How badly do our Health Ministers want to reduce Covid infections and deaths? Not much. If they were at all serious — before they hand out free vaccines, they’d hand out free Vitamin D supplements.
In a study conducted in a Galilee hospital, 26 percent of vitamin D-deficient coronavirus patients died, while among other patients the figure was at 3%. — Times of Israel
If only black lives mattered? Dark skins are so much more likely to be deficient, this is one of those absolutely easy wins for any politician, yet none of them are doing it?
Nearly half the people in the study were deficient, and half of those who were seriously deficient in Vitamin D would go on to develop a severe case. These were the people with levels below 20 ng/ml. Of all the people above that, only 10% would get a severe case. And just being “above 20ng” would still be classified as moderately deficient by many measures, yet it made such a huge difference.
It was a life and death thing — the mortality rate was 25%, fully five times higher for those who fell below the 20ng/ml bar.
The Israeli study looked at the Vitamin D levels of 1200 patients in their medical records before they got infected with Covid. This is important because although studies like the Indonesian study last year showed that people with low levels of Vitamin D were much more likely to die of Covid, those patients weren’t assessed until they turned up at hospital when they were already sick. We couldn’t be sure that something about Covid itself wasn’t chewing through the Vitamin D levels and causing the deficiency. So an Israeli team looked back through their records for up to 2 years to see what their last blood tests showed.

People with the lowest Vitamind D levels were the most likely to get severe Covid.
It’s a retrospective study, so the blood levels of D might have changed, yet despite that, the results still pop out of the data. Ideally we’d measure them just before they got sick.
Don’t wait til you’re in ICU to fix that deficiency. And definitely don’t wait for the CDC or Anthony Fauci to suggest it.
The biggest disadvantage with Vitamin D is that there’s no money in it.
Vitamin D deficiency is so common it’s an epidemic affecting a billion people around the world.
Vitamin D levels also correlate with lower rates of cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, heart disease, dental caries, preeclampsia, autoimmune disease, depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders. Vitamin D influences over 200 genes. It’s so crucial, it was likely the reason northern Europeans evolved whiter skin. The lack of sunlight and the introduction of grains in diets (as opposed to eating liver and whales) meant that Europeans weren’t getting enough D from either food or sun. The selective pressure was so strong that lighter skin rapidly took over all the northern communities. Eskimos didn’t need to go white — they were still getting D from offal and plenty of fish.
Results Of 1176 patients admitted, 253 had VitD levels prior to COVID-19 infection. Compared with mildly or moderately diseased patients, those with severe or critical COVID-19 disease were more likely to have pre-infection vitamin D deficiency of less than 20 ng/mL (OR=14.30, 95%, 4.01-50.9; p < .001); be older (OR=1.039 for each year, 95% CI for OR, 1.017-1.061; p< .01), and have diabetes (OR=2.031, 95% CI for OR, 1.04-3.36; p= 0.038). Vitamin D deficiency was associated with higher rates of mortality (p<0.001) and comorbidities.
Half of the people were severely deficient:
Of the 253 individuals with pre-infection VitD levels, 133 (52.5%) had a level less than 20 ng/mL, 36 (14.2%) had 20 to less than 30 ng/mL, 44 (17.3%) had 30 to less than 40 ng/mL, and 40 (15.8%) had 40 ng/mL or greater (Table 1). Mortality among patients with sufficient VitD levels was 2.3%, in contrast to the VitD deficient group’s 25.6% mortality rate (p-value<0.001).
Vitamin D is measured in two different units:
Patients’ 25(OH)D levels were divided into four universally accepted categories: deficient (below 50 nmol/L or 20 ng/ml), insufficient (50 nmol/L to 75 nmol/L or 20 -29.9 ng/ml), adequate (75-99.75 nmol/L or 30-39.9 ng/ml), and high-normal (above 187.5 nmol/L or 40 ng/mL).
Dror et al (June 2021) Pre-infection 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels and association with severity of COVID-19 illness, doi:
I buy all spectrum Mineral Pills, because the agriculture based crop farming tends to be deficient in them.
Also buy Zinc tablets but they are way past the recommended daily use, thus every three days I take one for safety.
Also buy WHOLE milk with Vitamin D added.
Vitamin D3 is not available through your food, nor through regular exercise,
Why don’t you have a Vitamin D3 test and then tell us all what it is? That’s the only way you’ll find out.
The Grand Solar Minimum is going to be short of food and sunshine soon ….
A good diet will not give you enough Vitamin D2 to do anything but survive ie: not die.
What time of day do you get your ‘good dose of sunshine?’
Yes, vitamin D deficiency has stood out as an adverse factor in many studies. The FLCCC includes it in their treatment protocols.
I take a once a week dose and use daily quercetin and zinc. I have recently added the cetylpyridium chloride mouthwash as our inane government seems intent on mass “vaccination” with non-sterilizing “vaccines”.
As to waiting on the poisonous gnome Dr. Faux Xi, he may have finally realized that game is up. He’s now touting the promise of a “new” oral anti-viral drug. Works just like the old anti-malarial/anti-parisite drugs but it will be patented and expensive. People are already calling it “Pfizermectin”.
Of course black lives don’t matter. Just ask any black conservative about the horrible treatment and “Uncle Tom” comments they get from Leftists. The Left hate people who refuse to act as professional victims.
It is well known that for those with skin colour adapted for tropical environments who live in the upper lattitudes that they tend to be vitamin D deficient.
It’s basic biology.
But the Left aren’t interested in that, especially in the US, so blame imagined “racism” in order to create divisions in society when none existed before. Look how racially divided the US became after the Biden coup d’état.
Of course, people with lighter skins in the upper lattitudes tend to be also vitamin D deficient in winter.
Even many light skinned people in sunny Australia are vitamin D deficient even in summer, due to the extensive campaigns to cover up in the sun and also due to the use of sunscreen.
That was meant to be an independent comment, not a reply to doing at. I don’t know why this is happening, possibly a bug in the software.
Thanks for confirming. I always knew you were software.
David and you could get together Gee Aye.
David could be the “I” part, and you could be the “A” part.
I am not sure why you are having that problem David,
I clicked on reply (to you) and my screen shows “Reply to David Maddison”.
If I want to leave an independent comment I scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Leave a Reply”.
That seems to work for me.
PeterC, the problem seems to be associated with when you are writing a reply and then someone else replies before you submit (not necessarily on the same comment) and then the ordering sometimes gets messed up.
Given the Outbreak here in Sydney from Jo reference above
Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) is a global health problem, and its high prevalence in the Middle East is well
. Epidemiological risk factors for VDD include greater skin pigmentation, low sun exposure,
use of skin-covering clothes, and a diet low in fish and dairy products. Studies have previously
demonstrated that social habits in specific ethnic groups and a preference to wear long clothing outdoors
are independent risk factors for VDD, particularly among women
. Consistent with laboratory data, clinical
studies have established an association between low vitamin D levels and an increased risk of acquiring
influenza and respiratory viruses
. Meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials conducted between 2007
and 2020 suggest that vitamin D supplementation was safe and reduced the risk of acute respiratory
infection compared with placebo
COVID-19 is an acute respiratory infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which emerged in China in
December 2019 and rapidly developed into a global pandemic. Factors associated with poorer COVID-19
prognoses include geographic location in northern countries, older age, darker skin pigmentation, BAME
ethnicity (Black and minority ethnic groups), male sex, obesity, and preexisting conditions such as diabetes
and hypertension; these risk factors are also independently associated with VDD 7
Notable among them are skin specialists. They were sampled with bad results.
Don’t fall for this “slip, slap, slop” crap. Use sun screen on your face if you must. If you WORK in the sun that’s different. Vit D is an anti cancer agent anyway.
Correct Hanra, Tilers have higher incidence of skin cancers but lower incidence of other cancers. Of course if they are not careful they get an overdose of UV. We are meant to get sunlight on our skin, but enough to get burnt is logically unwise and obviously damaging to the skin. The cancer council’s “Don’t let the sun see your DNA” is a fallacy.
Too right, Konrad! I also take what you are taking to keep my God given immune system in excellent working order. Plus, I also take a non-fridge probiotic to keep my gut flora in good nick. A healthy gut is part of a top functioning immune system.
Endocrine Society recommends 30 ng/ml as a minimum level of D3. 40 to 60 ng/ml is recommended as the desirable level.
Achieving the higher levels requires a daily dose of 1000 IU to 4000 IU. D3 is twice as effective as D2.
I take 2000 IU D3 daily. Cost is about 3 cents/gel capsule. D3 is cheap.
I would like to know if Vitamin D supplementation is as effective as current “vaccines”?
Not that the vaccines on offer are very effective, but it is claimed by government and their masters, the World Homicide Organisation, lead be a former terrorist, and their sycophantic agents that they reduce hospitalization and death.
That was not a reply to Lance but was meant to be an separate comment.
My opinion (free and indemnified) is that Vitamin D is more effective than the current vaxes. Without sufficient D, your immune system is hobbled and inefficient.
Every cell in the immune system has a D receptor. D is what helps the immune system fight viruses and infections.
“..vitamin D receptor is expressed on immune cells such as B cells, T cells, and antigen-presenting cells, and because these cells can synthesize the active vitamin D metabolite, vitamin D also has the potential to modulate innate and adaptive immune responses.”
Vitamin D and immune function: an overview
Vitamin D and the Immune System
Good thing with a lockdown, many people are stuck indoors and may become Vit D deficient – presumably by design?
Engineered crisis?
Nah……frog…pot of water….
It appears Dr M*lone ( mRNA vaccine inventor ) is now on
So, 3% of the non-Vit D patients died.
Original Steve, here’s a little problem for you.
1. From the article Original Steve: “26 percent of vitamin D-deficient coronavirus patients died, while among other patients the figure was at 3%.”
2. “Of the 12,234 Covid-related deaths across L.A. County during the period from 7 December 2020, when vaccinations first became available, to 7 June 2021, 99.8% were among unvaccinated people.”
1.What percentage of vaccinated people in LA County died?
2. What percentage of non-Vit D patients died?
3. In what universe is 0.02% greater than 3.0%?
No need to show all your workings. If you don’t know don’t guess. Toss a coin instead. It makes as much sense as your usual mode.
In case you’re wondering OS, I ask you to do the calculation to help poor old David Maddison out at 3.1 above, on whose comment/thread you attached yourself.
You’re such a polymath, I know you’ll get it right.
Lance from your 1st reference
Vitamin D deficiency (defined as a serum concentration of 25-hydroxyvitamin D ≤20 ng/mL) is common in the United States, particularly among persons of Hispanic ethnicity and Black race. These groups are also overrepresented among cases of COVID-19 in the United States.2 Vitamin D deficiency is also more common in older patients and patients with obesity and hypertension; these factors have been associated with worse outcomes in patients with COVID-19. In observational studies, low vitamin D levels have been associated with an increased risk of community-acquired pneumonia in older adults3 and children.4
The NZ Health Dept seems to have a rabid fear of D3 since some test subjects died in the 1940s. But, given the D3 doses being given in those experiments were of the order of millions of units per day, the rabid fear of the Dept is just a little misplaced. Still, they recently modified their stance of less than 1000 IU per day and admitted that 4000 IU per day was not likely to prove fatal.
That’s now as much as I take over the Southern Hemisphere dark winter months, I don’t use sun screen despite the shrieking of the dermatologists about skin cancer. I’ve had two skin cancers — they were both well before I started paying attention to my D3 levels so they most likely appeared because I was probsbly D3 deficient given that D3 is our first line of protection against skin cancer. Interestingly, we’re not told that — the wash-rinse-repeat-repeat-ad-infinitum against solar exposure causing cancer is well embedded . The first was a basal cell cancer and the second a squamous cell cancer (I think), I notice i have had nothing since. I started sunbalthing over winter 2015. But there’s been little sunshine in Auckland over the second half of 2020 and the first half of this year, so I’ve had to rely on D3, K2, and Zn supplementation.
I don’t have influenza vaccinations because I don’t get influenzas. I don’t bother with a face mask at all ever and, so far, haven’t caught Covid — long may this continue. The more I read about the problems with Covid Vaxes, and those caused by them, the more determined I am to not have one. I’ll stay with D3, it’s much safer.
I had a D3 blood test a couple of weeks ago. I was at 220nm. (equiv to 88 ng/ml). That’s just a tad high, but as D3 is not toxic. I’m not worried. It means my immune system is likely to be Covid-proof. HMNZG, don’t have free D3 blood tests any more — f$%^#$g idiot government. I’m going to be talking to MPs and not very nicely, leading up to the nezt election. The Israelis and the Medical pre-print server contents have shown — conclusively for me — that a high level of D3 in the blood stream is better protection against Covid than anything else.
While supplementing with D3, I also supplement with K2 and Zinc. NZ’s North Island soils are mostly volcanic soils so they are highly likely to be low in Zn. They are definitely deficient in Iodine (I) which has led to supplementation by HMNZG with Iodene in our salt for many decades …
I also use Vitamin C to keep my nasal sinuses under control. They’re under control…
Add to your URL list and explore it. It’s highly informative.
The stepsister of a nephew of mine just died in her sleep a week after the jab. They don’t know if it was related.
Vitamin D would have been a better choice.
Sorry to hear that.
What was her age? I’m petrified by the possibility of long term chronic conditions that these gene therapy spike protein vaccines may cause.
Analitik – Yay or Nay on Novavax – thoughts?
NovaVax contains cultured spike proteins rather than getting your body to produce them through gene therapy but there is nothing “traditional” about it.
The spike proteins are grown from insect cells (moths from memory) which are infected with a modified virus that causes them to produce the tailored spike proteins. So it uses gene therapy as well but not applied to the vaccinatee and still only presents the body with a single reference for immune response.
I’m as disinclined to get shot with this as I am with the gene therapy spike protein vaccines. I’m going to get ivermectin and take it if I test positive and get home quarantined.
Where are you getting your ivermectin please?
Sorry meant to include that. She was only 27 years old and had no known health issues as I was told.
That’s disgraceful that she was convinced to get shot by the government.
Again, sorry for your family’s loss.
That should have been “That’s disgraceful that, at her age, she was convinced to get shot by the government”
Sorry to hear that, any idea what she was jabbed with. ?
I’m not sure which one, Pfizer or Moderna.
Could not have been moderna as that is not available here (assuming that she didn’t get the shot when overseas)
Yes. And if the population (any country) corrected their Vit D deficient, covid could not replicate, in that country. The CCP plan requires that we are severely Vit D deficient, unaware of the deficiency, and scared to take Vit D supplements. And the Medical schools (are controlled) and have ‘trained’ doctors with propaganda to push that ‘narrative’ that Vit D supplements do not cure most common cancers and chronic disease, in addition to stop covid from replicating.
The population’s severe untreated Vit D deficiency is a necessary prerequisite to enable the CCP to terrorize us with covid.
To ensure the population is severely Vit D deficient. Fake research was done and the US ‘boards’ that make Vit D recommendations where filled with controlled peopled. These medical boards, set the recommended 600 to 800 iu/day Vit D maximum recommended daily supplement for Vit D.
Fake/lying/corrupt studies were generated to convince people that Vit D supplements of less than 10,000 IU/day could harm people. The first record case of a Vit D supplement problem, not death, was a real person that took 30,000 iu/day. There is no not a single recorded case/medical evidence of anything negative for people taking 10,000 iu/day or less.
Correctly the population’s Vit D deficiency, requires as a starting point Vit D supplements of 4000 iu/day for all people how do not work outside in the sun. Optimum Vit D is above 60 ng/ml which requires more than 4000 iu/day to reach.
4000 iu/day raises most people (not obese or large people) to a Vit D blood serum level at or above 40 ng/ml, optimum is above 60 ng/ml.
Raising the general population’s Vit D blood serum level to above 40 ng/ml, will almost eliminate chronic ‘illness’ type 2 diabetes, breast cancer, prostate cancer, heart attack, stop covid, stop other virus, stop arteritis, and so on.
The Medical industry makes more than half of their profits treating ‘chronic illness’. Peopel get the chronic illness when their Vit D level is less than 20 ng/ml rather than above 40 ng/ml.
About 15 years ago fake/lying/ Vit D studies (absolutely non-repeatable) paid for by the Medical Industry and done by fake researchers were done to come with lies to frighten people from taking Vit D supplements. This is murder.
The Lying studies were done to come up with the Harvard Medical School lie/propaganda that I link to below.
Lying Vit D studies were done enable fake US medical border to make recommendation that every country follows. That is to limit Vit D supplements to 600 iu to 800 iu/day. Theses fake studies were corrupt/created for a reason. Not a mistake.
This is lying ‘propaganda’ from the Harvard ‘Medical’ ‘School’. This Mass murder and a tremendous waste of our GDP. Conflict of interest is the reason why there are fake/lying pharmaceutical studies.
This is a lie.
“Why shouldn’t everyone just take vitamin D supplements?” Comment: William this is lying Propaganda.
Too much vitamin D can be harmful, including (ironically) increasing fractures, falls, and kidney stones, and can be toxic by causing excessive levels of calcium. Although not proven, high vitamin D levels have been associated with prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, and mortality. A recent study found that use of high-dose vitamin D supplements increased over a 15-year period.
The following is a link to a couple of real studies done by real researchers.
Incidence rate of type 2 diabetes is >50% lower in Grassroots Health cohort with median serum 25–hydroxyvitamin D of 41 ng/ml than in NHANES cohort with median of 22 ng/ml
Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations ≥40 ng/ml Are Associated with >65% Lower Cancer Risk: Pooled Analysis of Randomized Trial and Prospective Cohort Study
Bruce Hollis is one of the lead researchers into the benefits of Vit D. Hollis in a Vit D safety board which records and analyzes any adverse effect from Vit D supplements. Hollis led a study that gave 10,000 iu/day to pregant women. The results were amazing. That may eliminate most of the autoimmune diseases. The second video is, by Robert Heaney.
Results of a Prostate Cancer/Vitamin D Trial: Effectiveness Safety Recommendations by Bruce H Hollis
Vitamin D Sunshine Optimal Health: Putting it all Together
When a T cell is exposed to a foreign pathogen, it extends a signaling device or ‘antenna’ known as a vitamin D receptor. It then searches for vitamin D. If there is an inadequate vitamin D level, they won’t begin to mobilize. In order for T cells to become active members of the body’s immune system, they must transition from native T cells into either killer cells or helper cells (which then remember specific invaders). If vitamin D is not around, the T cells do not make that crucial transition. Unfortunately, the messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines have an adjuvant effect, biasing responses toward antibody generation with smaller T cell responses.
Ross says
“ Unfortunately, the messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines have an adjuvant effect, biasing responses toward antibody generation with smaller T cell responses.”
Would love a link, as this demonstrates at least one aspect of the short term effect of vaccines vs the long term effect of natural immunity.
Not mRNA, but there is this study for chickenpox vaccines:
‘Results: There were no significant differences in median antibody titers between vaccinated and chickenpox groups (p = 0.34). The chickenpox group had significantly higher levels of VZV antigen-specific CD4 T cells (p = 0.004). Conclusion: Natural infection induced higher VZV-specific T cell immune responses than vaccination’
D3 is cheap. Indeed it is, a year’s supply of 5,000 IU tabs is < $A20 bought on line.
Sunshine is cheaper.
Here is appears Fooci is telling people that vaccinated people have as much viral load as the unvaxxed.
So the point of the vaccine is?
At about 0:40-0:55
from the comments in your link
“To paraphrase: “Vaccines” that are not actually vaccines, don’t work.
You can’t “baffle with bullshit” the free thinking, self researching people.”
Yes it is cheaper but mot always available during cloudy fall-winter weather, better to supplement during the cold months.
Foods in various parts of the world can be mineral deficient due to soils deficiency and over farming the land.
is there a body weight mentioned? I assume the daily dose corresponds with a body weight of 70kg. More tablets would be needed if you are overweight as Vitamin D3 being fat soluble gets stored there.
That said I know one bloke who is fit and thin, and has been taking 10,000 IU daily for 10 years (anecdotal but surely true for last 3 years). I think that would be excessive, but I have always been nervous of people who say “If a little bit is good for you, then a lot will be very good for you”.
Obese people need higher amounts of Vitamin D.
Vitamin D in obesity
That being said, it appears, to me, more closely aligned with Age. After all is said, it looks like 2000-4000 IU/day is OK regardless of age or weight. Low Vitamin D is associated with increased obesity. So, there’s that.
I, personally, would not ever exceed 4,000 to 5,000 IU/day without medical supervision. Some articles say < 17,000 IU/day is not problematic, but I'm not so sure about that. Like the old fisherman said "Too much, no good. Plenty, OK".
You can overdose on water. I'd stay within the D ranges recommended in the articles above and previous. I'm not a doctor.
Most drugs, if they are administered on a mass-independent basis, presume a standard patient mass of 70kg.
Cannot recommend more highly to check out Grassroots Health Nutrients Research Institute. There you will find apart from excellent information on Vit D but also a Vit D calculator which provides the daily dosage required to achieve your desired blood serum levels in 3 months time. Current blood serum levels, body weight & current Vit D intakes are inputs required.
Just had a full blood study done for my next cardio appointment and, despite taking a D supplement, my level is only moderately above the minimum. Suggests that, without the supplement, I would be deficient. I am white, male and 65yo, living in sunny QLD.
I wonder if just being within range is OK, or should I shoot for somewhere near the high end?
People absorb vitamins differently, at different ages.
This article might be informative: Abstract
“Vitamin D is a critical vitamin in bone metabolism, and its deficiency is far more common, which has been linked to increased risk of infection as demonstrated in a number of observational studies including those in the elderly. In this review, we focus on zinc, vitamin E, and vitamin D, the 3 nutrients which are relatively well documented for their roles in impacting immune function and infection in the elderly”
Role of vitamin D supplementation in aging patients with COVID-19.
(click on “Free Full Text” ) to read full article.
Optimum levels appear to be 100 – 150nmol
Best to get measured and also to take Vitamin K2. (probably MK-7) if you take D.
I would tailor the dose in summer and winter to suit your climate and sun exposure. The only way to know what dose works for you is to get serum levels measured. Mortality rates do start to rise again at blood levels higher than optimum — but the rate of increase is low, unlike the mortality curve on the low end which rises very steeply in the very deficient sub 50nmol / 20ng level.
First priority of any health system ought to be to keep people out of that very deficient category.
Maybe you’re acidic? Acidity can cause calcium to be released from bones to stabilise ph. The broader effects of that can cause vitamin D to be excreted.
Best to take vitamin A (as cod liver oil) as well as K2 with higher does of D.
I forgot magnesium.
‘Vitamin D can’t be metabolized without sufficient magnesium levels, meaning Vitamin D remains stored and inactive for as many as 50 percent of Americans.’
In addition to boost you immune system you may add to your diet curcuma with enough black pepper (helps to incorporate more and better of curcumin) and ginger.
Black pepper lowers glucuronidation and that increases oestrogen. May be best for some people to avoid it. I find just combining turmeric and curcumin with fat works well enough.
looks like a big “BUT”
“A Pandemic of The Vaccinated – Does The Vaccine Create a Pathway For A More Dangerous Variant?
August 5, 2021 | Sundance | 180 Comments”
Just saw a Farcebook post by Mat Canavan he seems to understand the vaccine risks. He should be in a leadership role.
The present leadership will see to that.
Jo covered this back in May
Israeli covid drug solution
“88 patients, 0 intubated: Israeli ‘precision’ COVID drug wrapping up early trial
“Placebo study still to come, but inventor says medication ‘could be a game changer’ after around 9 out of 10 participants in Greek trial are released from hospital within 5 days
“Almost 90 percent of them were released within five days, although some remain hospitalized.
“The patients were given the inhaled drug EXO-CD24, developed at Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Medical Center.
““We are not suppressing or altering the immune system, but rather restoring it to normality by controlling the aspect of the system that causes the cytokine storm, the overreaction of the immune system that is often the cause of serious COVID illness,” he said.
Trumka’s death comes just one week after he endorsed mandatory vaccinations for union workers following months of vaccine advocacy. Karma?
Karma is one way of saying it. Perhaps it was a past due “sell by” date.
Maybe he took his second dose.
Some more evidence Vitamin D really does help. I live in a place in Australia where there is a high level of vitamin D deficiency in the population, the Snowy Mountains,as it is so cold and most farmers I know are vit D deficient. I went shopping at Coles the other week and could not find any vitamin D. I went again yesterday and spent quite some time searching through every brand on the Coles shelf for vitamin D. There was none, any brand, and no empty spots or labels on shelf. Every other A – Z of vitamins. So it must work, otherwise it would not get removed, like the word Ivermectin in any text part of ebay. Just like the FDA and NSW Health took Tagamet off the market in SEPTEMBER 2019 (almost like they knew it worked and got Tagamet out the way of the upcoming pandemic).
Try using “stromectol” instead of “ivermectin”
My local pharmacy has Stromectol, but I need a script to get it and my GP won’t prescribe it.
Tell your GP that you’re going to visit Nigeria?
July 21, 2021
Treatment should start based on clinical suspicion as soon as possible, preferably within the first 3 days of symptoms. Perform PCR testing, but do not withhold treatment pending results.
Note: IVM = Ivermectin
AUSTRALIA (Australian doctors who will prescribe ivermectin)
The Centre for Digestive Diseases (IVM) 2 9713 4011 [email protected] referrals
Dr. Mark Hobart (IVM) 3 9311 5977
Dr. Peter Lewis (IVM) 3 9822 9996
Dr. Shashikanth Manikappa (IVM) 3 8768 1200
Professor Thomas Borody MB, BS, BSc(Med), MD, PhD, DSc, FRACP, FACP, FACG,
AGAF, FRS(N) said:
“The three medications are on chemist shelves right now. GPs can email
[email protected] to obtain the dosing protocol and COVID-19 treatment information
for their patients.
it also says Stromectol is used for the treatment of covid
so there is a treatment, Trump was right again and there is no need for the emergency status
Plain Jane
Buy online from –
“Category: Government funding of science”
Willis has a look
“Taxpayer dollars are the lifeblood of the climate alarmism scam. If those dried up, so would all of the hysteria and shouting.
Why would the hysteria stop? Because the real truth is, there is no climate emergency, and people are waking up and noticing that fact. Don’t be the last to get the memo …”
Thanks for the link Jo and I’ve stepped up on extra Vit D3 about 18 months ago.
But would my extra 1000 IUs be enough? I’ll have to do more research. Thanks again.
G’day Neville,
I’ve been taking 10,000 IU of D3 per day since October last year and am holding a bit above 60 ng/ml (150 nmol/L), based on routine blood tests roughly every 6 months.
So I think the answer to your question is “No”.
If you’ve ever had a blood test done your doctor would have the results and told you “all is well”, without mention any number, if your level was 20 or above. It’s worth asking for the number, and the unit of measure, as Jo mentioned there are two in common use.
Dave B
Thanks to Jo’s blog I had my D checked in June last year and I was deficient. I was around 30nmol. Since then I started taking 1500iu of D3 + K2 daily and about 4 months ago my levels had increased to 75nmol. I’m one of those people who can’t really spend time in the sun as I’ve had a Melanoma so that’s probably why my levels were so low, they have probably been low for years but I just didn’t know.
Has the increased use of sun screen lotions over the past couple decades had a significant effect on the percentage of the population with VitD deficiency ?
It would have to. Our skin produces vitamin D in response to UVB and sunscreens are almost all broad spectrum so that UVB is blocked as well as UVA
So, what you’re saying is I should have fish ‘n chips first then go boogie-boarding. Alright, if I have to…
It’s interesting that with the Israeli population mostly fully vaccinated, most ICU Covid patients are fully vaccinated. The numbers though are a lot lower suggesting about 1/6 less chance of getting seriously ill if fully vaccinated. I’m assuming something similar for deaths. Dropping it by a factor of 14 with a cheap supplement should be shouted from the roof tops.
Plus the recent study there proving that Ivermectin works for assisting the body to fight off CoVid-19 – less hospitalisations and faster reduction in viral load
So our hospitals are deliberately withholding treatments that have shown to work and even save lives. Is it not unethical for a medical practitioner to withhold treatments that will save lives? Is it not illegal?
The western world has indeed taken a wrong turn. Unfortunately, there is no ‘Wrong Way, Go Back’ sign; instead, we hurtle towards the edge of the cliff.
OK, that reply was not meant for Peter’s comment about hospitals, obviously.
In this case, yes.
Israeli data
Ran Israeli @RanIsraeli·
“95% of the severe patients are vaccinated”.
“85-90% of the hospitalizations are in Fully vaccinated people.”
“We are opening more and more COVID wards.”
“The effectiveness of the vaccine is waning/fading out”
Good find.
No: Big Ooops!
187.5 nm/L = 75nm/ml. NOT 40.0 nm/ml
40nm/ml = 100nm/L — bit on the low side.
Should aim for at least 56nm/ml or 140 nm/L at least (normal)
The coercion to make us get the shots and the push by some to make them mandatory given there are many remedies that do a better job in the face of the kill ratio being on par with the flu is proof there is an ulterior motive behind all this. That motive of course is to usher in a new tyranny against the people. Yet so many people are willing to embrace it. That has to be due to one of two reasons. One, some people are completely stupid. Two, some are deliberately involved in the push towards tyranny. How does one tell whether any particular person in officialdom is one or the other type? Not sure but is it worth knowing if possible.
You can see more and more that those who are conscientious objectors to the existing inadequately tested gene therapy COVID vaccines (not “anti-vaxxers” per se), are being called “selfish” and are being blamed for the current Australian lock ups.
It’s only a matter of time before violence is inflicted upon the unvaccinated.
and so it’s only a matter of time one of the objectives of the tyrannical changers and movers will be achieved, namely civil war, at least in the US where people still have the right to bear arms. Not likely here in Australia where most people are still asleep and have been disarmed – except for the criminals of course. The purpose then is to enter into the next phase of tyranny; martial law or similar. Then the call to “show me you papers” will turn into shouts by the new SS of the coming tyrannical government.
With existing data is it possible to generate the following data set?:
Rates for 1) No Covid infection 2) Covid infection without hospitalisation, 3) infection with hospitalisation, 4) infection with hospitalisation and ICU, 5) death exclusively due to covid.
For people who have:
1) No Vit D supplement.
2) Vit D supplement, regardless of existing Vit D status.
3) Vaccine with no Vit D supplement.
4) Vaccine with Vit D supplement.
I know it would be better to know serum levels of Vit D and that would be good too, but it would be simpler and faster to generate the above, hopefully with existing data.
Dr Bruce Hollis (PhD) Medical University of South Carolina in his 2016 video “Results of a Prostate Cancer/Vitamin D Trial: Effective Safety Recommendations” on You Tube, made a very interesting point: your daily dose affects the concentration of what is circulating in your blood. Not taking it daily, and the body dumps the ‘surplus.’ Very Quickly.
That rather surprised me. It would seem that consistency in daily terms is better than a larger amount weekly or monthly. Something to cogitate over.
I’m angry. I was listening to ABC radio AM this morning and they had a few people on talking about the effects the lockdowns were having on mentally disabled and mentally disturbed people. They are finding it very difficult to cope either because they dont understand it or they need social interaction.
I am angry because we know there are antivirals, vit D and C, and other medications that could be treating this disease and no-one wants to know or do anything about it!
In the Daily Telegraph today is an article about “the superspreaders of misinformation on Facebook”!! And guess who is at the top -Malcolm Roberts! who is telling the truth.
Just so disenchanted now. I thought the stupidity about man made climate change was a one off. Not so.
We are being assailed by evil.
Hit the nail right on the head.
Thanks Brenda!
Video and Transcript of Malcolm Roberts addressing the Senate here on the tyranny of our Government. Video is 4 minutes and well worth watching.
Once you know the history of all this, you will get a better understanding of why it’s happening and what it will lead to if left unchecked. See Vaccines & the Tool of Tyranny
No….we can’t have useful information reaching the masses can we. Just keep feeding them slop to nudge them up to the injection site. Last night a story appeared on The Australian web site top left – “Mounting evidence vaccination protection begins to fall after six months.” I thought wow, who had the balls to put that up. By morning it’s gone completely. Not shoved down….gone.
Saw that too.
Couple of older articles on Vitamin D
A Melbourne medical research institute is calling for a vitamin D rollout in Australia’s aged care facilities “without delay”, arguing the supplements can build immunity to COVID-19 and help save lives. One in five Australians are vitamin D deficient, with the statistics more damning among higher-risk groups, Prof Brighthope said.
Don’t wait til you’re in ICU to fix that deficiency. And definitely don’t wait for the CDC or Anthony Fauci to suggest it.
Once you are exhibiting symptoms it is too late for oral D3. Then you need injection of the bio-available form, calcitriol.
The Zelenko and FLOCC protocols have always recommended taking Vitamin D after infection- along with HCQ/ ivermectin, zinc, antibiotics etc. Basically, take what you can get your hands on. Some of those early MD’s in the US who were keen on HCQ also recommended Vitamin C.
G’day H,
This link contains two charts which guided my approach to vitamin D. It also includes some history of its use, including some extremely high usages.
The charts are:
Fig 17 on page 32 “Change in Serum level…” and
Fig 11 on page 18 ” COVID-19 Severity by Vitamin D Level”.
If I were in the Hunter region now and had not already started a vitamin D enhancement regime, I’d do one of two things, today:
A. 1. If I didn’t know, or couldn’t find out my recent vitamin D serum level, I’d assume a low level, say 20 ng/ml;
A. 2. Buy some vitamin D3 capsules. 1000 IU are biggest amount per capsule I’ve been able to find;
A. 3. I’d take 30 x capsules today, same tomorrow and the next day, then taper to 10 per day;
A. 4 Make an appointment with my doctor for about 3 weeks out to arrange a blood test. (The body takes about 2 weeks to process the oral intake.)
B. 1. If I’d had a recent blood test, even up to a year ago, I’d call my doctor and ask for the numbers for my serum vitamin D level;
B. 2. If my level were less than 40 ng/ml, follow the A. sequence above;
B. 3. If in the 40-60 range, I’d take 4000 a day to maintain/enhance that level.
Even though it takes two weeks to be fully effective, that is about the same lead time as the vaccines.
If I came down with the virus before that intake had become effective, I’d be seeking a large intravenous dose, and hoping the doctors would administer ivermectin etc. as well.
Dave B
Studies after studies confirms Vitamin D protects against colds and flu. So why not COVID-19 given they are similar in certain ways and the kill ratio is similar? Is there any spokesman or even doctor who is willing to say that Vitamin D is not good for you? If there is then that person should be arrested and sued for telling lies in matters of health.
At no time in the last 18 months have I heard any CHO or politician talk about the importance of Vitamin D. Rather than the crazy mask on /mask off pronouncements they would have been better talking about this subject. Its winter in southern Australia so a high proportion of skin is covered in layers to keep warm. The one bit of skin surface left out to absorb sunlight while you are outside is now mandated to be covered with a face nappy. How dumb is that ? What about working with weather bureaus (eg BOM) to promote “sunny” days where everyone is encouraged to get outside, rip off that essentially useless mask and get at least 10 minutes of sun on open skin. Has to be sunlight OUTSIDE, not sitting indoors next to a window.
Aau contraire. Some in officialdom have stated that alternate treatments are like snake oil medicines and should not be trusted. How come they are not arrested and charged for telling blatant lies about alternate treatments, such as Vitamin C, D and minerals like Zinc, which have been proven to be beneficial for one’s health? They can’t have it both ways. Either such treatments are good or they are not good. Given they have lumped all alternative treatments into one group and instead are only coercing us to take the shots, then they have relinquished all their authority to speak out about such matters, including the shots. They are telling us lies upon lies yet they still get paid big bucks. That’s one sure sign they are part of the evil move to usher in a tyranny against the people.
NOTHING that dilutes the imperative to get vaccinated is allowed.
You know how the Left loves to divide us, and they realised early on that the vaccinated vs unvaccinated could be politicised, antagonised and turned into yet another destabilising battlefront.
True, and no doubt there will be other tactics to come by our soon to be tyrannical dictators, unless people wake up soon and stop doing their bidding. If the vast majority simply refused to take the shots and then officialdom started to escalate their threats and coercion tactics, they risk having “rotten eggs and tomatoes thrown at them” whenever they appear in public. Then and only then will officialdom get the message, and if they don’t then all bets are off and civil war begins. I hope it never has to get that far, and I suspect it won’t because not enough people will wake up in time thus paving the way for the tyrannical doctors to win. So be it. As often in history, people have to learn things the hardest and most painful way.
Some things I have noticed about the official approach to the two leading alternatives:-
The early accenting of the “dangers” to humans of the use of two substances approved for use by humans over considerable time with minimal problems – particularly so with ivermectin.
Several threads ago there was a mention of ivermectin being of the same “S” rating as strychnine. From personal experience with animal use chemicals the only paperwork involved with getting ivermectin from your stock and station agent involves the paying – there is no “S” rating on the containers I checked.. That agent might also have the paperwork that will start you on the track to obtaining strychnine but there will be many hurdles before you get to pay for that item.
The continued availability of alcohol and tobacco – two products with widely publicised detrimental effects to humans.
Maybe there needs to be acceptance of a “morality tax rake-off” for HCQ and IVM?
How is Ivermectin sold in the farm shops? I have seen it sold as a ‘paste’. Is that what you refer to? If so, how do you determine the dosage for humans?
“ If only black lives mattered? Dark skins are so much more likely to be deficient, …. ”
This fascinated me when I looked at this in connection with an old posting on this site …
“The paper describes SARS coronaviruses as heralding a “new era of genetic weapons” and says they can be “artificially manipulated into an emerging human disease virus, then weaponised and unleashed in a way never seen before”. (12/5/2021)
With this from Sharri Markson on Sky …
“An official Chinese government document – submitted to the United Nation’s Biological Weapons Convention in 2011 – discusses “weaponising specific viruses to target races,” according to Sky News host Sharri Markson. ”
Here is something I found that has a link between ng/ml and IU dose …
(the author obtained the info from Mayo Clinic Proceedings)
Anyone noticed how we went from no lockdown in NSW and QLD during the summer, to now in the middle of winter ,the whole east coast is locked down, winter = low vit D, plus we have to cover the only area of skin, the face, when we go out, more proof that vit D is essential.
The elephant in the room is very clever at hiding – it’s flu season.
Vitamin Dan,
Colloquially known as “Vitamin D” is a problem, especially in Victoria, but the effect spews out into the rest of Australistan.
There’s just too much Vitamin D around Australia.
The Hunter region was yesterday locked down at 5 p.m. and I had 4 hours to get my life in order.
After being sussed out by several police officers our outdoor meeting broke up at 4:50 in time for us to be in our cars and in compliance with Bery’s latest dictat.
The police were actually quite pleasant but the same can’t be said about the bureaucrats and their political underlings from parliament controlling this Kovid Kontrol farce.
For some perspective on this go to online Australian news sites and look at the photos of the Victorian virus.
How could anybody in their right mind vote for that.
The epitome of Stockholm Syndrome.
Vitamin Dan is actually a highly toxic substance, almost a virus disease like CV-19.
If allowed to progress, it will totally destroy life as they used to know it in Victoria.
Thinking about sunny Queenslanders generally avoiding major covid impacts except in the very depths of winter … maybe vitamin D?
But we are also very exposed to fruit bat colonies and their abundant mango food source – these guys are super-breeders of covid-like viruses.
Pretty likely that this background exposure to bats has tuned our immune systems over an extended time against many viruses.
Sweet spot or just coincidence? Must be an angle here – real estate values should go through the roof ….
I think I noted a couple of topics ago that this current spike is at pretty much the same time of year as the spike we had last year. ie the latter half of winter.
I suspect it will die down once some warmer weather appears.
With very few exceptions, there is no politician, or any medical or scientific advisor to the Australian Government who is prepared to evaluate the evidence and they simply stick to the mostly useless recommendations of the World Homicide Organisation mandated vaccines and CCP lockups (for which there is little evidence of efficaciousness for either of them).
The evidence is out there and millions of lives worldwide have been needlessly wasted because, firstly President Trump’s advice (from Dr Zelenko) that HCQ could be useful (as per Zelenko protocol, not in lethal doses as per the disgraced so-called “clinical trial”) was viciously attacked (and that was before any vaccine became available and there were no other options). Even if it didn’t work, it was worth trying as HCQ is one of the safest of all drugs. But Australia prohibited it, and even made it a criminal offence to prescribe it in QLD.
Subsequently, there have been positive results from other drugs like Ivermectin and others plus vitamin D and other supplementation as well. All safe drugs and vitamins.
It’s about time we started warning politicians, public serpents such as medical and scientific advisors to government, even journalists and anyone else involved in the war against effective and safe (and inexpensive) covid treatments that they will one day be held to account for their lies and the deaths so caused.
If the vaccine debacle turns bloody, medical science as we know it today will be one of the first victims to die along with climate science. That’s sad really as thousands of years of good science will be dragged along with them. People will lose complete trust in all scientists and doctors. A new dark age will be ushered in along with the tyrannical governments now forming.
Science in general will lose a great deal of credibility in the community once these debacles play out. The politicization of medicine and climate science (was it EVER not political?) will end up destroying trust in real science and we may have a generation of luddites.
David, I’m just waiting to hear from someone who will stand up in parliament and voice this, it isn’t good enough.
This response to covid must have been discussed at some large conference some time ago to get all their ducks in a row, all govts seem to be on board as far as denigration of alternative treatments go, even before we/they had a vax.
The reason no politicians will stand up to the climate change and now vaccination scams is because if they do they blasted by other politicians and the MSM. In a few cases even their lives and their families have been threatened. It’s beyond a joke. It’s serious. The tyrannical shakers and movers are upping the ante to a price beyond most people’s reach. They will very likely win by default.
l refer you to Craig Kelly 😉
“It’s about time _ _”
Yes, and I suspect that the “lockdown” of the Hunter region yesterday had very little to do with the 6 new “cases” and more to do with the quiet but growing public show of disapproval for the recent covid control measures imposed on voters.
Over the last couple of weeks there have been hundreds of people turn out to voice concerns about the damage being inflicted on society.
Our once great city has become NovoCastristan;
subjects of, as David calls it, The World Homicide Organisation.
The fact that our meeting of sixty or so parents, grandparents and babies could occupy the attention of three police officers for an hour and a half suggests that the political class are paying attention.
No violence or threat of violence like that stupid rally in Sydney recently: that was in so many ways like a carbon copy of the Capitol Riots in the U.S..
In opposition to a lock down we are offered a lock up.
My daughter-in-law has been on hydroxychloroquine for the last few years as treatment for lupus.
We took quinine for malaria prevention in Africa as a regular thing when we went on holiday to Lake Nyasa (no idea what its called now ;)).
The world is run by fools!
‘Sweet spot or just coincidence?’
It deserves a post if we can connect the initial Wuhan outbreak with Australian bats.
As to the prevalence of Covid in India, unbelievably, there is a massive Vitamin D deficiency there with 80%-90% deficient. And that’s in a mostly tropical country.
This study is from BC, Before COVID, 2018.
Not a lot of UV gets through a sari.
Or through a burka. Wonder what the vit D levels are like in Arab women.
Poor, without supplementation.
Even with their complexion (racist?), the figures are quite astounding.
The big takeaways I see are the almost universal deficiency for women (saris as noted by Hanrahan) and the much higher incidence in urban figures for men (if you allow for the women in rural areas generally being vitamin D deficient).
Here’s something for you thinkers, how can the govt or employers legally force us citizens to be given an unauthorized vaccine, it only has an emergency use grant at the moment.
My guess is they’ll ‘guilt’ us into relenting.
They may or may may not be able to legally force you.
But if not, they’ll just make life so difficult for you, you won’t be able to participate in society such as to go to restaurants or entertainment events, use public transport, work in an office, go to school or university etc..
Regardless, most Western countries are now being governed by decree and not by properly made or oversighted laws. Governments can and do, do as they please, legal or not.
That correct. As always in the past, governments can make things up as they go. They don’t have to abide by their own rules, regulations, Constitutional laws, etc.. It’s really odd that most people don’t realise that the case given mankind’s history but then again as I keep saying most people ignore history only to repeat the same mistakes over and over. Tyrannical rule once again is on the rise, and it’s on the rise big time that would make people like Hitler drool with envy. To those who don’t knwo what I’m talking about, just go back to sleep – you will find out later and be so sorry you didn’t listen.
The answer to that was given clearly at “THEIR” cabinet meeting today. It has been universally agreed that the future management plan be: The process of lockdowns will cease when 75% of the population are double jabbed. Thus, the regulators have passed the matter of obligation over to the general public to sort out. Yeah, it’s a worry, am inclined to source out a Plague Rats T-shirt, but am thinking that I am more at risk wearing that, than from C19 itself
DeSantis to Biden: “Why don’t you do your job? Why don’t you get this border secure? And until you do that, I don’t wanna hear a blip about COVID from you, thank you.”
We could say something similar here to PM Morrison and to those parrots who keep reminding us of the same old BS every day:
“Why don’t you do your job? Why don’t you tell the truth about alternative treatments that do save lives? And until you do that, I don’t wanna hear a blip about COVID from you, thank you.”
95% of seriously ill with covid19 in Israel are vaccinated.
Is this a sign of ADE. What Robert Malone says
Malone evaluates the data from various sources, according to which the vaccinees continue to be just as infectious as those who have not been vaccinated, and there is at least no reduction, but rather an increase in the proportion of vaccinated persons among the COVID hospitalized and deaths, but above all the Pfizer – Report on increased virus titer in the nasopharynx epithelium about 6 months after vaccination as a sign of ADE. This would be plausible in terms of the time course, because after 6 months the virus titers do indeed decrease, thus a possible ADE constellation would be reached.
However, the data are not yet really available, and the virus titers in the nasopharyngeal epithelium are not a sufficient indicator of the total viral load in the body. Another indication is the autopsy of a patient who died after the vaccination. The patient clearly died of old age and not of COVID four weeks after the second vaccination. But his organs were full of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA despite the vaccination. This was not the synthetic SPIKE mRNA from the vaccine, but mRNA from the wild-type virus of various other virus proteins. The man was infected with the virus despite being fully vaccinated. This clearly shows that vaccination does not impart sterility like measles or mumps.
Overall, we don’t yet have any hard evidence for Malone’s hypothesis. We need cohort studies on the course of disease in vaccinated and unvaccinated people, and we need autopsies of deaths after vaccination, as the Heidelberg professor of pathology, Prof. Peter Schirmacher, is now finally calling for . The international medical community is too hesitant to make either of these demands, as either would quickly expose the uselessness and toxicity of the vaccines currently available.
Has anyone seen a study comparing vegans and omnivores for D3 and/or rona?
I imagine vegans would be severely D deficient unless they take vit D supplements.
I imagine vegans would be severely
Ddeficientunless they take vit D supplements.50
Although that looks good there is a darkside, excess to requirement D3 consumption can be expressed as skid-marks in Reg-Grundies. There can be ‘side-effects’ …
That’s true. I get regular checks for my levels. My doctor said years ago my levels were far too low and since then have taken supplements and keep tabs with 6 monthly blood tests.
Colchicine, another anti-viral, definitely has that effect too.
As I had it explained with that for gout – that is the sign that you’ve had enough
Ditto with Vit C.
You need to intake a level of VitD of between 50,000IU – 1,000,000IU DAILY for over a month in order to build a toxic level of VitD.
See the research down the page on this page here …
The US border states are being flooded with illegal immigrants across the US-Mexico border and nothing to see according to the MSM. So, if anyone starts blaming the non vaccinated people for the sudden rise in cases and deaths over there, just imagine a sign above their heads saying “THIS PERSON IS A LIAR”. Also, note that a new strain called lambda is spreading rapidly in South America, and it appears so far to be resilient to the vaccines. If we get it here it very likely means more lockdowns to come. Let’s wait and see.
There is a hope that common sense will prevail in Israel as it becomes increasingly recognised how ineffective vaccines are for COVID.
Alternative treatments might then have a chance.
The reason is that Israelis are much like Australians and Americans used to be with a healthy distrust of government. Not the brain-dead sheep most Australians and Americans have now become.
I don’t understand leftists, they passively accept that the
governmentMSM would never lie to them. My personal pride means that I must be a sceptic. I never want to be a “sheeple”.110
We should see factual studies out of that experiment to reveal the truth but it will take time; time we don’t really have given the entrenched power of the MSM and governments still blocking the truth from coming out.
I don’t think that your common sense (God bless you) is the same and their common sense
Here is some info on the level of VitD supplments to get up to a good VitD level.
Note the author uses a study from Mayo Clinic which is reproduced at the bottom of the author’s post.
Thanks – very interesting site. I wonder what level of explosive reaction and vitriol we would see if say NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard was presented with that sort of information.
Thought I’d put this here as interest for those looking at vaccines, my daughter living here studying nursing had a Serology test for immunity against the main diseases for when she does placement and found she has none except for one despite a record of vaccinations since birth.
Born 1995 vaccinations.
1996- Polio, Tetanus.
1997- Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
2002- Polio, Tetanus.
2008- HPV, Hep-B, Chicken pox.
same year, HPV, Varicella, HPV, Hep-B.
2017- Tetanus.
2019-2021- Flu shots.
The test found no immunity against, Hep-B, Rubella, Mumps, Measles but immune against Chicken Pox probably because she had it as a child.
Her fellow students have similar results despite having a vaccination record, my question is how effective are these vaccines supposed to be over time as a searches suggest most of them for life but the serology tests show otherwise, are the vaccines not as strong as before or is it a good way to sell more?
Chiefio reply to my posing your question
“I doubt they tested memory T cells. They have the job of remembering how to make antibodies for a given disease “on demand”. The body doesn’t keep churning out antibodies all the time, it is a waste of energy and resources… But it does remember the formula “for that day”… “
Thank you Ian, the results are judged on an AU/ml number depending on the vaccination so the T cell count wasn’t done, I feel the over vaccination is either lazy practices or a bit of a money maker, my daughter and her fellow students have become very un-trusting of government medical programs and don’t want the covid 19 shots even though they might have no choice in the near future.
“Ontario Vaccine Injuries”
It appears as a preventative measure the only vitamin that the government is concerned about is their Vitamin D-ollar.
Huge deficiency.
..and that’s why I’m checking/ boosting all my patients’ Vit D levels…
This sort of situation is one where I feel rather thankful that I live away from big cities and towns.
Plenty of sun and exercise this weekend, with 10m³ of topsoil being delivered ! 🙂
I envy you. Although thankfully I’m not the CBD of Sydney, and I live in one of the outer suburbs that used to be considered the “sticks”, it is now becoming heavily populated. I am looking at moving back to Newcastle but even there it’s getting busier. I’ve been to Bathurst but it’s too hot and too cold for my liking. Kiama and surrounding areas were nice. Not sure what it’s like today.
If you don’t have to worry about making a living Bundaberg is a great little town with a perfect temperate climate.
It’s also arguably the most boring town in Queensland, bot Rockhampton and Maryborough would give it a good nudge. Overall, there’s very little between Noosa and Mackay that understandably grabs most people. Pretty ordinary.
(Continuing an off topic row of comments isn’t ideal) CTS
My favourite, climate-wise, is Gladstone. I grew up in Townsville but that would be too hot for me today. Gladstone is in the Goldilocks zone.
At the moment I’m locked in freezing, sunshine deficient Victoria.
oops, I just saw the mod’s comment about going OT.
I expect those that live in big cities and towns are also rather thankful
Go mingle down at your latte club, little man !
Asi nine.
As in in e.
Nine asis.
Your comments always are PF.. its all you are capable of.
What on earth do you mean clarence.t? I was just remarking that people who live in big cities and towns are, like you, thankful that they live where they do. Each to his/her own.
Glad you like all the lock-downs and staying in your basement.
Does granny still feed you ?
Didn’t arrive
Good observation.
I think that they would be happier there than living in a cave.
A point not typically reported is that D3 levels take 3 months or so to reach optimum levels so it’s not a simple matter of popping a pill or lying out in the sun au naturel for a day. Most people are seriously deficient (in D3, smirk) but even here in winter there is little excuse to not get outside and get your D3 as nature intended as I do every single sunny day.
Chiefio with some observations on Oz and the Peking Pox and Vit D – starts down below the food and in comments
Link for that
Note that the selection of people to vaccinated and unvaccinated samples must be random in a well-done study of the effectiveness of vaccination. The study is biased e.g. if more susceptible people are vaccinated and healthier are not.
Supplement business is a wild west. Tests of absorption are rarely done though they are available. As a coincidence, I got an offer about vitamin D blood test today. Too expensive. Fortunately, observation that I have not had bad flues in my life time, is a good indicator.
Effectiveness of the supplements is difficult to show because people are not mice that have standard food and life.
The best thing you can do to protect yourself is get out in the sun and open air … what did the health department do? Locked up the beaches, closed the golf courses and shut people in their houses.
The most risky thing is to be overweight, so the morons shut all the gyms, sent police out to beat up old ladies for sitting on a park bench. They forced businesses closed and drove people to drink.
Stupidest health policy ever … but I doubt any of this is really about health.
Just did our search on our ABC for “vitamin d”. First result was dated 13 Jan 2021 entitled: Vitamin D supplements don’t help ward off colds and flus, new research finds.
Strangely only one pill per month:
But despite that, the last three paragraphs read:
Compare what was just quoted to the title. It’s as if our ABC is actively moving people away from simple cheap prophylactics against covid. I don’t like that.
[…] People deficient in Vitamin D are 14 times more likely to get severe Covid – […]
[…] Jo Nova points out that people who are Vitamin-D deficient are 14 times more likely to get COVID […]
The Indonesian study referred to in the post is VERY SCARY reading.
It is now available HERE:
It was first published on xArchgiv or medArchiv on May 4, 2020 and completely ignored by WHO, FDA etc. As the FDA legally cannot allow an experimental drug (ie ‘vaccine’) to be used if there are effective treatments, *everything* which might help as banned. The medical establishment ordered doctors that it was forbidden to prescribe other drugs.
Here are the morbidity statistics:
Table 2. Dynamics of Vitamin D status
Vitamin D 30 ng/ml (32.2 ± 1.2)
Overall, N 179 213 388
Mean age 66.9 ± 13.8 62.9 ± 14.7 46.6 ± 12.6
Comorbidity, % 80.0 73.8 18.8
Death, % 98.9 87.8 4.1
Active, % 1.1 12.2 95.9
‘Active’ in the last line, means the percent of the cohort which *lived*!
Of course, correlation is not causation. But anti-correlation *can* imply causation.
I discussed this one last year.
Intersting and astonishing stats but limited because Vit D levels were only tested after people got sick.
The line ‘Vitamin D 30/ should read:
Vitamin D 30 ng/ml (32.2 ± 1.2)
Should have used tabs!