A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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As covid cases fall off a cliff in the UK after most restrictions are lifted, expert says with vaccinations we should be able to live with covid and no more lockdowns should be needed in the autumn
A week after restrictions were lifted it had been expected by the experts that cases would rocket but instead cases have plunged.
Is it too soon to tell or has the pandemic peaked with far fewer cases and deaths than expected?
Your guess is as good as mine, but we can be sure that their next official explanation will be yet another lie. Time will tell if the vaccines themselves will cause more problems that they fix, assuming they fix anything at all, which at this stage is debatable.
This may answer the question that you pose PeterS.
Yes but let’s wait and see if the justice system is capable of exposing the fraud or covers it up. We don’t really need more evidence to know something is very wrong. We need whistle blowers to come out en mass to cause waves that even the justice system can’t ignore unless they want a civil war. The details of the fraud will come out later once the ears of the people are pricked up. First we need the fire to rage, then the forensic investigation can be conducted later to uncover the whole truth. Doing it the other way around is not only too slow, it becomes an endless battle with the courts filled with judges who are not on our side. We all saw what happened to Trump when he and others tried to take his concerns about a fraudulent election to court. He was stone walled.
Dont expect any Judge to be on my side. I just expect the to apply the law objectively and sentence with a degree of common sense.
I’ve used this before – usually about officialdom
Towards the end of Len Dighton’s “Bomber” there is a scene where a pilot is trying a copybook spin recovery in a Lancaster which he doesn’t realise has about half a wing shot off.
In this instance I reckon we’re in about the third turn of a similar situation
Speaking of officialdom foul up:
Stalin used guns, is the NWO using covid lockdowns……engineered food shortages and chaos?
I was in a supermarket last night, gaps on shelves.
Now – the Sydney suburbs that have the heaviest insane covid lockdowns also have a lot of supermarket logistics warehouses.
Can we see a picture merging of coming massive ( deliberate ) disruption of food supplies?
I suspect the loo paper “shortage” was engineered to see how people might react. Now they know.
From my Christian persepctive – the God of the Bi ble is a God of order, the devil is the author of confusion. The N W O appear to be sat anists, sowing confusion and chaos…..they love thier father….clearly.
“A fresh warning has been issued over the current ‘pingdemic’ and the NHS Covid-19 app which will lead to empty shelves again in a matter of weeks.
“Retailers are under “increasing pressure” to keep shelves fully stocked amid staff shortages, industry bosses have warned.
“Richard Burnett, chief executive of the Road Haulage Association, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that the country is “facing a collapse” of the food chain.
“He said: “In the next two to three weeks we are facing a collapse of the supply chain meaning even bigger gaps on supermarket shelves.
“”We already have hauliers unable to move goods on a daily basis and we’re now facing a perfect storm.”
“He added: “This is a crisis on a scale we have never seen before in this industry and the Government is burying its head in the sand. It is not recognising the seriousness.”
Yes and no.
Loo paper supply disruption is explained by the domestic and commercial types being different products with different supply chains. Bulk ‘panic’ buying is entirely logical.
Spasmodic empty shelves- explained by labor problems- casual labor especially from overseas has been immobilized, local labor was paid to do nothing, it has become a habit. They will not go back to work even when the special sit-down money stops.
Watch this…
Cov19 v*x and parkinson symptoms?
“Scientist sounds alarm: COVID vaccines producing symptoms of Parkinson’s, other neurodegenerative disorders
“Immunologist and former NIH scientist J. Bart Classen analyzed data on COVID vaccine adverse events reported to the UK’s Yellow Card system and found thousands of reports of multiple symptoms that are “clear signals” of neurodegenerative disorders.
July 22, 2021 (Children’s Health Defense) – As cases pile up (445 as of July 9) of the reportedly “rare” neurological disorder “Guillain-Barré syndrome in people who received a COVID vaccine — forcing the sluggish U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to add a warning label to the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) shot — scientists are issuing urgent warnings about a possible tsunami of other types of neurological injuries.
“Immunologist J. Bart Classen, one-time National Institutes of Health (NIH) contract scientist and proprietor of Classen Immunotherapies, a Maryland biotechnology firm, published a paper in February outlining the potential for messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID vaccines to trigger development of prion diseases as well as other chronic diseases.
“Prion or “prion-like” diseases include Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple system atrophy (MSA) and others. A hallmark of these neurodegenerative diseases is the formation and clustering of misfolded proteins within the nervous system.
Video of Brazillian President reaming the press to thier faces, and rips off face mask and appears to say ” no more”!
Its started…the push back is building a head of steam. Now wait for a war or new nastier bug from the globalists to stop them being arrested for crimes against humanity…..
It called quietly removing the testing that flawed and registered influenza with Covid.
This CDC report wants separate testing to define influenza and Covid.
No, they said that they want the PCR tests replaced by tests that can determine if the sample contains traces of EITHER SARS-CoV-2 or influeza viruses. What they are saying is that they want the new tests to save time etc by testing for both rather than needing separate tests, NOT that the current PCR tests detect both and they all get lumped under CoVid-19.
Note that the CDC wanted the capability to distinguish between different coronaviruses as part of the SARS-CoV-2 PCR test and this was what delayed the initial testing in the USA.
I’m a little confused. Are the test kits being withdrawn the ones currently used here in Australia, or are they the quick test kits and panels that have been developed some time ago? Also, note there have been quick tests kits made by fraudsters and sold online. Some of them give a false positive results just by using fruit juice.
The current Covid testing cannot distinguish types of viruses.
Just that one is present in the sample.
This is the 126 page report that states the current Covid testing has 10 flawed areas that could result in samples to receive a false positive.
It amazes me though they never talk about herd immunity, which always had to have worked in the past otherwise the population of the world wound not be anywhere near where it is now.
You do know that the WHO changed their definition of herd immunity, right? They have increased the emphasis on vaccination and downplayed the role of natural recovery from a disease. They even removed the role of immunity through recovery at one point but walked it back at the end of last year
I actually felt that’s what happened but wasn’t sure. Thank you for confirming it.
Orwell again. I fear for the future of the Wayback Machine.
The medical equivalent of elections being won through fortification.
Tony, are the young folks also vaccinated with AZ in UK?
Official position is not to routinely jab under 30’s with AZ
I think that is being pragmatic rather than evidence based, as women taking the pill are many times more likely to get a blood clot than with the AZ vaccine.
However it has taken root on social media and in a piece on the radio yesterday the number of reasons the under 30’s were coming up with was astonishing. Pfizer has a barely better rate in the same age group but it hasn’t received the same social media mauling so is generally used.
Ok thanks Tony. It seems recent press reports her3 were trying to say that everybody in the UK had AZ.
By no means. My wife and I had pfizer but obviously the logistics of this vaccine are far more complex than AZ with barely better results so practicalities come into it.
Interesting risk assessment by the 20 somethings if true. They dont want something with a small % of a known treatable condition, but they accept something (Pfizer) with unknown long term consequences. Just embracing new technology I guess.
So far as I, fossil, can discern it’s a group that thinks totalitarianism is uncontroversial and opinion unnecessary.
Are people in low spirits more vulnerable? It would seem so and there are millions who contend that mental wellbeing is a prerequisite to physical well being. Simply going for aa walk is universally considered healthy but is it health giving in the brain or body?
“no more lockdowns should be needed in the autumn”
They might chill in the autumn.
Just to regroup for the fearmongering offensive rollout for the next flu season.
RE: A week after restrictions were lifted it had been expected by the experts that cases would rocket but instead cases have plunged.
The same thing happened in Texas when they eliminated masks and shutdowns. The daily cases dropped dramatically. The opposite of what all the MSM talking heads said would happen.
I would say Vitamin D and exercise, except that the change was instantly noticeable.
…and the opposite occurred in Indonesia, when the use of Ivermectin was stopped.
Covid spreads because of it’s virulence and ability to mutate. Expected it reappear in months in a form that easily transmits and partly evades aquired immunity. It’s the nature of the beast. Hopefully the parhological qualties will be dulled by the residual immune memory, the virus no longer being completely novel to the human host
You wiil probably catch it, the symptoms are likely to be mild. Expect booster vaccination shots for at least a few yers
Here is the CDC telling labs to discontinue the use of Covid testing.
My latest on the big EU flood and CLINTEL’s complaint:
The beginning:
The devastating European floods reveal an incredible hypocrisy in the green agenda. They want to spend untold sums, supposedly to prevent natural floods by cutting emissions. But they spend nothing to prepare for these same floods, which they predict will get worse!
This glaring point is made quite clearly by CLINTEL President, Professor Guus Berkhout, in a letter published by the Netherland’s biggest newspaper. The head office of CLINTEL is based in the Netherlands and Berkhout has been involved with flooding issues for decades.
Here is an excerpt that makes the telling point:
“The downstream situation along the coast and major rivers of my country is pretty much in order and ensured there were no casualties. However, upstream still a lot of work need be done on the canals, tributaries and local streams. This work has been seriously delayed by green politicians, who forces the government to spend all resources on CO2-reduction. As a result, in Southeast Netherlands life is totally disrupted for some time.
We already took note of the upstream shortcomings during the major floods in the early 1990s. We also already saw at that time that responsible national and local green politicians were ducking their responsibility by blaming CO2-emissions. Now, after 30 years, nothing has changed. Again, the green European politicians state that they are not to blame for the victims and damage, but claim that the citizens and entrepreneurs, who have refused to play the green climate emergency game, are the culprits – an impudent way to disguise their own failure.”
If floods are to be expected, why are they not prepared for? The fallacy is ridiculously obvious. Yet the officials who are clearly to blame are chanting together “climate change, climate change, climate change” as though that somehow absolved them of glaring failure.
Much more in the article.
We went through this story with the major river flooding in England a few years ago.
The ultimate culprit was the published policy of Green leaning government departments to let/force canals block up and so return lands to wetlands and encourage the return of water fowl.
This is in government directions, policy and even laws. The important point is that flooding is now Green government policy, so what you have is that the public service is quietly behind the flooding.
We have the same quiet conspiracy in Australia with the RET Act (so successful it was copied in the UK) which illegally steals electricity cash to hand to anyone prepared to build and run windmills and solar panels. This was a Coalition bill and has wrecked our electricity, tripling prices and forcing completely unnecessary control over all electricity by Canberra. I do not think even the Labor politicians understand it, because they keep trying to introduce a Carbon Tax without realising Australia has the world’s largest Carbon tax. Prior to that we had great, cheap coal based power which was state based because the coal was state based.
What I am pointing at is activism by public servants, the subtle quiet creation and promulgation of laws which appear to be in the public interest and in fact are intended to slowly undermine society and destroy infrastructure, centralize unelected power (including electricity) in Canberra, Washington, London and Brussels. So the floods come because it has been a long time since the cities of entitled bureacrats saw themselves as less than the unelected rulers of Western democracies. As was ridiculed in Yes Minister, they are in charge.
And if you look carefully at what has been done to prevent, minimize the regular flooding in most countries, you will find it has all been crippled by Green activism over decades. And the politicians are generally no wiser, partly as they have no idea that they are being misled. The greatest success of the Canberra elites was the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2001, but you will find the touch of the Humphrey Applebees in every huge waste of money and the failure to protect the people, even in areas like as defence, water supply, minimizing the effect of regular and predictable natural disasters.
Good stuff.
And when the inevitable floods occur, they blame ‘Climate Change’ and demand even more power, more departments, further centralize their power. All based on the need to stop disasters often of their own creation.
Look at the incredible proliferation of Canberra quangos with ‘Renewable Energy’, ‘Clean Energy’. Its a huge list of entirely novel pop up departments created to manage everything from a National Grid to Funding for windmills, to mandatory buying of ‘Green’ (not carbon) certificates. It is utterly out of control and our costs keep skyrocketing while electricity supplies are more and more regulated and more fragile and vastly more expensive. And laughably, in the name of cheap, reliable, planet friendly electricity. None of this is true.
Flooding and droughts caused by a mixture of action and inaction just furthers their booming business controlling the population. The incredible idea that people control the climate has been a 21st century boon, an Aladdin’s cave of cash.
My gabber is still flastered that the City of Canberra mandarins three years ago had $36 million in cash on their books as the owners of windmills. As their windmills turned, they were paid not only for the electricity, but also for the fact of generating it. And in cash/free RET certificates. Even better than free bitcoin.
That’s our money and it has gone to the ‘owners’, who happen to be public servants running their own business with public money. There’s only one possible result. Spend the cash before anyone notices. Pay rises anyone?
And in our own City of Port Phillip, another level of government, many services were contracted out. Now these activist councils are swimming in cash with booming real estate prices. The last time I looked the average salary of people who work for this council was $140,000 pa.
There is something very wrong with Australia. Our State politicians including Daniel Andrews gave themseles two pay rises in the first year of Wuhan flu. While the real country where people work for a living people are struggling to survive, the profligacy and self indulgence of councils, government departments and their ABC is at record levels.
The ABC alone lied to the Minister. MD John Anderson said numbers of employees had not gone up, to his knowledge. How did he miss those extra 210 people? And the millions spent on legal fees. And even tens of millions advertising the ABC. Why spend 10c?
Sorry about the rant, but when everyone is suffering I am so angry at the Climate crap and the idea that secure public servants are profiteering from misery while inflicting so much suffering on everyone else. In Victoriastan, the windfall of ‘Stamp Duty’ has been $60Bn in just a year.
And I still want to know the Vice Chancellor of James Cook Univerisity is on $30,000 a week to persecute Dr. Peter Ridd and stop him being paid even his superannuation, which is all he won in court. Or is the University just an unscrupulous money hungry mega business unanswerable to anyone and determined to protect its source of funds by suppressing the truth, no matter what the human cost. Or cost to the country.
“Sorry about the rant, ”
No apologies needed. We are all in this together and need to be reminded that we are being “got at” big time.
The current situation is with us and I can’t see it changing soon.
All levels of government are playing this game of “strike me lucky” and twist things so that somebody else pays for it.
Slave Number 50649.
Are you sure they owned wind turbines? None are allowed in the ACT.
I understood that they had contracted for the output from turbines (mostly in SA) at a fixed price (around $76 per MWh) along with the certificates. That was their gloat about 3 years ago.
You may retort that there was (and still isn’t) a connection between those turbines and Canberra (unless they packed the electricity in plastic bags and trucked it over), and they were using reliable coal-fired from NSW; but The Netherlands get 60% of its electricity from coal fired plants but only counts 14% because the rest is covered by certificates from Norway’s hydro.
What I cannot understand is why the ACT recently increased electricity charges to cover losses (on a fixed contract????).
No I am sure of nothing. Like everyone else, I can only go on what I read at the time. But I remember that they were determined to use wind power and I remember the article on the money in renewable certificates, which go to the owners. It’s cash for nothing. Our cash not theirs and not taxes, theft.
And there is no requirement in the Act for the owner to be anywhere near the windmills. Many I have read are owned directly and indirectly by China. And if the mandarins of Canberra have refused to have windmills near the city of Canberra, it is more of the usual Green NIMBY hypocrisy. So not surprising.
Is this it? 30km away. And the locals complain about the noise. Of course.
I think you cold call the situation a real stuff
I like the Green Climate Fund Policy of at least 50% for adaptation. As CLINTEL says, adaptation success is guaranteed.
A good piece I found from Voxday’s site quoting an article at another site titled How Science Lost the Public’s Trust
I lost my trust in mainstream science over two decades ago when I resigned from CSIRO. I saw the writing on the wall back then. The last straw back then was when someone stated I had to pay my union feeds, which was optional. I rejected their demand as it was a total waste of money. I much rather donate the money to charity, which I did.
Epidemiology politicised for the first time? That is it’s entire existence!
We time and time again see recommendations based purely off weak epidemiology. John Ioannidis and his work on published science pointed out that you need at least 200%+ between one group and another to be right sometimes (something like 20% of the time)when using epidemiology. the epidemiologists themselves indicate that 600-1000% is a good starting point to be certain of their results from their research (smoking causes lung cancer starts at about 1500% up to 3000%). Meat causing cancer is about 16-17% and processed meat 17-18% where many of the people that ate meat were more likely to smoke, be male, be sedentary etc. Of course those studies were done by ideological vegans so how far do you trust those scientists and even then with such weak results? Didn’t stop the vegans on the ICAR panel from classing red meat as a class 2A carcinogen…. all based on epidemiology and specially selected rat studies that didn’t actually develop any cancers regardless of what they did to them (in one case despite loading the dice as much as possible the worst they came up with was ‘discoloured intestines’ and with no further evidence claimed this might be a link to future cancer).
England’s ‘leading’ epidemiologist had not shown in a single case of viral spread etc to ever be within the same ball park but was still the advice the government relied upon and still does somewhat to this day. The only person I found to be less correct with their predictions would be someone like Paul Ehrlich.
Nutrition science is littered with the remains of terrible nutritional advice based off the back of flawed epidemiology. This is decades-long not some recent issue.
What have you got against Jim Hansen? Or our own Tim Flannery?
The Maldives (and parts of NY) would be underwater by 2018. Also his predictions on temperature rises and other waffle. (3℃ by 2019, later adjusted to 1℃ by 2019) and his adjustments to NASA temperature records causing one Icelandic meteorologist to say “I hope NASA won’t make 1904 any colder or my 4 grandparents with freeze to death before they can meet”.
As for our Tim,
2004 Tim Flannery predicted that ‘Perth will be the 21st century’s first ghost metropolis due to global warming.
2005, Tim Flannery predicted Sydney’s dams could be dry in as little as two years because global warming was drying up the rains
2007 Tim Flannery hotter soils meant that “even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and river systems”
2008, Tim Flannery said: “The water problem is so severe for Adelaide that it may run out of water by early 2009.”
Each ‘field’ has it’s own problems. Nutrition/health with it’s ‘epidemiology’ and climate science with its ‘climate models’. I have been following the whole climate scam from a more sceptical point of view since about 2006/07 and only since the end of 2018 had I looked into nutrition and health studies but what I find is consistent and that is at the top of these ‘fields’ are a bunch of charlatans pretending to be scientists but pushing ideology. these two fields have crossovers these days as the globalists and vegans find they have similar wishes all involving the removal of freedoms and a thirst for personal power and control.
This leads to decreasing actual science being done and our understanding of processes being diminished. An example would be our understanding on treating type 2 diabetes, we have been successful in our treatments of this disease since at least the 18th century. Medical textbooks contain passages on how to treat a patient with diabetes in the year 1796 and other protocols were also found in literature in the 1860s and even still persisted right up until about 1940. The protocol was simple, avoid grains, starches and especially fruit. Fruit is interesting as it doesn’t directly raise your insulin but when scientists actually tested this they found over time a higher fructose intake led to higher background insulin as time went on than the high glucose control group so these studies validated the knowledge we already practiced in medicine for well over 100 years. This, of course, was found out decades after the food pyramid was introduced. The McGoven panel was essentially packed with 7th Day Adventists and Pritkin advocates back in the 70s with the ever Flannery-like Ancel Keys hovering about claiming fame for yet more failed science in topic of ‘cholesterol’ which still to this day persists in medical advice despite its abject failure.
Another article that quotes the 16% protection number
“England vaccinated at a much slower pace than Israel, meaning that the majority of its population was only fully vaccinated by mid-April 2021. This is in contrast to Israel, where around 90% of the country’s most vulnerable population were jabbed by the end of January.
“It is beginning to become clear that vaccine immunity begins to wane after about six months. The Israeli study showed that for people vaccinated more than six months ago, the effectiveness of the vaccine at stopping coronavirus dropped to as low as 16%.
“Among more than 1.8 million people who received two shots by January 31, some 5,770 contracted the virus – and 1,181 of them, or 20% of all new infections, were contracted during the week of July 11 to 17, the Health Ministry reported.
A future of never ending dangerous series of potentially vaccines?
Like a dog chasing it’s tail….
As I said before, whatever happens now, it won’t stop the next pandemic as they still have people working on it. So to complete the task, those responsible must be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity. Otherwise, it’s all a waste of time because as sure as night follows day, there will be another but far more serious pandemic. Such research must be stopped. There is no reason for developing such extremely dangerous weapons of mass destruction, which is all what they are. It would be like conducting research on developing a weapon that will rip apart and completely obliterate a whole planet. Who knows, perhaps they are and if they are they ought to be shot, not with a vaccine but with a bullet in the head.
That is actually the end goal of Tony Fauci and his crew
Let’s look at the danger of this as expressed as a follow on from Jo’s leaky vaccine article.
This is from an article about Marek’s disease and vaccination
Joanne Devlin, an Australian veterinary virologist says comfortingly
But she says this in the context of
Sounds a lot like the way numerous vaccines have (& continue to be) been developed and then used under the emergency approval process…
Thanks again Jo, for giving a concrete example of something that just felt wrong in the way the CoViD vaccines have been developed and are being rolled out.
btw talking about this reminded me of this case…
30 years without a single vaccine safety report produced even though this was part of the removal of indemnity from persecution… we can always rely on big government to shirk their responsibilities.
Brain not on line yet …
Should read :
“a future of never ending dangerous series of vaccines?”
That is the plan in a nutshell, and a large percentage of the population look forward to it. I had no idea that so many people live their lives in fear.
Oh no, we are running out of EV batteries…
How can we possibly transition to something impossible to achieve?
Just add it to the list of impossibilities, such as…..
Zero emissions..
World temperature control
A constant climate
No poverty
No children dying from hunger
Peace on earth
Anti skin wrinkle cream !
Etc etc
No poverty —- there is the very real possibility of no poverty anywhere. The capitalist system has reduced poverty worldwide by 80% over the past 60 years (there are graphs from the OECD & UN that show this). Countries that have rife poverty (Sudan, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, etc) typically have socialist dictatorships or socialist/communist overlords, so if we were able to subvertly help the people of those countries to weasel their way into those parties, then take them over, then convert those countries to capitalist democracies, we would be almost at the high 90’s% of no poverty.
Obviously there are (A) lazy people who don’t want to work and (B) people who are very sick and cant work … so we help those in class (B) and help those is class (A) to increasingly work-for-their-benefits bit by bit until they come to the realisation that they can earn more if they just work.
No children dying from hunger —- given the world produces enough food to feed the world three times over (UN sources again — see various stories on WUWT), a lot of this food is wasted by 1st world countries, and hunger is (again) high in the countries as per described above. So by doing the above to end poverty we would also end hunger.
Just a long extension lead….
It makes as much sense as an ev, so ….
How about overhead wires like the trams and trolley buses had?
Would trip fewer pedestrians and be less of a hazard to cyclists
That’s the whole point
All green agenda’s can’t possibly be achieved
Complete destruction of the west
You can see the destruction of small business with current lockdown for covid
Just the prelude for the green agendas
Mass protests just starting
There seems to be a much bigger problem with EV batteries. They are not repairable
Think of it as replacing a Tesla 3 battery for $20,000 assuming that you could find a spare battery and a Tesla certified service center
Okay so the battery is made up of thousands of smaller batteries and the wires, glue and controllers binding it all together into a single ‘smart montiored’ battery pack. One small sub battery goes bad, a wire comes lose, a controller chipmgoes bad and the battery sends a fault message saying it needs to be replaced.
At $20k the main battery is equivalant to an engine. On an ICE when the engine goes bad it can be fixed or swapped out for a rebuild.
Such repairing and swapping of slightly damaged battery packs does not yet exisit for EVs. There is a lack of confidence that they can be safely rebuilt
Fully replacing partly damaged batterirs with completely new ones is ridiculous. The cost and supply problem will sink the EV market.
Solutionis easy enough. Engineer battery packs so they can be serviced/repairedand do such serviving
h/t to thst video about repairing a Tesla with a defective battery
There is a company in Melbourne that repairs faulty cell modules and reinstalls them, or can do a battery change if it makes more sense. Their focus is Toyota hybrids , I doubt a sane independent operator would touch a tesla.
Brought forward from the Chevron CCS thread as it seems a critical point…
Im guessing here,…but i suspect that does not include the “implied emissions “. from the coal and gas we export to other countries ? …which seem to be a primary focus of the environmental activists .
If so, it would seriously undermine any argument based on your information
Implied emissions would surely involve double counting?
Since when did double counting worry the Greenies ?
But yes,..i have no idea how that situation is accounted for in the overall guesstimates !
This is what the IPCC says and I have no idea what they are talking about.
‘Since implied emission factors are ratios of emissions to activity data, comparisons based on them should help verify both the emission factors and the activity data in the original calculation. … emission factors, when such data are available, can also be useful.’
E G.
I suspect that IPCC info is talking about something different to the carbon content of coal exported between countries ?
I’m out of my depth.
And the tides coming in.
They want Oz to stop selling beautiful black coal or they will punish us for not playing in the spirit of the game.
They have seen what we get up to in the cricket. Maybe we should send Smith as our representative.
Chad – Thanks for picking up on my comment in an earlier thread. {Apologies for this late reply too – I’ve been allowed out for the day!}. Check out the first link in that earlier comment: #588, p.13. It gives the government’s position on exports (which is also the approach taken by the IPCC for ‘carbon accounting’). Thus –
Principle of national territory, and fossil fuel export emissions:
“The emissions and removals reported in the national inventory, and so used for accounting against the 2030 target emission budget, are those that take place within Australia’s jurisdiction. This approach is consistent with the long-standing IPCC concept of “national territory” that underpins all UN climate treaties including the Paris Agreement.
That key concept provides national inventories include “emissions and removals taking place within national territory and offshore areas over which the country has jurisdiction”. As stated by the IPCC, this and other key IPCC concepts, help ensure that inventories are
comparable between countries, and do not contain double counting or omissions.
Consistent with this approach, emissions from the combustion of Australia’s fossil fuel exports are included in the national inventories of importing countries. The three biggest destinations of Australia’s fossil fuel exports, the Governments of Japan, Republic of Korea and China, will estimate and report emissions from their combustion processes of imported(and domestically produced) fuels under the Paris Agreement. Each of these countries have
committed to “Nationally Determined Contributions” under which emissions from combustion of these fuels would be taken into account”.
Of course all fossil fuel used in mining and exporting coal (loading it onto a boat), for example, is treated as part of Australia’s emissions budget. But once it is consumed in the importing country the emissions generated are all theirs. Likewise we have to account for all the emissions arising from oil imports which are consumed here. [My calculations used in the earlier thread comment you cited were all based on current IPCC and Australian government guidelines, So yes, we are still a net zero CO2 emitter today in line with the Paris agreement and will remain so until 2050 at least (under business as usual).
Yes using national jurisdiction for assigning emissions makes sense.
Note that it is not the position of the greens who want to stop the new coal mine in Queensland, Adani, which will export all the coal to India.
Bill, thanks for the response , and confirming my suspicions as to the allocation of Carbon content of exported fossil fuels.
Im sure you realise that this “official” allocation principle is not accepted by the raving environmentalists who look for any angle to attack our standing in tis area.
Hence my comment about being wary as to how and when you engage in discussion using the “official” data.!
I know common sense and simple math knowledge is missing from many zealots Chad – but counting things twice is not logical. Of course China would welcome all the emissions it burns from imported coal being assigned to the exporting nation. But would Saudi Arabia be thrilled if all its exported oil emissions were counted towards its domestic emissions? Well it would substantially lower Australia’s transport generated sources! The more you toss this around the logic of jurisdictions being solely responsible for what occurs within each jurisdiction becomes obvious.
I just noticed there are severe flooding events in many places around the world. How come Tim Flannery still has a job yet Dr Ridd lost his job? It should be the other way around.
China demonstrates it’s blind spot
Think of it as China talking about itself … imagining the imagined enemy
China’s developement is constrained because it already dominates world markets. The limit of growth is a saturated dominance of world markets. There is scant room to grow before bumping against that hard limit.
Thus China needs to find some path that does not depend on ever increasing trade and production.
The days of imperialism are over. The non Chinese world will adjust their trade to take what they need. They will adjust their own internal structure accordingly. Yes China is superb at adjusting its own internal structure. But that then is it’s blind spot, not being able to do what it does best.
Am sure that Imperial China learned this lesson concerning the limits of imperialism, centuries ago. Imperialism doen’t solve the problem. The Chinese haven’t been big on expansionism. Remaking the inner empire is their thing. The repeated cultural revolutions are an example of such.
My earlier post is still in moderation so here is an extract of an article I read somewhere (won’t post the link in case it get moderated again):
There is a one-sided view expressed by many who think hospital physicians and GPs should be prescribing certain drugs off-label in the treatment of Covid.
Hospitals strive to achieve well documented quality systems. Every action taken and every drug given needs to be well documented and have good back up logic and practice to support it. After all your life could depend on that and probably has over the years if you have ever visited a GP or had a stint in hospital. Normally the failures of procedures get plenty of press.
To imagine a GP or hospital physician in Australia is going to use drugs off label without well supported reasoning is fanciful. They are not climate scientists devoid of evidence. All their prescribing is based on good, sound evidence of the drug performance in the circumstances.
This link has an example of a hospital policy on off-label drug use:
It states:
Any physician would need compelling reasons to disregard this recommendation.
Like engineers, physicians have long-established regulations, standards and guidelines that they learn through their education and eventual application. They would be acting unprofessionally to not work within that framework. There are research groups and peak bodies that test the limits of the framework and it is gradually updated to identify best practice.
Not much changes in drug applications without careful, well documented clinical trials.
The only so-called science that is devoid of any evidence is “climate science”.. Don’t expect Australian physicians and GPs to come down to that standard.
Would you happily visit a GP that you know is willing to give you a prescription for any drug you like and encourage your kids and grandkids to visit the said GP! For Australians, it is a rhetorical question because no GP in Australia would be in practice with that approach.
There is emerging evidence that Ivermectin has significant benefits in the treatment of Covid:
Ivermectin may eventually be prescribed in Australia based on these findings.
If they held ivermectin to the same safety standards as Pfizer or AZ they would sell the stuff in the lolly sections in shops.
There is no issue in giving patients treatments proven to be safe except of course you give them alternatives that reduce your profit margins, in a sane world medical malpractice suits would be everywhere but show me a leader you would consider sane?
There has been high quality evidence about Ivermectin since very early in 2020. What’s more it’s use has a very long history. Far longer and better understood then the vaccines!
Political globalization Ideology has infected many nations.
Despite knowing the long history of Ivermectin and HCQ use.
Despite Knowing which use conditions to be concerned about so guidelines are pre existing.
Despite understanding how Ivermectin and HCQ and zinc worked in relationship to viruses.
Despite being in the midst of a pandemic!
Despite strong statistical evidence in areas where Ivermectin and HCQ was already used in the population.
The nation states, when shown the above and small studies that indicated these medications worked extremely well, for the most part REFUSED to fund and fast-track larger studies.
And the few studies they were involved in were horribly done, giving way to much medication to patients in late stage crisis and not combining zinc with HCQ use, and comparing the results to a disparate demographic case load.
Then, using these few horrible studies, and ignoring more numerous positive studies, they have continued to ignore ever growing evidence in real world use, and ignore amazing positive results everywhere their recommendations were ignored.
This insanity has resulted in millions of avoidable deaths and collapse of global economies! ( Rick, read that sentence five times)
At the same time these governments have…
Pushed sick elderly into healthy nursing homes.
Insisted on policies known to be ineffective.
Instituted universal buckshot lockdowns that destroyed lives, even in areas where they were not needed at all.
Rushed a novel vaccine that had many scientists deeply concerned as to potential harms, which are showing definite signs of manifesting.
Pushed the same EXPERIMENTAL vaccine onto a demographic population that has almost zero to fear from the virus.
Immunized the vaccine developers and themselves from legal responsibility for the results of their actions.
Ignored the vaccine adverse tracking systems they set up which are showing many of the exact concerns that Doctors and scientists warned about! And they are ignoring negative results that would have stopped any other vaccine ever developed.
Promoting a leaky vaccine in the midst of a pandemic, ignoring the well understood pathology where such a vaccine could create vaccine resistant mutations. ( And likely has)
Political blaming these likely vaccine created mutations on the unvaccinated.
Doing all possible to create fear and divisive second class status to the unvaccinated.
Advocating young children get vaccinated without parental consent or knowledge!
Given the vaccine to pregnant women despite clear warnings that said vaccines could harm the reproductive process and endanger mom and baby. ( And this insanity involves giving the vaccine to a population in almost zero danger from the virus). Including children, who likely have much greater risk from the vaccines.
And these same one world governments and cohorts ( global main stream media, unelected EU bureaucracy, March through the institutions professors ) and countless political ideologues have a history of eugenics support.
A history of angst towards the U.S.
A history of hating capitalism and supporting disparate versions of statism.
A history of “ never letting a crisis go to waste,” whereby they openly endorse the ends as being relevant, and the means as irrelevant.
A history of incorporating the above into corrupting science, with the anti science CAGW movement being a fine example.
A history of massive Democide.
So sorry Rick, but excusing their willful suppression of safe effective anti virals by bullshit platitudes to standard “safe” medical practice, while ignoring the emergency rush of a novel vaccine that may do great harm, is doing definite harm now, and ignoring the tyrannical illegal push of that vaccine onto a population that has little to fear from the virus, and ignoring the individual liberty rights of the global community, established in Nuremberg and in the laws of many nations , is a pathetic argument.
Medical scenario
1, patient presents with 75% of symptoms associated with iron overload
2,Dr orders full blood test, results show patient has high iron levels in blood and is storing too much iron.
3, Dr orders gene test for hemochromatosis, results show patient has one of two mutated genes
What does the doctor do next?
A, confirm over load symptoms with patient, initiate treatment plan to lower iron levels and set up blood test regime to ensure there is no long term internal organ damage, or
B, tell the patient to get a sleep apnea test and mumble something about a blood test to see if you have cirrhosis
The medical industry is a former shadow of itself no wonder they reject things like ivermectin.
Somewhere in heaven Jesus is weeping
Doctors today, like most people, have very poor general knowledge outside their specialty and often questionable knowledge within their specialty.
Also, they won’t question. They just follow standard protocols and are taught not to think outside the box.
A few, however, are willing to think for themselves.
But look at how doctors were treated who wanted to use harmless (when used as directed and for short time) HCQ even before any “vaccines” were available. Hundreds of thousands died because the medical establishment and their political masters didn’t want to try something that would have saved their lives in most cases (Zelenko protocol) just because President Trump suggested it as a treatment modality when there was no alternative.
Even worse, Australia being the risk-averse, inward-looking, UN following, scared little nation it now is even made it a criminal or civil offence for doctors to prescribe HCQ for covid.
If you look at your comments re doctors David, I think you will agree that you are casting you pearls like a shotgun. The third paragraph is the reverse of your first two; you can’t have it both ways and the accusations themselves are fatuous.
Medical specialists are no different from specialists in any other field, except they have to obey permanent, continuous medical education standards generally under the watchful eyes of their Colleges. Similarly, in hospital environments, they have to show the proof of this continuing medical upgrading, and on top of that the Insurance companies also keep an eye these matters. Their professional colleagues are another check as to their performance. In some ways the stress of the oversight is as big to the practitioner as the patient care.
These practitioners are forced to obey the rules or get dumped. The continuing government moves to get amongst what practitioners can do while government keeps pruning the cost it will pay to provide those services, is simply an added burden to be coped with. One would ask you, if you could be tossed into gaol for providing medications you had proof from overseas worked, but which the government – for mysterious reason known only to itself in the case of COVID19 – forbids you to use, would you be so gung ho to provide them anyway?
Indeed, it is only with a government pass (which seems to infer government sees everything is solved simply be vaccines) that these experimental vaccines are being used before completing the full testing regimes generally required before new medications are allowed on the market.
Furthermore, when governments totally commit their nations to a theory like AGW, and the impositions and costs become huge – with COVID, even deadly – do you think they are going to reverse those decisions quickly and put their heads on the block to be chopped off for being responsible for the disasters they’ve wrought? Politicians are short term actors and they will hope the music stops playiong after they have completed their fun and games and retired, leaving those still standing to take the coming hits.
Thanks for that, I’m booked in with a haematologist to find out why I’m retaining iron. No gene mutation and no cirrhosis.
Happy days.
you drink too much LOL
Fair call, that’s what I thought at first but I went dry for a few weeks and my levels went up. I naturally celebrated with a drink.
Ask your council to check the iron content of the water?
Central Coast Council, they don’t have the money to check what time it is.
You would think the way the Central Coast is built out they would be swimming in $.
As a late teenager i spent a lot of time doing late teenager stuff between Budgewoi and Terrigal. Went their a couple of years ago and was blown away by the level of high density development.
You go away for 40 or 50 years and they go and change things. I am outraged. I especially liked the old pub that overlooked the beach and headland in Terrigal.
Stayed in Terrigal in the mid-80s. Nearly walked into a very long red-bellied black snake on a track and we had a large blue-tongued lizard pay a call at our unit.
Many issues though often specialists are more likely to prescribe pharma products than treat the root cause. Even those with the double snip can lower their iron (and ironically still eat steak).
an example would be reduction for some people when they go low carb, despite an increase in animal products.
A low carb doctor, Dr Paul Mason based in Sydney produced a video that even then there could be other reasons for this iron in the blood such as some form of infection (the body holds onto the the ferritin stopping the infection from gaining access to the iron it needs but also the body despite high iron levels in the blood).
Mrs H was recommended to donate blood regularly to reduce iron levels. That was in the distant past, now forgotten.
My G.P. has suggested that I may need to give blood regularly.
Raises another question are blood banks in the COVID error separating blood donated from covid vaccinated donors? Being unvaccinated, I don’t want spiked blood.
60 suggests there’s an acceptable level of covid spiking been agreed; this sort of talk will bring me into disrepute or even cancellation so I’ll desist.
Do you take supplements? If you do check if any contain iron (stop obviously) and check that you are not overloading on vitamin C.
I rarely take supplements. If I feel a cold or flu coming on I dose up on C. D. Echinacea and zinc but that’s not often.
I posted this recently on the previous thread and then this thread started so few may have seen this:
This is a video from Ivor Cummins from 3 weeks ago talking about the Indian (Delta) variant.
He has some very serious and (to some) controversial things to say.
Everything he says is based on official data.
Please discuss and offer any criticism or praise.
Video is under 11 mins.
According to the data he references (public, published, govt, data) the Delta/Indian variant is a nothingburger.
If he’s correct, the lockdowns did more damage than good. The panicporn and fearmongering is a social control tool.
Kind of makes one wonder how the “experts” got things so out of synch with reality.
Lance, they were simply ‘following orders’.
Especially those issued by Stalin in Tamil Nadu
I think they are aware of reality but reality takes a back seat to perceived self interest.
Is the medical industry more interested in the status quo than curing?
It is a complete beat up. The chart on UK proves the effectiveness of vaccines. UK has 88% of the population vaccinated:
An interesting plot would be to observe the hospitalisation rate falling as the vaccinations increased – good sign of effective vaccinations.
The charts for last year indicate that controls were effective and the one this year indicates herd immunity has kicked in. Despite that, the case numbers are still up around 25k per day and 86 deaths yesterday in the UK.
The hospitalisation and death rate in Sydney, where vaccinations are low, is higher for Delta than the 2020 strain in Victoria. You would need to be as stupid as the author to try to make points on the correlations he makes. With those sorts of correlations he would be an outstanding candidate as for climate scientists.
If you follow the Israel experience, expect a huge jump in ” unexplained” cases in about 4-6 months time…just in time for winter…double bonus.
The Uk…cold, wet and a clogged NHS….
Victoria recorded a infection registered v death close to 4% since the beginning and at the height of their inept faxigation those numbers might have been higher. NSW total numbers are at 1/5th that rate with the current numbers obviously needing to play out since deaths trail infection by 2 weeks or more but hard to see them reach those heady heights.
‘In the U.K., symptomatic COVID-19 cases among “vaccinated” individuals have risen 40% in one week, reaching an average rate of 15,537 new infections a day being detected. Meanwhile, symptomatic COVID-19 cases among the unvaccinated has declined by 22% and is now at a current daily average of 17,588’
‘This suggests the wave among unvaccinated has peaked and that natural herd immunity has set in, while “vaccinated” individuals are actually becoming more prone to infection’
The current covid vaccine deficiencies will give Chi-comm bioweapons engineers valuable insights into their next versions of bioweapons, having successfully had proof-of-concept with C-19. Not only is the West medically impotent against it due to the successful war against anti-virals, they also got valuable insight into the level of self-destruction the West is prepared to engage in.
As I have also said before, the Chi-comms are also harvesting DNA from all over the world.
This will give them valuable insights for future bioweapons production by exposing genetic vulnerabilities of certain population groupings. Obviously, given the multi-racial nature of most Western societies, they won’t be able to target everyone but just the top populous several population groups.
So called “ethnic bioweapons” are a real concept:
It also helps the chicoms that thier globalist buddies in the West are happy to deny people access to Ivermectin and HCQ so that the vaccine franken-experiment can be completed.
7-22-21 The Covid Commission Planning Group – the foremost effort to launch an “independent” inquiry into the origins of COVID-19 – is supported by organizations that have funded the work of longtime Wuhan Institute of Virology partner EcoHealth Alliance.
Entities funding the task force – the Rockefeller Foundation, Skoll Foundation, and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt’s philanthropic fund – have decades-long ties to Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance. The effort, headquartered at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center, is the brainchild of Schmidt, who has also served as Executive Chairman of Google’s parent company Alphabet:
The work, which has attracted scant public notice, grew out of a telephone call in October from Eric Schmidt, the philanthropist and former CEO of Google, to Philip D. Zelikow, who was the executive director of the commission that investigated Sept. 11. Schmidt urged Zelikow to put together a proposal to examine the pandemic, which has caused 600,000 deaths in the United States alone.
“If Congress does establish its own commission, Zelikow said, his group would be willing to share its work. But if the government does not act, Schmidt said he was confident that he could raise enough money for the group directed by Zelikow to go forward on its own,” a New York Times profile added. -N. Winters
real cost of the US-China partnership
Sydneys 38yr old woman who was reported as a Covid death.
Is it still a fact that anyone who dies after being admitted to hospital testing positive to covid, automatically listed as a Covid related death ?
It has been reported that she underwent surgery BEFORE being admitted to ICU ?..why ?
Also reported that her death was finalised by turning off life support that normal with terminal Covid cases ?
Would an autopsy not be appropriate if there unusual circumstances. ( age, good health etc ) ?
It would seem that we should be trying to understand why an apparently healthy 38 yr old should suffer death just 10 days after contracting the virus, when thousands of others ( many not so young or healthy ) are apparently unaffected , certainly not terminaly ?
Hi Chad, could you please supply the link stating that she had undergone surgery.
Thanks mate.
WTF?? When has surgery been a treatment option for CoViD-19?
Found an article that explains she had heart problems hence the emergency surgery. This is not normal at all for CoViD-19 so there is something else going on here that is highly atypical and should not be applied as a general case.
Thanks for that
Further comments from that article:
A day or two after admission, Adriana complained of chest pains. Medical staff assessed her having a heart attack,’ her friend Jules Pedrosa wrote on Facebook.
‘She needed immediate surgery and an instrument (don’t know if it was a pacemaker or otherwise) had to assist her heart to maintain a regular rhythm.
‘Adriana’s health condition worsened after a few days and further tests confirmed that her heart had a “viral infection”.
‘This is interesting because she and her family have no history of heart disease.’
I wonder if she had been vaccinated.
She had had Heart Surgery. Heart surgeries are very major surgeries with very high risks of complications and death.
The Delta variant was doing nothing, but the government and the media desperately needed a death of a healthy person to pin on COVID to scare people, so they lied to everyone about this death.
Given the fake news so widely spread by our MSM and politicians and their complete loss of all credibility, I doubt we will ever find the truth as to the real cause of her death, sadly. They simply can’t be trusted to tell the truth any more. It’s now impossible to knwo when they are telling the truth or not. The only way this can be resolved is if enough whistle-blowers come out to reveal the truth but that could very well mean the loss of their careers.
What would also be interesting would be her Vitamin D levels. Being a Brazillian, she had a fairly swarth complexion so mid-winter, her natural production of Vitamin D would have been quite low. But we will never get this sort of detail.
Having a complexion suitable for the tropics but living in the upper latitudes, thus a deficiency of Vitamin D without supplementation, is also a reason many Americans of African origin seemingly have a higher susceptibility to COVID. Nothing to do with racism at all, as the Left claim.
As my nurse trained daughter said “sometimes people just die”
That is so true, which is why it is disgusting how our governments are using her death to coerce us to be vaccinated. They ought to be ashamed of themselves but given their character I doubt they would even understand what I just stated let alone refute it. They are heartless.
Im fairly sure if you look deep enough, there is usually an underlying cause, even if it is not apparent.
…BUT, even if there it is true, maybe this 38 yr old also “just died” ,..
…. and covid had no direct part in it ?
What was the evidence for a viral myocarditis? Now, let me think. Had she had a recent vaccination with one of the non AZ vaccines? We know the damage done to AZ by all the hype against it.
It was reported that she had not been vaccinated…
….but that could be just based on word of mouth ??
I’m seeing how low frequency noise disturbs nature. We have had the Osprey VTOL aircraft directly overhead and at low level this morning about six times and instead of the usual turkeys, manekins, ibis etc in the backyard it is deserted. What effect must windmills have? They are a permanent feature of the landscape after all.
Humans are also disturbed by the noise.
But it’s all for the greater good to keep America militarily powerful, at least when America had a president who wasn’t actively trying to destroy America.
I think this is worrying enough that I am reposting this comment I made in the previous open thread
Now this is really scary SARS-CoV-2 spike protein interactions with amyloidogenic proteins: Potential clues to neurodegeneration
Quick translation, the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein can cause protein folding in the brain – this is the same mechanism that causes the degeneration from Alzheimer’s, Kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob/Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy/Mad Cow Disease. This appears to be why some CoViD patients have extended recovery issues including difficulty concentrating and loss of coordination.
The potential side effects of the spike protein “vaccines” are getting more and more worrisome
There is no way they will inject into my body any vaccine produced in that fashion. I much rather just have the virus thank you and take my chances.
To get a good overview of the variety of vaccines available see CDC’s own site Understanding How COVID-19 Vaccines Work
None of them encourage me to take any vaccine let alone the mRNA based ones that lead to spike proteins. They say they create harmless proteins but I don’t trust them.
I agree. I had intended to take the AstraZenica vaccine on the basis that adenovirus vector vaccines had been known to cause clotting issues in the past
Here is an article about it from 2006
That it caught medical authorities by surprise just shows how they have rushed the deployment of all of these gene therapy spike protein vaccines.
I too made the same decision to consider taking the AstraZenica vaccine if and when I needed to but I’ve also heard bad things about it too. I’m just staying away from all of them for the time being. As I said many times, on the balance of probabilities it’s just not worth the risk.
The potential concern in this paper is explicitly validated by the one linked in my comment #18
The remaining question is how mobile are the spike proteins produced by the gene therapy vaccines? They are supposed to be anchored to the cells expressing the reaction but there have been reports that they do get into the bloodstream to get transported to organs including the brain (possibly when the cells producing them die before an anti-body response has kicked in)
Strewth, Keynes’s long run seems to be shrinking fast.
Well, they said the quiet part out loud. Big Tech will now surveil all platforms for whatever they decide is “extremist” and then report that to the Intelligence Community (an oxymoron).
“Today, the biggest names in Big Tech announce they have partnered with the Five Eyes intelligence network, ultimately controlled by the NSA, to: (1) monitor all activity in their platforms; (2) identify extremist content; (3) look for expressions of Domestic Violent Extremism (DVE); and then, (4) put the content details into a database where the Five Eyes intelligence agencies (U.K., U.S., Australia, Canada, New Zealand) can access it.”
After the I.C. finishes with deplatforming, the next step is demonitization of target groups.
ADL and PayPal have agreed to begin monitoring platforms for whatever they define as “extremism” and then work to cut off their funding.
This is getting pretty weird.
Paypal is now owned by the Chinese.
As I said some time ago, expect that we will one day lose our ability communicate over the internet the way we are doing now as they clamp down on free speech more and more. So, enjoy it while we can. I hope I’m wrong but if I’m right then it will be a very sad indictment of our governments who allow it to happen. It would prove beyond doubt on whose side they are.
Not that I need any more convincing as I’m already convinced on whose side they are right now.
Seen online;
“On average a Panda feeds for approximately 12 hours per day.
This is the same as an adult at home under quarantine,
which is why we call it a “Pandemic,”
Good one. Got my vote for the joke of the day but with the way things are going I don’t think eventually we will have anything to laugh about.
“What Is a Black Swan?
A black swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences. Black swan events are characterized by their extreme rarity, severe impact, and the widespread insistence they were obvious in hindsight.”
No wonder agriculture is so bloody hazardous here with them native
In case you haven’t seen it, Drbeen has a good discussion on Novavax from 6 months ago.
Lots of fluff. The reality is all vaccines have risks associated with them, and as such it comes down to an individual’s choice as to whether to take a vaccine or not in context of the situation. The situation at the moment is the C-19 virus is not as bad a pandemic as previous pandemic (flu and others) so on the balance of probabilities I would say no thanks for now. I will wait. At the moment I have a much greater chance of dying from a car accident yet I’m not taking a “vaccine” for that, which would be to say replace it with a tank or similar vehicle.
My father’s literal last coherent words to me …
“I haven’t been right since that damn flu shot.”
That was 2003.
I’m also concerned about the flu shot.
Back in 2009 they tested children using a double blind RCT, one group received the normal ‘tri’ flu vaccine and one a placebo of saline solution. They were not testing to see whether the vaccines work but in this case if the vaccines caused some negative outcome from other infections (like rhino virus etc). What they found were that children that received vaccine developed non-flu pneumonia 440% than the control. I do not remember the absolute risk for this but considering the relatively small numbers in the study I would say the ARR was relatively high considering the 440% RR.
It is reasonably well understood that flu vaccines may reduce resistance to other infections within so many month period. I know the one year my wife received the flu vax she had the worst chest cold I had ever seen her have.
The video on their site is quite interesting. At least the spike proteins are injected so that the numbers for a dose are known rather than some varying response from gene therapy but they aren’t fixed so are potentially migratory from the injection site, even though they do cluster to provide a more “natural” surface arrangement
Interesting perspective of the differences between CA and TX:
The book review ends with:
The Texans are rather disdainful of the ‘ New Yorkers in purple shorts’ from Cali.
Yes, as Chuck Norris said dissent can be the highest form of patriotism. But we dare not mention that word patriotism in front of our governments – they might drag us to prison, no questions asked.
Chuck Norris could sort out California single handed simply by “breaking wind” in their general direction ! 👍
True but I don’t think he would even bother. That cesspool of a state will do it to themselves.
The individual US states all have their own histories of course, and it impacts on culture – however a lot of commentators since the 2020 Election have described how most of the cultural and political “divides” in most states are between big urban centres, and less populated (but numerous) rural and smaller-town counties.
So there are already millions of Republicans in California, and also millions of Democrat voters in Texas … in fact Texas is increasingly purple, rather than majority red. This is one of the main reasons why “secession” would be pretty difficult if based on political affiliations (let alone on very mixed-up features such as views of masculinity or race relations).
America could be divided up into 4-5 viable regions on other grounds – it could well happen in the future, if the management and governance of a huge nation becomes more difficult than the benefits derived from it.
I have a query for all the well-informed folks on this site re Ivermectin.
The stuff they sell in Rural Produce stores for treating animals, such as Ausmectin Pour On, is this viable for use in humans for treating or preventing Covid?
It says “NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION” “POISON” on the product, but does that only apply to large doses?
It means it is not approved for human consumption so might contain additives that are not approved for human consumption. “poison” is a label likely required under legislation but since it is used in other animals it likely is not poisonous as such – just be careful of the dose. Disclaimer – I am not advocating consumption of unapproved chemicals.
Dont worry GA no one listens to what you say so its all good mate
I don’t understand the downvoting for Gee Aye on this comment – it is eminently sensible and actually unwarranted reducing fear.
A case demonstrating where her warning is valid is that some Peruvians apparently experienced side effects from ingesting horse paste ivermectin due to not scaling their doses for the difference in bodyweight between a human and a horse.
The administration of many therapeutic drugs in Australia is controlled under the “Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 1966”
Hence a therapeutic drug may be referred to as a poison!
AFAIK this is Commonwealth legislation which has been adopted unformly by the States.
Just about anything in large doses can be deadly, including water. Just need to be sensible about it, just like with any other medicine or treatment.
Oxygen is a corrosive gas.
High concentrations of oxygen is dangerousness to humans, even potentially deadly.
methyl mercaptin? In a lift?
Alkylosis is induced at the end of life in many whose passing is peaceful and normal.
A simple adjustment off breathing pattern to over oxygenate the bloodstream and remove CO2 to dangerous levels.
CO2 in the bloodstream is monitored by the brain.
Obviously the whole idea of breathing is to use oxygen to remove CO2 from the blood, but what is not appreciated by many is that we must not remove all of the CO2. We need a little bit left.
If that happens, as in some of the early scuba diving deaths, then the brain will have insufficient CO2 to monitor and the system shuts down. Death.
M. Allison:
It may be dissolved in 98% alcohol which would harm your throat at the very least.
Calculate the dosage for your weight, not a horse and pour it on your skin. The IVM is best absorbed through the skin.
Avoid the paste form (unless you are a chicken with scale infection).
And Analitik, I agree with your comment about Gee Aye. We should encourage him to make more sensible comments.
BE VERY CAREFUL HERE – based on what I think I know
1. There are “pour-ons” for external application to animals and you’d be brave to use them internally.
There are “drench” applications which. in our terminology, means for internal application
But, as I clicked on, overseas usage of “drench” can be “drenching the skin with a “pour-on”. Make sure of which is which.
2. There are other veterinary mectins such as avomectin which do not have data on treatment in humans – so if you were feeling really experimental – –
There is considerable data on ivermectin use as an approved product for humans
I forgot this one – water soluble for “Jetting” sheep so in the “pour-on” category
I would not recommend anything veterinary. I did buy some packets of “Eraquell pellets – palatable wormer for horses. The packets says it contains 140mg Ivermectin. The guy in the store said to me; “that should be enough for you and the kids”. I kept a straight face and said it was for the horses.
This stuff is like All Bran, but the pellets are not uniform. However you can divide the packet into doses roughly.
A treatment protocol has been published here:
A human approved preparation is known as Stromectol. I have read somewhere in the last few blogposts that it can be purchased online with out a prescription but I am not sure about that. Best result is to have medical supervision.
Easily, available online in tablet form for human consumption,as used in many countries overseas. $110 for 100 12MG tabs.
A late edition to this is the TGA fact sheet. Contains some interesting info and background on the drug.
An earlier comment on taking it though the skin – this document says orally gives a higher bioavailable uptake than dermally
For cattle, 80% is through ingestion, you pour it on their back line and they lick it up. I do along the ribs so its easier for them.
I care.
yeah its all the same thing mate you just need to get the dosage right. The best thing is the one for horses is cherry flavoured and they wont ask if you own a horse 🙂
Apple flavour seems to get the nod on what I’ve read
And the dose will likely be IVM/kg body weight so similar – but check before – –
The saving grace is that you need a hellish overdose of IVM before it seems to bite you
Victorian health officer, Brett Sutton and Covid Commander, Jeroen Weimar were much more relaxed at today’s press conference than a week ago. This pair will be able to author the complete guide to pandemic control. They have a very good handle on the effectiveness of the available controls once there are roaming spreaders.
Victoria is becoming recognised as the place when it comes to beating Covid after coming out of 5th lockdown. One of the few regions to successfully isolate roaming spreaders of the delta strain. Hopefully SA will follow. NSW are still fiddling at the fringes and infection rate still above 1. Number of identified roaming spreaders double today from last weekend. Probably already hundreds of unidentified roaming spreaders.
this needs a background picture of ‘great communist’ leaders posted as a background. So many dead, but oh so successful according only to themselves and their apologists.
Thanks Rick,
Informative. I don’t understand the red thumbers.
hey Rick
you forgot to add that the Victoriastan Government has the gold standard for killing the elderly LOL
something to be very proud of 😉
but sorry l cant remember and do not recall is the war cry LOL
This, unsurprisingly, happens almost completely in leftist strongholds around the world.
Rick, I think, was talking about todays situation and wasnt commenting on, or doscounting, the past.
Victoria has the worst record of covid deaths in all of Australia, and the most hopeless handling of quarantine.
90% of Australian covid deaths happened in Victoria.
The best they can hope for is a handful more deaths in other states might dilute that to 80%
There were 169,301 registered and received deaths in Australia in 2019, an increase of 6.8% (10,808) from 2018.
The median age at death was 81.7 years (78.8 for males, 84.8 for females).
Influenza and pneumonia resulted in 4,124 deaths.
Are we now going to have regular winter lockdowns to prevent death from the flu?
If their actions were logical you would think yes, but they seem more centred on politics and theatre, and for a few public servants advanced control freakery.
Welcome to the new normal, for a couple of decades at least.
‘Wind gusts that you would typically see in a category two tropical cyclone have blasted southwestern Australia overnight, toppling trees and cutting power to more than 20,000 homes.
‘A powerful cold front linked to a deep and complex low pressure system caused squally winds across southwestern districts of Western Australia from Monday afternoon into Tuesday morning.’ (Weatherzone)
Covid causes a loss of IQ?
Yes, this is one of the neurological conditions that scares me in relation to my comment #18 on the spike proteins inducing folding of brain proteins.
Are we talking the infection or the vaccine? The story is about “long covid” so both are doing damage to brains. Bad news comes in threes; wait for it…
Definitely the disease but possibly the spike protein vaccines as well (ie all except Sinovax)
Well, the GBR seems to embarrass the Alarmists. All by itself.
In another report a few days ago it was stated that the ‘crown of thorns’ starfish do attack parts of the reef from time to time but this has been likened to pruning of garden plants and is never a major degradation.
The reef always bounces back better than ever from the starfish pruning.
“He who voted counts for nothing,
He who counts the votes counts for everything”
– Joseph Stalin
Could they control the covid test results and “shape” any pandemic response?
Fox…guarding chicken house….
“A consortium backed by George Soros and Bill Gates has joined a buyout of Mologic, a COVID-19 testing company.
“The Soros Economic Development Fund, an arm of Soros’ Open Society Foundations, confirmed in a July 19 statement that it has partnered with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Soros–Gates collaboration is part of the Global Access Health initiative, which will invest “at least” $41.1 million in the project, according to the statement.
Biden recently repeated (or paraphrased) this Stalin quote.
USA Today fact check: “did Joe Biden quote Stalin?”
False, because ‘real’ Stalin historians say that Stalin never said this.
Fact checking wasn’t necessary until the truth started coming out.
“So, in summary, with regard to our current “casedemic”, positive tests as they are counted today do not indicate a “case” of anything. They indicate that viral RNA was found in a nasal swab. It may be enough to make you sick, but according to the New York Times and their experts, probably won’t. And certainly not sufficient replication of the virus to make anyone else sick. But you will be sent home for ten days anyway, even if you never have a sniffle. And this is the number the media breathlessly reports… and is used to fearmonger mask mandates and lockdowns nationwide…
done to death this one. Were you paying attention?
The CDC is replacing the covid specific test with a test that produces results that can distinguish both covid and flu. It is neither quiet (it was publically announced) nor being abandoned (it is still a test for presence of covid viruses).
how do you test for something that has never been isolated, dear?
ugh. It is amplification of nucleic acids. That argument is done.
it refers to a specific procedure, which has not occurred, as i have already pointed out, dear.
elsewhere… unless you think this will end differently let’s not.
me: ‘where is the clear empirical demonstration that x exists’.
gee aye: ‘oh, dear. we don’t need no empirical demonstration. that’s 1800s anti-science’.
about sums it up, i’d say.
Stop giving Gee Aye ammunition
True, but I genuinely dont care what Leaf thinks.
Perhaps someone can explain why here in Oz the PCR count is set between 35 & 40 when according to the late Kary Mullis anything over 28 is pointless and the accuracy beyond 34 is literally zero according to the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology ?
Maybe Klaus Schwab knows…obviously nit the puppet premiers and their “experts”.
I commented a while back about the police here in Oz having to make a choice to side with the people or with the government/WEF.
Well…that has definitely moved forward!
It’s good to see the integrity of those officers on display. They’ve obviously woken up and realised they’re just disposable pawns too.
The next 2 months will be very interesting worldwide.
There is a protracted discussion on this in the weekend open thread (and many other prior).
The establishment will claim that the high number of cycles (up to 45!) are due to “an abundance of caution” being applied. Most of us here and on other forums can only see that it is to exaggerate and perpetrate the emergency status that governments have applied to the outbreaks since there is absolutely no justification for a cycle number greater than around 30
Even the vaunted Tony Fauci admitted as much (must have been caught off guard)
There is some data here (link below) about PCR cycle threshold and COVID status. Ridiculous above 30 and anything above that has no other purpose than to falsely inflate numbers, as is the intention.
And the numbers expand exponentially so 45 cycles is 3.5e+13 replications and 30 cycles is 1073741824 replications or 45 cycles is over 32000 times greater.
I wonder what the number of reported cases would be roughly if they stopped at 30 cycles.
It’s an integrated program; if you tamper with the settings the test kit supply chain will clog up and there’ll be chaos.
Well Mullis didn’t say that and nor was he an expert. So there was that.
I wonder if this applies in NSW ?
I saw on TV the other night that a number of Covid patients are on ventilators, in hospital. I thought they worked more than a year ago ventilators did more harm than good for Covid patients. Something does not seem right to me.
What’s “not right” is that our medicos aren’t taking cues from countries that are applying anti-viral medications and supplements but just following the WHO playbook.
That tells me that the main medical bodies have sold us out.
Seriously, people need to think damn hard about everything and reject the gumint line…..especially vaccines….
The effectiveness of well-known antivirals, and the extremely low risk of using them should mean that anyone who has a family member who dies of Covid under medical care should, in principle, be able to sue the doctors, hospitals and even government departments (and hopefully individual public serpents) for not allowing their use. (Admittedly the chances of dying government or their serpents is minimal.)
Suing, not dying. Spell checker changed it without me noticing…
Tesla is building more cars. Be nice to see them slow down and provide better service for what is already out there
Heav’n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn’d,
‘Data presented to the Israeli Health Ministry July 17, 2021, revealed that, of the more than 7,700 COVID-19 cases reported since May 2021, only 72 occurred in people who had previously had COVID-19 — a rate of less than 1%’
‘In contrast, more than 3,000 cases — or approximately 40% — occurred in people who had received a COVID-19 vaccine’
‘In other words, those who were vaccinated were nearly 700% more likely to develop COVID-19 than those who had natural immunity from a prior infection — and this is largely in response to the Delta variant, which has led to increasing infections in Israel’
‘”A natural infection induces hundreds upon hundreds of antibodies against all proteins of the virus, including the envelope, the membrane, the nucleocapsid, and the spike. Dozens upon dozens of these antibodies neutralize the virus when encountered again.
Additionally, because of the immune system exposure to these numerous proteins (epitomes), our T cells mount a robust memory, as well. Our T cells are the ‘marines’ of the immune system and the first line of defense against pathogens. T cell memory to those infected with SARSCOV1 is at 17 years and running still.”‘
Scandal: Newly Leaked Data Show Over Half of ‘COVID Hospitalizations’ Were for Other Ailments in U.K.
New data leaked from the NHS in the United Kingdom show that “over half” of hospitalizations that were classified as “COVID hospitalizations” were admissions for other ailments that subsequently incurred positive COVID tests.
In an exclusive in the Telegraph, the data were leaked casting further doubt on COVID data all over the world.
“More than half of Covid hospitalisations are patients who only tested positive after admission, leaked data reveal,” the U.K. publication reported in an exclusive paywalled article.
“The figures suggest vast numbers are being classed as hospitalised by Covid when they were admitted with other ailments, with the virus picked up by routine testing,” the report continued.
“Experts said it meant the national statistics, published daily on the government website and frequently referred to by ministers, may far overstate the levels of pressures on the NHS,” the report added.
“The leaked data – covering all NHS trusts in England – show that, as of last Thursday, just 44 per cent of patients classed as being hospitalised with Covid had tested positive by the time they were admitted,” the Telegraph went on. “The majority of cases were not detected until patients underwent standard Covid tests, carried out on everyone admitted to hospital for any reason.”
“Overall, 56 per cent of Covid hospitalisations fell into this category, the data, seen by The Telegraph, show.”
The report highlights both how critical PCR testing thresholds have been in coding COVID “cases” and the mortality rates for the virus in the United States. At least 94% of the fatalities counted in the pandemic were cases ‘with’ COVID-19 where the patients had serious comorbidities. The average age of a COVID fatality case in the U.S. is 78 years old, roughly the age of life expectancy. In the U.K., it is 80 years old.
It seams to me that our politicians are fudging the data as they give us daily reports. Hospital patients are COVID victims by default but if they turn out not to be COVID victims they won’t go back and apologise and retract what they said. It sort of like saying a person is guilty until proven innocent, but no one will be told they are innocent so they still stay behind bars. Sounds like China.
The World Health Organisation says dogs don’t transmit covid and any being quarantined can be released. WHO let the dogs out.
I am rapidly becoming disenchanted with the comments police in The Australian. I posted this today under an article on the rising number of “positive tests” in NSW. It was rejected, as I suspected it would be, despite the fact that it is based on verified reporting.
In an interesting article in Quadrant this week it appears that the Centre for Disease Control in the US is stating that there is firm evidence that the standard Covid test being used, the same as here, is too sensitive and is producing a significant number of false positives. They have stated that the reasons are twofold. Firstly, the test is run up to 40 times on each sample, augmenting the sample beyond what could be considered an infective dose and, secondly, the test picks up Covid RNA, whether alive or dead, so is identifying fragments of dead virus in a person who has had Covid, possibly symptomless, and recovered. This might explain why so many people in Australia are surprised to find they are “positive” when they are displaying no symptoms.
I was having a discussion with a good mate who sets up and operates the testing rigs here in Australia. His position is that results over 30 cycles are not reliable and shouldn’t be counted.
Graeme P.
Could you ask your mate, what the usual number of cycles of amplification actually is in Australian laboratories before the test is declared to be negative? Also do they record the cycles to a positive result? Does he know if the cycles to positive co-relates to viral load and to clinical experience?
Shall get back to you over the next coupla days
I have heard that the test records at which cycle number a positive result occurs.
In other words it may be a 40 plus cycle test, but it picks up positive result on cycle 23.
Does anyone know if this is correct?
If it is everyone should know, when they are tested positive , which number their positive occurs and the statistics of all tests should be public knowledge.
My experience is the same. I’m giving up on the Australian. They reject any comment which doesnt match the party line, never used to be that way.
I cancelled my subscription after the U.S. election last year. They refused to print any comments discussing the “oddities” in counting. Stuff em.
It was the only paper I read for many years but I dumped it after Fox news made that early Arizona election. There is no doubt in my mind the Murdochs are not our side.
‘this is the new world order’
-brad hazard, nsw health minister
Some people make major tactical errors.
Collaborators never fare well in war.
Worth asking them how Nuremberg worked out.
NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard is such a fool. He stated this is a one in one hundred year pandemic. What a lot of BS.
Buy Quadrant and the Spectator, not the Australian.
The weekly spend is about the same.
The Australian is now in the control of the woke Murdochs (including Rupert).
Re Quadrant,I do, Peter.
I’m on the Central Coast N.S.W. very close to the latest outbreak. After half the coast rolled up for testing on Monday I’m expecting a sizable increase in positive test results. I wonder how many actually have the virus 🤔
Lets watch over the next two days.
So far 84,000 tests in NSW yesterday, 157 new cases, 2 deaths (in last week I think).
The deaths need to be considered in the context of 2,175 active cases in NSW (0.1%)
And the tests need to be considered in the context of the revelation by the CDC that they are not reliable and prone to give false negatives, unless I’m mistaken. Even so, sometimes I do wonder if I am dreaming and I have to pinch myself. Is this all for real? The amount and depth of uncertainties and inconsistencies coming forth from all quarters, not just by our politicians are amazing. It’s as though I am watching a mystery movie and not even close to the ending and conclusion yet. I wait with much anticipation and interest for the ending regardless of how terrifying it might be. The suspense is starting to get on my nerves – but I will remain calm and patient as always.
Well, the yanks and chinese are facing off, and word is US military top brass are being told to get thier affairs in …..
The supply chains here in oz are already suffering. Once they put the West in sydney into a BS covid seige, its then a slow strangulation.
All I can say is Nuremberg will be too good for some of the pieces of globalist dirt behind this artificial covid crisis. Im expecting the cops to turn on them eventually.
Bottom line…stock up now while you can. On everything. Fuel too.
Food prices are going to explode too so stock up on that a lot.
apparently there is already a stir happening with the NSW police
The letters.
Letter 1
Letter 2
I meant false positives. I think the leftists up-side-down logic is far more contagious than the virus.
That tells me that the main medical bodies have sold us out.
Seriously, people need to think damn hard about everything and reject the gumint line…..especially vaccines….
The question is why? Is it because of ignorance, stupidity or a co-ordinated effort to turn us into slaves? The answer has a large bearing on the outcome. If ignorance then perhaps enough will wake up before it’s too late and blow the whistle exposing the fraudsters. If stupidity then it might take more pain before they do it. If a co-ordinated effort then forget it – we are cooked.
But I don’t want to be cooked: we keep getting told the Lie of ‘we live in a democracy’ … pity that no one, NO ONE was taught in school what a democracy WAS / IS aandis turning out TO BE. My Mother always told me NOT to jump in the Fire just because others say it is nice and warm there!
Benvenuto Cellini alleges in his autobiography that his father showed him a creature in the furnace and immediately boxed his ears to make the experience of witnessing the salamander’s existence unforgettable.
When I say cooked I don’t mean it’s the end. It just means the window of opportunity will be closed and the NWO comes into effect. We then need to fight a different war. For now we still have time to stop things but we need lots of whistle blowers to come to our aid and fight the fraudsters without resorting to violence. That includes people in the police force. Once the fraudsters are exposed the rest of the people, at least those not committed to the fraud, will overthrow the fraudsters. At least that’s what I’m hoping for but I won’t hold my breath too long.
The main medical bodies have never been on our ‘side’. Before the strict regulation that started appearing in the US in the early 20th century then doctors, who were quite common back then, had to earn the trust of the community. Since then doctors are a rare commodity and trust is EXPECTED not earned. there are some truly great doctors out there too but all too often they too are tied up by the medical bodies forcing pathetic regulations on them and limiting the options they can offer patients.
So many things going on simultaneously:
Has anyone knowledge of this : Pfizer’s Own Documents: Stay Away From The Vaxxed … ! ?
What I miss there is a direct link to the origin tranlated to English.
As long there isn’t,I don’t believe the text, sorry
I agree – anyone who posts information like that needs to link to at least a copy of the source document that can be validated. Without that, it’s just hearsay
Did you venture to jamesfetzer dot org as suggested at the bottom of the document? Nothing veridical there that I could see. Cabin fever.
Yes so many things but Nobody to Defend Us in Our Time of Need
aand then the controlling interests tell us that “No man is an Island” …..
and we are in it together – perhaps one day to be recorded in history as the biggest “egg on face” moment for PM Morrison. He is a spineless coward and a fraud to his own supporters.
That is seriously weird! I watched a video today all about the shedding of spike protein by the vaxxed. It is quite worrying.
That’s been doing the rounds over the last week or so and seems to imply that inevitably we shall all succumb to the fiendish shedding machinations of the spike protein. So be it; it’s not as if the tall tale gives us any choice in the matter.
shedding apparently drops off a few weeks after they are vaxxed in most cases.
I’m 61. I wonder when the government will just get it over with and ban anyone over 60 receiving Pfizer? That’s what they want for some reason.
Aunty Pravda’s rolling news feed of unacceptable articles for the 27th July – #freepointy
Interesting article in Cell. Also must have adequate Vit D3 available to have adequate CD8 T cells.
The good news: natural immunity to #SARS-CoV-2 exists and looks durable.
The bad: mRNA vaccines do little to help your CD8 T-cells – the key to long-term immunity – find the virus.
I don’t understand all the microbiology and if someone does, help in understanding this paper would be appreciated.
Pfizer Contract Acknowledges Vaccine’s Unknown Efficacy and Side Effects
This is proof our politicians and medical professionals have been telling lies.
No, the TGA “provisional approval” (Emergency Use Authorization in UK and USA) is specifically to allow these gene therapy vaccines to bypass normal requirements for proven safety and efficacy.
The lie is that there are no available alternatives which is a key requirement for the Provisional determination eligibility criteria. To be “fair”, our TGA requirement is slacker than that for the overseas Emergency Use Authorizations as there is a clause about “likely significant improvement”
Someone put up a twatter link to this yesterday.
It will be similar for all countries.
Leaked Pfizer agreement with Albania.
The twitter link sorts it out better.
A lie is a lie, stop making excuses for politicians.
What excuses?
The TGA provisional approval and the Emergency Use Authorizations in UK and USA all make no mention of the long term side effects and efficacy in their requirements.
How could they since they are unknown?
All you red thumbers really need think this over
I think people got the wrong context.
But for the whinge, get that up ya.
Just trying to get people to do some critical thinking. The red thumbs only bother me in that context
era not error
Another government opt out.
This is for your health records, to prevent the government passing them onto a third party including state governments.
if you don’t opt out your in. Must be mailed in only.
Y’day the plunging infection rates of the rona after freedom day was discussed and I opined that the improved sense of well being of the population may be a beneficial factor in this.
I may have been right:
The United Nations New World Order.
Its for our own good and happiness.
Fully vaccinated people are 65% more likely to be hospitalised & 1540% more likely to die due to Covid-19 than people who are unvaccinated according to latest Public Health England data.
Public Health England have released the
19th technical briefing on
Covid-19 variants of concern
and it shows that people who’ve received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine make up over 65% of all alleged Covid-19 deaths from February 1st 2021 through to July 19th 2021..Since the 18th report released on 9th July, which covered deaths and hospitalisations due to Covid-19 up to the 21st June 2021, the number of fully vaccinated people being hospitalised with Covid-19 has increased by 169%, rising from 313 to 843. Whilst the number of fully vaccinated people sadly losing their life after allegedly testing positive for Covid-19 has increased by 90%, rising from 116 to 265..This significant increase has taken place over the past four weeks, whereas the previous numbers had accumulated over nearly 5 months.
From internationally renowned expert Geert Vanden Bossche:
A small portion of his conclusion.
“Last but not least, it must be emphasized that those calling themselves ‘experts’ while pretending that this pandemic is ‘a pandemic among the non-vaccinated’ are devoid of any scientific insight in the evolutionary dynamics of Sars-CoV-2 as currently shaped by a combination of high viral infectivity and vaccine coverage rates. Neither the vaccinated (who merely believed the vaccine would protect them from Covid-19 disease) nor the non-vaccinated (who simply believe there is no need for them to take the vaccine in order to stay protected) are to be blamed for the escalation of this pandemic. Mass vaccination is the one and only culprit.”
If the UK population is increasingly vaccinated, isn’t it statistically likely that out of every 1000 new cases, a higher proportion of them will be vaccinated? Especially if the number of new cases is declining. I’m not sure how the “65% more likely to be hospitalised” and “154% more likely to die” are to be interpreted.
Does it mean that out of every 1000 cases occurring in the unvaccinated, 60 are hospitalised (to take an example), whereas among each 1000 cases in the vaccinated, 99 are hospitalised (therefore a 65% higher rate)? And a similar test among Covid-19 deaths?
I’m not trying to make a rebuttal, I’m just being cautious about the use of statistics here. If the vaccine pound-for-pound is causing more severe and lethal cases than no vaccine, I would think it would be front-page news.
The critical public health issue it seems, is whether the vaccine is equally effective against the Delta strain, and whether the vaccinated have less severe cases (and are less of a transmission risk).
Here’s the briefing
oops and here is the other one
Missing the population/age vaccination numbers. Need to view the data with an eye to the percent of the age group vaccinated.
Vaccination works but if you are old and end up in hospital, vaccination won’t save you.
Guess the key is being old vaccinated and not landing in hospital
Good night
So how does it work then?
And over half the “hospitalisations” involved people who only tested possible for CoViD-19 AFTER admission. This means most of the people in your report went in to the hospital for some other reason yet got counted in CoViD-19 hospitalizations.
Person trying to transfer $5000 to another person, had their account terminated for refusing to tell the bank what the money was for.
$10,000 is the magic number here for declaration. For everything else there is bitcoin, iTune cards, paypal …
And to think that we are moving to a cashless society. Surveillence at the tip of your smartphone
10 grand is also the number here, or was. (AU)
Not sarc at all this is being introduced now. (Britcoin they call it UK)
For our own good and happiness.
Too bad we can’t do the same to the federal government – suspend their accounts when they spend more than $10,000 without explaining the reasons to us. After all it’s our money!
I can understand the bank wanting to check a $5,000 transaction – to make sure you (their customer) are not being robbed via a hack or password theft, and especially if you don’t habitually make transactions of that size. But once you confirm that you are indeed making the transaction, then that should be the end of the matter.
There are a hundred reasons why you might need to make such a payment, and realistically for many people $5K isn’t that big a deal; there are OLED TVs that cost that. As a life-long Westpac customer I like the fact that there are security checks in place – but the purpose of a payment should not be required at all.
I wonder what answer(s) the customer could have given that would have had the bank deny the payment?
??? does it matter, its the owners money. They are paid by the customer to provide a service.
Slippery slope.
I agree – I was just posing the question. If I wanted to pay someone say $7,450 for X – I would not tell the bank what the transaction was about. I think the Cairns News story might be a beat-up … or at least a negative spin has been applied.
I’m half way with TT. If such a transfer was “out of character” on my account I would not be upset if they checked, the same as I would expect them to check a strange CC transaction. Obviously they overreacted though.
I have a five K limit on transfers but have done so on many occasions over the years. sometimes for two or three days in a row. The banks’ puters check history.
But there is no point in having a hissy fit and switching to any of the other Big 4. I started the switch to Qld Country but without a mobile phone I cannot do net payments. Maybe a NEW account with ANZ would find this also but I have been with them forever without problems so they have never changed my terms. But maybe not.
Electric car charging prices ‘must be fair’ say MPs
Cannot wait for competition to heat up for fast charge locations. It will cost $$$$ for the convenience. Either that or queues will grow impossibly long
Not to mention the need to build more base load power stations (can be nuclear if we as a nation grow up but coal is fine) otherwise we will be plunged into darkness very frequently.
What people don’t know is that even with 100% EVs, half of the fossil fuel from transportation is still be consumed by ships planes trucks and heavy equipment. Heavy consumption requires big big big batteries.
Complete electrification of the casual public fleet only accounts for 50% of fuel transportation usage.
Net zero is only zero for the individual public. Its roaring along at Net 100% for supporting that Net Zero individual. The light duty personal use EV is not such a big piece of the pie
Still, its a beautiful dream
As I said some time before, the only practical and worthwhile EV would be one that is powered internally by some new energy source that isn’t invented yet. Perhaps something along the line of the ZPM in StarGate but something a lot less powerful would do.
V8 on unleaded works for me.
Long live propulsion via dead dinosaurs!!
People seem to be able to easily dismiss that transport, the military and the entire petrochemical industry even exist. Reality can be suspended for a good story, tis the green way.
Manufactured products magically appear on the store shelves, especially the double plastic packed frozen fish from halfway round the world. No single use nonsense there. Global trade is sacred
Cannot get vacuum sealed fillets locally? Well step right up and order through the internet.
Out of sight, out of mind.
That and sticking it to the public with emotional blackmail. Advertising has come a very long way
Who said it must be fair? There is no “fairness” test on anything else we buy, especially government charges such as MV registration.
Hang on!!! Who is this poor person who can afford to buy aan EV? I can’t.
Meanwhile Pathology Companies screw Australian Taxpayers
Taxpayers spend more than $580 million on COVID-19 testing in NSW
Rapid antigen tests will be used to bring Year 12 students back into classrooms, with the NSW government considering deploying the fast-turnaround tests in other essential workplaces to help stop cases turning into outbreaks.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian will on Wednesday announce the new regime for HSC students, the first time the testing technology will be used in schools.
The use of inexpensive rapid antigen tests has faced resistance from pathology companies that perform the gold standard, laboratory-based tests that have cost taxpayers more than half a billion dollars.
Laboratories have performed 2.2 million COVID-19 tests since the Sydney outbreak began six weeks ago and more than 8.6 million tests since the pandemic started last year. Private pathology companies receive a Medicare subsidy of $85 per test and public laboratories receive a benefit of $42.50.
NSW Health Laboratories have performed 3.4 million tests and private providers have carried out 5.2 million tests up to July 25, running up a Medicare bill of $587 million.
But the NSW government is concerned the state has reached its testing capacity and approached industry experts for advice on the value of rapid antigen tests.
One private laboratory — Laverty Pathology — is shipping swabs interstate and shopping around other companies to process them as waiting times balloon to five days. The company was not able to be reached on Tuesday.
Rapid antigen testing costs about $10 per test and turns around results in 10 to 15 minutes, but it is less sensitive than the PCR [polymerase chain reaction] tests that are performed in laboratories.
NSW Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant said testing capacity was beginning to “max out” when more than 82,000 people were tested on Friday, since which time the daily rate has increased to around 100,000. On Tuesday, her deputy Dr Jeremy McAnulty said the state was actively reviewing the use of rapid antigen tests.
“The technology changes all the time and there has been a rapid surge of new technology in terms of diagnostics in the past year,” Dr McAnulty said. “We are working closely to work out where rapid antigen tests may be most useful – for example in businesses or various industries.”
Rapid antigen testing has been used by film and television production companies and Opera Australia to screen employees for COVID-19. It is widely used in Germany, Singapore and the United Kingdom. At-home rapid antigen tests are currently prohibited under therapeutic goods legislation.
The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia is opposed to its widespread use due to the higher incidence of false negatives.
Henning Liljeqvist, an epidemiologist and public health consultant, said officials had sought his advice on the value of rapid antigen tests following speculation the government had chosen not to use them as a result of lobbying by pathology companies.
Dr Liljeqvist said it had a place in surveillance testing because it picked up positive cases almost immediately so people did not go home and infect their families. It could be rolled out widely in workplaces and its speed compensated for the slight reduction in sensitivity compared to PCR.
It had to happen. A Hitler Covid parody for Aussies.
America’s Frontline Doctors presents the WHITE COAT SUMMIT – hopefully it rattles the the world.
Conclusion: We are being lied to about the pandemic and vaccines far worse than anyone could imagine.
Something else for the MSM to ignore.
How we laffed and laffed.
‘A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson on Monday urged the United States to adopt a transparent and responsible attitude and invite World Health Organization (WHO) experts to investigate Fort Detrick lab for coronavirus origin tracing as soon as possible.’ (China Daily)
They have a valid point, but I am guessing they already know the answer to that and they got SloJoe.
Interesting article on the failed predictions of Neil Ferguson
Couldnt help thinking of Mr Flannery as I read this.
It appears the graphics show that lifting the lockdowns actually improved things. It might then follow but not necessarily so that lockdowns makes the pandemic worse not better. More data analysis required.
Lockdowns are depressive, depression is not conducive to good health.
That is true. I was referring only to the virus cases and deaths. I tend to think overall in the current “pandemic” the lockdowns have increased the total deaths from all causes, especially here in Australia where the deaths due to the virus are minuscule.
This is a quite reasonable explanation but is there any data to support?
One doesn’t need much intelligence to figure out why. Loss of livelihoods has always been one reason for people to commit suicide, sadly. The lockdowns have clearly caused some small business failures and are on the increase.
Researchers warn the COVID-19 lockdown will take its own toll on health
And the reality admitted by the CDC:
Mental Health, Substance Use, and Suicidal Ideation During the COVID-19 Pandemic — United States, June 24–30, 2020
backed up by this study involving Victorians:
Mental health, substance use, and suicidal ideation during a prolonged COVID-19-related lockdown in a region with low SARS-CoV-2 prevalence
Thanks. But no data?
The mechanisms are described well.
The JPR paper, Aug 2021, is good. Data is yet to come.
The theme of the paper is the need to spend more on mental health as lockdowns cause the problem. Surely a better approach is to remove/stop the cause?
He has failed abysmally on lots of things. Why he is still consulted about anything is totally beyond me. A big blot on the escutcheon of Imperial College.
Consultants are used by big corps and gov not for expert answers but to support what management intends to do.
German Renaissance
‘The first half of 2021 saw a massive 20% drop in wind power consumption in Germany…while “coal power saw a renaissance.”
‘In the latest climate video, Die kalte Sonne cites a variety of electric utility companies and electric power trade associations concerning electric power consumption in Germany for the first half of 2021.’ (Notrickszone)
Australian Police Commissioner Mick Fuller Violates International Human Rights
Beijing will be successful where Washington and Moscow failed to achieve. First a Silk Road and then the development of a middle class, with a softening of religious fundamentalism.
‘A Taliban delegation from Afghanistan led by its chief negotiator has held talks with Foreign Minister Wang Yi in China, as its fighters take control of around half the country up to its border with the Chinese region of Xinjiang, and US air strikes continue to support Afghan security forces.
‘Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, a co-founder of the Taliban who also heads the Taliban’s political office in Qatar, met Wang in the northern city of Tianjin on Wednesday, according to sources familiar with the arrangements.
‘It was the first time a senior member of the organisation had visited China since the Taliban’s capture of several key districts in Badakhshan and Kandahar provinces.’ (SCMP)
A bit of rock throwing for you
Tania Bernoff
Chilean chemist and pharmacist
Medical treatments specialist
-PCR tests have no gold standard. they are gauged against itself
-PCR tests sequence of 200 nucleotides
-but virus has more than 30,000 nucleotides
-so 200 is very small sample
-don’t know if it is specific to this virus and not to other life forms
-tests was created to find tumor markers which are much smaller gene sequences.
-for something as big as a virus we don’t have the specifics involved.
-more than 30 amplification cycles the error percentage for a PCR test rises exponentially to more than 90%
-normally compare lab test with viral culture and have a differential diagnosis (symptoms), not just a PCR test.
-narrative doesn’t add up.
-was virus isolated? No.
-went to first study where they found 200 nucleotides.
-they placed that in computer program, in database, and searched for similarities.
-once you look for similarities you find them.
-this was 80% similar to an Asian beta-coronavirus
-Once computerized matching is carried out they form a hypothetical gene sequence using a computer model.
-then they say, ‘we have the virus sequences’
-they don’t have the virus sequence
-what they did is based on probabilities, a computer modelling program.
-they never sequences the virus
-humans are 96% similar to chimpanzees, but we are not chimpanzees.
Very useful.
The leaky nature of the gene therapy spike proteins has been confirmed
by the CDC
Robert Malone (mRNA vaccine inventer) tweeted this is precisely the antibody dependent enhancement that he was concerned about
Question for the Crowd
Why isn’t the Jannsen Vaccine being used in Australia when it appears to have been approved for use and is easier to distribute and administer?
My reading of the fact sheets is once the language and warnings were challenged and brought into line by comparison with the havoc being wrecked by the other vector technology is that it is probably best suited for the current demand for the ‘Jab’ and conceptually less ‘experimental‘.
The J&J is also not recognised for entry into Australia, AZ for entry into US.
Mate got the J&J sat him on his butt for two days, what does that?
Doctor Says Vaxinated Are Permanently Damaged
A Final Warning To Humanity: Dr. Michael Yeadon
Performance issues. Here’s another link:
He makes the important comment that if people want to sit behind the desk of comfortable lies (from governments, health officials and the like) then there is nothing more that can be done to get the people to recognise the truth about the dangers of the experiential vaccines.
Clearly we are wasting our time posting important information on this thread as hardly anyone is reading it now given the poor structure of this blog site. Jo, you really do need to get a much better solution. There are many. Sorry to say it but the truth is this one is the worst I’ve see, and I’ve seen many.
The information gets propagated through various web sites.
Im with Peter on this.
Posts should list in strict chronological order, topics should be clearly defined and indexed.
The randomness of posts on here means everyone just jumps to the most recent thread and drops any previous discussion.
It is like having a discussion with passengers on a bus, with commenters jumping on and off at various stops mid discussion.
It’s a difficult issue and I’m not sure of the answer.
Possibly having fewer but longer threads might be better.
When my great grandmother was posting here ten years ago posts could get bigg.
Look at this one 770!
On cooking rice and dry goods storage
“CDC makes it official: the voodoo ‘vaccines’ don’t work”
Consistency? What consistency?
“Biden Administration and Democrats Promote New Mask Mandate, Then This Happens
July 28, 2021 | Sundance | 159 Comments ‘
If a lockdown is to be regarded as effective it must start lowering daily case numbers within a week or so. Sydney’s lockdown will be 5 weeks old on Saturday, it started with 28 cases and has steadily ramped up to 239 today.
So the lockdown has been ineffective at stopping covid infections but has cost an estimated 60,000 jobs, smashed he states economy, severely disrupted schooling, left a debt bomb for our children, increased depression, despair, anxiety and suicides, domestic violence and drug use, and destroyed the future of the state.
But still we have people saying the lockdown was necessary!