical moral reason to simplify and cope with the tragedy.
And here we are again, if civil conflict breaks out (kinda already is) in Europe, the Underside, or the US, the main issue will be Nation vs. Global identity and governance.
If ‘Global’ identity wins, the winners will claim it was about ‘saving the planet’ in order claim the horrific spectacle was an unavoidable ‘moral’ imperative.
Interesting that slavery was used to hide the real issues of personal power and wealth.
There’s money gushing around the Global Warming sink and around the Jabbs.
Money rules.
The elites rule ; always have, except at the beginning of a people’s revolution. Then they rule again at the end of the revolution.
Good one.
Yes, it’s cyclical.
Did you notice the Austrian government who are intending to enforce the fines was a conservative government?
I agree. There’s corruption across the full spectrum of politics and it’s not focused anywhere in particular.
What does conservative/liberal ; left/right; black/white have to do with fascistic elitism?
Answer : nothing at all.
“What does conservative/liberal ; left/right; black/white have to do with fascistic elitism?”
I read a comment not long ago that stated
“There’s a reason the Left have been at war against the teaching of real history for the last several decades…
So history can be repeated with another national socialist.”
I found that most surprising as I had thought it general knowledge that the Nazis, despite initially having the word Socialist in the name of their Party, were very far to the Right.
The National Socialist party was founded in 1920 and was initially left leaning but Hitler, who joined the party shortly after its creation, had by July 1921 achieved nearly total control of the Nazi political and paramilitary apparatus
In the Weimar Republic (1919-1933) the left consisted of the Communists (KPD) and the Social Democrats (SPD). The Center consisted of the Democratic party (DDP), the Catholic Center Party (Z) and the People’s Party (DVP). The right consisted of the German Nationalist Party (DNVP) and the National Socialist Party (NSDAP-Nazi).
Hitler allied himself with leaders of German conservative and nationalist movements, and in January 1933 German President Paul von Hindenburg appointed him chancellor. Hitler’s Third Reich had been born, and it was entirely fascist in character. Within two months Hitler achieved full dictatorial power through the Enabling Act. Iin April 1933 communists, socialists, democrats, and Jews were purged from the German civil service, and trade unions were outlawed the following month.
I doubt very much “the Left have been at war against the teaching of real history for the last several decades” as the real history is the Nazis were far right Fascists. No Lefty is going to that up
The conservatives in post WW1 Germany were the industrialists and the military/monarchists. The NSDAP were socialist nationalist with atavistic idealism. The Left/Communist were internationalist and of course anti capitalist.
The NDSAP which h was founded in 1920 on Socialist principles was transformed by 1921 into the far right Nazi party.
So, the destruction of statues, altering of works of literature, re-naming of landmarks, smearing of reputations of historical figures, censorship of information, all by the left, is not part of the war against the teaching of real history? What is it, then?
one of the possible objections to that is the ease with which Communists would switch to Nazis and sometimes back again. Patrick Leigh-Fermor A Time of Gifts.
The other might be that the Nazi party was a small group considered as dangerous by the industrialists and Nationalists. It was only around 1928 that they became more influential nationally when a lot of funding started flowing into their coffers. It has been said that a number of big industrialists decided that a build-up in arnaments would boost their revenues, e.g. Krupp (convicted at Nurnberg).
The Nationalists were a separate party but their leaders decided to back Hitler because they thought they could control him.
Another is to compare the death tolls by undoubted Fascists in Italy, Spain, Argentina, Chile and Greece, (repulsive and murderous certainly) with the death tolls in Communists in China, Cambodia, Vietnam, North Korea etc. Which group would you place the Nazis in?
And I won’t labour the change in Big Business attitudes toward Environmentalists.
New Zealand embraces gender ghosts as the national religion
When you’re ruled by a lank-haired communo-fascist, you need to accept there’ll be continual expansion of govt regulation; less and less freedom of choice; and coercion + blackmail to do what you’re told.
NZ’s getting all of that — and COVID-19 was the foot in the door — it’ll be held there as long as possible so she can usher through her shopping list of communo-fascist policies.
Ultimately, it’s all an audition for a big role at the United Nations, parachuted in by her chums at the WEF.
Of course nothing she does will hurt the billionaires — that’s the deal.
Well, Jacinda describes herself as a social democrat according to Wikipedia.
I complain that these that days most politicians consider politics as a valid career in itself.
It used to be the case that conservative pollies brought some private sector experience with them and participation was largely an opportunity to ‘give back’.
Labor pollies mostly came up through the ranks of the union movement.
As a result, both sides could be said to have come from positions where they had ‘skin in the game’ either as a business owner or a worker so everyone on both sides knew the score.
Not these days, though. Conservative aspirants have less and less business experience and the Left are more likely to arise via their political party ties.
Jacinda Ardern is just another example of a pollie who never had a real job in her life unless you count her time at a fish and chip shop – literally a burger flipper.
The difference here is that Pauline Hanson owned the fish shop.
I reckon the Left have done a better job of this, too. They’ve now established pathways to political power without any underpinning support from the people.
And it shows, too. They’re less concerned about promoting good policy and much more interested in establishing beach heads.
She describes herself as a “pretty communist”.
I wonder who and from where her puppet strings are operated?
As I hear it she was quoting someone else.
I have a problem with this view. The bolded bit.
Today, the New Zealand government banned smoking for the next generation. Not a mention is made of the social cost of criminalising smoking, an activity that is disproportionately prevalent among Māori and Pacific Islanders – a demographic already over-represented in prison.
You don’t get to be “over represented in prison” unless you are punching above your weight in committing crime.
There are members of the mentioned demographics who should not be there, but are.
the always leave out the because statement, over represented because ……………….?
the only response is to look away from criminality and play the victim, as though the very thinly spread police go out looking for innocent people of whatever victim class to arrest, and the the legal system dares to convict and sentence them.
Actions have consequences.
Sorry, Kids, Monsters Really Do Exist
I think that perhaps Scoddy said :-” Strailya ease a prowed fasceest neyshun”.
It’s possibly just a slip of the tongue . . . fascist and vaccinate are quite similar.
J.K. Rowling:
War is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery.
Ignorance is Strength.
The Penised Individual Who Raped You Is a Woman.
What!? The CDC has Different Guidelines for the Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Regarding Tornado Warnings
If I may Old Ozzie, so no one misses the punchline:
<a href=""
Also this. Masks are effective for other things.
If you may need to evacuate, prepare a “go kit” with personal items you cannot do without during an emergency. Include items that can help protect you and others from COVID-19, such as hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, bar or liquid soap, disinfectant wipes (if available) and multiple clean masks for everyone age 2 or older. Masks should have two or more layers and fit snugly against your face. They should not be used by people having trouble breathing, or who are unconscious, incapacitated, or unable to remove the mask without assistance.
Get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as you can. COVID-19 vaccines help protect you from getting sick or severely ill with COVID-19 and may also help protect people around you.
The risk of COVID-19 in a public disaster shelter is lower for fully vaccinated people. However, precautions should still be taken, as transmission risk in these settings is higher and likely increases with the number of unvaccinated people present. Thus, fully vaccinated shelter residents should continue to follow all rules set by the shelter which may include wearing masks correctly, maintaining physical distance (at least 6 feet), covering coughs and sneezes, and washing hands frequently.
CDC Doktor Faux-Xi’s latest scienterrific study:
“[so-called] C0V!D-19 den!ers and mask-hesitant anti-whackers cause 97% of
global warming climate emergencywhirly-whirly tornadoes due to excess carbon dioxide being exhaled into the atmosphere: Mask-up and don’t talk to your neighbors [sic], because Science™.”Also referred to as the ‘Suck it up, petal’ paper.
“scienterrific study:”
It looks more scientological to me. How much does it cost to get in?
I knew I should’ve updated my 1942 Odham’s Dictionary long ago:
TERRIFIC, adj. dreadful, huge, vast, violent, evoking terror by hugeness or violence. Latin [terrificus].
Like climates, words change too, often by 180° 🙂
“If you are not vaccinated, find a vaccine”
Very helpful. I found a vaccine while vacuuming under the cushion of my couch. (I’ve been looking for it for months. Can’t remember what it was for.) Injected it immediately as there were imminent tornado warnings.
I can’t feel my left arm. Fortunately I’m right handed.
They don’t mention any specific vaccine. I like choices. I go for the gluten free vax, with pumpkin spice and lavender.
Good to know vax centers will remain open during climate disasters.
Can’t wait for the CDC vax safety guidelines during riots.
A great demonstration of how disconnected from reality they are
Omicron may be the more effective vaccine if it continues to present mild symptoms and spreads through the populations quickly. Treat with IVM and other anti-virials and soon many may develop natural immunity far more effective than provided by the mRNA vaccines?
“Alan Jones’s debut episode of his online show”
Shock! Horror!
The Papua-New Guinea strain is on it’s way; all bow down in fear to the PNG strain …
… warn experts.
These goalposts are getting a bit too cheeky.
They’re teeing up a new variant so they’re ready to herd people toward the Fourth booster.
Less about moving toward herd immunity,
more about moving toward a herd community.
But, the Shepherds keep us safe and provide for all our needs.
The gelding is for our own good.
Yes Bruce, the Never Ending Story.
We used to call it Papua you gime, some things never change.
Love it. Come in KK!
The cause of the recent US tornadoes.
‘The violent weather was caused by interaction with the East Pacific tropics, Gulf of Mexico and cold snow-covered areas to the north and enhanced by a vigorous jet stream and low-level jet out of the western Gulf.’ (Climate Impact Company)
Jim Steele has a vid up at wuwt on the tornadoes.
‘The video examines the weather dynamics that led to the outbreak of tornadoes devastating Kentucky and the Mississippi River Valley region. Unusual cold, not warmth, plus the North Atlantic Oscillation and Bermuda High Pressure system are shown to be the main natural dynamics generating the storms and refutes the ambulance-chasing climate change journalists that fear-monger attribution to climate change.’
I disagree that its not climate change, it is a global cooling signal and Hubert Lamb would support me on this.
Tony Heller has a newspaper clipping from 1917 describing a 293-mile-long trail of devastation from one (1) tornado back in the good old days before we ruined everything.
Last weekend’s Kentucky touchdown was reported as an “unprecedented 223 miles long”: observed, recorded history – what’s that?!
I went looking for the record December monthly rainfall for Palmerston North this morning .
I found the records for a place called “Palmy” but the records began in 2009.
So almost everything is ” unprecedented “.
Heard a train went off the rails down Palmy way today after a little overnight rain washed away the tracks (nobody hurt, was an empty goods train). This has never happened before – PANIC!
I just wonder what Hubert Lamb would make of all this. University East Anglia used to be called the university of last call (last resort) but Lamb was the maker of the school of paleontology. I knew one of his students ; one “Jack “Hobbes at New England University who had the task of biting his lip on political matters regarding certain matters.
Paleoclimatology that is.
It is recorded the HH Lamb just before his demise warned his ex-colleagues at the Climate Research Group about exaggerating the effect of carbon dioxide.
The Bab Bee presents the new Pfizer punch card which gives you a free shot with every 10th booster.
Poorly written article. They don’t even tell you which sub-sandwich company.
I’ll stick with my Moderna free movie tickets.
Just yesterday:
Germany seems determined to freeze Germans this coming winter.
It’s all happening in Germany & Austria.
Why don’t we see this on the news?
For the same reason we don’t see the ‘yellow vest’ protests in France that have been ongoing for three years now. Three years!
Police arrested and drag off “Santa Claus” today at a Christmas market in Germany because he was not wearing a mask.
Tens of thousands packed the streets of Vienna, Austria today to protest against compulsory vaccination and the ongoing segregation and lockdown of unvaccinated persons.
I can see why Great Grandad Wishnowsky beat the feet out of Prussia , or whatever it was called at the time.
Got out in the bottom of a cart-load of hay , according to family lore.
That’s crazy. Ukraine steals gas [I guess that’s Russia’s loss] and has a usurious attitude to charges. It is a rogue state and should not be supported.
The two Alexs of the duran are well informed about that part of the world.
Ukraine is a failed state, and that’s probably a gross understatement.Some very wealthy people have longed to possess it , for a very long time .
They’re up against a fairly determined Russia. As always.
It has long been the desire of the EU to expand into eastern Europe, and with the collapse of the USSR they got Poland, Hungary, the Baltic states, Czechoslovakia, then Bulgaria, Romania, parts of what used to be Yugoslovakia etc. Financially their drive for a Single State was expensive, still incomplete and annoying to the Russians.
The EU still want The Ukraine. The Russians don’t want it (or the part they don’t controll) but they DO NOT Want NATO troops at their border.
Think; what was the reaction of the USA to russian missiles in Cuba.
Should Nordstream2 start-up then Gazprom will shut down the pipeline through The Ukraine (possibly with the excuse of its age) and there with be real financial hardship there (and the EU will have to bail them out).
Putin warned? (joked?) Germany about shutting down their coal-fired and nuclear power stations in 2011. He foresaw an opportunity and pushed for the new pipeline that avoided crossing nations, with German agreement. Now they are short of electricity and have had to restart shut-down coal-fired plants (temporarily they say) because wind and solar isn’t supplying enough. The incoming coalition in Germany thinks that the answer is more turbines and solar panels and probably hopes for more gas from Norway (except the Norwegians have developed mechanical problems reducing supply – but leaving more for Norway in this winter).
North Atlantic sea ice during the early and mid Holocene.
Did you read the paper and come to the same conclusion?
Its been known for ages that current levels of Arctic sea ice are far above what its been for most of the last 10,000 years.
We see here, yet another study that confirms this.
The basic graphs and data are clear. Meaningless comments don’t change that.
The Holocene Climate Max was warmer and obviously less Atlantic sea ice.
I take that as a no
I take it you don’t have anything relevant to add… at all.
Current levels of Arctic sea ice are far higher than for most of the last 10,000 years
This paper is yet another that confirms that reality.
‘I take that as a no.’
What part of yes don’t you understand.
Whenever the world was warmer, there was less sea ice in the North Atlantic. The Titanic sank during a Gleissberg Minimum, more sea ice.
Leaf, sea ice is really lean down south, do you think an increase in CO2 is responsible?
I have no idea why the melting of floating ice is of any concern? Like increasing CO2, I can only see the good side, including slight warming regardless of any suggestion that CO2 is involved, which it is not.
The North Pole summer average is 0C and it can reach 23C but the winter average is -40C.
Can anyone explain why if all the ice melted in summer (it cannot melt in winter), it is a bad thing let alone catastrophic. The sea level will not rise at all. Vast areas of deep and thick snow and ice melt and rush to the oceans across Europe, Russia, Canada and America. And they can have wonderful if short summers. All the life heads north for the summer in mass migrations. But cities do not drown. And the polar bears sit on the brown dirt for months every summer now.
My only idea is that people think that the oceans will rise. Or Greenland will melt. But it is a massive iceblock 1.5Km high (and Antarctica is 3.5km high). And the Polar bears would be fine. Plus a huge amount of fast, cheap sea trade would be possible. So I have to conclude it is part of mass deception, expecting that most of the public would be quite unaware that if all the floating ice melted, the sea would not rise at all. By Archimedes principle, ice takes up the same sea volume as the water from which it was made, ignoring the tiny difference between fresh water and salt water.
Sea ice during the MWP would be the same as now, a little underdone. Nobody can deny we are in the Modern Climate Optimum.
Apparently it can sink ships!
Well the floating is can be a hazard. Best when it melts. Does not raise sea level.
Here is another example of hyper anxiety.
Doomsday Glacier? It is just some floating ice breaking off!
Sir Joseph Banks (as President of the Royal Society) wrote an official letter to The Admiralty in 1817 about the large loss of sea ice along the east coast of Greenland and setting of the search for the North-West Passage.
And I occasionally point out that you cannot extract ice cores from Greenland showing proof of 800.000 years of climate change and then claim that the ice sheet could melt “real soon”.
Ivermectin vs non Ivermectin
Climate Heretic
How reassuring to know our Govt does its research. This mornings announcement of the manufacturing of the Moderna mRna in Melbourne just after the release of confidential data results of its biological carrier minus the toxic spike protein.
In short it showed at the 100 ug recommended dosage a 52% grade 2 moderate adverse reaction in victims over the age of 50 compared with 8% with placebo.
So roll up, roll up come & get your Moderna carrier shot that will make you sick & as an added benefit just add a splash of spike.
Info from 2.45 mins onward.
More disinformation, this time from New Zealand
Registered [33 year old] Nurse Suffers Pericarditis from Pfizer Shot – Put in Hospital Section for Vaccine Injured as She was 7th Patient Admitted That Day for Heart Issues Following COVID Shots
Video interview in the linked article
Why “disinformation”? I don’t get it. Could be brain-fade.
Just going with the narrative
Of course . Silly me.
St Jaci; keeping everyone safe
Biotech elites’ revolving door exemplified by Dr. Dsemond0Hellman
microscopic blood clots from the “vaccines”
“FLOOD THE ZONE”–strategy of Event 201!!“
Strangely this link takes one to “Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist.” but the margin link at that page, which has the same value, succeeds.
Steve of Cornubia, December 4, commented that after a bite when walking the Grand Canyon, he has experienced years of unexplained illness.
He said the symptoms seemed similar to a description of Post-Viral Syndrome, which itself sounds as if it has similarities to some (but not all) symptoms commonly experienced in Long Covid – and to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis plus some diseases which are not associated with viruses but with bacteria or other microbes, such as Lyme Disease.
Immune system response is one point that they often seem to have in common, but all of them have their complexities; they are not the same as each other, and individuals can experience them differently. Sufferers have often been told “it’s all imaginary”, misdiagnosed, and denied early treatment.
It does seem though, that research into Long Covid may have promising implications for these diseases.
Lyme practitioner and researcher, Dr Steven Phillips has written a book ‘Chronic:The Hidden Cause of the Autoimmune Pandemic and How to Get Better Again.’ He and his co-author Dana Parish, who has Lyme, are interviewed by Dr Been. 75 mins.
Christine Anderson is a German politician, and a member of the EU parliament.
Hear this hard hitting short speech where she tells the truth about governments.
“Pharamceutical companies are as interested in your health as arms dealers are in world peace.”
Perhaps Australian Politicians could grasp that statement
“Pharamceutical companies are as interested in your health as arms dealers are in world peace.”
“Perhaps Australian Politicians could grasp that statement”.
You’re at risk of being described as excessively optimistic , I submit.
Q: What do you sell to the man who has everything?
A: You sell him a gun, so he can protect what he has.
Q: What do you sell to the man who has everything and even has a gun as well?
A: You sell him a bigger gun, because in the meantime you have also been selling guns to the gang across town who are getting ready to raid him.
A British group has filed a complaint in the International Criminal Court and it includes such people as Mike Yeadon and John O’Looney.
A complaint has been filed with the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on December 6th, 2021 by a team from the UK on behalf of the people alleging crimes committed by UK government officials and international world leaders of various violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression perpetrated against the peoples of the UK.
Howie Carr: Dementia Joe Biden wants you to get ‘vaccillated’ at ‘CVC’
“Vaccilating the world is not just a moral tool.”
But what about all the would-be booster persons out there who’d prefer not to get vaccilated?
“We’re we we we have promising new arrival pills excuse me anti-viral pills.”
Of course both the vaccilations and the arrival pills will be safe, because the feds are here to help you — “to get such vaccines renewed reviewed and renewed reviewed and approved if they’re needed.”
Dementia Joe again invented a new government Panic web address — “” — but don’t worry, happy days are here again.
“We’re in a very different place as we enter the month of December this month compared to where we were last uh last September last Christmas.”
Just as he can never quite figure out if it’s morning or afternoon, months have become increasingly tough for Joe — “If you got vaccinated before January 1 — excuse me, June 1.”
Sincerely, what? All kidding aside, Dementia Joe, nobody thinks you’re president. The only question is: Who is, really? I sincerely mean it.
From the Comments
Hunter Biden shovelling snow
Nice lines.
“we we have promising new arrival pills excuse me anti-viral pills”. Comic tragic. “End of message”
And even Joe has no idea he is President. Occasionally he thinks Kamala is President and then he realises she is not Barack Obama.
The honeymoon is over.
‘Latest poll ratings spell disaster for Biden presidency.
‘Americans are turning against Joe Biden’s handling of crime, the economy and the pandemic. Even his attempts to lead the world on climate change have backfired.’ (Oz)
What have the MSM got left now?
Two thirds of Americans see the Democrats as “out of touch with the concerns of most people.”
Well Joe could never be accused of vacillating. He plunges inexorably towards fatally flawed decisions for the US. Full speed ahead!!
Scotty from the trading post has now cancelled the contract with the French for Helicopters and is redoing it for US Blackhawks. Probably could not get diesel engines to fit with the add blue tank.
How many $$$ you pi$$ed this time Scotty. And yes it was the liberal government who voted for the French heli’s.
$400 million wasted getting a nuclear sub manufacturer to install diesel with associated add blue tank.
This man (that word should not be used with this tosser) and the entire party is a train wreck, are they intentionally trying to bankrupt us.
I DDG’ed helicopter contract cancelled, appears to be a world wide trend in cancelling contracts.
That’s because the helicopters were useless. Often none of them were airworthy and they had to rent private helicopters. These are very expensive bits of machinery and they must work. The real issue is with the hundreds of billions of dollars of our money being spent on rubbish. Who cares if it is French? As long as it works. But the bill for the submarines which were never expected to work had already passed $250BILLION. It’s what happens when the Australian Senate is controlled by the Greens in the name of State’s Rights. Who really wanted a super slow WWII diesel submarine in a nuclear age? We have no diesel in Australia.
The useless was well known before the signing of the contract, but buy they did anyway.
This led to a Defence recommendation to the Minister for Defence in June 2004 that the S‑70M Black Hawk be selected as the preferred aircraft for Phases 2 and 4. Defence recommended and the Howard government ignored.
If you listen carefully, you can hear the crinkle of brown paper bags being passed under the table, and the thud as they bump into scotties head.
“We should note though, at this moment, we’ve seen a lot of defence programs being scrapped or reviewed – The Taipans, the Tigers, the submarines, the Battle Management System,” Mr Marles said on Friday.
“Every time this happens, we are seeing money wasted. Billions of dollars wasted by this Government.
“Billions of dollars wasted by this Government.’
LOL, have they forgotten ‘Bomber Beazley’, how much did that cockup cost the taxpayer.
Yep its been an all in cluster f#ck for many decades but the present tosser has been around that long and had a vote in all of them, we just vote for a different flavour of sociopath.
Planning for replacement of the RAN Collins Class Submarines, Swedish original design that has been upgraded and is called Gotland Class now in Sweden, should have commenced much earlier, but after the Howard Government increased defence budget expenditure (37% in real terms by 2006/07 compared to Labor 1995/96 last Budget) and a commitment for a real 3% increase every year for the next decade from 2006/07, Rudd Labor were voted into Federal Government and they cut back on defence spending and procurement.
“We have no diesel in Australia.”
Or Adblue to go with it. 🙂
To meet the emergency the government needs to waver emissions controls regulations for Diesel engines equipped with computer engine management of Adblue emissions control fluid and allow the computer management system to be turned off.
As it is when Adblue tank runs out the Diesel engine will still operate but at half power, a design system to avoid vehicles being stranded although I heard a truck driver comment that when hauling a heavy load half power makes for a very slow trip.
We have diesel, we keep it stored in the US of A, (emergency reserves) 19 days worth that will only take 25 days to get here.
ooooH hangon, didn’t the GOTUS (Geriatric Of The United States) just release their emergency reserves, hope he got the right valve.
Diesel can be made from coal.
Is it like stamping grapes?
Yes it can.
That is the obvious answer for our security and also for lower prices but the UniParty is not listening.
Its Time (for a change).
I would suggest we just restart our refineries and uncap some wells. The largest untapped oil reserves are under coober pedy.
Brown Coal Liquefaction Victoria successfully ran a pilot plant and proved the tech, offered it to the Aus Government for free, at the time it was more expensive to produce and the intellectual leaders rejected the offer.
From my research the threat of China in the region and elsewhere, and the reinforcement of defence alliances including the QUAD between India, Japan, Australia and United States of America and most recently creation of AUKUS (Australia-United Kingdom-United States) and noting the use by our allies of ADF Bases in Australia since at least 1990 and more recent building up of assets and personnel here and military exercises involving most of our allies regularly in North Queensland, procurement of military assets from close allies has become the priority, particularly from the US and the UK.
It makes sense that in time of war having assets that are the same design specifications provides for replacement, repairs and maintenance security for all concerned.
Remember the last helIcopter contract they canceled in 2008?
A lazy one point three billion dollars of taxpayer money was blown on that.
Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon says the decision to cancel the troubled Seasprite helicopter project, after it has already cost taxpayers up to $1.3 billion, was made on safety grounds alone.
Mr Fitzgibbon said after a thorough examination, the government had concluded it had no real choice but to cancel the deal, which is now running 10 years late.
“The project had to be cancelled on safety grounds alone,” he said.
“The airworthiness and crash worthiness of the aircraft was not up to 21st century standards and it was pretty clear the capability was not likely to be delivered in full.
“Even if it were, it would be another three years and therefore a decade late.
Yeah they should of put a diesel motor in them, they spent most of there life in and under the water. Add blue tank in the co-pilots seat.
Helecopters ?….so 1970s !
Should be stocking up on weaponised AI drones..
And weaponised drone submarines, hundreds of them.
Only hundreds of millions? pffft, Andrews did much better just arguing about a road.
Superstitious wooly thinking and fearmongering would have us believe that the unjabbed are contagious by default.
I am so tired of this trans business. Especially men demanding to be able to compete with women in womens’ sports, which were based on women having their own sports. Now men are demanding to be able to beat women. And bragging about it.
If this was about fairness and equity and equality, how many women are demanding entry to men’s sports? None.
It is simply male high testosterone aggression being displayed and explained as some sort of compassionate equality. There is no point at all in womens’ sports if men are allowed to beat them anyway. The fight for womens’ rights is being devasted by aggressive men claiming to be women for the very purpose of beating them.
How much longer must this farce continue? It is male aggression condoned, pardoned and permitted by men. If men really want to be treated as women or women treated as men, we can have sports and changerooms and toilets in three and only three categories, MEN, WOMEN and CONFUSED. And CONFUSED is a whole lot better than PREDATORY.
Sexist comment.
Women can compete against men, Vanesa and Serena Williams, both competed against the top ranking male (204th) tennis player one after the other and came second. The male had to put down his beer and/or cigarette for the short time on the court.
The women’s world cup winning USA soccer team, challenged a schoolboys under 16 soccer team to a match, and came second.
Nothing wrong with second.
Boundary ropes for women’s cricket, low scores in WAFL, women’s tees in golf…
Women deserve to have their sports promoted and be free to compete amongst their own biological gender. But they also should be renumerated with some weighting for relative spectator/viewing numbers rather than equal pay without consideration for this. Professional sports are business enterprises and subsidies should only go so far.
The transgender thing was promoted by the ladies and especially ladies sport, “careful watch you wish for” is unravelling before my very eyes and I am loving it.
When women earn enough to be professional players, their power and athleticism increases. I did not watch much of the women’s big bash but watch most men big bash. However I do watch most of the women international matches. I still have recollections of the Australian women’s team winning the T20 World Cup just before Covid in front of 86,000 spectators.
I expect that Ash Barty will be the most watched Australian tennis player by Australians at the Australian open assuming she plays. She has an incredible brain for tennis and a well-trained ability to dismantle most opponents. She is not a belter of the ball but plays with finesse that even I can appreciate. I would prefer to watch 2 sets of Ash Barty dismantling a heavy hitter than 5 sets of the Joker feigning injuries interspersed with his temper tantrums.
My wife has been involved in midweek ladies tennis for a couple of decades. Her coach was a professional female tennis player when they did not earn much and she raised a family with income from coaching. At fund raising events for the tennis club, she would donate free lessons. Some years back a much younger male player won the lesson but rather than taking the lesson, he challenged her to single set of tennis on his own court. She let him have one point in the six games they played. It was embarrassing for him.
I do not watch much soccer but the one Australian player I like to watch at the present time is Sam Kerr. She is a world class player who can turn a match at the highest level.
As the woman cricket players earn enough to be professional players, their ability is improving. The international players move the same as men. I reckon Tayla Vlaeminck could get a gig in the England test side right now:
She has reportedly bowled at 145kph but that would bear checking.
To much coffee Rick. The topic was men pretending to be women and the ability for them to compete against the women.
There is nothing stopping women from competing against men now, yet they won’t. So the men now have to put on lippy and compete against women, looking forward to the decade of shattered
ceilingsrecords, because, feelings.Bread and circuses.
You are joking right. Are you really unaware that men are. taller, stronger and faster than women?
Look at the world records in all the track and field events. There is a reason they have the Ladies Professional Golf Association and the Women National Basketball Association. The women don’t stand a chance.
You think it is equitable for a 7 ft 3 inches 260 pounds man playing against a 5 ft 4 inches, 110 pounds woman in basketball? What happens in the key when the former charges into the latter. They will have to revive her.
Get a life. You can’t really be living in this alternative universe.
MP is talking in a legal/regulatory sense. Equity has nothing to do with his statement
I am not talking about 7ft 3 inches 260 pound men playing against 5ft 4 inch women, that would be silly and unfair.
I am talking about 7ft 3 inches 260 pound womb less women playing against 5ft 4 inch women, you seem hell bent on discriminating against short people. What do you think, maybe play in high heels to get a height advantage?
It was not I protesting for equal rights for the mentally flawed, that was the ladies and especially the sport ladies, now they reap what they have sown and its going to be a bumper crop.
If you could not see this as an outcome from their constant alphabet peoples rights protests than maybe you should avoid crossing the street unsupervised.
Was it the miss spelling of “what” that threw you off or is your bra to tight?
Anyhows, boys will be girls and look to your left and right before crossing the road. If you require further advice please contact my help centre on 1800 confused.
I get it, English is not your first language.
Sorry, I am speaking in Metric. Its the Bra isn’t it.
as if men have never been amateur lowly paid sports people and had to build everything from the ground up.
Do you see your problem yet, you are trying to use logic in an emotional debate.
Men had to work from the bottom up, the ladies now insist it is equal to land at the top. You cannot lift your game when you think you are at the top of your game.
Its flawed logic in a time of no logic.
Same as you cannot learn anything when you think you know everything. (H/T RW)
Girls shoot clay targets side by side with boys. Lots more fun with girls competing. More girls every year hunting deer with hounds in Victoria.
Female UPenn swimmers demoralized: ‘No matter how much work they put in it, they’re going to lose’
After a tran man ended up being allowed to swim against the girls, the lamenting has begun (and rightly so)
Its about time they stood up and said a resounding, “NO”
Just stay on the blocks when the starter’s gun goes.
How does a GIRL win a sports scholarship to college? There is more to this than silverware.
As stated above.
Gelding is the solution.
Herd equity is achievable.
Drive thru vaccination and gelding centers would be easy to set up.
You’ll get free coffee AND doughnuts(2).
Hasn’t that Morrison fellow already muttered something about sheep?
Quick, close the gate Scotty, the sheep are waking up.
Heatwave to hit the Kimberley region later this week.
Global Warming seems to hit every summer. When will we get some in winter?
Just over a week to go until the longest day , and it doesn’t look like global warming is going to hit before February where I am in the lower North Island.
That’s Autumn in my book; the nights are noticeably cooler. Days can be hot . The hay baler can stay where it is in the shed for now.
Mid twenties here today Mid North Coast NSW however not cold but still cool overnight, air conditioning on warm cycle evenings and woollen blankets still on my bed.
Global Warming?
That;s over. It’s Global Kooling for the next fifty years — the sun entered a Grand Solar Minimum last year,
It will be nice enough in the early days (which is what it is at present) but that won’t last long.
It lost some energy over November …
23-24 degrees here in West Auckland. (That’s low for this time of year! Should be 28 + )
The floods will be starting about now; it’s been raining steadily for 36 hours. Our Wevva Offiss reckons it will rain for another 36 hrs plus. Some poor souls will be spending Christmas cleaning up and that’s only 11 days away.
(see https: )
It will be wet roads tomorrow and I think a lot of cars will fall off the roads from tomorrow on.
Real MAYHEM. I’m not going to stir outside my gate! I wonder how many crashes I’ll hear?
21° max today in Mount ‘rainy’ Maunganui with 94% humidity (via TRG Airport weather app) brrrrr! We hit 28° last week in the sunshine which aroused a few cicadas but that’s history now.
Cyclone Ruby drifting down from the tropics while Metservice is calling for SNOW on the tops around Mt Cook next few days.
Months ago I called a ‘white’ Christmas for this year, just to annoy some Greenie friends. Called the same last year and it ‘flurried’ on Boxing Day, then dumped on New Year’s Day… meh, close enough.
Sophocles it appears the sharp rise of lake Victoria level in 1997-98 was the start of the downturn … the Wolf-Gleissberg.
Don’t worry, it’s coming. Adelaide had ONE Day at 30℃ in November (first since March(?) but it has had another already (35℃) and we are told that we will get 2 more days by Christmas.
About June or July would be nice.
Oh dear, No1 son finally got through the paperwork to start his contract at Hamersley y’day. Doubt we’ll see him in the east for some time
Before Covid, a lot of FIFOs regularly flew back and forth from the Pilbara to everywhere in Aust, including Tasmania and even Lord Howe Island. Racked up a lot of FF points.
Christmas in the Kimberleys, going to be hot, how curious, never happened before.
The zealots are hoping it breaks the record for the hottest evah.
Wind Turbine ruins environments …
He’ll be told to shutup and get back in his box, they are building the rubbish unreliables there because that’s where the power lines are.
Flinders Island 10:37am
Wind 1kw 4%
Solar 94kw 18%
Diesel 405kw 76%
King Island
Wind 374kw 19%
Solar 15kw 1%
Diesel 1177kw 60%
Hope both islands have enough of that blue stuff for the diesel.
“Unexpected and heartbreaking: Thousands flood ABC affiliate’s Facebook page with vaccination horror stories – September 13, 2021”
Well they didn’t expect that, thousands tell horror stories of family and friends who suffered or died because of the vax, not because they didn’t get the vax.
I;m sort of keeping an ear cocked on the Radio. Auckland is going to freed tomorrow and The Exodus is being discussed and what they need for the Road Blocks. It’s going to be MAYHEM.
About a 30% of Aucklanders holidays somewhere else.
I stay home over the holiday season: it’s so quiet, it’s wonderful.
Guess you missed the RNZ item where the tangata whenua spokesperson of Opotiki tells JAFAs in no uncertain terms to stay the hell out of it , vaccinated or not.
And of course Auckland to stay on Red Alert until New Year’s Eve.
I thought Helengrad was on permanent red alert.
Quite a few locations out of Auckland are saying the same thing.
That’s their take on it but it’s the Aucklanders on holiday who spread the money around.
(I’m staying home with my wallet padlocked. 😀 )
The new weather forecast is rain tomorrow morning and now Clearing in the afternoon. That’s an improvement.
I’m not really a thread- bomber.
Honest Injun Jo.
Qantas has announced that the company will purchase “green” jet aviation fuel for four times the price of standard aviation fuel.
I understand that fuel costs are one of the high budget items for an airline?
What was that: go woke, go broke.
Still the same amount of CO2 and oxides of nitrogen.
It’s probably old cooking oil.
If you live near an airport and smell fish ‘n chips…….
But no one points out that grounding the world’s aircraft for two years has done nothing. So why bother?
It’s odd that while Greens claim every storm, every hot day, every weather event is proof of ‘Climate Change’, no one points out that nothing we humans do, nothing at all changes CO2. And isn’t that the point? Not Arctic ice cover or the temperature in Cairo or the snowfall in Moscow but CO2? The world just found out that grounding all aircraft has no demonstrable effect at all on CO2. So why bother with Green fuel?
The graph of CO2 is completely oblivious to all the games of the UN/EU/Greens/China and worldwide aviation lockdown. Better to talk about Polar Bears because they really matter. How much more can airlines be punished? How did 40,000 people make it to Glasgow to talk about not flying?
The insanity is only exceeded by the hypocrisy. And how did the 130 delegates from Nepal get to Glasgow? Yak?
Morrison says ‘we will set up a covid vax plant in Australia’ is will be operational by 2024 , I’m confused, didn’t we used to have a vax manufacturer here already, what was it, er CSL, that’s right, why are we inviting corporate crooks here with a handout to do what we should already be doing for ourselves.
Well, there’s a turnaround, instead of a swimmer being s*xually abused by their coach, a French swimmer was porking his coach’s 13 yo daughter.
The legal age of consent is now 12, as of a couple of months ago. This is a play straight into our politicians laps.
restricted? unrestricted? In which country?
Australia 16, France 15.
The common law applies in the states and territories that do not have specific legislation relating to children’s consent to medical treatment. This common-law position is often referred to as Mature Minor or Gillick competence.
For certain procedures, including vaccination, a child or adolescent may be determined to be mature enough to understand the proposed procedure, and the risks and benefits associated with it. These young people may have the capacity to consent under certain circumstances.8,11
How to assess for capacity to consent to vaccination?
To establish that a child or young person has capacity to consent to Covid-19 Vaccination, the health
practitioner must carry out an assessment to show the patient has sufficient understanding, intelligence and
maturity to appreciate the nature, consequences and risks of the vaccination, and the alternatives, including
the consequences of not receiving the vaccination.
When assessing a child or young person’s capacity, the following issues should be considered (see Consent to
Treatment of Children Circular from the Chief Health Officer Issue No 23 December 2006):
• the age, attitude and maturity of the child or young person, including their physical and emotional
• the child or young person’s level of intelligence and education
• the child or young person’s social circumstances and social history
• the nature of the child or young person’s condition
• the complexity of the vaccination, including the need for follow up and supervision after the health care
• the seriousness of the risks associated with the health care
• the consequences if the child or young person does not have the health care
• where the consequences of receiving the healthcare include death or permanent disability, that the
child or young person understands the permanence of death or disability and the profound nature of
the decision he or she is making.
In the case of vaccinations, it is not complex health care with rare risk of serious consequences, so the
threshold of evidence of the child or young person’s capacity to consent to the specific health care will need to
be lower compared to some other healthcare (such as insitu contraceptive devices and surgical procedures).
Its a slippery slope as 12 year olds are now able to give consent for a medical procedure.
See I have a problem with these mean whatever you like words such as “may” when they should be “shall or must”.
I have been trained not to use these words (May, Might) in instructions as they are open to interpretation, especially when it comes to a persons safety or health.
But nah, an experimental Frankenstein drug is all good.
What are the odds of lockdowns by xmas?
Borders opening, vaxxed carriers moving throughout Oz and even govt tv ads saying outbreaks are likely.
Things are amazingly quiet where I am leading up to xmas – almost as though everyone has gone to their holiday shacks early for that very worry.
I noticed, there is no Christmas spirit this year.
Scotty from sell, swap and buy is in charge of national borders, so there is that.
There is plenty, we went out and bought a load of Christmas spirit yesterday.
Is the bottle drive through still an essential business, I think it was yesterday, but the rules change so often its hard to keep up.
Looking at the Oz ECM there’s years of this plandemic BS ahead. As said before, this will only end one way.
Two ways. Everyone stop complying and the other way.
This is in line with other studies. It roughly halves the death rate. Not something I would be relying on.
In highly vaccinated countries like Australis, the case fatality rate is down to fractions of a percent. Vaccinations are at least 4 times more effective than Ivermectin.
Don’t worry, RickWill. With OAS and possibly ADE kicking in for the rapidly spreading Omicron variant, the vaccinated in Australia will soon be contributing their fair share to the CoViD hospitalisation figures. In Denmark, the vaccinated are catching it at a higher rate than the control group, even in the younger age groups.
What? Oh Dear Rick.
It is. For about a month,maybe.
He obviously meant at killing people.
This comment was bought to you by Pfizer.
to the tune of Daydream Believer
Unless you don’t die by the vaxx 😀
Should you be unfortunate enough to have the snake find cancerous polyps up your butt and the oncologist says to you:
I recommend ivermectin*, with it there will be no need for chemo, surgery or radio. Would you believe him?
* As an example, insert ANY other single drug treatment.
We have come a long way since penicillin was the ONLY way to treat our war wounded. Simple high blood pressure is treated with a COMBINATION of drugs.
Why the bloody hell does IVM have to stand alone, not as part of a suite of drugs as recommended almost two years ago by Dr Zelenco et al.
Well, here’s the thing, after 8 months the vax is totally useless. So on average, after 4 months its 50% effective. A bit like ivm.
But unlike the vax, ivm doesnt have side effects – you’re not going to get a heart attack, or blood clots, or go blind, or get pericarditis etc. If you get covid, you can still use a course of ivm for early treatment, and for that, it is 85% effective. Unlike the vax, at $50 or so a shot, ivm is 50c or so a pill. So whats not to like?
“My neighbor is smarter than your bureaucrat.
Fauci-Free herd immunity. ”
In all seriousness, I think you must get them all in succession.
This seems like a weird problem.
What do they do if they force jabs.
They’ll have to Resilience you for the required weeks for the vax schedule.
Or will they multiple dose you all at once?
Like for punishment.
This all goes to many strange places.
I’m sure they’ve done safety studies on fast track vax scheduling for refuseniks. (Now I’m joking.)
Naah, take 10 jabs, then you’ll be sure it works!
Sorry Scotty has only ordered enough doses (151 million) for you to get 4.5 jabs. BUT Wait! We are going to have a new vaccine factory.
Russia stalls the “climate” octopus. !! 🙂
Southern Norway may be heading into electricity supply issues.
Big effects on EU electricity grid, if Norway doesn’t have a surplus from Hydro !
In breaking news Santa has been arrested for not wearing a mask.
Germany. History books for all germans…
Yes, I saw that, but he is outside! Why the need to wear a mask outdoors? It is hysteria
Surely his beard provided more protection than some flimsy paper/cloth throwaway face nappy? Diaper for those north of Guadalajara.
And Rudolph’s red nose won’t work with a mask over it.
If there’s a foggy Christmas due to Climate Change, there will be no family gatherings AND no toys.
Sobering figures from this post. As Pfizer is the only approved booster injection will we see a big rise in avoidable deaths in Australia.
For got the link
Ben Garrison sums up Australia
in the
Ben Garrison: Make It A Good Spin Billy sums up what all kids are facing from forced Vaccination
Billy, don’t do it – RUN!!!
Topline for Candidates, There Is Only One Donald Trump and Economic Security Is National Security
December 13, 2021 Sundance
“It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old institution and merely lukewarm defenders in those who gain by the new ones.” ~ Niccolo Machiavelli
Never has that quote been more apropos than when considering the MAGA movement and the rise of Donald Trump. Thankfully, we are now in an era when the largest coalition of American voters have awakened to the reality that, to quote the former president: “Economic Security is National Security.”
As we live through the consequences of a Biden administration hell bent on eroding the middle class of the United States, there are numerous pundits contemplating 2024 Republican presidential candidates other than Donald Trump; consider this group the lukewarm defenders Machiavelli noted.
At the same time the leftist coalition, writ large, are apoplectic about the base of the Republican Party now belonging to Donald Trump. This group consists of those affluent Wall Street agents and politicians set on retaining the profits derived from decades of institutional objectives.
Institutional Democrats hate him and institutional Republicans are lukewarm, at best, in defending him.
Both wings of the DC UniParty want a different direction.
In this outline, I rise to explain why Donald Trump is the only option for the America First MAGA coalition; and I make my case not on supposition, but on empirical reference points that most should understand.
Hanrahan might comment on this
“Townsville’s Twelve Days Of Christmas!”
CDC Data, Global Sources Show Majority of Omicron Variant Cases Are Among Fully-Vaccinated
As the evidence of vaccine ineffectiveness begins to mount, the government, big pharma, and the media continue their assault on truth and facts, stating that data presented that shows that vaccines are not as effective as they suggest, is taken out of context or isn’t comprehensive enough. Instead of publishing the complete data, or perhaps showing those “incomplete” portrayals where they are lacking, the CDC and other agencies continue to just tell us to “follow the science,” or even in the case of Anthony Fauci, claim to be the science.
Which brings me back to the point I have been consistently making: Why can government mandate something which doesn’t carry the benefits which it suggests it does? Not that I would ever be for mandating someone receive any substance into their body to which they are opposed, it would certainly be an easier sell to people if there were more benefits, less potentially deadly side effects, and longevity that matched that of natural immunity gained from the recovery of COVID-19 infection. That we can be required to be customers and consumers of any private business for any reason the government deems necessary is a total violation of our freedoms.
Neither government, big pharma, nor the media seem interested in even discussing the matter. Yet, here we are.
Not surprising,….when the “Majority” of the populations are fully vaccinated !
A science museum in Once Great Britain is altering a display about chromosomes and human gender.
There will certainly be a reckoning for Aussies and their CRAZY uptake of TOXIC, clueless S&W.
Another very accurate article from Alan Moran in the The Spectator OZ.
I thought the latest AEMO forcast predicted a DOUBLING of grid demand by 2050 ?
If so i would expect some significant increase by 2030…30% for the sake of argument, to 80 TWh
So 40 TWh will be from Wind & Solar, ,..they will still need 40 TWh from Coal & Gas, …and likely much more for back up on those windless nights . !
So , NO, i dont see how thay can risk shutting down much of that coal generation yet..
……unless they build a lot more Gas to fill in.
This weeks AGW scare report…..
“ Highest temperature ever recorded in the Artic “…38degC.
“Scientists Identify Young Vaccinated People as Source for Omicron Variant
December 14, 2021 | Sundance | 66 Comments”
“What makes this interesting is both the timing and sequence.
The “Delta” variant surfaced and spread during the vaccination program for people over 40 years old.
The “Omicron” variant surfaced and spread during the vaccination program for people under 40 years old.
It’s almost as if… the vaccination and boosters are what creates the variant.”
Because they are not sick, they go about their normal day … and because they have been told that being vaccinated is all the protection you need, they never bother to get tested. This could have been already going for months and months in this population and no one would know about it, because no one looked.
“You Can Observe a Lot by Watching” — Yogi Berra
As the saying has it – “It’s not how many but who”
“Despite High Vaccination Rate Amtrak Suspends Vaccine Mandate, The Background Tells a Story
December 14, 2021 | Sundance | 1 Comment
I suspect people will be losing weight this xmas for the first time ever 😅
Chris Martenson examines the reports of Omicron variant infections. Unsurpisingly, his conclusions are exactly the same as mine.
“80% of US Omicron cases in fully vaccinated people”
“WA Govt bans Aussies from their own homes. I would never have believed it.”
The Beast from the East should turn up in Europe by early January.
“Yep, Biden said it. Out loud.”
“Trust the experts”
CCP backslides on Glasgow promises.
‘Serving and former Chinese senior officials have urged caution on the path towards carbon neutrality, echoing the leadership’s assessment that climate targets “can’t be achieved in just one battle”.
‘Addressing a forum in Beijing on Saturday, former finance minister Lou Jiwei said that while China had said it would “strive to” reach peak carbon emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060, there was a difference between this and “ensuring [those targets would be achieved]”. (SCMP)
Arid conditions may have been responsible for Australian megafauna extinction.
“The Press – Solzhenitsyn: The Prophet”
There’s that high blood flow again, in ultra-fit athletes.
Just sayin’.