A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Some good news, I hope.
2021 OCT 30 Graham Hood Update and Graham asks the Hard Questions to Fed and State Politicians
The US governor elections have exposed the missing piece in the left’s re education puzzle. The left did not have time to turn out the teachers for the high schools in the 90’s and 00’s, so Millennials, who did not go to university, missed out on their re education, and they are jacking up at what their children are now being taught. Perhaps the left have gone off half cocked, or let the cloak slip too early, and they should have waited a few more years to let out the full lunacy. Couldn’t help themselves. Power corrupts.
The lefty Dems have just a 3 vote majority in the House and a zero vote majority in the Senate. Losing both in 2022 looks pretty good now. And the shocking winter heating bills have not hit yet. Let’s go Brandon!
Lets Go Brandon! Yeah!
Trump in the White House next year and then again in 2024. Prosecutions all round for the people who Stole the Election. US out of the IPCC again. Then some real work, like trimming the UN budget and reforming the WHO and the WMO.
Just to let you know that our ABC is really up to date with all this stuff, and have magnificent investigative journalists working in our interests, they’ve put out this story:
Hope you read it and catch up.
Dave B
PS / sarc, just in case.
Yeah, new news for our ABC. Morons to the last trans.. arrrr, whatever.
It will be fun (sarc) to watch the Democratic Party response to the losses yesterday.
The lunacy (apt) is actual neo religious fanaticism.
The Dem establishment made a Faustian bargain with the woke zealots.
They think they can control their new faux friends.
Let the dangerous games begin.
Who knows the truth. It is quite possible that the fraud dems had the steal all ready to go and then decided not to go through with it. It is also possible that having been caught last time they trialled new methods which were’nt quite as effective.
A full audit of every election should be the norm.
Well it looks like they went through with this one.
I mean its only 40,000 votes. What is that in the scheme of things.
AOC said they were not lefty enough to win
Another difference occurs when people have families. Ideas change rapidly when you want the best for your own children.
Mums Rule OK…………………………..
2021 NOV 03 The South Australian Nurses Tell the Truth Hospitals full of vax injuries not COVID
Wow, 3000 nurses in Adelaide alone about to be stood down rather than the 100 in South Australia reported by “our ABC” and double digit hospitalizations from CoViD vaccine side-effects.
But hey, not peer reviewed..
The ABC can’t count……And don’t count……LOL
And on mainstream news (one channel anyway). Being an AFLW player (as well as being an ICU and anaesthetics nurse), Deni Varnhagen would get more media attention than the average nurse.
Yet NOTHING on this on the Channel 7 news site aside from a comment by her coach stating that the vaccinations are mandatory and that “all of the medical advice and the health experts inform me that this is a safe and a really effective mechanism to diminish the impact” (plus you can see a Channel 7 microphone in the video that PeterS linked)
I guess nurses who see the direct effects are not “health experts” and are not qualified to give “medical advice”
When the nurses tell you to sharpen up and listen, you better do it…..
“3000 nurses to be stood down in Adelaide alone…..”
Will the sacked nurses set up a NEW hospital which doesnt ( allegedly ) discriminate over vax status?
The more wealth a person is and the more distant they are from the topic in question, the greater the “expert” they apparently are. Look at Elon Musk. He’s an “expert” on climate change and is willing to donate a tiny fraction of his wealth to combat it. Of course it won’t any difference to climate change regardless of whether there is a climate emergency or not. If there it were a real emergency, one would have thought he would donate all of his wealth plus borrow trillions more. The truth of course is it’s all a publicity stunt, just like the so called “health experts” we see every day on the news. Rich l1es matter.
Don’t forget that Musk was also an expert on cave rescue techniques…
Dave B
How dumb must that coach be?
How can anyone state the covid vaccine suite we are using is safe? How can you be dumb enough to beleive anyone who says that?
At best, you can gave an opinion. We learnt the hard way that long term testing is required. Now the health swamp and the political class choose to ignore those lessons.
If you watch the video in PeterS’s post, the 32 year veteran nurse just lays it all out and on the line.
A couple of points she made in the video was that :
* 3000 nurses are basically going to be sacked for not kowtowing to the vaccine
* 30 out of 38 in ICU were vaccinated ( it wasnt clear why they were there )
* 1/3 of 20 somethings who came in, had dibilitating Myocarditis
So I guess in terms of it “getting ugly” – this is it.
Bascially we are, right now, in the fight of our lives against those who would do evil to us….
So you know it was because of the vaccination.
I’ll answer that one on behalf; yes and both.
So it could be a normal number of people in ICU for all sorts of reasons and the proportions are actually less than the proportion in the population (ie the excess due to unvacinated people getting ill for another reason)
Heres the thing, I said it wasnt clear why they were there, so no misleading anyone.
Now, logic says that if the nurse is talking about covid and specifically mentions numbers in the ICU, you would assume its related to covid or from covid and could alsolikely be related to the vaccine.
If she as a 32 year veteran nurse feels so strongly to the point she is going to lose her job over not being vaxxed, most nurses I know are straight shooters and have no reason to mislead.
If you think about what nurses put up with, I’d back a nurse’s word over that of a shiny backsided office dweller any day…..
I never said you were misleading people. Ronin, TedM and GlenM did. The nurse provided no evidence.
did“believed that to be the case”00
Can the troll add something useful other than accusing people of lying?
Original Steve, I think that nurse was saying that the vaccinated are in hospital because of vaccine injury. ToM
It’s funny who ISN’T vaccinated! Senator today asking how many of the CDC have had the jab – getting no answer of course, as well as some other infuriating responses.
Some slithery, avoid-the-point ‘answers’ there, for sure!
On the nurses topic, Russell Brand addressing new robot nurses (hilariously and seriously) today!
Grace has the eery eyes of the big doll robot in the ‘red light and green light’ game of squid games
The 3000 figure is something [SNIP crass] I can believe that SA is a bit more woke and self-absorbed than people in other states but the deadline has already passed in NSW and 136 health care workers out of 140,000 is just 0.1% resigned over vaccinatination mandate:
The other difference is that NSW has had a bit more first-hand experience with Covid and would readily recognise getting vaccinated is the better choice.
People are being coerced. My friend, a front-line health worker in Sydney was forced to take these injections. She is furious about it and her co-workers are too. But what can they do? Household debts and living costs are sky high and for some, partners have lost their jobs (slaves to money). One thing my friend told me and given her war stories, no way is she vaxxing her kids.
R Will,
I notice you had nothing to say about Prof Petrovsky.
Nor did any of the other usual establishment narrative defenders.
Seems like you should of been able to find a little something in your nether region.
It includes nursing home workers as well
Pure Gold ! thank you.
The vaccinated and unvaccinated should get enough Vitamin D.
“Vitamin D Deficiency and Covid-19:
Make D While the Sun Shines (And when the sun doesn’t shine, supplement)”
Is the Poop Catholic?
The odor coming off Biden is undeniable.
A rumor circulated Sunday. By Monday, it had wafted all over Twitter and other social media — which had it that Joe Biden’s meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican was interrupted thanks to an unexpected event.
Namely, that the occupant of the White House had a bowel malfunction in mid-conversation with the pontiff, and was shortly whisked away to a less public locale — one which afforded Biden more privacy than, say, Kyrsten Sinema is given nowadays — that he might recover his dignity.
Within hours, thanks to the immensely influential Catturd Twitter page, #PoopGate and #PoopyPantsBiden shot to the top of the hashtag rankings in the same manner that “Let’s Go, Brandon” songs began dominating the iTunes download charts.
Snopes swears up and down that there is no basis to the story. Perhaps that’s correct, though a nation already weary of the stench from Biden’s fiscal, economic, and foreign-policy incontinence cannot help but wonder if this rumor is connected at all to the infamous “My butt’s been wiped!” outburst on the White House lawn not long ago.
Biden’s accident
The twitterverse is all abuzz over a #1 trending hashtag, #PoopypantsBiden, so at the risk of soiling my very soul, I perused Twitter’s website to see why.
The story starts with our president meeting the pope at the Vatican, presumably to discuss Jesus’s thoughts about climate change and whether one can claim to be a good Catholic while facilitating the dismemberment of unborn babies.
Three things stood out about the meeting.
The third strange item is Vatican photos that appear to show Biden wearing a blue suit and later, in the same meeting, wearing a black one. Now, why would an old, feeble man need to change his pants? As someone who’s arrived at old and is fast approaching feeble, I know the answer, and it rhymes with Descartes. And should someone wearing a suit accidentally Descartes, it takes a good while to get out of all those clothes, clean up the affected area, and totally re-dress.
“Let’s Go Brandon,” to the tune of the gradeschool diarrhea song.
When you’re declaring Pronouns Day,
and you rip a colonic spray,
Let’s Go Brandon, boom-boom,
Let’s Go Brandon
When you have to miss a meeting
because you gave your pants a fecal greeting
Let’s Go Brandon, boom-boom
Let’s Go Brandon
When you’re reading the autocue
and you catch a whiff of poo
Let’s Go Brandon, boom-boom
Let’s Go Brandon
When you’re chatting with the Pope
and you pinch off a stinky rope
Let’s Go Brandon, boom-boom
Let’s Go Brandon
When you’re ranting about insurrection
and you loose a hot beef ejection
Let’s Go Brandon, boom-boom
Let’s Go Brandon
When you’re talking with Jim Acosta
and your butt makes anal pasta
Let’s Go Brandon, boom-boom
Let’s Go Brandon
Try it, it’s fun.
Biden’s Crappy Polling Softens, Becomes Loose: Only 42% Agree That #PoopyPantsJoe Is “Mentally Sharp”
Let’s Go Brandon
A new Let’s Go Brandon song — “L.G.B.,” set to the music of AC/DC’s T.N.T., sung by Joe Biden, Jen Psaki, and Barack Hussein Obama. Courtesy of jeff.
I loved De Santis’ referral to wild cheers, the “Brandon Administration“
The “P” in POTUS has new meaning now. Pooper of The United States!
Heh … pull my finger your holiness.
What is the protocol?
Who is responsible for cleaning up the “President” after his bowel malfunction?
He is unlikely to be able to do it himself, or, due to his dementia, even be conscious of there being a problem.
Anyway, I would have thought his minders would have him wearing adult diapers.
That’s easy. The Secretion Service. Duh
Did he follow through ?
Delta sub-variant expected to be dominant in UK by January
AY.4.2 thought to be at least 10 per cent more transmissible than original Delta variant
An offshoot of the Delta coronavirus variant which is slowly spreading throughout the UK is expected to be dominant within a matter of months, experts believe.
Known as AY.4.2, the sub-variant is thought to be at least 10 cent more transmissible than its predecessor, with analysis underway to determine what accounts for its increased infectiousness.
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has said that early tests do not suggest that AY.4.2, which has been labelled a ‘Variant Under Investigation’, has acquired the ability to evade immunity generated by infection or injection.
Nor are the sub-variant’s new mutations associated with significantly improving the virus’ ability to bind and gain entry to human cells, experts have said.
Nonetheless, AY.4.2 is continuing to account for a growing proportion of cases with each passing week. Between 18 and 24 October, it made up 11.3 per cent of all sequenced infections in the UK. Two weeks before this figure stood at 8.5 per cent.
Hopefully the variants are becoming less harmful. A case of the sniffles is nothing to fear.
Not if we keep vaccinating towards 100%. The selection pressure then evolves towards immune escape rather than the natural more infectious, less harmful path so the variants could go in any direction in terms of harmfulness.
The worst outcome, of course, is one that is highly infectious, suppressed but not prevented by the vaccines and harmful to the unvaccinated since the continual booster merry-go-round becomes the only “solution” (if effective anti-virals remain barred)
The data I saw a week ago said that Delta is about 10% as dangerous as the original variant so if the original has a mortality rate on par with the annual flu then Delta is really trivial (although more infectious)!
But the government lies just keep rolling on.
2022 will be the game changer but as I’ve said all along, the damage will be done by then.
Pro-vax, anti fake-vax and proudly so.
Because you are looking at death rate in mostly vaccinated people.
India recorded 92k daily cases and 1.15k deaths in the wuhan wave and 391k daily cases with 4.1k daily deaths. So death rate 1.25% wuhan wave and 1.04% delta wave. The delta wave was so severe that the death count is not accurate – even so the numbers are comparable.
The delta wave resulted in a higher death rate in Indonesia – wuhan 2.28% and delta 3.56%.
Only countries that have high level of vaccinated people have dramatically reduced the death rate. Singapore has a death rate of 0.3%.
Coffee time
I have been dismayed at the lack of dissent – or even opinion – offered publicly by the “Human Rights” brigade, or indeed, by any of the Ethics academics – on the gross attacks on liberties during the pandemic by governments throughout the West.
Finally, an Ethics academic has appealed publicly – and sublimely – for resistance.
Thanks Vicki,
Well found. An excellent presentation, powerful, and very compact at just 18 minutes.
It surprised me in several ways, not least because I enjoyed every minute of what was a description of a very nasty situation.
Dave B
She’s inspiring.
A buildup of warm water west of Indonesian is a sign that the IOD is negative and, coupled with an intense La Nina, sea level is bound to fall.,4.39,530/loc=89.388,-5.851
Could be resurgence of cyclones in the northwest. It seems quite a while since the Pilbara has had a few decent cyclones in a season:,-9.08,530/loc=120.564,-10.865
CAPE up near 3000J/kg is the sort of level that spawns cyclones. The water to the west of Darwin is warm enough to spin up a cyclone now.
A LONG while Rick. Missed the last La Niña period.
I think the northwest dances to a different tune than El Nino/La Nina.
Southwest WA has had good rainfall in the last couple of years.
This La Nina expected to be stronger than the previous one.
I haven’t attempted to correlate WA NW cyclone activity to La Niña periods, but I thought that was some correlation.
‘During La Niña, there are typically more tropical cyclones in the Australia region, with twice as many making landfall than during El Niño years on average 5. … This means an increased likelihood of major damage and flooding related to strong winds, high seas and heavy rains from tropical cyclones.’ (BoM)
It’s getting late on for a – IOD given that November is upon us. But I’ll go along with the obvious indicators. As I said previously there has been no conducive advection from the surface for months- the winds blowing away from the continent. Now everything seems to be together from the Indian to the Pacific. Cyclones galore? Massive floods? Bushfires may be out. God’s dice.
North West WA Cyclones
All quite so far, but I will watch this space.
Another blow to skeptics of AGW , Allan Jones has been given the flick from Sky News with his last show on air tonight might make for interesting viewing .
Could be interesting!
It is, of course, the prerogative of any employer to make such a decision; but, given this is the case, I feel an obligation to my viewers to make some observations to avoid certain misconstructions,” he said.
News Corp has stated that they will be taking a more positive stand for climate change. The Australian will be part of this new “narrative”, as is Fox News in America. It is only a matter of time before “The Outsiders” on Sky News will become redundant .
Alans statement is worth reading, there didn’t seam to be an actual reason for not renewing his Sky Contract that I could see apart from 1 small sentence I almost missed;
link helps!!
“has felt under threat from being cancelled”
So instead the get rid of one of their main audience raters.
Effectively cancelling themselves….. D’OH !
I think Alan’s segment was rating lower than earlier Bolt and Credlin segments. A bit too much of the same. Still, there is not much joy for people of a libertarian/ conservative position.
I wonder how long before the “Outsiders” team are pressured into a new career choice ?
And if Bolt is given the elbow then we will have to look for a new Media Champion !
Or maybe Jones was just too high profile / influential for Sky to manage.?
Or maybe they just cant afford him
Experts suffer from amnesia to fit the yarn inside the AGW script.
We drove down the east coast of Australia during November 2019 as the fires were burning in northern NSW. I was horrified looking at how houses around Nowra and further south into Victoria had been built in forests – that was before the fires got that far south. The amount of tree litter on the ground was as if someone had prepared it all to burn.
We stayed in a property north of Newcastle for a couple of nights during the trip. The property owner told as that their council did not permit eucalyptus trees to be grown within 50m of a dwelling. That was based on previous sad experience. There were a few moderate size trees within 10m of the house but they were more fireresitent varieties.
Trees are growing faster and that makes management more demanding but the death of the forestry industry in Australia means forestry management is dying. The only solution is to let it burn and have very large fire breaks to dwellings. It is crazy spending ever increasing amounts on fire fighting because it just makes the eventual blaze more severe.
Melbourne had gusty winds last week – up to 120kph, which is about as strong as it gets here. There are now many suburban trees damaged as a result. The week before, our council trimmed a large towering grey gum that was on the footpath within a few metres of two dwellings. It suffered no damage and likely trimmed just in time. Many others were not so lucky and houses destroyed by large trees allowed to grow too big, too close to dwellings.
One of our relatives got burnt out and another singed in Batemans Bay in the last round. As you say the places people where building looked insane to me, coming from a previous fire disaster area. Then you get idiot councillors getting their heads on the media saying its climate change.
Whilst building in forrested areas increases the fire risk, you have to remember how many properties in communities were burnt. A 50m fire break sounds useful, but if you have seen a bush fire of the 2019/20 magnitude with a “ blizzard” of burning embers 10 mts high, traveling horozontally at 50 km/hr,…. then you realise that firebreaks count for little .!
House roof rain gutters and the ventilation gaps into the roofspace, together with the common method of building houses on “stumps” creating a bone dry crawl space for leaf litter to get blown into……are major fire hazzards that are not easy to protect against those ember storms that can be kms ahead of the main fire front.
Even in areas that had some of the worst fires, the wooded areas are still loaded with timber litter on the ground from fire damaged trees. If we have another long dry spell …and a fire starts,…it will burn again !
With five years of cool wet conditions ahead, no bushfires should be expected for half a decade.
Dont they have fire related building standards in NSW? as an example you cant build a house with open stumps in a serious fire zone in VIC
Kerry promises $Trillions in climate finance to developing countries.
He’ll be coming around the mountain for sure.
Goes with
At absolutely no cost to the USA while they have the sole privilege of creating the world’s money with a few key strokes. But it will fuel inflation and devalue the USD. As the value of USDs erodes the desire for countries and individuals to hold them as a store of value will decline. China is waiting in the wings salivating at the prospect of creating the new world money. It will be backed by serious military might and unrivalled global manufacturing capability – the result of fuelling their economy with 4Gt of coal every year.
Rubbish post. The US Dollar is the best of a bad lot. China does not have the capacity yet to have a Reserve Currency. One day maybe but not for the next 10 years depending on which way the USA goes. AND there will be NO Hyperinflation. Donald Trump for US President in 2024………..
Chinese global trade in CYN is rising rapidly. More countries are building CYN reserves. Chinese iron ore buyers are rapidly bypassing USD to buy iron ore directly in CYN through blockchan transactions.
Petroyuan is now 10% of the global oil trade and rising fast. China is now the dominant player in global oil trade and growing fast:
The USD could end its privileged position as the world money within Biden’s term. Its demise will accelerate with it being gifted to the UN climate fund. All countries will question the need to hold USD denominated paper. One thing history has shown is money collapse can occur rapidly.
USA owes the world almost 12 months entire economic output at present GDP. That is real debt and USA no longer has the might to back it. In fact USA is becoming even more reliant on the rest of the world as Biden’s administration strangles access to energy and other raw materials. Solar powered tanks only work in daylight!
China is in more strife than Flash Gordon. They are not the world’s banker, they can’t destroy the US$ by dumping it.
Rubbish. China pays for Australian Ore (The Best in the World) in US Dollars……..Try doing some research for a change……………………………….
It’s interesting that the French say they have been deceived. It’s all about the money, not deceit. After all they were the ones converting a nuclear powered submarine at our expense into an ancient diesel powered one of little use in a country which has no diesel. And this at many times the opening price, soaring to perhaps $250Billion which is $24Billion per submarine.
You could buy a lot of other weapons for $24Billion each. Abrams Tanks are about $6Million each, so 40,000 of those. F18s are $67million, so 4,000 of those. And the American Virginia class are $5Billion each, so 50 of those. And who knows how much submarine drones cost? Even China has pilotless jet drones at much lower cost, matching the latest US versions.
12 useless submarines at incredible cost and the French knew it, vast amounts money for nothing and more jobs for Frenchmen at our expense. And everyone had the plans.
So when did France last fight to protect Australia? Wasn’t it Australia who went to WWI, WWII, French IndoChina/Vietnam to protect the French? It’s not about morality or the product. It’s about rivers of money for nothing from those mugs in Australia. And if it is about deceit and being misled, the shoe is on the wrong foot.
Underwater Drones are the way to go……………….A heck of a lot cheaper……………
How does command and control of underwater drones work?
Pine Gap near The Alice is the sort of facility needed to communicate with submerged subs.
From wiki:
ELF transmissions
The coding used for U.S. military ELF transmissions employed a Reed–Solomon error correction code using 64 symbols, each represented by a very long pseudo-random sequence. The entire transmission was then encrypted. The advantages of such a technique are that by correlating multiple transmissions, a message could be completed even with very low signal-to-noise ratios, and because only a very few pseudo-random sequences represented actual message characters, there was a very high probability that if a message was successfully received, it was a valid message (anti-spoofing).
The communication link is one-way. No submarine could have its own ELF transmitter on board, due to the sheer size of such a device. Attempts to design a transmitter which can be immersed in the sea or flown on an aircraft were soon abandoned.
Owing to the limited bandwidth, information can only be transmitted very slowly, on the order of a few characters per minute (see Shannon’s coding theorem). Thus it was only ever used by the US navy to give instructions to establish another form of communication[10] and it is reasonable to assume[why?] that the actual messages were mostly generic instructions or requests to establish a different form of two-way communication with the relevant authority.[citation needed]
Submarine communication more likely from the Harold E Holt naval communication centre at Exmouth WA
Why give away secrets for that answer. Technology Rules OK………………….
How are things back in the 70s guys? 🙂
“On The French”
“It is important to remember that the French have always been there when they needed us”
ourhis international reputation has been irrevocably damaged by Australia ditching his commitment to the French deal.Woe is me
Australia went into “French IndoChina/Vietnam to protect the French?”.?
The French had long gone by then. Complex, but the U.S.and Australia were fighting Russia and China. If it had only been about the internal wrangling about the South not wanting to be communist then the Australian U.S. presence would have been unjustified.
It’s no coincidence that after 1975 there was the violent war with China and the introduction of the Russian language into Vietnamese schools.
The world is a complicated place.
October temps on the high side, but should fall next month with La Nina settling in.
You can predict the weather from the ocean currents which so obviously dominate it totally. And you can predict CO2 levels from water surface temperature because 98% of CO2 is dissolved in the oceans.
The air temperature can change 40C in a day, but the ocean temperature changes little day to night and that’s just the surface. The thin air above our Waterworld is driven by that massive heat bank we call the oceans. Rapid man made Climate Change is just nonsense. And it is now history because it didn’t happen.
Unbelievably, the copywriters at NASA now say that the oceans ‘stole’ the warming. They need to get a new job.
Australia UAH since 2015 El Nino (Updated with October 2021)
Australia UAH: October 2021, is 20th warmest October in 43 years.
Interesting. Where does the Aust UAH come from?
Part of the UAH data… last column.
Thanks Clarence. It’s input like this that makes this blog so interesting.
A lot of the slight increase is coming from a warm blob over NE Canada.
‘Clearly what seems now as the permanent ridge/high pressure in Eastern Canada has delayed the fall freeze up in that region.’ (Judah Cohen AER)
My October has been on the cold side. Mini Ice Age is on its way…………………..
Thoughts for the day:
My desire to be well informed is at odds with my desire to remain sane. – unknown
Even a stopped clock is right twice every day. After some years, it can boast of a long series of successes.” – Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (anyone got Dan Andrews email address? LOL)
I have a simple philosophy: Fill what is empty. Empty what is full. Scratch where it itches. – Alice Roosevelt Longworth
The question isn’t who is going to let me, it’s who is going to stop me. – Ayn Rand
Why are there walls around cemeteries, it’s silly beyond a doubt. The people outside don’t want to get in and the people inside can’t get out. – Benny Hill
I like the Benny Hill one where he said. Genewal Ewection as the China Man for the General Election……….
On vitamin D from DarkHorse Podcast Clips
“To the extent that our public health authorities are not recommending this and have not been recommending this throughout the pandemic, you know that they are either incompetent at a level that strains credulity, or not interested in health.”
Perhaps Big Pharma told the government not to recommend micronutrients.
People stay sicker that way.
We don’t have a health industry, it’s a sickness industry.
If they did recommend Vit D it would be in pathetic quantities. The RDA was calculated as enough to prevent rickets in children and AFAIK has only been increased from 400 iu to 600 since.
Romanian MEP takes on big pharma.
Oh for such integrity here in Oz…
Our MPs are too busy on the take from big pharma
Is the USA getting back on track?
There was a “wokelash” at the election in Virginia.
People are sick of the Left.
And the Brandon White House.
Let’s go Brandon!
Some of the left are sick of the left, and the rest of the left are not happy to see such infighting. I see political chaos next year as the left try to retain their crumbling power base. Something has to give, and when it does it will be violent since a lot of people of the left will not be happy. It will very likely go far beyond just spitting the dummy. It would be nice if the left will just eat each up and disappear but I suspect they will not go away quietly.
Was that before or after Biden soiled himself.
Something Really Strange Is Happening At Hospitals All Over America
In a year that has been filled with so many mysteries already, I have another very odd one to share with you. Emergency rooms are filled to overflowing all over America, and nobody can seem to explain why this is happening. Right now, the number of new COVID cases in the United States each day is less than half of what it was just a couple of months ago. That is really good news, and many believe that this is a sign that the pandemic is fading. Let us hope that is true. With less people catching the virus, you would think that would mean that our emergency rooms should be emptying out, but the opposite is actually happening. All across the country, emergency rooms are absolutely packed, and in many cases we are seeing seriously ill patients being cared for in the hallways because all of the ER rooms are already full.
Can anyone explain why this is happening?
If the number of COVID cases was starting to spike again, it would make sense for emergency rooms to be overflowing.
But at this particular hospital in Michigan, we are being told that some of the main things that are being treated include “abdominal pain”, “respiratory problems”, “blood clots” and “heart conditions”…
Months of treatment delays have exacerbated chronic conditions and worsened symptoms. Doctors and nurses say the severity of illness ranges widely and includes abdominal pain, respiratory problems, blood clots, heart conditions and suicide attempts, among other conditions.
That mention of “heart conditions” immediately got my attention, because I have been seeing this so much in the news recently.
The truth will find a way out. I hope the increased ER rate is coincidental. I fear it is not.
G’day OO,
PeterS at #3 above may have provided an answer for you with the video of the South Australian nurse.
Dave B
Certain mouthwashes have been shown to be helpful for COVID management.
Now, imagine if President Trump had said that…
Wash your mouth out, boy !! 😉
In the US, ERs Are Swamped With Seriously Ill Patients, Although Many Don’t Have Covid
And athletic young adults and kids are dropping dead or suddenly hospitalized with heart conditions.
Gee I wonder what is behind this?
h/t Michael Snyder via ZeroHedge
Seems like hard physical exercise is a really bad thing after these jabs..
I feel safe on both grounds. 😉
Well if your heart stops, NATURALLY you’re gonna die.
To Kalm Keith, when you get here.
On the other thread I was talking to you about a banner for your group and if you where interested I will order you one for free, they will do the eyelets in house.
I had a hard time explaining I was ordering one for someone I don’t know the name of, at an address I did not know, but will give you my details which they don’t know.
Passed a dozen emails back and forth and a different sales person every time. Asked if I can deal with just one so I can pass on that as contact person, don’t know what is so hard to understand.
Anyway let me know.
Hi MP, will see if Jo can swap our emails.
Yeah about that…………little issue my end with the cough email cough.
I just sent another email as I can’t use their design software, (keeps freezing) so they have been doing it for me, hence the day of email. The not so final version of a vertical banner ended with a smiley egg, trying to correct this. Pretty sure I am dealing with a call centre located in some far off land.
I will persist with this method for today.
[What little “cough” issue would that be MP? “Cough, Cough”.]AD
When even you don’t believe your own side’s bullshit.
When even you don’t believe your own side’s bullsh@t.
A friend on the CDC re-definition of a vaccine
“Saw that. So it is the equivalent of cough medicine”
Labor/CFMEU Premier Andrews “It’s not over until we get boosters in people’s arms”
Any wonder the NSW Premier has started moving goalposts?
Premier Dom Perrottet and NSW Photios Liberals are obviously taking their Marching Orders from VictoriaStan Dictator Dan Andrews
From the Comments
I hope NSW don’t follow this moron but something is definitely not right.
Perrottet must have been grabbed by the short and curlies as soon as he took office.
There must be some huge amount of power behind the scenes that could force him off course.
Very disappointing. We need someone in power to wake the F up!
Yeah heres the thing – it will never be over until everything collapses.
Like it lump it, it seems to be how its going to play out.
The more “boosters”, the better chance the dogs who are running this twisted nightmare will achieve their goals.
Funny how yet again I’m proved right….
Documentary. How money became worthless.
Talks about fiat currency.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò (former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America) writes an open letter to USA bishops with his concerns over the CoViD vaccines and other “approved” treatments, based on cost, efficacy (or lack thereof), side effects, unknown long term safety, moral issues (fetal cell lines used in development) with footnotes for sources of his concerns.
As Terry McCrann details in the Melbourne Herald Sun, COP26 is running on gas and coal and nuclear and wood chips.
The UK has really turned it on.
Solar 0% Even at midday!
Wind 3.4%
Hydro 2.9%
and the rest 93.7% was fossil fuel, gas and coal, or nuclear. What you call wood chips is harder to define. I think silly covers it.
So much for renewables. Utterly useless when you need it and just as useless when you don’t.
The UK is now going more Nuclear. So, FF the French and their underwater cable as well as their fishing boats……………
And the BBC no longer sees that pushing man made Climate Change/warming is controversial
“The director-general of the BBC has said the science of climate change is “no longer politically controversial” and a pledge to increase coverage of the topic would not affect the broadcaster’s impartiality.
Asked whether making climate change central to BBC programming would be seen as “political”, Mr Davie told a panel of TV bosses at the Cop26 summit in Glasgow: “I don’t think it’s politically controversial now. The overwhelming consensus is that we as humanity are causing global warming. ”
So science (of Climate Change) is decided by political consensus and the BBC decides what is the political consensus. All hail the BBC.
What happened to science? And when was there ever a BBC debate on this alleged science? Between scientists. And when was man made Climate Change/Global Warming ever proven?
Consensus “science” is not science, it’s politics.
In my book a “Consensus science” decision translates as “Lets finish this of now.The coffee is getting cold”
I was surprised to see that Wikipedia had a section on consensus science, as though it was a legitimate scientific methodology.
The usual post modernist demolition of rational science as taught at university in Education degrees. Real science should explain the historical facts, which man made CO2 driven global warming does not, unless you eliminate the little ice age and draw a hockey stick. And should fit the future, which it has not after 33 years of wrong predictions, all of them. Now we are being told that it is true simply because a very large number of people make their living from it? What sort of scientific proof is that?
And they push the line that no scientific theory can be proven. Utter rubbish. Newton was not wrong. His Laws do not apply to atoms or electromagnetism or black holes and galaxies, but work very well on everything in between.
Popper would say he was proven wrong, which means he had no idea of what it means to have a working model. Models are not explanations but reliable ways of accurately predicting what will happen and explaining what has happened. On all counts Climate models are all busted. And there has never been a proof that CO2 causes planetary warming. Rather the fact that CO2 is still climbing steadily and satellites show world temperatures have not changed in 40 years means it is just wrong.
The Law of Consensus Science is that being entirely wrong is of no consequence if there is a lot of money involved, thousands of billions a year.
Im surprised you are surprised
I know I shouldn’t ..but… LOL !
Los Angeles Mayor Tests Positive for Covid at Climate Summit
Eric Garcetti tested positive for COVID on Wednesday, his office announced. The mayor is fully vaccinated and isolating in his Glasgow hotel room.
Mayor of Los Angeles? further evidence of the boondoggle status of this event.
Yes. Seems like another piglet searching for a teat.
More in the “if the Left didn’t have double standards they’d have none at all” department.
The COP26 menu is ‘like serving cigarettes at a lung cancer conference’
Climate and conservation groups have questioned the sustainability of the COP26 menu, which is almost 60 per cent meat or dairy based.
2 Nov 2021
You might expect the world’s biggest climate change conference to opt for eco-friendly menus, given the clamour to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. Yet the menu at COP26 in Glasgow is almost 60 per cent meat or dairy with dishes labelled as high-carbon at almost every food stand, a move which ‘beggars belief” according to climate and conservation campaigners.
Again this ignorance of basic chemistry from the scientifically illiterate AGW clown. .
A cow cannot chemically or physically put out any more “carbon” than they take in.
They are carbon neutral.
Just part of the carbon cycle.
Agreed but the attack on cows by communist vegans is more subtle. Their logic is that ruminants (termites are more significant) turn carbon into CH4 not CO2 and CH4 is 30x more powerful as a greenhouse gas than CO2. So the cows have to go. Don’t bother making this quantitative. Cows are evil. And they have to be saved from becoming hamburgers, so get rid of them.
And the termites have to go too.
In a world without humans, say 100,000 years ago and for hundreds of millions of years, the planet was covered in herbivores. More grass means more herbivores. While cows replaced bison, I doubt the overall numbers are any different.
It is in the general eco warrior world view that (other) humans are a cancer on the planet. Get rid of the humans and their livestock and the planet will be saved. Why? For whom?
As Dr. Patrick Moore founder of Greenpeace wrote yearse after he left, Greeenpeace had become the enemy of humanity, taken over by communists and lawyers who still feast on the hundreds of millions in free money from well meaning people. In their 2020 report the income was EU90 Million. And you have to keep finding things to do with all that money, apart from the 500+ full time people.
CH4 is fairly quickly converted to CO2 in the atmosphere.
Facts like that don’t matter, though, do they !
How does that happen? I am surprised that any hydrocarbon degrades in the atmosphere.
But if you ignore all the predictions of doom, the figure I can get from the internet is that Methane is 0.00017% of the atmosphere. Add the promoted idea of x30 and you get 0.0058% against 0.04% CO2, so 1/7th of the size. It is hardly worth eliminating all the herbivores for a 13% effect.
And 30x nothing is still nothing, but there is no great problem with CH4. It’s another fairy tale. Both are transparent at most frequencies and water covers 75% of the planet anyway, so there is little back radiation. Like all of man made Global Warming aka Climate Change, it is incredibly implausible, does not fit the facts and busted by the fact that warming has not happened, in case no one noticed.
It’s the great wonder of man made CO2 driven (plus CH4) Global Warming, that the lack of warming is completely irrelevant. But it has made famous men of people who would not qualify as competent scientists at all, like Professor Tim Flannery. A nation’s Chief Climate Scientist who is utterly unqualified in science, unless the study of dead wombats qualifies.
How dare you 🙂
Back radiation™ is real.
Someone here on the blog said that you could see photons in your microwave oven if you wore special night glasses and I’m sure I was hit on the head by a shower of photons a few nights ago.
End sarc. 🙂
This video (link below) is a very good rebuttal to Leftists who say we should stop eating meat and start eating plants and insects in order to “save the planet”.
To date there have not been very many comprehensive rebuttals about the supposed inappropriate land, water and energy use and “carbon” (sic) pollution supposedly created by raising tasty animals to BBQ for human consumption.
Very good David. Especially the final bit about 40% of our food being wasted and generating methane.
According to a 2019 EPA study, enteric fermentation from all sources is 27% of the methane total, of which cows generate a very small amount. There is estimated to be around 570 million tonnes of methane generated annually, of which cows generate only 1.3 to 1.5 million tonnes, or 0.24% of the total. Termites are estimated to produce around 20 million tonnes annually. Other insects that produce methane include cockroaches and centipedes. It’s interesting that CO2 is quoted in ppm, while methane is quoted in ppb, presumably to make the number appear bigger.
Vegan, tribal name for lousy hunter.
What about the North American Bison, the Gnus of Africa, the sacred cows of India and many others. Good luck with that lot. What a load of BS………………….
I think cows [prolly the only ruminants “they” know] are in the crosshairs because of the methane they “fart”, but again they demonstrate ignorance, the methane is generated in the rumen which is a mini microbic still pre-digesting a coarse fibre diet. After gulping down grass on the open plain the ruminant retires to a safe, shady place and chews its cud at leisure. Cattle are, as you say, part of the cycle. If the cattle didn’t eat the coarse fibre it would “go to waste” and burn or be cycled by microbes with the same result.
Really worth a read.
You can’t get to net zero without industry!
And that industry is being destroyed, around the globe, by CO2 dictates. !
Just what you’d want to hear!
“Accurate To Plus Or Minus 3 Percentage Points”
I guess we assume the same emthodology?
What I find passing strange is that there is a branch of atmospheric science which studies the ancient atmosphere, but there seems to be no cross-talk between them and modernists (or perhaps there is, but the comparisons are blocked as “non-narrative”). As I read it, several billion years ago, prior to the rise of photosynthetic micro-organisms about 2 billion years ago which oxygenated our air, the atmosphere comprised, inter alia, SEVERAL % methane (20x more powerful a GHG as CO2) and CO2. That is, 20,000 ppm of each, give or take. Yet the seas didn’t boil, Venus 2 didn’t arise, and conditions were seemingly perfect for anaerobes and evolving aerobes. Conversely, the rise of plants which took vast quantities of atmospheric CO2 and turned it into coal (thanks!), dropping CO2 levels by a factor of a hundred, didn’t turn the earth into a snowball. Yet here, we are talking low hundreds of ppm CO2 and parts per BILLION of methane leading us to certain doom. What gives?
They seem to have forgotten everything, that was then and this is now. The zealots believe that an increase in CO2 has warmed the planet and climate before last century has no relation to the drama we are seeing now.
They have a linear perspective which ignores natural cycles.
VIDEO Pfizer commercial – starring 5-11 YO kids as ‘SuperHeroes’ promoting vaccine shots
Thanks to reader Philip who writes:
Absolutely disgusting add by PFIZER.
Pfizer is telling young children that their experimental mRNA covid injection will make them “superheroes” and give them “superpowers.”
The Big Pharma giant released this disgraceful propaganda ad for their “superhero shot” on Monday:
Pfizer Produces Creepy Vaccination Propaganda Video Targeting Kids – Reminder, Only 27 Percent of Parents Comfortable With This Political Vaccination
November 3, 2021 | Sundance | 282 Comments
Before getting to a seriously deranged propaganda commercial presented by Pfizer, let me first outline some context.
Modern Democrats and leftists -writ large- celebrate childless families. Modern Democrats advocate for not having children and enjoying the freedom that comes from a childless life.
Democrats promote abortion even at the last moments before natural birth (ie. #ShoutYourAbortion), and consider children to be “anchors” (Obama’s term) that stop people from enjoying a productive life focused on professional advancement.
Everything in the expressed policies of the modern Democrats is about not having children or becoming parents. Sure they talk about children, but only from the perspective of political benefit. Children are a point of advocacy for them; yet most influential modern leftists do not have children.
Democrats and leftists also claim not having children is the most environmentally responsible conduct. They intentionally erode the institution of marriage, and inside their policies they advocate for the government to replace two parent households. Single parenting is supported by funding and direct subsidy; and the ability to be disconnected from direct childcare and parental responsibility is part of their platform. The state replaces the role of parent.
As a direct result, an entire generation of brainwashed twenty-somethings have no desire to have children. Additionally, as a natural outcome of this generational approach, the children that do exist within society are overwhelmingly from parents who are not in alignment with mainstream leftism.
U.S. Democrats, in generalized terms, no longer have a direct and personal connection to raising children. A very large percentage of leftist political advocates are childless. That is the generational context that is growing more stark as each year passes. There are fewer and fewer children from people who define themselves as Democrats. However, you will note these childless leftist activists are also at the center of policies that touch the lives of parents.
One example would be the School Boards recently in the headlines that are often occupied by childless leftists and ideologues who align with communal outlooks toward children. They do not have children themselves, but they believe your children belong to them.
With the uptake in worldwide cases of vaxxed kids getting sick primarily with heart related issues, I’m seeing a significant increase in advertising. Billboards, bus signage etc all promoting the notion that heart problems in young people is normal.
No doubt in an effort to disguise the obvious.
If it walks and quacks like a duck…it’s probably a govt health expert.
Biden’s Response to a Question About Giving $450,000 to Illegal Aliens in DOJ Settlement Case SHOULD ALARM EVERYONE
November 3, 2021 | Sundance
Within the response which includes “that’s not going to happen“, it is clear that Joe Biden has absolutely NO IDEA what the journalist was talking about. From the position of Joe Biden, the Fox reporter was speaking ‘fake news’. WATCH:
The headline from this response should not be Joe Biden saying “that’s not going to happen“; the screaming alarm bell headline should be: President Biden Has No Idea DOJ, DHS and HHS Entered Settlement with Immigration Lawyers to Pay $450,000 Per Person.
The bigger issue is not paying the illegal aliens a settlement, the bigger issue is Joe Biden having no idea about it.
This showcases a puppet president who has no idea what is going on around him. This isn’t an issue of not knowing something that was in a congressional bill, or not knowing details of a Dept of Labor ruling. This is the Joe Biden Executive Branch operating unilaterally without involving Joe Biden.
The President of the United States doesn’t know about what is going on in his own administration, because the office of the presidency is an irrelevant agency to the people who are operating behind the curtain. THAT is what Joe Biden’s response highlighted.
The response to the “Restore democracy in Qld” petition!!!!!
Not sure if it is still the case but on a Qantas flight the reverse would happen and the unvaccinated passenger would be hauled off. In any case, I hope this example becomes the norm, and any airline that does discriminate against those who choose not to be vaccinates – I hope they go bust because they would deserve it.
Woman Refuses to Sit Next to Unvaccinated on Airplane & is Removed
Wonderful! Well done that cabin crew member and the captain.
Where is national pride, why won’t Australians embrace EV for the sake of the environment and reducing fuel and oil imports and other good reasons?
According the EV Industry our governments should be providing more incentives, after all the cheapest EV are small cars not family cars and priced at about double the same model ICEV so taxpayers should subsidise the other Australians who can afford a second car EV, shouldn’t we?
Ignore the source of grid electricity being mostly from fossil fuelled generators and that so called renewables are unreliable and at best supply up to about 15 per cent of electricity, EV is better for the environment than ICEV burning liquid fossil fuels more efficiently. Or that to travel a given distance the weight and cost of the EV batteries is far more than a fuel tank full of fuel, think about the environment.
It’s no joke, the becoming desperate EV Industry is lobbying for government support.
They should be told about Mr Henry Ford who invented and pt into production his Model T ICEV and succeeded in making profits because his invention was cost effective and provided buyers with convenience in personal transport, range and simplicity of refuelling, even carrying spare cans of fuel when travelling long distances.
In other words, our society was built on free enterprise, free market (leftists call capitalism), let the consumers choose the winners and losers.
Apparently the EV Industry isn’t having a lot of success with consumers.
Possibly Cost could be a problem?
Peugeot is only offering the 3008 plug-in hybrid in the well-equipped GT Sport specification with prices starting at $79,990 before on-road costs.
This is about $25,000 more than the equivalent petrol-only model.
The plug-in hybrid brings a big jump in performance combining a 147kW four-cylinder turbocharged petrol engine with two electric motors – one on each axle – combining for 222kW.
With due consideration for the French Ambassador breaking with convention to criticise the Australian Prime Minister at the National Press Club in Canberra, diplomats do not become involved in the politics of the nation where they are representing their own country, I believe that Australians should avoid French imported products as we did when that country was polluting our atmosphere with nuclear tests and when they sank the Rainbow Warrior ship in Auckland Harbour using French Commandoes.
My antirus suite is telling me that Jennifer Marohasy’s website has dangerous content and has been blocked.
Anyone else getting this?
Mother…..absolutely no problem on my system….Brave browser and McAfee antivirus
None for me either: Mac Big Sur, brave, no anti virus.
You have not upgraded to Monterey? iMac seems to be quicker than under Big Sur
No problems with Chrome and Norton. We’re you accessing the actual website?
The truth is extremely dangerous.
Thanks, guys
Firefox DuckDuckGo and ESET. AV is just updated so may have changed its criteria and overdone the caution.
No problems iMac Monterey using DickDuckGo on Chrome and Firefox – AVS Anri Virus
Do the woke climate clowns know that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles spew out greenhouse gas, water vapour is definitely a greenhouse gas or vapour.
A study from New Zealand on pregnant women receiving mRNA vaccines.
‘The study indicates that at least 81.9% (≥104/127) experienced spontaneous abortion following mRNA exposure before 20 weeks, and 92.3% (96/104) of spontaneous abortions occurred before 13 weeks’ gestation’
It is so wrong that pharma industry *rs* kissing governments recommend covid vaccines for pregnant women.
I think it was Zelenko I heard say that miscarriages had increased from 10% to 80%.
This is criminal.
190 countries agree to phase out coal, thankfully not us, haven’t these wombats noticed what’s going on in Europe and North America and China.
Italy Reduces COVID-19 Death Toll by a Whopping 97%
Italy’s Institute of Health now counts only those who died from COVID-19 has having died from COVID-19, reducing COVID-19 deaths in the hard-hit country from over 130,000 to fewer than 4,000.
That’s a 97% decrease.
“Of the … 130,468 deaths registered as official COVID deaths since the start of the pandemic, only 3,783 are directly attributable to the virus alone,” reports Summit News.
As the Daily Sceptic’s Toby Young wrote on Thursday, “All the other Italians who lost their lives had from between one and five pre-existing diseases. Of those aged over 67 who died, 7% had more than three co-morbidities, and 18% at least two.”
PJ Media has been publishing articles since at least last summer, reminding readers of the vast difference between dying from COVID and dying with COVID.
I concluded around that time that COVID kills almost exclusively those — and I hope this still doesn’t sound too callous — who were already on their way out the door.
It only took a year and a half, but now the Italian Institute of Health has confirmed what many of us already knew.
Is it allowable to do that; that’s telling the truth.
Maybe the Italians could show New York how they did it.
Here it is: OSHA finally issues vaccine mandate for large companies — but it won’t take effect until next year
No wonder it took them two months to publish the new rule. It’s 490 pages long.
May I suggest the three-page fact sheet for your reading pleasure instead? –
The newsiest part of today’s announcement is that the mandate won’t take effect immediately. It’s postponed until January 4, which the White House claims will help “streamline implementation and make it easier for business and employees to comply with the requirements,” per CNN. In truth, they postponed it because companies warned them that having to lay off anti-vax employees right before the holidays won’t be good for business, particularly at a moment when supply chains are already disrupted.
Having just been obliterated at the polls, Biden and his party wisely concluded that they didn’t need one of his policies taking the blame for ruining Thanksgiving and Christmas too.
Two rules were issued this morning. One is the OSHA vax-or-test mandate for businesses, requiring people who work for companies with 100 or more employees to either get their shots or get tested weekly (and wear a mask on the job.) The other is a rule from CMS aimed at health-care workers specifically. There’s no testing option in that one; if you want to work around sick, vulnerable people, it’s vaccination or bust.
But note whose health the agency claims to be concerned with in its rule: Unvaccinated workers, not their vaccinated colleagues who are at risk of being infected by them in a shared indoor space. Essentially, the feds are taking a “for your own good” approach to justify their mandate, forcing the unvaxxed to get immunized to mitigate their own personal risk of illness. They could have come at this from the other way, arguing that because the unvaxxed are more likely to infect others, have higher viral loads, etc, they need to be vaccinated to reduce the risk they pose to all of their colleagues.
“For your own good” is an awfully slippery slope for federal health regulations. Obesity is a “grave danger” to the health of an obese person but not to the health of those around him. Based on today’s standard, shouldn’t OSHA be able to set workplace rules aimed at preventing overweight employees from gaining weight on the job? No vending machines at work, for instance? Or no access to vending machines if you’re above a certain BMI?
Coming to Australia soon under NSW Liberal Dom Perrottet and his Mate Dictator Dan Andrews of VictoriaStan?
San Francisco to Force Children as Young as 5-Years-Old to Carry Vaccine Passports, Show Proof of Vaccination
Children aged five to 11 will be forced to prove they are vaccinated if they want to enter restaurants and entertainment venues.
The progressive city became the first in the country to impose strict vaccine mandates for indoor venues in August for all children and adults over 12.
City officials plan to extend such requirements to children as young as five and made the announcement at a town hall meeting Tuesday, the same day the CDC granted emergency approval for that age group to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech shot.
San Francisco Health Officer Susan Philip said the city would give children roughly two months to get fully vaccinated before they must show their vaccination passports or be turned away from local establishments.
San Francisco plans to mandate children aged 5 to 11 show proof of vaccination to enter indoor venues. San Francisco Health Officer Susan Philip made the announcement at a town hall meeting via Zoom on Tuesday
City officials made the announcement the same day the CDC granted emergency approval of the PFizer-BioNTech for that age group.
And more crypto currencies based on extremely energy hungry technology. What does COP26 have to say about fundamentally uncessary block chain currencies of which Bitcoin alone uses more electricity than Austria or Venezuela. Nothing.
COP26 sticks to slaughter the animals, build windmills and solar panels and stop making metals, concrete and fertilizer and most importantly get rid of national autonomy. Why? To save the planet from Climate Change. The UN Says so. And who will run the planet? The unelected bureaucrats of the United Nations. Or China.
And the media say nothing. Hydrogen will save us is their chant. From what?
Most people would not be aware of this, but the huge get rich quick Block chain industry is so distorting the computer market that the games players cannot afford the latest high performance graphics cards as the blockchain miners are soaking up all production and making such graphics cards unaffordable.
Between the booming mobile phone industry and blockchain it will become very hard to even get the computer chips for such mundane applications as aircraft, cars and manufacturing and other devices. And as before, blockchain is starting to seriously impact electricity prices and supply, fundamental resources. The world is building power stations for speculators, a cancer on the world energy supply. And the massive IT industry says nothing as the trillions roll in. And COP26 says nothing. Vegan meat is more important.
California “solves the container problem”
“Because Punishing Ships Creates More CARB Trucks Overnight… /sarc;”
The hospitals in Australia are being overrun. Not from Covid. And no one can explain why.
(From Alex Berenson’s email feed)
Nov 4
So said Mark McGowan, the premier of Western Australia – which has almost 3 million people – in an interview with Sky News Australia on Sun., Oct. 31.
Here’s his exact quotation:
‘Our hospitals are under enormous pressure. This is the same in [the rest of Australia]. This has been something no one has ever seen before, the growth in demand in our hospitals, why it is is hard, hard to know… There is huge numbers of people coming through the door, so we’re doing everything we can to try to manage it.”
To be clear, Covid is not causing the hospital crisis in Western Australia. The state has incredibly strict border restrictions, even by Australian standards, and almost no cases.
But – like the rest of Australia – it has very high vaccination rates
Even Noticed in America and states the obvious – What else could the problem be other than the vaccinations causing hospitalizations?
Something Very Weird Happening in Western Australia – Hospitals Overwhelmed, Vaccinations Continue But They Have No COVID
November 4, 2021 | Sundance | 90 Comments
Noted by Alex Berenson, something very weird is happening in the state of Western Australia (WA) home to a population of almost 3 million people. The WA state has been locked down and isolated from the COVID-19 impacts in the eastern states.
There are very few COVID cases in locked down Western Australia, which has allowed them time to prepare for the potential arrival of the virus which includes a massive vaccination effort. The state has modeled an anticipated arrival of the COVID virus in early 2022, early next year. However, as the vaccination rates increase, the hospitals are being overwhelmed with new patients and the Premier cannot explain why.
Alex Berernson notes comments made by WA Premier Mark McGowan on October 31st about hospitals being currently overwhelmed.
Obviously something is very wrong:
COVID-19, or any variant therein, is non-existent in the Western Australia population.
The Western Australia population is being vaccinated.
The hospitals in Western Australia are now overwhelmed, and not by COVID-19.
What else could the problem be other than the vaccinations causing hospitalizations?
Premier McGowan looks like a politician in a very difficult position…..
Something Really Strange Is Happening At Hospitals All Over America
In a year that has been filled with so many mysteries already, I have another very odd one to share with you. Emergency rooms are filled to overflowing all over America, and nobody can seem to explain why this is happening. Right now, the number of new COVID cases in the United States each day is less than half of what it was just a couple of months ago. That is really good news, and many believe that this is a sign that the pandemic is fading. Let us hope that is true. With less people catching the virus, you would think that would mean that our emergency rooms should be emptying out, but the opposite is actually happening. All across the country, emergency rooms are absolutely packed, and in many cases we are seeing seriously ill patients being cared for in the hallways because all of the ER rooms are already full.
World Class Athletes Suffer Vaccine Injuries
Did you know that a Brazilian jiu-jitsu world champion, two Olympic gold medalists, an NBA point guard, and the world’s top static breath-hold freediver have all suffered Covid-19 vaccine injuries?
Are the unvaxxinated the risk takers or is it the vaxxinated?
Sometimes things come to light but you may be sure that those who wish to cover us in darkness do everything they can to stop any of this being made known. And what you would really like to know is why these nurses prefer to stay unvaxxinated.
There is also this which is similar but from the United States: Falsified data: Pfizer vaccine trials had major flaws, whistleblower tells.
Who really are the risk-takers? The vaxxinated or the unvaxxinated?
The Igor Danchenko Indictment
It was all a fraud.
The Danchenko Indictment
John Durham has another scalp. On November 3, 2021, Igor Danchenko – Christopher Steele’s primary subsource – was arrested by federal authorities.
Now we have his indictment. Danchenko has been charged with false statements to federal officials during his 2017 interviews with the FBI.
According to the indictment, Danchenko lied about his contacts with “Russians,” his travels to Russia, and the identity of his sources. (Those are just some of the lies.) In John Durham’s words:
Everything, brought to you by Pfizer. – 53 secs
Well, this is totally normal and not at all a conflict of interest
It’s a bit like when the cigarette companies used to sponsor all the sporting events.Truth still got out eventually.
Aussie nurse makes it very clear to the mainstream media poodles that VACCINES are causing deaths, not COVID!
Marie said…
The stuff of nightmares.
NZ Director General of Health – Dr Doomfield – oops, er, Bloomfield proudly announced yesterday the purchase of another 4.7 million doses of, you guessed it – Pfizer “vaccines” for a population of 5.1 million. This is to take into account they are going to jab 5 year olds and up and start giving out “boosters” (a significant part of the population is not yet double jabbed). Pfizer and Moderna’s profits so far are eyewatering and they are set to make double that next year.
In the meantime, a rest home in Auckland, where the vast majority of residents and all the staff are double jabbed have an outbreak of Covid. 15 residents are positive, four are in hospital and 4 staff are positive. It was introduced by a double jabbed staff member. Authorities are scratching their heads as this home has been under strict lockdown since August.
The 7 day hard and fast lockdown is in its 11th week and now the govt is getting petty by wanting to restrict Aucklanders even more by complicated restrictions over summer that punishes anyone not double jabbed. PM getting antsy as she is getting heckled at press conferences and protests in front of her. Seems her admission of a two tier apartheid society isn’t going down too well.
Pfizer to pay $2.3 billion, agrees to criminal plea
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Pfizer Inc agreed on Wednesday to plead guilty to a U.S. criminal charge relating to promotion of its now-withdrawn Bextra pain medicine and will pay a record $2.3 billion to settle allegations it improperly marketed 13 medicines.
The world’s biggest drugmaker was slapped with the huge fines by the U.S. government after being deemed a repeat offender in pitching drugs to patients and doctors for unapproved uses.
Pfizer pleaded guilty in 2004 to an earlier criminal charge of improper sales tactics and its practices have been under U.S. supervision since then.
“If another one of these charges crops up, it would raise questions whether Jeff Kindler is keeping everyone at Pfizer on a tight enough leash,” said Miller Tabak analyst Les Funtleyder, referring to Pfizer’s chief executive officer.
WikiLeaks: Drug firms tried to ditch Clark
Drug companies tried to get rid of Helen Clark when she was health minister, leaked US Embassy cables claim.
They also claim that one major drug firm so strongly objected to restrictive drug buying rules that it lobbied against New Zealand getting a Free Trade Agreement with the US.
The cables reveal that the drug industry changed tactics in trying to get New Zealand to change its drug pricing policy.
Instead of directly lobbying the Government, the embassy was told of plans to agitate patients by providing them with information about drugs that weren’t available. It would “educate New Zealanders.”
Also, Pfizer would “oppose free-trade negotiations” until the New Zealand Government changed policy.
Anger at deadly Nigerian drug trials
In school, Anas Mohammadu’s mates call him “horror” and make fun of him.
But Anas is lucky to be alive.
Other children who were used in the controversial 1996 drug trial by US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer died.
Anas, then only three years old, was the first child to be given the experimental antibiotic Trovan at the Infectious Diseases Hospital, Kano, during the drug trial.
Pfizer tested the then unregistered drug in Nigeria’s north-western Kano State during an outbreak of meningitis which had affected thousands of children.
Officials in Kano say more than 50 children died in the experiment, while many others developed mental and physical deformities.
But Pfizer says only 11 of the 200 children used in the drug trial died.
“From our records, the fatalities were only 11, but the survival rate was 94 per cent,” Pfizer spokesman in New York, Bryant Haskins, told the BBC News website.
Biden couldn’t use his teleprompter at the G20 – 25 Secs
“Are You ****ed? Maybe. But.. How Bad?”
“Here, we report, besides generation of neutralizing antibodies, consistent alterations in hemoglobin A1c, serum sodium and potassium levels, coagulation profiles, and renal functions in healthy volunteers after vaccination with an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Similar changes had also been reported in COVID-19 patients, suggesting that vaccination mimicked an infection.”
More at
“The truth about January 6th, 2021, and the progressive left’s lies about it”
Links to the Tucker Carlson three part series
more lols. Thanks
And you were there?
Chiefio was
You must chuckle about how hard the left worked to get rid of O’Reilly only to have him replaced by Tucker, who must be squeaky clean. I imagine his history and tweets must have been examined under a microscope by now, and he lives.
What’s more important to Queensland Health than Covid?
Frisky business
Alice Workman
Strewth Editor
Annastacia Palaszczuk wants Queenslanders to give themselves a hand. Literally. If you think the Labor government has become a bit of a toss lately, this Facebook post by Queensland Health could provide a possible explanation: “Masturbation is a normal and healthy part of a person’s sexual experience and a great way to discover what you are comfortable with. The best part is, it’s for everyone – and also offers a wealth of health and sexual health benefits!” Strewth’s spies suggests this may be a PR move by Queensland Health following an incident last year when a patient was advised by a registered nurse to masturbate in the shower, after calling the state government’s 24-hour hotline for over-the-phone advice about severe pain. The department was forced to apologise and investigate. Now Sunshine State sexperts are advertising the handy benefits of onanism, such as reducing menstrual cramps, releasing endorphins that improve mental wellbeing and promoting a positive body image. Queensland Health has penned an article for prudish parents, offering tips on how to talk openly “with kids” about keeping their hands full. We presume they meant to write “with your kids”, not random teens on the street. Steer clear of the internet, it suggests, which is full of masturbation myths and stigmas that can increase feelings of “shame and fear”. There is no “right age” or time for the conversation, but it is “recommended to talk to them about self-pleasuring when they near puberty”. As for the deed itself? Parents should be “encouraging it to occur in a private setting” and ensure that healthy coping mechanisms for stress are in place to “avoid dependence on the activity”. Good advice for any vice that pumps you up.
Do they have Pajeros as their government cars?
(Assuming you know the behind of that story)
U.S. Labor Productivity Crashes 5%, Worst Decline in 40 Years
#FJB via @BreitbartNews
Stories are starting to appear about supplies of fertilizer world wide being very low.
I guess no fertilizer, limited food supply?
A blocking high pressure is responsible for Greenland ice melt, not an increase in CO2.
yeah, a natural consequence of the global cooling/
That is correct, nice to see you joining the dots.
There is a large ocean heatwave in the North Pacific which appears to be an example of the same phenomenon.
where is the cold? The equator?
Close, but no, a large island in the Southern Hemisphere.
‘When the La Niña hit last year, Australia experienced its coolest summer in nine years, and wettest summer in four years, with 29% more rain than average. Domensino warned last year the cooling impact of the La Niña masked the warnings on climate change.’ (Guardian)
The professor is hyperventilating again.
Can he join dots?
There are cold spots on the equator.
Many refrigerators are needed because of the heat.
Humans place in the universe.
A couple of cool video clips that show our place in the big picture.
Jo, China officially telling its citizens to stock up?
“A statement from China’s government urging local authorities to ensure there was adequate food supply during the winter and encouraging people to stock up on some essentials prompted concerned talk online, with people linking it with the widening coronavirus outbreak, a forecast cold snap, or even rising tensions with Taiwan.
“The Ministry of Commerce urged local authorities to stabilize prices and ensure supplies of daily necessities including vegetables this winter and next spring, according to a statement Monday evening. Chinese households were also encouraged to stock up on a certain amount of daily necessities in preparation for the winter months or emergencies.
An “A” pass in “Sea Lawyering 101”
“when the signs say you must be vaccinated, well heck yes I am!!!
you won’t ever see me with measles mumps or rubella!!!!!
they didn’t specifically say Covid vaccine so I specifically was thinking of another vaccine!!”
Like those signs that say “Angle Parking” – such being in the range of 0 to 180 degrees.
Ozone hole is getting larger and a cold stratosphere is the cause.
‘The 2021 Antarctic ozone hole reached its maximum area on October 7 and ranks 13th-largest since 1979, scientists from NASA and NOAA reported on October 27, 2021. This year’s ozone hole developed similarly to last year’s: A colder than usual Southern Hemisphere winter led to a deep and larger-than-average ozone hole that will likely persist into November or early December.
“This is a large ozone hole because of the colder than average 2021 stratospheric conditions, and without a Montreal Protocol, it would have been much larger,” said Paul Newman, chief scientist for Earth sciences at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.’ (Scitech Daily)
“More on the spike protein toxin.
Athletes are dying like flies, collapsing on live TV. ”
Saw an advert tonight for the latest Google Pixel smartphone. Google will look after my privacy apparently.
They even said it woth a straight face.
Finally a solar program I like .
I have always wanted to “sabre” a bottle of champagne.
This looks like a poor man’s version:
To be honest, if you’re going to use a kitchen knife you may as well show off with a bottle of spumante.
A combo drug for treating COVID
But. . .
No comments on side effects, no comments on possible long-term toxicity.
Trust us – we know what we’re doing. . .