UPDATE: New readers might find it hard to get their head around this post. Stick with me. There is a path to freedom from masks, mandatory vaccines and from Chinese bioweapons. But we must plan ahead and understand virology. Strangely, the tool no one wants to mention is Sovereign Borders.
* * *
There might have been no lockdown in Sydney (and then Melbourne, Perth, and Brisbane) if that one Limo driver had been protected
Nobody is talking about the best way to stop lockdowns in Australia — stop the virus leaking in through shoddy quarantine in the first place. “Hard Borders”.
Odds are, we could have stopped the July lockdowns if we made sure drivers of flight crews and international arrivals weren’t put at risk. It’s not about vaccines, which reduce but don’t stop people catching the virus, it’s about a $50 type solution that stops a billion dollar lockdown. The economy of a city of five million (and indirectly the rest of the nation) is relying on just leaky vaccines, masks and hand sanitizer when there are so many better options.
So far, thanks to one leak, 2,227 people have been infected, 10 people have died, and currently 156 people are in hospital. (In NSW). Plus four city lockdowns.
Cheaper than lockdowns:
- Put a floor-to-ceiling air tight acrylic sheet between drivers and passengers in the limo’s and don’t recirculate the air.
- OR get limo drivers to wear a hazmat suit and a respirator.
- AND offer free prophylactic antivirals and Vitamin D to everyone working near travellers in quarantine and in hospitals. A big review shows Ivermectin may prevent 86% of infections.
It’s almost like we want that virus to leak?

Image: Scientific Animations
No system is perfect, but we are not even trying
To stop feeding the virus new bodies we need a gap between people, and the easiest place to put that gap is at national borders. If that gap is breached then everything gets harder. Borders go up around each state, and if that fails, the borders go around each suburb or (really) around each house. A hazmat suit is “a border” around each person. Hypothetically, if we all wore Hazmat suits we could go from a mass national outbreak to zero in a few weeks. (Obviously the logistics are harder than that sounds. Medico’s get training and disrobe with a vigilant onlooker so they don’t make mistakes. Then again, Officeworks sell coveralls for $3.50. 😉 OK, I’m stirring… )
Obviously, it’s worth spending a lot on National borders to avoid the bonfire of money that comes with household lockdowns. Yeah?
The Sydney leak affects the whole of Australia. It spread causing lockdowns in Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia*. The Victorian latest lockdown — while better and shorter — was a border failure too. It could have been avoided with a strong state border — then the removalists wouldn’t have brought the virus in. National borders are much easier and cheaper to get right. But there are ways to improve state borders. Trucks could even drop containers and trailers at the border, and new cabs and drivers could finish the trip so all drivers stay in their home state. It’s harder with smaller trucks, but we can unload them and reload them. Sure it costs more, but is a few weeks of hard state borders cheaper than a two week state lockdown?
For what it’s worth, the Limo driver did all he was supposed to, feels scapegoated and traumatized. He’s not even sure he caught the virus at work. He can’t return to work either now unless he gets the Astra Zenica vaccine, even though he’s had Covid recently and has a family history of clotting disorders. He wants the Pfizer vax and has tried to get it. NSW Health announced an update to the rules, which only amount to mandating vaccines and a mask. It’s like we want more infections to leak in?
We can’t shut the borders forever
It’s temporary. While this virus is mutating, and there are no good approved treatments and only an experimental emergency-use vaccine, the best economies and the healthiest ones are the ones that keep Chinese Bioweapons out. Even China is keeping Chinese Bioweapons out.
We’re buying time to watch the UK and Israeli experiments, and get data. Every month we learn more. Like that current vaccines only provide a few months of protection against catching and spreading the virus, though they appear to protect against severe disease (for now). We hope someone is collecting data on all the risks from the vaccine too (but it appears they are not). There are plenty of potential nasty surprises — like enhanced future infections (ADE), or long term autoimmune diseases. What if we vaccinate 90% of the population against the original covid variant only to find out that the antibodies it generates make reactions to the 2022 variant disease worse? That’s kinda bad to put it mildly, and hard to reverse. (Thanks and commiserations to friends in the UK, Israel and the USA for testing this out. We pray it works out well for you.)
We can’t get to zero
Maths (and Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane) shows we can. What goes up exponentially can go down exponentially. Get the R0 below one, and the borders shut, and zero is coming. The lower the R0 (rate of spread), the shorter the lockdown. That’s why the worst lockdowns are the ones that keep the R0 near one and go on forever. Like Sydney at the moment.
We can’t keep doing lockdowns
That’s exactly why we must fix the borders. We need to build asap emergency good quarantine. The last likely CCP bioweapon leak appears to be working well for China. The next one is surely coming. What will stop it? If the West builds good quarantine and hard borders and the CCP know that no matter what they dish up, we will stop it at the border. All good Chinese bioweapons belong in China, and nowhere else.
How to make things easier for suffering border towns:
Instead of border towns getting hit with lockdowns in two states, let’s put the border checkpoint outside them to keep these twin towns as one unit and out of lockdown. The PM could ask the states to agree to a system where border towns would be temporarily assigned together, as one unit, to whichever state had the clean slate. For example, the Covid fence and checkpoint would go in north of Albury-Wodonga when the outbreak starts in Sydney, and south if the outbreak starts in Melbourne. For the duration of lockdowns, the border towns become a part of the other state’s health system.
*Did the Limo driver’s virus also cause the lockdowns in SA and NT? I’m open to suggestion…
So, what’s this supposed to be, sarc or for real? Would have to be one of the most fanciful critiques that I have come across. Totally defies logic, ah but then, the concept of logic itself is open to question. Hmmmm, but then I suppose questioning is what this blog is all about. Turned off Credlin – who drives me crazy these days, to switch across and find this. Ah, better to go and have some tea.
Central thesis is “cheap border measures stop expensive horrid lockdowns”.
There are 157 consistent posts.
EDIT: Sorry. If it doesn’t make sense then I need to do better. I may have caught new readers by surprise. I feel like I’ve said it many times though perhaps last year. The cheapest solution to CCP bioweapons is and was 1. Close the borders. 2 Antivirals. not so much Vaccines (too slow). So I added a note at the top of the post. Yes, it might be a bit of a head spin…
Sweden is doing well in spite of never having lockdowns. Instead they have strict border restrictions. We should do the same for the whole of Australia and stop mucking around with repeated self-destructive lockdowns and state border closures.
On Sweden: their death rate is 40 times higher than Australias on a per capita basis. Since 50% of Swedes live alone and food is fortified with Vit D they should have had the best stats in the world.
If you look at their movement data they reduced a lot of mobility anyway. It was admirable that it was more voluntary, but not good that thousands died. Who knows what the rate of long covid disability is or vax side effects?
Another good thing about keeping the virus out — without rolling waves we’re in no rush to vaccinate.
The luxury of waiting.
Yet another reason we should follow their approaches but of course we won’t. Our politicians want to take the easy road and just vaccinate all of us hoping it will fix the problem, which it probably won’t and possibly even make matters worse longer term when the borders are opened up. On the balance of probabilities and the data so far I think I rather get the virus and be naturally immune, just like the Swedes than to take a short and long term risk by taking a vaccine. I will only change my mind once I see reliable evidence that the vaccines to help significantly and there is a very low risk of short/long term side effects. Call me overcautious but it’s my life.
Yes and Sweden also faced the original variant which seems more dangerous (of less infectious) than the Delta variant plus they didn’t know that ivermectin, zinc and hydroxychloroquine were effective at treating and preventing infection.
Nothing will force our politicians and medicos out of their vaccine complacency except for a general outbreak. That said, NSW are doing a decent job of getting the ball rolling
If data in Scotland is right, the Delta variant has twice the rate of hospitalization. EG:
“Risk of COVID-19 hospital admission was approximately doubled in those with the Delta VOC when compared to the Alpha VOC, ”
Poorly controlled surges of viruses in NSW are doing Big Pharma a great service. It’s working out well for vaccine makers. What else would convince the public to take up vaccines that they were hesitant to?
Australians were quite happy to wait despite the non stop push for vaccinations.
IF that it true, then ivermectin really is a wonder drug given the way hospitalizations and deaths have fallen since it has been used and that India is where the Delta variant emerged.
Jo, what I don’t understand is how you will ever stop new lockdowns? The vaccine is leaky. It does not stop infections or transmission. This will lead to, or has already led to mutations selected that are naturally resistant to the vaccines. Also the vaccines are manifestly dangerous, and potentially catastrophic. So lockdowns forever?
Intially I supported lockdowns. Now we know that …
The vast majority of the population will do fine.
We have very effective medicines that are likely more effective then the vaccines with less observable danger and far less potential danger.
The economic harms of the lockdowns carry a very expensive price, monetary harms, psychological social harms, and physical harms.
The lockdowns encourage and fortify central government power over others, the central evil of the last 120 years, responsible for killing well over one hundred million of their own people. “Such is the nature of the Tyrant, when he first appears, he is a protector.
This virus will continue to appear, possibly for decades.
Natural heard immunity is likely to be broader and more long term then the vaccines. ( See T cell studies of 03 SARS immunity after 17 years.)
Under lockdowns logic, lockdowns cannot EVER end if natural herd immunity along with preventive medicines are not implemented. The virus will mutate and leaky vaccines will self select more contagious versions. The government leverage to push harmful and potentially tragic vaccines will be, and is increased by lockdowns.
Yeah but we have to convince the pollies owned by the globalists to move away from the WEF vaccine insanity ( is the WEF itself a bit unhinged?)
I spent an hour today cruising many articles on Israeli media, reading how in Israel it seems now they are averaging at least 50% vaccine failure rate in many cases.
After the previous post of Jos about the 84% failure rate (16% protection ) for people vaccinated in January, I suspect the WEF are completely losing thier minds as people will sensibly reject the idea of regular jabs of what appears to be a graphene oxide neuro toxin,laughably marketed by stupid gumints as a failing “vaccine”….
Jo, I am seeing that you are advocating border lockdowns and not business lockdowns. As such I would have to further study the harms of those, as well as the effectiveness.
As a side comment, in the US hospitals were paid to assign the Wuflu to deaths regardless of other conditions being as responsible, or mainly responsible. This greatly increased the wuflu death count, especially in conjunction with extreme testing.
So how many VARS adverse reactions to the vaccines would we get if doctors and hospitals received several thousand dollars for every VARS report turned in?
Oh, and apologies for not more closely reading. I try but fail to suppress an emotional reaction to government lockdowns and all of their apparently willful failures. ( still tend to think even border lockdowns are completely unnecessary if common sense was used )
I understand. No one wants a lockdown.
We are in a very unusual situation in Australia. (And NZ) The US and UK have had a shockingly torrid 18 months, with 50 times the per capita deaths of Australia (and even more compared to NZ). If we let the Delta variant run right now, our experience will be like the worst of the waves of the UK and US. Our 12% vaccination rate won’t make up for the doubling of hospitalizations. WE are talking lockdowns for months to flatten the curve and keep hospitals operating while we slowly work through the population. Ghastly. Hospital capacity is very tight, and exponential growth with R0 of 4 – 6 is incredibly fast. We’d run out in weeks. Then we get docs in ICU choosing who lives. The death rates go up 5 to 10 fold when hospital beds run out.
In Victoria last year hospitalization was fully 14% during the winter wave. We have some of the best testing in the world too.
If we have mass distribution of ivermectin or some of the other antivirals, perhaps we could deal with it — but we don’t, and our medical swamp shows few signs it will allow that. (Greg Hunts hints of “off label” prescription was good last week, but where are the mass lists of docs willing to do that? They don’t exist? And we need to take it prophylactically en masse.)
That’s why people who want to stop lockdowns (me) need to plan ahead. Stop the viral threat with better quarantine. Lobby to get us free choice of treatment with docs advice.
We have almost no natural immunity, weak vaccines, and almost no available anti virals. And even with ivermectin and hcq india had an awful time…
I can see why you think closing some borders may work.
India for the most part did very well. India stopped Ivermectin and discourage HCQ at one point. The Indian representative with WHO was sued. The states that resumed Ivermectin did very well and we’re largely responsible for the very repaid drop off in cases and hospitalizations. From the studies I have read the surge would have never happened if Ivermectin had been pushed in every state and never limited. India never got near the per capital cases or fatalities that the US did. Currently they are running about 25 percent of US per capital cases.
I certainly agree with better quarantine of the vulnerable age population that is infected or extremely vulnerable. I see little out for Australia, in that the vaccines look like they are failing. I know there is about zero chance the US government will promote Ivermectin, HCQ, and sunshine. ( At least you have lots of that.).Is there any real chance Australia would promote Ivermectin, HCQ and appropriate vitamins?
I can’t evaluate the cost of closed boarders in certain of your states. If the chances of widespread use of Ivermectin etc… are thin and none, then all lockdowns leverage or pressure folk to take the vaccines, and that may be a really really bad idea. If that is the situation it may be best to go for natural heard immunity, the vulnerable to isolate, the health to live life with common sense constant messaging for folk to isolate with every sniffle. A healthy population, even sans antivirals may be able to handle this well. Are antivirals really not available?
I wish there was trustworthy numbers of excess mortality available. I don’t see clear data in the US. CDC numbers do not jive with funeral home numbers.
I think most of Australia is very different then areas like the US. Population density is very low. With simple guidelines to elderly, especially those with conditions that make them vulnerable, those folk can choose to self isolate more. At some point people must take responsibility for their choices.
I am curious why you have almost no antivirals. Ivermectin and HCQ are readily available in most areas. The leaky vaccines may eventually force Australia to open up more.
Jo, wonder if the Federal Health Minister, or a State one for that matter will ever admit defeat and embrace the Craig Kelly factor and recommend the widespread issuing of Ivermectin as in the Prof. Barody protocol ( Ivermectin, with Zinc and Doxycycline).
After the heinous treatment of Kelly and his leaving the Liberal Party in disgust so he could continue his campaign to free the use of Ivermectin.
Interesting if the reports are correct, India was issuing Ivermectin in their safety packs until the vaccine arrived in mid-March, they switched to vaccinating, shortly after deaths stated to rise from 3000 a Dy and reached 27000 a day by late April, supposedly they then returned to Ivermectin distribution and by the end of May the daily death rate had reduced to some 7000 a day.
Could you get a better public trial than that.
Beats me why these cheap, widely available, already approved anti-virals were ignored, if not demonised, over a year ago when we were still floundering around searching for a vaccine. This when these drugs could do no harm if used correctly.
Must admit that being a farmer, with Ivermectin in the shed, have been licking my fingers.
Jo Says:
Greg Hunt’s hint was a good thing. He needs to be encouraged by contacting his office and/or writing him a letter saying he needs to go further.
In the interim, I’ve spoken to my GP. He’s OK with HCQ etc. And, I know of two others who are also supportive of it and IVM. I suspect there are many more who would write a script for the triple treatment strongly supported by ProfThomas Borody ( the man who developed the triple treatment for Helicobacter pylori.
There is aa Australian website that was listed here a week or so ago, I’ve forgotten by whom – sorry – but it’s here:
Dr Mark Hobart is based in Sunshine, Victoria. The network may be a good starting point.
In the interim, I support the use of the vaccine (I’m AstraZeneca dosed) along with stronger control of borders – both national and State/Territory.
I hold that governments in Australia do not have long-term plans or even desires to institute autocratic power. They know Australians will not stand for it.
Lock downs initially seamed like the right thing to do, and perhaps they were. Now they are self-defeating and causing new problems, such as increases in suicides, loss of jobs, small businesses, etc.. If they continue or keep turning them off then on again, they will face another even bigger problem; public revolt on a scale they never seen before. So, unless our governments are really ultra stupid, they won’t want to continue using lockdowns for much longer. Then again we should never underestimate their level of stupidity so let’s wait and see. It certainly will be a litmus test of their level of stupidity.
Peter, and we repeat this loop. (Please read my reply?)
With my plan (which is bizarrely China’s plan to some degree) we avoid most lockdowns, and most masks or restrictions and theres no need to mandate vaccination. The economy flourishes. no one hides at home. For all that freedom and health we give up overseas easy travel. And we pay more to do quarantine really well. And we wait — for a treatment, a better vax, or a nicer virus. We watch the rest of the world, and avoid their mistakes. Life is normal.
With the other plan, ( which is the NSW now, or was the UK, USA, Sweden,etc) we go through long interminable cycles of lockdowns or restrictions for months (like even Sweden did, check their mobility data). It all comes down to hospital capacity. It doesn’t matter how “stupid” the governments are, they are caught between two immoveable rocks. They all ended up doing nearly the same thing. Either they did long restrictions and limited deaths to only “50 times worse” than Australia, or …
OR we give up on the idea that we should have working hospitals which are available when we need them ( Iran, India, Namibia, Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, South Africa…etc ), and we know that we are on our own, and if death rates from Covid rise from 0.2% to 2% because there aren’t enough doctors or beds, so be it. (Only we live in a democracy and the voters have not voted for this anywhere.) It’s possibly the last stop in Civilization. Look at health spending… no one wants to give up medical care. Thats why Boris had to go back to restrictions, and why the netherlands did, and singapore too…
It all comes down to hospital capacity and I was calculating that in Feb last year. It’s the bottleneck (without an antiviral or a realistic vaccine).
Australia has about 9 ICU beds per 100,000. UK has about 7. If we allow people to do anything – freedom — (and they don’t hide at home, which many will) — you can calculate how fast the ICU beds disappear. IF the incubation time is 5 days (I think it’s faster now with Delta) and each person is infecting 5 other people.
Australia has about 2500 ICU beds all told. It’s weeks…
What loop? I was talking about the current low-downs, which you yourself agree are doing no good, at least that’s what I thought.
Yep. This.
For my obligatory response, I propose the use of an imaginary “T” chart. On the one side we have your 157 consistent posts, that might well be summed up by the last sentence of your # post “The luxury of waiting” Gee, it is hard to deny that, and I for one have certainly benefited by it. However, having had, and having used that option, there are many often mentioned consequences that could be listed down the column of the other side of the chart. The following are a few not often, or not even mentioned:
More than financially, because this involves attacking attitude and initiative, being factors found in private rather than State enterprise, this is another likely step on our progress toward becoming “the white trash of Asia”
It tries and will eventually fail in trying to defy evolutionary pressure.
IMO worse still, we from The Lucky Country, can be looked on by those who by far, are not so well off, and are without the resources we have, of using them as guinea pigs in this battle of life and death, and while at the same time, contributing sweet F.A. Ah yes, perhaps an evolutionary advantage, but that doesn’t make me proud. Had we not had the luxury of waiting, obviously things would be, and would have been done different. Now the consequences of that, we will never know.
PTR, I’m with you on the “white trash” — we are weakened from within. The luckiest country on Earth, at prey to our own complacency, and faith in institutions that keep letting us down. But if you look at economic factors the three winners are China, Australia and NZ. All three didn’t let the virus run.
As for evolutionary pressure, this isn’t the process you are thinking of — it’s not a natural virus, it has built in tricks to hide from our immune systems, and if we use vaccines, it won’t evolve with natural pressures, it’s more likely to go through immune escape (Mareks disease) and get nastier.
China knows more about this virus than anyone, yet they won’t let it run in China. What do they know? It’s not like they want to protect the elderly?
The evolutionary pressure you are thinking of may be of civilizations competing.
We’ve now entered a cold biotech war. The best way to deter China (or any group) from unleashing the next Newcastles disease, or Lassa Fever, is to stop the weapon at the border while we master rapid tests, vaccines and antivirals (we are a long way from maturity in those fields).
Instead the arrogance of the West allowed it in (“we can’t close the borders, they said, as they ignored all the maths”). They shut their borders three weeks later anyway, but by then they were three weeks too late, and it savaged lives and economies.
No virus means no excuse for totalitarians to impose passports and restrictions.
Here in BC Canada, the median age of Covid deaths is 84. Every “young” death is publicized like the 18 month old infant our health minister lied about: the child was already so sick from whatever he suffered from that he had been transferred to the central Children’s hospital well before testing +. There has been only 1 other “Covid” death under 10 in the past 18 months! There has been about 1.5 overdose deaths for every Covid death!!!
The average life expectancy here is 82. Basically Covid gets those who would have died in the near future anyway. In addition there is considerable evidence that those at risk for severe disease have low vitamin D. For this we had a destructive lockdown.
Jo, you come across as panicked about Covid. It is a flu bug; post viral syndromes occur for such bugs. One of my daughters took 4 years to fully recover from a bad flu+secondary pneumonia 25 years ago. My neighbour took 4 months to recover from HxNx flu. There are risks if you continue to live.
Today’s UK Telegraph is claiming that more than half of hospitalised people were covid+ve AFTER going into hospital. They weren’t admitted for covid but for some other condition. I wonder how many did not have it on admission but acquired it once there?
Jo, you come across as panicked about Covid. It is a flu bug; post viral syndromes occur for such bugs.
Nah. It’s all math for me :- )
I know it’s important for some people to believe “it’s the flu”. I know people want me to say that. It will make them feel better. My life would be easier if I joined that chorus. But it’s not true, and I wouldn’t’ be much of a blogger if I just told people what they want to hear when I don’t believe it.
Sure, ME and post viral syndromes are real, but reality is more than a binary Yes No argument. The truth lies in the numbers. We need to be quantitative. Spend some time reading #longcovid and listening to ICU doctors. Read papers on just how common it is, and how debilitating. And in children. Or not, for those who prefer to ignore it.
In most of Australia and NZ we have freedom from Chinese bioweapons, and so could the East Coast of Australia if they just shut the borders properly.
The left Big Pharma and Globalists hope people forget what real freedom is.
Dan seems to have learnt that lesson. Despite his disastrous management in 2020. Will Gladys learn?
Voters in WA sent a message to Liberal politicians. I hope they hear it.
Thanks Fran.
The outside world presents many different environments for this Virus to inhabit.
Biology experts see the basic scientific make up of CV19 and have an appreciation of the basic science represented.
Biologists seeing the Virus at work in the larger world outside of the Lab, take note of how the Virus moves through different communities and different cultures and note the path it takes.
At another level there are those who float effortlessly on the back of society and see a chance to exploit the unknown.
Confusion and conformity help the latter to divert billions of dollars in the right direction.
This virus has many faces and we need to tread carefully to avoid sharp objects and sharp people.
The death rates you give for Sweden above (40 times Australia’s) and elsewhere USA (50 times) seem overstated to me because the deaths are heavily skewed towards the elderly with one or more comorbidities. While I am sure that your arithmetic is solid, one should account for how many of the dead would have died anyway if there were no such thing as COVID. One should also offset the number of COVID deaths by the number of deaths arising from the side effects of lockdown policies.
Reported data about COVID deaths makes it virtually impossible to figure out how much totals in the numerator would go down, and totals in the denominator would go up.
I live in the quasi-boonies of Canada and our country’s per-capita COVID death rate is not strikingly better or worse than the US’s. From afar one might get the impression that much of our time in this part of the world involves mourning the fact that restrictions on the size of gatherings are preventing us from attending funerals every other week. My reality is that after 16 months I still do not know anyone personally that has had COVID let alone died from it. The only funeral I had a reason to attend was for a close relative that died of a heart attack a couple months after widespread postponement of appointments with specialists including heart specialists.
If you could tolerate a future that is something like my experience of the last 16 months, strong advocacy for an indefinite virtual wall around the country and stringent measures to extinguish every outbreak might not be all it seems.
Quick Question to Jo’s Bloggers
Has anyone yet purchased Stromectol ACTIVE INGREDIENT: IVERMECTIN through
I am aiming to do so (pricing seems not far off – https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/37944/stromectol-3mg-tablets-4-ivermectin ) and use following as treatment guide
Here is another protocol for the prevention and early treatment of covid. This treatment aligns with Dr Brody’s recommendations.
Re Generics Australia, you will probably get a message stating there will be a long delay in fulfilling your order due to the world wide demand, which is what happened when I ordered Doxycycline.
redress – thanks for that
Basically doing Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, just need to add
Ivermectin – Dose 1 of 0.2 mg / kg (bodyweight) on Day 1 – and then a weekly maintenance dose of 0.05 mg / kg or monthly maintenance dose of 0.2 mg/kg.
Also have NAC, Colchicine
Did the Doxycycline actually come? or did they not accept order?
OldOzzie….accepted order
We got the Borody protocol by script from a well publicised Dr in Victoria who has a pharmacy prepared to post medications.
Cost us $124 each and came by express mail. Only problem is that it is doesnt have a long shelf life and there are no repeats.
What is the shelf life?
[Somehow caught in spam filter. No idea why.] LVA
Shelf life- should be about two years officially, probably much longer in fact.
Repeats- Repeat the order, but you will not need to.
Wonder if you have considered Equimec. Need to make sure the selection has the right ingredient as there are options available. Notice in the review column that it has even cleaned up a feather loss problem in birds. Seems to be rather versatile. My arithmetic skills comes up with 120gm of active ingredient / 6.42gm pack. would be grateful of confirmation. Works out to be close to 1 graduation / dose.
PTR….Must use Equimec with no additives, as you state….dosage is same for humans as for animals, by body weight….Each weight mark on the syringe will treat 100kg…each graduation within the weight marks equals 20 kg, so weigh yourself and work it out from there…..
Unless everyone in Oz decides to sign up for SpaceX’s Starships to set up a colony on Mars, the virus will eventually get you. It’s never going to disappear entirely from the rest of the world, so get used to absolute and total isolation. Otherwise, your immunity debt will be so high that Covid will be the least of your worries. I suspect that the Swedes will have the last laugh in the end.
Where have you been all my life.
The 2019 SARS virus virtually doesn’t exist now. It’s nearly all Delta.
What virus will we inevitably get? Next years SARS 2 will be different again.
And immunity to the last version will probably help. But it might not.
See Dengue ADE.
Things will settle — probably — but they aren’t settled yet.
In response to Jo, the virus we’ll have will be an evolved version of Delta (Omicron?, Iota?, probably not yet Omega). Just like all other coronaviruses and influenza viruses, they will always present a moving target and their many-multigenerational progeny will never disappear completely. It’s FAR too late for prevention, even for Oz and NZ, unless you all ship off to Mars in the next few years. Like climate change, mitigation is preferable to prevention. Cheaper too, and it will almost certainly cost fewer lives.
“Sweden is doing well in spite of never having lockdowns.”
If you want an example of what works look no further than Tasmania. The right wing government actions which included a lock down and masks simply worked. The community spread of the pandemic there was completely ended more than a year ago. They have freedom and are welcome anywhere. They control their own borders. Their economy is booming.
It would have been easier with 984 out of 267,570 islands inhabited like Sweden instead of one big one but with that against them the Taswegians did it anyway. 437 days without an active case in the community. Elimination ends it fast, opens borders, stops new variants from being created and is the example to follow.
Sweden has a huge death toll countless long covid sufferers and has had harsh restrictions ever since they admitted their plan failed long long ago and is a near ideal breeding ground for new variants.
Sure and Tasmania’s international airport and port operations are busier than ever
If NSW borders were competent we’d all still be flying to NZ.
Yes the power of letting it rip has to close borders is near infinite.
By letting it leak into a capital city instead of landing planes out of town, then by letting it grow instead of putting the fire out while it was small N.S.W. and the Federal government have combined their efforts to close borders.
Rubbish! Long periods of full state border closures are impossible. They would collapse our economy.
” They would collapse our economy.”
Is there anything left in the private sector, entrepreneurial area that’s still left to collapse?
As I said in my reply to Sliggy below, it does not scale with the facilities that we have. The idea of holiday camp quarantine would have work pre-Delta but is very unlikely to work with the numbers involved and the greater infectiousness. All that is likely to be achieved is to spread the Delta variant across those quarantined and those providing services for them.
“” They would collapse our economy.””
Data says no.
Most closed border economies = China NZ and WA. It’s booming where I live and wages are rising.
Wealth, it turns out — does not depend on opening borders to tourists and chinese students.
Western Australia is doing very well with its border control and its vaccination rates.
You can’t get a bed or a campsite for love or money. The tourism sector is raking it in as we Sandgropers spend our dollars in the State. All spots north and south are flat-out; from Esperance in the south the Kununurra in the north.
Restaurants, bars and pubs are buzzing. The only place you need to wear a mask is in the airport terminals and on the airport concourses. Iron ore, nickel, gold and oil/gas prices are up and away. Your fully franked dividends will keep you in the style to which you should, by this, be accustomed.
Book a tour. You’ll never regret it:
Yes. Sweden is doing as well as other European countries.
https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ Look at column Deaths/ 1M of population.
When you look at Euromomo’s Z-scores by country you notice that Sweden has similar seasonal peaks as the others. Sweden’s neighbors Norway, Finland and Denmark has practically no excess deaths during the last years.
I don’t have immediate evidence based answer to why Australia has so low C-19 Deaths per 1 M population. Lock downs, masks, vaccines are leaky. People escaped from Alcatraz which is much smaller than a whole continent.
[Caught in the spam filter]ED
I’ve been waiting for the results of the BRACE study on the effects on respiratory illness and covid immunity of TB vaccination.
When I was at high school, everyone got the TB prick. I think they stopped it a few years later.
Lockdowns aka house arrests?
This is an interesting article
Cases in the UK have plummeted as restrictions were lifted, contrary to expectations (too early to tell if this will be sustained as testing is ramped up further) This has resulted in a slew of stories telling us what we already knew that behaviour is already sufficiently modified before lockdowns as people become more cautious.
the result is that infections peak before the lockdown has an impact, not after. In that article you will see early on a link to an article by professor Simon wood confirming this. Boris Johnson at a press conference last year admitted this as did Prof Whitty.
Its a bit like the speeding lorry syndrome. If you saw a lorry out of control on a hill heading towards you, most people will take immediate action to get out of the way by stepping out of its likely path. The trouble is that in the case of the west there has been govt officials ushering everyone off the road , trudging three miles into the mountains, descending into a cave, finding a fissure, cramming everyone into it, then draping a blanket over their heads and proudly claiming ‘you’re safe!’. These actions are likely to kill more people-before and after- for a variety of reasons than the speeding lorry was ever going to.
I look aghast as Oz suffers lockdown after lockdown at tiny numbers of cases.
Caution is needed. Sensible measures are needed. By all means wear masks in confined airless spaces but they should be proper ones worn correctly not cloth ones then stuffed into pockets. However, the West has seen a huge and dramatic over reaction.
None of this helped by not taking simple measures with Vitamin D, some anti virals, and made worse by being told to stay n an enclosed house so the virus can spread and recognising that certain groupings-through their lifestyles are super spreaders
Trust the experts that our governments use as an excuse to lockdown everyone is starting to have a whole new meaning when your being lockdown for the seasonal influenza virus instead of that nasty a deadly Covid as the CDC testing cannot distinguish between viruses.
They are recommending not to use this test but also need a different duplicate test that can test for influenza and Covid which is not been created yet.
Here’s why the CDC test fails…
I wonder how many of our cases are false positives, according to this article, maybe a lot.
In Western Australia, we have had three recent brief lockdowns. In the first, one security guard was positive but he passed it on to no-one not even people he lived with; the second, three people were positive and passed it to no-one; and the third , four people were positive and they didnt give it to anyone either!
What gives? Is it not so contagious? Were the people particularly fastidious?
Were they false positives? Very strange.
Wonder how many cycles our govt uses.
Actually in WA we have suspiciously few false positives. Almost none at all.
I suspect they just don’t tell us the false positives, but they test them again the next day. 1.4 m tests. 25 only positive in the community.
The reason we didn’t get spread in WA was just luck. None of the three lockdowns were started by a superspreader. Only 1 in 10 or 1 in 5 people are superspreaders.
Vic and NSW had more traffic, more leaks, and their numbers came up. But Gladys let this spread to the point where they were guaranteed to have a superspreader. Once the cases get to 20, it’s hard not to have one.
I presume you are being sort of sarcastic about the “suspiciously few false positives”. Yes the tests are next to useless yet our governments are relying on them to lock us down indefinitely. Is it really any wonder people around the world are starting to get angry? It won’t be too long before that anger turns for the worse if the rabid governments don’t turn around and admit they got it wrong big time.
No and Double No.
I just gave you an example of a test with extremely high predictive power and accuracy.
It doesn’t matter what data I provide…?
What looks like a useful test, smells like a useful tests, and predicts illness, death and disability like a useful test?
“Actually in WA we have suspiciously few false positives. Almost none at all.”
Exactly how do you know this? As far as I am aware, there is no definitive test for Covid.
I recently spent several weeks in WA on family business. I spent the 14 days quarantine in a private residence, as the rules allowed. I got tested on day 11. The thing that surprised me was how the test was done. Since then I have asked people how they were tested and all seem to be a bit different, in terms of how the swab was taken. In my case the lady swabbed the inside of each cheek and then the swab basically wiped the inside of my nose ..it was not put far into my nose at all.
Does that method affect the result, I do not know but I would have thought doing tests like this, which have such important ramifications would be done exactly the same way.
Just wonder whether the no of cycles being used is throwing off false positives.
If we are using 40 then they could be .
I called Douglas Hanly Moir and someone was kind enough to get back to me.
There was a bit of um-ing and ah-ing and talk of different specs for different tests, but finally she said ’40 cycles’.
You may be very consistent for your hemisphere, Jo, but saying “close the Border” in the US is something of a cruel
joke; with an illegal immigration rate of 2MM/yr apprehended and released, and an unknown number not caught by a
hopelessly understaffed border patrol; and considering where the “migrants” are coming from; we’re settling for being the
world’s petri dish while pretending we care about public health. We could at least jab or test the arrivals we catch but it’s
too much effort. So while I understand you think your folks don’t manage borders well, I assure you it can be far worse.
Yes. the Southern border crisis is the primary vector of new infections in the US, yet the current administration would rather institute mask mandates to oppress all Americans, than fix their policy failures that are resulting in many new super spreader events as well a dramatic increase in Fentynal overdoses and violent crime.
It’s truly sad that the current administration would rather see Americans suffer and die, then fix their broken policies that are causing all of the harm.
Richard and CO2isnotevil, oh yessity. I know the stories of the travesty that is the unfinished Wall. I’ve seen the flights and buses on Tucker Carlson.
What is America if it has no border? We weep…
Accidentally downvoted. Thanks for weeping with us. Importing young men brainwashed to think they are entering land stolen from them, in the middle of a pandemic. A sad sign of the times.
Yes national border controls are critically important, not necessarily state borders. The reason the left hate them is because it’s typically linked to nationalism, something that Trump represented very strongly.
Not nationalism…PATRIOTISM! Far stronger and not leading to fascism.
State borders may yet be the thing that saves the USA. Trump supported state rights and worked to reduce federal power to override the states.
And I’m delighted I have a state government and I get to vote, and I’m delighted that Australian states get to manage their own borders.
So apparently are the vast majority of voters.
I remain confused as to what you would do to achieve these harsher lockdowns you believe are necessary.
What does that mean for the ordinary person? Curfews? House arrest? Forbidden to go to work? Allowed out once a week to get essential shopping?
just what degree of lockdown and other measures do you believe to be necessary to deal with the constant outbreaks which are already dealt with, as far as I can tell from over here in the UK, by shockingly authoritarian and repressive measures?
New Dark Age, Tonyb.
Tech corps now working with governments to create lists of wrong thinkers … which is New Speak for people that think.
Man, we shoulda seen this coming.
I wouldn’t have replied to PTR. That comment was probably written before PTR started reading. Considering the second comment of PTR is bordering on a word salad, you’re being too nice.
“On Sweden: their death rate is 40 times higher than Australias on a per capita basis”
More significantly Sweden’s death rate is about 3.4 x that of the the combined total for the neighbouring Scandinavian countries, is 5.42x that of Denmark, 15x that of Finland and 18.34 that of Norway.
I upset the dog this evening by shouting at Peta Credlin . My husband put his glass down to make sure he didn’t throw it at the screen. John Roskam made more sense; he realises that so many people have been pressed past their bearable limit. The protests are the only way to be heard when none of the fully paid, over-entitled politicians and bureaucrats refuse to listen or answer questions and Parliaments have been overriden by despot premiers.
Not sure what you mean but I did something similar at Bolt over a year ago when I got fed up with him not asking the right questions. I’ve stopped watching him, Credlin and the rest ever since. They sometimes might be saying the right things but it’s mostly fluff, and I can’t stand fluff just as I can’t stand BS. I like lots of meat on my bones with a side order of chips.
I can see why you think closing some borders may work.
India stopped Ivermectin and discourage HCQ at one point. The Indian representative with WHO was sued. The states that resumed Ivermectin did very well and we’re largely responsible for the very repaid drop off in cases and hospitalizations. India never got near the per capital cases or fatalities that the US did. Currently they are running about 25 percent of US per capital cases.
I certainly agree with better quarantine of the vulnerable age population that is infected or extremely vulnerable.
I think most of Australia is very different then areas like the US. Population density is very low. With simple guidelines to elderly, especially those with conditions that make them vulnerable, those folk can choose to self isolate more.
I am curious why you have almost no antivirals. Ivermectin and JCQ are readily available in most areas. The leaky vaccines
I suspect the Sydney and Melbourne riots are frustration boiling over.
The globalists would be packing it…..
All the tame premiers can kiss the globalist back ends, but if it gets ugly they could be swept away. I’m expecting the cops to be distracted at an appropriate moment.
Interesting times….
Steve you shouldn’t forget MEDIA and their government sponsors have tried to ignore a major World Freedom Day protest in Brisbane estimated at 20k protesters while trying to smear and understate the marches in Sydney and Melbourne over a few incidents where protesters clashed with cops. Marches were also held in Adelaide along with a vehicle convoy in Perth.
and here’s what really happened at the Melbourne protest
Interesting how in NSW the police are tracking down the protesters to arrest and charge them. Has NSW now become the fascist state of Australia after Victoria was it al last year?
Thankyou for that Marksman.
The protests should be re-branded as a blm protest or a cancel culture protest, then it could go ahead with gov and police blessing
l was thinking the same myself PTR
it makes me wonder again where the cases came from in NZ that could not be explained that were basically explained as an “l dont know” by the scientists after they had no covid for 2 months and still had a solid hard border lockdown
l did hear that it was thought that it may have got to NZ by fish or birds? but nobody really knows
l do not believe in borders inside AU
quarantine the sick, protect the vulnerable and keep people living by not shutting down their livelihoods
If you read the Constitution, it says trade and intercourse between the states shall be free, which includes movement.
The cases in NZ would have been vaccine break out.
That last paragraph is Gold!
Right on the mark.
“l do not believe in borders inside AU”
The way to open borders is to eliminate in all states. We have seen it work.
The incoming travelers need to land out of town and be put up in cabins, caravans or motorhomes spaced well apart. Hotel quarantine is just like cruise ships. Making people pay to be locked up with the infected in a capital city is what has closed borders. Address the real problem to end it. Travel bubble up with other countries when they snap out of it.
Letting it rip in Australia would just put us on every other countries red no go list and close every border.
Oh and noticing the comment below. #2. The Tasmanian example needs no vaccine. With better quarantine from non bubble countries. It still may get a few short sharp extra public holidays but is far better than making our children lab rats. So obviously the idea will be attacked by investors aiming to profit from the vax.
Tasmania is using mainland Australia as a quarantine buffer and gets away with it due to this small population. This is not reproducible without trashing the economy, NZ style.
It works for Tasmania because they use remote quarantine on that big island to the north.
Scaling up what works is not that difficult.
It seems to be working the same way for Canberra as well. Landing the planes from non travel bubble countries out of capital cities moves quarantining and leaks and lockdowns out of capital cities. How could that not be an improvement?
It does not scale with the facilities that we have. The idea of holiday camp quarantine would have work pre-Delta but is very unlikely to work with the numbers involved and the greater infectiousness. All that is likely to be achieved is to spread the Delta variant across those quarantined and those providing services for them.
Above i explained. “put up in cabins, caravans or motorhomes spaced well apart.”
So when you say “All that is likely to be achieved is to spread the Delta variant across those quarantined”, how. how does it spread across “spaced well apart”?
Please be logical. Ending the across the corridor shared air system problem with “cabins, caravans or motorhomes spaced well apart.” makes this near impossible. How can you even imagine it could be worse than hotel quarantine?
But even if somehow that could happen then it is out of a capital city. It ends capital city lockdown causing leaks two ways not just one.
For anyone that is interested.
The Covid Twitter shills/bots are spreading more lies. They have them telling lies about people allegedly being in ICU from Covid and “none are vaccinated”. Hope the link works. It is an image in a post in Gab.
The Number One priority should be for everyone to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
the vaxxed still get infected, still transmit it and maybe get a special bonus side effect to boot.
the real goal of lockdown and vaxx is population control, not virus control.
Why? Because Simon trusts politicians and will do anything they say, including having an experiential vaccine pumped into us. Perhaps Simon is a lab rat.
Exactly. The current gene therapy vaccines require two shots, but they are already talking about a third rouund next year and possibly a fourth jab the year after. I think I’ll wait until there is a single-shot vaxx available that actually works.
Or even a vaccine that is not experimental?
The vaccines appear to be designed to maximize …er…impact … from compounding accumulation of the graphene oxide. This could be why now they are saying people “need” a permeant rolling series of jabs.
Apparently graphene oxide is good at getting across the blood brain barrier and takes months to years to do its work. This may explain the many neurological disorders recorded in VAERS and the EU database.
The option for a 3rd injection for both Pfizer and Moderna has been available for a few months here in France.`
In my opinion it was destined to become a yearly (or more frequent) vaccination, no matter the efficacy.
The number one priority should be to find out if the gene therapy, spike protein vaccines are actually safe. Particularly, are the spike proteins guaranteed to stay anchored at the surface of the cells that express them so they don’t cause damage across others parts of the body?
Brain function deterioration is my biggest worry, closely followed by sterility in women.
I will not be bullied into being used as a guineapig for a non-vaccine ‘vaccine’. I consider myself as a ‘control’, using my prophylactics.
You go for it Simon; I’ll bide my time.
if you die from the CCP virus it’s an act of god but if you die from the experimental vax it’s your own fault
Or perhaps an act of Xi.
And youre blocked by law from being able to sue the vax manufacturers
Capital G for God
God has nothing to do with it. It’s all the fault of humans. With free will comes responsibility.
The number one priority should be to stop the vaccines and implement national Ivetmectin, HCQ regime along with encouragement of sun exposure if 15 to 20 minutes a day plus exercise and other important vitamins.
Then make certain the vaccines are safe and effective. ( They are neither)
an interesting perspective to watch
Do you really believe your own words ?
You don’t follow the science, else you wouldn’t spread what you spread.
I’m currently sitting at our local immunisation hub waiting to confirm that there are no side effects to the Pfizer shot. Reading this makes me think of crazed conspiracy theorists who are endangering us all. I doubt that is a vaccine side effect.
Reading your posts, it is obvious that you quite prepared to be a simple-minded guinea pig all your life.
Just bend over and do as your told. !
First dose or second?
Never noticed the first dose
2nd dose gave me a sore arm and some weird chills.
2nd dose made my wife feel ill and gave her a sore arm
2nd dose kept my son in bed for a day
The young paramedic who gave me the 2nd dose claimed that his 2nd dose made him feel terrible.
Government advertisements in our country warn that people might feel ill from the second dose but it is normal. Not to worry. Recover in a day or two
A beautiful name, unfortunately she’s not a visiting fellow of that university and so lacks credibility.
Unfortunately it reminds me of the young couple in their respective European basketball teams who fell in love.
Don’t you have anything better that the Conspiracy Theory ad hom, simon ?
Simon, how many years are you going to sit there?
Jo, please watch the linked Video and tell us what the guy says at the end.
Does he say “all but one are VACCINATED”?
It is being reported as All but one UNvaccinated.
Also try and find this video on the internet with a normal search.
thanks for posting that AC
I saw that article with the headline “All but one in Sydney Hospitals were vaccinated”. I sent them a correction. They have now said that the ABC day that all but one were unvaccinated.
What they actually appear to be saying now is that of the 43 in ICU only one was vaccinated.
Whereas he distinclty said of the 141 all but one was vaccinated.
Very suspicious, especially the hesitant way he said it. as if he really didn’t want to.
We do know that “experts” mis-speak, so it is possible he did so.
And you are exactly, the person in the Video?
To be sending a correction.
He did say all but one are vaccinated, but corrected it later when it was brought to his attention.
He clearly says ” all but one are vaccinated”.
Another vaccine fail …
140/141 = 99.2% vaccine failure.
Confidence in vaccines …not.
He the doctor issued a correction near the end .
Go to ABC its about 40 mins long.
He said sorry he mid spoke
Where is the link?
What we really need is an instant, cheap, reliable quick spit / saliva test, or urine test, or both that react by colour change to any presence of the virus in the nasopharynx or excretion. Don’t know how they do it at the sewers but presumably that’s a test taking days.
The other point is, you can shut down all you like, but much of the spread is coming from Australians who know they are infected or probably are, but refuse or disobey the orders or public information that they must self isolate, and stop leaving quarantine areas. That stupidity of behaviour is costing the nation billions in lockdowns, costing individuals jobs, closing small businesses of a lifetimes work, making people ill and killing some. There must be a very hefty imprisonment imposed emphatically as a punishment, with no early release. The cost of these acts is extreme to society.
I hate this empowerment of police and politicians to the nth degree, but sometimes such ignoring the welfare of the rest demands a lesson to be learned.
but much of the spread is coming from Australians who know they are infected or probably are, but refuse or disobey the orders or public information that they must self isolate, and stop leaving quarantine areas
Not sure if everyone does know that they have the virus. An excellent article in Quadrant this week points out that many people are asymptomatic and, in addition, the Covid test is too sensitive (with 40 augmentations) and cannot differentiate between the live virus and spent fragments of dead virus from a past infection. The author, a pharmaceutical scientist with an expertise in this area, says that testing should be stopped and only hospitalisations recorded.
Pretty much everyone here agrees with that except Gee Aye. And our testing is done over 45 cycles so it’s 32x more sensitive than the article states
Also 45 in the UK.
AC… you need to read outside your bubble to see how ignorant that comment is.
Well I don’t agree.
You evaded my comments in the other thread through introducing the red herring of false positives. Your opinion is totally invalid
Cool. I’m off the hook.
Yes, you don’t need to bother posting on the subject any more
In some very large cities of many millions they found that over 60 percent of the city had been exposed. Herd immunity plus Ivermectin, HCQ, and sunshine has been the solution all along.
Businesses desperate to reopen are demanding the federal government remove a “crazy” ban on Australian-made home Covid tests that are widely used overseas.
Brisbane start-up Ellume’s DIY tests give results in 15 minutes and are being sold in pharmacies across the US as part of a $312 million order from the Biden White House.
But the rapid antigen kits, which are approved by the American Food and Drug Administration and are up to 96 per cent accurate, cannot be sold here because home-use tests have been banned by the Therapeutic Goods Administration since 2010.
Exceptions have previously been made to this TGA requirement, for HIV in 2014 and for other diseases including flu in 2019, and shutdown-shattered industries say Health Minister Greg Hunt needs to do the same for Covid tests.
“Something like this could alleviate the need for closing down businesses,” Falls Creek Chamber of Commerce secretary Steve Bond said.
“One would one would imagine that the United States would have done as thorough testing as we would do to get sign off.”
Ellume founder Sean Parsons said the ban was the only barrier to selling in Australia.
“I don’t have line of sight as to why the federal government isn’t looking to make these changes,” he said of a potential TGA exemption.
The Department of Health said: “Testing for COVID-19 should only be conducted in an accredited pathology laboratories.
From the D/T Comments – Paywalled
6 hours ago
In the case of say, a person sitting at home with a cold and having concerns that this could be Covid this ‘at home test’ could be used to determine positive or negative and if positive the next step would be to get tested at a accredited pathology laboratory. If negative test again at a later date. Simple!
6 hours ago
Large Pathology companies would be lobbying Government hard to prevent this. Surely no one expects any government post 2005 to do anything proactive? They are so scared of losing twitter likes and offending the PC police and woke crowd they are paralysed.
Ian Oz
7 hours ago
It is beyond belief that an Aussie invention with a U.S. approval would be banned from use here, given the dire circumstances we are in? Will someone with authority and responsibility please get these test kits in circulation before we kill off so many businesses and jobs please?
Link – Businesses call for ban on Covid home tests to be overturned
Meanwhile the Vaccine I was considering – Novavax
Another vaccine blow as delivery deal pushed back
One of Australia’s key vaccine deals has hit major delays, with the delivery of Novavax doses pushed back from the second half of 2021 to next year.
Novavax has not yet been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration, but Scott Morrison highlightedthe fact that 51 million doses of the vaccine were on the way on Sunday.
“There is, of course, the 51 million of Novavax, which is also pre-ordered, as well,” the Prime Minister told a press conference.
But the orders of Novavax will now only serve a role in the federal government’s booster strategy when the bulk of doses arrive in 2022.
A spokesperson for the federal department of health told Guardian Australia on Monday the timeline for approval would “ultimately depend on when the complete data package is provided by Novavax to enable the required regulatory processes”.
Health Secretary Brendan Murphy told the Senate Select Committee on Covid-19 on Friday the government’s rollout strategy was not dependent on Novavax.
“We don’t have full registration yet and we don’t have a clear production timeline,’’he said. “Our current plan is not dependent on having Novavax for our primary vaccination course this year, but they are still committing that they will give us some doses in the fourth quarter.
“If they come, that will be valuable and could help accelerate. But our plan is not dependent on having Novavax this year.”
I think there should be a universal roll out of HCQ (Zelenko protocol) and Ivermectin for both prophylaxis and treatment (obviously along with Vit D and Zn etc.). Both are so harmless when taken as directed, just mail it out to every address in the country.
But it won’t happen here. Australia is today extremely risk-averse, a comprehensive Nanny State and terrified of trying anything “new” or different and certainly something not approved by those in the UN who tell our politicians and senior public serpents what to think and do.
It won’t happen at all. Billions of dollars are at stake. Profit, profit, profit. Anyway, politicians tell us some of the treatments you listed can be dangerous and are not the be trusted. Lies, lies, lies. Should not be surprising as that’s their profession.
David, most Australians would agree with you if they had even heard of Zelenko.
They are not risk averse, they just don’t realize how corrupt the institutions are.
Let’s get the word out — We’re pro-Choice — let us choose our treatment.
Agree. No one has a truly valid medical reason backed up with sufficient evidence let alone the right to coerce us to have experiential vaccines. Any coercion by way of vaccine passports, restrictions and the like should be resisted at all costs.
Informed medical options party
Political good blog. Check out Greg Hunt expressing support for prescribing off label drugs.
Stay well.
I reckon you could get the same effect, and more rapidly, by removing the restrictions on doctors which prevent them from prescribing HCQ and IVM, and also providing the evidence of their effectiveness in both roles, with zinc. Allow pharmacies to provide the protocols even without prescription and provide a courier service to home deliver to people in isolation.
Instruct hospitals to provide this at admission, and include vitamin D test in their initial blood test.
Provide also to arriving passengers, at a fee to avoid hotel quarantine.
Even with the current panic inducing numbers (146 new “cases” in NSW yesterday) there is probably enough of these medications to get 100% coverage over the next fortnight.
Dave Beach
You still need to convince the doctors that these medications are effective and safe – the WHO, abetted by our national health body parroting their statements, has many doctors thinking these are suddenly dangerous and ineffectual.
“The Science” is directed by the narrative and all too many of our doctors conservatively file follow “The Science” since they aren’t under pressure to save lives
Sorry David, small ‘keyboard’ on ‘phone; meant green.
I gave him a green one on your behalf 🙂
Thanks Peter S. 🙂
Thanks Annie,
I’d started to wonder which part was being objected to.
Dave B
Why not do both, free the Doctors and promote and fund the effective treatments. The two paths are entirely orthogonal.
Hi Dave. Will you be there on the 14th?
if you take a look at the timeline that Monash University set april 2020 on ivermectin –
it seems to have stalled.. yet there have been many trials on this drug, and it works. so what is going on?
our PM says our approach to covid saved 30,000 lives, yet wouldnt it be more likely that those deaths are just on hold until we are re-integrated into the world as it is. the flu was never abolished because both the flu and covid vaccines are not vaccines, they help in the short term, but cause mutations in the long term and the flu vaccine will forever be chasing its tail (one shot every year is not a vaccine) and the covid vaccine is still in trial phase.. what was it supposed to be? some 10 years or something. who knows what things will look like in 10 years.
the approach that will save most of those lives and cause the least harm to society in general would be no testing as with flu, give the (ivermectin,HCQ,Zinc,V D pill which already exists) and enough for each of their family members to an infected person that presents to their GP or hospital with symptoms. tell them to isolate for 14 days. much like the the isolation kit given in India. there will be some losses, but in the long run it will be far less harmful than the soul destroying lockdowns.
they won’t do it not because of risk aversion (see policy position on novel experimental mRNA vaxxes), but because it might work.
was reply to #5
Remember this over a year ago? Still relevant today but a lot of truths spelled out there have been trampled over by governments for whatever reason.
Dr. Erickson Covid-19 Challenges Lockdown with Hard Facts
If the virus was a CCP bioweapons leak, or, just as likely, a US government deep state operation, then no hard border or quarantine system will be capable of stopping the next one. Our overwrought and hysterical reaction to the current virus has practically guaranteed a repeat. If, on the other hand we’d been a bit more hard-headed and resilient, maybe our opponents would respect us and not see us as a bunch of estrogenated milksops ripe for the plucking.
And if the next one is a SARS-1 with a 10% mortality, or a smallpox with 30%, would you rather we had a pandemic plan which simply said “stop the flights” and kept it out, or is better to look tough and just kill people and wait for our line in the queue for an experimental mandatory vaccination?
Or, maybe we could let the people vote on it?
I don’t mean to sound cruel, but until you’ve spent some time studying just how inventive and nasty the vast array of diseases humans have been subjected to (and which we so luckily don’t face) it’s hard to imagine the pain and loss that would be easy to inflict if a nation was prepared to use gene tech for mischief.
Or perhaps if the people who control, conduct and fund the kind of research that lead to the virus were arrested and charged with crimes against humanity the world might be a much safer place.
The last one was SARS-1 🙁
No lockdoen plan
No social distancing
It was frightening
What to believe.
After the global warming rort by everybody and his uncle it is hard to see international, national and state authorities as being squeaky clean in dealing with CV19.
The amount of money turned over in just one day’s testing for cases runs into millions around Australia and then there’s the big jab cash cow.
Never, and I’ll repeat that, never have I seen such incredible focus and attention given to a potential viral threat here in Australia.
That this occurs in concurrence with the U.S. BLM violent lawlessness, the U.S. Presidential Election fiasco and the ongoing collapse of Europe and Britain is worrying.
Locally, the fact that our Governments have ignored death rates from other causes that make CV19 look like an insect bite at a picnic is interesting.
Deaths from;
Diabetes, principally type 2.
Car-road accidents.
; are just examples of a number of areas where government action could help reduce significant numbers of deaths.
Why is CV19 singled out.
Is it genuinely dangerous or is there something else.
They need to rename the disease CO2-ViD to increase the scare factor
so true LOL
🙂 🙂
Speaking of scare factor, it seems to me that the terminology is very subtly used to reduce inhibitions around ‘the jab’. This is a ‘puppy’ term – that is, it makes getting vaccinated sound all warm and fuzzy. It cannot be called an immunisation, as no immunity is conferred, so perhaps we should ramp up the scare factor amongst the uninformed and call it ‘the injection’ instead. Still not terrifying, but may induce second thoughts around getting ‘the jab’.
They should call it “the shot”. Then they can try and to pitch to people to “go and get shot”.
Don’t try to read too much into it. I have tried and there are too many unknowns and hence too many possible scenarios. Just keep alert and watch how things pan out. Take things one day at a time. Do your own research. Don’t trust what the MSM, politicians and so called experts keep telling us but do listen to what they say as it can provide clues. It will eventually become clearer, at least to those who are interested, and I certainly am. Most people for now are not and go about their business as though nothing is wrong. Boy are they going to get a shock one day. Many won’t know what hit them and will be making silly decisions based on little or no understanding as to what has been happening all along and why. It’s one big jig saw puzzle and we just have to wait for the pieces to assemble one by one.
Looks like a something else to me.
But Branson and Bezos have repeated a technological feat that NASA accomplished 60 years ago.
So we’ve got that.
One thing I am sure is it’s something else but at this time I’m not sure what it it as per my earlier post.
There is no evidence that the virus is dangerous (a 99% survival rate) to other than a small cohort of the elderly.
Came across this link in the comments @ the Catallaxy Files
As a ‘like for like’ comparison of deaths in Scotland in the deaths (after vaccination) VS Covid deaths.
Deaths in the 28 days after vaccination = 922 per month
Deaths in the 28 days after infection with Covid = 866 per month
Of course, this does not include the number of Covid deaths from infections amongst the vaccinated.
I don’t know the veracity of the source – but the cure may be medically worse than the disease.
Always – with a grain of sand…
The government testing is flawed.
And influenza is also being positive in the testing.
The CDC recommends not to trust the results.
Could be Covid or any other virus. The testing is not complicated enough to distinguish between viruses.
See above for references and links.
These numbèrs are useless, even misleading, without numbers vaccinated and numbers infected.
Another article that quotes the 16% protection number
“England vaccinated at a much slower pace than Israel, meaning that the majority of its population was only fully vaccinated by mid-April 2021. This is in contrast to Israel, where around 90% of the country’s most vulnerable population were jabbed by the end of January.
“It is beginning to become clear that vaccine immunity begins to wane after about six months. The Israeli study showed that for people vaccinated more than six months ago, the effectiveness of the vaccine at stopping coronavirus dropped to as low as 16%.
“Among more than 1.8 million people who received two shots by January 31, some 5,770 contracted the virus – and 1,181 of them, or 20% of all new infections, were contracted during the week of July 11 to 17, the Health Ministry reported.
I’ve been spreading the word about the vaccine protection collapse….people are getting restless and ticked off. Why the lockdowns if vaccines do nothing?
Those riots in Syd and Melb will be kids play soon I predict….
Australian taxpayers have now paid $1 BILLION for covid19 testing.
Incredible, and to my mind completely unjustified because in truth aren’t we all eventually going to have a brush with CV19.
Are we going to do this for influenza next.
i don’t think they have even identified that covid19 exists in the wild.
as for influenza, the claim that it, with an average R0 of 1-2, disappeared because of masks and social distancing, but covid19 with a comparable R0 of 1.4-2.4 thrived in the same conditions, i find, comical.
🙂 🙂
We are doing it for colds and flu now.
Flu is notifiable so it is tested to identify.
Not so long ago $1 Billion was considered by many to be a reasonable chunk of change.
However, when government debt stands at over $1 Trillion everybody starts to lose perspective…”it’s only $1 Billion…who cares”?
And that attitude is a huge problem.
they are deliberately crashing the economy.
the ‘great reset’ incoming.
I suspect you are right but realise not all of them are aware of it. Most are “just following orders”. Still, if there ever is to be an excuse that ought to be slapped with a prison sentence or at least lose their jobs and al entitlements, surely that would be one. Following on from the movie “A Few Good Men” which was in fact based on a true story, the question today is who issued the “code red”? I hope one day we will find out as in the current circumstances that person or persons ought to be hanged.
There are plenty of “useful idiots” out there. The Extinction Rebellion and other CAGW activist groups are prime examples.
Agree wal1957. Even so-called conservatives are spending borrowed or printed taxpayer money as though it me any nothing.
When was the last time you hear a politician or member of the Sheeple express concern at the cost of something?
Cost is now meaningless to the Sheeple and their “leaders”.
The only ones who care are thinking people and we are a small, persecuted minority.
The Covid industry is very profitable for some.
For a thorough analysis of numbers, vaccines, treatments and almost everything else WuFlu related I suggest this Australian site…https://www.covidmedicalnetwork.com/default.aspx
I still do not know anyone who knows anyone who has died of covid, Not much of a disease.
Neither do I. In a real pandemic we personally would be aware of many.
Died ‘with’ … not ‘of’.
Stop misinforming hesitator.
Bruce, I don’t know anyone who has contracted Covid, let alone died from it. I do know three people in my immediate vicinity who have reacted badly to Astra Zeneca.
Yes; that’s the pattern.
I saw Jo saying that Swedens death rate is 40 times higher than Australia. However when I checked euromomo that does not seem correct. Mortality in Sweden does not look unusual compared to previous tears.
Would not surprise me. The figures everywhere are so untrustworthy it’s not even worth trying to work out the truth. It’s impossible, just as the case for determine the real cause of the deaths. At least some of the deaths were very likely not actually caused by the virus at all. Perhaps for the first time in history anecdotal evidence could be at times more reliable. It’s very hard to know these days when even people in professions we used to trust a lot these days speak the truth and when they speak with forked tongue. We know for sure that politicians almost always speak with forked tongue so that pretty much guarantees that what we are told about the state of affairs to do with the virus is a lie.
Another prospective.
There is a fourth option not listed:
Recognise that to the vast majority this virus poses less of a threat than normal flu, and yes, Vitamin D for all to solidify that situation, and protect and treat with Ivermectin as necessary the vulnerable, groups we now know very well.
Essentially the Great Barrington Declaration.
But as to the bio-weapon, I know many will disagree, and every hour of every day I hope I am wrong, but I believe that there is no other explanation that fits all the facts and shenanigans, the rejection and suppression of all alternative views medical and political, and genuine science, than that it is not the virus that is the bio-weapon but the gene jab. Vast profits for some and world domination for a clique of sociopaths.
Beware the desk jockey scientists who proclaim how safe the virus is. Look instead for the hands on doctors who work with patients and make decisions that may or may not save them. Search on youtube for the ICU doctors and hear their experiences with real patients. They all say the same things no matter whether its’ Spain, Italy, Iran, California or Brazil. It’s not the flu, it’s a vascular disease that causes both clotting and bleeding through vascular walls. Search for the rashes. Listen to surgeons talk about removing blood clots that form as fast as they operate.
Desk jockeys cherry pick numbers and use one variable declarations in 30 variable situations.
I suspect that the “ it’s not a real virus” is either trolls or victims of them. Yes, there are many harms from thus that are not flu like, and even the pneumonia pattern is specific.
Yet it is also true that, for large population demographics, it is comparable to the flu.
“I have been highlighting for some time that the virus (SARS-CoV-2) has never been isolated or positively identified [1,2,3,4]. Therefore, it cannot be claimed that the virus exists, and by extension, the story of the COVID pandemic cannot be considered science-based or factual.”
About the author: Saeed A. Qureshi, Ph.D… Saeed gained extensive (30+ year) experience in conducting hands-on and multi-disciplinary laboratory research in pharmaceutical areas for regulatory assessment purposes while working with Health Canada.
He is an internationally recognised expert in the areas of pharmacokinetics, biopharmaceutics, drug dissolution testing, analytical chemistry as related to characterization of pharmaceuticals, in particular, based on in vitro (dissolution) and bioavailability/bioequivalence (humans and animals) assessments.
oh dear.
“oh dear.”
rebuttal, dear?
The rebuttal to this straw man is not hard to find. Unless that is you don’t believe in DNA probes and genome sequencing. The virus has been tagged and observed in post-mortem sections, amplified all over the world from clinical cases etc etc. This is too boring to follow up.
Did you read the 9th comment in that article. There are literally 100s of scientific paper that use isolated viruses in their studies and dozens of others that refer to their experience in isolating it. There is nothing to rebut as the thing you linked to made no case.
yes dear:
[and so on]
please send me my 50% finders fee when you collect the reward, dear.
I’ll double the oh dear. Your basic response is to deny the science. It is done by scientisist so better not trust it.
Oh Dear….
Pretty straightforward, I would think…
The virus has not been isolated as an actual virus.
Please show us somewhere where it has, GA.
Or just keep saying, “Oh Dear…”
Evidence !
First of c500 papers in web of science search for “isolation AND sars-cov-2”
and here’s an explanation of what it means to isolate a virus and why those c500 papers don’t make the cut, dear.
Yeah sorry this is irreconcilable. I choose to use the standard long standing text book definition. You choose something from the 19th century when cultured cells and antibody testing had not been invented.
no dear.
it is a question of empirical demonstration.
Saeed A. Qureshi, Ph.D:
Saeed A. Qureshi, Ph.D’s qualifications:
Saeed gained extensive (30+ year) experience in conducting hands-on and multi-disciplinary laboratory research in pharmaceutical areas for regulatory assessment purposes while working with Health Canada.
He is an internationally recognised expert in the areas of pharmacokinetics, biopharmaceutics, drug dissolution testing, analytical chemistry as related to characterization of pharmaceuticals, in particular, based on in vitro (dissolution) and bioavailability/bioequivalence (humans and animals) assessments.
How’s things from behind your desk.
why though? Is it just to be consistent with their anti-science stance?
Nobody asserts it is safe. It is simply not particularly dangerous. It does not even make the top ten.
An Ontario Canada perspective:
If the state is going to the bother of a lockdown, closing the regional borders is secondary issue.
Locking down at home is draconian. Shutting boarders might seem xenophobic but the resolve to force people to stay put has already been demonstrated at the local level. So be it
So much fear of a disease with a 99% survivability rate.
1% = 250,000 Australians
So much death from a highly contagious disease that could infect 60% of Aussies in a single wave
OK, close borders and live in fear.
From the video in the article at post 17 above,
Age Group Survival rate
0-14 99.9998
15-44 99.9931
45-64 99.9294
65-85 99.6297
85+ 98.2499
Looks like those at greatest risk are 85+ yrs old.
oops. Post 16 above. sorry for the error.
Yep, it sücks to get old
0-14 2
15-44 69
45-64 706
65-85 3703
85+ 17501
(Some see the risks more clearly when the complement is displayed.)
You write;
“We are in a very unusual situation in Australia. (And NZ) The US and UK have had a shockingly torrid 18 months, with 50 times the per capita deaths of Australia (and even more compared to NZ).”
Firstly the first wave hit the UK during a long often sunless winter after several light flu seasons. Secondly it has now been made official that over 40,000 of those deaths were in care homes (as hospitals were told to clear the decks) next biggest source of infection were hospitals themselves and the third biggest, homes. Its daft to tell people to stay inside your own home and spread the virus.
Of course covid is a serious problem to the elderly and otherwise vulnerable but you don’t quarantine the whole population to protect the very few, surely you make sure those who actually need protection are looked after?
The number of people who have died WITH Covid but not OF Covid is large, in other words they died of something else. The numbers are in ‘State of Fear’ by Laura Dodsworth.
I would hazard a guess and no more than that, which is Covid killed 30000 to 60000 people here in the UK. Our excess death rate here in the UK is below the 5 yea averagefor 2021 and 2020 was the worst year for excess deaths only since 2009 according to the office of National Statistics.
The West has collectively gone mad. Our government went into a blind panic and spent recklessly believing covid to be the plague even though it was obvious very early on that this was not so. In this they followed hysteria through the ages and have infected large swathes of the UK population with the same fear and hysteria.
This in turn is echoing ‘Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds’ an early study of crowd psychology by Scottish journalist Charles Mackay, first published in 1841. In this he initially discusses economic bubbles, including the South Sea bubble and Tulip Mania and European fervour for causes such as the Medieval Crusades. Modern commentators have included the Chinese stock bubble of 2007 as examples of this mass hysteria 5)
Two quotes stand out from Mackay’s book;
‘Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.”
‘We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object, and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion, and run after it, till their attention is caught by some new folly more captivating than the first.”
Covid does not give us a reason to suddenly turn into the worst excesses of Chinese repression.
At least one, quite possibly more, journalist agrees with you.
That’s a good article. this insanity and fear throughout the West over Covid, will be used to leverage drastic action to ‘fight’ climate change/crisis/emergency/collapse/apocalypse.
If people have shown themselves to be so willing to be locked down to save themselves and their neighbours from an illness that will not impact on the vast majority, then they will be super keen to do so in order to save the planet, their children and grandchildren.
Drastic action to fight climate?
The current green fight for climate has already been lost and I expect they are already on the verge of knowing itt’s so.
How can this be? Converting every home gas boiler to electric, Converting every consumer vehicle to EV, Plastering every roof with PVC only partially solves carbon+environmental problems, probably less so than 50%.
The rest of the carbon emission / habitat reduction is taken up by building stuff, in upgrading buildings for green efficiciency, in commercial transport, in mining industry and agriculture
Most of the current and future carbon emission are now in the hands of the undeveloped and developing countrieswith their still growing populatins
The West can be green in the extreme but that still doesnt account for 50% of the problem. The invidual citizen can go back to hair shirts, sefdom and gruel diets. Need to shut down industry redevelopment export and immigration too
More fuel is or will soon be used in commerical transport. Consumer vehicles are lightweighttransport that go short distances with flexible schedules
The furnace and triple glazing in a residence need to becreplaced every 20 years. New housesexist for 30-50-150 yrs before being built, torn down or replaced. All that turnoverand servicing utility uses big energy and resources. This extra stuff is the hidden greater stuff
Rarely considered is that Australia is very awkwardly placed with respect to its remote aboriginal communities which host comorbities at significantly higher rates than the general population and could easily be annihilated by covid.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
A voice of reason; I should feel good all day now or at least until the next screeching Kovid Report at the allotted time on this radio.
Lockdown: People Ordered to Stay Off Balconies, Tape Doors Shut in Australia Region
JACK MONTGOMERY26 Jul 2021151 2:45
Is that to keep them on their balconies or to stop them going outside onto their balconies? Outside is much safer than inside. This has got worrying echoes of China but at least they are not being welded shut. Are you trying to make the Chinese feel at home as they buy up large chunks of the country?
As an outsider, I can see that Australia places strong emphasis on being able to control it’s boarders and quash outbreaks by agressive and effectibve lockdowns and contact tracing.
Yes it works well. Australia is a huge success story!
The public heath measures work so well that you now criticize those same health care measures as being unecessary. The contradiction is the indication of a good public health program. It works therefore it is unecessary
To exit covid you need to build population resistance/immunity. Get vaxxed. Stock up on invermectin, whatever you decide to do.
Just quit dwadling about getting protected. You are using Australia’s effectiveness at dealing with covid as an excuse to avoid moving into the future
Down vote huh. Okay how about this …
Most of the world is getting vaccinated as fast as they can arrange it. If viral escape is going to happen it will already do so in the bulk of the world.
Australia is free to remain insular, isolated, locked down or open. Its a small part of the globe and makes no difference to me.
Don’t be disheartened, I’m going to give you a big green tick for caring about the world.
“Yes it works well. Australia is a huge success story!”
The boarders within the borders of this big island might disagree.
The only reason that Australia, Western Australia, New Zealand and that other island down below, Tasmania, did relatively “well” is that they are isolated from the rest of the world
Any beneficial input from the ruling class is purely coincidental.
In six months time all we will have left standing is Canberra.
But even they will be stuffed because No more taxes: did they think of that when they crushed all the boarders?
It’s been 45 years now but I suspect that Pol Pot somehow managed to escape and is still at work.
Not sure how the confederation of states works in Australia but with 3 or 4 entities of roughly equal population size, its way more interesting than Canada
Something about vaccinations in Australia.
Most countries can quickly ramp up a speedy mass immunization program. Hundreds of thousands of jabs can be put in arms each day. No problem there.
Sure Australia might not have sufficient supply of vaccine but seeing how Canada is now drowning in excess Pfizer, the USA has long since reached saturation uptake, Euroopei s vaccinating as fast as it can … I see no impediment for Australia buying it’s way to a few million doses of preferred choices very quickly. Instead Australia buys 35 million Pfizer doses to be delivered up to 2023. Why no hurry?!?
For whatwever reasons Australia is stalling or not caring or not bothering or preoccupied with isolation / contacttracing or lockdown … or pollitics … or success with current covid policies
Nevertheless, the hesitency to get vaccinated is real. It resides with Australia and not considerations elsewhere
This link says it all to me. You still haven’t deeply vaccinated the elderly, those most vulnerable. As if you have all the time in the world.
I am deliberately staying out of politics. I am not saying with undue emphasis how, if, when one should be vaxxed or protected.
I am emphasizing that Australia, for whatever reason is … uhm falling behind …and probably needlessly so
Australia saving the world is probably a nonstarter of a reason to delay vaccination too. The cat is already out of the bag. Huge swatches of places have recieved the vax, hexed or otherwise
“…., hexed or otherwise”
And *that* is the reason people have stayed away from a hexed vax.
As a kid when you’d done something stupid, your Mum would say ” if all your dumb mates jumped off a roof, would you do it too?” Implying collective peer stupidity us not the basis for sensible decision making.
These vaccines are NO different to the mentality about climate change…”were running out if time…”…um…for a fairy story?
A virus with 99.x % survival rate is not a crisis. A circus , yes, but not a crisis….
Some vaccines may have also used aborted fetal cells
No risk of mad cow disease from fetal brain cells then?
I do not agree with legally enforced vaccination. Covid19 as yet is not so deadly. Most people are vaccinated. The chance of reaching herd immunity is dwidling as vaccine effectiveness wears off with time. It is a toss up as to whether vaccine helps more than it hurts for very young people.
Maybe I am being Swedish about it, but I trust people to reach their own conclusions and act sensibly
We have some long established communities in Canada that are stridently anti-vax anti-transfusion. I might disagree but reach to try and accomodate their opinion. That is the
myth ofCanadian tolerancehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doukhobors
The case is not sufficiently overwhelming to force vaccine on to everyone by law.
What is the opinion of the Hutterites in Alberta?
They are still here. Not fled the country yet!
Yes, thanks Raving, already seen some of that. I was really asking about their attitude to treatments/vaccines in relation to covid.
Don’t know their opinion, nor that of the Doukhobors, nor the Mennonites that do live closer to me in Ontario.
Whatever their opinion, it doesn’t really rise above the noise floor. There are already plenty of antivaxxers naturalists and libertarians in Ab and Ont who won’t get vaccinated and there isn’t the political will to force it upon them
As mentioned before, in my long life I’ve never come across anyone talking about vaccines causing them anything more than a sore shoulder for an hour or two.
In recent years there were reports of very serious consequences for vaccinees receiving the annual flu jab, WA from memory, and I was personally concerned about the after effects of a flu shot a couple of years ago. How safe, how tested, how reliable is a flu jab that has been whipped up in six months from go to woah.
For the CV19 “jab” .
The horrifying “internal cold-freezing inside” experience of a couple of acquaintances that lasted half a day plus recovery is not an acceptable situation for a routine vax.
Media reports of other more serious reactions exist.
While I have concerns about our President, Scott Morrison, there are occasional flashes where I think he may be smarter than we give for. Some international aspects of climate change, for example.
With CV19, maybe he is delaying the vaxx deliberately because he has doubts?
I know, it’s fanciful, and he still presides over incredible spread of green electricity stuff.
for my 2nd dose, i felt cold and chills when it was hot outside. It was strange as I wasnt sure that I had a fever but I definitely felt unwell. My shoulder felt as if it had been poked badly. That lasted for 48 hours. My wife also got a sore arm for the 2nd jab. My son stayed in bed for a day. He sounded like he had bad flu.
Seems to be little or no reaction from thefirst mRNA jab. I think the vaccine affects young people worse on the 2nd dose
As for politicians they will do anything to play the covid card for votes. Its comical. Wouldn’t surprise me that Australian politicians play up tough boarders and lock up crackdowns to give the Impression that they were being effective. The hard on crime card works well
We have had a lot of fun here with politicians who preach staying at home but flew off to the Carribean vacations for their own enjoyment
Our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau cannot seem to stop making covid faux pas. Most recently he declared the border with the USa open starting August 9th to tthose in vehicles who have been fully vaccinated. The Americans who have been demanding the boarder reopen for months have refused to reciprocate citing exploding covid infections and the need to keep Canadians out
Why is Canada unilaterally opening its boarder just in time for rising American covid infections? Guess it was the political descision to do so :/
Assuming (correctly?) that you have not been vaccinated, would you take it today if you were offered it at zero charge and there were no incentives either negative or positive?
Seems a pointless question, it is free and there are incentives and dis-incentives, no un-polishing this t#r@.
I am interested in her actions as backup to her opinions, if she cares to state the former. Others need not be interested.
My answer would be no.
Or, No Bloody Way.
I wouldn’t say “Over my dead body”, in case they tried to take that option.
Dave B
( Jo, I hope you don’t mind my butting in? )
Has anyone ever looked at combined use of HCQ and Ivermectin for prophylaxis or treatment? What would there be to lose? Both drugs are as harmless as it possible for any drug to be.
G’day D M
I don’t know the answer to your question, but would be happy to be able get either. I suspect they are similarly effective, if taken with zinc and vitamin D, as both are zinc ionophores. I’d be concerned they might get in each other’s way.
Dr Zelenko has modified his protocol, replacing HCQ with quercetin as it is an ionophore and available without prescription, even here in Oz.
Dave B
I don’t think ivermectin is a zinc ionophore, I believe it works differently.
Quercetain is, hydroxychloroquine is – but the former may be a fair bit weaker. Don’t know how much that matters.
Does it sound plausible to you that a leopard and other animals can get covid?
Or is this just fear mongering?
Even for a genetically engineered bioweapon, I think it’s stretching things to have this multispecies infectivity.
Viruses jumping the species barrier is rare in nature and generally requires some assistance such as with genetic modification by the Chicomms. Even then, they had one species, humans, in mind, not animals like leopards.
The risk a leopard spreads COV-19 is not to fear.
Israel has found Covid in horses and it is now identified as E-Cov.
Hendra virus came from bats, first discovered in horses, then a vet -Vick Rail and a vet nurse also died. A few farm dogs died. Fortunately a vaccine was found very quickly.
If I was close enough for a leopard to sneeze on me covid is the last thing I would be worried about.
I help people work their cattle, (farm courtesy) I am usually the one in the yards racking them up, barefoot or sometimes Japanese safety boots, (Thongs) Had one lady scream at me “they will stand on your feet” these things can be 600Kg. If its on my foot the rest of me is in big trouble.
quite plausible. It is not the first secondary zoonosis in this outbreak.
Yes but the affinity for human ACE2 receptors has been found to be far higher than for any (other) animal so far all of which points to gain of function experiments being the source.
There have been previous reports of zoo animals and pets being infected but the cases are very, very rare.
A woman in Minnesota got the jab. She was a health care worker.
2 days later, she began having massive clotting, organ failures, and had to have both legs amputated and is scheduled to have both hands amputated.
This gives one pause for thought.
Poor lady; how horrible.
The suggestion is that she got the “vaccine” when she was asymptomatically positive for C-19. Of course, a properly designed and tested vaccine wouldn’t do that.
It must be horrific for her and her family. She has already lost her legs and now she is fully aware that her hands have to be amputated as well.
The mRNA vax group is not well understood and anyone who thinks it is, isn’t thinking.
We know the nasty reactions occur in people under age 65 or so who get the jab, and who are covid positive but asymptomatic or have had covid and recovered. As well in very young people less than 30 yrs.
It would seem reckless to get the jab without having first been tested for real covid antibodies prior to getting jabbed.
There have been enough dangerous reactions in covid positive, asymptomatic, persons who got jabbed, that the standard of care would indicate accurate testing before jabbing.
There is no obvious reason for people under 30 to get jabbed. Their survival rate is some 99.99% without the jab.
Israel has a good idea: Test the some 2800 known approved drugs that have antiviral qualities and rack/stack them in rank order of effectiveness. Obviously HCQ and IVM fall in that category. The Govt ought allow them to be prescribed by an attending physician if the patient chooses to use them.
Blindly jabbing everyone without prior testing is insane by my opinion and constitutes medical malpractice.
I’m never getting the jab without an accurate test prior to the jab. Thus far we’ve found the PCR testing done in prior months couldn’t differentiate between the common flu and covid. It was a waste of time. Even the inventor of the PCR test said it was never meant to diagnose anything, only confirm a symptomatic evaluation. And the CT cycles of 40 made results useless. Any CT over 25 is useless and probably over 17 is useless as well, absent symptoms because they are just amplifying genetic noise.
All this hysteria to jab everyone, knowing what we know now, is ridiculous and irresponsible. Jabbing anyone under 18 should be a criminal offense unless parents sign a waiver and request the jab after being counseled properly on risks.
This is a video from Ivor Cummins from 3 weeks ago talking about the Indian (Delta) variant.
He has some very serious and (to some) controversial things to say.
Everything he says is based on official data.
Please discuss and offer any criticism or praise.
Video is under 11 mins.
No good here, he uses logic. First victim of the 6th great extinction.
I think it’s a sensible post – apart from the unproven “Chinese Bioweapon” meme. And was it really funded by the US right through the Trump administration?
I said very early that (a) far too many people were allowed through our porous “closed” borders, and (b) that luxury inner-city hotels were the worst quarantine strategy – it was quite obvious from the beginning.
I (and others) also suggested at the beginning of this thing that Australia has hundreds of caravan | holiday parts, with detached cabins, separate aircon, secure fencing, and good facilities. They could have been sufficiently re-purposed in a couple of weeks.
I find Peta Credlin a bit too much as well – but I did admire her trying to go after Daniel Andrews on the hotel quarantine security contract … it was a shocking breach, and no-one has paid a price for it.
So while I support a hard national border, I don’t think it’s necessary or useful to have hard state borders. Certainly I think we should treat Adelaide-Melbourne-Canberra-Sydney-Brisbane as one unit, infection-wise.
WA, Tasmania, and the NTY are separate cases. There are also strong arguments for a city – region split. Places like Mildura, Albury, and Bairnsdale have had virtually no cases, but they are treated just the same – with the same economically crippling lockdowns as Metro Melbourne.
Cross-Species Virus Transmission and the Emergence of New Epidemic Diseases
Colin R. Parrish, Edward C. Holmes, […], and Peter Daszak
Microbiol Mol Biol Rev. 2008 Sep; 72(3): 457–470.
doi: 10.1128/MMBR.00004-08
PMCID: PMC2546865
PMID: 18772285
Multi-species viruses seem to have been a special interest of Peter Daszak for a long time….
With Tony Fauci providing the funding for an equally long period
The way hysteria is being whipped up by government and the the enemedia about getting vaccinated (with possibly dangerous and poorly effective vaccines), it’s only a matter of time before the Sheeple start committing acts of violence against the unvaccinated.
It’s no different to how they used to burn witches back in the day. Our society is becoming dominated by ignorance and fear and no one in power is capable of thinking outside the box and allowing or encouraging anti-virals to be used by those who want them. By all means let those that want vaccines take them, but give the thinking people a choice.
If anyone is attacked in any way for not taking the vaccine, it becomes a criminal act under the Commonwealth law we discussed earlier governing the illegality of forcing or coercing people to be vaccinated. Anyone know if we need to call the state police or the federal police when the need arises?
How will the mob determine its targets? Is there a light frequency under which the vaccinee’s skin fluoresces quickly allowing sorting sheep from goats?
Our Australian friends might be intrigued that following ‘freedom’ day last week cases in the UK have fallen off a cliff instead of increasing exponentially as expected
New cases should be beginning to feed into the numbers by now so whether the trend continues for the next few days remains to be seen
Hi Tony. re madness of crowds…
I get a message saying their international business has closed down
Yes lockdowns do work but they only serve to slow and perhaps reverse a rising tide. Lockdowns do not explain how the tide crests and subsequently crashes. If you will, the lockdown is superflous or of diminishing clonsequence when cases fall sharply
This might seem like handwaving but it isn’t so. The virus spreads by superspreader events or rather rapid transmission paths. The rapid transmission paths exist during the rising tide and are subsequently burned out in the decending phase. Its a percolation pricess with the virusbreaking through from one cluster to another. The rapid transmission path is the bridge which joins clusters. Everyone who is going to get infected has already been exposed in the spread across bridges between clusters. The bridge and their clusters burn themselves out
Masks and distancing weren’t enough to prevent the 4th wave in the Uk and freedom day wasn’t enough to rekindle the 4th wave already on its descent
The Sydney situation is a good example of how lockdownsare effective even if they seem not to be so. Yes cases are growing because superspreading (bridge crossing between clusters) is still taking place but the caseload is not exploding with exponential growth. If the Sydney cases do continue to grow exponentially over the next 4-7 days you are in trouble. If cases grow linearly or bounce around a bit then the lockdown is quenching the spreading albeit not enough yet to prevent it.
My expectation is that a Sydney without lockdown wouldhave an exploding case rate. With lockdown itis growing grudgingly. That is a huge accomplishment. The name of the game is to survive until the bridges burn out and the wave crashes
Tell Melbourne that lockdowns don’t work.
We in Britain have clearly reached herd immunity despite the computer models saying not. How can that be so? Natural immunity, that’s how. The models reckoned that everybody was susceptible to it. But even last year two apparently irreconcilable facts had become clear: (1) the extreme infectiousness of SARS-CoV-2; and (2) the fact that you stand less than a 1 in 3 chance of catching it from your spouse, ie from someone you are sleeping with nightly (including during the lengthy asymptomatic but infectious incubation period). These two facts can be reconciled only if a hefty proportion of the population had natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2 before they ever encountered it. That this fact was not used to rejig the models months ago was criminally negligent, in my view.
The Republican Guard, a security detail established to protect the President of France, have ALL resigned, and will no longer protect President Macron!
Members of the Guard who resigned have been asked why they quit and the near universal reply: “Macron isn’t worth dying for”.
“The French Government has had to scramble to provide some other type of protective service for the vicious Dictator, who is stealing French liberty. The mass resignation comes on the heels of his Presidential Decree requiring French citizens to have and use a “Sanitary Passport” (i.e. Vaccine Certificate) or be denied access to stores, bars, even DENIED VOTING!”
“Citizens are taking to the streets in almost every major city, literally battling with police over enforcement of these new Presidential Decrees. Mass-Media is mostly IGNORING the civil uprising, reporting almost nothing as the country erupts in protest.”
Re the cases in SA and NT
That was an incredibly stupid decision by “experts” in Queensland to put someone from a state with no cases into quarantine with people coming from places were it’s rife.
Barely any criticism of it.
“Hard Borders”, really?
Do you mean ban all imports and exports? No ships, no planes.
And no special permits for our Olympians and others?
The problem is that if the only objective is to eliminate the virus, then no cost is too great.
Vic CHO Prof Sutton, after the disaster of 800 deaths in Victoria last year, was quoted as saying there would be no more on his watch. So never mind the economic costs, people dying from other causes, the disruption to education, small businesses closing, people out of work, his advice will always be to lock down the sheeple. And if they protest, the police will arrest them. What power!!
And it seems that no politician is willing to debate that advice or the resultant outcomes.
Why does no one – pollies, journos, epidemiologists, doctors – question this approach in public forums compared to what’s happening in the rest of the world?
Average number of daily new cases and daily deaths for Jan-Jul 2021:
USA 76,000; 1,550
UK 16,000; 283
Germany 13,000; 340
Japan 3,100; 70
Sweden 4,100; 20
Australia 20; 7
And if you look at total deaths per 1 million population, Australia ranks 166th country in the world with 36. There are more than 50 countries with over 1,000 deaths/million. USA and UK at 1,800, rank 20th.
Are we right, and every other country is wrong?
Sort of like fighting climate change by reducing our emissions to zero. To do that properly we would have to all die (except for the proponents of that nightmare of course). Perhaps that’s the real agenda.
The idea that there are people like Fauci who believe that the type of research conducted at Wuhan is worth the risk of a pandemic (yes he said that a long time ago) and helps to fund them (yes he has done that too) makes me wonder why we the people have to suffer the consequences of their actions and if we protest we run the risk of being arrested, when in fact the people who control, conduct, fund and support the kind of research that led to the virus ought to be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity. The world might then be a much safer place.
It is pathetic how the media runs on tunnel vision. We knew about HCQ and Budesonide and all those other helpful things18 months ago, yet not one single word on the ABC about any of them (other than with “Trump” in the same sentence). We have known for nearly as long that Ivermectin is even better, so good that it is probably better than vaccination. We could have erased the need for lockdowns many months ago.
I totally agree. However, that won’t stop the next one as we still have people working on it. So to complete the task, those responsible must be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity as per my previous post. Otherwise, it’s all a waste of time because as sure as night follows day, there will be another but far more serious pandemic. Such research must be stopped. There is no reason for developing such extremely dangerous weapons of mass destruction, which is all what they are. It would be like conducting research on developing a weapon that will rip apart and completely obliterate a whole planet. Who knows, perhaps they are and if they are they ought to be shot, not with a vaccine but with a bullet in the head.
Please everyone, check out Dr. David E. Martin. I have searched extensively but cannot fault his bona fides. If what he says is true, this whole virus/pandemic is a political ploy and he has the documentary evidence to prove it. Fantastic as it seems, that would explain the political pressure for 100% “vaccination” even for those who have recovered from the illness. It would explain why antivirals have been refused, even prohibited by the more despotic of our politicians. See what you think.
He has a website davidmartin dot world. I got lost in the shtick fog from time to time; ended up unconvinced but highly entertained for fifty odd minutes.
End of month, time to crank the fear porn industry up, get the quota. Watched this movie for 500 days of the 14 days to flatten the curve. Even with the Delta rating its the same porn on loop.
My mate has been in Peru (Lima) for 3 months, his seen nothing. I worked for 4 years in Indonesia and trained hundreds of locals whom I still communicate with, my old boss runs an engineering company in Jakarta, they have seen nothing and know of no one who has died.
India 2020 all cause was below average. Population 1.39 billion, average life expectancy 70 years, 10.2% of all cause deaths is respiratory and this is a seasonal peak, Nothing.
Wear face masks made from tissue or old underwear that are used in no industry on the planet and never will. When the Fire departments start using them instead of self contained breathing apparatus to prevent smoke inhalation, (particle) then I will believe they work in preventing particle inhalation and not a virus that could hold hands and pass through the aperture size.
When they stop telling us one thing and showing another.
In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks
Chyna, Chyna, Chyna, the propaganda capital of the world are again releasing facts, welding people in their homes, people just dropping dead in the streets while the camera is running, convoys of trucks with snow blowers disinfecting the streets all in a row blowing the water on the truck behind. That happened nowhere else. Twitter and facebook posts proving the devastation from a country that’s Government has banned those platforms and the government is the only one with access to those platforms. VPN, Naa the government controls those.
In July 2019 11 people died per day in Australia from the Flu and secondary infections, PER DAY. 2020 all cause mortality, had less people dying from respiratory illness.
“in 2019 there were 313,371 confirmed flu cases with *1,566 deaths.”
Per 100,000 population, the flu notifications were:
Jan 2019 : 27.3
Jan 2020 : 27.9
Feb 2019 : 28.7
Feb 2020 : 28.7
Mar 2019: 44.9
Mar 2020 : 23.6
Apr 2019 : 74.8
Apr 2020 : 1.2
May 2019 : 122.3
May 2020 : 0.9
June 2019 : 231.9
June 2020 : 0.4 (so far)
Goes to zero from here!
A PCR reaction amplifies a highly specific target region of the SARS-CoV-2 genome. Each amplification
reaction is known as a cycle, and usually 35-45 cycles are undertaken. Yes I know they can detect at 18, 22, 36, 44 cycles, the point is they can run it up to 45 cycles to get that detection.
Did anyone really look at the photo of the so called protester punching the horse in Sydney’s protest, and I mean look. It was pure theatre, he did not strike the horse, he struck a pose. Always a half feral looking antivaxxer. Same with the US Jan 6th, photo’s taken from behind police lines, that is not protesters, that’s theatre
This photo was taken from behind the police line, the police held back 39,999 protesters but one feral got through and went up to the horse without the officer noticing as he was looking away? Light just right, angle just right
Staged theatre, pure propaganda.
Social media, not the MSM, has been the most effective method of pushing the propaganda, 3.4 million social influencers are being paid to push the agenda in the USA alone and this propaganda campaign is world wide.
Like sheep to the slaughter.
This is Tyranny.
Great post, MP. I would give you multiple green thumbs if I could
Found this 10 second clip of the peacefull horse puncher.
Pause at the start, where is his arm going?
What’s on his shirt?
look at the still shot and what is on his shirt.
What is this photo shop, setup?
The solution to lockdowns is simple
Start holding public health public servants to account and start sacking them when they stuff up.
NSW public health officials allowed a special exemption to apply to high-risk international aircrews EVEN AFTER warnings were giving of the danger of the arrangement of using private limo drivers.
In the public service people are promoted for demonstrated incompetence.
Politicians engage in blame-shifting to protect incompetent public servants – those smart enough to recognise the dangers of EXPERIMENTAL that have not even been tested on animinals are easy targets – just blame the unvaccinated just as Hitler blamed “The Jews”.
Jo, Have you watched Dr Jackie Stone in Zimbabwe . She works at the mortality end of Covid under conditions inferior to western standards.
1. Covid is a disease of the epithelium and blood clots begin straight away
2 Patients feel fine for the first few days – and yet they discover they have only 80% oxygen saturation.
3. PCR test is too slow and too unreliable.
4. She uses Ionic Nano Silver for nebulising patients because silver carries 20x its molecular weight in O2 and releases it .
She said at low O2 levels the haemoglobin does not release the O2 and every cell is starved, everything becomes worse eg pain , heart disease, kidney, liver, diabetes etc
5 uses HCQ and Ivermectin, and other drugs
6. BCG vaccination confers some protection 10x less likely to catch Covid
6. Trains families to provide palliative care
8. Administers half a Disprin daily – to help reduce clotting.
“there are no good approved treatments”
And that is another bad part of our efforts. There are non because we are not trying. There have been many studies that cheap drugs could have a positive effect on people who get sick from the virus, but we are not putting these into clinical trials to really show that these work. And there are hardly any companies that make an effort into developing new drugs or treatments. From day one our governments put all their money on vaccines.
I know of one exception of a company that has come far with a treatment. It is the Korean company Celltrion.
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) says: “The Agency concluded that regdanvimab can be used for the treatment of confirmed COVID-19 in adult patients who do not require supplemental oxygen therapy and who are at high risk of progressing to severe COVID-19.”
Pfizer standard contract has been leaked.
“If you were wondering why #Ivermectin was suppressed, well, it is because the agreement that countries had with Pfizer does not allow them to escape their contract, which states that even if a drug will be found to treat COVID19 the contract cannot be voided.”
The PDF from your link. https://gogo.al/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/LEXO-KONTRATEN-E-PLOTE.pdf
Got to spoon feed 50% of the people on this site.
Here is another protocol for the prevention and early treatment of covid. This treatment aligns with Dr Brody’s recommendations.
Re Generics Australia, you will probably get a message stating there will be a long delay in fulfilling your order due to the world wide demand, which is what happened when I ordered Doxycycline.
A perhaps “way out there” solution for the best border solution would be to build a bloody town with hospital in the centre of Australia -where they parked the Boeing’s. All international flights would have to land there & passengers would spend their 2 weeks quarantine there. No flight crews would be allowed to leave except to return OS.
It would be similar to any wartime effort. Yes it would cost a fortune – but no more than these lockdowns have cost us.
And remember – this is a long term measure since we really have no idea how much further the virus will mutate or if China has another one in waiting.
JN: “We hope someone is collecting data on all the risks from the vaccine too (but it appears they are not).”
This group has a survey one, three and six weeks after vaccination via GPs: au.smartvax.co
So Victoria ends Lockdown 5, but Lockout 5 continues, preventing family gatherings and severely restricting other activities,including retail, sporting events, weddings, funerals. That’s not freedom.
Two steps forward one step back, but never removing the boot from your face.
They’ve kept us muzzled and there’ll be none of that large scale intermingling some communities enjoy, a clear threat that we’ll be locked in our kennels again soon.
How many lockdowns until the next state election?
Sutton still talking about Covid Zero, as if we haven’t known all along that was always the plan. Wont matter if we are 100 % vaxxed the aim will still be (repeat everyone) – Covid Zero. Not to be confused with Carlton Zero, which is beer with no alcohol content.
So family gatherings are forbidden, but brothel visits are OK?
As long as you maintain 1 person per 4sqm rule.
First thing to get into peoples thick heads is, this is a trial, the worlds largest vaccine trial.
Health Minister Greg Hunt, (go to 12:50 mark) https://www.abc.net.au/insiders/health-minister-greg-hunt/13176536
To make sure people understand it is not a Freudian slip you must repeat it.
As it is a trial then there is a placebo group, may explain the saline solution given as a vaccine here in Aus and around the world.
How about we stop pretending the most corrupt industry on the planet cares about our health.
How about we stop believing things are that safe they don’t need a warranty, when my fishing rod has a warranty.
How about we shut the boarders right down to the grass roots level, lets call them doors. Lock your doors, muzzle up and order in.
Let the young and healthy party like there was no 2020, shake hands and p1ss in pockets.
How about we stop the Rot, before our society collapses.
Wow! Even government is calling this a trial. God help us.
None of this creative brainstorming went on for the now erased seasonal cold & flu. We just accepted it and soldiered on. Jo, your article is great stuff, but it is ironic that it emerges for a world changing event that was created & planned by the same dark forces which will more than likely torpedo & obfuscate any creative real science aimed at overcoming the problem. Lets face it, if those who presume to rule over our health genuinely wanted to fix the Covid fiasco they would pull out all stops commensurate with sound scientific parameters and logic.
Yes. And they expect us to trust them while it is obvious they don’t take action to save lives.
We stopped trusting when we found that they had abandoned the protocols generated by 80 years of research.
We stopped trusting when “14 days to flatten the curve” turned into 14+ months”
We stopped trusting when we found that deaths WITH covid were being counted as deaths FROM covid.
We stopped trusting when politically correct protests were permitted…
We stopped trusting when effective treatments were restricted or banned.
We stopped trusting when only covid-deaths were held to matter.
We stopped trusting when we weren’t trusted to assess our own risks and take responsibility for our own choices.
I own sheep. I am not going to be treated by one.
The UK:
While statistically high deaths per million for recent years, last year was still below every year from 1990 – 2003, in other words within this generation death rates from a supposed terrible pandemic was lower than ever year for FOURTEEN YEARS STRAIGHT. This is like Mike Mann and a Hockey stick… lets forget about the past or change it.
Now there is a link to a larger table that shows the past several years of below 1000 deaths per 100,000 had never existed before leading to a top-heavy aged populace. This can be taken in context that immigration (net) has dropped by 10% for much of 2020 into 2021 and even including a drop in 2019 into 2020 of younger people less likely to have issues with the corona virus.
What this has led to is a ‘dry tinder’ event where a flu or disease goes through large aged populations as we saw in Sweden where 2019 had an unusually weak flu season. Ivor Cummins covers this quite extensively, the average age of life expectancy was something like 60 days to 6 months for those that died FROM covid rather than WITH covid. This was also evident when you look at monthly totals where you see a drop each month across the board in other mortalities for supposed covid deaths rather than a statistically significant increase in deaths. An example would be women dieing from Alzheimers dropping proportionally to those increasing in those dieing from covid. Alzheimers not heart disease is the biggest killer in women in the UK but the numbers also changed to match in women dieing from heart disease.
Alzheimers is a far greater threat than some transitory virus, this will overtake heart disease as the total leading cause of death in western countries as times go on and remain so while they peddle their trash ‘plant based’ diets etc.
And they wonder why people don’t want the vaccine !
The difference between “hard borders” and “lockdowns” is an argument about where we put the borders…
Taking one incident, proposing a cheap hypothetical as a solution, and then claiming that there are low-cost solutions to the entire problem is an unwarranted, unreasonable and unscientific extrapolation.
This “engineering solution” is the kind of thinking that generates the majority of engineering jokes – a complete failure to consider any factors outside their area of expertise and interest.
It’s yet another argument that the solution to any problem is just more of what has already failed.
In the early 1940s, my father was carrying a rifle into the jungles of New Guinea, my uncle was piloting a Lancaster across night-time Germany and my Grandfather was staying at his post as bullets ripped through the fibro walls around him. Theydid this – by any measure, far more dangerous than Covid – because they considered living in a society where the government felt free to dictate how, where and when we could live, work and travel, far worse than the risks that they undertook.
If you want to be “safe”, then YOU get vaccinated, YOU wear a mask and YOU cover behind barriers. If they work, then you have nothing to fear. If they do not, then who the hell are you to demand that we submit to your useless rules?
Not one incident but a reliable pattern I correctly predicted early last year.
States and nations that keep the virus out (hard borders) have few deaths, disability, or economic loss (And are popular — they usually win elections). NZ. QLD. WA.
States and nations that lockdown fast and properly, have short lockdowns with smaller economic losses. Vic 2021. SA. WA. Qld. China 2021. Korea 2020. Hong Kong. Taiwan 2020.
States and nations that lockdown slowly or not at all, and keep borders open, get mass spread and debilitating long restrictions and more deaths and larger economic pain. UK 2020. Parts of USA 2020. Vic 2020. China Q1 2020. Brazil. etc
It may help if we don’t use the word “lockdown”. People tend to assume that is a one-nil binary thing — either on or off. But it’s a full spectrum of restrictions and quarantine. The worst mass restriction is a half baked partial one, it deprives people of liberty, but doesn’t solve the problem and becomes long and debilitating. The worst one I saw was in the UK where millions of people were locked in their homes while thousands of infectious cases were flown in every week. Alas NSW Govt is punishing people because it was too slow, too little, too late, and it is criminal that they are not using all forms of nutrients and cheap low risk drugs to save lives and get people out of all restrictions as fast as possible.
I want freedom for NSW too. We have different plans to get there. Lets get freedom from CCP bioweapons and freedom from mandatory vaccines as well.
Jo, we can’t lock down forever. At some point, we must face the virus and resume normal life, even if that means virus deaths.
The alternative is to shut down society and live perpetually in a world of lockdown.
Last year, you were claiming that it would all be fine if we just tested and quarantined everybody coming through our small number of international airports. You were told at the time that it was not that simple because there were far more access points than just the passenger exits at those airports.
Now you are indulging in simplistic nonsense yet again.
The “pattern” is that human travel and interaction is so varied and complex that there are no engineering solutions that are simple, cheap AND effective. As I said, it’s a classic failure in engineering to ignore the messy and complex nature of human beings.
The fallacy in this thinking is that it requires the kind of enforcement the the Communists used when they welded people in their own homes. Forget that this is the same ideology that killed 100 MILLION of their own people in the last century.
Not scientific. Not humane.
[Leaving For Jo]ED
If this were smallpox with a 35% death rate, could we stop it with drones, satellites, the army… If it mattered, we’d find a way.
Right now, we are not even trying. If we wanted to stop a $2billion lockdown, and we were competent, we’d put the cab drivers in $50 Hazmat suits. Instead of spending $500m on covid tests, we could have spent that on quarantine, and stopped almost all the lockdowns. But we had no plan in Feb 2020.
Though great pain, the state premiers have learnt. But it was all textbook microbiology to those of us who have read microbiology textbooks.
No fortress is impregnable, but when it leaks, we already know what to do. The day it starts is the day we start restricting. Like a house fire, how long do we wait to put out the flames? Every minute makes it worse.
Obviously, we don’t need to weld people in apartments. They didn’t do that in Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide or Brisbane. We know what to do. It’s so achievable, we’ve already achieved it. To b honest, I thought Covid would spread like this last year. I didn’t expect it to be so easy to stop in 2020. Now it is more like most known infectious diseases.
This is not like you Peter. I am perplexed at your replies?
Look at anything from Dr Pierre Kory. Ivermectin is the key.
There have been 918 covid deaths of which 22 have been under the age of 60, 5 have been under 50, and none under 20.
It’s the same all over the world, covid targets the elderly. A US CDC study showed that 94% of covid deaths were people with co morbidities who were overwhelmingly elderly.
Stop the lockdowns, stop the random testing, stop the border closures and target all your resources on the elderly with comorbidities. Rather than cases, use deaths and hospital, admissions as your metric.
Thanks Peter, that’s all too real.
Unfortunately some people become way too focused on the Microbiology of the situation and dismiss the Macro aspects.
Then there’s the politics, and believe me, I have little time for Laba or Libls but feel concerned when people view the laba governments of WA, Victoria and Queensland as being superior to NSW in managing The Virus.
Then we have the money grab, power/control grab of the cases pandemic.
Billions spent/taken in testing to see if people are “positive” to CV19, or something.
In the early days it was acknowledged that everyone would get CV19 but we needed to slow its dispersal to avoid overloading the hospitals. Huh?
Now we are to exclude CV19 totally?
What has been ignored is the crushing of lives, families, business entrepreneurs and people who just want to stop their life’s work from being destroyed.
But it’s all O.K.
We have home schooling, home births, home X rays and tens of thousands of lives destroyed by government management of CV19.
The Macro picture is embarrassing for anyone who claims we are on the right track.
Love your work, Jo!
If you ever decide to take on the topic of caps on international arrivals, departure exemptions management, and how stranded aussies are coping (or not coping) and treated (or mis-treated) by the authorities, – I’m all yours!
OK. Olga. You don’t want much! I have said from the outset, from the Diamond Princess, that we should be sending out planes to get back our citizens. What does it mean to be Australian if you can’t get home?
Tonight they mention flights from Indonesia now cost 10k because most of the seats are empty. For goodnesssake — it’s surely only a one hour flight from Bali to Darwin — Can’t we give everyone a hazmat suit and pack the plane full? We could put them on respirators — would you wear an uncomfortable horrid plastic head shield bubble in order to get home, of course desperate people would. Just give them the option. Would you stay in a tent in the NT desert if it meant getting home today instead of in three months? I reckon a lot of people would.
Great to hear from you Olga!
Yeah, possibilities are many… But, I personally have come to a sad conclusion that adopted policy on stranded citizens and departure exemptions is not ill-concieved but rather aimed at probing and dividing (thanks to MSM also) – you won’t believe the kind of venom being hurled at us from some “mates” back at home… very successful policy if that’s what it meant to achieve! As to the costs – they are simply prohibiting to many – it’s not just flights 10x the usual price but also somehow surviving months (some are at 12 and 18 months mark by now!) being cancelled or bumped off flights, then 2 weeks quarantine @300 bucks a day… And, a couple of cherries on top: it seems scammers got hold of DFAT data somehow and scamming people by offering bogus “repat flights”; and none (I mean NONE) of usual Australian support services are available for citizens outside the country, not even a lifeline phone service.
Hi, I have not commented for a while in the hope that the level of insanity on display would diminish. Unfortunately, not. Still all this useless discussion about harsh lock downs being the way to go. People believing the case numbers are real. Anyone that dies within a 100 miles of the virus is dead from the virus, BUT, have the “vaccine” and die and there is no link between the two.
If by now you can’t see that the whole scamdemic is a worldwide attempt to take away your rights and freedoms then there is no hope for anyone.
Logic, not welcome here.
It’s like Communism…
100 million deaths in the 20th century, economic failure everywhere it has been tried…. and you still have theorists and ideologues claiming that “real Communism has never been tried”.
Now we have believers in government power ignoring the fact that lockdowns have failed to eliminate the virus anywhere…. and claiming that lockdowns, too, have not been really tried.
[Leaving For Jo]ED
Apart from all the places proper restrictions did work: WA QLD Melb, SA, NT NZ Taiwan, South Korea etc.
In the UK they let the virus fly in. It shouldn’t even be called a lockdown because the travellers weren’t locked down — only the poor sod residents. It was a crazed, incompetent mash up of normal obvious quarantine. Almost like it was designed to prove “lockdowns” don’t work?
Incidently, I said all this in May 2020 about the UK, and was proved right again. Just one of many predictions I keep getting right.
What is science but the ability to predict outcomes?
If they work, why are we still having lockdowns?
If you want to talk about predictions, what happened to the prediction that a short lockdown to flatten the curve was all that we needed?
At that time you were claiming that we could secure our borders with “simple, cheap” measures at entry. Some of us responded that controlling entry was for more difficult and complex than you wanted to believe. It’s easy to claim something is easy when you neither have to do it, nor pay the price. . It looks very much as though you are continuing to advocate more of what has failed.
How is that different from the warmists who are demanding more windmills, more grid-squares glassed over with solar panels, and no responsibility for the result? We don’t need more authoritarians.
If they work, why are we still having lockdowns?
Peter, what can I say — read the headline of this post? It’s right there.
If you want to talk about predictions, what happened to the prediction that a short lockdown to flatten the curve was all that we needed?
Did you read my reply? Short lockdowns worked in Vic/SA/WA/Qld/NT. Gladys failed because she was too slow.
At that time you were claiming that we could secure our borders with “simple, cheap” measures at entry. Some of us responded that controlling entry was for more difficult and complex than you wanted to believe. It’s easy to claim something is easy when you neither have to do it, nor pay the price. . It looks very much as though you are continuing to advocate more of what has failed.
As I said Peter, I keep replying politely. I have specific suggestions. You have vague replies. You say “it’s difficult” but not how, or where quarantine failures are occurring. Are you reading about types of quarantine failure? That isn’t coming through in your comments. There are undoubtedly other potential holes than drivers, but you aren’t mentioning them. You arent’ criticizing my suggestions or examples. Are Victoria and South Australia not releasing their lockdown? Did WA not do that too? Are there outbreaks caused by something expensive to stop. And if so, lets discuss those costs and define “expensive”. IF we spend $500m on quarantine in Australia would that save us from $5b in lockdowns, plus deaths etc, and it it did, would you be happy? Or do you object to closed borders?
How is that different from the warmists who are demanding more windmills, more grid-squares glassed over with solar panels, and no responsibility for the result? We don’t need more authoritarians.
Because it’s worked, and I keep supplying those examples…
A page from Klaus Schwab’s book about what the elites think of us. They want us gone.
Go to 3:55 of this video.
This is the reason NSW needs to keep up with the lockdowns. Delta is more virulent than Alpha. Japan has more vaccinated than Australia. Conversely the Japanese population is older
Delta doesn’t have the hospitalisation or death rate of last year. We are supposed to do this with the Lambda thru to Omega strains too when they come every year for the next 5 years are we? What sort of science based policy is that?
Wise up Australia!
What are we doing, Australia? Coming up with ideas is terrific, but we are being controlled by idealistic state functionaries and then trying to work out a way to stop their political decisions. They are not making decisions based on science as post lockdown restrictions show. By Jo’s figures in this article in NSW alone the hospitalization rate is 7%, the death rate is 0.44%. Why isn’t that enough for the public to say enough is enough. No other illness with that outcome would have this result. It’s like we’re trying to cajole Mum to let us off our punishment and go to Maccas with the other kids.The
We’re in this because of unattainable targets, not medical evidence. Stand up Australia, enough’s enough, it’s going to be around for years. Is this stupidity our future?
All I can say is … God help us all if there is a global outbreak of a variant of the Bubonic Plague. That virus would make COVID-19 look like a wuss. Can you imagine how our “leaders” would react? Super Panic Management
Many think that they do and appear to instead embrace a profitable alchemy supported on their beliefs and fitting facts to those beliefs. [Stunning parallels to climatology in the trust in models and the funding.]
In the language of germ theory:
The so-called Delta-variant is where they look for a difference sequence of nucleic acids using PCR; which only tells you if the fragments are present. Although it’s more apparently virulent than whatever there was before, it’s only more hazardous to those with the vaccination; either because of ADE or because their immune system is still dealing with the vaccination (i.e. weakened) and has little reserves to deal with a different pathogen. Those who “had COVID” by natural exposure, are largely unbothered; the immune system likely being able to recognize pathogen similarity to deal with it “topically” at exposure via acquired immunity.