Did someone say there’s a hospitalization crisis?

There is a crisis. People are getting stuck for days extra in hospitals and even dying because of nutrient deficiencies that we could easily solve.
A new study from Istanbul shows that even if we negligently fail to correct Vitamin D deficiencies before people get sick, we can still save half of the ones who might die with a cheap vitamin, pumped in hospital for about 1/5000th of the daily cost of an ICU bed.
The mortality rate in the unsupplemented group from 2020 was 11%, but in the supplemented group in 2021 it was 5.5%. Imagine what the mortality rate might be if these people weren’t deficient in the first place?
The study shows us that there is a causal connection between low Vitamin D and more severe Covid. It also shows what a train wreck our medical systems are. For the price of a few dollars we can free up a lot of hospital beds and stop a lot of deaths, and we’ve known this might be the case since the beginning, and we’re still not doing it? The incentives are so screwed in our healthcare systems that we’re waiting for doctors in Turkey to do the trials we should have done in February 2020?
Don’t wait til you catch Covid to get your D3 levels tested.
Sort it out now, and supplement if you need it. And aim for the higher end of the normal spectrum. (And take Vitamin K2 as well, though NOT without doc approval if you are on anticoagulants like warfarin, see comments below).
This new study enrolled 163 people admitted to hospital with Covid who had low to moderate Vitamin D levels (less than 30 ng/ml.) About two thirds of them were then given some whopper combinations of Vitamin D which started with 100,000 IU on Day One, and then continued for up to 7 days with lower doses that ranged from 2,000IU a day up to 100,000IU.
So all these patients were given supersized cumulative Vitamin D doses over the next week of between 224,000IU up to 500,000IU. Staff did blood tests on Day 7 and 14 to make sure they weren’t overdoing it. They compared the new supplemented patients with the survival rates of 867 people admitted to the hospital a year before, whose Vitamin D status was known and who didn’t have comorbidities. It’s not ideal that the earlier group probably were sick with a different variant — the original WuFlu. But random controlled trials seem so cruel when we already have a pretty good idea of what works.
Medico’s will find the study interesting because it assesses a lot of blood markers. Vitamin D levels were a better predictor of hospitalization than things like diabetes and high blood pressure.
We hear all about the “co-morbidity risks” in the media, but Vitamin D appears to be more important.
People who had no comorbidities, who should have been better off, were twice as likely to need a long hospital stay as people with comorbidities who also got Vitamin D treatment in hospital. That applies to people who had Vitamin D in the moderate category — lower than 30 ng/mL.
In our study, ICU referral did not significantly differ between COVID-19 cases without any comorbidities and COVID-19 cases with no other comorbidities but having serum 25OHD levels higher than 12 ng/mL. Besides, there was no significant difference between cases with serum 25OHD levels >12 ng/mL and those with 25OHD levels of <12 ng/mL in ICU stay. COVID-19 cases with no comorbidities, who had no vitamin D treatment, and whose serum 25OHD level was <30 ng/mL had the 1.9-fold increased risk of having hospitalization longer than 8 days compared with the COVID-19 cases with comorbidities, whose serum 25OHD level was <30 ng/mL, who had vitamin D treatment.
At this point, it is important to note that vitamin D treatment shortened hospital stay even for the COVID-19 cases in our treatment group that had comorbidities. Besides, having vitamin D treatment decreased the mortality rate 2.14 times, even in the presence of comorbidities.
Commentators may argue that Covid itself causes low Vitamin D (I asked the same thing myself last year). But this new study shows that the supplementation of D during the illness changed the outcome. It’s likely that people catching Covid who are already deficient are going to have more severe cases, more organ damage and it’s no wonder they struggle to recover for weeks.
A study done long after the active phase of the illness manages to blur the situation rather than
A recent study suggested impaired vitamin D metabolism and elevated PTH levels eight weeks after onset. The study indicated no association between low vitamin D levels and persistent symptom burden, lung function impairment, ongoing inflammation, or more severe CT abnormalities. They suggested that vitamin D deficiency is frequent among COVID-19 patients but not associated with disease outcomes. Cases with severe disease displayed a disturbed parathyroid–vitamin D axis within their recovery phase. [41]. In a study by Mazziotti et al., it was shown that vitamin D deficiency with secondary hyperparathyroidism was associated with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure in COVID19 patients [42]. In our study, PTH levels of COVID-19 cases who did not receive vitamin D supplementation were relatively high. Yet, this level came close to healthy individuals in COVID-19 cases on the 14th day of vitamin D supplementation.
For the record, in Turkey, in the background all patients got quite a few antivirals as well:
All patients received anti-virals (hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, oseltamivir, and favipiravir) and some received anti-cytokine (tocilizumab) treatment, in case of indication, according to current national guidelines.
As a curious aside for medico nerds– there are suggestions that people low in Vitamin D were also low in iron. Though cause and effect is complicated. Even many teenagers in ICU develop anemia in just a week. But low iron means low oxygen carrying capacity which is obviously a bad thing in Covid:
4.2. Vitamin D, Iron, and Hemoglobin
The relationship between iron and vitamin D has been evaluated in three studies [23,24,25,26]. Two studies found a significant positive correlation between serum iron and basal vitamin D concentration, hematocrit, and transferrin saturation [24,26]. In another study, low hemoglobin (Hb) and transferrin saturation was observed in babies with low 25(OH)D and low 24.25(OH)2D [25]. On the other hand, anemia is quite common in critical illnesses. Approximately two-thirds of ICU adolescent patients develop anemia in the first week of admission and anemia at admission to ICU [37,38]. Anemia is associated with an increased low oxygen-carrying capacity and cardiovascular morbidity, potentially prolonging mechanical ventilation duration, thus increasing the total risk for mortality [27]. A study of 475 patients hospitalized in intensive care units showed that, in patients with severe vitamin D deficiency (<12 ng/mL), an oral or nasogastric-mediated single dose of 540,000 IU vitamin D3 administration significantly decreased mortality compared with the placebo group. This effect was not observed in those with low vitamin D levels (20–13 ng/mL) [39]. In another study, it was shown that in adults hospitalized in ICU, 100,000 IU daily for five days and a total of 500,000 IU vitamin D3 treatment increased hemoglobin concentrations over time and acutely decreased serum hepcidin concentrations. This effect was not observed in patients receiving 50,000 IU per day, totaling 250,000 IU [40].
Patients who got 500,000IU restored their hemoglobin levels, but those getting 240,000 did not.
Doctor Mercola writes this study up in The Epoch Times and suggests this program:
One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways of measuring your vitamin D level is to participate in GrassrootsHealth’s D*Action, which is a vitamin D intervention population program. The test is done in the convenience of your home and the results are sent directly to you.
Be aware there are two ways to measure Vitamin D levels and “ideal” or optimal levels of Vitamin D are quite a lot higher than the levels that prevent Ricketts.
Patients’ 25(OH)D levels were divided into four universally accepted categories: deficient (below 50 nmol/L or 20 ng/ml), insufficient (50 nmol/L to 75 nmol/L or 20 -29.9 ng/ml), adequate (75-99.75 nmol/L or 30-39.9 ng/ml), and high-normal (above 187.5 nmol/L or 40 ng/mL).
As I said in April 2020 — Vitamin D affects 200 genes and is implicated in many afflictions. Vitamin D levels also correlate with lower rates of cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, heart disease, dental caries, preeclampsia, autoimmune disease, depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders.
People deficient in Vitamin D are 14 times more likely to get severe Covid. Need I say more?
2021 Nov 12;13(11):4047. doi: 10.3390/nu13114047.
et al (2021) Rapid and Effective Vitamin D Supplementation May Present Better Clinical Outcomes in COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Patients by Altering Serum INOS1, IL1B, IFNg, Cathelicidin-LL37, and ICAM1, Nutrients,https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34836309/
That explains the young British Asian doctors being killed by covid… Prolly nada Vit D.
Also the unfortunate William Angliss Hospital Cas Night shift Nurse who passed as well…
But never stand between Big Pharma and a billion dollar patent
Could be.
The US Medical profession and their universities used to be based on naturopathic medicine. William Livingstone [Rockefeller] was a snake oil salesman. His descendents bought into the Pharmaceutic industry. They began making huge donations to university medical departments. After a while they asked if the could have represenstation on the Univeristy Medical boards. They were let in and then they got rid of the naturopathic system and replaced it with Pharmaceuticals.
We can discuss the many many treatments for Covid19 endlessly but this will not deter the “elites” from their course: nor their aim….the annihilation of the masses via gene-therapy injection. In simple words: ANYTHING is better than a blot-clot injection: even a couple of glasses of filtered water (by mouth!) is more beneficial.
Now, some might think “wow,this is out-there nutjob commentary”, until you give the following a little thought….
In NSW there are currently over 6000 discovered SARS-CoV2 infections per day. Who knows if it isn’t 60,000 undiscovered? In Qld it’s nudging 1000 per day and rising fast. Yet in NSW with only about 45 people in ICU (total ICU beds available: ~4500), and in Qld ZERO ICU (that’s NONE)….the elites are still shrieking “VACCINES FOR EVERYONE NOW”.
Anyone care to explain what the intention of teh “vaxes against nothing” is, if not to do deliberate harm?
In the case of low iron lactoferrin should help, beside the effect it causes to COV itself.
Lactoferrin supplements could aid recovery of COVID19 & Respiratory Infections
JoNova Medical School!
I recall learning quite a bit about Vitamin D and its metabolism at medical school but it was all about the effects of Vit D deficiency on bone growth (Rickets and Osteomalacia).
No one said anything about Vit D and the immune system! That was quite a while ago. Maybe things have changed. Meantime I am leaning more thanks to JoNova.
Vitamin D deficiency also explains the higher rate of covid mortality (and other Vit D deficiency diseases) of darker skinned people in northern climates such as the upper states of the US.
It is not “racism” as the Left claim, it is lack of Vit D.
Even in India, a mostly tropical country but where clothing styles mean people get insufficient sunlight has a very high incidence of Vit D deficiency, hence a high covid death rate.
Vit D Has different effects at different serum levels. Typically the amount recommended in Western countries is enough to prevent rickets but not enough to correct other conditions due to deficiency.
For Indian data see:
Unfortunately, due to Leftist censorship, science realists are laughed at if they mention Vit D defiency is 1) common and 2) related to susceptibility to covid. Only Big Pharma, Big Government and the mass mob of brainless useful idiots of the Left have the answers.
What chance do the black making the cars in Detroit have?
They, like everybody else in the US, can get 50,000 IU of D3 for less than 20 cents per week.
Ah Yes! But who is telling them about this, Lory Lightfoot, the Auto Unions, Fauci, Biden?
They all have megaphones. Waddaya hear? Crickets.
“Unfortunately, due to Leftist censorship, science realists are laughed at if they mention”
Unfortunately, yet another unsubstantiated comment about the “Left”. Where’s the evidence supporting your claim of “Leftist censorship”?
Here is but one example from the US. Note that the term “liberal” is used in the US sense to mean Leftist, not in its classical Eurocentruc sense meaning believers in liberty.
I personally recommend that Leftists DO NOT take Vitamin D or other micronutrients as they are associated with a “dangerous right wing conspiracy”.
Don’t even think of criticizing the Fuehrer, who is always right.
“Where’s the evidence supporting your claim of “Leftist censorship”?”
Regularly demonstrated on this blog Ian. Do you ever bother to read it properly?
If you cannot see the censorship it is very effective.
I have seen a cartoon quip where an officer is speaking to a soldier.
“Jones, I did not see you at camouflage training today.”
The soldier replied.
“Thank you very very much, Sir”.
Evidence! The American President got thrown off social media, just for a start.
Evidence – Google, Twitter, Facebook, MSM, etc., etc., etc. Clear?
Unsaid, but assumed, all doses were oral. I maintain that once you have the rona you cannot afford the delay for Vit D to be absorbed and obesity extends that delay. Calcitriol IV is immediate.
Morning Jo and all,
Fascinating post. And those big numbers.
Some time time back I read that iron and vitamin D are cofactors of each other, which , as I had to discover, means that each requires the other for its own satisfactory functioning. As a result I’ve been taking an iron supplement – one tablet every second day – with my 10,000 IU of D3. (That iron intake is guesswork on my part.)
Will find the reference and post here when successful in that search.
Cheers and Merry Xmas
Dave B
Found it!
And the short explanation:
” Case in point is our discussion here. Interestingly, the relationship between Vitamin D and Iron possibly runs both ways, as the research suggests that each are cofactors for each other. If you don’t have enough vitamin D, you can’t absorb iron properly; if you don’t have enough iron, you can’t have adequate vitamin D levels. ”
Dave B
So we should focus on blood testing for D3 levels and, if blood tests show satisfactory D3 levels (for Covid mitigation), continue doing what you’re doing, whatever that may be. If your D3 level is low, then D3 and iron? Do we know whet level of iron (as expressed in a blood test) is needed for D3 to be absorbed?
G’day Steve
Good question. I’ve not seen anything near an answer, so I’ve taken a shorthand approach: I feel OK and the doc hasn’t commented on my iron level, so I’ve assumed it’s at least sort of OK, but supplemented on a low level just in case. I’m just hoping I don’t start to rust inside, and that it’s helping my vitamin D’s actions.
Merry Xmas
Dave B
The other day the doctor said I was Vitamin D deficient and should take some tablets. To which I replied, that is good news because it reduces the risk of getting Covid. No further comment from him on that score.
Was tested for V D few weeks ago, put straight on Rapid D. Was surprised as I spend considerable time outdoors that I was so low in VitaminD. I guess age doesn’t help absorb it.
Thanks to this blog I arranged to get a test.
Last time I looked (Grade 10 science classes), Vit D is naturally produced in the skin and this production is triggered by SUNLIGHT.
What does Vit D do?
Vital in the uptake of Calcium in bone building / maintenance.
Anyone care to guess why lots of old folk, “immobilized” in “care”, have horrendous problems with “brittle bones” (osteoporosis)?
What else goes on with bones?
Blood cell production.
Crap life / diet: crap bones.
Crap bones; dodgy blood?
The “immobilized” / limited load-bearing thing also applies. There is a definite mechanism that “alters” muscle according to “work”. Ditto bones.
The “experts” seem to be perpetually missing the plot. But how else can you build a bureaucratic “health” empire if people actually live well UNDER THEIR OWN STEAM?
Ditto crime:
As Ayn Rand put it in “Atlas Shrugged”:
“Did you really think we want those laws observed?” said Dr. Ferris. “We want them to be broken. You’d better get it straight that it’s not a bunch of boy scouts you’re up against… We’re after power and we mean it… There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that’s the system, Mr. Reardon, that’s the game, and once you understand it, you’ll be much easier to deal with.”
Should people prescribed blood thinners (e.g. Coumadin/warfarin) be taking Vit K2?
Vitamin K2 has been shown to be beneficial for health in general but there are few natural sources of it in adequate amounts. Natto is avnatural source from fermebted food and is consumed by certain Japanese populations which have been shown to have lower heart disease and greater longevity. Metro is the only natural source for the associated enzyme nattokinase.
There are also contraindications for K2. See belowm
Nattokinase is a blood thinner and strong anticoagulant so clearly has contraindications and should not be overdone lest a shaving nick bleeds for hours.
Natto is very popular across Japan, with regular consumption by 70% to 85% of the population.
Curious that vitamin D deficiency is quite common in Japan, yet the population appears to low susceptibility to infection by recent strains of SARS-CoV-2.
Could it be that the MK-7 homologue of vitamin K2 is the key factor?
If so, it might also explain the lower incidence of Covid in east China, where fermented black-bean foods are regularly consumed- foods that have similar very high MK-7 concentrations.
K-2 is a vitamin with a front section and a chain of trailing sub-units. Different length chains tend to have different effects. The most researched ones are MK-4 and MK-7.
MK-7 shows the best serum boost. K-2 has been shown to reduce osteoporosis in women, and has shown observation result in reducing calcification to arteries.
I take a mix of both. At age 62, after taking D3 and K-2 together for 6 months (they have been shown to work synergisticly together) I took a calcium scan of the heart. The results were amazing. For an obese male who doesn’t exercise, I scored in the 97th percentile (in my age group) for having non-calcified coronary arteries.
The Cardiologist basically said – get out of here, you don’t need me!
Thanks for that, been wondering about K2. Will go foraging. for some Not even been able to exercise since the end of Nov but walked back home from the doctor this morning, about 6 blocks from my home. First decent sunlight and exercise since getting out of hospital. I normally take 2000 D3 since COVID took off, but not K2. Lock-downs and now masks don’t exactly encourage the exercise and sun needed. Go to go back to hospital again in about another two weeks. Next doc appointment is with a neurosurgical team so any boost and exercise I can get now may make the difference to recovery. Problem is almost everything I put in my stomach comes straight back out an hour later. Still have appetite but vomit all the time. Think it’s side-effects from medicines, got a nasty rash from med interaction when in hospital … so I take another med to combat the rash. Any vitamin and mineral combos that aid immunity is what I want to know about right now.
recently bought some more K2 from the Pharmacist but had to ask for it as it was “an under counter item”. Assured them that I had used it before and hadn’t dropped dead and was able to purchase it.
Same questions re a skin lotion I’ve used for over 20 years (for psoriasis) mostly from the same pharmacy (but new chemist).
It seems that some “shinybum” in Canberra is making work with “tic this item”.
Probably not. Worth investigating. I know green leafy vegetables are out.
Bill, good question. Vitamin K is a warfarin agonist. I wouldn’t mix without doc approval.
Sigh. Some pages recommend people on Warfarin don’t even eat too many leafy greens for fear of adding Vitamin K and undoing the warfarin, which seems rather counter-productive healthwise, others say, just eat the same amount of leafy greens each day.
Be aware that there are several forms of K. K1 comes from leafy greens. K2 comes from cheeses/ natto etc (and has two common forms also known as MK-4 and MK-7). They are quite different. There are (I gather) different reasons to take warfarin, and it is above my paygrade to advise you. I’d suggest doing some reading yourself before asking the doc.
Vitamin K is very important to tell your body to put the Calcium in your bones and not in your arteries.
Vascular Calcification, Vitamin K and Warfarin Therapy – Possible or Plausible Connection?
“Recently, evidence from animal experiments as well as clinical and epidemiological results suggests that long-term treatment with warfarin, but not with the novel direct anticoagulants, can increase the risk or even induce vascular calcification in some individuals.”
It may depend on your genes too.
Vitamin K Status, Warfarin Use, and Arterial Stiffness in Heart Failure ” Future studies should investigate whether vitamin K supplementation represents a suitable therapeutic strategy to prevent or reduce arterial stiffness in HFpEF and HFrEF. ”
Sorry I can’t give you a simple answer on that ….
Jo, you may be interested in this 2008 study.
Vit D and illness have been known about and ignored for decades.
Thanks for your detailed info Jo. I have AF & have been on warfarin (beneficially I believe) for 15 years or so. But as time marches on my medications evolve to treat an ‘old-timer’s’ increasing complaints. And this is where greater awareness of possible interactions and contra-indications come into play. I think many of us accept our GP’s scripts, without informing them of all the non PBS remedies we self inflict!
Again, Dr Zelenko right on the money. His protocol early post infection COVID – HCQ, IVM or quercetin supplemented with Vitamin D, Zinc, azithromycin/amoxocillin. Possibly you could argue his recommendation for Vitamin D was too low, but some is better than none.
I believe the Zelenko protocol calls for 5000 IU for both prophylaxis and treatment.
Red thumb accidental, sorry.
Yes, you would think that would be enough. That’s 5 tablets of the more common 25 mg variety, which for most health people should be oodles. But I have also seen recos up to 15000 IU per day.
Also see Dr John Campbell, interview with Israeli GP about Vit D use in Israel.
Instead of our ” leaders” fronting up to press conferences and waffling on for up to 1 hour – show the journos this video. This info has been around since early 2020 and its shameful much more publicity hasn’t been devoted to it.
Fauci kept it secret, until actually asked by Jennifer Garner in an interview in September last year, that he takes 5000 IU of vit D per day.
Vitamin D has been measured in IU since forever but now, starting 2021, ‘they’ are changing it to micrograms(mcg) probably, in my opinion, to obfuscate a change from the present absurdly low RDI of 400 IU to a sensible ten times larger dose.
Please note Ross you are out by three orders of magnitude with your
Your mg should be mcg.
Thanks – yes, a typo on my behalf.
A lot of us probably do an annual health test with your doctor. The one where your blood sample is analysed for all the health markers. Last year, via email to my doc I tried to add Vitamin D to the testing regime. Long story short – it didn’t happen. When I suggested to the doctor that Vitamin D should be an essential component of the blood test for active prevention of COVID he looked surprised, almost annoyed. So, I am dubious as if Vitamin D levels are even considered important at the GP level. Maybe for ricket prevention, but not for general health. Or should I be cynical and say that if there was more emphasis on Vitamin D levels in public health there would be less sick people? Surely not.
My GP understands vitamin D levels, he put me on 1000iu a day when I had a really bad flu attack. I have not had a cold or flu since. I live in SE Queensland and walk for an hour on the beach every morning so my vitamin D levels are well boosted by sunlight, even in winter.
My GP understands vitamin D levels, he put me on 1000iu a day …
Sorry, I don’t believe your doctor has the slightest clue about Vitamin D – 1000 iu is nowhere near a prophylactic dose.
I take 15,000 iu per day – and could probably double that to effect a rise in levels.
Be carefull with to much vitamine D
What is vitamin D toxicity? Should I be worried about taking supplements?
G’day K G,
I’ve extracted two paragraphs from your reference:
” Treatment includes stopping vitamin D intake and restricting dietary calcium. Your doctor might also prescribe intravenous fluids and medications, such as corticosteroids or bisphosphonates.
Taking 60,000 international units (IU) a day of vitamin D for several months has been shown to cause toxicity. This level is many times higher than the U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for most adults of 600 IU of vitamin D a day. ”
I note that the dose to cause toxicity is 60,000 IU per day, so my 10,000 IU per day should be OK. And the treatment for toxicity is simple: just stop taking it.
Dave B
Any actual numbers of death by Vitamin D toxicity ?
I’ve never seen any ever.
But it is a big nice scare tactic
Still found that:
Why would problems from taking such a massive dose for so long be surprising? And why would it suggest people shouldn’t take sensible doses?
G’day again K G,
Your reference includes a definition of toxicity:
“In order for vitamin D to reach toxic or dangerous levels in the body, it needs to exceed 100 nanograms (ng) per mL.
Hypervitaminosis D is defined as blood vitamin D levels over 100 ng/mL, while vitamin D intoxication is defined as serum levels over 150 ng/mL (6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source).”
There have been several comments recently from people who have been unable to get a blood test for vitamin, so my experience sounds a bit rare, in that I was able to get one approved by my doctor roughly every three months over the past year. Since I starting taking 10,000 IU per day in Sept 2020, my blood levels increased from 42 to 71, initially quite rapidly, but the graph is flattening so I’m not expecting to reach 80 ng/ml. Even that would be below the toxic level nominated in your reference. And as some doctors consider that 80 ng/ml is an optimal level I’m not worried, and I am planning to continue my 10,000 per day.
Dave B
I didn’t say to stop it, I said be carefull, not more, not less.
And as shown here, 10,000 IU under ceratin circumstances may cause toxity.
Ref. 10 out of my liinked doument.
Crap link that Krishna !
Things vary, sunlight exposure was mentioned; the doctor probably also had vitamin D levels from blood tests to work with.
He did KK that’s why he gave me 100 in a day.
My vitamin D levels are high on 1000iu a day. Maybe daily sunlight exposure a day brings it up to the fairly high levels I have. Vitamin D is toxic if too much is taken.
Enough is better than more.
4000IU/day is the maximum safe dose. It’s probably a conservative number but I think it wiser to only exceed that daily maximum amount by fractions, not multiples.
A temporary short term increase 10000IU for Covid prophylaxis is a different proposition.
But not when your body is fighting illness, it consumes Vit D at a very high rate.
Which is why COVID patients end up with disastrously low levels.
Sorry, can’t agree, if I take over 2,000 a day I simply excrete it, 3,000 is too much for me, 15,000 would be a laxative for me.
People vary.
Vitamin D synthesis from exposure to sunlight is a self-limiting reaction with daily equilibrium production equivalent to about 10,000 IU.
The NHMRC recommended safe upper limit for dietary intake is 3200 IU.
Large-scale studies at daily dietary intakes up to 20,000 IU haven’t shown signs of toxicity, but supplements at that level may have long-term harmful effects.
Yep- that sunlight onto bare skin is the most important input. Your 1 tablet (?) per day is just a supplement which provides readily available.
Your doctor is not correct because the information that he has taught has been proven incorrect by research. The practical complication is correcting the population’s severe Vit D deficient would reduce all health care costs by roughly 70% which would severely reduce the Medical Industry market. Vit D deficiency is the scientific reason for the epidemic of osteoporosis, cancer, and type 2 diabetes in the world. Cancer can be beaten. Why has it not been beaten?
This is a Vit D review lecture from one of the lead Vit D researchers in the world. Watch the video. Is my comment correct? How is it possible that your doctor and most other doctors do not know about the Vit D info?
Vitamin D Overview Lecture Robert Heaney
Every one of our cells has a copy of our DNA in it. Why?
Based on detection of problems our cells use the Vit D to access the DNA to get the blue prints to build modules that sit on our cells and produce biochemicals. These chemicals protect the organ which the cells are part of.
The Vit D is used only once and then is destroyed in the cell. Vit D does not force our cells to produce biochemicals. The cells only use Vit D when they need to act and require new biochemical apparatus to produce biochemicals.
An example is the activation of the gene GDF-15 which is used by cells to get chemicals to stop inflammation which causes heart attacks, cancer, and autoimmune diseases.
The woman’s breast study found a 65% reduction in the incidence of breast cancer when Vit D levels were increased from 20 ng/ml to 40 ng/ml.
The men’s prostate cancer study gave men 10,000 IU/day for a year (before prostate screen tests) and then for the individuals that detected prostate cancer, removed their prostates. What was found when the removed prostates were examined using microbiological analysis, was the Vit D had reversed the prostate cancer by activating the GDF-15 gene in the prostate. Research indicates that cancer tricks the body to produce blood vessels to feed the cancer by causing inflammation.
There has been no recorded medical issue in the US for anyone taking Vit D supplements of 10,000 IU/day or less. 10,000 IU/day is currently the Vit D daily upper tolerable level. It is not advisable to take more than 10,000 IU/day.
Optimum levels of Vit D based on the woman’s breast cancer studies and men’s prostate cancer study is above 60 ng/ml. To reach that Vit D level requires a supplement of 6000 IU/day to 10,000 IU/day depending on body weight.
The US general population’s average Vit D blood serum level is 27.5 ng/ml. 80% of the blacks in the US have a Vit D level that is less than 20 ng/ml. Bones become soft and there is the risk of rickets for Vit D levels less than 20 ng/ml.
The Vit D researchers have found the body’s calcium control system requires 40 ng/ml or greater to work. When the Vit D blood serum level is 40 ng/ml or greater the body reduces calcium level in the blood to an optimum level regardless of the amount of calcium supplements taken.
This enables the body to absorb the calcium. This finding explains the epidemic of osteoporosis even though people are taking calcium supplements The problem is people are severely Vit D deficient and taking 1000 IU/day is not going to rise their Vit D level from 20 ng/ml to above 40 ng/ml or above 50 ng/ml (level at which studies indicate that there would be no death from the Delta covid variation), or 60 ng/ml.
Finally, Missing link between vitamin D prostate cancer
Reduced expression of GDF-15 is associated with atrophic inflammatory lesions of the prostate
Incidence rate of type 2 diabetes is >50% lower in Grassroots Health cohort with median serum 25–hydroxyvitamin D of 41 ng/ml than in NHANES cohort with median of 22 ng/ml
So, I am dubious as if Vitamin D levels are even considered important at the GP level.
Not considered important at Hospital level also
– as Bloods every 3 weeks, asked in Vit D could be added
Answer – No, as it costs extra.
That was my doctors response as well. That Vitamin D test would cost extra and possibly also not covered by Medicare? If there’s one test that should be covered by Medicare, it’s this one.
If you take 2,000 iu a day, or have D3 supplement in common foods (which is where the money should go), it shouldn’t be something that needs routine test measurement.
Testing for Vitamin D levels is no longer standard practice in Australia. It was determined that 60% or more are deficient so, unless you know otherwise, assume you are deficient. That said, I have checked with a local pathologist and they advised they do not charge extra for it but are rarely asked to do it. It is just not a test that the government recommends anymore – due to escalating cost of the service back in 2014.
I was surprised that it was still included in bulk billing given that it is not recommended but I was there when the pathologist looked it up in their schedule. I think it a case that GPs have to have a reason to ask for the test as they have guidance that it should be used for higher risk people such as those with pigmented skin; people who do not get much sunlight in daily routine and recreation and so on. I expect if you are having a regular blood test you can ask for it to be included.
The best approach, if you have no pathology data, is assume you are deficient and take a supplement.
I recently had my vitamin-D levels checked, but I had to ask the doctor to specifically put it on the form.
Ross “annual health test”
In the USA in order to be part of the health bag-of-goodies a chemical has to be tested with respect to a specific ailment. Vitamin D seems to have been bypassed in this regard, probably because it is generally recognized as helpful in many ways. The annual health visit and blood exam likely won’t include Vitamin D3 because the usefulness for a particular ailment is unknown, unlike say for cholesterol. Data show that the range for cholesterol should be from 100 to 199 units. 200 and over is associated with heart attack and stroke. So, the comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) will include several markers of cholesterol. Your doctor can use the info to make recommendations.
None of this applies to Vitamin D3 because it hasn’t been studied and tested in a similar manner.
I was told the D3 test would cost me $65 – but why bother. Assume you are deficient (white male at 47° N Latitude) and take up to 5,000 units. There is no specific reason – it is just good for you.
See also:
Rapid Antigen Tests are NOT TO BE USED BY THE ASYMPTOMATIC according to the manufacturers fact sheets as there is no data as to what the results mean if you have no symptoms.
The is no money to be made from treating healthy people.
The anaesthetic agent desflurane is to be removed from the pharmocopoeia of Western General Hospital in Vicdanistan because “true believers” think this very useful anaesthetic gas believe is a “powerful and dangerous greenhouse gas” that directly contributes to anthropogenic global warming.
As a Leftist would say, so what if a few people have poorer outcomes or die due to its unavailability. (Sarcasm.)
Sorry David, but I am vainly clinging to the hope that the world hasn’t gone completely insane, so was sceptical of this story and had to check.
Turns out that, once again, the world is an even crazier place than I thought. Outrageous and another example of how our public services have lost the plot.
Also the Alfred hospital in Vicdanistan.
Perhaps we should revert to a bottle of rum or a whack over the head for anaesthesia?
I tire of reading stuff that makes me angry. How can a government be this f****** idiotic, and lack any sense of cost verses benefits, let alone lack any sense of proportionality? Time to put an updated version of ‘Yes Minister’ back on TV, but not on the ABC, Sky should fund and run it instead. A sure-fire ratings hit I recon.
Utopia Australia !!!! Just wonderful program, Yes Minister with an Aussie flavour!
More! Give us more!
Aussie Response: “She’ll be right, Mate” 😉
Jesus wept, the miseducated infantilized lunatics are indeed running the asylum: “We’ve had very strong positive feedback from all staff”. Somebody needs to fire a cannon through that place.
Yet another example of the decent of AGW ideology into a neo pagan anti-human religion, meaning they are moving closer to demanding human sacrifice to appease nature.
Or as some suspect, the V mass formation and obsessed government mass VX, is already to that point.
BGts very nearly says as much in his 2010 TED talk.
Though desflurane is a powerful greenhouse gas (a real one, unlike CO2) that has a chemical persistence of 22 years in the atmosphere, I doubt that is the genuine reason for hospital decisions to remove it.
There are more likely reasons. It is quite expensive and going the cheaper alternatives can be rationalised as good greenhouse PR.
But the real reason is that anaesthetists don’t like it. It’s a liquid at room temperature, fiddly vaporiser units are needed, which involves some leakage, which they really don’t like … because it smells bad.
Some anaesthetists do like it. It should be up to them if it’s the agent of their choice. If there is another reason such as cost or difficulties in handling it, that should be the stated reason, not that it’s a “planet destroyer”.
. People are getting stuck for days extra in hospitals and even dying because of nutrient deficiencies that we could easily solve.
And yet people still insist we have a “health system” in the West.
Medicare wasn’t created to benefit Australia’s public. It was created to control the doctors. So why are we surprised to find stupid politicians enforcing their climate change fraud through Medicare?
Given that we all spend more or less time outdoors, absorb D3 from sunlight at different rates, have different metabolisms and body weights, different ages, different diets and lifestyles etc, I think the best approach is to have your blood levels monitored and use those values to determine your supplementation regime.
Don’t discount the effects of all the “slip, slop, slap” messaging for reducing skin cancer rates. We have probably traded off risk reduction for one disease with raising risk for a variety of others.
Wow – that’s sky high D3 doses!
I run 6000 IU daily but I get a lot of sun too.
Anyway, it’s clear that we can eliminate Covid by simple nutrition and supplementation, most of which is OTC.
No fake vaxxes needed.
A new development on that front, Lactoferrin related.
Yes, they screwed up the link name but it’s correct.
Dec 22 news:
No doubt another treatment we won’t be allowed to access to treat a politically created boogie man threat.
Those folks who love to quote figures that “prove” how deadly Covid is, consider this:
Two-thirds of new Covid hospital patients in England only tested positive AFTER being admitted for a different illness
Get admitted to hospital for an operation, while run-down and vulnerable during recovery catch Covid in the ward – die from complications of the op, and become “yet another Covid statistic.”
When the dust (if ever) settles, we will be shocked at how few actually died OF Covid.
Also think about the excuse the fear mongers are using for continuing with “an abundance of caution“ over the news from South African doctors over the continuing mild clinical presentations for infections- that widespread infection rates of previous variants provided a high background of natural immunity. Somehow, the inherent contradiction of high levels of previous infections without massive hospitalisations being a reason for caution with the new variant escapes them.
Even Jo has fallen into this trap as part of justifying her fear of Covid..
Ever since Jo indicated that vit D was important I have been taking 5,000iu of vit D3 three times a week, plus gardening for at least two hours four days a week with at least bare arms. My last blood test showed vit D at 137nmol/l, much to my doctor’s surprise. I’d did not bother trying to tell him why I was taking supplements and put it down to solar exposure. He was happy!
Well done Peter, esp dealing with your GP.
I have been taking 2000IU/day and my Vit D was only 46nmol/l which was a surprise and disappointing. I had thought 1000IU/day would be more than enough.
Just heard on the radio, Boosters to be 4 months apart as of Jan 4th, reducing to every three months. Not even 10 months into effective, safe and free, 2 dose life savers.
Vitamin D will not protect against vitamin DH.
This comment bought to you by Pfizer!
December 23, 2021 – Is COVID Now Becoming a Pandemic of the Vaccinated?
By Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.
It is apparent that the vaccines are not doing what vaccines are supposed to do, which according to the WHO, is expressed this way: “Vaccination is a simple, safe, and effective way of protecting you against harmful diseases, before you come into contact with them.” If all they are doing is reducing the risk of severe illness, then for many they can be lifesaving, but the vaccinated are still catching and spreading COVID.
Perhaps the PCR test is overcalling COVID, diagnosing those with a cold as having the latest COVID variant. This test is the gold standard, leading to lockdowns, quarantines, masking, school and business closures, and a total disruption of life in America. The PCR test, ideal for diagnosing, not so much for mass population screening, set with too high a cycle threshold may be producing false positive results in 60 to 90 percent of patients, according to the New York Times.
This may explain why the CDC is withdrawing its emergency use authorization request for the current COVID PCR test to the FDA as of Jan. 1,
“CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.”
I’m glad to hear this actually. I’m over the anti health care establishment thing, the fact is their drugs mostly work, and are vitally needed. We have regs and law enforcement to nail crooked behaviors. It’s not like they can do anything they like, there are mechanisms to combat that, we need to focus constructively on getting those working efficiently and running tight oversight.
I guess this is why Moderna SpikeVax is still being administered here to kids while it has been banned for under 30s in the Nordic countries, France and Germany and banned outright in Iceland.
I am sick of reading about you drug pushers, pushing drugs you have no idea what is in them, defending the most corrupt industry in history an industry that has no liability for harm caused by their product and backed by all governments. An industry along with government that hides its safety data, hides its deals with governments.
You wrote a small novel on your serious issues you have after your s#it shots, but started with a sentence were you basically can’t wait for your next dose of you do not know what.
Everyone who read your self inflicted story, joined the dots, where as you can’t wait for your next torture session.
You don’t have to wait until Jan 4th, you can get them whenever you want as often as you want. You are terrified of the Moronic variant, with symptoms of, runny nose, sneezing and sore throat, common cold to the sane.
I actually noticed you all but disappeared off this site after your first attempt at suicide, so you have not told the full story.
You are terrified of a virus that does not exist in your world outside your television and computer screens, you have a fear porn addiction.
Have your shot.
T cells of the immune system need Vitamin D3. When a T cell is exposed to a foreign pathogen, it extends a signaling device or ‘antenna’ known as a vitamin D receptor. It then searches for vitamin D. If there is an inadequate vitamin D level, they won’t begin to mobilize.
I have been given prescriptions for Vitamin D 50,000 IU Capsules to be taken one per month for many years and long before COVID-19.
In addition I take a 1,000 IU Capsule every third day of each week and various others, not only for COVID.
Why are medicos so scared of Vit D?
It does have a long half life but monthly is too long between drinks. Take the 50,000 every two weeks and you are still at the low end if you do not get direct sun exposure.
It was probably prescribed that way to improve patient compliance and the 50000IU sounds like it might be some sort of slow release pill. Just speculating here.
50,000IU vit D3 are not “slow release”(I have them) and there is no need for “slow release”. What is slow is the conversion from D3 to 25(OH) vit D, otherwise known as calcitriol, which is the biologically active form. It is a two stage process and takes days to convert 50,000 units(1250 mcg) to calcitriol. That is why it is no use taking D3 once infected with the dreaded pathogen; calcitriol is what is needed at that point.
One of the talks about vit D on UCSD TV (?with Grassroots health)about 5-6 years ago had a review of studies of vitamin D supplementation to treat osteoporosis in care homes. Most of them used a big dose every month or even twice a year. All were negative. The few studies that gave it daily were positive.
Dec 22 news:
Yet another real world high efficacy treatment you might not be allowed to have because the pollies care so much about your lives but class bottleshops as an essential business 😂
Breaking news. Just what we wanted to hear.
So soon it will be worthless boosters for us every 3 months ?
Some health officials and media outlets are ignoring the data on Omicron
Despite reassuring facts emerging about Omicron, many in the public health establishment and media are working overtime to ramp up this variant’s hysteria, writes Heather MacDonald.
Don’t miss out on the headlines from Opinion. Followed categories will be added to My News.
In March 2020, a profile of the typical Covid victim emerged from Italy. The average decedent was 80 years old, with approximately three comorbidities, such as heart disease, obesity or diabetes.
The young had little to worry about; the survival rate for the vast majority of the population was well over 99 per cent. That portrait never significantly changed. The early assessments of Covid out of Italy have remained valid through to today. And so it will prove with the Omicron variant.
The data out of South Africa, after five weeks of Omicron spread, suggests Omicron should be a cause for celebration, not fear.
Its symptoms are mild to non-existent in the majority of the infected, especially the vaccinated; hospitalisation rates are over nine times lower than for previous Covid strains; deaths are negligible. That assessment will only be confirmed as the US and other Western countries gather their own data on Omicron.
Yet the public health establishment and the media are working overtime to ramp up Omicron hysteria.
The official response to the Omicron variant provides a case study in the deliberate manufacture of fear. The following strategies are key:
1. Create a group norm of fear
2. Buttress group fear with expert opinion
3. Manufacture uncertainty
4. Bury both good news and dissenters from the bad news
5. Omit relevant context
6. Flog the case count
From the Comments
12 hours ago
Some experts remind me of Firemen who light fires so they can be heroes putting them out.
Spot On.
Nevertheless, Germany is working on mandatory vaccination law. Unclear is, if all over 18 or all over 60.
Nevertheless, Germany is working on mandatory vaccination law. Unclear is, if all over 18 or all over 60.
Reading the comments, there seems to be a growing mistrust of the medical establishment.
This is the very purpose of the Global Left.
All the icons of Western culture must be destroyed.
Free speech and thought, individual autonomy.
They’ve done a good job of it here in the US.
California Dreamin’ and the bright lights of Broadway are gone.
Professional American football is unwatchable.
(Even destroying women’s sports, which they championed in the first place.)
Statues toppled.
Children taught that human existence is a threat to nature.
George Floyd has been given angelic status.
Our only hope is that this vacuous evil is being recognized as it finally arrives at every door.
Another one in the litany of govt blunders in Covid response. What exactly is the downside of taking Vitamin D? I tell virtually everyone I know to please start taking vitamin D, yet I know very few of them do. If health officials simply endorsed this plan, everyone would be doing it.
This whole vaccination coercion by our political leaders, state and federal, and by our health officials has become one of the biggest fabricated cover-ups ever perpetrated on the public given officialdom must know the facts. The mere fact that they discourage if not ban the use of proven treatments that saves lives, such as ivermectin is proof enough of that. I’m not talking about just its general use. The fact they either refuse to use it or admit they are using it for hospital patients to speed up their recovery if not save their lives is a sad indictment on our officialdom who have become in effect evil monsters because they have no real interest in the health and safety of the people and instead more interest on killing children by vaccination. Yet there are so many more cover-ups in relation to the vaccination program, which I won’t go into now.
So, anyone who votes for political parties who support those major cover-ups and discourages the use of other methods to treat the virus is in effect aiding and abetting all that, whether they realise it or not. However, those who have followed Jo’s blog for any length of time does have all the information they need to reveal the truth such that anyone who does vote for the major political parties is in fact openly supporting the carrying out of the major cover-ups to the detriment of the population. One can’t use ignorance as an excuse here as we all have been well informed many times. Hence the only honest recourse is not to vote for them. It’s that simple. If anyone says otherwise, then deep down they must be as bad as those who are doing the cover-ups. The way one votes at the ballot box is the ultimate answer as to whether one supports the cover-ups or one doesn’t. One can’t have it both ways on such an important issue that covers two extremely important fronts of our existence; life and liberty. Those who vote for the majors are in effect voting against life and liberty. That is not even an opinion. It’s a statement of fact.
Thanks Peter, very succinctly put.
Do you mind if I plagiarize some of it as I would like put it in front of a few people via our township newsletter?
Happy Christmas all.
I don’t mind at all. In fact it would be good to tell as many people as possible about the cover-ups, who are perpetrating them, why and how.
Add this to the newsletter.
Omicron isn’t the problem. Vaccine enhanced infection is now the problem.
New studies show that the COVID vaccines damage your immune system, likely permanently
Summary: Refuse to comply with mandates. Now.
The faster, safer, lower cost way to end the pandemic
What the paper said in detail
The stunning conclusion of the paper
Why the paper went viral
Supporting evidence
I commented on your April 2020 post, and afterward contacted my “doctor”, a PA that knows a thing or two. She suggested taking supplements up to 5,000 units a day, but avoid more than that unless getting a test or two.
Other good things include potatoes, beef, red onions, and red wine.
Vitamin D3 must be hydroxylated first in the liver and then another hydroxy added in the kidney. One problem is that with aging kidney function decreases, and that second activating step is impaired with decreased kidney function. Higher doses of supplements (and higher OH-D levels) might be necessary with a less efficient production of the final product due to decreased renal function. eg:
In regards to blood testing for levels, although D level might be a special request, it is not uncommon for Pth (parathyroid hormone) to be ordered on a routine yearly checkup. The most common reason for elevation is low vit D
Well said Fran. Thanks. I know one senior reader is taking 10,000IU per day and getting blood levels measured, and that’s how much he needs to take to stay in the good zone.
In case I’m the old B you’re referring to, I’ll add some details. I’m 84, and have had to ask my doctor for a vitamin D test, which he has agreed to without argument, and the test has not resulted in any charge to me. That ease is probably the combination of my age and the fact I’ve told him I’m usually covered head to toe when I’m outside doing paddock work.
But said doctor did say he didn’t think Vitamin D would be effective against Covid. I just said he might be surprised. He also accepted that the 20ng/ml officially accepted number is really satisfactory.
The 10,000 IU I selected as my intake is based on two charts in:
My charts are “Fig 17 on page 32 “Change in Serum level…” and
Fig 11 on page 18 ” COVID-19 Severity by Vitamin D Level”
(The reference is one I’ve posted before, but may be new to some.)
When I started out I set my target at 40ng/ml, but later changed that first to 60 and now 80, but will happily sit on 70+ I think.
I decided to take my intake daily in the hope that means my blood level is fairly stable, and adequate to handle any (inevitable?), but unpredictable infection. And that covers the internal conversion time of about two weeks that Fran mentions.
Dave B
I had my vitammin D level tested during my last blood test. I had been taking 1000 iu of it as a supplement for a year previously. My vitamin D level was 81 ng/ml, barely in the ‘adequate’ range. I’ve since upped the supplement to 2000 iu a day. I also eat rhubarb almost daily as it’s rich in vitamin K which helps prevent excess D depositing calcium in arteries and such, rather than in bone.
It’s fine if you’re not pissing it out. Like a lot of things it has to be taken in moderation and not continuously. Likewise with Panadol and Ibuprofen (harms the kidneys).
Hi Jo, thanks for your excellent post about the hormone Vitamin D3.
Yes it is crucial for preventing a huge range of health issues.
And preventing Covid & and curing infected folks with Covid, is an important insight.
Just for the record, I’ve been on 10,000 IU’s for the past 2 years.
Prior to that I was on 20,000 IU’s a day for about 6 years.
I reduced the daily dose for financial reasons when my lady started taking it as well each day.
I do this as part of my own anti-ageing program as I’m now 74.
I’m fairly confident about my own body’s capacity to resist Covid infection.
But I’m also double jabbed and will take the 3rd. booster next week.
It’s free and I’ve had no adverse effects.
PS I recently had a bone scan to see if at 74 I was developing osteopena or osteoporosis.
At the follow up consult, the doctor told me that my bone density was ‘normal’
I said to her :”I’m 74 years old. what’s normal bone density at 74 ?”
She just looked at me with no answer.
Something for her to think about !!
i recently asked for vit D testing on annual labs. This is my first time using Medicare. I was told that Medicare would not approve the test without adequate justification as it is one of the most expensive (U.S. $500.00 quoted to me). Have others seen such large charges?
G’day AndyHce,
I have no knowledge of US pricing, but $500 sounds high to me. A call to AFLDS might get a quote for a good and inexpensive test.
Could it be that that pricing is set by purveyors of the vaxxs?
Good hunting,
Dave B
I have a friend who is very well versed in the VitD theory & constantly implores me to increase my intake of VitD capsules despite the fact that I do take the recommended daily dose. But in addition to that I live most of my life on a farm and am everyday in the sunlight for a good part of the day engaged in farm life.
I have to say I am sceptical about the argument that because one’s VitD level is not at the maximum the enthusiasts prescribe you are therefore at risk of Covid. No – I do not buy that.
The recommended daily dose is what prevents rickets disease.
But it is NOT the Optimal Daily dose.
If you are young, not completely covered up & not using sunblock at all,
Your own body can make ~ 20,000 IY’s in an hour of exposure to the sun..
if you are getting on in years, or use sun block, or cover up completely,
Your body makes near enough to zip !
Myself, I do what works
Cheers !
G’day Vicki,
Sounds like you’ve not followed the discussion about Vitamin D to enough detail. Its involvement in our immune system is immense and it’s widely used in day to day cellular functioning.
The reference I used above is easy to read and gives a good overview, with lots of ongoing references. Some good holiday reading for you, and may even be useful.
Happy New Year.
Dave B
Jo, thank you for standing up for sanity and freedom.
The point is made in comments here that clothing styles (rejigious mandates?) are a vit D factor in India. It may be worth noting that this article is based on an Istanbul study. In Istanbul, as in many Islamic places, women are required to be heavily covered when outside and are therefore likely to be extremely vit D deficient. The article may therefore not be fully applicable to western democracies, although it very clearly has relevance in northern countries where black people do tend to be vit D deficient.
It deeply disturbs me that the ABC and government commentary has been about vaccines, vaccines, social distancing, and vaccines. At no time have they tried to inform people of anything else that they can do to combat the coronaxirus, and in fact have actively suppressed any such suggestion before even considering whether it might help a bit.
We have been very badly served by our media and by most of our politicians. The better politicians can I’m sure expect a heavily financed vicious and dishonest character assassination at their next election, if not before.